
lifelesshi poolie00:00
lifelessI slept in this morning :)00:00
pooliespiv, igc, do you want to talk?00:02
poolielifeless: i was just saying to john i woke up about 6:30 on my holiday but now i find it hard to get going00:03
thumpermorning igc00:49
jelmerlifeless: what is the difference between InventoryFile.text_id and InventoryFile.file_id exactly?01:10
lifelesstext_id? wtf01:11
jelmerlifeless: in particular, they don't ever seem to differ - can they?01:11
lifelesstext_id was bzr 0.0.6 and before only01:11
jelmerah, ok01:11
lifelessits in the api for compatibility, you don't want to set it or consult it01:12
jelmerI came across it trying to find a solution to two problems in bzr-git:01:12
jelmer- ideally I'd like to use one-tuples rather than two-tuples for file texts01:13
jelmer- I need a place to stash the file modes that are stored for all git files01:13
lifelesswhat would be in the one-tuples?01:14
rockstarigc, thumper was asking about an ETA for historycache.  Can you give me something specific?01:14
lifelessspiv: let me know when you've done that review please01:16
jelmerlifeless: blob sha01:17
jelmerlifeless: that would of course bring up the problem of file graphs01:17
lifelessright, bzr core doesn't do this01:17
lifelessnote that a blob sha != sha of the bytes01:18
lifelessits sha of the bytes + git header01:18
jelmerlifeless: yes, I know01:18
jelmerlifeless: the blob sha is what I get from git though, for the content sha I have to fetch and unpack the blob01:18
jelmeranyway, the second issue is more pressing01:19
jelmerI've thought of two ugly solutions so far01:20
igcrockstar: I'll try to get something out this week, but I think next week is more likely01:20
jelmerstoring the changed modes in a revision property01:20
lifelessby file modes you mean extended permissions?01:20
jelmerstoring the modes in the texts for the directories01:20
jelmerlifeless: unix file modes01:20
rockstarigc, that's straight gangsta01:20
jelmerlifeless: not sure if that's what you mean by extended permissions?01:21
lifelessjelmer: broadly01:21
lifelessjelmer: more than 'x' ;)01:21
jelmerlifeless: ah, extended in that sense, yes :-)01:21
lifelessnote that we don't do more than x because extended permissions get in the way of VCS01:22
jelmerlifeless: yes, I'm not arguing bzr should do more01:22
lifelessI thought git didn't store full unix bits anyway, only a subset01:22
jelmerlifeless: it does, but recent versions of git restrict a little bit what you can set01:22
jelmerlifeless: (it does store full unix bits I mean)01:23
jelmerlifeless: In order to be able to reproduce the exact git commits from a bzr revision I need to store these modes somewhere01:23
lifelesshow does etckeeper store modes01:23
jelmerlifeless: plaintext file in the root01:24
jelmerlifeless: I'd prefer to keep this data away from the user though01:25
lifelessjelmer: so you could either: special case it for git; write a general solution for bzr core and then use that; do something compatible with one of the other 'backup via vcs' tools out there and use that for bzr-git01:25
jelmerlifeless: hmm01:25
lifelessI'm ok with more bits being storable in bzr and our UI leaving them unset (though it implies a trinary field not a binary - unknown, off, on)01:26
lifelessor a mask + bits01:27
lifelessor something like that01:27
lifeless[we don't want to suddenly start having the problems associated with setting overly strict modes on files we create etc]01:27
lifelessthis would take discussion01:28
lifelessI think its worth doing01:28
jelmeryeah, I think that makes sense in that this is something to keep in mind for the future01:28
spivlifeless: reviewed01:29
lifelessjelmer: now is a good time as we have a new format in beta01:29
lifelessjelmer: if you act fast --development7-rich-root could do this01:29
jelmerlifeless: I doubt I'd have enough time for that, unfortunately01:30
lifelessjelmer: well, you never know :)01:31
jelmerhmm, that reminds me01:49
jelmerit looks like bundlebuggy is ignoring my rio serializer patch01:49
jelmerabentley: ping01:54
xiaohuiHi , when I use 'bzr branch lp:opencog', I got an sokcket error, it said that that 'Connection  timed out'02:04
xiaohuibut I can connect to lp:opencog using browser02:04
spivxiaohui: do you have an HTTP proxy perhaps?02:05
spivyou may need to set the http_proxy environment variable so that bzr uses the same proxy as your browser.02:05
xiaohuiyeah, I use the HTTP proxy02:05
xiaohuiI have set this enviroment variable02:06
xiaohuihi, spiv, the tracback is :02:09
xiaohui File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 846, in run_bzr_catch_errors02:09
xiaohui    return run_bzr(argv)02:09
xiaohui  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 797, in run_bzr02:09
xiaohui    ret = run(*run_argv)02:09
xiaohui  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 499, in run_argv_aliases02:09
xiaohui    return self.run(**all_cmd_args)02:09
spivxiaohui: please, use a pastebin for tracebacks, not the channel.02:11
lifelessxiaohui: you should set http_proxy to "http://PROXY:PORT/"02:12
xiaohuioh ,sorry spiv02:12
xiaohuilifeless, that is it.02:12
=== xiaohui_ is now known as xiaohui
lifelessspiv: 9 less ;)02:48
xiaohuiI used ' bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~opencog-dev/opencog/trunk', it worked02:58
lifelessspiv: ping03:00
spivlifeless: pong03:00
lifelessmy ptch failed03:00
lifelessincremental change:03:00
lifelessmm, one more sec :P03:00
bob2what was the initial count you knocked 14 and 9 off?03:01
lifelessbob2: 6 and 9, 4303:01
lifeless=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/test_bzrdir.py'03:01
lifeless--- bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/test_bzrdir.py2009-03-23 14:59:43 +000003:01
lifeless+++ bzrlib/tests/bzrdir_implementations/test_bzrdir.py2009-04-15 02:01:15 +000003:01
lifeless@@ -1712,13 +1712,17 @@03:01
lifeless     def test_get_config(self):03:01
lifeless         my_dir = self.make_bzrdir('.')03:01
lifeless         config = my_dir.get_config()03:01
lifeless-        if config is None:03:01
lifeless-            self.assertFalse(03:01
lifeless-                isinstance(my_dir, (bzrdir.BzrDirMeta1, RemoteBzrDir)),03:01
lifeless-                "%r should support configs" % my_dir)03:01
lifeless-            raise TestNotApplicable(03:02
lifeless-                'This BzrDir format does not support configs.')03:02
lifeless-        config.set_default_stack_on('http://example.com')03:02
lifeless+        try:03:02
lifeless+            config.set_default_stack_on('http://example.com')03:02
lifeless+        except errors.BzrError, e:03:02
lifeless+            if 'Cannot set config' in str(e):03:02
lifeless+                self.assertFalse(03:02
lifeless+                    isinstance(my_dir, (bzrdir.BzrDirMeta1, RemoteBzrDir)),03:02
lifeless+                    "%r should support configs" % my_dir)03:02
lifeless+                raise TestNotApplicable(03:02
lifeless+                    'This BzrDir format does not support configs.')03:02
lifeless+            else:03:02
lifeless+                raise03:02
lifeless         self.assertEqual('http://example.com', config.get_default_stack_on())03:02
lifeless         my_dir2 = bzrdir.BzrDir.open(self.get_url('.'))03:02
lifeless         config2 = my_dir2.get_config()03:02
lifelessspiv: ^ faster than pastebin ;>03:02
lifelessxiaohui: I'm glad its working for you03:02
spivBy the time your irc client pastes that at a rate of 1 line per 2 seconds it would have been quicker to just use a pastebin...03:02
lifelesswe have a known bug with xmlrpc which is a python bug03:02
lifelessspiv: my browser is paged out; I have a test run indexing code by test which is making everything crawl03:03
lifelessspiv: it would have been several minutes to get it up to a pastebin :(03:03
* spiv hands lifeless an ec2 instance03:04
lifelessspiv: :) I need more glue for that though, its a plugin yada yada03:04
xiaohuilifeless: what is the difference between 'lp:opencog' and the URL03:04
lifelessxiaohui: lp:opencog makes a xmlrpc request to get the URL03:04
spivlifeless: seems reasonable, bb:approve03:04
lifelessxiaohui: and the xmlrpc library in python does not support proxies :(03:04
xiaohuiso ,you mean that I should always use the URL03:07
lifelessxiaohui: I think you will need to until we work around the bug yes03:08
xiaohuilifeless: I see , thank you03:08
lifelessspiv: and a new patch up, set_parent_location, push down to 2803:09
xiaohuilifeless: that will be more convienent if it support the proxies:)03:10
lifelessxiaohui: indeed, we want to fix it; need someone to have the time03:10
lifelessspiv: [BzrDir.open, mkdir, mkdir, BzrDirFormat.initialize, BzrDir.open, BzrDir.find_repositoryV3, BzrDir.create_repository, Repository.set_make_working_trees, Repository.lock_write, Repository.has_revision, Repository.get_parent_map, Repository.get_parent_map, Repository.insert_stream, Repository.insert_stream, Repository.get_parent_map, Repository.insert_stream, BzrDir.create_branch, Branch.lock_write, Branch.set_config_option, Branch.un03:10
lifelessspiv: do you see what I see03:10
xiaohuilifeless: It doesn't matter, thank you:-)03:12
spivlifeless: I see a cut-off line :P03:13
lifelessspiv: oh foo03:13
spivlifeless: ...Branch.set_config_option, Branch.un03:13
lifeless, Branch.unlock, Branch.lock_write, Branch.last_revision_info, Branch.set_last_revision_info, Branch.unlock, Branch.lock_write,03:14
lifeless                  Branch.set_parent_location, Branch.unlock, Branch.get_stacked_on_url]03:14
lifelessspiv: or more, do you see what *isn't* there03:14
spivNo vfs aside from two mkdirs.03:14
lifelessI'm going to drive this to vfs-free today I think03:14
spivWhich, presumably, is doing the ensure_prefix or makedirs or whatever we call it.03:14
lifelesspatch to get to what I pasted there is up for review now03:15
=== timchen1` is now known as nasloc__
* igc lunch04:02
poolielifeless: google ads tell me "registry fixes are a rip off"05:34
lifelesshave you tried ec2 test or parallel testing yet?05:34
pooliei think it was not merged when i left and i haven't run tests since i've been back05:43
* lifeless encourages05:43
lifelessspiv: I think we're sending too much data still05:47
BasicOSXhmph, no python 2.6.2 dmg installer06:10
lifelessspiv: look in bzrlib.tests.lock_helpers for __dict__ for some special code06:24
poolieigc, when you say "6 seconds to branch emacs" i'm presuming that's without building a tree06:38
poolielifeless: hi, we may be getting disconnected regarding registries06:40
poolieit seems to me like centralizing them may be best i guess06:41
lifelesspoolie: I don't really like centralising as an option, even though I raised it; because its hostile to plugins amongst other things06:43
lifelessI'm searching for a single root cause fix.06:43
pooliei'd kind of rather not have a call, at least today06:47
lifelessvila: ec2test broken again for knownfailure... this thing is cursed06:48
lifelessspiv: poolie: I'd like a review for the patch I'm sending right now06:48
lifelessit passes everything, finally06:48
igcpoolie: no - that's 6 seconds *including* the tree build06:51
lifelessigc: shared repo yes?06:51
pooliewow, so that makes the multiplier even more extreme06:51
igclifeless: yes06:51
igclifeless: and an existing tree already built for the trunk/mirror branch06:52
lifelesspoolie: so, registries. defer till we're face to face?06:58
poolieunless it's blocking you severely06:58
pooliei want to reply to igc and then get out of mail etc06:58
lifelessits not blocking me06:59
lifelessthe review I asked or is much more urgent :)06:59
vilahi all07:02
vilalifeless: :)07:02
lifelessit may be an old branch of bzr.dev, but I don't htink so :(07:03
BasicOSXGoing to be using bzr on win32 over the next 18 weeks.  Windows dev wanna see how this tool I rave about works on their platform (I work linux and osx side of things normally)07:06
lifelessBasicOSX: good luck!07:06
BasicOSXI tend to need luck when I work on a windows box07:07
* vila sends more luck to BasicOSX 07:14
lifeless'the luck is in the mail'07:14
BasicOSXcool, brisbane can serialize luck now?07:15
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
lifelessprovenance, not providence08:08
lifelessneed dinner08:08
* lifeless shuts down ec208:08
lifelesspoolie: I'm done for the day08:15
poolieok, good night08:16
lifelessmodulo one last email I'm drafting08:16
pooliei need to do some personal sysadmin stuff so will sign off in a bit to do that08:16
igcme dinner09:36
jelmernew estimated import time for ooo.org: 4 hours10:49
* bob2 remebers when it was a trillion years10:55
jelmerI'm sure the git folks have never been able to achieve speed improvements of that factor :-P10:56
lifelessthumper: so that thread I was tugging on has been pulled - 1.15 <-> 1.15 will do 23 roundtrips (down from over 40) to push a new stacked branch10:57
lifelessjelmer: what did you chnage10:57
jelmerlifeless: various speed improvements to bzr-svn over the last couple of months, and --development6-rich-root10:58
lifelessits always nice when a basic-analysis + design + turns out well ;)10:59
jelmerlifeless: I think this has worked out really well11:02
jelmerlifeless: what's the next hot topic?11:08
jelmersubtrees? parallel imports?11:08
lifelessand working area ease of use11:08
* jelmer mutters something about colocated branches11:08
lifelessI'd like to do file copy support too but thats lower return and higher investment11:08
jelmerlifeless: file copy as in file copy tracking or merge using that tracking as well, etc?11:09
jelmerlifeless: ISTM file copy tracking and the mode bit stuff we talked about yesterday could well be collated11:09
lifelessjelmer: I don't think they are that separated;)11:10
cody-somervillelifeless, thank you thank you thank you11:37
cody-somervilleI hate git so much with a passion11:38
cody-somervilleIt is so horrible11:38
cody-somervilleI don't know how I could live without bzr11:38
* pygi shoots cody-somerville 11:39
cody-somervilleDo I merge --squash or do I rebase? Do I patch-format or do I diff? Do I checkout, clone, or branch? To see changes in the working tree, what options must I pass to diff? -- git is confusing.11:41
pygicody-somerville, once you get accustomed to it, no its not11:42
pygiand it has books to cover it up11:42
pygifree ones even11:42
cody-somervillebzr just works the way one expects11:42
cody-somervillethats what I like about it11:42
stbuehlerwith git i know what git is doing. with bzr i just hope it does what i want.11:45
pygieach DVCS have its use-cases, and their pros and cons11:46
stbuehleryep :) i still use bzr for committing to svn, i never liked the git svn support11:47
pygiI like git submodules for example ... and since a lot of projects use git, I use it too11:48
pygiI'm still not sure of nested branches support in bzr (and if they are in fact supposed to be something like svn:externals && submodules)11:48
* Kinnison uses git when forced to11:48
jelmerpygi: subtrees are landing at the moment11:50
pygijelmer, oh? Bzr.dev then? 1.15 release?11:51
jelmerpygi: they're similar to svn:externals and submodules11:51
lifelesscody-somerville: :)11:51
lifelesspygi: when complete they should be similar to gits subprojects11:51
jelmerpygi: it's always hard to say, but I would guess 1.15 (Aaron has submitted nested trees for review, and review is happening atm)11:51
lifelessnot 1.1511:51
jelmerlifeless: oh, ok - why not?11:52
lifelessthere are performance implications and design decisions to finalise11:52
lifelessit will be a 2.0 feature11:52
pygilifeless, will that happen this year?11:54
jelmerlifeless: when would 2.0 be due?11:54
lifelessjelmer: when development6-rich-root has evolved to production ready12:02
lifeless2-3 months probably, maybe less12:02
pygilifeless, weren't git subprojects a "weaker" form of today's submodules?12:04
lifelesspygi: dunno12:05
pygistbuehler, you know perhaps? :)12:06
stbuehleri did not use submodules myself yet, i only have to deal with them for debian cgit packaging12:07
jelmerpygi: depends on what you mean by weak12:07
jelmerpygi: they're less integrated into the core commands than the bzr subtrees afaiu12:08
pygijelmer, right...12:17
mgedminfiles named *.~1~ and *.~2~ -- bzr debris?14:08
jelmermgedmin: hi14:09
jelmermgedmin: yeah, bzr revert creates those files14:09
mgedminhi, jelmer14:09
mgedminah, revert14:09
jelmermgedmin: you can use --no-backups to prevent it from creating those files14:09
mgedminuse case: user cd's to a project working dir, types bzr st to make sure it's clean, types ls to look around and is scared by files named *.~1~14:10
mgedminI honestly thought there was a failed merge with conflicts or something14:10
mgedminbut then remembered bzr uses .THIS and .THAT or something like that14:10
jelmera lot of editors also use files ending in ~ to indicate backups14:10
mgedmin... I don't remember running bzr revert on at least some of those files14:10
mgedminvim doesn't14:11
jelmermgedmin: if you "set backup" it will14:11
mgedmin"sample-graph.png.~1~" -- I'm pretty sure I didn't edit it with a *text* editor14:11
mgedminoh, right -- this thing (lp:objgraph) was created by the setup.py script14:11
mgedminI might've run bzr revert on it14:11
* mgedmin looks at his sentence and wonders if it can be understood by anyone else14:12
mgedminthere's a project (lp:objgraph) with a README.txt that generates graphviz graphs and wants to include sample images14:13
mgedminso the setup.py has a couple of lines to extract the doctests from the README and pipe the output through dot to produce pngs14:13
mgedmin... iirc14:13
mgedminit's a bit of a hack, really14:14
mgedminI must've run it several times (to produce new images), which overwrote some of the original images, which bzr probably noticed (png has creation time as metadata inside?) and I reverted14:15
vilamgedmin: have a look at 'bzr help clean-tree', experiment with bzr clean-tree --dry-run14:15
mgedminso, I've some code in my working tree I want to check in and push to a new branch on launchpad without touching the old branch14:23
mgedminwhat should I do?14:23
mgedminin git/svn I'd create a new branch, switch in-place, then commit14:23
hsn_is there way to remove branch/project from launchpad? i would like to use lp for converting CVS into bzr14:24
james_wis it just me that finds the last shelve question defaulting to "No" really odd?14:36
james_wand also infuriating at times? :-)14:36
jelmerjames_w: no, it's not just you14:37
jelmerI tend to want to shelve just one piece of code often14:37
jelmerso I press "n" until I get there, then press y a couple of times14:37
jelmerand then enter my way until the end14:37
jelmerbut often I hit enter one time too much14:37
james_wit's not a destructive operation14:39
james_wat least not with --destroy14:39
mgedminhow do I make bzr forget the last push location? ie. make bzr status not show a push branch?15:24
* mgedmin is about to edit .bzr/branch/branch.conf with trepidation, there's a scary "do not touch anything here" notice in .bzr/README15:25
vilamgedmin: you can use 'push --remember <new_location>' to replace the existing one but you can't *clear* the existing one15:28
* mgedmin dislikes15:29
Takcan you remember '.'?15:29
mgedmininteresting question15:30
* Tak master of hackish workarounds15:31
mgedminyes you can15:32
mgedmin"no new revisions to push"15:32
mgedminhey, my bzr ci --fixes lp:NNN appears to have silently ignored the '--fixes lp:NNN' bit, what gives?15:43
beunomgedmin, no, it's stored as meta-data15:44
beunonot sure how you can see it with the bzr client15:44
beunobut if you push to Launchpad15:44
beunoyou'll see Launchpad will link that bug with that branch15:44
mgedmin oh, user error: bzr ci --fixes; look at list of files; abort; bzr revert file1 file2; bzr ci<enter>15:45
NfNitLoopmgedmin: oops!15:47
NfNitLoophuh, I didn't know about the --fixes flag. that's cool.15:48
mgedminyeah, well, I still blame bzr :)15:48
=== Tak|work is now known as Tak
glen__does anyone know how to use bzr-gtk?  I have it installed but no clue how to "use" it16:01
=== glen__ is now known as billybob
=== billybob is now known as fizzy
=== fizzy is now known as fizzyone
beunofizzyone, run:  bzr-gtk16:03
beunoin your terminal16:03
fizzyonethat is what I thought16:03
mgedminnot changing your nickname every 3 seconds might work better if you want an answer16:03
beunoin the directory where you have a branch16:03
fizzyoneno command found16:03
beunofizzyone, actually, ignore that16:03
beunoyou should have new commands in bzr16:03
fizzyonesorry about that...  just wrestling with the client16:03
mgedminbzr viz is one of the commands provided16:03
beuno"bzr help"16:03
mgedminI've never used any of the others (assuming there are some, which there probably are)16:04
beunoyou've also got gcommit16:05
beunoagain, 'bzr help commands' should say16:05
fizzyoneawesome thanks16:05
fizzyoneI have the gui up now16:05
beunoall the g* stuff is bzr-gtk16:05
mgedminlaunchpad rules16:10
beunoit does!16:11
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
jelmervila: ping17:51
marcoilHi, while commiting to a svn server I get "bzr: ERROR: Please upgrade your Subversion client libraries to 1.5 or higher to be able to commit with Subversion mapping v4", although I do have libsvn 1.5.117:54
vilajelmer: pong (not really there so except high lag:)17:56
jelmermarcoil: you have 1.5.1 locally ?17:58
jelmermarcoil: is subvertpy linked against 1.5.1?17:58
jelmervila: I'm trying to think of a way to avoid that 401 on POST17:58
marcoiljelmer: libsvn1 1.5.1dfsg1-1ubuntu217:59
marcoiljelmer: how do I check what's subvertpy linked against?18:00
marcoiljelmer: in any case, it's the one in the bzr ppa for hardy18:01
jelmermarcoil: what is the server running?18:05
marcoiljelmer: 1.4, I'm afraid18:06
jelmermarcoil: hmm18:07
jelmermarcoil: that might have something to do with it18:07
marcoiljelmer: it did work last week, I'm sure of it, but I'm not sure which packages I've updated since18:08
vilajelmer: hmm, 401 should be ConnectionError, I don't they are yet. From there.... ConnectionErrors may/should (need to be discussed ?) be translated into NotAbranch errors during probes... or something like that, but that should still allow prompting user :)18:09
jelmermarcoil: no idea which things are out of date, sorry :-/18:11
jelmermarcoil: it does work, but you probably need to upgrade some of the packages on your client machine18:11
jelmervila: so we'd have to do two passes or something like that?18:11
marcoiljelmer: I'm trying to compile subvertpy, let's see if that works18:11
vilajelmer: I didn't look closely at the code since that mail thread, I'm not sure doing two passes (one without auth one with) is the way to go (ISTR that we probe recursively until root for some cases, so we already have a two-dimensions probe...)18:13
marcoiljelmer: manually compiling and installing subvertpy 0.6.5 did the trick! thanks18:15
jelmermarcoil: np18:16
vilajelmer: may be the solution is to change or allows changes to the probe mechanism, I'm not that sure we can address all the funny ways an http server can be configured....18:16
jelmervila: yeah, that's what I'm worried about too18:17
jelmervila: the quick solution for now is to probe for svn repositories before bzr repositories18:17
vilaI thought the quickest was to use nosmart+ :-)18:18
jelmervila: nosmart doesn't work, though svn+http does18:19
vilajelmer: ? You got POST with nosmart+ ???18:19
vilathat's a bug in nosmart then18:20
jelmervila: no, nosmart doesn't trigger svn18:20
vilathat's a bug too !18:20
jelmerit would even be wrong if that worked since svn is a smart server protocol too ;-)18:21
vilajelmer: ha come on :-) Anyway dinner time here, I may come back later, but I think what we need is a better control of what probe does, being auto should remain the default, but having some way to tweak it by remote server will be needed in the end (whatever the smarts we put in the auto mode)18:22
vilajelmer: ... and nosmart+ and svn+http are just two examples of why this is needed...18:32
jelmervila: re18:45
jelmervila: yeah, we do indeed need better control of probe18:45
jelmervila: also, for svn it's only necessary to probe the bottom-layer18:45
jelmervila: if /foo/bar/bloe/bloe is not a svn smart server then even if we can open /foo/bar/ it won't be a valid path18:46
vilajelmer: violent agreement I see :)18:59
ddaaHey jelmer19:01
ddaaI'm having trouble using bzr-hg.19:01
ddaaI have hg branch here, that I can do "hg st" in.19:01
ddaaAnd I have trunk bzr-hg from launchpad with bzr 1.13.1 from jaunty.19:02
ddaaBut the branch directory (that contains the .hg directory) is not recognized by bzr as a branch.19:03
ddaa(In case jelmer is unavailable at the time, anybody with a clue is welcome to help, too)19:03
jelmerddaa: hi19:04
ddaahi jelmer19:06
ddaaI'm afraid I'm not going to be able to follow up on the test for bzr-svn. I have just quit that job at the bank.19:06
ddaaAny suggestion how to debug that problem with bzr-hg?19:07
ddaaI have a special hate for branch detection problems, they provide no feedback at all besides "NotABranch, get stuffed".19:08
jelmerddaa: pushed a fix19:08
jelmerddaa: yeah, the probe stuff could use some improvement19:09
jelmerddaa: was just talking about that with vila :-)19:09
ddaaDid you push on bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-hg/trunk/ ?19:09
ddaaBecause the last commit I see there is "merge new bzr-foreign" date Sun 2009-03-22 00:33:57 +0100.19:11
jelmerah, no - pushed to my private repo19:11
jelmerpushing to lp now19:11
jelmerplease be aware that bzr-hg is still highly experimental, moreso than bzr-svn or bzr-git :-)19:11
* jelmer dinner19:13
ddaaWhen *I* was a kid, bzr was highly experimental ;(19:13
ddaaI mean ;)19:13
ddaaI just have a one-time import to do.19:14
ddaaGotta go offline.19:14
rottycan I move a shelved collection of changes to another repo?19:47
LarstiQrotty: I don't know if/how to do that directly19:48
LarstiQrotty: but in combination with `bzr unshelve; bzr merge --uncommitted; bzr shelve` you could do something like it19:49
LarstiQjelmer: do you know what the impact of Standard-Version: 3.8.1 is on Ubuntu packaging?19:51
LarstiQit looks to me like I should stick with 3.8.019:52
LarstiQjelmer: any reason you're not using compat level 7?19:54
rysiek|plhi guys20:03
rottyLarstiQ: this doesn't cut it if the repo is on another machine: bzr merge --uncommitted bzr+ssh://
rottybzr: ERROR: bzr+ssh:// is not a local path.20:05
LarstiQrotty: right20:05
rysiek|plguys, does bzr support https?20:05
rysiek|plas in20:06
rysiek|plbzr co https://example.com/bzr/project/branch20:06
LarstiQrotty: if you're feeling very adventurous you could try copying .bzr/checkout/shelf20:06
LarstiQrysiek|pl: yes20:06
LarstiQrotty: but that's mucking with the internals, so no guarantees there20:06
rottyseems I must branch into a full blown repo do the --uncommited merge, rsync that whole repo over, and merge --uncommited again, or transfer a diff and do the metadata changes by gand20:07
LarstiQrysiek|pl: maybe you have a more pointed question? :)20:07
LarstiQrotty: eh no, that's very suboptimal20:08
rysiek|plLarstiQ: deugging my apache+bzr installation, I'll try managing myself, but thanks ;)20:08
rottyhmm, I could also use commit/uncommit20:08
rysiek|plLarstiQ: although if you know of any specific requirements bzr has in regards to read-only access to a branch through apache2, please do tell20:08
LarstiQrysiek|pl: read-only? You could get away with just using file backing for apache. Bit slower than possible, but very low on requirements.20:10
LarstiQrotty: the shelved changes aren't fit for commit yet?20:11
rysiek|plLarstiQ: exactly what I am trying to do20:11
rysiek|pl$ bzr co https://brama.elka.pw.edu.pl/bzr/parkour/AltiShock20:11
rysiek|plbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "https://brama.elka.pw.edu.pl/bzr/parkour/AltiShock/".20:11
rottyLarstiQ: yes20:11
rysiek|plnevermind, I am dumb beyond recognition20:11
rottyit's only one incomplete changeset20:12
rotty(moving ongoing development from laptop to desktop)20:12
LarstiQrotty: commit/uncommit actually isn't that bad an idea to transfer them20:12
rottyLarstiQ: I've done so now.20:12
rysiek|plLarstiQ: works AOK now.20:13
* rysiek|pl bangs his head agains a nearby wall20:13
* rysiek|pl does that - repeatedly20:13
LarstiQrysiek|pl: awww :)20:14
rysiek|plLarstiQ: using *nixes for 5+ years now and *still* run into those dumb lowercase/uppercase problems20:15
ronnybeing conservative at naming files helps20:20
ronnyall things i do end up with lowercase alhpanum + spaces/dashes/underlines/points20:21
* LarstiQ tries to stay away from spaces.20:22
ronnyLarstiQ: those are for non-code things i dont track in a vcs20:23
LarstiQronny: I grudgingly admit them in .ogg files, but as a shell user I'm leary of abusing the token seperator.20:25
ronnyLarstiQ: well, all stuff i consider important is in safe filenames20:26
beunoman, bb hates me20:39
bpierreI'm testing EOL support in bzr.dev, and I'm having issues20:45
bpierremy test can be seen here: http://pastebin.com/m6b49c24520:45
beunojelmer, we should go into a merging spree for bzr-gtk soon  :)20:47
beunoI keep wanting to do that20:47
jelmerLarstiQ: I don't think there was anything particularly important in 3.8.120:48
jelmerLarstiQ: so makes sense to stay with 3.8.020:48
LarstiQjelmer: I'm guessing you switched to silence lintian? ;)20:48
jelmerLarstiQ: which package?20:48
bpierreupdated test: http://pastebin.com/m503e6b6f20:49
jelmerLarstiQ: that's lintian-clean on sid20:55
jelmerLarstiQ: what sort of errors are you getting?20:56
LarstiQbeuno: bzr-svn 0.5.4 uploaded to bzr-beta-ppa in case you want to test it. It's still Pending publishing.20:57
LarstiQjelmer: oh I'm getting none.20:57
LarstiQjelmer: Just inspected the diff, and noticed 3.8.1 is very recent.20:57
beunoLarstiQ, on my hardy server?20:58
LarstiQbeuno: yes please20:58
beunoLarstiQ, sure. Will try as soon as it publishes. What was that svn I could use to test again ?20:58
LarstiQbeuno: svn://svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-specimen/trunk21:00
* beuno waits for PPAs' cron to run21:00
LarstiQjelmer: do you think I should look into gutsy and dapper too?21:01
jelmerLarstiQ: dapper will be hard as it has the old python infrastructure21:05
jelmerI'm not sure about gutsy - are there still many people running it?21:05
LarstiQjohnf built packages for them21:06
beunoLarstiQ, it seems to me working perfectly. Taking a while to copy the revisions, but no explosions21:08
LarstiQbeuno: for that I direct you to either jelmer, the svn repo admins, or your isp ;)21:08
LarstiQbeuno: thanks!21:08
LarstiQjelmer: have you seen this specific KnitCorrupt error before http://rafb.net/p/Uq2Hw948.html  ?21:10
jelmerLarstiQ: nope21:13
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
LarstiQbpierre: did you make any EOL progress?22:02
bpierreLarstiQ: nope, files are correctly changed to CRLF, but my problem is they show as modified22:05
LarstiQbpierre: sounds like a bug22:06
bpierreyeah, it makes EOL unusable22:06
* LarstiQ will peek at EOL status tomorrow, sleep now22:07
bpierreI'm going to enter a bug with my test script22:07
bpierrecan I put rules somewhere not in ~/.bazaar/rules? or does it always have to be this file?22:09
jambpierre: there is discussion on how to handle per-tree sort of rules, *right now* we only have the global rules22:13
jamalso, what format are your files *now*22:13
jamand what are you setting eol to?22:13
bpierrejam: http://pastebin.com/m503e6b6f22:14
bpierrethe format of the files is what I expect22:14
bpierrethe problem is status/diff showing them as modified22:14
jambpierre: IIRC, crlf == crlf in the working tree *and* in the repository22:15
jamI think you want22:15
jamor "native" but on your current system, I think native == lf22:15
bpierremmm, are you sure? I'm using the latest help22:15
bpierrebzr help eol22:15
bpierrecrlf:lf was the previous proposed format22:16
jamI see what you mean, that was just the last I saw on the discussion22:16
jamI'll check the internal22:16
jamI know there was a bug where the eol stuff wasn't getting loaded22:16
jamI'm not sure how that compares with the version of bzr you are testing22:16
bpierreI got that with a previous version22:16
bpierreit works now22:16
bpierreI do see a change in EOL when switching from lf to crlf22:17
jamso.... I do see in the internals that 'crlf' => _to_lf in repo and _to_crlf in tree22:17
jamso that seems right22:17
bpierrehow does detection of file changes is handled?22:18
bpierremtime and sha1?22:18
jambpierre: I assume this is doing "bzr init --1.14" or whatever, right?22:18
jambpierre: we use mtime to avoid computing the sha122:18
jambut if mtime is updated, we should then be computing the sha1 of the text as it would be put in the repo22:19
bpierreso the problem is content filtering needs to be applied before calculating the sha122:19
bpierreor cache both sha1 (lf and crlf)L22:19
bpierrebecause, at the end of the test, if I do a dos2unix on my file, then it's not modified anymore22:20
jambpierre: when we see an mtime miss, we should read the file and apply the filter22:20
bpierreor rather it doesn't appear as modified22:20
jamand hash the result22:20
jamI know I've seen the patch that was supposed to change it22:21
bpierreand compare to the repo sha1?22:21
jamwe may have missed something22:21
jambpierre: right22:21
jambpierre: out of curiosity, have you done "make" in your version of bzr?22:21
bpierremmm, I do: for cmd in config build "install --prefix=$HOME/progs"; python ./setup.py ${(s| |)cmd}22:21
bpierreI checked earlier, and seems some C files are getting compiled22:22
bpierredo I really need to do a make?22:22
jamshouldn't have to, 'install' should do 'build' etc22:22
jamyou should see .so files in bzrlib22:22
bpierremake did something!22:22
jambpierre: make builds locally22:22
jamyou can run bzr directly from the source dir, without installing22:23
jamthe .so files I'm talking about should be somewhere in $HOME/progs22:23
bpierreok, so I should have everything22:23
jamor run from source22:23
jamanyway, eol *should* work with or without compiling22:23
jamI just wanted to check, as there are 2 code paths22:23
jambpierre: can I ask you to run from source, so I can ask you to do some minor tweaks?22:25
bpierreI just need to set PYTHONPATH ?22:25
jambpierre: ~/path/to/bzr status22:26
jamno need to set anything22:26
jamjust give the full path to the bzr22:26
jamyou can set PATH if you want to make it shorter22:26
jamor you could just set $(BZR) in your script22:26
bpierrejam: http://pastebin.com/m4bb3a28122:29
jambpierre: something seems to be wrong with your rules, etc after the second co22:31
jamnote that it doesn't give the filters during 'checkout' like it did the first time22:32
jambpierre: line 1922:32
jamwell 18 + 1922:32
jamversus 3122:32
jamduring the "bzr co" I see "computing stat_and_sha1 ...."22:33
bpierreyeah, but they are applied somewhere22:33
jambut I *don't* see that in the second half22:33
bpierresince the content changes to CRLF22:33
jambpierre: sure, can you try doing a "touch test/work/text" ?22:33
jamjust to force the mtime to change22:33
jam(followed by "bzr status test/work"22:33
jambpierre: Also, if I understand your result, it claims that "text" is modified, but then shows *0* line changes, right?22:34
bpierreok, I just tried to remove the file and then revert it22:34
bpierreand it's now lf22:34
bpierrejam: yes, no changes in the diff22:34
jambpierre: so it seems the hash check is missing but the content itself is getting filtered22:36
bpierreit's weird, revert doesn't seem to apply the filter22:37
bpierreI changed for a non-lightweight checkout, to test a remove-tree+co22:37
bpierreand the file dosn't change to crlf22:37
sabdflwell done folks22:37
sabdflcommit on bzr.dev seems fantastically faster22:38
sabdfllifeless told me why the perf improvement hasn't trickled down to commit file1 file2 file322:38
sabdflbut i thought i should say what a great impression this will make when it lands as the default format22:39
lifelessmorning sabdfl22:41
ddaaindeed it will be great when the standard answer to "bzr is too slow" will involve neither "you need to use the very very latest release from last week" nor "you need to use the latest non-default archive format, trust me, it's reliable".22:47
ddaaactually, it will be great when people stop saying "bzr is too slow", but I expect this meme is going to take a few years to die out.22:48
sabdfllifeless: does the new commit still do, effectively, status-then-commit?22:52
jamsabdfl: I believe it acts effectively like: for entry in status: record(entry)22:59
sabdflwhere "entry" is "something changed or added"?22:59
jamsabdfl: right22:59
sabdflok, so it's doing all the work of status, then recording22:59
jamright. I don't quite remember why partial commits weren't faster23:00
sabdflwhat's cool is that the time delta for status vs commit  is really negligible on large trees now23:00
sabdfljam: something to do with iter_changes needing a spit and polish23:00
kkubasikI was wondering, we have a bzr tree that has some (relatively large) binary files tracked in it23:00
kkubasikthey don't change very often, and its not a big deal23:00
kkubasikbut they seem to have majorly impacted the performance of most operations23:01
kkubasikany advice/suggestions23:01
kkubasikwill bzr pack help?23:01
sabdflif this is all true, then any improvements to status will be highly visible, they straight to the commit bottom line23:01
sabdflkkubasik: doesn't hurt to try that23:01
sabdfli believe the new format would help more though, try that and report back23:01
kkubasikI had read that people shouldn't run 'pack' just wanted to be sure ;)23:02
kkubasikwhich format?23:02
sabdflkkubasik: bzr branch lp:bzr bzr.dev23:02
pygikkubasik,  development6-rich-root23:02
sabdflinside there, make23:02
sabdflthen use that bzr to make a new branch of your code23:02
kkubasikwill do23:03
kkubasik1 sec23:03
sabdfland upgrade that to what-pygi-said23:03
thumperhi sabdfl23:03
sabdflthen try a few commits in there for fun23:03
sabdflhowdy thumper23:03
beunokkubasik, how large are the files?23:03
jamkkubasik: I'm not sure why you "shouldn't run 'pack'"23:03
beunokkubasik, also, if you're on Ubuntu, you can get the latest bzr from a PPA: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-nightly-ppa/+archive23:03
kkubasikbeuno:  Not massive, 2 30MB .air files23:03
jamIt shouldn't be something you *need* to do, but there shouldn't really be harm in it.23:03
pygisabdfl, is "what-pygi-said" a new name for a bzr format? :D23:04
kkubasikand 4 mpeg4's23:04
sabdflcould be. dontcha love plugins :-)23:04
jamthe bigger question is what was actually "majorly impacted"23:04
pygiI'll start loving them once jelmer renames local-branches to duck branches :p23:04
jamstuff like "branch" I could understand23:04
jamstuff like "bzr status" shouldn't be effected23:04
kkubasikjam:  primarily commit and stat23:05
beunobut, pull/merge will, because it brings in almost the full binary23:05
kkubasiknot incredably23:05
kkubasikbut like, i notice a pause now23:05
jamkkubasik: what platform?23:05
kkubasikand when the disk is being thrashed, you notice it much more ;)23:05
kkubasikubuntu (last LTS) and mac os x 10.523:05
jamI at least get the feeling that somehow we are missing a mtime cache, which is causing us to read the file and compute its sha1 again.23:05
jamcan you do a "stat" on the file and see if there is something strange23:06
jamlike its timestamp is set 3 days in the future23:06
* spiv yawns23:06
kkubasikjam:  yeah will do, actually, cool if i bring this on the mailing list23:07
lifelesssabdfl: the new commit is layered on the same generate that status is layered on23:07
kkubasikI gotta run, but would love some help23:07
jamkkubasik: sure23:07
jamI'll mention that it will take a bit longer to diagnose on the list, because of latency :)23:07
lifelessjam: partial commits depend on iter_changes returning parents of new entries23:07
kkubasikjam:  many thanks!23:08
jamlifeless: ah right, I remember the thread now23:08
lifelesssabdfl: thinking of it as status + commit is fine; though we skip the status UI code when doing a commit23:09
lifelesssabdfl: for instance, in status we need to diff two files when there is a stat cache miss, so if we actually did layer on status we'd end up doing more sha calculations; because we just sharing the core worker23:10
lifelesswe just know that that file *may* have changed, and instead pass the content down to the storage layer with a flag saying 'and if it is this sha1, dont store it'23:10
lifelesssabdfl: what size tree are you testing on?23:11
sabdfllifeless: you know my benchmark23:17
sabdfl1k, 5k, 10k, 50k, 100k files23:17
lifelessI remember we went sour > 10K23:20
lifelessI'm wondering if that is still the case23:20
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
BasicOSXbzr.dev revision 4294 throws all sorts of error, reported in bug 36202123:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362021 in bzr "bzr: ERROR: No such file: '<random>.pack'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36202123:21
lifelessBasicOSX: windows?23:22
BasicOSXtesting on linux now23:23
lifelessBasicOSX: tried ulduar out?23:24
BasicOSXheh, guess my bug report points me out as a wow player23:25
BasicOSXYes, attempted 25-man last night23:25
lifelesseither that or its a serious coincidence :)23:25
BasicOSXserver stability issues caused us to give up23:25
lifelesswe had a 2 hour break while they rebooted it23:25
lifelessgot flame down before hand, had trouble with both xt and razor23:26
lifelessBasicOSX: you're missing the directory upload23:26
BasicOSXhmm, I did not do anything but install new addon, bzr add, bzr commit23:27
lifelessmkdir the upload directory23:27
lifelesstry again23:28
beunospiv, has the AbsentContentFactory fix landed in bzr.dev yet?23:32
lifelessbeuno: yes23:33
lifelessbeuno: remember you need to repush branches to fix them23:33
lifelessbeuno: the fix only stops bzr *creating* the situation, it doesn't let it deal with it23:33
beunolifeless, ah!  that's the second part that's in progress?23:33
lifelessbeuno: no23:34
lifelessbeuno: there is no deal with it planned23:34
beunolifeless, uhm, why not?   if bzr 1.13 deals with it just fine?23:34
lifelessbeuno: andrew is now working on a fix for the server to get unfixed clients to upload more data23:34
lifelessbeuno: 1.13 does not deal with it23:34
lifelessbeuno: 1.13-client just does not call the verb when pulling from stacked branches23:35
beunoI half-understand23:35
beunothe end result is that I can pull/branch from it23:36
lifelessbeuno: but the change to the server will not affect people that don't stream up, or use sftp23:36
spivbeuno: older clients don't ask the server to stream a set of revisions from a branch23:36
beunoah, I see23:36
lifelessbeuno: do you want to understand? if so, details coming..23:36
beunolifeless, no, gotcha23:36
spivbeuno: which means the client is executing that logic, and the client has access to the fallback repository, which means it can calculate all the data23:36
beunoadding a check for that specific case to not stream is not very wise overhead23:36
lifelessbeuno: basically there is a design flaw in stacking's 'what data goes in the stacking repo' logic since 1.623:37
lifelessbeuno: that we found when we got 'stream from stacking branches' working23:37
lifelessbeuno: we're going to supply a script for lp to run to fixup branches hosted on lp23:38
beunomakes heaps more sense now23:38
beunojust perfect23:38
beunothanks for the splainin'23:38
lifelessbeuno: you should run nightlies so you don't create bad branches23:38
lifelessbut there is nothing you can do about other peoples until we have that fix out and running after people push23:38
beunolifeless, I do run nightlies, but they break when branching, so I constantly downgrade. I could use sftp, but you know how lazyness works...23:39
lifelessbeuno: when you find something you can't branch from, for now, get that person to delete and repush using nightlies23:40
beunowill do23:40
pygipoolie, hi23:54
pygidid you ever get a chance to read that short excerpt I gave you?23:54
pooliehey there23:54
pooliei didn't get to it before i left on holidays but it's high on my list today23:54
pooliesorry for the delay23:54
pygihehe, no worries23:55

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