
mtayloroh, NEVERMIND00:03
rowinggolferany idea when the the site will be up again?00:12
rowinggolferI am itching to do my first ever push00:12
thumperrowinggolfer: see the topic00:12
thumperrowinggolfer: it should be back shortly00:13
rowinggolferthumper: thanks00:13
thumperrowinggolfer: I'm certain there will be some form of announcement here when it's back00:13
rowinggolferbad karma that my first ever push co-incided with maitenance00:14
rowinggolferhope It wasn't something I did ;)00:14
thumperno, nothing to do with you00:15
rowinggolferthanks thumper.00:15
spmFYI ALL. Most parts of LP are back up now. Regular tasks are still down while we verify all is a-ok.00:27
thumperjoey: Expected back: 23.30 UTC 15nd April ???00:36
rowinggolferthat's correct. it is still yesterday as far as UTC is concerned00:37
thumperrowinggolfer: 15nd of April?00:37
rowinggolferwell I made a push00:38
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change is related to fix of bug 337313, a blog post coming soon about it!
rowinggolferthumper: this is the first code I have ever stuck on launchpad00:39
thumperrowinggolfer: congrats then00:39
rowinggolferI am getting a "this branch has not been scanned yet"00:39
thumperrowinggolfer: it takes a minute or two00:40
rowinggolferfirst time using bzr also.00:40
thumperrowinggolfer: we are working to reduce that time00:40
thumperrowinggolfer: have you used other DVCSs ?00:40
rowinggolferlaunchpad is a beautiful experience though00:40
joeythumper, :-)  15th00:40
rowinggolferthumper: only ever to grab code... never before to push00:40
thumperrowinggolfer: I'm pleased you like it00:42
rowinggolferoh dear... my branch is empty00:42
rowinggolferI have mucked up somewhere00:42
thumperrowinggolfer: locally, do a `bzr revno`00:42
thumperrowinggolfer: and maybe a `bzr info`00:42
thumperor `bzr info -v`00:42
thumperthat should say the number of revisions in the repository00:43
thumperrevno will give you the number of mainline revisions in the branch00:43
thumpernot sure what it says if the branch is empty00:43
rowinggolferah... I get 0 revisions00:43
rowinggolferso I should touch all the files?00:44
thumperwhat exactly have you done?00:44
thumpercan you give me your bzr command history?00:44
rowinggolferok. here's what I did00:44
rowinggolferI made a directory and populated it with my code00:44
rowinggolferI'm on ubuntu BTW00:44
rowinggolferI navigated into said directory00:45
rowinggolferbzt inti00:45
rowinggolferbzr init00:45
rowinggolfer bzr push lp:~rowinggolfer/rowinggolfer/trunk00:45
thumperrowinggolfer: ok, you missed two steps:00:45
thumperbzr add00:46
thumperbzr commit00:46
thumperadd recursively adds the files00:46
thumperand commit makes it happen00:46
thumperthen push will work00:46
thumper(as you expect it to)00:46
rowinggolferbzr commit has open a nano00:46
thumperyes it expects a commit message00:47
thumpernormally I pass one in on the command line00:47
rowinggolferso I simply save that00:47
thumperbzr commit -m "Initial import" or whatever00:47
rowinggolferok pushing now00:48
rowinggolferthis is very exciting00:48
rowinggolfermakes me feel like a real geek00:48
rowinggolfermany, many thanks for your help00:48
thumperrowinggolfer: np00:49
rowinggolferBTW - is the launchpad podcast still ongoing?00:49
thumperI think so00:50
thumpermrevell does them00:50
rowinggolferI haven't seen any turn up on my drive for a while....00:50
thumperI think there was a podcast just yesterday00:50
rowinggolferok... fault at my end then...00:51
rowinggolferok.. revision 1 pushed00:52
rowinggolferI bid you goodnight00:52
rowinggolferthanks again00:52
thumperrowinggolfer: good day here :)00:52
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
pooliesinzui: i didn't mean to be negative about RDF03:32
poolieit's potentially cool, it's just that if there's nothing that most people can do with it, it should be less prominent03:33
poolielike the thing about having invented cans but not yet the can opener03:33
sinzuipoolie: I love RDF. I was an early subscriber to the list and I hacked on it at places I worked03:33
poolie(which was apparently true for some long time, like 30 years, i guess they banged on them with rocks or something)03:33
poolieor, more relevantly, like launchpad issuing openid but not yet accepting it03:34
sinzuipoolie: We should publish enough information about projects so that it can be used to make a catalog of apps or people in a different way from how we made Launchapd.03:34
* sinzui is also a jaded OpenID hacker03:35
pooliei don't have a problem with publishing it03:36
poolieit would be great if someone did make such a thing03:36
pooliei'm just disinclined to have links on the project homepage that when cilcked just cause the browser to ask you to save an xml file03:37
sinzuiI agree. RDF is for a machine, not a person03:37
jameshpoolie: we implemented OpenID in Launchpad at the time when we had another service that needed to rely on it.03:38
sinzuiwe need an <link alternate> in the header to support RDF for machines.03:38
jameshfor shop.canonical.com03:38
pooliejamesh, if you mean "not because we misunderstood user demand" then i agree03:38
pooliesinzui: that would be good - and a blog.l.n post about how you can use it03:39
poolielike a script that will poke that rdf into freshmeat automatically would be nice03:40
jameshpoolie: well, prior to OpenID, the only shared auth solutions we had involved users entering their password on the remote site.  That was not an option for the shop site, since the site isn't directly managed by us.03:40
pooliethough, hard, because fm insists on ugly passive voice phrasing for announcements03:40
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
sinzuiI think we did misunderstand openid. We changed the user OpenID Identifiers because users see it as a social identity, which is not what was built in the first two rounds of development03:41
sinzuiI would be happier if lazr changes and releases were sent to PyPI by RDF. I think publishing and distributing requires too much work between sites.03:43
lifelesspoolie: I'm quite convinced that fm has gone insane03:44
lifelesspoolie: they used to be far more relaxed03:45
jameshI don't think I've bothered sending release announcements to freshmeat for a very long time03:45
pooliedid you see their (apparently accidentally) snarky reply to bob in 1.13?03:45
wgrantI've always wondered about the purpose of the RDF stuff.03:45
lifelesspoolie: yes, I was copied on that thread03:46
* poolie hungers03:46
sinzuiwgrant: I seems to be a broken promise, or one that has yet to be fulfilled.03:46
jameshwgrant: it was originally going to be DOAP and FOAF exports.  Our data model didn't quite fit DOAP, which is why a different set of properties were used.  I think there is an equivalence in t he schema, but I could be wrong.03:47
jameshthe people/team RDF is pretty standard.03:48
wgrantActually, I forgot about the team RDF. I used to use that a bit.03:48
wgrantBut not the project stuff.03:48
wgrantI've never seen a use for that.03:48
sinzuiwgrant: what did you use the team RDF for?03:49
wgrantsinzui: It was for a long time used for creating the REVU keyring.03:49
wgrantREVU would regularly grap the RDF for the keyring team and get the OpenPGP IDs.03:49
wgrantAnd later it was used for SSH public keys.03:50
wgrantWhy is the list of proposed team members not batched like the active and former lists?03:52
sinzuiThe active members was batch to address an immediate concern that the page would not load03:53
sinzuiAnd batching requires a hack if there is more than one batching list on a page03:53
sinzuiThe right answer would be to use ajax to get more items to add to the list03:53
* sinzui want to do that for big lists of bugs and specs03:54
sinzuiwgrant: The members lists should be searchable too.03:55
sinzuipaging though launchpad-users is neigh impossible.03:55
wgrantsinzui: There are two batches on +members.03:56
sinzuiwgrant: it is a hack03:56
wgrantIt is.03:56
wgrantBut why not the third one as well?03:56
sinzuiI don't think I'll get to team member pages for two months. I wanted to do them this month, but guide project registration needs a lot of help03:57
wgrantI see.03:57
sinzuiwgrant: because we need to hack a third batch navigator to work on the page03:57
sinzuiThe team page work was no scheduled. I just wanted to make the pages more usable03:58
wgrantsinzui: Sure, but I wouldn't think that would be too difficult once you'd done it once.03:58
sinzuinone-the-less I agree that the inconsistency is a problem03:58
wgrantTeams like ~ubuntumembers have an obscenely large number of proposed members.03:59
sinzuikiko has me look go through that page when large teams are involved to encourage me to make them nice03:59
sinzuiwgrant: right. I was going to hack on a bug to take the use to the proposed member review page from the team page04:00
wgrantI don't think I've ever seen /~launchpad-users/+mailing-list-subscribers not time out.04:01
wgrantsinzui: EPARSE04:01
sinzuibug 326998 would let the user  link from the list of recently applied to the approval page04:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326998 in launchpad-registry "applicants list on team home page lists people not applications" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32699804:02
wgrantsinzui: And the applications page would be split out of +members?04:02
sinzuiwgrant: I wanted to link to the screen that lets the admins do bulk/single approvals04:05
wgrantsinzui: That would be nice.04:06
meoblast001launchpad sent me an email saying i wouldnt get anymore emails from my mailing list and told me i can corect it by clicking on of the dead links below05:12
Ursinhameoblast001, can you show me the dead links, please?05:16
Ursinhameoblast001, what do you get when clicking on them?05:34
meoblast001Ursinha: the good old 40405:34
Ursinha(sorry the delay, pretty late over here :)05:34
meoblast001The requested URL /mailman/confirm/mysticgalaxies/a37b41225f8fbfd6462b522672bc22a7b1966cfc was not found on this server.05:34
* Ursinha looks at beuno 05:37
meoblast001well... if i could just be unbanned from my own mailing list that would be fine05:38
spmmeoblast001: when did you get the email that asks to click on the link?05:42
meoblast001a while ago but i clicked the link the day of or the day after i got it05:42
spmmeoblast001: like > 12 hours ago received and clicked?05:42
spmprobably? :-) I ask as we had major update about 4-5 hours ago. may *not* be related, but ... may.05:43
meoblast001oh no... it was >12 hours ago05:44
meoblast001i thought you meant did i click it > 12 hours after receiving it05:44
meoblast001got it on April 805:44
meoblast001i need to go to bed05:48
meoblast001goodnight everyone... i'll be back another day05:48
Ursinhaspm, maybe that link expired? no clue05:59
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change is related to fix of bug 337313, a blog post coming soon about it!
Ursinhabrain not working05:59
spmUrsinha: possibly05:59
spmUrsinha: given how late it is your way? not surprised :-)05:59
Ursinhaspm, writing the handover email :)05:59
Ursinhaand reviewing projects06:00
Ursinhado you know what comes next?06:00
Ursinhathe losas fun!06:00
spmUrsinha: you are an evil evil person. nice, but evil. :-P06:00
* Ursinha laughs evilly06:00
spmsee! QED. spm 1, Ursula 0.06:01
Ursinhahey... you're cheating06:01
UrsinhaI have way more than that 0, where are my points06:01
Ursinhaspm, oh, I see, that karma rebalancing took them away06:01
* Ursinha is funny today06:02
spmUrsinha: nah. that was me. DELETE from karma where uid=ursinha; I was bored earlier.06:02
UrsinhaTHAT is cheating06:02
spmit also won't work, but never mind that :-D06:03
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
wgrantspm: Is staging meant to be out of date?06:34
johnfanyone know if there is a problem with ppa building? I've had something in the queue for over 2 hours and now it doesn't even have an estimate. Normally I have things build in less 20 mins06:34
spmwgrant: probably - the reboots this morning wouldn't have helped06:34
johnfIs there an overall build status page?06:34
spmjohnf: yes. we're having some buildd issues atm. No eta on a fix unf. :-(06:35
wgrantspm: I have data on there from 5 days ago, and it is running db-devel from the 10th or so AFAICT...06:35
wgrantjohnf: https://launchpad.net/builders/06:36
johnfwgrant: thanks. I'll go blog that as my google searching discovered nothing06:36
wgrantI wonder if I can find a link to it.06:37
wgrantIIRC I was only able to get to it from the breadcrumbs of a builder, which I got to from a build.06:37
maxbwindow level all07:49
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: danilos | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change is related to fix of bug 337313, a blog post coming soon about it!
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thpi have a permission problem on launchpad10:03
thpi can access bug 362045, but not but 347483. (the former is a duplicate of the latter)10:04
ubottuBug 362045 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/362045 is private10:04
wgrantthp: Both are private bugs, because the crash dumps may have confidential data. I'll check the latter to see if it's appropriate to open it up.10:05
wgrantOh, only the latter is public.10:06
wgrantthp: You can now see bug #34748310:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347483 in gpodder "gpodder crashed with OperationalError in __check_schema()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34748310:06
thpwgrant: thanks :)10:06
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: danilos | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
rowinggolferhey popey10:29
rowinggolferI have pushed a project onto launchpad10:30
rowinggolferif you get a minute, do tell me if I have fouled up in any way10:30
popeydid you want rowinggolfer as the project name? would it not make more sense to be called openmolar?10:31
rowinggolferpopey: yes it would... I screwed up10:31
popeyI dont know if it's possible to rename a project on launchpad, you might need the assistance of a launchpad admin10:32
* popey pokes mrevell 10:32
rowinggolferI asked in here... and was told to wipe it and start again10:32
* mrevell reads up10:32
rowinggolferhey mrevell10:32
mrevellrowinggolfer: Who told you to wipe and it start again?10:32
rowinggolferpopey: I am delighted your podcast has restarted. I was worried10:32
popeythanks rowinggolfer10:33
rowinggolfermrevell: I can't remember. it was over a month ago10:33
mrevellrowinggolfer: To rename a project, you'll need to file a request at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad10:33
popeyexcellent, that easier10:33
rowinggolfermrevell: thanks!!10:34
mrevellnp :)10:34
rowinggolferah... that's ringing bells now10:34
rowinggolferthat is where I asked10:34
rowinggolferlet me find where10:34
mrevelloh really?10:34
popeycalvin misunderstood by the look of it10:36
popeyconfusion between your username and the project name10:36
rowinggolferI asked the wrong question?10:37
popeyno, not imo10:37
danilosrowinggolfer: we'll have admins rename the project for you10:38
rowinggolferdanilos: many thanks10:38
mrevellrowinggolfer: I'm sorry no one picked up on Calvin B's erroneous answer10:38
rowinggolfercan I just commend you fellas on a wonderfully designed code hosting site10:39
rowinggolferthis is my first ever commit to anything of this type10:39
mrevellthumper, jml, abentley, rockstar ^^^ See rowinggolfer's props for Code Hosting :)10:39
mrevellthanks rowinggolfer :) If you need any help we're here most of the time10:40
rowinggolfermrevell: thumper helped me out last night.10:40
mrevellbecause we're spread across the world, there's usually someone here :)10:40
rowinggolfergood luck with july 31st BTW10:40
=== vorian is now known as stevie
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lukeWhi - is it possible to edit a bug comment... I inadvertently left a phone number (via an email signature reply) and I'd like to remove this14:13
beunolukeW, you can't edit it14:13
beunobut you can ask for an admin to remove it14:14
beunoin: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad14:14
lukeWokay .. thank beuno14:14
intellectronicalukeW: bear in mind that by the time you get to remove the comment, emails with bug notifications will have already been sent. that makes your situation either more or less serious, depending on how you judge it14:15
lukeWintellectronica; it's okay really - i just don't want the phone number on the web (via searches etc)14:16
lukeWwill editing ever be introduced to launchpad?14:23
intellectronicalukeW: no14:23
lukeWI suppose it could lead to confusion?  Is that the reason it's not allowed?14:23
intellectronicalukeW: exactly. once you've said something and people have added other comments, potentially referring to yours, having your previous comment removed can be confusing14:24
lukeWthe ability to make minor edits could be useful - if only for the archive / web version14:25
intellectronicalukeW: maybe, maybe, one day in the very distant future we'll have an undo available for a few minutes after posting, like you get in gmail now14:25
lukeWah okay14:25
lukeWi still haven't worked out how to access the gmail undo14:25
* beuno stares into the future14:26
* lukeW sees the future stare back14:26
intellectronicalukeW: you turn it on in the "labs" tag in the yellow settings box14:26
lukeWah okay14:26
lukeWi'll do that14:26
lukeWwill be quite useful14:26
wgrantAre product/distribution/sourcepackagename changes going to be interleaved in 2.2.4?14:37
beunowgrant, interleaved with what?14:38
beunoand hi  :)14:38
wgrantbeuno: With the comments, like a few change types were in
wgrantAh, I mean in bugs.14:40
beunogood question14:40
* beuno stares at gmb 14:40
danilosbeuno: stop those cross-eyed looks!14:51
gmbwgrant: You mean as in "I rename my project, that gets reflected in its bug tasks' activity logs"?15:02
wgrantgmb: No, as in "I retarget this task from launchpad to malone"15:03
gmbwgrant: Oh, thank fuck for that. :)15:03
gmbwgrant: Er, if we have time. It's not a big change; I might get time to land it in week 4.15:04
wgrantgmb: Although that would certainly be nice, it would certainly complicate everything.15:04
gmbwgrant: More than somewhat, yes :). Although in terms of actual code it's probably not all that hard to do.15:05
wgrantgmb: Anyway, I was going to bed. Thanks.15:07
johnfdo packages in a ppa have higher preferences than packages in ubuntu when the ppa is building?15:53
al-maisanjohnf: it's not as simple, the build scoring algorithm uses a number of factors15:57
johnfal-maisan: is it documented anywhere?15:57
al-maisanjohnf: I do not believe so.15:57
james_wjohnf: you mean when installing build-dependencies?15:58
johnfjames_w: yes15:58
james_wmy guess is no15:58
al-maisanjohnf: sorry, I misunderstood you ; I thought you meant the scoring of builds15:59
johnfie if my ppa has ruby-dev 1.8.6 and ubuntu has  ruby-dev 1.8.7 and I have another package with build-depends on ruby-dev. Will it use ruby-dev from my ppa even though it has a lower version  number15:59
cprovjohnf: no, it will use the highest version.16:00
johnfhmm ok looks like I'll have to increment the epoch16:00
cprovjohnf: and if we are talking about exactly same versions, we can't reliably predict which version will be installed (as far as I can tell)16:02
johnfhmm https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA?action=show&redirect=PPAQuickStart#Dependencies seems to indicate it will prefer the PPA16:02
cprovjohnf: ubuntu archive comes first in the buildd sources_list, but I'm not sure if it matters.16:02
johnfcprov: so there isn't an apt-preferences for the ppa?16:03
johnfWill be wonderful when this is all open source, then I could just go check for myself :)16:03
cprovjohnf: no, in the help there is no *explicit* indication that PPA build-deps are preferred16:03
cprovjohnf: I can't find anyone to answer that quickly, could you please open a question in the soyuz product about it ?16:07
cprovjohnf: it's a nice FAQ candidate.16:07
johnfcprov: sure16:08
cprovjohnf: thank you.16:08
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
maxbHmm. If you have exactly the same version in the Ubuntu primary archive and an Ubuntu PPA, I think the answer is You're Doing It Wrong :-)16:11
cprovmaxb: yes, yes, but I'm curious about which version will be installed. If it's somehow predictable either by apt or sbuild.16:12
maxbIf it's up to apt, it'll be the first one in sources.list afaik16:13
cprovmaxb: right, I vaguely remember of reading it16:13
cprovin this case, primary archive always goes first (you can tell by looking at the buildlog)16:14
johnfThe example use case is say I need ruby 1.8.6 for intrepid (which has 1.8.7). I can upload this to my PPA and it will build16:15
johnfbut then if I upload libmysql-ruby to my ppa it will build against the primary ruby instead of the ppa ruby. Well I assume it will anyway. Giving it a quick test now16:16
maxbjohnf: You really need such a specific version?16:18
johnfmaxb: In this specific case I'm patching ruby with the enterpirse edition patches which only apply against 1.8.6-p286. So yes very specific :)16:18
maxbPerhaps you should package it as ruby-ee, and declare a conflict on the standard ruby packages16:21
johnfmaxb: I tried that initially but then I need to create new packages -ee packages for every single package I need that depends on ruby. Rather than just copying them into my ppa.16:23
johnfAt this stage I think I'll bump the epoch on my ruby package to make sure it becomes the builddep16:24
maxbjohnf: Is this PPA just for you personally, or for a wider audience?16:24
johnfmaxb: Just for me16:25
maxbHmm, actually, why would you need to create new packages?16:25
maxbAnd for that matter, why would you need to copy them into your PPA, even?16:25
johnfso right now libmysql-ruby depends on ruby1.8-dev16:25
johnfIf my ppa packages where prefered I could just copy it into the ppa and it would build against my ruby packages16:26
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
johnfI can achieve that by adding an epoch version I suppose16:26
johnfbut if I did the -ee method I would need to change the build depends for libmysql-ruby to depend on -ee16:27
johnfor am I missing some easier way of doing this/16:27
maxbHmm, no, you would have to change the build-depends.16:27
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jere21Hi, I accidentally created a second ppa. Can i delete it?17:25
Ursinhajere21, hi, you can ask the deletion file a question in answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-project17:27
Ursinhajere21, hi, you can ask the deletion, just file a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-project17:28
Ursinhasorry the messed answer :)17:28
jere21np :-)17:28
Ursinhajere21, no problem :)17:28
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== stevie is now known as heHATEme
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scott_evso, who lost 75% of their points besides me18:16
scott_evchange the point system, fine, just don't take peoples points  away18:17
scott_evI WAS spending 20 hours a week triaging bugs....no more18:18
scott_evthere are plenty of places I can help without getting messed  around18:19
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
matsubarascott_ev: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go18:22
scott_evoh, I've read it and it's BS18:23
exarkunYou should get a 3x karma multiplier for reading that page18:23
scott_evthange the point system, fine, but don't take peoples points away18:23
scott_evI went from 6500 - 190018:24
maxbscott_ev: If everyone's karma was adjusted down, that's fair, no?18:38
scott_evit just feels wrong to take away.  change the rules, ok18:43
scott_evmaxb: did you loose 75%?18:44
maxbDon't know what I had before.18:44
scott_evall I know is that since I don't work anymore, I spend most of my time helping in launchapd and I got screwed18:45
scott_evsomeone will take my place18:45
rockstarscott_ev, what did you karma really provide for you?18:53
scott_eva sense of accomplishment.  goals to set and accomplish18:54
scott_evand something to show when I interview for ubuntu membership18:54
intellectronicascott_ev: your frustration is understood, but consider that we too like to have our work appreciated, and this sort of attitude is kinda' frustrating18:55
scott_evchange the rules, fine.  but don't take points away that have already been given18:56
scott_evit's crap18:56
intellectronicascott_ev: karma is relative, but appears to be absolute, and because of that, the change looks kinda' scary, but consider that when you, say, interview for ubuntu membership, your karma will be evaluated in relation to others, not as an absolute18:56
intellectronicascott_ev: karma is relative, the rules for behaviour in this community aren't. please stop18:57
scott_evstop what, voicing an opinion?18:57
scott_evi don't think so18:57
intellectronicascott_ev: your opinion is very welcome, that's what this channel is about. but you're expected to voice it in a civilised and friendly manner. even when you are frustrated18:58
scott_evI believe I have18:59
scott_evwhat?  you're upset that I used the worr crap?18:59
intellectronicascott_ev: and finally, yes, this was a mistake, and it was corrected. it _is_ annoying when that happens, and we work very hard to try and make sure it doesn't. but when it does, it's nice if we can get your understanding19:00
scott_evok, I'll leave you to it. There are more productive things I can do with my time that will be appreciated19:01
intellectronicascott_ev: indeed. and once again, apologies for the karma problems on behalf of the launchpad team19:02
scott_evwell think things through and maybe warn people that changes are  comming.  I woke up to find 75% of my karma gone with no explaination for 2 days19:03
exarkunintellectronica: I wonder why it was a "mistake" and how the change was a "correction"19:04
intellectronicascott_ev: yes, that's definitely one of the lessons to learn from this19:04
exarkun(I don't think I pay as much attention to my karma as scott_ev does to his, but I pay /some/ attention, and I am stimulated negatively when it goes down due to no actions on my part)19:05
scott_evI'm nit so frustrarted that it happened; it's more in the 'how' and why.  you just don't take things from people, period...not when they are volunteers19:05
intellectronicaexarkun: have you read danilo's blog about this? i think it clarified it quite well. the most important thing to take from it, i guess, is that karma is relative, even though it may seem absolute19:05
exarkunintellectronica: I did, and it didn't really address the question I'19:05
exarkunm trying to ask19:05
exarkunSince karma doesn't actually /mean/ anything, I wonder what the motivation for using it to make me feel bad is.19:05
javierderjoey, ping19:05
joeyand hi here jacob19:06
joeyer javierder19:06
joeytab tab tab tab atab19:06
exarkunThe only thing I could derive from danilo's blog post is that the lp developers thought they had done something "unfair" in granting too much karma.19:06
exarkunBut since karma /doesn't/ mean anything, I wonder how "unfair" it really could be.19:06
exarkunIs it that other people who weren't participating while karma was being inflated might feel cheated because they have to do more work to catch up to people who were?19:07
LarstiQexarkun: I use karma to get an idea of how involved someone is with a project19:08
exarkunLarstiQ: It seems to me like it is a value which is deceptive in the indication it gives of that.19:09
exarkunEven ignoring the likelihood that it is very easily gamed, how do you know how much value to assign to a point of karma?  Perhaps there is a correct way to do that which I am just not aware of.19:10
intellectronicaexarkun: after the fix, karma is more reflective of a user's participation than it was before _in relation to other users_19:12
LarstiQexarkun: relative to the other people active in the project19:12
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kkubasikbac:  hey, hows it going?20:59
backkubasik: hi.  things are going well.20:59
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MTecknologyIs it ever going to be possible to allow users that aren't in a team to sign up for the mailing list?21:04
MTecknologyI noticed this in the new layout "Policy:  You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list." and was wondering if I can make that change :)21:04
beunoMTecknology, it's...  complicated21:05
beunobut it opens up spam again21:05
MTecknologyok - so the functionality exists, but it's not open in order to prevent spam?21:07
beunono, it doesn't exist21:07
beunobecause it creates all sorts of problems21:07
beunowe do want to make it easier21:07
beunoso we'll figure out something eventually21:07
MTecknologygood 'nuf for me :) - :P21:08
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=== NCommander is now known as mcasadevall
scott_evhello whoever you are22:02
ikus060Hi, it's my first time with launchpad and I want to register a new project. May anybody give me some help ?22:11
beunoikus060, sure. What seems to be the problem?22:11
ikus060So far, i'm looking to 'upload' my code into a bazaar branch22:11
ikus060The branche is https://code.launchpad.net/~ikus060/libnotify-mozilla/trunk22:12
beunoikus060, do you have your branch already locally?22:12
beunoikus060, I see22:12
ikus060I don,t think so cause it's the first time i'm using bazaar22:12
beunoyou haven't pushed to the branch yet22:12
ikus060this is what I'm trying to do22:12
beunodo you have the branch ready locally?22:12
beunoikus060, also, have you seen: https://help.launchpad.net/BzrHowto22:13
ikus060well .. I have the code ready, but I don't have any 'branchs' setup locally22:13
beunoikus060, that page explains how to do it22:13
ikus060great ..22:13
ikus060I will look into it and come back in case of problem22:14
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ikus060beuno : I guess there is some information missing : To interact with launchpad in any way, you must have an account and a SSH key registered, so make sure you have both.22:22
jcastrobarry: it seems my permissions to the mailing list approval queue has been removed. Has this responsibility been given to someone else? (woohoo?)22:23
beunojcastro, I think it's broken22:26
beunoI can't access it either22:26
beunopossibly related to another bug bac is working on22:26
bacjcastro: barry has landed the fix to that bug but it isn't on edge yet22:27
bacjcastro: it only happens when the team is private and you aren't a member22:27
jcastroah ok, cool, thanks guys22:30
ikus060Hi, Is there a HowTo tu upload download file ?22:35
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barrybac, jcastro hopefully tomorrow ;)22:40
bacikus060: this page should help:  https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/FileDownloads22:42
ikus060bac: thanks22:42
savvasdoes anyone know why bug 136435 shows an error on the upstream debian bug tracker?23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136435 in smc "smc - Secret Maryo Chronicles - unmet dependency in Gutsy" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13643523:09
savvas"Launchpad couldn't import bug #454679 from Debian Bug tracker."23:09
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 454679 could not be found23:09
tonyyarussoHi, I uploaded a system hardware report through System>Admin>System Testing on Ubuntu 9.04 beta, and now I need to post a corrective comment on it.  Where would I find that?23:11
beunotonyyarusso, it's not available on the UI, unfortuntly23:12
beunoyou can submit it agian though23:12
tonyyarussoheh, okay23:12
* tonyyarusso made an idiot mistake23:12
beunotonyyarusso, happens to the best of us  :)\23:13
savvastonyyarusso: are you using hardy? because in jaunty there's no commenting anymore :)23:14
jkakarOooh, I just had my first taste of the AJAX-y "Mark bug as duplicate" feature.  Very nice!23:14
jkakarAs time goes on, more and more of the surprises from Launchpad are making me smile, instead of frown.  Nice work. :)23:14
savvasI'm getting an oops while trying to search for bugs :\ OOPS-1202EB38823:14
beunojkakar, you're comment almost makes me cry23:14
tonyyarussosavvas: No, it's jaunty, but it has comment boxes on each step on the tests.23:14
jkakarbeuno: :)23:15
savvastonyyarusso:  I have no idea then, mine just asks for my email address that I used to register myself at Launchpad :) the package is checkbox-gtk and I'm using 0.7.1 at the moment, maybe I'm outdated :)23:17
kirklandi'm trying to convert https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/362427 into a question23:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 362427 in openssh "Public key ssh auth doesn't work in Jaunty" [Medium,In progress]23:24
meoblast001by any chance was i removed from the "do not send" list on my mailing list?23:32
meoblast001if not i think i'm going to file a bug23:32
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