
ftabug 33731300:05
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/337313/+text)00:05
asacend of day i guess ;)00:06
asacfta: so, tomorrow your last day before trip or will 18th be the last?00:07
asacoh sorry ;)00:07
BUGabundobed time00:08
BUGabundosee you tomorrow00:08
ftaasac, 17th is the last00:09
asacheh. ok. didnt realize that its tomorrow already ;)00:09
asactoday i started bug work again ;) finally decided to mark 35k mails as read. now the ubuntu moz bugmail folder is handable with just 15k unread mails ;)00:25
asaci also read about 1k bugs ;) ... just to put it in line00:27
asacbugs == bugmail00:28
asaclp seems to be back ;)00:32
ftabug 33731300:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337313 in rosetta "Don't assign karma for published translation uploads" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33731300:33
asacso that was opened?00:33
asaci mean we had that and we had really high karma for folks uploading software00:33
asacwasnt good imo00:33
asace.g. i upload one package and get 10k translations ;) .... while translators work all day and maybe translate 200 strings ;)00:34
asacfta: guess you didnt update now ;)00:36
asacwe are back to square 1 ;)00:36
ftadidnt update what?00:37
asacthe chart00:37
asacseems they pushed kind of the reset button ;)00:37
asacprobably after a crash because pitti had more karma than launchpad could cope with ;)00:37
asacheh. he still has 963438 soyuz ;)00:38
asaci think he had 100 million bfore :)00:38
asacheh. ok just 3.6m ;)00:39
ftaoh, ppa uploads now give karma, that's what soyuz is for me00:47
asacfta: must be the case.00:48
asacfta: for bugs you also get karma if you do it outside of ubuntu00:48
asacbut its tracked separately00:48
asace.g. one part is "distribution" karma ... the is "overall karma"00:48
asacyou can see that here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors00:49
asac"distribution karma" "total karma"00:49
asacthe soyus table is funny00:49
asac"soyuz karma" "total karma"00:50
asaci doubt that the soyuz row is in-archive builds00:50
asacfta: i guess ppa builds for packages that are also in the archive get accounted to "distribution" part too00:51
ftapitti maintains a weekly ppa for hundreds of lang packs, it's a karma booster ;)00:54
asacthats the source ;)00:54
asacnow we found it00:54
asacfunny how much energy can be wasted on trying to find the sense in launchpad karma ;)00:54
asacgood morning :)07:23
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asachuh? i cannot change the firefox-3.1 target of bug 31722610:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317226 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31722610:15
asacto invalid10:15
asacbug in firefox10:15
asacerr launchpad ;)10:15
BUGabundobut it says 3.510:18
asacbug 36221610:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362216 in malone "cannot close/invalidate firefox-3.1 target of bug 317226" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36221610:21
BUGabundonow it doesn't10:22
BUGabundoThis bug has already been reported on firefox-3.5 (ubuntu).10:29
BUGabundofta gwibber died with the last update :((((19:46
BUGabundonice timing19:46
BUGabundofta http://paste.ubuntu.com/152283/19:51
BUGabundolet me nag gwibber ppl too19:51
ftaBUGabundo, "/usr/local/bin/gwibber"? are you sure it's mine???19:54
ftafta@ix:~ $ which gwibber19:55
BUGabundodaily ppa?19:56
BUGabundobzr effect?19:56
BUGabundolet me purge and reinstal19:56
BUGabundo$ which gwibber /usr/local/bin/gwibber19:57
BUGabundojust reinstaled19:57
BUGabundofta any tips?20:00
BUGabundogoing home [[]]20:02
ftadpkg -S /usr/local/bin/gwibber ?20:03
ftaBUGabundo, ^^20:03
ftafta@ix:~ $ dpkg -c /var/cache/apt/archives/gwibber_1.0.2~bzr301-0ubuntu1~daily1_all.deb | grep /bin20:03
ftadrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2009-04-16 19:13 ./usr/bin/20:03
fta-rwxr-xr-x root/root      2049 2009-04-16 19:13 ./usr/bin/gwibber20:03
ftaBUGabundo, I don't ship /usr/local/bin/gwibber20:03
BUGabundodpkg: /usr/local/bin/gwibber not found.20:04
BUGabundoahh could be bash cache20:04
ftaso it's your sudo python thing, as usual20:04
BUGabundoI purge it already20:04
BUGabundoI know you don't like it20:04
ftaexec bash20:04
BUGabundo$ whereis gwibber20:05
BUGabundogwibber: /usr/bin/gwibber /usr/local/bin/gwibber /usr/share/gwibber20:05
BUGabundo$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/gwibber20:06
BUGabundo$ gwibber20:06
BUGabundobash: /usr/local/bin/gwibber: No such file or directory20:06
ftaexec bash20:06
BUGabundoI did that already20:06
BUGabundo$ cd ~;exec bash20:07
BUGabundobugabundo@blubug:~$ gwibber20:07
BUGabundoTraceback (most recent call last):20:07
BUGabundo  File "/usr/bin/gwibber", line 55, in <module>20:07
BUGabundoeven apport is fireing now20:07
BUGabundoI though it was disable for release20:07
fta55:     from gwibber.client import GwibberClient20:07
ftai see20:08
fta    from . import urlshorter20:08
ftaImportError: cannot import name urlshorter20:08
ftai need yet another dep20:08
BUGabundoso its _your_ fault20:09
BUGabundowhat is it so I can install it20:09
ftadonno, i need to search20:09
BUGabundoping me tommorow or email me.... thanks20:10
* BUGabundo cd ~20:10
ftaasac, did you get the email from my bot?20:29
BUGabundofta did you find anything?22:04
BUGabundo_other then having me pinging some one I don't know_?22:04
ftabug 32897222:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328972 in gwibber "[wishlist] choice of URL shortening service" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32897222:08
ftaoh, http://identi.ca/macno != https://edge.launchpad.net/~macno22:09
asacfta: yeah. no subject though23:17
ftayeah, no time to fix that, it's a direct call to sendmail23:17
BUGabundofta $ cd /tmp ; bzr branch lp:gwibber ; sudo cp -R gwibber/gwibber/urlshorter /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gwibber/urlshorter23:18
BUGabundofta can you respin the bot for rev302 ?23:20
BUGabundooldmamuc fixed it23:20
ftadidn't receive the commit mail, yet23:20
ftaok, got it23:21
BUGabundohumm missing header?23:35
ftad'oh, karma crash23:35
BUGabundogot hit too, after all?23:36
ftamy karma used to come from bzr, now, it's from soyuz (ppa)23:37
BUGabundoall those bots!23:38
ftabut yeah, rules seem to be back like 1 month ago before they turned crazy23:38
BUGabundoI was growing 1k per day23:39
BUGabundowas at 18k23:39
BUGabundodroped to 5k23:39
BUGabundoeven Mark got at 2,3k23:39
ftaBUGabundo, gwibber's ready23:52
BUGabundofta thanks23:53

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