
ricochetuh hello?01:26
ricochetwhats up01:28
cody-somervilleNot much.01:28
cody-somervilleHow are you?01:28
ricochetso what are you running xubuntu on?01:29
ricochetohh pretty good thanks for asking01:29
cody-somervilleI'm running it on an Acer Aspire 300001:29
ricochetnice, how does it run?01:30
ricochetare you running Jaunty or Hardy?01:31
cody-somervilleRuns great01:31
ricochetdude, i love jaunty on my dell mini 901:31
ricochetthere were only a few tweaks and it runs like a dream01:31
ricocheti am a bit of a noob in linux, but i am slowly learning more and more01:32
cody-somervilleI used to be the same way01:35
DrCheeseLinux is cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches.01:56
geniiDrCheese: Why bother trolling here?01:57
* genii hands out a round of coffees01:58
* charlie-tca nods01:58
geniicody-somerville: Anytime01:59
Orbital85Hola, alguien habla espanol?02:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:16
charlie-tcaWe use English here. But most items will be the same in Ubuntu and Xubuntu02:16
Orbital85pero mi problema es con XUBUNTU02:16
charlie-tcaI don't really speak spanish02:17
Orbital85yo si :D02:17
charlie-tcaXUBUNTU/UBUNTU same02:17
charlie-tcaxfce - gnome is the difference02:20
charlie-tcamostly same02:20
Orbital85i do not have panels02:20
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/02:20
charlie-tcaeasy then02:20
Orbital85how to open a terminal whit alt + f2?02:22
Orbital85my firefox don't work02:22
charlie-tcahold alt down and hit F202:22
charlie-tcait should open a one-line terminal02:23
charlie-tcathen type  xfce4-panel  and hit enter02:23
charlie-tcathat should have give the panels back02:25
Orbital85Firefox don't work, i use Isecat02:25
Orbital85Icecat is not instaled02:25
charlie-tcadid the terminal open?02:25
charlie-tcafor firefox, you need to change permissions in ~/home02:26
Orbital85i opening the links in icecat02:26
charlie-tcasudo chown -R your-username:your-username /home/your-username/.mozilla02:27
charlie-tcawill probably fix firefox02:27
* genii hands charlie-tca a coffee02:28
charlie-tcathank you very much02:28
charlie-tcaI needed that02:28
geniicharlie-tca: Anytime :) I see you took notes from earlier02:28
charlie-tcayes, I am still learning myself02:28
Orbital85drwxr-xr-x  6 miguel miguel 4.0K 2009-04-12 21:35 .mozilla02:29
Orbital85drwxr-xr-x  4 miguel miguel 4.0K 2009-04-11 20:49 firefox02:29
charlie-tcaIf you use the "-R" it fixes it all the way through the directories.02:29
geniiOrbital85: If firefox still refuses to start after the permissions change, you can try starting it in safe mode from command line02:30
Orbital85i use ls -ahl02:30
geniiOrbital85: This prevents the extensions from loading so that you can see if any of them are what is making the problem02:30
Orbital85ok i reboot02:30
geniiHm. Left before I could explain not the computer in safe mode but just firefox with:  firefox -safe-mode02:31
charlie-tcagotta be quick02:33
charlie-tcabut did he do the chown or just an ls?02:34
Orbital85You think that the problem with firefox is that:02:42
Orbital85miguel@xubuntu-desktop:~/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default$ ls -l places.sqlite-journal prefs.js sessionstore.js02:42
Orbital85-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 78488 2009-04-10 20:12 places.sqlite-journal02:42
Orbital85-rw------- 1 root root 14737 2009-04-10 19:41 prefs.js02:42
Orbital85-rw------- 1 root root  1652 2009-04-10 20:06 sessionstore.js02:42
charlie-tcayes, that is why you run the chown command. It fixes those permissions. Root should not own anything in .mozilla02:43
Orbital85ok only trhee files02:44
Orbital85firefox seems to work well02:52
Orbital85but the bar google don't work fine02:55
Orbital85i reinstall02:56
charlie-tcaThat is an add-on.02:56
charlie-tcaAt least firefox works now02:56
Orbital85ok ready, thanks03:12
charlie-tcaYou are welcome03:12
slimjimflimhi my wifi-radar is broken in ibex03:13
slimjimflimcan anybody help?03:13
slimjimflimi just upgraded03:13
Orbital85how to recover my panels?03:27
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/03:28
Orbital85hooo, thanks03:29
charlie-tcano problem.03:29
owen1i had 'place' icon on the top panel and it's gone. how to bring it back. i can't find anything relevant on 'add new item' option.04:27
owen1i found the issue, i had to install the places plugin.05:03
jyf1987hello,everyone,i have an question,that i want to add a autostart cmd to my system,my os is ubuntu8.10,and i installed xfce4 by apt  ,but after i have write the cmd to /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc   ,i found the cmd do not autostart everytime05:37
jyf1987so how to solve it ?05:38
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot05:47
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:48
geniiThe down and dirty fast way is just make a file called .startx and put in it the name of the command and then a & after the name05:48
genii(or it may be xsession or so, forget atm)05:49
jyf1987genii: but i found startxfce405:49
geniijyf1987: I'm primarily on KDE so gave the desktop-environment agnostic version05:51
genii-aroundApologies, my Quassel core cut out05:53
genii-aroundIf you did not get my last msg... Since i am primarily on KDE I gave the desktop-environment-agnostic version of how to automatically run apps05:54
geniiOK, back05:56
jyf1987genii: thx and i will got a try05:57
pjz_I'm testing jaunty xubuntu and my media-control keys don't work... I can't find a bug for it in the db, but I find some simialr ones.. is this a known issue?06:01
geniipjz_: Maybe ask in #ubuntu+106:03
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usermake_how can i get the alternate cd installer (expert mode) to detect and reuse my lvm on encrypted partition?07:26
Iskrmy xubuntu (last release)09:05
Iskrrefuses to suspend to ram correctly after last updates09:05
Iskrit goes to suspend but then doesn't come back to life correctly09:06
Iskri can't explain very well how it is09:07
cody-somervilleHow so?09:07
Iskrit's as if the computer is on again09:07
Iskr(i can hear the fan)09:07
Iskrbut the screen doesn't turn on09:07
geniiProbably an ATI video. They forget what crt/lcd is attached when hibernated and so on, then never do a rescan09:18
Iskri use an nvidia video card09:18
Iskrand yes the driver was just updated09:19
Iskri can try with a downgrade09:19
geniiIf possible do ctrl-alt-F1 and see if you can get a console and login. If you can login, restart gdm09:19
Iskrnono i tried09:19
Iskri also tried ctrl-alt-backspace09:19
Iskri tried every possible combination of keys09:19
geniiHm. Are the 3 keyboard lights all blinking on and off together?09:20
genii(this means kernel panic)09:20
TheSheepdo they work when you press capslock or numlock?09:20
Iskri forgot to try =P09:20
Iskri try first of all to bring it back to the previous drivers09:39
Iskrand then if the problem persists i'll try to light the capslock09:39
Iskrand will come back09:39
slimjimflimanybody got a bcm4318 running on intrepid?09:58
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lintelhi, I installed Xubuntu 9.04 on an external USB-drive and though it runs fine I can not browse the internal drive of my laptop :( -- is Thunar that limited? Also Gigolo fails with the error "you are not supposed to show G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED in the UI" -- any suggestions?10:20
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EdgEyhow can i edit the Applications menu in xubuntu ? i can't find a menu editor11:24
charlie-tcaIs this in Jaunty?11:25
EdgEyi'm guessing this is popular then ;p yes11:26
namefag                                                  11:26
namefag                                                  11:26
namefag                                                  11:26
namefag                                                  11:26
namefag                                                 11:26
SiDiEdgEy, if you want to edit, for instance, abiword, copy the /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications and modify it with a text editor11:26
SiDiEdgEy, you can also use alacarte but it wont work for setting wether the menu entry should be shown or not (yet it'll work for changing the name / icon / command of the app)11:27
EdgEythanks :)11:30
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charlie-tca!hi | archman15:03
ubottuarchman: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:03
archmanOn whom depends the release of a xfce 4.6 backport for intrepid after the Jaunty is out? Will we the ones who dont want to upgrade to Jaunty need to wait a month or so :D? :-/15:04
charlie-tcaIt depends heavily on the developers having time to backport it. There will be wait, but I don't know how long it will be.15:05
archmanSo devs of xfce or ubuntu packagers?15:05
charlie-tcadevs of Xubuntu15:06
archmanbtw.: I've already tried installing 4.6 from ppa, but all I got when logging to it was a black screen. Maybe some clues?15:07
charlie-tcaFollow the instructions to add it to your sources: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories15:08
charlie-tcaIf you just installed 4.6, it probably won't work. You actually do an upgrade to it.15:09
charlie-tcaInstall it in a tty using ctrl+alt+f2, log in, type "sudo apt-get update", hit enter. When that finishes, type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", hit enter. Restart your computer, if it doesn't work, run the upgrade again.15:09
charlie-tcaSometimes it has to be done twice for some reason.15:09
archman1Sorry, my net crapped out15:15
archman1charlie-tca, you said something more?15:16
charlie-tcaFollow the instructions to add it to your sources: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories15:16
archman1Done that15:16
archman1but why dist-upgrade?15:16
charlie-tcaSo, it adds/changes the needed dependencies15:17
charlie-tcaSometimes when you do it, you have to go to Ctrl+Alt+F2 and run the upgrade again to make it work.15:17
archman1btw, I didn't install xfce-desktop, nor xubuntu by default...15:17
archman1just xfce415:18
archman1with my default ubuntu15:18
archman1(gnome, sure)15:18
charlie-tcaThen it may not work, either.15:18
archman1Maybe it's best to wait for the backport then...hope it'll work, I see there are some major improvements15:20
archman1I hate one thing about 4.4.215:20
charlie-tcaWhy not install xubuntu, completely?15:20
charlie-tcaat least xubuntu-desktop15:20
archman1oh, hmm... i don't really know...15:21
archman1I should reinstall everything from scratch anyway15:21
archman1I upgraded from Gutsy15:21
charlie-tcaEven the backport of 4.6 may not work as a stand-alone15:21
archman1I need you to tell me something if you know how to do it...I'll make a screenshot15:22
archman1can't explain15:22
charlie-tcaYou could install Jaunty next week, when it comes out. It includes 4.615:22
archman1charlie-tca: http://i40.tinypic.com/24nfwch.png15:24
archman1How to resize the button, so it appears "normal-sized"15:25
charlie-tcaDon't know. It looks like you are using a single panel, with a non-default theme15:26
charlie-tcaMight depend on the theme itself.15:26
archman1Yours was normal when you used 4.4?15:27
charlie-tcayes, but I also used the default theme in it with Xubuntu 8.1015:28
charlie-tcaWhen you only add xfce, I don't know what the results are.15:28
archman1ok, thanks for your help!! :)15:28
charlie-tcaAlso, the theme author can tell it how big/small to make that box15:29
archman1crap I don't even know how to change a theme here!, noob to xfce...15:29
archman1oh! user interface15:30
archman1in settings manager15:30
archman1yeah, the default theme is used...15:30
archman1nvm :)15:31
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:35
SlonkieHello Ruadh16:01
RuadhHow's things? Slonkie16:02
Slonkiefine, and u?16:02
RuadhI'm goodtoo16:02
RuadhWhen does RC for xubuntu come our?16:03
Ruadhrelease candidate16:04
charlie-tcastill tomorrow16:04
Moodif i have ibex, and jaunty becomes official, how do it upgrade everything? simply sudo apt-get upgrade/install?16:04
charlie-tcaWe are testing today16:04
RuadhThanks, charlie-tca16:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:05
charlie-tcayw, Ruadh16:06
genady12laphey, how do I support samba shares in tunar?16:15
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:15
genady12lapits not it16:16
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:16
charlie-tcano again, huh?16:16
genady12lapfusesmb is not so good16:16
genady12lapbut smbnetfs wont autostart16:16
charlie-tcaWhat about pyneighborhood?16:16
charlie-tcaJaunty will have gigolo, which is easier16:17
genady12lapI have the jaunty beta16:17
genady12lapoh I see16:17
genady12lapbut its not interated16:17
charlie-tcaunder systems -> Remote Filesystems ?16:18
charlie-tcaOnce it is connected, you should be able to see the shares in Thunar16:19
genady12lapwhen I start it manually its ok but from the startup its not working16:19
genady12lapmaybe because there is no net, but I dont know16:20
charlie-tcaWhat about just adding the windows directories to /etc/fstab so they will automount at boot16:20
genady12lapI don't want it that why, I don't know the shares16:21
genady12lapthe problem it works but not with auto start16:22
charlie-tcaMaybe someone else knows an answer, I don't use windows.16:23
geniiI'm pretty sure Thunar doesn't normally do smb:// and so on16:43
SiDiit doesnt16:48
SiDiuse gigolo in jaunty16:48
SiDiand for intrepid/hardy pyneighboorhood or nautilus16:48
SiDior mount them manually :p16:48
n2diyhow do you enable file/folder sharing in xubuntu?17:34
cody-somervilleApplications > System > Shared Folders17:37
n2diycody-somerville: thanks, any relationship with Somerville, NJ., USA?17:38
cody-somervilleNot at all17:39
n2diycody-somerville: ok, thanks.17:39
n2diycody-somerville: are you still hanging out here?18:03
n2diycody-somerville: ok, I did the sys>admin>share, and told it to install the sharing software, and wound up in a loop. After the software installed, I was told it wasn't installed, so I re-installed, and the same thing happened. Do I need to log out and in again? Restart something?18:05
cody-somervilleRestarting might do the trick18:05
n2diycody-somerville: 10-418:06
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:15
* charlie-tca kicks the robot19:16
n2diy_can you setup xubuntu as a file server?20:14
n2diy_charlie-tca: ok, any howto handy.20:15
charlie-tcaI do it with NFS for three other systems20:15
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:15
Slonkieor you can use an FTP server20:16
Slonkienot sure about NFS, but with FTP you can access it from outside your lan (if you have the proper port open in your router)20:16
charlie-tcaI don't think it is secure to open to the outside20:21
knomesftp is way better20:22
charlie-tcaSeems like NFS has security issues20:22
Sniper606I am using the xubuntu 9.04 beta and for some reason my /etc/fstab is blank. Is there an easy way to fix this?20:43
charlie-tcaYou can put entries in if you need to.20:44
charlie-tcaIf you don't use a separate /home, I believe that is the new default. I could be wrong, though20:45
Sniper606so you are telling me a blank fstab is normal?20:46
charlie-tcaAppears to be on Jaunty.20:46
Sniper606sudo touch forcefsck doesn't work and I assume its because my fstab is blank20:46
charlie-tcaWould be my guess.20:47
Sniper606does anyone else here not have an fstab20:47
Sniper606or have a blank one anyways20:48
SlonkieWhere is fstab stored? (forgot it :/)20:48
Sniper606cat /etc/fstab20:48
SlonkieMine isen't blank20:48
* charlie-tca raises hand for blank20:49
charlie-tcaon fresh Jaunty default install20:49
Slonkiei updated from intreped -> jaunty20:49
knomenot blank, but i don't have a fresh install20:49
charlie-tcaBut feel free to populate it20:49
charlie-tcaI do, because I add drives and NFS directories20:49
charlie-tcaUbuntu-server populated it20:50
Sniper606I think when the official release comes out and I am gonna wipe this and reinstall with ext4 instead of ext3 anyways.20:50
charlie-tcaThat seems risky. ext4 still has issues with losing things20:51
Sniper606i heard it had been patched20:52
charlie-tcaIt has, but still is not as solid as ext320:52
Sniper606Is the new beta not the best release of any distro ever tho20:53
charlie-tcaOf course, it does need to be tested long term20:53
Sniper606they really outdid themselves this time i love it20:53
charlie-tcaI think it is the best, but I am prejudiced20:53
charlie-tcaI have done extensive testing of it20:53
Sniper606same here and you know what I havent had any serious problems20:54
Slonkiemay i ask why it's better?20:54
Sniper606well its much faster20:54
Sniper606seems more stable20:54
Slonkiefaster where? on boot or on write/read ? :S20:54
charlie-tcaIt works, it is prettier, it does run on my old hardware, it doesn't eat up resources20:55
Sniper606yeah im using way less ram on 9.04 beta than on 8.1020:55
Sniper606i like the new login screen20:55
Slonkieme too20:55
charlie-tcayeah, I noticed that too20:55
charlie-tcanew login screen and new background on the desktop!20:55
Sniper606you know what we need tho is a descent menu editor20:55
knomethat new artwork sucks!20:56
Sniper606this release doesn't even have a menu editor or if it does i cant find it20:56
charlie-tcathat won't happen until Xfce4.820:56
charlie-tcaOnly sucks if that is a good thing!20:56
knomethey are ugly20:56
charlie-tcaNo menu editor in Jaunty20:56
Sniper606i dunno how to edit my menus by hand20:57
knomeSniper606, edit the .desktop files :P20:57
charlie-tcalet me give you a reference then20:57
charlie-tca[for 4.6] copy '/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu to '~/.config/xdg/menus' and customize it.20:57
charlie-tcaor [for 4.6] You can also create desktop entries in '~/.local/share/applications' to override the existing applications (change or hide) or add new ones.20:57
charlie-tcaor http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu20:57
charlie-tcashould be helpful20:58
Sniper606aight thx ill play with it and see if i can figure it out20:58
charlie-tcaWe won't need no stinking editor by the time we get it, huh20:58
knomeSniper606, feel free to ask if you have any problems20:58
Sniper606what happened the other day is an update put screensavers in my "other" category on my menu. i didnt know how to fix it.20:59
Sniper606but another update a day later fixed it20:59
charlie-tcayes, I got it reported and the devs got it fixed21:00
Sniper606so can anyone recommend a good wysiwyg html editor21:00
Sniper606i been using bluefish21:00
Sniper606but honestly im lazy and i need something that does most of the work for me haha21:01
charlie-tcathat's my recommendation. I use bluefish and gedit21:07
charlie-tcanvu is pretty good, though21:07
Sniper606What are the advantages and disadvantages of having home on a seperate partition?21:09
n2diy_Sniper606: backing up and restoring is simpler, and so is upgrading.21:10
charlie-tcaIf it is a separate partition, it is easier to migrate when upgrading21:10
Slonkieevery time i boot up xubuntu i get this error: ACPI: Invaled PBLK lenght [0] - Anyone know of an solution?21:14
Sniper606where do I go to file an xubuntu bug report, im gonna report the blank /etc/fstab21:16
Sniper606it might be a bug and it might not but either way I dont like it.21:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:16
Sniper606for some reason on my games menu theres always one game that doesnt have an icon too21:17
Sniper606if i install a new game it will sometimes bump it to another game21:17
charlie-tcaIs that a game you install?21:18
charlie-tca(with the missing icon)21:18
Sniper606right now supertux doesnt have an icon21:18
charlie-tcaYou should contact the game maintainer, because they did not include an icon with it.21:18
Sniper606yeah it had an icon21:19
charlie-tcaEvery application .desktop file has a place that they can state the icon to use, I think.21:19
Sniper606like say i install a new game right now21:19
charlie-tcaIt had one and it disappeared?21:20
Sniper606it might bump the blank icon to another game21:20
charlie-tcaYou should report the first game without the icon. If that gets fixed, it will not keep happening.21:20
Sniper606it might bump the blank icon to another game21:31
Sniper606Well since I have no fstab and can't force a fsck with sudo touch /forcefsck, How else do I go about doing an fsck?21:32
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charlie-tcaSniper606: did you use the desktop cd or alternate cd to install?21:55
Sniper606live cd21:56
charlie-tcaThanks. I will try to reproduce the missing fstab21:56
Sniper606i filed the bug report21:58
charlie-tcaWhat is the number?21:58
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charlie-tcaThank you22:05
charlie-tcaHello, kromar22:15
kromarif i set a programm to be the default for opening a file it always resets when i reboot. how can i fix that?22:16
sunshineI'm trying to get all users to use the same wine config. I linked to /home/public/.wine in every home directory and -R 777ed. but get "wine: /home/user23/.wine is not owned by you" (for all users)22:20
SiDithey need to OWN the files22:30
SiDimake a group called wine22:30
SiDiand chown your files with this group22:30
SiDiand add your users to wine group22:30
SiDiit should work22:30
kromarif i set a programm to be the default for opening a file it always resets when i reboot. how can i fix that?22:36
SiDikromar, what version are you using ?22:36
kromarrelease 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-1122:38
SiDiAnd it happens for all files / apps ?22:38
SiDiThe apps .desktop files are in /usr/share/applications, right ?22:38
SiDiOk then I don't know which configuration file manages this, but the most likely case is that you can't write on this file, though22:39
sunshineSiDi: did that, I still get the error22:39
SiDisunshine, join #winehq and ask there, i know some people managed to do it. i'll be there anyways, i'll check this out with you in a min22:40
SiDikromar, check that you own .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list22:41
kromarhow do i check if i own it? o_O22:42
sunshineisn't there a way to set no owner or anybody owner?22:43
SiDikromar, "ls -l .local/share/applications"22:43
SiDitell me if its written kromar or root in its left22:43
SiDisunshine, you can set a group to own the files :)22:43
SiDisunshine, ls -l some of your files in the prefix, are you _sure_ its owning group is the "wine" group you created ?22:44
kromarSiDi: on the left is my user name22:44
sunshineoh, so how do I remove the owner owner and set only a group owner?22:44
SiDisunshine, i suggest you ask in #winehq, there will be people there that should know better than me22:47
SiDikromar, stay around please22:48
kromarSiDi: ok22:48
SiDiI can't find the file responsible for this, kromar22:54
SiDiyou can try to chown your whole .config and .local folders to yourself, it might help, since it seems you cant write to the config file that hosts this22:54
kromarhm ok, could it be that i have to save the session manually before logging out?22:54
SiDiif it does nothing, please file a bug report22:54
SiDinormally its automatically saved22:54
SiDiunless your rights on the file are messed up (which normally happens only if you do stuff as root :p)22:55
SiDi(did you run sudo thunar, at least once ?)22:55
kromari dont think i ever did that. what does it do?22:55
SiDiit'll run thunar as root, but with your own config files22:56
SiDiand it can mess your rights on those config files22:56
SiDiits the most likely case to cause your problem, actually22:56
SiDiPlease file a bug report in launchpad.net, if you can't find the solution22:58
SiDieither they'll tell you how to solve and turn it into a question, or if there's an actual bug they'll look at it later22:58
kromarwell i dont really know how i could find the problem..22:59
charlie-tcaYou can ask in #ubuntu, also.22:59
kromarok will try there22:59
SiDicharlie-tca, its a thunar problem23:00
charlie-tcaDepends on what app, doesn't it? for example, jpg should open in viewer, etc23:00
SiDicharlie-tca, what i mean is, when he changes the file association, they're not saved23:00
SiDion next reboot they're gone23:01
charlie-tcayeah, I tracked that down once. I can't remember the file it is in23:01
SiDiit really sounds like he cant write to the file in which customised file associations are written (or it doesnt exist and he cant write in the folder containing it)23:01
kromari do a relog and see on what files this happens exactly23:02
charlie-tcaMaybe ask in #xfce, then. JPohlmann2 around?23:02
charlie-tcaJPohlmann2: knows all about xfce23:02
SiDii'm in #xfce, asking23:02
charlie-tcaand thunar23:02
SiDiJPohlmann2, you be our guru. we send you a cyber coffee if you help !23:03
charlie-tcaonly 10 installs to go23:03
SiDiits a pity i forgot my cd :(23:03
charlie-tcaI took the 386 server, since I only had a few to do23:04
charlie-tcaAnd I do all the 386 items on hardware23:05
SiDikromar, the file is .local/share/applications/defaults.desktop23:05
SiDiplease ls -l .local/share/applications and tell me if you own this file (and if it exists)23:05
SiDibtw, x86 server gonna be dropped for karmic, apparently23:08
kromari only have a defaults.list23:09
SiDiand do you own it ?23:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:09
SiDiput its content here please, and put there the result of "ls -l ~/.local/share" and "ls -l ~/.local/share/applications/"23:10
Sniper606Is it safe to install the 8.10 version of opera on the 9.04 beta?23:12
charlie-tcaSniper606: why would you23:13
Sniper606because thats all thats available on the opera download site23:13
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser23:14
charlie-tcaDon't really know. You could try it and see if it works.23:15
charlie-tcaIf it is a .deb package, it should work. No guarantee, though23:16
SiDikromar, is it working ?23:18
kromarseems to work23:19
kromarim gona reboot again, see if it really works^23:19
kromarSiDi: looks like it works:D thanks a lot23:23
SiDikromar, you're welcome :)23:23
SiDithere probably was something messed in up defaults.list23:23
SiDiif it happens again, please post a bug report in launchpad.net23:23
SiDiand attach your file23:23
kromaran other question, is it possible that the file icon is changed to the icon of the default programm?23:23
SiDikromar, for some files probably23:24
SiDithe mimetype icon files are in /usr/share/icons/<youricontheme>/scalable/mimetypes/23:24
SiDiand possibly also in 48x48/mimetypes/ 32x32/mimetypes/ etc23:25
SiDiyou'ld need to remove the icons there and make links with the same name, that point to your app's icon23:25
SiDithat's a bit complicated and bothersome, but you *can* do it :P23:25
kromarso i have to change them manually?23:26
SiDiyou can also make your own mimetype icons, package them into an icon theme, and make that icon theme depend on Human, for instance23:26
SiDiand it would use your icons for mimetypes, and Human for the rest23:26
SiDithats painful too, though23:27
SiDiyou could address a feature request to XFCE but i don't know if they'll do it23:27
knomeSiDi, kromar: doesn't sound like something Xfce developers would be willing to implement.23:29
SiDiknome, i dont think either23:29
SiDithats an heavy thing for what it is, and xfce doesnt like heaviness :P23:29
knomekromar, your best bet would be to write a script to replace all the mimetype icons23:30
kromarwell as long as the file opens with the default programm there is no real need for it anyway^23:30
kromari have an other problem with my audio, sounds like the processor or hd signal is mixed in:O23:31
SiDi!info dontzap jaunty23:31
ubottudontzap (source: dontzap): Command line tool to set the DontZap option in xorg.conf. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.2 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 124 kB23:31
SiDiwhat do you mean, kromar ?23:32
kromarnot sure how to explain it, it sounds like some electrical signal is mixed into the sound... like a crackle or so23:33
charlie-tcaYou did not install pulse audio?23:34
charlie-tcaThat does do that23:34
* charlie-tca going to eat again. back in a little bit23:35
kromarwhats pulse radioi?23:35
kromari only installed gmusicbrowser to play my files23:36
SiDikromar, "ps aux | grep pulse"23:49
SiDiwhat's the output ?23:49
SiDinormally only one line, ending by "grep pulse"23:49
SiDiDo you also have Ubuntu(GNOME) installed ? if so then you might have pulseaudio installed23:50
SiDiPulseaudio is a sound server, used under ubuntu but not under Xubuntu23:50
Sniper606something i dont get is why is ubuntu and xubuntu considered 2 different distros23:57
Sniper606its the same os with a different desktop environment23:58
SiDinot exactly23:58
SiDiwe might want to ship different apps/packages, not only a different DE23:58
Sniper606i see23:58
SiDihaving our own -desktop packages gives more possibility23:59
SiDito ship what's most needed23:59

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