
SiDiGood night peeps01:35
knomemorning SiDi10:11
SiDiheya knome10:12
SiDihow're you ?10:12
knomei'm fine10:13
knomedoing some work for studies for once10:14
knomewell have to do or i have to repeat half a year of my studies10:15
SiDisame here. except that we've done nothing for 3 months and now we're asked to do the whole 6 months of work before end of april10:19
knomei'll shut down my irc to get something done10:20
knomesee you later10:20
SiDiSee you10:21
knomealready 2+ pages of 1010:49
knomehmm, this was #ubuntu-artwork ...10:49
Bert_2Hi, I'm searching for a very specific kind of artwork for the ubuntu based distro I'm making for my 6year old niece (I'm giving her a linux-based computer for her birthday on sunday), now the distro, hannebuntu, should have a nice flower icon thing, a little bit shiny, but not that hard if you can work with graphic stuff, the problem: I'm not a graphics guy so I have no idea how to make it, anyone here know someone who does simple art for free ?10:59
SiDiBert_2, making icons takes times,, and icons themes takes A LOT of time11:03
Bert_2SiDi: I meant a background thing11:03
Bert_2I simply want a purple flower (6 leaves) with a yellow dot in the middle11:03
Bert_2with a bit of a crystalised effect11:04
Bert_2I know how you guys probably do it11:04
Bert_2you draw a circle, do the leaves in plain purple11:04
Bert_2and then draw a gradient shape which goes from transparant to white over it11:04
Bert_2but I don't know how to do it in programs and I have no idea what form the gradient thing should have :s11:05
SiDiWell, i can't do that from where i am :p11:05
Bert_2SiDi: but is it easy or hard to do ?11:05
SiDiBert_2, couldn't say. making basic things isn't hard (unless you're used to photoshop and have to use the gimp x_x), but making a well polished wallpaper takes a little bit of time11:06
Bert_2SiDi: okey11:06
SiDihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Backgrounds check the link there, someone posted links to nice flower photos, that might do for your niece11:06
SiDihttp://gnome-look.org/content/search.php check for "flower"11:07
Bert_2I'll have a look11:07
Bert_2SiDi: already tried it11:07
SiDithere are a lot of flower wallpapers on gnome-look11:07
Bert_2I looked at every flower thing in gnome-look11:07
Bert_2(30 pages of flowers)11:07
Bert_2most of them are pictures and I was hoping to find nice drawn ones11:07
Bert_2but I'm too specific I guess :P11:08
SiDiYou still can make a request in the mailing list :P11:08
knomeBert_2, import in inkscape and trace to path :P11:08
SiDii for sure won't help as i'm just not capable of doing anything, but maybe someone will have spare time.11:08
Bert_2knome: I don't know anything about inkscape and just a few things abouyt gimp11:09
Bert_2knome: so what do you mean ?11:09
SiDiYeh actually you can aswell pick a photo that has the shape of what you want, and try random filters in gimp or inkscape11:09
knomeBert_2, just pick a picture you would like to be drawn11:10
knomeBert_2, and paste it11:10
knomeBert_2, i'll look at it after some time11:10
Bert_2knome: and then...11:10
knomeBert_2, well let's see what i can do11:11
knomeBert_2, but i will be reading a book for maybe 15mins now :)11:11
Bert_2what do I do when I have the picture, what filters should I use ?11:13
Bert_2ow, I was gone again11:14
Bert_2last thing I got was: [12:10] <knome> Bert_2, just pick a picture you would like to be drawn11:14
SiDiknome is doing his homework for the first time, so he's a bit busy ;p </sarcastic>11:14
Bert_2SiDi: lol11:14
Bert_2I still have to do my homework11:14
knomewell :P11:25
* SiDi hides.11:38
curioso: /server irc.brasnet.org13:48
curioso: /server irc.brasnet.org13:48
=== Jared is now known as Guest14754
thorwilrobsta: hi, you just entered on me hitting the send button :)17:30
robstahey thorwil17:32
robstathorwil: guess i can join, just don't tell anyone17:35
thorwilto the channel: pssst!17:36
* savvas slashdots robsta 17:36
robstamy real name is not public in launchpad17:37
thorwilrobsta: except for the plate naming, i hope you will have more to pull than push ;)17:37
robstai always wanted to join a team17:38
robstathorwil: btw, gnome moved to git, take that into account when updating your css engine checkout next time17:43
thorwilrobsta: i don't even recall what it was in :)17:44
robstagnome svn17:45
robstanow gnome git17:45
* thorwil -> dinner18:00
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=== SiDi_SIGPIPE is now known as SiDi
=== SiDi is now known as SiDi_unchocked

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