
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you using it as docky?00:00
BUGabundogrrr heck nog00:00
BUGabundoGlass skin00:00
bjsnidernow the tearing should have stopped00:00
Carrie_I think so :)00:01
Carrie_I turned that on in nvidia settings.. the vsync to blank thing.. i wonder why it didn't do anything? :(00:01
bjsniderit used to be necessary00:01
Carrie_oh it was under the opengl settings.. maybe that's why00:01
bjsniderwell, compiz is using opengl00:01
Carrie_oh and i set it in "X Server XVideo Settings" too00:01
Carrie_sync to vblank00:02
Carrie_apparently it has to be set in compiz settings00:02
* BUGabundo checks his vsync settings00:02
bjsniderthe xvideo part will make videos play without tearing00:02
BUGabundoI don't have my vsync to black ON00:02
BUGabundodo I really need it ?00:02
bjsniderfor opengl?00:02
bjsnidermine is off00:03
bjsnideri was being anal00:03
bjsnideri wanted to cover all bases00:03
bjsniderbut the 180 series has moved beyond that now i think00:03
BUGabundoenabled it on both ccsm and nvidia settings for now00:03
Carrie_why isn't this enabled by default?00:03
Carrie_seems like it should be?00:03
bjsnideri have no idea00:03
bjsniderit's not nvidia's fault though00:04
Carrie_it's ubuntus or whatever :P00:04
Carrie_they integrated compiz00:04
Carrie_they should set the damn thing up right :P00:04
Carrie_Ok, so how can I disable that annoying loud beep when I shutdown the computer? :)00:04
bjsnidertearing is an annoyance but not a showstopper00:04
Carrie_no word on the beep?00:06
BUGabundotime to hit the bed!00:07
JackWinter2everything is nvidia's fault :)00:11
=== _Floops is now known as Floops
noodlesgcwhy did they remove the Shutdown and Logoff items from the System menu?00:27
rww_noodlesgc: Their functionality is duplicated in the Fast User Switcher Applet (the thing in the top right). If you remove that, the System items re-appear00:27
=== rww_ is now known as rww
noodlesgcat first I thought it sucked, but thats awesome00:28
matrixbluewirechief, got any updates for me?00:37
eseven73Hey, does anyone have a link for a ebox version 1.0 .deb for jaunty? Ive tried searching through launchpad but I only see stuff for Hardy or older versions00:37
wirechiefmatrixblue: yes00:37
wirechiefmatrixblue: a user found if he removed the persistence  word from the grub boot line it would work00:38
wirechiefmatrixblue: i tested it and it works on my end too.00:38
wirechiefmatrixblue: so its the persistence that is gumming things up00:38
matrixblueDoes persistence still work though?00:39
wirechiefmatrixblue: however for some reason that first .iso i got did not have a problem with that.00:39
wirechiefi dont think so00:39
matrixbluewirechief, they probably changed something since that build that causes the problem00:40
wirechiefthat coding really defines where persistence stores its stuff.00:40
matrixbluewirechief, now we're once step away from solving the puzzle00:41
wirechiefi have two 8gb, two 4gb a 1gb stick and now have 3 of those working00:41
matrixblueWe should inform the developers00:41
wirechiefwell i think they get copied on the bug report00:42
matrixblueWhich one did you do the regular install on?00:42
wirechiefits not a regular install, its a .iso within the usb00:42
wirechiefand of course you cannot update it with apt-get00:42
wirechiefonly if you download a whole new daily and rebuild.00:43
wirechiefprobably you could just save /home off to a partition and reload it00:43
matrixblueDo a regular install on one of the 8 GB00:44
wirechiefi dont think you can.00:44
matrixbluewirechief, yeah you can00:44
matrixblueI did such an install on a 5 gig00:44
Raylzis there an alternative for sane?00:45
matrixbluejust make sure on the last windows to set grub to install on the flash drive00:45
matrixbluethat's important00:45
matrixbluewirechief, I'd remove my main HD just in case00:45
wirechiefhmm well perhaps but i wonder how that is addressed with grub00:45
wirechiefwith a regular install it installs grub00:46
matrixbluewirechief, yeah it install grub00:47
wirechiefunless you can install it to the /dev/sdb00:47
wirechiefwell i have thought about trying it on my backup for vista, shrink the partion and put in a ext3 for a install.00:48
matrixbluewirechief, yeah that's what I did00:48
wirechiefbut did you not say you were having troubles doing a du with it ?00:49
matrixbluewirechief, no my problems were with the usb-creator. The only problem with that was the space issue. My biggest flash is a 4 Gig and my fastest flash is a 2gig00:50
Carrie_So.. the Windows key (super key) + M apparently makes everything go into high contrast.. is there a way I can disable that and use that key-combo for something else?  I didn't see it in keyboard shortcuts, unfortunately...00:51
wirechiefmatrixblue: ok00:51
Carrie_ah think i got it.. a compiz setting called 'negative'00:52
wirechiefmatrixblue: i just thought that this persistence bug is really a feature, most older live usb's dont have persistence to save setting.00:56
wirechiefmatrixblue: well not most now.00:56
matrixbluewirechief, how many of those older USBs have the capacity to hold Ubuntu though?00:56
* wirechief emptys pockets00:57
wirechiefcant find any.00:57
matrixbluewirechief, exactly so bug not a feature00:59
matrixbluewirechief, have you ever read 1984?01:12
hackeronhey, how do I disable ipv6 in jaunty?01:12
matrixbluehackeron, How did ipv6 get enabled?01:13
hackeronmatrixblue: the kernel jaunty uses enabled ipv6 by default :(01:14
hackeronmatrixblue: see for yourself: ifconfig | grep inet601:15
matrixbluehackeron, I haven't come across ipv6. It's not even listed as an option when I'm configuring my networks01:15
hackeronmatrixblue: and it's causing havoc with applications that can either bind to ipv4 or ipv601:15
matrixbluehackeron, interesting...Which applications are these?01:16
hackeronmatrixblue: motion for one (apt-cache show motion)01:16
hackeronmostly server stuff01:16
matrixbluehackeron, I would look at this page then http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=707409801:17
matrixbluehackeron, although the site uncharacteristically seems to be down01:18
matrixblueit's back up now01:18
hackeronheh, so you're saying I need to roll my own kernel?01:19
EagleScreenI have render glitches with Qt 4.5 in jaunty01:19
rww!ipv6 | hackeron01:19
ubottuhackeron: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:19
hackeronubottu: none of those methods work on jaunty01:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:20
matrixbluetry this hackeron https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:20
hackeronmatrixblue: again, none of these methods work on jaunty01:20
matrixbluehackeron, from skimming though these posts it doesn't feel like it can be done since it's built into the kernel01:23
hackeronmatrixblue: it can be done in 2.6.29 or with a patch against 2.6.28 - any reason either of those aren't in jaunty? :(01:23
matrixbluehackeron, prolly because they haven't gotten around to it yet01:23
hackeronmatrixblue: is 2.6.29 going to make it to jaunty? - it's been around for a while now01:25
matrixbluehackeron, sorry but this one is over my head01:25
calchackeron: nothing new is going to make jaunty01:26
calchackeron: RC is already done, 9.04 is effectively final barring any major bugs found01:26
calchackeron: i think 2.6.30 will be the version in Ubuntu 9.1001:26
=== rww_ is now known as rww
GillesMhello on kubuntu 9.04 xrandr doesn't work01:37
* rww looks at his calendar01:38
calchackeron: but way after feature freeze01:38
rwwAren't we due for huge amounts of "ZOMG WHAT IS RELEAS CANDIDTA ISO" sometime soon?01:38
hackeroncalc: when was feature freeze?01:39
calcfeb 1901:40
hackeroncalc: hmm, I swear it was later than that in the schedule on ubuntu.com - oh well, lol01:40
calc2.6.29 came out over a month after feature freeze01:40
calcbeta had already come out at the point 2.6.29 did01:40
calchackeron: and the release is next week01:40
hackeronso we're stuck with forced ipv6 until the next ubuntu release? :(01:41
matrixbluecalc, Can't he manually install 2.6.29?01:41
calchackeron: no, if there is a bug related to that file the bug, ubuntu just won't upgrade to 2.6.29 but problems can still be fixed if they are important01:41
calcmatrixblue: if he wants... but i somehow doubt the forced ipv6 has anything to do with kernel version01:42
hackeroncalc: yeah, the bug is undecided since early alphas :(01:42
mysticdarkhackHas ubuntu update lastm which require libgpod3 ot maybe update it to libgpod401:48
mysticdarkhacklastfm I meant01:48
Lint01why my system have both 2.6.28 and 2.6.27 kernels?02:28
Zarlanwhenever I try and install restricted drivers using gui I get an error "jockey backend crashed"; is it possible to use apt-get or synaptic to dl the restricted drivers and configure them somehow?02:28
Zarlan@lint01 when the system upgrades it leaves the old kernel in place in case the new kernel breaks something major and you can't use it, removable via synaptic -- hope that helps02:29
td123Lint01: just use the latest one that works, Zarlan covered why02:30
cspackyes you can install the restricted drivers with apt-get or synaptic02:32
billisnicewill madwifi be in the final release?02:35
Zarlanthanks cspack02:36
unixdawgits no longer madwifi02:36
unixdawgits the eth5k project02:36
billisnicewill it be ready?02:36
unixdawgeth5k works02:36
Lint01aren't Atheros 5000 supported by this kernel?02:37
Zarlanin fact they are! I'm using an atheros 5000 right now02:38
Zarlanhaven't had any trouble02:38
Zarlanmadwifi is still offered as an alt driver though02:38
billisnicewrong window02:40
=== JorgeJorgesson is now known as jorgejorgesson
jorgejorgessonWow, 9.04 seems solid to me so far!03:06
Lint01why I cannot reboot my computer?03:10
Lint01syestem appears to be shutting down, but it starts up again, without reboot03:10
IenorandLint01: Is it doing a hibernation or something then?03:11
IenorandLint01: What if you use "sudo reboot"03:12
Lint01i'm using shutdown -r03:12
Lint01or 'reboot' option in GUI, same resuklt03:13
CrocoJetIf I install ubuntu 9.04 (beta), do I need re-install everything after oficial release? if yes how to do ?03:17
CrocoJetops .. if no .. how to do03:18
jorgejorgessonCrocoJet: I believe that Beta becomes release.  You need to do nothing.03:18
justdaveCrocoJet: what you install is just a snapshot of that point in time when they made the CD/DVD image03:24
justdaveas long as it's still 9.04 (beta or otherwise), the update manager should update you to the final release and so forth03:24
justdaveor Synaptic or aptitude or your choice of update tool :)03:26
matrixblueI'm doing a fresh install when the final release comes out03:26
justdavewhen you install a beta, there's always the risk that they might change some set of dependencies on something, or some default settings in some important app...03:26
CrocoJetmatrixblue, why?03:26
CrocoJetoh ok03:27
justdaveand that would require manual intervention to fix.  I've very rarely ran into problems with that kind of thing on Ubuntu betas though03:27
matrixblueCrocoJet, I've been with this install since Alpha 5. Just in case some old errors don;t creep into it03:27
IenorandThe thing with keeping an upgrade is that if you have configured it and this particular item changes as it goes along. There will be differences compared to the final release. But it should always be possible to achieve a "default final" as long as you know what kind of settings you edited and know what their default was/should be...03:28
matrixblueCrocoJet, I'm sure I've done more than 100 updates03:28
DG19075I usually wait for the DVD to come out, for the text-mode install. Has been flawless for me....03:29
IenorandFor example if you make some drastic changes to bypass a bug, then when the bug is fixed you'll have to revert the changes you made, if you want a "vanilla" system...03:30
StupendoussteveOne would hope packages are smart enough to at least ask which version of a configuration file to use03:31
IenorandStupendoussteve: Some do, like for example the one overwriting fstab, but in general it seems interactivity has been taken out in favour of ease.03:36
xcdfgkjhgcvSeamless encrypted /home is sooooooooo sexy.03:37
IenorandI mean, "beginner" users don't want to hear about overwriting configuration files, and since they will always go for the "recommended" option regardless....03:37
IenorandI so want swap files to happen, I mean, swap partition seems kind of archaic really.03:41
xcdfgkjhgcvIenorand: Why?03:42
xcdfgkjhgcvIenorand: I always thought the other way around.03:42
IenorandYou have to dedicate disk space... A growable file would be a much more efficient use of disk space...03:43
IenorandI might be out on slippery ice here since a swap file wouldn't really be able to grow though...03:45
IenorandBut it would be great if hibernation would just be able to, provided space, dump a (new) file onto disk instead of having to use swap... Hence you would be able to completely ignore swap if you had a lot of memory but still wanted hibernation...03:48
StupendoussteveSwap partition can manage it better than a file on the host filesystem03:50
StupendoussteveI agree hibernation should not necessarily require swap though03:50
StupendoussteveIt is possible to make a swap file, btw03:51
test34-has bluetooth been fixed in 9.04 ?03:52
Ienorandtest34-: Fixed as in?03:53
LiMaOhey, shouldn't the 'reboot' icon appear only when all changes are finished committing? one may click on 'reboot' while it's still installing the updates03:53
IenorandStupendoussteve: Yes but afaik, it's kinda unsupported atm, and wont work with hibernate...03:54
test34-Ienorand, as in bluetooth headsets now working? as opposed to 8.04 or 8.1003:54
Ienorandtest34-: I am not sure, if you have a bug no. it should say there... The only thing I've tried is remote control using my cellphone, which did work...03:55
test34-Ienorand, I filled a bug but never got a resolved reply03:56
Ienorandtest34-: Which one?03:57
test34-Ienorand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/30608903:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306089 in linux-meta "kernel bug when bluetooth headset is turned ON" [Undecided,New]03:58
test34-I don't have any bluetooth headset anymore so I can't test, but I was wondering04:00
test34-I would buy a new one for skype if it works fine04:00
aeonorisI'm trying to set my default sound device in Jaunty Jackalope, but 'asoundconf set-default-card Headset' doesn't work.  The headset itself works fine on Skype due to the fact that I can tell Skype which device to use in the options menu, so it isn't a hardware/drivers problem....  Anybody have any ideas?04:00
aeonorisAlso, my top and bottom bars keep becoming nonresponsive, but I think that's probably unrelated.04:01
=== histo_ is now known as histo
Ienorandtest34-: Ah... I'm afraid I don't know... Not having the hardware available is always a problem... You could always see if there are any stores where you could bring a laptop and try it out I guess... apart from that I think the resolution of that bug depends on someone *with* the hardware speaking up as to whether it is still an issue, unfortunately.04:06
test34-ok thanks anyways Ienorand04:07
histoThis is cool. Trying to play urban terror in jaunty and my sound drops after few minutes then I quit UT and system locks.  I have ot restart X and sound starts workign again.04:13
test34-you gotta love pulse audio04:16
histoAny way around this?04:16
DG19075get rid of pulse audio04:18
histowellt hat doesn't really help me.04:18
DG19075sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio04:19
histoand then will my sound still function?04:19
DG19075and replace with alsa or oss04:19
DG19075then the sound will work. Go to System>Preferences>Sound after purging pulseaudio04:20
DG19075you can choose alsa or oss there04:20
histoTHis has to be a major bug.04:20
histoSound just drops04:20
DG19075which is why I use ALSA or OSS04:21
DG19075use either of those and it's sweet04:21
yosiiDG19075: yeah, pulse is a PITA, that's what i do on every install of ubuntu...and do a similar for fedora or slack04:25
DG19075whoever thought of pulse anyway? > _<04:26
yosiiDG19075: not sure04:30
yosiiDG19075: theoretically, it's a cool idea04:30
yosiisharing audio among applications, and integrating devices into one system04:30
LiMaOhttp://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup --> according to some of the developers, ubuntu just didn't implement, neither configured it correctly from the 1st time04:31
DG19075good intent but the execution fell flat04:31
LiMaOand by following those instructions, you can have it all working flawlessly04:31
yosiiworking on getting my jack settings right04:32
yosiii get too many xruns04:33
DG19075hopes it'll work with Audacity, as I use that to do a LOT of recording...........04:34
cwilluLiMaO, that's out of date though, even intrepid is far more in-line with what pulseaudio recommends04:34
crdlbjaunty's kernel is apparently totally broken wrt pulse though04:35
cwilluunfortunately, every time somebody has an issue with pulseaudio during pre-release, people just tell them to uninstall it rather than reporting it so that it can get fixed.  Surprise surprise, they bugs don't get fixed :p04:35
crdlb(the latency problems)04:35
cwilluour pulseaudio maintainer is very responsive to bug reports04:35
cwillucrdlb, we've turned off the "glitchfree" feature because it requires a kernel option (full preemption) that is known to cause regressions with other drivers.  I think nvidia is one of the big ones, but that's just from memory04:37
crdlbpfft, I use all in-tree drivers now04:37
crdlbit'd be nice to have a linux-lowlatency04:37
cwilluI don't think that even all the in-tree drivers are known to work properly04:38
cwillubut yes, it'd be nice to have a kernel package for it :)04:38
DG19075will be trying the pulseaudio howto, unless there are more recent instructions out there....04:38
eseven73what would be the command to do an upgrade with terminal? Because I did the GUI it failed 1/2 way (with 300 updates) so now im stuck in console with no GUI04:38
cwilluDG19075, what's the problem you're currently seeing?04:38
cwillueseven73, the update-manager?  You didn't just changes sources.list, right?04:39
DG19075trying to configure the device chooser to see my sound card04:39
DG19075and then to have Audacity work with it04:40
eseven73whats the command for upgrade?04:40
cwillueseven73, usually dpkg --configure -a followed by aptitude full-upgrade, back and forth until they both complete successfully will do it04:40
cwilluif it failed part way through I don't know that the update-manager will by itself clean things up04:40
* cwillu looks around for MVO, and fails to see him04:40
eseven73well I think x froze up04:40
eseven73ive been having x freezing up lately04:41
cwilluokay, do the dpkg --configure -a bit like I said above04:41
eseven73ok ty cwillu04:41
cwillushould get things back up and running, although you may need to play with xorg.conf a bit04:41
cwilludepending on whether your driver needs to change04:41
eseven73I got nvidia 173 driver for my nvidia 520004:42
bjsnideri'm not sure pulse itself really has all that many bugs in it at this point in time. i think it's more like broken alsa drivers04:42
cwilluDG19075, can you run ubuntu-bug pulseaudio?  That'll give you back a bug number, which you can fill in any relevant details04:42
cwillueseven73, _should_ be fine then04:43
holyscottonce the rc releases tomorrow, what will the apt-get command be to go from beta to rc?04:44
eseven73yeah usually it works fine, except compiz, even though glxgears and googlearth work fine (so im assuming my 3d is ok) I don't like compiz anyways :)04:44
Kavinduhey, i gotta problem, i tried upgrading my 8.04 to 8.10 and when i was in the middle of the process there was a powercut and i had to start the whole thing again, but when i did start it, it says "Partial Upgrade", how can i fix that?04:44
cwilluhisto, check launchpad if there's a bug reported about that particular issue04:44
cwilluKavindu, to 8.10?  -> #ubuntu04:45
cwilluKavindu, but let it run the partial upgrade, and things will probably work04:45
bjsniderwhy was he only upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 now?04:46
DG19075thinks the bug is 32237404:46
eseven73oh noes now im getting kernel panics :(04:47
eseven73I really fried something04:47
cwillueseven73, boot using an older kernel if you can (somethign 2.6.27), at least until you have the updates applied04:50
eseven73I just tried04:51
cwilluDG19075, if it's not the exact same issue, you'll be better off reporting a new bug04:51
cwillueseven73, boot a live cd, mount and chroot to the install, and run the updates :p04:51
eseven73now its saying VPS: cannot open root device "UUID=a bunch of numbers/letters here"04:51
cwillumentioning that it's a vps would have been useful04:52
cwilluas your troubleshooting options are somewhat limited04:52
eseven73its kinda late here so im like half sleep04:52
cwillueseven73, you should be able to change root=UUID=blahblah to root=/dev/sda1 or something like that04:53
cwillubut it's somewhat concerning that the uuid broke like that04:53
eseven73how do I chroot to the what ever04:53
eseven73to the install I mean04:53
cwillueseven73, is it a physical computer you have access to?04:53
cwilluoh, good04:54
eseven73my desktop, im talking to you from my lappy04:54
cwillueseven73, well, booting a live cd, and finding out what device the partition is will tell you what to put as your root= line04:54
cwilluif you can boot the install directly, things will be simpler04:55
eseven73well it's late ill have to deal with this later, but thanks for the advice cwillu. :D04:56
cwilluI feel the need to ask (even though I know the answer) if you have backups :)04:56
* cwillu huggles his nightly automatic rsync to another machine04:56
eseven73yeah thank god I do , I used sbackup and I have a separate /home as well04:57
eseven73all backups are on my external hdd04:57
cwilluseperate home doesn't really help much in the backup front, but it does make reinstalls easier05:03
=== sean_ is now known as Malice
=== Malice is now known as Overman
Overmanherro prease?05:04
OvermanAnyone here use the stopmotion software?05:12
luckyonehello all - will Thunderbird 3 be available in jaunty?05:33
deepjoy Hi I was wondering isn't the Release candidate supposed to be out already?05:34
* guest1 is thinking the same thing05:35
guest1I'm waiting for it...05:35
deepjoymaybe I'm misunderstanding on what time zone it's supposed to follow or whether it's start of day noon or end of day05:35
guest1I thought it would be ~Midnight London time05:36
luckyoneguest1: you can grab a daily build05:36
deepjoyas in 0000 hrs 16th April GMT05:36
luckyoneI am pretty happy with mine :)05:36
deepjoyI'v been on Jaunty since Alpha 5 and used update-manager ever since05:37
deepjoyfriend of mine wants to download the beta and I just saw that the RC is due today05:37
deepjoyso 0000 hrs 16th April GMT right?05:37
guest1luckyone: I could, but the RC should be the current daily build05:37
mrooneyIf I had my date set wrong and did apt-get upgrade and got a whole bunch of "tar: ./preinst: time stamp 2009-03-31 02:55:43 is 291097602.97240118 s in the future" messages, did things still install okay?05:38
IenorandUnless something bad happened to the daily05:38
mrooney(I've fixed the date now)05:38
deepjoylast daily was on 14th05:42
deepjoy2300 hrs05:42
Volkodavis flash player in repo's for 64 bit is a 64 bit plugin or still pliginwrapper ?05:46
Ienorandluckyone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1027861 has infor about a tb3 ppa, but it doesn't seem to be in jaunty "officially"05:47
holyscottwhats the website to sign up for the instant notice of new releases of jaunty?05:48
philsfhow can one disable specific sound events (e.g. login)?05:49
nandemonaiphilsf: the login sound option is in sys -> admin -> login window05:50
nandemonaiphilsf: the rest are in sys -> prefs -> sound05:50
philsfnandemonai, no, I mean the sound post-login, not the gdm sound05:50
Andre_GondimI have problem with flash in jaunty, I don't have sound05:50
Ienorandholyscott: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-announce ?05:51
philsfnandemonai, yes, I can preview the sounds in prefs->sound, but how can I disable it?05:52
holyscottlenorand Thank you05:52
nandemonaiphilsf: click the default bit.05:52
philsfnandemonai, thanks, I get it now05:52
nandemonaiphilsf: should come up with default/custom/disabled ;)05:52
histoalright well purging pulse audio fixed my sound issues05:53
philsfnandemonai, very counter-intuitive, though. there's no indication that this is actually clickable :/05:55
aaronator I just upgraded to 9.04, now I do not have sound.  When I play songs I only hear a little bit of static.  How can I fix it05:55
aaronator sound worked fine on 8.1005:55
histoaaronator: try killall pulseaudio05:56
nandemonaiphilsf: I'd agree actually.05:56
histoaaronator: sudo killall pulseaudio05:56
aaronatorok, ran taht05:56
aaronatorsame problem05:57
aaronatorindeed lol05:57
histoaaronator: there is a post on the forums if you search for pulseaudio in the dev forums it has some troubleshooting suggestions.05:58
aaronatorok I will check that out.  Thanks05:58
histoaaronator: checking my history for it now.05:58
histoaaronator: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1052754&highlight=sound+stops05:59
histothere's a link05:59
xr78anybody know what time the Jaunty RC is going live?06:09
Ienorandxr78: At some point today... Usually no one know much more06:16
Geoffrey2and Jaunty supports...ext4?06:17
hilit does.06:18
Geoffrey2hil, is the average user going to notice a difference?06:19
hil its recognizable faster, yes06:19
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
mjs7231_Hey guys06:20
mjs7231_Quick question im sure you get all day..06:20
mjs7231_is it fine to download the beta now, or will the official version in 5 days be a cleaner install?06:20
hil will result in same06:21
crdlbI'd go with a daily image or wait for the RC06:21
mjs7231_ok, thanks06:22
mjs7231_I thought RC was out..06:22
mjs7231_guess not06:22
crdlbjust because there'd be so much to download on top of the beta06:22
crdlbmjs7231_: it seems the rc is scheduled for today06:23
Geoffrey2I'm curious, anyone know how far down the road until grub2 is ready to go, if ever?06:24
mjs7231_Geoffrey2, Would that fall under Ubuntu or Debian to get it into the release?06:25
crdlbI thought you needed grub2 for ext406:25
crdlb(unless you use a /boot partition)06:27
histoworks here with whatever jaunty comes with.06:29
histoit is version 2 in jaunty06:29
rmrfslashI just upgraded to Jaunty and now my Verizon CMDA modem (USB720) is not connecting.06:52
rmrfslashBefore, knetworkmanager recognized it and connected me to the internet as soon as I plugged it in.06:53
rmrfslashI'm not sure what is wrong.06:53
belredi have a question about synaptic on ubuntu 9.04.  i have the identical synaptic preferences an repository options on 4 boxes.  but one of the boxes, the package gnome-open-terminal doesn't show up in synaptic.  how can this be?  what do i have to do to make it show up?07:01
crdlbbelred: are you sure you're not thinking of nautilus-open-terminal ?07:03
DaskreechHi y'all07:05
DaskreechHow do you disable the new notification system?07:05
crdlbeasiest way: uninstall notify-osd07:06
belredcrdlb: yes, that's what i meant... sorry07:06
mrooneyanyone know how to get tab completion in bash to work for a new user I just added?07:06
belrednautilus-open-terminal doesn't show up07:06
Daskreechcrdlb: That drops back to old notifications ?07:06
crdlbbelred: you probably don't have universe enabled07:06
Daskreechmrooney: . /etc/bash_completion07:07
crdlbDaskreech: yep07:07
Daskreechcrdlb: Grand thanks07:07
belredi'll check again... i compared it with another box... isn't universe enabled by default in 9.04?07:07
crdlbyou'll have to kill notify-osd too if you don't want to log out07:08
mrooneyDaskreech: hm, I've got a /etc/bash_completion.d/, but no file by that name?07:08
Daskreechmrooney: ah umm hold on07:09
DaskreechNope I have a /etc/bash_completion07:09
kindofabuzzhow would i update a intrepid server to jaunty. would it still be upgrade-manager -d ?07:10
mrooneyDaskreech: mysterious! tab completion works fine for root, so everything is it least /capable/ of working07:10
kindofabuzzor is that just gui?07:10
Daskreechkindofabuzz: Yes07:10
kindofabuzzright on07:10
mrooneyI wonder how many other people are using the jaunty arm port so far :)07:11
crdlbkindofabuzz: you need to use do-release-upgrade -d07:11
crdlbof course, you shouldn't run jaunty on a server just yet :>07:11
kindofabuzzcrdlb, yeah i was about to say, the other didn't work07:11
kindofabuzzjust thought, would i be better to reinstall for the new stuff in jaunty server?07:12
Daskreechkindofabuzz: Seriously if you are runing a server you should be doing this on a very different machine07:14
kindofabuzzDaskreech, umm it is07:14
albechmrooney, i have been thinking about it, but i am very happy with my gentoo toolchain and gentoo does allow me more flexibility07:14
Daskreechkindofabuzz: You cloned it?07:14
mrooneyalbech: yeah, I just bought a *little* server that actually shipped with jaunty07:15
kindofabuzzDaskreech, huh? no, my server is just for a learning expierience. nothing major will be lost if things mess up upgradeing. just thought i'd test jaunty server. more the merrier07:15
mrooneymaybe I will try another distro at some point to level up my linux :)07:15
albechmrooney, i am sure the port will open up markets to many new embedded devs07:16
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7
mrooneyDaskreech: so no ideas if I don't have that bash_completion file?07:16
kindofabuzzmrooney, try Gentoo if you really want to learn how the OS is put together. you compile everything yourself. everything. =)07:16
albechmrooney, but honestly embedded devs like to get their hands dirty, so they arent looking for ports, but rather tools07:17
Daskreechmrooney: You could source the files in the directory07:17
Daskreechamounts to about the same thing07:17
mrooneyDaskreech: yeah I tried to figure out what 'source' does, awesomely it has no man page or --help07:17
kindofabuzzmrooney, source = source code07:20
mrooneyoh, I saw guides explaining to run "source ~/.bashrc07:20
topylimrooney: i think source is a bash internal command, it has no man page of its own07:21
topyliall it does is reread the configuration so you don't need to start a new shell07:21
kindofabuzzthe only command i see is source-highlight07:22
Daskreechkindofabuzz: no07:22
Daskreechkindofabuzz: source is a bash command that works like a #include07:22
kindofabuzzoh didn't notice you said bash, my bad07:23
Daskreechmrooney: It's a builtin command so try help source07:23
kindofabuzzI was thinking, nevermind... =)07:23
fakeerinstalled wicd in Ubuntu Jaunty beta , removing network-manager but now it connects to my college wireless network but not to internet. it's using madwifi driver(i checked in preference) should i change it? or there some other problem? I have only wi-fi access.07:29
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
swayedIs there a time set for download of the Final of Jaunty ?07:36
matrixblueswayed, April 23rd07:36
swayedyup - a certain time - ?07:37
swayedmorning - evening - daytime - us time etc?07:37
matrixblueswayed, I/m guessing midnight in England07:37
matrixblueI could be wrong07:37
philsfit also depends on mirror sync time07:38
swayedmatrixblue, thx07:38
philsfI guess mirrors get a little headstart before public release, but not sure07:39
matrixblueswayed, I don't think there are many changed between the Release Candidate (released today) and the Final07:39
=== adiktd|server is now known as adiktd
swayedmatrixblue, you know if there will be hardware support for the ATI - EAH3450 HDMI PCI-Express vid card ?07:40
matrixblueswayed, I dunno. But if it isn't supported at this stage in the release then it won't be in the final07:40
swayedmatrixblue, All comes down to what is new in kernel basically I guess - correct?07:41
fakeerwicd doesn't connect me to an unsecured college wi-fi ..any word?/07:41
DanaGhttp://contents.driverguide.com/content.php?id=243322&path=wdm%2Fdefault.ini --- interesting thing for windows driver of STAC audio.07:41
matrixblueswayed, basically07:42
Ienorandmatrixblue: There are not *supposed* to be any changes... depends on possible showstoppers really...07:42
swayedmatrixblue, have you installed Jaunty yet?07:42
swayedmatrixblue, Is this more of support channel right now or is off topic allowed ?07:43
matrixblueswayed, I don't think we're as strict in here07:44
swayedcool - so have u kicked the tires on jaunty yet?07:44
matrixbluekicked the tires?07:44
swayedtried it out yet?07:44
amarendrain jaunty i installed gstreamer and i could enjoy video and mp3 very well until one day it stopped...now i see low quality video and no sound07:45
amarendraand when  try mp3..i see just a crackling static07:45
matrixblueI've been using it for 2 months (I think)07:45
kane77me too07:45
kane77when is the final version out?07:45
matrixbluekane77, 23rd07:45
swayedlike it ok - much more eye candy - or noticeable hardware support?07:45
matrixblueamarendra, did you make any changes?07:46
kane77hmm.. for some reason I thought 17th  so I was getting ready to party :)07:46
matrixbluekane77, LOL07:46
kane77swayed, yes, my bcm4311 wifi works much better07:46
matrixblueswayed, eyecandy, no, speed, yes especially with ext407:46
kane77matrixblue, there is some eyecandy - new notification system07:47
amarendrano i don't think so....may be i might have done.as i'm kinda novice07:47
matrixbluekane77, oh yeah. I've gotten so used to that I forget it's new07:47
swayedkane77, cool cool - that's what I like to hear - biggest obstacle seems to be USB Wifi network adapters for one!07:47
swayedmatrixblue, running 64bit or 32?07:48
matrixblueamarendra, try playing a CD07:48
matrixblueand tell me if the same thing happens07:48
matrixblueswayed, 3207:49
kane77my only major issue was my intel graphics card being very slow, but new drivers were released and everything got fixed07:49
matrixblueswayed, I wouldn't run 64 unless I intend to use more than 4 gigs of RAM07:49
swayedkane77, wasn't that long ago it was a real pain to get the bcm chipset to work huh?07:49
maxbwindow level all07:49
matrixblueI'll state for the record that I dislike Kubuntu/KDE07:50
swayedmatrixblue, so does the big "J" recognize 4GB's now - My Intrepid only see's 3 of my 4 ?07:50
topylimatrixblue: why wouldn't you run a 64bit OS on a 64bit machine?07:51
matrixblueswayed, How much does your BIOS see?07:51
td123topyli: drivers07:51
kane77swayed, true it was, I was figting with it.. with intrepid it was working more or less, now it works 100% :)07:51
matrixbluetopyli, compatibility issues07:51
topylitd123: what drivers? windows drivers?07:51
td123topyli: non x86-64 drivers07:51
swayedmatrixblue, funny U mentioned that - Don't believe I ever really looked at that - I know it shows 4 in Windoze.07:52
topylitd123: there are such drivers? :\07:52
td123... forget it07:52
swayedmatrixblue, setup with 3 slide-in-out HD trays - one has windoze on it.07:52
matrixbluetopyli, 32 abd 64 are different and need different drivers and programs in some cases07:53
swayedkane77, sweet music to the ears.... :)07:53
kane7764-bit was PITA few years ago, now I don't experience any problems07:53
amarendramatrixblue: is there any specific drivers that i have to select...i installed nvidia drivers using ubuntu tweak and my be i had changed the audio driver...i am using soundblaster audigy07:53
crdlbthere's no way you're going to see close to 4GB without using a 64bit kernel or a 32bit one with PAE (eg -server)07:53
topylimatrixblue: i've never heard of such a case, but okay07:54
crdlbthe fact is that 3GB is more than enough, though :)07:54
swayedmatrixblue, Got me wondering about that Bio's question - Going to reboot an check it out be back N let ya know....07:54
matrixblueamarendra, does the CD play fine? is so then it's your mp3 decoder if not then it's your sound driver07:55
kane77crdlb, unles you run vista :D07:55
matrixbluekane77, or KDE07:55
* crdlb has .5GB07:56
* kane77 has 4GB :)07:57
fakeermatrixblue: as my wicd can't connect me to internet i am currently working on win partition... just tell me the troubleshooting measures i should take and then i will do the same....07:58
matrixblue2GB here07:58
matrixbluefakeer, wicd?07:58
stefanlsdDoes anyone else have an issue with a Dell internal 3g card not being detected after boot up?07:59
fakeeryeah..i just removed network manager and installed wicd and it can;t connect me to internet..08:00
fakeermatrixblue: my nicks amarendra and fakeer... grouped..i thought it would be easier to handle two topics in same channel with 2 nicks...but i see it was a mistake :)08:00
matrixbluefakeer, I'm not familiar with that program but I assume it's a replacement for network manager. Why would you replace network manager?08:01
fakeermatrixblue: because it frequently dropped the connection and even speed was bad08:01
matrixbluefakeer, what kind of connection do you have?08:01
fakeermatrixblue: wi-fi unsecured08:03
fakeermatrixblue: and i have no other option like wired..just this wi-fi , that's why i booted back into win08:04
matrixbluefakeer, and what errors are wicd giving you?08:04
fakeermatrixblue: nothing..it's connected to the rireless network but not the internet08:06
matrixblueswayed, what did the BIOS say?08:06
fakeermatrixblue: i mean i can't access internet08:06
matrixbluefakeer, are you using DHCP or a manual IP configuration?08:07
swayedmatrixblue, Hey checked my Bio's Reports - Intel Core2 CPU - 4400@2.00GHz - System Memory Total - 4096MB - Running Ibex - Went to Applications/System Tools/Sysinfo reports 3,165MB08:08
swayedmatrixblue, What'da ya think?08:08
matrixblueswayed, see what system monitor says08:09
swayedmatrixblue, k - just a sec08:09
fakeermatrixblue: DHCP08:10
matrixbluefakeer, open terminal and run ifconfig and paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com and send me the URL08:12
swayedmatrixblue, http://bayimg.com/AAPJoaAba08:14
matrixblueswayed, I dunno what to say about that then08:15
matrixblueYou can run a Jaunty live-cd just to see if it will recognize it08:15
swayedmatrixblue, I just assumed I never could use all 4gigs unless I was running 64bit....08:16
swayedyea that's an idea - the live cd...08:16
matrixblueswayed, could be, I'm not sure08:17
swayedummm strange08:17
matrixblueswayed, how big is ur swap?08:17
swayedmatrixblue, were u running ibex before jaunty? did that repo report and use 4gigs?08:18
matrixblueswayed, I only have 2 gigs08:18
swayedmatrixblue, I forget where to check swap.08:18
swayedin sysmon?08:19
matrixblueswayed, resources tab08:19
swayedmatrixblue, sorry being klutz - can't locate resources tab... where again?08:21
swayedonly 4hrs sleep last night08:21
matrixbluehttp://bayimg.com/AAPJoaAba  -next to processes08:21
gugenotI've got problem - when my firefox is fullscreened, all popup windows make it blinking. compiz is on, driver nvidia08:22
matrixbluegugenot, I think there is a fix for the in compiz manager under workarounds08:23
gugenotmatrixblue, no, there is only ff MENU fix08:24
gugenotbtw, it is checked08:24
swayedmatrixblue, Whats the paste bin site for images I can find it in my favs?08:25
matrixblueuse www.bayimg.com08:25
matrixbluegugenot, do a screenshot to www.bayimg.com08:26
swayedmatrixblue, ok - I know of another I like better - that's ok - hang on08:26
fakeermatrixblue: ok , i will do it...but then i will have to boot into ubuntu and then boot back into windows and post..anyway thanks..08:26
gugenotmatrixblue, ehh how?) It is a dynamic process - it blinks for 0,1 sec)08:27
matrixbluegugenot, ahhhhhhhhhh08:27
matrixbluegugenot, I'm out of ideas sorry08:30
swayedmatrixblue, sorry took so long - had phone call - http://bayimg.com/capjkAaBa08:32
swayedmatrixblue, swap correct?08:32
matrixblueWTF!!!! 9 gigs of swap?????08:32
gugenotmatrixblue, ok, thanks for try08:32
matrixblueswayed, have you ever heard of overkill?08:32
swayedmatrixblue, lol - jeeez I don't know how that happen - this just started out with a take as you get no custom install way back when - started with Hardy then did a internet upgrade to Ibex - And so here we are totally jacked - starting over tomorrow with a new clean install of Jaunty08:35
matrixblueswayed, cool! hope all goes well with you08:36
swayedmatrixblue, will keep this drive in another bay and suck off all my music & movies etc.08:36
matrixblueswayed, install with ext408:36
swayedmatrixblue, How do you think the swap got set so big?08:37
topylithe installer seems to still use the old "swap twice the ram" rule of thumb08:37
drbobbhmm jaunty fails pretty badly on my acer aspire 5002, it completes the install with a broken xorg08:37
matrixblueit prolly automatically made swap x2 the rize of Ram08:38
drbobbprevious releases at least got that part right08:38
Ienorandmatrixblue: But that would make it 6 rather than 9 right?08:38
swayedmatrixblue, will the easy lamebrain out the box take all the defaults install of Jaunty do this - Or best to customize as I go ?08:38
matrixbluedrbobb, which release of Jaunty are you using and what's your graphics card?08:38
matrixblueIenorand, good point08:39
drbobbmatrixblue: i'm using the current beta, installed it yesterday08:39
matrixblueswayed, I always manually partition08:39
drbobbthe vga is a sis integrated chip, unfortunately08:39
swayedmatrixblue, hmmm will read up on that - let ya go get busy - thx much'o08:39
drbobbi sort of fixed the breakage by enabling the sisfb module - not something a newb would come up with, i think08:40
matrixbluedrbobb, go into the grub menu at boot and select the recovery mode and choose repair graphics in the menu08:40
drbobbuh it's fixed *for me*, but unexperienced users will give up at this point08:41
lvlefistois the 9.04 beta version that's currently for download the release candidate?08:41
drbobb(and i say sort of fixed cause i'm still getting visual glitches that did not happen in previous releases)08:41
matrixbluedrbobb, consider filing a bug report08:42
drbobband btw is the alternate cd (which i used) really supposed to install lilo instead of grub??08:42
cwillulvlefisto, I don't believe so, although I don't know for sure08:44
lvlefistocwillu: ok08:44
cwillutopyli, it's still a valid rule of thumb if you ever want to use hibernation08:45
topylicwillu: you don't need double the ram for that08:45
cwilluor rather, if you don't want hibernation to fail unexpectedly08:45
cwillutopyli, you need to have enough to dump all of memory, over top of any swap that's already in use08:46
cwillutopyli, it's a nice safe point, anything less could cause hibernation to fail unexpectedly08:46
topylimy rule of thumb is "a bit more than ram"08:47
matrixbluelvlefisto, wait a few hours for the RC08:47
cwillumine used to be that, until I started not being able to hibernate08:47
* cwillu cheers for large firefox sessions :p08:47
lvlefistomatrixblue: ok, thanks.08:47
topylicwillu: if i used firefox, i wouldn't hibernate. regular reboots are in order anyway :)08:48
cwillumy firefox regularly has 3 month uptimes :p08:48
topylianyway, if swap a lot you need hardware08:48
cwillureally depends on the workload08:49
cwilluif swap is in use, but you're not thrashing, you're not really loosing much in the way of performance08:49
cwilluideally, it'd just make a swap file in /tmp if necessary08:50
cwillu(for hibernate, that is)08:50
topyliyou can do that, but iirc it still requires hackery08:51
drbobbwhich makes me ask, why isn't ubuntu using tmpfs for /tmp08:51
bullgard4Where can I find a comprehensive overview about the changes that Jaunty has brought to Ubuntu compared with Intrepid?08:51
drbobb(which would make a swapfile in /tmp rather pointless)08:51
cwillutopyli, well, by 'it' I meant the hibernate script :p08:51
cwilludrbobb, directly opening a download from firefox (for instance) downloads to /tmp.  That's just asking for trouble if it's a tmpfs08:52
cwillu(think downloading an iso directly to the burner)08:52
* topyli has been bitten by that08:52
drbobboh, i thought it used the Desktop dir by default08:53
cwilluOnly really makes sense if you've got tonnes of memory, in which case you'd ideally be in filecache anyway08:53
cwilludrbobb, for "save file" downloads, not "open with" downloads08:53
drbobbahh ok08:53
cwilluflash movies go to /tmp as well08:53
topylidrbobb: not explicit downloads, but think about something like a flash movie you watch on the go08:53
drbobbit would make lots of sense for the server edition though08:53
cwilluor a pdf opened in evince08:53
drbobbwell a pdf is seldom more than 10 or 20 MB08:54
cwilludrbobb, the assumption is that you can set things up if you want them, but having a nice consistent base without magically making dramatic changes based on your hardware is a good thing08:54
topylidrbobb: might as well save that ram too08:54
cwilludrbobb, and on a 512mb machine, that can hurt08:54
cwilluor opening an iso directly into brasero, or a pdf based on scanned images (those can reach hundreds of megs fairly easily)08:55
drbobbheh, solaris used tmpfs for /tmp even on 128MB machines, in its time08:55
cwillutmpfs really only saves you the fsyncs, which are becomming less of an issue08:55
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo with a stick08:55
cwilluBUGabundo, looks like intel is going to be fixed properly in an sru soon after the official release08:56
cwillu(getting dri back on)08:57
maccam94there's breakage with python3.0 in the repositories..... there are two versions, and idle3 is not installable08:57
BUGabundocwillu: reading bug mail now. should get there soon08:57
BUGabundomaccam94: please file a bug08:58
cwilludrbobb, on anything except ext3 in ordered mode, there's should be very little difference between a normal /tmp and tmpfs :p08:58
BUGabundomaccam94: $ ubuntu-bug python308:58
cwillu(exageration, but in the ballpark :p)08:58
drbobbcwillu: not really sure, but i'm running on jfs right now, and things indeed seem to work snappier than in hardy09:00
cwilludrbobb, ext3's default journaling mode is murder on fsync performance09:01
drbobboh and for a change, broadcom wireless seems to be working more consistently than before09:01
drbobbexcept that for a newbie it wouldn't at all, since no friendly driver manager pops up to tell her she needs a special firmware package09:02
drbobb(well maybe in gnome it does, using kubuntu myself)09:03
* BUGabundo runs XFS09:03
drbobbi believe xfs is unfriendly towards system hangs and hard reboots09:03
drbobbso i've heard09:04
BUGabundodrbobb: no more then ext409:04
drbobband on an acer those are hard to avoid09:04
BUGabundobut yeah, I had some data loss due to recent crashs and kernel panics09:04
cwilluBUGabundo, actually more than ext4 right now, I don't think ubuntu's kernel has the ext4 fsync'ing fixes backported to xfs and friends yet09:04
drbobbBUGabundo: never lost any data (that i'd notice) on ext309:05
cwillualthough ext4 is still unstable on jaunty right now09:05
drbobbwell i do have jfs on a couple of server boxes and my experience has been fine so far09:05
drbobbbut this is my first go on using it on a laptop09:06
topylimy eeepc likes to hang sometimes, with lots of disk i/o and non-responsive to mouse/keyboard09:06
topyli(ext4 on ssd)09:06
matrixbluecwillu, I haven't had any probs with ext409:06
cwillumatrixblue, that's nice09:07
cwillumatrixblue, unfortunately, that has no bearing on how deleting files is known to cause hard lockups on many people's machines (while being perfectly stable on other people's machines)09:07
cwillu!works for me | and all that09:07
ubottuand all that: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:07
* BUGabundo runs $ sudo sync (just in case)09:07
topylicwillu: yep, mine hangs when upgrading. would fit your description (the ext3 partition is / )09:09
topylierr, ext409:09
BUGabundomany apps are very poorly written to handle massive IO09:09
BUGabundoI've had all kind of behaviours09:09
BUGabundoand stupid crashes09:09
BUGabundostuff like gwibber, kdepim, pidgin tend to crash once disk access delays due to IO09:10
cwillutopyli, yep.  You can use a really really early ubuntu 2.6.28 kernel, or any mainline kernel, and it'll be fine09:10
cwillutopyli, it's one of our patches that making a known bug show up _way_ more frequently than otherwise09:10
BUGabundorunning (dvd images for testing) rsyncs and p2p is quiet easy to stress my HDD disk09:10
cwilluso says Theo :p09:10
topylidamn hackers09:11
topylianyway, i suppose i'm going to try and suffer the beta period. if brokenness continues, i'll reinstall on ext309:11
bullgard4Where can I find a comprehensive overview about the changes that Jaunty has brought to Ubuntu compared with Intrepid?09:12
BUGabundoactually I believe that unfortunatly JJ is having a worst ending then alpha cycle09:13
BUGabundobullgard4: release notes09:13
topylibullgard4: where is your line between "comprehensive" and "overview"?09:13
cwillubullgard4, there are changelogs available for each package, if you need in depth detail of particular changes09:13
BUGabundotopyli: heheeheh its between release notes and technical overview, or even Team reports09:13
BUGabundocwillu: ever heard of OVERKILL ?09:14
topylibullgard4: the release notes would be a nice overview. alternatively, you can go comprehensive and read all the changelogs09:14
BUGabundogeee and I thinking I was the only one who did that! LOL09:14
bullgard4topyli: It is simply a matter of quantity: The more features are named the better. I do not need to analyze all features in qualitative detail.09:14
cwilluBUGabundo, why do you think you confused me for an actual ubuntero? :p09:14
bullgard4cwillu: I need just the opposite.09:15
BUGabundocwillu: all those "you" got me confused! please explain09:15
bullgard4BUGabundo: What do you mean by "release notes"?09:15
eagles0513875where do i configure slapd i am not finding a slapd.conf file09:15
BUGabundobullgard4: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta09:16
cwillubullgard4, read the channel topic09:16
BUGabundocwillu: we are going to need to update topic to prepare to all those new users looking for RC!09:16
* cwillu reports bug #3 :p09:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/309:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openldap09:17
eagles0513875!info openldap09:17
ubottuPackage openldap does not exist in jaunty09:17
BUGabundocwillu: LOLOL taken09:17
eagles0513875BUGabundo: where can i find the slapd.conf file  im on ubuntu server jaunty09:18
eagles0513875just upgraded to it09:18
IenorandIs there normally a set time for the releases or is it kind of "somewhere on this date"09:18
BUGabundoeagles0513875: am I supposed to know? just run mlocate eheh09:19
BUGabundoIenorand: somewhere around09:19
BUGabundoguys have to work.... ping me if anything important pops up09:19
eagles0513875BUGabundo: im wondering if the issue actually could be with me upgrading from intrepid to gutsy09:19
BUGabundoeagles0513875: read FAIL lol09:19
eagles0513875BUGabundo: ?09:20
cwillueagles0513875, intrepid to gutsy?  gutsy is way older than intrepid09:20
BUGabundolet me work!!! don't call for me, unless for soemhting important09:20
bullgard4BUGabundo: Thank you.09:22
eagles0513875cwillu: i upgraded from intrepid to jaunty09:22
eagles0513875thanks bug09:22
eagles0513875i foundd it09:22
bafflematrixblue: Sorry for not following up yesterday; I have *no* idea what was wrong with my xorg installation, I think some files got corrupted under an aborted reboot. I tried wiping xorg, dpkg-reconfiguring, making new ones manually (using ati, fglrx, intel, vesa), reinstalling all xorg packages and so on. No workie. Finally I gave up and reinstalled. I've used linux as a workstation at home/professionally since the late 90s so I am used to debugging craz09:22
eagles0513875packaged with smbldap-tools09:22
* BUGabundo im going to kill someone!! bah09:22
* eagles0513875 waves to bug abundo09:22
matrixbluebaffle, glad you got it working09:22
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo with a stick09:23
BUGabundonext one, ill leave the #09:23
* BUGabundo cries about LP karma lost ;(09:23
bafflematrixblue: Well, I didn't really. But didn't have time to debug more, so I did a clean install of the Beta instead.09:23
bullgard4cwillu: Why did you command me: " read the channel topic"?09:24
BUGabundoFYI portableubuntu works quiet well, once upgraded to jaunty09:29
cwillubullgard4, the release notes are linked there09:32
cwilluwas all09:32
* DanaG wonders when jaunty+1 will be. =þ09:33
ikoniaso October is when jaunty +1 will be09:34
BUGabundogood morning ikonia09:34
BUGabundoDanaG: you should know that by now!09:35
DanaGer, s/be/have repos/09:35
DanaG... =þ09:35
BUGabundoDanaG: toolchain should open 2 or 3 weeks after JJ release09:35
bullgard4cwillu: Really? What exact string there links to what exactly?09:36
BUGabundobullgard4: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta09:36
IenorandDanaG: April 30th according to schedule09:36
Ienorandtoolchain uploaded09:37
BUGabundook, so one week09:37
bullgard4BUGabundo: Thank you for providing me this link a second time. I am just studying this article.09:38
BUGabundobullgard4: that link was what cwillu was trying to give you too09:38
bullgard4Ah, I see.09:38
DanaGah, I'll wait for something more substantial... like a kernel, or something.09:38
BUGabundoDanaG: it won't take long09:41
BUGabundokernel team already has 30rc kernels ready in Mainland09:42
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DanaGAny of the staging drivers, or such?09:44
BUGabundoyou can test it right now!09:44
DanaGOne big thing for me is the disk-protection driver: hp-accel.09:44
BUGabundo !mainland09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mainland09:44
DanaGI have the Mainline thing, but I need either nvidia (on one laptop) or fglrx (on the other).09:44
BUGabundocwillu: link please09:44
DanaGAnd the fglrx one is in for service.09:45
BUGabundonvidia is fine09:45
cwilluhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ is the release notes09:45
BUGabundo !mainline09:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mainline09:45
cwilluoh, mainline, one sec09:45
BUGabundo !mainline is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/09:46
dmadev_hi to all... in the 9.04 will be any tool to upgrade from an i386 to amd64 platform?09:46
BUGabundodmadev_: its not possible to change archs! you need to reisntall09:46
cwilluBUGabundo, ^^^09:47
cwilluah, you saw that :p09:47
* cwillu needs to stop switching channels09:47
cwilludmadev_, not that I know of09:47
cwilluit's a pretty dramatic change09:47
DanaGBUGabundo:  nvidia 180.44 builds on it?09:47
cwilluDanaG, yes09:48
cwilluDanaG, I'm using 2.6.29 from mainline with nvidia right now09:48
DanaGOn 2.6.30-rc1, I mean.09:48
DanaGNot sure I even remember what's new in 30-rc1.09:48
cwillushould Just Work with dkms09:48
BUGabundoif my crashs keep up, I may need to test them09:48
BUGabundoleann recommend me too09:48
BUGabundocwillu: don't DKMS have a MAX version limit?09:49
dmadev_cwillu: and do you know if everything goes fine if i just use the amd64 cdrom tu upgrade an i386?09:49
cwilluBUGabundo, it's up to the particular module09:49
cwilludmadev_, doubt it'll do anything to be honest09:49
BUGabundodmadev_: that would be CRAZY09:49
cwilluyou could install over top, but that's not the same, and I don't think you can maintain /home doing that anyway09:49
dmadev_BUGabundo: i know.. but I've a system setted up with an i386 and i've to pass to amd6409:50
cwillufglrx's issues usually stem from not supporting the newer xorgs, although I haven't had the privilege of running hardware that requires fglrx yet :p09:50
dmadev_cwillu: i've to mantain /opt not /home09:50
cwilludmadev_, pretty sure you're going to need to reinstall09:50
BUGabundodmadev_: install in dual boot? and then copy setting and diff /etc09:50
cwilluor do things by hand, but if you knew enough to do that, I don't think you'd be asking09:50
BUGabundook then diff /opt09:50
BUGabundodmadev_: what do you have in /opt?09:51
BUGabundois it arch agostic ?09:51
dmadev_BUGabundo: nice proposal.. maybe i'll do the diff thing ;)09:51
dmadev_BUGabundo: some third party software09:51
DanaGhow about /etc?09:52
DanaGFOr example, I've tweaked dnsmasq, among tons of other things.09:52
ubuntistaswhat's new in jackalope is it faster?09:54
ubuntistas<ubuntistas>and stabele?09:54
topyliDanaG: your third party software is 32bit anyway isn't it?09:54
BUGabundoubuntistas: read topic09:54
topyliubuntistas: no it's not stable09:54
BUGabundoubuntistas:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta09:54
ubuntistasi mean the completed version09:54
BUGabundoubuntistas: ^^^^^^^^^^^09:54
topyliwe certainly hope so09:55
DanaGI don't use really much third-party software, myself.  Or rather, not much non-repo not-ppa-either software.09:55
BUGabundoeheh a have a few09:56
BUGabundolet me pastebin my sources09:56
BUGabundobad copy paste from cli09:57
BUGabundonow beat that sources.list !! eheh09:58
cwilluBUGabundo, you don't split your ppa's out into seperate .list files in /etc/apt/sources.d/?10:01
cwillusilly man :p10:01
cwilluand no comments!?10:02
virtualdthe shit froze again10:03
virtualdwhen the screen saver was on10:03
virtualdas ususal10:03
cwilluvirtuald, bug<tab> will complete to his full name (BUGabundo), which will make sure it shows up on his screen10:04
virtualdi'm not talking to him, i'm talking about ubuntu :)10:04
cwilluif you don't spell a name exactly right, they probably won't get a notify about it, and may miss that you said anything :p10:04
cwilluah, silly person :p10:04
* cwillu restrains the rage he feels at people complaining about pre-releases, yes they're buggy, that's the point :p10:05
cwilluat least file a bug on the topic, you'll probably find useful information has already been posted10:05
virtualddebian isn't like this10:05
cwilluvirtuald, it is when things are changing, yes10:05
virtualdi'll probably find out it has to do with the radeon driver10:06
virtualdnot so much when running testing iirc10:06
cwilluRunning a prerelease without the intention of reporting issues to launchpad and so forth isn't useful10:06
virtualdi've reported isses though they're probably duplicates of reports i haven't found10:07
cwillua beta of ubuntu isn't the equivilent of debian's testing though, we've got a far shorter release cycle, which means all the bugs that might show up in the entire test cycle are compressed into a fairly short period10:07
cwillure: launchpad, make the best title you can, it'll give you a good list of possible dupes10:08
cwilluif anything, our normal releases are akin to their testing release, and our lts's are equivilent to their stable releases10:09
SandGorgonwhen is the next beta of jaunty due ?10:09
virtualdnow both update-manager and apt-get coredumps, hooray :)10:09
virtualdlet's see if apport works10:10
cwilluSandGorgon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule10:11
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SandGorgoncwillu: thanks!10:13
SandGorgonoh ... today is ReleaseCandidate....10:14
virtualdbug 36221310:14
ubottuBug 362213 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/362213 is private10:14
virtualdbug 36221310:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362213 in apt "apt-get crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36221310:15
BUGabundothere we go, 1st guy screaming RC10:17
BUGabundocwillu: comments? what for! lolol I better know what I have there, and most are clear enough!10:18
cwilluBUGabundo, comments?10:18
* cwillu checks his scrollback10:18
cwilluoh, right10:19
cwilluthird party repositories give me the willies.  Sure, it's better than having 15 different update managers running, but we really _really_ need to get a mechanism in place to limit what packages a particular repository is permitted to replace10:19
BUGabundonow I remember why I ran my rsync scripts as root! stupid thing keeps timeouting for sudo pass10:20
BUGabundoyep,yes we need10:20
cwilluBUGabundo, you don't rsync from cron?10:20
BUGabundoUM should PIN down 3rt parties10:20
BUGabundocwillu: I never know when I'm online or if it is a good time to rsync 8 ubuntu cd/dvd iso10:20
cwilluBUGabundo, did you see my xautolock script?10:21
cwillutriggers the cron job via anacron based on the idle time of the session10:21
BUGabundo32bits dvd is good. getting next, and staying way from keyboard.... massive IO from rsync10:22
cwilluionice is your friend :)10:22
BUGabundocwillu: looks like you never read my scripts!!!10:22
* cwillu can't remember, does nice -n 20 set ionice as well?10:22
BUGabundoof course I use ionice -c310:23
cwilluBUGabundo, you never linked them to me10:23
BUGabundoold ones!10:23
BUGabundoI'll pastebin the new ones10:23
cwilluBUGabundo, you can run a command directly via ionice as well10:23
cwillutime ionice -c3 nice -n 15 rsync... should work10:24
cwilluoh, weird, you aren't even ionicing the wget10:24
cwilluor rsync10:24
cwilluBUGabundo, can I suggest making a function and calling it once which each download location?10:25
cwilluand make time nice -n 15 rsync ... into time ionice -c3 nice -n 15 rsync...10:25
BUGabundoI have one per file!10:25
cwilluyes, but you're repeating 5 lines with one line different each time10:25
BUGabundohaaa I never got around to ionice rsync10:25
cwilluprogramming technique here :)10:25
BUGabundocwillu: I like to have separate files! I usually just run one or 210:26
cwillunicing the rsync probably won't matter much, it's the io that kills you, not the cpu usage10:26
BUGabundolet me sed that10:26
BUGabundoohhh that will require even more sudo power!10:26
cwilluone sec, I'm rewriting it for you :p10:27
BUGabundoWTH do I need SUDO to low a process10:27
BUGabundostupid thing!10:27
BUGabundoI get that I need it to UP but for down?10:27
cwilluyou don't need to sudo to nice something up, but you always need sudo to change the io class10:31
cwilluBUGabundo, almost done :p10:33
DanaGNICE is positive == lower priority.10:36
cwilluyes, that's the intent10:36
cwilluBUGabundo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/151971/10:36
DanaG!info schedtool10:36
ubottuschedtool (source: schedtool): Queries/alters process' scheduling policy and CPU affinity. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.0-1 (jaunty), package size 24 kB, installed size 84 kB10:36
cwilluBUGabundo, granted that I haven't tested that, but that should be almost exactly what you need10:37
cwillunotice how you can change the file without the use of sed :p10:37
cwilluthis is a Good Thing.10:37
BUGabundoDanaG: yeah I know10:39
BUGabundocwillu: not using sed looses me geek points eheeh10:40
cwilluBUGabundo, no, cut-and-paste programming loses you geek cred10:40
cwilluBUGabundo, http://www.indiangeek.net/programmer-competency-matrix/ -> problem decomposition10:41
BUGabundoyou even rewrote old stuff from 8.1010:41
cwillulevel 0 == Only straight line code with copy/paste for reuse10:42
crdlbshell scripting isn't programming (or at least that's what I tell myself :P)10:42
cwilluBUGabundo, that's everything that was in your script, took like 3 seconds to convert the old entries :p10:42
cwillucrdlb, that's no excuse :p10:42
crdlbI find it amazing that I used to try to do complex things in bash10:42
cwilluthe term "scripting language" _comes_ from shell scripting10:42
cwillupython was originally made to be a better shell script10:43
crdlbinstead of learning a more powerful language10:43
* BUGabundo is ashamed of the time he spent doing .bat (batch files) in mid 90ies10:43
crdlbcwillu: that's perl :)10:43
cwilluno, perl was a report language10:43
crdlbpython was derived from a teaching language10:43
* BUGabundo screams "Fight Fight Fight !!!"10:43
crdlbit's remarkably bad for shell tasks10:43
crdlbthere's a reason why all those python buildsystems are horrible10:44
DanaGhah, Skype STILL doesn't handle ALSA properly.10:44
cwilluokay, but still :p10:44
cwilluit's still no excuse for cutting and pasting the same 7 lines 12 times with one term included in each one 5 times, modified for each block10:45
cwilluI mean, you even included the shebang line once for each block! :p10:45
crdlbit's modular!10:46
cwilluBefore cwillu:10:46
cwillubefore cwillu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/151967/10:46
cwilluafter cwillu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/151971/10:46
* cwillu beams :p10:46
* cwillu didn't handle quoting correctly, but /me doesn't care too much :p10:47
BUGabundodid I  say EACH was a file?'10:47
cwilluyou copied and pasted code across _files_?10:47
cwilluyou're evil10:47
cwillupure evil10:47
cwilluI mean, seriously, you embrace the cause of the bugs that you claim to fight against :p10:47
cwilluand to think I offered to vouch for you :)10:48
BUGabundocwillu: I cated it pastebinit10:48
BUGabundocat rsyncubuntu* does wonders10:48
cwilluBUGabundo, yes, and I'm saying that's even more evil than cutting/pasting in a single file :p10:48
Trewascwillu: ionicing wget when fetching the md5sum file seems bit excessive :)10:48
BUGabundoit was the easy way10:48
BUGabundoit grew over time10:49
cwilluTrewas, I was in the neighbourhood :p10:49
BUGabundoI only had one, once10:49
BUGabundoTrewas: yeah! bad coding from me10:49
cwilluthat was my addition actually :p10:49
cwilluBUGabundo, google "the dry principle", and be enlightened :)10:49
BUGabundoto busy10:50
BUGabundook.. back to work10:50
ssdwhere i can check what will be new in Jaunty ? :)10:50
cwillurelease notes, linked from the front page of ubuntu.com10:50
BUGabundossd:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta10:50
* BUGabundo becomes autobot10:50
ssdBUGabundo: thank you live bot :P10:51
* BUGabundo hates release days10:51
BUGabundo !mainline10:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mainline10:51
drbobbduh, is it me or is jaunty's kopete pretty much broken?10:51
BUGabundobad ops!10:51
ssdcan i switch to ext4 file system from ext3 or it need fresh install ?10:53
BUGabundossd: you can10:53
BUGabundoI just don't remember how10:53
cwillussd, be aware of bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu+bug/330824/10:54
ssdsoon it will be released :) so i dont know if i will wait for 9.04 or install 8.10 again10:54
cwilluhttp://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu+bug/330824/ rather10:54
* cwillu mutters: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/330824/ 10:55
dns53i think the kernel newbies has how to convert to ext410:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Medium,In progress]10:55
cwilluI'd suggest holding off until that has a fix10:55
dns53http://kernelnewbies.org/Ext4 tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/yourfilesystem and run a fsck after10:56
cwilluexcept don't, unless want to risk running into the bug mentioned above10:56
ssdIs mark shuttleworth on IRC ? :D10:58
BUGabundossd: some times10:59
ssdwhich nick he use ?10:59
BUGabundosee his wiki page10:59
jpdsBUGabundo: What a strange nick.10:59
BUGabundojpds: humm thanks?!?11:00
jpdsBUGabundo: I was joking about the 'eheh' ;-)11:00
BUGabundoyep... missed that11:01
BUGabundoand there goes ubottu now11:01
ssdcand find it -_-11:01
shambatanyone here tried Wubi? Will Wubi 9.04 be available soon?11:04
BUGabundoisn't it  already?11:05
shambatthink only 8.1011:05
zirodayshambat: you can always install 8.10 and the do-release-upgrade to 9.0411:07
shambatziroday: yeah I was just curious since Wubi documentation mentions that such upgrades from 7.04 to 7.10 are not a good idea....but it could be that this is no longer a problem11:08
zirodayshambat: "Upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 is supported." So I presume 8.10 to 9.04 is too11:09
joejchow do i get the notifyer thing in 8.10?11:10
zirodayjoejc: find the notify-osd package somewhere or compile it yourself. But its unlikely to work11:10
cwillujoejc, lots of packages where fixed to use it properly, by the time you've made the same changes, you're practically running jaunty anyway11:11
zirodayjoejc: notify-osd is a huge change, not just another app :)11:12
joejcim not even using ubuntu so upgrading to jaunty would be bad11:12
zirodayjoejc: *shrug*, use ubuntu then :)11:13
joejci like mint better11:13
zirodayeveryone to there own11:13
joejcit ubuntu + time saving with a toping of look good11:14
BUGabundocwillu: I would be Level ~1.5 in that coder matrix11:17
BUGabundocloser to 1.3x11:18
kane77where is the proper place to discuss notify-osd integration into apps?11:19
BUGabundokane77: #dx11:19
BUGabundobut let us know what it comes up from that11:19
* kane77 is suspicious :)11:20
cwilluBUGabundo, the dry principle is quite an important one to be aware of11:20
kane77BUGabundo, isn't it directX channel?11:20
cwilluthere's about 8 people in it :p11:21
BUGabundokane77: it wasn't in the past LOL11:21
BUGabundocwillu: I'm a good coder and a great tester.... beat most of my univ collegues in debuging11:22
BUGabundoI just hate codding...11:22
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JackWinterhiya, making another attempt at installing jaunty, this time via intrepid.  bit miffed to see that intrepid clobbered my existing grub (separate partition) without even asking.  hope jaunty install from cd doesn't do that anymore.  reminds me of some other os' :)11:23
kane77to explain, I would like to make sip-communicator use the notify-osd instead of own way of displaying notification popups, which is nice, but uses too much resources11:24
JackWinteranother 18 minutes to idle away updating the system before i can do the distupgrade11:24
GrimmVarghei guys, any macbook users who has managed to get drag and drop working?11:24
GrimmVargof using the second graphicscard perhaps?11:25
BUGabundoJackWinter: just check the ADVANCE option on the last install step11:25
BUGabundoand come to #ubuntu-testing for installer support11:25
JackWinterBUGabundo: to late, was that for the partitioning ?11:25
BUGabundolast Step, or question11:26
BUGabundoit lets you choose how to setup bootloader and use cases with already existing ones11:26
BUGabundoof course if you don't use it, installer will try to set up a new one11:26
JackWinterBUGabundo: oops, then i was to fast :)  i was pretty sure it would ask me, but now it's too late.  will have to brush up on the grub syntax now :)11:27
BUGabundoJackWinter: 90% don't even know what grub is..... why ask?11:28
BUGabundoits on ADVANCE which should be YOUR case11:28
JackWinterBUGabundo: suppose you are right, my fault for not paying attention :)11:29
BUGabundoor not asking *us*, the always helpful bots11:31
JackWinterBUGabundo: did the advanced partitioning, was expecting to find it there or to be prompted, didn't notice any advanced tab after that.  my fault, so it never occured to ask the bots beforehand.  sure you have enough to do anyways :)11:33
BUGabundooh no.... we are lifeless :)11:34
BUGabundoJackWinter: file a bug on usability on the installer!11:34
BUGabundoI guess you are right! disk advance options should also cover grub11:34
JackWinterBUGabundo: not sure it's a bug...  just didn't occur to me.11:34
BUGabundoJackWinter: key word there: "usability"11:35
JackWinteris it the same in the jaunty installer ?11:35
mmillimanI hope root terminal will get fixed soon11:36
BUGabundoJackWinter: ah?11:36
JackWinternoted that it automatically used a swap partition without being told to do so too.  still have a swap lying around, but don't use it anymore11:36
JackWinterBUGabundo: this was the kubuntu intrepid installer11:37
DanaGheh, I wonder if I could run Ubuntu, specifically, on one of these...11:37
DanaGit'd need 2.6.30 kernel with microblaze architecture.  =þ11:37
twocarlodoes ubuntu jaunty comes with flashplayer plugin preinstalled11:43
BUGabundotwocarlo: of course NOT11:43
BUGabundoclosed source stuff? wth11:44
Teknonot with adobe at least11:44
toshdoes anyone know when the release candidate iso will be ready for download?11:51
toshor should i just use the iso build from 14. april11:52
GrimmVargtosh: 24 i think, and yeah, you can just use the build from the 14 and the upgrade11:54
toshGrimmVarg: thank you11:56
un|matrixguys, UHCI and EHCI modules are missing in jaunty11:56
un|matrixi don't think the users will be too happy about that :P11:57
JackWinterun|matrix: if that is true, i won't be very happy once this upgrade is over :)12:00
un|matrixwell when i type sudo modprobe uhci i get this12:00
un|matrixFATAL: Module uhci not found.12:00
un|matrixsame for ehci12:00
GrimmVargdoes anybody know if it is possible to swith between the grapichs cards on macbook pros in the beta?12:01
un|matrixJackWinter please check for the modules when you're done upgrading; though i'm pretty sure i'm not delusional12:05
JackWinterun|matrix: i will.  what does lsmod show ?12:05
un|matrixonly ohci12:06
un|matrixthe actual file is missing too, it should be in /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/host12:07
BUGabundotosh: get the dalily12:08
JackWinterun|matrix: weird, i suppose you  have usb2 devices too ?12:11
JackWinteror hosts rather12:11
un|matrixno, i'm running my ubuntu on a commodore12:11
un|matrixyes i have usb2.0 devices :)12:12
JackWinteri thought you might :)12:12
JackWinterun|matrix: what does make menuconfig say ?12:15
abcdefWhen will the RC be released?12:16
un|matrixlets see12:16
JackWinteror cat /usr/src/linux-2.6.28-11-generic/.config (i suppose if you have the kernel sources installed) ?12:18
un|matrixJackWinter: UHCI is marked as built-in12:18
JackWinterah, then you won't have it as a loadable module :)12:18
un|matrixbut so is OHCI12:19
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un|matrixoh it's alright then12:22
un|matrixexcept that i can't get USB2.0 support12:22
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JackWinterwhat does cat /proc/modules | grep uhci say ?12:23
JackWinterweird...  sounds like something broken then, and grep usb12:25
un|matrixwait, it may be a layer 8 problem after all12:26
JackWinteri have both ehci_hcd and uhci_hcd loaded as modules, but still on 8.1012:29
un|matrixNokia E65 should be able to do USB2.0 right?12:34
jonaskoelkerHi all.  My cpu frequency scaling is stuck at 800mhz despite all my attempts to make my box run at 2133mhz---cpufreqd doesn't scale up when I'm running at 100% cpu usage with AC plugged in.  What do I do to fix this?12:37
Sjimmie_jonaskoelker: Are you sure it's not a bios setting? Does it work with another OS on it2A?12:38
un|matrixJackWinter: looks like it's working @ 2.0, it just lists it as 1.112:38
jonaskoelkerSjimmie_: I can sometimes get it up to 2133, but for very brief periods12:39
jonaskoelkerit ~always seems to go down to to 800 ~shortly after12:40
jonaskoelker(~: roughly and not-operationally-defined-'ly speaking)12:40
jonaskoelkersometimes cpufreqd stays at 1600 for a while12:40
jonaskoelkerit's often the case that when I plug the AC in, then echo 2133000 > /sys/**/scaling_max_freq, it stays at 2133mhz for a minute or so12:41
jonaskoelkerbut if I while sleep 1m; [the above command], it seems to not work well, so the unplug/replug of AC is apparently necessary12:42
un|matrixJackWinter: thanks for your help12:43
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KRFjonaskoelker, that depends on your cpu load12:47
virtualdthere we go again12:47
KRFthats called dynamic scaling12:47
jonaskoelkerKRF: if it stays at a non-maximal frequency at 100% despite me asking for performance, that's quite clearly a problem, yes? ...12:47
NERONhelp i ahve problem with jockey kde12:49
NERONjockey  don't download drivers12:50
JackWinterwhat is the reccomended way to install closed nvidia drivers in kubuntu 9.04 ?13:00
JackWinterah, found it :)13:03
aLeSDhi all13:10
aLeSDI just update my beta and on reboot I am dropped to the sheel13:11
aLeSDit says : ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid ... ... does not exist13:11
aLeSDcould someone help me ?13:12
sufficehey...ive been using kde jaunty for a few weekks now...things are pretty good except that xorg seems to take up like 80% of my cpu (old 1.5GHz).... i thought thatbeing the beta woudl have been the problem, but as we get closer to the release date with still no improvements i thought i might ask if anyone has run into it  at all?13:13
=== jack2 is now known as JackWinter
GrimmVarghey, any moacbook pro users that have figured out how to enable the integrated graphic card? There are two, a GF9600M GT and a GF9400M, the latter is integrated and not showing up with "lspci" , thanks13:14
sufficeand my myth-fonts are all messed.... cant setup backend properly because of it13:14
ellarhello, can someone close a bug for me?13:22
ellarthink Bug #362277 is solved13:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362277 in alsa-driver "[jaunty sound] Cirrus Logic CS46xx: Lost Sound after update to 9.04 on Thinkpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36227713:23
maxbNo special permissions are required to set a bug to a closed status13:24
maxbjust be confident that it really is solved13:24
rmrfslashDoes anyone on here use Jaunty and a Verizon USB modem?13:27
ellari am sure but i don't find the option. I think i should be able to set status to closed13:27
rmrfslash....and kubuntu13:27
rmrfslashWay back in the 8.10 days knetworkmanager allowed me to simply plug in my USB modem and connect. Now w/ the NetworkManagement plasmoid it thinks I have an Ovation U720 or a 1.1 root hub and I can't connect for the life of me.13:29
mynameistuxwhere is the webpage with the jaunty beta torrent files?13:29
vegamynameistux: /topic13:29
mrweshow do I enable the beta release in update manager?13:32
JMFTheVCImrwes: update-manager -d13:32
SwedeMikemrwes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta13:33
topylithen walk around your computer three times, wave a dead chicken, and so on and so on. the normal routine13:33
GrimmVarghey, any moacbook pro users that have figured out how to enable the integrated graphic card? There are two, a GF9600M GT and a GF9400M, the latter is integrated and not showing up with "lspci" , thanks13:34
jack2hmm, anyone know how to get dkms working with closed nvidia, i've installed dkm, and linux-headers, anything else i need ?13:37
BUGabundotopyli: LOL13:38
custombrushmy system fans are running very fast at kde 4 and under gnome very slower13:40
topylicwillu: re the ext4 freezes. never happens on my desktop (64bit, real hard disk obviously), only on the eeepc13:42
cwillutopyli, it seems to be quite dependent on the system13:43
cwillutopyli, most of my machines experience it, but I don't have much in the way of high end equipment13:43
cwillumore memory and slower cpu _seems_ to make it more common13:43
cwilluor at least easier to trigger :/13:43
topylii'm pretty certain it's about the price of the machine!13:44
cwilludunno, this was an expensive'ish machine a long time ago :p13:44
khuntwhat is the easiest way to convert xubuntu to ubuntu is the only difference the desktop environment?13:44
topyliinitially i thought it depends on the level of user prettiness but we can rule that out now after my experience13:44
cwillukhunt, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will do it13:45
Picikhunt: install the ubuntu-desktop metapackage.13:45
khuntthanks guys13:45
topylikhunt: yes it's only the desktop and collection of apps13:45
* cwillu glosses over gdm and usplash themes :p13:45
wirechiefgood morning B13:46
wirechiefgood morning BUGabundo13:46
khunthmm couldnt find package13:47
khuntjust doing an update13:47
BUGabundowirechief: hey, its after lunch here13:49
khuntwhich desktop will it boot into by default? how do i choose or can i just remove xfce13:49
wirechiefgood morning cwillu updated mesa with 7.4-0ubuntu2~bug359392~113:49
wirechiefBUGabundo: just getting morning coffee here. lots of new updates last night.13:50
khuntis sudo apt-get remove xfce sufficient to remove xfce desktop?13:51
cwilluwirechief, might try installing 2.6.30rc2 and seeing if exa with no additional options works properly13:53
cwilluwirechief, there's some patches in there that are promising13:53
wirechiefcwillu ok13:53
matrixbluemornin wirechief13:53
aapzakguys, I'd like to use xorg-server 1.6.1 instead of current 1.6.1 , would that be possible?13:54
wirechiefgood morning matrixblue13:54
cwilluaapzak, as stated, no13:54
aapzakcwillu: even if I build it myself?13:54
cwilluaapzak, unless I'm completely misunderstanding13:54
matrixblueI've had no updates for the last 24 hours13:54
cwilluaapzak, 1.6.1 instead of 1.6.1¿13:55
aapzakfunny me :) 1.6.0 is current, right?13:55
aapzak1.6.1. instead of 1.6.013:55
wirechiefcwillu i have Option "AccelMethod" "exa" in my xorg.conf atm13:56
cwilluaapzak, can't see why not, I don't know that there are any useful debs already available though13:56
cwilluwirechief, are things working properly right now?13:56
wirechiefcwillu so far, i made changes about 4am13:56
wirechiefcwillu i have to do the bulk of my downloading between 3am and 7am13:57
cwilluwirechief, what chipset are you running again?13:57
cwilluyou had fairly consistent crashes before, right?13:57
wirechiefcwillu i have 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)13:58
alleykatmy jaunty has been just about rock stable since a4 - only had 1 crash, probably self-induced13:58
Belboz99Hey all, is it just me, or is the MythTV project looking like it's develpopment has slowed too much?   No releases in 1 year, no changes made to code in at least 1 month :/13:59
wirechiefcwillu well i had 2 crashes at the begining of this bug within an hour of each and i was just using firefox and konversation13:59
vvk-is it possible to change Gnome default terminal's settings so that I don't have to do ctrl-click to open urls? normal LMB-click should be enough.13:59
Belboz99Does anyone know if Mythbuntu 9.04 will have any new features?13:59
cwilluwirechief, firefox scrolling and similar?13:59
wirechiefcwillu i have un-installed compiz (did that this morning)13:59
alleykatI run with 2 screens on an ATI HD 3600, and the System > Administration > Multiple Screens tool seems to be a bit buggy..13:59
cwilluwirechief, can you turn it on and verify that you still don't get crashes?14:00
cwillu(uninstalled compiz or just turned it off?)14:00
* cwillu hopes just turned it off14:00
cwilluthere's not really any reason to apt-get remove it14:00
wirechiefcwillu well it was actually idle with a screen of information related to debugging while i was changing settings on konversation14:00
alleykatcant drag any of the screens into the other boxes, but I can drag them out of the window - but if I do that for screen 1, desktop (except mouse) freezes14:00
wirechiefcwillu sure14:00
aLeSDmmm ... someone could compile nvidia driver in linux-rt kernel ?14:02
wirechiefcwillu now have this ii  compiz                                     1:0.8.2-0ubuntu714:02
aapzakcwillu: the UXA memory leak we discussed earlier, it is a xserver-xorg-core bug, right?14:03
cwillujust fire compiz --replace up in a terminal;  if things go south, you should be able to ctrl-c and type "metacity --replace" blind to get things back14:03
cwillubelieve so14:03
cwilluI think it may actually be known, but honestly I'm getting a little out of it from lack of sleep, so I'm not sure I trust my memory right now :)14:04
BUGabundocwillu: that is if you manage to get the Terminal14:04
BUGabundoI fail several times14:04
BUGabundothat's why I always have fusion icon14:04
aapzakI hope/think/suspect that this bug is fixed in 1.6.114:04
* cwillu gets confused14:04
cwilluBUGabundo, oh, heh14:04
cwilluI meant, if things go south immediately14:05
cwillui.e., the terminal will still have focus if you don't click anything14:05
BUGabundousually compiz --reload a 2nd time fixes that14:05
BUGabundomvo has one or 2 bugs from me on that14:05
BUGabundocwillu: not everytime14:05
BUGabundosome times I just change to another desktop just to be sure14:05
BUGabundoor minime everything else14:06
mbeierlit is also possible to get to console (ctrl-alt-f1), log in there, export DISPLAY=:0.0 and then do a metacity --replace& and then go back14:06
mbeierlI've had to do that more than a few times :)14:06
* cwillu points BUGabundo at the above "I'm going insane from lack of sleep so don't trust anything I say right now" line, and giggles14:06
cwilluhonestly, I'm not sure why I'm allowed near the git repo right now :(14:07
jack2anyone have any tips on getting dkms working with nvidia on jaunty ?  i installed dkms and linux-headers, but still doesn't work ?14:07
aapzakcwillu: and why don't you just get some sleep?14:07
cwillubecause I'm so productive right now :)14:07
alleykat:( now I went and did it.. pressed Apply in Multiple Screens, and my monitors went into clone mode... and the screen settings dialog is just empty14:09
definitelyWhy i still can't see RC version for Ubuntu 9.04 ?14:09
alleykatcan I revert that somehow?14:09
BUGabundodefinitely: should come out latter14:09
BUGabundocwillu: MAD giggles, CRAZY giggle or stupid giggles?14:10
* alleykat thinks he ran his complete update a day early14:10
definitelyBUGabundo: Thnx for answe :)14:10
Pessoaany1 tried alpha install???14:10
cwilluBUGabundo, I don't know that I'm competent to parse that question, let alone answer it14:10
wirechiefBUGabundo: i got a ton of updates last night including oo so they are rushing to the finish line.14:10
* cwillu flips a three-sided coin, and answers "crazy"14:10
BUGabundowirechief: I haven't got anything big in 24h14:11
BUGabundoPessoa: what?14:11
BUGabundoPessoa: alpha is long gone14:11
PessoaI asked if anyone has tried installing jaunty?14:11
NeffHi everybody... I installed jaunty beta two days ago and I've to say this i'm really amazed about the performance of the new born ubuntu version. The only problem I have is... heat. On my Dell XPS m 1530 laptop it BURNS in the area where memory and HD are located and I don't know what to do, I'm afraid the PC will die soon.... do you have any suggestion?14:11
alleykatPessoa, I run it - works great14:12
alleykatinstalled the a4 originally14:12
wirechiefBUGabundo:  just one of the updates in openoffice 2009-04-16 03:54:56 status unpacked openoffice.org-writer 1:3.0.1-9ubuntu3  , probably oo was the biggy14:13
BUGabundoPessoa: most everyone here14:13
ubottuOpenOffice.org bug 2009 in Spreadsheet "Linked Cells in XLS don't retain their content in SO" [Enhancement,Closed: wontfix] http://openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=200914:13
BUGabundoNeff: what temparture is it ? $ acpi -at14:14
NeffBUGabundo: now it's just 52 °C but the pc's doing nothing but using pidgin14:16
BUGabundomine is at 35. CPU is at 5214:18
BUGabundosound okaish14:18
BUGabundoNeff: its common for laptops to heat a bit, specially after months without mantainence, cleaning or changing termal mass on CPU14:19
mbeierlNeff: the question is - were you running ubuntu before and this is the first time you've noticed this extreme temperature in that one spot?14:20
wirechiefBUGabundo: what switch to monitor cpu temp ?14:20
cwilluokay, I have a black triangle, I can go to bed14:21
wirechief Thermal 1: ok, 102.2 degrees F14:21
NeffBUGabundo: on this computer I'm using ubuntu since 2007, It always was a bit hotter than with Vista but now... it's really overheated... consider that the PC is not fully laying on the table... and trust me... this is not normal...14:21
mbeierlNeff: does the fan run when it gets hot?14:22
wirechiefI dont know what Thermal 1 or 0 is14:22
Neffmbeierl: yes it's always running at full speed14:22
BUGabundowirechief: hddtemp package14:23
Ademananyone else having a small spew of errors while apt is processing triggers for the 'menu' package?  The errors look to be related to some xpm files in /var/lib/fvwm-crystal (icons in there? someone needs to reread the FHS) and /usr/share/pixmaps14:23
BUGabundoneff you can change HDD smart values to somethng like 128 and see if it cools a bit more14:23
un2himwhat is the command to see the cpu temp?14:23
NeffBUGabundo: what?14:23
BUGabundoNeff: man smartctl14:24
mbeierlNeff: the reason I ask is that I had a similar problem with cpu temp and the fan running and it actually turned out to be cat hair clogging my vent that I didn't see until the laptop was completely taken apart by a tech who was replacing my lcd...14:24
BUGabundombeierl: that was also what I said! ppl don't clean their laptops14:24
mbeierlNeff: and it happened around the time that I upgraded too :)14:25
mbeierlBUGabundo: hee hee... I know better now, I guess14:25
canen_just upgraded. first thing i notice is that kde is a lot slower. X is taking up about 40% CPU. composite is on, using and ATI card14:25
BUGabundocanen_: what gpu driver?14:25
canen_i am guessing the free one since i haven't installed the commercial one yet14:26
canen_had it before the upgrade though14:26
Neffmbeierl: OK, I will check if there is dust in it... but you have to explain me why I had not heat problems with intrepid and Vista... I mean... two days ago it was cooler (and I don't have pets around ;))14:26
canen_yeah, it's using the ati driver14:27
mbeierlNeff: sorry ... just my $0.02... thought I'd mention it just in case14:28
mbeierlNeff: another thought ... can you reboot into intrepid or vista still and see if they're cooler?  or is this the only os left on the machine?14:29
mbeierlNeff: the other possibility is that somehow you're using more CPU for desktop effects because maybe something like proprietary driver didn't install?14:30
khunthow do i make it default to gnome rather than xfce?14:31
thiebaudekhunt: before you login14:32
Neffmbeierl: Cpu's is not running at full speed (800 Mhz per core is not too much) and I've NVIDIA proprietary drivers installed and working. BTW, the area where the video card is located is cool... so I don't think the problem is the GPU. The ram slot is the hottest part of the laptop, and it's locatetd right at the right of the hard drive which is also quite hot. One thing I changed switching from intrepid to jaunty is the fs... now I'm using ex14:33
mbeierlNeff: ext4?  Same here.  Dell D620, core 2 dual (64bit), nvidia, running fairly cool14:34
mbeierlNeff: it is really odd that the hd or ram seems to be the source of the heat14:34
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:35
thiebaudehi BluesKaj14:36
VeovisGood morning14:36
aapzakcwillu: kde is running smooth, EAX + MigrationHeuristic + EnablePageFlip , X RSS is 253244 already14:36
BluesKajhi thiebaude14:36
aapzakEAX = EXA14:36
Neffmbeierl: I read something yesterday about hard disk cycle count... in intrepid. They said that the hard disk heat can change depending on the journaling of the fs ... ext3 fs were writing to the disk every 5 seconds, that's why the hard disk is normally hotter in ubuntu than in Vista.14:38
Neffmbeierl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83999814:38
Neffmbeierl: I wanted to try this but it's meant for ext3 filesystem14:38
Neffmbeierl: I don't want to risk too much...14:39
mbeierlNeff: gimme a sec to read it over14:39
mbeierlNeff: I only use ext4 for /.  My data is on reiser14:39
VeovisI'm reading too14:39
VeovisThe second option listed, I guarantee to be safe14:40
Veovisit has nothing to do with the fs14:40
Veovisbut the first14:40
Veovisext4 is almost identical to ext3, so following these instructions should be okay for you, but I'm not 100% on that option14:41
canen_is there a guide on how to get the commercial ati drivers for ATI?14:41
Veovissorry, I'm assuming that you're on ext4 Neff14:41
NeffVeovis: yes I'm on ext414:42
NeffVeovis: Where is the "second option"?14:42
VeovisBy default, Ubuntu (actually, Linux in general), has two important features that cause the disk to write every few seconds. The first is the default journal commit time of the ext3 filesystem and the second is the rate at which the kernel wakes up to write dirty pages to disk.14:42
Veovisthat's what I was refering to14:43
VeovisI'm not making myself very clear today, I apologize14:43
BluesKajwrite dirty pages ?14:44
Veovisokay, it looks safe, but to be sure: do you have / and /home as seperate partitions Neff?14:44
BluesKajare you referring to the swap file?14:45
nemoNeff: Vista doesn't write to disc periodically?14:45
nemoNeff: in that case, how do they avoid data corruption?14:45
nemoVista is no less crashy than ubuntu14:45
NeffVeovis: yes I have two ext4 partitions, one for / and one for /home14:45
nemothat's why ubuntu increased the syncs, no?14:45
VeovisI'm not sure what I'm refering to, other than the fact that it's a kernal feature and not a filesystem feature BluesKaj14:45
Veovisit was a quote14:46
Neffnemo: I don't know how Vista works14:46
Neffnemo: do you?14:46
nemoNeff: no. but you said the discs were hotter14:46
nemoin ubuntu14:47
nemoso I thought that was odd14:47
BluesKajok Veovis , I still prefer the structure of ext vs ntfs14:47
nemoafter all. the disc activity is just to persist filesystem changes14:47
Neffnemo: yes they are and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=839998 confirms that14:47
nemoNeff: you either persist it to disc, or you get corruption14:47
nemoNeff: I see no mention of Vista there.14:47
NeffVeovis: do you suggest to try the command and switch from 5 to 60 as described in the guide?14:48
VeovisNeff: I haven't read all the way through, I just read enough to understand what they were doing.  Is there a way to only increase the length on your / partition?14:48
Sebioanyone know how many hours till release candidate ISOs are up online?14:48
nemoNeff: but. I'm just noting, as I understand it, this is a simple tradeoff14:48
nemoNeff: either you increase syncs, or you increase risk of corruption at abnormal shutdown14:48
VeovisNeff: If there is, try that to make sure nothing crashes, which it shouldn't14:49
VeovisNeff: and I would make the number a little lower, maybe 30 seconds14:49
BluesKajSebio , I don't think the Official RC is til next week14:49
NeffVeovis: the risk is to loose everything I did in the last 60 seconds right?14:50
don333BluesKaj: so is there a delay? RC should be ready today14:50
nemoNeff: not necessarily.14:50
nemobut I guess sure :)14:50
VeovisNeff: the risk is to lose all data that was accessed in the last 60 seconds14:50
nemothat'd be worst case14:50
Sebioyeah why delay, there's a release schedule14:50
nemoVeovis: modified :)14:50
Sebiorc is supposed to come out today, but when today (timezone)14:51
wirechiefdon333 they had a bunch of updates last night (trying to finish in time)14:51
linuxerhi guys ;]14:51
linuxerwirechief: i downloaded 9.04 now and lot of problems i have ;]14:51
nemolinuxer: what version were you on before?14:52
Sebioproblems are half the fun :)14:52
Neffnemo: Veovis: I don't know what to do... I would like to have a littlebit cooler computer, but I don't want to risk lata loss...14:52
nemo8.10 or 8.04?14:52
wirechieflinuxer like what kind of problems ?14:52
Sebiobeen using jaunty since alpha 314:52
nemoNeff: how often does your laptop crash? :)14:52
nemoNeff: like completely.  and. are you familiar with magic sysrq? :)14:52
linuxerbut i downloaded new iso from web ;]14:52
wirechieflinuxer are you having freezes ?14:52
nemoNeff: are you in the habit of shutting down by holding down the power button? :)14:53
Sebiodaily build ISOs are known to be a bit nastier :)14:53
Neffnemo: it usually never crashes... but shit happens...14:53
nemoif the answer is very rarely, yes, no  then I'd absolutely use 60s :)14:53
Sebiobut when is the Release Candidate actually coming out, does anyone know that? if not, adios guiys14:53
linuxerwirechief sry i'm not good at english :P i didnt uderstand ;]14:53
nemoNeff: well. odds that it is something crucial are probably small. maybe some config file in your user space that loses a custom setting14:53
BluesKajApril 23 Officialy14:53
Sebiothat's the final14:53
Sebiojeez, read the release schedule14:53
nemoNeff: after all. /etc configs for example are rarely changed.14:53
nemoNeff: you can always reinstall corrupted packages too14:54
nemoNeff: the worst one that happened to me was early in the alpha when it crashed while updating.  took me half an hour of package reinstalling to repair that...14:54
BluesKajrefer to it as beta # instead of RC , not to confuse the issue14:54
linuxerwirechief ubudsl have problems on 9.04. every rebot i must type my login & pass and other settings ;]14:54
Sebiono i'm not referring to it as beta, because i'm not asking about th ebeta14:54
Veovisnemo: I got that too, I had to use the Terminal to finish updating14:54
SebioBluesKaj:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule14:55
VeovisNeff: wait until you're on an official release, then do it14:55
Veovisthat's my advice14:55
nemoVeovis: yep14:55
NeffVeovis: ok, I'll wait 7 days ;) thank you very much for your support14:55
BluesKajI see xserver -xorg ugrades ...hmmm14:55
linuxerwirechief on 8.04 working correctly ;] on 8.10 too. And synaptic doesn't work (apt-get not work, i didnt try aptitude)14:55
Neffnemo: and thank you very much to you ;)14:56
topsyandpip56The x-server and the display driver on Jaunty keep crahsing on VMware Fusion14:56
thiebaudeBluesKaj: any for intel?14:56
VeovisNeff: you're welcome14:56
nemoNeff: n/p14:56
ikoniatopsyandpip56: thats a totally different question than you just asked in #ubuntu14:56
topsyandpip56Note, it was the 64-bit version14:56
ikoniatopsyandpip56: you said the kernel kept panicing - not xserver kept crashing14:56
topsyandpip56Hello ikonia14:56
linuxerwirechief when i try to do apt-get i have that dpkg stopped, but i had ubudsl deb and did dpkg -i it installed14:56
ikoniatopsyandpip56: are you sure your not telling lies again to waste peoples times14:57
Sebiookay so nobody knows then the rc will be out. so i'll be out of here14:57
BluesKajthiebaude , sorry dunno14:57
ikoniaI find it very odd you have one problem in #ubuntu - then a totally different in in #ubuntu+114:57
topsyandpip56For goodness sake, ask me any question about what keeps happening and then say Im just lieing.14:57
ikoniatopsyandpip56: a kernel crashing and xorg having a problem are two totally different situations14:58
Veovisah, trolling.  Reminds me that I need to leave.14:58
* wirechief have to leave bbl linuxer14:58
topsyandpip56Im not trolling!14:58
BluesKajoh I meant to ask earlier , what's the alternative now that ctrl+alt+bckspc is gone ?14:58
NeffVeovis: nemo I have another question for you ;) I'm currently using a 32 bit jaunty beta version, there are good reasons to install a 64 bit version?14:58
topsyandpip56The display crashes, then x-server goes off, then it Kernal panics.14:58
VeovisHow much RAM do you have, first of all?14:58
topsyandpip56I gave it 512mb14:59
topsyandpip56And its the 64-bit version (on a core2duo)14:59
Veovistopsyandpip56: I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't have any clue how to help you, I was talking to Neff.15:00
BluesKajtopsyandpip56 , running VMware on Jaunty is a VMWare problem not Jaunty ...it's still in beta15:00
VeovisI'm still not to the year landmark even15:00
NeffVeovis: 2 GB15:00
topsyandpip56Okay, but 512mb ram with a 64-bit install will work wont it?15:00
BluesKajtopsyandpip56 , pretty slowly :)15:01
NeffVeovis: on a core 2 duo Penryn processor15:01
topsyandpip56No, its a MacBook Core 2 Duo, 2.16ghz15:01
VeovisNeff: then no, there isn't.  32 bit and 64 bit refer to how the processor addresses memory.  64 bit is slightly more unstable (read: newer) but it can handle 4 gigs of RAM and up, while 32 bit can not15:02
topsyandpip56Right, so I have no reason to run the 64 bit version then?15:02
VeovisNeff: if you are planning on upgrading soon though, then it could help, but other than that, no real reason15:02
dsyncdother to be cool of course15:03
Veovissorry for the huge grammar fail though15:03
NeffVeovis: OK, wonderful15:03
topsyandpip56Well the MacBook's top ram is 2gb anyway, and VMware Fusion wont let above 768mb, so I should use the 32bit version.15:03
NeffVeovis: thank you very much for your kindness and for your support15:03
VeovisNeff: any more questions?15:04
dsyncdi would stick to 32bit versions of anything if running virtually topsy15:04
VeovisNeff: not a problem, it's fun15:04
topsyandpip56Right, thanks!15:05
NeffVeovis: no thanks ;) now I'm OK now... I will try to keep the notebook cool by working near the window for the next 7 days, than I will try that mod... if it works I will tell you... ;)15:06
topsyandpip56Time to bin my ISO of "ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-amd64.iso"15:06
VeovisOkay, have fun, I need to head out then15:06
Veovissee ya15:06
mxboy15uhow do i check to see what version of 9.04 I am running?15:10
mxboy15uI am wondering if it has updated to the rc yet15:10
canen_mxboy15u: if you run an upgate you should have the latest packagesd15:12
hmw_pidginMy HSDPA connection keeps breaking. After one hour or so, I loose the connection and cannot re-establish it. Clicking on "connect to ..." leads to "Connection terminated" and the syslog tells me about the device couldnt be controlled. I tried to restart networking, NM, only unplugging the USB device helps. Now I am using ttyUSB5... I also noticed, that I can't disconnect via NM.15:12
mxboy15uok, so then the RC version is out? i am fully updated and perfectly stable, but just wanted to see visually what update I was on15:13
hmw_pidginI would like to find a way to reset whatever needs to be re-set without physically unplugging.15:13
hmw_pidgin(Or even repairing)15:13
canen_mxboy15u: not sure there is an easy way to do that15:13
mxboy15uok thanks15:14
mxboy15uexciting times for ubuntu, i have gotten 4 people to switch in 1 week15:14
mxboy15uthis release is that good15:14
aapzakmy RSS usage of X rose to 468464 already15:15
hmw_pidginNo answers? Hmm. Should I take this as a sign, that NM still is buggy, or is it a PEBCAK situation?15:15
nemohmw_pidgin: anything in dmesg?15:16
nemohmw_pidgin: maybe the bug isn't in NM?15:16
nemomaybe the driver sucketh?15:16
hmw_pidginnemo: I'll post some outputs after this. Syslog said (stage 3 i think) "Device cannot be controlled".15:16
hmw_pidginDevice works with Wicd and in Windows.15:16
hmw_pidgin(wicd with 8.10)15:16
canen_why is ubuntu still running rc2 of mplayer?15:19
hmw_pidgini have no clue, what program could be the problem, I just wonder, how Fedora managed to do it right. Some of your ideas about this would be welcome, too.15:27
Oli``We've got Jaunty installed on a netbook. It has a broadcom chipset that has worked fine up 'til now... Now it works for about 10 minutes (haven't timed it so it may be anywhere from 5 to 30) and then the wireless just drops out. trying iwconfig at that point crashes everything15:28
Oli``I've tried disabling/re-enabling it from the network-manager-applet but that does nothing to fix it15:28
Oli``It looks like it's just being turned off and not turned back on.... But I've no idea why as it can drop off while it's being used15:29
hmw_pidginnemo: pastebin post above.15:30
canen_kde is preforming so much better without desktop effects15:32
nemohmw_pidgin: sorry. none of that says anything to me. I could try googling on fragments + your device, but then, so could you :)15:33
hmw_pidginAlright. Thanks for looking at it.15:33
admin_masu3701when is 9.04 good to install?15:35
=== Synergy is now known as Guest61089
mrwesjust took the plunge on a Jaunty upgrade from Ibex -- all seems well so far15:54
swistaczekHello guys15:54
swistaczekHow to remove that pulseaudio from my system?15:54
eduhellgreetings, I'm trying to setup dual screens on kubuntu jaunty beta using Randr15:55
eduhellit is working fine but a small part of the notebooks desktop is showing on the lcd monitor15:55
eduhellcan anyone help me?15:55
BluesKaj!pulseaudio | swistaczek15:58
Ubotwoswistaczek: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions15:58
ubot3swistaczek: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions15:58
LjLUbotwo: part15:59
swistaczekBluesKaj, I want uninstall it16:03
swistaczekBluesKaj, Skype got extremly high voice lags (~ 1 minute)16:03
DG19075swistaczek: apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio16:04
DG19075run that in a terminal16:04
DG19075and pulseauio is gfone16:05
wirechiefhi JackWinter16:05
BluesKajswistaczek, why do you think pulseudio is responsible for the lag ?16:05
swistaczekguys, please take a look at http://wstaw.org/d/7584 skype works perfect on 8.0416:05
swistaczeknow mates hear me with 1 minute lag16:05
swistaczekBluesKaj, beeing true, I dont know what is reason of that lag16:06
swistaczekwhere should I search for error16:06
swistaczeki am linux newbie16:07
salimanerelease candidate, anyone ?16:07
swistaczekI got ubuntu 9.04 now " the Jaunty Jackalope - released in April 2009."16:08
SandGorgonis Jaunty RC released ?16:08
PiciNot yet.16:08
SandGorgonguys.. i have beta ISO. should I use rsync to get the RC iso ?16:09
swistaczekCould I downgrade?16:09
salimanePici today is 1616:09
Picisalimane: It will be released when the isos are done testing.16:10
JackWinterhi wirechief, just hosed my new shiny jaunty install :)  edited /etc/passwd with kate and forgot that i should have used vipasswd , hehe what a noob mistake, now i wonder if i can get back in again :)16:10
AliTarihiAnything wrong with Hardware Drivers in Kubuntu. It did not detect my 7400 Go at all!16:11
AliTarihiAnd when I installed the nvidia-glx-180 I ended up having awful config! Had to use envyng and worked like a charm16:12
swistaczekis there any paid support for ubuntu (some one who could repair skype sound congiguration?16:12
mrwesanyone have issues with Conky?16:12
mrwesseems to disappear from the desktop and it's running16:13
Halowmrwes: Are you having it auto start? Sometimes if it'll start before your wallpaper is decorated and gets hidden under.16:13
swayedWhere is best place to download latest or final release of Jaunty ? ?16:14
mrwesHalow, yah I have it in sessions, it showed upon boot up, but then disappears16:14
AliTarihimrwes: with effects on?16:15
mrwesAliTarihi, no16:15
AliTarihiswayed: there is something called daily build I've heard.16:15
AliTarihimrwes: I see.16:15
mrwesyah ps aux | grep conky shows it running16:16
swayedAliTarihi, Thx - will google for daily build......16:16
Halowmrwes: I usually start it via a script that has it pause for a short bit before starting so it doesn't get hidden. Let me find  link for you.16:16
BUGabundo !daily | AliTarihi16:16
ubot3AliTarihi: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:16
AliTarihiswayed: --^16:17
BUGabundomrwes: does it work on gnome? I know it works on xubuntu, but I can't make it work on gnome16:17
AliTarihiBUGabundo: thx16:17
mrwesHalow, Ok...you put a sleep in the script?16:17
mrwesI'm on gnome16:17
BUGabundoswayed: best is daily or rc testing images16:17
* BUGabundo reads huge backlog16:17
AliTarihiBUGabundo: in intrepid I could manage to make it work. even with Compiz Fusion on.16:17
Halowmrwes: Yeah, pretty much.16:18
swayedBUGabundo, Thx16:19
swayedAliTarhi,  ;-)16:19
swayedAliTarihi; opps -16:20
JackWinteri suppose i can try to copy passwd~ to passwd and hope for the best...  didn't want to change the passwd just wanted to rename the user :)16:20
AliTarihiswayed: used the name and press Tab and you'll have auto complete :)16:21
* yann2 trying to get someone look at #362359 16:22
thiebaudebug 36235916:23
yann2"Focus gets stuck to a window - impossible to select other windows"  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36235916:23
ubot3Malone bug 362359 in ubuntu "Focus gets stuck to a window - impossible to select other windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36235916:23
swayedAliTarihi, huh? Just got up not quite awake yet.... What did you mean? Tell me like I'm in the 3rd grade :o)16:23
JackWinteranyone know if i can copy passwd and shadow from another ubuntu install to recover my f&&^up ?16:23
yann2it's a very, very weird one and hard to reproduce.. but so painful :(16:23
AliTarihiswayed: To call me, write the first letters and press Tab16:24
effie_jayxis it out yet?16:24
* effie_jayx runs16:24
AliTarihiswayed: I mean this16:24
storksup guise16:24
swayedAliTarihi, Ah - You are marvelous! - The big light bulb went off - ha ha - So much easier for use hunt/N/peck typist - heh heh16:25
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
AliTarihiswayed: yup16:26
AliTarihiIT is the best feature of IRC i can name :D16:27
swayedAliTarihi, yea upt speed with this totally - you know how long I been doing this the long handed way - it's too embarrassing to admit - heh heh  :)16:27
AliTarihiswayed: But I bet your typing has improved ;)16:28
kbmaniacHi all. My Jaunty box is one that I have been updateing for weeks, works AOK. I have another box that I just installed. My box has a very basic GTK look and feel where as the newly installed one looks so much sleaker. Any idea how to enable the far nicer GTK theme on my box - just updaeing seems not to do it ?16:28
swayedAliTarihi, that's fer sure - took me awhile to figure out using CTRL+A to select "All" nice to know these little gems.16:29
tsutherhello all - anyone using evolution with kubuntu?16:29
tsutherI have a question about notifications16:30
mrwesWhen I run the Update Manager, I'm getting a request for a partial upgrade and when I attempt to do that partial upgrade nothing happens16:30
swayedAliTarihi, So is the final rel. out anywhere yet ? England, Australia, Where Toto lives in Kansas?16:31
BUGabundomrwes: DON'T run partial updates,please16:31
mrwesthat I understand DON'T16:31
BUGabundotsuther: no... but im using kmail on gnome! does it count ?16:31
AliTarihiswayed: 9 days I think.16:32
tsutherBUGabundo: for some reason I prefer evolution to kmail16:32
AliTarihiBUGabundo: depends ;)16:32
aLeSDhi all ... where I can ask for support for the linux-rt packages? I have problems in nvidia driver compilation16:32
swayedAliTarihi, 9 days? and no typing still stinks but input of name is easier ha16:32
thopiekarcan anybody please tell me why I get allways this messages: http://pastebin.com/d4fda8865 ?16:32
mrwesBUGabundo, can I re-enable my third party software sources now?16:32
AliTarihitsuther: I loved evolution until I got mad of crashes. Then Thunderbird and then there was KDE and kmail16:33
AliTarihiswayed: :)16:33
tsutherbut I'm not getting any email notifications - the sweet new transparent ones in particular16:33
mbeierlAliTarihi: any of them have exchange calendar interop?16:33
cryingtuxim looking for Ubuntu   9.04 netinstall iso16:33
BUGabundomrwes: sure. just make sure you still need them and they are for Jaunty16:33
BUGabundocryingtux: just a sec, I'll give you the link16:33
mrwesBUGabundo, ahh..right16:34
BUGabundocryingtux: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/16:34
cryingtuxtried beta iso but the installer has some bug, it crashes when it configures hardware during isnatll16:34
swayedcryingtux, are you currently using Ibex?16:34
AliTarihimbeierl: I don't use that feature and so I dunno. sry16:34
cryingtuxswayed: i have hardy installed16:34
mbeierlAliTarihi: np16:34
BUGabundothopiekar: do you like to sound stupid??16:34
cryingtuxwanted to try Ubuntu   9.0416:35
BUGabundothopiekar: why do you have debian repos on ubuntu?16:35
BUGabundocryingtux: $ update-manager -d16:35
BUGabundorun that to upgrade to ibex, and then run again to get to jaunty16:35
thopiekarBUGabundo: I checked my sources.list but there are no entries about that16:35
BUGabundocheck in the subfoldr16:35
BUGabundothopiekar: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:36
cryingtuxBUGabundo: thanks, sounds easy16:36
* jtholmes is away: for about 3 hours16:37
thopiekarsources.list.d is empty16:37
thopiekarsec.. I will paste my sources.list16:37
thopiekar* ubuntu x6416:38
cryingtuxBUGabundo: i will first read all what you told me16:38
BUGabundothopiekar: better comment ALL THOSE 3rd party repos16:40
JackWinteranone have an opinion if it's a bad idea to share ~ and KDEHOME between different distributions ?16:40
thopiekark , BUGabundo16:40
swayedAliTarihi, Could you upgrade to the latest build of Jaunty using this method if you were currently running Ibex ? http://yfrog.com/21screenshotsoftwaresourcp16:41
kklimondaJackWinter: it may cause problems when you use different version of applications on different distributions.16:41
JackWintersuppose it could lead to problems as one dist upgrades and another stays with older software16:41
AliTarihiswayed: It is a dist upgrade so far I knoq16:42
cryingtuxBUGabundo: there is a PPA with kde 3 for 9.04, i wanted to use that to get kde3, would you discourage doing that?16:42
dan457I could.  but unlikely an issue if version difference is minor.16:42
* AliTarihi will be back soon16:42
JackWinterkklimonda: ah :)  yeah i figure the same as you.  maybe it's just better share the same UID and symlink stuff you want in both ~16:43
swayedJackWinter, So best 4 clean install - is your liking?16:43
BUGabundocryingtux: certanly would16:43
kklimondaJackWinter: yeah, that would be probably the best way.16:43
BUGabundoeven upstream will not support it anymore16:43
dan457You can keep your documents/picutres/videos in a seperate partion and mount it for both with fstab to share data.16:44
cryingtuxBUGabundo: i am clearly following what you say, i would rather upgrade 8.10 to 9.04 as you recommended than experimenting with kde3 on 9.0416:45
dan457Keep you /home seperate to avoid configuration issues though16:45
BUGabundodan457: humm ??16:45
BUGabundodan457: context please16:45
dan457BUGabundo, you've never done that?16:45
dan457BUGabundo, My videos is 500gig, no way i'm keeping 2 copies of that.16:46
sunny_hey guys i got a bit of a problem here.... whenever i try to play a movie the movie screen flickers.. im using an ATI card with 3d acceleration... any tips?16:46
BUGabundonot that... I just don't know what you are talking about16:46
JackWinterswayed: i just upgraded using the following method: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-to-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope-beta.html   but that was from a fresh intrepid install.  in the past i've upgraded and mostly not had problems, but sometimes i did :)  best of luck16:46
storkso what's with the new screen?16:46
BUGabundoJackWinter: best and officially supported method is $ update-manager -d16:46
sunny_it flickers16:47
sunny_and is getting really anoying16:47
sunny_no other part then the one that is playing the movie16:47
JackWinterBUGabundo: that is the above link, just a little more longwinded :)16:47
sunny_when i play a video online it works just fine16:47
swayedJackWinter, Yea I went with the over internet upgrade from Hardy to the Ibex I'm running now. It went real smooth.16:48
cryingtuxBUGabundo: before update-manager -d i have to set sources list to 9.04? ( sorry if this question sounds stupid )16:48
thiebaudeBUGabundo: i think im about to upgrade now16:48
BUGabundoJackWinter: also OFICIAL info is in the upgrade wiki16:48
BUGabundocryingtux: NO NO NO16:48
Lock3has anyone tried to install ubuntu 9.04 onto a raid 0 array? If so, any problems?16:48
BUGabundocryingtux: never manually change sources for updates16:48
BUGabundothiebaude: have u read release notes?16:49
cryingtuxBUGabundo: ok16:49
thiebaudeBUGabundo: you got a link16:49
BUGabundoLock3: try #ubuntu-testing or #ubuntu-server16:49
BUGabundothiebaude: /topic16:49
Lock3BUGabundo: k thx16:49
swayedJackWinter, Thinking about building a new box - If so will lean towards latest stable build, an go from there - What'da ya think?16:49
swayedJackWinter, Good direction to go in?16:49
thiebaudeif i upgrade im scared my x will freeze up16:49
BluesKajthiebaude, which graphics card ?16:50
cryingtuxBUGabundo: thanks for taking pains with me, i will follow what you said and report back when im done with upgrade16:50
thiebaudeintel 8181516:50
thiebaudethats the problem chip16:51
thiebaudeBUGabundo: what does RC actually mean?16:51
BUGabundoRelease Candidate16:52
BUGabundoif ALL tests are ok, this should be the image going FINAL16:52
BUGabundobut never happened! eehh16:52
thiebaudeoh ok16:52
JackWinterswayed: i'm not the right person to ask about that, been gone from ubuntu for a while, and just came back today to see how well it will work for my purposes16:53
homyWhen will the RC be released?16:53
thiebaudehomy: today16:54
homywhen today?16:54
thiebaudeim not sure16:54
BUGabundohomy: today... some time! when tests are done16:54
thiebaudehow will we know?16:54
BUGabundoRC is important so all installer test must be 100%16:54
BUGabundowe go check the release page? or wait to be told16:54
BluesKajyeah, never expected that with intel...I think most of the probs are solved but there are still some bugs ..launchpad has some answers16:55
BUGabundovia email ( we all should be in devel-announce mailinglist)16:55
BUGabundohas everyone here run $ checkbox-gtk and tested suspend/hibernate for the kernel team? what are you waiting?16:56
thiebaudeim ready to upgrade when given the word to16:57
mrwesthiebaude, will the update manager offer the RC?16:57
thiebaudemrwes: i dont know16:58
thiebaudeim ready to upgrade and if i do and x breaks, then i got to install 8.10 and everything etc16:59
mrwesI'm running the beta now16:59
HalowWhy not just download the daily and try LiveCD? Then you'll know whether it'll run with your card or not?16:59
thiebaudei dont have that capability17:00
thiebaudei cant burn a cd17:00
thiebaudeHalow: i guess its trial and error17:00
HalowAh. OK.17:01
BUGabundothiebaude: you can upgrade now! no new packages will come out17:02
BUGabundoand testign to RC is only on the installer not packages or updates17:02
BUGabundomrwes: update-manager offers CURRENT point of packages17:02
BUGabundothiebaude: run a livecd/usb 1st so you know if it breaks17:02
thiebaudeBUGabundo: how do i do that?17:03
FiveAcresI am running jaunty on a Lenovo Ideapad y510.  Right now, it hangs before the grub menu shows up.  The only way I can get it to boot is to select F12 and tell it to boot the hard drive from the list that comes up.  Any solutions?17:03
FiveAcresI've done grub-update and that doesn't fix it.17:04
thiebaudeFiveAcres: you got an intel card?17:04
BUGabundothiebaude: get a daily, and run usb-creator to put on USB17:04
BUGabundoFiveAcres: how can it hang BEFORE grub and work from BIOS?17:04
thiebaudeBUGabundo: is there any way you will let us know when RC is out?17:05
BUGabundothiebaude: I'm not ACTIVLY looking, bug it I know , I'll let every world now17:05
FiveAcresI do have an Intel card.  I can see the bios selection screen and then it hangs.  The Ideapad allows me to F2 to get to the bios configuration at the screen, as well as the F12 to pick the boot device.17:05
thiebaudeoh no,intel17:05
mrwesBUGabundo, so whatever comes down the pike, I'll get -- correct?17:06
FiveAcresWhere is the best place to find out which card I have?17:06
mrwesFiveAcres, lspci | grep VGA17:06
BUGabundomrwes: yes17:06
BUGabundoFiveAcres: $ lspci17:06
BUGabundoFiveAcres: $ lspci -vvnn17:07
mrwesthat's nice --vvnn17:08
FiveAcresSysinfo reports:  Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T2390  @ 1.86GHz for my card17:08
FiveAcresI can give you the output of lspci, but it is very long.  Is there a pastebin?17:09
FiveAcresHere is the VGA info 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)17:11
FiveAcresThis problem happened once before, and I though I had bricked my laptop before I found the F12 solution, then an apt-get update fixed it.17:13
moonfluxwhat's the best way to debug plasma crashing and restarting all the time? kde 4.2.2 on kubuntu jaunty17:20
moonfluxapport or what its called pops up the first time but doesn't have a useful stacktrace17:20
moonfluxI think I've got the -dbg packages installed17:20
robin0800BUGabundo: Whats the difference in meaning betwean Status and Control in lspci output?17:24
avarHow do I find out which app owns a given X window? I need to find out for a Jaunty bug report17:26
Picixwininfo is one way17:26
BUGabundorobin0800: ahhh??? /me scrachs head17:27
Piciavar: actually, I think the package name is just wininfo now17:27
BUGabundoPici: I find nice that you are always there, answering the hard questions! its nice to see a fall back!17:28
avarYes xwininfo will show me X info, but even with -all it doesn't display a pid of the given program17:29
odinsbaneWhen I logged onto jaunty for the first time it let me select some proprietary drivers for my wireless.  How can I get that window back?17:29
odinsbaneI can't stay connected to the wireless here at school so I want to try the other driver.17:30
Halowodinsbane: System>Administration>Hardware Drivers?17:31
avarhrm,  xprop WM_CLASS does it17:31
mrwesWhat is the computer janitor?17:31
Piciavar: I was just going to say that17:31
odinsbanebut now it doesn't show the other driver.17:32
Andy80I've mounted two raid partition from another installation, and there is a strange thing with md0: active raid1 sdb1[0] sda1[2](S) sdc1[1] - sda1 is my Windows partition!! Why is it using it?!!17:33
sv_osusr1I am not able to invert my X axes for my mouse using HAL on jaunty.Y gets inverted though.is this a bug ? http://pastebin.com/m27d85ef317:34
wirechiefbug rythmbox17:34
BUGabundomrwes: it's a still in devel tool to remove unsead or dead apps17:35
robin0800Whats the difference in meaning betwean Status and Control in lspci output? I assume one is capability and one is what is set but which is which?17:37
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
mbeierlBUGabundo: what is checkbox-gtk and what's it have to do with suspend/resume?17:47
ubot3The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:47
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:47
BUGabundombeierl: ehee two different stuff17:48
BUGabundobut the script to test suspend is there too17:48
eagles0513875ikonia: there is an echo in here  i typed in !kernel once and it displaied it twice17:48
BUGabundombeierl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting17:48
mbeierlBUGabundo: ah.  I read it "run $ checkbox-gtk and tested suspend/hibernate", not "run checkbox-gtx" and/or "tested suspend/resume"17:49
mbeierlhee hee17:49
BUGabundodo both17:49
eagles0513875im having some issues with virtualbox17:51
eagles0513875it keeps complaining about the version that im trying to install as teh guest17:51
eagles0513875i have it setup right but there is something missing17:51
eagles0513875i have the headers already installed17:51
homyHi! Do you know when the rc will be released today?17:58
wirechiefeagles0513875 perhaps #vbox users might be able to give suggestions (hopefully something other than read the manual)17:59
un2himhomy: no clue.  Beta was released late in the day17:59
wirechiefhomy I don't know but there sure was a pile of updates last night17:59
wirechiefa rush to the finsish line i suppose18:00
mrwesJaunty seems very efficient on resources18:05
mrwesI cant get it to hit the swap18:08
mrweslemme open up some more sheit18:08
charlie-tcaJust open 4 VBox windows and run installs in them. It will swap, then.18:09
mrwesahh...I can live with that18:10
JMFTheVCIcharlie-tca: People seem to refer to Virtualbox a lot more than VMware. Is VB better than VM on Ubuntu?18:15
zash_JMFTheVCI: vbox is in ubuntu repos, so it is simple to install and get started18:16
odinsbaneOkay my os just crashed twice, miserably, as in I can't do anything except hold down the power button till it turns off.  What should I do to figure out whats happening?18:17
charlie-tcaVirtualBox for me has always been easier to set up than VM18:17
BUGabundocharlie-tca: open my kmail pull new email, let antispam and filters work, and see my swap eheh18:17
BUGabundohow are you charlie-tca?18:17
JMFTheVCICharlie & zash: Is there a VMware VM to Vbox VM converter tool?18:17
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: doing good, now that the RC testing is finished18:17
JMFTheVCII would like to test the performance differences on an XP vm that I have.18:17
BUGabundoodinsbane: been there last weekend! 9 crashs and kernel panics18:17
charlie-tcaI got 3GB ram in here, so I give each VB machine 50018:18
charlie-tcaMB, seems it uses everything I have18:18
charlie-tcaKinda drains the DSL connection too18:18
odinsbaneBUGabundo: ... so?  how do I start recording the problem?18:18
BUGabundo4GiBs and using kvm ... 3 k/ubuntu isos running18:19
BUGabundohard part is IO to install to disk file images ..18:19
charlie-tcaJMFTheVCI: I don't know. There was a way to convert the VMware drive, I think18:19
BUGabundoodinsbane: can you reprocude/trigger it?18:19
edi_99Hi guys. Everytime I try to zoom to full screen on youtube my comp just crashes (black light, no response). Why is that?18:19
BUGabundowhat GPU? what FS ?18:19
odinsbaneI just install bc43-fwcutter, but I don't know if that is the problem.18:19
charlie-tcaThe systems are too different to simply convert the machines over18:19
BUGabundoedi_99: bad gpu card driver or flash?18:20
eagles0513875odinsbane: what card do you have18:20
odinsbaneone time I closed a terminal, and another time I deleted a directory from the terminal18:20
BUGabundoodinsbane: what filesystem? ext4?18:20
edi_99BUGabundo: should I update?18:20
odinsbaneBUGabundo: yes18:20
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: that's why I use VBox, I can run 4 at time without killing the hardware. I still run firefox and clawsmail while it is working18:20
BUGabundoodinsbane: talk to cwillu18:20
BenoitStandrehello all !18:21
BUGabundocharlie-tca: it has more memory usage18:21
BUGabundoedi_99: upgrade to what?18:21
odinsbaneeagles0513875: lspci tells me BCM 431118:21
charlie-tcaAre you sure?18:21
* robin0800 RC is out http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/18:21
eagles0513875odinsbane: rev2 or not18:21
odinsbanerev 0118:21
edi_99BUGabundo: I meant update ... It was working fine 2-3 days ago18:22
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I set 1G RAM for each and total never goes over 600MiBs18:22
eagles0513875odinsbane: that shoudl work outa the box with the fwcutter just fine and i have rev 2 and im on jaunty 64bit and it works as well18:22
eagles0513875odinsbane: did you do an upgrade from intrepid18:22
odinsbaneeagles0513875: yeah I don't know if it is it, I did a fresh instal.18:22
BenoitStandreI'm experiencing problems with my thinkpad volume and brightness buttons (they do change volume and brightness, but not in mixers nor show the little box that shows that volume is going up or down)18:22
ricochethey guys i have a dell mini 9 and a Kodak Zi6, when i take 720p @ 60fps and pop the SD into the mini, when i try to play the videos its extremely choppy and the video often stops while the audio continues18:23
eagles0513875odinsbane: strange did you install the b43-fwcutter18:23
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: I see. you know that doesn't add up, 3 vm's at 1G each to less than 600 in use18:23
ricochetany ideas?18:23
eagles0513875odinsbane: are you on gnome or kde18:23
ricochetOh i am running Xubuntu 9.0418:23
odinsbaneeagles0513875: yes, first I did the other one, and it didn't work well, so I install b43-fwcutter and it works great ...18:23
BUGabundocharlie-tca: see why I like it18:23
=== Halow_ is now known as Halow
BenoitStandreI'm on Ubuntu 9.04, all up-to-date (fresh install from beta CD)18:23
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: yes18:23
eagles0513875you having issues connecting to wifi odinsbane18:23
JMFTheVCIrobin0800: There are no new updates. So I must be at RC level?18:24
odinsbaneeagles0513875: not anymore, it was odd I could connect just fine, and I could ping the router, but I couldnt get past the router.18:24
odinsbaneplus when I was connecting I got an odd error from wpa_supplicant.18:24
eagles0513875odinsbane: im on kde and it works just find outa the box for me18:24
BUGabundocharlie-tca: sudo kvm -m 1024 -smp 2 -cdrom18:24
BUGabundotry it your self18:24
BUGabundocharlie-tca: sudo kvm -m 1024 -smp 2 -cdrom PATH/TO/.iso -drive DISKIMAGE.file18:25
odinsbaneeagles0513875: I had two choices for drivers and the first one didn't work so well.18:25
charlie-tcadon't you have to set up a bunch of stuff for it?18:25
eagles0513875odinsbane: the proprietary one doesnt work i tried it first 218:25
eagles0513875but the b43-fwcuter works perfectly for me18:25
eagles0513875odinsbane: i would file a bug against the gnome network manager as i am on kde and dont have that issue18:26
odinsbaneeagles0513875: I uninstalled the gnome network manager first.18:27
eagles0513875odinsbane: would you be willing to install kde or not to see if the bug persists on kde or not18:27
eagles0513875odinsbane: let me see the name of the kde network manager18:27
jameswfhas all the RC stuff hit the repos yet?18:27
odinsbaneI'm just using wpa_supplicant to connect.18:27
bmunger_i see rc on main site18:27
odinsbaneI think it is the driver though according to some google searches.18:27
bmunger_why has both beta and rc been dvd releases?18:28
eagles0513875my other laptop has a b4311 and works fine with bw43-fwcutter18:28
jameswfbeta was a cd18:28
eagles0513875odinsbane: can you install network-manager18:28
eagles0513875and see if you get the same problem18:29
bmunger_beta was dvd only18:29
odinsbaneeagles0513875: it works fine with bw43-fwcutter, there was a proprietary problem that it seemed to have issues with.18:29
eagles0513875odinsbane: gotcha i would if you want file a bug against the proprietary driver18:29
charlie-tcabmunger_: beta was not dvd only, all the releases are cd, then dvd also18:30
eagles0513875i misunderstood18:30
eagles0513875my bad18:30
* BUGabundo checks for images18:30
bmunger_charlie-tca: no18:30
charlie-tcaI test every one of them18:30
bmunger_only dvd isos18:30
bmunger_unless cd's have become 4.2gb18:30
_CommandeR_Hi, uno question. Will there be X-FI drivers in Jaunty?18:30
BUGabundocharlie-tca: he is right18:31
BUGabundojust cross check md5 to daily duh18:31
charlie-tcaHe should be specific. I don't run Kubuntu18:31
charlie-tcaUbuntu and Xubuntu have both been on cd18:31
odinsbaneeagles0513875: its proprietary though, ubuntu is not associated, plus it works fine at home and it works fine with another wpa network.18:31
bmunger_yes i realize in daily i can get cds, but is there a reason dvds are offered instead of cd images18:31
charlie-tcaKubuntu was dvd because the image was too big18:32
eagles0513875odinsbane: :) im glad to hear that :)18:32
BUGabundo4.2GiBs is a bit big18:32
charlie-tcaIt could not be downsized enough to fit the cd in time18:32
odinsbaneeagles0513875: my real concern is the crash, which I think relates to either ext4 or the compiz stuff.18:32
BUGabundocharlie-tca: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/jaunty/rc/ has CDs18:33
BUGabundobad copy paste18:33
BUGabundohave to stop using shift when not in CLI18:33
eagles0513875odinsbane: there is still alot of work to be done on ext4. if i do anything might try it out on a vm18:33
bmunger_so why isnt it on the rc side is what im asking18:33
eagles0513875im on ext3 and desktop effects work fine no problem havint tried compiz18:33
BUGabundobmunger_: built 1st?18:34
charlie-tcaWhat, you couldn't fit 695MB on the cd?18:34
odinsbaneor how about this ImageJ is a java program written in swing, when I open a new window, THe original ImageJ window is gone from the window list (ie alt-tab)18:34
bmunger_i do unetbootin on 4gb flash so i dont use cd18:34
eagles0513875odinsbane: im not much help when it comes to stuff in gnome18:34
eagles0513875bmunger_: same here18:35
bmunger_though unetbootin is doing some weird custom menu lately im not too crazy about but thats besides the point18:35
wirechiefbmunger does persistence work on the version you use on your usb ?18:35
bmunger_i havent tried18:36
wirechiefcurrently seems broken18:36
eagles0513875i have yet to get it to work as persistent wirechief18:36
wirechiefpersistence is broken and that has to be removed for it to boot up to the desktop18:36
storkgod the new xorg is so annoying18:37
wirechiefpersistence worked on the  first Beta i tried but all the updated releases broke something.18:38
jameswfI dont even see a DVD on http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/18:38
jameswfam I missing it18:38
BUGabundobmunger_: is it better then using usb-creator?18:38
bmunger_i havent tried that either but i did notice it18:38
odinsbanejameswf: has it been released?18:38
wirechiefBUGabundo:  i think unetbooten is more versatile atm18:39
BUGabundoI see the images NOW18:39
BUGabundogo get them or share via BT18:39
bmunger_before when i used unetbootin i would get same exact menu on boot as the cd or dvd, now its got some weird custom menu that replaces the cd's menu18:39
wirechiefbmunger yes and the first selection just says live18:39
bmunger_yea i dont like that, id rather have the ubuntu/kubuntu menu18:40
bmunger_dont see an option to change that18:40
jpdsBUGabundo: They may not be final.18:40
wirechiefbut if you end up going to intramfs box you need to remove the words persistence on the grub boot line18:40
BUGabundojpds: who cares? I use daily anyway18:40
PiciBUGabundo: Other users who do want final images do.18:41
jpdsBUGabundo: And the guys who run releases.u.c.18:41
BUGabundoFinal will be in 7 days18:41
BUGabundofor those who want to taste Jaunty and still fix critical bugs, its now18:42
PiciBUGabundo: We mean completely tested isos.18:42
BUGabundonow in 1 week... then will be to late18:42
BUGabundoPici: aren't those tested already?18:42
PiciBUGabundo: They may not be.18:42
BUGabundoother wise why be in releaces.u.c18:42
ienorandTIme to edit topic? :)18:42
* BUGabundo is already being redent on µblogs18:43
BUGabundoPici: let me ask in #testing18:43
jpdsBUGabundo: So the mirrors can get it?18:43
jpdsienorand: Best wait till the offical announcement first.18:44
* BUGabundo asking18:44
* BUGabundo refresh email boxes18:44
FinnishIs jaunty ubuntu studio a live cd? Can I run it from usb-stick?18:48
BUGabundoFinnish: if you have the image, I don't see why not18:49
ienorandFinnish: It is based on the alternate cd...18:50
FinnishSo no go?18:50
eseven73is the RC out now? Because im getting very slow speeds all of a sudden18:51
wirechiefeseven73: speeds will be slow for a while now, everyone is jumping on them.18:51
ienorandFinnish: It should still be possible to boot the _installer_ from a usb... or do a standard install to usb instead of hd18:51
eseven73I picked a bad time to upgrade my Ubuntu server I think :(   my luck18:51
ienorandeseven73: Yes, just got out...18:52
eseven73figures, ugh!18:52
eseven73use torrents!18:52
Finnishienorand: How do I install it to USB?18:52
FinnishAnd how I use it? Just stick the stick in before boot?18:53
wirechiefSystem >Administration>Usb startup disk18:53
BUGabundowhy don't ppl use rsync?18:55
ienorandwirechief: Does that work with studio- I presumed it didn't since it doesn't have lives18:55
BUGabundoI got mine a few days, then rsynced yesterday, and today again18:55
wirechiefienorand: i dont know about studio i dont use it.18:55
eseven73rsync for what BUGabundo ?18:56
wirechiefbut if you get it just look for it and if not there you can and should be able to get unetbootin and it will work the same.18:56
eseven73BUGabundo rsync for what? (first question didn't hilight you correctly, sorry)18:57
ienorandFinnish: If you want to install to usb you'd need a large usb >6 I think, then just do a manual install using the usb device as the target device... Remember to put mbr on the _usb_ Also... your computer has to support usb boot (similar to booting from cd, look in bios)18:58
un2himlooks like rc is here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/  Can anyone verify if this is the real rc?18:59
eseven73use torrents!18:59
* eseven73 grrrs18:59
eseven73ty BUGabundo I was just going to try to find some torrent links for people since im the one moaning about it ;)19:00
eseven73BUGabundo, anyways, what did you mean "why ppl don't use rsync"? earlier19:01
BUGabundoeseven73: you mean http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=%0Cr%C8%B8d%A9%1B%FC%FF%9Eq%DD%18%290_o7%7Fw ?19:02
BUGabundoeseven73: busy to explain eheh19:02
SandGorgonguys.. i have beta ISO. should I use rsync to get the RC iso ?19:02
eseven73no earlier you asked: [10:54] <BUGabundo> why don't ppl use rsync?19:02
z_existenceanyone with acer aspireone or similar atheros wifi ?19:02
BUGabundoSandGorgon: sure, if serve olds19:02
SandGorgonBUGabundo: didnt get ya19:03
wirechiefSandGorgon: just use wget -Nc url19:03
* eseven73 thinks BUGabundo is doing some serious multitasking19:03
BUGabundoSandGorgon: sure, if serve*r* *h*olds19:03
BUGabundoeseven73: eating my apple and counting stuff19:04
SandGorgonBUGabundo: !! cool19:04
BUGabundoso rsycn19:04
BUGabundoeseven73: man rsync for introdution19:04
BUGabundoeseven73: and here is the bash script that cwillu improved based on my rsync scripts http://paste.ubuntu.com/151971/19:05
eseven73no, I know what rysnc does I didn't know why you were asking people to rsync, I figured out you meant for updates so nevermind :)19:05
un2himdownloading from http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ right now.  Not sure if it the final RC though19:05
BUGabundoeseven73: not updates!! for ISOs19:05
Tukonanyone know why the RC amd64 desktop torrent iso isn't downloading?19:06
Tukonworking for anyone?19:06
BUGabundoun2him: I386 http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=%0Cr%C8%B8d%A9%1B%FC%FF%9Eq%DD%18%290_o7%7Fw ?19:06
un2himyes, that is the one19:06
z_existenceanyone working on linux-backports-modules-jaunty ?19:07
BUGabundoz_existence: contact #ubuntu-kernel19:08
un2himguess i'll check the md5sums with the "official" rc iso19:08
BUGabundonot sure apw is around to reply to you19:08
BUGabundoun2him: great19:08
BUGabundoohh https://shipit.ubuntu.com is up and running19:09
charlie-tcaI see an rc in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/rc/19:10
SandGorgonwhat is the rsync url to be used ?19:11
BUGabundoSandGorgon: see my pastbin19:11
BUGabundoSandGorgon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/151971/19:11
BUGabundojust add /cdimage/ to the path19:12
SandGorgonBUGabundo: thanks19:12
BUGabundocommon error and rsync fail to connect is very bad verbose19:12
un2himcharlie-tca: yes, but i notice the checksum is different than the iso from the torrent.  Guess it is possible neither one of them is the real deal19:12
BUGabundoI think I filed a bug on that YEARs ago19:12
charlie-tcaI don't think it iss all there yet19:12
un2himcharlie-tca: I think you're right.  Best bet is to wait for the official announcement19:13
BUGabundotoo late19:14
BUGabundoI already let the entire world know19:14
charlie-tcaaw, crap19:14
BUGabundocharlie-tca: is  http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ == cdimage.u.c/release?19:15
maxbI never understand why people are so keen on isos19:15
charlie-tcaI don't know. I rsync at 4:30 am here19:15
maxbIf you're a release candidate sort of person, why aren't you already running Jaunty :-)19:16
maxbOr already running Intrepid.19:16
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: I rsync from cdimages.ubuntu.com19:16
PiciIts not out until the release announcement goes out.19:16
charlie-tcaThat is true.19:16
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:16
BUGabundomy rsync is from 12h GMT19:17
BUGabundomaxb: I've been here so long that I just don't know what iso are for19:17
BUGabundoI use KVM, LiveUSB, netboot, etc19:17
maxbisos are what you feed to usb-creator, right? :-)19:18
BUGabundowe should have img files too... lol19:18
BUGabundoand image writter installed19:19
maxbimage writer? You mean dd? :-)19:19
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: you could convert it to img with a script19:19
BUGabundomaxb: ;)19:19
BUGabundoohh xea.... forgot to test netboot installer from kvm... now I can't .... all mirrors should be getting DDOS19:20
BUGabundohow nice.... gtkpine/Compiz regression! grrr19:24
cryingtuxupgrading from hardy to intrepid gives me this error19:25
cryingtuxW:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/universe/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch19:25
cryingtuxsame error when i tried to upgrade from intrepid to 9.0419:25
ActionParsnipcryingtux: can you ping us.archive.ubuntu.com19:26
jemarkcryingtux: try another mirror19:26
cryingtuxjemark: would you suggest any please?19:26
mrwesany reason why after an upgrade to Jaunty apt-get clean isn't ran ?19:27
jemarkcryingtux: anything close to you19:27
BUGabundocryingtux: just re-run the check19:27
BUGabundomrwes: err you may want to keep the packages?19:28
cryingtuxBUGabundo: tried and get same error19:28
ActionParsnipmrwes: submit a bug. i thought it offered to cleanup usually19:28
mrwesActionParsnip, well it left alot hanging around19:28
BUGabundoActionParsnip:  mrwes that's a task for Cruft Remover (or what ever its now called)19:28
ActionParsnipmrwes: id get a bug logged19:29
BUGabundoand it is becoming part of UM -d19:29
mrwesActionParsnip, k19:29
BUGabundomrwes: $ ubuntu-bug update-manager19:29
ActionParsnipi've got auto-clean enabled ;)19:29
BUGabundoI'm sure mvo will give it top priority.... not19:29
mrwesActionParsnip, how to enable auto-clean?19:30
ActionParsnipmrwes: sudo apt-get auto-clean19:30
maxburgh. it had better not clean the packages by default or I shall be filing a bug complaining about that19:30
BUGabundoActionParsnip: apt-get CLEAN is better LOL19:30
mrwesAlso I keep getting a partial upgrade request for libluences2-java19:31
BUGabundomaxb: +119:31
maxbNo, it's not better. It's just designed for a different use-case19:31
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: auto-clean does it auto after each install19:31
BUGabundomrwes: your mirror is behing19:31
mvomrwes: it will clean a lot on the next cron.daily run19:31
maxbActionParsnip: Careful, you're giving out wrong info19:31
BUGabundohey mvo.... nice to see you around!19:31
mvohey BUGabundo19:31
BUGabundomvo: ever got around to check my compiz bug??19:31
BUGabundoI have to reload it EVERY time I boot19:31
ActionParsnipmaxb: can you fill us in19:32
mvoBUGabundo: not yet, sorry :(19:32
BUGabundoother then audio glitch it's the only not fixed bug on my system19:32
maxbActionParsnip: apt-get autoclean means to clean, just now, as a one-off, the packages which are no longer referenced in the lists files.19:32
mvoBUGabundo: what was the number again?19:32
BUGabundoauto clean removes unsused packages, CLEAN removes EVERYTHING19:32
ActionParsnipautoclean = Like clean, autoclean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period without it growing out of control.19:32
BUGabundomvo:  uhhhhh getting logs19:32
mrwesso should one apt-get clean or auto-clean?19:33
BUGabundomvo: might be https://shipit.ubuntu.com/19:33
BUGabundomvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/33998419:33
ubot3Malone bug 339984 in compiz "cant activate compiz (dup-of: 178953)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 339984 in compiz "cant activate compiz (dup-of: 178953)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:33
ubot3Malone bug 178953 in compiz "compiz  doesn't start if metacity compositor is enabled" [Medium,Confirmed]19:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 178953 in compiz "compiz doesn't start if metacity compositor is enabled" [Medium,Confirmed]19:33
ubot3ubottu: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: HTTP Error 404: Not Found19:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339984 in compiz "cant activate compiz (dup-of: 178953)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33998419:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178953 in compiz "compiz doesn't start if metacity compositor is enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17895319:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:34
ubot3ubottu: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: HTTP Error 404: Not Found19:34
ubot3Malone bug 178953 in compiz "compiz  doesn't start if metacity compositor is enabled" [Medium,Confirmed]19:34
* BUGabundo I really have to stop using shift while copying19:34
ActionParsnipcompiz is a bug in itself19:34
BUGabundoand ubottu is going crazy19:34
maxbmrwes: If you're the kind of person who just wants updates, and never wants to uninstall and reinstall things without redownloading them, and want to maximize your diskspace, "clean". If you're the kind of person who sometimes wants to reinstall a package, "autoclean"19:34
ActionParsnipbug #7676   Compiz exists status: critical19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7676 in gnomemeeting "gnomemeeting doesn't start : relocation error libopeng323" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767619:34
ubot3Malone bug 7676 in gnomemeeting "gnomemeeting doesn't start : relocation error libopeng323" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767619:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 7676 in gnomemeeting "gnomemeeting doesn't start : relocation error libopeng323" [Unknown,Fix released]19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7676 in gnomemeeting "gnomemeeting doesn't start : relocation error libopeng323" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767619:34
ubot3ubottu: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 139, column 2619:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:35
mrwesmaxb, Ok I understand that -- thanks19:35
mbeierlattack of the bots!19:35
maxbmrwes: However, you generally don't need to care, as the default setup involves automatically removing old package files subject to rules configured in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive19:36
cryingtuxBUGabundo: again same error19:36
homyWhy does the topic channel still say beta?19:36
BUGabundocryingtux: maybe mvo: can help19:36
jpdsnalioth: please see above.19:36
maxbWith the default rules being: Never clean something less than 2 days old. Otherwise, clean things over 30 days old, or more aggressively to keep the cache under 500 MB (IIRC)19:37
cryingtuxmvo: would you please help?19:37
BUGabundohomy: still waiting for the announce email19:37
jpdshomy: Not yet announced.19:38
ActionParsnipmaxb: personally i have a script to run all updates and the last line is sudo apt-get clean, the script is set to run at 6am every day19:38
mrwesis ubuntu-bug something that is only available on beta releases?19:38
naliothjpds: see what?19:39
jpdsnalioth: ubottu vs. ubot3 bug clash.19:39
homyah, but the images on releases.ubuntu.com are official anyways?19:39
naliothjpds: how did ubot3 get in here?19:39
maxbActionParsnip: fair enough, if that works for you. I never delete packages until they are obsolete, since this means I can debootstrap a chroot without downloading anything, and also usually install common build-deps in a chroot without downloading them19:40
bmunger_wow kubuntu's site still hasnt updated news about RC release19:40
jpdshomy: Could still be testing, for mirroring purposes, but it's not yet offically announced.19:40
jpdsnalioth: No idea.19:40
naliothjpds: i thought you were referring to the guy calling for this channel to be closed19:40
BUGabundoActionParsnip: you trust ubutnu QA team too much! I like to be able to downgrade19:41
BUGabundohomy: still waiting for the announce email19:41
ActionParsnipmaxb: i'm real heavy handed with my own systems as i simply dont care if it breaks and its usually something simple to fix if it does19:41
jpdsbmunger_: Because it's not yet been _announced_.19:41
maxbActionParsnip: Yeah.... it's very simple to fix a botched upgrade if you've kept the packages to roll back to!19:41
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: i just dont care if it breaks19:41
BUGabundonalioth: there are already ppl wanting to kill us ? ehe19:42
JMFTheVCIthis channel will remain for Jaunty till GA? Then it is for Karmic?19:42
ActionParsnipmaxb: i'd just reinstall from my backed up partimage, takes about oooh 10 mins to restore /19:42
mrwesmaxb, any 'howtos' on how to rollback?19:42
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: usually it gets closed for a while, pointing to #ubuntu19:42
naliothBUGabundo: no, we shut this channel down after a release, until enough code from the next one gets out there that the next one can run19:42
JMFTheVCIBUH: 'k19:42
BUGabundonalioth: wasn't that what I said?19:43
BUGabundoJMH 'k back19:43
ActionParsnipnalioth: doesnt stop someone joing it and it getting respawned19:43
JMFTheVCI<my typing....>19:43
mib_zhlam8BUGabundo: shame cuz I like this smaller channel better than the main #ubuntu19:43
maxbmrwes: No. You "just" manually install the old packages.19:43
BUGabundomib_zhlam8: you and me both19:43
Dougshellhey guys...i dont have a seperate home partion from / can i still upgrade to ext4 without a reinstall19:43
maxb#ubuntu is frankly unusable because of its size, I find19:44
BUGabundoDougshell: good question19:44
BUGabundoI guess yes19:44
DougshellWARNING: DON’T CONVERT YOUR /boot PARTITION. Right now, there is no stable version of grub with ext3 support.19:44
naliothActionParsnip: um, we lock it down, dude.  nobody can join until we reopen it19:44
BUGabundocan some one please remember me what the heck is the ext3->EXT4 line?19:44
BUGabundoI keep forgeting it19:44
maxbWhy is everyone so keen to run to ext4?19:45
BUGabundoDougshell: no support for ext *3* LOLOL19:45
BUGabundomaxb: speed?19:45
mib_zhlam8Dougshell: there is a way to mount an existing ext3 fs as ext4 but oly new files will get all of the benefits19:45
* maxb intends to let it season for at least one ubuntu release19:45
BUGabundomib_zhlam8: or any files you touch! find does wonders19:45
BUGabundomaxb: I would go with XFS (its what I have)19:45
Dougshellso in order to get the benefit of ext4 i have to do a reinstall?19:45
BUGabundoits as fast as ext419:45
mib_zhlam8maxb: I love ext4 but I hear of people having problems with it19:46
BUGabundobut isn't gaiinig so much dev attention19:46
mrwesthe RC is out now?19:46
BUGabundoand sufferes from the same Tso' bugs19:46
kklimondamrwes: i've seen RC image on server already19:46
ActionParsnipnalioth: won't it respan if the cahnnel doesnt exist? this is normal irc server behaviour19:46
homymrwes: yes19:46
maxbActionParsnip: Not if it's locked.19:46
mrweswhy is my update manager not seeing it?19:47
SandGorgonthis is a first : does rsync on fat32 for an ISO file return - skipping non-regular file "kubuntu-9.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso" ?19:47
JMFTheVCII read that ext4 has issues with lost data if you have crashes due to cached but unwritten data19:47
ActionParsnipmaxb: gotcha19:47
mib_zhlam8mrwes: if you're already on 9.04 you won't see it you probably already have t. It's just a package snapshot19:48
naliothFor tips and information on channel and user modes and management, see http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml ActionParsnip   Pay attention to +i19:48
naliothActionParsnip: chanserv never leaves19:48
Dougshellwell basically i just want to faster boot time...and that is only available if yo uuse ext4 correct19:48
=== elpargo__ is now known as elpargo
JMFTheVCIDougshell: My boot is faster and I am still ext319:48
Dougshellfaster because of jaunty you mean19:49
mib_zhlam8Dougshell: the faster boot is in jaunty's code itself not the FS. Though ext4 helps :)19:49
Dougshellalso all these things that say , disabled due to jaunty upgrade19:49
Dougshellonce i reboot those go back to being enabled correct19:49
mrwesmib_zhlam8, how the heck would I know -- I just upgraded a few hours agao19:50
kulightDougshell: there is a big improvement regardless to the fs19:50
mib_zhlam8Dougshell: which things?19:50
lanoxxwill the latest 2.26.1 gnome update go into jaunty?19:50
JMFTheVCIDougshell: I think you may have to re-enable19:50
ActionParsnipnalioth: nice19:50
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: my boot is also faster... but that's JJ... FS can also improve it19:50
BUGabundotogheter it makes wonders19:50
Dougshellyes i have reenabled but they still say disabled (even though they are ticked)19:50
Dougshelli think i need a reboot19:50
Dougshellthe fs change only helps for fsck i think19:50
mib_zhlam8lanoxx: not if it came out after the feature freeze in Feb19:50
Dougshell(boot wise)_19:51
lanoxxit came out a few days ago19:51
lanoxxbut it brings alot of bugfixes19:51
ghatak_mobileHey does anyone know what is the current kernel on 9.04 ?19:51
mib_zhlam8lanoxx: then no19:51
lanoxxsince 2.26 is included the change is only minor isnt it19:51
maxbghatak_mobile: http://packages.ubuntu.com for checking package versions in all ubuntu distros19:51
ghatak_mobilethanks maxb19:51
Dougshellgoing to try a reboot ill report back19:52
naliothActionParsnip: it happens every 6 months, i'm not sure how you've missed it previously . .19:52
ActionParsnipnalioth: just not paying attention, stuff to do etc19:52
lanoxxmib_zhlam8, and i belive in 2.26.1 the really annoying bug that makes it impossible to save the session is fixed19:52
ghatak_mobileok 2.6.28, if I wanted the most recent kernel, how do I go about getting it for 9.04, or do I just need to compile it manually?19:53
BUGabundoghatak_mobile: I know19:53
BUGabundoLinux blubug 2.6.28-12-generic #42~crimsun1lp345627 SMP Sat Apr 11 02:00:26 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:53
lanoxxthough if its not possible to include the whole update, then i would like to request a backport of this bugfix atleast19:53
BUGabundooops.. forgot I was using dtchen's one19:53
trembymy NFS volumes in my fstab aren't being mounted when i boot. if i then sudo mount -a they mount. where might any error output during boot be going?19:53
BUGabundofor the looks of it, jaunty will have even more SRUs post release then Ibex heh19:53
ghatak_mobileBUGabundo: I am really after 2.6.2919:54
BUGabundoghatak_mobile: you have .30 on mainline19:54
mib_zhlam8tremby: check your fstab file19:54
lanoxxmib_zhlam8, do you know anything about this bug?19:54
ActionParsniptremby: maybe the mount is being attemoted before the LAN comes up, if you add a line to the last boot level to run: mount -a then it will mount19:54
BUGabundoI would ask the bot for the factoid. but OPs found it cruft19:54
kulightBUGabundo: whats SRU ?19:54
ghatak_mobilemainline ?19:54
BUGabundo !mainline19:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mainline19:54
BUGabundo ! SRU | kulight19:55
ubottukulight: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:55
ActionParsniptremby: *attempted19:55
trembyActionParsnip: i assume you mean attempted. i'm not sure how to do what you say19:55
trembyadd a line to the last boot level19:55
mrwestremby, or the post session19:55
BUGabundowho has the main line wiki link for ghatak_mobile?19:55
trembymrwes, that also means nothing to me19:56
trembyhow do i find out if it's trying to mount them before Lan comes up?19:56
lanoxxmib_zhlam8, ?19:56
Dougshellthey still say disabled19:56
Dougshellalso why is teh login screen so different but the theme is the same19:56
Dougshellit was quite a let down..the new login screen seems out of place19:56
hifiXorg radeon driver fails to initialise DRI ([agp] Could not bind), did work with intrepid, clean jaunty netinstall without a xorg config19:57
ghatak_mobileBUGabundo: got it19:57
hifianyone else having this issue?19:57
ienorandDougshell: Yes, the login and boot screen is cheap... but that's they way things go I guess...19:57
Dougshellwhat do yo mean cheap19:58
ActionParsniptremby: put a script in /etc/rc5.d that is executable to run the command, you dont need sudo in it as it will be run as root19:58
Dougshellno im saying they seem liek a refresh but the os doesnt follow19:58
trembyActionParsnip: right, yeah, i understand now. but shouldn't it only be trying to mount NFS stuff after the network comes up anyway?19:58
trembythere's a script in if-up.d called mountnfs19:59
Dougshellmaybe its just because the software i have have not been added to the jaunty repositories19:59
mrwestremby, put mount -a in here /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default19:59
Dougshell(ie swiftweasle, exaile  etc19:59
ienorandDougshell: Yea that as well, but I also think it's kinda like "oh look how cool this new dark theme looks, wow awesome!!1!" (in a bad way)19:59
trembymrwes: i don't use GDM.19:59
BUGabundotremby: no? then what?20:00
Dougshelli like it...it looks so much more polished20:00
Dougshellbut as i said the os doesnt follow suit20:00
oOarthurOoI'm trying to install cedega 7, but when i try and install the deb file I get this error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python2.4-dbus20:00
trembyso i suppose my modified question is this: why doesn't the /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs script seem to be working for me?20:01
ienorandWhat bugs me the most is that there is no quick way to revert to the old login screen...20:01
mib_zhlam8lanoxx: sorry what was the question? (pretty girl sat next to me in lab)20:01
ActionParsniptremby: not sure but if the fstab is attempted and the lan isnt up the mount will fail20:01
mrweser...anyhow that should have been PreSession/Default20:01
trembyActionParsnip: yes, i understand that, but then surely this script is supposed to execute as soon as the network /does/ come up20:02
ActionParsniptremby: maybe someone has a more graceful way but thats how i'd go for it20:02
BUGabundotime to go.... good RC support everyone!20:02
mrwesActionParsnip, that happened with my cifs mount20:02
mib_zhlam8anyone know how to make xchat use hhtp? I hate this web client20:02
lanoxxmib_zhlam8, haha, excuse accepted :) the question was whether the fixes for session saving that come with gnome 2.26.1 will go into jaunty20:02
lanoxxmib_zhlam8, because right now (even with 2.26) session saving in gnome is still proben20:03
mib_zhlam8lanoxx: I'm not sure20:03
mib_zhlam8they may be on a SRU20:03
ienorandFrankly though I would be more upset if the os *did* follow this splash/gdm theme update... Since in my opinion, that would be pure horror. (I have a thing against dark themes btw)20:03
lanoxxmib_zhlam8, SRU?20:03
lanoxx!SRU > lanioxx20:03
charlie-tcaienorand: Can't do it with login window options in System?20:03
Dougshellhey also anyone here running virtualbox on jaunty20:04
lanoxx!SRU > lanoxx20:04
ubottulanoxx, please see my private message20:04
Dougshellbefore i could not get usb support20:04
Dougshellhas this been fixed20:04
charlie-tcaDougshell: yes20:04
ienorandcharlie-tca: Nope, the new one has completely replaced the old default...20:04
Dougshellyes fixed or es your running it20:04
Dougshelli just need to get itunes...(yes itunes its for a restore)20:04
charlie-tcaI thought it was still using gdm, though20:04
soreauhifi: Can you walk me through it real quick?20:05
soreauI'm on gentoo atm20:05
Dougshelldo you have usb support charlie20:06
soreauok, pm will work20:06
ActionParsnipgentoo ftw20:06
charlie-tcaNot using the virtualbox-ose from ubuntu20:06
Dougshelleither am i20:06
Dougshelli am using regular virtualbox20:06
charlie-tcaYou would have to install the sun version20:06
Dougshellit is installed20:06
DougshellI have added myself to the group and everything20:07
ienorandcharlie-tca: Of course, it's gdm, but the theme is changed20:07
perscitusAllot of people must be downloading RC20:07
Dougshelldid yo have to change fstab or soemthing20:07
Dougshellbecause this just told me to change the mount file20:07
charlie-tcaDougshell: for usb?20:07
Dougshellbasically did usb work out of teh box for yo20:07
charlie-tcano, just a minute and i'll find the thing20:07
Dougshellor did you have to force it20:07
Dougshell thank you so mcuh20:07
Dougshellyour talking abotu the #magic lines20:08
Dougshellbecause i have done that20:08
soreauIs there a way to install jaunty to another partition on the same machine from here? (gentoo)20:08
soreaulike chroot or so?20:08
WhitorHi all. Since today marks the final freeze for Jaunty... is there any reason to wait until the 23rd to upgrade? Are there any bugs left to be worked out?20:09
charlie-tcaienorand: System -> Administration -> Login Window ; Local tab, change the theme20:09
WhitorHi soreau btw :)20:09
Dougshellim up and running so far20:09
Dougshellno issues20:09
soreauWhitor: Apparently so. hifi has a problem with radeon 9600 (and hi btw)20:10
Dougshellcouple of software sources are disabled20:10
soreauWhitor: 3D not working20:10
Dougshellbut that is about it20:10
ienorandcharlie-tca: and where there is the former human default?20:10
* Whitor is not an ati guy ... but will wait anyway20:10
Whitorthanks all20:10
charlie-tcaAh, I see that one is missing. but Human Circle Of Friends is close20:11
soreauWhitor: I was going to wait, but since my other linux test install went to crap I figured I'd test this to see if I can get the same as hifi (since I have the same card)20:11
ienorandcharlie-tca: It's not even available through the gdm-themes package... Highly annoying.20:11
ienorandcharlie-tca: Close, but no cigar.20:11
charlie-tcaSo they chose to completely replace it. Not easy, but you could copy it from intrepid.20:12
WhitorI might if I'm feeling adventerous... prolly take a clone of my hd first, just to be safe20:12
Dougshellgrrr...i am really wondering how i can reenable these software sources or if it will fix itself upon official jaunty release20:12
ActionParsnipWhitor: thats what i do every night so i upgrade and update freely without a care20:13
thiebaudeActionParsnip: i wanted to upgrade to 9.04 but it say it would be finished in 3hrs or so20:13
charlie-tcaDougshell: added your user to the vboxusers group?20:14
ActionParsnipthiebaude: wow i'd choose a different mirror20:14
thiebaudeits from update-manager -d20:14
DanielHolthWhich package causes ubuntu-netbook-remix to automatically log in and show the launcher?20:15
charlie-tcaI don't then20:15
ActionParsnipthiebaude: download the alternate cd, md5check it then upgrade using that, that'd be faster20:15
thiebaudeim not able to burn a cd20:16
Dougshellall of a sudden flash doesnt work20:16
ActionParsnipthiebaude: no need, mount the iso and upgrade off that20:16
ActionParsnipDougshell: reinstate it20:16
Dougshellall adobe has is deb for 8.0420:17
ActionParsnipDougshell: use the tar.gz and extract the .so to ~/.mozilla/plugins (i'll assume you use firefox like everyone else)20:17
ActionParsnipDougshell: theres a 64bit one you can use too if you ubuntu is 64bit20:18
ActionParsnipDougshell: if you want the link i can get you it20:18
Dougshellwi got it20:18
Dougshellcopy past .so to /.moz...20:19
ActionParsnipDougshell: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins20:19
ActionParsnipDougshell: then cp <.so file> ~/.mozilla/plugins20:19
thiebaudeActionParsnip: is there an article on how to mount an ISO.20:19
Dougshellwhy mkdir shouldnt it already be there20:19
ActionParsnipthiebaude: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/cdrom020:20
Dougshellalso school me on some shit real quick what is ~/.20:20
ActionParsnipDougshell: its not there by default20:20
Dougshelli know its not an absolute path20:20
ActionParsnipDougshell: ~/ == /home/$USER20:20
Dougshellic thats what i though20:20
Dougshellstill no flash20:22
Dougshell.so file is in /home/doug/.mozilla/plugins20:22
ActionParsnipDougshell: hmm, weird20:23
Dougshellalso i am using swiftweasel i am sorry im sure that makes a difference20:23
ActionParsnipDougshell: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree20:23
Dougshell.swiftweasle/plugins maybe20:23
ActionParsnipDougshell: then you need to put the .so file wherever  swifweasel searches for plugins20:23
ActionParsnipoh well20:25
Dougshellwhat did you say to install20:26
ActionParsnipsudo cp ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so /usr/local/swiftweasel/plugins20:27
mbeierlHey folks!  I'm trying to compile a source package (from apt-get source) and when I run ./configure it's failing on numerous dependencies missing.  Is there any way to get the full list of dependencies for a source package?20:28
mbeierland yes, this is jaunty20:28
Dougshellyes i found that20:28
Dougshellthere is a better way ...just make a symbolic linkl20:28
ActionParsniptheres that too20:28
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
ILoveLinuxdoes any one still facing bluettoth issues in ubuntu 9.0420:32
Dougshellsymbolic link worked20:33
ActionParsnipmuch easier than a deb imho20:34
ILoveLinuxdid the ubuntu 9.04 solved bluetooth problems of ubuntu 8.1020:34
Dougshellyes it was20:34
td123are there any major bugs in the rc so far?20:34
Dougshelli dont see any...but i dont have your hardware20:34
* td123 is dling the rc now20:34
Dougshell...btw teh virtualbox still does nto have usb20:35
Dougshellwhat vives20:35
maxbmbeierl: Why are you trying to compile a source package by manually running ./configure ?20:35
mbeierlmaxb: is there a "proper" way to do it?20:35
maxbYou probably want the -b -us -uc options20:36
maxbassuming you're just trying to do a local binary build for personal use20:36
ActionParsnipDougshell: try asking in #vbox20:37
td123man, once ubuntu get's released, I'm avoiding any ubuntu related thing :P don't want to get spammed20:37
sinelawi've plugged in a usb mouse but it doesn't work.20:38
sinelaw(lsusb does list it)20:38
td123sinelaw: check the bug reports20:39
ActionParsnipsinelaw: sudo rmmod usbhid; sudo modprobe usbhid20:39
td123ActionParsnip: isn't hal supposed to take care of that?20:40
td123sinelaw: file a bug report if there isn't one already20:40
sinelawActionParsnip, that worked20:40
ActionParsniptd123: dunno but it worked so i wouldnt knock it20:41
mbeierlmaxb: ok, that list of unmet dependencies is perfectly in the format that apt-get install can match to real package names.  Much better, thanks!20:41
sinelawthanks - another question: my display keeps blinking20:41
ActionParsnipsinelaw: installed video drivers?20:41
sinelawActionParsnip, i have a ati radeon x1200, and xorg is using the 'radeon' driver20:42
ActionParsnipsinelaw: can you run 3d stuff ok?20:42
sinelawActionParsnip, opengl yes20:43
sinelawah wait20:44
* ActionParsnip plays a drumroll20:44
sinelawi think it's using mesa20:44
sinelawhow can i be sure?20:44
sinelawyip it says mesa20:44
sinelaw(glxinfo for example)20:44
sinelawso i guess it's not ok20:45
td123it's supposed to use mesa, if you aren't using the proprietary ati drivers20:45
sinelawok, but why is my screen blinking all the time?20:45
ActionParsnipbad refresh rate maybe20:45
td123what's your refresh rate20:45
sinelaw60hz but it was always like this (i'm using a laptop)20:46
sinelawin intrepid is was ok20:47
sinelaw*it. i mean there was no blinking20:47
td123dunno, 60hz seems fine20:48
ActionParsnipsounds ok20:48
ActionParsnipsinelaw: try a slightly lower res, just to test20:48
sinelawActionParsnip, tried, still blinks occasionally just like before20:51
sinelawi need to logout/in now to restore it , brb20:51
mrwesdoes dontzap --enable work even after a reboot or does it need to run again a boot up?20:54
Halowmrwes: It should work right away. Are you sure you want it enabled? Getting ctrl+alt+bcksp back needs it it disabled.20:56
mrwesHalow, duh -- I just read that20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zap20:57
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »20:57
SandGorgonwhere is kubuntu RC ? i only see a DVD - not a cd20:57
ActionParsnipSandGorgon: i didnt think it was released for a week20:58
jay_SandGordon: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/9.04/20:58
holyscottIs anyone DLing the RC yet?21:16
vixeyyes I am21:16
holyscottwhat version you getting?21:16
=== dtchen changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (RC) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED! | Jaunty may break your system | Release Candidate CDs are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-RC | Join #ubuntu for non-9.04 support
=== sinelaw_ is now known as sinelaw
* ienorand does a little rc dance21:19
sinelawso my screen still blinks.21:19
* ondisk jumps on a torrent21:21
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gletobCan anyone point me to a guide for converting EXT3 to EXT4?21:31
erle-is jaunty RC now?21:31
gletobYes as of today http://www.ubuntu.com/testing21:31
dtchenerle-: see the topic.21:31
erle-still an open issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ports-meta/+bug/36122221:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 361222 in linux-ports-meta "kernel 2.6.28-11 boot fail with dm-crypt" [Undecided,New]21:32
dtchenerle-: luke is aware of the bug21:32
gletoberle-, So that just affects those with encrypted systems correct21:33
erle-if you need more info, just contact me (i am in here pretty often)21:33
erle-gletob, i dont know21:33
charlie-tcagletob: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext421:33
erle-the biggest problem is, that there are no logs because there is no volume access21:34
gletobcharlie-tca, do you know if that bug effects you if you don't use dm-crypt21:34
erle-you should make sure before, because with the old kernel you cannot mount ext421:35
charlie-tcaI don't think it does, but check the release notes just in case -21:35
charlie-tcaYou do have to manually update grub if you switch to ext421:36
erle-but i hope, dm-crypt support wasn't dropped or something?21:36
charlie-tcaI did a couple of installs, encrypting the entire drive, and they worked, but no upgrades on encrypted drives21:38
erle-didnt you try or didnt it work?21:39
charlie-tcaI never tried an upgrade on a encrypted drive21:39
erle-i can still use the system with the old kernel, but its just sad to be unable to use GEM and other new stuff ...21:42
drbobbhello, jaunty's version of x.org doesn't seem to do very well with my laptop's integrated vga (by SIS)21:43
drbobbthe strange part is that it's a regression, it worked a lot better under hardy21:43
drbobbnow i'm getting screen artefacts any time i move a scrollbar21:44
gletobdrbobb, could you post the output of sudo lshw -c video21:46
gletobdrbobb, in a pastebin21:46
crdlband /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:46
gletobNo noted issues in release notes hold on.21:49
drbobbi know it's not a very good chip, but previous releases managed to set it up to a working condition, correct resolution and so on21:49
drbobbin jaunty, out of the box i get an unusable state - res is ok, but the colors are all psychedelic21:50
gletobdrbobb, you have tried the standard go into recovery mode, run the xfix option right?21:50
drbobbwell i got it more or less working by modprobe sisfb21:50
drbobbthis was never needed in previous releases21:51
drbobbas for the Xorg.log, are you sure it's useful? xorg is running on Winischhofer's sis driver, as always21:53
drbobbexcept that before, it worked ok w/o sisfb21:54
gletobdrbobb, the output of Xorg.log couldn't hurt21:54
drbobb(3d accel & DRI are out of the question, as always)21:55
tormoddrbobb: which bug # is this?21:55
gletobdrbobb, It seems someone else on the forums with the same card has had this issue before but never got a solution to their problem21:56
drbobbhere's the xorg log21:57
drbobbtormod: not reported yet21:57
drbobbi was wondering whether installing from the alternate cd may have to do with the problem21:58
drbobbbut i can't retry with the desktop one, cause my cd drive failed :(21:58
ienoranddrbobb: completely? o_O21:58
khuntmp-bios bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC ?? any ideas21:59
drbobbienorand: it reports all disks i stick into it as blank21:59
drbobbso it does spin but does not read21:59
ienoranddrbobb: And it's not just in current os?22:00
td123wow ppl are seriously dling the rc a lot, my speed is fluctuating from 32kb to 150kbps :D22:00
drbobbbooting from any cd fails as well22:00
ienoranddrbobb: Ah... shucks that...22:00
gletobtd123, Are you using the torrent?22:00
td123gletob: no22:00
ienoranddrbobb: install using usb?22:01
td123gletob: torrent didn't have any seeds when i tried it22:01
m0RrEwell, let's see if it has become any better.. upgrading my workstation noow22:01
drbobbienorand: no bios support22:01
m0RrEhad som serious problems with it a few weeks ago22:01
ienoranddrbobb: :(22:01
drbobband no floppy drive22:01
ienoranddrbobb: Butt in the mailbox, so to speak...22:02
gletobienorand, I'd prefer up the creek with out a paddle.22:03
tormoddrbobb: you can boot a downloaded cd image from your hard drive22:03
joejchow does the notifyer thing work?22:03
drbobbtormod: yes, and i found that this prevents the installer from partitioning that drive22:03
gletobtormod, unetbootin right?22:03
drbobbbut it's roughly what i did22:04
drbobbi just prepared the partitions in advance22:04
tormoddrbobb: true :) but you will see if the graphics driver works already22:04
tormodgletob: no, by copying the casper directory to the hard drive and booting it with grub22:05
drbobbtormod: i used the alternate because i wanted to use LVM22:05
drbobbbut what i did was roughly what you say22:06
drbobbup to the difference that i was setting up a new blank drive, that i had to swap several times around with the old one22:06
drbobbi partitioned and formatted the drive by hooking it up via usb to a working system22:07
joejcwhat do i need to do to enable notifications?22:08
charlie-tcajoejc: it should be automatic.22:10
joejcdoes it work for volume?22:12
shal3r_How to properly disable Composite in 9.04 ?22:14
crdlbdrbobb: did you try reducing the color depth to 16?22:15
drbobbcrdlb: no i did not22:16
nztali just had my laptop stolen from my car yesterday.  it made me wish i had encrypted my home partition with the alternate installer.  i am wondering if its too difficult, or even possible to reinstall easily, if you choose that option ?  i believe thats why i did not do it, on subsequent attempts, ie wouldn't allow me to preserve my /home user data22:16
drbobbi thought nobody used reduced color depth anymore22:16
crdlbdrbobb: you're using SiS :/22:18
crdlband there's that blob of text about reducing color depth if you have video problems22:18
drbobbcrdlb: well i said so, didn't i22:18
drbobbuh, what text22:18
crdlbthe one that starts with "Dear SiS76x user"22:18
drbobbah in the log file22:19
drbobbit also refers to video playback, which is not what i'm doing22:20
kklimondashal3r_: setting Visual Effects to None doesn't work?22:23
wirechiefrootdelay=90  gives a fix for usb-stick falling into an intramfs busy box for me on  AMD desktop22:23
lore20i think jaunty have a little regression in notification support22:25
lore20the new framework work fine with pidgin/evolution/etc..22:26
drbobbbut yeah it seems SiS sucks overall, I'll make sure I buy a better machine next time22:26
vixeyI tried the beta in vmware but it didn't work so I'm not going to risk burning a CD of it yet22:26
drbobb(if I'm ever able to afford another one)22:26
lore20but it doesnt work at all with some programs (bluetooth,messages sent by gnome-screensaver,etc.)22:27
BUGabundodrbobb: SiS SUCKS big time22:27
jameswfyou could always use a thumbdrive if you dont like CD's22:27
BUGabundoI've spent countless hours trying to get even part of it working22:27
BUGabundoand opened a MASTER bug to track it down22:27
jameswfhate to waste $0.02 burning a cd22:27
crdlbdrbobb: still worth a shot though ...22:28
shal3r_kklimonda, as far as i know, that`s disabling effects, not Composite22:28
lore20what's SiS?22:28
crdlblore20: you don't want to know22:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SiS22:28
charlie-tcaSiS is ...22:28
charlie-tcamade mine into a server22:29
BUGabundolore20: it's a manufacture22:29
drbobbcrdlb: I think I'd rather have those minor glitches than a reduced color depth22:29
crdlbit's not that bad22:29
crdlbI'm not suggesting 256 colors22:29
drbobbor i'll just reinstall hardy, which worked better and will still be supported for a while22:29
lore20great... someone fix the bluez kernel module in jaunty...22:30
crdlbthat would work22:30
drbobbjaunty feels a good bit snappier though22:30
drbobbbut that might be an effect of using jfs22:30
khuntI am unable to boot a live cd on my gf laptop i get the follwing error  mp-bios bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC22:31
lore20does anybody know if ext4 is good for flash drives?22:31
lore20khunt: already tried to upload your bios?22:31
vallesmarinerishi guys, I upgraded to the beta and now I see gnome-terminal: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libvte.so.9: undefined symbol: pango_layout_get_baseline. is there any way to fix this?22:32
BUGabundokhunt: turn ACPI off on the boot22:32
khunti tried that22:32
khuntstill no joy22:32
BUGabundopress F6 and choose does options on the installer22:32
vallesmarineristhat is, when I try to launch gnome-terminal22:32
nztallore20, it worked alright for my flash drive22:32
vallesmarinerisI'm in xterm now22:32
BUGabundokhunt: no? then get a BIOS upgrade22:32
lore20yes... it should work, of course... but has it the same problem with devices lifetime of ext3=22:33
khuntnot sure if ill find one its a crappy iqon laptop22:34
BUGabundokhunt: I know how it hurts22:35
khuntata1 revalidation failed22:35
khuntthats what happens if i turn off acpi on boot22:36
dan457khunt, I have a box with that same bios bug, but it works fine.  You may have a different issue.22:42
drbobbwell the good part, b43 seems to work a lot better in jaunty than it used to22:46
khunti have read some stuff about iqon laptops and ubuntu on the net but not fixes22:46
drbobbbut kde4 is still quite buggy22:46
BUGabundodtchen: ping22:47
BUGabundodtchen: are you here?22:47
dtchenBUGabundo: among other buffers, yes. what do you need?22:49
Austin`To upgrade to 9.04 or not to upgrade to 9.04?22:49
BUGabundodtchen: user from LoCo no recording sound in jaunty22:49
BUGabundocan you help him?22:50
dtchenBUGabundo: in ~5 minutes22:50
BUGabundoping me back dtchen. thanks22:50
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:52
billybigriggerhola amigos22:59
philsfI can't make the guest account work from the fusa applet, how can I debug it, run from command-line?23:00
billybigriggeranyone here use remote desktop viewer on a regular basis?23:00
billybigriggeri use it help a buddie out when he's got questions with ubuntu, but we wen't to go fire it up today, and i can seem to connet to his machine fine, i just can't click on anything, when i click on a file in the desktop for example it doesn't highlight the file, or i can't open menu's for example, this just started happening today and it used to work fine23:01
un2himdownloading the rc now23:01
billybigriggerbut he reports that im clicking on everything, its just not showing on my end23:02
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: you may need to run the server or client app with interactivity enabled23:02
billybigriggeri tried xtightvncviewer to connect to his machine, thinking it might be a program bug in remote desktop viewer, and still the same thing23:02
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: the default may be view only23:02
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: its not something i use but that would be my guess23:02
m0RrEpulseaudio isn't running.. how do i start it? i had a nice setup in intrepid with my 5.1 surround.. equalizer enabled and great sound.. now after my upgrade it's all lame again and i can't get pulseaudio to run.. any ideas?23:03
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: have you considered using ssh to command line?23:03
billybigriggerActionParsnip, view only isnt checked23:03
billybigriggerya, i could but it was nice because he can see what im doing to fix the problem so he doesnt call me everyday asking me the same questions :P23:04
ActionParsnipm0RrE: to start pulse run: sudo pulseaudio -D23:04
m0RrEit won't start23:04
ActionParsnip!sound | m0RrE23:04
ubottum0RrE: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:04
billybigriggerwell ssh will work for this problem i guess, i tried to install flash while i was drunk at his house the other weekend and i must have really screwed up, so how do i go about clearing every instance of installing flash? like start from scratch minus reinstalling the os23:04
m0RrEI: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.23:05
m0RrEI: caps.c: Dropping root privileges.23:05
m0RrEI: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.23:05
m0RrEpulseaudio: invalid option -- 'd'23:05
m0RrEE: main.c: Failed to parse command line.23:05
FoorSo all i need to know is the Daily build the RC?23:05
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree23:06
billybigriggeri think i installed a deb23:06
billybigriggerfrom macromedia adobelabs iirc23:06
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: if you want flash simply copy the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins23:06
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: if the system is 64bit theres a 64bit flash plugin23:06
billybigriggeryes ites 64bit23:07
ActionParsnipwget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
ActionParsniptar zxvf ./libflashplayer-
ActionParsnipmkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins23:07
ActionParsnipmv *.so ~/.mozilla/plugins23:08
ActionParsniprm libflashplayer-
ActionParsnipkillall firefox23:08
ActionParsnipjob done23:08
billybigrigger10-4, ill give it a shot23:08
Foorjob done brutally23:08
* ondisk wants a 64 system23:09
ondisk64 bits*23:09
ActionParsnipits the way i do it, im not terrified of getting my hands a little dirty23:09
ActionParsnipactually, filthy23:09
Fooranyone know if the Release candidate is just the daily build?23:09
BluesKajbillybigrigger , or you could copy libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins23:10
ActionParsnipFoor: the rc will be the daily for the release day as far as i can see23:10
billybigriggerwhich dir is better? mozilla/plugins or xul-runner-addons/plugins?23:10
billybigriggercan i copy it to both?23:10
Foorok thanks i guess but im disappointed23:10
bigjockermozilla/plugins is the right place23:10
billybigriggerwhat chmod properties should that file have?23:11
ActionParsnipbigjocker: it needs manually creating23:11
billybigriggerits highlighted green when i ls in the ~/mozilla/plugins dir23:11
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: green == executable23:12
ActionParsnipmines green too23:12
vistakillerhi sorry23:13
ActionParsnipFoor: disappointed with what?23:14
Foori was hoping for alot of updates23:14
Foorhave a few issues still23:14
bigjockerFoor, you dont want a lot of updates in a RC23:15
ActionParsnipFoor: what issues?23:15
Foor:P i guess so23:15
bigjockerunless you are using debian ... lol23:15
lifi-anyone else having trouble to set up bigdesktop with grandr and fglrx?23:16
Foornothing huge just little things the new wav theme making the firefox menu unreadable and stuff23:16
ActionParsnipwav theme?23:16
Foornew wave23:16
Foorthe theme23:16
ActionParsnipi use lxde23:16
ActionParsniplooks ok, try a different theme23:17
billybigriggerwow, this is odd23:18
billybigriggerActionParsnip, me and my buddie are both running jaunty 64bit, both using the same flashplugin, and he gets a white window where flash animations are and my works flawlessly, whats goin on?23:18
bigjockerbillybigrigger, did he restart firefox? did he install it in the right place?23:19
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: try: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:19
billybigriggerhe's got it in the same dir as me, same file permissions, about:plugins (after a killall firefox) shows the same in Shockwave Flash section23:19
billybigriggerActionParsnip, can i have 2 versions of flash installed? like the .so and the .deb from repos?23:20
bigjockerbillybigrigger, did he try to install the flashplugin-nonfree from apt?23:20
billybigriggerya, same thing23:20
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: ive had it work like that sometimes23:20
bigjockerbillybigrigger, i mean ... that error may mean that you have two versions of the plugin23:20
billybigriggerwell i purged remove flashplugin-nonfree and tried again, still white box23:21
bigjockerbillybigrigger, the apt version uses nspluginwrapper, because it uses the 32 bit version ... nspluginwrapper must be removed too23:21
billybigriggersudo apt-get --purge remove nspluginwrapper23:21
bigjockerbillybigrigger, and you should check in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins that no old files are left in there ...23:22
ActionParsnipoh god ye remove nspluginwrapper23:22
MarkyB86Hello I am going to install 9.04 tonight23:22
bigjockeri know no files should be left in there after purge ... but nspluginwrapper is a weird citizen23:22
billybigrigger/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins should be completely empty?23:23
bigjockerusually no23:23
billybigriggerk thanks guys, he's reporting its working23:25
* billybigrigger waits for the phone call23:25
akahige1when I first upgraded to jaunty over the weekend, rebooting was smooth and fast, unlike intrepid which took forever because of the long string of USB device poll failures. now, after some jaunty update, that behavior is back. anybody else seeing this?23:26
ActionParsnipakahige1: cant say i have tbh23:31
akahige1ActionParsnip: okay. I know there are intrepid bugs filed for that issue, and I was hoping they got it sorted for jaunty23:33
ActionParsnipakahige1: log a bug23:34
dael99Ubuntu breaks a lot on 64bits machines... almost every app chrashes after a few minutes...23:34
BUGabundodael99: FUD23:34
BUGabundoI'm on 64bits. have been for more then a year23:35
akahige1dael99: I'm running jaunty on an AMD64 with no probs at all23:35
dael99so, why every app chrashes that much23:35
dael99in intrepid those things doesn't happened to me.23:35
ActionParsnipdael99: ive been on 64 bit linuxes for a good while, its fine23:35
DeepBdael99: amd64 here, no problems at all23:36
dael99(AMD turion 64x2, 3gbRAm, 120HDD, ATI X1200)23:36
ActionParsnipdael99: app settings, system config, hardware23:36
dael99mmm in a newly installed app, these problems seems to be more common23:36
dael99for example on gwibber23:36
BUGabundoC2D here23:36
BUGabundogwibber is a bit unstalbe yes23:36
dael99Evolution, Sudoku, etc23:37
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo with a stick23:37
BUGabundodon't use any23:37
dael99what about evolution, default installl23:37
* BUGabundo breaks cwillu stick and hands a feather23:37
dael99thta's what I do... none of these, I'm using thunderbird for mails now23:37
BUGabundodael99: I use kmail23:37
* cwillu tickles dael99 with a feather23:37
ActionParsnipuses webmail23:37
cwilludael99, try running some of the apps from terminal windows so you can see what the problem is when they crash23:38
dael99let's try...23:38
cwilludael99, I'm suspicious that something is leaking memory, and you might be seeing the oom-killer kicking in23:38
BUGabundocwillu: I go further. I run from GDB23:38
dael99like what?23:38
BUGabundoohh memleak? valgrind powaaaaaaaaaaa23:38
cwilludael99, like nearly anything right now :p23:38
cwilluBUGabundo, can you say 'overkill'?  when we don't even know what app is at fault yet? :p23:39
cwilludael99, pastebin /var/log/syslog23:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:39
BUGabundocwillu: duh of course I do that when I KNOW23:40
dael99tha's my syslog23:41
dael99(also, in this beta i have a message every time i boot "soft reset failed, device not reADY")23:42
cwilludael99, is it just applications crashing, or is the whole machine hanging?23:42
dael99SOMETINES, BUT ONLY SOMETIMES, THE pc STOP RESPONDING, AND get's to a black screen....23:42
ellarDoes anyone else suffer from crackling noise after login to gdm?23:42
dael99but, it's only sometimes....23:42
dtchenellar: there are test kernels resolving that.23:43
dael99ellar: me not.23:43
ellardtchen, which?23:43
dtchenellar: see http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/23:43
dtcheni'll be rebuilding this evening for the latest upload (2.6.28-11.42)23:43
dael99dtchen: (L)23:43
cwilluApr 15 13:24:02 dael-laptop kernel: [ 5953.634824] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 17823:43
cwilluApr 15 13:24:02 dael-laptop kernel: [ 5953.634829] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb123:43
BUGabundocwillu: that's not good! faulty disk?23:44
ellardtchen, thank you. When will that  be? Any little tip how to use your deb?23:44
dael99cwillu: can this be ans soft-reset issue?23:44
BUGabundodtchen: does that mean I need to update tomorrow?23:44
cwilludael99, do you have an external drive?23:44
dael99i have a 3 months laptop....23:44
dael99(i'm afraid....)23:44
dael99sometimes i use my phone as external drive... can be that?23:45
killedkillerbif i install the pre-release jaunty, will i have to do a clean install when the official one comes out or will i be able to just update?23:45
cwilludael99, okay, that's probably all this error is, I don't see it again in the log23:45
cwillukilledkillerb, just updating will suffice23:45
BUGabundokilledkillerb: no23:45
cwillunormal warnings about pre-release os's still apply though23:46
BUGabundokilledkillerb: update-manager will get you final23:46
killedkillerbtime to start backing up my hdd23:46
BUGabundokilledkillerb: see /topic23:46
cwilludael99, nothing is jumping out at me from that log.  I guess try running some of the crashing apps from a terminal for a while, and see what they say when they crash23:46
dael99in terminal... nothing.23:47
ellardtchen, shall i install image + headers? some hint please!23:47
dael99only a theme message... (pastebin, wait...)23:47
cwilludael99, no, you need to run the program from the terminal and then when the program _crashes_ check the terminal23:47
cwilludael99, ... wait until the program crashes, and _then_ check the terminal23:48
* jameswf attempts to put moonlight 2.0 on and stream netflix...23:49
cwilluuntil it crashes, none of the output is relevant really23:49
dael99nope... they randomly chash.... even Tomem crash sometimes....23:50
dael99should i re-install the whole system in 32 bits? or just update eternally?23:51
cwilludael99, you're misunderstanding23:51
cwilludael99, Run totem from the terminal, and use it like that for the day.  If and when totem crashes, the terminal will now contain useful information regarding the crash23:52
dtchenBUGabundo: yes23:52
dtchenellar: headers, image, restricted*23:52
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
dael99ok... i'll come back with that ionformation. thnaks guys. see you later.23:52
storrgiegot an issue where when I restarted a drive in my /etc/fstab doesnt appear to have been mounted... where can i look for errors on this?23:54
m0RrEi can't load alsa-sink module in pulseaudio? anyone know about this issue?23:54
jameswfstorrgie: dmesg23:54
storrgiethat /var/log/dmesg?23:54
jameswfstorrgie: or simply type dmesg23:55
storrgiejameswf: anything i should be cluing in on? i searched for the drive name and didnt see anything23:55
jameswfstorrgie: if the event just happened should be in the last dozen lines23:56
storrgiejameswf: seeing SATA link down23:56
nztalanyone know if the problem of preserving /home user data when crypting /home user folder using the alternate installer is resolved when doing a reinstallation using jaunty ?  or what the key is, to get it to accept a already encrypted /home user partition ?  its been a while since i've tried that.  i stopped trying when it wouldn't accept my already encrypted /home dir.23:56
storrgieso jameswf i did a fsck23:58
storrgieits saying that EVERY group descriptor checksum is invalid23:58
cwillustorrgie, upgraded to ext4 did you?23:59
storrgieyea on all my drives on this machine23:59
cwillustorrgie, did you do the final fsck on each drive that's required when you do that23:59
storrgiei didnt upgrade23:59
storrgiefresh format23:59

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