
dmandellmsg bryce error was "Failed to set tiling on front buffer: rejected by kernel"00:52
keesbryce: ^^ that was doug trying the -intel.  X wouldn't start with it.01:09
wgrantX segfaults with the new driver here.01:23
brycewgrant, kees, dmandell, thanks for testing it03:03
brycejbarnes: btw, regarding the performance issues, some people have been noticing that flipping on greedy migration makes the performance go back to normal.03:12
brycewgrant: the segfault is expected (it's why we disabled it to begin with)03:26
superm1bryce, what conditions are causing the segfault?  is it caused by the way the patch re-implements enabling greedy (as opposed to turning it on in xorg.conf), or just particular hardware combos that are causing it?04:49
bryceas far as I can tell (and I could be wrong), the code that gets run is essentially the same code as gets executed when it's set in xorg.conf 04:51
bryces/could/am probably/04:51
LLStarksstupid question, how do i sync to vblank without compiz?05:37
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Mirvbryce: (bug #356951) were there mesa 7.3 deb:s available somewhere still? I could risk a crash on my machine trying those.12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356951 in linux "Compiz sometimes hangs the machine" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35695112:39
Mirvcurrently running with compiz disabled on i96512:39
Mirv(or if anyone knows)12:39
Mirvthe branch seems to have only DRI2-related intel-specific things since 7.4 http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/log/?h=mesa_7_4_branch12:40
Mirvif someone would have a lot of time, bisecting since the last 7.3 snapshot could be worthwhile, but it would be far easier if there was some simple trigger to the problem12:42
tjaaltonMirv: superm1 already did that, but it didn't seem to help12:43
tjaaltonI could give it a go this evening once I've fixed my car :/12:43
Mirvtjaalton: bisecting or what?12:43
tjaaltonMirv: bisecting12:43
tjaaltonbug 35524212:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355242 in mesa "mythfrontend.real crashed with SIGSEGV in QGLWidget::resizeEvent()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35524212:44
tjaaltononce of the crashers12:44
Mirvok. hmm, mobility m6 (9000) is quite far from i965, though12:45
Mirvhas someone tested none of the current patches included in the packaging is causing the crashes?12:46
tjaaltonoh, hehe12:46
tjaaltondidn't check that it was radeon and not intel..12:46
MirvI've quite a lot of real (paid) work to do but I could try running one specific mesa-version.. maybe I could just disable all the current patches and run it with compiz on and report on that12:47
tjaaltonyeah, probably worth a shot12:48
Mirvif bryce has success with 7.3 + i965, it probably means good enough information already on that front12:49
Mirvbut ok, compiling that now12:49
philsfIIUIC, the new evdev is used for autodetecting hotplugged devices, including keyboards, so there's no need for defining layouts in xorg.conf. In my case, the correct layout is detected, but with the wrong variant. 1- Does this evdev method have the ability to detect layout variants? 2- Since my particular variant is missing from the GUI, should I file a wishlist bug against what package: gnome-* for the GUI, hal-* (-info?) for the hotplug stuff?12:51
tjaaltonphilsf: just put it in /etc/default/console-setup12:54
tjaaltonlook for XKBVARIANT12:54
tjaaltonrestart hal, and possibly X12:54
philsftjaalton: will it work both for console and X?12:55
philsftjaalton: there's also the issue of the GUI recently (since Intrepid) missing this variant12:56
tjaaltonwhich variant?12:57
philsfabnt2 brazillian layount, thinkpad variant (the right Ctrl is substituted by the slash/question)12:58
philsfI reported a bug about it (the GUI, mostly), and only now I found out about evdev/hal and such12:59
philsfBug #359719 - now I'm not sure it's reported against the correct package12:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359719 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "abnt2 keyboard layout missing thinkpad variant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35971912:59
tjaaltonxkb-data would be better12:59
philsfis this where the GUIs gets the list of layouts/variants?13:00
philsfgreat, I'll dig more into it, thanks for the pointer13:01
tjaaltonyou can check the upstream git repo for a reason why it was removed13:02
tjaaltonif it worked in intrepid13:02
philsfit worked in Hardy. I didn't try Intrepid, but some folks confirmed the GUI is also missing this option in that release13:03
jcristauwith xkb-data git, using a thinkpad model and br layout will set the thinkpad variant13:03
tjaaltonah, model13:04
jcristauprobably same with 1.5 actually13:04
tjaaltonmost likely13:04
philsfis patching /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev overkill?13:04
tjaaltonthe evdev shuffle was before 1.513:04
philsf(aiming at automagic detection)13:05
jcristauphilsf: what would you want to autodetect?13:05
philsfjcristau: the thinkpad variant of abnt layout13:05
jcristauwell. just set the model to thinkpad.13:05
jcristaukeycodes/evdev would be the wrong place for this anyway13:06
philsfjcristau: I may be misunderstanding, but in my case I think both variants use the same keycode. Is it even possible to auto-detect the variant in this case?13:07
jcristauyou could put some smarts in console-setup to detect that the machine is a thinkpad and set the model appropriately on install, i guess13:10
philsfjcristau: I was thinking this was an already solved problem, and that only a small device-specific string/info/fdi was missing. could it be the case?13:16
jcristauno idea13:16
philsfok :) should I turn the above bug bug to xkb-data instead? gnome-*? both?13:17
tjaaltonjust try setting the model. if it works, then no bug is needed13:28
philsftjaalton: I had tried setting all four possible thinkpad models (as from vendor IBM in the gnome GUI), with the br layout, but the different key didn't work.13:33
tjaaltonphilsf: ok, in that case move the bug to xkb-data13:36
philsfI already did, thanks for the pointers (source package xkeyboard-config)13:36
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tjaaltonbryce: btw, I've not seen any freezes with mesa 7.4, but my -intel is 2.6.3-0u218:12
brycetjaalton: how long have you been running mesa so far?18:14
brycetjaalton: and do you have compiz enabled?18:14
brycewell, certainly could be an -intel change.  If you're certain mesa is not causing it, try upgrading to u9 and see if the freezes appear18:15
tjaaltonI've installed it on March 31st18:16
tjaaltonand compiz is runnig18:16
tjaaltonsuspending messes up the uptime, so I need to check when was the last time I booted it up18:16
tjaaltonhmm three days ago18:19
tjaaltonanyway, I'll upgrade it now to see if it'll freeze18:20
DBObryce, I dont know if you remember talking to me or not, but I though I would mention I fixed my render performance issue simply by dropping the up_threshold on the OnDemand governor to 35 from its default18:21
DBOmy battery life shortened by about 10 minutes overall, but the usability difference is huge18:22
seb128bryce: I'm use mesa 7.4 and intel 0ubuntu8 for over a week full day and didn't get any freeze there18:23
seb128I didn't do recent updates for other packages though18:23
tjaaltonheh, someone on that bug is requesting mesa 7.518:24
tjaaltonsuperm1: have you checked libqt upstream if there are commits that fix the segfault?18:34
superm1tjaalton, there is no more development on qt3 afaik.  they've moved to qt4 development18:34
tjaaltonah, heh18:35
bryceok so we have all combinations18:36
brycemesa 7.4 + old -intel : no freeze, mesa 7.3 + new -intel : no freeze, and mesa 7.4 + new -intel : no freeze18:37
* bryce !<3 freezes18:37
seb128I'm still running ubuntu11 for the server, could that make any difference?18:37
seb128can people having the issue ssh the box?18:37
bryceseb128: doubtful, but at this stage nothing is off the table18:38
bryceseb128: yes, being able to ssh to the box is a differentiating symptom between X freezes and kernel freezes18:38
seb128ok, and you are sure it's xorg locked? I had case where compiz was eating cpu and being the issue18:38
bryceseb128: I did so when I first got the freeze and poked around in every kernel, X, etc. file I could find, but didn't see error messages18:39
seb128(not recently but just saying)18:39
seb128ie you tried to restart compiz?18:39
bryceI did not try killing compiz in that case18:39
seb128worth trying18:39
seb128because compiz being frozen looks similar to xorg being frozen usually18:39
bryceshould add that to the freeze page18:40
bryceI did reproduce a freeze by strace alarm-clock, which produced identical symptoms18:40
brycehowever killing that process restored X 18:40
seb128well the clock freeze should make gnome-panel not responding18:40
seb128but workspace switches etc should still be working18:41
brycehmm, only had one workspace set up on that machine18:43
brycein any case, I'm not sure I like this idea of client apps freezing up X18:46
seb128they don't freeze xorg18:46
seb128the calendar case freeze the panel usually18:46
seb128which means no taskbar update, no menu, no fusa, etc18:47
seb128but you can still use nautilus on the desktop and alt tab between open applications18:47
seb128compiz freezing can lead to apparent freeze because it's grabbing events18:47
brycewell, I could not ctrl-alt-backspace (although it's enabled), couldn't vt switch, couldn't click anything with the mouse, screen did not update, etc.18:47
brycenope, alt-tab was not working either18:48
seb128ok, so that's not the usually clock hanging issue18:48
seb128perhaps you get a hang in the middle of a dnd or something18:48
brycesupposedly strace firefox produced the same freeze situation, however I couldn't reproduce - firefox just segfaults18:49
seb128in which case the pointer is grabbed for the dnd which lead to a lock until you stop the application having the lock18:49
juliuxhi is this a real bug or a misconfiguration on my side?20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359960 in xorg "xorg segfaults if gdm starts, system is unusable" [Undecided,New]20:19
superm1jcristau, what is with those vocal users on debian bug 515214?  i guess i dont see the case that someone really doesn't want hal doing work for them...20:24
ubottuDebian bug 515214 in xserver-xorg "X can run perfectly well (or even better) without HAL. Please make this a" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51521420:24
tjaaltonsuperm1: no-one does :)20:44
tjaaltonI wonder if commit 1df6716281579e (xserver) would fix the duplicate wacom entry crashes22:07
tjaaltonalthough looking at the backtrace wouldn't suggest so, since pInfo isn't NULL22:10
tjaaltonsomething similar might do22:12
tjaaltonanyway, night ->22:12

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