
A_macthe program was only written in dos00:00
A_macdos 6.200:00
A_macoh man im old00:00
A_macwill kubuntu 8.10 over write everything i have on my hard drive now ? i have alot of stuff on it... dont want to have to reinstall everything again ?00:06
A_macim runing ubuntu 8.04 right now00:06
daskreechA_mac: no00:06
daskreech!upgrade | A_mac00:06
ubottuA_mac: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:06
daskreechWhy are you upgrading to ibex now ?00:06
A_macubuntu doesnt see my linksys wifi card neither does pc linux 200700:07
A_maclinux xp did but its in russian00:07
daskreechA_mac: Umm ok Why don't you get a live CD and see if Ibex or jaunty will see it00:08
daskreech!wifi | A_mac00:08
ubottuA_mac: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:08
A_macis kubuntu better than ubuntu00:08
daskreechA_mac: wrong channel to ask in00:09
daskreechBut yes. Yes it is :)00:09
=== richard is now known as Guest3456
jamesjedimasterI like KDE more than Gnome, so kubuntu is better :)00:10
Carrie_Ok, so how can I disable that annoying loud beep when I shutdown the computer? :)00:10
daskreechSounds ?00:11
eugenhow to you make the clock in kde show it in 12hour format?00:11
jamesjedimasterCarrie_: system settings -> notifications00:12
Carrie_aww geez... this isn't for gnome :P00:12
Carrie_sorry i have 3 channels open :P00:13
daskreechCarrie_: glad to almost be of help!00:13
Carrie_got me on the right track though :)00:14
dwidmanneugen: system settings -> regional & language00:14
siachrisI really need help setting up shared folders in virtualbox ose 2.0.4.  Can anyone help me?00:16
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso
Fanfaresiachris: guest os?, host os?00:22
=== jan is now known as Guest33667
siachrismy host os is kubuntu and i'm trying to share files with my virtual machine (xp home)00:24
eugenhey how do make the time format in 12hour?00:29
Fanfaresiachris: u need hostadditions within xp installed?00:29
siachrisi didn't realize that windows needed a specific app in order to see a network drive on a linux system.00:31
Dragnslcreugen- on the clock in the panel?00:31
siachrisunfortunatly i have to go but i will be back some time this week and hopefully continue this conversation.00:31
eugenI don't see any options for the format...00:31
Dragnslcreugen- System Settings -> Regional & Language00:31
Fanfaresiachris: k00:32
siachristhanks though00:32
eugenDragnslcr: thx...I changed it, although I don't see the affect in the tray...I need to log off?00:33
DragnslcrI don't think so, but maybe. Might just have to wait for it to update00:33
DaSkreechDragnslcr: Says that you have to logout to see effects here00:43
deltageckogreets to all sysop00:59
deltageckohow do i find my hardware info?  which app do i use to see ram, cpu, etc.?  thanks in advance00:59
DaSkreechdeltagecko: Umm not sure I always use sudo lshw01:00
DaSkreechdeltagecko: You can do sudo lshw -html > mycomputer.html to get a webpage01:01
deltageckothe 'sudo lshw worked....trying to generate webpage now....   :)01:02
Fanfaredeltagecko: theres also hwinfo01:03
bartskde2anyone know how I can customize the kde 4.2 defaults like themes, icons, wallpaper for new users? I've googled til I'm blue with no luck01:04
deltageckothanks - webpage generation is success01:05
deltageckocan i do sudo hwinfo -html > mycomputer.html and get a webpage that way also?01:05
Fanfaredeltagecko: not that i know of...01:06
Fanfaredeltagecko: never needet html01:07
deltageckook...good solutions anyway and the webpage generation worked as well - thanks guys01:09
na_praiahow can i remove kpersonalizer without removing the kde-core kde-devel kde-devel-extras and kdebase??01:12
na_praiaits weird because when i want to remove kpersonalizer it says it will also remove those packages.... :/01:12
na_praiahow can i remove kpersonalizer without removing the kde-core kde-devel kde-devel-extras and kdebase???......its weird because when i want to remove kpersonalizer it says it will also remove those packages.... :/01:13
drbobbok, got the jaunty beta up and running01:15
drbobbvideo was broken out of the box for me, unlike previous releases01:16
drbobbneeded to load sisfb to fix it01:18
drbobbstill, attempting to upgrade packages via the gui killed the xserver01:18
DaSkreechna_praia: I think that those are meta-packages01:20
DaSkreechdrbobb: restart it?01:21
drbobbDaSkreech: yeah it did restart, i mean the session was killed01:22
drbobbdpkg kept running in the backhround, though01:22
drbobbsound seems to be dead too01:24
DaSkreechdrbobb: It's supposed to ask you if you would like to restart the X session now01:25
drbobbDaSkreech: i don't think that's supposed to happen in the middle of configuring a load of upgraded packages01:26
DaSkreechdrbobb: If the xserver is part of those load of upgraded packages it will01:26
DaSkreechdpkg is not that smart it runs scripts which it comes across01:26
k1enhi, can anyone instruct on how to create a right-click print option for jpeg/png/doc on konqueror?01:27
DaSkreechif the Xserver is in the middle of the set of packages dpkg doesn't know the difference between it and a database or a mp3 streaming server01:27
GillesMhello wranr doesn't work on Kubuntu 9.0401:30
drbobbbut what's up with the sound failing to work01:32
menaxhey buddies!01:33
menaxI want to install skype. I have downloaded a .deb file from Skype.com, saying is for ubuntu. Right know Iḿ running the Kubuntu 8.04 i386. I run the DEB file but then nothing happens, what is worng with it!?01:34
astrobearwhen select empty trash, my trash isn´t emptied... help pulease :)01:34
p_quarlesmenax: what do you mean by "run" it? what do you do?01:35
DaSkreechGillesM: #ubuntu+101:35
wirechiefmenax how do you "run" the .deb01:35
DaSkreechmenax: You "run" it ?01:35
GillesMDarkriftX:  unbuntu+1 = kubuntu+1 ?01:35
menaxI just click the icon of skype. A screen came up saying it will install it. A process go but then nothing happens the screen close and then no messages nothing, i have rebooted but no skype app is installed01:36
* wirechief runs dpkg i <package>.deb01:36
DaSkreechmenax: try sudo dpkg -i /path/to/skype.deb01:36
p_quarlesmenax: type "which skype" in a terminal window; what's the output?01:36
DaSkreechGillesM: Yes01:36
menaxmenax@menax-pc:~$ which skype01:37
menaxno output, just return for new command01:38
p_quarlesmenax: do what wirechief suggested then; if that gives you an error, we'll have a lot more to go by'01:38
wirechiefyea but with  sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb01:38
astrobearhow do you do it DaSkreech, how what is it that drives you to be help on a consistent basis?01:40
DaSkreechastrobear: Empty trash?01:40
DaSkreechEmpty Trash doesn't work?01:40
menaxman what happened! I cannot open a konsole!!01:41
DaSkreechrm ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*01:41
DaSkreechmenax: how are you trying to open it?01:41
astrobearthank you, i was looking for that in ~/.kde01:41
menaxit just try to open and then it closes by itself01:41
DaSkreechastrobear: FD.o01:41
astrobearbut seriously, how man?01:42
DaSkreechso Gnome XFCE E and KDE all have the same Trash01:42
astrobearits impressive01:42
menaxnow i can, weird01:42
menaxI hate when it does that!1 it reminds me windows....01:42
menaxrun the deb installation01:44
menaxit says itś missing01:44
menaxmenax@menax-pc:~$ which skype01:44
menaxshould I get that package with adept?01:44
drbobbKPackageKit is a big step backwards wrt kde3's adept01:45
wirechiefmenax what do you get with ls *.iso01:45
wirechiefmeanx what do you get with ls *.deb01:46
menaxit works now, I have installed the libqt4-gui package with Adept :D01:46
wirechiefi have iso itis01:46
Kasm279i cant get kubuntu to turn on my external monitor D:01:46
menaxI got that deb on my desktop, firefox left it there01:46
menaxitś the only file01:47
Kasm279firefox? use opera!01:47
menaxnow it works when I put that package with the help from Adept01:47
menaxslow down. Im doing my change from windows to Kubuntu01:47
menaxI like the KDE interface thats why I use Kubuntu01:48
Kasm279menax, me too01:48
Kasm279(both things001:48
Kasm279i just need skethup!!!01:48
menaxI got tired getting the message buy windows, you are a pirate! LOL01:48
drbobbdamn, it used to be possible to reorder konq's tabs by dragging them around, what happened to that?01:48
Kasm279google sketchup**01:48
menaxI love this is free and it works waaaay better than Microsoft01:49
Kasm279menax, i didnt ever get that with win XP MCE01:49
Kasm279i cant get kubuntu to turn on my external monitor D:01:50
menaxsorry to ask this01:50
menaxIḿ from chile and I dont get what you say there01:51
Kasm279but if i restart with it connected, it will clone but i cant set it to extend!01:51
menaxis a joke?01:51
menaxoh I see you are asking that01:51
menaxsorry :P01:51
Kasm279XP MCE= XP media centre edition01:51
Kasm279oh, XD01:51
DaSkreechGuess who's back?01:51
DaSkreechBack again :)01:51
DaSkreechmenax: install libqt4-gui01:52
Kasm279can anybody help with this?01:52
DaSkreech!dualhead > Kasm27901:52
ubottuKasm279, please see my private message01:52
DaSkreech!xinerama > Kasm27901:52
Kasm279DaSkreech, thank you01:53
DaSkreechSure :)01:53
Kasm279!thank you, too01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you, too01:53
Kasm279!thank you01:53
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:53
menaxDaSkreech: I have downloaded that package with Adept. I love that application I get all the packages without any command lines. I know in Linux you hace to write some lines, but since Iḿ a windows user this console freaks me out. But I see is very friendly01:53
DaSkreechubottu: thanks01:53
DaSkreechmenax: :-) That's fine.01:54
DaSkreechCommand line is very very helpful and quick01:54
DaSkreechIf you would prefer not to learn it you can still use linux fine01:54
menaxyep, I have to get used to it.01:54
DaSkreechbut it is a very helpful thing to learn01:54
menaxitś just that are so many commands01:54
menaxits confusing for me01:54
DaSkreechmenax: But yes install that in adept then click on the Skype DEB package again and it should work01:54
menaxitś like wevery person have different comnds for do a thing01:55
DaSkreechmenax: Understood01:55
menaxthere is a web page with the commands to have a list on what to do to search for an issue?01:55
DaSkreechmenax: Well it's very flexible So many users can build different ways to do the same thing if they like01:55
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:56
drbobboh my sound is back01:56
menax!love ya bot01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about love ya bot01:57
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.01:58
menaxthanks DaSkreech01:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitors01:58
menaxWhen is the new 9.04 coming out01:58
DaSkreechmenax: Sure no need to rush into learning all of them just learn ones that you need and how they are structured01:58
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:58
menaxand I need to reinstalls it, or it update vie automatic installation?01:59
DaSkreechastrobear: Me and ubottu are good friends. She slips me answers :)01:59
DaSkreech!upgrade | menax01:59
ubottumenax: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:59
DaSkreechYou don't need to upgrade if you don't want to01:59
DaSkreechbut  Jackalope is niiice01:59
menaxKasm279 you have a nvidia card? which one?01:59
Kasm279in a laptop02:00
menaxyou want to use your monitor and laptop screen?02:00
Kasm279menax: ATi 34M02:01
Kasm279in a laptop02:01
Barridusis there any way to add a "Places" quicklaunch on the taskbar?02:01
DaSkreechBarridus: Errrm the Quick Launch plasmoid?02:02
DaSkreechSorry Quick access02:02
BarridusQuick accsss?  ok i'll try that02:02
menaxI got an issue woth firefox, all the fonts in firefox menu are too small, I have tried changing that in system preferences, but still haveing small characters. Where can i change that I can barely read the menus LOL02:02
Barriduswait i tried that DaSkreech, that's not it02:03
Kasm279OH, CHEESE!02:03
DaSkreechWhat do you want?02:03
DaSkreech!info cheese02:03
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.2-0ubuntu0+intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 2339 kB, installed size 7152 kB02:03
Kasm279i managed to turn my laptop's screen upside down02:03
menaxwhy firefox doesnt respect the fgonts that are in place for KDE, they are so small oin firefox! i want them biiger02:04
BarridusDaSkreech, new to KDE here so i'm not sure the words maybe.  Basically, the left-pane of Dolphin has that "Places" pane.  Home, Network, Root, etc.  That would be what I'd like as a toolbar popup plasmoid if possible02:04
DaSkreechBarridus: Ah. Nice Umm Dunno there was one in KDE3 but I think it was custom made.02:05
DaSkreechBarridus: tried Lancelot?02:06
DaSkreechClosest thing I can think of now02:06
menaxWhere can i fix the fonts in firefox, they are so small. By the way thanks fro the help guys!02:11
menaxI mean the menu fonts, not the html fonts02:11
DaSkreechi'm betting there is a KIO that will allow youto get the places though02:12
BarridusDaSkreech, thanks for the Lancelot launcher suggestion.  it might fit the bill.  any idea why the "documents" tab is empty, though?02:15
Barridus(well the left pane of it, the right 'recent' pane appears to be working)02:15
DaSkreechBarridus: ou don't have Nepomuk installed likely02:19
DaSkreechhi jono02:19
jonohey DarkriftX02:20
BarridusDaSkreech, hmm.  the search daemon?  or am i confusing htat word with something else?02:20
DaSkreechjono: It's ok no one ever recognizes me anyway :) How are you and things?02:20
DaSkreechBarridus: Close it's the search store02:21
DaSkreechstrigi searches an nempomuk stores the search02:21
DaSkreechBarridus: alt+F5 btw02:21
jonoDaSkreech, good thanks, you?02:22
Barridusalt-f5 brought up lancelot.  i'll look in system settings for nepomuk or strigi02:22
DaSkreechLoads of crap happening IRL but my virtual life is grand :)02:22
Barridusi swear i saw one/both of them somewhere02:22
DaSkreechBarridus: Just for the documents? :) How bad do you want that?02:22
m4cH1n3how do i run mIRC on wine? I would really like to know ?02:23
Barridusheh, i have "my way" XD  i'm on a netbook i love to streamline02:23
DaSkreechm4cH1n3: wine mirc.exe02:24
DragnslcrYikes, I won't ask why you'd want to02:24
DaSkreechBarridus: I have no documents on this machine but do they come up if you search for the name02:24
BarridusDaSkreech, appears i have both installed but disabled.  i'll try turning them on02:24
DaSkreechBarridus: ok they are both kinda CPU hungry currently02:25
ale1987das how i cam make download of versiom 4.2 of kde?02:25
ale1987DaSkreech,  how i cam make download of versiom 4.2 of kde?02:25
DaSkreechale1987: what version of Kubuntu are you using?02:25
ale1987DaSkreech, i use ubuntu 9.04 beta02:25
DaSkreechale1987: You have it already02:26
Barridusor sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:26
DaSkreechopen konqueror and go Help -> about KDE02:26
ale1987DaSkreech, yes i am use now02:26
DaSkreechale1987: OK what would you like to do then?02:26
ale1987DaSkreech, yes chane for kde 4.2 on terminal02:27
DaSkreechchange what?02:27
ale1987DaSkreech, look02:27
ale1987DaSkreech, i make download of kubuntu 4.2 and apoint a error02:28
Barridushmm.  "strigi search is not running" is that normal for after it completes the HD grind of the first enabling?02:28
DaSkreechwhat error?02:28
ale1987DaSkreech, make in cd02:28
DaSkreechale1987: can you pastebin the error ?02:28
ale1987DaSkreech, i was observe in mode live cd and dont get02:29
ale1987mode live cd fail02:29
DaSkreechThe live CD won't start?02:29
ale1987DaSkreech, only 1 error of arkive02:29
ale1987DaSkreech, exacti dont start02:30
DaSkreechale1987: try safe video mode02:30
ale1987DaSkreech, the bar kubuntu is fail and dont start02:30
ale1987DaSkreech, more already try  the check disc and show me the error02:31
DaSkreechah the disc is bad02:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:31
DaSkreechIf you would like help in portugese :)02:32
=== ciros is now known as Ciros
ale1987DaSkreech, yes i am bad inglish02:32
DaSkreechale1987: no problems if you would like to stay here  I can try help02:32
DaSkreechI was just letting you know about your options02:32
ale1987DaSkreech, eu to uma merda kkkk02:32
DaSkreechale1987: You have the .ISO file ?02:33
ale1987DaSkreech, yes i have iso02:33
DaSkreechale1987: are you on linux or windows ?02:33
ale1987DaSkreech, more can be danified02:34
NotADJIs there a way to disable the double-tap clicking behavior on laptops?02:34
ale1987DaSkreech, i use windows on 1 hd and linux in other hd02:34
LjLNotADJ: i only know how to change that kind of things using synclient, but there's probably better ways02:34
ale1987DaSkreech, use 202:34
menaxI sawe on a page firefox is a gnome app, thats why KDE settings are ignored by firefox02:38
menaxcould trhat be true02:38
NotADJKDE is beautiful. but I think it is better for desktops than laptosp02:44
FloridaGuycant install or update anything because of this broken package....    ( E: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-14-generic: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1 )02:44
ale1987ale1987@ale1987:~$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:46
ale1987Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto02:46
ale1987Construindo árvore de dependências02:46
ale1987Lendo informação de estado... Pronto02:46
ale1987Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:02:46
ale1987  akregator apport-qt ark cdrdao dolphin dontzap dragonplayer02:46
ale1987  foomatic-db-gutenprint gdebi-kde gtk2-engines-qtcurve gwenview hpijs-ppds02:46
ale1987  ijsgutenprint install-package jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaddressbook kamera02:46
ale1987  kate kde-printer-applet kde-style-qtcurve kde-window-manager kde-zeroconf02:46
ale1987  kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-plasma kdebase-workspace-bin02:46
ale1987  kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 kdebluetooth02:46
ale1987  kdegraphics-strigi-plugins kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a kdepasswd02:46
ale1987  kdepim-kresources kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepim-wizards kdepimlibs-data02:46
ale1987  kdepimlibs5 kdeplasma-addons kdeplasma-addons-data kdesudo kdm kfind klipper02:46
ale1987  kmag kmail kmix kmousetool knotes konqueror konqueror-nsplugins02:46
ale1987  konqueror-plugin-searchbar konsole kontact kopete korganizer kpackagekit02:46
ale1987  krdc krfb ksnapshot ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog ktimetracker ktorrent02:46
ale1987  ktorrent-data kubuntu-artwork-usplash kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-docs02:46
ale1987  kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts kuser kvkbd kwalletmanager language-selector-qt02:46
ale1987  libakonadiprivate1 libao2 libavahi-qt3-1 libboost-program-options1.35.002:46
ale1987  libdbus-qt-1-1c2 libeet1 libgeoip1 libk3b3 libk3b3-extracodecs02:46
ale1987  libkdecorations4 libkdepim4 libkexiv2-7 libkholidays4 libkipi6 libkleo402:47
ale1987  libkonq5 libkonq5-templates libkpgp4 libksieve4 libkwineffects1 liblua5002:47
ale1987  liblualib50 libmimelib4 libmsn0.1 libokularcore1 libpackagekit-glib1102:47
ale1987  libpackagekit-qt11 libplasma3 libpoppler-qt4-3 libqca2 libqca2-plugin-ossl02:47
ale1987  libqedje0 libqimageblitz4 libqt3-mt libqt4-assistant libqt4-core libqt4-help02:47
ale1987  libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-xmlpatterns libqzion0 libsearchclient002:47
ale1987  libstrigihtmlgui0 libstrigiqtdbusclient0 libvncserver0 libzip1 okular02:47
ale1987  okular-extra-backends openoffice.org-kde openoffice.org-style-crystal02:47
ale1987  oxygen-cursor-theme packagekit packagekit-backend-apt pinentry-qt402:47
ale1987  plasma-widget-network-manager p02:47
LjL!pastebin | ale198702:48
ubottuale1987: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:48
FloridaGuyE: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-14-generic: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 102:50
ale1987vai ti fuder m4v02:52
DaSkreechmenax: It's a GTk app not a Gnome app02:54
DaSkreechale1987: Where is the .ISO ?02:54
ale1987m4v, vai se fuder02:54
ale1987DaSkreech, here02:55
DaSkreechale1987: please use pastebin if you want to paste something large02:55
DaSkreechale1987: Linux or Windows?02:55
ale1987DaSkreech, en pvt?02:55
DaSkreechale1987: ok Hold on02:55
DaSkreechale1987: http://etree.org/md5com.html02:55
DaSkreechdownload md5sum.exe02:55
DaSkreechPut it in C:02:56
ale1987thanks i go02:56
ale1987to fora02:56
ale1987dificil isso02:56
rmrfslashWhat's the consensus on 9.04? Is it still really buggy?03:04
rmrfslashshould I upgrade?03:04
DaSkreechrmrfslash: how resistant are to youbugs?03:07
rmrfslashDaSkreech: depends03:07
rmrfslashDaSkreech: There's always gunna be bugs.03:07
rmrfslashDaSkreech: Just wondering if it's more or less stable03:07
rmrfslashDaSkreech: and if I should upgrade from 8.10 ;)03:07
DaSkreechWhat video card do you have?03:08
rmrfslashATI Mobility Radeon HD 367003:08
rmrfslashto be specific03:08
DaSkreechShould be goo03:08
rmrfslashwhy, are there issues w/ nvidia or somethin?03:09
rmrfslashMight be a silly question, but if I upgrade, will I be able to update on the 28th to the final release?03:09
rmrfslashw/ just an apt-get upgrade03:10
DaSkreechrmrfslash: It's what I've always done03:10
DaSkreechI upgrade like two days before03:10
DaSkreech wait a week for the madness to stop then update again03:10
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
rmrfslashlemme try this out... hopefully I don't end up w/ a brick03:11
DaSkreechYou shouldn't03:11
rmrfslashI already upgraded to KDE 4.203:11
DaSkreechIf you do come back and throw something at me03:11
rmrfslashshouldn't be a problem right?03:11
DaSkreechrmrfslash: SHould be interesting :) What repo did you use?03:11
rmrfslashthe ubuntu one03:12
rmrfslashwell... the kubuntu one. i followed the instructions on the kubuntu site03:12
rmrfslashi installed 8.10 and installed 4.203:12
DaSkreechrmrfslash: The PPA or the backports one?03:12
rmrfslashnot sure03:13
rmrfslashnot sure what PPA is03:13
DaSkreechcan you pastebin //etc/apt/sources.list03:13
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.03:13
DaSkreechIt's a personal Repo. So you can build your own packages03:13
rmrfslashI used backports03:13
DaSkreechrmrfslash: OK you should be fine then. Ever done a viersion upgrade before?03:15
rmrfslashjust afraid of not having a laptop when it's done.03:16
rmrfslashIs the code frozen at this point?03:17
rmrfslashI'm gunna give it a go.03:18
rmrfslashwhat do I have to lose03:18
rmrfslashcya in a bit03:18
inuyasha_  ________       .__       .___ _____.__       .__03:44
inuyasha_       ________________03:44
inuyasha_ /  _____/  ____ |  |    __| _// ____\__| _____|  |__03:44
inuyasha_   /   __   \_____  \03:44
inuyasha_/   \  ___ /  _ \|  |   / __ |\   __\|  |/  ___/  |  \03:44
inuyasha_ \____    //  ____/03:44
inuyasha_\    \_\  (  <_> )  |__/ /_/ | |  |  |  |\___ \|   Y  \03:44
inuyasha_   /    //       \03:44
inuyasha_ \______  /\____/|____/\____ | |__|  |__/____  >___|  /03:44
inuyasha_____/____/ \_______ \03:44
inuyasha_        \/                  \/               \/     \/03:44
inuyasha_  ________       .__       .___ _____.__       .__03:46
inuyasha_ /  _____/  ____ |  |    __| _// ____\__| _____|  |__03:46
peachesi give up. what is it03:46
LiMaOpeaches: that was a flood attempt i guess =P03:54
bitterchocsallo all, anyone using ooo3 on kubuntu? i need help03:56
peachesLiMaO: i settled with: Sewfish03:56
paolohey...i still dont know how to install flashplayer04:02
paoloor flashplugin rather04:02
paolocan anyone help me pls.04:02
LiMaOpaolo: type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras04:03
LiMaOyou'll have support for flash, java, mp3, dvd and many more things all installed at once04:03
paoloLiMao:i'll try04:04
paoloLiMao: the result is E: Couldn't find package kunbuntu-restricted-extras04:06
LiMaOyou misspelled it04:07
LiMaOread it carefully.. not kuNbuntu04:07
paolook ill try it again04:08
paoloLiMao:it's still the same result04:09
paoloE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-restricted-extras04:09
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso
DaSkreech!info kubuntu-restricted-extras04:11
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB04:11
LiMaOpaolo: what are you using?04:12
LiMaOpaolo: what system i mean04:12
paolowhat do you mean system?04:13
paoloLiMao:what system?04:13
LiMaOoperating system. which version of ubuntu or kubuntu are you using?04:13
paoloLiMao:kubuntu version 6.0604:15
LiMaOholy crap04:15
LiMaOpaolo: dude, that thing is 3 years old04:16
LiMaOwhy aren't you running at least 8.10 or 9.04?04:16
paoloIt's just all i have04:17
LiMaOgo get something newer04:18
LiMaOyou're missing a lot04:18
paoloactually I just borrow this from my friend04:18
LiMaOyou'll be impressed when you check out the newest version :)04:18
jason_froebehe could do an upgrade in place04:18
paolothen i found it so hard to use04:18
LiMaOjason_froebe: from something 3 years old? better to try a fresh install04:19
jason_froebeit should upgrade fine unless paolo has custom packages installed04:19
paolois there any other way?04:20
Pasal102is amarok 2.1 beta already available for kubuntu?04:20
paolocause i just used this for temporary04:20
jason_froebebest is to download 8.10 from kubuntu.com04:20
DaSkreechpaolo: It's installed?04:21
DaSkreechpaolo: in anycase flashplugin-nonfree is for flash04:21
jason_froebelike LiMaO says, it would be better (at least faster)04:21
* DaSkreech suggests 9.04 beta04:22
paolowhere and how can i get that version?04:22
paolocan i just download it here?04:22
paoloin kubuntu?04:22
jason_froebedownload the iso and burn it to a cd04:25
jason_froebepaolo - either 8.10 or 9.0404:25
LiMaOjason_froebe: i guess he wants to download it from here, from the channel itself04:26
DaSkreechpaolo: 9.04 is much nicer than 8.1004:27
paoloDaSkreech:ok2x tnx04:28
DragnslcrI think 9.04 will be my first clean install in a while04:29
DragnslcrWas going to do it with 8.10, but never got around to it04:29
DragnslcrNeed to put in another hard drive and set up RAID04:29
DaSkreechDragnslcr: I thnk 9.04 is a good candidate for it. If OO.o ever gets KDE4 sorted then 9.10 might be better04:34
DragnslcrIt's mostly moving my home directory that has me worried04:34
DragnslcrI assume it'd be best to upgrade to 9.04 first to get all of the app settings converted04:35
DaSkreechDragnslcr: don't have a ~ partition ?04:36
DragnslcrI do04:36
DragnslcrI'll still have to copy it, though, unless I get really tricky04:37
DragnslcrRight now, it isn't on one of the disks that'll be mirrored04:37
LiMaODragnslcr: don't move it around. rename it. /home/user-backup04:40
DragnslcrMy plan right now is to do a clean install to the new disks (complete with separate home partition), then just copy my home directory from the old disk to the new one04:42
holyscottonce the rc releases tomorrow, what will the apt-get command be to go from beta to rc?04:43
DragnslcrOnly other thing I can think of is to use the home partition from the old disk for the new install, then copy the whole thing to an empty partition on the new disks and rearrange the mount points04:44
Dragnslcrholyscott- should be a normal update04:44
holyscottif o04:44
holyscottif I've been doing daily upgrades, do I basically already have the rc?04:45
DragnslcrProbably pretty close, yeah04:45
rmrfslashDaSkreech: Upgraded04:46
DaSkreechrmrfslash: Like it?04:47
rmrfslashDaSkreech: well... my wireless adapter has ceased to work04:47
DaSkreechholyscott: yes you do04:48
DaSkreechrmrfslash: which adapter?04:48
holyscottI am wanting to do a clean install of 9.04 once its final cause I've somehow broke samba04:49
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rmrfslashDaSkreech: knetworkmanager doesn't start on boot, I started it manually, and try connecting to my home wireless but it's a no-go04:50
rmrfslashDaSkreech: My home network is detected automatically though04:50
DaSkreechrmrfslash: use the plasmoid04:51
rmrfslashDaSkreech: Ok... found it.04:53
DaSkreechrmrfslash: network manager 0.7 isn't really compatible with knm04:54
rmrfslashDaSkreech: tried connecting, saw some dialog come up saying "Connecting OceanNet" but nothing04:54
rmrfslashDaSkreech: never connects04:54
rmrfslashshoudl I quit network manager?04:54
DragnslcrEr, what happened to the disk management part of the system settings...04:55
DaSkreechDragnslcr: what are you upgrading from btw?04:58
DragnslcrI'm not imagining things when I remember there being a GUI for setting stuff like mount points, right?05:00
again gnome or kde Dragnslcr?05:01
seanOh! Herro Prease!05:02
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DragnslcrIf I was asking about Gnome, I'd ask in #ubuntu, don't ya think?05:02
DaSkreechDragnslcr: No you probably don't have it installed05:03
DragnslcrQuick Google search brings up a forum post from last year that it wasn't implemented yet05:04
DaSkreechFunny I remember having it05:05
DaSkreechor was that Grub editing?05:05
DaSkreechHmm :-/05:05
agathe Q is that i have never seen kde coming with any program like gparted by default.05:05
DragnslcrWell, there is qtparted, which isn't installed by default05:05
DragnslcrThat's not what I'm talking about, though05:05
aganot in my kde i can assure you.05:06
DragnslcrThere used to be a section in System Settings called Disks and Filesystems05:06
agabut anyway gotta go.05:06
DaSkreechaga: Qtparted hasn't beeen worked on in three years05:07
DaSkreechsomeone starts working on it and it will ship05:07
DaSkreechWell "ship"05:07
agadont used, i normally edit from fstab05:07
Dragnslcrqtparted worked pretty well for me the last time I used it05:07
DragnslcrExcept for there being one annoying bug in the menu entry, but that seems like it's a Kubuntu problem05:08
DaSkreechDragnslcr: not saying it doesn't work. Just no one works on it05:09
DaSkreech that's not gernerally a good sign05:09
DragnslcrHeh, yeah, I just checked the About. (c) 200505:09
Dragnslcr"QtParted is back among the living!  After seeing the message about QtParted's death, the Ark Linux team have decided to continue maintaining it. "05:11
Dragnslcr"Last update: 2005-07-06"05:11
DaSkreechYep gotta love those posts05:11
Dragnslcrkde-apps.org has something called Partition Manager05:15
DragnslcrDon't think it's in the standard repositories though05:15
Dragnslcr!info partitionmanager05:15
ubottuPackage partitionmanager does not exist in intrepid05:15
DragnslcrSo the only way to change mount points is by editing fstab manually?05:17
p_quarlesgparted is still maintained, and contrary to some people's strange beliefs, it is legal to use GTK+ applications with Kwin05:18
DragnslcrSure, but I don't think gparted does anything with fstab05:19
dwidmannhmm, qtparted nolonger exists in jaunty, from the looks of it05:22
DragnslcrNot surprising, if it's been abandoned for so long05:23
DragnslcrKinda too bad, because it's pretty nice05:23
p_quarlesDragnslcr: of course it does05:25
DragnslcrNot that I can see05:28
e-jathi bitterchocs05:29
p_quarlesDragnslcr: umm, how do you think it sets mount points?05:29
DragnslcrIt doesn't, from what I can see in a quick look through the menus05:30
DragnslcrLooks like it only manages the partitions themselves05:30
e-jatbitterchocs: just finish demo kubuntu @ jabatan :) they love it05:30
p_quarlesDragnslcr: it does; mount points are set through fstab; unless you can tell me how else gparted does that05:31
DragnslcrIf it does, it's not in an obvious place05:31
DragnslcrCan't find anything in the docs about it either05:32
p_quarlesDragnslcr: are you saying that it doesn't set mount points, or that it doesn't use fstab to do so?05:32
DragnslcrI don't see anywhere that it sets mount points for partitions05:33
DragnslcrOnly creating/deleting/etc. the partitions themselves05:33
p_quarlesDragnslcr: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screens/gparted_1_big.jpg05:33
p_quarlesthird column05:33
DragnslcrYeah, but it doesn't seem to be editable05:34
p_quarlesnot if it's mounted05:34
DragnslcrDoesn't seem to be editable for an unmounted partition either05:35
DragnslcrIf it's possible, they've hidden it pretty well05:36
p_quarlesDragnslcr: hmm; dang me I guess you're right; maybe I was thinking of qtparted05:39
DragnslcrDon't think qtparted does it, either05:40
DragnslcrIt'd be nice, but I can see why they don't. Disk partitioning is independent of fstab05:41
DragnslcrAnyway, maybe I'll just edit fstab manually and hope I don't screw it up05:42
DragnslcrMaybe that will be easier than creating a new home partition and then copying the directories from the old one05:42
p_quarlesDragnslcr: just found an app called mountmanager in the repos; qt4 app that looks to do what you're after05:44
DragnslcrYeah, I found that too05:46
* willy saludos06:06
* Daskreech waves?06:10
=== jpsnl1 is now known as JP-sNL
Daskreechrmrfslash: hi06:27
rmrfslashDaSkreech: hey06:27
Daskreechrmrfslash: Hows it going?06:27
rmrfslashDaSkreech: So-so06:28
DaskreechWhich is so and which is so?06:28
rmrfslashDaSkreech: Just had ksnapshot open about 99,000,000,000,000 instances06:28
DaskreechMan I can never get it to do that06:28
Daskreechtops out at 55 million for me06:29
rmrfslashtryin hitting the print screen button fast like 10 times06:29
DaskreechOh I don't have print screen attached to ksnapshot06:29
rmrfslashAnyways, my biggest concern now is to get my Verizon CMDA Broadband modem working again06:29
rmrfslashWas working w/ knetworkmanager06:29
rmrfslashwhen I plug in the modem I see some Mobile Broadband box come up06:30
rmrfslashAnd it says Ovation U720/MDC300006:30
rmrfslashCoincidentally the USB modem is called USB72006:31
rmrfslashThough I thought it was made by NOvatel... not Ovation06:31
rmrfslashAnyways, there's no way to connect.06:31
rmrfslashI tried making a new broadband connection w/ my Verizon credentials and I can get it to blink for 1 second but then it disconnects06:32
rmrfslashSo, I think my train commute from now on will be lackluster06:32
shakaanyone how u can set frequency  of cpu for laptop06:33
rmrfslashshould I use kppp?06:33
shaka or change default program that controls power management06:33
Daskreechrmrfslash: is it dial up broadband?06:37
k1encan anyone tell me how to print on right-click from konqueror (jpeg/png)?06:37
rmrfslash_DaSkreech: sorry, I was disconnected06:43
rmrfslash_DaSkreech: did you have any feedback?06:43
rmrfslash_DaSkreech: or suggestions rather?06:44
Daskreechk1en: Might need a service menu?06:44
DaskreechIs it a Dialup broadband?06:44
=== rmrfslash_ is now known as rmrfslash
DaskreechMight need kppp then06:44
rmrfslashIt worked w/ knetworkmanager as a cmda connection though06:44
rmrfslashwhich I thought was odd06:44
rmrfslashI was using gnome-ppp and kppp until Kubuntu 8.1006:45
rmrfslashthen all of a sudden I would plug it in and voila it would connect06:45
k1enDaskreech, i'm a gnome person myself , i tried googling it and nothing. i guess i can find a service menu tutorial but what printing process konqueror uses ? (i'm running konqueror on gnome)06:45
rmrfslashwithout my putting anything in06:45
Daskreechk1en: Ah interesting. Why are you doing that?06:46
Daskreechrmrfslash: Might want to ask in #ubuntu+1 or #kubuntu-devel06:46
k1enDaskreech, i have a problem with nautilus, i cant get it to print on right-click, thunar cant as well, m users demand it06:47
Daskreechk1en: ah ok Umm hold on06:47
k1enbasically the users dont want to go thru another application to print from the file manager06:47
k1enDaskreech, much obliged06:48
codebazhi all . who can help me on networking ?06:49
rmrfslashWhat's ubuntu+106:50
Daskreechk1en: http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/118201/index.html06:51
Daskreechrmrfslash: It's the IRC channel for help with Ubuntu+106:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about networking06:51
k1enDaskreech, thank you so much (slow connection here URL still loading..)06:52
Daskreechk1en: If you like I can show you another more complex service menu for specific filetypes06:52
Daskreechso you only get print options for jpeg etc06:53
k1enDaskreech, please. (the page hasnt loaded yet) ,06:55
Daskreechk1en: Shall I just give you the direct link to that one :) You can open it and peruse it at your leisure06:55
k1enDaskreech, great!06:56
k1enDaskreech, seeing that you are a KDE wizard, can I get my mounted smb shared on a sine pane or some sort of bookmarks in konqueror?06:57
Daskreechsine pane ?06:57
Daskreechside pane?06:57
k1enwrong wording? like in nautilus...06:58
DaskreechOh Umm Dolphin has that06:58
DaskreechI think that it's possible for Konqueror to have that06:58
DaskreechWell I know it is06:58
DaskreechJust haven't looked for that in Konqueror in a long while06:59
k1enDaskreech, i would rather use konqueror , maybe in kde you have different wording for it, i guess side pane is wrong, what word am i looking for06:59
DaskreechI guess a quick way is to press F9 -> Right click on the sidebar -> new -> folder -> Set URL -> Remote:/07:00
k1enDaskreech, thanks07:03
=== adiktd|server is now known as adiktd
codebazwho can help me on networking ?07:43
adiktdne1 have ne idea y i got no sound, card is recog'd07:43
codebazPLEASE ............................07:43
adiktdkmix seems 2 wanna remain muted07:43
adiktdhey ActionParsnip07:44
ActionParsnipcodebaz: try explaining your issue07:44
ActionParsnipadiktd: is the channel that kmix is displaying the correct one for volume07:44
adiktdwhen i right click the icon the mute button box is ticked07:45
ActionParsnipcodebaz: what are you trying to achieve?  what have you tried07:46
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline
codebazActionParsnip : i have 2 lan card on LINUX os .07:47
ActionParsnipok, is there an interconnecting device?07:47
codebazActionParsnip: eth1: connect to ADSL internet & other lan is
codebazActionParsnip: connection OK07:47
codebazActionParsnip: win OS have IP ok?07:48
codebazActionParsnip: not pin togather07:48
codebazActionParsnip: LINUX and WINDOWS07:48
ActionParsnipok so far, see how this is usful rather than saying "codebaz: PLEASE ............................" like a whiny child07:48
adiktdhow do i unmute kmix07:48
adiktdits auto muted07:48
codebazActionParsnip: whats that problem ?07:49
ActionParsnipok so we have a basic router + 1 linux client and 1 windows client07:49
ActionParsnipcodebaz: what do you want to happen?07:49
ActionParsnipadiktd: not sure, i'd imagine theres a simple command for alsa to unmute07:50
ActionParsnipadiktd: i'm not sure personally07:50
ActionParsnipcodebaz: so what is not happening between the 2 systes?07:51
codebazActionParsnip: ّ اشرث ۲ زخپحعفثق07:51
codebazActionParsnip: I have 2 computer07:51
ActionParsnipcodebaz: you already told me07:51
codebazActionParsnip: sharing and networking07:51
ActionParsnipcodebaz: well they network as they get www07:52
ActionParsnipcodebaz: do they both have a link to the www07:52
codebazI want to setup a simple network between windows and linux clients07:52
ActionParsnipcodebaz: well you've got that, you can share files between the 207:52
ActionParsnipand printers07:53
ActionParsnipis that what you mean07:53
codebazActionParsnip : no07:53
codebazActionParsnip: 2 com not ping togather07:53
ActionParsnipcodebaz: ok then can you be hugely specific and write what you mean.07:53
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ActionParsnipok then you will need to add an entry to /etc/hosts on the linux side and %Windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on the windows side to help resolve the names to IP addresses07:54
ActionParsnipusually the router does this but if one is not available then you will have to add this manually07:55
codebazActionParsnip : wait please ... ok07:55
ActionParsnipcodebaz: kdesudo kate /etc/hosts07:56
codebazActionParsnip: ok . Thanks . wait07:57
ActionParsnipcodebaz: then add a line starting with the name, press tab then type the ip07:57
ActionParsnipcodebaz: in windows you may have to make the file writeable as i believe windows marks it read only07:57
ActionParsnipcodebaz: even though most windows idiots use the standard account as admin so any spyware wanting to edit it has free reign to mark it writable anyway07:58
ActionParsnipcodebaz: so you can add the same thing there07:58
ActionParsnipcodebaz: the files are CaSE seNSiTIe so dont go adding any weird capitals just because it takes your fancy07:59
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ActionParsnipcodebaz: if you dont give me the info i can't advise08:21
paindep\join linux08:38
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
ActionParsnip!away > Roozbeh|Away08:49
ubottuRoozbeh|Away, please see my private message08:49
bitterchocsanyone knows how to check what is the cause hard disk light keeps lighted up?09:01
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:01
MarkieMark1!info top09:01
ubottuPackage top does not exist in intrepid09:01
bitterchocsi did top09:01
bitterchocsbut aint getting answer whats causing the disk to be read/written09:02
bitterchocsits hanging things up09:02
MarkieMark1bitterchocs: it's usually there09:02
bitterchocsintrepid have top09:02
MarkieMark1what does ubottu know huh?09:03
MarkieMark1ubottu what do you know?09:03
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:03
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.09:04
bitterchocsanything else to see y disk is being accessed? and freezing things up? I cant do much here09:04
bitterchocswhats kswapd0?09:07
ActionParsnipbitterchocs: you could run lsof09:10
ActionParsnipbitterchocs: and grep it or pipe it into less09:10
bitterchocsok, lsof  looks better...will try to sort it out...too many columns, not sure which to see09:12
drbobbhas anyone figured out how to move tabs around in kde4's konqueror?09:14
drbobbi mean change their order09:14
bitterchocskde4, am now using dolphin09:14
kyle_hi guys, does any one know how i can see what is using my audio drivers at this current moment? My sip software(twinkle) says they in use yet if i quit amarok they still listed as in use. I would like to see what is actually using them. Any one know how?09:14
kyle_drbobb: have you managed to ctrl click a link in konqueror having it open it a new tab? like previous versions of kubuntu before jaunty09:16
drbobband another Q: is it no longer possible to have an external taskbar (that is not part of the panel)?09:16
drbobbkyle_: that seems to work ok09:17
kyle_in jaunty, If i ctrl + left click on a link in konqueror then it opens in a new window. so frustrating.09:18
drbobbkyle_: try to fiddle with konq's setting, on a clean install it works like you seem to want it to09:18
kyle_So no one know much about troubleshooting audio drivers?09:23
lokaikyle_: whats the trouble?09:24
lokaikyle_: Nevermind, just read it.09:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:25
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:25
bitterchocsis it normal for winbindd to be running even if we are not accessing any windows share?09:27
ActionParsnipbitterchocs: kill the process and run your system a bit, if its fine after a few days, disable it, if it goes weird, reboot and it will restart with the system09:29
bitterchocsyup its killed, will wait for a few days to see how are things.09:30
bitterchocsthe last few min, things look pretty good again, no lagging.09:30
ActionParsnipbitterchocs: give it a while so you can test with all the activities you do09:32
dmadev_hi to all.. i need an information.. is there any way to upgrade from i386 to amd64 without formatting my partitions? i've a lot of data in different folders and i don't want to loose or to put them up again...09:33
bitterchocsyes, but its looking good!09:33
Mamarokdmadev_: if your /home is in a different folder, you don't have to reformat that one09:36
Mamarokin a different partition I mean of course09:37
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aruaany body09:41
aruahelp me...please09:41
aruahow to install new theme in kubuntu 8.0409:42
Guest39449hi im after sum help pls09:42
=== Guest39449 is now known as knk
knki bought a lifecam vx500 today.... webcam n my ubuntu o/s isnt pikin it up09:43
dmadev_Mamarok: the problem is that data are in a lot of folder and also not in the /home directory...09:44
dmadev_if i have to format i've to re-setup everything.. that means 2 days... more or less..09:45
knkpls help09:45
=== knk is now known as xisle_tx4
Mamarokdmadev_: well, you should put your personal data in a separate partition anyway, makes life easier09:46
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:47
Mamaroklike don't put personal data in the / partition09:47
Mamarokdmadev_: why not move your personal data all to /home?09:47
Mamarokwhere it should be in the first place09:48
dmadev_Mamarok: it's not personal data are software09:48
Mamarokdmadev_: if it is third party software it should be in /opt09:49
dmadev_Mamarok: yes09:49
Mamarokso you can just save/backup the /opt folder and then restore it afterwards09:49
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dmadev_Mamarok: actually the /opt also influents some data in /home and /etc09:50
Mamarokdmadev_: and setting up a system never takes 2 days on Linux09:51
Mamarokdmadev_: save/backup those folders then09:51
Mamarokand then restore the relevant /etc files only once your system is set up09:51
Mamarokdmadev_: as a rule, if you have enough disk space:09:52
dmadev_Mamarok: it depends on how much does it takes on untar software and configure it ;P09:52
Mamarokmake separate partitions for /, /home and /opt09:52
dmadev_Mamarok: i can't save/restore /etc -.-'109:52
Mamarokonce these changes are done, you will have no mor problems afterwards09:52
Mamarokdmadev_: why not?09:52
Mamarokyou just restore the necessary settings in /etc, not *all* of /etc09:53
Mamarokand of course you have to do so with sudo rights09:53
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline
dmadev_mhmm sorry i was wondering to do that stuff when i'll upgrade to jaunty..09:53
dmadev_so i was thinking 'bout new jaunty software compatibility on /etc conf09:54
dmadev_but maybe i can first update the whole system to jaunty09:54
dmadev_than backup09:54
Mamarokhm, that will not work, if you then change the system from 32 to 64 bit09:54
Mamarokthere will be lost settings in /etc anyway09:54
dmadev_ok, thanks..09:55
Mamarokbut there was no problem for me with /home and /opt on a separate partition09:55
Mamarokjust had to restore minimal stuff from /etc09:56
dmadev_Mamarok: i'll separate those dirs on next install ;)09:56
Mamarokgood idea, once upon a time it was a rule to have separate partitions for that by default, not good this has been dropped in recent distros09:56
dmadev_Mamarok: right09:57
Mamarokthe average size needed for / without /home and /opt is easy to calculate for an installer IMHO09:58
Mamaroksad it's not done anymre09:58
ActionParsnipmy / is 2.8Gb :D09:58
Mamarokmine is 20G, but with /opt10:03
* Mamarok talks about a laptop with 200G10:10
ActionParsnipmy biggest is 80 but i like to be as small as possible10:11
Mamarokand I have almost nothing in /opt, except for Neon10:12
ActionParsnipmines empty10:14
drbobbugh, i forgot the command for unsetting away status10:39
drbobbugh, i forgot the command for unsetting away status10:39
drbobbkonversation had that in a menu, and kde4's quassel doesn't :(10:39
SlimeyPetejust /away10:39
SlimeyPetewithout any extra parameters10:39
drbobbah good10:41
drbobbso it works like a toggle10:41
gianlucai have a problem10:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:43
gianlucaif i write #include <string.h> than c="pippo" then cout<<c the result is nothig10:43
ActionParsnipgianluca: what language?10:44
Mamarokgianluca: this is not a programming 101 course, I'm sorry10:44
ActionParsnipgianluca: i'd ask in #C++10:44
Tm_Tgianluca: also "cout" sounds to me more like C than C++ ...10:44
Mamarokgianluca: C++ is *not* C10:45
ActionParsnipTm_T: you can #include <iostream.h> and you get cout cin etc10:46
Tm_TActionParsnip: I know (:10:46
Tm_TActionParsnip: tell that to gianluca (;)10:46
androidHrm, Ive a small issue. when I try to use sftp on konq or dolphin it doesnt work. I can ssh into the box no probs. konq gives me this output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com:80/151986/10:52
gianlucaif i want use string in my program what class i do include?10:53
dwidmanngianluca: string.h10:53
gianlucai can't but don't run10:54
gianlucai can but don't run10:54
drbobbdamn, the panel's tooltips corrupt my display10:55
Mamarokandroid: you have ssh installed?10:56
* Mamarok should read better :(10:56
Mamarokandroid: forget my question, sry10:56
androidMamarok: yeah, I should have - its only started happening today - I used it yesterday no probs...10:56
* android goes to try from a different machine...10:57
Mamarokandroid: you seem to have aborted the process before it could reach the server it says10:57
androidMamarok: yeah, its curious, cause I certainly am not abortiung it10:57
* Mamarok tries here10:58
gianluca#include <string>10:58
gianlucastring c;10:58
gianluca c="pippo";10:58
gianluca      cout<<c;10:58
android!paste | gianluca10:59
Mamarokandroid: works for me, maybe you didn't change the port from 21 to 2210:59
androidgrr bot died10:59
Mamarok!paste | gianluca10:59
Mamarok!pastebin | gianluca11:00
Mamarokbrilliant, bot is gone :(11:00
Mamarokgianluca: please don't paste more than 3 lines in a channel, use pastebin.com to do so11:00
androidbot is on its way back in11:01
MarkieMark1gianluca: main()11:01
androidoh great...11:02
drbobbok i'll try a different take: to avoid the hassle of downgrading to kde3, i need a IM client that WORKS. Any suggestions?11:05
dwidmanngianluca: http://pastebin.ca/139370711:05
tr00perhi everyone!11:06
Mamarokdrbobb: doesn't kopete work?11:06
drbobbnot for me11:06
drbobbI tried connecting to google talk, and GaduGadu - no luck11:07
drbobbboth worked OK in kde311:07
Mamarokhm, let me try11:07
zitsephi pals! What is the name of the package what contains kubuntu wallpapers? i am searching for the wallpapers from 8.04-9.0411:08
zitsep(beta for the lattest)11:08
Mamarokzitsep: kdebase-workspace-wallpapers11:09
dwidmannkde-wallpapers, kde-workspace-wallpapers11:09
Mamarokthat is, for KDE411:09
zitsepi see, thanks :)11:10
Mamarokzitsep: also there are tons of additional wallpapers available on kde-look.org11:10
zitsepMamarok, thanks, I am aware of it! I just wanted to save the original wallpapers from 4.10-9.04 for the different ubuntu releases11:10
Mamarokdrbobb: I had to install Kopete first, sry11:11
drbobband huge loads of wallpaper material on flickr.com ;-)11:11
zitsepi've found a good site what keeps them up 'til 2008. 01.11:11
dwidmannwith kde4, you can get them from kde-look with the "Get new stuff" button in your wallpaper settings11:11
zitsepyou'll like it: http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2008/01/29/an-ubuntu-retrospective-in-wallpaper/11:11
drbobbMamarok: kopete is in the default install, isn't it?11:11
Mamarokzitsep: the Kubuntu wallpaper is the KDE standard one AFAIK11:11
zitsepMamarok, I see! :)11:11
zitsepMamarok, the first kubuntu wallpaper included the name "kubuntu" on the wallpaper, however11:12
mariusi don't find an odc client for linux11:12
Mamarokzitsep: in KDE3, yes11:12
Mamarokdrbobb: yes, but I removed it as I don't use it11:13
Mamarokhuhu vaiursch :)11:14
vaiurschhi Mamarok11:14
zitsepMamarok, I see. :)11:14
drbobbMamarok: i can sign into gtalk within gmail, but i also need GG11:16
Mamarokdrbobb: hm, I couldn't connect to GTalk neither :(11:17
drbobbheh looks like in jaunty, cron is set up to update /etc/motd every 10min.. what gives?11:17
Mamarokdrbobb: did you try ask in #kde?11:17
drbobbMamarok: not yet, no11:17
Mamaroknot sure this is a Kubuntu issue, likely to be one of Kopete11:18
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drbobbdarn i miss the old adept. I think i'll stick to command-line apt-get now..11:29
leifdk1978hey guys is this the channel to ask aboudt kdevelop11:30
dwidmannyou can try here ... there might be more knowledgable people about that in #kubuntu-devel though11:33
asranielthis is the kubuntu chanel, so no. i don't know if there is a #kdevelop chanel, but walk over to #kde-devel, there are surely people that can help you11:33
leifdk1978thanx guys11:36
t3rminat0rhas anyone tried mpi in ubuntu?11:52
drbobbhmmm amarok2 doesn't work too great, either12:00
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leifdk1978? is there a update notifier in kde12:15
leifdk1978have just changed and yeah cant fiend it12:18
wesker_hello is this a chat?12:24
jussi01wesker_: support chat, yes12:24
wesker_hello world then12:25
drbobbyep, amarok2 crashes a lot when editing id3 tags12:33
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdevelop13:02
guest431hi is there a way to use sli on kubuntu?13:07
guest431i didnt find any driver for my sli cards13:08
SlimeyPeteguest431: yes, it's possible13:09
SlimeyPeteI'm not sure if it's available in any of the standard configuration screens though13:09
guest431do you have an url slimeypete13:09
SlimeyPeteI used that, years ago13:09
SlimeyPetemight still work13:09
guest431thank you13:09
=== jack2 is now known as JackWinter
JackWinterwhat do i have to install to have dkms properly working ?  just loaded nvidia 180.24 (jaunty) and a realtime kernel and it doesn't seem to compile the kernel module ?13:14
asranielanybody here using jaunty and has the problem that kontact does not want to autostart on login ? (it complains about already beeing started)13:15
josehow are you?13:16
josesomeone speak spanish13:17
asranielun poco13:17
josei speak a litle english13:17
asranielpero pienso que esta mejor si tu vas en el canal #ubuntu-es13:17
joseyo estoy en el canal no13:18
larsalexhow do I open a file??13:19
SlimeyPetewhat kind of file?13:20
SlimeyPeteso it doesn't open when you click on it?13:21
larsalexit works now13:21
drbobbhmm why is apt-get suggesting removal of pulseaudio?13:21
JackWinterto answer my own question i think i need to install linux-headers-rt too.13:21
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=== RistoBoombata is now known as RistoBombata
remoteCTR1hi all!13:30
sergepeople... who know how to in kubuntu setup dual displays? seems no easy ways from settings :-(13:30
remoteCTR1someone please help me with a jockey problem, i cannot enable the ati drivers...13:30
remoteCTR1serge what card?13:31
rmrfslashWay back in the 8.10 days knetworkmanager allowed me to simply plug in my USB modem and connect. Now w/ the NetworkManagement plasmoid it thinks I have an Ovation U720 or a 1.1 root hub and I can't connect for the life of me.13:31
rmrfslashWas wondering if anyone had a similar issue.13:31
remoteCTR1serge njo easy way, if any way at all...13:31
sergehard way I know :-) but too lazy to do it with it ;-)13:32
sergeI installed kubuntu beta now and seems much things still not changed ever from kde3 ;-)13:33
remoteCTR1i think i getting nuts here13:35
remoteCTR1stoopid hardware drivers windows says i can activate an ati driver but if i click on activate precisely nothing happens13:36
custombrushmy system fans are running very fast at kde 4 and under gnome very slower13:37
MarfiHow far behind Ubuntu will Kubuntu be released?13:47
MarfiI'm thinking about switching this release13:48
JontheEchidnaMarfi: By 10 or 20 minutes tops :)13:49
MarfiJontheEchidna: ah, ok. Sounds like a plan. Is there a #kubuntu-release-party?13:49
JontheEchidnanah, I think they just share ubuntu-release-party13:50
JontheEchidnaone big family, so to speak13:50
MarfiAh, ok. Thank ya much. =)13:50
=== makkara is now known as KDE90
Marfihey hey lun4tic13:55
lun4tichow can i get my Intel Dualcore laptop to boot ubuntu 64bit?13:55
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lun4ticdon't all intel dual core cpus have 64bit extensions?13:56
KDE90hello all13:56
KDE90how to im enable effects in KDE 3.513:56
lun4ticwhen i try to boot a live cd the system just keeps on rebooting on and on13:56
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
=== Odin is now known as Guest97025
bolt_IR remote not working14:09
leifdk1978?how do i see wich version of kde i am running14:13
bolt_it tells you14:13
rmrfslashleifdk1978: just type in the name of a kde app at the konsol and add --version14:13
rmrfslash% kopete --version14:13
rmrfslashDo NetworkManagemnt and knetworkmanager call upon the same codebase? I'm really trying to figure out how knm could work and this nm plasmoid is apparently not wanting to connect me to the damned internet.14:21
SlimeyPeteI imagine knetworkmanager is communicating with networkmanager via dbus14:21
SlimeyPetethat's the usual way to do it as far as I know14:22
rmrfslashI was told to cease using knm14:22
rmrfslashas knm and the plasmoid conflict14:22
rmrfslash(plasmoid being the preferred option)14:22
rmrfslashfor now I'm reverting to kppp14:23
rmrfslashwhich is craziness14:24
rmrfslashoh well14:24
bolt_rmrfslash: see my PM14:24
=== leif_ is now known as leifdk1978
=== leifdk1978 is now known as leif_
eugenhey, how do you install compiz in kubuntu?14:27
eugensoftware manager?14:27
bazhang!ccsm | eugen14:33
ubottueugen: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:33
bolt_filash player not working14:33
bolt_plz help14:34
bazhang!flash | bolt_14:34
ubottubolt_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:34
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:35
=== Schoenberg_ is now known as Schoenberg
eugenubottu: I've isntalled compiz and the setting manger, how do I enable it now?14:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:39
eugenBazhang: I've isntalled compiz and the setting manger, how do I enable it now?14:39
bazhangeugen, is this ubuntu or kubuntu14:40
eugeni know that in ubuntu it would be under appearence...14:40
eugenbut i don't know where it is in kubuntu14:40
bazhangeugen, try alt f2 ccsm14:40
bolt_don't work14:41
eugenthat opens up the settings manager, but don't I need to first enable compiz itself?14:41
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bazhangeugen, what about in desktop effects (system settings iirc)14:41
eugenbahang: I think I found it system settings->default programs-> window manger14:42
bazhangeugen, oh you are crossposting in #ubuntu14:42
eugenbut there are two options: compiz, or compoiz-custom.14:42
bazhangeugen, I will let them handle it then14:42
eugenwhats the difference between the two14:43
=== bruno is now known as Guest92135
bolt_anyone know how to opperate a polaroid14:44
totix800Hey, for a while my GTK apps aren't looking like my qt apps anymore. They look like old apps in the 90s, I don't know how to describe it any better but maybe you know what I mean14:44
bazhangbolt_, what does that have to do with kubuntu support14:44
bazhangbolt_, keep it in channel14:46
bolt_is this thing working14:47
White_Pelicanwhat's the best channel to go into for the kubuntu 9.04 remix14:48
ikoniaWhite_Pelican: we #ve told you this yesterday14:49
ikoniaWhite_Pelican: the remix is unofficial and for kde 3.5 only14:49
ikoniaWhite_Pelican: you posted a URL to it14:49
White_PelicanI meant for support14:49
ikoniawell it's unofficial14:49
White_PelicanI see14:49
ikoniaWhite_Pelican: pretty much on your own in terms of support - but at the same time, I'm sure people in +1 may help out if they know14:49
ikoniaoh - bye then14:50
artpoetryfictionAnyone know how to call the Nvidia X server tool with Admin rights? ... sudo ....14:50
ikoniaartpoetryfiction: gksudo nvidia-settings14:50
artpoetryfictionikonia: thanks14:51
drbobboops what is one supposed to do when plasma is completely frozen?14:51
drbobbi mean, no response from panel, task list or desktop14:52
eddy_problem with my profile in kde 3.5.10, I can't change the wallpaper. Only doing right click on the image>actions>....14:52
eddy_I'm using Ubuntu Hardy with kde 3.5.1014:53
drbobbespecially now that ctrl-alt-backspace is disabled, leaving no halfway clean method to restart my session....14:53
drbobbok got rid of it with pkill plasma - what next?14:55
drbobbshouldn't a session manager auto-restart a dead plasma, or something?14:56
artpoetryfictiondrdobb: I personally just replaced my plasma config with a default and started over14:58
drbobbheh, i just restarted it manually (alt-f2), so far so good14:58
bolt_youtube wont work14:59
bazhangbolt_, in ubuntu or kubuntu14:59
bazhangbolt_, please keep it in channel, ie dont PM please15:00
drbobbok lemme ask again, does anyone know of a way to reshuffle the tabs in a kde4 konqueror?15:02
bolt_click and drag15:03
bolt_bazhang: kubuntu15:03
drbobbbolt_: nope doesn't work15:04
bolt_yeah drag one tad to the other tab you want to swap it with15:06
bolt_you can duplucate tabs you know15:07
rmrfslashWhen's my Jaunty RC115:10
rmrfslashWhen is *my* Jaunty RC1 comin' out15:10
rmrfslashooo.... looks like it's slated for today :)15:13
rmrfslashwell, at least ubuntu RC is15:13
drbobbbolt_: dragging seems to load the url of the initial tab in the one you drop on15:15
drbobbthat is not what i want15:16
drbobb(and not what dragging does in firefox)15:16
bolt_dudlucate and close15:16
drbobbyes one can kludge around it15:17
drbobbbut it's quite clumsy15:17
rmrfslashuname -m15:24
katiehey, my web browsers (firefox,galeon) freeze on me for about a minute when either javascript or flash is loading-- has anyone dealt with this?15:24
bolt_mine does that15:25
katiebolt: do you know why?15:31
katiedo you do anything to deal w/ it?15:31
bolt_no i just wait15:32
rmrfslashkatie: firefox has been in a slow decline over the last year or so15:32
rmrfslashkatie: My firefox will occasionally begin consuming somewhere in the ballpark of 120% CPU15:33
rmrfslashuntil I just force quit it and restart15:34
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Guest70298bonjour à tous15:39
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=== proger is now known as proger369
guest431je vodrais etru un etoile15:40
Guest70298j'ai un soucis, je ne peux visionner des video sur youtube et autres15:41
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Guest70298il me manque un plug in, mais je ne sais ni lequel et ni comment y insaller15:41
proger369how to copy config folder on bootable kubuntu ?15:41
UbotwoCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:42
proger369and in english please :D15:42
katiermrfslash: is there a browser I can use that isn't slow like that? galeon does the same thing..15:43
proger369i must copy "config" on C:  i'm not an administrator on Windows and i must to copy that to my pendrive15:43
rmrfslashkatie: I dunno, sadly Firefox is the browser that most people are using outside of Linux15:44
rmrfslashkatie: you can try opera15:44
geniiproger369: So if I understand correctly: You are booted to livecd, and want to copy a file/folder from what is the Windows C: drive to an external USB stick or so?15:45
katiehmm, okay15:45
katieso there really is no fix to this firefox thing? it's just a common thing that everyone deals with? that seems really weird15:46
rmrfslashkatie: opera is hell-bent on standards compliancy (ACID tests and what not) and in my opinion, it looks and feels nicer... but has far less market penetration than Firefox.15:46
proger369genii: yes :D15:46
geniikatie: Much of the time the issue seems to be memory leaks or other issues with Flash plugins, etc.15:47
rmrfslashkatie: how often are you experiencing this. You know some peoples' javascript can be written like crap and cause the browser to hang.15:47
proger369genii: and Windows must works correctly later15:47
katiei experience it pretty often, actually with gmail15:47
katiewhen I load gmail at first, I can't interact with the page for about a minute15:47
katieand other popular sites-- if I load weather.com, I can't do anything on that page for about a minute, either15:48
rmrfslashkatie: that's not *necessarily* the browser's fault, but the browser should detect javascript that's getting out of control w/ memory and ask if you want to kill it (which firefox does on occasion)15:48
hunterhi folks..15:48
katieit's almost like it won't let me interact with the page until everything, including all ads, are loaded15:48
geniiproger369:  The livecd does nothing to your hard drive to alter it, unless you actualy decide to install the operating system. When on livecd, on the desktop appears shortcuts to the windows drive and to the usb stick?15:48
rmrfslashkatie: oh, this seems bad. people don't deal w/ this15:48
hunterqueston: how can i get a mac address from the ip... anybody knows?15:48
katieI didn't have this problem a few weeks ago, some update screwed something up15:48
rmrfslashkatie: what version of ff are you running15:49
huntermac addresses?15:49
rmrfslashkatie: hmmm.... kubuntu 8.10?15:50
geniiBah, work. AFK15:50
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proger369genii: my kubuntu doesn't see windows drives but a PSP, flash drive and others works.15:50
katieit's hardy, whatever that is15:51
katielet me see15:51
maskedoneSo im trying to network using SMB to my wife's computer. So far I can see the workgroup in dolphin/konq but its empty15:51
maskedoneif i use JFTP it shows all the folders but that program does not let me copy/paste stuff within shared folders15:52
maskedoneIm thinking the problem is i have it password protected and konq/dolphin dont give me an option to try to login to the remote comp15:53
proger369genii: when I install kubuntu on the disk the partitions will work ?  (sory for my english xD )15:53
eduhellgreetings, I'm trying to setup dual screens on kubuntu jaunty beta using Randr15:54
eduhellit is working fine but a small part of the notebooks desktop is showing on the lcd monitor15:54
eduhellcan anyone help me?15:54
Picieduhell: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.15:54
=== dominik is now known as bderenor
proger369genii: my USB drives are on desktop :)15:56
BluesKajmaskedone, make sure your wife's pc is Mshome15:57
geniiproger369: You don't require install of Kubuntu to move files between disks you can see on the desktop of the booted cd15:58
rmrfslashkatie: you could try reinstalling ff15:59
huntermac address? anyone.. maybe..15:59
bazhanghunter ifconfig16:00
rmrfslashkatie: $ sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox16:00
rmrfslashor I think there's a reinstall switch for apt-get16:00
proger369genii: so how can I do that ? I don't see C:\ and other disks ;/16:00
geniiproger369: Please open the program called Konsole, and then to type in: mount                     and then hit enter. The results you see, copy with mouse and then use pastebin to show me the result.16:00
genii!paste | proger36916:01
Ubotwoproger369: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:01
geniiproger369: On Kubuntu the disks will not be called like C: D: and so on but different names than Windows calls them16:01
maskedoneBluesKaj hers is WorkGroup but i do see WorkGroup ib konq just when i go in it there is no comp listed16:02
BluesKajwhich windows , maskedone ?16:02
maskedonevista :(16:03
maskedonei have a feeling if i disabled password req on her machine it would work but id rather not do that16:03
BluesKajok, so is my wifes's pc and if you use MSHome as the pc name16:04
BluesKajyou should get a login oprtion to the shared files16:04
maskedonethe workgroup she is under is workgroup and when i go into there with dolphin it is empty and eventualy says timed out16:05
proger369genii: yea i forget here- http://paste.ubuntu.com/152149/16:05
geniiproger369: OK, reading16:05
maskedonewhat i dont get is why it worked fin on the other program i mentioned? except on that one you cant move files sadly16:05
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maskedonei had set up the other one to login with her user/id password and thats how it suddenly worked, was wondering if there is something like that i can change in konq or dolphin16:06
geniiproger369: OK, in that, the drives of sdb1 and adc1 seem to be your removeable ones, but the main drive is not there. Please in Konsole to do: sudo fdisk -l                     and then pastebin also those results16:07
BluesKajmaskedone , do you have samba installed , i assumed you do16:07
maskedoneyup have samba installed16:08
proger369genii: ok here http://paste.ubuntu.com/152151/ :)16:08
geniiproger369: Reading16:08
geniiproger369: Good, that shows us your Windows disk is sda and the partition we likely want to mount is the one called /dev/sda216:10
BluesKajmaskedone, try this : sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmnt && sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbumount16:10
geniiproger369: Work requires me a few minutes. Please be patient, I will return16:10
proger369genii: yea I see it on another aplication but i can't to open16:11
proger369genii: ok but i must go to city i have 15 minutes left ;/16:11
maskedonesays /usr/bin/smbmnt: no such file or directory16:13
maskedoneim starting to wonder is im missing a samba file or something odd like that?16:14
BluesKajok maskedone , install the samba GUI it gives you options to share , but you need to setup file sharing on MShome on your wifes pc , it's part of the Workgroup16:14
maskedoneis it called Samba GUI in package manager?16:16
geniiproger369: Back for a bit. So to try:    sudo mkdir /media/sda2 && sudo mount -t ntfs -o user /dev/sda2 /media/sda2                              And then please pastebin result of any errors if they come. If no errors, see if command:  ls /media/sda2               shows the files there16:17
proger369genii: not errors /media/sda2 doesn't want open16:21
geniiproger369: Please pastebin the oerrors it says then please16:21
genii(probably filesystem is marked unclean)16:21
geniiBRB 2-3 minutes16:22
proger369genii: they are in Polish xD i translate on google...W816:22
BluesKajstuff to do ..BBL16:24
proger369genii: it's   lack of power to this location16:24
proger369genii: sory but I must go my friend is waiting I go there for 1,5 hour. want my e-mail for send instructions ?16:28
tsutherhello all - anyone using evolution with kde on jaunty?16:28
geniiproger369: Just return here later16:28
Picitsuther : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:29
proger369genii: OK I will be :D16:29
tsuther<Pici>: thx16:29
maskedoneBluesKaj, now im running SMB4K as my Samba GUI and it lets me get into the comp but gives me errors anytime i try to mount a folder to view it16:30
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* jtholmes is away: for about 3 hours16:37
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Mamarok!away | jtholmes16:43
Ubotwojtholmes: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:43
BluesKajmaskedone, now try these commnds in the CLI since you've installed smb4k :sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmnt , then , sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbumount16:48
maskedonefirst command did not work second command did16:51
maskedoneand error i get in smb4k is error 112 = Host is down16:51
maskedoneand yeah its not down lol16:51
maskedoneim searching google and it seems to be a commong problem16:53
maskedoneuid in program is set to 1000 btw17:01
maskedoneonline says its because ubuntu does not come with smbfs support only CIFS now that we're having this problem17:02
geniisudo apt-get install smbfs                  in that case17:02
BluesKajstrange , doesn't samba come installed by default ?17:05
Ash-Fox!pm | bolt_17:08
Ubotwobolt_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:08
ubottubolt_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:08
Ash-Fox!language | bolt_17:08
ubottubolt_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:08
Ubotwobolt_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:08
LjLubotwo: part17:08
bolt_ash-fox: what was that your gay , good for you17:12
bazhangbolt_, stop that17:12
=== evilGary is now known as spongebob
Ash-Fox!etiquette | bolt_17:13
ubottubolt_: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...17:13
=== spongebob is now known as Gary
bolt_bazhang why17:13
bazhang!coc > bolt_17:14
ubottubolt_, please see my private message17:14
moonfluxwhat's the best way to debug plasma crashing and restarting all the time? kde 4.2.2 on kubuntu jaunty17:18
moonfluxapport or what its called pops up the first time but doesn't have a useful stacktrace17:18
moonfluxI think I've got the -dbg packages installed17:18
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.17:18
geniiBluesKaj: No, samba does not. the smb.conf file exists for instance and smbclient is installed, but smbfs is not, and samba itself is not17:27
BluesKajok genii , gotcha17:28
geniiBluesKaj: I think the rationale is that since nfs is the native *nix way and not smb, just the client17:30
pinheiroRiddell: ping17:30
pinheirosomthing wrong with the planet page17:31
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p_quarlespinheiro: speaking of Planet, nice work on the new kmix icons :)17:36
pinheirop_quarles: thanks dough a lot of people seam confused about what they are17:41
pinheiroor what kmix is17:41
p_quarlesreally? in any case, those icons do a good job of providing a visual explanation, at least to a greater degree than past mixer icons I've seen17:43
pinheirothink so 217:44
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:47
yurimxpxmanhas AIM stopped in pidgin for anyone else?17:55
jason_froebeyurimxpxman - I had to resign in to AIM but no further issues17:59
yurimxpxmanjason_froebe: I18:00
yurimxpxmanjason_froebe: I've tried reconnecting, different accounts, etc... nothing works18:00
jason_froebeyurimxpxman - I'd say wait a few minutes and try again18:01
yurimxpxmanjason_froebe: I've waited a few days ;-)18:01
jason_froebedunno then18:02
yurimxpxmanjason_froebe: what server are you using?18:02
jason_froebeask on #pidgin is my advice18:02
yurimxpxmanjason_froebe: no one's answering18:02
KetrelIs there a repo with Amarok 2? (and if so, is it already included?)18:06
jason_froebeKetrel - it is included in Kubuntu 9.0418:08
the_dark_warriomy windows entry on grub menu is not showing. This happened after I've installed Kubuntu, how do I add it back?18:13
BluesKaj!grub | the_dark_warrio18:13
ubottuthe_dark_warrio: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:13
the_dark_warrioBluesKaj: The problem is the opposite. I had windows, and after installing kubuntu the windows entry was gone, although I can access windows HD with kubuntu18:16
rmrfslashI'm trying to install the proprietary driver for ATI but the little tool is saying my xorg.conf file is "invalid"18:29
rmrfslashI've even erased the sucker altogether, but i still get this error. Anyone gots any suggestions?18:29
on51aughtIm sorry I just joined, what seems to be the problem?18:30
rmrfslashI'm trying to install the proprietary driver for ATI but the little tool is saying my xorg.conf file is "invalid". I even tried erasing the file altogether but I still get this error. Then I tried dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg and *still* get this error.18:31
on51aughtintrepid ibex ?18:32
rmrfslashjaunty actually18:32
rmrfslashI'm riding a jackalope right to beta-ville18:33
on51aughtwell, the only thing I could come up with was that the ati driver for some reason doesnt work with the updated version, which will require ATI to release a driver for jaunty in the near future18:34
rmrfslashyeah... the only thing I like about jaunty is linux 2.6.28 and that now my laptop touchpad returns after a suspend-to-ram18:35
on51aughthave you tried installing xubuntu and then retrying the driver install18:35
rmrfslashwhy would I install xubuntu?18:35
on51aughtI believe some of the kernal files are a tad different. I've heard of people getting drivers to work after installing Xubuntu18:36
on51aughtit was just a thought18:36
rmrfslashI like KDE better than XFCE18:37
on51aughtsame here18:38
rmrfslashI don't even see the point of xfce to be honest...18:38
Pollywogis there a way (in Intrepid) to have the KDE panel only show the apps in the current desktop, as was possible in Hardy?18:38
rmrfslashIt's in the task manager settings18:39
Pollywogrmrfslash: for lower perforning machines18:39
rmrfslashright click on the task manager and the first window has check boxes for doing exactly that18:39
rmrfslashso why not just run Joe's Window Manager ;)18:40
on51aughtIm running intrepid server on an old pentium III and 512 of SDRAM18:42
rmrfslashJubuntu in launchpad: Ubuntu for Jewish people18:42
on51aughthave had no problems, even when testing my applications18:42
rmrfslashUbuntu with a focus on Jewish culture18:43
on51aughtare u serious?18:43
rmrfslashim serious18:43
on51aughtthats hilarious18:43
rmrfslashI know.18:43
on51aughtdo they have a afrubuntu?18:43
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:43
on51aughtback to your problem rmrfslash, which ATI card are you trying to install the driver for?18:44
rmrfslashMobility Radeon HD 367018:45
on51aughtdamn man, looks like your stuck until ATI releases a driver for the new version, which wont be until after the official release of JAunty. Then again it's ATI and we all know how slow they are on releasing drivers.18:47
PollywogI do not see a task manager in KDE418:48
Pollywognot in Intrepid18:48
PollywogI think Jaunty has it18:48
vdvashello.i'm russia man18:48
rmrfslashThe open source ATI driver is coming along too sloooooooowwwwwly18:49
vdvashow i can change use kdewallet to seahorse?18:49
rmrfslashno there's one18:49
rmrfslashI'm using it18:49
PollywogI must have a faulty install then18:49
rmrfslashYou to to the add widgets thing?18:49
rmrfslashNo Task Manager?18:49
Pollywognot a problem, when my new laptop arrives I will do a clean install on this one18:50
Pollywogno task manager here18:50
rmrfslashIt might be a 4.2 thing18:50
rmrfslash:( sorry18:50
rmrfslashI keep forgetting I upgraded my 8.10 to KDE 4.2.218:50
rmrfslashKDE 4.1 is severely limited and buggy18:50
rmrfslashyou'll be happy w/ jaunty18:51
PollywogI upgraded Hardy to Intrepid but after Jaunty is released I will do a clean install, I am running Jaunty in virtualbox18:51
Pollywogit is nice18:51
rmrfslashyeah, it's nice18:51
rmrfslashBut I'm having a) problems w/ my ATI proprietary driver and b) with the NetworkManager plasmoid that won't let me use my USB Verizon CMDA modem18:52
Pollywogwhen I upgrade ubuntu, something is always broken, usually Nvidia18:52
Pollywogbut a clean install fixes it18:52
rmrfslashThat's why I'm starting to like ATI. AMD is the only company who released the specs of their graphics cards even through the 6xx  models to the open source community18:53
PollywogI ordered a HP2133 netbook for $300 and when it gets here I can upgrade the desktop machine18:53
proger369genii: I'm back :D what I can to do ?19:02
=== robm is now known as Robbume
proger369genii: I'm ready :D19:06
BluesKaj!ru | vdvas19:08
ubottuvdvas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:08
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:16
vdvasubottu: I want to speak english, because it return me to school time 9in my mind) wherre I learn it)19:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:18
carlos_Hola a tots19:27
rfahallo an alle19:31
rfahab hier nen kleines Problem habe Kubuntu Jaunty zulaufen und meine Plasmoid lassen sich nicht mehr frei auf dem Monitor verschieben19:32
ubottuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge19:33
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:33
=== fabien is now known as gambix
=== bech is now known as bishops
roadrunner1is there a way to make a message box popup in GUI from the command-line?19:40
geniiIf you have some gui app, you run it in a terminal and it will automatically do that19:41
geniiBah, another ask-n-run victim19:41
rmrfslashroadrunner1: try looking into kdialog19:44
rmrfslashoh, yeah... he/she's gone19:45
ActionParsnipalso could use: zenity --error --text 'Hello World!'19:47
rmrfslashzentiy is gnome though, right?19:47
ActionParsnip!info zenity19:47
ubottuzenity (source: zenity): Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.0-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1840 kB, installed size 4924 kB19:47
ActionParsnipdoesnt say19:48
rmrfslashman zenity?19:48
=== makkara is now known as KDE30
rmrfslash!info kdialog19:48
ubottuPackage kdialog does not exist in intrepid19:48
ActionParsnipaye its gtk19:48
KDE30!info ATI19:48
ubottuPackage ATI does not exist in intrepid19:48
ActionParsnip!find dial19:48
ubottuFound: freeradius-dialupadmin, wvdial, diald, dialign, dialign-tx (and 19 others)19:48
KDE30!info ati-radeon19:48
ubottuPackage ati-radeon does not exist in intrepid19:48
rmrfslashtoo bad kdialog *does* exist19:49
ActionParsnip!info dialogue19:49
ubottuPackage dialogue does not exist in intrepid19:49
ActionParsnip!info dialog19:49
ubottudialog (source: dialog): Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-20080316-1 (intrepid), package size 257 kB, installed size 1364 kB19:49
rmrfslashman zenity: display GTK+ dialogs19:49
KDE30how i install drivers to KDE 3.5? i installed KDE 3.5 in Ubuntu 8.10 and in KDE Desktop i try open Catalyst Contol Center but im get error how to im install ati driver what is for kubuntu19:50
rmrfslashman kdialog: no man page19:50
rmrfslashso there *is* a man page in kubuntu for zenity, but not for kdialog19:50
rmrfslashgo figure19:50
ActionParsnipweird stuff huh19:51
rmrfslashif that's what were calling it, then yeah.19:51
jamesjedimasterkdialog --help19:52
rmrfslashjamesjedimaster: yeah... poor mans man page19:52
theuser1how can i see national geographic documentry movies in urdu or hindi (indian) language on internet. i comes in those languages on tv in india through.?19:53
rmrfslashthe cable company19:53
theuser1rmrfslash:  i need that on the internet19:54
rmrfslashrmrfslash: national geographic is not a public access (free) channel, so I don't think you can find NG content on the internet freely19:55
rmrfslashwoops, why did I writ my own name19:55
ciros_-.-   stupid thing isnt saving right19:55
theuser1rmrfslash:  i see many movies on youutube. in english19:55
rmrfslashmore or less illegally19:55
=== ciros__ is now known as Ciros
rmrfslashtheuser1: I don't think this is the correct channel for those kinds of questions anyways.19:56
rmrfslashtheuser1: not that I'm moderating this channel or anything19:56
theuser1ya. well thought some one new19:57
rmrfslashhulu is a cool site19:57
rmrfslashthat's about all I know19:57
Ciroswhat is the best method for accessing windows shares19:59
Ciros-.-    guess now just to bang my head to get that working right19:59
Cirosbut am happy enough that 9.04 is working, just too bad I cant install drivers for my vid card, as that seems to be what causes weirdness.20:01
rmrfslashI think you can use a few things: 1) Alt+F2 and type smb://... 2) konqueror 3) $ mount -F smbfs20:02
Cirosyeah have to set up shares or something I am sure.20:03
rmrfslashWell yeah20:03
rmrfslashYou would need something to mount ;)20:03
Ciroswell that I have P  my desktop that has my bookmark backup20:03
rmrfslashsamba doesn't support file locking... just an FYI20:03
Ciroscept I can get to the computer just not the folders.20:04
rmrfslashI haven't done a lot of samba stuff20:04
robinrrmrfslash: according to docs it does20:04
rmrfslashreally? I tried using a samba share fro SVN and wouldn't work cuz I couldn't get exclusive file locks20:05
robinrmaybe misconfigured20:05
rmrfslashonly NFS supported exclusive file locking20:05
rmrfslashthat could very well be20:05
lup0shouldn't the RC be today out?20:05
rmrfslashit was a crappy NAS20:05
rmrfslashlup0: that's what I thought20:05
robinrthere are lots of options for locking in samba20:05
rmrfslashlup0: of course "today' isn't over20:06
ActionParsniprmrfslash: is in some coutries20:06
rmrfslashlup0: at least for us EST dwellers ;)20:06
lup0rmrfslash: 2 hours left in my today :)20:06
ActionParsnip4 hours for us20:08
Cirosonly 3pm for me......20:09
lup0"This is still a release candidate." <- From update-notifier-kde -d20:09
lup0does that mean the RC is in the repositories?20:09
Cirosyeah.....I know that i just did 9.04 update from  update-notifier-kde -d.20:10
lup0https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview <- This page also seems to be talking about RCs20:11
victor__does it exit a simillar aplication to gnome-art for kde???20:22
Administratorhi i was wondering if kubuntu could use a quad core cpu?20:22
=== Administrator is now known as cricketol
cricketolhi i was wondering if kubuntu could use a quad core cpu?20:24
joshjtlhow can I extract a zip file that is multiple parts?20:25
rmrfslashAdministrator: I think it should be able to. Do a cat /proc/cpuinfo20:26
rmrfslashMy machine, which is a quad core shows CPUs 0,1,2,320:26
ActionParsnipjoshjtl: unzip <first zip file>20:27
ActionParsnipjoshjtl: if its a rar then read20:27
cricketolcool and what about the ddr types? can it use 3 ?20:27
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:27
joshjtlActionParsnip: its a zip but just unzip file1 will be enough for it to do all the files in the multiple file?20:27
ActionParsnipjoshjtl: give it a go. i'd imagine it will read the next file automagically20:28
victor__does it exit a simillar aplication to gnome-art for kde???20:29
rmrfslashcricketol:  I have ddr3 in my laptop, works fine20:30
rmrfslashand ddr3 in my workstation20:30
shock_day13hey how are you?20:42
ActionParsniprmrfslash: does it make a difference over ddr2?20:46
rmrfslashActionParsnip: theoretically20:55
ActionParsniprmrfslash: i want visible / experienceable speed increase not theoretical20:56
rmrfslashActionParsnip: I think ddr3 is theoretically 2x the speed of ddr2 so...20:57
rmrfslashBut all your favorite applications are now 2x more bloated over that same span of time so....20:57
rmrfslashI think it all evens out :)20:58
DragnslcrActionParsnip- I doubt you'd notice the difference for normal programs20:58
ActionParsnipok i'll save my cash20:58
DragnslcrMost programs these days have the network or the hard disk as the bottleneck20:58
ActionParsnipvery much so20:59
ActionParsniphardware scsi raided SDD drives20:59
DragnslcrI wouldn't buy a new motherboard, CPU, and memory just for DDR3, but if you're building a new system, DDR3 is probably the standard by now20:59
rmrfslashActionParsnip: ;)  there ya go  RAID20:59
rmrfslashActionParsnip: I want RAID 5 solid-state drives20:59
ActionParsniphard raid, not this software rubbish people use21:00
rmrfslashActionParsnip: yep... I got a PERC i/6 in my machine21:00
ActionParsniprmrfslash: sweet!21:00
rmrfslashThe soft RAID is good though.21:01
rmrfslashAt work we got a bunch of the same machine21:01
ActionParsnipi dont rate it compared to hard21:01
rmrfslashwe tested Software RAID 5 vs Hardware RAID 5 vs a single disk21:01
rmrfslashobviously the single disk was garbage21:02
rmrfslashBut sw and hw raid were surprisingly comparable21:02
rmrfslashi don't remember the results21:02
rmrfslashand our tests were21:02
rmrfslashand our tests werent extensive21:02
DragnslcrOkay, so maybe DDR3 boards are still a lot more expensive21:02
DragnslcrMy motherboard does hardware RAID. Have to do a clean install of 9.04 and set up the mirror21:03
rmrfslashDragnslcr: how many drives do you have/does it support?21:04
ActionParsniprmrfslash: when ive needed raid ive always bough a seperate card so that all the raiding is taken away from the OS21:05
DragnslcrI'm just going to mirror a couple 500 GB drives. Right now I'm just running on a 250 GB21:05
rmrfslashActionParsnip: yeah, which is the best scenario21:05
DragnslcrI think it supports up to 6 drives21:06
rmrfslashDragnslcr: RAID 5 support?21:06
Dragnslcr0, 1, 0+1, 521:08
rmrfslashGet 3 or 4 drives, RAID 5, you're machine might be clear for lift-off21:10
DragnslcrI'm doing it primarily for redundancy, even though I've never had a disk fail (except for that 40 GB IDE disk that had been sitting in a closet for two years)21:11
rmrfslashOh crap... I gotta run21:12
hggdhquesiton: what data should be asked for a possible memory leak in plasma (c.f. bug 343944)?21:18
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 RC http://kubuntu.org/news/9.04-rc | Jaunty/9.04 support only in #ubuntu+1 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 8.10 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4.2.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2
=== alexander is now known as Anony-DK
=== fdoving_ is now known as fdoving
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso
=== jan_ is now known as Janneman
Arminius ok I'll try to sum my big problem up I got some trouble with KWin and Compiz as window managers I set KWin as default manager, but at restart, Compiz is always set back as default window manager, and I have no idea why. and it's causing me some trouble (no top bar on all windows) anyone an idea?22:00
ArminiusI tried an several other channels, but nobody really knew22:00
Arminiuson #kwin V13 told me <V13> that kwin is your window manager but instead, compiz is run <V13> most probably /usr/bin/kwin is either a link to compiz or a shell script <V13> ask in a #ubuntu or #kubuntu channel22:01
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== NCommander is now known as mcasadevall
ScorpKingArminius: you have gnome or kde?22:04
ScorpKinghmm.. not sure about 4.2 but what's in ~/.kde/Autostart/ ?22:05
pgcalguien habla espanol??22:05
Arminiusthere is:22:06
jamesjedimaster!es | pgc22:06
ubottupgc: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:06
Arminiuskwin --replace.desktop22:06
ScorpKingArminius: did you add kwin --replace.desktop ?22:07
ArminiusI don't think so...22:07
ArminiusI tried a lot of things so I'm not 100% sure :s22:07
ScorpKingArminius: can you pastebin the output of ~/.kde/Autostart/ ?22:07
Arminiushow to I get the ouput on ~/.kde/Autostart/ on konsole? :$22:08
ScorpKingls -l ~/.kde/Autostart/22:09
Arminiusthanks :)22:09
ScorpKingsorry :O22:09
Arminiushere :)22:10
ScorpKingkwin --replace.desktop just doens't seem right for a filename. remove the kwin -- and leave only replace.desktop22:11
ScorpKingArminius: also, what's in that file22:12
Arminius[Desktop Entry]22:12
ArminiusI get that in the .desktop file22:13
ScorpKingthat's wrong as far as i know22:13
Arminiusand the update-notifier looks empty to me...22:13
ScorpKingArminius: remove that file and create a new one caller kwin-replace.sh22:13
Arminiusby remove you mean delete or just copy it somewhere else?22:14
ScorpKinginside that put - #!/bin/sh kwin --replace22:14
ScorpKingon seperate lines though22:14
Arminiusfirst line #! second line /bin/sh kwin --replace22:15
ScorpKing kwin --replace on the second line22:15
ScorpKingand #!/bin/sh on the first22:15
Arminiusso now relog and test?22:16
Arminiusok brb ;)22:16
Arminiusok relogged but still the same problem :s22:19
Arminiuswhich isn't normal22:19
Arminiusbecause it should run that script at startup an replace compiz with kwin :s22:20
ArminiusI mean it look foolproof to me :s22:20
DragnslcrArminius- are you trying to disable compiz?22:20
ScorpKingdoes kde4 not have a place where you can disable compiz effects or is it something you installed later?22:20
rmrfslashTo upgrade to RC1, should I just run apt-get upgrade?22:21
rmrfslashIf I'm running 9.04b?22:21
ArminiusDragnslcr -> yes, because it's causing the top-bar to not appear22:21
Dragnslcrrmrfslash- should be, yeah22:21
rmrfslashWill this fix all of my problems forever?22:21
ArminiusScorpKing I don't know... I desinstalled compiz with Adept22:21
DragnslcrArminius- look in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/22:21
rmrfslashjust looks like a bunch of VLC updates :-/22:21
Arminiusso I don't understand why it's even working22:21
DragnslcrSee if there's a compiz script in that directory22:22
rmrfslashlibgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-glx, mesa-common, etc.22:22
ScorpKingthanks Dragnslcr22:22
Arminiusah yes there is22:22
* ScorpKing sends a dragon Dragnslcr's way..22:22
=== s007 is now known as Molotov
Molotovbonsoir tout le monde22:23
DragnslcrI had the same problem22:23
Arminiushehe ScorpKing, you were getting desperate too ;)22:23
DragnslcrI wrote down the file name for anyone else that ran into it22:23
Arminiusthats great22:23
Arminiusthanks a lot :D22:23
Arminiusyou are my saviour ;)22:23
* ScorpKing is still on 8.04..22:24
Arminiusshall I delete the file?22:24
rmrfslashIs anyone elses splash screen and fade in on 9.04 all weird lookin?22:24
ScorpKingrather move it22:24
rmrfslashsplash screen gets hacked to pieces and then the fade-to-desktop is choppy22:24
rmrfslashor is this just me22:24
Arminiusapperently I can't cut it, just copy it :s22:24
Arminiusshall I start Dolphin in sudo mode?22:25
rmrfslashall upgraded22:25
rmrfslashmaybe I should reboot this sucker22:25
Arminiuswhat the??? :o access denied to the file!22:26
Arminiuseven in sudo mode?22:26
Arminiusthat's impossible!22:26
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Arminiusisn't it?22:27
DragnslcrArminius- hold on, found a better way22:27
Arminiusvia konsole?22:28
ScorpKingnite everyone22:28
DragnslcrArminius- go to ~/.kde/share/config22:28
Arminius~/.kde/share/config ok22:28
DragnslcrLook for the compiz file there22:28
DragnslcrShould be a file compizasWM22:29
rmrfslashYeah, that upgrade did nothing.22:29
Arminiusyou are a mentallist ;)22:29
Arminiusok pasted the file away22:30
Arminiusshould I relog myself?22:30
DragnslcrArminius- yeah, after you rename or delete that file, logout and log back in22:31
Arminiusdidn't work :'(22:35
Arminiusalso that file I moved only contained one line: custom22:35
DragnslcrOpen /etc/X11/Xsession.d/25enable-compiz in a text editor22:36
Arminiusin sudo mode?!?22:36
Dragnslcrif [ -e $HOME/.kde/share/config/compizasWM ] && [ -e /usr/bin/compiz ] ; then export KDEWM="/usr/bin/compiz"22:36
DragnslcrDoes it look something like that?22:37
Arminiusif [ -e $HOME/.kde/share/config/compizasWM ] && [ -e /usr/bin/compiz ] ; then22:37
Arminiusexport KDEWM="/usr/bin/compiz"22:37
Arminiusthat's what it contains22:37
Arminiuscopy/past ;)22:37
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Arminiusdoes it make any sense?22:40
DragnslcrNot yet22:41
DragnslcrYou have konsole open?22:42
DragnslcrAll right, let's try this22:43
Dragnslcrcd ~22:43
DragnslcrTo go to your home directory22:43
Arminiusand then?22:43
Dragnslcrcp /etc/X11/Xsession.d/25enable-compiz ./compiz_test22:43
Dragnslcrnano compiz_test22:44
DragnslcrThen replace the export... line with: echo "true"22:44
DragnslcrAnd put echo "false" on a new line after the fi, just for fun22:45
Arminiuslol :p22:45
Arminiusand how do I edit it?22:45
* PhilRod didn't know about /etc/X11/Xsession.d - definitely one to be aware of22:45
DragnslcrEdit the file?22:45
Arminiusyeah... in the konsole22:46
Arminiusit opened it inn nano22:46
Arminiusbut how do I edit it?22:46
DragnslcrPhilRod- yeah, that's what caught me when I upgraded to KDE422:46
DragnslcrArminius- just by typing. nano isn't like vi22:46
Cirosnano is a pretty  fun editor22:47
squierhi all22:47
squier i new user kubunt;)22:47
Arminiusok I changed that22:47
Arminiushow do I save and exit?22:48
DragnslcrArminius- ctrl-o to save22:48
Arminiuswelcome to kubuntu squier22:48
Cirosctrl+x to exit22:48
Arminiusand now relog?22:48
DragnslcrArminius- nano shows common shortcuts at the bottom. Save is called "WriteOut"22:48
Dragnslcrbash compiz_test22:48
DragnslcrWhat does that print?22:49
DragnslcrWhich is exactly what it should do22:49
Arminiusisn't that... good? xD22:49
DragnslcrHeh, not really22:49
DragnslcrBecause it means the Xsession.d script shouldn't be changing KDEWM22:50
Arminiusdid you get the same result as I when you had the problem?22:51
DragnslcrNo, I think just removing the compizasWM file worked for me22:51
Dragnslcrecho $KDEWM22:52
DragnslcrWhat does that print?22:52
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:52
Cirosmine doesnt print out anything lol22:53
DragnslcrSo I don't think compiz is even running22:53
Dragnslcrps aux | grep compiz22:55
DragnslcrSee if that shows anything22:55
Arminiusbut thats strange :s PhilRod hadn't we done tests saying that compiz was running? :s?22:55
Arminius1000      6176  0.0  0.0   1844   548 ?        S    23:33   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/compiz --sm-client-id 10a8432d5000012398285390000010029002622:56
Arminius1000      6228  2.0  1.4  56436 29164 ?        SL   23:33   0:26 /usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore-desktop-hints --replace --loose-binding --sm-client-id 10a8432d50000123982853900000100290026core ccp22:56
Arminius1000      8119  0.0  0.0   3272   812 pts/3    S+   23:55   0:00 grep compiz22:56
Arminiusthat's the copy/paste result ;)22:56
DragnslcrBah, so what's starting it22:56
DragnslcrDo you have anything in ~/.kde/Autostart/ that might be running it?22:57
ArminiusI got 3 files22:58
Arminiuswhich I put in after V13 on the Kwin channel suggested me to22:58
DragnslcrThat might be it. What's in that file?22:58
Arminiuskwin --replace22:59
Arminiusthat should replace compiz with kwin at startup should'nt it?22:59
DragnslcrIn theory, but if it isn't working, there's no point in having it there22:59
Arminiusit's not fixing the problem, just solving it...23:00
Arminiusthere was the backup file for that .sh23:00
Arminiusand there is another file23:00
ArminiusI don't undestand why that shell script isn't doing it's job, I mean it's like math, 1+1=2, no room for error!23:03
DragnslcrWhat happens if you run "kwin --replace &" manually?23:05
ArminiusI'll get [1] 9354 and I will start fine23:06
Arminiusbug solved... until I restart23:06
ArminiusI tried that23:06
Arminiuswas the first thing I tried ^^23:06
DragnslcrSo something must be starting compiz23:07
Arminiusand after the autostart23:08
Arminiusbecause the shell is "overruled" in some way23:08
Arminiusa virus maybe? :p23:08
Arminiussorry but got2go now...23:10
ByronHello all23:11
ByronI'm on the Acer Aspire One netbook and am wondering how to disable suspend to RAM and suspend to Disk.23:11
Arminiusthat in power management I think byron23:12
Arminiusthanks a lot for your help everyone!23:12
ByronArminius: I removed it, but when I close my lid, it suspends it and I have to reboot the computer so that I can use it again. The screen flickers as the mouse moves, otherwise it's a black screen.23:14
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode23:14
Arminiussorry Byron, then I have no idea... :s23:15
ByronArminius: No worries. I would have given someone else the same answer.23:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:20
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=== Byron_ is now known as Byron__
=== Byron__ is now known as Byron
wirHello all23:23
SonnentaeI Have a disk in my machine I never knew about and I am trying to mount it or format it but I can't seem to, what can I do?23:27
ActionParsnipSonnentae: run sudo fdisk -l  to make sure its seen23:29
SonnentaeActionParsnip: It shows up as not having a valid partition table?23:31
SonnentaeWould that indicate that it is empty?23:31
ActionParsnipSonnentae: ok thats fine, do you expect any data on it?23:31
Sonnentaenot sure, It's a work box so if there is don't want to delete it, can I scan it somehow?23:32
ActionParsnipSonnentae: you could use foremost to extract the data from the partition23:33
SonnentaeAm trying cheers23:35
SonnentaeActionParsnip how could I format it if there is no data?23:36
ActionParsnipSonnentae: i'd recommend gparted23:37
Sonnentaesweet, legend!23:37
Mamarok!info mplayer23:37
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17 (intrepid), package size 4322 kB, installed size 10088 kB23:37
ActionParsnipSonnentae: you can then partition it and format it23:37
irishmanHi everyone23:39
SonnentaeActionParsnip do you know what command I should run in foremost to get a quick scan going?23:39
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ActionParsnipSonnentae: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Foremost23:40
venikwhy can't I open documents on a SAMBA drive with OpenOffice?  Other programs can use files form that same folder, but not OpenOffice writer or spreadsheet23:47
venikform--> from23:48
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey

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