
oh_noeshow do I change the timezone of ubuntu in CLI without a prompt?  "dpkg-configure tzdata UTC" still prompts me for 'chose a timezone'00:03
Actium_/etc/timezone contains your currently selected timezone00:04
Actium_however, i don now know if changing that file will suffice00:04
Actium_*do not know00:04
giovanioh_noes: who says you can without a prompt?00:07
giovanithere may not be a ready-made way00:07
oh_noesThats my question, is there? :)00:09
giovanithe official method is dpkg-reconfigure tzdata as you already know00:09
giovaniwhether you can duplicate its function with your own non-prompt script, I don't know00:10
giovaniI don't know if all it does is change the symlink at /etc/timezone00:10
giovaniif it does -- clearly you can do that yourself00:10
Actium_check the source package of tzdata. it should contain all the information you need to determine what the reconfigure does to the system.00:11
SergiiI'm trying to compile mod_auth_gss_krb5 using apxs, but I always get "[1]+ Stopped ......" when I try to run it. Even if I run simple "apxs --help" - I also get "[2]+ Stopped" (number is always incrementing). Does anyone know why this might be happening?00:29
giovanioh_noes: I looked at the tzdata package00:30
giovanithere are two files it edits00:30
giovaniand /etc/timezone (a symlink to /usr/share/zoneinfo/AREA/ZONE)00:30
giovaniso change those two, and you're fine00:30
SockPantsgiovani: here's the result of the backup if you're interested: file size: 1608621716 bytes   size on disk: 465M   123522416640 bytes (124 GB) copied, 5757.09 s, 21.5 MB/s00:38
SockPantsUser time (seconds): 66.2900:38
SockPantsSystem time (seconds): 437.4700:38
SockPantsPercent of CPU this job got: 8%00:38
SockPantsElapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 1:35:5700:38
giovanihmm, that's a pretty long time00:38
giovaniI guess the disk is just so big00:38
giovaniyou can always just do a file-based backup00:39
SockPantsyeah i was thinking this: if the disk breaks or i need to change it for another reason, this won't work will it00:39
giovaniyes it will00:39
giovanithis image will work for any 120GB disk00:40
giovaniit will replicate your disk exactly, down to the partitiion info, the MBR, everything00:40
SockPantsnot all 120gb disks are the same size and in fact i don't think i can find another 120gb disk anywhere nowadays00:40
oh_noesgiovani: thanks!!!00:41
giovaniSockPants: you can resize the paritions if you want, to fit other size disks00:41
SockPantshm, i could probably at least change it to only backup the partition, not the disk00:42
giovanibut yeah, this isn't as portable as a file backup -- however, a file backup requires that the system be fully reinstalled, and then you manually have to place back files00:42
giovaniwhich gets messy if the backup is from an older version of the OS, etc00:42
SockPantswhat are the odds of messing up an mbr00:42
giovanimessing up the MBR by doing what?00:42
SockPantshm, don't know yet :P00:42
giovaniah, you mean, in the real world00:42
giovaniit's been done before :)00:42
SockPantsi was having trouble with my nfs server so i gave up and switched to smb00:46
owhAnyone here know when jpds might be around?00:49
oh_noesWhy does NTP restart after my /etc/rc.local is run?00:50
owhoh_noes: It has to do with network interfaces becoming available. It's a minefield :)00:50
oh_noesThe problem is it's echoing 'Starting NTP server ntpd' right in the middle of my rc.local echoing stuff00:51
owhLikely it's asynchronous.00:51
* owh hasn't looked at it for some time, but recalls with a shudder the interdependencies.00:51
oh_noesis there a workaround?  Im guessing the problem is because the service startup is asynchronize and each service only waits for it's dependancies00:51
owhWhy is it a problem?00:52
owhIt's not like you're going to look at the startup logs every 10 minutes is it?00:52
oh_noesgood point, but it's a mini problem because we're using ubuntu server for our appliance and on new startup new customers typiucally want a pretty display00:53
oh_noesfar from a real problem00:53
owhoh_noes: Give them a splash :)00:54
owhWhat they don't know won't hurt them :) -- kidding00:54
oh_noesyep thats what I was thinking00:54
owhReally, for the amount of effort, I suppose you could add a linefeed somewhere, and a splash will slow down the boot.00:55
oh_noeswhats the term for the splash screen?00:55
SockPantswhats a command i can use to split a big file into chunks00:55
owhSockPants: That would be "split"00:55
oh_noesnot the grub splash, but the actual rcS.d splash and login00:55
SockPantsahah ok thanks :)00:55
owhoh_noes: Dunno00:55
* owh pokes Nafallo00:57
=== bittin___ is now known as bittin`
SockPantshow do i put each line of something's output in an array01:17
oh_noesIs motd.tail sourced, or echo'd?  ie. can I put some bash style variables in it?01:27
infinityoh_noes: It's just concatenated, there's no shell involved.01:34
infinity        [ -f /etc/motd.tail ] && cat /etc/motd.tail >> /var/run/motd01:35
twbI hated that change01:37
SockPantshow do i put output into a variable in bash?01:39
infinitytwb: Why?  It means you don't have a file in /etc changing on every single kernel update anymore.01:40
infinitytwb: For those of us that like to version-control /etc, that's a bonus.01:40
twbinfinity: I hated it because they added it after etch froze01:40
twbThe actual functionality itself, I'm apathetic about.01:41
infinitySockPants: FOO=$(command)01:41
SockPantsaah, thanks01:41
twbHaving said that, you could just .ignore the file, as you do with resolv.conf on a dhclient-using server.01:41
infinityI don't have dhclient-using servers. :P01:42
infinityEven ones that use dhcp too auto-install get a static IP (the same one) configured in the final build.01:43
twbI'd rather configure the network on one end, than both ends.01:44
twbThat way I don't need to keep the config "in sync".01:44
infinityWell, I don't configure the auto-install machines, they do it themselves.01:44
twbOf course the DHCP server is configured to assign the same IP to the server always, by MAC.01:44
SockPantshow do i add 2 variable ie a=$(echo 2) b=$(echo 3) c = a+b01:44
twbinfinity: you mean with cfengine or puppet or similar?01:44
twbSockPants: try #bash.01:44
twbSockPants: a=1 b=2; echo $(($a + $b)), to answer that specific question.01:45
infinitytwb: Our custom preseed with a whacky late-command, but yeah.01:45
twbinfinity: ah, so only initial config01:45
infinitytwb: Yeah, but they're designed to be torn down and brought back pretty quickly.01:46
twbI have a deep-seated fear of having to maintain machines I deploy01:46
twbinfinity: VMs?01:46
infinitytwb: No, regular hosts (though some also configure VMs on the fly when they're built)01:46
SockPantsif i'm going to rsync backup into a file what filesystem should i make it02:11
twbSockPants: I don't understand the question.02:14
* ScottK gives kirkland a high five .02:14
kirklandScottK: thanks ;-)  i could use one today :-/02:15
kirklandScottK: blog post, i assume?02:15
ScottKYes even02:15
kirklandScottK: ;-)  thanks02:16
SockPantsi plan to make a sparse file, and make an fs on it and mount it, rsync files to it.... what filesystem should i use?02:17
twbSockPants: any filesystem that supports sparse files.  Almost all of them do; vfat would be the only one I'd expect not to.02:20
twbSockPants: as a general rule, I recommend ext3 for Linux systems unless you can actually demonstrates that <other filesystem> is more performant for your specific use case.02:21
isaacsmkirkland: yes, nice job on the blog post02:28
jcastrokirkland: you used "toe the line" right!02:31
jcastroYou're like the first person I've met that got it right02:31
kirklandjcastro: ?  how do you get it wrong?02:32
kirklandisaacsm: thanks02:32
jcastroI always see people say "tow the line"02:32
kirklandjcastro: :-)  that's something totally different :-)02:32
kirklandjcastro: i guess02:32
jcastroso basically for about 5 minutes you gave me hope in the collective intelligence of the internet02:32
kirklandjcastro: heh02:34
kirklandjcastro: "toe the line" is the only phrase i know of that makes sense02:34
jcastrokirkland: well, for all intensive purposes ...02:34
kirklandjcastro: haha02:34
SockPantswould sudo rsync -azvv / /mnt/backup02:34
SockPantsbackup everything to /mnt/backup?02:35
kirklandjcastro: revved up like a duece, another rumour in the night!02:35
isaacsmSockPants:  yes, including /mnt/backup...02:35
SockPantsisaacsm: how do i prevent that02:36
SockPantsisaacsm: how do i make it backup only local files, there will be a few smb shares mounted etc02:36
isaacsm--exclude /mnt/backup/ should work02:38
isaacsmSockPants: depending on your setup -x (don't corss filesystem boundaries) may be useful02:40
SockPantsah ok so i can --exclude /mnt/ to make sure no shares get backuped anyway and then -x will make it read only stuff on /dev/sda1 just in case02:42
isaacsmSockPants: yes, that would work as long everything your backing up is on the same filesystem; where is the file your rsyncing to stored?02:54
oh_noesCan anything in ubuntu tell me my RAM DIMM configuration?02:54
Kamping_Kaiserlswh might.02:54
twbOr dmidecode02:54
isaacsmKamping_Kaiser: that would be lshw, wouldn't it?02:55
Kamping_Kaiserer, yeah02:56
Kamping_Kaiserisaacsm, thanks for noticing that02:56
isaacsmoh_noes: you'll want to run that with sudo02:56
SockPants--exclude=PATTERN       exclude files matching PATTERN02:56
SockPantscan i have multiple patterns separated with a comma or how does that work?02:57
SockPantslike --exclude=/mnt/*,/home/big_file02:57
oh_noesawesome thx02:57
isaacsmSockPants: No, specify a --exclude for each03:00
isaacsmSockPants: you may want to check out the FILTER RULES section of the rsync man page; there are a lot of options there03:02
twbYou should not backup a filesystem that's in use.  Create an LVM snapshot, mount it read-only, then backup *that*.03:05
twbThis should at least guard you against the .pst problem if you have a Samba server.03:05
twbObviously anything like a database will need a separate dump.03:06
isaacsmtwb: LVM snapshots can really kill performance; I can't actually use them on any of my servers.03:09
twbisaacsm: even ones that only exist for a few hours overnight, while you make the backup?03:10
twb(You're obviously not meant to keep snapshots around for days, because they are copy-on-write.)03:10
isaacsmtwb: the copy-on-write mechanism kills it03:11
isaacsmtwb: doesn't matter the length of time, its enough that I get nasty phone calls03:11
twbI guess they're flooding their I/O bus already.03:12
SockPantsi don't have lvm2 installed03:22
reidhi guys.  I just got a new 1.5TB SATA drive for my server, and I'm wondering how I would get mount it via ssh?  never had to do this before with CLI03:24
Kamping_Kaiseryou mean sshfs?03:27
Kamping_Kaiser!tell reid about sshfs03:28
ubottureid, please see my private message03:28
reidI see03:29
reidone sec03:29
reidnah, that is for a drive that isn't physically in the server I believe03:30
reidthis drive will be physically installed in the server, I have just never had to mount a drive without some type of GUI03:30
reidso I am not sure how to mount it properly03:30
jkfreshanybody here have experience with NUT?03:30
reidI vaguely remember things like /etc/fstab, and mount command =P03:31
twbKamping_Kaiser: I think he means "I am connecting to the server via ssh and I want to mount a drive that I've just added to an internal bay"03:34
Kamping_Kaisertwb, aaah. i see.03:35
twbreid: do you want to mount the drive temporarily, or forever?03:35
geniiA more complete description of jkfresh's issue, copied from #kubuntu   :03:35
SockPantsyou need to find out what the device name is (/dev/sda something), you need to partition it, make a filesystem on it so you can put files there, add a line to fstab to make it mount at boot, and the mount it anyway (so you don't have to reboot)03:35
genii<jkfresh> can anybody tell me how to power my server down the moment power goes out? I already have nut installed, and it is communicating successfuly with my UPS. The system has not powered down gracefully when I remove the mains power03:35
twbgenii: all I can suggest is to check the nut logfiles.03:37
jkfreshI don't see any logs in /var/log03:38
twbThere should be SOME logs in there03:38
twbIf it's empty, you have bigger problems.03:38
SockPantsgtg, bbl03:38
jkfreshwell, I mean that there are no nut related logs. I keep seeing connections and disconnections from localhost with upsd. I don't know if this is normal behavior or not03:39
twbjkfresh: sorry, I don't know.03:39
jkfreshit's all good :) I think that setting nut up to do what you want is a black art03:39
twbI'll drink to that03:40
jkfreshmakes me want to buy an APC03:41
twbWhat do troop transports have to do with computing?03:43
jkfresh?? troop transports?03:45
Kamping_Kaisertwb, to transport your server-room najas around03:46
twb"never underestimate the bandwidth potential of a six wheeler hurtling across open terrain with a cargo area full of DAT tapes"?03:48
jkfreshI wish I had ninjas to rip my vinyl records for me03:48
Kamping_Kaiser6 wheeler?03:49
geniiKamping_Kaiser: Must a third of an 18 wheeler03:50
Kamping_Kaisergenii, aah, i see03:51
twbI was going to say "half track", but I don't know if they're still actively used.03:57
* isaacsm wonders if there are half-tracks in the hole at work...probably03:59
twbhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A9hicule_de_l%27Avant_Blind%C3%A9, for example, appears to be a six-wheeler.04:00
isaacsmtwb: that takes backup and recovery to a new level--armored tape transport04:01
twbThen we only need a second "A" to get an AT-AT04:01
isaacsminstall a magazine so it becomes an Automatic Tape Armoured Transport?04:02
SockPantshow can i make the server run a command as another user at startup04:28
SockPantsi tried sudo -u <user> ...04:28
SockPantswhich works when i'm ssh'ing as root04:28
SockPantsbut not as a startup script04:29
SockPantsand also, it doesn't actually run the program as the user, because it seems ~ is still /root/04:29
twbSockPants: make an /etc/cron.d/ entry04:29
twbUse @reboot instead of * * * * *.04:29
geniirc.local may also be appropriate04:29
SockPantstwb: i put a reference to /etc/startupscript in /etc/init.d/rc.local04:30
twbgenii: good idea, though note that it doesn't run in single-user mode04:30
isaacsmwouldn't rc.local still has the issue with privs?04:30
geniiisaacsm: No, it runs as root04:30
twbSockPants: ~ will be root if you use sudo -u fred.04:30
twbSockPants: you need to use -H, or better, su.04:30
SockPantsyeah, how do i make it run as if i were logged in04:30
twbIf root is executing it, there's really no point to sudo.04:31
SockPantsi tried to do su <user>; command but it doesnt seem to work04:31
isaacsmgenii: right, i though SockPants wanted to run NOT as root04:31
twbSockPants: that's because the syntax for su is different.04:31
geniiisaacsm: Thats what su is for....04:31
SockPantshmm, oh let me check04:31
twbHere's something I have in my /etc/rc.local04:31
twbenv -i su twb -c xinit >/var/log/xinit.log 2>&1 &04:31
twb(sorry, wrong cut buffer.)04:32
geniiAlternately to make a proper script and add it with update-rc.d04:32
twbgenii: hear, hear04:32
twbmetainit ftw04:32
SockPantshow come you have -c option after the login name04:33
isaacsmyes, i prefer the startup script option myself04:33
SockPantssu [options] [LOGIN]04:33
geniiSockPants:  -c is "do command"04:33
twbgenii: he means that the manpage doesn't make it clear that the options can come AFTER the username04:33
geniiAh, yes.04:34
twbNote that the env -i unsets things like $HOME entirely04:34
twbSo it won't be HOME=/root04:35
isaacsmtwb: if $HOME isn't set, won't it default to / ?04:35
SockPantscan i put multiple commands after -c and put them in {} ?04:36
twbisaacsm: if HOME isn't set, then any application that asks where $HOME is, will crash04:43
twbisaacsm: unless it explicitly handles the case where getenv() fails04:43
SockPantswait, command > file.txt captures stdout right, how do i get stderr as well?04:43
geniiWell, or return a null04:43
twbSockPants: -c takes a string.  That string is passed to sh -c04:43
twbSockPants: so IOW it's a shell script in a string04:44
SockPantstwb: so for a bunch of commands i put it in ""?04:44
twbYou could, for example, say su twb -c "ls; pwd; firefox"04:44
twbSockPants: what are you actually trying to run at boot?04:45
twbSockPants: because there's usually a better way than what you're going about04:45
SockPantsa few different thinks04:47
SockPantsntop (as root though)04:47
SockPantsrtorrent in screen04:47
SockPantswhat's wrong with this (just trying stuff):04:47
SockPantssudo su jeroen -l -s bash -c "ls -al > /tmp/ls.txt"04:47
SockPantsit doesn't work04:47
SockPantsok, it works when i leave off -s bash04:49
isaacsmSockPants:  Sounds like your trying to automatically recreate your console sessions at startup; my thought would be to add them to your screenrc and just start screen04:52
SockPantswell for now maybe but there might be other things later that don't have to run in screen, but that's an idea04:53
* SockPants goes to read screen manpage more04:53
twbisaacsm: I agree05:00
isaacsmin the past i've also run things like ntop in place of a getty, but that can be problematic sometimes05:02
SockPantshow do you set the (bios) time?05:21
* genii sips his coffee and thinks about tick servers05:32
SockPantsis there a commandline WLM client that has a web interface, like ebuddy.com has?06:44
twbSockPants: WLM?06:46
SockPantswindows live messenger06:47
SockPantsalso, how can i make grep return more lines than just the line it finds06:48
p_quarlesyou mean like the lines immediately before and after the hits?06:49
simplexioReceived disconnect: 2: server_input_channel_req: unknown channel -106:49
SockPantsyeah, i thought i did it before and now i forgot how06:50
simplexioand dmesg shows eCryptfs parseoption error,06:50
simplexio.. and first error comes when trying to ssh into box first time in morning06:51
p_quarlesSockPants: -C $number06:51
p_quarlesSockPants: that gives you $number lines of context; you can also use -A (after) or -B (before)06:52
SockPantsah great, thanks06:52
twbSockPants: that would depend on what protocol Windows Live Messenger uses.06:57
twbSuppose that it's, say, XMPP (Jabber).  You would then google for "linux web client XMPP" or something06:57
twblibpurple seems to be the primary IM library, so you could also see if any web apps are using that.06:58
p_quarleswell, libpurple does have a CLI client (finch), and that should support Windows Messenger (which is its own protocol, btw)06:59
p_quarlesno idea about a web interface, though06:59
SockPantsnot too long ago MS added the capability to log into the same account at multiple machines, that's pretty much a must if i'd use it07:01
SockPantsdon't think theres anything as of yet07:02
twbSockPants: don't expect us to know much about Windows, generally07:02
SockPantshardly windows... but k07:05
SockPantshow do i get rid of this:07:05
SockPantsrtorrent: Could not lock session directory: "/home/jeroen/rtorrent_session/", held by "ubuntu:+4697".07:05
SockPantsthere is no such process07:05
SockPantsif there was, i killed it07:05
oh_noesIs /etc/rc.local called after all initt scripts are executed and after they return?07:10
oh_noesIm doing some echos to console just before login, and im finding it's "Reloading openBSD secure shell" and " * Starting NTP server" write in the middle of my echo's07:10
twbSockPants: that's a question for the rtorrent people, but probably that dir contains a lockfile07:14
twboh_noes: yes, unless you are in runlevel 0, 1 or 6.07:14
twboh_noes: ah, that's because those things happen when ifup -a (dhcp) finishes doing its job, which happens in the background.07:15
twboh_noes: IME the Ubuntu if-up.d scripts are... a little overenthusiastic about restarting systems07:15
oh_noestwb: arr, cool thanks for confirming that.  I think in my example, ifup is returning even without an IP address, and because it's its DHCP it takes a few extra seconds to timeout07:16
oh_noesmeaning it happens to dump ssh and ntp restarting coincidentally right inthe middle of my echo's07:17
oh_noestwb: can you tell me what script is fired on an ifup? Maybe if I can silence the output that would be enough for me07:17
twboh_noes: run-parts /etc/if-up.d07:18
oh_noesI'm assuming ssh and ntpd start in rc3.d *anyway*, and are just being refired due to an ifup07:18
oh_noestwb: thats interesting, /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate has invoke-rc.d --quiet inside it.07:20
oh_noesI wonder why it's outtutting stuff to console on if-up07:20
jpdsowh: Morning.08:29
owhHi jpds08:29
owhHope my email didn't cause you any heartache :-|08:29
Kamping_Kaiserhi both08:48
owhGood day Kamping_Kaiser.08:49
Kamping_Kaiserowh, :) hows things in the hellish sandpit of the west? ;)08:50
owhHaven't looked outside all day, lemmie look.08:50
owhKamping_Kaiser: It's sunny, dry, no squawking kiddies around and no hammer drills or earthmoving equipment. Some birds are in evidence and some hoons are carooming off the street, other than that, situation normal.08:51
MenZammm, spring.08:53
Kamping_Kaiserowh, sounds quite plesant.08:53
owhAutumn you mean :)08:53
owhKamping_Kaiser: The sirens have just started up - peaceful for some :)08:53
Kamping_Kaiserowh, hehe08:54
Kamping_Kaiserspeaking of sunny - its going down here, so i might unload the car. back in 508:54
jpdsHey Kamping_Kaiser.08:57
Kamping_Kaiserjpds, :) evening. hows your packing? ;)08:59
owhThese south australians, very unreliable :)08:59
jpdsKamping_Kaiser: heh ;-)08:59
Kamping_Kaiserowh, oi. i'm not taking that from you!09:00
owhCome and get me across the Nullabor :)09:00
jpdsTrying to figure out how to fix bug #360980 right now.09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 360980 in system-tools-backends "[jaunty] users-admin allows creation of "admin" account" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36098009:00
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
owhjpds: Well that's kind of a special bug.09:01
Kamping_Kaiserowh, careful what you wish for - i've got no tafe for 2 weeks, and i've got a working car09:01
owhjpds: What process is actually creating the actual account/group?09:01
Kamping_Kaiserjpds, problem being it allows creation of a system group? (i havent looked at the actual report obviously)09:02
jpdsowh: Some C code in the program.09:02
owhKamping_Kaiser: Now all you need is fuel, food, a map and a drivers license :)09:02
owhjpds: Isn't that in turn calling some system call?09:02
Kamping_Kaiserowh, got (some) fuel, can pick up pizza as i drive through adelaide, bugger the map - i'll follow the road ;D, and got  licence09:03
owhjpds: It's directly changing the /etc/group file?09:03
Kamping_Kaisers/got li/got a li09:03
owhKamping_Kaiser: Make sure that you turn right when you get to Port Augusta.09:03
jpdsKamping_Kaiser: Yes, and creating a 'admin' user, causes the pervious group to disappear.09:03
* owh hatches a plan to send Kamping_Kaiser to Darwin.09:03
owhjpds: So it's directly changing the file?09:04
Kamping_Kaiserjpds, automatically? thats very broken09:04
Kamping_Kaiserowh, darwin? well, i've not been there yet, so wouldnt be a total disaster09:05
jpdsowh: Probably yeah.09:05
owhKamping_Kaiser: Nice part of the world.09:05
owhjpds: I'm downloading the source to have a gander.09:05
Kamping_Kaiserowh, bit tropical for me (at least, thats my excuse)09:05
owhKamping_Kaiser: Nah, just take your time, drink lots of water and enjoy the scenery.09:06
Kamping_Kaiserowh, well, i'm up for it09:06
owhKamping_Kaiser: Not much internet along the way though, how will you cope without IRC?09:06
Kamping_Kaiserowh, have to make do with ham radio09:07
owhjpds: Still trying to get my head around this. It makes no sense to me that a piece of code would overwrite an existing group. Does it do it with other existing groups as well?09:09
jpdsowh: Probably, I haven't checked.09:09
* owh isn't running jaunty anywhere so testing is not so simple.09:10
Kamping_Kaiserowh, testing if it happens on other releases is valid testing ;)09:11
* owh offers Kamping_Kaiser's machine off as a sacrificial lamb.09:11
* Kamping_Kaiser slaps owh 's priest09:12
DobleCan anyone help me with my samba ACL woes? I have an explanation of the problem on experts exchange: http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Linux/Administration/Q_24320174.html09:13
DobleI'm only trying to do a VERY simple file server set up and it can't be this difficult to get some simple permissions working, so I must be doing something wrong ..09:17
Kamping_Kaiseryour using acls, your no longer dealing with 'simple permissions' :)09:18
Doblewell I guess, but i couldn't work out how to get unix permissions to do what I want09:18
DobleI want to have one file share which windows XP users can map as a network drive, then I want to divide that share into two or three subdirectories and have some staff be able to access some directories but not others09:20
Dobleso like "Staff" and "Finance" and "Private" ... and jenny and bob need to have access to staff and finance, but not private, but jim who is the manager needs to access everything09:20
Dobledont think i can do that with unix permissions ?09:20
Kamping_Kaiserput them in groups.09:21
Kamping_Kaiserput bob and jenny in 'finance' group, and 'jim' in 'managers'09:21
Kamping_Kaiserset private's owner to 'managers'09:22
Kamping_Kaiserand staff/finance directories to 'finance' group09:22
Dobleokay, give me a few minutes to try that09:24
Dobleshould I disable ACL's on my filesystem again before I do this ?09:24
Kamping_Kaiseryou have a layer of samba on top, so i dont know how that affects what your doing. I'm just telling you how unix groups would do it :09:25
Doblehmm okay, thanks, i will try09:25
beniwtvhi all... I have followed the server guide for setting up bind9 on Hardy server, so that it acts as a caching name server. So it works fine when queriying from the local machine itself, but not from other machines in the network. Any ideas?09:35
DobleKamping_Kaiser: I am trying to delete a file ... I am a member of the group "everyone" and the group "everyone" is the owner of the directory, and the file itself, and the group has RWX access, but when I try to delete the file I get permission denied.09:36
Doblebeniwtv: have you set the other computers to use your server as DNS?09:37
Kamping_KaiserDoble, how was the file created, and how was the delition done?09:37
Kamping_KaiserDoble, also, #samba exists, probably more helpful then me ;)09:38
beniwtvDoble: Nope, I'm just testing it right now with dig. The thing is I need to authorize other networks to query it.09:38
DobleKaiser: i cant remember how I made the file, but I'm trying to delete it using rm ... I also can't create any new files in the directory, despite having rwx09:39
simplexioin console ? try sudo rm09:40
simplexioif even that dosent work, its probably in use09:40
simplexiofuser file shows who uses it, i f i recall right09:40
Doblesimplexio: sudo will work, but I should be able to delete the file, as I am the member of the group 'everyone' and 'everyone' is the owner of the folder, and the file, and the group has rwx09:41
Doblefuser returns nothing :)09:41
Doblebeniwtv: sorry I dont quite understand, you've configured bind, and you want to use it as a cache, but you haven't pointed the other computers on your network at the bind server? you need to do that or the other PCS won't know where to look for DNS09:41
simplexioDoble: groups confirms that you are in that group09:41
Doblesimplexio: interesting ... groups doesn't show me as a member of 'everyone' ... however if I do "sudo adduser jdoble everyone" .. I get "The user `jdoble' is already a member of `everyone'"09:42
simplexioDoble: logout/login,, and it fixes it in that terminal.09:43
beniwtvDoble: I know that :) But I'm querying it with the dig command, and returns responses when on the local machine. But from other machines I get client <ip>#49386: query (cache) '<domain>/A/IN' denied in the server logs09:43
simplexioDoble: or su - , updates those too, im not sure if there is another way to upgrade groups09:44
Kamping_Kaisersimplexio, Doble running 'login' from your prompt wil too09:44
Doblebeniwtv: I see ... have you checked that you have enabled the network in your bind conf? and that apparmor isn't blocking the server?09:44
Doblesimplexio: kaiser: ahh it is working now ... I wasn't aware that groups did not update immediately09:45
beniwtvDoble: Apparmor isn't blocking - I checked that. How can I check I have networking in bind?09:45
Kamping_Kaisertelnet <yourexternal ip> dns09:46
Kamping_Kaisermight be s/dns/named actually09:46
Doblebeniwtv: sorry, I was confused with another conf file :) if you have bind configured it should be listening and 'just work' when you perform a dig, do you have reverse lookup set up for your subnet ?09:49
beniwtvKamping_Kaiser: Yep that works, and netstat tells me it's bound on all NIC's of the server. It just wont' answer, and I think I need to authorize the networks to query it09:49
beniwtvKamping_Kaiser: I think that is what the log message acutally means09:50
Doblebeniwtv: sounds like you are right but i can't remember any config setting to enable/authorize a network09:51
Kamping_KaiserI dont use bind, so cant help there. seems like a pile of overkill for my network :)09:51
owhKamping_Kaiser: So, you driving yet, or just bragging?09:52
beniwtvDoble: It 'just works' from localhost, yes. But not from other machines, and I don't know why it would need to have reverse lookup if I query just google :)09:52
Doblebeniwtv: I agree, I'm just stabbing in the dark ... sorry mate09:53
beniwtvKamping_Kaiser: Yeah, for a home network it's probably overkill. But we need it so that our users which are connecting to the Interner get a DNS :)09:53
Kamping_Kaiserowh, not visiting you tonight i'm afraid, got a gNewSense release to do ;009:53
owhFine, fine, I'll deal with the disappointment :)09:54
Kamping_Kaiserowh, have a drink to console yourself, or download our new release when its up;)09:58
owhA new release, you mean break my production machine again :)09:58
Doblecan anyone tell me why i get the error "Failed to add entry for user bill." when I log in as bill ?10:01
Kamping_Kaiserwhere is the error?10:02
Doblesorry, i closed chat10:02
chris_d_adamshi guys, I'm running ubuntu hardy server, and I'm struggling to understand why my vm isn't updating to intrepid10:02
chris_d_adamsare there any commands I'm missing here?>10:02
Kamping_KaiserDoble, where is the error?10:03
owhlater all...10:03
Kamping_Kaiserowh, later mate10:03
DobleKaiser: First line of the login ... so "login as: bill" "bill@'s password:" "Failed to add entry for user bill."10:03
chris_d_adamsI've just run the basic "aptitude update,  aptitude install update-manager-core, do-release-upgrade' steps10:03
DobleKaiser: I think its related to samba10:03
beniwtvDoble: Have you added samba for PAM auth?10:05
Kamping_Kaiserafk. dinner10:05
Doblebeniwtv: I'm not sure ... is that where samba syncs its users with ubuntu's users? If so - yes, because it is included by default when you install ubuntu 8.10 and choose "file server" which is what I did.10:06
beniwtvDoble: yep, it syncs users there. Maybe the logs give you some more info. Like auth.log and daemon.log10:08
Doblebeniwtv: there doesnt seem to be any info in those two files ... just saying that 'bill' logged in10:10
beniwtvDoble: Anything in syslog (maybe Apparmor?)10:14
milestonehi folks10:31
milestonethis mornin unattended-upgrades upgraded my packages10:32
milestoneas always this works great10:32
milestonebut it also updated mysql-server10:32
milestonethe server was only stopped during the upgrade process10:32
milestone(3 times)10:32
milestoneand never started10:32
milestoneis that desired behaviour or do i need to change some configuration to get it automatically started10:33
Actiumwere you able to start it manually? anything suspicous in the log?10:36
milestoneActium, yes i was10:36
milestoneand nothing suspicious in the log10:36
milestonei am using hardy heron10:36
Actiumdoes the upgrade log state a reason, why the server hasnt been restarted?10:38
cbeebieHi guys, I'm writing the "ubuntu server" course for canonical. I want to include a brief comparison of RHN/Satellite/SpaceWalk with Landscape. What are the key feature differences I should mention?10:42
Doblecbeebie: I can't help with your question, but maybe you can help with one of mine! I want to pursue some linux training, but I don't know where to start, are there any 'industry standard' certifications like an equivilant of a Microsoft Certified System Engineer?10:44
cbeebieDoble - currently Canonical offer the Ubuntu Certified Professional (UCP) based on LPI level 1 plus an Ubuntu specific exam (LPI199)10:45
Doblecbeebie: thanks, what is LPI level 1 ?10:47
cbeebieLinux Professional Institute10:47
milestoneActium, do you want me to post the log to some pastebin?10:47
Actiumworth a shot10:48
Doblecbeebie: thanks, I'll check it out10:48
cbeebieDoble, a good place to start might be http://www.ubuntu.com/training/10:49
Doble:( no training in australia10:51
cbeebieI can come and deliver some if you want ... ;-)10:52
Kamping_KaiserDoble, no one lives in australia, what are you talking about :p10:53
Kamping_KaiserDoble, have to say i wasnt hugely impressed by my look at lpi , but perhaps i'll go do it one day.10:53
cbeebieLPI has brought updated exam objectives online quite recently, you might want to take another look10:55
Kamping_Kaisercbeebie, ah really? *visits*10:56
Doblelpi don't offer anything in my reigon either lol10:59
eagles0513875hey guys11:30
eagles0513875im trying to upgrade from intrepid to jaunty for some reaason when i issue the do-release-upgrade to upgrade to the beta nothing happens its saying no new release found11:30
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:31
eagles0513875i followed the instructions that were on that how to but for some reason its not working11:32
milestoneActium, here you go http://pastebin.com/m4a1553fc11:32
Actiumthat is indeed weird11:33
eagles0513875Actium: you have any idea why i cant upgrade from intrepid version of server to jaunty11:34
Actiumwhich error are you getting, eagles0513875. i did just that 3 days ago.11:34
eagles0513875when i run the do-release upgrade command it keeps telling me no new release found11:35
eagles0513875i made sure that the upgrade manager core is installed11:35
Actiumeagles0513875, you gotta use "do-release-upgrade -d".11:35
eagles0513875as well as made sure the file that you have to edit has priority =normal which it does11:35
eagles0513875Actium: ahh then site is wrong11:35
Actiumthe -d is mandatory since jaunty is still flagged as in development (which it is).11:36
Actiumbut it's working flawlessly on my machine.11:36
eagles0513875ahhh i learned something new11:36
eagles0513875Actium: im kinda weary of doing this upgrade like tihs11:36
eagles0513875kubuntu has issues when doing it11:36
eagles0513875your left with old stuff on kde like the old network manager and package manager11:36
Actiumi made a complete backup of my box, before i launched the upgrade.11:36
eagles0513875this is on an old laptop11:37
eagles0513875im on me new laptop11:37
eagles0513875ended up using my usb boot pen drive to install it11:37
eagles0513875which is a nice feature :)11:37
Actiumindeed, installing the netbook remix of ubuntu with my pendrive took like 5 minutes on an aspire one.11:38
eagles0513875that only works with netbooks with screens up to 10 inches11:38
eagles0513875this is an hp tablet which has a 12.1 inch screen11:38
eagles0513875one thing i love about kubuntu and all this distro is how much stuff works outa the box11:38
eagles0513875for me on this tablet just about everything minux wacom tablet stuff11:39
beniwtvhey all... any ideas what I have to put in /etc/hosts so that postfix can resolve a domain to an internal IP? I've tried <hostname> <ip> but postfix ignores that.11:39
ikoniabeniwtv: look at your nsswitch.conf to check the order11:40
ikoniabeniwtv: you'll need an FQDN11:40
Actiummilestone: no errors, nothing suspicious, but it won't restart the server. it's probably a bug in the upgrade script, or whatever. if the mysqld starts after a reboot of your computer - check that - i'd just let it be.11:40
Actiumeagles0513875, we're in the wrong channel to talk about laptops/netbooks/tablet pcs ... ;)11:41
beniwtvikonia: It is hosts:          files dns, and yes, of course I put a complete domain... it was just an example acutally11:41
ikoniabeniwtv: can you ping it11:41
eagles0513875sry Actium11:41
beniwtvikonia: yep11:41
ikoniabeniwtv: thats odd, but postfix ignores it11:41
beniwtvikonia: I also can telnet just fine11:42
ikoniabeniwtv: what is the hosting in the postfix main file ?11:42
beniwtvikonia: Hosting?11:43
ikoniasorry - host11:44
ikoniawhat host is in the postfix main file11:44
beniwtvikonia: "myhostname = radius02" Do you mean this?11:45
ikoniabeniwtv: is that inthe postfix onfig11:45
milestoneups sorry11:45
milestoneActium, a bug in an upgrade skript on a production server aint that funny you know11:45
beniwtvikonia: Yep.... I just need to send monitoring e.mails to a server, but that server resolves in DNS as an external address on the same network, and my pix wont' let that happen. So I need to put the internal IP somewhere... maybe specifying a relay?11:46
DobleI'm reading one of the samba docs and it lists a command - "chmod -R ug+rwxs,o-r+x /data" can anyone tell me what the "s" from "rwxs" does?12:18
Actiumsorry, milestone, just came back from lunch. of course it aint funny, but there's nothing i can do to determine what really caused that failure to restart. if you feel obliged to investigate, do so and if you find out, it's a bug in the update script, report it to the devs. that's how a major branch of oss improvent works, after all.12:44
sorenDoble: It sets the setuid/setgid bit.12:47
milestoneActium, :)12:48
milestoneActium, I know. I am doing work on the apache turbine project12:48
milestoneActium, so is there a way to further investigate an upgrade problem without a package that needs upgrading? If yes, tell me more, and i will be more than happy to further investigate12:49
Actiumdowngrade and then upgrade again.12:50
Actiumthe previously installed package should still reside in you cache directory.12:50
Actiumand the postinstall script of the new package should provide you with very valuable information.12:51
milestoneon a productionsite. it will take me some time. probably sometime this or next week12:51
Actiumin that case i'd rather let it be. messing around with a production box is not exactly what i fancy doing. ;)12:52
Actiumi'm just glad my semi-production server "survived" the upgrade to jaunty without any major casualties, the other day.12:54
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milestonebut i think i know the answer already12:55
milestonethinking about it12:55
Actium"never change a running system"?12:55
milestoneIIRC the postinstall script calls invoke-rc.d12:55
milestonesince this a drbd cluster system with mysqld being controlled by heartbeat12:56
milestonethe server is not started just stopped12:56
milestoneinvoke-rc.d will check if there are symlinks from the current RC directories to the init skript and call it only if they are there12:57
milestonewhat have i won?12:59
Actiumhonestly: dunno13:00
milestoneActium, i am 100% that that is the problem13:00
Actiumthen maybe it's worth a bug-report.13:00
milestonethat won't do because it is not a bug when not in a cluster13:01
Actiumwell, then its a bug that only takes effect when it's a cluster, but its a bug anyway. (imho)13:02
SockPantswhat is the meaning of cpu load in the form n.nn, m.mm, p.pp .. ?14:02
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sorenkirkland: I don't know if you noticed, but I came up with a backtrace for that kvm segfault we discussed yesterday.14:25
kirklandsoren: no, i missed it....14:26
kirklandsoren: what do you have?14:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 359447 in kvm "kvm segfaults" [High,Triaged]14:26
kirklandsoren: oh, yeah, i haven't even made it through my bug list yet today14:29
kirklandsoren: still sorting through irc pings, then mail14:29
sorenkirkland: Alright, no worries.14:29
kirklandsoren: so the ide block device, huh14:30
sorenkirkland: Perhaps.14:31
sorenkirkland: That's where it's triggered, at least.14:31
sorenkirkland: I suppose I could switch to virtio and see if it helps any.14:32
sorenkirkland: Heck, I'll give it a shot. It can't get much worse than it is right n ow.14:33
kirklandsoren: still a block device, just using virtio, though?14:34
* soren is not sure he understands the question.14:35
kirklandsoren: you're not dd'ing the block device to a file first14:36
yann2wrong channel guys :)14:36
kirklandsoren: which is what I was going to suggest14:36
kirklandyann2: we're all over the place14:36
sorenkirkland: It... /is/ a file.14:36
kirklandsoren: then i misunderstood your point14:37
kirklandsoren: i thought you said previously that the target disk was a block device14:37
sorenIt's a file-backed, raw-formatted, virtio-connected virtual block device.14:38
kirklandsoren: okay, thanks14:41
* Faust-C wonders about creating a mail server and configuring TLS14:54
Actiumyou might wanna try out dovecot-postfix (http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/dovecot-postfix). unfortunately has only become available in jaunty.15:04
LyonJTdoes ubuntu-server have directory capabilites?15:14
oruworkLyonJT, can you be a little more specific with your question /15:17
LyonJTyes, sorry im from a windows enviroment thats why, for example on windows server you have active directory for groups users group policys etc do you have this in ubuntu server?15:20
eagles0513875LyonJT: you can actually setup samba to be a domain controller15:22
LyonJTis theree a ubuntu equilvent?15:23
andolwell, at least as a NT-domain controller.15:23
eagles0513875LyonJT: any distro you can youse samba as a domain controller15:26
Faust-CActium, ty15:27
Faust-Ceagles0513875, samba3 as a DC isnt the solution by any means15:28
Faust-CLyonJT, you can use items like samba to auth TO AD or use items like fedora-directory server to sync between AD and FDS (LDAP)15:28
Actiumyou're welcome15:28
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations!15:30
Fenix|workI've compiled my own kernel module, and would like advise on loading it on boot.15:30
ikoniaFenix|work: just depmod and modprobe it15:30
Fenix|workikonia, and stick it in /etc/modules?15:31
Faust-Cfelipe_, yes15:31
Faust-Cerr Fenix|work *15:31
ikoniawell in the correct sub dir of /lib/mdules/$kernel etc15:31
Fenix|workikonia, I compiled the module... then created an appropriate directory structure under /lib/modules/$kernel-ver/kernel/fs/15:33
Fenix|workthe dir name is the same as the module name15:33
ikoniaFenix|work: perfect15:33
ikoniaFenix|work: what is the module out of interest ?15:33
Fenix|workqnx4fs module15:33
ikoniaooh you've not wrote it, just built it15:33
Fenix|workprovides read/write support for qnx4 file systems.15:33
Fenix|workdepmod -a15:34
ikoniabang on15:34
Fenix|workmodprobe <module name>15:34
Fenix|workthen <module name> on it's own line in /etc/modules and a reboot to make sure it works?15:36
ikoniaFenix|work: but in theory if something needs qnx4 it should auto load it15:36
Fenix|workI have a qnx4 partition that I want to mount on boot15:36
ikoniashould be fine15:37
Fenix|workthere it is.  It works.15:40
Fenix|workthanks ikonia15:40
Fenix|workoh... ikonia while I'm here... could you give me some advice on rsync?15:43
Fenix|workI have an rsync daemon running on another box for /15:44
Fenix|workbut I want to exclude a directory and a couple of files.15:44
Fenix|workand I have no clue how to do that15:44
Actiumunder which user is ist running?15:45
Actiumthat's gonna be difficult.15:45
Fenix|workActium, can you explain please?15:45
LyonJTFaust-C: Is fedora directory server the equilavant to ad?15:46
Actiumin case rsyncd does not have any built-in directory-/file-exemption features, it's impossible.15:46
Faust-CLyonJT, no, nothing is "equal" to AD15:46
LyonJTLool well in the same precepals15:46
Faust-Cwell its LDAP but "simpler"15:47
Fenix|workActium, that's fine, but what about the rsync client pulling from the daemon?  Can I add excludes there?15:47
Faust-Cyou can sync FDS to AD15:47
Faust-Cwhich is awsome but im still working out bugs w/ ubuntu15:47
Faust-Ci use it w/ centos15:47
loolLyonJT: Hmm?15:47
Actiumyou could set the unix permissions for those files in a way that root would not have read access, but usually root doesn't give a damn about permissions. so unix permissions won't do.15:47
LyonJTand what apt do i need install to get fedora directory server on ubuntu server?15:47
Faust-CLyonJT, sec lemme find link15:47
Actiumif possible, the excludes have to be set by the server. you can't just kindly ask your clients to specify a few parameters, can you?15:48
Faust-CLyonJT, http://directory.fedoraproject.org/, look around the site, theres a howto for ubuntu15:48
Fenix|workActium, I am the server and the client :)15:48
LyonJTThank you Faust-C15:48
Faust-CLyonJT, yw, btw bookmark my site: virtualdisaster.net, once i figure out how to make AD and linux play nice ill post it15:49
* Faust-C site is messed up atm but remember the link15:49
Fenix|workI am using rsync as a near real-time backup of a system.  I want to back up everything (qnx4 system), but want to ignore the /dev directory and a couple of .files in the root15:49
Faust-CFenix|work, i say look into dar15:50
Actiumthen you should use the "--exclude=PATTERN"-parameter15:50
Faust-Cthen rsync the files over once its complete15:50
LyonJTthank you very much Faust-C15:50
Faust-CLyonJT, yw and good luck, you can do it,15:50
Fenix|workActium, exclude on the daemon when it starts, or on the client pulling from the daemon?15:50
Faust-CFenix|work, dar....15:51
Faust-Cif you want a accurate complete backup use the right tool for the right job15:51
Fenix|workFaust-C, dar is not supported on QNX415:51
Actiumclient will suffice. any btw: you don't even need to use the daemon, in case you have a running ssh-server.15:51
Faust-CFenix|work, youre mounting the filesystem arent you15:51
Actiumrsync can easily stream itself over ssh15:51
Fenix|workActium, I haven't been able to successfully port over OpenSSH to QNX4 yet15:52
Fenix|workFaust-C, I have two QNX boxes... the one I want to sync is running QNX.  The one I am syncing to is ubuntu-server with qnx4fs mounted partition.15:53
LyonJTFaust-C: Quick question is there a command to sleep a ubuntu server?15:53
LyonJTand does it support Wake on lan?15:53
Fenix|workThe hope is to sync the live box to the backup so if something were to happen to the live one, I can change boot order of the ubuntu server and boot a live copy of the backup with identical settings15:53
Faust-CLyonJT, WOL depends on hardware, and yes theres a sleep command for desktop, idk about for server (i doubt it)15:54
Fenix|workActium, the exclude-from file, what format is it?15:55
Fenix|worki don't know15:56
Actiumprobably just a text file with patterns to exclude seperated by newlines.15:56
LyonJTSorry that was to Faust-C15:56
Faust-CLyonJT, no lol thats what idk means, i dont know15:56
Fenix|workLyonJT, that was the answer to your question15:56
LyonJTsorry lol15:57
LyonJTi should know that!15:57
LyonJTthank you though16:01
LyonJTvery simple question but whats the command to enable root16:06
Actiumsudo passwd16:07
Faust-Cman i need to create a mail server but have to make sure its simple to administer16:19
LyonJTyou done it before?16:20
Faust-Cnope, cause what i want is kinda complex16:20
LyonJTOhh fair enough16:20
Faust-Ci want it to auth to AD/LDAP and have a simple administration interface16:21
LyonJTare you going to code it yourself?16:21
Faust-Chopefully no16:22
LyonJTHow do you share files?16:22
LyonJTis there a command16:22
LyonJTwhat if the client is os x16:22
LyonJTis there a afp equilvent16:23
LyonJTi have found it16:23
ivoksbut i would suggest using samba16:23
LyonJTnetatalk? is that like samba?16:23
ivoksapple said they are abandoning AFP16:23
ivoks+ they broke it in latest OSX16:24
ivokswell, they brake samba and cups all the time, so that's not news :D16:24
ivoksLyonJT: yes, it's like samba; file sharing16:25
LyonJTokay thank you16:25
ivoksif you have latest osx16:25
ivoksmake sure to patch it :)16:25
LyonJTi have found a good guide : http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/06/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/16:25
ivoksor disable restriction for cleartext passwords16:25
LyonJThow can you disable clear text passwords? or is a built in already16:26
ivokslook at the google16:27
ivoksthis howto recommends building your own package16:27
LyonJTokay will do!16:27
ivoksyou can do that or enable clear text passwords in osx16:27
ivoksdon't do 'sudo DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=ssl dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot'16:28
ivoksleave out 'sudo16:28
ivoksand don't do 'sudo gedit /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf'16:29
LyonJTis that because ill be in root already?16:29
ivoksedit /etc/default/netatalk16:29
ivoksnot, you should never build packages as root16:29
LyonJTwhys that16:29
ivokscaus there might be rm -rf / in scripts16:30
LyonJTso leave them two out ye?16:31
LyonJTi was to use afp though16:31
ivokshave you ever used debian or ubuntu before?16:31
LyonJTNot really16:32
LyonJTHere and there16:32
ivoksthen follow the guide16:33
ivoksbut just leave out sudo in package building16:33
LyonJTLol okay will do16:33
LyonJTshall i be root when i do it?16:33
beniwtvHi all... I have a DNS now set-up, with forwarders commented out. However, it still resolves domains like google or so. Any ideas?16:33
ivoksbeniwtv: recursion no;?16:34
beniwtvivoks: that was it! thanks (still a bind newbie) :)16:35
ivoksbeniwtv: allow-query-cache ?16:35
beniwtvivoks: It works with recursion no; already, should I also use allow-query-cache?16:39
ivoksbeniwtv: you should allow query cache only to local net16:42
ivoksbeniwtv: have you set up acls?16:42
beniwtvivoks: No acls as I need it t be able to be queried from everywhere... (it will be the second authorative for our domains)16:50
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations (again)16:58
Fenix|workActium, you have a moment?16:59
Actiumgo ahead16:59
Fenix|workActium, is it possible to rsync '/' ?16:59
Fenix|workI'm getting the following when I try... receiving file list ... Offset underflow: file-length is negative16:59
Actiumi'll try ...17:00
Fenix|workany subdirectory in rsyncd works though17:00
Actiumworks for me. however i'm not using rsyncd, but rsync via ssh.17:01
Fenix|workI think it isn't supported in my version17:01
Fenix|workreading a little further... (sighs I know, should have sooner) it replies: rsync error: requested action not supported (code 4) at flist.c(846)17:02
Actiumrsync --version17:02
Actiumim running 3.0.517:02
Fenix|workQNX rsyncd is 2.6.817:02
Fenix|workcan't seem to port a higher version17:03
Actiumsounds ancient to me17:03
Fenix|work2006 :)17:04
* Faust-C will use citadel and auth it against AD17:04
LyonJTis there a way to search a file?17:05
Actiumgrep it?17:05
Faust-CLyonJT, find . -name *name*17:05
Faust-CLyonJT, find . -name *name*  >> search.txt17:05
* Actium is stupid. he thought LyonJT wanted to search a file's contents.17:06
LyonJTso i can use find . -myfile.txt ?17:08
Actiumno: find . -name myfile.txt17:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #361802 in samba (main) "net sam list groups causes a segmentation fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36180217:16
LyonJTis there a way to remotely install a ubuntu server?17:29
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mdzkirkland: I just had a panic following Apr 15 17:30:34 perseus kernel: [254450.083631] kvm: 26161: cpu0 unhandled wrmsr: 0xc0010117 data 017:35
ivoksLyonJT: yes17:40
ivokstake care everybody17:40
mathiazivoks: bye17:41
jmedinahi ivoks17:42
kirklandmdz: panic in the guest or host?17:46
mdzkirkland: host17:46
kirklandmdz: host crashed?  locked up?17:46
mdzkirkland: I saw X mostly freeze, but the mouse was still responding.  after various attempts to revive it, I tried alt+sysrq+k and was rewarded with a flashing caps lock17:47
kirklandmdz: doing anything special at the time, in the guest?17:48
mdzkirkland: nope17:49
mdzkirkland: had just booted a DVD for testing, was sitting in the desktop17:49
sbeattiemdz: mouse still moving but display wedged is how X/intel GPU freezes seem to manifest in jaunty.17:49
kirklandmdz: upstream had previously told me that those messages were benign, overzealous logging17:49
kirklandmdz: i'll check with him again17:49
kirklandmdz: can you try one thing ....17:49
kirklandmdz: could you add clock=acpi_pm to your boot line?17:50
kirklandmdz: https://launchpad.net/bugs/36175417:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 361754 in kvm "guest needs to boot with clock=acpi_pm" [Undecided,New]17:50
kirklandmdz: dholbach reported something similar this morning17:50
mdzkirkland: it's possible that this was actually bug 35939217:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939217:50
mdzkirkland: but I suspected kvm because of that message17:50
mdzkirkland: I can, but I can't reproduce the bug17:50
kirklandbug #24339317:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 243393 in kvm "dmesg is flooded with warnings in kvm/mmu.c" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24339317:53
kirklandmdz: who is Bryan Wu?17:54
kirklandmdz: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32585117:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 325851 in linux "[133672.221112] kvm: 28400: cpu0 unhandled wrmsr: 0xc0010117 data 0 " [Medium,Triaged]17:54
kirklandmdz: i notice that he's assigned that bug, i don't recognize the name17:54
* kirkland steps out for a bite to eat, back shortly17:54
jcastronearly-last call for openweek sessions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep17:55
jcastrosoren: ^^^^17:55
jcastromathiaz: ^^^17:55
mdzkirkland: Bryan Wu is one of the newest members of the canonical kernel team17:55
mdzkirkland: he's based in Shanghai17:55
mdzkirkland: it did happen just as I was switching desktops, so that hints that it might be 35939217:56
eagles0513875Faust-C: what can be used as a domain controller18:15
jmedinaeagles0513875: you can use Samba as a NT style DC18:17
eagles0513875jmedina: i know but Faust-C told me that i couldnt for some reason18:19
jmedinaeagles0513875: I use samba domain controllers since 5 years ago without problems18:19
mathiazjcastro: updated - thanks18:20
jmedinathey are ldap based18:20
eagles0513875jmedina: thanks for enlightening me18:20
jmedinayou can also add strong security to the recipe using kerberos18:20
jmedinaeagles0513875: I have a howto18:20
eagles0513875sweet link me18:20
jmedinait is in spahish but I think it has good examples18:20
eagles0513875might set up a domain controller on me old laptop which im converting to iptable firewall and bind server18:21
eagles0513875jmedina: yo comprendo poquito espanol18:21
jmedinaIm in the process of documenting ACLs18:21
jmedinaeagles0513875: good18:21
eagles0513875ill work on that later i need ot get bind setup i think lol18:22
LyonJThow can you enable ufw?18:22
jmedinayou dont need DNS18:22
eagles0513875jmedina: i am running a router yes but i would like it to use it as a dns cache for sites i visit18:23
jmedinabut is a good idea if you are masquerading your lan, you can save bw using caching dns18:23
eagles0513875thats what i am wanting to do18:23
eagles0513875!info masquerading18:23
ubottuPackage masquerading does not exist in intrepid18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about masquerading18:23
jmedinaeagles0513875: I mean NAT18:24
eagles0513875right now im using a router which is doing the nat18:24
jdstrandLyonJT: man ufw. basically: 'sudo ufw enable'18:27
LyonJTthanks jdstrand18:27
LyonJTdoes anyone have a guide to unix operating system.. example what etc, usr etc them folders are used for?18:40
giovaniLyonJT: filesystem heirarchy is not going to be consistent between operating systems based on unix18:42
jmedinaLyonJT: read FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) http://pathname.com/fhs/18:42
LyonJTthank you18:42
LyonJTNo i understand that but i would like to understand the basic principles18:43
giovaniyep the FHS guide is a good one -- but very broad18:43
Faust-Cjmedina, so you use samba as a domain controller18:45
Faust-Ca NT domain controller18:45
Faust-Cwhich is worthless18:45
Faust-Ccause you cant mange systems as fine grained as you can w/ AD18:45
Faust-Cmaybe cause ppl need more than authentication18:46
jmedinawell my implementation works I use poledit for system policies18:46
jmedinait is harder but works18:46
* Faust-C googles poledit18:46
Faust-Cimo work smarter not harder18:46
jmedinapoledit is the old program for creating system policies in nt4 dc18:46
jmedinapoledit.exe it is shipped with resource kit18:47
Faust-Ceh ... id rather use a single AD server and FDS18:47
Faust-Cfedora directory server18:48
Faust-Cits a LDAP server18:48
jmedinawell I dont need AD, and my customers cant afford for a AD licence and CALs18:48
Faust-Clike Sun Directory18:48
jmedinayes I know the old technology from FDS :D18:48
Faust-Cyou dont need a AD license18:49
jmedinawell I mean the windows license18:49
Faust-Cyou need one server license and then user cals which arent expensive18:49
jmedinaFaust-C: well probably for you arent expensive18:49
Faust-Cor you can use FDS and pGINA18:49
jmedinapgina is not maintained18:50
Faust-Cjmedina, we're dirt poor atm but i wont waste money or time18:50
Faust-Cand using a NT DC is still supported?18:51
jmedinawell it works with win98-vista clients18:52
Faust-Cwell good luck migrating to anything else18:52
Faust-Ci plan to use FDS or some kind of LDAP server as the base and then AD18:53
jmedinaFaust-C: can you explain more about that solution?18:53
Faust-Cjmedina, create a FDS server, then at least you can auth clients against that18:54
Faust-Cif you happen to get funds for AD you can sync FDS w/ AD18:54
Faust-Cor sync to any other standards compliant LDAP server18:54
jmedinawell I dont use FDS, I use OpenLDAP18:54
Faust-Csuch as eDir18:54
jmedinasamba with ldap backend18:55
Faust-Cyou can use FDS w/ samba, just as you can w/ any LDAP server18:55
jmedinayeap I know, but I dont see any advantage at the moment18:55
Faust-Cwell consider this, if you get hit by a bus, whom will take over18:56
jmedinaFaust-C: do you know if samba4 will support FDS?18:56
Faust-Cdoesnt matter cause samba is standards compliant18:56
Faust-Cmeaning it will work w/ any standards compliant LDAP server18:56
jmedinaI know they added support for openldap as backend18:56
jmedinaI mean integrated, samba team has been working with openldap team for a complete integration18:57
Faust-Cidk setting up FDS takes a few hours (like 2) compared to openldap18:57
Faust-Cnot to mention native consoles for MS and Linux18:58
jmedinaopenldap team has been helping samba developers to solve some ldap implementations with AD schemas18:58
jmedinaI know nothing about FDS and samba4 integration18:59
Faust-Cyoure looking at this very backwards19:00
Faust-Cfocus on future proofing your infrastructure, not creating a home brewed solution that in reality is more expensive than a 3rd party solution19:01
jmedinaIm not sure about that right now, I need to test FDS and try to achieve all the features I do with openlda+samba19:03
Faust-Cjmedina, it supports samba, most "standards" compliant LDAP servers do19:04
Faust-Cplus it leaves the option to use AD if you ever need to19:05
* Faust-C doesnt like using MS but it has its place19:05
jmedinaFaust-C: Im reading that samba4 has FDS support :D19:06
Faust-Cim actually looking forward to samba419:06
jmedinaI need to catch up with FDS compatibility19:06
Faust-Cjmedina, hell look at Sun Directory server (its based off FDS, well RHDS)19:07
jmedinaFaust-C: mm but Sun says Sun dir it uses old technolgy they are migrating to OpenDS19:08
Faust-Cjmedina, o rly, didnt know that,19:08
Faust-Cwow looks nice19:08
Faust-Cjmedina, btw i only "nag" at you cause i want to see you succeed!!19:09
Faust-Cjmedina, hmm its true about the FDS thing19:10
Faust-Cthe channel is full but yet i hardly see any docs on FDS19:10
Faust-Cbut i have ONE that is uber awsome19:10
jmedinaFaust-C: about what thing?19:11
Faust-Cjmedina, that no one has much interest in FDS19:11
jmedinaAll people I know says something like: "bahhh, old technology...."19:12
jmedinapeople that at some time used netscape or sun directory, then migrated to openldap for performance and support reasons19:12
jmedinathat is one of the reasons HP migrated all theri enterprise directory from propietary to openldap19:13
Faust-Cjmedina, the only thing i do not like about openldap19:14
Faust-Cis the manual configuration, i dont mind a terminal (considering all my personal systems but one are linux) but man come on19:14
Faust-Cand all the docs are overly technical19:14
jmedinayeap, but that can be improved and we can help19:15
Faust-Cof course19:16
Faust-Cive dedicated my site to creating "enterprise" documentation19:16
Faust-Cto show that opensource can work in the enterprise19:16
jmedinaand what is our site?19:17
Faust-Cvirtualdisaster.net, its not ready yet but in a few days it will be ready for use19:18
Faust-Cbookmark it for future reference19:18
* Faust-C makes note to finish it this week19:18
Faust-Cno thank you, i think ill drop FDS lol19:18
jmedinaFaust-C: :D19:18
Faust-Cand look at either pure openldap or this openDS19:19
jmedinawell I wont drop it until I do real comparisions and benchmarks19:19
jmedinaby the way yesterday was released openldap stable19:19
Faust-Cwell considering FDS isnt getting much life, and i want something simple19:20
jmedinaFaust-C: are you using any ldap implementation at the moment?19:20
Faust-Csadly no19:20
Faust-Cbut i need some kinda LDAP (i dont really care about AD cause I can make that work)19:21
Faust-Ccause my new mail server, file server will auth to ldap19:21
jmedinayou can also sync AD with openldap19:21
jmedinaor even use openldap as a AD proxy :D19:21
Faust-Cjmedina, would you have any good links for openldap?19:21
Faust-Cwell thats what i want to do19:21
jmedinaFaust-C: the book19:22
Faust-Ci tried to read it once and was like damn ....19:22
Faust-Cwow, opends has a neat installer....19:22
jmedinaMastering OpenLDAP: Configuring, Securing and Integrating Directory Services19:23
Faust-Csweet deal thanks19:23
jmedinaFaust-C: opends has a good integration with OpenSSO for single sign on for java apps19:24
jmedinasome goverment offices here are migrating to that because mosth of their enterprise apps are bult in java19:24
GargoyleGood evening my irc loving friends19:25
Faust-Cthats what i want so bad SSO19:25
Faust-Chell i use joomla and it can auth to ldap which would be awsome for a intra website19:26
Faust-Cmatter of fact use it for clients19:27
jmedinaI use ldap for everything, samba, squid, apache, radius, ezpublish, mediawiki, mantis, jabber, linux logins (NSS+pam)19:30
jmedinaand openvpn19:30
jmedinaand of course for global address book19:31
jmedinapostfix, courier-imap (next dovecot)19:31
Faust-Cjmedina, once my site is ready im gonna kidnap you and have you document all that19:31
jmedinaFaust-C: I have some documents about every solutions but in plain text files19:32
jmedinaIm moving to docbook19:32
jmedinamy site is tuxjm.net19:32
Fenix|workI have a couple of files I can't seem to delete19:58
Fenix|workls -Flai shows the following19:59
kirklandmdz: ack on bryan wu, thanks for the pointer19:59
Fenix|work1528939 ?????????? ? ?    ?       ?                ? vs10019:59
kirklandmdz: intel video?19:59
kirklandmdz: i saw something similar this morning, when doing alt-tab,   kernel panic, flashing caps-locked19:59
Fenix|workwhen using rm -f I get  rm: cannot remove `vs100': Input/output error20:00
kirklandmdz: i recently switch from my nvidia thinkpad to my intel thinkpad, and just saw this issue for the first time20:00
mdzkirkland: it's happened to me twice today20:04
kirklandmdz: compiz or no?20:04
mdzkirkland: compiz.  the workaround is to turn it off20:05
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gate_keeper_hey guys20:20
gate_keeper_any recommends for faster copy sync then cp -auv or  rsync -az20:21
gate_keeper_i have 700GB20:21
gate_keeper_that i need to sync them20:21
Gargoylegate_keeper_: dd ?20:22
gate_keeper_rsync is slow, coz is making file list20:22
gate_keeper_Gargoyle, probably it'll last forever to create 700GB image20:27
Faust-Cgate_keeper_, look into network raid maybe?20:30
gate_keeper_maybe ..20:34
andolgate_keeper_: How about a tar stream?20:35
gate_keeper_well .. the hard drives are connected on the server20:43
gate_keeper_network raid will not work ..20:43
gate_keeper_all i need is update of the files20:44
gate_keeper_probably cp -u20:44
gate_keeper_is the best options20:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #361961 in dovecot (main) "dovecot not configured to listen to any ports after intrepid->jaunty upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36196121:25
ScottKAh.   ^^^ new security feature.21:27
jdstrandsafety first21:27
Actiumpretty effective.21:36
foxbuntuhey all I did something pretty stupid and disabled the admin account in the sudoers file, is there a way to reset this without a livecd?21:37
giovanifoxbuntu: boot into single user mode21:38
foxbuntugiovani, ah right21:38
foxbuntugiovani, thanks!21:38
Actiumi doubt that. no. maybe the rescue mode can help you. it should allow a passwordless root login - of course unless you have set a root password.21:38
giovaniotherwise known as "recovery mode" in the ubuntu grub boot21:38
giovaniActium: you doubt what?21:38
Actium"is there a way to reset this without a livecd?"21:39
giovaniyes, there is21:39
giovaniI just said how21:39
Actiumi doubted that until i came up with the recovery mode idea.21:39
Actiumthats why i said "no" right in the following sentence.21:39
giovaniuh ... ok21:40
giovaniI just didn't see the need to repeat my advice and make it more confusing21:40
Actiumjust a little misunderstanding. happens. ;)21:40
ScottKActium: It is a passwordless root login to log into recovery mode.21:40
giovaniyeah, that's the entire purpose of single user mode21:41
Actiumafaik only when there's no root pw set.21:41
Actiumthen im probably mistaken.21:41
giovaniyou are21:42
Actiumnow i know why. i faintly remembered having read sth about setting a password to protect the recovery mode from being abused. it was however not *nix-password, but a grub-passwd.21:44
giovaniyes, that's completely urnelated21:45
giovani(to a root password)21:45
Actiumi know. i just did not recall the correct thing. (damn alcohol, if you ask me). ;)21:46
ScottKHonestly anyone with physical access owns the box.  There's really no point unless you're worried about someone just walking by21:48
giovaniScottK: I'd contend that considerable effort can be made to prevent someone, even someone with physical access, from accessing data/records on the machine21:49
giovanican they unplug the power? Sure! does that equate to being able to read/modify the live machine's OS? no21:49
ScottKgiovani: Yes, but any of those methods that are likely to work for any length of time involve encryption.21:49
giovaniindeed they do21:50
giovaniand WDE is widely used21:50
giovaniall of my remote, personal servers are fully encrypted21:50
giovaniand they all have BIOS and GRUB passwords21:50
MatBoymhh since when is amavisd under ubuntu so different in configfiles >?21:54
ScottKMatBoy: What do you mean?21:58
ScottKDifferent than what?21:58
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MatBoyScottK: the 50-user files and so on22:01
ScottKMatBoy: We get that from Debian.22:01
ScottKIt actually works pretty well.  You change anything you want in 50-user and then if the maintainer makes changes in the other files you don't have to deal with manual config merges in the maintainer managed files.22:02
ScottKAnything you put in the later 50-user file will over-ride whatever is in the earlier ones.22:02
MatBoyScottK: ok... but my sql wblist does not seem to work when I set everything in the 50-user22:04
ScottKI expect it's a function of your syntax, not what file it's in, but I don't use sql, so can't give specific advice.22:05
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MatBoyScottK: ok :)22:06
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MatBoystill a bummer that there are no good docs about ubuntu and DB drived amavisd22:12
ScottKI'm sure sommer would love to have some input from you for the next edition of the Ubuntu Server Guide once you have it figured out.22:13
jmedinaMatBoy: what was the problem?22:27
MatBoyjmedina: I used the postvis admin sql lines22:30
MatBoythey work OK22:30
MatBoybut now... I would like to insert some reference into the quarantine table so a quarantine mail also has a mailbox column22:31
jmedinaIm MatBoy good I didnt know about postvis admin22:33
MatBoyjmedina: but now22:34
MatBoyjmedina: you never did ?22:35
jmedinaMatBoy: what? amavis+mysql?22:36
MatBoyjmedina: postvis22:37
jmedinanop, it is the first time I hear about postvis, looks good22:37
MatBoyjmedina: nice22:38
MatBoyjmedina: I build my own stuff atm22:38
MatBoyit looks good indeed22:39
MatBoybut there are alternatives22:39
MatBoydoes someone know anything about a policy port for amavisd ? 9998 ?22:43
jmedinaYour Distro is Insecure: Ubuntu: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7297/1/22:46
MatBoyhuh ? distro insecure ?23:21
ScottKMatBoy: It's about 99% FUD.23:22
MatBoyScottK: LOL23:33
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MatBoyScottK: do you use /usr/sbin/amavisd-release23:34
MatBoy ?23:34
ScottKMatBoy: I'm actually not currently using amavisd-new.   The project that I was going to use it for ended.  cemc and ivoks use it.  I'd ask them.23:36
MatBoyScottK: ok :) I switch to it from mailscanner which is kinda slow23:40
ScottKMailscanner and postfix is a bad combination.23:41
MatBoyScottK: mailscanner was a frontend using...23:43
MatBoypostfix I thought indeed23:44
ScottKBad plan.23:45
lamontMatBoy: mailscanner is a abortion that does unspeakable things to postfix internals, and is pretty much guaranteed to break or break postfix anytime either is touched.23:50
MatBoylamont: so I don'tuse it ;)23:52
MatBoymhh, now that release socket23:53
jmedinaMatBoy: what about release socket?23:53
MatBoyjmedina: it should be running, amavis-release... but i't's not a service.. so I don't know how that socket or port could be in use23:54
MatBoyit should be running on port 9998, but I don't know how to start that service23:55
jmedinamat afaik amavis-release is not a daemon, it is a program you should run whenever you want to relase a quarantined mail, the port is because amavis-relase conects to a amavisd policy bank23:56
ScottKI believe that's correct.23:57

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