
Kasm279will someone help with this?:00:01
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/00:01
Kasm279Cyclist2, right click on an image file00:02
Kasm279point to "open with"00:03
Kasm279and lick "other"00:03
Kasm279select eye of gnome/image viewer00:03
Kasm279check the box "remember this association"00:04
Kasm279and click ok00:04
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad00:04
Kasm279!thank you00:04
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:04
d3jakeI just tried to upgrade from Kubuntu 6.06LTS to 8.08(I think that's it....) through the package manager after adding the hardy repos. After the download finished it started to install\upgrade the packages, it stopped at installing libc6, when I clicked on "Show Details" in Adept it showed a blue background with a window tell me that some running processes using NSS need to be restarted "otherwise they might not be able to lookup or authentication any more00:05
d3jake manual stopping and restart after the glibc upgrade by yourself is xdm" I can't click on either option (OK, or no), or use the keyboard to select either one. What should I do?00:05
Cyclist2Kasm279, what did you mean by 'click**'?00:05
d3jakeI would just install the newer version but the optical drive in this laptop doesn't like newer versions of Kuuntu for some reason.00:05
Kasm279typo in prevois line00:05
Kasm279i said "lick"00:06
Cyclist2I cannot find Eye of Gnome/Image Viewer anywhere in the known applications...00:06
ActionParsnip!info eog00:06
ubottueog (source: eog): Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1358 kB, installed size 6736 kB00:06
ActionParsnipCyclist2: this is kubuntu so you will install all the gtk deps you dont already have00:07
Cyclist2is there any way I can enter a string of text in the top box of that menu [pointing to the location of the 'executable' of Eye of Gnome]? if yes, can anyone write it here for me, please?00:10
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/00:10
Kasm279did you do wat i said?00:10
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/00:12
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/00:13
p_quarlesKasm279: be patient; help doesn't happen instantly here00:14
p_quarlesKasm279: what's the name (exact) of the package you installed?00:15
jamesjedimasterif it is a driver, i guess it shouldn't appear as an application00:15
Kasm279just a sec here00:16
jamesjedimasterbut in the settings of the mouse configuration00:16
Kasm279its not there!00:16
Cyclist2Kasm279, do you find that program in Graphics [where it should be]? because I cannot...; I see programs that were installed afterwards, I see programs I did not know I had...! but a basic image viewer like Eye of Gnome is left out...: why? but if I switch to Nautilus ou Gnome Commander there it is...!00:16
Kasm279clic "other" in the sselect app dialog00:17
Cyclist2I did00:18
Kasm279in the pop up box?00:18
Kasm279no, wait its "browse"00:18
Cyclist2I went through all the known applications and I just cannot find the program anywhere in that list...00:19
Cyclist2[Open File Dialog?]; done00:19
Kasm279in the browse window, go to root/usr/bin00:20
Kasm279you should find the Eye of gnome executable there00:21
Cyclist2doing it; it may take a while...00:23
tsimpsonKasm279: it's not root/usr/bin, it's just /usr/bin00:23
Kasm279ok, filesystem/usr/bin00:23
tsimpsonnope, just /usr/bin00:23
tsimpsonthere is only '/'00:23
p_quarlesKasm279: what you want is gsynaptics; that's the configuration application; make sure that's installed00:23
Kasm279i meand "root" as the root of the drive00:23
tsimpsonKasm279: yes, that's '/'00:24
tsimpsonthere is nothing else, but '/', that's the starting point00:24
Kasm279but it didnt really matter00:24
jamesjedimasterbut it's confusing00:24
tsimpsonKasm279: it does if I have a folder in my current directory called "root" and do "cd root/usr/bin" ;)00:24
* Kasm279 eats a peep00:25
tsimpsonit's just less ambiguous if you just use '/' to mean "the root of the directory tree"00:25
* Kasm279 continues eating said peep00:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you00:27
Kasm279eeerm, i find nothing for "ksynaptics"00:28
p_quarlesKasm279: gsynaptics00:29
Kasm279thats wat i installed and cant find00:30
gigasofti have installed compiz in kubuntu, but it just do not work00:32
gigasoftany help?00:32
Cyclist2no luck...00:33
Cyclist2searched high and low and the only file that may be answer to this is named as 'eog'...; does it ring a bell?00:34
Kasmwifi hiccup00:35
Kasmdid i miss anything past me saying D:00:36
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad00:36
p_quarlesKasm279: type "gsynaptics" into a terminal then00:37
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Kasm(gsynaptics:7261): Gtk-WARNING **: libbonoboui-2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:39
Kasm(gsynaptics:7261): Gtk-WARNING **: libbonoboui-2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:39
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:40
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p_quarlesKasm: you will need to set up a dbus rule allowing shared memory00:41
p_quarlesKasm: specifically, do the following:00:42
p_quarles1) kdesudo kate /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi00:42
p_quarles2) paste this into that file: http://pastebin.com/m6c3eec4b00:44
KasmThe file /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it.00:44
KasmCheck if you have read access to this file.00:44
p_quarles(the contents of that pastebin)00:44
p_quarlesKasm: 1) did you enter the command exactly as I said? 2) don't clutter the channel with lines that are nothing but smileys00:44
Kasmi copied and pasted your line D:00:45
p_quarlesKasm: type "which kdesudo" and tell me the result00:45
Cyclist2Kasm, I discovered the right file but tell me if it could have been made any more difficult to us end user by Gnome: I started looking [innocently enough] for 'eye of gnome' or 'image viewer'; in despair I employed <locate> from the CLI: nothing...; in a hunch I used a file there existent with ONLY 3 letters as a name and it worked!00:46
Cyclist2for your general knowledge the program Eye of Gnome [or Image Viewer] is kept at the following location: /usr/bin/eog00:47
Kasmi was almost at the right directory00:47
=== Kasm is now known as Kasm279
p_quarlesKasm: hmm; try  sudo nano /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi00:48
Kasm279there we go!00:48
Kasm279sudo nano /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi00:48
Kasm279ok, i got it00:50
Kasm279no wut?00:50
gigasofti want to delete some files but i do not have permission how can i do it?00:50
p_quarlespaste that file I uploaded to pastebin.com00:50
gigasoftany help?00:50
jamesjedimastergigasoft: sudo rm -r file_to_delete00:50
jamesjedimastersorry, it's not -f but -f00:51
gigasoftis the other way00:51
Cyclist2I have now entered that path in the appropriate box and selected it to be my default image viewer [I still need to do it to each and every image sort: jpg, gif, bmp, etc., but it is worth it]; thank you, Kasm279 for the willingness to help00:51
gigasoftbecause i have lot of files and folders to delete00:51
georgehow hard would it be to upgrade my kubuntu to ubuntu studio00:52
jamesjedimastergigasoft: sudo rm -rf files_and_directories00:52
Kasm279np, Cyclist200:52
jamesjedimaster-r for recursive into dirs, -f to force deletion00:52
Kasm279p_quarels, i pasted it00:53
Kasm279now wut?00:53
Kasm279p_quarles, i pasted it00:55
Kasm279now wut?00:55
p_quarlessave it, quit nano, and restart ahl00:55
p_quarlessudo /etc/init.d/hal restart00:55
Kasm279ok, how do i save?00:56
Kasm279p_quarles: how do i save?00:57
gigasoftis home folder any important00:58
gigasofti just deleted it00:59
Kasm279UNDO IT!00:59
Kasm279or no logging in!00:59
gigasoftthere is no undo it00:59
Kasm279ctrl + z01:00
Kasm279or look in the trash01:00
gigasoftsudo rm -rf /home/gigasoft01:00
gigasoftbye all01:00
gigasofti love you all01:01
gigasofti'll miss you01:01
* Kasm279 ?!?!?!?!?!01:01
Kasm279do you have another account?01:01
LjLgigasoft: you're not funny01:01
Kasm279(on the PC)01:01
Kasm279root : root01:01
Kasm279try that01:01
gigasoftjust a ces01:02
Kasm279of administrator : yourpass01:02
gigasoftThe program 'root' is currently not installed01:03
Kasm279not in terminal01:03
ubottuError: You are not identified01:03
ubottuError: You are not identified01:03
gigasoftYou can install it by typing:01:03
gigasoftapt-get install root-system-bin01:03
nuriaenter in adept01:04
Kasm279no, ROOT ACCOUNT01:04
nuriaah ok01:04
Kasm279LjL, wat was that?01:05
LjLKasm279: he's trolling, and you're actually helping him as if he were for real...01:05
geniiLjL: "jamesjedimaster" told him the not-to-be-repeated command, I don't think he was trolling01:07
* Kasm279 messes around with an electronics kit from the 80's01:07
LjLgenii: doesn't look like he every told him to remove *his home directory*, but merely hinted to the existence of -r and -f options...01:07
LjLgenii: anyway, i banned mainly because i got a random "shut up" in PM.01:08
LjL(and i do think he was trolling)01:08
geniiLjL: OK, so not just one prob there then01:08
Kasm279maybe wrong person?01:09
Kasm279never mind....01:09
* Kasm279 is away being a photographer01:11
* Kasm279 is back01:16
tsimpsonplease don't use noisy away messages01:16
tsimpson* Kasm279 is away being a photographer01:17
tsimpsonthat's noisy01:17
Kasm279no, this is01:17
tsimpsonlook, I'll type /away01:17
tsimpsonsee, no noise01:18
tsimpsonand now back01:18
tsimpson!away > Kasm27901:18
ubottuKasm279, please see my private message01:18
tsimpsonit's channel rules01:19
geniiKasm279: If you read the pm from the bot it explains why \01:19
Kasm279really busy in here....01:19
geniiKasm279: Also it's rude01:19
tsimpsonhere's a direct warning, if you disregard our channel rules then you won't be able to use the channel01:20
* tsimpson looses faith in humanity sometimes01:21
Ownatik_Hi, How do I update an installation I made with a .bin file?01:21
tsimpsondepends on what you installed01:22
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tsimpsonOwnatik: then you should uninstall it and install the latest .bin01:23
tsimpsonor use the jaunty package (if you're on jaunty)01:23
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georgehow hard would it be to upgrade from kubuntu to ubuntu studio?02:07
mackindaleWhat's up? =^]02:08
mackindaleso it's kind of quiet...02:10
georgehow hard would it be to upgrade from kubuntu to ubuntu studio?02:10
geniigeorge: "upgrade" is not neccesarily the correct term here.... however, perhaps ask them in #ubuntustudio about how to install it02:12
mackindaleok so, I'm on a laptop and want to remap a key02:13
mackindalehow do I o this?02:13
mackindaleAlso, it's the Fn key and doesn't show up in xev02:13
geniimackindale: xmodmap is the usual way but if not showing a keycode then could be problemmatic02:15
mackindaleno, I'm sure it's not a problem02:15
mackindalewell, it might be, but I just installed Kubuntu today02:15
mackindaleon a brand new laptop02:16
geniimackindale: Hopefully there is someone knowledgeable on xmodmap to assist, this is not my strong area. Google may also be informative. Did you check yet the laptop testing wiki for notes on your model?02:17
tsimpsonyou can't remap the Fn key, it's not sent to the system, but you can remap the result of Fn+AnotherKey02:17
mackindalewell that's too bad02:17
mackindaleit gets in the way of the ctrl key02:18
tsimpsonFn is interpreted by the BIOS, unlike shift/crtl etc02:18
mackindalethought so02:18
tsimpsonat least, that's how it is on my laptop02:18
tsimpsonmackindale: there may be people who know for sure in #xorg02:20
mackindaleI'll ask there02:22
lorecasterwhen ubuntu9.04 comes out, i'll want to format my current system to get rid of all the tinkering i've been doing with 8.10, and start fresh... in a windows environment, i would like to make an extra partition to store all my file data... using partition magic... is there an easy way to do that in linux?02:28
geniiToo bad. They left before I returned and saw their Q which I had some assistance for.02:33
geoff270in win use win device manager to create a windows partiton, then reboot to ubuntu, use gparted to create a ext3 partition there, format, etc, then move your data there, including your home dir(save for future use, in case of trouble, and to help det up new ubuntu system, @ mail, etc)02:33
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erossgrr.. i wasn't paying attention to my package update tool in kde 4.2 - I removed half my stuff, had to reinstall pidgin, gimp, etc.. and now have to figure out how to get kde back02:54
erosswhat's an easy way to reinstall the latest stable kde 4.2?02:59
coreymon77hi guys03:01
coreymon77slight issue with mounting a floppy disk03:01
coreymon77so i did sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy003:02
coreymon77and that seemed to work03:02
coreymon77when i went to the directory, there was one text file on it03:02
geniicoreymon77: Good, that means it was succesful03:03
coreymon77which, even though it is 52.2 kb seems to be empty03:03
jason_froebecoreymon77 - were you expecting more files?03:03
coreymon77even though i know that it is not an empty file03:03
coreymon77and when i try to copy it, it says cannot read file03:04
geniieross: I think the /topic has some link on the kde 4.2.2 subject worth looking into03:04
coreymon77so, what is going on here?03:04
geniicoreymon77: Likely you want to use some option like   -o users             with the mount option03:05
jason_froebecoreymon77 - bad floppy?  did you try fsck.msdos -v /dev/fd0?03:05
coreymon77i'm viewing as root btw03:05
coreymon77jason_froebe: ill pastebin the results03:06
coreymon77jason_froebe: www.coreymon77.pastebin.ca/139238703:08
coreymon77thats weird03:08
coreymon77that should owrd03:09
coreymon77jason_froebe: http://coreymon77.pastebin.ca/139238703:09
erossumm it's not much help, i dont want to compile it. I even have .KDE4 directory left over, dont know what happened but think the update displayer and when I hit update somehow I removed a bunch of packages including kde403:10
coreymon77what does that mean?03:10
jason_froebeone sec03:10
jason_froebecoreymon77 - try remounting it...  there is something on the disk03:11
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coreymon77jason_froebe: same commans as i used before?03:17
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jason_froebeyup - unmount it then mount it -03:17
jkfreshhowdy folks03:22
* genii hands jkfresh a coffee and waits for the problem description03:23
jkfreshheh well I do have an issue, but googling has not found a solution.. My plan was to idle here and watch the chatter :)03:24
* jkfresh hands genii a pepsi max03:24
geniijkfresh: Heh, thanks... I'll stick to my coffee though :)03:25
geniijkfresh: If you state your prob there *may* be someone who knows an approach, can't hurt anyhow03:25
jkfreshheh well okay then.. Does anybody know if I can or how I can set a time limit before NUT shuts down my server when the power goes out? I already have it set up, and NUT is communicating with my UPS, but when I test it my server does not shut down gracefully.03:27
coreymon77jason_froebe: same thing happened03:27
geniijkfresh: That might be a good Q for #ubuntu-server03:27
genii(a lot of them there use NUT and similar)03:27
coreymon77jason_froebe: the text file is still blank, and copying still gives me a cannot read error03:28
jkfreshgenii I was thinking that. I guess I connected here because I run kubuntu on my desktop, and that's where Konversation goes by default03:29
jason_froebecoremon77 - me thinking it is the floppy disk that just doesn't have more than that one file.  what happens when you try the disk in another machine03:30
jkfreshI am running 8.04.2 on the server, though :)03:30
coreymon77jason_froebe: this is the only machine with a floppy drive :P03:30
geniicoreymon77: What is the *EXACT* error message?03:30
coreymon77when copying?03:31
coreymon77"could not read file /media/floppy0/spetgang.txt"03:31
jason_froebecoreymon77 - how about ls -l /media/floppy0/spetgang.txt ?03:32
geniicoreymon77: And if you did: dmesg          does it have any indications of I/O errors, or such? (Don't paste here into the channel though)03:33
coreymon77genii: look at my cloak, if i managed to get that, i think i know to use a pastebin :P03:33
jkfreshcan anybody tell me how to power my server down the moment power goes out? I already have nut installed, and it is communicating successfuly with my UPS. The system has not powered down gracefully when I remove the mains power03:34
geniicoreymon77: I try not to be misunderstood, it has happened before :)03:34
coreymon77genii: im a kubuntu member, and i got earned membership primarily through helping on irc, so i understand your intentions03:35
coreymon77i know the situations ;)03:35
coreymon77i'm gonna log onto irc with my linux box03:35
coreymonjason_froebe: -rwxr-xr-x 1 coreymon coreymon 53456 2005-05-09 18:46 /media/floppy0/spetgang.txt03:36
coreymon77genii: plenty of i/o errors with dmesg03:37
geniicoreymon77: Bad floppy then03:38
jason_froebecoreymon77 - could be a bad disk, dirty floppy drive heads, etc03:38
jason_froebetry on another server if you can03:38
coreymon77cant, this is the only computer with a floppy drive in my house03:38
jason_froebeunderstood - can you read another floppy?  if so you might be able to retrieve the file using ddrescue03:39
coreymon77i will try another floppy03:40
geniicoreymon77: As jason_froebe suggests. Also you could try something like:  sudo dd if=/dev/fd0 of=~/somebackupname.img       then loopmount the image and try from there03:40
jason_froebeI'd recommend ddrescue in lieu of dd as ddrescue handles i/o errors better :)03:41
lacitcarphi folks.  the other night, i had installed and gotten working a brother hl-2140 printer.  after restarting and attempted printing, i get 'usr/bin/lpr: connection refused'03:41
lacitcarpany ideas what could have changed after restart?03:41
jason_froebelacitcarp - is cups running?03:42
coreymon77jason_froebe: other floppys work perfectly03:42
lacitcarpwell, i tried ps aux | grep cups and did not see it so perhaps not?03:43
coreymon77jason_froebe: how do i use ddrescue?03:43
jason_froebecoreymon77 - that's good :)  install ddrescue (aptitude install ddrescue) and run it with the line genii supplied replacing dd with ddrescue03:44
jason_froebelacitcarp - probably not, you can start it with sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start03:44
lacitcarpjason_froebe: indeed!  now, I just need to have that start automatically, which I should be able to figure out03:45
jason_froebelacitcarp - no problem: sudo update-rc.d cupsys defaults03:46
coreymon77jason_froebe: what the heck? the disk read perfectly fine this time03:48
lacitcarpone thing that is strange is the pages (pdfs) are completely off-center and even cut off.  where would i begin debugging this?03:48
jason_froebecoremon7 - sounds like dust or something in the disk case itself I think03:49
coreymon77it works now03:50
jason_froebelacitcarp - maybe ##cups channel - they might send you somewhere else though03:50
geniilacitcarp: I'd suggest looking at how the problemmatic pdf files are being created, if they are DIY stuff fom converting or such. if they are ones someone else made, likely then something else like the margins being set in the printer ppd file or so03:53
lacitcarpah, i got it.  it was kpdf thinking that my paper size was A4 by default :)03:56
lacitcarpand then not actually honoring the setting when i tried changing it with 'ok' - you need to click 'save'03:56
jason_froebedoh!  I should have thought of that .. ugh too little caffeine in the bloodstream03:57
lacitcarpit was the unsaved setting that got me confused03:58
* genii slides jason_froebe a fresh coffee04:00
jason_froebe* thanks :)04:00
geniijason_froebe: Anytime04:00
jason_froebetrying to burp my month old son so I might not reply for a bit04:02
jason_froebeno burp so he's still loaded ;-)04:06
AliTarihiHi anyone knows about adding google gadgets to KDE 4.2?04:07
jason_froebeI think there was an article in Linux Journal about a year ago on Google gadgets - other than that don't know much about 'em04:10
tweakedehWhat one would be better.... Dell Wireless 1397 802.11g Half Mini-Card ..... Dell Wireless 1515 802.11 Wireless-N Mini-card ...... Intel WiFi Link 5100 802.11 Wireless-N Mini Card04:16
jason_froebeif your laptop is Dell, go with the 151504:17
tweakedehAny reason why?04:18
tweakedehand yes my laptop is a dell, Every one in ##hardware is talking about cheese....04:19
jason_froebe1) it will support 802.11n  2) I've had better luck with Dell nics in Dell laptops04:19
tweakedehI see.04:19
tweakedehThanks jason_froebe04:19
chris0so, how's the Intrepid update going? I'm trying to decide whether it's hung my (other) machine04:24
chris0yup. watching it do its thing through top via ssh04:25
jason_froebenight all - will be back on in the morning ('tis 10:30pm here)04:25
geniijason_froebe: G'nite04:27
chris0well, lessee if I just killed my brand-new kubuntu install...04:31
chris0Intrepid | fsck. It's KDE 4.1 and it screwed over my VNC server04:34
chris0on the bright side, it does now support 640x480 screen resolution which it wasn't doing before...04:36
Barridushey all, i'm new to KDE and loving it.  just wish i could enable logins so they are always fresh sessions and not to reopen everything i had on shutdown.  i'm sure it's simple, but i'm blind apparently.  any help, folks?  :)04:52
geniiBarridus: Look into Sessions area of System Settings04:53
Barridusoops, heh.  thanks genii :)04:54
geniiBarridus: Anytime :)04:55
leeXHey all, is there anyway to set keyboard shortcuts in kde 4.2?05:04
DragnslicerSystem Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse05:05
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leeXI want to set a combo like alt-F7 to run a script, it does not seem to have a way to add new combinations for new commands05:05
paolocan anyone help me how to upgrade my firefox into the newest version?05:11
thumperpaolo: what version is it?05:11
thumperpaolo: the firefox upgrades should come through with the rest of the security updates05:12
paolothumper:version 305:15
paolothumper ahhh..ic05:16
paolothumper: thanks05:16
thumperhow do you know that you aren't on the latest?05:16
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susbwoyFor some reason, facebook will not login using firefox in KDE, but in Konqueror, it will. Kubuntu 8.1005:50
susbwoyJust after an explanation05:50
OwnatikHi, I accidently closed the desktop widget. How can I re-enable it?05:54
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Guest46047yes i am05:54
Guest46047any workarounds for nvidia cards and plasma yet05:55
Guest46047um...is this thing on?05:56
Guest46047hey cathy05:57
Guest46047hey cathy05:58
paolocan anyone help me how to install flashplugin?06:10
paoloflashplayer rather06:11
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:13
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.06:22
SupermetalfreakTime to update, don't ya think06:22
geniiYeah, maybe :)06:26
geniiHowever, Dapper is still supported. Especially server version until 201006:27
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:00
geniiI really need to pay more attention to the enter/exits.....07:00
agathey are just so quick... 15 seconds :p07:00
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usermake_hello! how can i get the alternate cd installer (advance install) to detect and reuse my lvm on encrypted partition?07:14
usermake_i think it's called "expert"07:15
paolothumper:on facebook07:36
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anoncosOK, guys... Kubuntu 9.04 beta is... quite frankly, beautiful07:47
ActionParsnipruns nice07:47
anoncosI have a question... if I install it now and start the two day process of getting everything I need installed on there, will I have to reinstall when the real release date is?07:48
ActionParsnipanoncos: no, you are using the same repos as the final release so you will upgrade into final with normal updating07:49
anoncosOh God, I love you.07:49
usermake_anoncos: you will have to reinstall some packages07:49
anoncosusermake_: How will I know what I need to reinstall?07:49
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usermake_anoncos: i just used your word. updates.07:49
anoncosOh, nice07:49
usermake_anoncos: updating is enough07:49
anoncosMan... it's 2am and I'm thinking about installing it right now =/07:50
ActionParsnipabout what?07:50
ActionParsnipinstalling beta is pretty ok, try a usb stick install first if you like. great way to test releases before comitting to a full upgrade07:51
anoncosPutting it on a VM on my main boxen07:52
ActionParsnipanoncos: not the same due to the vm using virtual hardware07:53
anoncosI have to run it in a VM unfortunately... :(  I need Windows for some network stuff I do.07:55
macgarthurhi everyone07:56
ActionParsnipanoncos: then its pointless as it may not like your system hardware but may run fine on the virtaulised hardware07:56
ActionParsnip!hi | macgarthur07:57
ubottumacgarthur: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!07:57
macgarthuranyone running ubuntu 8.10?07:57
ActionParsnipanoncos: in a vm, the hardware is virtualised07:57
anoncosI've already got the beta release installed.  I like it.  I will be running it in a VM in production07:57
anoncosWell, I'm going to get it ready so I can upgrade to the final release when the time comes07:58
ActionParsnipanoncos: you may have hardware which is not jaunty friendly or may even work out of the box where it didnt previously07:58
usermake_macgarthur: you will find more people running ubuntu 8.10 on #ubuntu. this is #kubuntu.07:58
ActionParsnipanoncos: virtualised hardware will  not show this fact07:58
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ActionParsnipanoncos: oh i see, youve tested it. thats cool.07:59
anoncosAnd I'm fine with that.  lol.  I don't care if it doesn't like running natively on my computer, as I'll be using it in a VM   :07:59
ActionParsnipwe use VM here but they areall windows based08:03
[-Haza-]Morning folks. Can anyone recommend a good GUI based SCP client for Kubuntu?08:19
Countquick question, does anyone know of various kde programs crashing? ie, all of my 'kde' programs keep crashing, kate, konsole, (although kde4 version works) etc08:21
Lindowswhich version of kde are you using?08:21
genii[-Haza-]:  Yu can usually just do in dolphin or konqueror    fish://08:21
CountI have latest kde4 from the kubuntu repos, as well as 3.5 whatever it is08:22
Countthe kde4 programs work, but the kde 3.5 ones are the ones that tend to crash08:22
menaxgot a question, I have just installed Kubuntu08:23
Lindowsmaybe somebody knows better than me, but I've never tried to run both kde 3.5 and 4 on the same machine, you might have dependency issues08:24
menaxthe speaker icons appears but when i tried to see a cideo with VLC or use amarok to play mp3 nothing is on the headphones, they are plugged08:24
Lindowswhere kde 3.5 is expecting something that isn't there because kde 4 got rid of it08:24
ActionParsnipmenax: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded08:24
[-Haza-]genii: Ahh smart08:24
geniiCount: The Jaunty KDE3.5 cd is highly experimental and no support is provided here. They *may* decide to help you in #ubuntu+1 (which is also #kubuntu+1 )08:25
menaxI didn made the md5 but I have downloaded from th kubuntu webpage08:25
Countum, I have no idea what you're talking about genii08:25
ActionParsnipmenax: maybe you have a bad disk, doesnt matter where its downloaded from,if the image has garbaged in transmission it is useless08:26
menaxWhen I tried the live cd the sound was there08:26
menaxbut now with the install on hard dirve, the sound doesn output through my headphones, everything seems to be installed correctly on this installation08:27
geniiCount: I misread a bit your comment and mis interpreted as that you had downloaded the Kubuntu 9.04 cd with KDE 3.508:27
ActionParsnipmenax: check your iso is ok first then we'llgo from there08:27
marceloI installed a older version of LimeWire Pro and now I am trying to go back to the new version but when I try to install the package it gives me a error saying that they conflict with each other, and I can't figure out how to unistall the older version.  It is not listed in the package manager,  I am sort of new to Kubuntu Thanx for your help.08:27
menaxthis kubuntu has a md5 check to do it right now?08:27
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:27
peachesanyone know the gstreamer package that provides video/mp4 codec08:28
menaxgreat, thanks!08:28
ActionParsnipmenax: md5 ALL ISO files if there is an MD5 sum available08:28
Lindowsmarcelo, have you tried reinstalling the new version?08:28
ActionParsnipmenax: data downloads are not always perfect,md5 can  be used to check08:29
Lindowslike, if you are using synaptic, "mark for reinstallation"08:30
menaxI have the iso on a external disk, how can i get there throw the console¿08:30
marceloLindows:  I have tryed it but it says :  "Error: Conflicts with the installed package 'limewire-pro'"08:30
[-Haza-]genii: Any idea how i can specify my own ssh key with fish://  ?08:31
ActionParsnipmenax: connect the device, if it doesnt automount i can guide you08:31
Lindowstry command line: apt-get remove limewire-pro08:31
ActionParsnipLindows: apt-get needs sudo ;)08:33
Lindowsahh, yes08:33
genii[-Haza-]:  I think you want to look at package called keychain. I haven't tried this myself, however08:33
Lindowsdon't forget sudo08:33
marceloLindows: That did it,   thanks08:33
[-Haza-]genii: Thats good enough for me :)08:33
menaxHow do i get to my external drive through the Kosnole?08:33
ActionParsnipmenax: if you type: cd /media; ls08:34
ActionParsnipmenax: you should see it mounted there if its automounted08:34
genii[-Haza-]:  There is a related type article on this at http://timothybowler.com/2009/01/20/ssh-and-automated-backup/ which I was just looking at, may help you08:34
ActionParsnipmenax: if not it may need manually mounting08:34
menax:D it is, nice to understand how this works! Iḿ getting off of windows, tired of low responses and viruses ... etc08:34
[-Haza-]genii: Cheers! Just looking at it now08:35
ActionParsnipmenax: is there a folder in /media ?08:35
geniiSorry not to be of more assistance, I require slep soon08:35
* [-Haza-] needs a better all round development setup... typing in scp manually everytime he needs to upload is.. tough08:35
[-Haza-]genii: No worries :)08:35
menaxthere is two CD rom, one green rectangle and my extarnal drive (my book)08:35
menaxthat green box, has something but cannoit read, I got green over black08:36
ActionParsnipmenax: ok then use   cd <folder name that represents your usb drive>08:36
ActionParsnipmenax: and you are then accessing the device08:36
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menaxok, this iso has the same md5 check has indicated on the hashes for jubuntu08:38
menaxso my cd instalaltion is clean of errors08:39
itai_hi 2 questions= what is the default pdf reader on kubuntu and can i run konqueror in a different language in an english session?08:39
Guest32339Would anybody be able to help me with vmware server? I've installed vmware but I do not know how to start it up08:39
ActionParsnipok thats good08:40
ActionParsnipmenax: ok have you got full updates yet?08:40
menaxyep, like 287 updates were installed08:40
ActionParsnipGuest32339: should be in the k menu08:40
faLUCEhi. I can't find khexedit anymore in the pkgs list.... any idea ?08:41
ActionParsnipmenax: ok, run this command: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; lspci | pastebinit08:41
ActionParsnip!find hexed08:41
ubottuFound: hexedit, ncurses-hexedit08:41
ActionParsnip!info hexedit08:41
ubottuhexedit (source: hexedit): view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.12-3 (intrepid), package size 27 kB, installed size 112 kB08:41
ActionParsnip!find hex08:42
ubottuFound: libconvert-binhex-perl, ghex, ghextris, hex, hex-a-hop (and 10 others)08:42
Lindowsguest32339, i dont have any experience with vmware, but with kvm, you still have to install the OS you wish to virtualize, I'm guessing you do something similar08:42
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: apt-cache search hex | less08:42
faLUCEActionParsnip: I'm not searching for hexedit08:42
menaxinstalling, what it is??08:42
faLUCEI'm searching Khexedit08:42
ActionParsnipmenax: its a handy pastebin app  for putting multiple lines into a link for us to read08:43
menaxok it finish08:43
itai_Guest12637, i believe you can run it from terminal, vmserver or vmware-server or something like that, put vm and click tab twice see what comes up08:43
ActionParsnipmenax: it will generate a url in konsole, copy / paste it here08:43
menaxoh, ok got it08:43
Guest32339@Lindows It is not in k menu08:43
Lindowsguest32339, tried under "lost and found" ?08:44
ActionParsnipmenax: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54693108:45
ActionParsnipmenax: what is the output of   lsb_release -c08:46
menaxcodename: intrepid08:48
ActionParsnipok thats fine08:49
menaxsorry but how can i modify that file, i tried open it with dolphgin but then when save I haven wnough rights. sorry but i tried the windows mode :D08:49
menaxdolphin to get to the folder, kate to edit the file08:50
geniikdesudo dolphin08:50
menaxand that command can only be run at console?08:51
ActionParsnipts easier, there may be a k menu item for kdesudo but generally you wont e launching that command much in day to day actions08:52
menaxwell tried kdesudo dolphin, now it says it cannot run kate08:52
ActionParsnipmenax: sudo apt-get install kate; kdesudo kate08:53
menaxkate is already installed08:54
menaxit works running kdesudo kate :D08:54
menaxnow that value is htere should I restart?08:54
ActionParsnipfine, the next command will execute regardless08:54
ActionParsnipas you see08:54
ActionParsnipmenax: you need to open the file you need to edit08:54
ActionParsnipsave the new file, reboot08:55
menaxI have already edited the alsa-base, added the lne and save08:55
genii"Can't run kate" ??  Are you using KDE ?08:55
menaxyep, is Kubuntu :D08:55
menaxok I will reboot08:55
menaxsee you soon08:55
menaxwhat distro of ubuntu is better for a non linux ever user?08:56
ActionParsnipgenii: it was already installed, seems weird. i ran the install kate to cover all bases08:56
menaxUbuntu or kubutnu, there are other interfaces as mythubuntu ior something like that, why so many?08:56
ActionParsnipmenax: any except fluxbuntu (which is an unofficial release anyway)08:56
menaxoh I see08:56
menaxwell going to reboot, thanks for the support :D08:57
menaxIçm getting in love of this, windows puaj!08:57
ActionParsnipmenax: its the same under the hood, just a different front usually or some different default features but all *buntus use the same repos so can easily be hybridded between08:57
menaxsee ya08:57
menaxhi again09:01
menaxstill not sound, I hear like it tried to do it but just a sec of sound, nothing more09:01
ActionParsnipmenax: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96601309:03
lokaiWhere do you change the desktop icon size in KDE 3.5?09:09
lokaiNevermind, found it. systemsettings->appearance->icons->advanced ^^09:10
menaxgot it work now09:20
menaxI made it with only alsamixer09:20
menaxthe PCM volume was 0, i set it to max and now I got sound!!09:21
ActionParsnipsweet, wtg man09:21
ActionParsnipmenax: make sure you are fully updated: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:22
menaxok run that commands09:24
menaxnothing to install or update :D09:24
menaxweird that was reported and still not working from scratch install?09:24
ActionParsnipwell it was working, just very quietly09:25
menaxyeah but how it willl be that PCM was set at 009:26
cuzntsudo apt-get aspirin!09:26
menaxwell Iḿ happy it wasn so big the issue09:26
menaxthere is a GUI alsamixer for that¿09:26
menaxwell I think mthe mixer for default should control that, maybe I didn saw that before, i see in the mixer two front volumes :S09:28
menaxyup that is the same I get with the speaker icon09:29
menaxthere is were I saw the two fron volumes09:29
menaxmaybe one of them is the PCM on alsamixer09:29
ActionParsnipmaybe, have a play with the sliders, see what you find09:30
menaxthe PCM can be added to Kmix09:32
menaxnow I saw a commandline to save the alsamixer values, kmix needs something extra to save the settings on volume? o r just when I restart it saves automaticly the settings?09:32
ActionParsnipmenax: afaik, it saves when you exit the app09:33
menaxitś late here in Chile09:33
menax4:30 AM09:33
menaxgot to work tomorrow 8:00 AM09:33
menaxthis kubuntu doesn let me sleep itś amazing that I can do same things thatn in windows and itś faster :D09:34
ActionParsnipsounds like how i roll, have a nap at 3pm, you'll be fine09:34
ActionParsnipmenax: its has a lower ram footprint than vista in most cases09:34
menaxhey something extra, there is something needed to improve more the disk or system performance, taht maybe is disabled or not compatible just to check?09:34
ActionParsnipmenax: you can reduce swappiness on the drive so its only used if necessary09:35
Guest32339Does anyone know how to install vmware on kubuntu?09:36
menaxI got a little feel tahat itś not dast on some situations, compared to an old pentium 4 wih ubuntu. I think there is something strange on my installation09:36
cuzntlike no spyware strange? p0rn0 strange? or unwimdowz like strange09:37
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menaxLOL, nothing of that is a clean installation09:38
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware09:38
menaxit feels like Hard drive is wroikign too much, is a 160 GB Sata drive09:38
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ActionParsnipmenax: swappiness will reduce that, look into it after a sleep09:38
menaxwhere is that, soory newbie :D09:39
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:41
ActionParsnipmenax: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255511&postcount=4309:41
menaxshouls I look there?09:41
ActionParsnipmenax: if you have enough ram to hold your programs, 1Gb is enough for standard desktop, then swappiness of 0 to 10 will reduce disk usage09:42
menaxgreat, how can i know what is already set?09:43
ActionParsnipnot sure09:43
ActionParsnipi always set it off the bat so i couldnt tell you personally09:43
dwidmanncat /proc/swaps09:43
menaxFilename                                Type            Size    UsedPriority09:44
menax/dev/sda5                               partition       1895628 0  -109:44
menaxit says use 009:48
ActionParsnipmenax: well you arent really doing much right now09:49
ActionParsnipmenax: leaveit as is and use your system, run the command occasionally to see whats going on09:49
ActionParsnipmenax: if it never leaves o then you can set swappiness to something like 1 - 5 to reduce disk use09:49
menaxok, i see maybe need to tet more then09:50
menaxwell thatnks for all09:50
menaxyou gys rulez!09:50
anubhavAnybody working on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/29797610:04
bolt_can you help me?10:06
craiggb90hi, upon login into kde4 it seems to take about a minute to log in,  it seems to be down to kde selecting the wrong audio device as it always comes up with a popup telling me it has failed and its switched to another, i was wondering if theres someway i can configure it to not even try those other devices,  it still seems to try them first even though i have set the one that does work to preferred, if not is there any way to re10:06
craiggb90move these devices from being loaded?10:06
bolt_i have a problom with flash player10:07
bolt_can anyone help me10:08
anubhavbolt_: atleast describe your problem10:09
bolt_flash player wont install at all10:09
anubhavyou are downloading it from acrobat?10:10
anubhavbolt_: it comes with a installation script10:10
bolt_tryed that10:11
anubhavbolt_: what is the error that you get10:11
ActionParsnipbolt_: dont ask in both channels, you look silly10:12
bolt_instlation error10:12
anubhavbolt_: ASAIK the script just copies the .so10:12
anubhavbolt_: is it a permission issue?10:13
bolt_i don't know10:14
ActionParsnipbolt_: download http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
ActionParsnipbolt_: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins10:15
ActionParsnipI'll assume you use firefox like every other user10:15
ActionParsnipthen extract the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins10:15
ActionParsnipkill all firefoxes and rerun, job doe10:16
ActionParsnipor if you want the full command:10:17
ActionParsnipoh well10:18
anubhavbolt_: you can also try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash10:19
bolt_Ark keeps not responding when i type a full stop10:23
ActionParsnipbolt_: you got flash now?10:24
bolt_err no10:24
ActionParsnipbolt_: i gave you some instructions and a file link10:24
anubhavbolt_: you can  type :tar xvzf libflashplayer-
bolt_witch made my computer crash10:25
anubhavbolt_: that will extract the .so10:25
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ActionParsnipbolt_: wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-; tar zxvf ./libflashplayer-
ActionParsnipbolt_: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; mv *.so ~/.mozilla/plugins; rm libflashplayer-
ActionParsnip4 simple commands10:28
bolt_actionparsnip: this was the seccond time my computer crashed (once today, once yesterday) could it be that i still have hrdy stuff on my pc that does that?10:30
ActionParsnipbolt_: possibly. i dont know and you have no way of knowing either10:30
bolt_well that command di somthing , NOT10:32
bolt_well back to my remote control10:34
bolt_what do i do?10:36
bolt_actionparsnip: well , it exstracted now what10:38
bolt_actionparsnip: well , it exstracted now what10:39
bolt_actionparsnip: well , it exstracted now what10:40
kyle_Sorry to bug, Does any one know how i can rename a file in konsole10:41
kyle_from konsole10:44
lokaimultiple desktops are fubar'd on my KDE 3.5. They simply do not work (settings always revert back to 1 desktop). Any ideas?11:00
Tm_Tlokai: using Compiz?11:02
lokaiTm_T: Yes.11:03
Tm_Tlokai: then it's up to Compiz to handle desktops (:11:03
Tm_T!compiz | lokai11:03
ubottulokai: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion11:03
lokaiTm_T: Fubar's there also. Doesn't give me the option to set more than one desktop.11:03
Tm_Tlokai: see what ubottu said, I have no idea about compiz11:04
lokaiI'm using ccsm. The place where it has an option to set number of desktops won't let me put anything other than 111:04
Barbadillohi all11:18
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Barbadillomy xorg suddenly goes segfault11:18
Barbadilloi updated the nvidia driver to 180 as recommended11:20
Barbadilloand after that xorg does not start anymore11:21
blip-hi, anyone know when kde4.2 will move from the unsupported repos to main repos on jaunty 8.10 ?11:22
Barbadilloi can't believe an operating system after years of development is still totally unusable11:23
Barbadillowhat the fuck can i do if xorg goes segfault11:24
bazhangBarbadillo, no cursing please11:24
Barbadillothere's no reason for that11:24
bazhangBarbadillo, which os 'is unusable'; please explain11:24
Barbadillosorry i'm really upset11:24
Barbadilloxorg segfault11:25
Barbadillobazhang: kubuntu suggest me to change the nvidia driver and after that no xorg at all11:25
Barbadilloi mean, don't suggest anything, let the user choose11:26
Barbadillonow i have to brake my head another time for hours11:26
Barbadilloi can't believe it11:26
blip- is it a bad idea to install the unsupported kde4.2 and then upgrade when it goes to the main ?   on 8.1011:27
bazhangblip-, are you crossposting?11:27
Barbadillomy os is totally fucked up11:27
blip-bazhang: yes I'm asking in here instead, since it's a kde question11:27
Barbadillojust because i followed a suggestion11:28
bazhangBarbadillo, stop with the language11:28
blip-Barbadillo: go back to windows then and stop whining11:28
Barbadilloblip-: i'm not using windows since 3.1 so shut up11:28
bazhangblip-, do you plan on upgrading to jaunty eventually?11:29
bazhang!coc > Barbadillo11:29
ubottuBarbadillo, please see my private message11:29
blip-bazhang: hmm I'm not sure, I guess I will but not before a few months11:29
bazhangblip-, no idea if it will go to main11:29
blip-bazhang: someone mentioned to me that 4.2 may never move out of unsupported on 8.1011:29
blip-given 8.10 is rather old11:30
bazhangblip-, aye that is true11:30
blip-I just upgraded from 8.0411:30
dwidmannIt's not *that* old ... it's just not the shiny and new thing,and it's not lts ...11:30
bazhangblip-,  if 4.1 works for you, maybe stick with it11:30
blip-bazhang: so in general, does one expect things in the unsupported section to be less stable or less tested11:30
bazhangblip-, backports you mean?11:30
blip-bazhang: i'm not very familiar with the structure of the repos.  I had to enable unsupported updates to see 4.211:31
bazhangblip-, right, I think that is backports11:31
blip-my undestanding is things eventually get moved to "normal supported updates11:31
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:32
devilsadvocateblip-, no11:32
dwidmannblip: in theory yes, in practice not all that often11:32
bazhanga step up from experimental iirc11:32
bazhangso some risk , but likely fairly stable11:32
devilsadvocateblip-, once the version freeze is done, majot changes are not pushed to the repo11:32
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devilsadvocatethat is only done in the case of some very heavily used application if they dont have complex dependancies etc11:33
blip-devilsadvocate: and version freeze applies to version 8.10 that is ?11:33
dwidmannthey do get pushed to "updates" for lts releases every so often though ...11:33
blip-ok I get it11:33
devilsadvocateblip-, version freeze happens during the 8.10 dev cycle11:33
devilsadvocateso something x.y is the version freeze11:33
blip-hmm I guess i'll just upgrade to unsupported 4.2 and not wait then.  given it may never be pushed to main11:33
devilsadvocateand if x.y+1 comes out and its a security update it will come into main11:33
blip-ah ok11:33
blip-thanks guys11:34
devilsadvocateif x.y+1 is not a security upgrae, like x.y+n, x+1.y1, etc, then it wont ever come into main/universe11:34
devilsadvocateit might come into backports, depending on the demand, etc11:34
devilsadvocateblip-, the intrepid backports has a decent 4.211:35
devilsadvocatepersonally i use the kubuntu-experimental ppa11:35
blip-devilsadvocate: decent as in it's missing something that is found on the 4.2 in 9.04 ?11:36
devilsadvocateblip-, the ppa has 4.2.211:36
devilsadvocatei cant be sure what 9.04 will have11:36
devilsadvocatethere are some differences11:36
blip-I'm not that adventurous :)11:36
devilsadvocate(cant be sure as in have not checked.. i plan on staying with kubuntu-experimental :P )11:37
dwidmann!info kdebase jaunty11:38
ubottukdebase (source: kdebase): base applications from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 69 kB, installed size 180 kB11:38
ShackTiDeHI all. There was a great feature to edit right click on desktop with KDE 3.5. Now in kde4 (Kubuntu 8.10) I cannot find such item and I cannot make a simple kicker with just one color. Is that so or I haven't found these options?11:47
pteagueis there no longer a way to stretch a wallpaper across 2 monitors?12:10
devilsadvocatepteague, i dont thiknk it is currently possible to have different wallpapers on different desktops12:11
pteaguei have a dual monitor setup...  in hardy i could set a wallpaper to stretch across both, separate wallpapers on each monitor, & even separate sets of wallpapers on each desktop12:13
adiktdHELP!!!!!! - HOWTO: SB audidgy SE kubuntu (NOT WORIN DRIVER ISSUE) PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!!!12:14
bazhangadiktd, no need for the caps and the !!!12:16
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ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:33
||arifaXknode does not send to newsgroups it tells me file could not be written: news.abc.com (translated from german to english)12:58
||arifaXcan someone help?12:58
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adiktdHELP!!!!!! - HOWTO: SB audidgy SE kubuntu (NOT WORIN DRIVER ISSUE) PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!!!13:12
Mamarokadiktd: don't shout please!13:12
bazhangadiktd, lose the caps13:13
adiktdsorry kinda at points end atm13:13
adiktdhelp!!!!!! - HowTo: SB audidgy SE -  kubuntu (Not workin driver issue) please help meeeeee!!!13:13
bazhangadiktd, repeating with caps will get you zero help13:14
adiktdlost the caps13:14
adiktdsoz been forced 2 the drink cause of this stupid soundcard13:16
Mamarokadiktd: but you still shout, no need to do so, just ask a simple question13:16
* adiktd appolz13:16
adiktdhow in gods name to i get SB audidgy SE to work on k/ubunutu13:17
Mamarok!sound | adiktd13:17
ubottuadiktd: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:17
bazhangadiktd, what make and model of pc13:18
adiktdP4 3.2 HT13:18
adiktdhere see if i got a scipt13:18
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:18
am_hey guys, I've got an intel X4500 chipset and i'm currently running the latest jaunty with UXA / DRI2 and composite off. I know its not yet released but I was hoping someone here was currently running it on an intel chip and had managed to get it so that it was as snappy as intrepid. Anyone have some ideas I might be able to try13:19
ActionParsnip!jaunty | am_13:19
ubottuam_: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:19
am_ok thanks13:19
ActionParsnipam_ if intrepid was fine, why upgrade?13:20
am_ActionParsnip: erm..it was fine graphics wise :)13:20
am_actually it was great graphics wise13:20
ActionParsnipthen why uprade?13:20
am_just the rest of the machine didn't work so well13:20
am_but the good news is that _everything_ works in jaunty..cept the graphics =)13:21
adiktdnah all i can tell u is gigiabyte mb13:22
adiktdp4 HT13:22
adiktdSB aud SE 5.113:22
adiktd512 1650 ATI gfx13:22
adiktdneed sound!13:22
adiktdhelp appreciated13:22
ActionParsnipadiktd: can you give the output of: lspci | grep -i audio13:23
=== Haza1__ is now known as [-Haza-]
adiktd02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LSv13:24
adiktdaction: 02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LSv13:24
adiktdActionParsnip,  02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LSv13:25
ActionParsnipadiktd: creative are a PITA13:25
adiktdsoz diff client13:25
adiktdso wats me next set?13:25
ActionParsnipadiktd: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/creative-labs-sb-audigy-ls-alsa-no-sound-361619/13:26
adiktdthanks heaps ActionParsnip13:27
chfwiggumwill jaunty ship with kdevelop4?13:28
ActionParsnipadiktd: fyi some creative cards are an utter pain to work in linux and i have no idea why people buy them13:28
ActionParsnip!jaunty | chfwiggum13:28
ubottuchfwiggum: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:28
adiktdive heard that but was free and onboard shat itself so13:28
adiktdgonna make do13:28
ActionParsnipadiktd: creative have issues supporting windows themselves13:28
adiktdyer iv noticed but this is just a fun box13:29
adiktdgonna move on 2 the real thin next mth13:29
adiktdexpect 2 hear alot more of me13:29
ActionParsnipreal thing?13:30
adiktdreal thing = dual pehnom 2 quads with 8GB13:32
ActionParsnipi see13:32
* adiktd cant wait13:32
ActionParsnipwhats it gonna b used for?13:32
* adiktd runs P4 3.2 and duo 2.213:32
adiktdgonna b storage and shoutcast13:33
ActionParsnipyou dont need super power for that13:33
adiktdyer i no but its fun13:33
* ActionParsnip runs anything from a p3 500 coppermine 128Mb to a 1.6 semperon AM2 1Gb13:33
adiktdi got short mem span so i run a few task at once13:33
adiktdi aint that comp lit so cant deal with that13:34
adiktdone day13:34
adiktdhad gf of 5yrs kinda fell outa the loop13:35
adiktdjust gettin back in2 it13:35
=== almox is now known as James
=== James is now known as Guest97921
Guest97921ola tem alguem fala portugues?13:46
bazhang#ubuntu-pt or #ubuntu-br13:47
Guest97921thanks, ok13:47
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:47
Gubahi all13:53
Gubai have problem13:53
Gubawith mu13:53
Gubavirtual desktops13:53
Gubait displays all opened windows in all desktops13:54
Gubai want to change it13:54
Gubaany help13:54
bazhangGuba, with mu?13:55
Gubamy english i bad13:55
Gubai speak different one13:55
bazhangGuba, compiz-fusion?13:55
Guba i do not know how you call it13:56
Gubaor somthing13:56
bazhangGuba, in what version of kubuntu13:56
MamarokGuba: what is your language?13:57
bazhangGuba, you mean the desktop effects, when all windows are displayed, reduced in size?13:57
MamarokGuba: please do not query people for support13:58
MamarokGuba, stop reopening that query all the time, please, speak here only!13:59
=== Odin is now known as Guest10246
gillesi'm using kde 4.2.2 and got a big problem using dolphin file manager14:00
MamarokGuba: what is the international sign for Montenegro, mg?14:00
Gubai think14:00
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:00
Mamarokwell, so much for local help :(14:00
Gubaso mamarok how can configure tihs14:01
gilleson a particulary folder it takes up to five minutes before i can act14:01
MamarokGuba: do you speak any other language well?14:01
Gubasta ima raja14:01
Gubakako ste14:01
Gubai tako14:01
gillesthis is very annoying14:01
MamarokGuba: Guba in English, please, or tell me which other language you speak14:01
Mamarokgilles: is this on a remote drive?14:02
Gubacan anybody  tell me how can i configure this  virtual  desktops?14:02
gillesno on my hard rive14:02
gilleson others folders it runs fine14:03
Mamarokgilles: that is strange, something wrong with your folder maybe?14:03
Mamarokdoes it have a particular name with special characters?14:03
gillesno using another filemanager or antoher "live" distro it displays fine14:03
bazhang #ubuntu-me for montenegro Guba14:03
MamarokGuba: I didn't understand your question, please repeat, all in one line please14:03
Mamarokbazhang: that doesn't seem to exist14:04
gillesi got no clue of whats happening14:04
Mamarokgilles: neither do I, I have KDE 4.2.2 myself and have never seen that14:05
Mamarokno special characters at all like öüäéèà?14:05
bazhangMamarok, yep it does but only one user (me); there is a topic and it is a channel however14:05
=== jabba_ is now known as _jabba
Gubai want to configure mu virtual desktops in kubuntu, not in compiz,14:05
gillesit's my download folder with all my software, drivers, etc14:05
gillesits ntfs14:06
Gubabecause i do not want to be displayed like this14:06
Gubais this ok?14:06
* _jabba &14:06
Mamarokgilles: oh, that might be the problem then14:06
gillesthen why nautilus displays fine ?14:07
MamarokGuba: you want to remove the desktop effects or what do you want to do?14:07
Mamarokgilles: I don't know, I never had problems with Dolphin, it also can read my ntfs partitions fine in KDE 4.2.214:08
Gubai want to cofigure it but i can not find it14:08
Gubawhere is it?\14:08
MamarokGuba: go to the System Settings in the Menu, then choose "Desktop"14:09
=== Guest12637 is now known as Dragnslcr
gillesit seems to be a kubuntu bug, with opensuse livecd, it displays fine14:09
Gubai'm there14:10
Marcixhi everybody14:10
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:10
gillesanyoneknows how to reset only dolphin ?14:10
Mamarokgilles: one I can't reproduce, it works fine here14:10
Dragnslcr!pm | Guba14:11
ubottuGuba: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:11
Mamarokgilles: you use Intrepid, right?14:11
Gubais here somthing like bonton?14:11
Gubaso i can read it14:11
Mamarokgilles: ask in #ubuntu+1 then14:12
MamarokGuba: what is bonton?14:12
Gubabonton - nice behavior14:12
Marcixanyone has got a xbox 360 on ics?14:12
Gubasomthing like that14:12
bazhangits ics14:13
gillesbut this bug is also present with intrepid14:13
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:13
Mamarok!Guidelines | Guba14:13
ubottuGuba: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:13
Mamarokgilles: as I said, I can't reproduce it, do you mind seraching for the bug in launchpad.net please?14:15
gillesi've already searches14:15
Mamarokgilles: if you don't find an existing bug, report it, and give as much informations you can, please14:17
Mamarokpartition type, folder name, premissions, etc.14:17
Mamarok!es | usuario14:22
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:22
Mamarokusuario: and lpease do not shout, remove your caps14:22
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:24
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
alumnosHola buenos dias ..alguien me puede decir como entro a un canal en español..para una consulta de kubuntu?14:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:36
alumnosMuchisimas gracias..vere si hay tantos usuarios como en este?14:36
contrastGreets, everyone...14:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:38
contrasthey genii14:38
contrastDoes anyone know whether it's safe to run "chmod -R g+w ~"?14:39
contrast(I know what the command does, just not sure if there may be any negative repercussions.)14:40
Mamarokcontrast: you want this to apply to the files in /home?14:41
contrastMamarok: correct14:41
Mamarokthen why not write ~/ ?14:41
Mamarokinstead of just ~14:41
contrastwell, that's what the -R is for, right? ;)14:42
Mamarokright, but I still put the /, so you are sure it works14:42
alumnosHola..algun kubuntero en esta sala que hable español..y me pueda guiar en un problema que tengo con mi tarjeta nvidia..?14:43
alumnosya estuve en kubuntu es..pero no hay dispuesto a colaborar14:43
contrastMamarok: that's how i usually do it... so you're not sure if making everything in $HOME writable by my group could cause problems?14:44
Mamarokwhy should it? But then, why do you need to do so, it will apply to all hidden files too14:45
gadevoialumnos : intente en el canal #ubuntu-es14:45
alumnosok..gracias gadevoi14:46
contrastMamarok: that's the idea. i'm the only other person in the group - two accounts, one for media center settings, the other for when it's not hooked up to the tele.14:47
contrastMamarok: thanks for the reassurance. :)14:48
Mamarokcontrast: there shouldn't be problem IMHO, unless you have files where you are not the owner14:48
Tm_Tcontrast: well, there's some files that insist to be only readable by you, cannot remember which ones though14:48
contrasthrmm... i seem to remember reading that somewhere. i didn't think they were in $HOME though.14:48
Tm_Tgnupg and ssh stuff atleast I believe should be only for the user14:49
Mamarokright, forgot about those14:49
noaXesshi all14:50
contrastof course... any others you know of, Tm_T, maybe kde's pim stuff?14:51
contrast!hi noaXess14:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi noaXess14:51
Tm_Tcontrast: cannot remember14:51
noaXessi'm searching for a good financial software for KDE4.. for business, financial management.. any idea, tip?14:51
contrast!hi | noaXess14:52
ubottunoaXess: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:52
contrastheh, there we go.14:52
noaXesscontrast: :) thanks14:52
MamaroknoaXess: KMyMoney, the best I know14:52
noaXessnot new.. but today first time14:52
contrastnoaXess: afaik, if you strictly mean KDE4, i don't think there's anything yet.14:53
noaXess!info kmymoney14:53
ubottuPackage kmymoney does not exist in intrepid14:53
Mamarokcontrast: KMymoney is platform independent14:53
Mamarokof course it is, !kmymoney214:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kmymoney214:53
Mamarok!info kmymoney214:54
ubottukmymoney2 (source: kmymoney2): personal finance manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2 (intrepid), package size 2838 kB, installed size 7976 kB14:54
noaXessis kmymoney based on kde3,, right?..14:54
contrastnoaXess: did you mean specifically mean something that integrates with kde4, or just anything that will run on it?14:54
contrastnoaXess: that's right14:55
Mamarokit doesn't matter, it works very well in KDE 4, trust me :)14:55
contrastit's funny - gtk apps actually integrate better into kde4 than kde3 apps. :-\14:55
keldronahi guys... I've got kbluetooth4 in offline mode on kubuntu 8.10... how can I turn it online?14:55
Mamarokkeldrona: there should be an icon in the system tray, right click on it14:56
keldronaMamarok: I haven't any icon on system tray14:56
Mamarokkeldrona: then it's not loaded at all, not even offline14:57
noaXessMamarok: ok.. thanks.. do you know any other, similar soft?14:57
keldronaMamarok: I have it on System Activity14:57
contrastnoaXess: for kde4 in particular, i don't think anything in that field exists yet. might check kde-apps.org14:58
MamaroknoaXess: not for business, no14:58
contrastkeldrona: does the terminal yield anything useful if you run kbluetooth4 from it?14:58
noaXessMamarok: contrast: ok14:58
MamaroknoaXess: and rest assured, I use it since quite some time, it really is the best out there14:58
=== javier__ is now known as Helio-2000
Mamarokunless you want a fully fledged ERP system14:58
keldronacontrast: kbluetooth4(6106) Solid::Control::ManagerBasePrivate::loadBacken: Backend loaded: "BlueZ" KBlueTray::offlineMode: offlineMode14:59
contrastnoaXess: as far as gtk stuff, i've read good things about homebank and gnucash.14:59
keldronacontrast: Sorry I can't paste because I'm working on another computer15:00
Mamarokcontrast: why suggestiong a Gnome app if he can have a KDE one?15:00
Mamarokand KMyMoney is the best, also compared to GnuCash btw15:01
contrastMamarok: read what i said about gtk apps in kde4 a few lines up :)15:01
contrastgod bless qtcurve15:02
Mamarokwell, KMM looks better than Guncash here, beleive me15:02
Mamarokand it's not about good looks, it's about business software that actually works and offers the best features and security15:02
noaXessMamarok: ok.. i think will test kmymoney..15:12
noaXessit's right, that version from the repos is not up to date?15:12
noaXessit's 0.9-2 and on http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html there is 0.9.315:13
Paddy_EIREwhat is the current fully updated ubuntu/kubuntu system kernel version ?15:13
noaXessor ist there a repo with up to date kmymoney?15:14
noaXessfor kubuntu15:14
Paddy_EIRElast update I told it to "keep the currently installed" menu.lst15:14
contrastPaddy_EIRE: try running sudo update-grub15:14
Paddy_EIREcontrast: ah I had not heard of such a command.. thankyou15:15
bazhang!info linux15:15
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB15:15
contrastyou always want to let that file get replaced when prompted. you might keep a backup around if you've made a lot of changes15:15
contrastPaddy_EIRE: np15:15
Paddy_EIREoh.. what a sexy little command.. cheers mate :)15:16
contrastanyone else finding jaunty to be the best distro they've ever used?15:16
Paddy_EIREcontrast: I am waiting till about a day or two before release15:17
Paddy_EIREbrb.. gotta restart15:17
adrian__i upgraded my kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and i cant turn on nvidia drivers, can anyone help ?15:19
contrastadrian__: have you already reinstalled them after the upgrade?15:20
adrian__nope :) do i have to ?15:21
contrastmost likely - i think the package naming scheme changed between those two releases15:21
contrastadrian__: KMenu -> System -> Hardware Drivers15:22
contrastconsidering the live cd installer lets you leave everything in ~ alone, there's not much of a reason to upgrade instead of doing a clean install anymore - i've read of so many headaches (and experienced a few) resulting from built up cruft.15:26
adrian__theres a button "turn on" but when i push it, nothing happens :(15:26
contrastadrian__: what's the output of this command? dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia15:28
eugen__hey does kubuntu come with kde 4.2 and ext4?15:33
adrian__nvidia-glx - deinstall rest - install15:35
contrasteugen__: jaunty does, but it won't be out for about another week.15:35
contrastadrian__: what model card do you have?15:35
adrian__gf 4 mx 44015:36
eugen__I'm trying to swtich to kde, I've installed opensuse, but I don't know how to work it...if used the ubuntu before, is kubuntu similar?15:37
contrastadrian__: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-9615:40
dawideugen__ : try some livecd KDE 4 distro15:41
contrastadrian__: then run "sudo nvidia-xconfig", restart X (log out -> Menu -> Restart X Server)  and you should be golden15:41
hguevarhi, I'm new ... what is this? thanks!15:50
adrian__now i cant see the menus :/15:55
=== alessio is now known as aleale
matt_I installed kubuntu from ubuntu. I changed a display setting, and now the screen is super magnified when I log in to kubuntu. How can I change settings back to something useful?16:02
blip-does 8.10 get any more updates for KDE4.2 at this point ?  I installed 4.2 from the unsupported repos, wondering if it will ever get KDE4.316:25
geniiEventually it will16:25
trix`GHow do I change what resolution OpenGL games default to, from outside of the game?16:37
=== viable-tadesse is now known as sirafetu
trix`GFor some reason on nearly every version of kubuntu most 3d games (Nexuiz, Alien Arena, etc) that are fullscreen default to a resolution unsupported by my monitor whichh causes me to have to crash KDE (CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE) to regain control of my computer16:38
trix`GI've tried to find a solution to this in the forums and the wiki, and even google, but I haven't been able to locate which config file games read acceptable resolutions from by default16:40
geniiI'm pretty sure no such "acceptable game resolution" conf file exists. Whatever game runs just has it's own internal settings or so16:41
trix`Ggenii: then where can I look within each game to find the correct config file to edit?  For example, in Alien Arena, I've tried /usr/games /usr/local/games /usr/share/games and even /home/trix/.AlienArena16:43
trix`Gbut in none of those can I find a config file showing resolution16:43
geniiThere isn't always some conf file. Sometimes it's just a binary executable which internally in it's coding says "OK, set the screen now to X and Y resolution" etc etc16:45
geniiThere may be commandline switches16:45
wycleef-rjjoin #brazil16:57
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:31
geniiWow, quiet in here17:34
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:39
* genii hands out a round of coffees17:40
bercikjaunty-alternate is an actual Jaunty beta?17:40
geniibercik: Yes, just with text based installer, no live system running off the cd17:41
bercikgenii: Thanks17:41
geniibercik: For further 9.04 assistance please visit #ubuntu+117:41
Gubahhow to change folder premisions in the terminal17:46
Gubaany help?17:46
tsimpsonGuba: with chmod17:49
geniiGuba: man chown  and man chmod17:49
Gubahave you some example17:50
geniiThats what the manpages are for17:50
_jabbahow do i tell NetworkManager to ignore an interface? it seems to want to control eth*17:51
_jabbagenii: some manpages are really, really bad, like for example NetworkManager(8)'s, and nm-tool(1)17:52
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:52
tsimpsonthat has some useful information for use with chmod17:53
doe_hi, I am trying out 9.04, and on first sight, I am amazed: it seems to work fine out of the box! Yet, I have two issues: how can I turn off NetworkManager (this is an office box which is sometimes turned on with wake-on-lan, and needs automatic settings via DHCP)17:55
_jabbadoe_: heh, do you want to just remove it?17:55
_jabbayou can use /etc/network/interfaces17:55
doe_and secondly: how can I enable fglrx drivers? I installed them already, but I can't enable them with the hardware settings app17:55
* _jabba is considering just removing it17:56
doe__jabba: is there a CLI tool for managing network settings?17:56
_jabbawell, ifconfig of course17:56
_jabbaor do you mean something else?17:56
_jabba(I'm on jaunty as well)17:56
doe__jabba: yes, I mean some easy to use tool to configure how the box connects to the network...17:57
_jabbado you know about the /etc/network/interfaces file?17:57
doe_I don't need a graphical tool (in fact, I'd prefer some textmode tool)17:57
doe__jabba: well, I am sure I can handle it17:57
_jabbawell, man 5 interfaces17:57
_jabbathat explains the format of the file17:57
doe_so, there is either NM or very basic config file editing?17:58
_jabbaifconfig also is availabe for bringing interfaces up and down17:58
doe__jabba: yeah, I know, but without access to the box, there is no way to invoke ifconfig ;)17:58
_jabbai'm not sure what NM is supposed to be doing. whatever it's doing, it's doing it really poorly.17:58
* doe_ doesn't like NetworkManager either... Bloated but still not working17:59
_jabbadoe_: can i help you with something? i don't understand what you need.17:59
geniiifconfig ethtool iwconfig   etc17:59
_jabbadoe_: seems like NM is great for people with one interface that don't move their computers around17:59
doe__jabba: well, I am coming from openSUSE and pampered with YaST... so I was looking for some configuration utility in Ubuntu18:00
_jabbagenii: ifconfig works once. you need to configure the interfaces file to have the 'network' service start properly18:00
doe_genii: let me check ethtool18:00
* _jabba pats doe_ on the shoulder18:00
_jabbasorry about suse...18:00
_jabbathat's harsh stuff18:00
doe_ah, please, no distro flame war...18:00
_jabbai won't :)18:00
_jabbawhat are you trying to do?18:01
doe_they are paying a lot of KDE devs :)18:01
_jabbaif you just want to bring up an interface you can simply say18:01
geniitsimpson: You get my PM just now?18:01
doe__jabba: well, I am considering a distro switch. Which is -- after 8 years of SuSE/openSUSE not the easiest thing ;)18:01
_jabbaifconfig eth0 netmask up18:01
_jabbadoe_: but the convention (before jaunty) was to have this configured in /etc/network/interfaces18:02
doe__jabba: I am familiar with ifconfig. I just need that the box connects to the network automatically upon booting18:02
_jabbaand you can use /etc/init.d/networking start18:02
doe_since it is accessed remotely, too18:02
_jabbadoe_: i'm trying to get netmanager neutered too.18:02
_jabbai have the same problem, i think.18:03
_jabbaexcept mine is that i have an interface i have configured properly, and one i just want to listen on, for snort, but netmanager wants to be a lot friendlier than it should be.18:03
_jabbalook at the interfaces(5) file18:04
_jabbai'm looking over it at the moment myself and it looks like it lets you turn off automatic management of interfaces18:05
_jabbawhich might be what you want, but if you just want dhcp, shouldn't NM be doing that on its own?18:05
_jabbaare you not getting a dhcp address automatically?18:06
doe__jabba: yes, it does, but only if someone logs in18:06
_jabbaoh that's peculiar18:06
doe_I need the box to connect even when noone logs in. Otherwise noone can ever log in remotely18:06
_jabbamine comes up with its interfaces automatically, even the one i don't want it to18:07
_jabbawhy don't you set up eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces (or if it's wi0 or whatever your interface is) to have it come up automatically18:07
doe__jabba: yes, will do that... I was just wondering that there is no simple tool that helps me with that without having to worry about the syntax of a config file...18:08
_jabbahelps you do what?18:09
_jabbaautomatically bring up an interface?18:09
doe_graphics not needed, but I am surprised there is not even an ncurses tool18:09
_jabbahow would the system know which interface to bring up?18:09
geniiThe " auto eth0" line in /etc/network/interfaces18:09
_jabbai'm confused about what you're asking for18:09
doe__jabba: ever tried another distro and not used NetworkManager?18:09
_jabbayeah, what genii said18:09
_jabbadoe_: i spent 2008 porting a site from novell to ubuntu :)18:10
_jabbaand by a site a mean a wan and a few hundred hosts.  :)18:10
_jabbabut my specialty is solaris. so, yes, to answer your question.18:10
doe_so, you see: many other major distros have simple utilities for managing network settings which are easier and more fool-proof than editing the config files... but doesn't matter now18:11
_jabbalike redhat-config-network18:11
doe_yes, good example18:11
_jabbabut something still has to tell the system /which/ interface to bring up automatically18:11
doe_yeah, the user :918:11
_jabbathat's usually configured either manually, by an ncurses tool or whatever, or during install18:11
_jabbaon bsd systems, it's hostname.if files18:12
_jabbai don't see having an interfaces file as being a bad thing (for what it's worth, i did, at first)18:12
_jabbait's nice having everything in there.18:12
_jabbai'm not really the gui type, but i'm sure there's some gui tool for it, and i'd be surprised if there wasn't an ncurses tool to manage it, but i don't know what either of them would be18:13
_jabbagenii sounds like he/she might18:13
doe_doesn't matter now :) will check if it works18:14
_jabbadid you get interfaces configured?18:14
doe_anyone any idea why texlive is so outdated? It's version 2007 only... Is there a repo for the current 2008 ?18:14
doe__jabba: yes, will have to reboot to see if it works as expectedx18:15
_jabbadoe_: why don't you just restart the network service?18:15
_jabbaor, you were saying somebody has to log in18:15
doe_hmm.. would do, true18:15
_jabbastop the network service and log out18:15
_jabbaor rather, restart the network service and log out18:16
doe_either way, I think it will work18:16
_jabbai think... i've never seen the symptoms you're describing18:16
_jabbai just don't like rebooting. :)18:16
_jabbabut you're right rebooting it is probably the best way to make sure it will Work In The Future18:16
doe_OK, will reboot to make sure. Thanks for your help and patience!18:20
* _jabba wonders about that18:21
_jabbai've never seen an ubuntu box wait for someone to log in before it ip's18:21
_jabbais that new to jaunty?18:21
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KDeskDo you know if there is already a deb for amarok 2.0.90 available?18:28
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_jabbaKDesk: my package just says "series 2".18:33
_jabba--version says it's 2.0.218:33
_jabba(this is jaunty)18:33
KDesk_jabba: Mine too, I'm searching for the 2.1 beta deb packages18:34
_jabbaKDesk: does amarok not provide it themselves?18:35
_jabbai'm just guessing btw, i know very little about it other than what it does to my music files :)18:35
KDesk_jabba:  a deb package not :(18:35
_jabbayou could just build it and install it in ~18:36
_jabbacompiling software isn't too hard18:36
_jabbado they provide any packages other than deb?18:36
twisted_ghi everyone18:37
KDesk_jabba: I haven't tried because I have always bad experiences.18:37
_jabbahowdy twisted_g18:37
_jabbaKDesk: well, you could try... i mean, the worst that could happen is it won't compile :)18:37
KDesk_jabba: only the sources, but also link to the packages of the distros in there pages18:37
_jabbajust make sure to use --prefix=~/amarok-beta or something18:38
KDesk_jabba: yes, you are right, lets see what happends :)18:38
twisted_ganyone using Xen?18:38
_jabbatwisted_g: can you be more specific?18:38
twisted_gi'd like to know if there's a specific Xen package for kubuntu18:38
KDesk_jabba: for what is the --prefix?18:38
twisted_gthe ubuntu-xen-desktop package installs a whole lotta gnome libs18:38
twisted_gwhich i don't want on my pc18:38
_jabbaKDesk: when you run the configure script, pass it --prefix=/some/directory/thats/not/going/to/break/things18:39
_jabbaif you compile the beta, and it builds, and you just install it on top of the one you have, but you find out later it doesn't work as well as you want it to, you won't have your old copy18:39
_jabbaso you might do something like mkdir ~/amarok-beta18:39
_jabbaand then when you run the configure script, instead of just ./configure, say ./configure --prefix=~/amarok-beta18:40
KDesk_jabba: ah, ok thanks, So in ~/amarok-beta It will install in my home dir?18:40
_jabbathen, when you want to run it, just run ~/amarok-beta/bin/amarok18:40
_jabbacontainment is key :)18:40
KDesk_jabba: ah, that is very good! :)18:40
KDesk_jabba: thanks, I will download the source18:41
_jabbaordinarily /usr/local is the place people put stuff like that, but more and more people are using /usr/local these days18:41
_jabbaKDesk: good luck18:41
_jabbagr, /me kicks netmanager18:42
KDesk_jabba: I found in  http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Compiling:2.0  the compiling instruccion. It says:  cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`18:43
_jabbauh hang on18:43
KDeskWhat sould I use?  cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`~/amarok-beta --prefix`  ?18:43
chroniccan someone help me reinstall correct java ?18:43
_jabbai think that's totally different than what i was saying18:43
_jabbahang on18:43
_jabbadon't touch that script! :D18:43
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_jabbaKDesk: ignore everything i've told you18:44
_jabbai do not know what cmake is18:44
_jabbai don't want to break your system18:45
KDesk_jabba: ok hehe18:45
chroniccan someone help me reinstall correct java ?18:46
KDesk_jabba: no problem :) Now I remember somethink, the kubuntu team decided to includ mysql 5.1 inside amarok and to not ship mysql as default in ubuntu, only 5.0. So If I compile amarok I need mysql 5.1 installed, but I also read that somethink in KDE needs mysql 5.0. So better I way until a deb is ready :)18:48
_jabbaKDesk: i'm using mysql 5.118:49
_jabbai had to install it18:49
_jabbai'm on jaunty18:49
|PaperTiger|What is running 3D graphics like running Windows in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox18:49
_jabbabut i just used aptitude18:49
_jabba|PaperTiger|: you want a LOT of ram, but it runs just fine18:50
KDesk_jabba: Iam on jaunty too...18:50
_jabba|PaperTiger|: my primary machine for over a year was a vista machine running in 4gb on ubuntu in virtualbox18:50
smigesрусский кто есть18:50
|PaperTiger|_jabba, I have 2gb of RAM...18:50
_jabbaKDesk: so you can say sudo aptitude install mysql-5.118:50
_jabba|PaperTiger|: life will be pain. :)18:50
|PaperTiger|_jabba, so gaming is out the window then?18:51
_jabba|PaperTiger|: i had twelve on the host, and gave the guest 418:51
_jabba|PaperTiger|: absolutely unless you mean text-based :)18:51
|PaperTiger|_jabba, great :) No, stuff like CS:S and TF218:51
KDesk_jabba: don't worry, better I wait some days until a bed is ready :) To many build deps.18:51
|PaperTiger|_jabba, so in short... Forget about it, yeah?18:52
_jabba|PaperTiger|: better to dual-boot in that case. hardware acceleration works in virtualbox, but you don't get much ram (128mb), and you need a LOT of ram for the guest or it's really, really slow.18:52
_jabbaKDesk: "a bed is read"?18:53
_jabba|PaperTiger|: unfortunately, yeah. i use windows mostly because i can't get visio and outlook on my mac18:53
KDesk_jabba: ah, hehe, a mean, a deb package is ready18:53
|PaperTiger|_jabba, joy... I'm going to have the fun of installing Windows, then fixing the MBR to get Linux to boot.18:53
_jabbaand because at work i prefer to run linux but they want me to have a windows machine18:53
_jabba|PaperTiger|: it's easier to install ubuntu first, and partition the drive18:54
_jabbathen tell windows to install on one of the partitions, and configure grub18:54
smigesрудз ьу18:54
smigeshelp me18:54
_jabbabut you do gotta fix the MBR18:54
_jabbasmiges: what do you need?18:54
_jabba|PaperTiger|: it's never fun. sorry. :/18:55
MarkieMark1!ru | smiges18:55
ubottusmiges: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:55
|PaperTiger|_jabba, really... I have a second drive to install Windows to anyway. As for fixing GRUB. How will I boot to Linux after to fix it? LiveCD?18:55
smigesi don't can't register to #ubuntu-ru18:55
|PaperTiger|_jabba, and it's not fun at all...18:55
MarkieMark1 /join #ubuntu-ru18:56
_jabba|PaperTiger|: grub will let you choose which os to boot into18:57
_jabbais this XP or Vista?18:57
_jabbaVista will actually let you choose between linux and windows, it's pretty slick18:57
|PaperTiger|_jabba, XP. But doesn't the install of Windows XP overwrite the GRUB?18:58
smiges [Сообщение] -NickServ- Please check your email for instructions to complete your registration.18:58
|PaperTiger|_jabba, though, I do have a Vista disk I can install...18:58
smigesregistration complete,but i don't can't indetify18:59
_jabba|PaperTiger|: you install ubuntu first, leave a partition for windows, then install windows on that partitition18:59
_jabbawindows won't boot unless you tell it to18:59
_jabbashit i have a meeting right now18:59
|PaperTiger|See ya :P18:59
_jabbasorry, i will be back in like three hours19:00
|PaperTiger|No worries dude19:00
chroniccan someone help me reinstall correct java ?19:00
jason_froebechronic - what is "correct java"?  Sun's Java?19:03
cihan_hi room19:05
cihan_how are you friends?19:05
Gubahi all19:05
Gubahow to change folder premissions in a terminal19:07
Gubai need an exammple19:07
jamesjedimasterchmod 007 directory_name19:07
chronicjason_froebe, sun 32bit19:08
chronicjason_froebe, on 64bit os19:08
ghostcubechmod 007 for what ?19:08
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ghostcubejames bond folder19:08
jamesjedimasterthe example for Guba19:09
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ghostcubechmod 755  for what ?19:09
ghostcubechmod 755  for exmple would be better19:09
jamesjedimasterand man chmod for full explanation19:10
jason_froebechronic - it would make more sense to use 64bit Sun Java JRE/JDK on a 64bit box imho...19:11
chronicjason_froebe, but i cant use vuze with it, not sure why19:12
chronicjason_froebe, it says it needs 32bit java19:12
jason_froebechronic - understood - http://dmy999.com/article/44/32-bit-jdk-on-a-64-bit-ubuntu-system19:12
jason_froebemight help, haven't done it19:13
chronicjason_froebe,  this is what im getting Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM19:18
chronicjason_froebe, so i need 32bit java , right?19:18
justin_anyone who can help with kubuntu 8.1?19:23
chronicjason_froebe, azureus has a 64bit version, just found out, the auto select on their site sent me the 32bit19:23
jason_froebechronic - woohoo ! :)19:24
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jason_froebejustin_ - how can we help you?19:25
justin_can't play any media files in kubuntu 8.1019:25
justin_tried kaffeine, mplayer, VLC, all failed19:26
jason_froebe!medibuntu | justin_19:26
ubottujustin_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:26
jason_froebejustin_ - did you do the steps on medibuntu?19:26
DexterFi'd like to upgrade a 8.10 inst to 9.04b, there an upgrade manager already?19:26
justin_yes, I installed them all19:26
justin_w32codecs and such19:26
natschiljustin: you might want to install the gstreamer phonon backends or the xine phonon backends, search for them in synaptic19:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer19:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine19:27
natschil!package gstreamer19:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:27
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:27
justin_I'm on Kubuntu 8.1019:27
justin_does that make a difference?19:27
justin_I've been on Linux exactly ONE day19:27
justin_this is my first try and not going well so far19:27
oem_i'm on 6.10... 8.10 can't connect to the internet, i don't know why19:28
justin_I'm on the internet on 8.10 right now19:28
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justin_but I can't play any video or music files19:28
DexterFoem_: 6.10 or 8.10? big difference19:29
DexterFjustin_: what player do you use?19:29
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oem_i think there is something wrong with config in 8.x that was ok in 6.1019:29
justin_I tried kaffeine, mplayer and VLC, all failed on WMV, AVI and MP319:29
justin_I can't play ANYTHING!19:30
DexterFoem_: did you upgrade or install fresh?19:30
justin_I don't get it19:30
justin_install fresh19:30
justin_overwrote a Vista Enterprise partition completely19:30
DexterFoem_: so what does sudo ifconfig report? (pastein)19:30
oem_i didnt check it in 8.0419:31
DexterFjustin_: good! :) ok, you ever used a command console? like cmd on win?19:31
justin_I've been getting intimate with konsole all morning19:31
DexterFjustin_: even better. now, let's try and play a file from a console to see what errors it gives19:31
DexterFit probably does19:31
justin_lead the way19:31
DexterFalright: where does the file sit you wanna play?19:32
justin_external HD19:32
DexterFjustin_: and you can access the files?19:32
justin_hmmm, does file system matter?19:32
justin_yes, I can see them in Dolphin19:32
DexterFjustin_: for reading - nah. not really. is it tntfs?19:32
smigeswho can speak russian?19:32
oem_i think there is a problem with NTFS19:32
justin_hold on...19:32
natschiljustin_: could you explain us your problem a bit more?19:33
natschiljustin_: do you get any error messages?19:33
natschiljustin_:do any sounds work?19:33
justin_I think it's FAT32 b/c I had to dump NTFS so I could switch back and forth between my MAC OSX and Win XP19:33
DexterFjustin_: ok, from doplhin try and press F8. if i'm right this opens konsole right at that directory19:33
DexterFjustin_: OSX still can't handle ntfs properly?19:33
justin_on NTFS OSX couldn't write19:34
justin_hold on, plugging in the drive....19:34
ct529hi there!19:34
ct529I would like to watch a video from arte.tv  in UK. I have my laptop here in UK and a server in Germany. I cannot watch the video directly from UK, so I thought of relaying the video through my server. Can I do that? I have Kubuntu 810 on the laptop and RH on the server.19:35
DexterFct529: well.. does that rh serv a proxy..?19:36
justin_okay, I copied a file onto internal drive19:36
justin_I'm back19:37
ct529DexterF: could you explain?19:37
justin_can't paste to desktop on KBuntu19:37
DexterFjustin_: good. now fire up console and cd to where the file sits19:37
ct529DexterF: can I set up a way to relay?19:37
ct529DexterF: or can I use kaffeine in a way that it relays on to the server?19:37
DexterFct529: uh.. well... a proxy server. like squid or so.19:37
justin_not working19:38
justin_I'm not familiar with the commands in Linux19:38
DexterFjustin_: more detail. *what* is not working?19:38
ct529DexterF: how would I use proxy to do something like that?19:38
justin_cd /home/justin/downloads19:38
justin_is that right?19:38
justin_in konsole?19:38
DexterFjustin_: yes, pretty much19:39
justin_says no such directory19:39
justin_checking spelling....19:39
DexterFjustin_: cd /home/justin  , then there do ls19:39
DexterFls  is a tad liek dir on DOS19:39
DexterFct529: um, well, you set up a proxy on the server and point your browser or whatever at the proxy19:40
DexterFct529: i'd check the RH channel tho, probably more people there are familiar with server stuff like proxies...19:40
justin_I can get to /home but that's it19:41
DexterFjustin_: did someone yet let you in on tab completion...? type /ho<tab>/ju<tab> for example19:41
justin_the rest says no such dir19:41
justin_also, it split my HD up19:42
justin_is that normal?19:42
justin_I never told it to19:42
DexterFjustin_: doesnt matter, /home is /home19:42
ct529DexterF: thanks for your help!19:42
DexterFyou didn't tell it? oO shouldnt have doen it then.. odd.19:42
DexterFct529: you're not even halfway there - proxy = config files :D19:42
DexterFjustin_: anyway, type:   cd /ho<tab>. it should auto-complete to /home then19:43
DexterFjustin_: next push tab again. if nothing happens, once more.19:43
justin_yeah, now I got into /Justin19:43
justin_and ls shows "downloads"19:43
justin_but I do cd /downloads and get no such dir19:44
DexterFso the complete path is /justin/downloads, not /home/...19:44
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DexterFjustin_: ah! /downloads would be right under the file system root19:44
ct529DexterF: I know!19:44
DexterF[20:44] <justin_> but I do cd /downloads and get no such dir19:44
justin_I created it19:45
DexterFok, where? in /home/justin or / ?19:45
DexterFmind you, if you are in your home dir, the konsole only shows <putername>~$ without path19:46
DexterFby default. can be misleading19:46
justin_got it, cd /home/justin/Downloads19:46
justin_apparently it's case-sensitive19:46
DexterFD != d ;)19:46
justin_what file system is Linux anyway?19:46
DexterFunixoids are totally nazi about case.19:47
DexterFmost linux dists use ext319:47
justin_I think I remember seeing that somewhere on the screen during install19:47
justin_okay, so now what19:47
DexterFjournaling fs. next fedora will use ext4, but that's still rare, then the other popular ones are xfs (from SGI) and ReiserFS19:47
justin_I'm really sorry, it's literally my first day on Linux19:48
DexterFwe all started at day 119:48
justin_I'm pretty handy on Mac and Windows19:48
justin_anyway, what next19:48
DexterFgood. helps.19:48
DexterFok. so you are in Downloads and hen you issue "ls" is should list the contents19:48
DexterFwhat's the filename?19:48
justin_yes, I get a pdf and an wmv file19:49
DexterFwhat's the wmv's name?19:49
justin_Just tried the wmv in VLC, MPlayer and Kaffeine again19:49
justin_all of them open a window and then crash immediately19:49
justin_except kaffeine, sorry, that one leaves the window open and the timer goes but no video19:49
DexterFuh huh, I think I know where this is going19:50
DexterFok, now type:   mplayer 0001.wmv19:50
DexterF(or: mplayer 0<tab>  :) )19:50
DexterFif it keeps playing, quit it by pressing q19:50
justin_X11 error:19:51
DexterFgo to pastebin.ca within linux19:51
justin_X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)19:51
DexterFpaste the entire output there.19:51
justin_within Linux?19:52
DexterF(edit out the filename before sending it if you have to)19:52
DexterFjustin_: are you on irc from the linux box that won't play files?19:52
DexterFgood. start a browser, go to pastebin.ca, mark the output in konsole and paste it on pastebin19:53
DexterFsomeone tell you about copy/paste in linux..? marked means its in the buffer, paste with middle mouse button. justin case. pun intended.19:54
colegioalguien habla español???19:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:56
justin_and just hit "paste"19:56
colegiodo you speak english?19:56
DexterFjustin_: uh huh19:56
DexterFcolegio: yup. this channel is officially en19:56
justin_there you go19:57
DexterFjustin_:  good, moment19:57
DexterFjustin_: that file is known to play in win/osx?19:58
DexterFjustin_: can you send it/upload on rapidshare or such?19:59
jason_froebeJustin_  take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/299280 it might be it maybe19:59
justin_one sec, I copied an avi over too19:59
justin_should I try the same process?19:59
justin_yes, plays on win and mac20:00
DexterForks. xorg.conf hacking. now it gets ugly...20:01
DexterFjustin_: ok, here in a nutshell:20:01
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justin_I hope it's nothing simple, I've been working on this for 7 hours b4 I got on IRC20:01
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DexterFalright: do this: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:02
DexterFgive your passwd when asked20:02
justin_in a new konsole or same?20:02
DexterFthen navigate the cursor down to a line that reads 'Section "Device"'. it should have Identifier, Boardname. Busid, Driver, Screen. possibly more.20:04
DexterFfamiliar with simple text editors..?20:04
justin_I have "get help, writeout, read file, etc."20:05
justin_nothing on device, bus id20:05
justin_any of that20:05
jason_froebebut you should have a Device section20:06
DexterFjustin_: that's the menu. yes, its integrated as text mode. we linux people come from a time where we didnt have much more than text mode :)20:06
justin_I can't seem to move the cursor20:06
DexterFpress cursor down. watch the cursor move, the text sroll by20:06
DexterF(man good thing I dodnt go for vi :) )20:07
jason_froebeor emacs ;-)20:07
DexterFum, well, cusor has to be there... try ctrl-X to exit, does that work at least, justin_ ?20:07
justin_save modified buffer?20:08
justin_seems like it was frozen20:08
DexterFok, we'll get even more simple...20:08
justin_should i try again?20:08
jason_froebecat /etc/X11/xorg.conf <-- paste to pastebin please20:08
DexterFjustin_: do this: sudo aptitude install mc20:08
DexterFjason_froebe: no good. we need to edit.20:09
justin_shoulod I be in home?20:09
justin_does it matter still in Downloads?20:09
jason_froebetrue but it will be easier if we can see what he is editing20:09
DexterFjustin_: doesnt matter20:09
DexterFjason_froebe: an xorg.conf. its not like it was hex.20:10
DexterFjustin_: um, btw, whcih version of kubuntu?20:10
justin_what's a good book on Linux or does it vary by dist. ?20:11
DexterFjustin_: www.google.com20:11
DexterF(haha only serious)20:11
justin_you're probably right20:12
geniijustin_: It varies. But good books are put out by places like O Reilly's and Wrox20:12
justin_only google sucks at fixing this particular issue LOL20:12
DexterFcoem here, ask questions, give mcuh detail about what you treid and what failed and what error it gave, google error messages20:12
DexterFjustin_: Linux in a Nutshell is worth its money if you wanna play it from the console20:12
DexterF(which rocks)20:12
justin_I just like learning something new and don't mind a challengew20:13
afeijoanyone use celular 3g internet thru bluetooth with nokia cel ?20:13
justin_my colleague here thinks I'm stupid20:13
DexterFjustin_: if you put that badalloc error in google you come out right where we are now: a fix, which needs you to edit a config file.20:13
DexterFnext logic step is: how does one edit text files.20:14
justin_"You have two other computers right next to you that will open the file, what's the problem?"20:14
DexterFthat's what we need mc for. done yet, btw?20:14
justin_He doesn't get it20:14
justin_yes it's done20:14
DexterFjustin_: curios: you got a mac... why... well, why? :)20:14
|PaperTiger|How can stop flickering pictures when I try do anything full screen? Like films etc.20:14
DexterFjustin_: ok, now: sudo mcedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:15
hallownamehi im on jaunty and whenever i svn anything big my computer locks up. hard. only sysrq is responsive after. tips?20:15
DexterF|PaperTiger|: flicker like how? flickering crt or like stuttering?20:15
geniihallowname: #ubuntu+1 for 9.04 questions please20:15
justin_cannot open xorg.conf for reading20:15
hallownamegenii: ah thx20:15
geniihallowname: Yer welcome20:15
justin_I like the Mac okay and I have the Windows just because I've had it for years20:16
|PaperTiger|DexterF, plays the file no problem, but flickers to black all the time. I don't know if that's what you mean by crt or what...20:16
DexterFjustin_: huh?20:16
DexterF|PaperTiger|: video card?20:16
justin_it's a red box20:16
justin_it says cannot open /etc/x11/xorg.conf for reading20:16
|PaperTiger|DexterF, ATi Radeon X1600 PRO 512mb20:16
justin_and my only choice is dismiss20:17
DexterFjustin_: case! X11, not x1120:17
justin_you're right20:17
justin_hold on...20:17
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:17
DexterF|PaperTiger|: fglrx or standard driver?20:17
|PaperTiger|DexterF, fglrx20:17
justin_it's open20:17
DexterFfscking sh!tty bot :)20:17
justin_Fick it in the goat arse20:18
geniiDexterF: That also is pushing it :)20:18
DexterFgenii: *snicker*20:18
justin_okay, moving on to business20:18
DexterFjustin_: alright. you shoud see... stuff.20:18
justin_YES!!! I DO have "stuff"20:19
justin_What shall I do with the stuff?20:19
DexterFjustin_: F720:19
DexterFenter Device20:20
justin_I was close to quitting smoking before I got Linux...LOL20:20
DexterFenter Section, not Device20:20
DexterFwill search20:20
justin_I was almost there20:20
DexterFreapeat search till you hit section Device20:20
justin_so f7 and type Section20:21
DexterFuh huh20:21
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:21
marie_blubbhi I'd like to change the name of a hard drive. I cannot do that with dolphin (as I'm using kubuntu) and I'm not sudo . how do I change the name over the comand line or in anothe graphical way?20:21
DexterFScorpKing: what? its a x11 prob in kub20:21
ScorpKingheh ;)20:21
justin_and just keep doing it?20:22
Lokiasecan someone tell me how to configure my access point in kubuntu? I must connect it directly to my pc via the lanport, but its IP ..... when I enter this nothing happens...20:22
DexterFor just enter:          Section "Dev20:22
|PaperTiger|DexterF, fglrx driver20:22
DexterFyou get the idea20:22
DexterF|PaperTiger|: tough luck. try #ati20:22
geniimarie_blubb: What filesystem is on the drive?20:23
|PaperTiger|DexterF, what about installing the RadeonHD driver?20:23
justin_"Configured Video Device"20:23
DexterF|PaperTiger|: dunno20:24
DexterFI ditched ATi and am glad20:24
|PaperTiger|DexterF, fair enough20:24
|PaperTiger|DexterF, I sort of regret getting an ATi card now...20:24
DexterFjustin_: lok for sth that looks llike http://www.pastebin.ca/139310120:24
DexterF|PaperTiger|: laptop?20:24
|PaperTiger|DexterF, how much better is NVidia support on Linux?20:24
DexterF|PaperTiger|: dimensions?20:24
|PaperTiger|DexterF, Desktop, though I am looking for a laptop20:25
DexterF"works" vs "works not"?20:25
|PaperTiger|And also dual monitor20:25
DexterFlike "ok" vs "broken"?20:25
geniimarie_blubb: At any rate you may find something useful here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive    (it's labelled about USB drives but works on any kind)20:26
DexterFive been with ati for 6 years and fell for Makedons PR chatter again and again and finally had it up to here and now run nv. mmmh. XV overlay. smooth. and 10 instances if I want. and decent 3D. that deosnt lock my puter randomly. (ok ScorpKing, *that's* OT)20:26
justin_There's nothing like that20:26
DexterFjustin_: um. ok. now I'd like to see that xorg.conf indeed.20:27
DexterFjustin_: exit mcedit with F1020:27
justin_Just "Configured Video Device" and then "End of Section"20:27
justin_Am I lacking drivers?20:27
ScorpKingDexterF: righto20:27
justin_I assume that's what we were looking for?20:27
DexterFjustin_: then do: sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf, makr it all, paste on pastebin20:27
* genii sips his coffee and meditates on the deprecation of xorg.conf20:27
|PaperTiger|DexterF, fair enough20:28
Lokiasecan someone tell me how to configure my access point in kubuntu? I must connect it directly to my pc via the lanport, but its IP ..... when I enter this nothing happens...20:28
* |PaperTiger| read genils message in a totally wrong way...20:28
DexterFLokiase: your computer need to be in the 192.168.0 subnet.. or have a route.... check network interface settings20:29
LokiaseDexterF: how? I tried to changes them but my knowledge is poor20:29
DexterFkonsole will scroll auto when you hit borders20:29
DexterFLokiase: system settings from kmenu20:29
justin_okay, here it is http://www.pastebin.ca/139310320:30
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DexterFjustin_: hm. ok. that will have to do, I guess...20:31
LokiaseDexterF: in the system setting are just things like proxy etc...20:31
justin_pretty vague it seems20:31
DexterFjustin_: ok, press cursor up twice, gets you back to mcedit line, enter it20:31
DexterFLokiase: kubuntu version?20:31
Lokiase8.10 I think20:31
DexterFjustin_: go to that section with   Identifier      "Configured Video Device" and enter a new line that says20:32
DexterFOption "AccelMethod" "exa"20:32
DexterFright under  Identifier      "Configured Video Device"20:32
DexterFthen press F2 to save, F10 to exit, and paste the result again20:33
LokiaseDexterF: 8.1020:34
DexterFjustin_: in short: make it look like this: http://www.pastebin.ca/139311120:34
DexterFLokiase: kde3 or 4?20:34
LokiaseDexterF: 420:34
DexterFnot my cup of tea, sorry20:34
ScorpKingjustin_: btw, you might like linuxcommand.org20:34
Lokiasecan someone tell me how to configure my access point in kubuntu? I must connect it directly to my pc via the lanport, but its IP ..... when I enter this nothing happens... How do I change the subnet...? :(20:35
justin_do I need to restart?20:36
DexterFLokiase: can you tell me the puter's IP? ifconfig on a console should do20:36
DexterFjustin_: only X. logout, and in the login screen there's a button "restart X" somewhere20:36
justin_okay, be right back...I hope...20:36
DexterFjustin_: if the xorg.conf is hosed just reverse the changes20:36
LokiaseDexterF: don't understand you :(20:37
epqrin the songinfo in amarok 2 there is "last played", "play cout" and "score"20:39
DexterFLokiase: not a console person either, huh? nothing I can do for you then, haven't seen much of kde4 yet20:39
epqrwhat does "score means?20:39
DexterFepqr: notes sheet, usually20:39
DexterFor list..? here...?20:39
chronicikonia, hey, fag boy20:39
epqrDexterF what? :P20:40
chronicikonia, unban me from ubuntu+120:40
epqri didnt catch that :P20:40
Pici!ban > chronic20:41
ubottuchronic, please see my private message20:41
geniichronic: Take up your banning issues in #ubuntu-ops and not here. If you persist you'll be banned here as well20:41
justin_I'm back20:41
justin_seems to be working20:41
DexterFjustin_: play the video!20:41
justin_but I'm disturbed that it seems to be treating the video card as generic20:41
justin_are there drivers I should be downloading?20:41
justin_it's an ati20:41
DexterFjustin_: nah, newer Xservers do a lot of auto-configuring and leave much blank..20:42
DexterFjustin_: unless you REALLY REALLY need 3D stick to the free drivers.20:42
DexterFsee above.20:42
DexterFjustin_: ill be back in a couple of min.20:42
justin_does ati make driver for this or am I thinking in Mac/Windows terms too much?20:42
DexterFthey do. they just suck at it. like old mac drivers. no, worse. free drivers = ok but limited 3D20:44
epqrati makes (some) drivers for linux, or at least they have some kind of support for it20:44
justin_3D would be for what?20:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:44
justin_intense gaming or something?20:44
DexterFjustin_: yes20:44
DexterFand compiz. never mind. desktop eye candy thingy.20:44
DexterFGoogle Earth works with the free driver :)20:45
epqrdoes the KDe desktop effects work with free driver ?20:45
lupine_85some of them20:45
justin_so the ati driver could be worse in your opinion?20:46
lupine_85(that's drivers, not eye candy)20:46
chronicepqr, in the testing it does, not sure about stable20:46
lupine_85last I used ati, the closed-source driver was... getting better, actually20:46
chronicepqr, also depends on the card im sure20:46
lupine_85not sure how the Free one is getting along, I'm all nvidia'd up right now20:46
lupine_85mind you, nvidia + KDE's compositing has been a bumpy ride from time to time20:48
epqri'll ask again in amarok 2, in song info, there is a heart with a score behind it. What does it mean. Its located right  above play count.20:49
bsratanyone ever hit the wrong thing on the automatic package update manager and remove half your system? this is on kde4.220:49
epqrbsrat Yes !20:49
epqrtwice in a row :P20:49
bsratso it's not just me having a brainfart, or is it?20:49
bsratwhat key did you hit20:49
epqrlo, no20:49
=== ocsi is now known as ocsieu
epqrupdated after adding a source20:49
epqradept was set to remove all lsited packages20:50
bsrategh, how does that happen20:50
bsrategh - i meant to say yuck20:51
DexterFjustin_: works now?20:52
epqrdunno really20:52
epqri added this source ; "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main"20:53
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
epqrthen when i updated in adpet, it removed all packags listed instead of updating them =P20:54
justin_seems to20:54
justin_looking for info on binary driver install20:54
justin_but they only have 8.0420:54
justin_not 8.1020:54
justin_only the first step works20:55
DexterFjustin_: try stick to the free one at first20:55
justin_yeah, I guess so, just want to avoid future problems20:55
DexterFdont mess around with driver modules on your FIRST DAY on linux.  :)20:55
justin_sound advice20:55
_jabbais that |PaperTiger| guy here?20:55
|PaperTiger|_jabba, I am indeed20:55
|PaperTiger|_jabba, how'd the meeting go?20:56
justin_Thank you so much for your help20:56
_jabba|PaperTiger|: i'll say "meh", hopeful but still "meh"20:56
justin_I'm going to go look for the next thing that will drive me nuts...I'm sure there will be more20:56
DexterFheck yes!20:56
|PaperTiger|_jabba, fair enough20:56
Vermuxin which channel can I get help with firewall set up, network, ect...?20:57
|PaperTiger|justin_, always will be :)20:57
bsratmy mythtv backend isn't running, alot of things got screwed up20:57
bsratno geany or gedit20:57
_jabbai was kinda hoping for it to go better. can't get into more detail because a chanop will yell at me to stay on topic :)20:57
_jabbadid you figure out what you're doing as far as booting?20:57
|PaperTiger|_jabba, true :P20:57
bsratstartx to get to a gui :P20:57
|PaperTiger|_jabba, tbh. I didn't look at it. I was thinking about it though. And also seeing if I could get the other hard drive to be detected.20:57
|PaperTiger|_jabba, and looking for my Vista disk too... I'm thinking of doing Vista, instead of XP this time... Though I'm sure sure if my specs will take it..20:58
_jabbayou will have to do the same thing with two disks21:00
_jabbayour menu.lst will just have an entry for hd0,1 and hd1,1 or whatever21:00
avarehi, i don't open other hdd partition, my kubuntu language is Turkish, what can i do21:00
_jabbabut you'll still have to frob grub21:00
leifdk1978hmmm ? what is the filosifu of kde21:00
_jabbait's easier to do vista with separate disks, for the record21:01
_jabbaleifdk1978: do you mean "philosophy"?21:01
leifdk1978like easy fast or just cutting egde21:01
|PaperTiger|_jabba, fair enough. I think I'll take Vista.. If not. Wipe and XP it XD21:01
_jabba|PaperTiger|: i like vista a lot more anyways.21:02
_jabbaare you running a 64-bit machine?21:02
_jabbaoh, you said 2gb of ram right?21:02
|PaperTiger|_jabba, I'm not 100% sure about Vista. I have a x64 CPU and yes, 2gb RAM21:02
_jabbawhat cpu?21:03
Dark-Starin what groups is the default user normally? I screwed up the groups somehow ...21:03
_jabbaDark-Star: stby21:03
|PaperTiger|AMD Athlon X2 4800+21:03
_jabba dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare21:03
_jabbaalthough i think you can take "sambashare" out of there21:03
_jabbaand also a group named after yourself21:03
_jabbaso "username"21:03
_jabba|PaperTiger|: well, running 64-bit Linux is very cool.21:04
DexterFis there a kub 9.04b yet?21:04
|PaperTiger|How so?21:04
_jabba|PaperTiger|: and you should be able to run 2x2gb right?21:04
_jabbaDexterF: see title, there's a beta21:04
Dark-Starok. I think I screwed up when I tried to add myself to the group "src"... now I'm only in "src" and no other groups :)21:04
DexterF_jabba: oh, hey21:04
_jabbaDark-Star: the groups format is easy. type "man 5 group" in shell21:04
=== administrator is now known as Arminius_
|PaperTiger|_jabba, Add another 2gb RAM?21:04
_jabba|PaperTiger|: 64-bit stuff is faster because it can allocate more ram :)21:05
_jabbalike, i get to have a virtual machine with four gigs of ram :)21:05
Dark-StarI know, and I didn't delete anything in there. I think "useradd" or something screwed it up...21:05
Arminius_got some pretty nice trouble with KWin, anyone able to help?21:05
Dark-StarI thought I could do it without editing any files in /etc :-)21:05
_jabbain your case, you might be able to run a reasonable instance of windows XP in emulation with 4gb of ram21:05
_jabbaDark-Star: to put yourself back in those groups just "sudo vim /etc/group" and put yourself back into those groups21:06
|PaperTiger|_jabba, I know that x64 runs faster. Then what about runing Linux at all?21:06
_jabbaDark-Star: although swap "vim" for "your favorite editor"21:06
|PaperTiger|_jabba, if I'm giving Windows 4gb RAM?21:06
_jabbaDark-Star: sudo kate /etc/group21:06
_jabba|PaperTiger|: windows will run in 3gb if you don't use a 64-bit version unfortunately :(21:07
Arminius_maybe I should give it a try on "kde21:07
|PaperTiger|_jabba, wouldn't dual boot just be easier? That's another thing I know :)21:07
_jabbaArminius_: what is kwin?21:07
_jabba|PaperTiger|: that's the better solution. i just hate rebooting.21:07
Arminius_kwin? the default window managing sofware?21:08
_jabba|PaperTiger|: but as i said, i've got a ton of ram, so i can run emulation just fine.21:08
Dark-Star_jabba: thanks, I know 'bout vi and /etc/groups, and in the future I'll do it the "old fashioned way", I just thought there was an easier way in kubuntu, but it seems I was mistaken21:08
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Dark-Starthanks anyway21:08
_jabbaArminius_: sorry, i don't know much about kde other than it's pretty :)21:08
|PaperTiger|_jabba, me too, but hey. If I get to play games, it's all good! Yeah... You have too much, should give a few gb to me :)21:08
Arminius__jabba on that I agree :D21:08
|PaperTiger|_jabba, very pretty! XD Much better than GNOME21:08
_jabbaDark-Star: there may well be an easier way. i'm hardly an expert as we have just noticed.21:08
Arminius_yeah :p21:08
Arminius_GNOME almost made me hate linux ^^21:09
Dark-Stargotta log out now and try it. thanks again!21:09
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
_jabbaDark-Star: wait21:09
_jabbaDark-Star: the group thing won't take effect until you log out and back in again21:09
_jabbait's a weird unixism21:09
Dark-Starumm.. yes, that's why I just wanted to log out :)21:09
_jabbaso don't do anything drastic if it doesn't work "immediately"21:09
_jabbaoh, ok:)21:09
_jabbaciao :)21:09
|PaperTiger|lol. I was using GNOME beforehand. Was okay, but a bit boring. KDE is much easier on the eyes21:10
Dark-Starthats why I didn't notice yesterday that all my groups were removed21:10
Dark-StarI only noticed today when I suddenly couldn't "sudo" anymore21:10
_jabbawhen i jumped from edgy to hardy and kde 4.1, i started to tell people, wait a minute, this is starting to look prettier than the mac in places21:10
_jabbathen i installed jaunty a couple weeks ago and wow21:11
|PaperTiger|_jabba, not on KDE 4.2?21:11
_jabba|PaperTiger|: am now :)21:11
_jabbaand i can say with confidence, as i am running this instance of jaunty inside xVM on my mac, that it is a lot prettier. :)21:11
|PaperTiger|Mac Pro by any chance?21:11
|PaperTiger|Thought so. Dual quad core?21:12
_jabba8 procs, 12gb of ram21:12
|PaperTiger|How much that beast set you back?21:12
_jabbamy wife works for apple21:12
_jabbawe get hardware pretty cheap. :)21:12
|PaperTiger|Lucky #@$%21:12
_jabbathe macpro, uh, we traded up the macbook pro 17" and threw $500 into the mix for it21:13
_jabbathen i think i just spent $300 or something on ram21:13
* _jabba waits for the chanop smack21:13
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:13
_jabbait makes emulation work perfectly21:13
jonesk5anyone what a rsn network is ?21:13
|PaperTiger|lol XD21:13
Dark-Staryay, sudo works again :)21:13
_jabbathanks genii, i needed that21:13
|PaperTiger|_jabba, well, lucky you.21:13
genii_jabba: np21:13
|PaperTiger|_jabba, mind if I PM to avoid ot again?21:14
Dark-Starok, now back to crosscompiling the kernel :-)21:14
_jabba|PaperTiger|: i am lucky to have such a nice machine. with that much ram, my wife and i can use it simultaneously, which was the goal. and sure, pm if necessary.21:14
jonesk5It seems im the only one in the house who is able to connect to one of our routers. It is marked as a RSN network, i wonder is that is the reason21:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsn21:14
_jabbabut the real thing i was trying to get to is that emulation is way mature21:14
_jabbaif you have enough ram, with things like VTx and whatever that other thing is, there's very little overhead21:15
_jabbamy virtual machine is faster than my old desktop.21:15
|PaperTiger|_jabba, that's oddly worrying... XD21:15
_jabbano, it's a good thing21:17
_jabbathere's hardware support for virtualization now21:17
DragnslcrDark-Star- where you looking for a way to add a user to a group from the terminal or from KDE?21:17
_jabbaso "emulation" really isn't emulating anymore21:17
lovrehi all21:18
lovrei just tried to update with adept, and i got this error: http://pastebin.com/m274db97d   any help?21:18
lovrewhat do i do21:18
Dark-Starterminal would have been ok, but I didn't find it there. Didn't look in KDE though.21:18
|PaperTiger|_jabba, lucky you. and as much as I love hearing about your system, that I want to steal! You're going the right way for another chanop smack XD21:18
jonesk5nvr mind21:19
jonesk5wpa2 == rna21:19
Dark-StarI googled and something about using "useradd" came up. I think it worked somehow, except it didn't "add" me to that group but replaced all my groups by the one I specified :)21:19
DragnslcrDark-Star- from a terminal, adduser <username> <groupname>21:19
Dark-Staryes, that's what I tried. You sure it should work?21:19
geniiDark-Star: You probably forgot  the -a switch, which APPENDS the group name you put21:19
Dark-Starhmm. .. maybe I added a "-G" in there, I'm not sure anymore21:20
Dark-Startoo bad it's not in my history file anymore. I definitely didn't put in "-a", that might have helped :)21:20
geniiNo waity thats usermod i think (this headache is eye watering and hard to concentrate)21:20
DragnslcrDark-Star- yeah, useradd is a lower level function than adduser. Probably best to stick with adduser21:21
DragnslcrI know, I can never remember which one is the higher level one21:21
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Dark-Starhmm... adduser, useradd... I never grasped which one does what ...21:22
DragnslcrYeah, it's a pain21:22
Dark-Staryes, it seems I should have used  "adduser" but I used "useradd". stupid mistake, next time I think I'll edit the group file right away again... just like in the good old times :)21:23
drbobbdamn, i got a new bigger hard drive for my laptop, and was about to install the jaunty beta21:28
drbobbwhen it turned out the cd/dvd drive no longer works21:28
drbobbso the question is, how do i boot the installer without a working optical drive?21:29
jeiworthdrbobb: usb?21:30
drbobbnope, not supported by the bios21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pxe21:32
drbobbok i know what pxe means, roughly21:33
drbobbbut i only have windows boxes around the house, so where do i find a boot server21:34
geniidrbobb: If you have another linux box, you can get it to boot over the network and install that way21:34
Gubahow can i setup my task bar in kubuntu to show only programs witch are opened in the same virtual desktop21:34
Gubanot all opened programs21:34
geniidrbobb: You can install into the ram space of a livecd boot all the stuff pxe boot server needs. You will need a box w 2 cd/dvd though... one for the livecd and one for the install cd which will go on the lappie21:35
drbobbgenii: nogo, that21:35
* genii contemplated debbootstrap21:36
|PaperTiger|Guba, right click on taskbar21:36
|PaperTiger|Guba, go to settings21:36
drbobbit's a little complicated, cause i can't have 2 drives in the laptop21:37
Gubawhat setting21:37
geniidrbobb: There is an alternate way, get a debian-based linux boot floppy which has support for your ethernet adapter and has debbootstrap.21:37
drbobbi must swap out the one that has linux on it, for a basically empty pne21:37
Gubapanel settings21:37
|PaperTiger|Guba, then in the filters section, it will say about programs on desktops21:37
drbobbuh-uh, no floppy drive21:37
|PaperTiger|No, taskbar settings Guba21:37
Gubamen THANKS21:38
|PaperTiger|Guba, no problem. I found that one out myself too :P Took a while21:38
Gubathank you  wery much |PaperTiger|  i looking for that option all the time21:38
geniidrbobb: You could do a temp Wubi install to one of the windows boxes, use that as a lin ux based boot server, uninstall ubuntu from inside Windows on that box when finished21:39
|PaperTiger|Guba, no problem. I was looking for that too, when I first started using Kubuntu21:39
drbobbwell i can put a small partition on the empty drive, put grub's files on it and setup grub to boot from there, once the drive is swapper into the bay21:39
* |PaperTiger| is happy. He helped someone out for the first time :)21:40
eugenhey i'm at school, and my internet sped is only "136.20kbps", is there something wrong? It don't think that the network is at fault...21:42
eugenmy speed was fine when I was running vista the other day, however...21:43
drbobbbtw optical drives suck, the tend to break down too much21:43
eugenI just installed a clean install of kubuntu 9.0421:43
drbobbhmm why would parted refuse to move an ext2 partition?21:44
PhilRod|PaperTiger|: Guba: are you guys talking about kde 3 or 4? (I'm just idly curious, because I couldn't find the setting myself)21:47
|PaperTiger|PhilRod, I am using KDE 4.221:47
PhilRod|PaperTiger|: ah, just got it (you have to find some empty space on the taskbar, which is in pretty short supply on mine :-)21:48
drbobbok time to give it a spin21:49
|PaperTiger|PhilRod, yeah. Sorry. Forgot to mention that21:49
eugenhey why can't I set the time and date? when I click to update automatically, I get errors that it can't connect....21:51
krishnamy kubuntu make some problem with graphic21:53
krishnawhen starting - he dont want switch on but he switch off ...the system21:54
krishnathis is first time that it working21:54
geniieugen: You have ntp installed, and a tick (time server) specified?21:54
krishnabut wiht problems screen is working with much deelay..21:54
eugenI did, and it just says that it can't connect to them..21:55
geniieugen: Try a different time server then. Thats the most likely thing, if your internet works fine otherwise21:56
eugenwell..internet is very slow actually..21:56
eugengenii: I did a bandwidth test, and its very close to dialup...although I'm at school using thier broadband connection...21:57
eugengenii: you think there is something wrong with kubuntu? the internet was going pretty fast when I had vista a few days ago...21:58
geniieugen: It's conceivable they have well-known services blocked at the router there21:58
eugengenii: well even general surfing the net goes slow...21:58
geniieugen:command: top                         should tell if your box is spending undue amounts of resources on something. Firefox sometimes bogs everything when multiple flsh content in multiple tabs21:59
=== jussi01 is now known as android
Dragnslcreugen- I've had the same problem. No idea what causes it22:00
eugenwell, I did a fresh install of kubuntu, I didn't have firefox..22:01
eugengenii: I installed firefox eventually, but took about 15 min to download22:01
geniiOK so it started way before then22:01
geniieugen: ifconfig show any collisions for any interfaces?22:02
geniiI gotta go for a bit, back in 45mins/hour22:03
eugenby collisions you mean like dropped packets?22:04
eugenoh. no collisions or dropped for any interface..22:04
Dragnslcreugen- looks like it's because System Settings doesn't realize that it needs root privileges to turn on NTP22:07
Dragnslcreugen- you should be able to do "kdesudo systemsettings" to set it22:07
eugenok i'm in system systtings22:08
eugenwhat do I need to set...22:08
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
DragnslcrIt's in Date & Time22:10
krishnacould someone help me with my screen...and kde22:10
DragnslcrSame place as it is when you run System Settings normally22:11
=== sean is now known as Guest48106
sunshineI'm trying to get all users to use the same wine config. I linked to /home/public/.wine in every home directory and -R 777ed. but get "wine: /home/user23/.wine is not owned by you" (for all users)22:20
krishnathx for help -,-22:20
krishnawhat i can change in kde to delete delay for screen22:30
eugenhow do you install compiz in kubuntu?22:31
eugenfrom the software repo?22:32
krishnafrom compiz22:32
krishnanow is updating bu i dont know that i make good because i dont know that next time will or not start with system22:33
=== ubuntu is now known as JackWinter
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
krishnajest ktos kto mowi w tym jezyku i moglby pomoc?:/22:38
=== hoisn is now known as hoisn___________
=== THE_MAC is now known as imac
=== imac is now known as A_mac
Carrie_ugh.. anyone here use Konversation?  Is there a shortcut keystroke to toggle between channels? :P22:56
jamesjedimasterCarrie_: ctrl+. and ctrl+,22:57
Carrie_thanks =D22:58
eugenhey, how do I start programs as root? (su or sudo)?23:02
peterhilkdesudo with graphical programs23:03
eugendo I need to do that from the terminal?23:04
pulcciao a tutti23:04
jamesjedimasteryes eugen23:05
=== jeffryj_ is now known as calamari
calamariis there some kind of fsck type program for microsfot word documents?23:09
eugen_is there a place in kubuntu to see network traffic, or speeds, going between my comp and the access point?23:10
eugen_ok there is something seriously wrong with this....23:12
eugen_i'm trying to install flash, and it downloads at around 800 b/s...23:12
eugen_i'm on a school network, and I know its faster than that...23:12
eugen_what could be the problem?23:14
A_maci get this message when trying to update  packages ------>>> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.   what do i do ???23:14
jamesjedimasterperhaps others students are watching videos at youtube, downloading iso's23:15
jamesjedimasterA_mac: do what the message says: dpkg --configue -a23:15
A_maci did it came up with another message23:15
A_macill do it agin and copy it23:16
A_macrequested operation requires superuser privilege23:17
_jabbashuttin down the vm. cheers all.23:17
jamesjedimasterA_mac: sudo dpkg --configue -a23:18
A_macYou have 1 broken package on your system!23:20
A_macUse the "Broken" filter to locate it.23:20
eugen_I keep getting error when I try to install deb...why so?23:21
A_macdo i mark for complete removel ?23:21
A_macthen reinstall it again ?23:21
A_macor is their a better p2p for linux ubuntu23:22
A_maci was trying to install limewire for linux23:22
=== rayman is now known as rayman__
bondo689my prob: shmconfig -- I created a file "shmconfig.fdi" in /etc/hal/policy which allowed me to use gsynaptics to configure my touchpad, then later I made changes to the "11-x11-synaptics.fdi in /usr/shared/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty which made default changes to my touchpad config, now I cannot enable shared memory-- any ideas?23:22
jamesjedimasterA_mac: it's better to uninstall and install again23:22
A_macis thier something better23:22
A_macok cool23:23
=== peppe is now known as Guest36051
=== Guest36051 is now known as peppe__
eugen_how to I make the clock show the time in 12 hour format?23:25
jamesjedimaster!it | peppe__23:26
ubottupeppe__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:26
A_macthat worked great thanks very much23:28
A_macsystem is back up and running23:28
A_macnow i can finish my ircd23:29
jamesjedimastereugen_: system settings -> regional & language23:29
A_macthnaks again  jammesdimaster23:29
arong /help23:32
eugenhow do I install stuff in kubuntu? deb? or rpm?23:32
aroneugen on Kubuntu 8.10 you can install deb, you can run it after you download from the net.23:37
=== ggghhgk is now known as boboso
A_macwhat is the best linux version to run that will see my wifi system ?23:37
jamesjedimastereugen: with adept (package manager), kubuntu is derivative from debian23:37
A_macnone see it23:37
A_macive tried pc linux 2007 and ubuntu 8.0423:38
eugenaron: thats what I did, but KPackageKit fails with error: "Sorry, an error has occured". and closes23:38
A_macand linux xp23:38
A_macthat really sux23:38
jamesjedimasterA_mac: try a livecd of kubuntu 8.10 or opensuse23:38
eugensome people say I need to install things as root?23:38
A_macoh kool23:38
A_macill get it now23:39
jamesjedimasteror google your wireless card if it is supported23:39
A_maci use a linksys card23:39
eugenhow do I install deb pakages from terminal?23:44
jason_froebeeugen - sudo dpkg -i <package file>23:44
eugenhey, I'm on school network, and the internet works good, but anytime I do apt-get install, or try to install stuff from the repositories, the download speed is just a few bytes... is the school blocking traffic on those prototols? does the update use a special port or protocol?23:48
=== chris__ is now known as siachris
A_maci did this line command stuff back when i had my 8088 with a big whooping 200meg hard drive .... that was over 20 yrs ago man.. i for got dos commands.... i dont remeber that decad23:54
A_mactoo much weed i guess23:54
A_macback in the 5 1/4 drive days23:54
A_macim to old for this crap23:56
A_macwhy did i try to start a ircd23:56
A_macoh man23:56
jason_froebe8088 would be a 5mb hd :-)  I remember those days well23:58
siachrisHello everyone.  I have a problem and am hoping you can help me.  I am running ubuntu 8.10 and i'm trying to set up a virtual machine of XP home.  I have xp home installed on virtualbox ose 2.0.4.  I am having a major issue with trying to share folders from my ubuntu home folder and access it through my xp virtual machine.23:58
A_macoh no23:58
jason_froebebut natagia's off topic23:58
A_maci still have that 8088 running here23:59
A_maci use it to run my ham radio bbs station23:59

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