
nixternalmdke_: quick ? about the bzr repo setup.... would it be better if we did something like lp:~ubuntu-core-doc/{ubuntu|kubuntu|xubuntu|edubuntu}-docs/<release> ?01:11
nixternalthe current setup is a bit messy when viewing it in LP...just a thought, and do remember I am a bzr dummy :)01:12
nhandlernixternal: Up for looking at a docbook file for me?01:39
nixternalin a bit I can...getting ready to eat...link me!01:48
nixternalwhen I get back I shall check it out01:48
nhandlernixternal: 'bzr branch lp:~nhandler/ubuntu-doc/packaging-guides' ;)01:54
mdke_nixternal: have you been following the huge thread on the mailing list recently about that exact question?07:33
mdke_nixternal: see in particular my summary email here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2009-April/012733.html07:36
philip_i feel sorry that ubuntu-docs has to worry about sharing some docs but not others like this... it does not seem like a fun problem07:42
philip_then again, allowing multiple groups/teams to update the same docs has its pros07:43
philip_good night07:43
mdke_philip_: well, that thread is really about the technicalities of Launchpad, rather than sharing07:43
mdke_philip_: we can still share docs, regardless of the Launchpad setup07:44
mdke_but we need to find the right way to do it07:44
philip_that's the worry i am referring to07:44
LjLi think there's some, uh, vandalism or at least very misguided additions to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation - i'll revert it15:58
LaserJockman, the Doc team has really grown22:30
LaserJockI'm getting bugs like crazy22:30
LaserJockand the mailing list seems rather active22:30
mdke_yeah, the bug work has ben good this release22:31
=== mdke_ is now known as mdke
Rocket2DMnmailing list is crazy active22:46
nhandlermdke: ping23:29
mdkenhandler: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)23:29

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