
geniiLjL: I just got in there, but when I checked backscroll, someone told him the rm syntax then got disconnected, next you know he is saying home folder is gone...so I figured innocent combination of circumstances01:10
LjLgenii: could be. i have my doubts about it, but then i guess i sometimes underestimate people's utter stupidity01:11
LjLi'll make it into a redirect01:11
geniiSomething like "Two things may be infinite, the universe and human stupidity...and I'm not sure about the universe" comes to mind.....01:13
Seeker`LjL: unban me plz01:19
LjLSeeker`: ... you're not banned?01:20
LjLoh, there's a +d01:20
LjLyou forgot to remove it :P01:20
Seeker`-03:20:07- [freenode] ~s~ Cannot join to channel #ubuntu-release-party (You are banned)01:20
genii-release-party officially opens 22nd or 23rd?01:20
LjLgenii: it officially opens when debian says so01:21
LjLgenii: ask #debian01:21
LjLgenii: tell everyone to ask #debian01:21
LjLgenii: (don't)01:21
geniitsimpson: Don't lose faith in ppl, only *some* of them aren't worth having faith in01:23
tsimpsonsometimes, I  wish the clue-bat wan't metaphorical...01:24
geniiLjL: I recall once being sent to #debian on some ubuntu question, man did they lambast me01:24
geniiIt's just cruel to send ppl there.....01:25
geniiGuess we should keep an eye out for DrCheese now in the other spots. I saw them first in #x and now -offtopic ....02:11
LjLand +102:11
LjLanyway drcheese is ntfs is john_nel, check the bantracker02:11
geniiI always forget to check it :(02:13
ubottuScottK called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()02:16
LjLPM: [03:16:31] <DrCheese> you cant see me02:27
LjLi think that's the time he trolled #ubuntu-devel02:28
LjLand he's now trolling #gentoo-ops02:28
LjL!staff | DrCheese doesn't need to be on this network02:28
ubottuDrCheese doesn't need to be on this network: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)02:28
LjLAmpelbein: hi, how can we help you02:28
AmpelbeinLjL: i think i came here by accident. 02:29
Ampelbeinwill leave now.02:29
LjL@bansearch Ampelbein02:30
ubottuNo matches found for ampelbein!n=andreas@ubuntu/member/ampelbein in any channel02:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: Ubottu's syntax is so wonderfully inconsistant02:31
LjL!no\ u > rww02:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about no\ u02:32
LjL!no\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic > rww02:32
tsimpsonLjL: yes, it was me ;)02:37
LjLtsimpson: it could have been you or jussi. it's not jussi because his client is not attached, so it's you.02:39
tsimpsonLjL: I don't even think jussi knows about it yet02:40
FlannelAbout what?02:41
tsimpsonit's a plugin that "accidentally" got into ubottu02:41
* Flannel has been reading scrollback, can't figure it out.02:41
ubottuFlannel: this02:41
Flanneloh, a tell sort of thing?02:41
FlannelOr, say, i suppose.02:42
tsimpsonbut locked to anyone but "Owner"s02:42
FlannelIs that a separate plugin? or just supybot?02:42
FlannelThat's core supybot, I thought02:42
tsimpsonwell I wrote it a while ago, it just has send and do, but it was for my dev-bot02:43
tsimpsonit got synced into ubottu sometime02:43
LjLubottu: action probably has got more02:43
* ubottu probably has got more02:43
tsimpsonit was just for debugging some stuff02:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:43
tsimpsonumm, Reply isn't supposed to be loaded, oh well02:44
LjLubottu: action thinks my owner isn't very good ad adminning me02:45
* ubottu thinks my owner isn't very good ad adminning me02:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:45
tsimpsonwe can still see your message02:45
LjLyou can?02:45
LjL+v shouldn't allow that02:45
tsimpson[02:45]<LjL> ubottu: action thinks my owner isn't very good ad adminning me02:45
LjLoh, MY +v02:46
LjLof course.02:46
tsimpsonah, yes02:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:47
LjLtsimpson: :/02:47
tsimpson@load Reply02:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:47
* ubottu thinks LjL wouldn't be that much better at all. Perhaps jdong, at least we'd have a good laugh02:47
geniiI still wonder why ubottu goes twice everytime i @lart someone in -offtopic02:58
tsimpsongenii: because it reads the command twice03:00
geniiLjL: Hahahaha      the judo chop one was so .... ironic....    03:00
stewso please ping me personally if you guys have any more trouble at all from someone you suspect to be DrCheese/NTFS03:09
LjLstew, if you're planning to be in this channel, perhaps we could add you to the !staff factoid?03:10
stewLjL: please03:11
geniiHmm. !panels has:  "Did you panels disappear? ..."  I think it needs an "r" in there...03:37
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:40
tsimpsongenii: where?03:41
geniitsimpson: #xubuntu03:42
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/03:42
tsimpson!panels-#xubuntu ~/you/your/03:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:42
tsimpson!panels-#xubuntu ~= /you/your/03:42
ubottuNothing changed there03:42
tsimpsonerm, I know how to do it, really03:42
tsimpson!panels-#xubuntu ~= s/you/your/03:43
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/03:43
tsimpson!no panels-#xubuntu is <reply> Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/03:43
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson03:43
* tsimpson whacks ubottu with the "Work-Damn-It" bat03:44
tsimpsonagain, I MUST ask...03:47
tsimpsonwhy, oh why, is Fujisan in -ot?03:47
genii"random_asshole" in #u04:16
genii(a heads-up)04:16
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.04:22
random_personI need to be unbanned from #ubuntu please04:24
Jack_Sparrow<random_asshole> You should all format your hard drives and switch to gentoo.04:24
random_personThat was a joke. No sense of humor?04:25
random_personVery unfortunate. 04:25
Jack_SparrowPlease return in 24 hours after you have read the coc for ubuntu, thanks04:25
random_personYou're not very nice!04:25
geniiDamn. Everyone's abandoning ship or something05:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:09
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:09
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:09
Flannelgenii: its stinking! its stinking!05:36
Flanneler, sinking.05:36
geniiMaybe both...05:37
* genii-around kicks jussi01's quassel core a bit 05:55
* genii sips experimentaly05:57
Flannelupside down?05:57
Flannelfrom the backside of your cup?05:57
geniiDamn. Forgot I need to setup Konversation for cloak, etc05:57
geniiFlannel: I think that is what is described in the movie "Airplane" as a drinking problem....05:58
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:33
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:33
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:33
ikoniaareje battering me with dcc requests for files06:34
Flannelwhich channel?06:39
CaptainMorganFlannel, what gives?07:29
FlannelCaptainMorgan: It became obvious your question wasn't real?07:30
Flanneland he goes back to doing it.07:31
* genii hands Flannel a refreshing beverage of some sort07:33
FlannelWhen he asked if he needed a password to power on his computer, and then when I replied with "yep, you have to type in your password to turn the power on" and it didn't phase him...07:34
FlannelI suppose its ignorance instead of malice.07:35
geniiThen again maybe he has some BIOS password or who knows07:35
FlannelNo, no.  He's asking about it.  He started out trying to tell us that full disk encryption was when you had to type your password to log in.07:36
FlannelBut, I may just be irritable.  Seems to be happening recently.07:38
geniiMe too, a bit. Sometimes good to take a break07:42
elkyFlannel, while stupidity isnt as bad as malice, both are equally dangerous.08:36
geniiInteresting, didn't know tsimpson was stdin til his exit mask showed up08:37
* genii sips and waits impatiently on hold09:16
* jussi01 slaps genii around with a large trout...09:27
geniiWow, it's 4:30AM already. I better get a nap before work09:27
* genii smells like fish at both ends now09:28
geniijussi01: Core seemed to go flakey a bit, my msgs are in #quassel09:28
ikoniaJak_o_Shadows = panarchy I think09:33
ikoniaRegistered : Apr 14 02:50:30 2009 (1 day, 05:44:14 ago)09:35
ikoniachristel: be interesting to see if Jak_o_Shadows asks for a cloak shortly in #freenode09:47
ikonia@mark #ubuntu histo giving out bad advice - not thinking before offering suggestions10:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:01
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !hotmail is As of March 12, 2009, POP3 access is now available to all Hotmail users, please see http://windowslivewire.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!2F7EB29B42641D59!32413.entry for configuration options for your email client10:14
Myrttiholy hell, did the sky fall down10:14
ikoniahell has frozen over10:16
Myrttiseeing something like this makes me uneasy10:52
Myrtti[12:51] < amishtechie> you can use this to find and deelete files  find . -type f -name  "FILE-TO-FIND" -exec rm -f {} \;10:52
ikoniait's well formated10:53
MyrttiI'm not saying it's not10:53
ikoniano, I'd be more worried if it was a bit sloppy10:54
Myrttiit's just something I'd rather not see anyone suggest to a newbie who just asked how to remove all .txt files in a dir10:54
ikoniayes, 10:54
jpds-exec rm -fvi {} \;10:54
MyrttiI myself have limited understanding about the bits and pieces in rm and find10:56
Myrttiso I would never give that kind of advice to anyone10:56
Myrttiand what does this do: [12:57] < aaditya> bolt_: try `sudo init 6`10:58
bazhangWastePota1o hugs PulseAudio <3  <-- he is not in the channel; how is he doing that?11:08
ikoniawhich channel is he doing that in ?11:09
bazhanghere ikonia 11:10
ikoniain -opss  ?11:10
ikoniaI can't see that11:10
ikoniaar eyou sure your client is not borked ?11:10
ikoniamy issis sometimes leaves other channels spilling into my current11:10
jpdsNot with +n set, he can't.11:10
ikoniaI can't see him saying anything in -ops11:11
Myrttior -ot or #u11:11
bazhangodd, I logged in, and saw that here11:11
ikoniairssi spillage ?11:12
bazhangperhaps xchat weirdness here11:12
bazhangnever heard of #free-as-in-node though 11:13
jpdsMyrtti: Puts the system into rRunlevel 6 aka reboot.11:15
Myrttijpds: so he suggested that to a flash problem11:17
ikoniaMyrtti: who did that ?11:17
ikoniamega, here is bolt_11:18
Myrttiikonia: [12:57] < aaditya> bolt_: try `sudo init 6`11:22
ikoniaMyrtti: him again 11:22
ikoniahim and another guy where making dubious advice comments earlier11:22
Myrttihe seems to be full of them judging from lastlog11:23
popeygetting prv from bolt_ now telling me "youtube doesnt work"11:28
ikoniapopey: push him back into the channel11:29
ikoniapopey: trying to get him in line a bit over the last few days11:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:29
bazhangwonder if barbadillo in #kubuntu is the same as banned joker11:34
ikonia-ops-mon picks up nothing11:35
bazhangsure has a foul mouth and attitude11:36
* ikonia has eyes on 11:37
bazhangbolt_ is suddenly off the beta and back on intrepid? hmm (same questions about 'remote not working')11:40
ikoniafed up of histo and his smart mouth11:41
ikoniaaaditya: I didn't ask you to join #ubuntu-ops11:41
ikoniaaaditya: do you need anything ?11:41
histoyes whatup11:41
ikoniahisto: one moment11:41
aadityaikonia: curiosity brought me here..11:41
bazhang<aaditya> please part11:42
aadityais this area restricted?11:42
histoikonia: you can message me if you want.11:42
ikoniaaaditya: ok - well please check the topic and if there is nothing you want11:42
ikoniahisto: what's with the attitude  ?11:42
ikoniahisto: aaditya a user suggested init 6 (reboot) to fix a remote control issue - 11:42
ikoniahow is that an "init lecture"11:43
histoikonia: for some reason when you first started talking it just set me off.11:43
histoikonia: you rubbed me the wrong way so to say from the get go.11:43
histoikonia: then I was just messing with youj.11:43
ikoniahisto: why because you gave someoen the wrong advice and got corrected11:43
histoikonia: when I came in to the conversation my advice would have worked.11:43
ikoniahisto: no - it wouldn't11:43
histoikonia: he was asking how to stop X not permanently when I got there.11:44
ikoniatelling someone to go to init 1 to resolve an X issue is not needed11:44
ikoniasingle usr mode is not needed as I explained11:44
histolisten i'm not going to argue about it I really could care less.11:44
ikoniathen please keep smart mouth comments to yourself in #ubuntu11:44
ikoniaI'm not going to allow someone to advise someone to reboot to fix a remote control issue - and I certainly don't appreciate smart comments about it11:45
ikoniayeah, seriously11:45
histosome people are unbelievable.11:45
ikonianot really - just asking for you to consider what you say in a support channel11:46
histoi've been around for a long time, I can't believe some peoples attitudes either. I left you alone made one comment and you have a major bug about it.11:46
histoKeep in mind a voluntary support channel.11:46
ikoniahisto: that has nothing to do with it11:46
ikoniahisto: there was no need for a smart mouth comment - especially when someone was dishing out poor / dagouers advice11:46
histoi'm getting no where with you and there is no point to discuss it further.11:47
Myrttisince when has "voluntary support channel" meant you're allowed to give bad/smartass advice?11:47
Myrttior that it's ok?11:47
histoif you don't think my advice was proper then dont' listen to it.11:47
MyrttiI'm lost here11:47
Myrttihisto: we know it wasn't pr...11:47
ikonianah - thats not acceptable11:47
* Myrtti looks at bolt_ boggle eyes11:50
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops histo smart mouth/attitude 11:51
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:51
ikoniaI'm sure he'll be back now I've put a forward on 11:51
bazhangmore fun ahead11:51
histoseriously ?11:52
ikoniahisto: I'm sorry I had to forward you back here - but you left before actually completing the conversation11:52
histoI don't wish to speak with you.11:52
histois that not accetible to you.11:52
ikoniayour behavioru in #ubuntu is unacceptable 11:52
bazhanghisto, this needs to be resolved11:53
ikoniaso unless we address it and get an agrement there is no way to move forward11:53
ikoniabottom line is just think about what you say in the support channel11:53
histoYou do what you feel is necessary.11:53
ikoniathere are is no need for smart comments, everyone makes mistakes about advice, myself included, but the smart comments aren't the way to go 11:53
histoI'm done with the matter, and over it.11:54
ikoniawell you can ignore this conversation as much as you like as until you sit down and get in agreement you won't be going back in to #ubuntu11:54
ikoniahisto: so - I'm done with it too for the moment 11:55
histoI think thats a little rediculous. Consittering the issue at hand.11:55
ikoniacome back when you want to not be over it and talk about it 11:55
histoWhat is there to talk about?11:55
histoI made a suggestion you didn't like it. It t'd me off and I made a coment.11:55
histohere we are.11:56
ikoniathat's not how it went as well you know11:56
histoTHen how did it go in yoru mind?11:56
ikoniaI pulled someone else up for making a dangerous advice/command to someone - and you made a smart mouth comment about more init lecturs11:56
Myrttithe thing is, while we know some comments and "solutions" some people choose to give at #ubuntu are not good, usually the people they're really given to don't.11:56
bazhanghisto, we all saw it.11:56
histoI seriously am conserting leaving the communtiy.11:57
ikoniathats your decision to make 11:57
ikoniabut I'm only talking about this incident in irc 11:57
histoand what resolution do you want?11:58
ikoniaI'm just asking you (again) to consider the comments you make in the support channel, 11:58
histoIts in the past as I said.11:58
histoI will I haven't comented since, and I most likely will not to avoid getting banned in the future.11:58
ikoniaif you want to take that childish attitude - thats your call to make11:58
ikoniayou've not commented because you've been banned from the channel11:59
histoI'm not taking a childish attitude.11:59
ikoniaso that doesn't make any sense11:59
ikoniaall I'm asking is to just consider what you say to people, 11:59
histoI feel that you are being childish I dropped the issue. But yet you want an appology or a cookie or something from me.11:59
ikoniaI'm not disucssing it further while you have this attitude12:00
histoMyrtti: am I being unreasonable here?12:00
popeyYou dont seem able to accept the remote possibility that you might have made a mistake.12:01
histoI admitted I did12:01
histoscroll up12:01
histoI made a suggestion he didn't like.12:01
histothen he corrected it12:01
ikoniano you didn't12:01
histothat set me off.12:01
popeyyou have not12:01
histoI made a smart comment.12:02
histoThats what I said earlier.12:02
histoscroll up12:02
histoHow is any of that not accepting what happened. That is INDEED what happened.12:02
ikoniaso all I was asking that you consider what you say to people in the channel in future, that's it12:02
ikoniathere was no need for the smart comment, less so when someone was offering a dangeourous command, 12:03
ikoniaso if you can just consider what you say in the channel - thats all I'm asking12:03
histoI will consider that other people will disagree with my advice and I have to accept that.12:04
ikoniait's not about the advice12:04
ikoniayou still don't get it12:04
histoits about the smart comment?12:05
ikoniathat's why I asked you to join12:05
histoLike I explained I was upset with the way you started in about my advice.12:05
ubottuunop called the ops in #ubuntu (thissux)12:06
histoThats how the smart comment came about.12:06
bazhangapt-get install hydrogen?12:06
ikoniaI knkow that12:06
ikoniaI know that - that doesn't make it "ok" - hence why I'm asking you to clam down - and think about what you say 12:06
histoThen why do you think I still don't get it?12:07
ikoniabecause you keep going on about disagreeing with your advice12:07
histoWell because thats what set me off.12:07
histowas the way you did it.12:07
Moniker42not to interject too randomly i hope, but i think people are just getting sore fingers...12:07
ikoniaI understnad that12:07
Moniker42but perhaps it would be best to let the issue rest with the ban in place for a day or two if it is not already resolved satisfactorily?12:08
Moniker42there are plenty of ubuntu and oss channels in the meantime, histo.12:08
histoI can't believe i'm being banned for this.  I think some of you should look at the logs.12:08
ikoniaMoniker42: I'm happy to resolve it, I don't think there was mallive there, it just seems hard to get histo to agree to clam down and just agree to think about what he says12:08
* Myrtti feels grumpy with a sore bum12:08
histoand by looking at the logs I mean look at years past and see how long i've been around and giving advice, and just because of one incident that i'm already over but ikonia won't get over i'm banned.12:09
MyrttiI'd be ready to assume good faith here with everything histo has said here12:09
Myrttibut YMMV12:09
histoThis is really disapointing me.12:09
ikoniahisto: no-one is disputing your service, 12:09
ikoniahisto: it's not a hard thing sto say "yup, no problem" when asked to calm down and consider what you say12:09
bazhanga cooling off period might be best.12:10
histoits not really service its somethign to do with my free time, and if you think i'm going to appoligze thats not going to happen. I've listened to what you've said its a stupid issue and i'm done discussing it WITH YOU.12:10
ikoniaI'm not asking for an apologee - although to be honest, it would be nice manners12:10
ikoniaok - lets drop discusing it then - the ban will stay 12:10
ikoniahisto: if there is nothing else - please leave the channel 12:10
histoIts not going to happen, and I'm quite sadden and I feel that this is an abuse of your power.12:11
histoI've stated what happened even said that "i would consider it in the futre" as ikonia wished but that is still not good enough for him.  I just want others to know that.12:11
ikoniayour making it up now 12:11
bazhanghehe Myrtti 12:12
histoSCROLL UP12:12
popey12:04:40 < histo> I will consider that other people will disagree with my advice and I have to accept that.12:12
histothatnk you12:12
popeynot the same thing12:12
histoI will consider it in the future that other people will disagree with my advice and I have to accept that.12:12
histoIs that better?12:13
popeythats "I'm right, and I just accept that you might think I'm wrong, but I'm still right in my head and will carry on giving duff advice even if you think it's wrong"12:13
histobecause I am right.12:13
ikoniait's not about the advice12:13
ikoniahisto: it's about your smart comments12:13
histoWhen I came in to the room someone asked how to stop X. I said you can init 112:13
histoIkonia said that's the improper way blah blah blah.12:13
histoWill that not stop X?12:13
popeyit not the ideal way to do it12:13
ikoniait will take it to single user mode12:13
histowill IT NOT STOP X?12:14
Myrttihisto: it will stop a lot of other things too, which isn't what is wanted12:14
ikoniaI'm dropping this now12:14
ikoniathis is not about the advice - I said everone makes mistakes12:14
Myrttiie. you're giving WRONG advice12:14
ikoniathe ban will stand12:14
bazhangnot good advice imo12:14
popeyagreed, not ideal advice12:14
histoAs I saw the users problem it sounded like the right advice. Then the user talked about stopping x on boot. I suggested using update-rc.d to stop gdm from starting etc..  I realized I was wrong.12:14
ikoniathis is nothing to do with the advice - this is because of the uneeded smart mouth comments - which I've said a few times in here 12:14
bazhangbut I dont talk to bots either :)12:15
histoLike I explained you commenting on my advice (which is not the issue to you) is what set me off to make the smart comments. I said I would accept people critizism in the future.12:16
histoWhat do you not understand ehre?12:16
ikoniathe fact that a.) you've not said you'll control your smart mouth comments and not do it again b.) your attitude in here 12:16
histoIf i'm willing to not get upset again that would control my smart mouth comments correct?  I'm solving the cause of the problems.12:17
ikoniaI don't know that - 12:17
histoYou are failing to see this and continuing on your tirad12:17
ikoniaI've asked you about 5 times to just agree to control your mouth and think about what you say and you seem to be unable to say "yeah, sure, no poblem"12:17
ikoniaor even "sorry about that" 12:17
histoWhat do you think my statment was. It not only acknowledged the problem I stated it wouldnt' happen in the future.12:18
ikoniaI didn't see that hence why I kept asking for a clear response12:18
histoI've said it three times now.12:18
bazhangthe anger seems unwarranted about this histo 12:18
histoWhat anger?12:18
ikoniahisto: I'd request you come back in a few hours when you may have clamed down and can answer with a clear "no problem, I'll control my mouth in the channel in future" statment - and maybe as I said earlier "sorry" wouldn't hurt just for manners12:19
ikoniaI'm not discussing this any more 12:19
Moniker42this doesn't seem to be going anywhere but endless contradiction, would you not think it best to let this cool off for a wee while? (histo: and as this is a no-idling channel, that means you'll have to /part)12:20
ikoniaMoniker42: agreed, it's going on where anymore12:20
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops histo just bizzarre attitude/anger and inabilty to say "won't happen again"12:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:21
ikoniadid I read that totally wrong ???12:21
ikonia(open quesiton) 12:21
bazhanghe went off it seemed12:21
ikonianot even that - he just wouldn't say "it wont happen again" - or did I totally miss-read his responses12:21
ikoniahe just kept going on about not giving bad advice ?12:22
popeyi think perhaps you were somewhat dog+bone12:22
bazhangI think p o p e y nailed it.12:22
popeyrequiring him to utter specific words12:22
Moniker42an explicit apology/admission is an impossible for a lot of people12:22
bazhangoops :)12:22
Moniker42*an impossible thing12:22
ikoniapopey: wasn't looking for specific words, just forget about the advice - stop the smart mouth comments12:22
Moniker42best to realise it early and not get into arguing in circles, i think12:22
bazhangsome people go nuts when they get !ot'd as well12:23
ikoniathe advice was nothing to do with it, everyone makes mistakes on the best way to do things12:23
popeythe two things are not easily separable imo12:23
bazhangGuba, hi12:23
ikoniahe just kept going on about not giving bad advice rather than not saying smart mouth comments 12:23
ikoniapopey: no, they are not, I agree totally on that12:23
popeyit's not as black and white as you are making out12:23
bazhangsucky advice as well imo12:23
popeybut meh, he was being a bit of a dick about it :)12:23
ikoniaGuba: what's up ? do you need some help ?12:24
Gubahi all12:25
ikonia@bansearch guba12:25
ubottuMatch: *!*@!#ubuntu-ops by LjL in #kubuntu on Apr 15 2009 00:12:12 (ID: 12449)12:25
ikoniaoh hi guba, you are awake12:26
ikoniaI assume you'd like to speak to LjL about getting your ban removed12:26
ikoniaoh, then what's up ?12:26
ikoniain that case, please read the topic 12:27
ikonia!idle | Guba 12:27
ubottuGuba: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.12:27
ikoniaGuba: please leave the channel12:28
ikoniaGuba: the command is "/part" 12:28
* Myrtti prods jussi01 12:29
bazhangbad advice day it seems12:29
ikoniaGuba: can you please leave the channel, the command is "/part" 12:30
* Myrtti jumps up and down12:31
ikoniaMoniker42: whats up ?12:31
Myrttican I can I can I?12:31
ikoniasorry Moniker42 12:31
ikoniaahh I see why Myrtti is giddy12:31
Moniker42ikonia: i usually respond to that question with a topical reference to the economy, but i haven't read a newspaper in a fortnight!12:32
Moniker42e.g. "what's up?" "gas prices!"12:33
ikoniaMoniker42: I got away with it then12:33
bazhangtyoons!i=tyons@ is gsax? (i=gsax@
bazhangI would like compensation for ubuntu ruining the life of my machine. I am wondering who to sue.12:33
ikonianot this guy again12:33
ikonialet me guess the hard disk bug12:33
bazhangoh lord its ef_codd12:35
ikoniawho ?12:36
bazhangof 'my bunty broke' fame12:36
bazhangef_codd is still banned; ban evasion then12:39
ikoniais it actually him ?12:39
bazhang(EF_Codd!i=infin@ 12:40
histoOne question should I still be in #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-offtopic or should I leave those channels as well?12:40
ikoniait's fine 12:40
histoK. Thank you.12:41
bazhangits him. same comments about recommending a gui (he only knows cli)12:53
bazhanghe seems to be ontopic and not terribly disruptive though, just have to wait for the 'bunty broke-broke' or 'I want to sue ubuntu' comments I guess12:57
ikoniahe seems quite helpful 13:04
bazhangseems the removals of past learned him something13:07
bazhangor not..13:13
jussi01now I just got to figure out how to get kubuntu onto this thing....13:18
jussi01ikonia: you around?13:18
ikoniasory was just talking to someone off screeen13:23
Myrttijussi01: you bought the pink?13:36
ikoniachristel: nudge on Jak_o_Shadows nick - looks like panarchy again13:37
ikoniaubottu: wake13:38
ikoniaoooh uber slow13:38
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wake13:38
jussi01Myrtti: nope, spent some more and found a black one at verkkokauppa13:38
christelindeed does :/13:38
ikoniaha ha ha13:38
Myrttijussi01: yay!13:38
ikoniaI wasn't expecting that13:38
ikoniahi again Guba 13:39
ikoniaGuba: how can we help this time ?13:39
Gubano thanks13:40
Piciokay then13:40
ikonia@mark guba - more odd behaviour 13:40
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:40
ikoniaLjL: ping one of yours - looks like a nutter13:40
Myrttinoooooohhhh http://www.handtec.co.uk/product.php/1532/lg-x110-netbook--pink-13:42
ikonianice vallue13:44
jussi01pink ...13:44
PiciThe bot is lagging quite a bit...13:45
ikoniajussi paid extra to not have pink13:45
ikoniaironic that Myrtti would pay extra to have pink13:45
MyrttiI know13:47
bazhang@bansearch mopoyo14:02
ubottuMatch: mopoyo!n=mopoyo@60-242-90-89.static.tpgi.com.au by FloodBot1 in #ubuntu on Apr 10 2009 05:53:54 (ID: 12275)14:02
ubottuMatch: mopoyo!n=mopoyo@60-242-90-89.static.tpgi.com.au by FloodBot1 in #ubuntu on Apr 11 2009 04:02:46 (ID: 12310)14:02
christelyou guys know this, whats the url for info about that linksys dcc send exploit/crash weirdness?14:05
Picichristel: The actual bug is oddly underdocumented.  We've put together our fixes here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit14:06
ubottuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit14:06
christelthank you! 14:07
christelyou guys are the best14:07
Myrttiif someone needs to be tested, I can be persuaded into adding them into victims so they can test themselves at #ubuntu-read-topic14:07
bazhangmeh usb-creator works fine14:08
bazhangdont know why Kimi is trying to do unetbootin via wine with exe14:08
bazhangexercise in futility ftl14:09
Piciikonia: I'm pretty sure thats a different person14:29
ikoniame too14:29
ikoniahe just started pm'ing me 14:29
ikoniathought it was panarchy again as he's just been klined14:29
LjLthere are people from australia who are not panarchy, you know :P14:30
LjLlike elky and my sister14:30
LjLalthough... i guess panarchy could be my sister14:30
ikoniaI know - but he'd just been klined and an aussie in the same channels just pm'ing me straight after him being klined for no reason seemed a bit suspcious14:30
* Myrtti considers jussi01 14:30
ikoniajussi01: is panarchy14:30
LjLbut jussi is not *in* australia now is he14:30
ikoniapanarchy has far reaching claws to finaland14:31
MyrttiI'm not in Finland either14:31
ikoniabut you're not panarchy14:31
Myrttistill I IRC from Finnish tld ;-)14:31
LjLyou talk about finns14:32
Myrttisummon topyli14:32
ikoniasee - thought it was a bit odd, he's just asking me random questions, how are you etc14:32
topyliyou should know better14:32
bazhanghe did say he was lonely14:33
ikoniaI missed that14:33
LjLpoor aussie14:33
ikoniaare you sure it's not panarchy14:33
bazhangnot juss i14:33
ikonialook he's almost baiting me14:33
LjLhow can we be sure14:33
ikoniasummon christel 14:33
ikoniaMyrtti: it's rubbish, it doesn't work !14:34
bazhangheh he is just a lonely kid I'd bet14:34
ikoniasame isp as panarchy too14:34
bazhangsee you tomorrow and good night dont seem sinister here14:34
LjLeh it's not like christel can look through IPs any more than i or you can...14:34
LjL... despite what she probably claims14:34
ikoniabazhang: out of all the people in the channel he started talking to me asking how I was etc etc14:34
ikoniait's the same ISP as panarchy too14:35
bazhangikonia, stockholm syndrome?14:35
ikonianow he's almost baiting me that he'll back tommorow14:35
bazhanghe was unbanned though14:35
ikoniadon't know - he's just been klined so it seems odd that he's come directly to me for a chat14:35
ikoniano panarchy wasn't unbanned14:35
bazhangno mopoyo14:35
ikoniaI didn't know he had been banned14:35
ikonia220-244-120-169.static.tpgi.com.au 14:36
bazhangfor calling people idiots, blind as a bat etc etc14:36
ikonia= panarchys first ip14:36
LjLyou *have* looked at the BT for "mopoyo", haven't you?14:36
elkyikonia, post hostmask please14:36
LjLelky: [15:36:23] [Whois] mopoyo is n=Mopoyo@60-242-90-89.static.tpgi.com.au (Mopoyo Phoenix Yager)14:36
ikoniamopoyo [n=Mopoyo@60-242-90-89.static.tpgi.com.au]14:36
PiciThats quiet a bit of activity14:37
ikoniahe seems pretty keen to talk to me 14:37
elkyyou think mop is panarchy?14:37
LjLwho cares14:37
LjLhe's a troll anyway14:37
Myrttiwhy does Yager ring my bell?14:38
ikoniapanarchy just got klined by cristel, then this guy turns up and goes direct to me for "chat"14:38
bazhang*that* was baiting14:38
LjLdon't be obsessed trying to figure out who's who14:38
PiciI think hes annoying and given enough chances.14:38
LjLMyrtti: because he's in the BT several times?14:38
LjLikonia, so ban him because he's have a dozen of previous warnings/kicks on the BT. not because he might be panarchy. the former is easier.14:38
ikoniaI'm only interested if it's him as it would be his 3rd kline dodge14:38
ikoniaLjL: not worried about banning him, just curious to if it is him14:39
elkypanarchy's last known is -NickServ- Last addr  : n=hacker@220-244-120-169.static.tpgi.com.au14:39
elkycompletely different part of the network14:39
LjLand if it's his 3d kline dodge, what happens?14:39
ikoniabut he's been on and klined on 2 other klines14:39
LjLhe gets an ISP-wide kline?14:39
ikoniaLjL: nothing, just report it to staff, 14:39
ikonianothing more14:39
ikoniasorry - on two other IP's I meant14:39
LjLand what staff does is, "oh look, this fellow really can change IPs fast. we can stop k-lining them as it's useless to"14:39
elkyikonia, mopoyo was warned that any more naughties and he gets spanked out of the channel for at least a week14:40
geniiHm. How to answer such odd Q today like: <Searles> Could someone please tell me how to install Windows XP uing Ubuntu?14:40
ikoniaLjL: I disagree he's on static ranges and can only change them quite slowly14:40
LjLgenii: !windows14:40
ikoniaLjL: but thats not a big deal, it's more if it was him again for my own interest14:40
ikoniaI wonder what his forum IP is as he's posting on there14:40
ikoniais it allowed to ask a forum mod to check that ?14:41
ikoniaor is that out of line14:41
LjLikonia: asking is always allowed :P14:41
ikoniapopey: you're a forum mod aren't you ?14:41
LjLikonia: but start gathering the ips he's had (for certain) during the past, then perhaps you'd see there's a common subnet or something14:42
ikoniaLjL: exactly14:42
popeyikonia: nope14:42
ikoniaI doubt it, but it's interesting to know14:42
bazhang#ubuntuforums or JDONG14:42
LjLikonia: you can start doing it with just irc logs though, that's what i meant14:42
LjLyou've mentioned JDONG14:42
LjLwe're all JDOOMED14:42
ikoniasummon "the dong"14:42
* LjL JRUNS14:42
LjLhi histo14:42
histowhattup ljl14:43
histois ikonia still around.14:43
histoI got banned earlier14:43
ikoniaI am 14:43
ikoniajust having a drink14:43
LjLikonia: drinking his blood?14:43
histoI might do the same after the tea party14:43
ikoniano no, just a coke14:43
bazhangmm tea14:44
histoAre we done now? As I stated previously I understand that I shouldn't have blown up and made smart arse comments and it won't happen again.14:44
histobazhang: not that kind of tea party14:44
ikoniahisto: 30 seconds please14:44
histoI'm in no hurry14:44
bazhangoh 'tea party'14:44
histoyeah tax day tea party14:44
ikoniahisto: ban removed, thank you for coming back14:44
histoikonia: can I pm you?14:45
histoTake it easy guys i'll get out of your channel now.14:46
ikoniayup, popey check BT - just put a comment in15:04
* popey would if he knew how15:04
Myrttido that ^15:04
* ikonia pats popey in a special way15:04
ikoniahey Jack_Sparrow's awake, hey Jack_Sparrow 15:05
Jack_SparrowHi all.15:05
Myrttiikonia: awwww cute15:05
ikoniaMyrtti: yup15:05
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:11
geniiI got a total of about 2 hours sleep before coming into work today. Just so you know I'm not quite on the ball this morning15:19
jussi01oh ffs..15:20
ikoniajussi01 has broke his laptop already....?15:20
jussi01this thing has a rtl 8187... :/15:20
* jussi01 grumbles...15:20
jussi01anyone point me to docs to get it working?15:21
geniijussi01: My laptop also has that. Works fine unless it overheats. which seems to happen after maybe 2 hours15:21
Myrttijussi01: 0x10EC,0x8199 or 0x10EC,0x8185 REV_22 ?15:21
jussi01Myrtti: 1 sec15:22
Myrttihttp://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/rtl8187 <--15:22
jussi01Myrtti: 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8187SE Wireless LAN Controller (rev 22)15:27
Myrttijussi01: fail15:28
topyligotta love people who irc through identi.ca15:29
Myrttijussi01: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/rtl8187#UnsupportedChips15:30
Myrttijussi01: *shrug*15:30
Myrttitopyli: I've virtually stopped using both identi.ca and jaiku15:30
jussi01oh dear...15:30
topyliMyrtti: i just stop following the ones confused over protocols15:31
topylioh and i don't do jaiku anymore15:32
Myrttitopyli: I'm considering unsubscribing from !identica !laconica !ubuntu - and I'm not saying a word about Jaiku either15:32
topylioh groups are the pinnacle of madness, get out while you can15:33
topylioh well, i can always go back to "blog mode", post (and autopost) updates, disable jabber updates and just get email when someone replies to me15:35
Myrttiomg, I'm with idiots15:44
Myrttitake this pain away15:45
ikoniaooh ran out of tunes on the ipod15:46
jussi01wireless ftw!15:47
ikoniaworking ?15:47
jussi01yeah, had to compile, but meh15:47
jussi01anyway, off out now.15:48
topylihe fights, he builds drivers, he succeeds, he gets wifi. then he just walks away15:52
topylisome people would have *used* their new wireless for a while and enjoyed15:52
topylisomeone finally built tomboy packages for jaunty, patched to fix the broken sync. now i'm fixing typos in my notes and just changing them for no reason, so that i can sync again and again15:57
MyrttiOCD ftw15:58
ikoniatopyli: what do you sync tomboy with ?16:00
topyliikonia: just two tomboys, via a server16:02
topyliover ssh16:02
topyliwould be great if the notes could be stored as html on the server btw, in addition to whatever "tomboy format" they're stored in. but alas, that's not the case16:04
Lenin_Catis toypil here16:30
Lenin_Cattopyli: hi, have I been a good boy16:30
topyliLenin_Cat: no idea, you haven't been around16:31
topylias it happens :)16:31
topyliwhat can we/i do for you today?16:32
Lenin_Catwell, as I sead I would come back in a week16:33
Lenin_Catbut sence you havent seen me... ill just go16:33
topylii wonder where i should have seen poor Lenin_Cat. he's banned from wherever i am16:35
jpdsnalioth: ubot3 may /part #gobuntu (noone in it.)16:56
LjLlot of success that had, huh :P17:03
Tm_Tprolly its well merged to big U17:04
LjLtopyli: perhaps it's the fact that you didn't see him that should make you infer he's been a good boy....17:04
topyliwell he certainly hasn't caused any trouble on -ot17:05
topylii would unban him at once if he asked anyway17:06
LjLtopyli: i can see you grinning evilly.17:06
topylidamn i'm an open book! :(17:07
naliothit's all by itself in there, is it, jpds ?17:11
* Myrtti was a good girl, mowed the backgarden lawn17:13
jpdsnalioth: Pretty much.17:13
Myrttibuh-bye chocolate chip cookies17:13
geniiMyrtti: You have one of those manual rotary mowers, yes?17:33
Myrttithe area with actual lawn isn't big enough to justify anything else imo17:36
Myrttibut now we need a trimmer to get the edges17:38
Jack_SparrowGuys, and Gals.. Sorry Myrtti.. I dont see ubuntu in the channel logs.17:42
Myrttiyeah, I guess ubuntulogger was AWOL for a while17:43
tsimpsonit's not in #ubuntu17:43
tsimpsonit should be, but it's not17:44
Tm_Thi tsimpson son17:44
tsimpsonhey Tm_T :)17:44
* popey sighs at bolt_18:15
Seeker`popey: why?18:25
popeysee #ubuntu18:26
Myrttihe really is dense18:26
Myrttinot the sharpest nail in the bucket18:27
Seeker`hi Myrtti 18:35
* jussi01 waves happily19:19
Seeker`heya jussi01 19:23
jussi01!staff | spammer [21:56:41] <Esgalhao> http://www.sexy-lena.com/?uid=45179219:57
jussi01oh meh19:57
jussi01!staff | ^^19:57
ubottu^^: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)19:57
jussi01Spammed #kubuntu and left.19:58
Piciand #u19:58
Jack_SparrowI set a ban for the moment on /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@bl13-163-13.dsl.telepac.pt20:00
Seeker`why do I remember the name LeninCat20:07
PiciHes the same person as Commie_Cary20:07
* genii senses a russian theme with the naming20:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:17
Seeker`genii: ?20:20
geniiSeeker`: Seems un-implemented. Just was curious is all20:20
genii(eg if it would give another url which would make the first one now inaccessible)20:21
Picitsimpson, jussi01: I spotted this the other day.  It might be worth looking into before we move to a different database (if ever): http://itsystementwicklung.de/pipermail/list-pysqlite/2009-April/000380.html20:35
geniiPici: glad to see you're on the chronic thing in #k, thanks, was working20:41
ikonia@mark #kubuntu chronic abuse again - same as in pm. Not tollerated20:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:47
geniiMan. He seems to aquire a ban about every 7 days or so regularly20:49
LjLyeah, it's indeed a... chronic... thing20:54
geniiI'm not sure if drbobb is just having me on or not with all his excuses of how he can't install for this reason or that, etc21:47
geniiApparently not, which I found actually a bit surprising21:53
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
=== jussi01 is now known as android
androidSeeker`: yes... really...22:07
Seeker`jussi is a bot! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!22:08
* Myrtti hides under the couch22:09
* android comes after Myrtti22:13
androidMyrtti: btw this keyboard is real nice :)22:14
jpdsNafallo: Yay! :D23:03
Nafallowb ubot2 23:04
* jpds gets back to bug #23630523:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236305 in gnome-system-tools "Creating user with username 'admin' hoses admin group, sudo config" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23630523:04
bazhangprepare for a decent into trolldom.23:26

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