
asacso for packging changes you add new bullet points to topmost changelog entry.00:00
hjmfOK it is safe then for (i.e. 3.1)  to not modify the version number firefox-3.5 (3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low00:01
hjmfin 3.2 it's pretty clear because of the tag UNRELEASED00:01
hjmffirefox-3.6 (3.6~a1~hg20090330r26723+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low00:02
asachjmf: so 3.1.head has jaunty on top?00:02
asachjmf: this means no new bullet points can be added there00:02
asachjmf: so just run a dch -i -DUNRELEASED00:02
asacand add your text there00:03
asacleave it at UNRELEASED00:03
asacwhoever uploads the change will do a release commit that flips that to jaunty (or karmic or whatever)00:03
hjmfI remember changing by hand those numbers in the past00:04
asacyeah. dch is nice too ;)00:04
asacits more failsafe00:04
asachjmf: only thing is you have to set your name and email properly to env i think00:05
asacenv | grep DEB00:05
hjmfI've just tested it right now, yeah! pretty cool00:05
asachjmf: oh another cosmetic nit for changelog bullet points: we usually use the "- update|add|remove path/to/file" below the changelog entry in mozilla branches00:07
asachjmf: there should be a bunch of examples00:07
hjmfOK taking note00:08
asacbut i think thats only how we do it. so for other projects its usually * path/to/file: changed this and that00:08
hjmfThe last one00:08
hjmfasac: should I fill a bug for each branch before proposing the merge00:09
hjmfasac: just to see which are the best practices00:09
asachjmf: no need to. merged should be enough. you refer to the same bug everywhere00:09
asachjmf: you can add the firefox-3.5 target to the bug (for the firefox-3.1 branch)00:09
asachjmf: click on "Also affects distribution" ;)00:10
asacand select firefox-3.500:10
hjmfI'm doing it :)00:10
asacsorry for the naming confusion. we didnt come to rename firefox-3.1 branches to 3.5 yet00:10
hjmfPackage firefox-3.6 not published in Ubuntu00:11
hjmfOK then00:11
asachjmf: yeah. thats only trunk. we dont have that in archive00:12
asacmerge request is just enough00:12
hjmflets do it, let me some minutes :-)00:12
asachjmf: look at this too: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.0.head/revision/39500:16
asacits even better to refer to authors with email imo00:17
asacwe try to remember to do that ;)00:17
asacBug 22880617:53
asacthat one is fun ;)17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228806 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] various unrelated crashes for firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22880617:53
asacmozilla bug 48831117:56
ubottuMozilla bug 488311 in Autocomplete "Typing in various forms around the web causes Firefox 3.5b4pre to crash [@ nsFormFillController::SetPopupOpen(int) ]" [Blocker,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48831117:56
armin76asac: mozilla bug 44865818:21
ubottuMozilla bug 448658 in Phishing Protection "nsUrlClassifierDBService has bad alignment, causes SIGBUS" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44865818:21
armin76[reed]: add whoever should be for review, plz :)18:22
mconnorasac: so, where can I find a libnotify API doc?22:10
ftamconnor, libnotify-doc?22:12
mconnorfta: which is where?22:13
BUGabundoyayyyyyyyyyyy pidgin is working again on freenode!22:13
mconnorer, you get the docs by installing the package?22:13
mconnorthat's... special22:14
ftamconnor, yes22:14
ftamost people don't need docs for system libs22:14
mconnorand if you're not running linux, and you want to understand soemthing someone jammed into your source tree without the right reviews?22:14
mconnorwhy aren't they on the web?22:14
mconnorwhy are they something you would have on your system?22:14
mconnorseems like that makes things harder, not easier22:15
BUGabundofta so what's up with LP and karma?22:16
BUGabundohaven't had the time to read the Answer on it22:16
ftaBUGabundo, no idea, i just see mine going off the charts22:19
BUGabundofta I saw! crazy22:19
mconnorfta: that's current?22:25
ftanot sure, i'll install libnotify-doc22:26
fta0.3.2 vs 0.4.522:26
mconnorI'm at home, I don't have access to VMs etc22:27
ftamconnor, want a zip/tar.gz of 0.4.5 ?22:28
ftait's tiny22:28
mconnorfta: that'd be great22:28
mconnoryou can just drop it in email if you want22:28
ftamconnor, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/libnotify.tar.gz22:30
ftathat's all of libnotify-doc 0.4.522:30
mconnorfta: awesome, thanks22:31
mconnorIt seems like that'd be easy to automate and put somewhere searchable22:32
mconnorbut clearly making everyone add packages is better22:32
mconnoror... something :)22:32
ftasome devs prefer to have access to docs offline22:32
ftaand once installed, you're sure your docs match your libs, both are updated at the same time22:33
asacmconnor: libnotify is basically a wrapper lib around http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/index.html22:34
asacmconnor: online docs are usually published by the upstream project - which makes sense somehow22:34
asace.g. we don't republish MDC on ubuntu.com or something22:34
mconnorasac: sure22:34
mconnorI just don't know why you'd have a package for docs22:34
asacif they fail to update their online docs, its not much we can do :)22:35
mconnorit seems strange as hell to me22:35
mconnoranyway, I have the answers I need now!22:35
asacmconnor: its handy. first: you dont rely on the project still being online (could be abandoned or bankrupt or so on)22:35
asacsecondly you dont need to search the web for the libs you have available in ubuntu22:35
mconnorI tend to avoid relying on abandoned projects where I can ;)22:36
asacso its a redundant service to also produce the docs during build (which is easy)22:36
mconnorso should I assume that ubuntu's libnotify doesn't deal with callbacks at all?22:37
mconnoror is that just a guideline?22:37
asacmconnor: obviously its bad to rely on something abandoned. but in this sense distros also help to preserve existing knowledge/code, so someone can adopt software or parts of it22:37
asacmconnor: ubuntu libnotify should be compatible with the spec. even actions are supported. they are just not supported in a shiny fashion22:38
* mconnor hits some Mozilla people with a hammer22:38
asacmconnor: the idea is to use org.freedesktop.Notifications.GetCapabilities to check for the "action" capability22:39
asacand if thats not available, dont send it22:39
asacmconnor: yeah. the right implementation for toolkit should get action support22:39
mconnorI also think mpt's on crack, if I had time to write about why those guidelines are worse for users, I'd ahve done it by now22:40
asacmconnor: do it. open discussion can only help if done in a professional fashion22:40
mconnorgiving up booze has lessened my propensity for angry rants22:40
mconnorasac: yeah, I know22:41
mconnorone can hope, at least22:41
asacmconnor: so what reviews were missing on the libnotify commit?22:43
asacdidn't that have review/superreview?22:43
mconnorasac: ui-review, review from an actual toolkit peer22:43
mconnoractually, I guess roc's kinda/sorta the right peer, even though this was in a different part of the code tree22:45
mconnorbut it changed interaction model, and broke a capability that toolkit components (and strings) assume is there22:45
asacmconnor: ui-review for something that isn't enabled?22:45
mconnorit's not enabled?22:45
asacmconnor: right. for now i would assume its work in progress22:45
asacmconnor: afaik its not enabled by default22:46
asaccould be that that changed recently though22:46
mconnorit's possible that some builds don't have it22:46
mconnorbut reading the patch, it looks like if libnotify is available, we use it22:46
asaci think you need --enable-libnotify22:47
asacfor builds with that flag it will be used once libnotify is available on system, yes.22:47
mconnorok, less annoyed now22:48
asacthere is always a but ;)22:48
mconnorwe should ui-review stuff when it's being implemented, not at the end22:48
BUGabundois it possible to have spyware on ubuntu? I just got a pop up page when clicking on a gmail link22:48
mconnoranything's possible22:49
mconnorit's software22:49
asacmconnor: yeah. i can talk to ventnor how to best finish this work. i agree that the implementation should be complete22:49
mconnorwhether people are bothering... I dunno22:49
mconnorasac: since ventnor was talking about needing to change strings, I think he thinks it's complete22:49
asacmconnor: have you seen him recently online?22:50
asaci think i send him a mail a few weeks ago, but he never replied. wonder if he declared mail-bankrupt for that email address ;)22:50
mconnorcould be22:50
mconnorhasn't been online in seven weeks, according to firebot22:51
asacmconnor: heh. hmm.22:51
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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