
H_M-UbuntuAnyone on?00:45
H_M-UbuntuI need help still, heh00:45
H_M-UbuntuI tried and tried, still can't get this to work.00:45
BHSPitMonkeyH_M-Ubuntu, help?01:33
BHSPitMonkeythis channel pertains to artwork... are you having trouble posting to the wiki or something?01:33
H_M-UbuntuNo I was making a GDM theme.. heh01:34
H_M-UbuntuI figured it out though, that is how to add shutdown/restart/suspend buttons to a GDM theme.01:34
=== ApOgEE__ is now known as ApOgEE--
thorwilkwwii: hi! how's things? robsta is about to pick up work on the css engine again16:38
kwwiithorwil: killer, good to hear he has time16:40
kwwiithorwil: been quite busy lately finishing up jaunty16:40
kwwiihopefuly I can start answering emails tonight16:40
thorwilkwwii: i bet you have a lot of stuff from that crazy german guy in your inbox. has been spamming he art list lately :)16:41
kwwiithorwil: lol, I saw your name quite often :)16:49

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