
superm1hi frink__14:52
steviemanI'm having a problem with my hauppauge pvr-150 remote (not USB). The remote works great until I turn on IR blaster at which point the remote stops working. If I turn off IR blaster the remote starts working again. I'm running mythbuntu 8.0414:54
tgm4883frink__, ping15:40
tgm4883kees, ping15:59
frink__tgm4883: pong15:59
tgm4883frink__, was going to ask about the website, but Daviey_ just got the email about it16:00
frink__engineers on site - the box is buggered (hardware) and they are re-building it. Data should all be OK though.16:01
tgm4883thats great news16:01
tgm4883we weren't sure we had a current backup of the site (oops)16:01
Daviey_frink__: thanks again16:06
steviemanWill 8.10 fix my problem with the pvr-150 remote?16:06
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keestgm4883: hola16:23
tgm4883kees, if you got a sec, someone posted a script to map tuners in the forums.  if you have a sec to look at it and tell me if there are any glaring problems with it16:26
tgm4883i'm about to test it, but i'm in the middle of upgrading my backend, so can't test it for another 15 minutes16:26
tgm4883kees, unless you know of a way to do it at install, I was thinking maybe something like that could be scripted for MCC16:28
keestgm4883: the issue is that mythtv should use the already-static paths at /dev/v4l/by-path/*17:02
keestgm4883: there's no good reason to use that posted script17:03
tgm4883kees, what creates those static paths?  I don't have them on my hardy backend17:03
keesit was new in intrepid.  it's from udev.17:03
tgm4883and that works for all tuner devces?17:04
tgm4883ie, dvb and whatnot17:04
keesall v4l devices, yes.17:04
keeswhat's missing is mythtv to use those when available, but it continues to just look for /dev/video*17:04
tgm4883you know of any patches available for that?17:04
keesno, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.17:05
tgm4883i'll see if I can't find a patch on trac17:06
keestgm4883: you might need to open a bug report requesting support for /dev/v4l/by-path/17:07
keestgm4883: but, to answer your original question, yeah, the script is mostly okay.17:07
tgm4883ok, but not necessary17:07
tgm4883ok, thankss17:07
keestgm4883: it has at least 1 bug,  "ATTR" should be "ATTRS" in the "build_rules" calls17:07
squidlywhat happened to the site?18:26
superm1its down right now.  people are aware of it and working on it tho18:31
larstris there an index with new features in the upcoming mythbuntu compared to the current one?19:39
larstrwill AAC be supported now?19:39

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