
asackenvandine_wk: can you please subscribe motu-release, and attach the patches we have now to the two bugs and set bug status to New?00:25
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pittibryce: reverting entire mesa in a SRU sounds very unlikely to me, since it has a high potential for breaking other systems08:12
pittibryce: (like systems configured for UXA)08:13
brycepitti: we may not need to -- we've had a bit of a brainstorm on #ubuntu-x tonight08:13
pittibryce: ah, nice; just reading backscroll from the meeting08:13
brycepitti: but I will point out that UXA is definitely not a supported option yet08:14
bryceor at least, it's not one I am ready to support yet, myself08:14
pittibryce: today I thought about converting your troubleshooting guide to a more end user related document "What can you do on intel driver problems", e. g. collect some workarounds08:15
pittiwhich we could link from the release notes08:15
brycethat's a good idea08:15
pittibryce: I'll mail you for review when I'm done08:17
seb128mvo: <DBO>i just came here to say that there are redundant plugins enabled in compiz, and they are causing us to waste CPU resources when we do window fades08:30
seb128mvo: ^ that's from yesterday08:30
seb128I think he said he would open a bug08:30
davmor2mvo: updates seem to be working okay now :)08:33
mvothanks seb128 and davmor208:34
tseliotseb128: what does Gnome do with DPI (in Jaunty)?09:31
seb128tseliot: 96 dpi forced09:32
seb128by default forced, you can change the value in the appearance capplet09:32
tseliotseb128: with a gconf key in libgnome?09:32
tseliotok, thanks09:32
seb128you're welcome09:33
seb128why do you ask? do you have any issue due to that?09:33
asachmm ... i experienced issues shutting down my system (using fusa) ... told me that other users are logged in. known bug?09:38
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tseliotseb128: no, I don't but the OEM team needs some customisations09:50
seb128tseliot: ok, easier way is to unset the key then, but be careful the xrand capplet might still force a 96dpi value when loading configs09:51
seb128asac: ck-list-sessions?09:51
tseliotseb128: how come?09:51
seb128asac: the ck-pam-something might open a ck session for cron job, there is a bug open about that09:51
seb128tseliot: bug? I know they use to force 96dpi in hardy when the capplet landed rather than reading the key, I didn't try recently though09:52
tseliotseb128: any hints as to where I should look at to force DPI as they used to do in Hardy? libgnome?09:54
seb128tseliot: changing the gconf key will change the default value, ie what gnome-settings-daemon apply09:54
chrisccoulsonasac - bug 28771509:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287715 in consolekit "Trying to shut down or restart falsely suggests others are logged in" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28771509:57
asacchrisccoulson: cool.09:59
seb128gnome-rr-config.c:     * dpi 96.09:59
seb128gnome-rr-config.c:    width_mm = (width / 96.0) * 25.4 + 0.5;09:59
seb128gnome-rr-config.c:    height_mm = (height / 96.0) * 25.4 + 0.5;09:59
seb128tseliot: that's the revelant xrandr capplet code I think10:00
tseliotseb128: great, thanks, this what I was looking for :-)10:00
Keybukseb128: didn't the gnome keyring issue get fixed yet?10:51
seb128Keybuk: which one?10:55
Keybukseb128: I have no gnome keyring10:56
KeybukSystem -> Preferences -> Encryption and Keyrings10:56
Keybuk"A supported PGP passphrase caching agent is not running"10:56
seb128the gpg agent is seahorse10:57
seb128do you have seahorse-plugins installed?10:57
seb128Keybuk: let me try something10:58
KeybukI have a ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent-info-quest file10:59
seb128Keybuk: do you have gnupg-agent installed?10:59
Keybukthat contains GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-*/S.gpg-agent:*10:59
seb128if you do uninstall it and restart your session10:59
Keybukah, yes, I do have gpg-agent installed11:00
seb128it hijacks seahorse11:00
Ampelbeinseb128, Keybuk bug 18351411:00
Keybukit's a recommend of gnupg11:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183514 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent stops responding when started with gpg-agent" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18351411:00
Keybukseb128: should that Recommends be demoted to a Suggests?11:03
seb128Keybuk: I'm not sure, it might be useful in non GNOME cases, maybe ask on #ubuntu-devel for opinions11:04
huatshello everyone !11:04
huatshi seb12811:04
seb128perhaps it could be a gnupg-agent | seahorse or something so it doesn't get installed in default ubuntu11:04
seb128lut huats11:04
* Tm_T have noticed that seahorse is happily destroying all gpg settings11:05
Tm_Tand that is while I don't use seahorse at all, just have it installed (:11:07
seb128you should be using it if you have it installed ;-)11:08
Tm_Tseb128: well, that would mean I have to recreate all my gpg settings and keys and...11:09
Tm_TI don't see any reason why I should use it, though, so I keep holding it away from my systems11:09
seb128I don't use gpg enough to have an opinion11:09
seb128I'm just signing emails and packages to upload11:10
seb128and I didn't have to reconfigure anything11:10
Tm_Tsame here, mostly, but also svn11:10
Tm_Tand ssh11:10
seb128seahorse found my gpp key automagically and acts as a gpg agent correctly11:10
Tm_Tactually ssh (and svn with it)11:10
seb128dunno why you think you would have to reconfigure your gpg configuration11:10
seb128ssh is managed by gnome-keyring not seahorse11:11
Tm_Tseb128: seahorse had all empty11:11
seb128and there again it uses the system config11:11
Tm_Tseb128: I don't use gnome (:)11:11
seb128you don't have to configure anything, it just lists available keys automatically11:11
Tm_Tseb128: but it didn't do that11:11
seb128you should have opened a bug then describing the issue11:12
Tm_Tall what it did, was emptied my .gnupg/ dir11:12
seb128it deleted your private key?!11:12
Tm_Tseb128: yes, all of it11:12
seb128first time I read about a such issue11:12
seb128and most of the distro team is using it11:12
seb128there is no reason it would delete any key11:12
seb128I guess it's something else on your install but your blamed it on seahorse11:13
Tm_Tseb128: also I had many times issues with gnome stuff forcing themselves to be autolaunched in my KDE sessions after install11:13
seb128autostart is a freedesktop spec11:13
seb128those are not GNOME specific11:13
Tm_Tseb128: I know, but forcing to autolaunch metacity...11:13
seb128nothing force anything11:13
seb128again if you have a specific issue you should open a bug11:14
seb128some desktops might need an NotShowIn=KDE11:14
seb128but we don't use KDE so we will not notice11:14
Tm_Taye, I have to see if it reoccurs11:14
seb128if you don't open a bug you get what you deserve11:14
Tm_Tas I have broken hardware now so cannot really try to find and report bugs11:14
seb128ok, so you will keep getting GNOME things started on your KDE session11:15
Tm_Tdid yes, until I manually cleaned that stuff from those autorun dirs11:16
Tm_Tthese funny and weird issues occured ~6 months ago I think11:16
Tm_TI assume that I had installed some -default-settings type package that did something unexpected back then11:17
Tm_Tok, baby woke, will harrass you later (;)11:18
chrisccoulsondowngrading packages is not really supported is it?11:43
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.11:44
chrisccoulsoni was referring about downgrading individual packages, but i think that is not really supported by the package manager anyway11:45
chrisccoulsonthe only reason i ask is becuase someone opened a bug against brasero because it failed to downgrade from 0.9.1 to 0.8.2. It fails because the package was split between these 2 versions, and there are no conflicts/replaces to handle the downgrade11:45
chrisccoulsoni was just wondering whether to close it11:46
seb128yes, close it as invalid, downgrade are not supposed to be working11:48
chrisccoulsonthanks seb128 - done11:50
pochuseb128: thanks for libproxy sponsorship12:17
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Laneyis 2.26.1 finished?14:24
seb128Laney: sort of, jaunty is frozen so any other update will have to be a sru after jaunty stable next week14:27
Laneyfrozen for rc?14:27
seb128Laney: yes, and between rc and stable we will get only selected bug fixes not new versions14:28
didrocksseb128: as it's not in the repos yet, I will make people work on gnome-terminal for tomorrow's lesson :)14:28
Laneygot it14:28
Laneydidrocks: And the prize is getting it uploaded? :)14:29
didrocksLaney: hum, well, I already prepared it, so, no :p14:29
seb128didrocks: k14:29
didrocksLaney: but it's a good candidate: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/36105314:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361053 in gnome-terminal "Please, sponsor gnome-terminal 2.26.1 to jaunty" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:30
didrocksyou have b-d bumps14:30
didrocksnot applying patches14:30
didrocksand autotool use :)14:30
didrocksso, I hope people can learn some stuff from this :-)14:31
Laneyall in 15 mins? :O14:31
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didrocksLaney: I think the 15 minutes goal is just a dream :)14:50
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superm1mvo, ping. i was talking to seb128 about a zenity focus bug yesterday, and he advised I speak with you about it. bug 27208315:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272083 in mythbuntu "Zenity windows appear underneath others" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27208315:29
superm1we (mythbuntu) didn't catch it recently late due to xfwm4 not doing focus right until recently, so we were attributing the "new" focus problem to xfwm415:29
mvosuperm1: hello. give me a minute, I check it out when I'm finished with my current task15:35
superm1mvo, hi, sure, please treat the ping as asynchronous, i didn't mean to detract you from something else :)15:36
mvosuperm1: thanks :) np15:37
* kenvandine_wk heads out for lunch... bbiab18:06
rickspencer3vuntz: hi!18:37
vuntzrickspencer3: doh, you spotted me :-)18:40
l0ser140somebody knows something about this: i was synchronized evolution using webDAV, I have a login "user@domain.com", but evolution cut off all after @. remains only "user"? need help)18:55
dobeyl0ser140: #ubuntu would be a better place to ask... this isn't a support channel18:59
l0ser140but what it deals with? xD19:00
dobeythis is a development channel19:01
l0ser140ok, thx)19:01
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rickspencer3bryce: so far Option "EXAOptimizeMigration" "off" seems to be working well19:39
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: is that the 2d performance tweak?19:50
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: it's a suggested option to replace MigrationHeuristic "greedy"19:54
rickspencer3if you have intel graphics and aren't too happy with the perf, you could test it out19:55
kenvandine_wki am very happy with the performance with UXA :)19:55
rickspencer3UXA is not crashy for you?19:56
kenvandine_wkrock solid19:56
kenvandine_wkwithout it... it sucks..19:56
rickspencer3In any case, it would probably help out to test EXA19:56
kenvandine_wki will19:56
rickspencer3a comparison would help19:57
kenvandine_wkafter i finish a few install tests... can't kill X with these VMs running19:57
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brycerickspencer3-afk: \o/20:06
rickspencer3-afkbryce: in general, it seems that compiz "slows down" as I use the computer20:09
rickspencer3-afkso I'll let you know in a  few hours20:09
rickspencer3-afkcover flow is my "test case" :)20:09
bryceI've also asked slangasek to re-test, since he's the one that saw the flaw with greedy20:09
brycebtw, I have a very strong lead on the freeze issue now too (testing it presently...)20:10
bryceheh, unfortunately, with latest updates now networkmanager is losing its mind20:11
kenvandine_wki need to kill pidgin for a bit.. taking up way to much ram :)20:17
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3-afk: did you test UNR on your netbook?20:49
chrisccoulsoni'm noticing some really odd nautilus behaviour here :/20:57
seb128chrisccoulson: which one?21:15
chrisccoulsonhi seb128. if i have nautilus in icon view, and then zoom in at greater than 100%, i see a lot of white space in the right hand-side of the window, causing the horizontal scroll bar to appear21:16
seb128which scrollbar?21:17
seb128chrisccoulson: similar to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46004421:17
chrisccoulsonthe horizontal one at the bottom of the window. it seems to appear for no reason21:18
ubottuGnome bug 460044 in GtkIconView "A way to space out the columns evenly" [Normal,Unconfirmed]21:18
seb128look at the first screenshot21:18
chrisccoulsonthat's quite possibly related, but in this case, nautilus shows the scrollbar21:18
seb128are you sure there is not a colum on the left which is not on screen?21:19
seb128I get a scrollbar here but I also get a column not on screen21:20
seb128but that's buggy indeed, you have lot of spacing on the right which is not useful21:20
chrisccoulsonthere doesn't appear to be any other columns. is there anywhere decent i can upload a screenshot too? it might be easier for me to explain that way21:21
chrisccoulsonthis seems to have only started in the last day or so21:21
seb128try downgrading gtk maybe and see if that's still an issue21:21
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll try that shortly21:22
seb128or nautilus21:22
seb128"* Fix icon view RTL layout in compact view" is in the new version21:22
seb128which means layout changes, could have some side effects21:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the behaviour breaks between nautilus 2.26.1 and 2.26.221:28
chrisccoulsondoesn't seem to be gtk related21:28
chrisccoulsoni'll open a bug report on the bugzilla21:28
seb128right, what I wrote just before21:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems like that21:29
pittigood night everyone21:29
seb128'night pitti21:30
chrisccoulsongood night pitti21:30
seb128chrisccoulson: you can try undoing the most recent change on http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/nautilus/trunk/libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-container.c21:32
seb128chrisccoulson: when you have a bug open give me the number I will try to ping alex about it tomorrow21:32
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll do that21:33
seb128in fact there is several recent commits21:33
chrisccoulsoni'll try and narrow it down this evening if i get the chance21:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - gnome bug 579086 for the nautilus issue21:39
ubottuGnome bug 579086 in Views: Icon View "Excessive white-space on right-hand side in icon view since 2.26.2 upgrade" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57908621:39
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks21:39
chrisccoulsoni'll try and spend some time isolating the commit that broke it shortly, but i need to get my stuff ready for work first21:40
seb128chrisccoulson: no hurry, you might want to wait tomorrow to see if alex see the issue directly or need extra infos21:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't mind doing that21:45
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rickspencer3kenvandine: I run UNR, but I use desktop mode22:14
james_wchrisccoulson: "Low" for that policykit-gnome bug seems almost generous :-)22:17
chrisccoulsonheh ;)22:17
chrisccoulsonwe need a "very low" ;)22:17
chrisccoulsoni just had a look at some other policykit-gnome bugs22:18
chrisccoulsonone of them is actually a common gnome-panel bug that keeps confusing people22:18
kenvandinerickspencer3: unr RC won't install on my classmate, but the beta is fine22:18
* kenvandine filed a bug22:18
james_wchrisccoulson: is that the one that I was triaging the other day?22:19
rickspencer3kenvandine: I haven't installed it since alpha 522:19
chrisccoulsonabout the "Set System Time" button doing nothing?22:19
chrisccoulsonthat's a confusing gnome-panel issue22:19
james_wchrisccoulson: yeah, right at the end I found those bugs and realised it was probably that, but Mike didn't confirm22:20
chrisccoulsonit seems most likely the same bug, so I just marked it as a duplicate22:21
seb128the "set" button should probably be next to the combo and not close the dialog22:21
seb128combo -> spin buttons22:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that might make more sense22:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the current situation is a bit inconsistent. If I open time-admin, I need to be in the admin group to set the time. But any user can do it via the panel. It seems that the policy is different for the 2 separate actions22:24
seb128would not be a surprise since they are 2 different softwares22:25
james_wyeah, there's a bug on gnome-panel saying it should be one of "auth_admin*"22:26
seb128that could make sense22:27
chrisccoulsonis there any easy way of working out what symbols i'm missing in gdb?22:56
seb128use apport-retrace if that's a crash? ;-)23:03
seb128or look at the address and the process mapping to see what library matches it23:04
chrisccoulsonapport's not possible here. it's an abort i'm trying to debug. i'll have a look at the addresses and process mapping though23:06
chrisccoulsoni'm actually trying to debug a g_critical message in file-roller. I'm running it with G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals to make it abort so I can see where it comes from. is that the best way of doing that?23:07
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