
balzacI've been banned for a little while from #ubuntu01:24
balzacI'm here to ask to be un-banned01:25
balzacpeople have good and bad days on irc01:25
balzacmaybe today is a good day to say "water under the bridge"01:25
LjLlet me review your situation a little01:25
balzacare you re-reading log files?01:26
balzacor do you keep files on banned users like the FBI?01:26
LjLthe latter.01:27
LjLand the FBI would say about you, "uuuh oh".01:27
balzacI've earned that distinction01:27
balzacI just want to install ffmpeg on my ubuntu 8.10 server01:30
balzaci don't think i used any bad language01:31
LjL... wait01:31
balzacbut I did try to lighten up the mood with some witty remarks01:31
LjLyou're basically saying that you'll probably be a troll again01:31
LjLbut RIGHT NOW, you need some Ubuntu help?01:31
balzacwell, I don't plan on trolling01:32
balzacI was sincere01:32
balzacI really was taken aback by the name #ubuntu-offtopic, for example01:32
LjLbalzac: ok so during this time, you have had time to toroughly check our guidelines, the coc, and everything else in /msg ubottu etiquette?01:33
balzac+LjL, I'm all about the ubuntu01:33
balzacwell, I haven't exactly dried my eyeballs on all that01:34
balzacI've been on IRC for many years and I'm pretty familiar with the etiquette of IRC and Freenode01:35
balzacI have my own channel too01:35
balzacI'm over 3001:35
balzacare you over 30?01:35
LjLthat's not relevant01:36
Seeker`what does age have to do with it?01:36
balzacsure it is01:36
LjLbalzac: no it is not01:36
LjLbalzac: i will ask you to come back when you have very, very carefully read01:36
balzacwhat if you guys are in your 20s?01:36
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:36
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...01:36
LjLplease come back then and we will discuss it again01:36
Seeker`balzac: what if we are?01:36
LjLsee you01:36
LjLbalzac: our ages are not relevant.01:37
balzaci'll read it right now01:37
balzacthe COC01:37
LjLbalzac: please leave the channel while you read it all, as we prefer people not to idle here.01:37
LjLcome back when you're finished.01:37
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops balzac Bah, I don't think he's any less of a troll than before.01:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:38
LjLoh god i want a cigarette01:39
Seeker`I really want to know what age has to do with it01:39
Seeker`LjL: no you don't01:39
LjLthe "troll has left -ops" trigger...01:39
Seeker`you really want to save the money to put towards a bigger and better computer01:39
balzacalright, I'm a bit of a speed-reader01:39
balzacthat's some very basic and familiar stuff01:40
Seeker`1 min 35 seconds to read all of that?01:40
balzacI read a lot, every day.01:40
LjLi was actually googling "fastest reading speed record"01:41
LjLbut he didn't even give me THAT much time01:41
balzacwait a second now01:41
LjLbalzac: no01:41
balzaclet's not be hasty01:41
LjLbalzac: your ban will not be lifted at this time01:41
LjLbalzac: come back here in six months01:41
balzacthis is pure authoritarianism01:41
LjLbalzac: if you have no further questions for us, please leave.01:42
balzacLjL: this is not the spirit of Ubuntu by any stretch of the imagination01:42
balzacthis is #HumorlessIRCMallCops01:42
LjLnext time i will check twice, and then again, whether i've typed /mode #ubuntu d or /mode #ubuntu b02:01
LjLif only konvi's scrolling were a BIT faster02:01
LjLbalzac in -ot02:23
LjL[03:39:48] <balzac> I'll be taking this up with community council02:40
LjL[03:40:08] <balzac> I'll expect to deal with you as a person, with our real given names02:40
LjLbalzac: my given real name is Lorenzo Lucchini. My email address is ljl@ubuntu.com. Please feel free to take this issue up with whomever you feel appropriate, however I should inform you that a formal appeal process for Ubuntu IRC channels is described on the link you can see in this channel's /TOPIC (search for "appeal")02:42
balzacMy given name is Paul Gaskin02:42
balzacNow doesn't it seem a tiny bit silly, telling me that a minute and thirty five seconds wasn't enough time spent pondering the COC?02:42
LjLI did not need to know it, but thanks for sharing. I regret to inform you that, from now on, I will not be discussing the matter personally as you expressed a wish to.02:43
LjLSo, please follow the appeal procedure or take whatever steps you feel appropriate. However, from my stance, your ban stays permanentely.02:43
balzacI wasn't planning on leaving so soon after you invited me02:43
balzacThere's no need to recede into bureaucratic process02:44
balzacI'm just too old to be scolded and told to read something. It may well have been appropriate for a teenager who had a real problem.02:45
balzacBut I'm way too old for it.02:45
balzacFYI, I have multiple freenode sessions because I work from the office, home, a friend's house.02:46
balzacand for that matter, I'm of the opinion that Freenode should err on the side of tolerance, not cracking down on those who break rules02:46
balzactwo concurrent logins under two names should not be considered to be like robbing a bank02:47
balzacespecially when the guy who does it makes no effort to decieve 02:47
balzacI am definitely not always agreeable, but I am pretty well committed to Ubuntu professionally02:48
balzacmaybe this kind of silliness wouldn't happen if we were chatting under our given names in the first place02:48
=== balzac is now known as paulgaskin
paulgaskinIt was too long to keep me banned02:50
paulgaskinI'm a guy who will actually try to deploy ubuntu in enterprise production environments 02:51
paulgaskinMy success on the job depends on my access to IRC support02:51
LjL!ops | Please deal with paulgaskin02:51
ubottuPlease deal with paulgaskin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:51
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Please deal with paulgaskin)02:51
paulgaskindealing isn't neccessary, why not just be personable?02:52
paulgaskinso I whined about an audio driver, a channel name - it's not something which never happens on IRC02:53
paulgaskinAnd I regularly share my personal identity with people on freenode, because I'm not going anywhere. 02:54
LjLweird then that you don't have your real name in the designated "Real Name" field.02:55
paulgaskinwhat, my freenode registration?02:55
LjLnow, i suggest that you ask the people in this channel something relevant to the topic of it02:55
paulgaskinthat was years ago and I haven't touched it since originally registering my nick02:56
paulgaskinwell, can I be allowed access under my registered nick, "balzac" in #ubuntu ?02:56
paulgaskinI wanted to get a package installed and I was working in front of a client02:56
LjLnot if i can prevent it02:57
paulgaskini don't get it02:57
paulgaskinyou're on the @ubuntu.com side of the equation02:57
LjLlook, you said you'd take it up with the community council02:57
LjLjust take it up with the community council02:57
LjLgo away02:57
paulgaskinwhy should you care so much about my attitude?02:57
LjLyou're too arrogant to join #ubuntu02:57
paulgaskinwell, I don't need to if you're willing to talk about it02:58
LjLi am not02:58
paulgaskinubuntu is the most popular distro 02:58
paulgaskinHow can I be too arrogant to be a part of something so big?02:58
LjLpaulgaskin: when some other op who is willing to discuss the matter with you is around, they will. bye.02:59
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
FlannelAlright.  jamesjr in -ot is pressing his luck, if anyone with access has a moment03:55
tritiumFlannel: he left on his own.03:58
FlannelOh... *that* guy04:04
Amaranthhrm, +z?04:09
AmaranthTrying to remember what +z is04:10
AmaranthIsn't that if a person is muted or the channel is +m ops still see all messages?04:10
redvamp128I got a quick question - Is irc.ubuntu.com down? I have been trying to connect to it using pidgin all night?04:41
Flannelidling != waiting for response.04:55
ubottuIn ubottu, aaditya said: bitch is CoC08:18
ubottuIn ubottu, aaditya said: bitch is Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:18
ubottuIn ubottu, aaditya said: SOB is Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:19
* Myrtti peeks out from under the couch09:14
Myrttiis the storm over?09:14
MenZaguys, see #ubuntu09:15
MenZaikonia→ [2009-04-16 10:14:34 CEST]  < DeosamoX> Any good porn?09:15
MenZa[2009-04-16 10:14:34 CEST]  -!- salimane [n=salimane@] has quit ["Leaving"]09:15
MenZa[2009-04-16 10:14:37 CEST]  -!- phh45 [n=salsakon@a85-156-224-4.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu []09:15
MenZa[2009-04-16 10:14:43 CEST]  < DeosamoX> any good porn website?09:16
MyrttiMenZa: you know you can use !ops...09:16
ikoniayup, he's gone09:16
ikoniaMyrtti: beat me to it09:16
MenZaYes, but I *hate* !ops09:16
MenZaIt makes me feel dirty and like I've done something wrong. :(09:16
MenZaanyway, fanks09:16
MyrttiMenZa: but it would have been so much *faster*09:16
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, BUGabundo said:  !mainline is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/09:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Hassanakevazir said: !stopgdm is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:55
ubottuIn ubottu, Hassanakevazir said: !stopgdm is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:56
ikoniadon't think we need a factoid for that09:58
Myrttioh crap. Duncan switched the mac downstairs off for the thunderstorm and now it's still off - no music :-(10:40
* Myrtti isn't a happy camper10:41
ikoniaturn it on ?10:43
Myrttiikonia: but it's a mac :-/ (and not mine either, so I don't particularly want to touch it)10:49
topyliit will blind you with shiny!10:50
MyrttiJEBUS what has happened to sanakirja.org10:50
* Myrtti is blinded10:50
topyliah there's an option to switch back to the real sanakirja.org10:52
BUGabundoI fed ubottu a factoid. it wasn't accepted10:54
BUGabundoit was " !mainline is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/"10:54
MyrttiBUGabundo: you have to convince us that that factoid is needed10:55
BUGabundohi Myrtti10:55
BUGabundoofter users ask for more info on mainline kernel images on +110:56
topylido we want users switching kernels?10:56
topyli+1 is for testing the release10:56
BUGabundoinformation is never a bad thing10:58
* Myrtti thinks about one third of the factoids are useless10:58
BUGabundoMyrtti: but make our life easier10:59
BUGabundoless copy paste10:59
BUGabundoat least that what I use them for10:59
Myrttiwhat is this, bot flip day?11:01
* BUGabundo is not to blame11:01
ikoniaBUGabundo: it's very rare I see people asking about mainline info and suggesting people go to PPA's doesn't seem a good deal - more so on development platforms, if they are that capable they know how to get the info 11:03
jpdsNot if they're trying to see if it's a problem in the Ubuntu kernel or the mainline one....11:03
ikoniajpds: thats very valid, but that doesn't come up that often 11:04
BUGabundoI guess I'll keep poking cwillu for the link.. thanks and sorry for the noise11:04
ikoniajust make a note of the link ????11:04
MyrttiI don't understand a thing...11:05
ikoniaI guess I'll just hassle a user as a way of getting my factoid in11:05
ikoniajust book mark it11:05
androidgrr... intel in jaunty sucks11:07
Myrttisometimes I hate Finnish language11:07
Myrtti"Automatically reload files when changes are detected on disk" translate that to Finnish >____<11:08
Myrttiit does not make any sense >___<11:12
ikoniaandroid: are you on a new phone by any chance ;)11:13
Myrttiprobably not11:13
androidikonia: no11:20
androidI just happened to see this nick could be dropped... so I grabb ed it :D11:20
Myrttiandroid: are you planning to migrate to it?11:21
androidMyrtti: considering it... seeing how it feels :d11:21
ikoniaI like juiss01 better11:21
Myrttijussi01 has definitely grown on you11:22
* Myrtti shrugs11:22
=== android is now known as jussi01
MyrttiI'm happy if you're happy, just being vocal on my thoughts, I wouldn't have any problems with adjusting my mental image to android11:23
jussi01oh and ikonia btw : http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20090415-212514-unboxing_pix.tar.gz11:23
* Myrtti drools11:25
jussi01Myrtti: and pink is 50¤ cheaper...11:26
Myrttijussi01: shut up... I just paid my cc bill and gave 200€ to Duncan, have to wait atleast on the 20th11:26
Myrttispeaking of which11:26
* Myrtti prods jussi0111:26
MyrttiYOU, MISTER!11:27
cristiwhen i will be unbaned?11:37
jussi01cristi: which channel and by whom were you banned?11:42
cristi#ubuntu and ikonia was the op and bazhang 11:44
elkycristi, why would we let you in? all you do is ask how to ruin your system, and gloat about ban dodging11:48
cristibecause i was a fool and now im smart11:48
cristican i say sorry?11:49
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.11:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:50
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.11:50
cristibazhang are you online?11:50
elky_bazhang, search the nick in the bt, there's a heap of  him ban evading and asking how to ruin computer systems11:51
cristioh yes he is right bazhang11:51
elky_i want to know why we would let someone like that in.11:51
bazhangelky_, yep, as dingding, cristi, crismusg and several others iirc11:51
cristieky_ is right 11:51
bazhangunable to btlogin right now though11:51
cristibazhang:i am not alowed to change my nick 11:52
bazhangcristi, you have done so many times and ban evaded, please do not do so again.11:52
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.11:52
cristii can asure that i wount do it again11:52
ikoniayou said that before and we caught you doing it11:53
bazhangcristi, how about using other channels then #ubuntu for linux help11:53
ikoniacristi: using your many other nick names11:53
cristiwhat other chanels?11:53
ikoniacristi: the price of being a known liar means it takes time to prove / gain trust back11:53
ikoniacristi: read the freenode website, we are not a yellow pages of channels11:54
ikoniaplus I don't feel I'd recommend you to any other channels with your behaviour11:54
cristiikonia:please do not interfere in my conversation with bazhang11:54
bazhanghttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist cristi search here11:54
cristii did11:54
cristiand every thing is oftopic11:54
ikoniacristi: no problem, I'll leave the bans I put in place on you as active then11:54
cristii asked but nobody answered to my questions11:55
cristiikonia:what do yoou mean with that?11:55
bazhangcristi, if you have trouble interacting with others and staying on topic etc, you may wish to use the ubuntuforums.org for linux help then.11:55
ikoniaexactly what I said, I'll leave the bans I put in place on you as active11:55
bazhangcristi, you have shown that you are not ready to rejoin #ubuntu at this time.11:56
cristiikonia:you are joking because you are so mad on me 11:56
ikoniaI'm not mad, and I'm not joking11:56
elky_he doesnt ask for help for things we allow advice on anyway11:56
cristiikonia:you are so kinf?11:56
cristiikonia:you are so kind?11:56
elky_we are certainly not going to let people help him damage things11:56
bazhangcristi, there is nothing else to discuss right now.11:57
cristiikonia says that he wil let the bans11:57
ikoniano, I said I won't remove the bans11:57
ikoniaapologies if I didn't make that clear11:57
bazhangcristi, there are so many bans that it is not just one person setting them.11:58
cristiapologies accepted11:58
cristiso i will never talk on #ubuntu and #kubuntu11:58
bazhangcristi, they will remain in place.11:58
bazhangcristi, you will not allowed back in; the bans will stay.11:59
ikoniauntil the people who put the bans in place have confidence you can behave11:59
bazhangcristi, you have not shown good faith with so much dishonesty and ban evasion.12:00
cristiikonia:i want to get your confidence 12:00
bazhangcristi, there is #ubuntu-md for moldavian help12:00
cristiyou belive i can get help with only five members?12:01
ikoniacristi: I'm sorry to be harsh but that is the price you have to pay because of your persistant unacceptable behaviour12:01
ikoniacristi: maybe the lack of help you can get will make you consider how you behave in future 12:01
cristiok what is my unacceptable behaviour right now in this second?12:02
bazhangcristi, insisting that the bans be lifted.12:02
elkycristi, the inability to accept consequences.12:02
bazhangcristi, please do so helping in your loco channel and build up trust.12:03
cristiyou think i cant accept ok watch me12:03
ikoniayeah, that will show me12:04
ikoniastorming off in a tantrum12:04
bazhangcrisis averted in -ru12:04
ikoniawhat was going on in -ru ?12:04
elky_bazhang, they all kissed and made up?12:04
bazhanglong absent founder (approx 2 years) tried to take over and remove all those who had built it back up from trollpit12:04
elky_bazhang, the founder? who is that?12:05
bazhangelky_, not so much, they did reverse the tables and get him ousted though12:05
bazhangelky_, it was three : skyrider, aim1159 and garfeild12:06
elky_bazhang, i've discussed the revolting behaviour with aim previously, a few months after the first attack on u-w12:06
Myrttithose are/were the founders?12:06
bazhangthe first two tried to get rid of the 3rd without any discussion12:06
bazhangand then a4tech (who put in ubottu clone --ubuntuhelp) to stabilize/modernize the channel12:07
Myrttiintresting read at #ubuntu-irc12:12
ikoniaMyrtti: which part ?12:16
Myrtti/last aim115912:17
ikoniabazhang: looks like you've made a real big impact on -ru 12:18
bazhangikonia, safe to remove *my* cristi bans? I think p i c i 's one is pretty foolproof12:18
ikoniabazhang: I was just going through mine too, the pici master ban got her covered12:18
bazhangikonia, okay thanks12:19
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.12:19
ikoniaoh dear12:19
jussi01hrm... WOnder whats goin gon there12:19
ikoniaan error has occured, can you not read ?12:19
jussi01tsimpson: you around?12:20
jussi01/arn ikonia evil...12:20
popeyjussi01: thanks for posting your xp key btw ;)12:20
topylijussi01: please contact the bot's administrator12:20
ikoniaha ha ha12:20
=== vorian is now known as stevie
ikoniavorian has decloaked, attak !12:20
jussi01popey: ...12:21
jussi01popey: the good thing is I have like 5 of them from different pc's and still dont use any of them...12:21
jussi01popey: I know 12:22
ikoniaha ha ha12:22
* ikonia torrents the key12:22
jussi01popey: thanks for making sure everyone knows now...12:22
ikoniaha ha ha12:22
ikoniafalling off chair 12:22
popeyoh I did better than that12:22
popeyI mirroroed it12:22
ikoniaattention emma/other log readers ^^^ jussi01's key 12:22
Myrttiyou're mean12:23
* ikonia apologises12:24
jussi01meh... if they have nt got it by now, its gone12:24
* ikonia mirrors it12:24
ikoniahands up - who looked12:25
jussi01ikonia: did you have to post that one? :P12:25
ikoniaI see many finish ip's hitting the web server now12:25
ikoniaMyrtti: topyli .....is that you ..... ;)12:26
elkyaww i was hoping the naked dancing one existed12:26
* elky pouts off12:26
topylii think Myrtti took those pics12:26
jussi01elky: §!!12:26
* ikonia gets out gimp12:26
jussi01oh dear...12:27
ikoniaelky: I'm sure something can be arranged12:27
ikoniagive me 15 minutes12:27
jussi01and this is supposed to be the ops channel...12:27
ikoniasorry sorry 12:27
jussi01we really need an -ops-chat channel...12:27
ikoniaguilty - my faul12:27
ikoniafault, I started it12:27
elkydoesnt need to be part of the u namespace at all12:28
jussi01elky: well... get creating then ;)12:29
elkyjussi01, i already have one, and appropriately named too12:29
elkyjust gotta set up the invite list :P12:29
elky_of course, bip wants to lag me12:30
ikoniaI see cristi still hasn't grasped the not changing nick thing12:31
topylihmm what would be the irc equivalent for alt.sysadmin.recovery?12:32
ikoniatopyli: what OS ?12:33
topylia.s.r was open for all12:33
ikoniaoh, no idea then12:33
topylinot a very technical group after all :)12:33
topylidon't they teach history at school anymore?12:36
elky_aww, nobody's looking at their PMs12:37
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !winerepo is To add the WineHQ repo to install the latest release please visit http://www.winehq.org/download/deb for instruction. Thanks!12:38
PiciHow pleasant.13:43
Piciohno ubottu13:43
ikoniaha ha13:44
elky_magic button pressed13:45
ikoniawelcome back bot13:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:03
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.14:03
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
elkydo we have a factoid for the botkeepers? this b0rkenness is annoying14:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fix_the_bot_14:37
bazhang@bansearch bolt_14:37
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.14:37
Myrtti!cloak-#ubuntu-irc to get any kind of cloak (@ubuntu/member/nick or any other kind) you first need to set up your nickname as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - you MUST set an email address, AND group an alternate nick. For Ubuntu member cloaks, provide your launchpad page on this channel and wait patiently, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:37
ikoniaha ha14:37
Myrtti!cloak-#ubuntu-irc is <reply> to get any kind of cloak (@ubuntu/member/nick or any other kind) you first need to set up your nickname as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - you MUST set an email address, AND group an alternate nick. For Ubuntu member cloaks, provide your launchpad page on this channel and wait patiently, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:37
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti14:37
MyrttiI think that's nice to have14:40
elky_!cloak-#ubuntu-ops is <reply> to get any kind of cloak (@ubuntu/member/nick or any other kind) you first need to set up your nickname as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - you MUST set an email address, AND group an alternate nick. For Ubuntu member cloaks, provide your launchpad page in #ubuntu-irc and wait patiently, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.14:45
ubottuI'll remember that, elky_14:45
elky_also nice to have :)14:45
bazhangbolt_ seems familiar14:46
elky_hit by floodbot a few times14:46
Myrttibazhang: where?14:47
bazhangMyrtti, in #k, though seem to remember him being difficult in #ubuntu14:47
ikoniabazhang: he's a little bit of a pain because he's impatient and doesn't actually know how to deal with anything14:47
ikoniahe tells a few white lies about things to get helps, eg: he was running 9.04 the other day but was pretending to run 8.10 and then upgraded to 9.04 in about 25 seconds, when in reality he was running 9.04 from day one14:48
bazhangikonia, was this the pc remote 'i want a solution now' guy?14:48
ikoniahe had a hard time yesterday as some jerk kept telling him to init 6 to fix his flash problem14:48
bazhangah right. he asked if anyone knew how to operate a polaroid just now in #k14:48
ikoniaI'm not sure how genuine his problems are as they seem to change to make sure you can't fix it14:48
bazhangadittya iirc then histo issue14:49
bazhangfigured out why histo was so angry yesterday14:49
ikoniathats it14:49
bazhang'tea party'14:49
bazhangfringe political movement14:50
elkyand we're supposed to know this how?14:50
bazhanghe mentioned he was going to come back after the 'tea party'14:50
bazhangapril 15 is tax day in US14:50
bazhangboston tea party (us history)14:51
elkyooh, boston tea party14:51
bazhangbut loonytoons this time around14:51
Myrttiisn't he the guy who keeps asking the same question again and again14:51
bazhangbolt_ yeah14:51
elkythat's great, but i'm not USian14:51
bazhanganyway just wanted to clear up why histo was so overboard yesterday14:52
elky_i dont have the context really, why is this even relevent14:52
ikoniabazhang: check my BT comment on him - it's very nice14:53
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.14:53
ikoniaok, maybe not14:53
bazhangmay have to wait til that is fixed to clear out bans, dont want to fly blind wrt removing old bans14:54
elky_it's still up. just use any key from your cache14:54
elky_or it was...14:55
elky_the site is fine, just the bot is flaky14:55
bazhang* [topsyandpip56] (n=Jack@host86-142-154-183.range86-142.btcentralplus.com): Jack Herron14:58
bazhangalso familiar14:58
ikoniahe's telling lies about his issue, I'm sure of it14:59
bazhangthe symptoms seem familiar to another user, almost dead on15:00
* LjL points at ikonia and laughs15:00
ikoniaLjL: ?15:01
LjL[17:00:27] <FloodBot3> ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
ikoniathe price of working with multiple users15:01
LjLcareful, if you do it too many times, you'll get an entry on the bantracker! :P then we'll have to review your situation15:02
bazhangI dont know anything about bantracker15:02
elky_no floodbots here, dear15:03
ikoniagot away with it15:03
bazhang@mark ik ..15:03
ikonia....yeah, thanks15:03
ikoniamust dash to get my windscreen fixed15:04
elky_the desperados will see it the logs of this channel15:04
ikoniaand before ljl mark's me15:04
LjL@mаrk #ubuntu-ops ikonia Probably a troll, the gratuitous Enter usage seemed intentinoal15:04
LjLikonia: too late :(15:04
ikoniatoo late15:04
ikoniait wasn't me, it was my brother pressing enter15:04
ikoniamust dash anyway, laters guys15:04
LjL(and by the way - no, that wasn't a real @mark)15:04
elky_unicode @?15:05
bazhangah vmware fusion15:05
LjLPricey, around?15:06
LjLelky_: unicode "a"15:06
LjLelky_: cyrillic, specifically15:07
elky_i figured it'd be unicode somewhere15:07
elky_the bestest way to get the bot to lart dennis15:07
LjLPricey: i've got mail that involves me from the irc-council address, i'll try not to read it (well, i've read enough of it to see that it involves me), but please cross me off that list as it's clearly a conflict of interests15:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:08
LjL(or anyone else who has moderator access to the list currently)15:08
elky_i think that's pricey, pricey and pricey15:08
LjLactually i think you should inform mteck that i've read his email - due to technical issues or something - in the first place. it's fair for him to know. i'd rather someone else told him though.15:18
ubottuTo learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/15:20
LjLis this a good idea?15:20
LjLi think i'd rather alias it to !apt-get than have some random .biz link15:20
jussi01what the heck is up with that bot rtoday :/15:26
LjLjussi01: the process is not running?15:26
elky_i've started it twice already15:29
LjLnevertheless it's not running15:30
elky_i'm going to guess it's not talking to the database properly, given it's inability to see the bt stuff15:30
LjLelky_, what's it doing with the bt?15:31
elky_<elky> bansearch cristi15:31
elky_<ubottu> An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.15:31
LjLdb problem does seem likely...15:32
LjLelky_: (anyway, default to "yes, cristi should be banned" :P)15:32
elky_yea, i know, i was just trying to see where15:32
* jpds blames the DC or whatever it's in.15:36
* genii makes more coffee15:36
* Myrtti is having stomach pains, hypocondriacly assumes ulcers, declines all coffee15:39
geniiMyrtti: Tea for you then15:40
MyrttiI'm having yoghurt only today...15:40
Myrttiatleast the pain with cold sweat hasn't come yet15:41
geniiMyrtti: If that starts up, you should go immediately for medical help15:41
Myrttiand the yoghurt does seem to help15:52
bazhangbalzac, hi15:56
bazhangbalzac, did you have an issue?15:58
PiciI thought you removed that?15:59
LjLPici: me? no, i set it yesterday before going to bed since he kept talking to himself.16:00
PiciLjL: I know. I thought you had removed it already though. nevermind if you didn't though.16:01
balzachi bazhang 16:05
bazhangbalzac, how may we help you16:05
balzacI was waiting for LjL to discuss with a colleague about letting me back into #ubuntu16:05
bazhangbalzac, and you are banned there?16:05
LjLbalzac, i told you already that i'm out of the issue. my stance is that i will not unban you.16:05
LjLso feel free to discuss it with other ops, follow the appeal procedure, or talk to the community council as you said you would - but i won't be invovled.16:06
balzacok, LjL is leaving it for another op to decide16:06
balzacthanks, I think that was a reasonable choice16:06
LjLwell i already said that yesterday half a dozen of times, but.16:07
balzacLjL: you shouldn't have a "stance" though. I understand that you won't unban me, but if your colleagues think they're going against a position you're holding, it's less likely to be resolved by them.16:08
LjLtoo bad.16:08
bazhangbalzac, nope16:08
balzacOnce you let it go, it's nothing to worry about for you.16:08
bazhangbalzac, you are banned there?16:09
balzacThis is really funny16:09
bazhangbalzac, to whom are you speaking16:09
balzacAnd I have ubuntu on a home computer, a work computer and my development server16:09
balzacI am pretty well committed as an IT professional to using ubuntu16:10
balzacbazhang: you, mainly16:10
bazhangbalzac, then please prepend any answers with my nick16:10
balzacI figured three weeks (or however long it was) was sufficient time to wait after having been banned16:10
balzacbazhang: alright16:11
balzacbalzac: I question the wisdom of the original ban as well, but I'm not really interested in the whole issue.16:11
balzacI'm 33, not a teenager.16:12
bazhangbalzac, and why precisely were you banned16:12
balzacbazhang: that question is better asked of the op who banned me.16:12
balzacbazhang: I don't want to try to imagine why because I don't want to argue about it16:13
balzacbazhang: I'm ready for more formal bureaucratic processes if I must initiate them16:13
balzacbazhang: irc is somewhat informal and I like it that way, but I don't want to be treated like a teenager on a reality TV show16:14
balzacbazhang: an op asked me to read the CoC, and to leave the channel while I read it. 16:15
bazhangbalzac, #ubuntu is not informal, but rather stricter than most channels.16:15
balzacbazhang: I did that, I scanned it, reading the headings of paragraphs, scanning the contents16:15
LjLyou were asked to read the contents of the !etiquette factoid.16:15
bazhangbalzac, that is why we have a offtopic channel16:15
LjLyou took 1 minute 35 seconds to do that.16:15
balzacLjL: are you or aren't you letting this go?16:16
balzacI didn't mention your name because I didn't want to make it necessary for you to begin again16:16
balzacLjL: I'm trying to get past you, not to win an argument16:16
bazhangbalzac, this channel is logged. we all can read what happened here earlier.16:17
balzacsure, if you think it's really worthwhile16:17
LjLbalzac: i won't go over lies.16:17
LjLif you lie to other operators about what happened, i'll disprove your lies.16:17
balzacactually, I was looking at the log last night, looking for the things I wrote16:17
bazhangbalzac, did you want to discuss rationally, or go another route here.16:17
balzacbazhang: I was not able to find the log, so I'm just recalling from memory16:18
balzacbazhang: I found where the log was supposed to be16:18
bazhangbalzac, no worries I have eidetic memory16:18
balzacbazhang: I'll seek the log file16:19
balzacbazhang: before I was devoiced, I wanted to say to LjL that I don't presume to know someone based on IRC16:23
balzacas far as I'm concerned, we've been acquainted for the first time yesterday16:24
PiciAnd what does that have to do with anything?16:24
balzacon the basis of our given names, which is different from irc with pseudonyms16:24
balzacwell, all that was said and done under the IRC nicks can be considered less formal and less important than what happens afterward16:25
=== balzac is now known as paulgaskin
LjLnot at all.16:25
Myrttican be considered is the key16:25
paulgaskinI was pleased to meet Lorenzo yesterday, in spite of the situation16:25
* Myrtti considers her nickname in most cases more formal than her real one16:25
paulgaskinAnd I take career and professionalism seriously16:25
PiciI really don't see what this has to do with your ban.16:25
LjLthere is a designated Real Name field in people's /whois, and in my case it contains - surprisingly - my real name. not so in yours.16:25
PiciBesides trying (and apparrently succeeding) to take the conversation off topic.16:26
paulgaskinLjL: I never filled out my full freenode profile, but I don't hide my identity either.16:26
bazhanguhh he left16:26
Picipaulgaskin: Please stop. This is not a discussion channel.16:26
paulgaskinplease lift my ban, because I need that 0-day support from the channel16:27
bazhangpaulgaskin, no idea why you were banned? this is not a chat channel16:27
paulgaskinbazhang: LjL has left, taking pieces of the puzzle with him16:27
bazhangpaulgaskin, #ubuntu is formal and has certain rules and guidelines16:28
paulgaskinbazhang: I'll be happy to observe those formalities16:28
Picipaulgaskin: We don't ban people for no reason.  If you don't know why you were banned then perhaps you should think about your actions and come up with a reason.16:28
bazhangpaulgaskin, you seem not to want to be bothered with them16:28
paulgaskinI waited a while before asking again for the ban to be lifted. I understand that IRC Operators have a job to do and I don't argue against that role.16:29
paulgaskinI've only ever claimed to be a little bit misunderstood, not that I am misunderstanding #ubuntu or its rules.16:29
bazhangpaulgaskin, you know why you were banned?16:30
paulgaskinbazhang: yes, some OPs found me disagreeable and chose to apply the letter of the law to me16:31
paulgaskinI'm not trying to change the culture of IRC. I've been using IRC for many years.16:31
bazhangpaulgaskin, that is not really an answer16:31
paulgaskinbazhang: do *you* know why I was banned?16:32
paulgaskinI should be asking you, really.16:32
bazhangpaulgaskin, no, you want to be let back into #ubuntu.16:32
bazhangpaulgaskin, without some recognition of why you were banned, this wont move forward16:33
paulgaskinI do16:33
paulgaskinwait, you're asking me to tell you what I'm accused of?16:33
bazhanga ban is not an accusation.16:33
paulgaskinit is based on the idea that I broke a rule - weeks ago16:34
paulgaskinbazhang: I'm not in denial that I can be disagreeable16:35
bazhangpaulgaskin, and no recollection on your part what that was?16:35
paulgaskinI have recollection, but I don't wish to do your job, because I suspect what I say may be used against me16:35
paulgaskinLet me cite an example of something16:35
paulgaskin[01:36] <LjL> !coc16:36
paulgaskin[01:36] <ubottu> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/16:36
paulgaskin[01:36] <LjL> balzac: i will ask you to come back when you have very, very carefully read16:36
paulgaskin[01:37] <LjL> balzac: please leave the channel while you read it all, as we prefer people not to idle here.16:36
paulgaskin[01:39] <balzac> alright, I'm a bit of a speed-reader16:36
paulgaskin[01:40] <balzac> that's some very basic and familiar stuff16:37
paulgaskin[01:40] <Seeker`> 1 min 35 seconds to read all of that?16:37
bazhangpaulgaskin, so no idea then.16:37
paulgaskinok, so this is why I feel like I've been treated like a teenager on a reality show16:37
paulgaskinbazhang: I'm just wondering if this is going to end, or do I have to initiate formal bureaucratic processes16:37
paulgaskinI really like Ubuntu and I admire Mark Shuttleworth16:38
paulgaskinI don't think this pettiness is reflective of his work16:38
bazhangpaulgaskin, not really the point though.16:38
paulgaskinso I think if I formally engage, I'll be treated like an IT professional who is 33, not a 16 yr old living at mom's house who socializes in Ubuntu16:39
bazhangpaulgaskin, you seem to want an apology and a ban lifted.16:39
paulgaskinActually, I gave an apology, but it won't show in the logs because LjL had already devoiced me16:39
paulgaskinI don't want to receive an apology, I don't make an issue out of things like that 16:39
bazhangpaulgaskin, you will need to read the !etiquette factoid16:40
paulgaskinthis is IRC16:40
paulgaskinbazhang: suppose I tell you I already read it16:40
paulgaskinwill you quiz me?16:40
bazhangpaulgaskin, you are trying to be unpleasant now?16:40
paulgaskinsuppose I tell you I have an intuitive knowledge of etiquette and I choose not to read it16:40
Tm_Tpaulgaskin: that doesn't help you or me then16:41
paulgaskinno, do you find me unpleasant, and do you have specific rules for handling things you find unpleasant?16:41
paulgaskinbazhang: here's the bottom line16:41
paulgaskinit's called "growing pains"16:41
bazhangpaulgaskin, you are not being cooperative to say the least16:41
paulgaskinyour rules seem to be geared towards handling teenagers16:42
paulgaskinI'm over 3016:42
paulgaskinI don't want to find another distro16:42
bazhangthat is really neither here nor there16:42
Tm_Tpaulgaskin: unfortunately the age doesn't matter16:42
paulgaskinI'm not convinced that Ubuntu is for kids only16:42
paulgaskinit does matter16:42
paulgaskinbecause with age comes life experience16:43
bazhangpaulgaskin> your rules seem to be geared towards handling teenagers16:43
paulgaskinbazhang: I meant that16:43
paulgaskinthere are lots of teens on IRC16:43
bazhangpaulgaskin, well those are the rules.16:43
paulgaskinbut there should be an adult in the room to recognize another adult and then exempt them from the rules which are meant to keep children on track16:44
paulgaskinbazhang: then I'll have to be constructively critical of your rules16:44
bazhangpaulgaskin, and without a satisfactory resolution here, your ban wont be lifted.16:44
paulgaskinbecause asking me to read a paper on etiquette is rather silly16:44
bazhangthat is rather uncooperative imo16:45
paulgaskinand telling me a 1:35 wasn't enough time to comprehend the CoC was silly as well16:45
paulgaskinnon-compliant is the word16:45
Tm_Tpaulgaskin: your age in irc shown by your actions, numbers doesn't matter16:45
paulgaskincooperation is not the same as compliance16:45
bazhangpaulgaskin, this does not seem to be going well.16:45
paulgaskinTm_T: this is very amusing16:45
paulgaskinbazhang: it's kind of entertaining to me16:46
Tm_Tpaulgaskin: life is16:46
paulgaskinI have no hard feelings towards any of you16:46
bazhangpaulgaskin,  I would like to have a rational discussion but you want to go into a meta-discussion about the rules.16:46
paulgaskinI'm just questioning the wisdom of trying to apply a children's bureaucratic code to an adult16:46
bazhangpaulgaskin, well this is not the time for that.16:47
paulgaskinSomehow, I don't think this is how the CoC and the Etiquette FAQ were meant to be used16:47
paulgaskinThose are resources which exist to inform me16:47
paulgaskinNot to be assigned to me as homework16:47
bazhangif you ever chose to read them and acknowledge them16:48
bazhangwhich is the central issue here.16:48
paulgaskinIt's a good thing I know better than to judge Canonical and the grown-ups who work there based on the behavior of IRC OPs, which has always been petty authoritarianism on every single network, in almost every channel I've seen over the years.16:49
bazhangpaging m n e p t o k 16:49
paulgaskinbazhang: it's not those resources you want me to acknowledge, it's your authority16:50
bazhangpaulgaskin, okay. well your refusal to read and acknowledge the rules is a sticking point here frankly.16:50
paulgaskinIt's amusing and engaging. Maybe if I were an angst-ridden teenager, your tuteledge would help me grow up.16:50
paulgaskinbut I'm an adult16:50
paulgaskinNow I've spent way too much time on this16:51
paulgaskinI've been working to get this ban lifted for hours16:51
paulgaskinMy employer has seen, a client has seen.16:51
bazhangcome back when you wish to have a rational discussion then.16:51
paulgaskinI feel I've reached a dead end here. I may be back, but I think I'll try to escalate this so I can speak to adults.16:52
paulgaskinpeople on the pay-roll16:52
* Myrtti wonders who those people might be16:52
jdongabsolutely. People who are paid are more mature.16:52
bazhangtake care and good luck with that then paulgaskin 16:52
paulgaskinjdong: people who are paid have a personal financial interest in business getting done16:53
paulgaskinnot "working it out" incessantly for its own sake16:53
paulgaskinok, now I'm done16:53
jdongfunny how that's not the way the Ubuntu community governance model works.16:53
paulgaskinthanks, it was a pleasant discussion, although not very productive for me16:53
paulgaskinNow I'll save my log, first if you don't mind.16:53
jdongthe log is saved publicly for everyone.16:54
paulgaskinyeah, but I may want to use it sooner than tomorrow16:54
Myrttipaulgaskin: the logs are published every hour16:54
jdongalright then. Hopefully you'll also take a moment to understand the Ubuntu governance structure16:54
Myrttinot only daily16:54
paulgaskinubuntu and canonical are linked16:55
jdongpaulgaskin: in a very defined way.16:55
paulgaskincanonical has an interest in the effectiveness of ubuntu governance16:55
Myrttito certain extent16:55
jdongpaulgaskin: community issues are dealt with by the Community Council appointed for this purpose.16:55
jdongand technical issues are dealt with by the Technical Board.16:55
paulgaskinOne of these days I may have a support license, but not yet16:56
paulgaskinanyway, my issues tend to be fresh because the ones which aren't so fresh are well-documented. I read documentation before asking for help in the channel.16:56
Myrttiif you want 0-day support, you're encouraged to pay Canonical actual real world currency. Ubuntu IRC channels do not represent such support venue, and if they seem to you to be such, then that image is false, as nobody promises it to provide such services or have any measurable quality16:57
topyliwhat is going on?16:57
paulgaskinI think the IRC channel will have more support for officially unsupported things16:57
* Myrtti has no idea16:58
paulgaskinso, no ban lifting...16:58
LjLjoe-mac: spam - who from, what about?16:58
bazhangjoe-mac, how may we help you16:58
joe-machey fyi guys i got a couple pieces of spam from KiteWhamoBall16:58
joe-macone said Hello. If you have recently lost a loved one or expect to lose a loved one very soon you should come check out #Budget-Casket. We are the leader in budget caskets for deceased loved ones that won't break the bank. We offer quality handmade caskets in oak, pine, and other quality woods at an affordable price. So come to #Budget-Casket for more info.16:59
joe-macnext one said As a man who wears bras every day, I think all men should wear bras daily. I recommend Victoria's Secret bras to wear as they are very comfortable and attractive. My favorite is the IPEX Demi Bra, the Very Sexy Push Up Bra, and the Biofit Bra. Victoria's Secret makes good bras for not just women, but men too. Trust me, I wear Victoria's Secret bras all the time and they never get old.16:59
joe-maci actually kinda like #2, it livened up my day16:59
joe-maci went to victoria's secret.com and bought one, the power of kitewhamoball compels me16:59
LjLjoe-mac: the bra spam is known - has happened before17:00
LjLi've reported it to freenode staff17:00
LjLjoe-mac: thanks17:00
joe-mack cool, see ya17:00
jdongI thought a budget casket was for Australian parakeets....17:01
jdongmeh close enough.17:01
bazhangpaulgaskin, if there is nothing else17:02
paulgaskinirssi's logfile function isn't very well documented17:03
paulgaskinI'll get it tomorrow17:03
=== paulgaskin is now known as balzac
LjLok, back to business17:04
LjLplease look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation?action=subscribe17:04
LjLerr no17:04
bazhangwas waiting for that17:04
LjLstrip the "action subscribe" part17:04
LjLunless you want to subscribe to it, at least17:04
LjLspecifically, follow the link to HackBuntu and see who "made" it.17:05
LjLbazhang: yepper17:06
LjLi'm flagging the HackBuntu page for removal, reverting the rest17:06
LjLand everything else i can find17:06
LjLi think the irc council might contact the wiki team about it since we know about panarchy17:06
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:06
LjLi've told #ubuntu-doc about that specific page17:07
bazhangwhoa balzac has bt entries a mile long (dont_taze_me_bro et al)17:10
=== evilGary is now known as spongebob
=== spongebob is now known as Gary
ubottube afraid, be *very* afraid17:16
* LjL is not afraid17:16
PiciYou will be... you will be...17:16
GaryI am17:16
LjLi will not.17:16
* Gary shows LjL pictures of him17:19
LjLgood point17:19
LjLat least you are not mneptok though17:19
Garythat is very true17:19
* Myrtti thinks Gary is cute17:21
Myrttiu fail in scaring tactics17:21
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:21
Garyn e 1 here want 2 cyber?   /me hides17:22
Myrtti!no\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic | jussi01 17:22
ubottujussi01: and your mom too17:22
Garyoh goodness, it took too long for me to type that17:22
geniibazhang: I just got back.... this guy is randomly PMing ppl and then being ignorant or so?17:29
=== stevie is now known as heHATEme
* Myrtti huggles vorian18:09
=== heHATEme is now known as stevie
LjL!nickspam | staff18:13
ubottustaff: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »18:13
steviesorry for ruining your day LjL :P18:13
jdongplease tell me you've linked steve-o too :)18:22
LjLSportChick: er?18:37
SportChickLjL: huhn?18:38
LjLSportChick: you ctcp versioned me18:38
SportChickLjL: you were in a channel18:38
LjLSportChick: ah. oh. i see.18:38
LjLtime to part, since what had to be done has been done :)18:39
LjL(and as i told other staffers who were puzzled about it - check #fn for *why* i was in there to begin with :P)18:44
PiciIts amazing how excited people get over the RC18:54
Seeker`OMG THERE IS AN RC18:57
LjLcan i upgrade to it from hardy?19:01
jpdsLjL: Yes.19:03
ubottuMostly just statistics and mc44, but yeah.19:03
jpdsIn /theory/.19:03
eagles0513875hey guys i was banned till jaunty and i was wondering if i could get unbanned so i can start getting back into bug fixing19:04
jussi01eagles0513875: is jaunty here yet?19:13
eagles0513875any chance to get unbanned early19:13
jussi01well theres your answer...19:13
jussi01eagles0513875: no, its only a week or so, just come back then ;)19:14
eagles0513875:( 19:14
Picieagles0513875: We need to discuss the ban with the person that banned you anyway, and they are not around right this moment anyway.19:14
eagles0513875cant sign up for the bug squad :( 19:14
eagles0513875ok Pici19:14
eagles0513875guess i can help out the bug squad without signing up at the moment19:15
eagles0513875i shall vacate the room19:15
PiciWhat does the bug squad have to do with IRC?19:15
jpds#ubuntu-bugs I guess.19:15
PiciIts hobbsee's ban irrc19:19
jussi01yep it is19:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:22
jussi01oh good, thats working again19:26
jpdsSeriously, can you please set it up so that you can do all the @login and @btlogin stuff in private?19:34
jussi01jpds: it should work that way...19:37
jpdsIt doesn't.19:37
geniiI think you can't always re-use an ubottu window for the login, you need sometimes to /msg ubotu and THEN do it there19:38
jussi01jpds: it works for me....19:48
jussi01banana yoghurt ftw!19:50
ubottuSomething stupid this way comes19:54
* Myrtti has /alias /msg -freenode ubottu @login;/msg -freenode ubottu @btlogin20:22
* Myrtti has /alias login /msg -freenode ubottu @login;/msg -freenode ubottu @btlogin20:23
geniiIs it #hardware or ##hardware  ?21:07
Seeker`genii: try both?21:07
geniiHeh, will do. Thought someone offhane knew21:07
tsimpson-ChanServ- Mode lock  : +imnstPf ##hardware21:08
tsimpsonso #hardware forwards to ##hardware21:08
geniiOK, there now21:08
PriceyLjL: sorry about that and thanks, i've unsubscribed you21:13
tsimpsonjussi01: the '/msg ubottu login' stuff only works because you have a hostmask registered with the bot, so you don't actually need to 'login'. for others the bot will only "see" the command sent in a channel (because supybot sucks in ways that make little children cry)21:19
=== fdoving_ is now known as fdoving
* LjL should keep a Firefox open to check if sites that people post are malicious...21:37
LjLkonqueror is no use for that, and it takes me two minutes to start firefox :<21:37
LjLtsimpson, please see the question in #ubuntu from sharperguy that will probably come up in #kubuntu as well - i might be mistaken but i think you used to know by heart how to remove all kde 4 packages in one step...21:52
tsimpsonthere is a way, but it's not necessary21:54
tsimpsonand more difficult in intrepid, since intrepid comes with KDE4 as default21:54
LjLtsimpson: ok, i asked you the wrong question then, but please give him the right answer ;)22:00
=== stevie is now known as vorian
LjLwow, many "guest"s on #u today22:16
Seeker`is that someone admitting to ban evasion?22:18
LjLSeeker`: i don't think so (might be wrong), just saying they're banned on #ubuntu-ru22:19
LjLwhich they are indeed22:19
Seeker`Lenin_Cat: how can we help you?23:31
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey

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