
nixternalryanakca: groovy, I will work on attacking it for you as i doubt I will get any time tonight...translations suck!00:11
ryanakcanixternal: splendid. Have you poked the sysadmins yet?00:20
Riddellooh la la00:30
RiddellI think I've solved the translation problems00:30
JontheEchidnaout of curiosity, what was the issue/fix?00:30
davmor2one stick of dynamite and a bucket of glue00:31
Riddellwell, this may shock you, but the patch I wrote in a hurry was imperfect00:31
RiddellI know, it's hard to believe, I am fallable00:32
torkianohello all, can kubuntu developer take a look at bug #36140800:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361408 in openjdk-6 "[kubuntu] openjdk recommends pulseaudio and is not necessary for kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36140800:32
JontheEchidnaFallibility? In *our* Kubuntu robot?00:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361408 in openjdk-6 "[kubuntu] openjdk recommends pulseaudio and is not necessary for kubuntu" [Undecided,New]00:32
Riddelltorkiano: maybe openjdk recommends it for a reason?00:33
dtchenplease note that pulseaudio is also on the kubuntu discs00:34
Riddellit is?00:34
dtcheni'm a bit leery of that, because i'm going to get a crackton of useless bug reports00:35
davmor2Riddell: does that mean another kubuntu respin00:36
dtchenthey're definitely on the alternate00:36
torkianoups sorry, I thought that kubuntu doesn't use pulseadio by default00:37
dtchenthey don't appear to be on the daily-live00:37
dtchentorkiano: it doesn't00:37
dtchenphonon pulls in libpulse0 indirectly00:37
dtchenboth the dvd and the alternate images have pulseaudio debs00:37
Riddelldavmor2: yes I think so00:39
davmor2get  it in quick then I want a clean slate in the morning and no more respins today has been a waste :)00:40
Riddellcdimage is00:40
Riddellcdimage is slow00:40
Riddellor is my ISP being useless?00:40
davmor2Riddell: bit of both00:41
torkianodtchen: if kubuntu doesn't use pulseadio, I think that should be possible to install java plugin or openoffice without install pulseadio00:42
* Riddell spots usb-creator on the CDs bringing in a load of gnome 00:45
dtchentorkiano: utterly agreed00:45
Riddellnixternal: got an ETA?00:51
JontheEchidnabug 35890400:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358904 in kubuntu-meta "Kubuntu-desktop tries to bring gtk into the dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35890400:56
JontheEchidna^bug about usb-creator00:56
=== torkiano_ is now known as torkiano
* Riddell pokes nixternal 01:32
* ScottK hands Riddell a bat.01:33
nixternalstill working on it...the rosetta tarballs are horrible01:33
RiddellQuintasan: hmm, semantik failed to compile02:02
Riddellmaybe it's missing a build dep02:02
ScottKRiddell: Does 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu5 fully resolve 355814?  It's marked open against several other packages.  I'll fix up the bug if no more needs doing.02:26
e-jatRiddell, http://yfrog.com/6tkonversationkde4p02:55
e-jatshow i inform to tonio ?02:55
yuriyoops sorry, forgot about the meeting03:04
shtylmane-jat: is there a jaunty package?03:09
e-jatppa on tonio03:11
e-jatbut just now ive try it .. but now .. trying to compile from svn03:11
e-jatanyone here got konversation kde4 work .. i just compile it .. it not working well .. :(03:18
JontheEchidnaYeah, it's working fine here03:19
e-jati take it from svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/konvi-kde4 konversation03:19
tsimpsondid you install it?03:19
tsimpsonwhat do you mean by "not working well"?03:20
tsimpsonbearing in mind that it's still in development and not "supposed" to work yet03:21
e-jati uploading the screenshot ..03:21
e-jatsorry ...03:23
e-jatmy bad ...03:23
e-jatguys . sorry .. my mistake ..03:25
e-jatyeah its working ..03:25
tsimpsonas long as it works03:25
* e-jat maybe not enough sleep make me clumsy a little bit in da morning .. :(03:26
e-jatyeah it works ..03:26
e-jatis kitchensync still in heavy developement?03:43
JontheEchidnaI believe the latest word was that it was in development, but wouldn't be ready for KDE 4.203:44
JontheEchidnaI don't know how things have progressed since then03:44
e-jatok thanks ..03:44
NCommanderScottK, I'm looking at amarok on ARM04:44
ScottKNCommander: Cool.04:44
NCommanderScottK, I also tested KDE4 on real hardware on ARM; seems to work ok-ish04:44
NCommander(no OpenGL on my test hardware, so it ran like a dog)04:44
ScottKRuns like a dog on Intel too unless you tweak xorg.04:45
NCommanderto turn on UXA or?04:45
ScottKThe greedy thing04:45
NCommanderI can't get accelaration running in Intel-video mode on my laptop, if you know a fix beside UXA ...04:45
NCommanderAnd most of the patches have now been merged in Debian (pusling grabbed me and added me to pkg-kde, and merged those patches I added  into KDE upstream so it should remain fixed.04:45
NCommander^- ScottK04:46
ScottKBug #35960004:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359600 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Solved slow 2D performances with EXA" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35960004:46
ScottKIt's not suitable for a default because it's also crashy for some people, but working great for me.04:46
NCommanderLP is lagging out for me04:46
ScottKAlmost as fast a UXA, no rendering problems (like UXA), and it doesn't fall over a couple of times per day.04:46
ScottKWorse than normal?04:47
NCommandertimed out04:47
NCommanderHasn't done that since intrepid-release04:47
NCommanderTHere it goes04:48
ScottKIt's been doing that recently.04:48
NCommanderI hadn't noticed, but most of today was making my life easier by merging patches upstream04:49
rgreeningScottK: xorg 1.6.1 is out...05:14
rgreeningmaybe we need to look at some update05:14
ScottKWell now that I've got the greedy thing going, it's not so bad.05:14
ScottKBut I think it's the Intel bit we need fixed.05:15
apacheloggerjefferai: the l10n component will always use the macros from kdelibs05:17
apacheloggereverything else is a PITA05:17
apacheloggerjefferai: just add the appropriate files to the cmake tree05:18
apacheloggerscript gen is failing due to phonon05:18
apacheloggerno clue nor motivation to fiddle with that now05:18
apacheloggernot to mention time :P05:19
apachelogger=> work05:19
=== k4v is now known as m4v
NCommanderWhy is amarok not up to date in bzr?05:22
ScottKSomeone forgot to do it?05:22
ScottKFeel free.05:23
nixternalScottK: oh man, rosetta is awesome...better than the best beer!05:42
a|wen_nixternal: are you sure you are not drinking while working with rosetta :P05:43
nixternalI feel like it05:44
* nixternal makes a note to create a brand new build system for documentation in karmic05:44
ScottKnixternal: Something using cmake, of course.05:45
nixternalmost definitely05:46
seaLnekb9vqf: the downloaded failed during the night but i have restarted it06:11
SputScottK: considering that intel drivers have vastly improved recently (with bleeding edge stuff), chances are that there will be releases with working accel in time for komatose kaviar :)07:00
SputI have no problems whatsoever with intel now07:00
a|wen_Sput: i suspect all the fuss is only because intel using people is used to progress all the time :P ... not like with ati, where it for a long time was a constant gamble upgrading07:05
Sputa|wen_: well, there was a huge regression in intel drivers from 2.4 to 2.5 around december07:06
Sputand afaik jaunty hit it perfectly, because the current versions are too bleeding edge and 2.4 is too old07:06
SputI'm just giving you people stuck in biyearly distro releases hope that the drivers are, indeed, improving quickly, and that my KDE4 desktop with desktop effects by now feels much faster than it ever felt with intel 2.4 and no effects07:07
a|wen_Sput: exactly ... and i think jaunty is the first time it feels like a setback to many07:08
Sputyeah that could be07:08
Sputbut it boots fast, I'm told :)07:08
* a|wen_ uses radeon; so i'm used to it being a gamble07:09
Sputah yes. KDE4 has started to activate desktop effects with the opensource radeon driver a couple weeks ago07:09
Sputand with xvideo accel, I can watch fullhd movies and DVDs without tear and in much better quality than with fglrx, and even significantly higher quality than on windows :)07:10
a|wen_EXA is totally broken with my card using the open source driver ... has to use XAA which is actually not supported at all on my card07:11
* Sput uses EXA07:11
Sputradeon, not radeonhd07:11
Sputon a r70007:11
a|wen_Mobility Radeon X300 ... so radeonhd is not even remotely possible with that old a card07:12
a|wen_but works nicely enough with XAA and xrender effects ... just has some vt-switching issues in some cases (locks up so even magic sysrq. doesn't work :/ )07:13
seaLneis kubuntu using pulseaudio in jaunty? or just ubuntu?07:22
a|wen_seaLne: afaik it is not installed as default ... but if pulseaudio is installed kde should be able to use it07:24
seaLnea|wen_: ok that matches what i'm seeing on my system, just wanted to confirm that was correct after all the general bitching about pulseaudio07:26
a|wen_seaLne: a lot of stuff tries to pull in pulseaudio ... and pulseaudio really seems to mess things up badly for many people07:28
a|wen_and openjdk has started recommending pulseaudio :/07:32
seaLnekb9vqf: http://www.geeksoc.org/~kd/kde3/kubuntu-9.04-beta-kde3-desktop-i386.iso finished mirroring finally08:07
kb9vqfseaLne: good!  I have updated the link on my download page accordingly08:08
seaLnewell actually about 30min ago but i wasn't paying attention08:08
kb9vqfseaLne: you'll probably have a hefty surge in traffic sometime tomorrow ;)08:08
seaLnetommorow utc?08:09
kb9vqfseaLne: no, I meant tomorrow my time08:09
* kb9vqf forgets people exists outside of Illinois08:10
seaLnestupid timezones :)08:10
seaLneare you about 0200 just now?08:10
* kb9vqf should really get to bed08:11
kb9vqfWhat are you at?  I forget what Europe's offset it08:11
seaLne08:10 in uk08:11
kb9vqfThat's about when I have to wake up in the morning here.  Yuck.08:12
kb9vqfActually, a bit earlier08:12
seaLnecouldn't sleep so i've been up a few hours already08:13
* kb9vqf wonders why everyone's comments are so hostile towards KDE308:13
kb9vqfAnd yet, there are 500+ people who downloaded the CDs08:13
seaLnei guess a reaction to all the hostile coments about kde4? ;)08:14
kb9vqfI'm holding out for LCARS on a huge multitouch screen :-)08:15
* kb9vqf yawns and goes to sleep08:16
* freinhard yawns and gets up08:28
nixternalRiddell: sorry it took so long, the translations were a mess...fixing up the Makefile now and the debian/ files...would it still be OK to upload?08:45
nixternalRiddell: I went ahead and uploaded -- I think there might need to be some fixes to css stuff for translations, but won't know more until people test...translations are^Wwere a mess09:32
* nixternal goes to bed now...have to wake up in 3 hours :(09:33
slangaseknixternal, Riddell: uploading is fine, but there's no margin for respinning all of the kubuntu images at this point for RC; so that will have to go in after the RC unless something else critical comes along09:38
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta out! | Final freeze in effect - Test CD ISOs!
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta out! | Final freeze in effect - Test CD ISOs! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
Riddelljust incase you didn't get that, test ISOs!10:26
m4vdolphin doesn't work if you open it as root with "kdesudo dolphin", i'm missing something or it's a bug?10:38
davmor2Riddell: I am :P10:40
seaLnekb9vqf: 64bit downloaded, can you confirm that the md5sums on the website are right? i have e1863de3d16c48964bb32809586cf43b  kubuntu-9.04-beta-kde3-desktop-i386.iso the other matches10:51
Tonio_hi there11:39
quassel2088 days? and regressions are still there12:12
quassel208Ive bugged it yesterday12:12
quassel208https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/361291  please have A look at it12:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361291 in ubuntu "regressions in kde4.2.2" [Undecided,New]12:17
quassel208I included screenshots12:18
Xand3rhey ho, i love all kubuntu and linux devels12:22
Xand3rthe rt61 chip from my sister works on kubuntu better than on windows!12:23
Xand3ri love you all12:23
* a|wen_ hugs Xand3r and wonders what exactly rt61 is12:39
a|wen_quassel208: are you using an intel or ati graphics card?12:40
Xand3ra|wen_: rt61 is the chipset of a ralink wlan card12:40
quassel208Intel 95012:40
quassel208Intel was in old the best on linux, When i runned kubuntu on 7.10 and 7.04 everthing runned perfect12:41
a|wen_Xand3r: ahh ... the wifi-stuff has really improved in the last few kernel releases; much less need for madwifi and co.12:43
Xand3roh jea wpa-psk is no problem i realy like it if it works out of the box12:44
quassel208You know, aero and whats in Osx run flawless on this Atom 330 machine12:44
a|wen_quassel208: it's the intel painting problems you are seing... you can see some more information and also possible workarounds in bug 33866912:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338669 in kdebase "(Needs UXA) painting artifacts after qt4.5 upgrade on intel chipset" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33866912:47
quassel208oh great, so I was right it is caused also by qt 4.5 ?12:48
a|wen_quassel208: nobody really knows ... intel blames QT, QT blames intel12:50
quassel208And I blame Kubuntu12:50
Riddellshtylman: know anything about this?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com:80/151367/12:50
Riddellwhen running OEM mode12:50
quassel208downgrading Qt would have resolved it ?12:50
quassel208http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/151370/  this is my xorg12:52
a|wen_quassel208: it's possible (but that has other drawbacks); using an old intel driver might also have solved it (but that has a lot of other drawbacks as well)12:52
Riddelldavmor2: when was the last time you tried OEM on kubuntu live?12:53
davmor2Riddell: yesterday12:53
quassel208Lol, You know I say much about Windows, but I never saw a regression there, either did I in iPC 10.5.612:53
Riddelldavmor2: and ubiquity started fine?12:53
quassel208but maby you canm help? I never really though my xorg12:53
davmor2yes but I got a glitch after end user setup12:54
davmor2Riddell: ^12:54
Riddellmm, but I'm getting a crash before ubiquity even starts :(12:54
davmor2Riddell: give me 10 minutes I'll run it12:54
a|wen_quassel208: adding Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" or Option "AccelMethod" "XXA" is possible workarounds ... see the last comment on the bug to see where to add it to xorg.conf12:55
Riddelldavmor2: evan has confirmed it (and fixed)12:55
quassel208If they found workarounds? Why dont they get in the updates ?12:56
quassel208Do i need Option "Tiling" "No" to in it? I copyed the part in the last comment12:58
a|wen_quassel208: try just adding the UXA-line12:58
quassel208only the uxa line? so not the rest?12:58
a|wen_yes, just try adding the UXA line12:59
a|wen_quassel208: the workarounds are workarounds, which means they don't work for all people; and for some people kde won't even start if you try them12:59
quassel208Yeah that would be truth, but used jaunty exa default ?12:59
quassel208Do I need to restart my computer to renew x?13:00
a|wen_quassel208: EXA is default for intel on jaunty yes13:01
quassel208ctrl alt backspace doesnt work, because someone in Ubuntu decided to disable it13:01
a|wen_quassel208: you need to restart X ... log out and restart kdm13:01
quassel208ctrl alt backspace would do that normal?13:02
a|wen_quassel208: and you can enable ctrl-alt-backspace killing X under display in systemsettings13:02
a|wen_that kills X, yes13:02
quassel208killing x? dont in need to do that in system monitor ?13:04
a|wen_quassel208: ctrl-alt-backspace will kill X if you enable it in system settings13:05
a|wen_quassel208: logging out and restarting kdm also works13:05
a|wen_or finally you can just restart the computer13:05
quassel208lol thats also a option13:05
quassel208lets hope this solves it13:11
quassel208Magic lamp is something I asked for XD13:15
=== sebas_ is now known as sebas
Tonio_Riddell: little question about hardy.... I noticed that with security enabled, we get a 3.5.10 kdelibs and 3.5.9 kdebase.... isn't that a problem ?13:17
RiddellTonio_: it's needed for a kdepim security issue as I mind.  it's not a problem13:18
davmor2Riddell: can you subscribe me to the oem bug please13:22
quassel208If i choose exterme slow desktop effects, then they work flawless13:23
a|wen_quassel208: but the glitches is gone?13:26
jussi01ok, who here has netbooks?13:30
jussi01do I need lpia or normal 32bit...??13:30
jussi01(for atom processors...)13:30
rgreeningjussi01: I have A11013:30
rgreeningWorks with Kubuntu x386 and lpia alt image13:31
jussi01rgreening: ok. Ive just bought a LG x110... with atom 270... recommended?13:31
rgreeningjussi01: I currently use the lpia alt image13:31
rgreeningeither will work, but it would be better for extending battery time to use the lpia13:32
rgreeningI would expect13:32
jussi01rgreening: where are the lpia images? I cant see the jaunty ones here on cdimage.ubuntu.com13:32
rgreening1 sec...13:32
rgreeningjussi01: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports13:33
rgreeningjussi01: look under daily... looks like the beta wasnt built13:34
jussi01rgreening: how did you install it?13:35
quassel208Yes I think they are gone, but cant say for sure13:35
rgreeningjussi01: do you have an external cdrom drive?13:36
rgreeningok, how about an existing working ubuntu install?13:36
quassel208slowing the effects makes them look better13:37
rgreeningjussi01: if you have a ubuntu install to work from another system, download the iso, install usb-creator and run usb-creator. It can install the iso to a thrumb drive and then you can boot from the thumb drive and install from there.13:38
jussi01rgreening: Im on kubuntu now, on my 64bit destop13:38
rgreeningif you only have a windows box, try unetbootin (as a last resort)13:38
rgreeningok, then install usb-creator13:38
rgreeningstick in a 1GB or better stick13:39
rgreeningand you should be good13:39
jussi01curious, not really an issue, but installing usbcreator gives this: INFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python3.0' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)13:40
jussi01image almost downloaded :)13:43
* jussi01 hugs his 10/10 connection13:43
rgreeningcool. jussi01: only issue I had was dhcp never worked when trying to autodetect. Let me know if you have the same issue. It's ok after that and on reboot.13:43
rgreeningonly during install the dhcp detect failed.13:44
rgreeningso it could be my issue....13:44
jussi01rgreening: lets see...13:45
jussi01oh yummy13:45
jussi01usb-creator segfaults13:45
jussi01jussi@galaxy:~$ usb-creator13:46
jussi01Traceback (most recent call last):13:46
jussi01  File "/usr/bin/usb-creator", line 21, in <module>13:46
jussi01    from usbcreator.gtk_frontend import GtkFrontend13:46
jussi01  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/usbcreator/gtk_frontend.py", line 25, in <module>13:46
jussi01    import gnomevfs13:46
jussi01ImportError: No module named gnomevfs13:46
jussi01sorry about that paste...13:46
jussi01Hrm, I have libgnomevfs2-0 installed ...13:49
Riddellyou'll need the python module for gnomevfs13:50
Riddellfile a bug on usb creator and tell it to get its dependencies sorted out13:50
jussi01Riddell: sure. whats the python package with it called, cant seem to see it here... ?13:51
RiddellI've no idea, iz gtk bug13:52
MamarokRiddell: how can I order Kuuntu CDs for Jaunty? They only ship 75 in the official packages, as usual :(13:54
MamarokKubuntu* even13:54
davmor2Riddell: should that bug read eom ;)14:01
jussi01Riddell: just fyi, seems that you need python-gnome214:03
nixternalslangasek: thank you for that update14:07
jussi01rgreening: moment of truth....14:17
jussi01rgreening: yep, had the dhcp thing14:27
RiddellMamarok: if you have a paticular event I can ask our shipit admin14:27
rgreeningjussi01: ok, appears to be specific to the lpia image.14:28
rgreeningScottK: ^14:28
MamarokRiddell: would be nice, yes, I will have OpenExpo again in September, is it possible to have *only* Kubuntu ones?14:28
rgreeningany ideas ScottK? Maybe its the alternate installer is broken14:29
rgreeningthough, shouldnt as I just installed server using alt image.. hmmm14:29
ScottKrgreening: I think we need to ask cjwatson then.  I'd suggest you two get together on a good bug and we ask.14:29
rgreeningjussi01: can you join me in #ubuntu-devel?14:32
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
Tonio_ScottK: new kdenlive fixes several crashes out....14:47
ScottKTonio_: Package it and test it.  If it's just bugfix, we should get it in.14:47
Tonio_ScottK: it also adds a couple of new features...14:47
Tonio_not major ones though...14:48
ScottKIf it fixes crashes, we probably still want it, you just need to do all the FFe paperwork then.14:48
Tonio_packaging and doing this...14:49
Tonio_ScottK: will do toonight probably as for now I"m backporting kde 3.5.10 to the french parliament :)14:50
Tonio_and have 5 builds running in parrallel14:50
ScottKStill Feisty?14:50
Tonio_ScottK: hardy14:52
ScottKTonio_: Hardy has 3.5.10 in -updates.14:52
ScottKWhat is it you need to do?14:52
Tonio_we don't use the backport branch, only security, so I have to rebuild everything including our patches for our repo14:52
Tonio_ScottK: I know :)14:53
ScottKAh.  I see.14:53
Tonio_ScottK: bah include our patches :)14:53
jefferaiapachelogger: just fix the scripts to put the macros in the right place14:53
Tonio_also we have a different versioning policy as well as different distribution naming14:53
ScottKSo effectively you're your own derivative then.14:54
Tonio_ScottK: yup :/14:55
Tonio_ScottK: and it also has it's own -default-settings package, metapackage and so on14:55
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
Tonio_ScottK: which makes sense since what you want in corp env isn't the same as for a standard distrib14:56
Tonio_beagle, kerry, acroread blabla....14:56
ScottKOf course.14:56
Tonio_no dolphin by default :)14:56
smarterwhat can acroread do that okular/libpoppler can't?14:57
Tonio_one day I may consider reusing this to provide a more official derivative targeted to corp env, why not14:57
Tonio_smarter: editable pdf, with formulars....14:57
Tonio_smarter: also, kpdf isn't as good as okular, and right now we don' use kde4 (out of question !!)14:57
smarterright ;)14:58
Tonio_smarter: also okular sometimes has problems with color recto/verso printing and so on... acroread "just works"14:58
smarterprinting in Qt4 is weird sometimes14:59
Tonio_smarter: default settings are also very different....14:59
Tonio_smarter: I started with the kds package and forked it from version 1 to version 86 now :)15:00
Tonio_let's say it, it is more a fork than a derivative :)15:00
smarterdo you have a screenshot of the default desktop? :p15:00
Tonio_sure, lemme see...15:01
RiddellMamarok: yes that should be possible15:02
MamarokRiddell: thanks, so I can also have some to hand over to the KDE people who always show up with OpenSuSE CDs :)15:03
Tonio_smarter: http://planetemu.net/temp/capture1.png15:08
Tonio_smarter: as you can see it doesn't look like a kubuntu hardy ;)15:08
smarterquiet nice15:09
smarterthe applet is superkaramba-powered?15:09
Tonio_unfortunatelly, we still don't have plasma on this :/15:09
smarterthe systray icon for sound isn't kmix?15:12
Tonio_smarter: it is but I packages oxygen for kde315:12
smarteroh ;)15:12
smarterthat's an old version of the icon I guess15:13
Tonio_also it uses qtcurve by default, as us now15:13
Tonio_smarter: it i indeed15:13
smarteryou also use qtcurve for gtk apps?15:13
Tonio_and qt/kde ones aswell for unified theme15:14
Tonio_that's something I'd like to see one day in kubuntu, but we can hardly get rid of oxygen :) Riddell wouldn't approve this :)15:14
RiddellMamarok: e-mail me a couple months before the event15:20
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
Tonio_smarter: I'll probably write a blueprint/spec for samba sharing and karmic kde4....15:32
Tonio_smarter: just to let you know I won't forget about you for that, once we have time to work on this :)15:32
smarterI trust you :)15:33
* smarter wishes he could go to the UDS...15:33
Tonio_this is a really must have....15:33
Quintasan_Riddell: sorry for late response, looks like mistake in script or a missing build-depend15:40
Quintasan_Riddell: I will look at it later15:40
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shtylmanRiddell: nope...only thing I updated was the timezone stuff for the oem-config kde side15:53
Riddellshtylman: evan got that bug fixed15:55
Riddellalthough OEM config is still doing the strange thing of not restoring the kdmrc file at the final stage15:55
shtylmanthat may be a d-i bug?15:56
Riddellkdmrc gets copied to kdmrc-backup or something and somehow the -backup copy has the changes in it for oem autologin when it shouldn't15:58
MamarokRiddell: will do, thank you!16:09
nixternalhey, OpenWeek is almost upon us, anyone interested in doing a Kubuntu session or 2?17:23
nixternalright now we have 017:23
nixternalI will do one17:23
Riddellnixternal: I told jcastro to put me down for one17:27
nixternalRiddell: want to do that join QA thing again?17:27
Riddelloh I don't know anything about QA17:27
nixternalerr, Questions/Answers17:27
RiddellI was planning on an introduction to Kubuntu through the community or something17:27
Riddellah, Q&A17:27
nixternalya, forgot that & :)17:28
nixternalwe have a bunch of slots if we want them17:28
nixternalsince the last Q&A was quite successful for us17:28
davmor2Riddell: what happens if you play some film footage in dragon player and move the mouse back and forth over it?17:58
seeleany progress made on the amarok beta? i didn't see anything new about it18:09
ScottKApachelogger has something in his ppa18:10
Riddellmust admit it's not been on my radar18:10
a|wen_davmor2: what should happen if you do?18:21
davmor2a|wen_: I don't think the video should stutter :)18:22
a|wen_davmor2: plays nice and smooth here18:22
a|wen_davmor2: i suppose you with "stutter" mean that it doesn't play smoothly?18:25
davmor2a|wen_: it look like your hitting FF or rew18:26
a|wen_davmor2: try to explain further ... i can't see anything strange neither windowed or in full screen18:28
davmor2a|wen_: I've moved on since it might be a hardware thing18:29
a|wen_davmor2: not unlikely to be hardware/driver related18:30
davmor2there are some 32bit alts left I might have a look at them18:30
ScottKSeems fine here.18:34
davmor2ScottK: Like I say it could just be a hw thing18:35
ScottKIt sounds like.18:35
davmor2but I wanted to check that it was anything more :)18:35
shtylmanmy quassel icon is pulsing...is this normal? im scared....18:37
davmor2shtylman: don't worry it just means you computer is about to blow ;)18:38
shtylmandavmor2: damn...its a nice computer too...18:39
davmor2shtylman: just vacate the room if it speeds up18:39
Lure_can somebody with digikam/kipi-plugins installed on jaunty confirm that it works?19:03
Lure_I get crash on start19:03
Lure_digikam: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/phonon_platform/kde.so: undefineng9fromAsciiEPKci�19:03
Lure_but it may be that my system is broken19:03
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
ScottKLure: When I install that, why is it pulling in libgpod4 instead of libgpod4-nogtk?19:08
seaLneLure: loaded ok for me19:10
LureseaLne: thanks, so it is my sysem19:11
LureScottK: JontheEchidna knows more - it seems that does not work with nogtk for some reason19:11
JontheEchidnathe kipi ipod plugin needs the gtk version19:12
ScottKWorks here in any case.19:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: That seems unfortunate.19:12
JontheEchidnayeah, the nogtk one can't move pictures/artwork around :/19:12
ScottKAre bugs filed in the right places?19:13
JontheEchidnaI can't seem to find an upstream bugtracker19:17
ScottK"New package: kde-l10n-se (main) [4:4.0.98-0ubuntu2 → 4:4.0.98-0ubuntu3]" seems somewhat old.19:17
apacheloggerjefferai: diff at hand?19:19
apacheloggerScottK, JontheEchidna: someone just needs to do QA on amarok19:19
apacheloggerpackagingwise it shoudl be fine19:19
jefferaiapachelogger: no, because you have all the uncomitted code19:19
jefferaihence why Nightrose told me to ping you in the first place19:19
jefferaialso I don't know ruby19:19
jefferaibut I can tell you what needs to be done19:20
apacheloggerjefferai: fine with me :D19:20
RiddellScottK: that's the latest northern sami translation from upstream.  means the team has got below the % threshold to release it19:21
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Makes sense.19:21
ScottKThere's a few of those.19:21
jefferaiapachelogger: can you view the top-level CMakeLists.txt file right now?19:22
apacheloggerof what? ... svnish19:23
JontheEchidnaamarok still plays music :)19:40
JontheEchidnathe little status thing in the systray icon is neat19:41
JontheEchidnaaww. the /media script doesn't work in konvi-kde4 :(19:44
* JontheEchidna amaroks19:44
JontheEchidnawhoa, lastfm gui got pimped19:44
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: works for me (tm)19:47
apacheloggerfeel free to copy to experimental and backport then :P19:48
* JontheEchidna wonders if he should fix scrobbling in Amarok 2.0.x first....19:49
kubotudualscreenman is listening to "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" by Propellerheads [Decksandrumsandrockandroll, 1998]19:49
a|wen_JontheEchidna: can you see if the stacktrace on bug 360901 looks like a QT issue to you or if it really is a kdesvn issue?19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360901 in kdesvn "kdesvn crashed with SIGSEGV in QTreeView::mousePressEvent()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36090119:51
JontheEchidnaa|wen_: nah, but it originally was filed against kdebase19:52
JontheEchidnakdesvn would be a more appropriate place to triage it, I think19:52
JontheEchidnait could very well be a Qt bug though19:52
JontheEchidnaoh, I'm thinking of a different bug19:53
a|wen_JontheEchidna: yeah, i think you are :)19:53
JontheEchidnathat teaches me to say words without looking first :P19:54
a|wen_JontheEchidna: the other bug did look like a kdesvn issue ... already reported upstream19:54
* a|wen_ reported it upstream more specifically19:55
JontheEchidnaYeah, bug 360901's backtrace looks entirely located in Qt19:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360901 in kdesvn "kdesvn crashed with SIGSEGV in QTreeView::mousePressEvent()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36090119:55
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
a|wen_JontheEchidna: okay ... thanks for verifying that my stacktrace reading skills are not completely broken19:59
kubotudualscreenman is listening to "Lumberjack Song" by Monty Python [Sings, 1991]20:02
JontheEchidnaI hate patching our amarok packages20:15
seaLneis there a reason kbluetooth would have a greyed out option for adding an audio device?20:17
seaLnein device manager if you go to add a new device it has input device and greyed out audio device20:19
* JontheEchidna uploads a hopefully-scrobbling version of amarok 2.0.2 to his ppa20:25
kubotudualscreenman is listening to "Clubbed to Death" by Rob Dougan20:25
JontheEchidna^That's a good one20:25
jussi01rgreening: ping?20:37
ScottKI don't see how sematik could have ever expected to build.20:38
* ScottK is fixing.20:38
ScottKRiddell: Fixed semantik uploaded.20:50
* ScottK grumbles about test building before sponsoring...20:51
ghostcubehmm anyone seen britan got talents oO21:01
ghostcubeif not this is to hard21:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could I get sponsorship for bug 355308?21:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355308 in amarok "amarok stopped scrobbling to last.fm" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35530821:36
=== mcas is now known as mcas_
=== mcas_ is now known as mcas__
=== mcas__ is now known as mcas
Tonio_JontheEchidna: uploading21:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: all looks good, uploaded :)22:00
=== jussi01 is now known as android
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
JontheEchidnaTonio_: thanks!22:13
Tonio_yw :)22:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: think you could push amarok through when you get this ping?22:13
* JontheEchidna needs to apply for core-dev, sponsorship is getting boring :P22:14
JontheEchidnahow is that going to work with the archive reorg in karmic?22:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: Nothing that isn't important enough to respin the RC isos gets pushed until after the RC is out.22:14
JontheEchidnaScottK: oh, ok22:14
JontheEchidnaRiddell: nvm22:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: e-jat for experimental membership or what?22:27
apacheloggerfenris applied for memership22:28
* apachelogger would technically think that one should qualify for becoming ninja and thus get indirect member of experimental really22:29
JontheEchidnayeah, unless he had stuff to upload I wouldn't really see the point anyway22:31
* JontheEchidna sees about making amarok packages available22:33
JontheEchidnaWe want this for jaunty and intrepid?22:33
JontheEchidnaor just jaunty?22:33
apacheloggerintrepid as well22:34
apacheloggerfor jaunty you can just copy from my staging ppa22:34
apachelogger...don't forget about qtscriptgenerator in both cases though :)22:34
JontheEchidnaanything special I should know about backporting?22:35
JontheEchidnaor do I just need to wing it?22:35
apacheloggerjust version change I'd think22:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you also need to backport taglibs-extras22:35
RiddellJontheEchidna: do I need to upload amarok?22:38
Riddelldavmor2: were your kubuntu upgrade tests from 8.10 or 8.04?22:46
neversfeldeamarok in 8.10 is currently unusable for last.fm users, so I think it would not be bad to fix this :)22:47
Tonio_ScottK, Riddell: could you have a look at bug 362005 please ?22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362005 in kdenlive "FFE: kdenlive 0.7.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36200522:48
neversfeldeerr 9.04 not 8.1022:49
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Tonio did, nothing needs to be done until after RC22:54
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I saw you where talking about the issues with the plasmoid NM...22:56
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I look at the svn everyday and have a new version available on my repo22:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: but FYI, there is nothing new concerning the network management itself, only "graphical" changes22:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: which is an issue, I agree, since now it "globally works" nobody seems to have the will to finish it22:57
Tonio_JontheEchidna: mean improve encription, vpn and hsdpa management and so on...22:58
Tonio_on the other end, there is a lot of work done arround wicd support and the pardus NM backend....22:58
JontheEchidnathis is what happens when you rely on alpha suse technology being "ready" on your release cycle I guess :P22:59
Tonio_so hopefully if networkmanager doesn't get mature enough we'll have alternatives...22:59
Tonio_JontheEchidna: well imho "we" (understand canonical) should be concerned about networkmanager support in both ubuntu/kubuntu22:59
Tonio_JontheEchidna: and (sorry for that) it is by far more important than notifications...23:00
Tonio_I needed to say it, sorry...23:00
Tonio_JontheEchidna: but for having seen what pardus does, I'm really impressed23:00
JontheEchidnabut they didn't get any new Qt/KDE devs until way into jaunty, maybe things will change....23:00
JontheEchidna(they meaning Canonical)23:00
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I hope so :)23:01
Tonio_also I'm concerned by the fact networkmanager has always been neglected on the kde side appart from suse devs.... that's another story23:01
Tonio_kopete, konqueror, all of that is great, but what if you can't connect to your wireless ? :)23:02
* Tonio_ wishes he was a better coder...23:02
Tonio_JontheEchidna: the pardus networkmanager even seems to support connection sharing :)23:03
Tonio_JontheEchidna: impressive isn't it ?23:03
JontheEchidnasuch a thing exists? :P23:03
JontheEchidnayou wouldn't know it if you'd been using KNM23:03
Tonio_JontheEchidna: well the point is that with kde3 their work was hardly portable, but now it seems their comar backend has a way better structure, and all the graphical stuff is a matter of python kcm modules and plasmoids23:04
Tonio_honnestly, I think my absolute priority for karmic will be to package their work...23:04
Tonio_I really don't mind networkmanager becoming the de-facto standard, if it doesn't work, and we have problems with it for more than 2 years now on the kde side, I wouldn't mind getting rid of it for something that receives good maintainance and that works :)23:05
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I hope you push me the day I propose this in a meeting, hehe :)23:06
Tonio_JontheEchidna: hey also have a very nice service manager, as well as a user manager....23:06
Tonio_JontheEchidna: the thing I don't get is that all this never got upstream.... although kde devs said to be impressed by this work...23:07
Tonio_JontheEchidna: probably since that's python only...23:07
Tonio_JontheEchidna: and since they use python, they really should be our friends I guess ;)23:08
Tonio_no but seriously this lack of support for network in kde is really a problem we should try to fix on the long term, even if that means changing our mind/backend/whatever...23:09
Tonio_JontheEchidna: when opensuse will be about to be released, there will be a super rush to improve our current plasmoid, which is nice, but our release schedule is a problem on that point for now...23:10
ScottKTonio_: I gave kdenlive my ack.  You'd need two.23:11
Tonio_ScottK: thanks :) who else may I ping ? Riddell ?? ^^23:11
ScottKTonio_: I expect for Karmic Canonical will want to give us the 'benifit' of their notification work.23:11
Tonio_ScottK: bah as said, as long as this doesn't become THE priority and if we can switch back, I don't mind23:12
ScottKTonio_: Riddell or any other motu-release member.23:12
Tonio_but if that's done without a one click way to switch back, and if priority isn't given to low level basic stuff, then I'll be in trouble, let's say :)23:12
Tonio_ScottK: plus I think what has been done with gnome is currently impossible with kde4....23:13
Tonio_ScottK: it relays too much on notifications (file copy, file move, extraction etc...)23:13
Tonio_ScottK: if I can't pause my file copy then we'll break super key improvement in kde4, and that I won't accept...23:13
ScottKI guess my view is as long as the basic governance strucuture of Kubuntu is maintained, then it'll work out.23:14
Tonio_ScottK: in computing, I generally tend to improve what lacks and never touch what works :)23:14
Tonio_ScottK: notifications in kde4 are probably one of the key improvements to kde3 and one of the things that works the best in it....23:14
ScottKI decided to go to UDS and work on sorting it out, so I haven't give up.23:15
Tonio_ScottK: but if we start patching all apps to make it to work, or just get rid of the buttons for fun..... that'll be *bad*23:15
Tonio_ScottK: I just hope any decision isn't already made and the UDS an opportunity to convince us....23:15
Tonio_ScottK: that was my problem with last google even... nothing to debate, just introduce pre-defined choices...23:16
ScottKI know the ayatana people have had a planning offsite.  I'd feel a lot better if there was some advance discussion about their thinking.23:16
Tonio_ScottK: we'll see... but one thing is sure, there are lots of things prior to change the superb kde4 notification system23:17
rickspencer3Tonio_: ScottK: I think they are very much planning to come and discuss in an open manner23:17
Tonio_ScottK: port usb-creator, improve network manager, get user management and service management kcm modules....23:17
ScottKrickspencer3: I've heard that before.23:17
Tonio_ScottK: kde4 integration in OOo instead of kde3....23:18
rickspencer3I haven't seen anything that makes me think the KDE arm of the Dx team have decided anything23:18
Tonio_ScottK: so many things in fact...23:18
ScottKrickspencer3: The problem is since it's completely opaque to the community we can do nothing but speculate.23:18
Tonio_rickspencer3: no offence there :)23:18
rickspencer3It's too bad we couldn't pull off the KDE 4 dialogs i OO in Jaunty23:18
Tonio_rickspencer3: just that a lot of people were very surprised that lots of things were decided before the last UDS :)23:19
rickspencer3just was discussing this morning how that didn't work out so well23:19
ScottKDebian has KDE4 in Sid now and they have some decent coders in their KDE team, so maybe we can collaborate with them.23:19
Tonio_ScottK: pardus also does incredible things at the moment with kde4.... I tested and was blown away, really...23:20
rickspencer3ScottK you mean for OO integrations?23:20
ScottKrickspencer3: Yes.23:20
rickspencer3for OO 3.1?23:20
ScottKThe problem is the KDE4 integration is not at all mature, so it's not just a question of packaging.23:20
ScottKSomeone needs to write the code.23:20
rickspencer3calc tried very hard to make the new dialogs work, but it busted all over the place, and no one could get it to work in other distros23:20
ScottKIf we could get some resource behind that and work with other interested distros, that would be a real service.23:21
rickspencer3I think calc was the first one who really tried to ship it, and it kicked back pretty hard :)23:21
ScottKrickspencer3: Yes.  It needs someone who can write KDE code.23:21
rickspencer3and OO code, and who can manage the OO build system23:21
Tonio_ScottK: one of openoffice tech board members is a very good friend of mine23:21
Tonio_ScottK: maybe we can try to find out both a debian/ubuntu resource and an OOo one to work together on that point23:22
rickspencer3have you guys considered joining #ayatana and asking what's up with notifications and Karmic Kubuntu?23:22
Tonio_ScottK: and I know she is really concerned about kde4, ut she's not a coder :)23:22
ScottKrickspencer3: Did.  Got not answer.23:22
Tonio_rickspencer3: not yet (no time for that unfortunatelly....) I'm super busy currently :/23:22
ScottKI've been idling there for a couple of weeks.23:23
rickspencer3huh, I see ScottK in there now in fact23:23
ScottKrickspencer3: I don't find it strange at all.  I find it consistent.23:23
rickspencer3it's strange that it's consistent then23:23
rickspencer3I don't know that they, in fact, have any solid plans23:23
rickspencer3I know that on the Ubuntu side they are planning to develop a couple of things in Karmic23:24
rickspencer3but in the normal way23:24
ScottKI'd have loved to hear something like, "Dunno, what do you think".23:24
rickspencer3starting with discussion at UDS23:24
Tonio_rickspencer3: the thing is that compared to gnome, kde4 relays really very strongly on notifications (aka even for file copy for example)23:24
ScottKThey describe what happened at Google as discussion too.23:24
Tonio_rickspencer3: so before starting or deciding anything, feasability has to be checked23:24
Tonio_rickspencer3: plus considering maintaining this on the long term, as since the passive notifications are completly against kde philosophy...23:25
Tonio_rickspencer3: it'll *never* go upstream for sure...23:25
rickspencer3ScottK - Jaunty was different, because it was the first real development project they did23:25
ScottKrickspencer3: One of the new features I like the best in Jaunty would have been prohibited by the Canonical Notification design.23:25
rickspencer3now we have the benefit of experience23:25
rickspencer3I'm organizing the desktop track, and Dx is part of my track23:26
Tonio_rickspencer3: everything has a start, and whatever the attempt is, even if I don't agree, trying new things is always good, I have no pb with that, really23:26
ScottKrickspencer3: I'm am keeping an open mind that Jaunty will prove to be exceptional, but I have to see some evidence.23:26
rickspencer3fair enough23:26
Tonio_rickspencer3: just that I don't place notifications in the center of the desktop user experience23:26
Tonio_rickspencer3: for me they have to fit the concerned desktop philosophy23:26
rickspencer3Tonio_: I don't think it was at the center of the experience, but ...23:26
JontheEchidnaAah, it's nice to be able to do no-changes backports L)23:26
ScottKrickspencer3: If it helps any, I grew up right next to Missouri.  You know their state motto, right?23:26
Tonio_rickspencer3: most people (including me) understood it like this :)23:27
rickspencer3unlike KDE, GNOME didn't have a well define philosophy, so I think it was a good place to start23:27
rickspencer3Tonio_: yeah, I think it's interesting23:27
Tonio_rickspencer3: absolutly true :)23:27
ScottKIt didn't help any to have them in here telling us how great the new notification design would be for Kubuntu when they hadn't even tried the existing KDE 4.2 notification system.23:27
rickspencer3open mouth, insert foot23:28
Tonio_rickspencer3: gnome is more a list of good softwares, but at some points lacking a strong commonly shared structure linking them23:28
JontheEchidnaaside from GTK^, though that's not a strong link23:28
rickspencer3I find that GNOME hangs together quite nicely actually ...23:28
rickspencer3but I think the HIG is the unifier23:29
Tonio_JontheEchidna: gtk is nothing compared to plasma + solid + phonon + akonadi etc...23:29
ScottKDunno.  The only times I ran Gnome is just felt wrong to me.23:29
JontheEchidnaof course :)23:29
Tonio_JontheEchidna: and all of them also are linked... changing the notifications on that point would be *super* critical :)23:29
ScottKI'm glad people like it for them, but it's not for me.23:29
Tonio_JontheEchidna: from a technical perspective I mean :)23:29
ScottKFrom what little I know about it, I understand the upstream discussions with Gnome didn't go so great either.23:29
rickspencer3I don't recall problems there at all23:30
rickspencer3GNOME has a long tradition of people starting "competitor" projects23:30
Tonio_ScottK: I followed a bit, it didn't seem that rude, especially since as rickspencer3 said, there wasn't that strong philosophy in gnome23:30
ScottKI'm just going on hearsay.23:31
Tonio_ScottK: plus any feature removal in gnome is generally considered *interesting* :)23:31
ScottKI did see one bug report where the reaction was essentially send patches and we'll consider them.23:31
Tonio_ScottK: forget that, just the last late troll of the day :)23:31
rickspencer3my sense is that the KDE community views forking and starting "competitor" projects much more negatively23:31
ScottKNot exactly a ringing endorsement, but not a strong reject either.23:31
JontheEchidnaFrom what I've seen, if the new Kubuntu notification stuff follows the same design principles as the Ubuntu stuff, upstream won't be amused23:31
* rickspencer3 kicks Tonio_23:31
Tonio_rickspencer3: kde is more in "improve one good peace together" than "let's reinvent the wheel"23:32
JontheEchidnanone of the plasma devs see the design as anything less than retarded, tbh23:32
ScottKTonio_: I'm with you on the late troll of the day anyway.23:32
Tonio_rickspencer3: that's why there is generally one good kde software and not 10 competitors...23:32
rickspencer3there's seem to be much more reverance for "upstream"23:32
rickspencer3it's a differnet culture23:32
Tonio_yup, not better or worse, but different (my preference goes there, but that's just me)23:32
ScottKOne that Canonical does not appear to have done a stellar job of trying to work with.23:32
ScottKI know jono's community development expo isn't a Canonical thing exactly, but he didn't invite KDE at all.23:33
ScottKThey all know who he works for.23:33
rickspencer3I don't even know what you're talking about23:33
rickspencer3community development expo?23:33
rickspencer3am I that out of the loop? ;)23:33
* JontheEchidna didn't know about it23:34
Tonio_ScottK: really ? that doesn't ressemble jono...23:34
ScottKThat's my understanding23:34
Tonio_ScottK: got it...23:34
* Tonio_ is stick of backporting the all kde3 for the french parliament.....23:35
* Tonio_ wishes he could use kde4 for the migration :'(23:35
rickspencer3jono's ears aren't burning23:36
rickspencer3I told him to join :)23:36
jonowhats going on?23:36
rickspencer3well asked, really23:36
rickspencer3we were talking about Kubuntu and Ayatana at UDS23:36
rickspencer3is it going to be a discussion, or is the Dx team going to show up with ...23:36
rickspencer3a bunch of desiscions?23:36
jonoahhh right23:37
rickspencer3also, there was some question about some kind of expo thing, and why KDE wasn't invited23:37
jonowho raised the concerns about the invitations thing?23:37
ScottKjono: That was me.23:37
rickspencer3"the community"23:37
jonoScottK, what is the concern?23:37
ScottKjono: It's not a big deal.  I just heard there were some perception issues related to who got invited and who didn't.23:38
jonoyeah, this is nonsense23:38
jonoa few notes:23:38
jono * the CLS is an open summit in which anyone is welcome to join23:39
jono * the reason KDE never got an invite is simply because I forgot - there is no conspiracy23:39
jono * also, many other large projects didn't get an invite - X.org, Mozilla, OpenOffice.org, Thunderbird, Evolution etc23:39
jonothere were a lot more projects who didn't get an invite than did23:40
jonoand those who got an invite were simply the most immediate people in my address book to begin filling it up23:40
jonoI would love KDE participation and if there are any people you would recommend to invite, I am happy to do so23:40
ScottKjono: I think the uncertainty about ayatana is really a much more important issue.23:40
jonoScottK, sure, I just wanted to set the record straight on the summit23:41
ScottKFair enough23:41
jonoScottK, also, next time you have a concern, email me - much better than discussing it in a channel I am not in ;-)23:41
* ScottK nods23:41
jonogood man23:41
rickspencer3yea dude23:41
ScottKDesktop Experince23:41
ScottKexperience even23:42
rickspencer3so I got the impression (very strongly) that the dx team was coming to UDS to discuss and develop int eh normal way for Karmic23:42
jonorickspencer3, likewise23:42
rickspencer3you were in that meeting this morning23:42
rickspencer3unfortunatley their all asleep now23:42
jonoI think it would be valuable to have plenty of discussion23:43
jonomaybe ScottK can advise on his expectations23:43
ScottKI think it would be useful to improve the community perception if they would give some advance word of what it is they want to discuss23:43
rickspencer3would they not follow the normal blueprint process?23:43
ScottKjono: My expectation is that they will show up and give direction and we'll all get up and leave.  I hope I am wrong in that.23:43
jonoScottK, half full my friend, half full :-)23:44
jonoI would like to think there will be good engagement at UDS23:44
rickspencer3jono - I haven't heard much about plans for KDE though23:44
jonodamn, brb, phone23:44
jonowrong number23:45
rickspencer3ask one tough question, jono folds like a house of cards23:45
* jono slaps rickspencer3 :-)23:45
ScottKjono: I keep looking for facts on the ground to give me more optimism.  I'm open to it, but I have to see it.23:45
Tonio_ScottK: I discussed the notification stuff with david barth at the french SL2009 and I had the feeling nothing was already decided, and that discussion was still possible23:45
jonorickspencer3, yeah, I think we should encourage some KDE focused Dx sessions at UDS23:45
jonoScottK, dude, look at the wider governance and openness in Ubuntu - its pretty good23:45
jonocompare and contrast with governance elsewhere23:46
Tonio_ScottK: plus agateau also is there to give his opinion now, and knows about kde technicals and philosophy...23:46
rickspencer3jono: last UDS the Kubuntu folks had some killer sessions for Jaunty23:46
jonoScottK, lets get things in perspective - while there may be concerns around the Dx stuff, it does not overshadow the whole game23:46
ScottKjono: There was zero community engagement in the notification design for Jaunty and even stuff like the update-notifier changes that got essentially 100% negative reaction, it was ignored.23:46
jonoI agree that there should be solid discussion23:46
rickspencer3I feel like we're about to repeat a conversation we've had many times before23:46
jonorickspencer3, agreed23:46
jonowe have been through this23:46
rickspencer3I'm sure the chanell would rather get back to shipping Jaunty23:47
jonolets focus on moving forward23:47
rickspencer3I think that I should come back when I have ...23:47
ScottKrickspencer3: Certainly, bu t nothing's actually changed yet.23:47
rickspencer3actually sessions to discuss23:47
jonoScottK, this is a process, things adjust and move, give it time23:47
rickspencer3I plan to talk to dbarth tomorrow about the sessions that he wants, so it should be a matter of a couple of days23:47
jonoScottK, but what would help is positive energy from you23:47
jonoI am not asking you to ignore the issues, but lets focus on solutions23:47
Tonio_rickspencer3: that would be greeat23:48
rickspencer3in the meantime23:48
jonorickspencer3, agreed, lets focus on sessions23:48
rickspencer3JAUNTY JAUNTY JAUTNY!23:48
jonoI recommend a bunch of blueprints are put together to inspire the sessions23:48
ScottKjono: There is nothing with respect to solutions I can do.23:48
rickspencer3both Kubuntu and Ubuntu are about to have epic releases!23:48
Tonio_rickspencer3: bah there is nobody to approve me FFE's that late :/23:48
jonook, I will leave you folks to it if you are scheduling23:48
rickspencer3Tonio_: lol23:48
jonomust get back to the email pit23:48
jonoI will loiter here, ping me if needed23:49
Tonio_jono: see ya23:49
jonoScottK, don't worry, pal :-)23:49
jonobye Tonio_ !23:49
rickspencer3has it occurred to you guys that Karmic starts with a "K"23:49
rickspencer3the next release is like *your* release :)23:50
* rickspencer3 back to work23:50
Tonio_rickspencer3: hehe :)23:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: looks like qtscriptbindings is a no-go for intrepid23:55
JontheEchidnamaybe it needs Qt 4.5?23:55
vorianboo ya23:55
vorianwerd homies23:55
* JontheEchidna just copied over amarok for Jaunty, LP will be going down in 423:55
JontheEchidnathough it probably won't publish in time?23:56
voriantime for what?23:58
JontheEchidnato publish the Amarok 2.1 beta .debs before LP goes down23:58
JontheEchidnaI don't know if that would affect the publishing cron job or not23:58
vorianShow Me (answer to ScottK's question)23:58
ScottKvorian: Absolutely.23:58
vorianah, it'll be a wait and see deal23:58
* vorian colleged in Missouri23:59
ScottKvorian: Where?23:59
voriannow known as MSU23:59

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