
maxbwindow level all07:50
ttxpersia: meeting ?14:03
persiaI thought it was in an hour.14:06
persiaDid you change to 13:00 last week?14:06
ttxhm, no14:06
ttxI'm just wrong14:07
ttxor rather, Google Calendar is14:07
amirgavvvcan anyone help me here with java14:46
amirgavvvits a univercity project i need to compelete14:46
persiaOK.  Now it's about time.14:58
ttxheh, sorry for the false alarm :)14:59
persiaActually, it was a good thing :)14:59
mbanacan i force an installation of the 32bit vm on a 64bit system22:32
persiaYou probably could, but you'd have a lot of work to do to make sure it worked properly.22:32
mbanavia the package mananger i meaant22:32
persiaRight, but the VM depends on a lot of libraries, so you'd need to force 32-bit versions of those, recursively.  Easier to use a 64-bit VM or a 32-bit system.22:33
mbanaok see22:36

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