
`brandon`how do i run codeblocks_8.02-0ubuntu1.deb.tar.gz00:00
`brandon`a .deb file00:00
bruenigEagleScreen: can you explain what makes you think upgrading to another version of ubuntu will affect XP behavior?00:00
helperEagleScreen okie thanks00:00
EagleScreenbruenig: I can't00:01
EagleScreen`brandon`: open it with gdebi00:01
tofu_logicbrandon: I think you unpack it and then run the deb file with dpkg... I'm a noobie though so I could be wrong00:02
tofu_logicI installed codeblocks for a while about six months ago and the process was... lengthy00:02
KillerOrcaHi, I am trying to move my install from one HDD to another, and I found this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=599599 but I am confused as to how to identify which HDD is which00:02
_WhipperKillerOrca: i use a black marker..00:03
* _Whipper is away: More Beer >00:04
LjL!away > _Whipper    (_Whipper, see the private message from ubottu)00:04
KillerOrca_Whipper, I don't see how that helps if I'm trying to find out what the computer refers to them as00:04
`brandon`it keeps going to install00:04
`brandon`but i get a error00:04
`brandon`how do i use gdebi?00:05
`brandon`let me guess i use it in terminal00:05
martinkoelewijn`brandon`: open with and fill in gdebi as command00:05
martinkoelewijn`brandon`: right click the deb and open with...00:06
`brandon`nope i got a error00:06
mrweswhich says what?00:06
`brandon`Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libcodeblocks000:07
georgy_28install it00:08
hacker_kidi have debian on a second hard drive with ubuntu on the first with grub. im trying to write a grub entry to boot debian but i keep getting a kernel panic, cannot mount root fs. this is the entry http://codepad.org/Y8qC424C00:08
mrwes`brandon`, do install the libcodeblocks000:08
helperEagleScreen where i can modify file shutdown.c where is the path?00:08
x4dHi, need some help accessing mysql from another computer on the local network, I've been looking through the forums and trying various solutions people have written but the usual commenting of 'bind-address =" in my.conf is not working for some reason, so I tried disabling apparmor and fail2ban just incase they were blocking. No luck so far. The error I get using Sequel Pro from a mac is "MySQL said: Host 'Mac-G5.local' is not allowe00:09
EagleScreenhelper: it is source code, are you programmer?00:09
jedi06how do you check what kind of cdrom you have?00:09
jedi06model and make00:09
Ghoti_x4d: if you do a sudo netstat -plnt | grep 3306, do you get any output?00:10
mrwesjedi06, lshw from the terminal00:10
helperEagleScreen no but check this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/303574 last one does this fix if i modify it like this ?00:10
x4dGhoti_:  I get "tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      31304/mysqld"00:10
georgy_28hacker_kid, : the line initrd is missing00:10
con-manjoin #winehq00:10
hacker_kidgeorgy_28, thank you00:11
Ghoti_x4d: then MySQL is listening on all interfaces. If you cannot connect, it may be a firewall issue00:11
georgy_28hacker_kid, : example : initrd          /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-68600:12
newchaosno no, x4d is connecting fine, hence why mysql server is responding with the error00:12
EagleScreenhelper: a .c file is not a configuration file, it is source code file, so to take effect you have to recompile the software00:12
newchaosif he wasn't connecting, there would be no response from the server.  think about it00:12
poseidonI have four applications open on start up.  Is there a program which will control what workspace and position their window will be displayed at?00:12
hacker_kidgeorgy_28, thank you00:12
x4dnewchaos: that's what I was thinking...00:13
x4dnewchaos: is there some settings in mysql to allow external addresses that I might have missed ?00:13
Ghoti_x4d: when you are connecting, are you logging in as user@host, or just as user?00:13
newchaosyes, I assume you can get to mysql as root from the local server?00:13
helperEagleScreen ok then i need to go to the configuration file because i install package ndiwrapper now i remember so i can install usb wireless window's driver after that the problem maybe config where i can check shutdown config?00:13
`brandon`how do i run codeblocks?00:13
x4dGhoti_: I'm logging in with the root user to which I set a password00:14
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:14
Ghoti_x4d: are you logging in as root@hostname, or just as root?00:14
ellarwhats the command for dpkg to force ignore dependencies?00:14
newchaosGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on <database> TO username@<host> IDENTIFIED BY 'password'00:14
x4dGhoti_: root@
x4dnewchaos: thanks I'll give that a try now00:15
newchaosx4d: change 'password' to something appropriate of course00:15
Ghoti_x4d: connecting locally, try, at the SQL prompt:  grant all priviliges on <databasename> to 'root'@'' identified by PASSWORD("actual_password");00:16
dingo_what is the official proper pronunciation of "ubuntu"?00:16
Ghoti_newchaos: don't you need to make sure the passwords are hashed?00:16
ellar!pronounciation >dingo_00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pronounciation00:17
ellar!pronunciation >dingo_00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pronunciation00:17
Ghoti_!spelling > ellar00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spelling00:17
dingo_spell checker said it was ok, so  :P00:17
newchaosGhoti_: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/grant.html00:17
PlasmaSheepHello all.00:17
dingo_u-bun-two or oo-bun-two00:18
PlasmaSheepHow could I make another character layout for my keyboard?00:18
Ghoti_dingo_: the latter00:18
PlasmaSheepdingo_: the former00:18
=== travis is now known as BoDean_
newchaosGhoti_: "In the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the password should be given as the literal password value. It is unnecessary to use the PASSWORD() function as it is for the SET PASSWORD  statement."00:18
ellar !pronounce  dingo_00:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
sdwrageHey all00:19
Al1_hi, will anyone get mad at me if i ask a WoW question? :P00:19
ubottuTo learn how to pronounce Ubuntu, point your movie player at /usr/share/example-content/Experience ubuntu.ogg00:19
x4dGhoti_ & newchaos : Thanks, that solved it :)00:19
ellarthx PlaHPoy00:19
ellarthx PlasmaSheep00:19
Ghoti_x4d: happy to've helped, if only a bit :)00:19
newchaosx4d: np00:19
PlasmaSheepOf course, I don't have that file.00:19
sdwrageI untared my eclipse folder into home/myname/ and attempted to run ./eclipse once inside the eclipse folder but nothing happens... any suggestions?00:20
SquideshiYou know, it would be nice if Synaptic showed screenshots of the packages and maybe hyperlinked back to their homepages.00:20
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: try chmod +x 'ing it first00:20
PlasmaSheepSquideshi: I think that's an idea in ubuntu brainstorm.00:20
sdwragethx plasma00:20
_WhipperSquideshi: not everybody has a 24MB broadband.. :)00:20
dingo_/usr/share/example-content/Experience ubuntu.ogg   <---don't have that file00:20
Al1_k, im guessing thats a no, so im trying to run WoW on my laptop cause a friend wants me to, so ive been working on this all day, ive got it installed on WINE and everything but the problem is when i load i cant see the ground texture, it just doesnt exist. Can someone help?00:21
Ghoti_!wine > all_00:21
PlasmaSheep!wine | Al1_00:21
PlasmaSheepI think he knows what wine is though00:21
Al1_its a compatibility layer00:22
Al1_i understand that...00:22
thebloggu_everytime i turn off the sound in my laptop, i hear a crippling noise (maybe static) instead of sound. for example if i turn off the sound and start playing music, instead of silence i hear that noise. if i turn the music off the sound is gone00:22
_Whipperbot seems to be a bit tired..00:22
sdwrageplasmasheep, I accidently ran nohup ./eclipse & on it earlier... will that do anything?00:22
PlasmaSheepThe problem is not him.00:22
StargazerFor some reason Ubuntu Server isn't automagically connecting when i plug in my eth cable.00:22
ubottuAl1_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:22
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: I doubt it. Did you chmod it as executable?00:22
sdwrageya hold on gotta check it00:22
sdwragenah its not launching it00:23
darkvertexAl1_: wouldn't games run better in a virtualbox? just my 2 cents00:23
Al1_i no what it is already, im using OpenGL to run WoW but i tried with D3D and it just locked00:23
christopheranyone know what channel i need for wine support?00:23
StargazerFor some reason Ubuntu Server isn't automagically connecting when i plug in my eth cable.00:23
Ghoti_christopher: #wineHQ00:23
PlasmaSheepAl1_: try http://gaming.gwos.org/doku.php/guides:start00:24
christopherGhoti, thanks00:24
daftykinsStargazer, run "sudo dhclient eth0" to get a DHCP address00:24
hetaumahi! can some1 tell me how can I install keyboard indicator on ubuntu netbook remix? can't right clikc and add to panel00:24
Squideshi_Whipper: It could be an optional feature--either download the screenshots or not.00:24
Al1_ive been throught about 50 pages of forums... :|00:24
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: What is Ubuntu Brainstorm?00:24
=== BoDean_ is now known as BoDean
sdwrageplasmasheep, its not running it... :\00:24
PlasmaSheep!brainstorm | Squideshi00:24
StargazerThank you, daftykins.00:24
ubottuSquideshi: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!00:24
Ghoti_all_: you might be more likely to find assistance in #wineHQ00:24
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: Why?00:24
christopherHow do I disable this annoying beeping in ubuntu?00:25
PlasmaSheepchristopher: the system beep?00:25
Ghoti_christopher: what annoying beeping? I don't hear anything :)00:25
sdwrageplasmasheep, if I knew that I wouldnt be asking :P00:25
Al1_PlasmaSheep: nope, they dont even have a guide for it00:25
christopherPlasmaSheep: yea the system beep00:25
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: What doesn't run? Eclipse or chmod?00:25
christopherGhoti: your funny, we need to keep you around00:26
PlasmaSheepchristopher: system->preferences->sound sounds tab and uncheck 'play alert sound'00:26
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: try doing it from the command line and post the output00:26
Ghoti_christopher: notwithstanding me being away from my PC, I plan to stick around :)00:27
sdwrageplasma, there is no output00:27
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: I just looked through all the search results for Synaptic and didn't see anything. Are you sure it's already there?00:27
sdwrageand it is from command line00:27
christopherGhoti: lol00:27
christopherPlasmaSheep: thanks00:27
PlasmaSheepSquideshi: No one said it's a package00:27
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: Lolwut. Are you sure it's chmodded executable?00:28
PlasmaSheepUbuntu's default logout sound is awesome.00:28
zooboxhave anyone here used Mondo backupprogram, or knows an irc channel about it?00:28
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: What do you mean?00:28
PlasmaSheep!brainstorm | squideshi00:28
sdwrageplasmasheep, how can I tell?00:28
zooboxor can recomend another backup program, I want to backup a complete harddisk to DVDs00:29
ubottusquideshi: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!00:29
tyabuxI'm trying to copy files that was created on Windows XP from another ext3 partition. I'm using Hardy, and when I try to copy them, I only get an error message saying the charset is invalid. How do I copy the files without manually changing names on every file?00:29
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: do ls -l in the parent directory and see if there's an x for that file00:30
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: That's where I looked at the Synaptic category--at the Brainstorm. I'm confused.00:30
PlasmaSheepSquideshi: See the link?00:30
sdwrageisaiah 46:400:30
PlasmaSheepSquideshi: What, what? What are you looking for?00:30
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: Yes. I used the link.00:30
sdwragethats it right there00:30
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: Or you can do chmod +x ./eclipsefilehere00:31
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: You said that you thought the idea had already been posted at the Brainstorm, no?00:31
zooboxthe harddisk I want to backup is the one with windowsXP-partitions on it, but I want to do it from ubuntu, or from a linux boot-cd if that is better. any ideas?00:31
totoyis there any way i can search for files through the terminal?00:31
Ghoti_totoy: locate $FILENAME00:31
sdwrageplasmasheep, I did chmod +x ./eclipse00:32
zooboxyes, or with find / -name filename00:32
christopheranyone know how to update the intel vga driver for a dell e1405 laptop00:32
PlasmaSheepSquideshi: Ah, sorry. l misunderstood. I guess I was wrong.00:32
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: And when you do ./eclipse it doesn't do anything?00:33
SquideshiPlasmaSheep: No problem. I just thought I was missing something. :)00:33
darkvertextotoy: find / -name filename00:33
PlasmaSheepWhat the hell is with these pm spamming bots?00:33
sdwrageplasma, it sits there and blinks on an empty line then returns to a line with my account before the blinking cursor00:33
PlasmaSheepsdwrage: I have no idea. As a last-ditch attempt, redownload it.00:34
sdwragehrm k00:34
PlasmaSheepIs anyone else getting pm spammed by people who aren't on this channel?00:34
PlasmaSheepThat's what I just got.00:34
martinkoelewijnPlasmaSheep: negative00:35
zooboxok noone interesting in backup-programs tonight then....00:35
PlasmaSheepzoobox: cp is a very underestemated tool00:35
StargazerAside from Lynx, what's a good text-based browser that i can use on Ubuntu Server ?00:35
Ghoti_Stargazer: links200:35
PlasmaSheepzoobox: The way I do my backups is I copy all the folders into one folder which is then compressed and sent to an external drive00:36
darkvertexStargazer: elinks00:36
homesickalien13Hi All00:36
zooboxPlasmaSheep: well, in this case I want a backup of the whole harddisk, including bootsectors and MBR and whatever microsoft might thought was fun to do with it......00:36
Ghoti_zoobox: dd if=/dev/hda of=/path/to/really/big/backup/file00:37
Ghoti_zoobox:  that'll be a bit-for-bit copy of your hard drive00:37
Seroniscan someone recommend where to go to do some price comparing on ubuntu laptops or media center type boxes?00:38
PlasmaSheepzoobox: http://www.builderau.com.au/program/unix/soa/Backing-up-an-entire-hard-drive-under-UNIX/0,339024638,339274490,00.htm00:38
zooboxGhoti_: mm.. I was thinking something like that too.... but I don't have /reall/big/place/ to store a complete copy of hda1 to... I want it to burn dvd's while copying....00:38
PlasmaSheepzoobox: Where will you back it up to then?00:38
test34-How can I get a screen shot of the desktop from a remote ssh session ?00:39
zooboxor rather, copy 4 GB , and then burn that to a dvd, then continue with next 4GB etc...00:39
test34-(x-windows destkop)00:39
zooboxPlasmaSheep: to 10 dvd-r00:39
Ghoti_zoobox: that can be done with dd as well, but the exact syntax eludes me I'm afraid00:39
homesickalien13Hi Could anybody help with a question regarding GRUB?00:40
test34-homesickalien13, ask00:40
Ghoti_!ask | homesickalien1300:40
ubottuhomesickalien13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:40
PlasmaSheepzoobox: You can try to copy them directly to the media instead of the disk.00:40
StargazerIs ventrilo in the repos ?00:41
homesickalien13thanks I just installed ubuntu and I am quite new to linux. when I start my pc and the grub loads I see 4 options for ubuntu and 1 for windows. whats the difference bettween the 4 linux00:41
zooboxGhoti_: ok00:41
Neaaihi all. Does anyone know how to launch the ncurses bittornado?00:41
=== dbfrombrc|away is now known as dbfrombrc
SeronisStargazer:  vent rand 'ok' with the latest wine last i used it (few weeks ago)00:41
Ghoti_homesickalien13: what exactly are the four options?00:41
Stupendousstevehomesickalien13: The first is normal, second is recovery for if something goes wrong, third is probably memtest (I'm guessing, as I can't read your list)00:41
StargazerOk... other than Seronis' suggestion of wine... is there a Ventrilo-like package in the repos ?00:42
homesickalien13Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic and the same but 07 instead of 1100:42
zKaiStargazer, are you asking about teamspeak?00:42
PlasmaSheepStargazer: mumble00:42
zooboxPlasmaSheep: aha... you mean reading from hda simultanously as writing to the dvd? that whould be perfect... (I have 5 GB free diskspace on my linux partition otherwise)00:42
PlasmaSheepStargazer: I'm not sure if it's compatible though00:42
=== Seronis_ is now known as Seronis
Al1_aggghhh i cant fix this!00:43
PlasmaSheepzoobox: Yes. Not certain how possible that is though, never having done that.00:43
StargazerZKai, sure. but is there a windows front/back-end ?00:43
homesickalien13no i mean there is two recovery, memtest and two other linux00:43
SeronisStargazer:  vent ran 'ok' with the latest wine last i used it (few weeks ago)00:43
zKaiStargazer, yeah00:43
Ghoti_homesickalien13: sounds like one is a backup of an older version of the kernel00:43
Seronis(sorry if thats a resend, my laptop went into hibernate when i tried to send it first time)00:43
Quoteythere's no linux version of ventrilo00:43
PlasmaSheepStargazer: mumble00:43
homesickalien13i had a lot of trouble installing and reinstalling, does that mean I have two versions of the same running?00:44
christopheranyone have wow on linux? what's your FPS?00:44
SeronisStargazer:  just install ventrilo with the LATEST version of Wine.  runs great00:44
SeronisStargazer:  by great i mean push-to-talk fails.  but voice activation is ok00:44
StargazerSeronis, i forgot to mention that i'm using Ubuntu Server. wine won't work in CLI mode.00:44
BigMoopiesmy time and date settings is opening very slow (time-admin) after I checked alot of servers , is there a way to reset it ?00:44
martinkoelewijnhomesickalien13: no, they are there for backup. List will grow with each kernel-update. You can delete older ones, but keep last before your current version to be safe.00:45
BigMoopiesI can not click on "unlock" , it just keeps telling me to wait and is greyed out for like 5 mins now00:45
SeronisStargazer:  use teamspeak then.  prob solved?00:45
liveDhow to see for dns on ubuntu?00:45
homesickalien13Thanks Ghoti_ its kind of confusing cause all I have installed is the latest version of Ubuntu on a fresh hd00:46
liveDfor see dns00:46
mlkyI need help getting my mic to work in mumble, please help00:46
BigMoopiescan I sudo apt-get install --reinstall time-admin ?00:46
Ghoti_homesickalien13: I understand, no worries- what's why we're here :)00:46
`Nedhow do I get my videos to play one after another in ubuntu 8.10?00:46
homesickalien13hehe, how do I erase the older back up?00:47
zKaiyou uninstall it00:47
Stupendoussteve`Ned: In totem? ("Movie Player"), have the sidebar on and drag more videos into the list00:47
liveDned you must install codecs (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras)00:47
`Nedok thanks00:47
PlasmaSheepStargazer: Mumble is an alternative to ventrilo.00:47
DM2303Does Mumble work with ventrilo servers?00:48
PlasmaSheepBigMoopies: uncheck them00:48
BigMoopiesPlasmaSheep, how? it doesn't even load00:48
mlkyDM2303 no00:48
PlasmaSheepBigMoopies: Try reinstalling them then00:48
BigMoopiesPlasmaSheep, how so? E: Couldn't find package timeadmin , E: Couldn't find package time-admin , when I try to sudo apt-get remove00:49
PlasmaSheepBigMoopies: apt-get install --uninstall ntpd00:49
PlasmaSheepas root00:49
=== carlos is now known as Guest29021
BigMoopiesE: Command line option --uninstall is not understood00:50
NeaaiI'd use synaptic instead of apt-get. Easier to get around with the gui there.00:50
PlasmaSheepBigMoopies: apt-get install -uninstall ntpd00:50
Guest29021hello, can someone tell me about a program to do a slideshow with my pictures and put a song?00:51
PlasmaSheepNeaai: Synaptic is large and clunky. The cli is small and swift.00:51
FlannelPlasmaSheep, BigMoopies: sudo apt-get remove , not --uninstall00:51
oospunkeycomputer wont boot into grub HELP?!00:51
BigMoopiesE: Couldn't find package ntpd00:51
christopherLOL, if you have integrated Intel, Linux is WORTHLESS00:51
PlasmaSheepFlannel: Damn, I meant --reinstall00:51
NeaaiPlasmaSheep: you're talking debianitish, man ^^00:51
mlkyI need help getting my mic to work in mumble, please help, i cant choose capture, mic or recording under input, only playbackstuff00:52
martinkoelewijnGuest29021: try a media center: XBMC or Elisa00:52
glisignoliI have a question about upgrades in ubuntu, what are the chances that if I do a apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade that the config files that are existing will be incompattible with upgrades?00:52
ienorandoospunkey: eroor message, done something lately which could've affected it?00:52
PlasmaSheepchristopher: I have integrated intel =/00:52
=== default is now known as bootio
oospunkeyerror message 2500:52
christopherPlasmaSheep: It sucks for what I want!!!!00:52
PlasmaSheepNeaai: Synaptic takes like 30 secs just to load.00:52
g4lt-lappychristopher, funny, i have integrated intel and have been using linux longer than you've known what it is without problems00:52
zooboxGhoti_ / PlasmaSheep: I suppose I could do dd if=/dev/hda of=/home/me/img1 count=4G  and then burn it with something? on to a dvd, and then if=/dev/hda of=/home/me/img2 skip=4G count=4G and next time with skip=8G etc...?00:52
Ghoti_zoobox: that's exactly the format that was eluding me. Well done!00:52
christopherg4lt-lappy: you try playing games on it?00:53
Guest29021martinkoelewijn, ill try thanks00:53
BigMoopiesI removed ntp, and it still isn't loading00:53
PlasmaSheepchristopher: Just because it doesn't suit you doesn't mean it's worthless. Linux has performed fine for me for longer than you've used it00:53
pimpmanhi. google tells me my /etc/sudoers is corrupt. how do i fix it?00:53
mib_in5pszIm trying to get my xhd to mount on my new netbook running ubuntu, but the xhd is hfsplus which isnt supported and Im functionally retarded when it comes to this stuff. Can anyone lend a hand?00:53
BigMoopieswait, there it goes00:53
christopherPlasmaSheep: you know, i get a problem running a graphics test, and the only answer I find is it's my integrated card00:53
NeaaiPlasmaSheep: guess it depends on the purpose. I use apt-get for library debs and includes and modules, but synaptic to browse around and add or remove software here and there00:54
PlasmaSheepchristopher: I play an FPS without problems, so it's just you.00:54
g4lt-lappychris_, yes, I play games on it regularly00:54
PlasmaSheepNeaai: I just use the cli.00:54
ienorandoospunkey: Second post here seems to have some suggestions... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117271&highlight=grub+error+2500:54
christopherPlasmaSheep: FPS = FramesPerSecond, what game you play?00:54
zooboxGhoti_: any ideas what how I do a compare the dvd's after I have burn them all? can I just just diff between the file on a dvd and sectors on the harddisk?00:55
charles_koshari: transmission allows scheduling in the nightlies; the feature will be in 1.6000:55
PlasmaSheepchristopher: FPS=First Person Shooter00:55
PlasmaSheepBigMoopies: apt-get remove --reinstall ntpd ntpdate ntptime00:55
PlasmaSheepthrow everything on the wall and see what sticks00:55
christopherPlasmaSheep: maybe you can help!!! I ran glxinfo | grep rendering00:55
shadowblade1hello, i'm configuring dhcp3-server and have a quick question...when i configure a static client with host name {  }, i specify hardware ethernet [mac] - how do i do this for a wireless client? it doesnt work as expected with ethernet there00:55
christopherPlasmaSheep: and got get fences failed: -100:56
christopherparam: 6, val: 000:56
christopherdirect rendering: Yes00:56
evantandersenmy computer is on the internet but can not see my network printer or other networked computers!! help!00:56
shadowblade1in other words, what are the valid hardware types for dhcp3-server config00:56
oospunkeyienorand: what boot prompt do i type rescue?00:56
PlasmaSheepchristopher: I don't know.00:56
PlasmaSheepchristopher: Why is that bad?00:56
christopherPlasmaSheep: christopher@christopher-laptop:~$ lspci | grep VGA00:56
christopher00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)00:56
ienorandzoobox: """ cmp -l  <(cat ./ubuntu_8gb_usb_backup.dd.gz.00* | gunzip -c) /dev/sdb """ seemed to work when I was poking around00:56
zooboxaha ok00:57
homesickalien13bye all thanx for the help :)00:57
Neaaiazureus is said to be a good console torrent client but I dislike it's done in java. what else there is which is good for cli torrent client ?00:57
Neaaii want to use it combined with screen in order to keep the sessions open and survive logouts00:57
christopherPlasmaSheep: not sure, every game I play has been choppy with 2fps00:57
evantandersentransmission has a CL interface as well, Am I right?00:57
Neaaievantandersen: i don't know. does it ?00:58
PlasmaSheepchristopher: I don't know anything about fixing graphics00:58
ienorandzoobox: But figuring out how to pause between the dvds is still to be implemented...00:58
anom01ywhich is better debian or ubuntu ?00:59
anom01yI am considering reinstalling my o/s due to strange problems, but not quite sure what to install to..00:59
sdwrageoh well... still not working01:00
mobi-sheepanom01y: You want the stable OS?  Go with debian.  You'll be missing out on lot of latest features and updates.  Using Firefox 2.0 and etc.  Otherwise, go with Ubuntu?  >_>01:00
Doitleso in this make file I'm trying to write I am running into a permissions problem. I cant copy the compiled file to /usr/sbin. Is there any way I can do this operation without being root?01:00
StupendoussteveNeither is "better", they have different goals01:00
evantandersenNeaai no it doesn't sorry was thinking of handbrake01:00
pimpmani try to start ZIMBRA but i get these errors and zimbra tell me its a UBUNTU issue: FAILED >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 0 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 0. Can anyone suggest help please?01:00
PlasmaSheepanom01y: They're different.01:00
anom01ycool thanks mobi-sheep01:00
adee77hi there01:00
PlasmaSheepanom01y: Try both and see what you like01:00
SeronisDoitle:   sudo cp <file>01:01
PlasmaSheepmobi-sheep: Debian is not more stable or less cutting edge than ubuntu.01:01
mobi-sheepYes Debian is.01:01
ienorandzoobox: Er.. disregard that, using the dd bits in combination with it (replacing the last bit """ /dev/sda """ with: """ (dd if=/dev/sda bs=4GB count=1) """ plus the skip thingies.01:02
StupendousstevePlasmaSheep: mobi-sheep did not ask the question01:02
ienorandzoobox: ... might be doable01:02
MidasManchuhey mates, I'm attempting to help a friend recover files from his fubar ntfs drive01:02
PlasmaSheepStupendoussteve: I know. I was correcting him.01:02
adee77how to get device manager like application for ubuntu01:02
mobi-sheepPlasmaSheep: Debian's goal is stability and they get released whenever it's ready.  Ubuntu get released on time manner, every 6 months.01:02
MidasManchuI seem to be having problems mounting it for read only01:03
charles_evantandersen: yes01:03
anom01ythe prob I am having is kinda strange so I don't even know how I would begin asking my question but I will try so I don't have to reinstall01:03
MidasManchuany thoughts?01:03
ienorandoospunkey: DO you have a livecd available?01:03
StupendousstevePlasmaSheep: Debian Unstable is not more stable and less cutting edge, normal Debian is though01:03
PlasmaSheepmobi-sheep: That doesn't mean that ubuntu is half baked. You can use an LTS release and it'll be stabke.01:03
anom01ybasically I have installed kubuntu, then installed xfce4 packages and started using xfce + compiz fusion01:03
MidasManchuthe file structure is messed up, but the drive spins and the other partitions are fine01:03
zooboxienorand: oh01:03
evantandersencharles_ yes? about what01:03
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PlasmaSheepStupendoussteve: You can still install the deb files of up to date programs and add repositories.01:03
StupendoussteveOf course01:03
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Seronisanom:  why didnt you just install xubuntu ?01:03
anom01ymy problem started when I ran kcontrol and started screwing with the colors for kde apps (which I use in xfce)01:04
Neaaievantandersen: i was checking too. actually the man page mentions a "transmissioncli" at the end at the "look also",  but there is no such thing.01:04
mobi-sheepPlasmaSheep: I never said Ubuntu was half-baked.  I suppose the correct answer for the anom01y would be to try Ubuntu LTS. :)01:04
anom01ynow, kopete crashes when I open windows, and java + firefox give me strange errors01:04
charles_evantandersen: yes, transmission has a cli01:04
mmmyummytreatshiiiiiii everyone can anyone tell me if my video card is working properly? my video and window effects are kinda choppy : /01:04
PlasmaSheepmobi-sheep: Yes, that would work.01:04
glisignoliCan doing a apt-get upgrade break my system? Eg: Configs and whatnot01:04
Neaaicharles_: how to start transmission in cli mode then?01:05
charles_Neaai: there are actually two: (1) transmission-cli, which is kind of lightweight, and (2) transmission-daemon, plus a cli frontend to the daemon named transmission-remote01:05
charles_Neaai: either start transmission-cli on its own, or start transmission-daemon, and drive that with transmissio-remote01:05
evantandersencharles_ oh.01:05
mobi-sheepglisignoli: See "apt-get --help"01:06
evantandersendoes anyone know about ubuntu having any built in firewall or anything?01:06
anom01ymobi-sheep, I already run ubuntu + xfce4, but, I am getting wierd issues running kde apps in xfce, and the colors for firefox+java make it not usable/visible01:06
mobi-sheepglisignoli: It's basically same way you update via GUI.01:06
alex_omg I logged in as root!01:06
Neaaicharles_: i have not an executable named transmission-cli   ??01:06
wamcveyGreetings all. I was wondering if what it took to get someone to look into a bug that has been around for over a year but doesn't seem to even be assigned to someone to address.01:07
wamcvey(that sounds harsher than I intended to sound)01:07
charles_Neaai: iirc it's packaged on its own... you might look through the package list for the different flavors of transmission01:07
glisignolimobi-sheep: I'm just worried that if I do a apt-get upgrade on a server that hasn't had updates in a few months, it might break something (current configs not compatible with updated packages)01:07
evantandersenalex_ thats neither particually useful or safe01:07
Doitle;_; this is zero fun writing this makefile. I do cp twice, first one? Works fine. Second one? Unknown identifier: cp01:07
zooboxienorand: yeah for disk two I should use cmp -l  <(cat ./ubuntu_8gb_usb_backup.dd.gz.00* | gunzip -c) (dd if=/dev/sda bs=4GB skip=4GB count=1)01:07
mobi-sheepanom01y: I'm not sure what your issue is in first place.  You're talking about color in theme making it unvisible?01:07
zooboxor no... (dd if=/dev/sda bs=4GB skip=1 count=1) I mean01:08
linny1is there any way to create a shortcut to login and execute a command on my ftp server ie cd watch/ put ~/torrents/*01:08
mobi-sheepglisignoli: I'm not the one to ask.  That's why we always do backups regardless of what we may be doing in the future.   Keep that in thought.01:08
anom01ymobi-sheep, it seems since I ran kcontrol (kde control center) in xfce to change the colors for kde apps which I use in xfce my problems began01:08
mobi-sheepglisignoli: Use that as a good practice. :)01:08
anom01yjava apps in firefox are unusable01:08
Piciwamcvey: What bug?01:08
anom01yand kopete crahses the x server now 75% of the time that I start a new chat window01:09
anom01y(er chat session)01:09
wamcveyPici: thanks for getting back to me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/21655001:09
glisignolimobi-sheep: I blame you if this breaks :D01:09
Neaaicharles_: yes, apt-search says there is a transmission-cli. cool01:09
wamcveypici: the bug has been around since since at least hardy, and apparently is still in Jaunty-beta01:09
mobi-sheepglisignoli: Good luck.  I only suggested the backup. ;>01:10
mmmyummytreatsanyone know anything about....  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) misbehaving in intrepid?01:10
Tophuok I am trying to open gnome-terminal on boot/login. how can I do this?01:10
anom01yhmm what is the compositing manager ? could I have activated that by opening kcontrol ??01:10
DoitleAny ideas on my cp troubles? I guess I should be careful where I say that...01:10
Tophu@Doitle: LOL01:11
linny1is there any way to create a shortcut to login and execute a command on my ftp server ie cd watch/ put ~/torrents/*01:11
Tophu:-( too much 4chan01:12
FlannelTophu: Please refrain from that.  Thanks.01:12
ienorandzoobox: Yea, something like that you'd have to specify the filename ## ./cddrive/backup.dd.gz.001 ## for file 2 for example...01:12
glisignolimobi-sheep: One server done, only 12 more to go...01:12
Flannel!session | Tophu01:12
ubottuTophu: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:12
Piciwamcvey: Let me see if I can recreate it, hold on.01:13
Tophu@ubottu :-( that doesn't work01:13
ValentineXwhat new ubuntu 9.04 have? can it install my intel drivers fully now? i switched to linuxmint 2months before coz ubuntu was not installing my vga properly01:14
keyboard_helphi. i want to be able to type a letter with hat like in hâlâ. i'm using ubuntu 8.10. how can i do this?01:14
ienorandzoobox: Here presuming that you make _files_ on the dvd, not raw-write data to it...01:15
Tophuto be more specific I need to run ./ventrilo_srv from ~/Desktop/ventserv/ in a terminal window on boot/login01:15
DoitleI even checked in vi to make sure there were no hidden characters around the second cp01:15
mobi-sheepValentineX: http://tinyurl.com/9blc2901:15
wamcveykeyboard_help: check out: http://www.jacobsen.no/anders/blog/archives/2007/06/05/how_to_get_special_characters_easily_in_ubuntu.html01:15
pckchemAnyone know why the Jaunty liveCD wants me to give it a username/password?01:15
Kamitsukai1Do the daily builds of ubuntu 9.04 still have that nasty ext4 bug that the download page mentions?01:16
keyboard_helpthanks wamcvey!01:16
usr13pckchem: at what point?01:16
ienorandzoobox: Did you get any clues as how to pipe up mkisofs and cdredord (dvdrecord?) since I'm kinda interested in that myself?01:16
ValentineXmobi-sheep: Thank you, is ext4 buggy?01:16
wamcveyDoitle: I missed your question... what's your problem?01:16
pckchemnormal login screen. Normally live CD's don't even show a login screen.01:16
pckchemusr13: Hence confusion01:17
DoitleI'm writing a make file to install my service and I need to copy two files, the first one copies fine, the second one says cp is an unknown identifier. They are formatted identically.01:17
mobi-sheepValentineX: Well, I'm using encrypted lvm + ext4 right now on Jaunty.  I'm unaware of the ext4 bugs.01:17
usserDoitle, pastebin the make file?01:17
wamcveyDoitle: do you have the Makefile up on a pastebin somewhere?01:17
sdwrageso I untar my eclipse folder to /home/sdwrage/eclipse/ and I cd to it. I then attempt to run eclipse via ./eclipse and no go. So I try chmod +x ./eclipse and still no go... any ideas anyone?01:17
ienorandpckchem: login is  normally ubuntu woth blank password, as far as I know...01:17
BlackCoffeedoes anyone know where i can download the weather font for conky?01:18
mobi-sheeppckchem: Try ubuntu:ubuntu01:18
DoitleUh... sure it'll take me a sec, I'm remote desktopped to teh computer and then running linux in a VM on there. I'll have to ftp it01:18
pckchemusr13 : It's the jaunty-rc from the official torrent. It's being run on top of a intrepid install. And ubuntu:"blank" and ubuntu:ubuntu don't work01:18
DoitleMind you I'm just sort of cobbling it together I dont know how to write a good make file so if I'm doing something really wrong feel free to tell me. http://rafb.net/p/ZQfext23.html01:19
usr13Doitle: pasteinit01:19
ienorandpckchem: run in vm?01:19
wamcveyDoitle: makefile issues I've seen before include spaces rather than tabs being treated differently. Also, if you're doing nested subshells, you may have to escape newlines.01:19
pckchemienorand: Why?01:19
pimpmanI try start ZIMBRA on ubunto and get the following error. anyon help?: http://www.pastebin.ca/1394478 im getting desperate for work emails to work again01:19
wamcveyDoitle: You're using su?  who is this running as?01:20
ienorandpckchem: Sorry. Is it being run in a vm?01:20
usr13Doitle: pastebinit01:20
Kamitsukai1info on the ext4 but is under "Known issues" on this page http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904overview01:20
PlasmaSheepCould someone tell me the ways to get the high, low, and current temperatures for today in conkyforecast?01:20
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:20
DoitleId id pastebin it01:20
wamcveyusr13: Doitle's makefile is at http://rafb.net/p/ZQfext23.html01:20
pckchemienorand: Nope. Live CD.01:20
LjLThis channel is for <= 8.10 support01:20
Kamitsukai1ccessing large files can trigger a kernel panic and filesystem corruption01:20
ienorandpckchem: Or are you running livecd... ok01:20
Piciwamcvey: It looks like if I disable Click To Focus, then the keyboard keybindings work.01:20
usserDoitle, presumably make install is executed by root, so theres no need for su in there01:21
mobodois there a simple way get a bandwidth usage summary from the shell on a given interface?01:21
jedi06which is my cdrom?  http://rafb.net/p/Do2qAB90.html01:21
wamcveyPici: mind if we go unicast?01:21
DoitleI actually have them with sudos not sus in the most recent version01:21
ienorandpckchem: Then I don't really see why it would have a password, and this is when it boots up to login for the first time?01:21
Doitlewithout su/sudo it told me I did not have permission to copy into /usr/sbin usser01:21
usserDoitle, you have to execute the make install with sudo, ie sudo make install01:22
Stupendousstevejedi06: Is it a usb cdrom?01:22
DoitleWill it be executed like that by apt-get? The ultimate goal is to package this into a .deb01:22
Flannel!packaging | Doitle01:22
ubottuDoitle: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:22
usr13Doitle: And what is the error?01:22
pckchemienorand: Yeah. And trust me, after 4 years of Ubuntu use and 3 years of BugControl I'm just confused. Perhaps an ISO problem...01:22
Piciwamcvey: eh?01:22
Stupendousstevejedi06: That list does not show any drives01:23
wamcveyDoitle: also, check out the man page for 'install'01:23
anom01ywow kopete and compiz do not get along apparently if you have an nvidia card01:23
pimpman thanks for the ....help.... .01:23
FlannelDoitle: #ubuntu-motu is generally a better place for packaging questins.01:23
zooboxienorand: yeah I want to make a file on the dvd yes.  haven't looked on mkisofc/cdrecord yet01:23
anom01yis there any other equiv chat apps ?01:23
usserDoitle, to create a .deb package you too need root permissions, so yea it will be executed with root priviliges by apt-get01:23
Doitleit either sattes the the second cp or the cd are command not found / unknown identifier01:23
LjL!im | anom01y01:23
ubottuanom01y: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete01:23
sdwrageso I untar my eclipse folder to /home/sdwrage/eclipse/ and I cd to it. I then attempt to run eclipse via ./eclipse and no go. So I try chmod +x ./eclipse and still no go... any ideas anyone?01:23
ienorandpckchem: possibly... I don't know if anything already on the computer would make it pick up a password... som might be an iso problem, md5 check...01:24
zooboxienorand: I'm quite new on burning from ubuntu.... until now I have allways used Nero in windows for my dvd-burning needs :-)01:24
usserDoitle, even without su?01:24
valroadiewhenever i go to system->admin->hardware drivers all i see is my wireless card and not my graphics card EVEN though im running an nvidia 9600gt any ideas?01:24
pckchemienorand, it already cleared md5, first thing I do. Probably a build error. I'm going to search LP for reported errors. One sec.01:25
jedi06which one is the cdrom in the lshw01:25
Doitleremoving all the sudos and then doing sudo make does appear to work!01:26
RipzerskinsHi. Is anyone else having troubles with firefox after that last update?01:26
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pckchemienorand: Yeah. This time it worked. I have no idea. Didn't change anything. *shrug*01:27
RipzerskinsGuess not. after the most recent update (just updated) my firefox has been sketchy. Not loading bookmarks or any preferences. I can still see them if I type the beginning of one of my book marks into the address bar, but can't see them in my bookmark tab. Still can travel the web. Anyone know what happened?01:28
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: Try Right-Click on the navigation bar -->Customize... --> Restore Default Set.  I think your GUI went out of wacky.  If that doesn't work, then I don't know.01:30
ienorandpckchem: They spoke about something with ram here:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/9193 so I guess there might be some freak occasions where it will stay in ram... Really sounds to weird to be true...01:30
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pckchemienorand: Believe it I guess. It probably has something to do with be interrupting intrepid's boot so that I could restart the computer  with the livecd in the drive. Either way, turning the comp completely off then on versus just a restart fixed the issue.01:32
mikegriffinhiya, how can i modify my key press repeat rate and delay?01:32
Stupendousstevemikegriffin: Yes. In Gnome it is in System> Preferences> Keyboard01:32
mikegriffinsorry, using xdm and fluxbox, i figured it was an x thing at first but it seems to affect the raw terminals as well01:33
Skapareinstalled Intrepid ... can install Jaunty later ... I'm trying to find out how to configure wireless so that it activates as soon as the system boots up, instead of waiting until a user logs in, and stay activated even when a user logs out01:33
martinkoelewijnPlasmaSheep:  forecast in conky: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=UKXX0103 --datatype=HT}  change location, and second and third time you run change HT to LT (low temperature) and CC (current)01:33
mikegriffinStupendoussteve: nm, just x it seems01:33
StupendoussteveSkapare: Yes you can upgrade to Jaunty01:33
StupendoussteveSkapare: Sorry didn't read the whole thing :)01:34
SkapareStupendoussteve: in 7 days ... do you know that it is impossible to do in Intrepid and doable in Jaunty?01:34
StupendoussteveSkapare: AFAIK network-manager requires the system to be up and logged in, you will need to set up a manual network configuration01:34
mikegriffinStupendoussteve: the answer i was looking for is "xset r rate 195 35"01:34
Stupendousstevemikegriffin: Glad you found it :)01:35
SkapareStupendoussteve: any instructions, directions, documentation, on how to do that?01:35
StupendoussteveSkapare: One sec01:35
SkapareStupendoussteve: google got people asking the qestions and people _trying_ to do it with network-manager with no luck01:35
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: I just did that01:35
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: It worked for a second, then firefox crashed01:36
fbc-mxHow can I adjust how soon the gnome-power-manager goes yellow? My laptop still has an hour and 45 minutes of life left in it and the logo is already yellow. I can see the parameter in gconf-editor, but don't know which ones to change.01:36
kyleabakercan someone help me get ia32-libs installed in Jaunty (64)? I'm getting an error that I can't get rid of.01:37
SkapareStupendoussteve: the ability to limit networking to certain users will have its uses in other context (like kids using it)01:37
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: Also, whenever I try to use foxmarks (or x marks now I guess) it closes.01:37
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: Hmm.  Well, I solved your issue.  And now you have a new issue. :-\01:37
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: It went back the way it was01:37
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: Try and disable Foxmarks.01:37
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: I tried to go into my addon menu and firefox closed.01:38
SkapareStupendoussteve: but for my use, I want to be able to ssh in even if the machine reboots01:38
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: "firefox -safe-mode"01:38
DoitleThis is a lot of work just to get a webserver running that keeps track of hits and increments a counter in a txt file.01:38
StupendoussteveSkapare: With that machine on wireless, correct?01:38
SkapareStupendoussteve: yes ... it will be in another room01:38
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: same problem with the bookmarks. The add on isn't here though01:39
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: Closed when I tried to go into my addons01:39
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: Sounds like Foxmark b0rked your Firefox.01:39
ValentineXBy default, Ubuntu still uses Ext3, how to use ext4? i do not know manual partitions01:39
rybl1Can anyone answer a question about evince (Document Viewer)?01:39
SkapareStupendoussteve: my dad will be using it occasionally, and at other times I'll be using it to run software builds01:39
FlannelValentineX: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions.  Thanks01:40
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: Where is the bookmarks folder so I can get my bookmarks before I clean install firefox?01:40
mobi-sheepValentineX: Use alternative disk.  It provide more choices.  I'm not sure about Desktop CD but set up the partition manually.  You should be able to change from ext3 to ext4.01:40
mikegriffinjaunty is still +1?01:40
Picimikegriffin: Its not released, so yes.01:40
Stupendousstevemikegriffin: Yes, Jaunty is still a development build01:40
eseven73yep till the 23rd01:40
mikegriffinoh i thoguht it released. got it thanks espacious01:40
eseven73the rc was released today01:41
mikegriffineseven73: ^^    (sorry espacious)01:41
ValentineXFlannel: u want to kick me from here :'(01:41
mikegriffinyea i had quite a few updates just now01:41
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: Try search somewhere in /home/Rip/.mozilla/    --->  However, I suggest you to rename /home/Rip/.mozilla_backup/ --> This way, you can start Firefox with a clean config file.01:42
SkapareStupendoussteve: it would be nice if network-manager could do this itself ... e.g. if admin logged in, show an option "start wireless network at system boot" ... and an init script to fire up a background component of network-manager to run it01:42
ienorandSkapare: /etc/network/interfaces is a start...01:42
FlannelValentineX: ext4 only works on Jaunty.  Jaunty isn't supported here, as it's not stable yet.01:42
StupendoussteveSkapare: It would be nice, yes. If you use wpa you will have to do configuration with wpa_supplicant01:43
Skapareienorand: yeah, but I only know how to set IP addresses in there ... wireless involves more stuff like WEP/WPA keys, etc01:43
darkoricalHello all01:43
jduSkapare, which is possible in interfaces too.   However network manager ignores it so it is not really an option.01:43
Skapareienorand: how do they do this on servers?01:44
Stupendousstevejdu: He's not using a gui, thus not using network-manager01:44
eseven73is there anything like opennms for ubuntu? I can't seem to get it going for the life of me, im using zabbix already, just wondering what else I could try, just to say I tried it and for the experience :)01:44
jduStupendoussteve, ah01:44
Skaparejdu: well as long as network-manager doesn't interfere, once I find out how to set it up in /etc/network/interfaces then that is OK ... I can edit files01:44
mobi-sheepValentineX: Use alternative disk.  That's all I can say.  Far more text-based choices.01:44
* Skapare has used emacs for 27 years01:45
Warrior|Aussieoh god01:45
Warrior|AussieI just joined01:45
Warrior|Aussiethat makes me want to leave again01:45
c0r3hi warrior01:45
megaerathiaCould someone help me?01:45
ValentineXmobi-sheep:  what is alternative disk?01:45
jduSkapare, I don't have the config file handy,  but I was working on a computer that connects with wep to a wireless router with only config interfaces.01:45
Warrior|Aussieyou each have 5 minutes01:45
fbc-mxHow can I adjust how soon the gnome-power-manager goes yellow? My laptop still has an hour and 45 minutes of life left in it and the logo is already yellow. I can see the parameter in gconf-editor, but don't know which ones to change.01:45
mobi-sheepmegaerathia: State your problem.01:45
StupendoussteveSkapare: Connecting ubuntu server to wireless was how I went about looking for things, didn't get many results for people getting it working there either01:45
Warrior|Aussieto give me a good reason to upgrade t0 9.04 from my current 8.0401:46
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:46
usserWarrior|Aussie, dont bother, 8.04 wait for next LTS01:46
eseven73wrong room to talk about 9.0401:46
mobi-sheep!alternate | ValentineX01:46
ubottuValentineX: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal01:46
usserWarrior|Aussie, *8.04 is great wait for next LTS01:46
SkapareStupendoussteve: yeah, I've looked, but didn't use "server" yet ... just thought of that01:46
megaerathiaI've just installed Ubuntu, the newest version. What happens is it boots up with the grub line. And I don't know what the hell I have to do to start it in vista or ubuntu again. It gives rapid beeps when trying to start linux from harddrive using the live cd.01:46
SkapareStupendoussteve: probably most people don't do wireless on a server is the catch01:47
megaerathiaWith the grub command line I mean.01:47
RipzerskinsHaha, I just tried to mkdir, and my computer told me not enough space. Hehe, I have 0 bytes of hd space available01:47
SkapareStupendoussteve: the servers I do have are on a switch that is connected to a wireless bridge ... the wireless router and cable modem are in another room01:48
CrimsonIdolwhat is the favorite desklet system... I'm using screenlets right now but i'm not sure i'm happy with it.01:48
ValentineXmobi-sheep: these images are all alternate? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/01:48
kyleabakercan someone help me fix a problem with ia32-libs in Jaunty?01:48
SkapareStupendoussteve: but this machine I'm trying to get going is a laptop ... but I wouldn't run ether around the house anyway, due to risk of electrical damage01:48
mobi-sheepValentineX: Right.01:48
megaerathiaAm I screwed?01:48
Ripzerskinsmobi-sheep: I'm totally out of hd space. Think that might be my problem? haha01:48
NAD3240Can anyone here give me hand with VirtualBox sound setup01:49
darkoricalI use windows server 2003  with terminal services so several people in our other location can access some systems using remote desktop. is there a system comparable to this for ubuntu server ?01:49
mobi-sheepRipzerskins: I wouldn't know how Firefox manage with no room.  Could be.  Would be.  Should be.01:49
ValentineXmobi-sheep: there is different method to install/ use with them? different from normal cd installation? text based... commands i do not know01:49
megaerathiaI've just installed Ubuntu, the newest version. What happens is it boots up with the grub command line. And I don't know what the hell I have to do to start it in vista or ubuntu again. It gives rapid beeps when trying to start linux from harddrive using the live cd.01:49
Flannelmegaerathia: Nope.  You'll just have to wait for someone to be free and help you.  Keep repeating your question every 15-25 minutes, and in the meantime, you can try the forums (ubuntuforums.org)01:49
StupendoussteveSkapare: Are you apt at compiling things? I did find a command line networkmanager controller, which may work01:50
megaerathiaAlready searched all through it.01:50
StupendoussteveSkapare: See http://vidner.net/martin/software/cnetworkmanager/01:50
mobi-sheepValentineX: You don't deal with commands at all.  Bunch of choices.  (Yes/no).  Etc.01:50
mobi-sheepAnd you set up size, etc.01:50
FlannelValentineX, mobi-sheep: It's text based, but its not commands.  It's menu driven, just like the Desktop CD.  It actually asks identical questions, just through a text based GUI.01:50
SkapareStupendoussteve: I can, though for ubuntu I'd rather have a .deb01:50
mobi-sheepValentineX: But If you feel like you don't want to deal with that, then don't.  Just stick with Desktop CD.  But if you wanted ext4, then go for it.  Like Flannel said.  No commands.01:51
SkapareStupendoussteve: I do embedded system builds ... very able to compile ... but I prefer to have my ubuntu machines full package managed01:51
StupendoussteveSkapare: I agree. I will see about possibly making a deb, if it works01:51
amathishello, I just switched from a 21" CRT to a 22" widescreen lcd, and everything looks nice until I login using gnome as my WM, and all I see is the desktop wallpaper.. no icons no response from mouse, all I can do is change my session to a the failsafe terminal and am using irssi01:51
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SkapareStupendoussteve: OK ... any idea what the GUI network-manager calls to do its thing?01:52
eseven73is there anything like opennms for ubuntu? I can't seem to get it going for the life of me, im using zabbix already, just wondering what else I could try, just to say I tried it and for the experience :)01:52
darkoricalI use windows server 2003  with terminal services so several people in our other location can access some systems using remote desktop. is there a system comparable to this for ubuntu server ?01:52
StupendoussteveSkapare: The gui is nm-applet, it communicates with network manager, but does not do so over normal commands (I believe it uses dbus)01:53
SkapareStupendoussteve: that network manager it communicates with, is it only running after a user logs in?01:53
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nokomisHello, IS there a gui program for converting video files?01:54
StupendoussteveSkapare: No it's through /etc/init.d/NetworkManager01:54
ienorandSkapare: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-gateway.en.html section Has instructions as to what is to be added to /etc/network/interfaces... Further down it also says one should add "auto #interfacename#" to bring it up automatically...01:55
SkapareStupendoussteve: then the command line variant could do the same thing?01:55
megaerathiaI've just installed Ubuntu, the newest version. What happens is it boots up with the grub line. And I don't know what the hell I have to do to start it in vista or ubuntu again. It gives rapid beeps when trying to start linux from harddrive using the live cd.01:55
Skapareienorand: thanks!  I'll have a look01:55
jduSkapare, if you are interested, send me your email with a private message.   I will go to the ltsp server that I can't access now but connects to a wireless network without NetworkManager and send you a copy of interfaces.01:55
ienorandSkapare: if you add things to the interfaces file i've seen that this seem to disable network-manager completely...01:56
mobi-sheepnokomis: Did you know that VLC is not just a media player but it can CONVERT video / audio too?  Google VLC.01:56
StupendoussteveThe wireless-key field does not support wpa01:56
Stupendoussteveunless they have patched some things01:56
D3RGPS31I get the error "tasksel: aptitude failed (100)" when installing LAMPP with tasksel, what do I do :D01:56
Starhawkdoes anyone know when is planed the next ati driver?01:56
SkapareStupendoussteve: I'm using WEP anyway01:56
nokomismobi-sheep, no I didnt, thanks01:56
StupendoussteveAh, wep is very easy :D01:57
zooboxhmm... what command linte dvd-writing program (of the type "write the files in this directory to the dvd" not write this .iso) should I use?01:57
SkapareStupendoussteve: my printer doesn't support WPA01:57
amathisanyone know why switching from crt to widescreen lcd would cause my desktop to be blank and unresponsive?01:57
megaerathiai hate linux more than i ever did now..01:57
tyabuxmegaerathia, that's productive.01:57
Stupendousstevemegaerathia: Does it actually boot?01:57
megaerathiaNo it doesn't.01:58
Skapareamathis: scan rate not within the range the lcd can do?01:58
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:58
megaerathiaThat's why I hate it.01:58
megaerathiaIt doesn't even show a boot menu anymore.01:58
zooboxwhen I search about cdrecord/cdrtools/dvdrecord on the web I only end up in som old strange programmer conflict so perhaps one should stay away from them...?01:58
Stupendousstevemegaerathia: When it's doing the countdown hit esc01:58
Stupendousstevemegaerathia: Should show the menu01:58
Skapareamathis: lcd should be able to handle a VERY wide range of scan rates ... but too many engineers haven't figured that out, yet01:58
megaerathiaWhich countdown?01:58
darkoricaleseven73 are you still looking for openNMS?01:58
amathisSkapare: well, my resolution is 1600x1200 and I know this monitor only supports 105001:58
megaerathiaIt shows my bios' manufacturer, then goes to the grub command line.01:58
eseven73darkorical, no, I cant get openNMS going, so im looking for alternatives01:58
Skapareamathis: that could do it01:59
Starhawkdoes anyone know when is planed the next fglrx driver?the current jaunty version doesn't look compatible with X.Org01:59
droneanyone here have ubuntu running on a lenovo 3000 g530 ?01:59
mike12hey does anyone here know anything about windows01:59
Stupendousstevemegaerathia: Ah so it doesn't even find it's conf01:59
NAD3240I have a stack of DVD-RAM discs that i like using for click and drag. I remember using some command line in the past to format them to UDF and then was able to drag. this was a while back, anyone know this?01:59
mike12i have a problem with my windows Computer01:59
amathisSkapare: ok next question.. I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it didn't fix the problem.. how can I solve this?01:59
Skapareamathis: the lcd display I have now gives up if the vertical scan rate drops below about 59.9 Hz01:59
=== dbfrombrc is now known as dbfrombrc|away
mobi-sheepSkapare: You asked for startup script, didn't you?01:59
eseven73mike12 ##windows01:59
mlkyhow do you take a screenshot in ubuntu?01:59
usserStarhawk, just installed the driver from jaunty's repos today, worked fine02:00
kyleabakerprint screen :P02:00
megaerathiaIt did first, then I started in Vista restore mode (which I didn't know it was restore mode) and exited. Now it doesn't show the menu anymore.02:00
darkoricaloh well I was going to say they have their own channel on this irc server (#opennms) and their site does have instructions for getting it going on ubuntu 602:00
mlkyhmm ok, just didnt work just now02:00
Skapareamathis: now you're out of my league ... I'm new to Ubuntu02:00
mobi-sheep!boot | Skapare02:00
ubottuSkapare: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:00
mike12eseven73 windows vista02:00
amathisI can't get any response in #xorg02:00
eseven73darkorical, yeah ive read them all but no go02:00
Stupendousstevemlky: If not, Applications>Accessories>Take Screenshot (I didn't know PrtSc did it in Ubuntu)02:00
Skaparemobi-sheep: thanks02:00
eseven73mike12 this is a Linux channel, you're looking for ##windows I think02:00
aspoorwhy was it down?02:01
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mike12o ok thaks02:01
darkoricalalright Ill see if I can find any other information that may help you while I wait to see if I can get an answere to my question02:01
eseven73mike12 type /join ##windows02:01
tyabuxmegaerathia, oh, I see. So you hate Linux because Vistas restore made it inaccessible?02:01
eseven73you're welcome02:01
=== dbfrombrc is now known as dbfrombrc|away
Starhawkusser> really?because 2days ago it crashed my xorg02:01
eseven73!away > dbfrombrc|away02:01
ubottudbfrombrc|away, please see my private message02:01
megaerathiaYes, and cause I can't do anything now, except for booting from linux live cd.02:01
darkoricalI use windows server 2003  with terminal services so several people in our other location can access some systems using remote desktop. is there a system comparable to this for ubuntu server ?02:01
usserStarhawk, version from repos? 8.6? i only used it for a couple of hours, ran some games wine etc seemed to work fine so far02:01
mlkythanks Stupendoussteve02:02
megaerathiaAny solutions to fix this?02:02
tyabuxmegaerathia, then wouldn't it be more logical to hate Vista? However, you can restore grub. Search for it in the wiki.02:02
FrozenFireIs there a way to automatically start an application in a specific workspace?02:02
usserdarkorical, ltsp02:02
FrozenFireI'd like to start Thunderbird in Workspace 202:02
usserdarkorical, linux terminal services project02:02
Skaparemobi-sheep: as long as such a startup script is "the way" in ubuntu, that's what I'll do ... what I want is to end up with the same way an ubuntu expert would have just done it02:02
megaerathiaI already hated vista, why'd you think I wanted linux?02:02
megaerathiaIt didn't install xp so linux was my last choice02:03
mobi-sheep!devilspie | FrozenFire02:03
ubottuFrozenFire: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie02:03
bullgard4'~$  which gnome-netstatus' does not produce any output. What is the name of the associated executable command?02:03
mobi-sheepFrozenFire: You might want to look for GUI version.  There are one but I can't remember the package name.02:03
NAD3240DVD-RAM, anyone use them anymore?02:03
FrozenFiremobi-sheep: I'm fine with doing it via the command-line02:03
mobi-sheepFrozenFire: No problem.  :)02:03
PiciFrozenFire: If you're not using metacity, and compiz instead then look into the window rules section of ccsm. Help for that is in #compiz02:03
tyabuxdarkorical, there are several. One is called xrdp, which is an RDP server for Ubuntu. It's compatible with RDP clients, including Microsofts. There is also FreeNX, which is similar to RDP, only faster. And you have LTSP, but I think that's less useful over slow connections.02:04
Starhawkanother question, no bug has been detected about dontzap, but I can't reenable the shortcut02:04
darkoricaleseven73 have you looked at Zenoss?02:04
eseven73ya but zenoss looks pricey, and I don't want to settle for "core" version hehe02:04
* eseven73 is picky02:05
tyabuxmegaerathia, what's happened, is probably that Vista deleted the boot manager, grub. You can reinstall it. There is nothing that Linux can do to prevent this, so you shouldn't hate it for it.02:05
Mylistohey all02:05
darkoricalwell I did vind this sitethat list some http://ostatic.com/opennms/alternatives/102:05
MylistoI'm trying to drag a .py plugin into my gimp folder...02:05
Mylistogetting permission denied02:05
eseven73darkorical, besides that I didn't see a easy way to install it in ubuntu, I think there were a few .rpm's though02:05
bombshelter13_Hey  guys, is there anywhere in the ubuntu where files are stored that I can look at to see what X11 displays are currently open?02:06
eseven73darkorical, ok ill check that link out thanks :)02:06
megaerathiaHaha, it says I need to install ubuntu again.02:06
megaerathiaWhich I can't.02:06
darkoricalYou're welcome hope it helps02:06
SkapareVista assumes, during install, that you are choosing to replace Linux with Vista ... a silly assumption, but you know how MS is02:06
tyabuxmegaerathia, what sais that?02:06
megaerathiaMy computer does.02:06
mlkyanyone knows why i cant choose any captures on this list? (http://imageshack.dk//viewimage.php?file=/imagesfree/ERJ30341.png)02:06
tyabuxmegaerathia, where? When?02:06
megaerathiaI need to start it in No acpi mode for some reason.02:07
iameliteHi everyone...02:07
foredoes anyone here know how to fix this problem ?02:07
foreError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual02:07
foreXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:07
megaerathiaI choose install, it makes continous beeps and does nothing02:07
iameliteI did something... really stupid.02:07
megaerathiaGoes into grub command line again02:07
forethat is what i get when i do glxinfo | grep direct02:07
mikegriffiniamelite: go in...02:07
Mylistotyabux: I'm trying to drag a plugin into my gimp plugins folder at usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plugins02:07
Mylistogetting a permission denied...02:07
iameliteSparing you the story, I changed the permissions on my home directory, and now i cant log into Ubuntu.02:07
tyabuxMylisto, why are you telling me this?02:08
blockycan someonet tell me the apt command to check the currently installed version of a package02:08
Mylistotyabux: trying to see if someone can help me02:08
bombshelter13_How can I find out what X11 displays are open on a ubuntu system?02:08
iameliteI did "chmod 666" and "chown (username)" and... Im not fully sure what the first one did.02:08
mikegriffiniamelite: you could single user the box, it took out execute bit02:08
bombshelter13_Trying to set up something like an X version of the 'wall' command, I.E., check what displays are open and send the message to all of them02:09
megaerathiagrub> find /boot/grub/stage102:09
megaerathiaError 15: File not found02:09
megaerathiasuper nice..02:09
mikegriffiniamelite: in any case, you are doing it wrong, your home should not have those permissions02:09
WindowsXP_ProWhen there is something really long you say "Too long; didn't read", shortened to "tl;dr". Examples of tl;dr are books, the "man" command, textbooks, and game manuals.02:09
kyleabakerdoes anyone here know anything about ia32-libs?02:09
kyleabakerI just need some quick help getting it installed02:09
blockyah found it, dpkg -s <packagename>02:10
nn123654anyone know how to fix http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1127683 that?02:10
mikegriffinmegaerathia: you dont have a partition for /boot?02:10
Picibombshelter13_: The output of 'w' or 'who'  will show what x sessions are opened.02:10
megaerathiaI don't know, how can I check?02:10
megaerathiaVista used to be my partition for booting.. but I don't see it in my computer02:10
mikegriffingrep boot /etc/fstab02:10
bombshelter13_Pici:  hmm, independantly of whether they are local/vnc/xdmcp, etc?02:10
megaerathiagrep boot /etc/fstab02:11
tyabuxmegaerathia, does this mean you used wubi to install ubuntu?02:11
WindowsXP_ProAlso linux documentation is "tl;dr"02:11
bombshelter13_I remember X11 having lockfiles somewhere...02:11
megaerathiaI just inserted the ubuntu live cd i burned and installed from that.02:11
tyabuxmegaerathia, how did you install ubuntu?02:11
PiciWindowsXP_Pro: This is a support channel, Please try to keep the discussion elsewhere, such as #ubuntu-offtopic02:11
bombshelter13_would looking at those be reliable?02:11
tyabuxtyabux, did you reboot, or did you install from windows?02:11
mikegriffinbombshelter13_: /tmp.X[n] -lock02:12
* kyleabaker wishes he could get some "support"02:12
megaerathiaTalking to yourself now huh? ;o02:12
megaerathiaI booted from cd02:12
iameliteoh stop complaining02:12
Picikyleabaker: Jaunty support is in #ubuntu+102:12
iameliteIve screwed up my computer more times than i can count, these people saves me many times.02:12
amathisis there some command line application that will change a screens resolution, I don't wanna mess with xorg.conf02:13
darkoricalalright Ive read a bit on XRDP and FreeNX and couldnt find a simple answere to the other half of my question I want the remote sessions to have a GUI but the server does nothave one installed02:13
mikegriffinamathis: you can not get into x at this time?02:13
kyleabakerPici: thanks ;)02:13
amathismikegriffin: I switched from CRT to LCD widescreen and when I login to gnome, I see my desktop with nothing on it and no mouse response... so I figure it is because my res is set to 1600x1200 whcih is out of range02:14
iamelite***Astrix makes it easier to read*** So i did chmod 666 and chown (username) on my home directory and i cant get into gnome ^_^. Please for the love of silicon someone tell me how to default it so i can get into it.02:14
amathismikegriffin: so I am using a failsafe terminal02:14
mikegriffiniamelite: i already fucking told you02:14
iGmailHow to set a Hot key with a script?02:14
megaerathiafind /boot/grub/stage1    Doesn't work.02:15
iameliteok ill scroll up, and pardon me but mIrc doesnt light up like Xchat02:15
bullgard4'~$  which gnome-netstatus' does not produce any output. What is the name of the associated executable command?02:15
amathisI tried using the dpkg-reconfigure command and it didn't help the situation.02:15
=== iGmail is now known as Kelen
megaerathialinux is a pain in the ass..02:16
iamelitemikegriffin: Im not sure what single user means.02:16
amathisI just wanna change my screen res without editing my xorg.conf file02:16
PlasmaSheepCould anyone tell me how to get the current temperature in conkyForecast?02:16
iamelitemikegriffin: and so help me god if you say "it means one user o_-" i will find you02:16
tyabuxmegaerathia, you've said several times that Vista caused this problem.02:16
Skaparemegaerathia: I'm glad you let me know ... I've been wasting the last 16 years of my life, then02:17
Piciiamelite: That user is no longer here.02:17
iameliteAh god...02:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:17
megaerathiaNoone is a help here..02:17
iameliteOk then ill start over02:17
PlasmaSheep!politeness | mikegriffin02:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about politeness02:17
amathismegaerathia: some people can't be helped :)02:17
Pici!fixgrub | megaerathia start with this02:17
ubottumegaerathia start with this: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:17
iameliteSo i did chmod 666 and chown (username) on my home directory and i cant get into gnome ^_^. Please for the love of silicon someone tell me how to default it so i can get into it.02:18
Skaparemegaerathia: I don't know what you are trying to accomplish (but keep in mind I'm new to Ubuntu ... been doing other Linux for years)02:18
LjLeveryone keeps talking to mikegriffin, but he left 4 minutes ago02:18
megaerathiaBeen there, done that.02:18
megaerathiagrub> find /grub/stage102:18
megaerathiaError 15: File not found02:18
darkoricalamathis try this link http://www.go2linux.org/changing-screen-resolution-from-command-line02:18
tyabuxSkapare, Vista apparently deleted his grub, and that makes him angry with Linux.02:18
wabashHey, sorry to crosspost... I need help setting up Java on ubuntu.02:18
mobi-sheepiamelite: Try chmod 755 /home/<your-user-name>02:18
amathisheh, can't click links, lemme get a pen02:18
iamelitealright ill give that a go02:19
mobi-sheepiamelite: Why did you chmod 666 for no reason?02:19
iamelitenow im rebooting to linux02:19
PlasmaSheepCould anyone tell me how to get the current temperature in conkyForecast?02:19
Skaparemegaerathia: this is you doing a manual install of grub at the command line?02:19
megaerathiaWhat do you mean?02:19
PiciPlasmaSheep: Have you tried asking in #conky, I suspect they'd be better at answer that than we would.02:19
PlasmaSheepPici: #conky is usually deserted, but I'll check.02:20
PlasmaSheepPici: #conky is usually deserted, but I'll check.02:20
Skaparemegaerathia: you gave what looks to me like a command inside a grub prompt ... how did you get there (e.g. what are you trying to accomplish being doing that)02:20
megaerathiaTerminal > sudo grub02:20
megaerathiaI'm trying to "fix" being able to start atleast one OS02:21
ohziemegaerathia, always always always back up your grub conf, for future reference.02:21
megaerathiaAnd that is?02:21
megaerathiaI just installed it...02:21
Skaparemegaerathia: at the shell prompt (before grub) can you do "ls -ld /grub/stage1" ?02:22
megaerathiaI just installed Linux and I'm already busy with it for over 8 hours, it's 4 am now..02:22
DavidK999Hello everyone02:22
megaerathials: cannot access /grub/stage1: No such file or directory02:22
Quoteymegaerathia: that's the fun of it!02:22
megaerathiaWhen you have school at 6:30 that is02:22
usr13megaerathia: You started too late!  :)02:23
tyabuxmegaerathia, if it was a new install, why don't you just reinstall ubuntu, making sure not to run Vista recovery again?02:23
eternaljoyis Ubuntu 9.04 released this week?02:23
Skaparemegaerathia: well there is no such file ... did you have a reason for doing "find" (inside grub) on that particular file name?02:23
mobi-sheepeternaljoy: April 23.02:23
eternaljoymobi-sheep: thanks02:23
megaerathiaThat's the problem, I can't.02:23
Skaparemegaerathia: oh, you let vista mangle it?  hmmm ... for dual-boot, need to install windows first, then linux02:23
megaerathiaIf I try the only thing that happens are, multiple beeps, and it won't install. It will show a checklist02:24
iameliteI dunno who that guy was... Buy whoever told me to CHMOD 755...02:24
megaerathiaVista came with the computer I bought...02:24
DavidK999I had a quick question - I was looking to install a package called netkit-ntalk (a talk daemon) in Jaunty.. but it does not find a package of that name anymore. How can I find out for sure if it has been removed from Ubuntu?02:24
iameliteI will have your babies02:24
megaerathiaIf I were to choose an OS I were to go with 98 or xp..02:24
guessingNExt time, setup the HD first, with seperate partitions using a prog like Gparted02:24
Skaparemegaerathia: did you get a recovery disk from the computer seller?02:24
guessingOne NTFS, the other linux native02:24
mobi-sheepiamelite: Ok. Bend down then.02:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:24
megaerathiaThat's on the disk.02:24
Quoteymegaerathia: can you say your problem again? i just joined and i setup a dual boot recently02:25
megaerathiaWhen I start my computer I don't get a boot loader, It goes right in the grub command line.02:25
rhsanbornI installed ubuntu server 8.10, how do I configure it to get a dhcp address on boot?02:25
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:25
guessingtry 'find kernel'02:25
SkapareQuotey: he got a computer with vista pre-installed, no recovery disk, installed linux, grub goofed up somewhere maybe mangled by vista, now it won't boot02:25
MindStabanybody know how I can get TS2 to work w/ the ALSA mixer.  I installed aoss, and ran aoss teamspeak but it says: ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/$LIB/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.02:25
MindStabRuntime error   0 at F39FD2C002:25
Doitlehave him do fixmbr from a recovery console02:25
Skaparemegaerathia: do you know what partitions are on the disk?02:26
megaerathiagrub> find kernel02:26
megaerathiaError 15: File not found02:26
megaerathiaOfcourse I do..02:26
mobi-sheeprhsanborn: Read this --> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/02:26
guessingruntime errors indicate software, try another package02:26
Quoteyouch. my problem was getting vista to show up in grub, not show up at all. :/02:26
Skaparemegaerathia: try:  find vmlinuz02:26
iameliteNow if only someone solved the "my webcam lags to the point of freezing my Virtualization is windows XP Virtual, but in Vista it runs smooth for 5 minutes to an hour then crashes for no (The following statement has been censored for sensitive viewers)02:26
guessingbad there mega.02:26
tyabuxmegaerathia, are you trying to make it difficult for people to help you?02:26
guessingSomething didn't install correctly, as you assumed.02:26
megaerathiaAre you trying to make it difficult for me?02:26
rhsanbornmobi-sheep, tyvm02:26
mobi-sheeprhsanborn: Welcomed.02:27
guessinglook in /boot/grub02:27
guessingwith a livecd02:27
usr13megaerathia: probably only needs to repair grub?02:27
MindStabguessing:  are you talking to me?02:27
tyabuxmegaerathia, no. I _was_ trying to help you.02:27
megaerathiagrub> find vmlinuz02:27
megaerathiaError 15: File not found02:27
guessingshould be around 10 files, if not probs02:27
megaerathiaFYI, I'm running linux using the live cd.02:27
Skaparemegaerathia: what you need to do right now is take a deep breath ... there is no instant answer to this ... some experts can figure it out by they need info about your computer setup that you may not know02:27
guessingYou could search the inet for "automated GRUB installation:02:28
PerspioneHi, does anyone know how to install Lua?02:28
guessingWhat I'd do.02:28
DoitleIs there a way to see what ports are in use?02:28
MrKlownhey i just installed aMule for ubuntu and i keep getting a low id... do i have to configure a firewall on this machine because this is a fresh install of ubuntu and i am lost lol02:28
megaerathiaI have one partition with the back up for vista install, one partition with the vista OS, one partition for raid 0 configuration, one partition with linux, one partition with linux swap file.02:28
DoitleMy program keeps failing to bind even when another copy of it is not running02:28
usr13Doitle: nmap from another machine02:28
DavidK999Is anyone else able to see netkit-ntalk package with apt? I just am looking for a verification that it's been removed because I have an open bug about it..02:28
guessingShould show in menu.lst in the dir i gave.02:28
mrwesguessing, try  find /boot/grub/stage102:29
bullgard4'~$  which gnome-netstatus' does not produce any output. What is the name of the associated executable command?02:29
mobi-sheepiamelite: I helped you out with that 755.  Learn chmod.  It's related to write/read/execute permission.  What you did was turn off execution so nothing could be launched in /home/<your-username>02:29
guessingnetmon -o=NULL>crt02:29
Skaparemegaerathia: try:  chainloader (hd0,0)02:30
megaerathiaubuntu@ubuntu:~$ chainloader (hd0,0)02:30
megaerathiabash: syntax error near unexpected token `hd0,0'02:30
Skaparemegaerathia: do it in grub02:30
PerspioneI tried using the liblua5.1-0-dev package, but when I compiled a test program, it gave me an error saying "error: lua.h: No such file or directory". If someone knows whats going on, please help!02:30
megaerathiaRight, lol.02:30
Skaparemegaerathia: you have ubuntu up and running, right?02:30
Skaparemegaerathia: hold on that command02:31
megaerathiagrub> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ chainloader (hd0,0)02:31
megaerathiaError 27: Unrecognized command02:31
megaerathiagrub> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `hd0,0'02:31
megaerathiaError 27: Unrecognized command02:31
FloodBot3megaerathia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
MrKlowni am so confused right now :(02:31
Skaparemegaerathia: I thought you were at the boot prompt, not the grub installer02:31
PerryArmstronghey is it safe to upgrade to jaunty...since i m facing driver related problems in intrepid02:31
megaerathiaFrom the live cd, yes.02:31
mrwesmegaerathia, try  find /boot/grub/stage102:31
megaerathiaTried that over 10 times now..02:31
mobi-sheepPerryArmstrong: Nothing is ever safe.02:31
mrwesnot found?02:31
Skaparemegaerathia: how far do you get when you just let the hard drive boot?02:31
usserPerspione, #include <lua5.1/lua.h>02:31
bullgard4PerryArmstrong: No.02:31
megaerathiaIt goes to the grub command line, further nothing.02:31
Kattollikisdwhere I can find the last beta version of amarok? :S02:32
PerryArmstrongbullgard4; any reasons??02:32
megaerathiaShow's manufacturer, shows some data, then goes to grub02:32
Skaparemegaerathia: then boot the hard drive, get that grub prompt ... then do:  chainloader (hd0,0)02:32
usr13MrKlown: What are you onfused about?02:32
megaerathiaProbably won't work, I'll try.02:32
MrKlownwell my sister only uses my computer for myspace/yoville... i load up myspace ok that's fine then i go to yoville and the page is distorted a bit02:32
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MrKlownand the yoville flash game does not work, can't get past 'start'02:33
TarBarI've got a problem where I can't use sudo at all that includes updates etc it gives the error output: sudo: must be setuid root. I've tracked it back to /usr not being owned by root but my account name.02:33
AJNpa28is there a reason why all the changes i make from bash are lost when i reboot?02:33
AAA28hey guys can someone tell me what do u i have to install so i can use cool theme and what's best out there i'm running in gnome02:33
MrKlownusing firefox, that's what we used on windows02:33
Perspioneusser, thanks, that almost worked. Now ld is giving me an error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llua"02:33
bullgard4PerryArmstrong: Yes. Foremost, it is not yet released. Secondly, please read http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta.02:33
garsloAJNpa28: what kind of changes do you mean?02:34
usserPerspione, usually its the case sensitivity that screws things up, try -lLua or -lLUA or -lua5.102:34
rainwalkersomehow around 20 GB of data spontaneously disappeared from my external hard drive, and this was after I installed GVFS updates this morning...any tips/explanations/advice?02:34
AJNpa28anything i do in the file system02:34
hamburglarwhy does it keep saying sudo: ./: command not found ???02:35
hamburglari can't run my binary02:35
MrKlownstarting to wonder if i am going to be able to handle ubuntu... things were all going smooth earlier and for the most part i find a lot of things easier to do on here than windows but i can't get amule to work or this yoville crap my sister needs02:35
garsloAJNpa28: do you have a specific example?02:35
mobi-sheepMrKlown: You're using amd64?02:35
bullgard4rainwalker: Try to find these 20 GB using command-line tools.02:35
garslohamburglar: what's the command you're typing?02:35
MrKlownmobi i don't know lol02:35
hamburglarsudo ./02:36
hamburglaryou know..02:36
rainwalkerbullgard4: I did, and it's not...anywhere? I even plugged the drive into a windows computer02:36
hamburglarlike when you have some file named my_file.bin02:36
hamburglarand you run it like ./ my_file.bin02:36
MrKlowni know my computer is 32 bit02:36
hamburglarwhen you're in the directory it's in02:36
garslohamburglar: ok, you'd need to type sudo ./my_file.bin02:36
hamburglari just said that didn't work :/02:36
[person]hamburglar, no space between ./ and your file02:36
crackintoshIm getting no video on jaunty, any ideas?02:36
MrKlownbut yoville should still load correctly, i installed adobe flash just fine02:36
hamburglardoesn't work02:37
rwwcrackintosh: For Jaunty (9.04) questions and support, please ask in in #ubuntu+1, thanks :)02:37
Perspioneusser, -Llua works, thanks for the help!02:37
mobi-sheepMrKlown: I learned something new --> The keyword yoville02:37
usserPerspione, -Llua ?02:37
usserPerspione, hm02:37
hamburglarsudo ./my_file.bin     sudo ./my_file    sudo sh my_file.bin     sudo sh my_file etc etc etc etc none of them work02:37
TarBarI've got a problem where I can't use sudo at all that includes updates etc it gives the error output: sudo: must be setuid root. I've tracked it back to /usr not being owned by root but my account name.02:38
hamburglaris there some bug where it can't be in your home folder?02:38
hamburglarwhen you use the sh and ./ commands02:38
garsloAJNpa28: sorry, i've never messed with wubi, no idea02:38
SkapareTarBar: boot a live CD, access the HD manually, fix it02:38
usr13TarBar: Have you added a new user to this machine?02:38
A_finalxhamburglar:ls -l yourfile.bin02:39
usr13TarBar: Have you added a new user to this machine? Do you have two user accounts?02:39
TarBarSkapare, I'm using wubi.. I don't think that would work.02:39
TarBarusr13, Nope.02:39
megaerathiaFilename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist02:39
hamburglarhehe ok it's not permissioned to me02:39
syntax\can i extend my swap partition/02:39
usr13TarBar: Do as Skapare said.02:39
SkapareTarBar: if the /usr is not owned by root, that's a way to go in and change it02:39
[person]syntax\, yes, you can use gparted to do that02:40
PerryArmstrongbullgard4; ohh thank you....i had faced many driver problems...with hardy i never got these problems and i got them in intrepid...the problem is with screen resolution with old monitors..... anyways you can have a look at my problem here...and post anything that you might know  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111568402:40
megaerathiaGave this error now: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist02:40
DoitleIs there any way to see the ports in use without using another computer?02:40
PerryArmstrongbullgard4; i am leaving for college now...so if there's any mssage you might want to leave you can do that in the ubuntuforums02:40
syntax\[person]: would it destroy any data what so ever ?02:40
Skaparemegaerathia: OK, then it will require multiple commands ... pls wait I'll look up02:41
garsloDoitle: netstat -atun02:41
TarBarSkapare:But I'm using wubi and it's installed differently than a proper installation of ubuntu?02:41
hamburglarnow there's no error but it does nothing when i run it :(02:41
bullgard4rainwalker: It is rather unlikely that 20 GB disappear completely after installing GVFS updates. You probably did not use suitable disk analyzing tools when you put your hard drive into a Windows computer. --  Try to remember what the contents was of those 20 GB, and then try to do some snooping for them using Ubuntu disk analysis tools.02:41
skiixdont you hate when your fucking a girl in the ass and she is like "stop! stop! I'm only 13"..just happened to me. That is the last time I fuck my sister.02:41
DoitleAh so there IS something running on port 88 but I dont know what...02:41
usr13Doitle: netstat -pantu02:41
PlasmaSheepskiix: GTFO.02:41
usr13Doitle: or as garslo said...02:41
Doitlethe program id is 0...? hmm02:41
[person]syntax\, depends on if you have some unallocated space, but why do you want to incrase your swap partition? you don't really need anything bigger than 256mb02:42
skiixPlasmaSheep like jello?02:42
skiixbecause if you dont shut your whore mouth I will make sure thats the only thing you'll be able to eat the next 12 weeks.02:42
PlasmaSheepskiix: Just leave.02:42
PlasmaSheepYou can't hurt me through the monitor.02:42
PlasmaSheepSo leave.02:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:42
Skaparemegaerathia: do you know for sure which partition windows is on?02:43
skiixusser lets not be a bitch02:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emergency02:43
[person]syntax\, you would have to resize another partition to make room to increase your swap02:43
PlasmaSheepskiix: Speak for yourself.02:43
jribguys, grow up.  Keep it about support so I don't have to do anything.02:43
Skaparemegaerathia: which partition?02:43
TarBarjrib! You were helping me yesterday but left ):02:43
megaerathiaIt's supposed to be on the second partition.02:43
mobi-sheepI have a terminal client on my phone.  I was wondering what kind of services (I wanted to avoid sshing my own machine for irssi) is there for me to "ssh" in and use IRC from there?02:43
jribTarBar: yeah sorry had to go.  Did you sort it out?02:43
megaerathiaCause the restore was on the first partition02:43
TarBarNope :S02:43
LjL!feeding the troll02:43
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.02:43
sah-workdumb question maybe, anyway to see what the recommend packages where after you installed.02:43
MrKlowndoes ubuntu come installed 8.10 with a firewall turned on and if so how do i access it?02:43
PlasmaSheepThat !op command is useful. Thanks, jrib.02:44
hamburglar error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.502:44
hamburglarwhat does that mean?02:44
jribPlasmaSheep: LjL did the work :)02:44
TarBarI have found out that the whole /usr file is owned by my account name and not root.02:44
rndmi had something strange happen today, can anyone explain this? while sshing (inside of gnome-terminal), i all of a sudden got a dialog box asking for the ssh password. any idea what would cause that?02:44
syntax\i cloned an ubuntu install into 40x workstations. im not just sure if the swap partition stayed as ease or it increased or decrease via percentage02:44
A_finalxhamburglar:do you have install that libraries?02:44
PlasmaSheepAh, yes. Missed that part.02:44
usr13Doitle: What are you trying to do?  (Or not do..?)02:44
rndmi'm using the jaunty beta02:44
hamburglaris it in build-essentail?02:44
usserMrKlown, it comes with a firewall but its off by default02:44
fbc-mxHow can I adjust how soon the gnome-power-manager goes yellow? My laptop still has an hour and 45 minutes of life left in it and the logo is already yellow. I can see the parameter in gconf-editor, but don't know which ones to change.02:45
A_finalxhamburglar: try to install g++02:45
usser!iptables | MrKlown02:45
ubottuMrKlown: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:45
syntax\[person]: i cloned an ubuntu install into 40x workstations. im not just sure if the swap partition stayed as ease or it increased or decrease via percentage. the base install was from a 10gb hard drive, i cloned it to different machines with diff specs / hdd sizes :) from 20 - 80 gb.02:45
hamburglarthat's in build essential right?02:45
hamburglari installed build-essential02:45
TarBarjrib: It looks like I now need to change the whole /usr directory to root because it isn't..02:45
MrKlownty usser02:45
usser!info ufw | MrKlown02:45
ubottuMrKlown: ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.23.3 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 332 kB02:45
mrwesFirestater is outdated, use Gufw02:45
rwwrndm: There's a graphical interface to ssh-agent that does that. I forget its name, though.02:45
usr13MrKlown: Ubuntu dous not come with a firewall installed.  YOu can install firestarter if you want tho.02:45
MrKlowni am confused then02:45
PlasmaSheepWell, I will go now.02:45
A_finalxhamburglar:you can see what't in package "build-essential"02:45
PlasmaSheepBye everyone.02:45
usr13mrwes: I stand corrected.02:45
mrwesuser13: wrong...the firewall IS installed02:46
MrKlownbecause amule keeps saying i have a low id because i am behind a firewall02:46
A_finalxi think libtdc++ is not in it02:46
Skaparemegaerathia: OK ... two commands (in quotes) are ... "root (hd0,1)" and "chainloader +1"02:46
usr13mrwes: What is the name of the firewall?02:46
mrwesiptables is installed on default02:46
usserMrKlown, are you behind a router?02:46
usr13mrwes: iptables is not a firewall.02:46
peregrine81Jgood as a firewall02:46
megaerathiaboth dont do anything, skapare02:46
A_finalxusr13:do you mean firestarter?02:46
Skaparemegaerathia: so don't type the quotes ... just the commands in the quotes02:46
MrKlownyeah it is mrwes but it also allows all access to begin with so that shouldn't be bothering02:46
rndmrwrw so that's normal?02:46
usr13A_finalx: Yes firestarter02:47
MrKlownusser i am but i made no changes to my router02:47
[person]syntax\, you'll only lose any data that is being resized over, so if you only had ubuntu installed and no data whatsoever, as long as there was enough space to allow for resizing any partition, it will not interfere with the data02:47
MrKlowni used limewire fine on windows02:47
A_finalxusr13:so install it :)02:47
Skaparemegaerathia: if it fails, try variations:  (hd0,0) and (hd0,2)02:47
tt5786hey guys i pluged my USB into ubuntu and i cant get the pirmissions onto it02:47
mrwesMrKlown, correct, are you port forwarding for amule?02:47
usr13That is what I said firestarter02:47
tt5786use frostwire its free and better02:47
usserMrKlown, limewire does some pnp magic, emule/amule doesnt02:47
Perspioneusser, nevermind, I was too quick to say it worked, it gave me an error when I actually added a few lines to the code (instead of just return 0). I got it working with "-Llua5.1". Again, thanks for the help.02:47
megaerathiaAlready tried many differend02:47
usserMrKlown, you have to manually forward emule ports in the router to your machine02:47
MrKlownno mrwes and i would but how do i figure out which port needs forwarded?02:47
Skaparemegaerathia: if any of these bring up windows, then we at least learn where windows is02:47
megaerathiahd 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 1,002:47
hamburglarhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/libstdc++6 = error :(02:47
megaerathiaNone worked.02:48
mrwesufw or Gufw is now the perferred app for firewall02:48
MrKlownlol i doubt there is a linux version of limewire02:48
MrKlowni need something 'simple'02:48
tt5786there is of frostwire02:48
rm```there should be, it's a java app02:48
A_finalxhamburglar: apt-get install g++02:48
usserPerspione, it should be -llua5.1 actually02:48
Skaparemegaerathia: which partition did you install ubuntu on?02:48
mrwesMrKlown, couldn't tell ya, I use torrent clients :)02:48
MrKlownwoot tt ty02:48
megaerathiaI don't remember.02:48
usser!info frostwire | MrKlown02:48
ubottuMrKlown: Package frostwire does not exist in intrepid02:48
usserMrKlown, aw anyway google frostwire02:48
hamburglarA_finalx 0 updated 0 installed etc. etc.02:48
MrKlownyeah i am downloading it now02:49
Skaparemegaerathia: I hope you didn't overwrite windows ... if you did you'll need to contact your computer manufacturer to get a recovery disk02:49
tt5786down load it it has a .deb use the package installer to installer to install it works perfict02:49
MrKlownamule is just a tad too complicated for me, i was a microsoft dude up until today so this is all a bit daunting02:49
megaerathiaIt didn't cause it showed two Window vista longhorn's when booting before.02:49
MrKlownyeah tt that's what i am doing now thanks :)02:49
tt5786ok cool02:49
Skaparemegaerathia: just showing that they exist doesn't mean they are not corrupted by an overwrite02:50
hamburglarit says i have libstdc++602:50
hamburglarin my package manager02:50
MrKlownnow i've heard this, no idea how true it is that technically it is harder to get viruses on a linux machine yes02:50
tt5786can any one tell me why this gets said bash: /dev/sdb1: Permission denied02:50
mrwesblah....Mrklown use Deluge or Transmission02:50
rww!viruses | MrKlown02:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about viruses02:50
TarBarSkapare: If I boot a live CD, What should I do to fix the ownership?02:50
rww!virus | MrKlown02:50
ubottuMrKlown: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:50
rwwsilly plurals02:50
=== mythos[MC] is now known as lp84
A_finalxhamburglar: do you have gui? maybe you can install an older version of libtdc++02:50
* usser its virii silly :P02:50
rainwalkerbullgard4: are there any tools in particular you would recommend? or any ideas as to why this would have happened in the first place? it's formatted as boring ol' FAT3202:50
SkapareTarBar: go into terminal and do:  df02:50
lp84just got disk boot failure after installing ubuntu server, did i do something wrong?02:50
megaerathiaIt's not corrupted, cause linux won't boot either.02:51
megaerathiaOnly give me rapid internal speaker beeps02:51
MrKlownyeah i still think it has to be a lot harder to get a virus on ubuntu than linux lol02:51
hamburglara_finalx gui?02:51
lp84installation looked successful02:51
MrKlownthan windows02:51
TarBarSkapare: Done.02:51
hamburglarsounds ambiguous. i am certainly using a gui02:51
SkapareTarBar: see if the hard drive is mounted ... if not, you'll need to mount it ... but accessing it from the desktop could accomplish that for you02:51
SkapareTarBar: once you have the hard drive mounted, do "ls -ld /usr" to verify what state it is in02:51
SkapareTarBar: err, hold02:51
SkapareTarBar: depends on the mount point ... the mount point path plus "/usr"02:52
MrKlownahhh bless, frostwire is just like limewire, finally something that looks like i remember lol02:52
SkapareTarBar: if ls shows it as a non-root user as you suspect, do:  chown 0:0 /mount/point/usr02:52
mrwesMrKlown, check your private messages :)02:53
SkapareTarBar: also check the permissions/mode02:53
Dougshellhey if one were to upgrade to ext4 (ext3 forced to ext4) would you see performance increase. or is it only for new files02:53
usserDougshell, new files only02:53
Dougshellhow must faster is it for those new files...02:53
TarBarI might just reinstall.02:54
Dougshellie is it worth doing a reinstall02:54
usserDougshell, i didnt notice any difference02:54
A_finalxhamburglar::) search in your package manger "libtdc++" if you can found that libtdc++.so.5 version, you can install it02:54
SkapareTarBar: one of the tests I do when I teach sysadmin class is changing / itself to non-execute ... the error messages get really baffling :)02:54
Gobbyhow do i setup the download part of xchat so i can get a picture from another computer but we hav the same ip?02:54
Tony_rHow can i get com 1 to work on virtualbox?02:54
usserDougshell, you could convert it ext4 then boot jaunty livecd and copy ALL the files on the hdd and back again02:54
usserDougshell, that'll get it all converted02:54
SkapareTarBar: if it's just wrong owner on /usr this is easy to fix ... just got to look in the right place02:54
tt5786lol hope you enjoy MrKlown02:55
TarBarI can't mount my HD's though02:55
Dougshellcopy it to where ...like extenal hdd02:55
TarBarIt's strange.02:55
usr13Gobby: could you re-state your question?02:55
SkapareTarBar: it's hard for me to see what you see02:55
GobbyHmm, sure02:55
usserDougshell, yea something like that, or over network, just somewhere02:55
usserDougshell, back up first02:55
SkapareTarBar: what did you do when it can't mount HD ?02:55
Dougshellok i c02:55
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GobbyOkay, what i am trying to do is get another picture off of another computer in my own household, but we have the same ip. how would i set this up?02:55
Dougshelli have about 400gm of music and videos it woudl take to long02:56
bazwhats a good way to make a program start at boot on ubuntu SERVER02:56
TarBarWell I could click on system and select the HD name but now when i do that nothing happens as well as network, connect to server etc.02:56
Dougshellmaybe i need to set up a seperate home partition02:56
Dougshelli have been meaning to do that02:56
usr13Gobby: 2 computers can not have the same IP address.02:56
Dougshellwhat is the best way to do that without a reinstall02:56
megaerathiaYay I'm playing  gnometris, cause that's the only thing I can do since linux screwed up my computer.02:56
GobbyWe are connected to one internet ip.02:56
SkapareTarBar: then do it from terminal ... do you know the /dev name the HD is at?  usually /dev/hda or /dev/sda02:56
lp84what can i do when it says boot disk failure after a successful ubuntu install?02:57
SkapareTarBar: in terminal if the live CD, do:  sudo /bin/bash02:57
TarBar/dev/sda returns permission denied.02:57
bybyHello, do you know where can i buy hard disk with encryption? and there is an such hard drive that isn't mechanical?02:57
ugliefrogSetup is on a network02:57
SkapareTarBar: need to sudo to do this stuff ... sudo /bin/bash ... that gets a root shell02:57
usr13Gobby: You mean our outside IP is the same?  [... as in...... NOt the inside [LAN] IP.]02:58
GobbyYes, i think so.02:58
h00kbyby, google Solid State drives, they are a bit more expensive but they are available02:58
megaerathiaSo how do I go about fixing this problem?02:58
TarBarI have no idea how to mount ubuntu (wubi)  using a live cd02:58
usr13Gobby: scp user@192.168.x.x:/home/user/filename.jpg .02:59
h00k!truecrypt | byby02:59
ubottubyby: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume02:59
Skaparemegaerathia: I'm guessing you need to restore Windows at least ... but maybe it is already there and you just need to fixup the grub config02:59
psychichow do i clear my swap? my computer has slowed down again02:59
SkapareTarBar: once you have the /dev name and which partition, I can tell you how02:59
SkapareTarBar: else we explore and find it03:00
usr13psychic: I don't think that is the problem.03:00
lp84can someone help me please03:00
TarBarOk :)03:00
megaerathiaYeah but how do I restore the config.03:00
SkapareTarBar: do this:   cat /proc/partitions03:00
megaerathiaCause the windows restore is on a partition.03:00
psychicwhats ur thoughts?03:00
TarBarShould I paste it in pastebin mate?03:00
Skaparemegaerathia: windows restore is half useless because it requires windows to boot to restore03:00
usr13psychic: How do you know your computer has slowed down>?03:00
psychicits not as responsive03:01
SkapareTarBar: how many device names have NO number on the end?03:01
usr13psychic: top03:01
psychicits obvious if ur on it daily03:01
SkapareTarBar: /dev/hda?  /dev/sda?  /dev/sdb?03:01
psychictop what03:01
usr13psychic: from terminal window issue command "top"03:01
TarBarThere ones03:01
psychicno sudo or anything just top03:02
TarBarThere is a sda, sda1,sda3,sda5,loop003:02
usr13psychic: Observe03:02
Skaparemegaerathia: I can't tell you how to restore windows from the restore partition ... maybe the #windows people can03:02
megaerathiai hate linux with my heart now03:02
usr13megaerathia: Why?03:02
Crooperis there a way to sync music to an ipod?03:02
SkapareTarBar: OK ... then do this:   mkdir /tmp/sda1 ; mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda103:03
usr13megaerathia: What is the problem?03:03
alex_i tried installing java_ee_sdk-5_07-linux.bin  but then all it does is give me a message saying "removing temporary files" and then the process starts sleeping03:03
alex_what is going on?03:03
alex_i have to kill the process to get rid of it03:03
Skapareusr13: dual-boot install gone bad ... can't boot03:03
TarBar Skapare: mount: only root can do that.03:03
Skapareusr13: he doesn't have a recovery CD either03:03
SkapareTarBar: did you do:  sudo /bin/bash03:04
TarBarOh shit03:04
usr13Skapare: He does not have the install CD any more?03:04
TarBarAm i meant to be on the live cd?03:04
SkapareTarBar: if not, do that and redo the previous03:04
usr13Skapare: He dies  not have any bootable Linux CD?03:04
Skapareusr13: maybe never did ... my sister-in-law's Acer box with Vista doesn't have one ... they want $40 to order one03:04
alex_this is basically the error i'm getting03:04
usr13Skapare: Oh, for vista?03:05
TarBarSkapare: I do all this on the live cd right?03:05
megaerathiaI have an acer also..03:05
Skapareusr13: he has XP ... just saying that some manufacturers cut pricing by not including a restore CD most people end up losing03:05
Mike_lifeguardHi folks. I've connected a USB device to my laptop & it is not being recognized. It's listed in lsusb, but nowhere else. Should I be trying to mount it manually, or should it Just Work?03:05
SkapareTarBar: yes03:05
DiecastMessiahhailz all03:06
TarBarI don't have any dics around to burn a ubuntu would another distro work?03:06
alex_i hate installing java on ubuntu03:06
lp84what can i do when it says boot disk failure after a successful ubuntu install?03:06
alex_why doesn't it just work. i install it on windows so easy :(03:06
Skaparealex_: then don't03:06
usr13Skapare: Oh, I konw.  I've helped lots of folks out with OEM XP CD that I keep on hand.03:06
jribalex_: should be one click in synaptic03:06
DiecastMessiahthere are Deb packages that are easy to install java03:06
alex_install java se the SDK JDK etc thing?03:07
DiecastMessiahBut anyone here using xfce4???03:07
tt57861how do i change my permissions so i dont get bash: /dev/sdb: Permission denied when i try and do something with the USB stick03:07
tt57861 03:07
usr13Skapare: They almost always lose it anyway03:07
Skapareusr13: maybe 5% to 10% of people ever need/want the recovery CD ... and 80% of those have already lost/misplaced it by the time to use it03:07
jribtt57861: what exactly are yo udoing?03:08
alex_is it java-common?03:08
tt57861trying to put a grub boot loader on it03:08
jrib!java > alex_03:08
ubottualex_, please see my private message03:08
Skapareusr13: so very little value to including it with a computer that has retail price pressures03:08
Dougshellwow...never knew hwo much of a pain this iphone would be03:08
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Dougshellthe whole repository concept is cool, but when every piece of software is in a differnt source...wtf03:09
jribDougshell: it's not03:09
SkapareTarBar: what bootable distro live CD do you have handy?03:09
Dougshellits not what03:09
oospunkeyif sudo fdisk -l comes up with nothing does that mean my hard drive is dead?03:09
SkapareTarBar: or can your computer boot from a USB key or SD card that you could write an image to?03:09
rm```alex_ sun-java6-jdk or openjdk-6-jdk might be what you're looking for03:10
DiecastMessiahI have a problem with my panels on xfce4 ... i can open it with the termial but as soon as i close the termal the panel stops running again..03:10
TarBarYeah possibly.03:10
DiecastMessiahand no idea what the settings file name is to delete and see that will fixed it03:10
DansTheManExcuse me, could i please have some assistance with installing Ubuntu?03:10
TarBarSkapare: Is knoppix no good?03:10
jribDansTheMan: best to just ask your question03:11
SkapareDansTheMan: do you love close to me, I can come over and do it for you03:11
DansTheManWell, i want to keep windows and linux on03:11
SkapareTarBar: sure ... just find a way to get to a terminal ... just be pretty much the same03:11
DansTheManSkapare: Where are you?03:11
SkapareDansTheMan: USA03:11
TarBarBrb gonna get irc on another computer.03:11
DansTheManSkapare: Sorry, Australia :D03:11
Crooperis there a way to sync music to an ipod?03:11
jrib!ipod > Crooper03:11
ubottuCrooper, please see my private message03:11
DiecastMessiahthere is software for Ipods03:12
James296can someone here PLZ tell me how to change the ugly Mark All Upgrades button in Synaptic to something else?03:12
oospunkeyis there a way to get my files if fdisk can't see it03:12
DiecastMessiahjust have to try a few03:12
SkapareTarBar: that was fast03:12
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TarBarIt was right next to it.03:12
Crooperok... thnx jrib03:12
* Skapare has IRC in screen ... moves around w/o even dropping off03:12
DiecastMessiahi had a hard time.. but i tried different software and that worked out great03:12
tt57861can any one tell me how to edit primissions on a usb stick i cant copy files to it03:12
TarBarSkapare: I forgot to write the steps down..sorry lol.03:12
mobi-sheepWhat is Separate X session?  Is it enabling a second session so I could have "two computers" using one computer?03:13
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bullgard4'~$  which gnome-netstatus' does not produce any output. What is the name of the associated executable command?03:13
DiecastMessiahthats for daul monitors03:13
lstarnesmobi-sheep: it is another display session running on the same computer03:13
SkapareTarBar: "cat /proc/partitions" to see where the drive is ... "mkdir /tmp/sda1" to have a mount point ... "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1" if sda1 is the drive (maybe, maybe not)03:13
James296plz someone help03:14
ee99eeHello. I am setting up a HA Xen cluster using iSCSI target running on a storage server. I need to figure out a way to setup a HA storage system so that my cluster isn't depedent upon one iSCSI target server.03:14
mobi-sheepDiecastMessiah: Yes.  I'm currently using TwinView right now.  The wallpaper stretched out.03:14
DiecastMessiah<mobi-sheep> What is Separate X session?  Is it enabling a second session so I could have "two computers" using one computer? that for dual montioring03:14
mobi-sheeplstarnes: See ^^03:14
TarBarGuh don't tell me this disk is scratched.03:14
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ee99eeDoes anyone know if there is a way to setup a cluster of servers and replicate data between them, each being a iSCSI target mirror of the other?03:14
DiecastMessiahyou suing nvidia?03:14
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SkapareDansTheMan: I finding helping people step through things is so hard in IRC03:15
DiecastMessiahmobi-sheep, you using nvidia card?03:15
ee99eeCould I use drbd on my iSCSI target to replicate data between two or more nodes?03:15
mobi-sheeplstarnes: Could you explain more about your statement?03:15
SkapareDansTheMan: easier in person ... but that only works for locals03:15
James296Im waiting here for an answer...03:15
mobi-sheepDiecastMessiah: Yes.03:15
jrib!helpme | James29603:15
ubottuJames296: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience03:15
ee99eecan the iSCSI initator be setup to failover to another target?03:15
lstarnesmobi-sheep: you can switch between sessions using ctrl+alt+f7 and ctrl+alt+f803:15
James296Ive been waiting for a mere 15 minutes!03:16
James296with no responses at all03:16
lstarnesmobi-sheep: each one will have different programs running on it03:16
DiecastMessiahmobi-sheep, having problem getting it change to separate x03:16
lstarnesmobi-sheep: s/running on/using/03:16
jribJames296: I have no idea what you issue is because all I read is "waiting..." etc.03:16
SkapareJames296: this is a hospital emergency room ... people die here all the time03:16
mobi-sheeplstarnes: That's pretty cool.  Where can I find FAQ on this?  A list of commands particular on this one.03:16
James296thats because this irc chat has too many ppl talking and they need to slow the pace down03:16
lstarnesmobi-sheep: I'm not sure03:16
James296can someone here PLZ tell me how to change the ugly Mark All Upgrades button in Synaptic to something else?03:16
SkapareTarBar: so no blanks to burn a new one?03:17
lstarnesJames296: maybe nobody knows an answer and there are people who need a few minutes to look up the answer for you03:17
TarBarSkapare: It worked now, I just gave it a polish with my shirt :)03:17
DiecastMessiahmobi-sheep, are you wanting to run daul monitoring or something else..03:17
SkapareTarBar: ah, dirt or dust03:17
mobi-sheepJames296: Your "Ugly Mark All Upgrades" is not important.  I suggest you to learn to use terminal to upgrade.  It's more faster / nicer this way.03:17
James296I cant believe that icon hasnt been replaced yet03:17
SkapareTarBar: I've switched to USB keys03:17
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BadEagleIs it beneficial to put the swap partition at the beginning of the harddrive?03:18
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James296I prefer GUI than anything else03:18
BadEagleor.. do i even need one?03:18
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TarBarSkapare: How does that work? can you just put the iso on the usb and just boot it up or is it more complicated?03:18
mobi-sheepDiecastMessiah: Yes.  Well, I'm currently running dual-monitor right now.  It's fine.03:18
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James296terminal is just too much clutter of texts03:18
lstarnesJames296: the only thing I can think of is changing which icon theme you are using03:18
SkapareBadEagle: helps to boot on a lame old BIOS03:18
DiecastMessiahmobi-sheep,  ohhh sorry03:18
James296yea Ive changed it, but I prefer to keep the Human theme with the Mark All Upgrades button different03:19
BadEagleSkapare: i see, thanks03:19
mobi-sheepDiecastMessiah: What is it that you're trying to help me with?03:19
SkapareTarBar: a little more complicated with ISOs ... the Jaunty UNR image, however, is built for direct "dd" to a USB key03:19
lstarnesJames296: then you may need to manually modify the theme03:19
TarBarOh cool :)03:19
lstarnesJames296: or you could just live with that button03:19
James296also the buttons in Rhythmbox03:19
usserBadEagle, not really, it doesnt guarantee that it will end up in the beginning of the disk, i still do it just because im used to03:19
mobi-sheepSkapare: Where is that Jaunty UNR image iso?  I have a netbook that I'd love to mess around with.03:19
Mike_lifeguardI have a USB device which is listed in lsusb, but not in fdisk -l. Is there any way to mount it then?03:19
DiecastMessiahmobi-sheep,  thought you were having problem getting the the other types because twin-view to work03:19
SkapareTarBar: I've built special boot image files for most ubuntu ISOs that ... when combined with the ISO ... makes an image that when written to the USB key will boot the ISO03:20
askvictorwhere is the 'right' place to put a system-wide startup app?03:20
MrKlownanyone know how to change the bookmark toolbar size in firefox?03:20
jrib!startup > askvictor03:20
ubottuaskvictor, please see my private message03:20
SkapareTarBar: http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/03:20
TarBarSkapare: Knoppix has loaded up, Gonna have a try now.03:20
James296I dont want to live with that button, its a noisince03:20
James296however thats spelled03:20
FreedomIcedoes anyone know how to update php to 5.2.9?03:20
mobi-sheepDiecastMessiah: No.  I had it running (recently).  However, because I'm using laptop.  So I recently enabled on the dual-monitor to external monitor.  I'm trying to figure out if I'd want a TwinView or Separate X Session.03:20
usr13askvictor: Example__________?03:20
FreedomIcethe most recent article found on google is about 5.2.803:20
Lyth1I'm trying to restart the x-server and control alt backspace does nothing03:20
SkapareTarBar: get to terminal ... do:  sudo /bin/bash03:21
usr13askvictor: What app?03:21
DiecastMessiahSeparte x is better by far03:21
TheFunkbomboh god help.  I severely messed up my wireless03:21
psychichow do i get java on ubuntu03:21
TarBarOh i forgot :)03:21
jrib!java > psychic03:21
ubottupsychic, please see my private message03:21
DiecastMessiahnot sure if you can do it with a laptop03:21
mobi-sheepDiecastMessiah: I'll try it.  Thanks.  (And you too! lstarnes).03:21
TarBarSkapare: Done.03:21
DiecastMessiahone sec03:21
SkapareTarBar: cat /proc/partitions03:21
usr13askvictor: services-admin03:21
SkapareTarBar: sda? sdb?03:21
iheartwindowshow are those linux boot cd's called, to try linux out?03:22
MrKlownam i allowed to post a link in here?03:22
psychici tried the forum03:22
Lyth1iheart:live cds03:22
lstarnesiheartwindows: livecds03:22
DiecastMessiahuse the terimal and super user ... to open nvidia ..... nvidia-settings03:22
psychicit says none available or somthing in terminal;03:22
iheartwindowsthanks people03:22
TarBarSkapare there is no sdb's only sda and then a few sda's with numbers.03:22
Mike_lifeguardhmm, I can get more details with 'lsusb -s 005:005 -v' but then I see "cannot read device status, Connection timed out (110)" O.o03:22
Lyth1Anyone know why ctrl-alt-backspace isn't restarting my x-server03:22
Mike_lifeguardHow can a USB device time out?03:22
darkhamhi, people, someone with a Sandisk Sansa Fuze?03:23
SkapareTarBar: one disk (sda) a few partitions (sda1, etc) ... let's look at sda1 first ... "mkdir /tmp/sda1" then "mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda1"03:23
xEmberso is the entire freenode server dedicated to misc operating systems?03:23
xEmberim all looking for conversation... looks like ill just have to talk about linux..03:23
TarBarSkapare: Says It cannot create a directory in sda1 because because the file exists.03:23
SkapareTarBar: do "ls -ld /tmp/sda1/usr" ... if not there then unmount this and move on to the next03:24
usserxEmber, join #ubuntu-offtopic03:24
DiecastMessiahanyone know where the panels setting file are for xfce03:24
xEmberlol... okay03:24
SkapareTarBar: already exists?  odd ... but try mount anyway03:24
fell_hello everyone03:24
Lyth1Not to be rude, but am I hearable?03:24
Mike_lifeguardwell, lsusb's output is http://p.defau.lt/?5WF7ziwn1cvRcLy8aafeHg if anyone wants to take a look. I'm still baffled here03:24
SkapareLyth1: no03:24
TarBarOk mounted.03:24
felixsullaAny idea why all the folders/files created in a shared folder on an Ubuntu virtual machine wold be automatically showing owned by root and not the user?03:24
Lyth1skap:You just heard me03:24
SkapareTarBar: do "ls -ld /tmp/sda1/usr" ... if not there then unmount this and move on to the next03:25
jedi06does lshw supposed to show me what cdrom i have?03:25
SkapareLyth1: I saw what you typed ;)03:25
mobi-sheepWhat's the command to sudo-configure the nvidia because I couldn't save the conf file.03:25
TarBarSkapare: looks like /usr doesn't exist there so i will unmount. Why didn't we start with sda though?03:25
DiecastMessiahthat what i was going to tell ya03:25
DiecastMessiaheasy way03:25
newtuubuntuhi, can anyone help with 9.04 and vpnc?03:25
usr13jedi06: Try  sudo fdisk -l03:26
lstarnesjedi06: which full command are you using?03:26
DiecastMessiahis to super user mode in termal03:26
DiecastMessiahand nvidia-settings03:26
SkapareTarBar: because the filesystem will be in partitions if there is a partition table ... and there is one if we see any partitions03:26
usr13jedi06: or  cat /proc/ide/hdc03:26
DiecastMessiahthen you can save it03:26
Lyth1I cant seem to restart my x server03:26
usr13jedi06: or  cat /proc/ide/hdc/model03:26
TarBarSkapare: sda2 was recovery and it says it can't find /dev/sda303:27
jedi06hold on i'm in windows let me get on ubuntu you will have to retell me when i get back03:27
SkapareTarBar: any more on there?03:27
newtuubuntucan anyone help with vpnc?03:27
TarBarSkapare: I did sda5 that didn't work. There is "cloop0" left and "sda"03:27
StupendoussteveSkapare: Did you get your networking working?03:27
patx_what program do i use to burn cd's?03:28
SkapareStupendoussteve: haven't tried, yet ... been helping people03:28
TheFunkbombsomeone please god help me.03:28
SkapareStupendoussteve: I'll get around to it03:28
StupendoussteveAh I see03:28
usr13jedi06: or  cat /proc/scsi/device_info03:28
Mike_lifeguardTheFunkbomb: with what?03:28
wgatoi am trying to mount my ubuntu drive from the livecd, but when i chroot to it i get: cannot run /bin/bash: permission denied.03:28
lstarnesTheFunkbomb: you haven't even asked a question yet03:28
AAA28guys im' runing ubuntu gnome any one knows what should i install to make cool desktop and panel?03:28
fell_what irc clients are you using? I don't really like xchat...03:28
TheFunkbombI am connected to my wireless but I'm not connected.  If I gave someone a print out of my ifconfig could they help me?03:28
eugen_when running many programs, can I make all them go away when I rotate to a new desktop?03:29
eugen_(in compiz)03:29
SkapareTarBar: don't bother with cloop and sda03:29
w3rd_anybody use ubuntu as a fax03:29
TheFunkbombI put my wireless card into monitor mode and now it won't pick up my router03:29
usr13fell_: irssi03:29
Mike_lifeguardfell_: what's wrong with xchat? O.o (also that is offtopic probably)03:29
lstarnesfell_: are you using xchat or xchat-gnome?03:29
usr13w3rd_: sure03:29
SkapareTarBar: need to explore why the others don't have it ... maybe something odd or a mistake (I hope)03:29
w3rd_got a good link how to set it up?03:29
FreedomIcedoes anyone know how to update php to 5.2.9?03:29
FreedomIcethe most recent article found on google is about 5.2.803:29
fell_lstarnes: I just installed the package "xchat"03:29
TarBarSkapare: Should I try them all again?03:29
SkapareTarBar: mount all of them at the same time for convenient (each a their own mount point)03:30
DiecastMessiahTheFunkbomb, you sure you have you SSID name right?03:30
TarBarSkapare: How would i do that>03:30
iheartwindowsw3rd_: indeed i have03:30
TheFunkbombDiecastMessiah, yeah.  I'm even connected but not connected right now03:30
SkapareTarBar: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda5 ??03:30
jedi06ok can you retell me how to find my cdrom hardware03:30
w3rd_could u plz help a foo03:30
SkapareTarBar: mkdir /tmp/sda{1,2,3,5}03:30
usr13w3rd_: http://pastebin.ca/139458203:30
DiecastMessiahohh the network03:30
iheartwindowsguest68949: you probably have a small peen03:30
Mike_lifeguardjedi06: the *hardware*? O.o03:30
SkapareTarBar: mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda103:30
SkapareTarBar: then repeat for 2 3 and 503:30
jedi06yes my hardware03:31
w3rd_well i guess that works...03:31
w3rd_for me..03:31
SkapareTarBar: one of them should fail because it is swap ... ignore03:31
Mike_lifeguardfell_: you probably want to add script - /join #xchat and ask there03:31
iheartwindowsw3rd_: what do you need?03:31
w3rd_but i gotta n00b that needs03:31
w3rd_just a link03:31
lp84does ubuntu not klike certain drives or something?>03:31
w3rd_some sort of how to03:31
SkapareTarBar: also you can check what is what:   fdisk -l /dev/sda03:31
patx_what program do i use to burn cd's?03:31
w3rd_i can send to someone 10103:31
DiecastMessiahTheFunkbomb, you mean you want to connect to you network?03:31
usr13lp84: Why?03:31
Lyth1I'm having severe x servier problems03:31
Mike_lifeguardw3rd_: what do you need?03:31
TheFunkbombwait, I just disable ipv603:31
Skaparelp84: it doesn't like dead drives03:31
TheFunkbomblet me see if that does it03:32
w3rd_not like im a master.. but been lookin around and cant find a good one03:32
lp84ive installed 3 times right now and i keep getting boot disk failure when i try to boot after a successful install03:32
w3rd_trying to find out how to setup ubuntu as a fax machine03:32
patx_what program do i use to burn cd's?03:32
w3rd_tx / rx03:32
lp84ive only got one hard drive in there too03:32
Lyth1I can't restart it with ctrl-alt-backspace, when I change the resolution the upper and lower toolbars freeze, and my monitors correct max res isn't being detected properly.03:32
Mike_lifeguardw3rd_: I imagine there's probably an program to do that somewhere, but I don't know of one03:32
Lyth1I'm using the right drivers03:32
usr13patx_: I use k3b, but it's just matter of opinion.03:32
lp84Skapare but it installs :o03:33
jedi06Mike_lifeguard, yes the cdrom03:33
DiecastMessiahwho let the racist in LOL03:33
Skaparelp84: I can probably rule out 3 of likely over 200 causes03:33
TarBarSkapare: Tried them all again, I can't mount sda1 or sda5 now.03:33
Mike_lifeguardjedi06: well what kind of computer do you have?03:33
jedi06Mike_lifeguard, the cdrom make and model03:33
=== fell__ is now known as fell_
SkapareTarBar: maybe already mounted ... check:  cat /proc/mounts03:33
jedi06Mike_lifeguard, dell studio 1503:33
* Mike_lifeguard googles03:34
usr13jedi06: did you try:    cat /proc/scsi/device_info  ?03:34
fell_I just installed xchat-gnome. That looks better. Thanks to <forgot the name>03:34
Mike_lifeguardoh, yeah, that's a better idea :D03:34
TarBarSda1,2,5 are mounted.03:34
Mike_lifeguardfell_: NO you do not want xchat-gnome03:34
Mike_lifeguardfell_: get real xchat then /join #xchat03:34
SkapareTarBar: on /tmp/sda1 and /tmp/sda2 and /tmp/sda5 ?03:34
LickaliciousDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 003:34
Mike_lifeguardfell_: xchat-gnome is a hacked down version, ugh03:35
Mike_lifeguard(though it's not so bad I meant to shout, that was an accident :P)03:35
fell_Mike_lifeguard: It's okay. I don't wanna mess with scripts - I'm new to irc.03:35
jedi06no usr13 i will try that now03:35
Mike_lifeguardbah, whatever :)03:35
Mike_lifeguardit works03:35
usr13jedi06: You can also install sysinfo  (its GUI )03:36
DiecastMessiahwell ttyl leter i found a xubuntu channel which is what i need03:36
SkapareTarBar: do this:  ls -ld /tmp/sda{1,2,5}/etc/fstab03:36
TheFunkbomb_I fixed it!03:36
fell_damn, my xchat-gnome crashed...03:37
TheFunkbomb_somehow when I switched out of monitor mode, I turned on ipv-6 or something like that03:37
TarBarSkapare: It said no such directory for any of them.03:37
L3dPlatedLinuxI liked the plain xchat better then the -gnome one03:37
SkapareTarBar: hmmm03:37
wgatoanyone know why i'd get permission denied when trying to chroot from the livecd?03:39
SkapareTarBar: do this and put the results on a paste site like http:/rafb.net/paste/ ... ls -Alv /tmp/sda{1,2,5}03:39
TheFunkbomb_hey, should my wireless card be set to multicast?03:39
fell_I like the gnome one better03:39
Skaparewgato: didn't login as root03:39
fell_wgato: tried sudo?03:40
wgatoi was root when i did it03:40
Mike_lifeguardis it possible to mount something with the bus/device numbers?03:40
Skaparewgato: the chroot directory doesn't allow execute03:40
usr13wgato: Give the exact command you used03:40
el_tacoport 585 is used for imap4-ssl 993 is imaps.. what's the difference?03:40
TarBarSkapare: http://rafb.net/p/KPG4wd70.html03:40
wgatoas root, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt, chroot /mnt03:41
SkapareTarBar: ouch ... they are empty ... do this and put its results up:  cat /proc/partitions03:41
TheFunkbomb_Anyone know if I should run my wireless as multicast or not?03:42
usr13wgato: Did  you successfully mount it on /mnt  (And /mnt was previously empty?)03:42
TarBarThat can't be good, 1 sec.03:42
wgatoyes, i can cd into it and see my hd03:42
usr13wgato: ls /mnt03:42
Mike_lifeguardTheFunkbomb_: I don't know. But I would be interested in the answer if someone else helps you.03:43
usr13wgato: /dev/sda1 is where your  root partition is?    /03:43
TheFunkbomb_Mike_lifeguard, I seriously screwed up my wireless lol03:43
Mike_lifeguardMeanwhile, I don't think I /can/ mount anything with the info I have :(03:43
wgatofloopy/ /hda /live /sda1 /sda3 /sdb103:43
usr13wgato: What CD did you use?  (Sure you're not already chrooted to it?)03:44
wgatoubuntu 7.10 live.  not sure about the already chroot into it03:44
TarBarSkapare: http://rafb.net/p/t7j3hi39.html03:44
Mike_lifeguardTheFunkbomb_: how? I just let ubuntu work it's magic, and here we are talking to one another :P03:45
propagandhianybody know of any open source email archiving/search and retireval solutions03:45
TheFunkbomb_Mike_lifeguard, I put it into monitor mode and then back03:45
usr13wgato: You do not need to cd onto the mount point to mount it.  Ok?03:45
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:45
SkapareTarBar: my bad ... need /proc/partitions03:46
edgex-_Awesome netsplit03:46
wgatousr13, yes03:46
TarBarI wrote out the wrong thing Skapare?03:46
wgatoi dont need to, just saying i can03:46
SkapareTarBar: yeah but I gave the wrong command03:46
Mike_lifeguardedgex-_: no need to add to the noise level by talking about it, really :)03:47
TarBarNot again03:47
usr13wgato: Not sure why it would tell  you that you do not have permission.03:47
edgex-_Mike_lifeguard, aww :(03:47
SkapareTarBar: ouch ... they are empty ... do this and put its results up:  cat /proc/partitions <--- should be:  cat /proc/mounts03:47
wgatoi am trying to follow these suggestions: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/crash-and-kernel-reinstall-719188/?posted=1#post351090803:47
Mike_lifeguardedgex-_: #ubuntu iz srs biz :|03:47
edgex-_srs bsns03:47
usr13wgato: Try another boot disk03:47
TarBarSkapare: You want /proc/mounts?03:48
TarBarIt's long o.o03:48
Mike_lifeguardOK, so I've read man mount and... still have no clue. I don't see any option that looks likely to work here.03:48
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uiyfkutfman mount - oh yeah stick it in my ass03:48
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jedi06usr13, where would it be under Hardware?03:49
bybyok i actually wanted to know if that kind of non mechanical encrypted hard drive exist to parchase and if that will be fine to use in linux03:49
TheFunkbomb_how do I boot my other name if I don't know the password?03:49
usr13jedi06: ?03:49
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jedi06the cdrom03:49
jedi06I know it is in /dev/scd003:49
uiyfkutfI accidentally the whole boot disk.03:50
jedi06vbox sees it03:50
Mike_lifeguarduiyfkutf: maybe if you live close by :o03:50
jedi06usr13 where is the cdrom located in sysinfo i don't see it03:50
usr13jedi06: Storage devices03:50
jedi06ok i see it03:50
=== TheFunkbomb_ is now known as TheFunkbomb
bluejeansTheFunkbomb_,  you mean another user? must have either password or root access03:51
TarBarSkapare: Almost done, Just takes a while to write out.03:52
SkapareTarBar: are you pasting the output to rafb one line at a time?03:52
TarBarWell writing it ou..03:52
Skapareoh, yeah, you aren't on IRC in the live CD system03:53
perlooooooooocan anybody help me ?03:53
bluejeansperlooooooooo, probably03:53
SkapareTarBar: maybe a digital camera would be handy :)03:53
prontowhat is your issue?03:53
jedi06usr13 is there any way to get more info on the cdrom like firmware?03:53
TarBarSkapare: mmm lol03:53
SkapareTarBar: I've done debugging that way, too03:53
wgatomy real problem is that ubuntu wont boot.  stops at03:53
wgatoInit: Error parsing configuration: No such file or directory03:53
TarBarSkapare: It's a pain in the ass eh.03:53
dadokiekHello, I'm rather new to this whole thing. Is making a CD required?03:53
SkapareTarBar: when I get a kernel panic and it's hard frozen, the camera documents it03:54
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:54
jedi06Is there any way to get more info on the cdrom like firmware?03:54
xanguadadokiek: making a cd for what ¿¿03:54
Skaparedadokiek: you can ask to have them send you a CD03:54
bluejeansdadokiek, are you talking about an iso?03:54
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ahmadi need some help with compiz03:55
TarBarSkapare: http://rafb.net/p/FSujHU85.html03:55
* Skapare has switched to using USB keys instead of CD/DVD03:55
dadokiekI downloaded the zip file and I'm not sure if I have to make the CD to run the new OS. I'm currently on vista03:55
Hassanakevazirdadokiek, what do you want to do?03:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:55
jedi06How do i find out what firmware my cdrom has03:56
bluejeansahmad,  and all : http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html03:56
xanguadadokiek: the ZIP file ¿¿??03:56
Mike_lifeguardWhere would I find a description of error codes for lsusb?03:56
ahmadubottu: sorry03:56
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...03:56
dadokiekI just downloaded ubuntu and not sure how to run it03:56
somedud3hey whats the best FS to use for a slow IDE drive ?03:56
perlooooooooook so here is my problem i am trying to set up a web server at home so i installed apache and opened the port 80 of my router.so far so good.03:56
perlooooooooowhen my friend is trying to see the website everything works fine until when the url in the host goes from http://Myipadress/index.com to http://localhost/index.com .i think this is hapenng because we are in the same network we are both using a the same wifi connection. how can i fix that?03:56
SkapareTarBar: looks like something else already mounted them elsewhere03:56
xanguadadokiek: Ubuntu GNU/Linux is an OS, is not a program03:57
SkapareTarBar: do this:   ls -ld /media/sda{1,2}/usr03:57
xanguayou have to burn the image to run it in your computer03:57
dadokiekI'm not exactly sure how to run the OS03:57
perlooooooooothanks for helping03:57
plcTowlieI'm having an issue with skype.  When I open it, the window briefly appears and then closes.  When launched from terminal it simply gives the message 'Aborted'.  I've googled, found one other person with similar issue, but no resolution.03:57
TarBarSkapare: No such file or directory for both of them.03:57
dadokiekThat's what I mean. So I need to burn the image, then restart my computer?03:57
jedi06Is there anyway to find out the firmware version of my cdrom YES/NO?03:57
TheFunkbombcould someone connected via wireless do an ifconfig and post the results to a pastebin?03:58
Mike_lifeguarddadokiek: yes03:58
SkapareTarBar:  ls -Alv /media/sda{1,2}03:58
SkapareTarBar: see if there is anything in there03:58
zgmf-x42shey all.  i have a bit of a difficult question. i am looking for a open source database program to keep track of resumes (able to put notes in, etc,), create forms such as business reports for each consultant, basically a HR system.  any ideas??  or maybe a database with templates that i can customize??03:58
perlooooooooowhat do you mean?03:58
Mike_lifeguarddadokiek: with the CD in the drive (& boot to the CD -- right at the beginning of boot you'll see an option to choose boot options or something similar - use that to choose to boot from cdrom)03:58
TarBarSkapare: That's huge, What am i looking for?03:58
dadokiekI've also heard something about linux eating windows if it isn't partitioned properly, is this true? If it is how could I prevent it?03:58
xanguadadokiek: you are supossed to burn an ISO file, not a ZIP............03:58
el_tacozgmf-x42s mysql or sqlite03:59
SkapareTarBar: how many files would be a start03:59
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Mike_lifeguarddadokiek: it's possible to screw up, but *I* did it no problem (and I had to do it the hard way)03:59
dadokieksorry, zip and iso are the same icon currently03:59
TarBarSkapare: That lists the contents of my C disk however ubuntu is installed on the D disk.03:59
zgmf-x42sel_taco: do those come with templates??03:59
somedud3whats the best FS to use for a slow IDE drive ?03:59
SkapareTarBar: so on partition 2?03:59
TarBarProbably like 30 files.03:59
MyKuldadokiek:  You can also use Wubi03:59
dadokiekso it's as simple as just burning the iso, and then restarting and it will ask me to choose the OS when I do so?04:00
dadokiekuse wubi????04:00
SkapareTarBar: type a few of them on ONE line here04:00
TheFunkbombCould someone connected via wireless please do an ifconfig and post the results to a pastebin for me?04:00
Hassanakevazirdadokiek, when the parition part of the setup comes up, pay attention not to delete your old windows partition. If you are in doubt, try wubi then04:00
TarBarSkapare: Do you need all the permissions and stuff for them or just the file/folder names04:00
el_tacozgmf-x42s sorry misunderstood the question... those are just the backend databases.. no gui with them.04:00
SkapareTarBar: just a few names so I can see where it is04:01
MyKuldadokiek:  It's a Windows based installer that installs Ubuntu as a program inside of Windows... I've done it both ways, and I recommend a native installation, but if you're just looking for a trial, it's quick and easy.04:01
dadokiekhow would I use wubi?04:01
zgmf-x42sel_taco: hmmm ic, yes i am looking for a full solution, with gui, etc04:01
SkapareTarBar: if it is / then there should be a directory named usr04:01
MyKuldadokiek:  You can use any application that will mount an ISO file, and then just do the autorun.04:01
macvrhi all... is anybody having problems with launchpad? i'm not able to comment/report bugs, open url just times out!04:01
dadokiekwubi isn't the same though, is it?04:01
Hassanakevazirdadokiek, just put the cd in when you are in windows and the autorun will show it to you04:02
somedud3whats the best FS to use for a slow IDE drive ?04:02
TarBarSkapare: wubildr.mbr,Program Files, Recycler, MSDOS. On sda1 there is winbom.ini,ntldr,Valueadd.04:02
SkapareTarBar: I have 30 mins max remaining04:02
SkapareTarBar: that's a Windows partition04:02
MyKuldadokiek:  It's an installed version of Ubuntu, and it's a full version, but it's not as fast, and I've run into some issues with it in the past.  If you're looking for a permanent installation, I woudn't do it, but if you're just trying Ubuntu, then it works well.04:02
plcTowlie'm having an issue with skype.  When I open it, the window briefly appears and then closes.  When launched from terminal it simply gives the message 'Aborted'.  I've googled, found one other person with similar issue, but no resolution.  Reinstallation does not resolve issue.04:02
h00kso, if I have a backtrace dealing with nVidia, is it smart to report it to Launchpad or will that not help at all because nVidia has to fix it anyway?04:03
SkapareTarBar: what's in the other one?04:03
Mike_lifeguarddadokiek: wubi is apparently not recommended - I'd just do a normal dual-boot installation04:03
MyKuldadokiek: I agree with Mike_lifeguard, but if you're looking for a quick and dirty trial, it does in a pinch.04:03
dadokiekAfter burning the image, restart the comp with that disk in, correct?04:03
TarBarsda1 has winbom.ini,ntldr,sony.i01,support,recycler,APR04:03
* Skapare has noticed over the years that making a dual-boot system has been a major source of actually making a zero-boot system04:04
MyKulIf you installed Vista, then you can install Ubuntu, it's an easier installation.04:04
SkapareTarBar: that is Windows, too04:04
Mike_lifeguarddadokiek: you'll get a session in ubuntu when you do, so you can come back here to get help if you need to (easier than printing out a hard copy of the instructions or something :D )04:04
dadokiekThe comp came with vista :P04:04
TarBarSkapare: I need to mount my D drive then.04:04
DansTheManGuys, i really need help installing Ubuntu!04:04
SkapareTarBar: partition 5 ?04:04
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: specifically with what?04:04
DansTheManCan someone here help me, please?04:04
dadokiekThank you so much! You all really helped out a lot04:04
h00k!ask DansTheMan04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask DansTheMan04:04
SkapareTarBar: 2 windows partitions ... has to be C: and D: right there04:04
MyKuldadokiek:  Enjoy it!04:05
DansTheManI'm on step 4 and i don't know how to pass it04:05
h00k!ask | DansTheMan04:05
ubottuDansTheMan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:05
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: ok, but where are you in the installation process, and what is the problem?04:05
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Step 404:05
DansTheManI want to keep Windows on the machine as well as install Ubuntu04:05
MyKulDansTheMan: Which step is step 4?04:05
TarBarSkapare: It's sda5 you are correct.04:05
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: I don't know what "step 4" is :)04:05
DansTheManI have selected Manual04:05
DansTheManinstead of entire disk04:05
Hassanakevazir!medibuntu | plcTowlie04:05
ubottuplcTowlie: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:05
SkapareTarBar: windows can map letter designations to other partitions ... can't be sure of what they are04:05
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: It's that partitioning part04:05
MyKulOh, you're doing the partitioning..04:05
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: yes, I got stuck there too! Do you see an option to re-partition the drive?04:05
SkapareTarBar: mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/sda504:06
DansTheManI don't want to re-partition the drive04:06
MyKulDansTheMan: Do you have unpartitioned space on your drive?04:06
DansTheManthere are 3 options under the tree \dev\sda04:06
HassanakevazirplcTowlie, try un installing your skype, and installing the one available through medibuntu repository04:06
DansTheManMyKul: No idea :p04:06
TarBarSkapare: All of that in one line?04:06
DansTheMan\dev\sda1 \dev\sda2 and \dev\sda304:06
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: I'm pretty sure you do, unless you happen to have extra partitions of the right types just laying around O.o04:06
plcTowlieHAssan, I have tried both that, and using the .deb install package from direct download, both with the same results04:06
SkapareTarBar: that's a mount command to mount partition /dev/sda5 on directory /tmp/sda504:07
DansTheManI'm trying to install to sda3, but it says Used space is unknown and when i select it and press forward it said wrong file-system or something04:07
H_M-UbuntuHey could someone check out my post on Ubuntuforums, it's about GTK+.. If you have an answer to it please tell me, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112784804:07
SkapareTarBar: so yeah, all in one command ... that's a small command ... I've typed in commands here that are many times longer04:07
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: what is sda3? type, size?04:07
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Please help me? :)04:07
TarBarSkapare: it says fusermount: mountpoint is not empty, if you are sure this is safe use the nonempty mount option. Failed to create FUse mount point, no such file or directory.04:07
* Mike_lifeguard is!04:07
DansTheManSize os 54000 mbs04:07
DansTheManI suspect it is drive D:04:08
zgmf-x42shey all.  i have a bit of a difficult question. i am looking for a open source database program to keep track of resumes (able to put notes in, etc,), create forms such as business reports for each consultant, basically a HR system.  any ideas??  or maybe a database with templates that i can customize??04:08
DansTheManC: contains Windows04:08
DansTheManI want to install Ubuntu onto drive D:04:08
HassanakevazirplcTowlie, then i'm out of ideas :/ since there is no terminal message.04:08
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: ok, so you need to shrink that partition to make room for the ubuntu partitions04:08
DansTheManand they're all ntfs04:08
plcTowliethe only terminal message is 'Aborted'04:08
HorizonXPhey guys, i'm a Gentoo user, but Ubuntu Jaunty's shaping up to be quite nice! Congrats on a job well done.04:08
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: I don't think you need to compile gtk+04:08
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: How?04:08
DansTheManI also don't want to lose all data on that drive04:08
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: so, there is no option to resize right now, amirite?04:08
FreedomIceanyone know how to check if apc is running?04:08
* Mike_lifeguard stabs the installer again04:09
H_M-UbuntuI do if I want to create applications... but continue04:09
FreedomIceother than through php.info04:09
usserzgmf-x42s, try openoffice base, its like access04:09
H_M-UbuntuIf you have another method, please explain.04:09
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Hold on, let me check :)04:09
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: look for libgtk2.0, libgtk2.0-dev, and their related libraries in the package manager04:09
x2k56vj8ji hate all of you04:09
x2k56vj8jfucking hate all of you04:09
FloodBot2x2k56vj8j: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
SkapareTarBar: I guess knoppix is using fuse for everything ... all bets are off until I know how it has it configured04:09
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Nope04:09
H_M-UbuntuI believe I have them, i'll check.04:09
SkapareTarBar: find a way to burn an Ubuntu CD/DVD04:09
SkapareTarBar: FYI, you can burn a CD ISO to a DVD04:09
Lint01why ubuntu installer wants to format "/" partition, even if no 'format' checkbox is set?04:10
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: you will also need the -dev versions of certain library packages04:10
TarBarmmm brb.04:10
H_M-UbuntuI'm aware of that.04:10
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: ok I think you will have to use Gparted to do the partitioning (which will hopefully work for you, it didn't for me, I had to use the terminal to do it (which wasn't a nice intro to ubuntu)04:10
lstarnesLint01: it needs a clean / partition04:10
SkapareTarBar: and I need to be gone in about 20 minutes04:10
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Sorry, i don't understand04:10
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: so, open System > Administration > Partition editor04:10
zgmf-x42susser: yes, i have looked at that, but the whole thing has to be customized, its not an up and running solution, thanks though04:10
DansTheManI am on the installer.04:10
DansTheManI have Windows Vista04:10
Mike_lifeguardwith the mouse?04:10
Lint01is there way to make 'upgrade' install, without deleting anything existing?04:11
TarBarSkapare: I have found a ubuntu disc, I will try it.04:11
DansTheManAnd trying to install Ubuntu Desktop Edition 8.1004:11
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Umm, hold on04:11
SkapareTarBar: OK04:11
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: are you in a live session from booting the ubuntu disc?04:11
lstarnesLint01: which version of ubuntu do you have installed already?04:11
H_M-UbuntuThe only one I didn't have was libgtk2.0-dev or equivalent.04:11
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: There is no system04:11
Lint018.10, and I want to re-install it04:11
* H_M-Ubuntu tries compiling something04:11
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: I don't know, i burned the ISO to a dvd rw and i booted from that disk04:12
SkapareTarBar: boot, login, terminal, "sudo /bin/bash", "mkdir /tmp/sda5", "mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/sda5", "ls -ld /tmp/sda5/usr"04:12
DansTheManI selected Install ubuntu04:12
DansTheManI was following the steps and am now on step 404:12
lstarnesLint01: you want to reinstall 8.10?04:12
DansTheManout of 704:12
Lint01istarnes, yes04:12
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: yeah, ok. So are you not in a session of ubuntu right now? like you have the ubuntu desktop and the installer is in a window?04:12
H_M-UbuntuNo, it didn't work.04:13
* H_M-Ubuntu pastebins.04:13
zgmf-x42shmmmmmmmmmmm orangge HRM looks good04:13
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: ok, so across the top of your screen there should be a bar with "applications" "places" and "system"04:13
lstarnesLint01: then you will most likely need to reformat your / partition (and my nick starts with a lowercase L, not an i)04:13
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: click "system" then "advanced" then "partition editor"04:13
DansTheManNo, there is no task abr04:13
H_M-Ubuntulstarnes, ^^^^04:13
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: did you have libgtk2.0-dev installed when you did that?04:14
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: you are likely missing some -I and -l/-L flags04:14
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=== edgex-[gettingth is now known as edge[gettingthin
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: I have the Desktop and this window titled install04:15
DansTheManAnd a visible cursor04:15
DansTheManThat is it04:15
TarBarSkapare: The livecd is freezing on "try ubuntu without any change to your computer" Guh!04:15
H_M-UbuntuOk so how do I compile it then?04:15
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: yes... is there not a bar at the top of the desktop?04:15
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: try gcc $(gtk-config --cflags) $(gtk-config --libs) -o pbExampleTEST pbExample.c04:15
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: like the bar with the start button on Windows, only at the top04:15
SkapareTarBar: booting from drive attached to ... IDE? SATA? USB?04:15
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: I know, the task bar is not visible04:16
MyKulMike_lifeguard:  It sounds like he's using the Windows installer.04:16
DansTheManThat's what it's called, Task bar04:16
DansTheManMyKul: I am not, i have booted from the disc04:16
TarBarSkapare: I have no idea, It's a laptop, not usb though.04:16
HassanakevazirH_M-Ubuntu, or the pbExample.c file doesn't have the proper the proper '#include'04:16
SkapareTarBar: you are logged into IRC from a Unix/Linux box?  Can the machine with troubles boot from a USB key?04:16
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: does it appear when you move your mouse to the top?04:16
macvrhi all... is anybody having problems with launchpad? i'm not able to comment/report bugs, open url just times out!04:16
DansTheManUmm, let me check :)04:17
MyKulDansTheMan:  And you don't have a menu at the top that says Applications Places System?04:17
zirodaymacvr: ask in #launchpad04:17
Skaparelaptop probably IDE or SATA ... not sure why it freezes unless disk is bad04:17
Mike_lifeguardmacvr: yeah, I've had quite some timeoutes recently04:17
TarBarProbably disk.04:17
SkapareTarBar: reboot and try the memory test for fun04:17
Mike_lifeguardMyKul: do you know what is going on there?04:17
macvrziroday: Mike_lifeguard ... thanx..04:17
DansTheManMyKul: Nope04:17
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: there should be a bar there... though I guess you can open in terminal (don't recall how)04:18
MyKulNot a clue... sounds like Gnome didn't load all the way.04:18
DansTheManThese are the steps i did in order to get to this04:18
MyKulWhat color is the desktop?04:18
TarBarfreezes on test memory :P04:18
TarBarI might just re-install ubunt..04:18
DansTheManI downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition04:18
SkapareTarBar: if you are on unix/linux on the IRC machine, and the other machine can boot from USB key, and if you have a spare USB key at least big enough for the ISO + 10MB ... I can tell you how to make it boot the ISO04:18
DansTheManI burned the ISO to a DVD+RW disc04:18
yoshimitHi there... I installed ubuntu-xen-desktop but my Grub was not touched... seems the kernel xen wasn't installed... how to install the kernel xen on ubuntu ? thank you.04:18
DansTheManI restarted the computer, making sure i booted from the disc04:18
DansTheManwhich is what happened04:18
TarBarThis one is windows.04:18
DansTheManI got this menu to select and language, i chose english04:19
H_M-UbuntuErr.. anyone still there for my problem?..04:19
Mike_lifeguardMyKul: would it matter that it was a dvd?04:19
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
SkapareTarBar: then I can't tell you how to make the USB key from there :-(04:19
DansTheManIt said either "Try Ubuntu, Install Ubuntu and some other stuff i can't remember"04:19
DansTheManit was loading04:19
uiyfkutfLinux isn't as good as windows because it doesn't cost any money04:19
DansTheManAnd then it came up with the steps04:19
TarBarSkapare: Thanks for all of your help, I think I will just have to reinstall though ):04:19
uiyfkutfI can get someone free out of the gutter04:19
Skapareuiyfkutf: go get a bailout04:19
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: did you check the md5 before burning? Did you check the disc's integrity after burning? before starting the installer?04:19
DansTheManIt said to select a language, which i did04:19
* H_M-Ubuntu shoots uiyfkutf - Kidding.04:19
DansTheManthen to set your city, which i did04:19
tritiumuiyfkutf: stay on topic, please04:19
H_M-Ubuntulstarnes, you still there?04:20
uiyfkutfubuntu isn't as good as windows because it doesn't cost any money04:20
DansTheManthen on to step 3 to set the keyboard layout04:20
DansTheManwhich i did04:20
thiebaudeuiyfkutf: you dont own your OS04:20
uiyfkutfquality is worse04:20
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: hold on, I think I figured out the problem04:20
DansTheMannow on step 4, partitioning04:20
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel04:20
uiyfkutfWhy do I need to04:20
thiebaudeuiyfkutf: go away04:20
SkapareTarBar: if you haven't lost too much, that's a reasonable option ... been there done that too many times myself04:20
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: No. I doubt the file is corrupt04:20
Mike_lifeguardWho remembers what the default keyboard shortcut is for opening terminal?04:20
Kethal_Is there a live CD for Ubunutu, i.e. a CD I can boot from without having to install everything to the hard disk.04:20
jedi06why does my 4gb flash drive that is empty say there is only 3.5gb free?04:20
Mike_lifeguardKethal_: yes04:20
Mike_lifeguardthe normal one does that04:21
Mike_lifeguardit runs slowly, obviously04:21
SkapareTarBar: in one job many years ago I had to install Slackware on 600 computers in 2 days04:21
MyKulMike_lifeguard:  He can hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 to drop out of X.04:21
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: that's for you :)04:21
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: I got ubuntu from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download04:21
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Kethal_Mike_lifeguard: Just download the regular install CD?04:21
H_M-Ubuntulstarnes, this is the .c file I was trying to compile: http://pastebin.com/m5851b22e04:21
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: try this: gcc $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0) -o pbExampleTEST pbExample.c04:21
Mike_lifeguardKethal_: yes04:21
DansTheManI selected my mirror and rpessed Begin Download04:21
MyKulonce he's out of X, he can do apt-get install gparted04:21
jedi06I need to put something 3.8gb on it and i can't even though its 4gb flash drive and it empty it says only 3.5gb free04:21
TarBarSkapare: Will just copying the /home folder and getting a list of packages then re-installing be ok? or is there some other directory I should backup?04:21
DansTheManIt began downloading the iso04:21
MyKulThen when he runs it, it should show back up in the X screen.04:21
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: yeah, me too... I got 2 coasters before this one that worked :D04:22
H_M-UbuntuThat worked04:22
H_M-UbuntuIt worked!04:22
DansTheManok, on terminal04:22
Mike_lifeguardH_M-Ubuntu: so do a happy dance04:22
H_M-UbuntuI AM!!!!04:22
* H_M-Ubuntu is dancing04:22
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: I accidentally gave the instructionsfor gtk 1.2 before instead of gtk+ 2.004:22
MrKlownwhy doesn't the firefox browser work the same on ubuntu as it does for windows? i can't get a flash game to load and work right eventhough i have the same versionof flash install04:22
SkapareTarBar: that should be about it ... always back up important stuff ... external hard drives and flash devices are wonderful for this these days04:22
zirodayMrKlown: does youtube work?04:22
H_M-UbuntuOk, so that is how I need to compile things from now on?04:22
MrKlownyes ziro04:22
Mike_lifeguardMyKul: can you help him some? I dunno what I'm doing in terminal, generally speaking :)04:22
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: for gtk+ programs, yes04:23
aasfdasWhy do I need to own my OS?04:23
* Skapare has all his pr0nz and tun3z backed up 3x04:23
zirodayMrKlown: then its a flash bug. Nothing we can do about it.04:23
MrKlownto give an example www.iamklown.com/Screenshot.jpg the blue box is not supposed to show up and start is not clickable04:23
MrKlownoh ok04:23
MyKulDansTheMan:  Login if you haven't, then type in "apt-get install gparted", minus the " of course.04:23
TarBarSkapare: I can only think that all my stuff is in /home or does ubuntu hide anything?04:23
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: it is common to have Makefiles take care of compilation instead of doing everything manyally04:23
Mike_lifeguardAnd now, maybe I have a little bit of karma that will get me some help with mounting a USB device which is listed in lsusb but not fdisk -l ?04:23
zirodayMrKlown: err I get a 404 error on that site04:24
MrKlowni gave the wrong link but it doesn't matter now04:24
ktdcjkhytrfdWhy do I need to own my OS?04:24
MyKulDansTheMan:  DOH, forgot the sudo.. sorry, "sudo apt-get install gparted"04:24
Kethal_jedi06: A gigabyte is by definition 10^9 bytes, but computer people use 2^30 by convention, which is larger.04:24
MyKulI always do that...04:24
lstarnes!ops | ktdcjkhytrfd04:24
ubottuktdcjkhytrfd: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:24
DansTheManMyKul: How do i login>?04:24
zirodayMrKlown: thats an image...not a flash file04:24
ktdcjkhytrfdstop kicking me04:24
ktdcjkhytrfdand answer me04:24
ktdcjkhytrfdWhy do I need to own my OS?04:24
FloodBot2ktdcjkhytrfd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
MrKlownziro it's a screenshot of a flash file lol04:25
HassanakevazirDoes anyone know a way to move 1TB from a hard disk that stops responding ever 2-3 minutes and unmounts04:25
* Skapare bows out for now ... be back later (maybe days not hours)04:25
MrKlowna screenshot i made04:25
MyKulDansTheMan: Well, when you're at the black screen, it should be asking for your login...04:25
zirodayMrKlown: right, well can I have link to the actual flash file?04:25
Kethal_jedi06: Since manufacturers use 10^9, a fact many people don't realize, it's actually fewer bytes than they expect.04:25
MrKlownit's a myspace app ziro04:25
MyKulDansTheMan: Just enter your user name, hit enter, and it should request your password.  Enter it, and you should get a prompted04:25
Hassanakevazirktdcjkhytrfd, please offopics go to #ubuntu-offtopic , this is the help channel04:25
MrKlownso i can't actually link to it04:25
DansTheManI didn't set up a username!04:25
Mike_lifeguardMyKul: only he's got nothing installed yet... there's no users setup04:25
zirodayMrKlown: right, well anyway. Its a flash bug, we can't fix it as flash is closed source04:26
Mike_lifeguard(frankly, I'd just reboot & hope it loads properly the second time :D)04:26
DansTheManMyKul: Also, when i entered sudo apt-get gparted it said "E: Invalid operation gparted"04:26
H_M-UbuntuK so gcc $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0) -o... i'll have to write that down.04:26
H_M-UbuntuThanks again mate.04:26
MyKulDansTheMan:  Scraping the bottom of the barrel of memory here, but I think it's ubuntu and a blank password, but it might be ubuntu too.. I haven't done it for a couple years.04:26
DansTheManwait nevermind04:26
* H_M-Ubuntu has been scratching his head on this for a few weeks.04:26
MrKlownthat sucks04:26
DansTheMani forgot install04:26
Kethal_Mike_lifeguard: thanks04:26
HassanakevazirAnyone know how I can move large amounts of data with many interruptions without loosing any of the progress04:26
Lint01Hassanakevazir: torrent04:27
DansTheManOk i enetered sudo apt-get install gparted04:27
jtajiHassanakevazir: rsync04:27
DansTheManand it came up building dependancy tree, etc, etc04:27
MyKulDansTheMan:  Wait, it said "E: Invalid Operation"?  That's a Windows error.04:27
H_M-UbuntuAnyway now the fun part, developing my application.....04:27
DansTheManMyKul: It said "E: invalid operation gparted"04:27
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: When you booted, did you boot into windows at all?04:27
DansTheManno, from the disc04:27
HassanakevazirLint01, its a local usb hard drive, jtaji thx , i'll look into that04:28
DansTheManMy boot order is disc first then hdd04:28
chronofirei restarted my pc now it looks like the resolution is low04:28
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: like, at the beginning you went into the boot options and forced it to boot from cd04:28
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: yes04:28
Mike_lifeguardargh! I dunno what's going on04:28
MyKulHeh, OK, that is an apt error, my bad.. never seen that before.04:28
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Neither do i!04:28
* Mike_lifeguard wishes to be able to see your screen :P04:28
chronofireit was set at 1680x1050 now the highest it can go is to 1024 and 1680x1050 isnt even an option04:28
MyKulI had to try it.. it happens when you don't add the install to the apt-get.04:28
DansTheManMyKul: 13:26DansTheManOk i enetered sudo apt-get install gparted 13:26jtajiHassanakevazir: rsync 13:26DansTheManand it came up building dependancy tree, etc, etc04:29
jtajiHassanakevazir: for local it's easy, just like cp, rsync -av source dest04:29
jjrevdoes anyone know the vga code for 1920x1080 to use in grub's menu.list ???04:30
DansTheManThis is ridiculous04:30
DansTheManIt was supposed to be "easy"04:30
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: deep breath, restart, hope it loads properly?04:30
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: you think that's hard?!04:30
DansTheManI think it did04:30
Hassanakevazirjtaji, great, It has a page full of flag options and 3000 lines of man page. that simplified it.04:30
MyKulDansTheMan:  OK, after if finishes the "building the dependancy tree" stuff, you should be able to type in "sudo gparted".. It'll kick you back to graphics mode, but you should have the partitioner...04:30
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Not overally, but i must admit, Windows was a lot easier :)04:30
Mike_lifeguardwell you didn't install it did you04:30
zirodayDansTheMan: if the install didn't complete, why not reinstall?04:30
chronofirei restarted my pc and now my resolution is off and the correct resolution isnt showing up whats wrong?04:30
MyKulDansTheMan:  Don't worry, I'm going to be going through the same stuff next week... have a rebuild coming up.. :D04:31
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: for perspective, I had to use ntfsresize --bad-sectors and parted from terminal to partition my drive (not fun) - I don't think you're quite to that point yet, so count your blessings :P04:31
VenkoAm I right in thinking that the significant lag I'm experiencing in Jaunty is due to a regression in the Intel drivers used in Ubuntu?04:31
DansTheManMyKul: gpartedbin:16073: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:04:32
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: you can use parted (ie commandline, not the graphical frontend)04:32
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MyKulYou're going to have to walk him through that.. I've never used it.04:32
Mike_lifeguardand... I have cut my tongue04:32
DansTheManJesus christ!04:33
DansTheManWhy does it have to be so confusing!04:33
Mike_lifeguardin my mouth04:33
MyKulJesus Christ is in your mouth?04:33
* Mike_lifeguard looks up the mailing list posts...04:33
tritiumDansTheMan: please, calm down.04:33
Mike_lifeguardno, I cut my tongue in my mouth :D04:33
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: hold on a moment, I will walk you through using parted04:34
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: Will it work and not screw up my computer and keep Windows?04:34
chronofirei restarted my pc and now my resolution is off and the correct resolution isnt showing up whats wrong? i cant fix this04:34
ienorandVenko: There have been several reports about issues, yes. there's some points in the release notes about possibility of downgrading I think...04:34
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: It worked for me, so "probably"04:34
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: (there are no warranties on irc)04:35
tritiumVenko: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty support.04:35
Venkoienorand: As in the packages in the repositories may be downgraded or there's instructions for me to do it?04:35
krishnancan someone tell me what is twitter? Where and all it can be used?04:35
VenkoOK tritium04:35
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: lol, i know :p But do you also have Windows installed?04:35
MyKulkrishnan:  It's a microblog.. check out http://www.twitter.com04:35
digitalchemist@krishnan: www.twitter.com   ... 140-characters of status updates per entry ('micro-blogging')04:35
Mike_lifeguardoh, crap, you have vista, which apparently is finnicky about partitions04:35
Mike_lifeguardI had XP04:35
Mike_lifeguardI *think* you will have to use Vista's partitioner04:35
Mike_lifeguardwhatever that is04:36
Kethal_Hassanakevazir: It looks like grsync is a front end to rsync, which may be helpful.04:36
Mike_lifeguarddiskpart or something?04:36
DansTheManMike_lifeguard: lol04:36
DansTheManI have no idea04:36
krishnandigitalchemist: wats is microblogging?04:36
Mike_lifeguardhold on, looking04:36
krishnanMyKul: wats is microblogging?04:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:36
Mike_lifeguardkrishnan: this is a support channel for the ubuntu operating system04:36
digitalchemist@krishnan: it's called microblogging because posts are limited to 140 characters04:36
MyKulMike_lifeguard:  You can use the Disk Manager, just like you would in Windows 2003/2008.. It's pretty simple.04:36
jjrevkrishnan: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=twitter&l=104:36
MrKlownhow would one go about trying to remove flash from your computer?04:36
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: ok, so you'll have to boot back into windows to do the partitioning04:37
DoomWhat version of OpenGL does Hardy support on 6 series nvidia cards?04:37
ienorandVenko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.404:37
zerothisAnybody know how to get a Lexmark X4530m working with Linux (scan and print, usb or wireless)?04:37
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: then afterwards, boot into the install cd and finish everything else04:37
krishnanMike_lifeguard: thanks for reminding. i guess you should be having more important work than moral policing.04:37
efrenefrenwhere do you know how long your computer has been running?04:37
krishnanMike_lifeguard: thanks for reminding. i guess you should be having more important work than moral policing.04:37
Venkoienorand: cheers :)04:37
DansTheManumm, ok04:37
tt5786hey guys whats the thing starting with n that lets you copy things to root files04:37
DansTheManthaanks :p04:37
Kethal_efrenefren: uptime on command line04:37
digitalchemistHe should be able to ask that here ... it's no more off topic than asking how to use gparted04:37
MyKulSheesh, just rotated the compiz cube 6 times before I found songbird to hit next.04:38
efrenefrenok thanks Kethal_ :)04:38
DansTheManThanks a lot Mike_lifeguard and MyKul! You have been a great help with assisting me on this issue. Hopefully it'll become resolved when i use the partitioner :)04:38
MyKulGood luck DansTheMan.04:38
Mike_lifeguardsame here04:38
DansTheManThank you MyKul and Mike_lifeguard :)04:38
Mike_lifeguardDansTheMan: hold on a sec...04:39
MyKulWell, that didn't work.04:39
DoomDoes Hardy 8.04 support OpenGL 2.0 on 6 series nvidia cards?04:39
MyKulHope it wasn't important, like "To disarm the bomb, clip the red wire"04:39
ienorandVenko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance < That one seems to be a pretty comprehensive rundown of the whole shebang.04:39
Mike_lifeguardnaw, just a link to the thread for when I had the same issue (almost): https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2009-April/180090.html04:39
HassanakevazirKethal_, thanks , i'll try that too04:39
somedud3how big should i make my swap with 2gb ram ?04:40
FloridaGuyi noticed all apt-get update does is updates the repo....is sudo apt-get upgrade what updates the system04:40
Mike_lifeguarderr, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2009-April/180136.html04:40
Kethal_Hassanakevazir: Conduit for Gnome also looks promising04:41
ienorandMyKul: I've found that I never actually use the cube... I just clog windows and use compiz scale, works brilliantly.04:41
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DoomBecause I still like using KDE 3 on 8.04 ,but I want to use OpenGL 2.0 for programming. I have 6 series card did the driver on Hardy support OpenGL 2.004:42
MyKulienorand:  I like the cube because (very shallow here), it's flashy... I've made 7 Ubuntu cds just because friends/coworkers are like flies to a flame with that cube..04:42
HassanakevazirKethal_, nah, thats for gnome, I'm looking for moving 1TB files, Grsync seems solid, also has a option for FAT32 which I was going to miss if I used CLI04:43
Mike_lifeguardgnome-volume-manager is supposed to automagically detect & mount removable devices like USB drives, yes?04:43
kev_hey guys, i got a question...04:43
kev_i am using kubuntu and i just downloaded the latest virtualbox-ose .deb file. when i tried to install it, i got an error message telling me: "dependency not satisfiable: libqt4-network" well the problem is that i cannot find that package in apt-get or adept manager... even after updating packages. anyone know where i can get it?04:43
jjrevkev_: just ask it04:43
kev_i did ;)04:44
ienorandMyKul: True, cube is still one of the main ubuntu-missionaries, and I guess some people to find it very useful... I don't though...04:44
Mike_lifeguardIf it is running, I should find it with something like 'ps x|grep volume' right?04:44
Mike_lifeguardIf it's not found, then it's not running - how would I start it?04:44
digitalchemist@kev_ ... maybe here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-backports/libqt4-network04:45
Kethal_Are there programs like conduit for KDE?  Can I sync Google Calendar with KOrganizer?04:45
jtajiMike_lifeguard: try ps ax, it might not be running as your user04:45
MyKulMike_lifeguard:  Try "ps aux|grep -i volume"04:45
Mike_lifeguardk, thx04:45
Mike_lifeguardI see /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-hal-volume-monitor and  /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor, neither of which look right04:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:46
Venkoienorand: That's working a lot better now. Thanks so much :)04:46
kev_digitalchemist: so it's not a particular package, just a combination of certain packages?04:46
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jtajiMike_lifeguard: actually gvfs-hal-volume-monitor is it04:47
MyKulienorand:  I don't mind it.. I just full screen pretty much everything and never alt-tab.. just skip through desktops with my mouse scrolll wheel.04:47
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digitalchemist@kev_ appears to be. That was the first page Google returned ... and it's referenced again @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97857204:47
Mike_lifeguardso why isn't it monitoring the volumes? XD04:47
MyKulMike_lifeguard: Did you try killing the process and restarting it?04:48
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Mike_lifeguardI'm about to :)04:48
ienorandVenko: Did you go through with downgrade?04:48
digitalchemist@kev_: later in the post someone mentions that they had to enable "Unsupported updates" in Software Sources to get it to show up in apt04:48
mvipI'm having difficulties with NFSv4 and permissions. All files on the clients are listed as UID/GID 4294967294.04:48
Venkoienorand: Yeah, just added the repository and installed the package and everything is fluid again like with Intrepid04:48
kev_digitalchemist: ok, give me a few seconds to try that. i'll brb to let you know how i make out04:48
Burntresistori have a python question how do i load math library into idle04:49
agoyI is there any mp3 player which is command line interface base?04:49
lstarnesBurntresistor: import matg04:49
Mike_lifeguardMyKul: er, how would I restart it? just do /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-hal-volume-monitor at the prompt?04:49
mvipagoy: mpg12304:49
lstarnesBurntresistor: I mean import math04:49
ienorandVenko: Seems like there is going to be a lot of people needing to go though that process then...04:49
lexvegasagoy:  VLC can be run on the command line04:50
Burntresistori tired import math nothing happens  it doesnt recognize the pi command '04:50
usseragoy, mplayer04:50
lstarnesBurntresistor: try math.pi04:50
Venkoienorand: Worth scripting a command to give people the answer, I think04:50
Venko/intel [name]04:50
digitalchemist@Burntresistor: math.pi, otherwise 'from math import pi'04:50
MyKulmike_lifeguard:  Might be a service... I've never toyed with it, but doing "nohup  /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-hal-volume-monitor & should work.04:50
MyKulMike_Lifeguard:  Oops... wife is here... fun's over.. :)  Good luck..04:51
Mike_lifeguardthx :)04:51
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wexell32coffe vs tea?! :-?04:52
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agoyHow about mp3 or audio player which is Ncurse base?04:52
prontouse mpd + ncmpc04:52
jtajiagoy: moc04:53
jtaji!info moc04:53
ubottumoc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha3-3ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 205 kB, installed size 664 kB04:53
mvipso nobody got NFSv4 up and running?04:53
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prontomusic player deamon is better04:53
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ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:54
lstarnespronto: I personally find mpd to be confusing04:54
DragonRiftI was running windows and was getting a random crash04:54
DragonRiftnow I am gonna install ubuntu04:54
glisignolihow would I get a total size of all the files in a dir that were created after a date?04:54
DragonRiftwhats a good way to strain the pc04:54
valroadiestrain it?04:54
valroadielike make it work hard?04:54
DragonRiftas in, make it work its nuts off04:55
DragonRiftcpu and gpu04:55
glisignoliDragonRift: superpi04:55
usserDragonRift, compile the kernel04:55
valroadieyeah superpi wors well for CPU04:55
DragonRiftcpu AND GPU04:55
usserDragonRift, compile anything big really04:55
glisignoligl_gearx XD04:55
valroadiefor graphics04:55
usserDragonRift, play nexuiz on high settings for an hour for gpu04:55
lexvegasDragonRift: write a python program to calculate the Fibonacci sequence out to  10 ^ 100000004:55
DragonRiftI don't have crysis04:55
DragonRifthow stable are nvidia gfx drivers on ubuntu?04:56
usserDragonRift, nvidia drivers are solid04:57
usserDragonRift, best perfomance on linux graphics-wise04:58
DragonRiftdoes SLI work on linux?04:58
DragonRiftbecause I have 2 gpus04:58
Davide-buntuHi, I'm trying to mount a network location from a windows partition, I want it done automatically at startup so I placed the following in fstab.  mount -t cifs //none-xvlc1hi3pv/d/ /media/none/d/  Any Idea why it doesn't work at startup, but it works when I type it in the terminal04:58
kebomixhello , i have strange problem , there is server on my network , and every body have user name and password and all automatic ip's ,  the user name and password web page appear on windows and dont  appear on ubuntu as it get's automatic ip's on ubuntu ? !04:58
usserDragonRift, it should, i've never used it though04:59
justin__how do i download john the ripper04:59
usserDragonRift, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=860&num=104:59
CmcleanWhat is the difference between Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop?05:00
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ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:00
poseidondo you have to install a separate package from sun-java6-jre to get the javaEE sdk?05:00
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aliksyI have a question about brasero.  If I burn an audio cd with it, by default, is there going to be that annoying 2 second pause between tracks?05:02
dj_ryanhey whats a good disk/dir encrypt pkg on ubuntu (jjaunty)05:02
agoyusser: How about a audio player on console like moc and also can be able to subscribe RSS, aka podcast?05:03
Kr0ntabdj_ryan: check out truecrypt...05:03
Kr0ntabtheirs a package on their site... no repo... but a good piece of software05:03
dj_ryanKr0ntab: whats the lic senario with that... oss or what?05:03
Acedipi dont have IE installed in xp, so where do i save the .exe file of IE from ubuntu ?05:03
Acedipi'm running xp in vbox05:03
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Kr0ntabyes... oss05:03
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dj_ryandoes it do stenographic flash parts?05:05
Kr0ntabread their site...05:06
dj_ryanah cool05:06
dj_ryani thought it was commercial05:06
Kr0ntabit's free...05:06
Kr0ntaband oss05:06
Mike_lifeguardok, so I'm told to add "none                    /proc/bus/usb           usbfs noauto         0 0" to /etc/fstab and then "mount this"05:07
River_TamAnyone need web or vps hosting?05:07
Mike_lifeguardhow do I mount that when there's no identifier like /dev/sda6?05:07
somedud3how come when i write some files from linux onto my windows data partition, the files do not show up in windows ?05:07
River_TamIn need of web hosting, vps, or domains? Go to http://alliancehosting.co.cc Plans start as low as $4.48/month and $17/month for vps.05:07
troopperiAcedip, http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/video?name=3650000&fromSeriesID=365#TB_inline?&width=776&height=618&inlineId=videoPlayer92905:08
=== Guest52668 is now known as rww
* scunizi thinks this is the lull before the storm.. Is nobody talking tonight?05:10
* aliksy had a question!05:10
quetzalcoatlusHi, I've been trying to install Java on my ubuntu server, but I keep getting an odd error related to not having an installation candidate05:10
FloridaGuywhat is it with ubuntu takes about 14 min to download 255 mb of updates and about 40 min to install them ?05:10
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ienorandIf I have a fullscreen app (eaxample openarena) how do I exit it whilst keeping it running ("alt-tab" out of it)05:10
rwwquetzalcoatlus: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file, please?05:11
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scuniziienorand: you have to run it in windowed mode05:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mtab05:11
SandGorgonbefore I do rsync on an ISO - should I mount it. i'm unable to figure out the method to rsync an iso with latest05:11
ienorandscunizi: So there is no way to get out once it is fullscreen?05:11
scuniziienorand: not that I'm aware of05:12
kev_digitalchemist: i downloaded the packages, did all the updates, and debian installer is still saying the dependency is unsatisfiable05:12
glisignoliAnyone know how I would get the total size of files created on a certian date?05:12
quetzalcoatlusrww: http://pastebin.ca/139461905:12
Davide-buntuWhat's mtab?05:12
somedud3how come when i write some files from linux onto my windows data partition, the files do not show up in windows ?05:12
ienorandscunizi: That's kind of crappy really... having to reset x just because a fullscreen app freezes05:13
ienorandDavide-buntu: Where the entries for all currently mounted filesystems are stored.05:13
scuniziienorand: you don't have to reset x.. just ctrl+alt+f2 and login.. then use top or htop to figure out what the pid of the app is and kill it.. ctrl+alt+F7 takes you back to the gui05:13
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rwwquetzalcoatlus: sun-java6-jre is in the multiverse repository, which you don't have enabled. You can enable it with System > Administration > Software Sources > check "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues", or by adding "multiverse" to the end of each line in your sources.list, saving, and doing "sudo apt-get update"05:14
Davide-buntuienorand, if I wanted to add a network location to be mounted at startup would I add it to mtab or fstab?05:14
somedud3how come when i write some files from linux onto my windows data partition, the files do not show up in windows ?05:14
scuniziDavide-buntu: fstab05:14
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ienorandDavide-buntu: fstab.  mtab is temporary05:14
quetzalcoatlusok rww05:15
quetzalcoatlusinstalling now05:15
rwwquetzalcoatlus: you're welcome05:15
isiahsomedud3: are you sure that they are being written to the write place? Did you try placing them on your desktop? I am assuming you dual-boot05:15
scuniziienorand: there may be a key combo that will switch between full and windowed screen.. you might check with openarena's site or channel05:15
Davide-buntuscunizi, ienorand I'm trying to mount a network location folder on a windows hard drive on my other computer.. I'm using this in fstab but it won't work mount -t cifs //none-xvlc1hi3pv/d/ /media/none/d/05:16
Davide-buntuscunizi, ienorand  I want it to load on startup05:16
kev_digitalchemist: i got it working. i downloaded the virtualbox-ose.deb file for debian 4.0 (previously i was trying it with 5.0), and not it's installing just fine05:16
ienorandscunizi: Yes, true. From a user-friendliness perspective it's still a pretty remarkable flaw, alt-tab seem kind of a basic feature...05:17
BlackCoffeeanyone knows how to display song info of audacious on xchat?05:17
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scuniziienorand: yes.. but keep in mind the application might be preventing that key combo from working.. not linux or ubuntu itself..05:17
somedud3isiah: yeah this keeps happening, i write a file to my ntfs partition and when i go to windows the files are no there05:18
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somedud3no errors in ubuntu05:18
tyocI have installed in a VM virtualbox ubuntu (inside my ubuntu :P) but there it only show resolutions of 640x480 and 800x600... and I want at less 1024x768... my monitor support up to 1280x102405:18
scunizityoc: you need to install the guest additions for virtual box05:18
scunizityoc: then restart the vm05:18
yoshimitHello there! Someone knows how to use a ISO image as mirror ?05:18
valroadieis there any way to male the desktop cube smaller?05:18
Davide-buntuscunizi, ienorand I'm trying to mount a network location folder on a windows hard drive on my other computer.. I'm using this in fstab but it won't work mount -t cifs //none-xvlc1hi3pv/d/ /media/none/d/05:19
tyocit is the virtualbox not "opensoruce" so I guess they are already isntalled???05:19
tyocscunizi: how I can know if i already have them or not?05:19
scunizi!mount | Davide-buntu05:19
ubottuDavide-buntu: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap05:19
isiahsomedud3: ok can you see your window files when your in ubuntu?05:19
Droopsta915Whats the command to show my hidden files on the dektop?05:19
Droopsta915desktop, sorry05:19
somedud3isiah: yeah i can mount both my system and data ntfs partition , see all the files05:19
landon_how do i enable 3d?05:20
scunizityoc: open the vm that you want to add the resoltion to then in the menu at the top left, one of the dropdown choices you'll see "Install guest Additions" .. It's part of Vbox05:20
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kris_At one time I did05:20
tyocscunizi: OK, I will do that, let me check05:21
Davide-buntuscunizi, I didnt find any help there but thanks05:21
FuzzXanybody running FF 3 ?05:21
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isiahsomedud3: I think it could possible be a permission problem, have you tried using the chmod command?05:21
somedud3isiah: if its a permission problem i should be given an error shouldnt  ?05:21
Mike_lifeguardFuzzX: yes (but perhaps you're looking for #firefox ?)05:21
FuzzXno its godda be on ubuntu05:22
somedud3isiah: i get a copy bar and everything, no errors, but no files when i go to windows05:22
scuniziFuzzX: anyone on 8.10 is running FF305:22
celthunderscunizi how can you assume that?05:23
Mike_lifeguardIf I have a line in /etc/fstab that's "none/proc/bus/usbusbdevfsnoauto,devmode=066600" how would I mount that?05:23
celthunderscunizi i have 8.10 i dont use firefox05:23
scunizicelthunder: unless you manually install something different FF3 is preinstalled..05:23
nadantrying to build something... apparently by googling i found i'm missing gtk-devel ....  don't see it however in the repositories any idea?05:23
FuzzXjust wanna quickly test a javascript feature.. would ned some confirmation from another ubuntu FF 3 user05:23
lstarnesnadan: look for libgtk2.0-dev05:23
scunizicelthunder: I should probably say FF3 comes standard on 8.10.. not that everyone is using it05:23
isiahsomedud3: It couldnt be a windows hidden file thing right?05:23
tyocscunizi: I dont see a popup or something :S.... after I clicked "Install 'guest additions'"05:24
somedud3hmm maybe its hiding them as 'system files'05:24
somedud3i could check that out05:24
scunizityoc: what guest are you running?05:24
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somedud3gotta go tho, thanks for trying05:24
nadanhmmm i have that...  maybe its made for gtk1.2?  checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.1... no05:24
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lstarnesnadan: try libgtk1.2-dev.  What are you compiling?05:25
tyocscunizi: Ubuntu 8.1005:25
oospunkeyif "sudo fdisk -l" does not see my HDD does that mean its dead?05:25
scunizityoc: that's what you're running in the vm? on a windows host?05:25
celthunderoospunkey, no05:25
tyocscunizi: is because Im doing some apps that sometimes testing them freeze my Ubuntu host05:25
somedud3is there any disadvantage to install ubuntu on a logical partition ?05:25
nadanprb not what i want... but an old "disk space visualizer"  called fsv  http://fsv.sourceforge.net/05:25
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tyocscunizi: Ubuntu 8.10 host and ubuntu 8.10 client05:25
scunizityoc: ah. k.. you need to open terminal in the guest and "cd /media/cdrom0"05:26
felixsullaIf you have a box that has Vista, and you put Ubuntu on a new partition, will it be able to see your Win files?05:26
ussersomedud3, not really, ubuntu or any other os except windows can live on extended partitions just fine05:26
tyocscunizi: because like I said I sometimes freeze my ubuntu and that or restart isnt fun, more if Im talking with people... so I decided to install it in a VM and work inside that environment05:26
Mike_lifeguardOK, in syslog, there is Apr 17 01:26:24 mikelifeguard-laptop kernel: [  509.478184] usb 5-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice05:26
tyocscunizi: O I see, like if a CD... nice...05:26
scunizityoc: then in that directory "ls" to list the files..05:26
tyocscunizi: checking out05:27
Mike_lifeguardSo clearly the kernel knows the device is there, but I cannot mount it, and it does not automount :'(05:27
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:27
scunizityoc: then pic the file that you need to install.. if it's for x86 then "sudo ./<name of file>05:27
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tyocscunizi: I think something is wrong.... I only see exes inside :S05:28
oospunkeyif fdisk can't find my hdd then how do i mount it?05:28
scunizityoc: try ls -la05:29
scunizityoc: there should be some .run files there.05:29
tyoclet me see05:29
srimalHi all05:30
tyoco yea I see the run :)05:30
srimalanyone tested 9.04 on ATI Radeon Mobility 160005:30
ioxHey everyone!05:30
srimalRadeon Mobility X160005:30
KnomeDEiox: hello05:30
srimalI get flickering on movie play back in 9.04 and 8.10 but 8.04 works fine05:31
ioxAnyone mind if I ask a couple of quick questions about partitions? I've looked in forums and I can't seem to get my answers.05:31
srimalVideo card is Radeon Mobility X1600 Compa05:31
srimalCompaq nx9420 laptop05:31
oospunkeyi'm wondering about partitions as well05:31
tyocscunizi: an extra question now that I have your attention :), is possible to install to a windows guest the nvidia drivers??? or Im wrong about this?05:31
tyocscunizi: VBox additions installed, restarting the VBox05:32
nadangrrr it says "you need gl or mesagl libraries" but i have mesa-common-dev05:32
glisignoliiox: go for broke05:32
ioxMy main questions about partitions are:  does putting /tmp on a seperate partition improve performance, and if so what size should I make it?05:32
glisignoliiox: not unless its a seperate drive05:33
seven41I tried to use ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS to set up a system with encrypted root volume on top of soft raid 1. I ran into multiple failures. Filed bugs 362696, 362705, 362714. Do you know if this setup works better in the newer ubuntu versions? (fyi this setup has worked ok for me with another distribution)05:33
glisignoli(physical) drive05:33
KnomeDEiox: if the partition is on a separate HDD, then yes, otherwise, not really05:33
ioxis the main point to reduce fragmentation? Or does the /tmp folder on a seperate drive increase bandwidth?05:34
glisignolireminds me of what my boss wanted me to do05:34
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scunizityoc: nope.. you have to use the generic drivers provided by vbox for all guest install's at this point05:34
glisignolidemanded I make a seperate "swap" partition on his windows pc05:34
glisignoliof 20gb05:34
glisignoliwhen the drive where raid 105:35
glisignolior raid 005:35
glisignoliI forget05:35
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FloodBot3glisignoli: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
KnomeDEiox: if its on a separate drive, that drive will be handling requests solely fo files in the /tmp directory05:35
ioxAmazing information KnomeDE/glisingnoli, thanks for your help!05:35
KnomeDEiox: if its on the same drive, the drive is handling requests for everything at once, and has to move back and forth between sectors05:35
KnomeDEcylinders i mean05:36
tyocscunizi: thx, I still have the 2 low resolutions.... but I can now work more "easy" with the mouse :)05:36
scunizityoc: you might be able to drag the corners of the box and make it bigger though..05:36
tyocscunizi: Oh, I see05:37
scunizityoc: did you install the version from the repo's?05:37
tyocnow scunizi I have already the last version of VB05:37
tyocfrom his main site05:37
scunizityoc: direct from their site?05:37
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tyocbefore didnt know how to install this "guest additions" hehehe05:38
tyocthx for the tip05:38
nadanwhats the channel for general chat?05:38
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somedud3how do i scan a disk to find / try to repair bad sectors ?05:38
scunizityoc: np.. the #vbox channel is good if you catch them before bed..05:38
tyocoki doki05:39
scunizisomedud3: boot into the recover kernel and there will be an option listed05:39
somedud3scunizi: i am on a live USB right now05:39
scunizi!fsck | somedud305:40
ubottusomedud3: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot05:40
somedud3scunizi: can i use that on an empty FS ?05:40
somedud3* empty partition table05:40
koolkartik"The following packages have been kept back:05:41
koolkartik  linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic05:41
koolkartik0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded." can anyone help with this05:41
scunizisomedud3: if it hasn't been partitioned and formatted probably not05:41
somedud3scunizi: im having trouble parititoning, thats why i want to run a disk check05:41
rwwkoolkartik: I assume that's output from "apt-get upgrade"? try "apt-get dist-upgrade" instead.05:41
scunizisomedud3: are you attempting a dual boot?05:41
somedud3scunizi: yeah, i have done it on this drive before, but for some reason i cant create more than 2 partitions05:42
vegombreii cant mount one of my internal hdds .. can someone please take a look at my fstab and mtab and help me fix it05:43
scunizisomedud3: ah.. you can only have 4 primary partitions on a drive.. if you're currently at 2 or 3 then the next needs to be an extended partition of the entire remaining amount.. then that space can be partitioned several times.05:43
koolkartikrww: yeah thats output from apt-get upgrade and m not able 2 install nethng it always displays this msg and these 2 upates never get installes05:44
rwwkoolkartik: did you try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?05:44
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somedud3scunizi: yeah i know, i made my xp part, 1 for linux swap, trying to add the ext3 partition but it wont let me05:44
koolkartikrww: ok i m trying that05:45
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scunizisomedud3: are you using the partition manager built into the live cd?05:45
somedud3scunizi: gparted , yeah05:45
vegombreii cant mount one of my internal hdds .. can someone please take a look at my fstab and mtab and help me fix it ....http://pastebin.com/m426cd01105:45
scunizisomedud3: what's it say?05:46
vegombreicelthunder: you there ?05:46
BoohHi, I want to put ogg file on my facebook but I think I can only put videos... so, how to convert my ogg file to some video format?  (Sorry I don't know a lot about multimedias)05:47
emergionHello all. My laptop recently had some issues (would not boot) some how it boots fine now but my Ubuntu constantly says "Wireless is Disable" though everything else seems to be working fine? I booted off the live cd into the trial environment and it still says "Wireless is disabled" I even tried a USB wireless card with the same result. Any ideas?05:47
celthundervegombrei, yes05:48
admin_masu3701can i install dreamweaver in ubuntu 8.1005:48
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wahnfriedenHI YALL05:48
wahnfriedenhow long does ubuntu install take05:48
celthundervegombrei, how can i help you?05:48
admin_masu3701not long at all05:48
scuniziwahnfrieden: about 30-40 minutes typically05:48
celthunderwahnfrieden, about 6 minutes?05:48
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celthunderscunizi, it took you 40 minutes?05:48
admin_masu3701it took me 20 minutes05:49
scunizicelthunder: full desktop..with updates05:49
wahnfriedenis there any decent music production software for Linux, for something similar to Ableton Live?05:49
andrukadmin_masu3701: you'll need to use wine, check appdb.org for more information on specific capabilities of dreamweaver on wine.05:49
scunizibetter than 3+hrs on winXX05:49
admin_masu3701andruk: thats a cool site05:50
tyocey scunizi thanks for the help :), cya (y)05:50
admin_masu3701are those games05:50
nadanwahnfrieden, takes about 801 seconds to install 8.10 then updates are dependent on download speed05:50
scunizityoc: np :)05:50
tyoc good night all :)05:50
somedud3scunizi: it says /dev/sda5: No such file or directory05:51
glisignoliwill ubuntu 9.04 be a LTS release?05:51
lstarnesglisignoli: no05:51
andrukadmin_masu3701: the wine project includes appdb, which makes the wine project a lot larger than just the win32 api.05:51
wahnfriedenSO SHOULD I INSTALL Jaunty With Ext4 since ext4 is already stable OR what05:51
scunizisomedud3: that would be the reference for the 5th partition..05:51
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:51
scuniziglisignoli: no05:51
killedkillerbis there a command similar to windows's ipconfig /all05:51
wahnfriedenwill it be easy to update my os to the stable release05:51
somedud3scunizi: right the 3rd partition i added is an extended05:51
lstarneskilledkillerb: try ifconfig05:51
wahnfriedenkilledkillerb IFCONFIG05:51
killedkillerbi know ifconfig but i need more info05:51
killedkillerbdefault gateway and whatnot05:52
lstarneswahnfrieden: yes05:52
wahnfriedenifconfig --help05:52
lstarneswahnfrieden: wait, I'm not sure05:52
admin_masu3701andruk: i see...but the dreamweaver application free?05:52
eugenhey,..how can I synchronize the kde multi desktop feature with the compiz one?05:52
wahnfriedenlstarnes ABOUT WHAT05:52
somedud3scunizi: i have 2 ntfs primaries, then third is extended, then adding a linux swap and error occurs05:52
lstarneswahnfrieden: capsd05:52
koolkartikadmin_masu3701: wine will create a bit problem with dreamweaver try similar projects : kompozer (widely used ) or u may also go for bluefish05:52
lstarneswahnfrieden: from 8.10 or from an earlier version of 9.04?05:52
admin_masu3701koolkartik: i have kompozer05:53
wahnfriedencan I have a recycle bin in linux?05:53
wahnfriedenlstarnes im installing a new copy05:53
wahnfriedenlstarnes im moving from windows 705:53
nadanwahnfrieden, you do have a recycle bin called trash05:53
vegombreicelthunder: dude all those issues are back.. now i cant mount that drive .. could you take a look at my fstab?05:54
scunizisomedud3: you've added the extended but have you hit "apply" in gparted after creating it? it might not allow creation of any partitions in the extended portion until that partition is written correctly.05:54
wahnfriedenoh so anything i rm is undo-able?05:54
nadanwahnfrieden, just don't remove from command line -- rm or it won't go to trash05:54
vegombreicelthunder: http://pastebin.com/m426cd01105:54
somedud3scunizi: yeah it applied fine, but after that i cant add anything in the unallocated space under the extended part05:54
wahnfriedenis there a shortcut to move to trash from command line05:54
killedkillerbi've used ifconfig --help and read the manpage05:54
admin_masu3701i have a dreamweaver.exe ...would it work in linux?05:55
zenergiWhat does it mean when there is a * instead of a "x" in the second field of a /etc/passwd entry? I know the "x" means it has a shadow pw, but what is the *?05:55
celthundervegombrei, ok one sec looking05:55
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scunizisomedud3: have you tried restarting the live cd and system to see if that makes a difference?05:55
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somedud3scunizi: no guess i should try that05:55
celthundervegombrei, k which drive wont mount?05:55
scunizisomedud3: worth a shot05:55
koolkartikBooh: u can use vlc and with that u can convert ur files05:56
zenergiAlso, what does the "+" mean in the file permissions "drwx------+" ?05:57
somedud3scunizi: but basically after i try to apply it gives that error ( no such directory),  and shows there is an 'unknown partition' there, and if i try to format that partition i get the same error05:57
Boohok thanks koolkartik05:57
scunizisomedud3: that after hitting "new" to create a new partition?05:57
wahnfriedenkilledkillerb read *this* man page05:58
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BoohWow!  and the sound is better... !!!  a lot better!05:59
killedkillerbwahnfrieden, what manpage?06:00
DoomHey, all. I'm looking for a good C++ compiler. Any recommendations?06:00
mib_bnqm76question, how can I configure my wireless connection from terminnal?06:01
altusanew_Other than g++ ?06:01
DoomJust looking for multiple opinions. Humor me.06:01
scunizi!best | Doom06:02
ubottuDoom: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:02
wahnfriedenthis man page06:02
eqisow1I have a motherboard with the AMD SB750 southbridge. The installer sees my configured raid0, but after install I get a "no OS installed" error. I can't use linux softraid because the array has a dedicated windows 7 partition and the installer only lets me configure the separate disks if the raid is turned off in the bios06:02
osubuck_if i install the 9.04 RC will i be able to upgrade it to the final when its out?06:03
eqisow1osubuck_: yes06:03
xanguaosubuck_: yes06:03
osubuck_sweet :D06:03
killedkillerbosubuck_, #ubuntu+106:03
osubuck_might as well get it then considering its not far away06:04
koolkartikrww:Errors were encountered while processing:06:05
koolkartik /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.41_i386.deb06:05
koolkartik /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic_2.6.24-23.52_i386.deb06:05
koolkartikE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:05
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FloodBot3koolkartik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:05
killedkillerbso nobody knows a simple way to get the same output from ubuntu terminal that windows command prompt gives me with ipconfig /all?06:05
koolkartikrww: this is the error06:05
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killedkillerbi managed to get the default gateway with route -n06:06
killedkillerbbut that still leaves me looking for the default dns and dhcp servers06:06
scunizikilledkillerb: try iwconfig06:06
sammywhere is the best place to set the TZ environment variable so that I can have a different time zone than the system time zone?06:06
killedkillerbill check that out thx06:06
g4lt-lappykilledkillerb, taht information isn't presented in tablature forme in linux.  you can get the dns by cat /etc/resolv.conf06:07
scunizikilledkillerb: also ifconfig06:07
sammy.bashrc mentions it is for non-login shells. I want to make sure my timezone is set properly for X and gnome applications06:07
scunizikilledkillerb: ifconfig should give you more info06:08
killedkillerbiwconfig  seems to be for wireless06:08
killedkillerbifconfig isnt giving me default gateway, dns server, or dhcp server06:08
sammyoh look. the ubuntu community doc page for environment variables says .profile should work for displaymanager. :)06:08
killedkillerbive read man and --help06:08
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koolkartikrww: is there any other way to fix this problem?06:09
scunizikilledkillerb: check out man ifconfig06:09
vegombreicelthunder: dude you mind if i pvt msg ya?06:10
C-S-BI've compiled for ubuntu 8.10 but its not booting-I get a weird graphical glitch...06:10
C-S-BI know my xorg.conf is right06:10
koolkartikrww: u there06:11
lamalexHi, i have a really simple request. Is anyone here on 8.04 (hardy) desktop? Does seahorse have an option to backup keyring in it's 'file' menu?06:11
killedkillerbg4lt-lappy, that was the missing link06:11
C-S-BIt doesnt show the animated splah either06:11
DragonRiftI am gwtting video mode not supported06:11
DragonRiftwhen trying to install ubuntu06:11
C-S-Btry vesa06:12
lamalexcan someone on 8.04 just open seahorse and tell me if that option is there?06:12
xanguaDragonRift: what Ubuntu are you trying to install ¿06:12
DragonRiftthe latest06:12
scunizilamalex: going to Applications/Accessories Passwords & Encry there is a backup option06:13
lamalexscunizi: thank you :)06:13
lamalexit seems to have been removed but i cant figure out why06:13
scunizilamalex: np :)06:13
lamalexno upstream or downstream changelog obviously says why it was removed06:14
DansTheManGuys i need some help installing Ubuntu.06:14
C-S-BWhats the prob Dan?06:15
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DragonRiftI am using geforce 880006:15
DragonRiftit works fine till I click install06:16
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DragonRiftthen says video mode not supported06:16
DansTheManC-S-B: I cannot get past step 4 of the installation process of Ubuntu 8.10 desktop edition :(06:16
koolkartik  linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic  can ne 1 help me06:16
DansTheManI'm currently using the "Try Ubuntu without making any changes" from the CD boot menu.06:17
scuniziDansTheMan: what's step 4?06:17
DragonRifteven when I use the try ubuntu without any changes06:17
DragonRiftI get the same error06:17
DragonRiftif nvidia not supported by ubuntu?06:17
g4lt-lappyhmm, since the last upgrade i've completely lost the shitf key.  anyone know where  can find it06:17
DansTheManscunizi: The one about partitioning06:17
g4lt-lappyi've tried system-keyboard with no effect06:18
DragonRiftdo I need to change to fedora?06:18
C-S-Bwe need an error msg06:18
scuniziDansTheMan: you might be one of the few that has the mysterious "can't read the HD" bug..06:18
DansTheManI'll show you a screen shot?06:18
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scuniziDansTheMan: then again.. do you have a gforce motherboard?06:19
killedkillerbDragonRift i know for a fact 8.10 supports 880006:19
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koolkartik  linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic not able to install these updates    need help06:19
scuniziDansTheMan: that is.. an nvidia gforce motherboard?06:19
DansTheManscunizi: No.06:19
DansTheManIt's an Acer Aspire 5720Z 1a****06:19
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DansTheManthe stars are a wildcard :p06:20
C-S-BDansTheMan,  I'm in koh samui, thailand and the gf want to sun tan/burn -need to sorry!06:20
C-S-B*to go06:20
kebomixhello , i can't log in hotspot using ubuntu , as it works under windows ? as it takes ip's on ubuntu also like windows !06:20
killedkillerbkebomix what is your native language?06:21
altusanew_Dragon did you install the proprietary nvidia drivers?06:21
DansTheManGuys: http://i40.tinypic.com/2h80r2s.png06:21
killedkillerbis there an arabic ubuntu chan?06:21
kebomixyeah , but it is dead06:22
mib_bnqm76Can someone help me?06:22
DansTheManscunizi: Is it possible to fix that?06:22
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scuniziDansTheMan: I'd suggest googling "5720z ubuntu" and see if you come up with any references for a fix or workaround06:22
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hotspot06:22
celthunderkebomix do you have dhcp on06:22
killedkillerbgood luck06:22
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C-S-BDansTheMan, you could try the alternative install cd and using gparted to prep the drive06:23
DansTheManC-S-B: I want it to install to drive D which is a partition06:23
DansTheManI want to keep Windows on this machine as-well06:23
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:23
scuniziDansTheMan: seems there is lots out there on that model and issues running linux06:23
kebomixcelthunder: yes and i tried "sudo dhclient eth0 " but no thing works , it is already connected to network with automatic ip06:23
C-S-BDansTheMan, and it doesnt show the 'guided use whole partition' bit06:24
celthunderkebomix ok so it has an ip do you have your routes setup?06:24
DansTheManscunizi: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-609230.html06:24
DansTheManIt should work?06:24
C-S-Byeah, If you have a partition ready for it, it should work06:25
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kebomixcelthunder: routes setup  ?06:25
DansTheManBut there is stuff already on that partition06:25
DansTheManI can access the drives now on Ubuntu06:25
C-S-Bthat you want?06:25
C-S-Bif so, back up and resize with gparted06:25
DansTheManAnd i'm using the "Try Ubuntu without making any changes"06:25
DansTheManC-S-B: What?06:25
k1enhi, how do i printa bunch of pictures on the same page?06:25
C-S-Byeah, thats just a live cd06:25
anooptphai every body06:26
celthunderkebomix route add default gw <gateway>06:26
anooptphow can i install javascript????06:27
kebomixcelthunder: yes i have it06:27
anooptpsome body please help me06:27
k1enanooptp, whats the problem?06:27
celthunderkebomix k can you ping the gateway?06:27
DansTheManHow do i get this "Live CD"?06:27
kebomixcelthunder: no06:28
k1enDansTheMan, from the internet - google "ubuntu"06:28
nadanis there a command that will tell you where a command is loading ie mpd when i type mpd what file is it linking too06:28
DragonRifthow do I make my install use the vesa driver06:28
celthundernadan strace06:29
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DragonRiftI am new to linux06:29
scuniziDansTheMan: ubuntu.com for all the various downloads06:29
BlueEagledanstheman: If you are running "Try Ubuntu without making any changes" then you are running from the live cd.06:29
celthundernadan nvm thats process links....i think06:29
DragonRiftand could use some help06:29
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nadancelthunder lol not sure to be honest quite what it did...  i guess it gave the details of the hole process or something06:30
celthunderkebomix ok type ifconfig -a whats the output?06:30
DansTheManBlueEagle: Ok, i'm running from live CD then :)06:30
DansTheManPeople, please help, i am stuck :(06:30
celthundernadan yeah...it shows the process calls sorry not the files...though im sure if you followed the process calls it would show what files...06:30
celthunderdanstheman what you need help with06:31
nadancelthunder, actually it did...  thank you06:31
celthundernadan lol neato06:31
raulhi got an Nvidia Geforce 660006:31
raulhand i cant06:32
raulhset my resolution06:32
raulhabove 600*80006:32
raulhwhy :[06:32
epalmsay I have a wav file, and an avi file.  i want to kill whatever sound the avi contains, and embed the wav into the avi (which needs to be lined up precisely.  any ubuntu-friend software recommendations?06:32
FloodBot3raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:32
DansTheMancelthunder: http://i40.tinypic.com/2h80r2s.png06:32
g4lt-lappysorry, apparently it also swallowed a capslock event :/06:32
DansTheManI cannot get passed that step06:32
celthunderraulh do you have the drivers installed06:32
raulhi tried but it failed06:32
scuniziraulh: go to system/Admin/hardware drivers and activate the 173 driver.. not the 177 driver..06:32
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BlueEagledanstheman: Are you using a raid setup with sata disks?06:32
eugenhey, is there a way that I can rotate my secondary display 180 degrees with compiz?06:32
raulhalright i activated the 'reccommended'06:32
DansTheManI think i have a SATA disk06:32
eugenI have an nvidia card, and nvidia-settings doesn't have any options to do so...06:32
DansTheManand i am unsure what you mean by RAID06:33
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g4lt-lappyeugen, sounds more like a job for xrandr06:33
celthunderdantheman...install your sata drivers06:33
BlueEagledanstheman: When unsure; google.06:33
sammyso I've tried setting TZ as :America/New_York and America/New_York in both .profile and .bashrc and the panel clock applet still shows the system timezone. any suggestions?06:33
DansTheManI thought linux had all the drivers06:33
browndogDanstheman: did you try the other option from the boot menu - Install Ubuntu , underneath the Try...06:33
raulhbleh, it's on a deadlock at 88%06:33
celthunderdantheman raid is whre you use mutlitple disks as if they were one (raid 0) raid 1 is mirroring (one is just backup) 5 is ..spreading data across mutliple drives with one not used just in case a different one fails (5 might be something else but sounds right)06:34
DansTheManbrowndog: Yes, however, i could not install it to drive D:\06:34
sammybtw, bash notices when I set the variable in .profile or .bashrc06:34
scuniziraulh: what was the recommended? the 173, 177 or 180 driver?06:34
DansTheManI only have one disc drive06:34
nadancelthunder, that strace is actually pretty cool did it on ls and it displayed all the actions taken by ls06:34
kyledrhow do i know what my default gateway is?06:34
raulhi installed 17306:34
raulhby mistake06:34
BlueEagledanstheman: Not all drivers for every single piece of hardware is loaded by default. Also, notice how people prefix the target of what they are saying with the nickname of that person. It helps keep track of conversations.06:34
celthunderkyledr tracert google.com and itll show your gateway as the first hop06:35
raulhbut now it finished do i have to reboot?06:35
scuniziraulh: 177 has issues.. 173 works better with the 6600 .. 180.11 also has issues..06:35
celthunderkyledr and yes there are better ways to do it but thats the easiest06:35
DansTheManBlueEagle: I realise, i am a frequent IRC user myself :) Hmm, do you know where i can get these drivers06:35
scuniziraulh: ctrl+alt+backspace06:35
TheFunkbombHey, once I install a driver, is it possible for me to just delete the tar and the folder I extracted from the tar?06:35
celthunderdantheman what do you have for a motherboard06:35
scuniziTheFunkbomb: yes06:35
celthunderthefunkbomb yes06:35
TheFunkbombscunizi, thanks06:35
BlueEagledanstheman: They should be on the cd already. What you want to do is open a terminal window and type lspci06:35
DansTheManPeople that can help me, could you please join #help-danstheman. As conversation is getting quite cluttered here. Thanks :)06:36
kyledrcelthunder: is tracepath ok?06:36
TheFunkbomband you too celthunder06:36
nadanscunizi, when i changed my card drivers ctrl alt backspace gave me an error reboot however worked fine....  i know it resets the gdm but i figured i'd mention it.06:36
DansTheManBlueEagle: Ok, i typed it and this massive list of hardware came up06:36
BlueEagledanstheman: That will give you a list of the pci-devices in your machine. What you want to look for there is IDE, SATA and/or RAID and see what you find. You then google that with the added words "linux module" and find out which module you should have loaded.06:36
celthunderkyledr traceroute google.com the first hop is your router...which is your gateway...if you have a static ip its also in /etc/network/interfaces and if you want you could check route -n and itll show your gateway06:36
scunizinadan: happens sometimes but not to everyone06:37
TheFunkbombNext topic.  I have an external USB wireless card.  Is there any way I can configure it so as soon as I plug it in, it's ifconfing RAUSB0 down and in monitor mode?06:37
raulhthanks for the help it worked!06:37
BlueEagledanstheman: Then you type lsmod and see if the module mentioned in the google results are listed there.06:37
scuniziraulh: yea!06:37
loafersWhy does ubuntu release every 6 months and not on a day to day basis?06:37
DansTheManBlueEagle: http://i40.tinypic.com/2h80r2s.png06:37
raulhScunizi: one more question how does ubuntu handle with wireless adapters?06:37
DansTheManWhoops, sorry06:37
DansTheMan00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) IDE Controller (rev 03)06:37
DansTheMan00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) SATA AHCI Controller (rev 03)06:37
TheFunkbombloafers?  I don't understand06:37
DansTheManIs that it?06:37
BlueEagledanstheman: You can add |grep <something> to search the output from commands for <something> like this: modprobe |grep nvidia06:37
FloodBot3DansTheMan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:37
loafersFor example, some apps like deluge are outdated06:38
celthunderraulh, h what does that mean? "handle with wireless adaptors"06:38
BlueEagledanstheman: It is.06:38
scuniziraulh: fine.. but it depends on the adaptor.. most but not all atheros work fine..06:38
raulhthe Drivers06:38
loaferswhy don't they update rather than waiting 6 months06:38
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:38
DansTheManBlueEagle: Which one is?06:38
TheFunkbombloafers, updates come as the programs are updated.  No guarantee that there will be a new one with Jaunty06:38
BlueEagledanstheman: Now head over to google and google for Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) linux module06:38
raulhi have  a Tenda TW[xxx](u)06:38
celthunderraulh look up the chipset and you'll be fine06:38
raulhalready tried it there's nothing for it on any search engines for linux06:39
TheFunkbombraulh, can you find linux drivers for it?06:39
TheFunkbombraulh, what chipset is it?06:39
Adman65Hey, anyone have problems with ruby gems06:39
BlueEagledanstheman: You may want to search for sata aswell if it is a sata and not a pata disk you have.06:39
DansTheManI am so confused06:39
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raulhtenda twl541u06:39
loafersTheFunkbomb, why not?  I read ubuntu wants to be stable right?  But the way I see it, developers wouldn't release something unless it wasn't stable or labled as unstable06:39
Adman65mine times out and locks up my comp06:39
BlueEagledanstheman: When confused, stop and think about it for a while.06:39
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scuniziraulh: that's the brand and model name.. try "sudo lshw" in terminal and look for it there.. you'll see the chipset type..06:40
TheFunkbombyeah, I just went through this raulh.  If we can find some drivers for that chipset, I can tell you how to install06:41
DansTheManBlueEagle: Is this correct? http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/ATA_PIIX.html06:41
TheFunkbombraulh, also, try plugging it in and running sudo apt-get update.  My broadcom wasn't supported out of the box but once I ran the update and got the newest drivers, it workd06:41
TheFunkbomberr worked06:41
raulhalright looking thru the sudo lshw list right now06:41
TheFunkbombI assume you have an ethernet port?06:42
raulhnono it's a wireless adapter06:42
TheFunkbombyeah, but you also have an ethernet port, right?06:42
TheFunkbombplug into your router.  hardwire it06:42
TheFunkbombrun the update06:42
BlueEagledanstheman: I came across this little gem: Through a BIOS option (disabled by default) the D630 supports the Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI), an open standard for SATA and PATA controllers. AHCI is well-supported under linux due to the availability of full documentation for driver developers.06:42
TheFunkbombkind of sucks if it's a desktop06:42
eugeng4lt-lappy: can you tell me how to use randr?06:42
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TheFunkbombbut if it's a laptop, no sweat, right?06:43
raulhok i found the network unclaimed product 88w8335 libertas 802.11b/g wwireless06:43
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BlueEagledanstheman: So you might have to head into the BIOS and make sure that if you have a similar switch like the D630 if AHCI is enabled.06:43
TheFunkbombraulh, that's the marvel chipset I think06:43
BlueEagledanstheman: It may be listed as "Disable sata native mode".06:43
raulhvendor: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.06:44
raulhyes i think it is06:44
TheFunkbombraulh, try plugging in and making sure you have the latest updates first06:44
BlueEagledanstheman: What you can try first is, in the termial, type: fdisk -l06:44
TheFunkbombthat's the easiest way to get stuff working06:44
raulh290 updates oh goodie ;o06:44
TheFunkbombthey go fast06:44
BlueEagledanstheman: Does that show any disks at all?06:44
raulhi have crap broadband ;\06:44
TheFunkbombwhat version are you running?06:44
DansTheManBlueEagle: celthunder told me to do that on #help-danstheman06:44
TheFunkbombwell, give it a shot.  Maybe you'll get lucky that way.06:44
TheFunkbombif not, let's see if we can find a work around06:45
raulhyea lol 277 mb is like 30minutes killbill is on anyway :306:45
BlueEagledanstheman: Very well. I'll leave celthunder to it then.06:45
BlueEagleI need to go to work anyways. :)06:45
DansTheManCannot open /dev/sda06:45
TheFunkbombraulh, if it doesn't work, you can get the drivers it looks like06:45
DansTheManIs what i get06:45
shimakazecould someone help me with 9.04 RC installation please? when installing, i'm getting stuck at 82% "Configuring apt - Scanning the mirror". after an exhaustive search online, the only solution i found was to unplug the network cable, but that wouldn't help because the machine isn't connected by wire; it's wireless06:46
DansTheManwhen i type: fdisk -l06:46
TheFunkbombhey raulh, you still with me?06:46
TheFunkbombraulh, here is a link in case that doesn't work.  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/marvell-88w8335-chipset-netgear-wg311-pcicard-driver/06:47
raulhalright i appriciate it.06:47
raulhwindows isn't doin me too good now-a-days.06:47
TheFunkbombNo problem.  The instructions look pretty complete.06:47
ULFfuntoshimakaze: I've had something similar to that happen to me, but i just restarted the install... i think it was a nic connectin prob06:47
TheFunkbombJust for the sake of conversation, why did you go with Hardy Heron?06:47
TheFunkbombolder computer?06:47
raulhto download a newer version06:48
TheFunkbombmy second guess06:48
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
raulhit's not too old06:48
raulhmaybe 0606:48
TheFunkbombI don't have any experience outside of 8.1006:48
raulhi c06:48
raulhive been off and on linux06:48
TheFunkbombOh yeah, your computer is newer than mine.  Mine is like 8 years old.  Single core06:48
raulhbut im settlin down linux now06:48
TheFunkbombOnce you go linux, you never go back06:48
raulhmines a sephron06:48
raulhnice processor's no complains06:48
raulhrealllly quiet06:49
syntax\a drive is not recognized even if i do fdisk -l06:49
syntax\what should i do06:49
shimakazeULFfunto, that's what a lot of people said, but the machine isn't even connected with the nic. i've restarted the installation three times already. no luck06:49
raulhmaybe the format isnt supported06:49
raulhFAT32's dont get read by linux do they06:49
raulhor was it ntfs06:49
syntax\disk /dev/sdb doesnt contain a valid partition table06:49
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BePhantomcould anyone help me with ndiswrapper? i installed a broadcom wireless driver,it's installed correctly but i doesnt work, when i try to configure the network i get a "could not find a network configuration tool" message, im using wicd, any help please?06:49
ULFfuntoshimakaze: ok, when it happened to me I was using a router/client (whats it called... bridge) so I rebooted that too06:50
TheFunkbombBePhantom, what chipset?  And what version of Ubuntu?06:50
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BePhantomTheFunkbomb Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN ubuntu 8.1006:50
TheFunkbombBePhantom, did you just install?06:51
BePhantomopened ndiswrapper and loaded the inf06:51
TheFunkbombYou just installed 8.10?  Hardwire it and run the updates.  I have BCM43XX too.  Updates took care of it06:51
BePhantomndiswrapper says the driver is installed correctly, i try to configure the network and it says "could not find a network configuration tool"06:52
raulhaha, i know it's not a games section but theres this Quake type of game for ubuntu where u run and then u crouch and u fly anyone know the name of it?06:52
wahnfriedenraulh yes, homo sex on a dikky06:52
raulhgrow up.06:52
BePhantomTheFunkbomb i just download the driver from the updates and that's it?06:52
wahnfriedenoops wrong channel06:52
TheFunkbombBePhantom, hardwire your computer to the router.  Run sudo apt-get update06:53
wahnfriedenraulh jumping flash06:53
raulhhe means run the unbuntu updaets06:53
shimakazeULFfunto: i tried that too. still no go. do you know if there's a way to terminate this apt configure step?06:53
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BePhantomTheFunkbomb yes06:53
TheFunkbombtry that first before messing with ndiswrapper or bwcutter06:53
TheFunkbombor fwcutter.  whatever it is06:53
BePhantomok TheFunkbomb06:53
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ULFfuntoshimakaze: well I know what I DON't like to do.. and that is install without the mirror. Because when you apt-get update it's messed up. Try this..06:54
TheFunkbombif that doesn't work, we'll go from there06:54
BePhantomTheFunkbomb will try now, did that work for you?06:54
TheFunkbombBePhantom, yep06:54
ULFfuntomake sure you have a normal connectivity with a livecd... then I bet you'll get past that hang06:54
TheFunkbombI struggled for days with it06:54
TheFunkbomball I had to do was run the update06:54
raulhoh the irony.06:54
shimakazeULFfunto: ok, i'll give that a try. thanks!06:55
BePhantomTheFunkbomb it seems im a member of your club too :D06:55
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TheFunkbombBePhantom, is this your first experience with Ubuntu?  If so, it gets easier06:55
syntax\i can't mount an ntfs partiton sudo fdisk -l gives me disk /dev/sdb doesnt contain a valid partition table. help anyone/06:55
TheFunkbombYou're coming from windows, right?06:55
BePhantomTheFunkbomb yes06:55
raulhsyntax what type of drive is it?06:55
SJrflac2mps converters?06:55
TheFunkbombBePhantom, been there brother (or sister).  Trust me, it gets easier and there are a lot of knowledgeable people here and on the Ubuntu boards06:56
A3Ksorry to just jump in, but does anyone have experience getting a connexant cx23880 based tv card working?06:56
TheFunkbombthey all seem willing to help when they can06:56
SJrA3K: Yes but it involved throwing it out and getting a Happauge one06:57
DansTheManCould i create another partition with the free space of D: and install Ubuntu 8.10 to that new drive without erasing any data from drive D:?06:57
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, I'm sure you can but I'd back that up first06:57
raulhyea you can06:57
raulhresizing your partition06:57
raulhor install it inside D06:57
DansTheManWell, i have nothing to back it up to06:57
A3KSJr some Happauge cards use that chipset06:58
DansTheManraulh: How can i install it inside of D:?06:58
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, burn to CDs lol06:58
raulhif you run the live CD you can resize Partitions06:58
raulhis D windows?06:58
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Too many CDs needed then :D06:58
DansTheManraulh: No, C is windows :)06:58
SJrA3K I was just being facetious no I don't06:58
Jessica_Hi all. I'm having a pretty significant problem with Ubuntu 8.04 freezing.  Can someone help me try to figure out the cause? I'm very, very new to Ubuntu.06:58
raulheven better06:58
syntax\can anyone help me out here?06:58
raulhpop in the CD while windows is running06:58
c0l2ewhat is the chkconfig conterpart in ubuntu??06:58
raulhand it will tell you where u would like to install it06:58
scuniziSJr: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/howto-convert-.flac-to-.mp3-544109/06:58
raulhand it gives u a choice in size06:58
xanguaJessica_: do you already updated Ubuntu ¿?06:58
TheFunkbombraulh, how are your updates coming?06:58
raulhwhat type of drive is it06:58
FloodBot3raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
DansTheManraulh: I don't want it to install inside of Windows06:59
raulhi know06:59
raulhu can install it06:59
TheFunkbombraulh, you should have the current updates.  Isn't Hardy a long term support?06:59
raulhin any drive ;306:59
BePhantomTheFunkbomb i install the driver from the hardware icon in the tray?06:59
raulhim actually not sure funk.06:59
syntax\raulh: its a ntfs partition containing backups. here's the output of fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/d3647ead906:59
Jessica_xangua: I downloaded the software updates, but did not update to 8.10. I couldn't get 8.10 to install at all after 7 hours of trying, so I'm a little afraid to try updating.06:59
ULFfunto7 hours?06:59
TheFunkbombBePhantom, go to System>Administration>Restricted Drivers I think06:59
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TheFunkbombno, Hardware Drivers07:00
BePhantomTheFunkbomb broadcom bta?07:00
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Jessica_ULFfunto: It kept locking up/freezing or couldn't find my HDD. I gave up and installed 8.04, which installed first time.07:00
raulhyea i remember reading about linux or ubuntu not being able to read NTFS or FAT3207:00
xanguaJessica_: then what Ubuntu versión do tou have; 8.04 or 8.10 ¿07:00
raulhbut there's ways around it07:00
wahnfriedenis linux popualr in the gay community?07:00
Jessica_xangua: 8.0407:00
BePhantombroadcom sta TheFunkbomb ?07:00
c0l2eIn Ubuntu console how can I add remove startup services like the one with other linux CHKCONFIG??07:00
A3KYou are making me feel pretty good about my Jaunty Jackalope install experience :D07:00
xanguadasmaze: Uubntu is an OS, is not a program for windows07:00
raulhSyntax\: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700907:01
coleubuntu9.04rc already released?07:01
TheFunkbombBePhantom, I'd enable it.  Mine is Broadcom B43 Wireless Driver07:01
lstarnesraulh: fat32 can be read as vfat07:01
lstarnescole: not yet07:01
xanguacole: no, is RC07:01
A3Kthe release candidate is avail07:01
scuniziwahnfrieden: do you want to get kicked? keep it up07:01
syntax\have you checked the link i gave you07:01
lstarnesraulh: and ntfs can be read with ntfs-3g.  both can be written07:01
xanguaJessica_: then have you already updated Ubuntu ¿?07:01
ULFfuntoJessica_: incredible07:01
Jessica_A3K: I have an uncanny ability to have the absolutely most difficult problems ever with technology. ;P07:01
wahnfriedenim sorry07:01
raulhyes i saw it07:01
wahnfriedenill stop07:01
syntax\raulh: check this link http://pastebin.com/d3647ead907:01
wahnfriedeni got a little drunk ;/07:01
BePhantominstalate el sta07:01
syntax\fdisk doesnt identify it as an ntfs partition.07:02
scuniziwahnfrieden: go to #ubuntu-offtopic07:02
coleoh ,i see 3Q07:02
ULFfuntoJessica_: describe your rig pleez07:02
A3KJessica_ my only problems tend to involve drivers...and usually the worst are wireless07:02
BePhantomTheFunkbomb broadcom 43 was enabled, im installing sta now07:02
coleI'm waiting for the day 23th April07:02
TheFunkbombBePhantom, cool.  Good luck and have fun!07:03
DragonRiftI updated my gfx driver07:03
DragonRiftand am now stuck at a CLI07:03
DragonRiftand my keys are all doing wrong characters07:03
raulhSyntax\ has it been currupted maybe it got droped?07:03
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celthunderdragonrift...set your locales that should fix your keys...and what graphics card and waht drivers did you install07:03
Jessica_ULFfunto: Intel Core 2 Duo 7400 (2.8 Mhz I think), 500GB WD HDD, 4GB DDR2, ATI Radeon 3650, 600W power supply...um...anything else?07:03
DansTheManHow do i create a partition inside of Ubuntu?07:03
DragonRiftI am new to linux07:03
Jessica_A3K: Amazingly, I got the wireless to work no problem, haha07:03
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raulhtry using Fdisk07:04
ULFfuntoJessica_: nah your way fine... i wonder what happened07:04
raulhit can resize aswell i think07:04
k1enDansTheMan, install gparted07:04
skyshadowhelo, do you speak russian?07:04
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, I use gParted07:04
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DansTheManTheFunkbomb: What is that/how do i use it?07:04
syntax\raulh: i just copied a backup ealier from that particular drive. then when i booted it again. poof. its not recognized.07:04
A3KJessica_ Lucky you. I am beginning to believe that wireless is the debil07:04
scunizi!ru | skyshadow07:04
ubottuskyshadow: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:04
raulhhmm was it bein read from ubuntu before?07:04
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, go into Add/Remove and search for gparted.  Install it.  It's very easy to figure out07:04
k1enDansTheMan, open terminal run "sudo apt-get install gparted" , its a graphical tool07:04
Jessica_ULFfunto: My husband and I kinda think it might be a mobos compatibility issue, but we can't find any info on it.  It's a Gigabyte with the Intel P43 chipset07:04
syntax\a couple of minutes ago.07:04
syntax\i copied a 3gb backup.07:04
celthunderdragonrift:  yes?07:05
A3KJessica_ that and I cannot figure out how to get my TV Tuner card working07:05
raulhive never encountered a drive randomly stop bein read07:05
syntax\that disk contains back ups :D07:05
BePhantomTheFunkbomb no luck07:05
TheFunkbombBePhantom, No?  :(07:05
syntax\not really..07:05
Jessica_A3K: Did you try ndisgtk? (haha listen to me, like I know what I'm talking about - but that's how i got my drivers installed and working for wireless)07:05
DragonRiftI am stuck07:05
TheFunkbombBePhantom, Did you restart?07:05
DragonRiftplease help me07:05
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Ok, i'm on Add/remove and i found gparted but i am unsure how to run it07:05
syntax\raulh: as i checked earlier the backup finished,.07:05
TheFunkbombDans, click the check box next to it and Apply changes07:06
raulhtry looking for it in the applications or try Gparted in the terminal07:06
BePhantomTheFunkbomb done that07:06
A3KJessica_ oh yeah...I tried that...and many hours of attempting to cast demons out of my computer. I stopped just short of holy water07:06
k1enDansTheMan, if install it will be in system>admin>partition editor07:06
DragonRifthow do I get my desktop back07:06
TheFunkbombBePhantom, are you still plugged into the router?07:06
ULFfunto<vmware mouse issue07:06
Jessica_A3K: Haha I know that feeling well07:06
BePhantomhardwired TheFunkbomb07:06
A3KJessica_ I finally cast the wireless card out of my computer and went hard wired07:06
TheFunkbombBePhantom, unplug it07:06
raulhhey Syntax\ have you tried rebooting or ctrl+alt+backspace??07:06
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: It's already checked07:07
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, so that means you have it07:07
Jessica_ULFfunto: Do you know any way to check and see if the mobos is causing issues?07:07
syntax\ill boot without the hdd07:07
ULFfuntowell lemme think07:07
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, go into System>Administration>Partitioning07:07
syntax\then restart.07:07
DansTheMank1en: Thanks07:07
syntax\then put the hdd back again07:07
ULFfuntoJessica_: ok describe exactly what occurred07:07
TheFunkbombPartitions Manager07:07
Jessica_A3K: Haha that sounds like a good solution.  What kind of wireless card do you have?07:07
raulhyea might be a glitch07:07
TheFunkbombraulh, how about them updates?07:08
TheFunkbombgetting there!07:08
raulheh, slowly, but yeah.07:08
admin_masu3701Aboko: damn aboko..you're everywhere07:08
DansTheManHow do i create a new partition?07:08
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, you'07:08
TheFunkbombre in gparted?07:08
Jessica_ULFfunto: It has a complete system freeze - no mouse, no keyboard, no HDD light blinking, nothing.  It doesn't seem to happen at any regular interval - just several times a day.  Sometimes it will happen 3-5 minutes after logging in, sometimes several hours after logging in07:08
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Yes :)07:09
raulhjessica when did that happen?07:09
Jessica_ULFfunto: I looked in the system log to see if there was some kind of message when it froze, but I don't understand enough of it to make sense of what it says07:09
A3KJessica it is a Linksys rangeplus07:09
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, go up to the upper right and chose the drive07:09
irmandosI see you're all really busy but can anyone please verify a file for me on their ubuntu system07:09
Jessica_raulh: It's been happening randomly since I installed Ubuntu on Tuesday.07:09
DragonRiftI am stuck07:09
BePhantomTheFunkbomb it's the same07:09
ULFfuntoJessica_: ok, you know about IRQs? try: cat /proc/interrupts07:09
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Where's that07:09
raulhmaybe the pc can't handle that version07:09
A3KJessica_ uses wmp11007:09
BePhantomnothing happens TheFunkbomb07:09
moolahhello all07:09
TheFunkbombBePhantom, hmmm.  You're using gnome?07:10
ULFfuntoJessica_: because that's what usually can cause a hard-lockup07:10
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BePhantomyes TheFunkbomb07:10
scunizi!ask | irmandos07:10
ubottuirmandos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:10
moolahfresh install of ubuntu 8.04 on a new system, 64 bit, my broadcom 4318 wireless card isnt working though07:10
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, in the upper right hand corner of gparted07:10
BePhantomand wicd TheFunkbomb07:10
raulhNdiswrapper moolah?07:10
DansTheMandrive isn't there07:10
moolahi've  tried several sites online, i followed the instructions here http://linuxwindows.org/2008/05/install-bcm43xx-on-ubuntu-804.html and it didnt work07:10
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Jessica_ULFfunto: I don't know what IRQs are, sorry. I'm extremely new, haha.07:10
TheFunkbombBePhantom, I could swear that would work...  That's what I did...07:10
moolahraulh: nope07:10
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: http://i39.tinypic.com/2enxbo3.png07:11
TheFunkbombBePhantom, go back into the Hardware drivers.07:11
andrew[andrboot]pronto your w windows program :D07:11
raulhwell Ndiswrapper is a windows driver emulater07:11
Jessica_A3K: what's wmp110?07:11
raulhall you really need is  the INF file07:11
admin_masu3701Aboko: haha07:11
raulhfor the driver07:11
ULFfuntoJessica_: ok like your computer is working fine now right? so you can go to a terminal (as root) then: cat /proc/interrupts07:11
moolahraulh: i was using the bcmfwcutter one07:11
DragonRiftI am so frustrated07:11
A3KJessica_ that is actually the model number...I forget the chipset...but it is a pain07:11
DragonRiftno one is fucking asnwering me07:11
raulhah, im not familiar with cutter07:11
admin_masu3701Aboko: this is a creasy world07:11
moolahraulh: ah so i should try that then, is there a good howto somewhere?07:11
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, see where it says /dev/sda1?07:11
bazhangDragonRift, watch the language07:11
ULFfuntoJessica_: and save the info or write it down.07:11
andrew[andrboot]DragonRift easy with the langauge07:11
TheFunkbomberr dev/sda07:11
Jessica_ULFfunto: Okay, gotcha.  Let me put that in.07:11
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Yes07:11
moolahthe thing is, it shows up under iwconfig, but not ifconfig07:11
TheFunkbombclick on that07:12
andrew[andrboot]DragonRift what is your problem?07:12
raulhhttp://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/marvell-88w8335-chipset-netgear-wg311-pcicard-driver/ technically for a diffrent driver but the same steps apply07:12
DragonRiftbazhang: then help me for 30 seconds please07:12
TheFunkbombthat's a listing of all the drives07:12
DansTheManok, there's only one option, /dev/sda; TheFunkbomb07:12
DragonRiftI installed the video driver07:12
DragonRiftfrom the desktop07:12
ULFfuntoJessica_: then compare that with the install that is giving you problems... maybe its different07:12
andrew[andrboot]what "video" driver?07:12
DragonRiftthe one it recommended07:12
irmandosI intend on writing a bash script for checking the distro. I have come acros /var/log/installer/lasb-release and would like to know if that would be a good file 2 use for such checking?07:12
scuniziDragonRift: everyone here is a volunteer.. maybe they don't know the answer to your question.. maybe it's best to try later .. or much later .. or in the morning07:12
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, are you set up with RAID?07:12
DragonRiftsaid activate07:12
tritiumDragonRift: watch your language, with no conditions on it07:12
DragonRiftand now I am stuck at a cli07:12
raulhdragonrift have you rebooted? alt+ctrl+backspace?07:12
andrew[andrboot]cli ?07:12
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: What is this RAID everyone is talking about? :p07:12
DragonRiftCommand Line07:12
DragonRiftI don't hardly know linux07:12
DragonRiftthis is day 107:12
c0l2ehow can I install umtsmon in ubuntu??07:13
andrew[andrboot]DragonRift restart ur box07:13
DragonRiftI am lost07:13
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, RAID Redundant Array something or another07:13
raulhoh, well try ctrl+alt+backspace07:13
DragonRiftI have07:13
FloodBot3DragonRift: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
raulhits a relog/semi-reboot.07:13
DragonRiftit keeps going back to CLI07:13
moolahraulh: before i do that, is there a reason it shows up under iwconfig but not ifconfig07:13
TheFunkbombIt makes all your drives look like one big drive07:13
ULFfuntoDragonRift: books... books about linux07:13
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Ok, how do i set it up?07:13
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TheFunkbombNo, we don't want that07:13
scuniziraulh: DragonRift ctrl+alt+backspace is not a reboot but a restart of the gui.. the underlying system isn't touched..07:13
FlannelDragonRift: Please stop using the enter key as punctuation.  It makes it entirely impossible to follow you.07:13
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Jessica_ULFfunto: when you say compare that with the install that's giving me problems, do you mean compare it to what it says in the system log? (Sorry if I sound like an idiot.)07:13
adam7DansTheMan: but if one drive fails, then you lose all the data07:13
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, why isn't your D drive mounted?07:13
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DansTheManIt is07:13
TheFunkbombadam7, depends on the RAID you have set up07:13
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, then why isn't it showing up in gparted?07:14
adam7TheFunkbomb: with "everything as one big drive" you will07:14
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raulhive never seen cutter so i dont know sorry07:14
ULFfuntoJessica_: well yeah... but what I meant was also cat /proc/interrupts the sick computer... then compare07:14
TheFunkbombadam7, not if you set up a raid 1+0 or a Raid 507:14
_motti_hi guys.07:14
adam7TheFunkbomb: I know. But the conversation appeared to be going for RAID 007:14
ULFfuntoJessica_: what was the exact name of that sick install? just to verify07:15
TheFunkbombright right, we don't need to argue over it lol07:15
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DansTheManTheFunkbomb: I think it is07:15
ULFfuntox86 or AMD64?07:15
DansTheManthe drive i want to partition is sda307:15
Jessica_ULFfunto: It's Ubuntu 8.04...is that what you mean? I'm actually on my macbook now - I have Ubuntu on my desktop07:15
coleDragonRift:first sudo /etc/init.d/gdm/stop,and then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm/start07:15
ULFfuntoJessica_: did you install from the DVD or server-cd?07:16
patrikHi, I'm looking for a hardware raid controller for my desktop (RAID 0)  but cannot make out if they're hardware or software RAID. Could someone recommend a product that isn't too expensive but still is supported in Ubuntu?07:16
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, you only have 6 gigs free on that drive.07:16
coleDragonRift:if have some error hint,please paste it07:16
_motti_I'm using a newly installed ubuntu 9.04 and I can't install mouse cursor themes I have downloaded from gnome-looks. I tried drag and dropping them to the appearance app and looks like it install the theme but when I go to the pointer tab I don't see the new theme. I tried two different themes and they both appear in my .icon folder after installation07:16
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.07:16
Jessica_ULFfunto: CD, desktop version that I d/l'ed from the website07:16
ULFfunto<jaunty alpha server-cd07:16
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Yeah, so?07:17
A3KI think my problem is the modules or drivers are not loaded and I cannot get them loaded :/07:17
A3Kmine ignorance07:17
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, I don't want to be the one who makes you lose all that data.07:17
daurnimatorhi all07:17
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: Why do i have to lose all the data?07:17
TheFunkbombI'm not that experienced.  I took you to where I could07:17
DansTheManTheFunkbomb: What's wrong?07:17
daurnimatoris there a util that automaticaly adds a new pariotion to fstab?07:17
TheFunkbombDansTheMan, You probably won't.  I'm just not sure enough in myself for you to risk it07:18
ULFfuntoJessica_: try the server-cd... and if that works :)07:18
raulhif you partition07:18
raulhall of it it WILLdelete everything07:18
DragonRiftk1en: ok07:18
raulhyour best shot is to Resize the partition07:18
Jessica_ULFfunto: That's the "alternate" version right? So I should re-install? I don't have any data on there, other than random drivers - it's a brand new desktop07:19
DansTheManraulh: Can you please come to #help-danstheman and please explain?07:19
ULFfuntoJessica_: PM me and I'll explain real quick07:19
Jessica_ULFfunto: Haha thanks.07:19
k1enguys- lets help DragonRift , he installed restricted drivers on intrepid for Nvidia and now he drops into shell, does he need to recognfigureX or get rid of the drivers?07:19
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moolahok i can see my wireless card under iwconfig as wlan007:20
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moolahbut doing: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up gives me an error: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory07:21
xanguahurra ya salío naruto 44407:22
xanguajum sorry, wrong channel *07:22
TheFunkbombwhere did BePhantom run off to?07:23
raulhprobly fixed it and decided to leave ;D07:23
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k1enguys- how does one reconfigure X these days? sudo dpkg-reconfigure xsever-xorg?07:24
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TheFunkbombmy next suggestion for him was to make sure he had gnome network manager installed07:24
standingstillok...please take mercy on this newbie07:26
standingstilli've got an vmware server question07:27
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celthunderstandingstill, ok ask?07:27
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standingstillso i just installed vmware server...but its not showing up in my system tools07:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:28
standingstilland i can't figure out how to get it there07:28
DansTheManThanks for all your help guys, i'm going to try raulh's suggestion :)07:28
standingstillnor can i figure out how to launch it from the terminal07:29
praguethis the 1st time i saw netsplit live, LOL07:29
phantom1Hi all is Release Candidate=Final version?07:29
bazhang#ubuntu+1 phantom107:29
xanguaRelease Candidate is not Final Versión ........................07:30
xanguais (sic) a candidate07:30
DragonRiftwhats the recommended nvidia driver by ubuntu?07:32
zenoeverything on the top bar has become white, but usable07:32
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A3KDragonRift 3rd party Nvidia driver07:32
DragonRiftwhich one07:32
A3KThey supply it. You can get it from nvidia07:32
popeythat would be 1st party nvidia driver :)07:32
DragonRiftnot the one recommended by xserver?07:33
popeyDragonRift: system -> administratioo -> hardware drivers, install it there07:33
popeynot from nvidia.com07:33
DragonRiftpopey: I did and it !@#$ my install07:33
A3Kyeah. That is the easy way :)07:33
popeyits the recommennded way07:33
standingstillcan anyone answer a vmware server install question?07:33
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A3KI guess proprietary was the term I was looking for...not 3rd party :)07:34
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A3Kso popey you have no experience with TV tuner cards?07:35
k1enDragonRift, it is quite possible that after a reinstall it will be okay. If your keyboard map is wrong it must show that there are other problems07:36
DragonRiftk1en: I am reinstalling now07:36
DragonRiftits 90% done07:36
k1enThat is fast,,,,07:36
k1enYou live in america?07:37
k1enyou use the canadian servers?07:37
DragonRiftbrb in a sec07:38
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MuacI have a rather pressing question...07:40
MuacWhy does Ubuntu like to kill my system fan?07:40
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c0l2ehow can I set suid in ubuntu using nautilus??07:40
raulhkill your fan??07:41
MuacLike off07:41
Muaclike, my system's going to reach critical temp and shut down in ~ 5 minutes07:41
raulhthat shouldn't be a operating system problem.07:41
raulhyour mobo controls that07:41
Muacfan works fine in windows and windows 707:41
Muacwindows XP, that is07:42
raulhthere must be something that isnt letting ubuntu run and it's fighting against it07:42
raulhoperating system shutting down a fan..? fan's don't even have breakers to turn em on or off o.o07:43
Muacyeah... that's why I was a little surprised07:43
Muacby the way, i'm in gutsy gibbon right now, but it doesnt work in hardy either07:43
raulhhmm, witch fan?07:44
raulhthe heatsink fan or regular fans07:44
Muacheatsink fan, i'm assuming07:45
raulhdang that's a bummer..07:45
raulhnever opened a laptop before so i dont even know what a laptop's heatsink looks like07:45
raulher, the fan.07:45
Muacthe funny thing is, when my laptop starts up and goes through post, the fan runs fine07:46
Muacbut when it starts loading ubuntu, it stops07:46
MuacI'm gonna see if i can't find a setting to play around with in bios07:46
raulhcareful ;o07:46
Muacdon't worry, i've taken basics of computer repair and maintenance by cisco, i can't possibly screw up my computer :D07:47
raulhwoooah, it got really quiet.07:51
DragonRiftI am bac to where its recommedning the restricted driver07:52
DragonRift2 options07:52
DragonRift172 ans 17707:52
raulhuse the recommended07:52
raulhwhat graphics driver do you have07:52
DragonRiftthats what I did before and it messes up07:52
DragonRiftvesa atm07:52
A3KDragonRift there is a new driver that should be there...18007:52
syntax\how come i keep on getting low graphics on p4vmm2 mobo..?07:53
DragonRiftnot listed07:53
A3Kbut 177 should work07:53
A3Kenable it07:53
DragonRiftfor record sake07:53
syntax\is the mobo p4vmm2 ecs mobo not supported in ubuntu?07:53
DragonRiftthis is a clean install07:53
DragonRiftI have done nothng yet07:53
DragonRiftclicking enable\07:53
A3Kwhen you start getting updates, 180 will probably show up07:53
DragonRiftis it better to wait?07:54
Muacbah, no fun settings to play aroind with07:54
MuacAny ideas?07:54
taz_i try to fix with vlc movie or totem seem not work.. any one can help me ??07:55
icewatermanhow can i upgrade to jaunty? the standard way via the gui doesnt seem to work (i do not get the chance to upgrade to a release candidate)07:55
DragonRiftinstalling updates first07:55
standingstillcan anyone answer a vmware server install question?07:55
Flannelicewaterman: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions.  Thanks07:55
DragonRiftdownloading them at 100 mbps07:55
Muaccmon 5 more people in the room07:56
DragonRiftwtf, slowed to 140 kb/s07:56
DragonRiftthis is bs07:57
wild_walrus_128Hello. If you have recently lost a loved one or expect to lose a loved one very soon you should come check out #Budget-Casket. We are the leader in budget caskets for deceased loved ones that won't break the bank. We offer quality handmade caskets in oak, pine, and other quality woods at an affordable price. So come to #Budget-Casket for more info.07:57
DragonRiftat least I got 100 updates before it slowed07:57
MuacLast call for anyone that wants to take a stab at ubuntu for killing my system fans?07:58
celthundermuac what?07:58
raulhWhen he boots into ubuntu07:58
celthunderprocessor fans case fans?07:58
raulhit disables his cooling fans07:58
raulhyeah i think it's the heatsink fan07:58
LadyrosesAda malay cni kh07:59
yoshimitHello! Can I create a local mirror, using a cdrom as source packages (the iso image)? or only downloading the packages ?07:59
Muacim running a laptop, so there's only one fan07:59
celthunderreally? software controlled heatsink fan contorller?07:59
MuacIt works in Windows XP and Windows 707:59
Muacand i tried that, but it didn't pick up on the fan07:59
celthundermuac check your bios turn fan control off?07:59
raulhcelthunder thats what i said lol07:59
ugmoe2000has anyone had any issues /w the new version of Vino packaged /w Jaunty?07:59
Muacjust checked the bios, no settings for temp control or fan control07:59
corinthI want to use rm to remove all the files from a directory, except for a few folders. Is there a way to do this?07:59
Flannel!aptoncd | yoshimit07:59
ubottuyoshimit: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline07:59
Flannelugmoe2000: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions, thanks.08:00
raulhwhat's best to use for flash08:00
raulhswfdec or gnash08:00
MuacWindows also didn't pick up on the fan with any tools08:00
celthunderraulh, if it was a software controlled fan controller wouldnt it at least be turn offable in bios?08:00
celthundermuac what kindo f laptop is this?08:00
raulhyeah it definatly should have a bios option08:00
Muacan acer aspire 5720-468008:00
Muacno bios options08:00
yoshimitubottu: yeah... but aptonCd expects that I download all packages, right? what I want to know: can I use the already image dvd to build a local mirror ?08:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:00
celthundermuac hold on while i look that up08:00
Muaclol, easier said than done08:01
Muacno sys fan means 1.8 ghz of dual core heating power at it's best08:01
raulhis adobes flash player08:01
raulhnot free?08:01
Flannelraulh: Its free as in beer, not as in speech.08:02
Venkoraulh: It's free as in beer, not free as in freedom08:02
raulhit says nonfree :\08:02
holyguyverI am having troubles with sound. Yesterday pulseaudio crashed & no amount of restarting the demon brought it back, so I uninstalled it & installed Esound, & mny sound was working again on everything except flash, so then I tried reinstalling pulse & that just killed all of my sound again, so then I reinstalled esound but now none of my sounds are working wit that either.08:02
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:02
Venkoraulh:  Yeah, it's proprietary which means the source isn't licensed freely or, in this case, available at all08:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind9-host08:03
deostrollubottu: u an actual bot?08:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:03
raulhmeaning it dosnt exist..?08:03
Venkoraulh: You can install and use it, it's just not free software which means Canonical isn't able to support it.08:04
holyguyveraLeSD, " Change Device (ALSA Mixer)" is not avalable in my list.08:04
raulhbleh confused?? canonical?08:04
deostrollany 1 know abt bind9-host?08:04
holyguyveraLeSD, The only thing avalable is Realtek08:04
Venkoraulh: The funders of Ubuntu08:04
aLeSDholyguyver ?_?08:04
raulhyou could have said yes it works08:05
raulhu know..08:05
VenkoYeah, but you asked whether it was free or not08:05
raulhas in $08:05
Muac  okay, im shutting down, this is getting too hot for my liking08:05
MuacIf you guys find anything shoot one off to studentech@gmail.conm08:05
celthundermuac i cant access acers bios updates page keeps not showing properly atm but im guessing theres either a bios update or something to fix that.08:05
holyguyveraLeSD, Device: Realtek ALC888 (OSS Mixer)08:06
Venkoraulh: A lot of people in FOSS don't think of free in terms of currency (me included)08:06
Muacmy bios is "insydeh20" there's been temperature control issues with it before and i spose i can try a bios update08:06
holyguyveraLeSD, both pulse & ALSA used to be avalable options, but ever since the reinstalation of Pulse & the reinstalation of Esound, both of those have gone.08:07
raulhis it possible for ubuntu to read and write music to an ipod touch 1st gen/?08:08
geekphreekuse gtkpod08:08
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holyguyverSo I return to my original request. I am having troubles with sound. Yesterday pulseaudio crashed & no amount of restarting the demon brought it back, so I uninstalled it & installed Esound, & mny sound was working again on everything except flash, so then I tried reinstalling pulse & that just killed all of my sound again, so then I reinstalled esound but now none of my sounds are working wit that either.08:09
geekphreekholyguyver: remove all sound and put back just pulse.08:09
raulhwhere can i find gtkpot?08:09
DragonRiftwhats the name of that 3d desktop for linux?08:09
forewtf @ the spam when i join08:09
geekphreekraulh: gtkpod should be in the repository08:10
holyguyvergeekphreek, how do I remove all sound?08:10
geekphreekDragonRift: 3D or do you mean Compiz?08:10
DragonRiftis it stable yet?08:11
geekphreekholyguyver: apt-get purge pulse esound, etc.  not sure of the package names08:11
geekphreekDragonRift: not enough for a production environment, but I use it all the time :)08:11
raulhi installed the flash player08:11
raulhbut it still wont let me view flash videos08:11
holyguyvergeekphreek, Then are you reallly the right person to be taking advice from?08:11
Ranakah`hi... how can i mount 7.7GB UDF iso?08:12
rainofkayosapt-get --purge remove08:12
raulhit tells me it's already installed08:12
raulhbut it wont play anything that is flash08:12
geekphreekholyguyver: I dunno, only been using Linux for about 9 years and admin of a network.  Use Gentoo more to be honest, but dabble a lot with Debian08:12
geekphreekso, take it or leave it :)08:13
holyguyvergeekphreek, I have only been using Linux for 6 years & only work with debian based distros.08:13
raulhguys, how do i get youtube working on ubuntu?08:13
rainofkayosthis is funny08:13
geekphreekUse the adobe flash plugin08:13
rainofkayosraulh: what is the problem?08:13
Ranakah`raulh sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:13
raulhi already installed it08:14
raulhnothing plays08:14
raulh'already installed'08:14
rainofkayosits not installed properly then08:14
rainofkayoshave u checked a log?08:14
raulhwith firefo08:14
holyguyvergeekphreek, when i tried purging pulse it said that it was already removed & could not be removed again.08:14
Ranakah`or maybe you have noscript plugin in firefoc?08:14
geekphreeksilly, but try sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin08:15
raulhi havnt installed anything on firefox08:15
raulhother then this08:15
raulhflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.08:15
rainofkayosnoscript still asks that if you want to allow the flash object even if that were the case.. unless u changed some default08:15
raulhi didnt change anything considering its the first time on firefox08:15
rainofkayosdoes it show in about:plugins?08:15
rainofkayoswhat version of firefox?08:16
Ranakah`raulh you see only white screen?08:16
forecan someone help me install  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.18-pkg1.run, this is the installer log that it creates http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m61ded44e08:16
holyguyvergeekphreek, both are already purged.08:16
raulhi see nothing08:16
raulhsays it's not installed08:16
Ranakah`hm.. maybe something block flash08:16
Ranakah`or is not correctly installed08:16
foremore spam08:17
raulhw/e i gotta go to bed anyay08:17
rainofkayoswhat is blocking flash? its not installed properly08:17
raulhschool tomorrowyea08:17
raulhthere's spammers here..08:17
FloodBot3raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:17
geekphreekraulh: yu[08:17
rainofkayosdont install with firefox install with either synaptic or apt from the cmd line08:17
rainofkayosand restart firefox08:17
rainofkayosthats all08:17
geekphreekwhy the Hell someone wants to spam about guys wearing bra's is beyond me08:17
Ranakah`raulh u use old ati graphic with compiz on?08:17
holyguyvergeekphreek, now I have reinstalled pulse to see what happens08:17
raulhi have an nvidia 660008:18
raulhand i dont use compiz08:18
FlannelPlease report spam in #ubuntu-ops, thanks.08:18
holyguyvergeekphreek,  no change Realtek is still my only option08:18
forei have the nvidia geforce 5500 and i cant get it to use direct rendering to save my life08:18
geekphreekholyguyver: Realtek is the sound card itself....08:18
DragonRiftcompiz looks sweet08:18
Ranakah`okay gujs.. anybody know how to mount UDF iso file (size 7.7GB) in ubuntu?08:18
holyguyvergeekphreek, yes I know08:19
geekphreekDragonRift: install all the experimental plugins too08:19
geekphreekDragonRift: they do some funky things08:19
DragonRiftI only youtubed it08:19
DragonRiftI have not adventured there yet08:19
rainofkayosmount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk08:19
geekphreekholyguyver: From a personal stand point, I still use Alsa on Debian and Gentoo.  It must still work on Ubuntu?08:19
rainofkayosan iso image is an iso no? so mount it to the loop device08:20
DragonRiftmy main question is... is compiz stable08:20
geekphreekDragonRift: As I said, yes for personal use08:20
DragonRiftmust have missed that08:20
holyguyvergeekphreek, as I already said I am trying Alsa/Esound & I already told you what happened, & as said Alsa is not given as an option anymore in my device  chooser.08:20
DragonRiftwas looking at videos08:20
geekphreekand you can switch easily enough between Compiz and your usual preferred desktop08:21
Ranakah`rainofkayos tnx08:21
DragonRiftis compiz a app?08:21
rainofkayoseverything is an app08:21
DragonRiftyeah but I mean is i a desktop replacement?08:22
lstarnesDragonRift: no, it is just a window manager08:22
geekphreekDragonRift: Compiz handles your Gnome or KDE08:22
holyguyvergeekphreek, I think it just might be time for me to do a system reinstall :p how much longer before Jaunty is released? :p08:22
geekphreekholyguyver: don't give up yet :)08:22
geekphreekholyguyver: Do you still have also installed?08:23
holyguyvergeekphreek, you told me to uninstall all of them :p08:23
geekphreekholyguyver: only on the way to reinstalling them08:24
DragonRiftwhats a good app for monitoring pc temps08:24
geekphreekholyguyver: Did you say esound worked ok originally, but no flash sound?08:25
celthunderdragonrift depends on your motherboard08:26
holyguyvergeekphreek, yes that is what I said08:26
geekphreekok, apt-get install esound flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound08:26
DragonRiftnforce 680i08:26
geekphreekholyguyver: if you don't have the flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound then you won't get flash sound with esound08:27
holyguyvergeekphreek, Package flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source08:27
geekphreekhmm, really?  Let me check mine08:28
holyguyverSo how soon before Jaunty? Isn't it supposed to be released this month?08:28
celthunderholyguyver, yes 23rd08:28
geekphreekholyguyver: Just installed on mine...08:28
holyguyverMy 8.4 is getting buggy :p08:28
rainofkayosmine too08:29
geekphreekholyguyver: you have universe and multiverse available?08:29
rainofkayosapt-cache search extrasound?08:30
DragonRiftubunto is only detecting 2.5 GB of my ram08:30
DragonRiftI have 4 gb08:30
geekphreekholyguyver: you on Gnome or KDE?08:30
rainofkayosuname -a?08:30
holyguyverapt-cache search extrasound brings up nothing at all, no response from the terminal08:30
Titan8990DragonRift, thats the limitations of a 32bit OS08:30
rainofkayosDragonRift: uname -a?08:31
DragonRiftI though 32 bit could handle 4 gb08:31
rainofkayosis true08:31
Titan8990DragonRift, 3.208:31
rainofkayosthey can08:31
Titan8990DragonRift, more with a hack known as PAE, but it doesn't untilize the additional ram properly08:32
geekphreekholyguyver: maybe worth doing "update-manager -d" and going to 9 now08:32
forecan someone help me install  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.18-pkg1.run, this is the installer log that it creates http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m61ded44e08:32
rainofkayos             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached08:32
rainofkayosTotal:        7296       1266       602908:32
Titan8990fore, you should use the package manager08:32
Titan8990!nvidia | fore08:33
ubottufore: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:33
rainofkayosLinux rain 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 20:57:48 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux08:33
holyguyvergeekphreek, & see my sound test brings up audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.08:33
foreive been there08:33
Titan8990fore, but you are not doing what it says if you are trying to use the nvidia package from their website08:33
geekphreekholyguyver: since installing all the audio, have you rebooted?  It might be that HAL needs to reconfigure your hardware.  Just a thought08:34
geekphreekUDEV even08:35
rainofkayosthats true08:35
rainofkayosif u haven't rebooted08:35
moolahdoes anyone know of a fix for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter/+bug/22219708:35
moolahi'm facing it right now, my card's a broadcom 4318 and trying to authenticate with an unsecured network08:35
rainofkayoswould restart kudzu on fedora08:36
holyguyvergeekphreek, I have rebooted once already yes.08:36
foreit didnt help at all08:37
geekphreekholyguyver: did you also reinstall pulse yet?08:37
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foreThere are NO drivers AT ALL in the hardware drivers dialog08:37
holyguyvergeekphreek, yes I did08:38
foretheres no option to enable restricted drivers08:38
geekphreekholyguyver: apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-hal pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-utils08:38
Titan8990fore, what kind of card do you have?08:38
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geekphreekholyguyver: then give the system a quick kick and a bounce08:39
geekphreekshould get audio back08:39
Welshy-Robhi can someone help me, im trying to install a desktop camera  that i downloaded from the net and i dont know how to install?08:40
forenvidia Geforce 550008:40
rainofkayosis the camera supported on ubuntu?08:40
prontodepends on camera08:40
geekphreekmoolah: Fix seems to be "Please upgrade to Ubuntu 8.10. It installs the proprietary software for BCM43xx"08:40
Welshy-Robrainofkayos,  i dont know ill check08:41
Titan8990fore, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:41
DoitleYou downloaded a camera? o_o08:41
geekphreekDoitle: lol08:41
rainofkayosWelshy-Rob: check if its supported...08:41
moolahgeekphreek: ok, even for 64 bit eh?08:41
geekphreekmoolah: ah, missed that08:41
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lolipopHi, is that possible to remove the openssh blacklist checking?08:41
geekphreekmoolah: that said, with 32libs it should be ok...08:41
rainofkayosWelshy-Rob: i imagine u downloaded the drivers and have the camera no?08:41
forealready done that too08:42
holyguyvergeekphreek, those are already all installed & at their newest versions08:42
holyguyverkick & bounce, you mean reboot? :p08:42
holyguyverwell those have already all be installed since before you asked & still no sound08:42
foresorry im just frustrated08:42
holyguyvergeekphreek, but my system is riddled with problems, it truly is time for a reinstall.08:42
foreTitan8990, i done that command its already installed08:42
moolahgeekphreek: ok maybe i'll try it08:43
geekphreekholyguyver: Be it best if you have stack loads of issues, I just enjoy fixing 'em as they are a challenge.  By kick I meant physically, bounce = down and up = reboot :)08:43
foremy kernel version is 2.6.24-2308:43
foreits installing 2.6.24-19 headers08:43
Titan8990fore, oh, is that 8.04?08:43
Titan8990fore, binary drivers don't need headers08:44
Welshy-Robyeah its a .tar.gz08:44
koolkartikhi can ne 1 help me connect using ssh to another pc in lan (i have no idea atall) :(08:44
MarkJonesCan comeone explain what a release candidate is exactly? Is it just the same as the version that will be released on the official release day?08:44
holyguyverYap I am going to re-install, see you guys on the flipside :p08:44
forewell Titan8990  what do i need to do to get this to work, lol08:44
Titan8990fore, sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new08:44
Titan8990fore, install the right package08:44
FlannelMarkJones: The theory behind RCs are, you release them, if no major bugs are found, they become the release.  That sort of thing.08:45
Titan8990fore, and possible configure xorg.conf08:45
MarkJonesOk so if i download Jaunty now and then on the release day of the md5sum matches then its the same? That a good way to make sure?08:45
Titan8990Flannel, but with ubuntu having a set release schedule.... wouldn't they just release it regardless?08:45
geekphreekwhich donut decided that alsaconf was a bad idea in Ubuntu....08:45
Titan8990geekphreek, the same one who decided not to use alsa by default08:46
Titan8990geekphreek, I would guess08:46
MarkJonesSo i wont have to download twice, thats why i ask.08:46
* geekphreek starts unpacking a PSG-108:46
FlannelTitan8990: Yeah, its a little bit blurred.  But, the idea is RC is more stable than the beta, so we'd like to get some more testing done on it before everyone has at it.08:46
FlannelMarkJones: If theyre the same.  They are unlikely to be the same.08:46
MarkJonesOh ok.08:47
MarkJonesIll wait then08:47
geekphreekTitan8990: But, it installs alsa-base and alsa-tools.  alsaconf is part of alsa-tools08:47
geekphreekTitan8990: unless you're on Ubuntu, of course08:47
Welshy-Robrainofkayos, i wrote this in my terminal rob@pc-03:~$ cd /home/rob/Desktop rob@pc-03:~/Desktop$ sudo xvidcaps-1.1.9.tar.gz08:47
foreok Titan8990 , its been removed and the other installed restart X ?08:48
Titan8990fore, yeah, give it a shot08:48
Welshy-Roband it told me command not found08:48
KoolDwhat should i do to play rm files in totem???08:48
rainofkayosWelshy-Rob: that command is that08:48
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rainofkayosi only see u cd to a director and do sudo file.. OS is right it's no command there08:49
=== Edi is now known as Edu
rainofkayosif u need to untar the file... tar -xvzf08:49
Titan8990Welshy-Rob, xvidcaps-1.1.9.tar.gz is not a command its a file08:49
rainofkayosactually tar xvzf08:49
=== Edu is now known as Edfrom
Welshy-Robright ok08:49
rainofkayostar xvzf <file>08:49
Welshy-Robso what dose tar xvzf actully mean?08:50
rainofkayosu can omit the v for verbosity uf u like08:50
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KoolDwhat should i do to play rm files in totem???08:50
rainofkayosxtract verbose z ? file08:50
rainofkayosnot sure about the z08:50
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rainofkayosmost likely doing decompression08:50
MarkJonesKoolD have you tried installing the Ubuntu Restrcited extras? Might be in there.08:50
foreok now what X has been restarted08:51
Titan8990Welshy-Rob, tar <- archiving utility,    x - extract, v - verbose, z - call gzip (for tar.gz), f - file08:51
KoolDMarkJones:its installed08:51
MarkJonesok have you made sure all other gstreamer stuff is installed also?08:52
Welshy-Robso on the end of my file i dont need to put .tar.gz?08:52
rainofkayosis a tar.gz file08:52
rainofkayosthe file is the argument to this command... so there is nothing to put on the end but the actual file name08:53
Welshy-Robill try it08:53
foreok well there is still no drivers in the hardware drivers dialog08:53
Titan8990fore, that doesn't matter.... what does glxinfo say?08:53
foreglxinfo | grep driect gives me this Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:54
foreXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:54
foreXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:54
foreError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual08:54
foreXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:54
FloodBot3fore: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
foreoops sorry08:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:55
rainofkayos!paste | fore08:55
ubottufore: please see above08:55
forei didnt mean for that all to be on seperate lines08:55
rainofkayosnew line = enter08:56
Welshy-Robrainofkayos, can you look at my pastebin link plz?08:56
foreif y6ou copy multiple lines from the terminal it puts the break line character in08:56
rainofkayoshow do u know it was break line and not a \n?08:57
hacker_kidhow can i auto mount a partition on boot to a specific location? also i need to enable a swap partition automatically. i tried editing the fstab but i got bad fs errors08:57
fizkHi, I've been getting low resolution splash images since 8.10 or a bit earlier....I thought this would be fixed by jaunty, but it persists08:57
rainofkayosand in what OS did u copy into the paste buffer before u dumped into irc?08:57
FloodBot3sm4182__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:57
rainofkayosis what really matters08:57
fizkwhat could the problem/fix be?08:58
foreok Titan8990 http://paste.ubuntu.com/152634/08:58
fizkati radeon mobility x140008:58
rainofkayoshacker_kid: /etc/fstab08:58
foremaybe it was a \n rain08:58
forei dunno08:58
rainofkayosi believe it was08:59
rainofkayoshence the spam08:59
foremy point was it was an accident lol08:59
rainofkayosits ok ;>08:59
hacker_kidrainofkayos, i edited the fstab but i got an error "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2," which doesnt make sense because the fs is correct08:59
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:59
Titan8990fore, http://pastebin.com/d536e263309:00
rainofkayoswhats the fs? what is /dev/sdb2? does it actaully exist?09:00
Titan8990fore, you need that in your xorg.conf, if something similar exists, replace it with that09:00
hacker_kidrainofkayos, yes it exists. its an ext3 partition09:00
Titan8990fore, but don't forget to backup xorg.conf in case things go bad09:00
Titan8990fore, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak09:01
rainofkayoscould the filesys be damaged?09:01
rainofkayoshas it been fsk'd?09:01
hacker_kidrainofkayos, highly doubtful its a fresh partition made by gparted. i deleted it and recreated it just to be sure09:02
rainofkayoshmm i would check the partition now09:02
fizk_Hi, I've been getting low resolution splash images since 8.10 or a bit earlier....I thought this would be fixed by jaunty, but it persists. Any possible fix?09:02
hacker_kidrainofkayos, partition is fine. check is clean09:02
rainofkayoscan u dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=/dev/null with no error?09:02
rainofkayoslets see the fstab in pastebin09:03
rconanis the best way to install on a RAID still the alternate installer?09:03
corinthWhere are the default Ubuntu wallpapers located?09:03
hacker_kidrainofkayos, the dd is running. working just fine so far09:03
rainofkayosand output of dmesg in the approximate time u mount the fs09:03
rconanI thought one had a guided option for using RAID but it would appear it doesn't09:03
rainofkayosthats fine background it for now09:03
rainofkayosCTRL + Z and bg % <job number>09:04
fore_Titan8990, still same output with glxinfo09:04
r2r4hello, a module is busy, how to know who is using this module ?09:05
rainofkayoscan u mount the fs manually? has it ever been mounted? have u fdisk that new drive?09:05
Titan8990fore_, lshw -C09:05
rainofkayosr2r4: lsof i guess09:05
DragonRiftI have selected version 180 driver now09:05
rainofkayosif u knew where the module was on the filesystem09:05
respectinghello i have not enough ram to run GUI ubuntu i want that evrey time i  log to ubuntu i get just console i don't want GUI.i know how can i do it in suse but in ubuntu no idea :( any help09:05
r2r4rainofkayos, i will try it now09:05
DragonRiftit says downloading and installing09:05
DragonRifthope it goes well09:05
belirespecting: you need to change initial runlevel09:06
rainofkayoslsof </path/to/module>09:06
r2r4rainofkayos, thank u09:06
John`Acany anyone here help me with a gyachi issue on ubuntu??09:06
hacker_kidrainofkayos, http://codepad.org/MWtp7h7I thats the fstab entry. yes i can mount it manually09:06
ThoMeI would like install a nvidia driver for my NV 160M09:06
rainofkayosso the fstab isn't correct09:06
ThoMeis it posible as package?09:06
ThoMethe xserver...-nv is slow :-(09:06
paul68hi I have a sony dcr-sr32 camera when I connect it through usb it is mounting the drive correctly however on the camera it shows the message connecting... do not remove usb cable and don't turn the power off what do I need to do to use the camera as webcam?09:06
fore_Titan8990,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/152641/09:06
hacker_kidrainofkayos, most likely. thought i entered it correctly but im not good with low level stuff09:07
ThoMethe dir: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/source/include/asm-x86 is not exist ?09:07
ThoMewy i have no source? ;)09:07
r2r4rainofkayos, nothing got09:07
rainofkayoswhere are the mount options?09:07
rainofkayoslook @ my floppy entry09:07
rainofkayos/dev/sdb        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       009:07
Titan8990fore_, ubuntu has changed the syntax of the command so many times....09:07
rainofkayosr2r4: where is the module?09:07
Titan8990fore_, try: lshw -v   or:  lspci -k09:07
hacker_kidrainofkayos, ah thats what im missing. what would i enter in this case09:08
fore_i did -C VGA just now09:08
r2r4rainofkayos,  /lib/modules/
DragonRiftI activated that driver09:08
DragonRiftnow what?09:08
rainofkayosfuse is being used..09:08
DragonRiftI still can't set res09:08
DragonRiftit never asked me to reboot09:08
rainofkayosbe the kernel if nothing else.. but i dont see why lsof didn't work,, give me a second09:08
rainofkayoswhen u run df -ah | grep -i fuse what happends r2r4 ?09:09
respectinghello i have not enough ram to run GUI ubuntu i want that evrey time i  log to ubuntu i get just console i don't want GUI.i know how can i do it in suse but in ubuntu no idea :( any help09:09
DragonRiftI installed restricted NV driver 18009:09
r2r4rainofkayos, fusectl                  0     0     0   -  /sys/fs/fuse/connections09:09
rainofkayosso its being used09:09
hacker_kidrespecting, i would recommend just installing the ubuntu server edition. no gui :)09:09
cryingtux! Medibuntu09:09
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:09
DragonRiftmust I doo something to make it work or is a reboot safe?09:09
fore_Titan8990,  did you want the test output ?09:09
rainofkayoslsof /sys/fs/fuse/connections09:10
adanteanybody here use unison file sync? i'm wondering how to make it run in totally quiet mode09:10
rainofkayostry that maybe09:10
cryingtux! 9.0409:10
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:10
Titan8990fore_, let me see what you got09:10
r2r4rainofkayos, nothing happened09:10
rainofkayosheh .. well we see it's being used in the fs/kernel09:10
respectingno no no i want ubuntu loool ubuntu don't work only in GUI if this true it will be the worst linux09:10
rainofkayoswhat do u wat to with it?09:10
ThoMeI would like install my nvidia NV 160M09:11
ThoMecan anyone help me?09:11
sgc53hiiii alll09:11
hacker_kidrespecting, ubuntu works just fine without the gui and you can remove it or disable it. ubuntu server edition just doesnt have the gui installed which would be good in your case.09:11
rainofkayosr2r4: that output of df would explain why its comlaining ist busy/ or used in any event09:11
r2r4rainofkayos, ok, thank u very much09:12
milligan_The new nvidia driver is screwing up my system, but when I try to activate the lowergrade one, I get the following error: "SystemError: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."How do I fix that?09:12
hareldvdcan't play wma files. Missing package?09:12
respectingdisable it how can i disable it i want just disable it after that i can enable it09:13
rainofkayosr2r4: try this lsof | grep -i fuse | more09:13
dmoyneis it possible to test jaunty on ati radeon 4850 hd ?09:13
topriddyI want to use my Wireless on Ubuntu09:14
r2r4rainofkayos, still nothing09:14
topriddyAm really getting fed-up now. Can't I just select one of any available wireless like I usually do on my Vista???09:14
DragonRiftcan someone help me with nvidia-xconfig?09:14
bluefoxxOk, i just got a bigger drive to migrate to, i'm currently on an 80 gig sata but need the sata port for a larger drive, i just got a 320 gig IDE drive, wahts the best way to go about moving the system onto the new drive WITHOUT reinstalling? will DD if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc work, and than just grow the partition on the new drive?09:14
bluefoxxits a windows system, but the plan is to use a livecd09:15
rainofkayosgvfs-fuse 17420 rainofkayos    6w     FIFO        0,6            65239 pipe09:15
rainofkayosgvfs-fuse 17420 rainofkayos    7u     unix 0xf3c40380            65240 socket09:15
rainofkayosi get output09:15
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crdlbtopriddy: have you looked at the network manager next to the clock?09:16
r2r4rainofkayos, ok, thank u ,09:16
=== rainofkayos is now known as BladeNBrocade
DragonRiftcan anyone hear me?09:16
DragonRiftpaul68: I am good at being ignored09:17
bluefoxxubotu is broken huh?09:17
bluefoxxthats new09:17
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:17
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:17
DragonRiftif my pc gets rebooted right now I will have to go through yet another reinstall09:18
archmanWill Shockwave support be available on Jaunty?09:18
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:18
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:18
udahey. looking for tips to get twinview working agin on this jaunty machine. it was working, and i disabled one monitor, now it isnt recognised as being there at all. been trying to fix this for about an hour. oh yeh, i have -no- xorg.conf file, how the crap is x able to even start like that?09:18
topriddyForgive me ALL. Am very sorry and I mean it. Just gettin frustrated. Thanks.09:18
paul68!patience |DragonRift09:18
ubottuDragonRift: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:18
fore_Titan8990,  glxinfo still has the same output09:19
DragonRiftU would greatly appreciate if someone can assist me09:19
BladeNBrocadeooooh pink.... ;> <blushes>09:19
andor_is anybody running jaunty lpia on a netbook? are there downsides compared to i386?09:19
zirodayDragonRift: please state your question on one line.09:19
zirodayandor_: jaunty in #ubuntu+109:19
=== BladeNBrocade is now known as Blade|AWAY
crdlbtopriddy: did you see my question?09:20
zirodayuda: jaunty in #ubuntu+109:20
DragonRiftI just installed a restricted driver for nvidia and need someone to help me setup nvidia-xconfig09:20
adncdoes someone use paperbox for ubuntu? i compiled 0.4.1 and it looks ok, but it doesn't scan for documents09:20
balingupHi Guys, need some help mounting a jetflash USB in Intrepid09:20
udazined, cheers09:20
zirodayDragonRift: what version of ubuntu?09:20
paul68hi I have a sony dcr-sr32 camera when I connect it through usb it is mounting the drive correctly however on the camera it shows the message connecting... do not remove usb cable and don't turn the power off what do I need to do to use the camera as webcam?09:20
zirodaybalingup: it should just mount09:20
lolipopHi, is that possible to remove the openssh blacklist checking?09:20
zirodayDragonRift: nothing further is needed09:20
DragonRiftdriver is 18009:21
corinthWhere are the default Ubuntu wallpapers located?09:21
crdlblolipop: why would you want to? :/09:21
Titan8990fore_, sorry but I am out of ideas, everything looks correct to me09:21
zirodayDragonRift: restart X and you'll use the new drivers09:21
fore_i know ive been trying for 3 days09:21
DragonRifthow do I restart X, I am a new linux user09:21
balingupZiroday, - yes, but USB  doesnt...09:21
lolipopcrdib: because sometimes it has bugs which will blacklist my key, and i cant login to my server anymore09:21
fore_ctrl + alt +backspace DragonRift09:21
archmanDragonRift: try ctralt+backapace09:22
zirodaybalingup: this is just a usb flash drive?09:22
Titan8990fore_, IMO, the switch to xorg 1.5 and the addition of HAL has a poor choice09:22
zorglu_q. how to make a usb key from a iso image ,n09:22
balingupZiroday - Yes, Trancend Jetflash 4 gb09:22
zirodaybalingup: does it appear in sudo fdisk -l?09:22
fore_maybe ill just do a fresh install when 9.04 is released09:22
fore_and try again then09:22
zgmf-x42shey anyone know approximate release date for 9.10?09:23
zirodayzgmf-x42s: last week of October 200909:23
DragonRiftblack screen and my pc is beaping at me09:23
Titan8990zgmf-x42s, 2009, 10th month09:23
crdlblolipop: "sometimes"? maybe we're talking about different things; I thought you meant the blacklist of weak ssh keys generated by a broken openssl09:23
DJoneszgmf-x42s: I think its around the 28th (ish)09:23
zirodayDragonRift: err are any errors shown?09:23
zgmf-x42sziroday: Titan8990 DJones cool thanks guys09:24
Astrayzgmf-x42s: April 23rd09:24
zirodayDragonRift: please restart your machine09:24
balingupZiroday _ yes > Disk /dev/sdb: 4127 MB, 4127194624 bytes09:24
zirodayAstray: 9.10, not 9.04.09:24
balingup127 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1023 cylinders09:24
balingupUnits = cylinders of 7874 * 512 = 4031488 bytes09:24
balingupDisk identifier: 0xc3072e1809:24
lolipopcrdlb: ya ya , sorry, the blacklist of weak ssh  keys, can it be disable?09:24
FloodBot3balingup: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
DragonRiftrestarting it now09:24
zirodaybalingup: then its detected, do you need help in mounting it?09:24
crdlblolipop: if you have a week ssh key, you need to make a new one09:24
DragonRiftstuck at command line now09:25
lolipopcrdlb: but i cant login to my server anymore, i need to go to the data center which is very far away from my place, i dun wish to do this everytime09:25
DragonRiftits asking me to login09:25
crdlblolipop: even if you managed to hit one on that list purely by coincidence (_extremely_ unlikely), you should still change it09:25
DragonRiftat command line09:25
zirodayDragonRift: okay, but no errors?09:25
zirodayDragonRift: right, please login and then type startx09:25
DragonRifttrying to resume09:26
DragonRiftno resume image09:26
zirodayDragonRift: your computer is still booting up?09:26
nroot7I am trying to install ubuntu from a USB09:26
DragonRiftwaiting for a login09:26
DragonRiftat command line09:26
zirodayDragonRift: err okay. Is there a login prompt?09:26
balingupZiroday - yes, it shows up on file explorer09:26
DragonRiftx-server never loaded09:26
nroot7I downloaded the alternate cd and used unetboot to create a USB image09:26
zirodaybalingup: then what is not working09:26
zirodaynroot7: it should just be a matter of booting of the USB stick09:27
DragonRiftthis is where I got stuck before09:27
zirodayDragonRift: okay. Are you logged in?09:27
nroot7Now it boots but after keyaboard detection it asks for cdrom09:27
DragonRiftI have no clue what to do one I login09:27
zirodayDragonRift: please type in startx09:27
nroot7Do I need to change some files in the usb to point from CD rom to USB09:28
DragonRifterrno 111109:28
DragonRiftconnection refused09:28
celthunderdragonrift if x didnt start did yo uboot to runlevel 3 instead of 5?09:28
stevr1ithello, i have a probem with the scanner mustek, doday xsane cannot open it, the terminal message is: Couldn't open firmware file (`/usr/share/sane/gt68xx/SBSfw.usb'): Nessun file o directory what can i do<?09:28
DragonRiftcelthunder: no idea09:28
zirodayDragonRift: err what? does ps aux | grep X show X running?09:28
DragonRiftcommand aux not found09:29
lstarnesDragonRift: did you miss the "ps"09:29
balingupziroday - i cant brouse or explore or mount  the usb09:29
DragonRiftI do not see X runnung09:29
zirodaybalingup: errors?09:29
MrSteveman1nroot7: i believe you need to replace the initrd with another one unless they fixed that problem09:30
zirodayDragonRift: okay, try do sudo startx09:30
MrSteveman1nroot7: for the longest time the alternate install and server cds seemed to lack a vfat kernel module for some reason09:30
DragonRiftno screens found09:30
DragonRiftfatal error09:30
zirodayDragonRift: whats above that?09:30
X-Seti:) morning all09:30
DragonRiftno devices detected09:30
zirodayDragonRift: please do sudo apt-get install pastebinti09:31
Titan8990DragonRift, sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bak && startx09:31
DragonRiftUsing Config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:31
zirodayDragonRift: err sudo apt-get install pastebinit09:31
b10h4z4rdHi, i compiled a new kernel for my system ... everything worked well, until it wanted to install the *.deb file. Now my dpkg always tries to install this broken *.deb files and throws errors ... how can i remove the files or jobs from dpkg's list ?09:31
X-SetiI have a problem, a bug maybe to do with the process that handles the filesystem, it shows up having over a TB, but it is only a 320Gig HD, ive also noticed I am only using 122 Gigs, but the HD is almost full?09:32
Titan8990DragonRift, also, have to ask, this isn't some kind of custom kernel or obscure source-built xorg is it?09:32
iamcalledrobis there an app (I'm sure i've used one before) that configures ubuntu with the non-free stuff (flash player, fonts etc...)?09:32
Titan8990b10h4z4rd, you just explained by custom kernels are neither supported or recommended in ubuntu09:32
DragonRiftTitan8990: I can barely install this !@#$09:32
zirodayiamcalledrob: no. Install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package09:32
iamcalledrobziroday: okay.. that app must have been for another distro then09:33
nightrid3riamcalledrob: ubuntu-restricted-extras ??09:33
Titan8990b10h4z4rd, a) use a real ubuntu kernel b) use a distro that doesn't break when using custom kernels09:33
zirodayiamcalledrob: well no, there was an app once, but its dangerous, unsupported by the original devs and highly unrecommended09:33
* iamcalledrob just installed linux for the first time in 4 years..09:33
DragonRiftno such directory /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:33
iamcalledrobziroday: aha. i'll grab that package then09:33
MrSteveman1nroot7: useful info https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:33
isiahok my wireless is randomly dieing. It has happen 3 times so far. The only thing that seems to work is waiting like half an hour. Pretty sure its me not the network. how can i fix this?09:34
b10h4z4rdTitan8990, I dont have intalled it ... it is just in my dpkg list and i want it to go out there09:34
nroot7MrSteveman1: Thanks. But gone through this already09:34
zirodayDragonRift: please install pastebinit. And then do startx | pastebinit and give us the returned URL09:34
Titan8990b10h4z4rd, maybe you missed the part where I said unsupported?09:34
MrSteveman1nroot7: you changed initrd out?09:34
iamcalledrobI'm also having an issue with my touchpad (macbook pro). it keeps cutting out if I move the cursor slowly.09:35
kosharihow can i schedule a download to start at say 4am?09:35
zirodayTitan8990: b10h4z4rd has a issue unrelated to his custom compiled kernel.09:35
Titan8990ziroday, hasn't told me about it yet09:35
b10h4z4rdIt is just related to dpkg09:35
koshariiam guessing a cron script and wget?09:35
zirodaykoshari: sure, or a download manager09:35
DragonRiftziroday: done09:35
DragonRiftnow what09:35
koshariziroday which would you recommend?09:35
zirodayDragonRift: now do startx | pastebinit09:35
zirodaykoshari: a download manager09:35
b10h4z4rdjust imagine i have a .deb file in dpkg, that does not install ... how can i delete it from dpkg's job-list09:36
balingupZiroday, i cant see where there are any errors, if i double click on it at "Computer" in the file brouser, its says " Unable to mount location - cant mount file09:36
zirodaybalingup: okay, please do sudo mount /dev/<location> /media/disk09:36
DragonRifthiw di U know what pastebin link it is?09:36
DragonRiftits not giving me a link09:37
DragonRifthow do09:37
aLeSDhi all ... I 'd like to add a line to the startup ... where is the right place to put it (setpci -v -s '01:06.0' latency_timer=0xff) ?09:37
lstarnesDragonRift: check your address bar09:37
Titan8990b10h4z4rd, so you do dpkg -i mydeb.deb09:37
zirodaylstarnes: is using pastebinit :)09:37
DragonRiftthere is no address bar09:37
Titan8990b10h4z4rd, and it fails... I still don't see where to problem is outside of that09:37
DragonRiftI am on a cli09:37
DragonRiftI have no address bar09:37
lstarnesDragonRift: did you use pastebinit?09:37
zirodayDragonRift: err okay. That didn't work then :). X didn't start by any chance?09:37
DragonRiftx says there is no screen09:38
lstarnesDragonRift: what command did you use?09:38
DragonRiftexactly what u told me to type09:38
=== the_drag0n is now known as Guest37023
zirodayDragonRift: okay, do pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:38
zirodaylstarnes: he used startx | pastebinit09:38
Montjoiehello where can i find linux-image-2.6.27-11.27-amd64.deb ? i want to regress the package linux-image-2.6.27-1109:38
lstarnesziroday: does startx print errors to stdin or stderr?09:39
zirodaylstarnes: stout IIRC09:39
DragonRiftpastebin command not found09:39
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John`andersoncan anyone please help me with an GYACHI Voice problem im having on Ubuntu 8.0409:39
lstarnesDragonRift: try pastebinit instead09:39
zirodayDragonRift: sorry, typo. Its early here09:39
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zirodayDragonRift: there we go, thats helpful :)09:40
DragonRiftI am on a windows laptop here09:40
zirodayDragonRift: you have two nvidia cards in SLI?09:40
John`andersoneverytime i try to connect to yahoo voice in gyachi the window crashes09:40
balingupmount: mount point /media/disk does not exist09:40
DragonRifttrying to get my desktop going09:40
John`andersonwhy is that??09:41
zirodaybalingup: try do sudo mkdir /media/disk && sudo chmod a+rwx /media/disk09:41
DragonRiftziroday: yeah09:41
zirodayDragonRift: right, thats what's giving you your trouble. X doesn't know which one to ue09:41
DragonRiftcan we tell it09:42
zirodayDragonRift: "(!!) More than one possible primary device found"09:42
zirodayDragonRift: we can and shall :). Just trying to remember the syntax09:42
zirodayDragonRift: do you currently have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?09:42
DragonRiftziroday: no, I asked for help and u guys told me to restart X09:43
balingupZiroday, did that and got no response -09:43
zirodaybalingup: run the mount command again09:43
zirodayDragonRift: okay, do you want to manually create one or use nvidia-xconfig?09:43
zirodayDragonRift: then run sudo nvidia-xconfig09:44
zirodayDragonRift: after do pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:44
DragonRiftgave many warnings09:44
iamcalledrobis there any way to tweak the visual effects in ubuntu, beyond none, normal and extra?09:45
zirodayDragonRift: such as?09:45
zirodayiamcalledrob: yep!09:45
ziroday!ccsm | iamcalledrob09:45
ubottuiamcalledrob: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion09:45
balingupZiroday - getting closer!       got "mount: you must specify the filesystem type09:45
balingup 09:45
zirodayiamcalledrob: you want compizconfig-settings-manager09:45
DragonRiftsays unable to read it09:45
iamcalledrobokay :) thank you09:45
zirodaybalingup: urgh. What filesystem type is it?09:45
zirodayDragonRift: okay, do pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:46
DragonRiftI did09:46
Titan8990ziroday, I had him mv xorg.conf to try without one09:46
DragonRiftits saying it can't read that fle09:46
zirodayDragonRift: whats the pastebin url...09:46
Titan8990ziroday, so he doesn't have one unless you had him move it back09:46
zirodayTitan8990: thanks, shall make him one then09:46
zirodayDragonRift: okay, do sudo chmod a+r /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then do pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:47
balingupZiroday - i think its FAT 1609:47
aLeSDsomeone knows where I can put my script lines to be executed on boot ?09:47
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lstarnesaLeSD: try /etc/rc.local09:47
lstarnesaLeSD: anything added there will not need sudo09:47
Montjoiehello where can i find linux-image-2.6.27-11.27-amd64.deb ? i want to regress the package linux-image-2.6.27-1109:48
zirodaybalingup: try do mount -t vfat /dev/whatever /media/disk09:48
* iamcalledrob thinks the default interface of ubuntu has terrible typography09:48
DragonRiftno such file or directory??09:48
zirodayiamcalledrob: you can change that too :)09:48
iamcalledrobziroday: yep, doing that now09:48
zirodayDragonRift: urgh. nvidia-xconfig didn't make anything.09:48
iamcalledrobbut whoever chose the default fonts and spacing for everything should be castrated ;)09:49
zirodayiamcalledrob: you can vote/create a new idea on brainstorm (brainstorm.ubuntu.com) if you want to09:49
balingupZiroday - now i get "only root can do that....?09:49
DragonRiftziroday: now what...09:49
zirodaybalingup: sorry, do sudo !!09:49
Lint01how can I test whether 3D acceleration is enabled?09:49
iamcalledrobziroday: I'll take a look. im pretty sure there are already quite a few (ignored) ones about it09:49
zirodayDragonRift: I need those nvidia-xconfig errors. Try do sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf then do sudo nvidia-xconfig again09:50
lstarnesLint01: try running glxinfo | grep direct09:50
DragonRiftwhen I do the sudo touch09:51
cyclothunderhello every one :)09:51
DragonRiftit does no such file or directory09:51
zirodayDragonRift: err wrong command sorry. Just do sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then press ctrl+x to exit09:51
Lint01lstarnes, it says "extension GLX missing on display ":0.0", then "Segmentation fault"09:52
DragonRiftthe file is empty09:52
balingupziroday, hmm - how can i find the right device?   got mount -t vfat /dev/whatever /media/disk > mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist09:52
zirodayDragonRift: just do add #stuffs to the front of it09:52
DragonRifthow do I save/exit09:52
lstarnesLint01: in that case, it isn't enabled09:52
lstarnesDragonRift: in which editor?09:52
DragonRiftadd #stuffs?09:53
zirodayDragonRift: just add a # to the file and then press ctrl+x09:53
DragonRiftjust put #stuffs?09:53
zirodayfarlig: hey!09:53
zirodayDragonRift: basically make it no empty :)09:53
DragonRifterror writing file09:53
DragonRiftno such file/directory09:53
DragonRiftits not letting me even save that file09:54
nightrid3rDragonRift: do you have an /etc/X11 dir ??09:54
DragonRiftno idea man09:54
DragonRiftI am a total noob here09:54
cyclothundercan someone help me? plz. i've just installed ubuntu 9.04 rc on my laptop. it's all good except for wifi. my card is intel 4965agn, the driver apears to be loaded and when i do "iwconfig" i can see the wifi card. but when i go to network manager, it says wireless is disabled. don't know what to do.09:54
DragonRiftI am just trying to get my video driver working09:55
DragonRiftfirst time ever using linux09:55
lstarnescyclothunder: try asking in #ubuntu+1.  9.04 hasn't been fully released yet09:55
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zirodayDragonRift: okay. Do sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf add a hex to that file so its not empty. Press ctrl+x to save09:55
sunvhow do i change my user name09:55
sunvfrom sunv to somethign else09:55
kettlesHey can someone explain some partitioning stuff for me?09:55
cyclothunderok thanks, lstarnes09:55
DragonRiftI added #09:56
lstarnessunv: /nick new-nickname09:56
DragonRiftand went save09:56
sunvi mean on irc how do i change my username09:56
DragonRiftand it says file/directory does not exist09:56
zirodayDragonRift: err do ctrl+o and then have the path as /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:56
lstarnessunv: what nick are you trying to switch to?09:56
DragonRiftsame error09:57
balingupziroday - im about to give up for now - any last ideas?09:57
nightrid3rziroday: i have the feeling he doesn't have a /etc/X11 dir09:57
bolt_lastarnes: PM09:57
DragonRifthow do I make that directory09:58
lstarnes!pm | bolt_09:58
ubottubolt_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:58
zirodaynightrid3r: ah, didn't think of that09:58
nightrid3rziroday: the fail of touch is the hint for me09:58
bolt_ziroday: soz09:58
zirodaybolt_: in case your confused, you're ignored09:59
bolt_look i'm fine thx09:59
DragonRiftziroday: whats the make directory command?09:59
lstarnesbolt_: unless it's something personal or off-topic, please keep it in the channel09:59
zirodayDragonRift: does ls /etc | grep X11 show the X11 dir?09:59
Titan8990DragonRift, mkdir10:00
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zirodaynightrid3r: I was pretty sure touch could be used to make empty files, was wondering what I was doing wrong :)10:00
bolt_oh all of you are bots then10:00
DragonRifthmmm /etc does not exist?10:00
Bhavesh2177netstat -n10:01
Bhavesh2177give TIME_WAIT10:01
Bhavesh2177what is TIME_WAIT10:01
Ranakah`how to unmount iso from ubuntu? :D10:01
DragonRiftcannot make directory10:01
DragonRiftfile exists10:01
lstarnesRanakah`: umount10:02
DragonRiftit sats /etc/X11 exists when I say whereis X1110:02
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DragonRiftcould it be permissions?10:03
zirodayDragonRift: okay, can you do cd /etc/X11?10:03
DragonRiftits not letting me go there10:04
zirodayDragonRift: error?10:04
DragonRiftI was not in /10:04
DragonRiftI am in etc/X1110:05
zirodayDragonRift: you don't have to be, you should still be able to do /etc/X1110:05
zirodayDragonRift: err cd /etc/X1110:05
DragonRiftI am in that dir10:05
DragonRiftnow what10:05
zirodayDragonRift: what files does ls -l show?10:05
DragonRiftxorg,conf.backup and xorg.conf.failsafe10:06
DragonRiftand xorg.conf10:06
=== Purple is now known as Guest55199
zirodayDragonRift: err okay. Does cat xorg.conf show stuff in it?10:06
DragonRiftits full10:06
zirodayDragonRift: okay, but pastebinit xorg.conf doesn't work?10:07
zirodayDragonRift: ?10:07
bolt_uh oh10:07
cdi7 lmg;kdmfkl10:08
aLeSDhow could I find which package contain a file ?10:08
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zirodayaLeSD: you mean which package a file belongs to?10:08
zirodaycdi7: is there something we can help you with?10:08
aLeSDziroday yes ... :)10:08
zirodayaLeSD: install apt-file10:08
bolt_oh no10:08
zirodaybolt_: is there something we can help you with?10:08
DragonRiftlooks right10:09
bolt_how do i run an .exe file via wine10:09
zirodayDragonRift: err that pastebin.com entry was empty for me10:09
zirodaybolt_: double click10:09
zirodayDragonRift: still nothing...10:09
DragonRiftdid it again10:10
bolt_error loading archive10:10
zirodaybolt_: ask in #winehq10:10
DragonRiftits not sending the pastebin10:10
zirodayDragonRift: does it look right?  Does it have a Device section?10:10
cqhello, I need networking help... I have the two opendns servers in /etc/resolv.conf, I can ping google.com but nslookup google.com fails with a timeout and no servers could be reached...10:10
cqany ideas?10:11
cqer, I can ping the google.com IP addr looked up on another machine off course10:11
DragonRiftand a screen section10:11
zirodayDragonRift: okay, what does startx do?10:11
st3ph4nwhat's in your /etc/resolv.conf?10:11
DragonRiftno screens found10:12
cqst3ph4n: the two servers, on two lines, nothing else10:12
cqI set a satic IP for the machine10:12
Guest55199Hello, I'm from Switzerland and I speak usually French, could you please give me the name of a french channel ?10:12
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DragonRiftsomething about locking authority file?10:12
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zirodayGuest16943: also see #ubuntu-ch10:13
DragonRiftError in Locking Authority File10:13
zirodayDragonRift: err do a restart10:13
st3ph4ncq: the syntax is : nameserver
cqst3ph4n: duh. thanks.. I knew it was something simple and stupid :)10:14
DragonRiftit says I need to be root10:14
DragonRiftI only have one account10:14
st3ph4nyour welcome10:14
DragonRiftwon't let me reboot?10:15
aLeSDI installed a kernel from the kernel.org with fakeroot ... all good . But I have to compile the rt73usb module . I downloaded the source packages ... but now.. how to compile them ?10:15
aLeSDthe deb packages10:15
DragonRiftI am in /root10:16
KimiWhat is it that is the alternate to 3dMAX ?10:16
DragonRiftdoing a soft boot10:17
DragonRiftrestarting up now10:17
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topriddyThe wireless stuff still doesnt work. It gives me an option of typing the exact wireless name which would be difficult10:17
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Killeroidhi, how can i chnage the dbgain on my soundcard?10:18
DragonRiftziroday: I am back at this cli10:18
DragonRiftit still never started X10:19
DragonRiftthat file exists but its not finding it10:19
Kimiwhat is the alternate of 3dMAX ?10:20
bolt_windows network not loading plz help10:21
c4ptis AR5416 Chipset fully supported?10:21
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bolt_windows network not loading plz help10:21
ikoniabolt_: windows networking has nothing to do with ubuntu10:21
Light-ikonia, you fed the troll :(10:22
DragonRiftziroday: I am stumped10:22
bolt_i mean in network10:22
ikoniabolt_: could you explain your problem a little clear10:22
Kimi!netboot > Kimi10:23
ubottuKimi, please see my private message10:23
c4ptis the AR5416 Chipset fully supported? ?10:23
DragonRiftit sats Screen "default Screen" 0 010:23
bolt_i go into network click on windows network and it says Failed to retrieve share list from server10:23
Gringo_Anyone know how to dd-style copy a file over and over again. So that when dd reaches the end of the file, it starts again from the beginning?10:23
bolt_i go into network click on windows network and it says Failed to retrieve share list from server10:24
ikoniabolt_: ok, that means your samba configuration has to be a.) in the same workgroup/domain as your windows network, b.) your windows machines need to be broadcasting that info c.) nmb needs to be running to (not %100 on nmb - but Ithink so )10:24
Gringo_So that the file behaves as a sort of /dev/urandom, only much faster?10:24
Light-bolt_: what happens when you explicitly type in the server/share name? eg try and go to "smb://your-server-ip/share"10:24
ikoniabolt_: it's helpful if you don't repeat what you say every few seconds10:24
DragonRifthow do I change a files permissions?10:24
Light-DragonRift: chmod10:24
Light-DragonRift: or right click->permissions tab10:24
bolt_whats my sever ip10:25
Gringo_DragonRift: you may need chown too10:25
Kimiwhere is the website that gives all the list of factoids of this ubottu bot ??10:25
rww!list | Kimi10:25
ubottuKimi: This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:25
DragonRiftI am stuck in CLI10:25
rww!bot | Kimi: wrong one, sorry10:25
ubottuKimi: wrong one, sorry: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:25
Kimirww :X10:25
DragonRiftI need to change the files permissions10:25
Kimirww ok10:25
DragonRiftto make it writable10:25
Gringo_chmod +w <filename> will do it10:25
bolt_whats my sever ip10:25
Gringo_but then it will be writable for everyone, you may not want thaty10:26
bolt_what do i do10:26
Light-bolt_: I take it its a windows server, go start->run, type in cmd, then type in ipconfig10:26
DragonRiftoperation not permitted?10:26
Light-DragonRift, do it as root10:26
rwwDragonRift: put sudo in front of it10:26
purple_wateror sudo !!10:26
purple_wateryou don't need to write the command line again10:27
bolt_you see i dont know where the server is10:27
Light-bolt_, so you're trying to connect to a non-existent computer?10:27
ikoniabolt_: talk to your network administrators10:28
bolt_i'm trying to get some important files onto my computer10:28
DragonRiftstill says no screens found10:28
ikonia!pm > bolt_10:29
ubottubolt_, please see my private message10:29
bolt_of the other (existing) computer10:29
Kimiwhere is the root user of ubuntu ?? in my linux book, its said that one who # is the root. but though i have $ i can install things, use cds, pendrives. why ?? plz dont tell sudo. i know what sudo is. i want to knw how to ope the root ?10:29
ikoniaKimi: if you don't know how to use root - you shouldn't use it10:29
Light-Kimi: ubuntu has root disabled by default10:29
barry_koi de  neuf les filee10:29
ikoniaKimi: we've already established the book you're using is not appropriate for ubuntu10:29
magicalKimi, sudo su10:29
florin_hi all. How can I use a certain image for the screensaver?10:29
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rww!fr | barry_10:29
ubottubarry_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:29
ikoniamacsim`work: no10:29
bolt_of the other (existing) computer10:29
KimiLight-, ok10:29
ikoniamacsim`work: no - don't recommend that please10:29
Kimiikonia okk10:30
Light-Kimi: or, sudo passwd root then su -10:30
bolt_i'm trying to get some important files onto my computer10:30
rwwikonia: I think you mistabbed ;)10:30
Kimimagical , sudo su inserts # . and make me root ?10:30
bolt_of the other (existing) computer10:30
ikoniaKimi: if you follow that advice you will be putting your machine at risk10:30
magicalKimi, yeah10:30
Titan8990Kimi, sudo -i  will drop a root shell in a traditional fashion10:30
Idhanhow can I tell xine to read the second dvd unit insted of the first?10:30
bkkcan anyone think of a fun use for an old box Ive got sitting around, should I try ubuntu server on it?10:30
barry_et comment pour le canal french10:30
magicalikonia, it's useful if you have to run a sequence of commands10:30
ikoniaTitan8990: thank you10:30
bolt_i'm trying to get some important files onto my computer10:30
Kimiikonia  ok.. i am not following that10:30
macsim`workikonia, ?!10:30
ikoniamagical: no it's not10:30
magicalit's hardly inherently dangerous10:30
bolt_of the other (existing) computer10:30
rwwbarry_: /join #ubuntu-fr10:30
bolt_via the net10:30
magicalnothing worse than blindly putting sudo in front of things just because people tell you to10:30
ikoniamagical: thats very true,10:31
Titan8990bkk, add another netcard and do openwall10:31
bolt_what do i do10:31
Light-bkk: see how fast you can make it go by compiling Linux From Scratch on it10:31
Titan8990bolt_, what platform is the other computer running?10:31
ikoniabolt_: you need to contact your network administrators to find out details on the machine you want to connect to, if you don't know it's ip / hostname we can't help10:31
rwwbolt_: Is this over a local network (i.e., both computers are on a LAN), or over the Internet?10:31
Kimihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo this page doesnt have how to do it with ibex 81010:32
DragonRiftI am stuck10:32
Titan8990Kimi, I doubt it has changed10:32
bolt_the other computer is windows xp10:32
bkknice @ Titan8990, Light-10:32
KimiTitan8990, where is it for 810 ibex ?>10:32
Titan8990Kimi, just use the guide you linked to10:33
bolt_rww: internet10:33
KimiTitan8990, no. that wiki page has only for 704 and 710 but i have 81010:33
Titan8990Kimi, are you not listening?10:33
Titan8990Kimi, it probably has not changed10:33
elecmusicanyone know where one can get drivers for a panasonic camcorder that works with linux?10:33
KimiTitan8990, ok ! thanks10:33
DragonRiftwhere it says Default Screen10:33
Titan8990Kimi, good luck10:33
DragonRiftdo I need to have anything there10:33
cdi7_do you speak french10:33
DragonRiftbecause after it10:34
KimiTitan8990, :-)10:34
DragonRiftit says 0 010:34
rwwbolt_: then Samba won't work. You need something like scp, ftp, etc.10:34
bolt_a little10:34
rww!fr | cdi7_10:34
ubottucdi7_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:34
bolt_rww: right now what?10:34
bolt_rww: right now what?10:35
staar2is there any easier ways to install the latest eclipse ?10:35
rwwbolt_: You said that the other computer runs Windows, right? Go ask in ##windows for help with setting up an ftp or ssh server on that computer.10:35
rwwbolt_: and stop repeating every few seconds, it's irritating.10:35
staar2in package manager there's version 3.210:35
bkkubuntu is so good, I literally have no excuse not to do my work now. Previously I could just wait for my system to break in some way and never really have to work much.10:36
Light-bkk: you dont find it slow and bloated at all?10:36
rww!pm | bolt_10:36
ubottubolt_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:36
lyhana8hi guys, I got a problem compiling a program of mine under x64 : http://pastebin.com/d1824b9b610:36
bkkLight-: Im trying my best by installing everything even from dodgy repos.10:37
linny1Light-:lol certainly not compared to win vista10:37
Light-bkk: hahahaha, good luck with that :P10:37
Titan8990linny1, why not use the package manager? Are you sure your architecture is supported by the application?10:38
bkkLight-: plus all my peripherals worked ootb, I havent had to do anything config wise. Its almost boringly simple.10:38
Kimidoes ubuntu iso have native readwrite support ?10:39
Light-bkk: yah, thats why I use it on my laptop10:39
ikoniaKimi: readwrite for what ?10:39
DragonRiftu guys gave up on me eh10:39
Kimiikonia the tinyurl link !netboot10:39
Light-DragonRift, what was your problem again?10:39
linux_viewerare ubuntu have nds emulator?10:39
Kimiikonia i dont know to answer "what" :P10:39
ikoniaKimi: that makes no sense - does it have read write for a netboot link10:39
ikoniaKimi: can you phrase your question in clear english please.10:40
Titan8990Kimi, short answer, no, use a real install10:40
ikoniaKimi: does ubuntu have read / write access for "what"10:40
linux_vieweri want to play games on my ubuntu10:40
DragonRiftmy nvidia driver is detecting 2 videocards10:40
Kimiikonia NO.. read that link.. i mean the tinyurl in !netboot10:40
DragonRiftbut X-Server fails to load10:40
Light-DragonRift, errors?10:40
Kimiikonia http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html this10:40
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:40
DragonRiftI have been through this all10:40
ActionParsniplinux_viewer: you can10:40
Kimiikonia the first point here10:40
Light-DragonRift, sorry10:40
DragonRiftits saying no screen10:40
ActionParsniplinux_viewer: well, depends which games10:40
DragonRiftwhen I try to start xserver10:40
Light-DragonRift, have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ?10:41
ikoniaKimi: ok - so the question a normal person would ask is "does the ubuntu live cd have NTFS read/write support built in"10:41
KimiTitan8990, then can you help me to GET "guided resize and use fred space" ???10:41
Kimiikonia, fine.10:41
Kimiikonia but what is the answer ?10:42
ikoniaKimi: I explained this to you the other day, the most probable reason you've not got resize option is because all your disk space is allocated10:42
linux_viewerActionPArsnip: i have nds and gba10:42
ikoniaKimi: yes, ubuntu 8.04 and later has ntfs-3g write support by default10:42
killedkillerbi forgot what a hassle grub was10:42
ActionParsniplinux_viewer: whats an nds?10:42
Titan8990killedkillerb, none at all?10:42
Kimiikonia so you mean that i must clear disk sspace to get that option ?10:42
ActionParsnip!grub | killedkillerb10:42
ubottukilledkillerb: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:42
=== c0p3rn1c_ is now known as c0p3rn1c
DragonRiftstill says no screen10:43
ikoniaKimi: no  I mean you must unallocate disk space (assuming I'm correct in the reason)10:43
linux_viewerActionParsnip: how to do it? i doesn't have any emulator10:43
Titan8990Kimi, its best to just start fresh10:43
KimiTitan8990, ?10:43
Titan8990Kimi, start with an unpartitioned disk10:43
Kimiikonia,  how to unallocate diskspace ?? i have 80 gb harddisk with 4 drives C D E and F  with 20 each10:44
Titan8990Kimi, or atleast with unpartitioned space10:44
Titan8990Kimi, C D E and F mean nothing here in the UNIX world10:44
ikoniaKimi: then you need to delete one of those partitions to make space unallocated10:44
Kimiikonia ok ... using gparted ?10:44
ikoniaKimi: what ever tool you want10:44
Kimiikonia what would you want ? :P :P :P10:44
linux_viewernds is nintendo ds10:44
ActionParsniplinux_viewer: i guess if one isnt out you will have to ait or code one, I'd imagine you would need the system ROMs from YOUR device which will involve you dumping the rom10:45
KimiTitan8990, ok10:45
ikoniaKimi: what I use doesn't matter, it's what you are comfrotable with10:45
linux_viewerok but i want to search and emulator10:45
gizmo_the_greatIf I have a list of filenames, for example, DSC_1234.jpg, DSC_5678.jpg, is there a way I can ask Ubuntu to "Search for all the files in my list, and copy them to ~/temp" ?10:45
Titan8990ikonia, are we placing bets on this person comming back in regards to lost data or no longer functioning windows os?10:45
ActionParsniplinux_viewer: www.google.com www.ask.com10:46
skoefwg 2110:46
ActionParsnipgizmo_the_great: find . -name *.jpg -exec cp {} ~/temp \;10:46
slim|thughey guys10:46
linux_viewerActionParsnip: okay10:46
DragonRiftthis is annoying me10:46
ikoniaTitan8990: I'm not taking any bets - it's a sure thing10:46
gizmo_the_greatActionParsnip: but that will copy all the JPEGs, I think. I have a list of specific files from a list of thousands of JPEGs10:47
Titan8990Kimi, good luck10:47
DragonRiftNo Screens Found10:47
DragonRiftGiving Up10:47
Bert_2linux_viewer: there are NDS emulators in some repos I believe10:47
jamie_Hello can grub replace iwndows boot mager10:47
Bert_2linux_viewer: DesMuse is one called I believe10:47
Douglas_Ea pentium III is an i386 right?10:47
Titan8990jamie_, kind of... it replaces in the MBR but still chainloads the bootloader located on the windows partition10:48
linux_viewerBert_2, i had problem to compile its files10:48
erUSULjamie_: yes; grub can boot windows10:48
Kimione more Q : does 32 bit softwares of ubuntu will run on 64 bit ubuntu too ??? i am having a 64 bit core2duo but still have 32bit ubuntu...... hence i have a doubt in thus10:48
jamie_What about if windows bootloader completly scrambled10:48
jamie_can it go staright to winload?10:48
Titan8990jamie_, ask #windows10:49
ActionParsnipgizmo_the_great: so you want a specified subset of the files copied out, like a list of the ones you want copying in a text file. The command I gave will copy ALL jpg files in the subfolders of the pwd10:49
Light-Kimi: yes, ubuntu is multilib10:49
slim|thughow can i know my GPU temp ?10:49
Titan8990jamie_, I have no concept of a scambled bootloader, must me a winblows thing10:49
KimiLight-, ok.. so i can install 64bit ubntu10:49
erUSUL!sensors | slim|thug10:49
ubottuslim|thug: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto10:49
slim|thugi have an nvidia 9500 GT10:49
KimiLight-, i started downloading 64bit ubun10:49
jamie_Noy scrabled just stuffed10:49
Titan8990slim|thug, nvidia or ati control pannel if you have installed the proprietary drivers10:49
KimiLight-, thanks10:49
Titan8990erUSUL, i don't think those sensors apply to gpu10:50
gizmo_the_greatActionParsnip: Yes - I have about 35 jpg files, named specifically (DSC_123.jpg, DSC_345.jpg etc) that I need to copy out.10:50
staar2is there any easier ways to install the latest eclipse ?10:51
erUSULTitan8990: oops10:51
DragonRiftanyone here have expereince with SLI in linux?10:52
ActionParsnipgizmo_the_great: its gonna take a script, i dont think a single line will do it10:52
gizmo_the_greatActionParsnip: yeah - I working on one now. Something like       for file in `cat list.txt` do; cp $file ~/temp; done10:53
bakagot a stumper re: grub on my system...i installed 9rc on an extended partition of my c: drive, and had difficulties with grub (it wasn't starting at all), so i reinstalled it with the appropriate device (dev/sde5) partition for ubuntu. now ubuntu starts, but windows won't start after adding it to /boot/grub/menu.lst10:54
MaT-dghow do I refresh wireless networks in networkmanager?10:54
bakai could fix it with an XP disc by running fixmbr, but the whole point of this was to have a dualbooter with grub10:54
Titan8990baka, you can only have a bootloader installed on one partition10:54
Titan8990baka, so you need to reinstall the windows bootloader then install grub properly10:54
Titan8990baka, to the MBR, not a partition10:54
ActionParsnipgizmo_the_great: i think its gonna be do; find . -name $file -exec cp {} ~/temp \;; done10:55
Titan8990ActionParsnip, curious, why the need for an escape char before the ;?10:55
ActionParsnipgizmo_the_great: i'd ask in #bash10:55
bakahm, so what i would need to do in this case is have windows stomp the grub with fixmbr, then reinstall it?10:55
buzuldependency isnt satisfisable linux- generic-image what thats means??? any idea??10:56
Welshy-Robhi dose anyone know where i can get a desktop camera to like record my desktop??10:56
Titan8990baka, FIXBOOT maybe? not a windows guy10:56
u4602037is any one SHABI?10:56
Titan8990baka, if you do fdisk -l you will see a * next to one partition, only one can be marked as active10:56
bakafixmbr would do it. but after that, i run a recovery from the install cd, correct?10:56
ActionParsnipbuzul: the package you named has unmet dependancies10:57
jamie_bootrec /fixmbr10:57
jamie_bootrec /fixboot10:57
buzulso what i should  do??10:57
bakathat sounds like a vista command, this is xp10:57
Titan8990baka, I would manually install grub then10:57
Titan8990!grub | baka10:57
ubottubaka: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:57
ActionParsnipbaka: if its xp it fixboot then fixmbr10:57
i_run_ubuntuwhat is the equivalent command for "dir /s" on win32 terminal for linux terminal?10:57
ActionParsnipbaka: ask in ##windows. Its offtopic here10:57
Titan8990i_run_ubuntu, what does /s do?10:58
bkkwhat does dir /s do?10:58
bakait's not windows i need help with10:58
bakajust getting grub to boot it.10:58
bakaafk a few10:58
silv3r_m00nhi there10:58
ActionParsnipbaka: installing a windows bootloader is not an ubuntu probblem10:58
silv3r_m00nthis konqueror can't access a windows ftp server10:58
silv3r_m00nhow do I do that10:58
DragonRiftback to avesa driver y the looks of things10:59
boxhey is there a reason my /usr/include/GL is drwx------?10:59
ActionParsnipi_run_ubuntu: find ./ -name <something>10:59
i_run_ubuntudir /s : Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.10:59
Titan8990i_run_ubuntu, ls -R DIRHERE10:59
erUSULi_run_ubuntu: ls -R10:59
ActionParsnipi_run_ubuntu: then find is your friend10:59
crdlbbox: nope, that's not normal11:00
buzuldoes this problen about the kernel version ?????????11:00
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: hi11:00
Titan8990i_run_ubuntu, but yeah.... the find command is probably going to suite your usage better than manually looking through all that11:00
MrKlownheh that was a scary dream11:00
ActionParsnipbuzul: you need to fix your packages to get the dependancies sorted. try: sudo apt-get -f install11:00
i_run_ubuntuow yeah, find worx well, thanks11:00
buzulwill try11:00
MrKlowni finally figured out how to fix yoville for my sister thank goodness11:01
casassini am having an issue with my htc diamond and ubuntu 8.10 wonder if anybody can help me. I'm trying to flash the rom with a piece of software called htcflasher, but when i put the phone in bootloader mode instead of creating the /dev/ttyUSB0 interface i get the error  ipaq: probe of 5-2:1.0 failed with error -5, any ideas?11:01
MrKlowni must admit, for myself too... apparently version 10 of flash has bugs for ubuntu11:01
boxcrdlb: then i suppose changing it back would be the correct course of action... Do I run the chance of other debs installing stuff with the wrong permissions if mesa-common-dev was?11:01
nadansilv3r_m00n, install a ftp progam ie filezilla11:01
silv3r_m00nnadan: anything else11:02
silv3r_m00nwhy doesn't konqueror access windows ftp server ... or any other utility which can do it11:02
silv3r_m00nI mean which looks like a file explorer11:02
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, because it uses proprietary NTLM authentication11:02
crdlbbox: are the files inside that directory broken too, or is it just the directory?11:02
buzulwell its a dep pages...how can i install it on terminal ??????11:03
silv3r_m00nTitan8990: firefox can access it though11:03
boxcrdlb: just the dir11:03
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, firefox has NTLM support11:03
crdlbbox: I guess just correct it to 755 then11:03
silv3r_m00nTitan8990: anything on linux that has it11:03
silv3r_m00nneither does dolphin accesses it11:04
boxcrdlb: OH actually, get this: GL/gl.h was 0 bytes, and i reinstalled the package and it was fixed. but the dir already didn't have read perms.11:04
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, its hit or miss, I would say filezilla11:04
iamcalledrobI can't get audio to work with my 17" MacBook Pro. Does anyone have any suggestions?11:04
silv3r_m00nfine let me install that11:04
boxcrdlb: i don't know what i did, i don't remember ever and don't know why i would ever mess with the GL dir. i did recently upgrade to the 9.04 beta.11:05
boxanyway, i'll just hope i don't run into any more problems.11:05
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, filezilla is one of the better ftp clients out there anyways11:05
crdlbbox: #ubuntu+1 please, but that's quite weird ...11:05
knobcottageanyone anyideas how to get me a newbie to mount discs from a SLUG11:06
silv3r_m00nTitan8990: this gftp looks working11:06
boxk, thx11:06
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, I have been considering writting my own soon11:07
bkkknobcottage: no, but fantastic nick.11:07
silv3r_m00nTitan8990: that wud be good... by the way you sure konqueror won't access windows ftp servers because of ntlm authentation11:07
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, not positive, no11:08
Titan8990silv3r_m00n, its a sound, logical guess11:09
silv3r_m00nTitan8990: even better11:09
iamcalledrobdoes anyone know how to get sound working on a MacBook Pro 3,1? apparently it should work out of the box, but it doesn't11:09
slim|thugi have a issue i cant uninstall counter strike source with a wine install11:09
slim|thugplease need help11:10
knobcottageiamcalledrob:  No, but when sound did not work out of the box for me as it should have done11:10
Titan8990slim|thug, just delete the files11:10
iamcalledrobknobcottage: hmm =/11:10
knobcottageI double cllicked the sound icon and changed the device from teh drop down list....but that was on a generic laptop pc...any help?11:11
bkkknobcottage: make sure both devices have all mixers up11:11
bkkand close any sound related progs, do killall esd in terminal then reopen11:12
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:12
icerootslim|thug: you have to uninstall it with steam, not wine11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winrerepo11:13
ActionParsnipslim|thug: make sure you have the wine version from the wine repo installed11:14
icerootis there a way to use more then 100% sound-volume with alsa? my sound is not loud enough (for me)11:15
ActionParsnipiceroot: crank all the sliders up11:19
ActionParsnipiceroot: or buy a preamp ;)11:19
icerootActionParsnip: all up and i dont want to use a preamp on my eeepc11:19
knobcottageiceroot: stick your eeepc on a box to amp the sound...pick a good box :-D11:20
ActionParsnipiceroot: i'm pretty sure the speaker in an eepc will be fairly poor11:20
knobcottagemy eeepc is pretty good on a hard surface11:21
icerootActionParsnip: on windows its much loader then on ubuntu11:21
knobcottagesound is fine on my eeepc on easypeasy11:21
icerootActionParsnip: so i think its a software-problem11:21
dattahow do i compile virtualbox11:22
knobcottage....as type of ubuntu that can't be called ubuntu11:22
icerootdatta: why compile?11:22
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:22
dattabecause it said your kernal could not be functioned by this11:22
ActionParsnipiceroot: try a different driver or different driver settings11:22
icerootdatta: there is the ose-edition in repos and the full-version on the website as deb11:22
ActionParsnipdatta: sudo apt-get --reinstall install virtualbox-ose11:23
dattaiceroot i dowloaded that and installed it but it said that you need make something with the kernal11:23
dattait said that your kernal is not functionable by that11:23
ActionParsnipdatta: then sudo adduser $USER vboxusers11:23
dattawhat do u mean by this do i copy the whole line?11:24
dattaor just sudo adduser?11:25
remoteCTRL1anyone using munin?11:25
icerootremoteCTRL1: maybe someone here is using it11:25
Titan8990datta, use the package manager11:25
dattai did use the package manager but it told me somethings wroing with my kernal11:26
remoteCTRL1iceroot: hehe can you help me with empty graphs?11:26
Titan8990datta, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose11:26
Titan8990datta, pastebin the errors11:26
dattaalright, got it11:26
dattacan anyone tell me how i can install sopcast in ubuntu11:27
ActionParsnip!info sopcast11:27
ubottuPackage sopcast does not exist in intrepid11:27
ActionParsnipdatta: theres this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15445411:28
ActionParsnipdatta: i dont advise using alien and the guide says it may not work11:28
i_run_ubuntuhow do i set automatically every after reboot : chmod a+rw /dev/lp011:28
Titan8990ActionParsnip, that article starts with do not try this no longer works11:28
ikoniai_run_ubuntu: you need to update the udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d11:29
=== ax_ is now known as enite
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about munin11:29
ActionParsnipTitan8990: datta : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25804911:29
i_run_ubuntuit is set through text editor?11:29
MrKlownplease don't make fun of me because i am new but11:30
quibblerdatta: look here: http://code.google.com/p/sopcast-player/downloads/list11:30
MrKlownif i were need to go to something to enter a sudo command it would be the terminal yes?11:30
Titan8990MrKlown, yes11:31
ActionParsnipMrKlown: yes, and use gksudo for graphical apps like gedit11:31
MrKlownwell i am trying to install flash player 911:31
MrKlownand it tells me i need to navigate the terminal to /home/bobby/Documents/9r124/install_flash_player_9_linux11:31
ActionParsnipMrKlown: if you read sudo gedit in ANY guide, change sudo to gksudo11:31
MrKlownhow do i do that lol11:31
i_run_ubuntuow god, which one11:31
jonaskoelkerHi all.  When upgrading a package, where's the new config file stored?11:31
ActionParsnipMrKlown: type: cd /home/bobby/Documents/9r124/install_flash_player_9_linux11:31
Titan8990MrKlown, you are going about it wrong11:31
MrKlowntitan how am i?11:31
Titan8990!flash | MrKlown11:31
MrKlownty action11:32
ubottuMrKlown: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash11:32
MrKlownno i don't want the latest version titan11:32
MrKlowni am doing this on purpose, downgrading11:32
ActionParsnipMrKlown: you can install it easier with: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:32
Titan8990MrKlown, you should be using the package manager11:32
ActionParsnipMrKlown: oic11:32
MrKlownno i shouldn't because i don't want the version 1011:32
MrKlownversion 10 is buggy11:32
mrwesit is?11:32
MrKlownyes apps like yoville won't work under flash 10 for linux11:32
UbuntuUserhi all11:32
ActionParsnipworks fine here but then again !worksforme11:32
mrwesheh ActionParsnip11:33
ActionParsnip!hi | UbuntuUser11:33
ubottuUbuntuUser: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:33
UbuntuUseri`ve got router linksys wrt54gs 1.1 with tomato onboard and my wlan key is Linksys Adapter USB WiFi WUSB54GC. I have problem with elistablishing internet connection in ubuntu. when router is located nearby wlan key (about 2 meters) the transmit power is equal 56%. But when i put router in the place where it should stand (room after room) the transmit power is dawn to zero. I thing that`s router fault but I`ve checekd transmit power in same11:33
UbuntuUser time by smartphon (nokia e51 with wlan). In this case i was beyond three walls and the range was fine. What can be the problem? what i should do now?11:33
MrKlownhuge problem for people that use yoville right now with ubuntu, yoville is kinda like the sims, flash version lol11:33
jonaskoelkerhi all11:33
MrKlownso i am gonna fix it by downgrading, anyhow brb11:33
ndlovutrying to figure out how to chmod directories only to 755 without touching the files. Would this work? :   find . -type d -exec chmod 755 \{\} \;11:33
dattai have installed gsopcasted but it is not playing from the internent browser11:33
jonaskoelkerchris__: "/join #ubuntu-fr"?11:34
dattahow do i make it play that11:34
jonaskoelkerI have a question about dpkg11:34
cousteauis there a way to save the wifi config?11:34
seshonaarhello people... does anyone knows how to make an ati card stop flickering? hehe :P11:34
ernie_euhi there, I try to switch to ubuntu, but have one annoying problem: all application windows, when minimised and I click on the bottom toolbar with window list to maximise, each window needs several seconds to maximise. I don't know how to call this lag,..delay.. but it  is problematic when when you often switch windows, and it takes some time to maximise it. Id this normal in Ubuntu ? Specs:...11:35
ernie_eu...Inte Core 2 Duo, 2MB ram11:35
cousteaudon't know why, but the LiveCD detects the wifi net but the installed version doesn't11:35
UbuntuUsercousteau: yes11:35
ActionParsnipernie_eu: have you fully updated and instaled video drivers?11:35
Titan8990ernie_eu, are you running compiz?11:35
cousteauUbuntuUser: how?11:36
dattaplease help me with sopcast11:36
jonaskoelkerernie_eu: that's not normal, no.  As others have pointed out, the problem is likely to be video drivers, or your window manager.11:36
w-heatanyone have any idea why scp autocomplete is changing spaces to "\\\ " instead of "\ " (quotes for explanation, not included in completion)?11:36
freddie27has anyone used google adwords editor on ubuntu 8.10  ?11:36
ernie_euI have Radeon, and already used open source and restricted drivers, and no change11:36
UbuntuUsercousteau: wait a moment. do you try to anserw my question or you ask something?11:36
ernie_euturned desktop effects off (compiz) and no better11:37
Titan8990w-heat, \ is an escape character so "\\\ " = "\ "11:37
MrKlownkick a#$11:37
MrKlowni finally got it working11:37
cousteau<cousteau> is there a way to save the wifi config? <UbuntuUser> cousteau: yes <cousteau> UbuntuUser: how?11:37
mrwesMrKlown, wh00p11:37
MrKlownthat was fun entering in codes11:38
w-heatTitan8990: yes, but then it won't complete further if I enter some more and re-tab (so to speak)11:38
MrKlownmade me feel smart11:38
TychoQuadokay, i edited /etc/hostname to change my computer name, but now i can't sudo... how can i fix this?11:38
Titan8990w-heat, don't use spaces in your filenames11:38
ernie_euso, shall I buy nvidia ? :)11:38
Titan8990TychoQuad, update /etc/hosts with your changes11:38
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: you will need to edit the name in /etc/hosts too11:38
UbuntuUsercousteau: i give question earlier11:38
w-heatTitan8990: <sarcasm>thanks, why didn't I think of that</sarcasm> ;)11:39
TychoQuadI can't update /etc/hosts without sudo11:39
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: course you can, gksudo gedit /etc/hosts11:39
Titan8990w-heat, really... its not proper11:39
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: then boot to recovery root console and do it there11:39
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: you should use the app to do it for you, or you get this mess11:39
ActionParsnip!hostname | TychoQuad11:39
ubottuTychoQuad: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab11:39
ernie_eujonaskoelker: but I use drivers via ubuntu's restricted drivers manager, so what ca be wrong11:40
w-heatTitan8990: I don't have an option; it's on a remote system, hence my use of scp11:40
bkkw-heat: linux doesnt like spaces11:40
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: you will be using nano in the root console11:40
Titan8990w-heat, if you are pulling from a remote location, you shouldn't be able to tab-complete its directories anyways11:40
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: or vi ( i recommend nano )11:40
TychoQuadthere is no system > administration > networking11:40
ernie_eujonaskoelker: and I can't do anything with window manager, too, right?11:41
jonaskoelkerernie_eu: I don't understand the last question11:41
Titan8990TychoQuad, they moved it to system -> preferences11:41
mrwessame here...nada11:41
w-heatTitan8990: errr, yes you should - that's the point of scp completion - if you have passwordless/key-based login11:41
jonaskoelkerernie_eu: if you're using an (old?) intel video card, the card may just be slow11:41
TychoQuadokay, how do i get to the root console to fix this?11:41
jonaskoelkerernie_eu: (that seems to be the case on my desktop box)11:41
ActionParsnipTychoQuad: reboot, press esc to see grub menu, select recovery mode, ten the next menu select root console11:42
ernie_eujonaskoelker: Radeon 3450 which is not old11:42
Titan8990ernie_eu, if you run compiz + ati it becomes very CPU intensive11:42
Titan8990ernie_eu, linux ati drivers are flaky at best11:43
ernie_eujonaskoelker: you said: problem with window manager.. so my question was, what window manager has to do with this and can I fix it ?11:43
ActionParsnipTitan8990: so is compiz ;)11:43
ernie_euTitan8990: well, I heard that nvidia has better drivers.11:43
=== davi_ is now known as davi
Titan8990ernie_eu, they do11:44
cousteaumy laptop detects some WiFi nets when I'm on the LiveCD, and other WiFi's when I'm on the installed version... why?11:44
Titan8990ActionParsnip, agreed11:44
jonaskoelkerernie_eu: try metacity --replace or compiz --replace, or install openbox (sudo apt-get install openbox) and run openbox --replace11:44
j_randomHi, #ubuntu!11:44
ernie_euTitan8990: but when I runned compiz, it was to the contrarym CPU load was much LOWER11:44
Titan8990cousteau, what does lshw -C show?11:44
jonaskoelkersee if that makes a difference11:44
Adam25GWild: hey11:44
cousteauTitan8990: on the LiveCD?11:44
Titan8990cousteau, no, on your install11:45
Titan8990cousteau, pastebin it11:45
ernie_eujonaskoelker: ok, I can try11:45
Titan8990cousteau, sorry should be:  lshw -C network11:45
X_i have one problem and it is descripted in this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU7nCGdfi4A&feature=channel_page11:45
Titan8990X_, a video... thats a new one11:46
ernie_euis it possible to use compiz with open source driver (default one afer fresh ubuntu install)?11:47
Titan8990ernie_eu, no but you can use the mesa drivers11:47
Titan8990ernie_eu, which are open source (but even more flaky)11:47
Titan8990!mesa | ernie_eu11:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mesa11:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about radeonhd11:47
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:48
X_I use ati x130011:48
ernie_euTitan8990: wow, I think mesa is last resolt11:48
MorclyeI couldn't get Compiz to work properly with HD3850 using restricted driver that shows up in menu after fresh install11:48
Titan8990ActionParsnip, that guide appears to only cover the proprietary drivers11:48
Titan8990ernie_eu, mesa is the future :)11:49
ernie_euTitan8990: I think AMD is not doing good job with drivers for linux11:49
ActionParsnipTitan8990: thats ll i know, i avoid ati like paris hilton11:49
ernie_euand that makes me mad11:49
cemcwhat do I have to install to configure compiz in more detail?11:49
Titan8990ernie_eu, they are doing MUCH better than ati did as a standalone company11:49
cemcthere was some package for it, some gnome-compiz-config, or compiz-config-something...11:49
Titan8990ActionParsnip, I do too but didn't have a choice with my 2nd hand laptop11:50
nadancemc, compizconfig-settings-manager11:50
ActionParsnipcemc: make sure you have 3d accelleration (video drivers) installed then install compizconfig-settings-manager11:50
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion11:50
reisergguys, are there any open source CAD for ubuntu?11:50
Titan8990that was major bot lag11:50
ActionParsnipTitan8990: ah, tru enough11:50
Titan8990reiserg, not if your a CAD professional11:50
q0shey guys11:51
Titan8990reiserg, there ARE but you won't find anything that compares to autoCAD from what I hear11:51
q0show can i easily backup an partiton?11:51
ernie_euTitan8990: well on my old computer I had nvidia (integrated!!) 6100, and it worked even with Beryl, much, much better11:51
ActionParsnip!info blender11:51
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.46+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 7438 kB, installed size 21872 kB11:51
reisergtitan8990, what are they?11:51
ActionParsnipreiserg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14173511:51
Titan8990reiserg, http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/CADlinks.html11:52
g33k_gir1is there a firefox-for-ubuntu channel?11:52
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: here will do (hi btw)11:53
Titan8990g33k_gir1, #firefox or here, take your pick11:53
g33k_gir1suddenly, javascript does not seem to be working for me. I have it enabled in Prefs, and I've even temporarily disabled NoScript with no luck11:53
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: does it happen if you create a new firefox profile?11:53
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: firefox -p11:53
ernie_eueven Arch Linux not so long ago, dropped support for catalyst drivers...11:54
mncatHi there11:54
mncatIs it possible to have regular updates with Ubuntu RC 9.04 ?11:54
MrKlownquestion for you all again lol11:54
mncatI mean, can i use it like its final ?11:54
MrKlownfrets on fire says i need ogg vorbis encoder, how does one go about getting this? i searched on google11:54
Titan8990ernie_eu, you mean wannabe-gentoo Linux?11:54
dessnrUbuntu has issues with Chatango in Firefox even when Java is enabled.  The smileys turn up as dots.  Flash is installed, Java is installed etc...  Strange.11:54
dayoanybody installed xmonad on 8.04? what's it like?11:55
EagleScreenmncat: yes you can11:55
ActionParsnipmncat: your updates will happen as they do in intrepid11:55
fipocome si fa ha collegarsi ad una chat italiana?11:55
mncatOh great11:55
Titan8990!it | fipo11:55
ubottufipo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:55
ActionParsnipMrKlown: i use FoF, let me see what ive got for ogg11:55
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip: yes, it still doesn;t work11:55
MrKlownok action :)11:55
mncatSo i don't need to re install 9.04 once the final released right ?11:55
waseem57How do I specify a user and password in my ~/.ssh/config file in ProxyCommand option. Suppose I have and user is 'user' with password 'password'11:55
ernie_euTitan8990: :) well, it is great distro though11:55
MrKlownto import songs i need ogg vorbis encoder11:55
ActionParsnipMrKlown: http://pastebin.com/f2d4040c711:55
fipothank you11:56
ActionParsnipMrKlown: thats the output of : dpkg -l | grep ogg11:56
MrKlownok what does this tell me action lol11:56
Titan8990waseem57, you need to use public key authentication if you want passwordless log in11:56
cemcnadan, ActionParsnip: thanks11:56
MrKlownand this means? omg i am such a noob11:56
ActionParsnipMrKlown: if you are missing any of those packages, install them11:56
ActionParsnipMrKlown: i run jaunty so your version numbers may be different11:56
waseem57Titan8990: I do not want a password less login11:56
MrKlownwell i don't even know what i am doing so yeah lol11:57
MrKlowncan't i just get it up there on applications add/remove?11:57
Titan8990waseem57, whats the goal?11:57
ActionParsnipMrKlown: run the same command as I did and compare11:57
MrKlownoh ok11:57
waseem57Titan8990: I just want to poke the host:port and user, password for that host.11:57
dessnrUbuntu has issues with Chatango in Firefox even when Java is enabled.  The smileys turn up as dots.  Flash is installed, Java is installed etc...  Strange.  Any solutions?11:57
Titan8990waseem57, poke?11:58
MrKlowni typed in libogg0 and nothing happened action11:58
waseem57Titan8990: I tried user:password@host:port %h %p but it does not work.11:58
ActionParsnipMrKlown: if you need that then run: sudo apt-get install libogg011:58
MrKlownoh ok thanks11:58
ramahyhi mother fucker11:59
ActionParsnipMrKlown: the pastebi n i gave are NOT commands, they are the ogg packages I have installed, you need to run the same command I did and COMPARE it to mine, if you are missing any from MY list, install them11:59
Titan8990waseem57, I still have no clue what you are trying to do11:59
ActionParsnip!ohmy | ramahy11:59
ubotturamahy: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.11:59
ramahyfuck  your mother11:59
FloodBot3ramahy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:00
g33k_gir1lol @ FloodBot12:00
killedkillerbhow do i get the proprietary nvidia drivers?12:00
ActionParsnipramahy: thats a really good way to get banned. keep going, you look really smart12:00
erUSUL!nvidia | killedkillerb12:00
ubottukilledkillerb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:00
dessnrHe's banned12:00
MrKlownii did allthe sudos for all of them, still tells me i need ogg vorbis encoder12:01
killedkillerboh yeha12:01
MrKlownyou see what i said action?12:02
cousteauTitan8990: lshw gave http://paste.ubuntu.com/152716/12:02
ActionParsnipMrKlown: run fretsonfire in terminal and when it crashes out, pastebin te output12:02
MrKlownokie dokie12:02
MrKlown'run fretsonfire' is not an option12:03
MrKlownaction talk to me like i am a 3 year old12:03
ActionParsnipMrKlown: in the terminal type:12:03
ActionParsnipMrKlown: fretsonfire12:03
ActionParsnipMrKlown: then press enter12:03
MrKlownoh haha12:03
knobcottageMrKlown: GooGooGaGa12:03
ActionParsnipMrKlown: like when someone says run gedit you dont type 'run gedit' do you?12:04
cwilluknobcottage, 3 years old, not 3 months old12:04
MrKlownit doesn't crash action12:04
waseem57Titan8990: http://pastie.org/449663 check this12:04
MrKlownwhen i go to 'add guitar hero songs' is when it tells me i need ogg vorbis, that's all it does is tell me that12:04
ActionParsnipMrKlown: then what is it doing / not doing12:04
knobcottagecwillu: DOn't touch do it?12:04
ActionParsnipMrKlown: can you write down the EXACT error12:04
cwilluMrKlown, when you chat here, type "action<tab>" to include their full name, that'll make sure they see the message12:04
MrKlownyes hold on ActionParsnip12:05
cwillunot to confuse things :p12:05
Titan8990waseem57, no idea12:05
waseem57Titan8990: ha ha no sweat12:05
MrKlownOgg Vorbis Encoder not found (oggenc) please install and try again. this happens when i go under import songs, import guitar hero tm songs, ActionParsnip12:06
cwilluwaseem57, what are you trying to do in broad terms?12:06
ActionParsnipMrKlown: ok and if we both websearch taht we should reach a goal12:07
waseem57i want to bypass the firewall of my college using corkscrew12:07
C0nn0RI was wondering with why Linux in mainstream is called "Linux" and yet it is only the kernel and GNU System runs on top the kernel.12:07
C0nn0RNot trying get into flamming or anything.12:07
cwilluwaseem57, you have a server you can ssh to?12:07
bkkbecause its not an important distinction for users.12:07
C0nn0RAh, thanks :)12:07
C0nn0RDo anythhing of you who use rtorrent and tried deluge torrent client notice a speed difference sometimes ?12:08
ActionParsnipMrKlown: sudo apt-get install vorbis-tools12:08
cwilluC0nn0R, we're not really running much gnu stuff.  I mean, gnome/kde/xorg/hal/dbus/etc constitutes more of the desktop12:08
MrKlownahh bless you ActionParsnipi was just looking that up to be fair12:08
C0nn0RTrue cwillu12:08
cwilluC0nn0R, but we don't go around calling it gnu/xorg/freedesktop/gnome/ubuntu linux12:09
C0nn0RRunning rtorrent and controling it via ssh is pretty cool :p12:09
waseem57cwillu: To ssh to that server i am using corkscrew. It needs a HTTP proxy host. But to use that host i need to give it a user name and a password.12:09
C0nn0RJust quicker way pronoucing or generalizing the name.12:09
cwilluwaseem57, oh, they block ssh directly?12:09
edoreldDoesn't someone know how to make a shell script with an infinite loop run in the system boot without it stopping the system boot!?12:09
ActionParsnipMrKlown: error messages in linux are very useful, ulike mS ones12:09
waseem57cwillu: yes they do.12:09
C0nn0RMuch quicker to say "Linux" then "GNU/Linux, etc"12:09
MrKlownworks now ActionParsnip woohoo12:09
Titan8990edoreld, infinite loops are generally bad12:10
ActionParsnipMrKlown: websearch exact error messages when you get them and you should be ok12:10
MrKlownlol ActionParsnip well please don't think of me as a pain please i am just a complete noob12:10
cwilluwaseem57, "man corkscrew" will probably tell you the options you need12:10
C0nn0RAnyone here tried tiling wm ?12:10
Titan8990edoreld, in general, it will cap your CPU usage until the process is dead12:10
C0nn0RI was wondering how well they will run on my eee pc.12:10
ActionParsnipMrKlown: the only unhelpful one is "seg fault"12:10
edoreldTitan8990: but i need a command being executed every X minutes12:10
cwilluwaseem57, myself, I'd just use an openvpn vpn over http, but that's because I already have that handy12:10
ActionParsnipMrKlown: everyone is a noob at some point, you will learn12:10
edoreldTitan8990: how do i do that without affecting the cpu -.-?12:10
Titan8990edoreld, use cron, don't program an infinite loop12:10
Titan8990edoreld, ever12:10
Titan8990edoreld, but ideally, you would add hooks in the code you are running your script against12:11
edoreldTitan8990: cron? hooks? -.-12:11
cwilluTitan8990, strictly speaking, a loop is perfectly valid for polling, etc.  One just wants to make sure that something in the loop is a blocking call so that things don't get out of hand12:11
cwilluedoreld, back up, what are you wanting to do in broad terms?12:11
zetherooI am trying to install Ubuntu from a USB flash disk onto a Lenovo S10 netbook .... it boots up fine and I select Install Ubuntu and it loads the kernel etc ... I see the Ubuntu logo with the progress bar and then it goes to Busybox terminal ... please help12:11
Titan8990!cron | edoreld12:12
ubottuedoreld: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm12:12
edoreldcwillu: I'm tring to execute a plugin called nsca_check that communicates with a server and passes info to it12:12
cwilluedoreld, for what purpose?12:12
cwilluedoreld, give the high-level picture12:12
edoreldcwillu: the information is used by a monitoring program to check the status of a service (http, ftp, etc)12:12
knobcottagewaaseem57: depending on how your firewall is set up the kids at our school went to google and got google to translate the page from English to english and that somehow bypassed the firewall and got their daily fix of whatever12:13
cwilluedoreld, look into nagios or a similar package, sounds like that's the sort of monitoring you're trying to do12:13
edoreldcwillu: yes i have nagios installed12:13
cwilluat the very least, look into how they hook into the system12:13
newb_to_ubuntuhow do i run a tar.bz2 file?12:13
edoreldcwillu: and im using it12:13
edoreldcwillu: the problem is I need to do some checks from the client machine every X minutes12:13
C0nn0Rtar -xvf <file> newb_to_ubuntu12:13
edoreldcwillu: so i need kind of a daemon or something similar12:14
cwilluedoreld, I believe nagios has provisions to do exactly that, but the simplest approach would be to use cron like Titan8990 said12:14
waseem57cwillu: It really helped. ProxyCommand corkscrew host port %h %p auth-file did it for me. auth-file has only one line with username:password :D Thanks.12:14
cwilluyou can make a cron job to run something periodically12:14
edoreldcwillu: can i make cron start my script at system startup?12:14
cwilluedoreld, read up on cron12:14
edoreldcwillu: ^_^12:15
edoreldcwillu: im on it ^_^ thanks Titan8990 and cwillu  ^_^12:15
ActionParsnipnewb_to_ubuntu: tar jxvf <file>12:15
Titan8990edoreld, good luck12:15
ActionParsnipnewb_to_ubuntu: if its for an app, have you checked to see if its on the repositories12:15
koshariedoreld you can use gnome schedule for a gui version of cron12:15
cwilluActionParsnip, the j is only needed if you're piping.  If the file is called foo.tar.gz, the j is implied12:16
zetherooI am trying to install Ubuntu from a USB flash disk onto a Lenovo S10 netbook .... it boots up fine and I select Install Ubuntu and it loads the kernel etc ... I see the Ubuntu logo with the progress bar and then it goes to Busybox terminal ... please help12:16
ActionParsnipcwillu: habit12:16
knobcottagecan anyone help me to access USB discs attached to a network SLUG.  Windows lets me map a network drive.  Ubuntu give no clues12:16
cwilluActionParsnip, my habit is tar -xf :p12:16
ActionParsnipknobcottage: slug?12:17
cwilluknobcottage, smb://hostname/share12:17
cwilluin knobcottage in nautilus12:17
knobcottageCWILLU: what does that mean I'm new to htis12:17
ActionParsnipknobcottage: look into smbmount if you want it mounted like a local folder12:17
cwilluknobcottage, go to the "places" menu, and open any of those links12:18
knobcottageI'm very new to this12:18
mrwesActionParsnip, isn't the movement towards cifs now?12:18
edoreldkoshari: is gnome schedule a package?12:18
ActionParsnipmrwes: if the device supports it, yeah why not12:18
cwilluthen, in the address bar (might have to click the paper/pencil icon to the left first) type:  smb://server/share, almost like in windows12:18
cwilluknobcottage, ^^^12:18
ActionParsnipedoreld: apt-cache search gnome schedule12:18
isojussiis there a command to list users who have root privileges?12:18
edoreldActionParsnip: gnome-schedule :P12:19
cwilluknobcottage, alternatively, the file menu -> connect to server should get you started12:19
mrwesActionParsnip, ahh -- seems to work for me :)12:19
knobcottagecwillu: so there's my network filebrowser12:19
ActionParsnipisojussi: you will need to list the users who are in the admin group12:19
koshariedoreld yes, gimme a sec to get the exact spelling12:19
edoreldkoshari: don't worry i got it12:19
cwilluknobcottage, built right into the regular file browser :p12:19
knobcottagesays windows network and nothiung else12:19
cwilluknobcottage, also, anything that you've accessed through nautilus will show up in /home/knobcottage/.gvfs/, so programs that don't support gnome can still access those files12:19
cwilluknobcottage, what's the path you used with the windows machine to map the drive?12:20
knobcottagecwillu: can't remember but if I try to access the SLUG it wont let me except if I type in its IP address, but hat's not what I want12:21
knobcottageI think I am missing a very simple step here12:21
cwilluknobcottage, from windows or from ubuntu?12:21
cwilluwindows works fine with the hostname?12:21
cwilluand the hostname is slug?12:21
knobcottagefrom windows I can access as a mapped network drive.  Under ubuntu I can't even see the slug the actuall disc is something like HDD_1_1_112:22
knobcottagewith the name of the slug infront of it.12:22
cwilluknobcottage, okay, but what _path_ is the drive mapped to in windows?12:23
cwilluor do you not care if it's running as an ip address, as long as you don't have to retype it each time?12:23
=== deane is now known as Guest19156
knobcottageslug/slugname/HD1_1_1 or soemthing like that.  Ends up as the Z drive:-D12:24
edoreldhmm is there any way to tell gnome-schedule to execute a task every 5 minutes, and not every 1 minute?12:24
cwillu!cron | edoreld12:24
cwilluknobcottage, can you find out for sure?12:24
cwilluknobcottage, not gonna be easy to guess :)12:25
cwilluubottu?  you there?12:25
knobcottageif I found out for sure what would I do then?  it meand I'd have to reeboot several times12:25
ubottuedoreld: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you there?12:25
Montjoiehello where can i find linux-image-2.6.27-11.27-amd64.deb ? i want to regress the package linux-image-2.6.27-1112:25
edoreldubottu: thank you12:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:25
cwilluknobcottage, in ubuntu, you'd open a file browser, and then enter smb://the-exact/path12:26
andrew_greetings ubots12:26
andrew_anyone had any experience loading ndiswrapper12:26
=== Guest19156 is now known as web5
knobcottagecwillu: Got you.  I'll give that a try later12:26
MenZaandrew_→ A lot of people do. Try stating what problem you're having, what driver, card, etc. and someone might be able to assist you.12:26
cwilluknobcottage, can also look at file | connect to server12:27
cwilluknobcottage, but you definitely need to know what the hostname and share actually is before this has a hope of working12:27
knobcottageCWILLU:  I tried the conncet to server by name and IP address but it won't12:27
cwilluknobcottage, it's possible for a smb connection to not work if you're only using an ip address (it checks the host name, and ignores it if it's wrong)12:28
cwilluknobcottage, actually, you could try this:  open nautilus (file browser), and type just a plain:  smb://12:28
cwilluknobcottage, you might see some workgroups, and it might be in one of them12:28
knobcottageCWILLU one last one...when I try to connect to server what type of service is it?  Can't be a windows share as the slug runs linux12:29
cwilluknobcottage, it's still a windows share12:29
mncatMost of you guys installed 9.04 rc ?12:29
cwillumncat, no -> #ubuntu+112:29
knobcottagecwillu: thanks I'll tyr that now....12:29
cwillumncat, it's not released, so very few people should be running it beyond testers, developers, volunteers, etc12:30
RAMcoim new to linux and i installed ubuntu its working fine but i cant get the webcam to work i have tried alot of stuff and still cant get it to work12:30
=== c is now known as charitwo
RAMcocan anyone help me ?12:31
cwillu!webcam | RAMco12:31
ubottuRAMco: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:31
andrew_MenZa:  card is dell USB 1450 a/b/g12:31
andrew_MenZa: ubuntu 8.1012:31
RAMcoubottu i have looked over that site and tried it still cant work12:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
cousteauoops... my connection broke12:32
cwilluRAMco, is your camera listed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras ?12:32
jribRAMco: you should say exactly what you tried and what the results were, not just "doesn't work"12:33
knobcottageCWILLU: thanks I am getting some progress here back soon12:33
cwilluknobcottage, goodie :)12:34
Welshy-Robdose anyone know where i can get a descent desktop recorder??12:34
cwilluWelshy-Rob, what do you mean exactly?12:34
cwillulike a recording of the windows and such?12:34
LilarcorBlackberrys are cumbersome to irc on....12:34
furenkuhi! i want to batch create folders with mkdir, and their names to be 001, 002, etc... i'm trying with 'for i in /folder/*; do mkdir %3d; done' ... this is obviously not working... could anybody point me to the correct variable syntax?12:34
RAMcojrib : when i use lsusb i get  Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05ca:1870 Ricoh Co., Ltd Webcam 100012:35
Welshy-Robwell i want to record my desktop like stuff on my screen12:35
FloodBot3curioso: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:35
cwilluWelshy-Rob, screen capture?12:35
jribfurenku: umm, not sure what your example is trying to do there.  Read about the « seq » command12:35
Welshy-Robyeah thats it12:35
cwilluWelshy-Rob, I'm told vlc can do that12:35
Welshy-Robok ill have a look : )12:35
furenkujrib, just trying to create folder sequentially according to files in a folder12:36
RAMcojrib : i serched google and found a driver r5u870 downloaded it then used make and make install but it gives me error 2 :S12:36
RAMcojirb : sorry in very new to linux12:36
knobcottagecwillu:  I see you are elsewhere at the slug seems to be relplying.  However it says the DOmain is MSHOME where does that come from and what does it mean?12:36
cwilluWelshy-Rob, yep, capture/save | capture mode | Desktop12:36
Welshy-Robcwillu, you do mean the vlc media player yeah?12:36
cwilluknobcottage, that's just a default workgroup name12:36
cwilluWelshy-Rob, yep12:36
jribfurenku: I know what you want to do, I just don't see what your example was doing.  In any case, seq will help you do what you want12:37
Welshy-Robcwillu,  ok thanks12:37
cwilluWelshy-Rob, playing media was an after thought of vlc :p12:37
hareldvdlooking for an xcursor editor.12:37
furenkujrib, thanks, ill look into it12:37
grawityknobcottage: Often, mshome.net is assigned by Windows systems which have Internet Connection Sharing enabled.12:37
knobcottagecwiullu:  so do I put the real name of the slug here or my home network or what?12:37
zinger_how do you find channel?12:38
furenkuspecifically, my question is how to access the iteration number inside a unix for loop12:38
grawityzinger_: /list, or /msg alis help12:38
zinger_ah thanks12:38
rigidrodhi, i just have a question about my ubuntu boot cd i burned12:38
lstarneszinger_: also, http://searchirc.com and http://irc.netsplit.de12:38
knobcottagecwillu:  so do I put the real name of the slug here or my home network or what (name spelled correctly this time!)12:38
jribfurenku: example: for x in $(seq 100); echo $x; done12:39
jribfurenku: example: for x in $(seq 100); do echo $x; done12:39
cwilluknobcottage, if mshome shows up, then double click on mshome12:39
cwilluknobcottage, (assuming we're talking about from smb:// )12:39
cwilluknobcottage, also, "cw<tab>" will complete to cwillu :p12:40
cwilluunless Cwiis is in channel, but he's not :p12:40
rigidrodwhen using the help me to boot button on the autorun program in windows, it shows the error 'file is not correct archive'12:40
duhongbofor help i can't find the file /etc/init.d/oracle-xe when i install oracle-xe 10g12:40
knobcottagecwillu: no this is form connect to server12:40
cwilluknobcottage, _probably_ mshome, although I don't think you need to specify it12:41
duhongbohad there anyone installed oracle-xe 10g12:41
knobcottagecwillu: it then requires a user name and password I use all of those I use under windows and noting happens apart from a new request....could this be case sensitive as linux often is and windows isn't?12:41
cwilluknobcottage, basically, you should only need to specify server and share12:41
Welshy-Robcwillu, you wouldnt happen to know how to work the vlc capture device would you?? im a bit stuck...12:41
grawityknobcottage: Passwords always are case-sensitive :/12:42
cwilluWelshy-Rob, not off hand really, no12:42
cwilluknobcottage, just leave the username/password blank12:42
furenkujrib, hey thanks! this looks like the right direction; but this command is actually just printing a list from 1-100; what i want is to create a numbered folder for every existing file inside a folder12:42
cwilluknobcottage, you _might_ need to set it to guest12:42
cwillu(again, no password)12:42
lixcabany good place to chat when drunk? talk to funny people and all.12:42
jribfurenku: so read and understand what my example did12:42
cwillufurenku, the $1 becomes the number12:42
rigidrodwill a ubuntu boot image work if it is burned to a dvd?12:42
cwillulixcab, #ubuntu-offtopic12:42
knobcottagecwillu: yes but there's this funny thing with windows where names I enter for shares in lower case appear as upper case in My computer mmmm12:43
Welshy-Robcwillu, thanks im sure ill work it out : )12:43
lixcabsorry, probably in the wrong room now12:43
lixcabthanks cwillw12:43
lixcabthanks cwillu12:43
cwilluknobcottage, might try just going to smb:// in nautilus, it might just show up12:43
duhongbofor help i can't find the file /etc/init.d/oracle-xe when i install oracle-xe 10g12:43
duhongbohad there anyone installed oracle-xe 10g12:43
knobcottagecwillu: ok12:43
cwilluknobcottage, you can create a bookmark to any given point, which works like windows network drives12:44
knobcottagecwillu:  Pop up  "blah blah failed to retrieve share list form server"12:45
cwilluknobcottage, most gnome apps can access them directly, apps that can't can still access the share via /home/knobcottage/.gvfs/<share name>12:45
marcos_hello i have problems with my 3495 intel pro wireless card, i have installed wicd but only recognizes wep networs12:45
Welshy-Robcwillu , can you tell me how to get the capture thing open? because i think im doing the wrong thing???12:45
cwilluknobcottage, if the server shows up, you should be able to just tack on a /sharename to the end of the smb://..../ line12:45
sirMajidhi what is "task manager" equivalent in ubuntu?12:46
cwilluWelshy-Rob, you found the capture screen?12:46
sirMajidI wan to close a process12:46
furenkujrib, ok, i don't have it so clear now, but ill look into it and try to understand, then apply it to mkdir... thankx!12:46
cwillusirMajid, system | administration | system monitor12:46
jribfurenku: do you understand what the « echo » command does?12:46
cwillusirMajid, or open a terminal and type 'top'12:46
knobcottagecwillu: server does not show up but you've given me a few ideas. I 'll leave you in peace a while and muck around with some ideas  Many thanks12:46
duhongbofor help i can't find the file /etc/init.d/oracle-xe when i install oracle-xe 10g12:47
furenkujrib, echo just prints, doesn't it?12:47
duhongbohad there anyone installed oracle-xe 10g12:47
duhongbofor help i can't find the file /etc/init.d/oracle-xe when i install oracle-xe 10g12:47
duhongbohad there anyone installed oracle-xe 10g12:47
FloodBot3duhongbo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:47
jribfurenku: yeah...12:47
cwilluknobcottage, k :)12:47
jribfurenku: so it's running « echo $x » a bunch of times12:47
Welshy-Robno this is what i did media--open capture device?? is that right?12:48
furenkujrib, the thing is I'm not being able to pass the iteration number to mkdir as parameter12:48
furenkujrib, for the folder name12:48
jribfurenku: why not?  You're passing "$x" to "echo" as a parameter12:48
cwilluWelshy-Rob, ugh, I'm on #ubuntu+1, which has a different ui on vlc :(12:48
cwilluWelshy-Rob, I think you just need to find the source device and change it to X11 or display or something like that12:49
cwilluWelshy-Rob, working from very foggy memory here12:49
MorclyeYesterday I tried to watch dvb-t broadcast with my USB-tuner but as soon as Kaffeine showed video and I got audio my screen went black and after visiting tty5 and then coming back I was greeted with message "setting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe(254) [OK]" Any ideas what's going on?12:49
furenkujrib, but in this example seq has a fixed number , '100'12:49
DansTheManHow do i install OpenGL on Ubuntu 8.10 DE?12:49
AloushHey i have a USB remote for my PC is there a program which will let em configure each button?12:49
josebuloguys, is there any way i can determine the computers w/c are connected on my unit?12:49
jribfurenku: type « seq 10 » in your terminal12:50
Lenin_CatDanSouthy: should be preinstalled12:50
jribDansTheMan: what do you actually want to do?12:50
furenkujrib, the thing is I don't know how many files are inside this folder12:50
DansTheManWell, i want to install OpenGL jrib.12:50
jribfurenku: no idea what folder "this folder" is12:50
Lenin_CatDanthEMAN: should be preinstalled12:50
AloushHey i have a USB remote for my PC is there a program which will let em configure each button?12:51
furenkujrib, my goal is to make a numbered folder for every file contained inside a parent folder12:51
cwilluDansTheMan, opengl is installed already.  However, it may not be accelerated, depending on your video card and which driver you're running.  Does that sound more like the trouble you're having?12:51
DansTheManLenin_Cat:  It may be, but when i launch Chess from Applications> Games, and i go to 3D view it says i need to install OpenGL12:51
DansTheMancwillu:  I don't know12:51
jribfurenku: so count how many files are in the folder and pass that number to seq, no?12:52
cwilluDansTheMan, ugh, yes, that's a horrid error message12:52
DansTheMancwillu:  How can i get OpenGL then?12:52
DansTheManOr, install it?12:52
jribDansTheMan: what version of ubuntu?12:52
cwilluDansTheMan, I think it says an exact package name that you need to install via system | administration | synaptic package manager12:52
DansTheMan8.10 DE12:52
shriphanihello, I am planning on purchasing a barebones kit with an i7 processor. I couldn't really find whether ubuntu ran on i7 processors12:52
Welshy-Robcwillu, right ok i found it and it works sort of it shows only my vlc like player then tthey just keep appearing and shrinking into the distance like a vanish point if you know what that is12:52
jribDansTheMan: Then what cwillu said should work12:52
DansTheManNo Python OpenGL support12:53
DansTheManNo Python GTKGLExt support12:53
DansTheManIs what it says12:53
furenkujrib, i'm not really sure if seq is the way to go, im doing a for loop, what i need is just to pass the iteration number to mkdir as a parameter12:53
jrib!3dchess | DansTheMan12:53
ubottuDansTheMan: If you are trying to enable 3d effects in the GNOME chess game, please see https://launchpad.net/bugs/7159312:53
RAMcoso can anyone help me to get the webcam working, i have ubuntu on HP Pavilion dv1000 laptop and the lsusb gives me  Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05ca:1870 Ricoh Co., Ltd Webcam 100012:53
jribDansTheMan: that's the old bug if you can't find the package name in the current error message for some reason12:53
cwilluDansTheMan, I think you just need to install python-gtkglext112:53
jribfurenku: you have not understood the example I gave you.12:54
DansTheManthank you :)12:54
jribfurenku: play with it12:54
cwillufurenku, echo is a command to print something to the screen12:54
cwillufurenku, echo foo will print foo12:54
cwillufurenku, echo $1 will print the value of $1, which is 1, and then 2, and so forth12:55
stevr1itwhen i try to print a picture i receive the following syslog message http://paste.ubuntu.com/152745/  and of course ic annot print any pictures12:55
stevr1itany suggestion?12:56
jribfurenku: try this maybe: for x in $(seq 10); do echo In this iteration the value of x is $x; done12:56
cousteauwhich are the wifi packages? maybe dpkg-reconfigure'ing them I can fix the wireless12:56
furenkujrib, cwillu, thanks for all the help12:57
furenkuill look into it12:57
NarbeHhow can i LowLevelFormat my HDD ?12:59
cwilluNarbeH, you mean zero the drive, or an actually manafacturer's low level format?12:59
DansTheManIs there like a Task manager but for ubuntu? Like there is on Windows?12:59
NarbeHcwillu: man low level format12:59
DansTheManSorry, i just imported from Windows :p13:00
DiskmasterWhat config file to I edit so that the kernel module i8k is loaded on boot with force=1? (Reason: So my poor Dell Insprion 1525's fans are properly managed!)13:00
jribDansTheMan: System -> Administration -> System Monitor, but why?13:00
cwilluNarbeH, generally requires a particular application from the manufacturer13:00
DansTheManJust wanting to give a process higher priority :)13:00
DansTheManIf you can do that?13:00
cwilluNarbeH, but why do you need to?13:00
koshariNarbeH you generally need to run a vedor proggie to do that13:00
jribDansTheMan: yeah, you can set the "nice" value.  Not sure if you can do it there or not13:01
NarbeHkoshari: sorry? what?13:01
cwilluDansTheMan, process monitor in system | administration13:01
koshariNarbeH run a program from the drive vendor13:01
ActivityNarbeH, "dd if=/dev/zero of=$DEVICE_TO_OVERWRITE_WITH_BIN_ZEROS bs=8M"13:01
NarbeHcwillu: i think it's has got bad sectors. and i want to format. about my files13:01
AloushDoes anybody here have any experience with crossover and steam?13:01
jrib!ask | Aloush13:01
ubottuAloush: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:01
Activitybut as cwillu already indicated this is no real low level format13:01
cwillubad sectors almost certainly won't be solved by that though13:01
NarbeHkoshari: aha13:01
NarbeHActivity: thq13:01
cwilluDansTheMan, there's also a way to change the priority of disk activity of particular programs, although you need to use the terminal to do that13:02
Aloushjrib why do that?13:02
Activityyou might wanna try badblocks, too (man badblocks)13:02
Aloush!ask jrib13:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask jrib13:02
koshariNarbeH cwilli is correct though, this wont fix bad sectors, btw modern drives quarintine bad sectors on the fly13:02
cwilluNarbeH, ^^^13:02
jribAloush: the answer to your question is "yes".  I'm assuming that is not what you actually want answered though.  So just ask your real question13:02
NarbeHkoshari: cwillu: aha.13:02
cwilluActivity, make sure you include his name if you want him to see it :p13:02
stevr1ithello ho can i solve this problem with my laserprint xerox , syslog error http://paste.ubuntu.com/152745/13:03
AloushWell i install steam but i cant see it13:03
Aloushwhen i run it13:03
Activitycwillu, i can expect a little attention by ppl who want help, can't i? ;)13:03
DansTheManjrib:  I just installed the python-gtx thing and i still get this error: No Python OpenGL support13:03
jribAloush: you know steam works in wine?13:03
jribDansTheMan: what did you install exactly?13:03
Aloushjrib, really? is that how you run it?13:04
jribAloush: yes13:04
jrib!appdb | Aloush13:04
ubottuAloush: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:04
Aloushjrib, and it works perfectly nothing wrong?13:04
cwilluActivity, when there's 4 people talking at them, they're likely to miss a statement once in a while :p13:04
jribAloush: works perfectly for me, check appdb for directions and to see what doesn't work13:04
Aloushjrib, i didnt think ti worked in wine i have PlayOnLinux i will try it on that13:04
DansTheManjrib:  Actually, i think i just fixed it :)13:05
Aloushjrib, I want ti for css13:05
ActivityNarbeH, dunno if you read it, but the badblocks-command can help you detect (and in a limited way fight) bad sectors on your drive. more: man badblocks13:05
Aloushdo you use playonlinux?13:05
jribAloush: I've played hl2 and tf2, I don't even know what playonlinux is13:05
DansTheManAnd now i think Synaptic Package Manager has froze13:05
Aloushjrib, its liek crossover but works using wine i think13:05
DansTheManYep it did!13:05
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
MorclyeWhy do I get black screen with only this line after trying to open Digital TV in Kaffeine? The line: setting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe(254) [OK]13:08
killedkillerci set up a dhcp server with dhcp3-server13:11
killedkillercwhere is the log located?13:11
jribkilledkillerc: no idea, but usually it will be in /var/log/13:11
RAMcoguys i downloaded the driver made it when i install it i get can't open /dev/video: No such file or directory13:11
RAMcofor Ricoh built in webcam on HP dv100013:12
jribRAMco: pastebin your entire terminal session13:13
Aloushjrib, The fonts on my friends list are messed up13:14
RAMcojrib can you further explane13:14
jribAloush: oh yeah, I'm not sure how to fix that.  Try #winehq maybe or check the appdb entry13:14
killedkillercwhen i '/etc/init.d/givenservice restart' do i have to specify that i want it to log?13:14
jribRAMco: you ran commands in a terminal and they gave you output.  I want to see them13:15
knobcottageCwillu:  back again.  Still no luck I'm stuck with the needing a password and user name and nothing accepted13:15
jrib!pastebin | RAMco13:15
ubottuRAMco: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:15
Aloushjrib, did you fix it? is it possible?13:15
cwilluknobcottage, try guest with no password, or anonymous with no password13:15
knobcottagecwillu: tried13:15
knobcottagecwillu: the only thing I can see that might give a problem is that in the name of hte slug i use a @ character..  windows does not mind do you think LInux will?13:16
cwilluknobcottage, you might be running into a gvfs bug then13:17
RAMcojrib here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/152760/13:17
cwilluknobcottage, try the ip address then13:17
tumibaysudo apt-get remove <app> or sudo apt-get purge <app>, any difference at all?13:17
cwilluknobcottage, I need to run really soon :(13:17
killedkillercit's in syslog13:17
Schmidttumibay: purge removes configuration files aswell13:17
killedkillercthx jrib13:17
knobcottagecwillu: tried the ip address and all it does is come back with a dialogue box asking for a password and the endless loop.  Thanks for help so far i need to go too13:18
tumibayScmidt, w/c is advisable to use?13:18
tumibaySchmidt, w/c is advisable to use?13:18
knobcottagecwillu: so thanks for all of the help....much more swearing still to be done!13:19
zobryi neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed help13:19
zobryhelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee13:19
zobryi neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed helppppppppppppppppppppppppp13:19
lstarneszobry: stop that13:20
gujazobry, get out of channel.13:20
lstarneszobry: just ask your question and someone will answer it if they have an answer13:20
jribzobry: you're more likely to get help if you just ask your question (on a single line with details)13:20
rrmsg chanserv register #xox 583759 canal_de_mes_amis13:20
knobcottagezobry:  needs to learn to typppppppppppppppppppppppppe13:21
zobryeh ya welad el metnaka13:21
zobryzobry 3alekoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo13:21
zobryfuck u all13:21
FloodBot3zobry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:21
gujaTold him to leave right away.13:21
andersonhow to rebuild whole system from sources like gentoo13:21
_rubenanderson: install gentoo13:22
jribanderson: why in the world would you want to do that?  Anyway see apt-build if you really want to for some strange reason...13:22
guja_ruben,  :-D13:22
=== badserii2 is now known as badserii
Welshy-Robcwillu, do you know anything about gtk-recordmydesktop??13:22
cwilluWelshy-Rob, sorry, I'm late for a meeting :(13:23
popeyWelshy-Rob: what do you want to know13:23
cwilluWelshy-Rob, sounds promising though :)13:23
Welshy-Robok thanks anyway : )13:23
Welshy-Robpopey, when i click record i get a error message 1 sec just going to read it ...13:24
dayo2what do i need to install in order for me to be able to use dpkg-reconfigure?13:24
popeyWelshy-Rob: i have found the current version of rmd in ubuntu unreliable, and now use one I compiled from source13:24
jribdayo2: nothing13:24
progre55hi everybody! I have this PC Camera, but I cant get it working on ubuntu. the camera is black, with a built in mic on it and built-in flashesh, but no model, nothing. Can anybody please suggest anything?13:25
dayo2jrib: nevermind. it was a typo, which is why it said Command not found.13:25
dayo2how embarassing13:25
George11221does anybody know a linux distro dedicated for mail-server13:26
zagibuanyone know what I have to set after having installed smarty? I don't want to define ini_set in all my scripts...13:26
Welshy-Robpopey, "recording is finished  recordmy dektop has exited with status 256 description :error while parsing arguments???13:26
popeynasty, not seen that Welshy-Rob13:26
simplexioGeorge11221: pretty much all you need for mailserver is mailer daemon, so there is no need for special distro13:26
Kartagisdoes anyone know if there is a way to organize favorites in vinagre?13:27
popeyprogre55: is it usb connected?13:27
doonerzagibu, add the smarty install path to your php.ini ?13:27
Welshy-Robcould you walk me through how to do it the way you did ???13:27
progre55popey, yeah13:27
George11221well.. there`s a database and a lot of things that i find hard to configure13:27
popeyprogre55: command "lsusb" will tell you what it is13:27
popeyWelshy-Rob: I am just about to pop out to lunch, but feel free to drop by #ubuntu-uk in an hour or so and I'll have a guide for you13:28
popeyWelshy-Rob: I have the steps well documented :)13:28
progre55popey, "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0ac8:301b Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0301 WebCam"13:28
zagibudooner: good idea, thanks13:28
Welshy-Robohhh ok well im going campin in a hour : ( and im back monday so....13:28
popeyprogre55: i think my daughter has one of them :)13:28
mneptokpopey: if it's for the Welsh, make sure it contains many examples of "w" as a vowel and head-butting as a motivational aide.13:28
qslAnyone know about X-fi sound card drivers which work well ?13:28
popeyWelshy-Rob: drop me a mail - alanpope@ubuntu.com13:28
popeymneptok: :)13:29
doonerzagibu, just add it to include path if you want it available to all13:29
Welshy-Robpopey,  ok will do ta....13:29
progre55popey, cool, so I hope you know how to get it working?  :)13:29
popeyprogre55: i dont think i did anything special, i may have used f-spot to get the photos off it, and I think it just worked13:29
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
checkershi all, the new kernel in 9.04 doesn't detect my kb/mouse properly. where should I report a bug?13:29
Picicheckers: Jaunty support is in #ubuntu+113:30
popeyprogre55: er, ignore that :)13:30
popeyprogre55: i didnt use fspot13:30
progre55popey, what do you meat "to get the photos off it"? )13:30
popeyprogre55: i thoughty it was a camera, not a webcam13:30
progre55popey, when I test it on skype, it works, but just shows a flashing green screen13:32
dassoukii'm about to reformat my laptop, i'd like to have 3 partitions, vista 20gb, linux 20gb, and documments 80 gb, is there anyway i can do that ?13:32
error404notfoundare sshdfilter, fail2ban and denyhosts for same purpose? if not which one is different and how? else which is a better option?13:32
popeyprogre55: sorry i can't help13:33
progre55popey, okay no problem =)13:34
zagibudooner: it works, thanks...but why does the dpkg not do this automatically?13:34
EQUIVHi, how do I set up my VPN server to tunnel through another VPN server?13:34
valRoadiedoes anyone else have a problem getting frostwire to work on ubuntu?13:34
zagibui mean, does it make sense to not have smarty in include_path?13:34
doonerzagibu, err no idea. Probably cause a decent amount of people don't want it in the include path13:34
zagibubut why do they install it, then?13:35
the_dark_warrioHow do I know which java I'm using?13:35
valRoadieguess not lol13:35
misteralexanderwhat terminal command can I type to find out what version of Ubuntu I'm using?13:36
zagibuthe_dark_warrio: java -v?13:36
RAMcojrib any thing new ?13:36
zagibueh, java --version?13:36
doonerzagibu,  I generally don't put smarty in the include path, either just include it in the config for the script I am writing or add it to the include path in an .htaccess or the in the apache conf file13:36
zagibudamn, isn't it as well13:36
EQUIVIs it possibe to use ubuntu as a spliter for a vpn connection?13:36
misteralexanderwhat terminal command can I type to find out what version of Ubuntu I'm using?13:37
kandinskimisteralexander:  cat /etc/lsb-release13:37
kFjHi. i got a laptop at home that i just changed the hdd on, and iv been using a live usb ubuntu on it for a week or so now, without shutting down/rebooting.. now i want to install it to my hdd, but i want to keep all the changes that i made/programs installed on the live system to the harddrive . how do i do that?13:37
Kartagisdoes anyone know if there is a way to organize favorites in vinagre?13:37
kandinskimisteralexander: also give us time to type the answer, don't just stand there repeating the question over and over13:37
zagibudooner: okay...but why?13:37
qslAnyone know about X-fi sound card drivers which work well ?13:38
zagibuthe_dark_warrio: it's java -version, with a single dash13:39
kFjqsl: the ones on their website work great for me!13:39
jribRAMco: nope, I'm not familiar with that webcam.  You might try including the instructions you are following and the pastebin link with your question13:39
kFji got the x-fi titanium card.13:39
doonerzagibu, mostly to avoid namespace collisions, my personal way of doing stuff is to keep my global include_path as small as possible. Not sure if there is any other reason than that13:39
kFjbut how do i install a running usb live system to the hdd and keep the settings and programs installed?13:40
ShredZHow do I delete a package but not any of the files it installed ?13:40
the_dark_warriozagibu: hmm. The point is, I entered my bank account, and the java Loading animation was diferent from the other ubuntu version (Im using jaunty beta). Is there a chance of my java beeing corrupted?13:40
ShredZ(I made a deb myself but put in some lousy conflicts/dependencies)13:40
maximosystem/administration/system monitor/system13:41
maximowill give you  ubuntu release13:41
the_dark_warriozagibu: I've installed the sun-java6- packages13:41
zagibuthe_dark_warrio: i don't think so, but maybe you see something when you do a ps aux when your bank account software is running?13:42
kFjcan i justcopy the content off the /home/ubuntu to my home folder after im done installing the regualr way and just install the programs again?13:42
edoreldhow i can schedule cron so it will execute something at 15:04, then at 15:09 etc etc every 5 minutes but starting with xx:04 ?13:43
dassoukii have an external backhdd, is there a way to make files mirror in such a way it saves the last 2 versions of the file, and it has to be done automatically13:44
the_dark_warriozagibu: well, I think there is no strange process running.. thanks for the tips ;)13:44
Kartagisedoreld, you need two cron jobs, one will be executed once13:45
dooneredoreld, 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59 * * * * should work13:46
edorelddooner: i was just thinking of that, I thought there'd be a better method :P13:46
zagibuthe_dark_warrio: i meant maybe you see what kind of java is run by the bank acc software13:46
edorelddooner: Kartagis  thanks for the info ^_^13:46
=== pvstest is now known as zalgor
dooneredoreld, make it run on 5,10 etc and use */5 ?13:47
the_dark_warriozagibu: I've entered about:plugins on firefox and everything seems normal13:47
zagibumaybe the logo for applets looks different than for full apps, who knows13:48
zagibuor the firefox-java plugin has an own logo13:48
zalgorhello. I need an idea to reserve non-privileged tcp/udp ports for later use (filtered by user or serverapplication). Any ideas?13:48
edorelddonner: hmm I'm going to try 4,*/513:49
zargonI'm trying to take a screenshot of a fullscreen Flash animation.  But as soon as I press printscreen, it quits fullscreen to give way for the screenshot window that pops up, and what I seen on the screenshot is half the fullscreen Flash thingie, half the desktop.  Tried turning off desktop effects, but it didn't help.13:49
edoreldseems interesting13:49
dooneredoreld, I think that would do 4,5,10,etc..13:49
FoorZargon: try putting on a delay13:49
zagibuzalgor: you could run services on them and configure port-knocking to remotely shut them down13:49
edorelddooner: will tell u in 20 secs :P13:49
zargonFoor: how?13:49
dooneredoreld,  nice.13:50
kitchethe_dark_warrio: did you install java sicne I believe jaunty doesn't not use sun java but then again #ubuntu+1 is jaunty support at least for a few more days13:50
edorelddonner: indeed it does what u said :P13:50
zargonFoor: how do I put on a delay?13:50
Foorzargon: click Application >Accessories>take screen shot then in the window there is a Grab after a delay of : then put 10 secs in there or so then remax your flash13:51
edorelddooner: u said "make it run on 5,10 etc and use */5?", I didn't quite understand -.-13:51
dooneredoreld, the spelling it out with all the commas removes any ambiguity13:51
zalgor@zargon registering at service might work. thank you.13:51
dooneredoreld, */5 == 0-59/5 == 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,13:52
Foorzargon: that make since?13:52
Kavinduthere is a problem in jaunty, i installed compiz but when i use the cube effect, the one which you can rotate the cube with your mouse, the cube always skips to the last desktop13:52
Kavinduwhat can i do13:52
edorelddooner: hmm I see13:53
kitcheKavindu: #ubuntu+1 for a few more days13:53
Kavinduyeah i kno13:53
edorelddonner: so ur just saying of every minute, execute the script only on minute 513:53
edoreldor rather, every 5 minutes13:53
kitcheKavindu: so go ask your question in that channel or #compiz-fusion13:53
dooneredoreld, yep */5 means every 5 units13:53
Kavinduok thanx13:54
edorelddooner: I'll just write the whole thing 4,9,14 :P13:54
dooneredoreld, so * */5 * * *  would be every five hours13:54
edorelddooner: give me a minute to ponder about it -.-...13:54
edorelddooner: right ^_^13:55
SeySayuxhello, i've got some problems setting up my broadcom wireless card (broadcom 4328). using jaunty beta, but it didn't work under intrepid either, so...13:55
zargonFoor: a bit inconvenient, but it worked, thanks!  Is there any way to set up a default delay when using the printscreen key?  (Actually I didn't even know about that take screenshot application)13:55
Oli``Why is Ubuntu (even Jaunty) still using Eclipse 3.2?13:55
SeySayuxOli``: seriously, get eclipse from the website... not from synaptic13:56
zagibuOli``: yeah, i'd like to know, too13:56
Foorzargon: I have no idea honestly13:56
zagibulazy package maintainers, perhaps...13:56
Oli``zagibu: it's especially strange because so many people use it =\13:57
jamiejacksonwhere's networkmanager's applet in jaunty multi-user? i don't see it. if i try to run nm-applet i get "** (nm-applet:17126): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 3"13:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:57
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ikonia!jaunty > jamiejackson13:57
ubottujamiejackson, please see my private message13:57
dooneredoreld,  man 5 crontab for more examples.13:57
=== | is now known as acuster
zagibuwell, i guess ubuntu is not really a dev's first choice13:57
edorelddooner: thank you I'll check it out!13:58
ikoniazagibu: you're welcome to your opinion13:58
Foorzagibu : im a fedora dev :P13:58
marcelwhy is ubuntu not a dev choice?13:58
SeySayuxwell, i use mac os x for development :P13:58
* ikonia smells a pointless troll13:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:58
marceldevelop in java, then it doesnt matter13:58
zargonIs there a way to make Synaptic show in the list whether a package was automatically installed?13:59
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know if i can use my old pcapy for python 2.6 or do i have to install a new one?13:59
SeySayuxmarcel: develop in Qt, then it doesn't matter either13:59
ikoniaperlsyntax: pcapy13:59
ikoniagents, please drop the development rambling13:59
marcelSeySayux, i dont want to work with pointers, too error-prone13:59
ikoniaperlsyntax: what's a pcapy ?13:59
ikoniamarcel: please.13:59
jetscreamer#python ?13:59
perlsyntaxi mean the pcapy that came with ubuntu 8.1013:59
ikoniaperlsyntax: what is pcapy ?14:00
marcelikonia, why, this is a chat14:00
ikoniamarcel: it's ubuntu support discussion14:00
ikoniamarcel: check the topic14:00
marcelikonia, so?14:00
Picimarcel: No, this is support. #ubuntu-offtopic is chat.14:00
EQUIVHow do I split up a VPN connection using a VPN server?14:00
SeySayuxwhat packages do i need to install to create .deb-packages?14:00
edorelddooner: I think 4-59/5 will do the trick ^_^14:01
PiciSeySayux: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide has a list, as well as a guide14:01
Ranakah`how to cleanup cartridge on ubuntu? where is command, button or something?14:01
Ranakah`*printer cartridge14:01
FoorEQUIV: you mean so diffrent users can vnc into a machine at the same time?14:01
ikoniaRanakah`: it's normally on the printer14:01
eldenzis it possible to use a kernel <2.6.27 with intrepid?14:01
ikoniaeldenz: 8.10 uses 2.6.2714:02
marceleldenz, not impossible14:02
marceleldenz, make a custom kernel14:02
ikoniaeldenz: updating to later versions is not supported and may cause issues unless you %150 know what you're doing14:02
marceleldenz, why you want to downgrade?14:02
ikoniaeldenz: it may also cause issues with your package manager14:02
Ranakah`ikonia button on printer?14:02
EQUIVFoor, no, i have a vpn connection that only one can use. I want to split it so more users can connect14:02
ikoniaRanakah`: mostly, on a menu14:02
eldenzmarcel, i have issues on 2.6.27 with a library that is pretty lowlevel and i was told it works better on <2.6.27 kernel14:03
marceleldenz, what lib is that?14:03
eldenzmarcel, not a public one... research :) transactional memory14:03
marceleldenz, you can always build a 2.6.27 kernel, download it from kernel.org14:04
marceleldenz,  transactional memory for what platform?14:04
eldenzmarcel, okay, or can i just download the linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic package and go from there?14:05
marceleldenz, also possible14:05
eldenzmarcel, ia6414:05
ikoniaeldenz: it will fail on package dependencies14:05
Aperculumhow do I list all files belonging to some package?14:06
marceleldenz, you can install several linux kernels, and choose from boot14:06
eldenzokay, so i will get one from kernel.org, anything in particular i have to pay attention to? compared to other linux systems with custom kernel (like gentoo)14:06
Kartagiswhat kernel does jaunty use?14:06
PiciAperculum: dpkg -L packagename14:06
PiciKartagis: #ubuntu+114:06
ikoniaeldenz: I strongly advise you not to use the vanilla kernels14:06
Aperculumthanks :)14:06
swiftarrowHi all, I've been having very strange boot problems with ubuntu intrepid.  Wrote down all the symptoms, it's rather long, so it's at http://paste.ubuntu.com/152782/  Any Ideas are very welcome, thanks!14:06
marceleldenz, you need to configure the custom kernel, the current config for your current kernel can be found in /boot14:06
erUSULKartagis: 2814:06
zargonCan I take a screenshot that doesn't show the mouse pointer, like in Windows?14:07
RopechoborraThe audio of my ubuntu works whenever it wants ! :( Any suggestions?14:07
FoorEQUIV: not sure how to do it with the app that comes installed on ubuntu but you can sudo apt-get install vnc4server and then su to each user type vncserver then put a password in for them then go to /home/username/.vnc/xstartup and remove the 2 comments they tell you to.14:07
Kartagisthanks erUSUL14:07
marcelikonia, why14:07
marcelikonia, i use custom kernels all the time, no problems14:08
zagibuswiftarrow: a very wierd problem...is it older laptop hardware?14:08
marcelikonia, you just have to be careful with nvidia packages14:08
ikoniamarcel: breaking the core package managment, restricted driver compatability, it's not a problem if you know what your doing, but to be honest if your asking what to do - you don't know what your doing14:08
marcelikonia, you cant break anything14:08
marcelikonia, custom kernel building is supported14:09
ikoniaof course you can if you don't configure it right,14:09
ikoniamarcel: no it's not14:09
RopechoborraThe audio of my ubuntu works whenever it wants ! :( Any suggestions?14:09
Kartagisdoes anyone know if there is a way to organize favorites in vinagre?14:09
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/14:09
marcelikonia, just copy over the current config14:09
ikoniamarcel: that doesn't mean it will work or build the same14:09
eldenzhmm :)14:09
marcelikonia, yes, as with new ubuntu kernels, thats always the case14:10
ubuntu342wie kann man dvds mit ubuntu schauen (vlc)14:10
Pici!de | ubuntu34214:10
ubottuubuntu342: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:10
ideasman42_Hi there, where to I go to ask about problems installing jaunty?14:10
=== ubuntu342 is now known as ubuntu64
Moddedhi guys, can i burn ubuntu on a dvd? i have not got any cd's left lol14:10
ideasman42_(hanging on scanning mirrors, not sure its downloading or not)14:10
eldenzikonia, so what do you advice?14:10
zagibuubuntu342: go to www.medibuntu.org14:11
bazhangModded, yes14:11
PiciModded: Usually, yes. But burn at the slowest speed.14:11
ikoniaeldenz: speaking to the person who said it works better with other kernels and resolving the issue14:11
Moddedfantastic, appreciated guys14:11
Moddedbecause im in a bit of a pickle, a girl's gave me her laptop to fix, she wants all of the data restored but access to windows has been restricted14:11
Moddedso im gonna do ubuntu live cd. back up all the files then install ubuntu on it14:11
Moddedthat should work right?14:11
tanzania2hi, will using the "Alternate install CD" help dis-selecting the Evolution complex from the scratch? I use Thunderbird ;)14:11
ubuntu64VLC closes if i start a dvd14:11
zirodaytanzania2: no but once installed you can remove evolution14:12
kitchetanzania2: umm don't install gnome then by default14:12
RopechoborraModded, you can mount the Window partition from Ubuntu and copy the data to a different disc/partition14:12
marcelikonia, you should stop people from building their custom kernels, if we would do that i would not even get wireless and my sound card working14:12
lxdmy name is lixiaodong14:12
Moddedthats not a bad idea, thanks ropechoborra!14:12
zagibuubuntu64: go to www.medibuntu.org14:12
lxdhello everyone14:12
ikoniamarcel: because YOU build a custom kernel doens't mean everyone should, re-read the "works for me" factoid, and FYI: custom kernels are NOT supported14:12
ikonia!wfm > marcel14:12
ubottumarcel, please see my private message14:13
marcelikonia, custom kernels are bad? i still dont get it14:13
ikoniamarcel: custom kernels are fine if you know what you're doing, as I've said14:13
marcelikonia, i cant share what works for me?14:13
ikoniamarcel: of course you can14:13
marcelikonia, common sense, so thats always the case14:14
ikoniamarcel: but telling someone to do something because it worked for you is not a great idea14:14
gujaWhen I installed lamp and restarted Ubuntu, gdm didn't want to start and console login was show up to me on login. When I login there and say startx, then I get into Ubuntu. Where's the problem?14:14
marcelikonia, thats called support14:14
marcelikonia, so i should not help?14:14
marcelikonia, i'm giving an option14:14
ikoniamarcel: stop trying to provoke a situation - just think about what you're advising people to do14:14
eldenzyeah it's fine. i don't make anyone reliable even if things don't work :) i won't run into trouble14:15
gujaAlso, in panel where I have my name written and beside it shut-down button, there's no icons for my current status (away, busy, etc), but just dark rectangle for all statuses.14:15
ubuntu64zagibu: i did something like that but vlc closes if the dvd starts14:15
eldenzi've built my own share of custom kernels on other distros14:15
marceleldenz, http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu14:15
ubuntu64i shell set the video output to x11 but how14:15
eldenzthanks marcel14:15
marceleldenz, this is a good tutorial on building a custom kernel, configuring takes some time though14:15
marceleldenz, you can always boot back to the ubuntu kernels14:16
zagibuubuntu64: try disabling desktop effects...i had a similar problem with totem14:16
papermateshello guys14:16
marceleldenz, is transactional memory for C?14:16
papermatesI have a question14:16
ubuntu64i think they are already disabled14:16
DJones!ask | papermates14:17
ubottupapermates: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:17
AperculumIt's really confusing to use Ubuntu 9.04 on virtualbox in seamless mode under ubuntu 8.1014:17
eldenzmarcel, yes it's a C library... it's not really a transactional memory though.. it copies memory pages14:17
papermatesis recommended to compile a custom kernel on ubuntu 64 running on a virtual machine ?14:17
papermatesI never did that14:17
marceleldenz, you want to do rollbacks?14:17
papermatesI always used to compile custom kernel on native machine14:18
papermatesand I was wondering if somebody have did that before14:18
Titan8990papermates, its never supported nor recommended to compile custom kernels in ubuntu14:18
eldenzmarcel, kind of, why are you asking? interested in this topic?14:18
marcelpapermates, there is no recommendation, only thing is that when configured corectly, you have a better kernel14:18
Titan8990papermates, other distros offer MUCH better support for it14:18
marceleldenz, it was discussed in a java conference, its been looked at for java 714:18
Titan8990marcel, and broken package management system that depends on your kernel being a ubuntu one14:18
Titan8990marcel, specifically for module installation14:19
marcelTitan8990, what can break?14:19
Titan8990marcel, all modules installed via the package manager14:19
papermatesI guess the kernel is the same of the any other distros14:19
marcelTitan8990, yes, nvidia stuff etc14:19
marcelTitan8990, but you can install it anyway manually14:19
papermatesI dont like to have a pre compiled kernel with lots of useless stuff14:19
zagibupapermates: yeah, shouldn't make a difference, i think14:19
eldenzmarcel, really? nice, my work has something to do with extending java, as well. got any urls?14:19
Titan8990marcel, alsa, VM modules, webcam drivers, back-port wireless drivers14:20
marceleldenz, it was a j-spring, but thats dutch14:20
swiftarrowzagibu: not too old, last year.14:20
zagibupapermates: then you'd be better off with a different distro altogether, like gentoo14:20
veckthello! I cant read from DVD.. how could i fix that? it's a brand new dvd movie... if i try to copy the vob files i get: cp: reading `/cdrom/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB': Input/output error14:20
vecktplease help :)14:20
marceleldenz, google for it, java memoty model java 7, etc14:20
papermateszagibu : I dont understand why anyways14:20
marcelTitan8990, alsa is in the kernel, webcam drivers also, all drivers except nvidia-glx14:20
papermatesif the kernel is just the same14:20
zagibuswiftarrow: I just thought it might have anything to do with ACPI, and how it is sometimes "optimized for Windows", which means stunted14:20
papermateswhy would I to use another distro to compile a custom kernel ?14:21
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Titan8990marcel, no... in most distros alsa is in the kernel, this is not the case for ubuntu14:21
papermatesanyways  I am going to give it a try14:21
Fooranyone who codes in perl is it just me or is setting up mod perl on ubuntu a pain in the add14:21
Foorass also14:21
zagibupapermates: because if you like slender systems, gentoo can do a lot more for you than ubuntu...a linux system is not only the kernel14:21
marcelTitan8990, if you build a custom kernel, there are lots of options for alsa14:21
papermatescompiling all the stuff that I need for my hw14:21
papermatesand see what happens14:21
marcelTitan8990, custom kernel is from kernel.org, not ubuntu14:21
Titan8990marcel, I am well aware14:21
papermateslinux system is just the kernel14:22
zagibuswiftarrow: i thought of ACPi, because you mentioned the sleep-issue14:22
papermatesthe distro is the distro14:22
papermatesanyways ..14:22
swiftarrowzagibu, no, I don't think so.  Actually, come to think of it, it happend (quite some time) after i tried to change the bootscreen by manually installing another.  The install didn't work, so I reverted, and that didn't work, so I re-installed the whole thing from the repos.  And (perhaps a week later) it started this stuff.14:22
marcelpapermates, thats correct14:22
gabihi, anyone knows how to load ubuntu from XP's bootloader?14:22
papermatesI been gentoo users for 5 years14:22
Lint01how can I boot without starting X-server?14:23
papermatesand I am still gentoo users14:23
Titan8990papermates, gentoo user here as well14:23
zagibupapermates: yeah, and in gentoo, you can also compile all software especially the way you like it...remove support for stuff you don't want, etc.14:23
jribLint01: why?14:23
papermatesbut sometimes I am forced to use ubuntu on some virtual machines that we have here on the data14:23
marcelpapermates, gentoo is for compiling everything like X, gnome, etc14:23
papermatesthats all14:23
Titan8990Lint01, you have to remove gdm from boot14:23
bin1010i have a problem with my nvidia video driver in 8.10....I am trying to use twinview:Clones.....my laptop has a 16:9 ratio and the monitors I am having trouble with are all 4:3 monitors (dell monitors, overhead projectors, etc).  How do I get the 16:9 laptop monitor to switch to a 4:3 ratio so that the clone of both monitors lines up correctly????14:23
swiftarrowzagibu, another thing that happens is if i close the lid, it used to go to sleep, now (when booted with splash) it starts the beep until it's slept, an dthen never wakes up again, needs a hard reboot.14:23
Lint01jrib: because it hang the system14:23
sdwrageMorning all14:24
zagibuyeahyeah, thanks for your philosophical insight14:24
papermatesits not my chose to use ubuntu14:24
zagibui understand, thanks14:24
papermatesI am forced to use it ..14:24
marcelpapermates, what was your question again14:24
zagibua hard fate14:24
jribLint01: can you get to tty1?14:24
swiftarrowzagibu, anyway, dont loose any sleep over it.  Just wondered if anyone knew what it was.  I'll be upgrading soon enough.14:24
zagibuthey could force you to use Win98, you know14:24
Titan8990papermates, debian has good support for custom kernels if you can get away with that14:24
zagibuswiftarrow: the lid close issue also sounds like an ACPI problem to me14:25
gafirthey could force you to use an Atari computer :)14:25
papermatesjust wondering if is recommended to compile a custom kernel on ubuntu 64 running on virtual machine14:25
zagibuswiftarrow: maybe google some for your laptop model + linux + acpi14:25
Lint01jrib: no, I cannot get to any session after X startup14:25
gabihow do i load ubuntu from windows' bootloader?14:25
papermatesI am a freebsd user anyway14:25
Titan8990papermates, no14:25
zagibupapermates: they have already told you that it's not recommended14:25
papermatesI dont like any linux distros14:25
papermatesout ther14:25
papermatesbut as I already said14:25
Titan8990papermates, you said you were a gentoo user just a min ago14:25
marcelpapermates, depends on what you want to achieve, do you have hardware that is not recognized (drivers), or want to build amd64 kernel, etc14:25
papermatesI am forced to use14:25
bonhofferi want to image my pc -- so i can backup to my current state -- is there a guide/free way to do this?14:26
papermatesI am still gentoo users14:26
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papermatesbut not for my chose14:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:26
jribLint01: well you can go into recovery mode and stop X from starting there with sysv-rc-conf14:26
marcelbonhoffer, partimage makes images of partitions for backup14:26
jribLint01: don't let the gdm service start14:26
papermatesI am going to give it a try and see what happens14:26
gafirI would like to wear skirts, but they force me to wear pants14:26
papermatesthanks everybody14:26
Guest575You Welcome all!!!14:26
Titan8990papermates, isn't it basically the same as freebsd only with a different kernel and the fact that freebsd has a better method for binary installations?14:26
=== mafsi is now known as mafsi`away
Pici!ot | gafir14:26
ubottugafir: please see above14:26
bonhoffermarcel, is that the recommended way to go?14:26
bonhofferalso want to image my windows pc14:27
marcelrecommended, i dont know, i just give my opinion, i dont work for ubuntu14:27
Guest575aldona skąd jesteś?14:27
papermatesits a completely different things anyways14:27
bonhoffermarcel, what you use?14:27
zagibubonhoffer: i like clonezilla for imaging14:27
marcelbonhoffer, i've used partimage in the past, worked really well, including windows stuff14:28
SeySayuxhello, i've got some problems setting up my broadcom wireless card (broadcom 4328). using jaunty beta, but it didn't work under intrepid either, so...14:28
zagibubonhoffer: it can also image windows and is based on partimage14:28
marcelbonhoffer, http://partimage.org/Main_Page14:28
genii-around!pl | Guest57514:28
ubottuGuest575: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl14:28
bonhofferzaggynl, marcel, ever heard of selfImage?14:28
marcelbonhoffer, nope, maybe its good, i dont know14:28
bonhofferwell, i am going to look into clonezilla first, then partimage, thanks!14:29
marcelbonhoffer, enjoy14:29
bonhofferzagibu, what advantage does clonezilla have over partimage?14:29
bonhofferit is a user-friendly gui on top14:29
Guest575kto z PL?14:29
ikoniaGuest575: what's up ?14:29
zagibubonhoffer: and boot cd, partimage has no boot cd, as I get it...14:30
bonhofferalso, is there a good program to compare two directories and let me see where there are differences (gui prefer)14:30
marcelbonhoffer, i would not care for the gui, i would care about the restoring works14:30
marcelbonhoffer, backup needs to be 100% correct right?14:30
vecktI can't read DVDs in ubuntu? what should i do?14:30
bonhoffermarcel, good point -- but if the bones are the same, i'd take a east to use interface14:30
veckti get input/output error14:30
marcelveckt, what kind of dvd is it?14:31
marcelveckt, what does it contain? video?14:31
magnetron!dvd | veckt14:32
ubottuveckt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:32
vecktmarcel: yes, video. and brand new14:32
bonhofferon windows, i purchased ajc directory syncronizer -- looking for an ubuntu program to compare a backed up directory and see if i can delete it (i might have saved a file there)14:33
bonhofferwhat to see anything that is newer on the backed up directory14:33
* zaggynl growls14:33
marcelveckt, did you install the repository from medibuntu.org?14:33
marcelveckt, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu14:34
error404notfoundfor security reason i want to tear some space from / and make it /tmp then mount it as noexec, any idea on how to do that?14:34
marcelerror404notfound, with sed?14:34
marcelerror404notfound, awk14:34
zagibubonhoffer: on the cli, you could do it with find and diff14:34
Mavrik-unmount root, resize partition, create new partition, add entry to fstab?14:34
bonhofferzagibu, something like find /old_backup -name "*" | diff . . .14:35
Fooranyone run ubuntu on a samung Q1?14:35
marcelFoor, samung?14:35
Foor:P yep14:35
bonhofferwould love a link to tutorial -- i am sure i can work around the man pages if needed14:35
marcelFoor, what is this thing?14:36
vecktmarcel: i cant even cp the files!! i'm installing ubuntu-restricted-extras.. hope it works!14:36
error404notfoundmarcel, sed? awk? "/" is a file system, currently mounted, i want to say make a 500M /tmp out of it, i mean live FileSystem clipping out of /14:36
=== Jared is now known as Guest14754
Foormarcel: its a umpc14:36
marcelerror404notfound, i misunderstood14:36
zagibubonhoffer: I myself would have stored the find results in two files, then use diff on them14:36
zagibubut I guess there are more efficient ways14:36
marcelFoor, i dont have it14:36
bonhofferzagibu, makes sense14:36
marcelFoor, but download ubuntu and boot the cd, see what happens14:37
veckti don't think the problem are codecs.. because i can't read or copy any files from the dve14:37
zagibumaybe it has copy protection?14:37
marcelveckt, what ubuntu version14:37
Foormarcel, oh i have i have everything running but the damn touch screen doesnt line up on the edges14:37
marcelveckt, in medibuntu docs is says something about libdvdcss14:37
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Guest19848kto z PL?14:38
=== Jared is now known as Guest95135
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl14:38
marcelFoor, leds are supported, but not by default14:38
marcelFoor, you could try a different kernel maybe? did you upgrade recently?14:38
Guest19848ubot tu Czy można rozmawiać w jęz. pol?14:39
vecktmarcel: ubuntu 8.10 ... i tried installing libdvdcss, but i couldn't.. will try again ...14:39
marcelveckt, use the medibuntu repos please14:39
francksalut tous le monde14:39
bazhang!pl > Guest1984814:39
ubottuGuest19848, please see my private message14:39
bazhangfranck, #ubuntu-fr pour francais svp14:39
error404notfoundcan someone tell me why my apache is running as root even though it suppose to be run as www-data? http://pastebin.com/mdbf5cdb14:40
ikoniaerror404notfound: its only the parent launched as root14:40
Guest19848jaki język tu obowiązuję?14:40
marcelerror404notfound, is it run as daemon from /etc/init.d?14:40
error404notfoundikonia, is that a security threat?14:40
error404notfoundmarcel, yes..14:40
Titan8990error404notfound, did you start it from its correct path instead of the init.d script?14:41
ikoniaerror404notfound: no, look at the children - they are all running as www-data exactly as they should be14:41
=== Verus2008 is now known as Verus2008_
marcelerror404notfound, you could check the script under /etc/init.d/14:41
marcelerror404notfound, see what it does14:41
Kartagis!pl | Guest1984814:41
ubottuGuest19848: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl14:41
ikoniaits fine - it's only the parent that runs as root to launch the child processes14:41
error404notfoundTitan8990, correct path?14:41
ikoniarano: what's up ?14:41
franckil y a de la caille ici14:41
ikonia!fr | franck14:41
ubottufranck: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:41
bazhangfranck, english here please14:41
Titan8990error404notfound, I mean its absolute path, /usr/sbin/apache214:42
bonhofferhow do i regenerate the gnome panel menus14:42
ikoniaTitan8990: it's path won't change anything - it's running %100 fine14:42
DJonessorry,ignore that14:42
error404notfoundTitan8990, no, this is the one started from init scripts14:42
error404notfoundeven tried with apache2ctl, still parent is with root14:42
ikoniaDJones: please be more careful14:42
ikoniaerror404notfound: that is fine14:43
ikoniaerror404notfound: the parent has to be root - it's the children that serve the pages14:43
error404notfoundikonia, strangely this guy's apache runs as www-data completely: http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/133913/171/14:43
kitcheerror404notfound: yes and ti tells you right on that page what ypu need to do14:44
bonhofferisn't there some way to kill x11/gnome and regen the menus to reflect a program i just installed?14:44
ikoniaerror404notfound: no it's nt14:44
ikoniaerror404notfound: look at his grep command he's getting ONLY the processes run by www-data14:44
error404notfoundkitche, and thats what i did, incase if you didnt see the pastebin..14:44
ikoniaerror404notfound: if he did "ps -ef | grep apache2" he'd get the root one14:44
Kartagisbonhoffer, ctrl-alt-backspace14:45
marcelbonhoffer, some progams dont install into the menu14:45
Guest19848co jest z tą instalką stanęła na 85%!14:45
NeoDragonI noticed that the version of the CCSM in on my copy of intrepid was different from the one a friend of mine as on his pc with intrepid and yet we both upgraded from hardy the same way, for some reason mine does not have the tabs accross the top with all the extra configuration options and now when I search for the CCSM in sinaptic it can't find it in the repos?14:45
Kartagis!pl | Guest1984814:45
ubottuGuest19848: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl14:45
marcelbonhoffer, you dont have to kill anything14:45
space_cadethey guys, my Atheros AR928x stopped working as of last night14:45
emilienim updating to 9.04 beta , however im running crunch linux , which is ubuntu 8.10 with fluxbox , if i update it will it install gnome ?14:45
marcelNeoDragon, thats horrible man14:45
Titan8990NeoBlaster, sexy-python adds additional features to ccsm14:46
bonhoffermarcel, i remember not needing to kill x11 -- but a command that just regenerated my applications shortcut menu (not sure what those are called)14:46
marcelNeoDragon, you both have the same repos?14:46
Titan8990^ NeoDragon14:46
marcelbonhoffer, why regenerate?14:46
space_cadetI can lshw, it sees it and is using the ath9k drivers, i can iwconfig and see it, i can ifconfig and see it.  It just won't see or join my network14:46
excoshould I in theory be able to control all network interfaces through network-manager (without touching /etc/network/interfaces)?14:46
bonhofferso i can find the executable for unison?14:46
jriberror404notfound: notice that in his paste on the link you gave he has 3 children processes and no parent listed14:46
NeoDragonmarcel: yes we compared our two pc's and we both have the same repos enabled14:46
space_cadetatheros AR928x no longer working for an unknown reason14:47
Titan8990exco, unfortunately, yes14:47
space_cadetno install or update14:47
NeoDragonmarcel: he can find it, but I can't in the repos14:47
space_cadetjust broke by itself14:47
marcelNeoDragon, could be that in the past he had a different repos14:47
marcelNeoDragon, he didnt install it manually via a .deb14:47
space_cadeti did get a random bluescreen in windows before booting to ubuntu.14:47
excoTitan8990: well it has a nice gui - it just doesn't do what you tell it, does it?14:47
Titan8990NeoDragon, sudo apt-get update14:48
space_cadetatheros card stopped working14:48
Titan8990exco, meh, guis.....14:48
marcelNeoDragon, you can do: apt-cache show ccsm14:48
NeoDragonmarcel: he and I both upgraded from hardy using the dist-upgrade options14:48
marcelNeoDragon, and compare output14:48
space_cadetdoes anyone have any ideas as to why my atheros card stopped working for no reason?14:48
marcelNeoDragon, it can alo depend on what compiz plugins you have installed14:49
space_cadetanyone at all14:49
marcelspace_cadet, blue screen in windows, yes, so what is the problem14:49
NeoDragonmarcel: we both used the standard installation of compiz-fusion14:50
marcelNeoDragon, i dont know then14:50
=== _infinite_ is now known as _infidel
HabybComo vão?14:50
marcelspace_cadet, what was your question again>14:50
NeoDragonmarcel: I will try the cache command and see what I come up with thanks14:51
LjLHabyb: se fala ingles em este canal14:51
LjLHabyb: /join #ubuntu-br14:51
ugliefroganyone here use me-tv14:51
ikoniawelcom: what's up ?14:52
HabybThe Prtugues?14:52
Habybwhat canal?14:52
LjLHabyb: escribe /join #ubuntu-bt para portugues14:52
koolkartikhi all14:52
* travmon waves hello14:52
LjLbazhang: i made a mixture of the two :P14:53
EasyRidehi all!14:53
EasyRidehi! i try to install rTorren+rtGui. I using this how to: http://code.google.com/p/rtgui/wiki/ubuntu_rtgui but i have one problem - how to load this module in LiteSpeed?14:53
bazhangLjL, haha14:53
Skizoboyhey there14:53
NeoDragonmarcel: this is what it gave me when I input the apt -cache show ccsm command:  W: Unable to locate package ccsm14:53
NeoDragonE: No packages found14:53
HabybVocê me entende?14:53
excoHow can I tell my machine which network to use for internet access ... because whenever I connect my pda I can't access the internet anymore14:53
PiciNeoDragon: The package name is compizconfig-settings-manager14:53
marcelNeoDragon, i dont know the package name for that, replace ccsm with what you use for compiz14:54
LjLHabyb: un poco, pero aqui solo falamos ingles14:54
zagibuexco: it depends on your routes14:54
HabybDe onde esta a falar?14:54
zagibuexco: you can display them with the route command14:54
quatar-ithi all. what happened?14:54
quatar-itall started when I tried to close aMsn: it refused to close and notified me an error, caused by something like GT, TK GK... not GTK, sure.14:54
quatar-itthen it started to collapse all (i use gnome on ubuntu 8.04, hardy): Transmission forgetting where to save files, firefox losing bookmarks, and others14:54
excozagibu: one sec14:54
LjLHabyb: /join #ubuntu-br o /join #ubuntu-pt, por favor14:54
NeoDragonPici: it just gave me the same result for that14:54
error404notfoundcan i tear up space from my live "/" and make it "/tmp" ?14:54
quatar-itrestarting x, it forgets to launch nmapplet and the battery status monitor...14:55
quatar-itand on and on.14:55
excozagibu: http://pastebin.com/d2d60be3b14:55
Habybwhat is your email?14:55
PiciNeoDragon: apt-cache show compizconfig-settings-manager14:55
excozagibu: that's just wlan of course ...14:55
marcelerror404notfound, i have no clue what you mean by that, can you be a bit more clear?14:55
space_cadetmy wireless is not working.   atheros AR928x using ath9k intrepid14:55
quatar-it~ folder seems to be still there. All i did was, yesterday, to update and upgrade.14:55
NeoDragonPici: I think I will try just installing intrepid from scratch and see if that gets me anywhere14:55
travmoni have been using 9.04 since alpha stage. will the normal updates make it a final release install in 6 days?14:56
marcelNeoDragon, or jaunty, thats almost released14:56
zagibuexco: what is speedport.ip?14:56
error404notfoundmarcel, suppose /=10G, i want to make /home=2G, /var=2G, /tmp=500M, /=all remaining, that is easy if i am doing a install. My question is can i break my / after i have done installation?14:56
marceltravmon, yeah14:56
NeoDragonI installed intrepid from scratch on my laptop and I don't have this problem on the laptop weird14:56
Skizoboy*travmon yep14:56
NeoDragonsorry gotta go have an appointment be back later.14:56
marcelerror404notfound, what do you mean by break?14:56
EasyRideanyone an help me? :)14:56
xgnI can14:57
excozagibu: that's my wlan router14:57
error404notfoundmarcel, as in english, break apart, tear, cut14:57
EasyRidexgn: i try to install rTorren+rtGui. I using this how to: http://code.google.com/p/rtgui/wiki/ubuntu_rtgui but i have one problem - how to load this module in LiteSpeed?14:57
error404notfoundmarcel, resize, clip...14:57
marcelerror404notfound, you mean as in resize?14:57
error404notfoundmarcel, yes..14:57
xgn@EasyRide: What the hell are you talking about? ubuntu?14:57
marcelerror404notfound, well the root is / , under that you have all, including tmp14:57
quatar-ithave someone had the same problem? looking like all software left their configurations andd refuse to get new ones?14:58
EasyRidexgn: yes, 8.10 server14:58
marcelerror404notfound, if you change the root, i dont think your filesystem will be happy14:58
excosorry, tried connecting the pda and got disconnected again, zagibu14:58
marcelerror404notfound, however check gparted maybe that can help you14:58
xgnSorry, I was just kidding I'm a complete noob ^14:58
travmonthank you marcel an skizoboy  :)14:58
=== EvaStrmpebuk is now known as Wolford
ikoniamarcel: can't resize active LVM parititon14:58
ikoniamarcel: sorry - that was for exco14:58
EasyRidexgn: ;]14:58
marcelikonia, no problem14:58
Tetsuooomy grub is so fucked up, new kernel versions dont show up14:58
ikoniaTetsuooo: please control your language14:58
ikoniaTetsuooo: if you can't say it without swearing - don't say it please.14:59
Tetsuoooits not swearing14:59
marcelTetsuooo, did you try grub-install again?14:59
ikoniaTetsuooo: it is - please don't do it again14:59
mojo__how to change console resolution to 1024x800 (WS)?14:59
armornickmojo__, try installing startupmanager14:59
Tetsuooohm i dont know how to reinstall it i try it14:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quota14:59
EagleScreenmojo__:  try vga=0x31814:59
excois there logging for this channel, so I can read back?14:59
Cannonhey guys, is there a way for me to limit users disc usage?15:00
armornickferry, hi15:00
marcelerror404notfound, what you do actually is resizing a filesystem within a partition, so it depends on the filesystem if this is supported15:00
koolkartikdoes ne 1 know how to fix this prob? m not able 2 update linux generic kernel15:00
marcelerror404notfound, for instance xfs doesnt support resizing becuase of its fs algorithm15:00
error404notfoundmarcel, now, i didnt understand that..15:00
zagibuCannon: it's called quota15:00
xgnDoes anybody here know a good Quiz channel? English or German! I'm trying to google one for about half an hour and I can't find any working ones...15:01
error404notfoundmarcel, i have ext3.. and i heard it supports resizing..15:01
Picixgn: /msg alis help   also try asking in #freenode15:01
Cannonlol, i know that bit zaggynl15:01
marcelerror404notfound, ok, then you can do it, as long as you dont exceed the partiton size15:01
Benji46need somebody who speak french...15:01
Pici!fr | Benji4615:01
ubottuBenji46: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:01
xgnOkay, I'll try it out, thx...15:01
koolkartikcan anyone help me a bit?15:02
SkizoboyBenji je parle Francais15:02
Skizoboymais je suis un peu un noob15:02
armornickKoolkartik, what error message do you get?15:02
Tetsuoookoolkartik, do you have too many kernels installed?15:02
marcelerror404notfound, i thought you meant a livefs for a bootable cd15:02
ah7013i need help when i suspend my laptop and resume it the keyboard and touchpad dont work15:02
error404notfoundmarcel, nope..15:02
marcelerror404notfound, you can resize filesystems, there is a bootable gparted cd to download from the internet15:03
cool_nick12updating to 9.04 RC, wish me luck :D15:03
keith-there is a persian ubuntu channel? farsi?15:03
marcelcool_nick12, using apt-get?15:04
cool_nick12marcel: the ubuntu page said just do "update-manager -d"15:04
Aloushhey guys i installed css using wine i ran it and it didnt worked then it messed up ym resolution and wont change back15:04
bazhangkeith-, #ubuntu-ir15:04
cool_nick12thats what im doing15:04
marcelcool_nick12, thats true, but the new ext4 fs is much faster than ext3, so if you can reinstalling from cd will give you more benefits15:04
koolkartikE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.41_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic' before installing new version15:05
koolkartikE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic_2.6.24-23.52_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-generic' before installing new version15:05
cool_nick12marcel: true, but then won't i lose all my files?15:05
koolkartikthis is the error15:05
marcelcool_nick12, yes if you format it, so backup15:05
=== MethodMan is now known as slowtux
HabybLjL, speak where?15:05
marcelcool_nick12, there is no ext3->ext4 converter15:05
cool_nick12ok thanks15:05
cool_nick12that makes sense15:05
ah7013can someone help me15:05
cool_nick12ill use update manager for now15:06
marcelah7013, depends15:06
cool_nick12then maybe when i have time ill convert to ext415:06
koolkartikeach time i try 2 update this error comes up.... and when i try 2 install nethng else also then also this error pops up15:06
marcelcool_nick12, sure, i've been using jaunty for a while now, i really like it15:06
cool_nick12closing this for now15:06
cool_nick12ill report (hopefully) success later15:06
armornickcool_nick12, tell me how that goes, 'cause I heard upgrades with a customized system usually break everything15:06
marcelkoolkartik, what error15:06
cool_nick12ok i will15:06
ah7013when i suspend my laptop and resume it the keyboard and touchpad dont work15:07
koolkartikarmornick: can u help me with this15:07
antinekoHey everyone - I'm running a script in etc/init.d/ at boot, which powers on a Ventrilo server, and I've added it to Sessions. Now, it's working, but it runs the script before my desktop has loaded (x/gnome etc.) and I don't want that. I want it to run after I've logged in15:07
MorclyeI want to try this game and I'm asking if following these instructions gives me properly installed working game? http://crrcsim.berlios.de/wiki/index.php?n=CRRCsim.InstallLinux15:07
koolkartikTetsuooo:do u know how 2 fix this?15:07
armornickkoolkartik, I wish I could, but I don't understand the error messages myself15:07
armornickah7013: sounds like a problem with xorg15:08
armornickB_Lizzard_: hello15:08
marcelantineko, change the runlevel, i dont know how, but you can choose somewhere the runlevel, google for it15:08
gafirHello, do you know where I can find authoritative statistics for OS trends? I found some in w3Schools, but is it considered an authority in terms of statistics?15:08
antinekomarcel: Will check! Thanks15:08
zagibuantineko: maybe put it in /etc/profile? or your own .profile if you have one15:08
Tetsuoookoolkartik, no i cant update anymore either... thats why I gonna reinstall with 9.0415:08
noraXantineko: you can install sysv-rc-conf there u can configure the run levels of your initt.d scripts15:08
koolkartikarmornick: it is unable 2 install linux-image-2.6.24-115:08
marcelantineko, the boot procedure is divided in runlevels, thats what i know15:08
armornickantineko: you can add it to the gnome sessions menu15:08
emilienjust deleted /tmp (accident)  how i make new on with right file permissions?15:09
ikoniaemilien: /tmp is just 77715:09
marcelemilien, sudo mkdir /tmp15:09
koolkartik Tetsuooo: there's no way out 2 solve this prob :(15:09
B_Lizzard_Hmmm, OK, I realize this is a high volume channel and this might be pointless, but I have a problem with an Ubuntu 9.04 installation and I have some questions.15:09
emilienikonia: marcel  thanks15:09
ikonia!jaunty > B_Lizzard_15:09
ubottuB_Lizzard_, please see my private message15:09
RopechoborraThe audio of my ubuntu works whenever it wants ! :( Any suggestions?15:10
LjLXddR: english, please15:10
B_Lizzard_Thanks, dudes15:10
XddR<LjL> À ïî ðóññêå ?15:10
marcelRopechoborra, remove pulseaudio? just a suggestion, it stored per app audio settings15:10
hwildehi I have two monitors with two xscreens using nvidia-config.  when I only have mouse and kb activity in the right monitor, both of them dim and go to sleep.  only activity in the left monitor is recognized to wake it up.  how can I fix this please?15:10
koolkartik Tetsuooo: i've also tried it using packet manager but this error is from d time i installed ubuntu :(15:10
HeyHelpHey i need help?15:10
Ropechoborramarcel, apt-get remove pulseaudio ?15:10
armornickHeyHelp: what's the question15:10
XddR÷òî âû âñå ïî àíãëèêå áàçàðèòå15:11
armornickRopechoborra: yes15:11
HeyHelpHow do i install skype onto linux???????????15:11
ikoniaHeyHelp: are you using ubuntu ?15:11
marcelHeyHelp apt-get install skype?15:11
ikonia!skype > HeyHelp15:11
ubottuHeyHelp, please see my private message15:11
antinekonoraX: Thanks! That sounds about right, I'll check it out15:11
koolkartikarmornick: can u get my problem?15:11
kitcheRopechoborra: it might remove other programs as well15:11
Ropechoborrakitche, ubuntu-desktop it says15:11
marcelRopechoborra, you can try, if it doens help reinstall15:11
killedkillercis that proprietary driver warning logo thing going to be in my task panel forever?15:12
=== PC-Ente_ is now known as PC-Ente|away
killedkillercit wasn't like that before15:12
kitcheRopechoborra: that can be removed safely but you will need it again when you update15:12
ikonia!away > PC-Ente|away15:12
bonhofferis there a way to mount amazon s3 as a drive in ubuntu?15:12
ubottuPC-Ente|away, please see my private message15:12
SkizoboyHey everyone, I need some help with Netatalk15:12
marcelRopechoborra, write down what is removed so you can install it again later15:12
RopechoborraJust ubuntu-desktop and pulseaudio15:12
XddRÛûÛûÛû :)))15:12
HeyHelpI still can't install skype on ubuntu HELP15:12
armornickkoolkartik: sorry, i don't understand the error15:12
antinekoI've added my Wireless network adapter as orinoco_usb in modules - but I have to type in my password (sudo req) each time I boot up Ubuntu15:12
koolkartikTetsuooo: so wat shall i do with this prob, can u give me any suggestion..:)15:12
bazhang!ru > XddR15:12
ubottuXddR, please see my private message15:12
antinekoIs there an auto func?15:13
FloodBot3HeyHelp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
RopechoborraStill not working :( Its strange... sometimes it works, sometimes it just dont15:13
cratelwhy does pulseaudio take exclusive control of the sound card and is there any way I can instead get it share the soundcard using alsa?15:13
bazhangHeyHelp, lose the caps15:13
killedkillercHeyHelp, sudo15:13
zagibuantineko: runlevels won't help you with stuff starting after login, you need /etc/profile or ~/.profile for this15:13
killedkillercHeyHelp, better yet, su root15:13
FoorHeyHelp: Keyboard is broken too caps is stuck15:13
marcelHeyHelp, medibuntu has it15:13
HeyHelpsu root?15:13
killedkillercit's for real men15:13
kitchecratel: use alsa instead of pulseaudio if you want to15:13
marcelHeyHelp, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu15:13
HeyHelpit can't find the package skype15:13
bazhangkilledkillerc, dont suggest that here15:13
chennobazhang: why?15:14
bazhangHeyHelp, please read the links given you15:14
RopechoborraHeyHelp, you can try googleing for it... there's plenty of data about Skype for linux in the web, even in the official Skype site.15:14
bazhang!sudo > chenno15:14
ubottuchenno, please see my private message15:14
killedkillercchenno, for things like 'I CAN'T INSTALL SKYPE,' su root could very likely result in complete destruction of their system15:14
killedkillercwhich is funny15:14
chennobazhang: i know what sudo is15:14
tonesHeyHelp, i just got it off the skype website, worked for me15:14
killedkillercbut then they're in here asking for more help15:14
XddRÛûÛûÛû :)))15:14
ikonia!skype | HeyHelp15:14
ubottuHeyHelp: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga15:14
ikoniaXddR: english only please15:15
marceltones, you can do that but then you have to go to the website again if there is an updated version15:15
ikoniaHeyHelp: if you follow the links ubottu gave to you (again) you'll be fine15:15
AloushAAnybody here got experience with Steam counter strike source on wine?15:15
tonesmarcel, fair point15:15
koolkartikarmornick: in the update manager i m unable 2 update linux -image-2.6.24-19 generic and generic15:15
fevelis there any easy to set up High availability tool for ubuntu?15:15
basajaunI have made changes to permissions  to access files on a hard drive that also contains another version of ubuntu but now when I want to log onto that drives my permissions are messed up how can I change this15:15
ikoniafevel: nothing easy15:15
XddR<ikonia>  ÷òî ïî ðóññêå íà ïèøè15:15
fevelwhat you got ikonia ? heartbeat?15:16
Tetsuoookoolkartik, I have no idea, I havent updated my ubuntu for a month, but installing new stuff still works despite the errors15:16
troopperi!wine > AloushA15:16
koolkartikarmornick:hope u'll get a bit of my problem?15:16
frostburnis there a way to default strip markup in a copy/paste?15:16
ikonia!ry | XddR15:16
TarBarI'm going to be installing ubuntu server, What does it like better..IDE or SATA?15:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ry15:16
LjL!ru | xdrr, quit it15:16
ubottuxdrr, quit it: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:16
ikoniaLjL: thank you15:16
antinekozagibu: I've got a profile.d folder in etc and a .profile file in my home dir which I can't figure out how to edit. Should I put the script location in there?15:16
marcel koolkartik can you do in a console / terminal: sudo apt-get install15:16
emilieni get /etc/xsession permission denied in creating mkrtmp , this could be related to me accidenly deleting /tmp .15:16
chennoantineko: man bash15:17
mattgyver83is it possible to make a dvd from a youtube video?15:17
armornickmattgyver83: yes, very complicated process15:17
=== mike is now known as Guest45260
koolkartikTetsuooo: yeah it works for me too but smtimes it creates errors15:17
nubuntuikonia co ty taki kozak niby! jesteś15:17
mattgyver83does anyone have a link that i could look at?15:17
MrKlowni have a question for you all15:17
ikonia!pl | nubuntu15:17
ubottunubuntu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:17
marcelMrKlown, all of us?15:17
koolkartikmarcel: yeah still the same error15:17
MrKlownwell for someone marcel lol15:17
marcelkoolkartik, what is the error then?15:17
armornickmattgyver83: you'd have to download the video, convert it to something writable and then write it to a dvd15:17
marcelkoolkartik, sudo aptitude install15:18
mattgyver83like ffmpeg conver it to avi?15:18
armornickMrKlown: what's the question?15:18
AloushAAnybody here using XChat?15:18
MrKlownanyhow i've noticed on ubuntu that flash makes the computer go incredibly slow now i dunno if this is due to flash or hardware problems15:18
armornickmattgyver83: yes15:18
MrKlowndoes anyone else get severe slowdowns with flash?15:18
marcelMrKlown, AMD64?15:18
AloushAAnybody here using Xchat?15:18
bazhangMrKlown, install flashblock on ff15:18
toneshey guys, what kernel version does ubuntu 8.10 use mainly15:18
MrKlownpeople keep asking me that marcel and i have no idea how to answer that15:18
antinekoMrKlown: I do15:18
MrKlownbaz no i need flash15:18
koolkartikmarcel: o newly installed 0 2 not upgraded something like this15:18
antinekoMrKlown: In fullscreen15:19
killedkillerctones, the current one?15:19
armornicktones: try uname -r in a terminal15:19
marcelMrKlown, do you have a 64 bit ubuntu installed15:19
MrKlownantineko i found yoville on myspace to basically go incredibly bad15:19
MrKlownno marcel15:19
emilienmattgyver83: do not need software to dowload of youtube , it saves the video in /tmp automaticly15:19
toneskilledkillerc: thanks15:19
bazhangMrKlown, you still can use flash, just only what you select15:19
AloushAif you use XChat private message me15:19
tonesarmornick: thanks too15:19
emilieni get /etc/xsession permission denied in creating mkrtmp , this could be related to me accidenly deleting /tmp .15:19
jurism<www-data@ubuntu>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address (in reply to RCPT TO command)) what file should I change? /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname? Thank You!15:19
Ropechoborramarcel,  from the Sound Settings in System -> Preferences i here the test sound with ALSA config. but i cant here any other sound15:19
mattgyver83emilien, thanks, didnt know that15:19
marcelkoolkartik, what is the error? i dont see the problem, just two not upgraded, thats normal15:19
antinekoHow do I add init-script to current profile?15:19
MrKlownbazhang i understand that but it's one single app that i need to use that goes extremely slow, i mean it makes my computer go down to a crawl in ubuntu, it didn't in xp15:19
marcelRopechoborra, use alsamixer in the terminal to set mixer settings15:20
AlphaGemprogram in C crash with segmentation fault on my system, but not on another one, some hint?15:20
Ropechoborramarcel, sorry, i do here sounds from youtube for example15:20
MorclyeWhy is "sudo make install_local" just giving me "make: *** No rule to make target `install_local'.  Stop." instead of installing program?15:20
koolkartikmarcel: i.e those 2 generic images cant be installed15:20
deathbybunniesHi -- trying to use gitso, and it says I have to open/forward port 5500 -- how do I do this?15:20
marcelRopechoborra, sudo apt-get install alsa-oss15:20
chennoMorclye: because there is no install_local target in the makefile15:20
marcelkoolkartik, try sudo aptitude instll linux-image-xxxx-generic15:20
MrKlownthat would be in your router settings death15:20
basajaunis there a command from root shell to restore all permissions?15:20
marcelkoolkartik, aptitude helps with conflicts15:21
MrKlowni think you type in http://forgottheaddresslol15:21
noraXantineko: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/15:21
Ropechoborramarcel,  installing15:21
MrKlownthe local15:21
koolkartikmarcel:ok i'll check it out thnx15:21
armornickMorclye: your program can't install locally15:21
mkultrashey how do i decompile an .swf/flash  file on linux is there only windows utilities to do that ?15:21
ikoniamkultras: you can't15:21
chennoarmornick: no, there is no target like that in the makefile15:22
Ropechoborramarcel, Now it works! :)15:22
RopechoborraThank you so much ! :)15:22
marcelRopechoborra, of course15:22
MrKlownmk can't use wine?15:22
armornickchenno: that's what I meant, sorry15:22
Ropechoborramarcel, what is alsa-oss ?15:22
epaphushey guys, where can I download cool wallpapers..?15:22
nubuntuikonia zachcialo ci się banować he he15:22
mkultrasi tried using wine but the app crashes the trellix one anyway ill try more15:22
ikoniaepaphus: gnome-look.org15:22
ikonia!pl | nubuntu15:22
marcelRopechoborra, oss is an older sound system that is used by some legacy appliations15:22
noraXepaphus: gnome-look or kde-look15:22
bazhangepaphus, gnome-look.org or deviant art15:22
armornickRopechoborra: it makes oss programs use alsa, it's a sound thing15:22
killedkillercepaphus, that type of talk belongs in #wallpapers15:22
marcelRopechoborra, alsa-oss makes sure that oss is also supported15:22
Morclyechenno and armornick: How can I install the program then? Instructions told me to just use that command. I haven't installed anything before that hasn't been found with Synaptic so I don't really know what to do other than follow the instruction that doesn't work.15:22
killedkillercepaphus, also, try google images15:23
marcelRopechoborra, you can also find out by doing: apt-cache show alsa-oss15:23
Ropechoborramarcel, and why it is not installed by default ?15:23
ikonia!pl | nubuntu15:23
ubottunubuntu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:23
armornickMorclye: try sudo make install15:23
killedkillerc!google | epaphus15:23
ubottuepaphus: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux15:23
epaphuskilledkillerc, nobody is in #wallpapers...15:23
marcelRopechoborra, no idea15:23
chennoMorclye: read the README or INSTALL file that comes with the package, use --prefix or check the Makefile for appropriate targets15:23
ikoniaepaphus: http://www.gnome-look.org as suggested15:23
killedkillercor google15:24
Lint01how can I check if ACPI is working?15:24
deathbybunniesHi -- could anyone advise on how to open/forward port 5500 for gitso?15:24
armornickLint01: it should work by default15:24
ikoniadeathbybunnies: you will need to do it at your router level15:24
Morclyechenno: Readme that came with source code package tells to do exactly the same thing, I'll try what armornick suggested and see if that works15:25
deathbybunniesikonia: Would you be able to point me at a tut or good place to look for one?15:25
Lint01armornick, apparently it don't, system just hangs when is shutting down15:25
koolkartikmarcel: "Errors were encountered while processing "var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image....15:25
ikoniadeathbybunnies: the manual for your router is a good place to start15:25
marcelkoolkartik, yes...15:25
mkultrasya the sothink decompiler crashes wine and crossover wine, as does the trellix one, i guess i gota get a vm15:25
koolkartikmarcel:E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:25
ripnode4I havent used linux in 7 years and want to use unbuntu, I have a couple of questions.  Is it save to install Jaunty RC1 as my primary OS? (On my laptop), do I need a windows partition read files from or does wine only need access to the files?15:25
deathbybunniesikonia: Cheers -- this could get a little deep!15:25
MrKlownare those wysiwg editors for ubuntu fairly good?15:25
koolkartikmarcel: this is the error mesage15:25
ikoniadeathbybunnies: normally very straight forward if you read the text15:25
marcelkoolkartik, did you do sudo aptitude install?15:26
armornickLint01: try running sudo /usr/sbin/acpid15:26
koolkartikmarcel: yeah15:26
marcelhow does pastbin work here?15:26
marcelkoolkartik, can you paste the error for me?15:26
ikonia!pastebin | marcel15:26
ubottumarcel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:26
armornickripnode4: jaunty should be safe to install, but beware that it is still a release candidate and not a final release15:26
marcelkoolkartik, can you put the error in paste.ubuntu.com?15:26
koolkartikmarcel: sure15:27
marcelikonia, thanks15:27
Lint01acpid is already running15:27
marcelkoolkartik, give me the url after your done15:27
emilieni get error when i start X i get error mkdtemp ; private socket; permission denied . I tried googling but only have lynx ;(15:27
armornickLint01: have you tried installing startupmanager and then make it show the shutdown messages so you can see where it hangs?15:27
phetips(anyone got any clue why my irssi sometimes only refreshes when i click the terminal screen? ncurses seems to be properly installed)15:27
Ropechoborramarcel,  Uhmmm now Amarok or Audacious doesnt work. Amarok says audio device is busy15:28
zetherooI am trying to install ubuntu but keep getting the busybox shell .... please help15:28
marcelRopechoborra, restart the applications15:28
Ropechoborramarcel,  I did. Maybe if i restart the pc?15:28
marcelRopechoborra, give it a try15:29
noraXzetheroo: run dmesg and see what you get, r u trying to install jaunty?15:29
RopechoborraOk, be right back15:29
koolkartikmarcel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/152827/15:29
emilieni get error when i start X i get error mkdtemp ; private socket; permission denied . I tried googling but only have lynx ;(15:29
zetheroo noraX: trying to install hardy on a Netbook via usb stick15:29
vladhey,I have this strange webcam problem-I can access it via "cheese webcam booth",but with camorama-it gives me a couldn't connect to device warning,but the webcam activity monitor shows that it is on when I start the app and off when it closes.I am running on an acer aspire with a builtin camera15:30
Lint01armornick, what should I set in startupmanager exactly?15:30
noraXzetheroo: I hade alot of problem with my intel graphic chip when I tried to install jaunty.15:30
phetipsanyone know this problem? irssi not refreshing untill i click the terminal window?15:30
=== Guest45260 is now known as snuwoods
marcelkoolkartik, what kernel are you running now? uname -r15:30
zetheroo noraX: I am not installing Jaunty15:30
armornickLint01: I'm using a dutch version but it should be the last checkbox option on the first tab, something like show text during boot15:31
Foorjohannes: Hi15:31
=== |Zippo|_ is now known as |Zippo|
ah7013hi i have installed ubuntu 9.04 release candidate will i be able to upgrade to the final when it comes out?15:31
Pedranjohannes: Hai15:31
Lint01armornick, I'll try it15:32
armornickah7013: should be possible15:32
johannes_ich hab mal ne frage15:32
zagibuah7013: no, you will be forever doomed to use 9.04 RC, FOREVER15:32
johannes_hat wer zeit15:32
marcelkoolkartik, if you are running now a newer kernel, remove the older one with: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic15:32
ah7013armornick: thanks!15:32
armornick!de | johannes_15:32
ubottujohannes_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:32
PedranI 'think' that said you are in the english channel, please change to the german channel, thank you15:33
=== john is now known as Guest31444
PedranWas I close?  ;p15:33
alex3what was packed for compiling ?15:33
alex3apt-get install essential ?15:33
armornickPedran: yep15:33
armornickalex3: build-essential, I think15:33
HeyHelpI downloaded skype from the website BUT15:33
marcelaLeSD, sudo apt-get install build-essential15:33
HeyHelpit aint lettin me install15:33
zetherooany help here?15:33
HeyHelpfrom file manager15:34
HeyHelpPlease help15:34
marcelaLeSD, sorry wrong person15:34
aLeSDmarcel: thanks15:34
armornickHeyHelp: have you tried adding medibuntu and then apt-get install skype15:34
Ropechoborramarcel, everything ok ! :) Thanks!15:34
DJones!medibuntu | HeyHelp15:34
ubottuHeyHelp: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:34
marcelRopechoborra, glad it works now15:34
parthdoes anyone know how to get webcam working in windows as guest OS and ubuntu 8.10 as host?15:35
armornickparth: virtualbox or vmware?15:35
=== gnu is now known as Guest19378
parthvirtualbox puel version15:37
partharmornick:virtualbox puel15:37
kaffienHow big of a file must i try to access on ext4  for it to cause a kernel panic?15:37
lvhI'm usually an irssi user, but I'm looking for a cool IRC client that works nicely with Gnome. Running jaunty.15:38
armornickparth: with what kind of cable is the webcam connected?15:38
JMFTheVCIarmornick: VMware. I tried both but VMware was more flexible15:38
kaffienor bitchx if you prefer the console15:38
armornicklvh: pidgin15:38
kaffienxchat also has a console client15:38
armornickJMFTheVCI: lol, what?15:39
kaffienpitty they haven't / won't  port hydrairc to linux ..... sigh15:39
koolkarti1marcel: sorry  i didnt get any msg due to internet connection problem15:39
bazhangmicm92, ??15:40
micm92como estas15:40
micm92como te llams15:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:40
bazhang!es | micm9215:40
ubottumicm92: please see above15:40
alex3bazhang: first :P15:41
armornickmicm92: hi15:41
micm92uatedes no ablan español???15:41
koolkarti1can any one help me with this prob http://paste.ubuntu.com/152827/15:41
bazhangalex3, hehe15:41
bazhangmicm92, /join #ubuntu-es15:42
alex3micm92: this is english support only15:42
koolkarti1 armornick: http://paste.ubuntu.com/152827/15:42
Pedranmicm92: howdy15:42
AloushGuys nickserv is saying this username is already registered yet i am still able to use it whats up?15:43
lvhI'm looking for a partition imaging tool.15:43
lvhIs partimage a good idea?15:43
PedranAloush: That means no-one in the room is currently using it, but someone has registered it with password.15:43
bigjockerAloush, you can use it until the owner arrives15:43
armornicklvh: doesn't clonezilla do that?15:43
lvhAloush: It also means that as soon as the owner arrives, he can boot you off the server.15:43
AloushPedran, ohh so i can't register this name?15:43
lvharmornick: I don't know, I'm looking for software. I'll take a look at clonezilla, hang on.15:44
alex3lvh: gparted15:44
=== Peter3 is now known as iPeter-
micm92Americanists are15:44
MorclyeUnless the owner doesn't identify with nickserv for was it 60 days or something15:44
AloushPedran, why would somebody want to use this name? i use it on the forums and everywhere and nobody ever has it how cna i check if its me who registered it but forgot?15:44
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:44
alex3Aloush: /join #freenode15:44
koolkarti1armornick: can u get my error now :)15:44
micm92pasenmelo got mail15:45
PedranAloush: That one goes beyond my limited experience my friend.  It could be that you 'have' registered the name, but didn't login properly.15:45
Aloushalex3, ok now what?15:45
DJonesAloush: That name hasn't been used for over a year by its original user, if you join #freenode you could ask them to drop the registration and you'll be able to register it for yourself15:45
jingjingthe ubuntu 9.04 now release?15:45
alex3Aloush: ask there15:45
henuxthe Ubuntu 9.04 Alternate i386 cd image seems to be corrupted or something. I have tried to burn it to a CD via wodim multiple times but it always ends up containing buffer I/O errors. Anyone else have had this problem?15:45
micm92dementia mail15:45
AloushDJones, ok i'm not freenode now what?15:45
alex3Aloush: aks there15:45
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode15:46
armornickkoolkarti1: I can't help you15:46
toanhelp me?15:46
henuxthe Ubuntu 9.04 Alternate i386 cd image seems to be corrupted or something. I have tried to burn it to a CD via wodim multiple times but it always ends up containing buffer I/O errors. Anyone else have had this problem?15:46
alex3toan: !ask15:46
toanhow to config DHCP on ubuntu15:46
Aloushalex3, i asked if i can have it15:46
micm92are americanist15:46
alex3henux: ask on /#ubuntu+115:46
alex3micm92: english is international language15:46
HeyHelpEVERYBODY i installed Skype Wooohoo15:46
armornickHeyHelp: congrats15:47
HeyHelpThank you15:47
armornicktoan: should be automatically15:47
koolkarti1can anyone helo me with this problem   http://paste.ubuntu.com/152827/15:47
armornicktoan: are you using wireless, adsl, or something else?15:47
toani'm adsl15:47
alex3toan: right click on wired connections -> edit connections15:47
armornicktoan: is it via ethernet?15:48
alex3toan: make what i said15:48
armornicktoan: try sudo pppoeconf in a terminal, works much better than the gnome network manager15:48
emilieni get error when i start X i get error mkdtemp ; private socket; permission denied . I tried googling but only have lynx ;(15:48
=== koolkarti1 is now known as koolakrtik
armornickemilien: try sudo chmod +x /temp in a terminal15:49
=== koolakrtik is now known as koolkartik
chennoarmornick: what's /temp?15:49
MorclyeAloush: When I lost my password for nickserv and could't register it again I used tips on this page to contact staff and they kindly sent me command to reset password in mail, check it out http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode15:49
toanhow to install host server on my computer?15:49
armornickchenno: a temporary directory15:49
toanhow to install host server on my computer?15:50
chennoarmornick: isn't that called /tmp?15:50
toanhow to install host server on my computer?15:50
toanhow to install host server on my computer?15:50
FloodBot3toan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
alex3toan: be patient15:50
armornickchenno: right, typo15:50
Ghoti_emilien: chmod +x /tmp might work better :)15:50
PedranReloading default drivers (ati v/nvidia chipset) from command prompt when gui won't load in 8.10?   Do I just type this after login:  aticonfig --initial -f or is there somewhere special I have to go (or program to open) before I can do it?15:50
toanhow to install host server on my computer?15:50
Aloushthanks everybody i registered my name now15:51
Ghoti_pedran: apt-get remove {ati,nvidia}* should do the trick, I think15:51
=== alex3 is now known as aleX1
KnirghPedran: try ctrl+alt+F1 to get into virtual terminal (tty1)15:51
Ghoti_toan: what sort of host? what sort of server?15:51
=== aleX1 is now known as AleX-
KnirghPedran: and to get back to gnome, hit alt+F715:51
toanserver ubuntu15:52
toanserver http15:52
koolkartikis there anyone who can help me ? :(15:52
Knirghtoan: what do you mean with host server?15:52
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
Knirghkoolkartik: only if you have a question15:52
AleX-koolkartik: say your problem15:52
hateball!anyone | koolkartik15:52
ubottukoolkartik: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:52
toani want to webs server15:52
PedranKnirgh: So when it boots like that (old-school dos/linux look) I bring up the virt term, then type the command?  Thank you Knirgh.  <--noob.15:52
xolveWhen I upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid I was shocked:15:52
xolve1) To find that Compiz or Kwin effects are not available. This was the effect of blindly believing that increased version means "more" features.15:52
xolve2) Bluetooth didn't work. (Very minor problem, I could get it working using an older kernel)15:52
xolveJaunty rc is out there and I want to ask the users those who have tested it on Intel 845 graphics chip. Does the desktop effects work?15:52
FloodBot3xolve: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
Knirghtoan: i'd recommend a LAMP serverf15:53
AleX-xolve:  !partebin15:53
Ghoti_toan: to install ubuntu, generally you just need to boot the CD and follow directions.  To install an HTTP server, use applications -> add/remove, apt-get, or other package managers15:53
Slart!jaunty | xolve15:53
ubottuxolve: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:53
KnirghPedran: yes try that15:53
PedranThank you very much15:53
hateball!lamp | toan15:53
ubottutoan: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:53
eugenhey I'm trying to install kdenlive, and it says I need to install latest version of mlt....how do Ido that?15:53
ripnode4karmac koala ftw15:53
armornickeugen: is kdenlive part of ubuntu?15:54
eugenarmorn: i dont think so..15:54
AleX-koolkartik: what are you trying to do ?15:54
armornickripnode4: arch makes that koala its ****15:54
Ghoti_armornick: What's the release after koala? leaping lizard? lounging llama?15:55
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
armornickGhoti_: I'll check my crystal ball :D15:55
AleX-and the latest will be Windows Wista15:55
ripnode4armenb: karmic koala is codename for ubuntu 9.10 :)15:55
MorclyeWhy I get 'setting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe(254) [OK]' on complete black screen when I try to watch digital TV with USB tuner?15:56
Ghoti_AleX-: why in the blazes would anyone downgrade from Ubuntu to Windows (Vista or any other version)? :)15:56
koolkartik Alex: m not able 2 install this update via update manager n when trying with tried with terminal then this error appeared15:56
ripnode4i know you know that im confused about your statement tho :D15:56
AleX-Ghoti_: dont want make here flame war :)15:56
armornickripnode4: I know, I just like arch linux better15:56
Ghoti_AleX-: Good idea :)15:57
ripnode4ubuntu karmic koala > archlinux15:58
AleX-koolkartik: i cant help you15:58
koolkartikAlex: thnx15:58
AleX-koolkartik: you are trying to install kerenl image...:X15:58
koolkartikAlex: yeah15:58
armornickripnode4: let's stop the argument there or we'll start a flamewar ;)15:59
AleX-koolkartik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83528215:59
beuhHello. I have a problem, when I start a second X.Org server, I haven't sound. Can you help me ?15:59
ripnode49.10 is schedule for oct 29th right15:59
Ghoti_beuh: you're trying to run two X servers at the same time?15:59
beuhGhoti, Yes16:00
Ghoti_beuh: It's my understanding that only one can "own" the sound stack (be it pulseaudio, OSS, or ALSA) at any one time16:00
chennoGhoti_: wrong. the x server has nothing to do with sound16:01
Cpudan80Ghoti_: not really, multiple processes can push sounds to the card at once16:01
Cpudan80ie. listen to music and get pinged by pidgin16:01
beuhGhoti, Ok16:01
Cpudan80ALSA does this better for older cards IMHO16:01
armornickCpudan80: that's not the same thing, X is a server16:01
Ghoti_Cpudan80: chenno: I know X isn't the sound server; that's what pulse/oss/alsa are16:01
HeyHelpHey How do i check on ubuntu if my mike is workin????????16:02
Cpudan80I thought you were talking about audio ...16:02
HeyHelpcos it aint pickin up any sound on amsn :(16:02
aspoorsound man16:02
AleX-HeyHelp: Mike ? :D16:02
Mike_lifeguardI'm having difficulty mounting my windows partition (again). I had it setup to mount on boot with /etc/fstab: "/dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 2" but it's not mounted, and I'm told I don't have permission to do so or that it can't be done because "NTFS is marked to be in use"16:03
AleX-HeyHelp: try sound recorder ? :D16:03
HeyHelpi meant microphone16:03
beuhI start a second X server on the same user account16:03
AleX-HeyHelp: its ugly idea but easiest :D16:03
Mike_lifeguardoh, I also see "$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown" O.o16:03
Mike_lifeguardso... I guess I will boot into  Windows (ugh) and shut it down nicer than I did previously 9.916:04
Ghoti_Mike_lifeguard: on a terminal, try sudo mount /media/windows16:04
* Mike_lifeguard stabs Windows16:04
Mike_lifeguardnah, I think I figured it out16:04
Mike_lifeguardbut I'll be back if not XD16:04
govindIf I logout and try to login again the machine hangs16:04
Ghoti_Mike_lifeguard: if that fails due to a dirty NTFS, it'll usually give you the exact command to force it to mount16:04
koolkartikalex: i tried  dat n my boot partitions are not full16:04
govindHELP If I logout and try to login again the machine hangs16:05
=== aiuw is now known as Guest99988
govindI had to only reboot16:05
HeyHelpHow do i configure mike on Ubuntu?????????16:05
aspoorgo go go.  ETA 3 min16:05
govindIs that a problem with ubuntu??16:05
armornickgovind: do you have an app to look at the system messages?16:06
aspooryou dont use sound man. I already told you that16:06
AloushCan somebody help me with Steam?16:06
govindlike ?16:06
HeyHelpi did use sound16:06
armornickAloush: wine16:06
HeyHelpIt aint workin16:06
AleX-Aloush: which problem ?16:06
koolkartikalex: dont know waht to do now16:06
Ghoti_!wine | Aloush16:06
ubottuAloush: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:06
AleX-koolkartik: dont know too x(16:06
AloushWell could we go to a private thign its easier to see and stuff?16:06
Aloushoh wait16:06
aspoorI have not used CUPS.  Is it easy to install with Vista 64x?16:07
AloushMy problem seems to of fixed it's self16:07
trippsssI want to type some accented greek characters. what is the easiest way to do this? I want to be able to copy/paste to the web when I'm done16:07
AloushLet me try something now16:07
armornickaspoor: CUPS is the priting system16:07
koolkartikAlex: ok n thnx16:07
armornickaspoor: *printing16:07
aspooris it pretty easy to share with an NTFS Vista mount?16:07
armornickaspoor: well, it should be possible16:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses-devel16:08
infomomohey guys how can i re-install a package ?16:08
ericdcI am attempting to remaster a CD (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server) to automate its installation. Then the installer complains about not finding the CD-ROM (USB CD-ROM Drive). I guess some USB module is not installed. So I press "continue". It proposes to load a driver from floppy, eventually it brings me back to the installation menu when it fails. I choose detect cdrom and it works fine but goodbye automation!16:08
aspoorWe are on the verge of something so beautiful but yet so small.  Many do not see it....16:08
=== BromaxSux1 is now known as BromaxSux
armornickinfomomo:uninstall then reinstall16:08
AloushI am using playonlinux and when i run Counter strike source i get platform error: module failed to initialize when running it16:08
Ghoti_infomomo: sudo apt-get --reinstall install $package16:08
AleX-infomomo: apt-get install -reinstall package16:08
xanguainfomomo: just open Synaptic16:08
Piciinfomomo: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename16:08
xanguaand search the package16:08
infomomoeasy guys, easy LOLOLOL :D:D:D16:09
AleX-infomomo: ghoti's command xD16:09
biv6hello is there a gui program I can use in ubuntu to make an ssh connection16:09
Ghoti_biv6: you mean more GUI-y than gnome-terminal?16:09
Picibiv6: ssh from the openssh package16:09
perlsyntaxWhere can we download the ubuntu 9.04 Release Candidate?16:09
Piciperlsyntax : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:10
infomomothis is why i need to reinstall linux-headers : http://i43.tinypic.com/e1f3oz.png16:10
armornickbiv6: ssh -X user@host16:10
biv6is openssh already installed?16:10
ikoniabiv6: check, dpkg -l | grep ssh16:10
Picibiv6: not by default16:11
Ghoti_biv6: the ssh client is there by defauly, openssh-server is not.16:11
benkong2I have a fresh install of ubuntu running screen and conky16:11
armornickinfomomo: have you tried sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$( uname -r )16:11
benkong2conky shows apt-get running as a top memory user and my question is why?16:12
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armornickinfomomo: and add --reinstall behind install if it's already installed16:12
benkong2looks like apt is being run on startup automatically and I do not know why?16:12
Ghoti_armornick: is the $( command ) syntax any different from `command` ?16:12
AleX-Aloush: it seems as steam problem not linuxe / wine16:12
biv6ok thanks guys :)   new ubuntu user luvin it16:12
armornickGhoti_: dunno, it's a command I found when I had a similar problem16:12
AloushAleX-, what?16:12
infomomoarmornick: linux-headers-2.6.27-14-generic is already the newest version.16:13
chennoGhoti_: no, it's the same16:13
armornickinfomomo: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-$( uname -r )16:14
armornickinfomomo: it's a lot, I know16:14
Ghoti_chenno: thanks!16:14
aspoorgood.  hexZ won.16:15
christian_lappyhi guys16:15
aspoorgood shit16:15
armornickchristian_lappy: hi16:15
ikoniaaspoor: polease control your language16:15
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:15
ikoniano problem16:15
chennoGhoti_: $() is preferred though, see http://wooledge.org:8000/BashFAQ/08216:15
=== csanda is now known as thule
AloushCan anybody help me installing aurora gtk theme engine?16:15
christian_lappyarmornick: i woukld like to upgrade to 9.04 but it does not work16:16
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christian_lappyarmornick: i have kubuntu 8.1016:16
armornickchristian_lappy: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:16
christian_lappyi did an sudo16:16
christian_lappyarmornick: i tried sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:16
Picichristian_lappy : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:16
Pici9.04 is offtopic for #ubuntu until it has been released.16:17
AleX-Aloush: you have there manual :P16:17
armornickPici: it's about ubunt 'cause he's trying to upgrade16:17
christian_lappyPici: ok,thnks16:17
Ghoti_chenno: interesting.  I never even knew $() was a viable alternative to ``16:17
Ghoti_Ghoti_: thanks again!16:17
Ghoti_chenno:  thanks again :)16:18
* Ghoti_ feels silly for thanking himself16:18
AleX-Ghoti_: you thanks yourself ^_^16:18
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feveldoes anyone know about SIEM solutions?16:18
dark-lilbennyhi everyone16:18
Piciarmornick: #ubuntu+1 is the dedicated Jaunty/9.04 channel. period.16:18
ugliefroganyone here use a dvb card successfully in ubuntu16:18
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out16:19
armornickdark-lilbenny: hi16:19
dark-lilbennydid someone use successfully Bluetooth in ubuntu on a toshiba M800?16:19
Sqrt[i]how do you change the window shadow settings?16:19
govind_Help: system hangs on logout and login16:19
dark-lilbennyeverything works well except bluetooth16:19
Ghoti_Sqrt[i]: System -> preferences -> appearance16:20
ashmew2govind , which version u using ?16:20
ugliefrogAlex:There is no help for me there...I need someone who has done it..It doesnt tell me what to do where Iam at16:20
dark-lilbennydoes someone have an idea?16:20
infomomoanyone knows how to attange this problem: http://i43.tinypic.com/e1f3oz.jpg16:20
AleX-ugliefrog: so i dont know sorry :(16:20
ashmew2govind , what exactly16:20
ikoniainfomomo: yes, install the headers16:20
Sqrt[i]goshawk, I want to changethe shadow radius16:20
ashmew2is your problem ?16:20
armornickSqrt[i]: install compiz-settings-manager or something like that16:21
PiciSqrt[i]: compizconfig-settings-manager16:21
Sqrt[i]armornick, I ahve it installed, I can not find that option16:21
aspoorI have a question.  Why does firefox 3.0 disable the main menu when using Ubuntu 8.10.  I cannot even reset it.  What am I doing wrong.16:21
govind_On first time login I get into the system. Now if I logout and try to login again The system hangs16:21
ashmew2Sqrt: open a terminal and do "ccsm" pres senter16:21
PiciSqrt[i]: Help for specific configurations for compiz can be found in #compiz16:21
chazcoAre there any major issues with running Kaffeine under Ubuntu (ie, gnome)?16:21
Ghoti_aspoor: you mean the title bar disappears? press F11 twice16:21
ashmew2govind: Have you tried doing that using a tty? Ctrl Alt F116:21
aspoorok lemme check16:22
xanguaaspoor: disable the main menu ¿?16:22
ashmew2Ghoti: Ive run caffeine under gnome , i dont remember any major issues16:22
govind_no I am trying it at the login window16:22
ashmew2so , it just stops responding ?16:22
armornickPici, are you a mod by any chance? ;)16:22
Ghoti_govind_: next time it hangs, try ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X16:22
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armornickchazco: there shouldn't be16:22
govind_As I press enter the login window goes and later on system hangs16:23
Ghoti_govind_: not to be confused with ctrl-alt-del!16:23
chazcoAh good :) Thanks armornick. Seems to be the only real option for DVB16:23
ashmew2govind: wait a sec , ill be back in just 2 se16:23
armornickGhoti_: what does ctr alt del do under linux?16:23
govind_The keyboard also stops responding. Only option left is hard boot16:23
Ghoti_armornick: sets initlevel to 6 (i. e. reboot)16:23
infomomoikonia: i did he still doesn't find them, reboot?16:24
infomomothis is what it looks like guys: http://i44.tinypic.com/e7yqft.png16:24
chennoinfomomo: why don't you just point that installer thing to the right location?16:24
govind_so as the functioning stops I am leftout with no option of softboot16:24
ashmew2govind: Are you using an intel chipset with onboard video ?16:25
Ghoti_govind_: so ctrl-alt-backspace does nothing?16:25
ashmew2govind: Try taking a look here though : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5051216:25
Sqrt[i]how do you change the number of lines of the scroll wheel?16:25
govind_intel chipset with onboard video gives the problem?16:25
Sqrt[i]right now it is going very fast16:25
bbeecher2Hey - I'm having some problems with my sound. I've gone through every forum post/sound guide I could find over the last few days, and I'm still not getting any luck16:26
ashmew2govind : yes may be , take look here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5051216:26
ikoniainfomomo: no - you need to tell it where to look16:26
Ghoti_Sqrt[i]: system -> preferences -> mouse16:26
ashmew2bbeecher2: Whats your problem exactly ?16:26
Sqrt[i]Ghoti_, it is not there16:26
infomomoikonia: well where are the "headers" located anyways ?16:26
koomijust upgraded to jaunty and expected to see those nifty notifications. did i miss something?16:26
aspoorscore one for the good guys! It worked. woot16:26
Picikoomi : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:26
ikoniainfomomo: have you installed them ?16:26
chennoinfomomo: you are looking right at them in your last screenshot16:26
bbeecher2ashmew2: sound driver is loaded, recognized by the kernel and aplay but I can't get any sound out of it16:27
bbeecher2ashmew: I'm sorry, I should clarify - I COULD get sound out of it, until a few days ago when it just died randomly on me16:27
ashmew2bbeecher2: too silly to ask , tried alsamixer ?16:27
fevelIs ubuntu godd for SIEM?16:28
bbeecher2ashmew2: yeah, tried that.. one thing though, the standard alsamixer call brings up the controls for the pulseaudio server - I have to run it with the -c 0 flag to get the actual sound card controls16:28
Ghoti_fevel SIEM being?16:28
bonhofferdiff is taking forever to compare two directories -- is there a way to compare just by existance and modification date?16:28
infomomochenno: they are installed, the fuc*er cant find them :SS:S16:28
fevelSecurity Incident and Event Manager16:28
ashmew2bbeecher2: Have you installed drivers manually ?16:28
bbeecher2ashmew2: I already tried using asoundconf to set my default card, so I'm not sure how that working..16:28
Ghoti_bonhoffer: ls {/path/1/to/the,/path/2/to/the}file | diff might work16:29
biv6I'm using SFTP from console it doesnt seem to be showing any folders just files any ideas16:29
bbeecher2ashmew2: no - ubuntu came loaded with them... I could try reinstalling them16:29
ashmew2bbeecher2: I had the issue once..Just worked by uninstalling pulseaudio..16:29
bbeecher2ashmew2: it's something to try at least16:29
govind_btw how to look at the system messages16:29
bonhofferhmm -- a recursive ls perhaps16:29
rhosigmai need help streaming16:29
govind_is there any software available for that16:29
bonhofferGhoti_, is {} in back of ls going to do some recursion16:29
bbeecher2ashmew2: I thought pulseaudio was so baked in now that just uninstalling it would fubar everything16:30
ashmew2bbeecher2: I'd suggest you post on the forums if you havent done so already..but there's little luck of it getting solved so soon..16:30
Ghoti_bonhoffer: iteration, not recursion16:30
ashmew2bbeecher2: hold on just a sec16:30
govind_ashmew2 how to look at the system messages16:30
ashmew2bbeecher2: which distro ?16:30
govind_ashmew2: how to look at the system messages16:30
bbeecher2ashmew2: 8.1016:30
Ghoti_bonhoffer: to see what I mean, do echo {this,that}16:30
bbeecher2govind_: dmesg16:30
ashmew2govind: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-gnome-system-log-viewer/ Look kthere its explained16:31
zeroXtenso, whats the best way to create a virtual winxp in ubuntu intrepid? Vmware server 2, virtualbox, xen?16:31
infomomocan i unmount my HARDRIRVE all at once? or do i need to unmount partition by partition ?16:31
infomomoit's external16:31
PicizeroXten: Easiest is virtualbox16:31
ashmew2bbeecher2 : http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/11/fix-for-no-sound-issue-in-ubuntu-810.html16:31
Ghoti_infomomo: you can only unmount what you've mounted, so you have to unmount partition by partition16:32
infomomoGhoti_: thnaks brother16:32
Ghoti_infomomo: cheers16:32
bbeecher2ashmew2: ooo I hadn't tried killing pulseaudio.... lemme give that a shot16:32
bonhofferGhoti_, so maybe i should use tree or find -- i need to compare all the contents between two directories16:32
ashmew2bbeecher2: K try it and get back soldier xD16:32
Ghoti_bonhoffer: in that case, try:  ls {/path/to/dir1/,/path/to/dir2/} | diff16:33
Ghoti_bonhoffer: rather:  ls -l {/path/to/dir1/,/path/to/dir2/} | diff16:33
Pici!info dirdiff | bonhoffer16:33
ubottubonhoffer: dirdiff (source: dirdiff): Display and merge changes between two directory trees. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-4 (intrepid), package size 41 kB, installed size 212 kB16:33
Ghoti_Pici: Nifty find!16:34
bonhofferPIci, nice16:34
madjestyrI need some help.16:35
govind_ashmew2: Thanks for help.16:35
=== koolkarti1 is now known as koolkartik
Pici!ask | madjestyr16:35
ubottumadjestyr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:35
ashmew2govind_:np man , btw You from india ?16:35
ashmew2which part16:36
ashmew2nice im in MP16:36
govind_Also Indian?16:36
ashmew2yeah lol..Madhya Pradesh16:36
ashmew2heard of it ?:P16:36
PiciAlso #ubuntu-offtopic is for chatting.16:36
ashmew2k ;P16:36
govind_I hope so :)16:36
madjestyrI installed the Kubuntu ISO to a seperate partition playing around with differant boot options, got it to boot but it wouldn't recognize the second partition on that same disk16:36
bbeecher2ashmew2: oy - removing pulseaudio pulled ubuntu-desktop with it... gimme another second16:36
govind_Bye and good night16:37
ashmew2bb govind16:37
NAD3240hello, quick question. i am using a linksys usb wifi adapter and after suspend resumes the adapter is not picked up. i have to reinsert it or start the adapter from CL16:38
exodus_msI have a hdd that is running out of room, I also have a secondary internal drive installed and would like to combine the two as one drive. The data on the second drive is not important, but the data on the first drive needs to stay unaffected --> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/151604/16:38
Ghoti_exodus_ms: are you using LVM presently?16:39
madjestyrlet me back up, I have two hdd one has ubuntu installed on it, the other has two partitions on has the iso, vmlinuz, and initrd.gz on it, I want to install kubuntu on the second partition16:39
exodus_msGhoti_, I thought I would use gparted?16:40
madjestyrbut when kubuntu live cd boots it won't even give me an option for the second hdd16:40
hatter243Something goes wrong with ALSA frequently. It'll just loop the last like half second of sound and never stop. "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop" stops the repetitive noise but starting again brings the noise back. Any ideas?16:40
jack_weii install debian lenny16:40
corinthI'm getting weird characters in odd places in the RC. Using 64-bit. http://i44.tinypic.com/23h4z78.png . Asking here in case it's not a +1 issue.16:40
jack_weibut it's very slow16:40
Picijack_wei: And this is #ubuntu, I think you want #debian.16:41
exodus_ms!info LVM > exodus_ms16:41
Picicorinth : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:41
Ghoti_exodus_ms: gparted won't help much if you need another physical hard drive added16:41
* corinth clears his throat16:41
Picicorinth: All Jaunty issues belong in +1.16:41
corinthI don't know that it's an issue with Jaunty. It might be an issue with some modification I've done.16:41
NAD3240hello, quick question. i am using a linksys usb wifi adapter and after suspend resumes the adapter is not picked up. i have to reinsert it or start the adapter from CL. how do i bypass this stage16:41
exodus_msGhoti_, so to combine /dev/sda1  and   /dev/sdb1   to be used as one drive, I need to use LVM?16:43
tready29201anyone here have a lamp the connects with a ms sql server?16:43
Ghoti_exodus_ms: that's exactly the sort of thing LVM is for. It's a lot easier if you already are using LVM on your current drive16:44
ienorandHow do I do a "boot from local harddisk in grub menu.lst"? I boot grub from usb an want to pass it on to local hd boot.16:44
andrew_hello, can anyone help me step by step to install ndiswrapper for my dell usb 145016:45
bbeecher2ienorand: can't you see the local disks in your grub menu?16:45
bbeecher2andrew_: It's been too long since I last did it to give you the full blow by blow, but I can try to answer any questions16:45
bbeecher2andrew_: do you have the windows drivers already loaded into the nix partition?16:46
andrew_thats another problem..16:46
ClopinHey guys. I'm having major problems with Gecko (wine-gecko). Whenever i start an app which requiers gecko, it freezes and becomes a zombie process. So, I've tried reinstalling _several_ times, but nothing have worked. Any suggestions? :/16:46
andrew_I need to get the windows drivers from somewhere.. or maby extract them somehow from an exe.. but I dont have windows... on any of my machines16:46
Titan8990Clopin, use windows for windows applications16:46
andrew_bbeecher2: see above (excuse me)16:46
ClopinTitan8990: No thanks.16:47
andrew_bbeecher2:  I need to get the windows drivers from somewhere.. or maby extract them somehow from an exe.. but I dont have windows... on any of my machines16:47
Titan8990Clopin, or my personal favorite, don't use windows applications16:47
bbeecher2andrew_: hehe, thats the first step - you gotta get the files. You have any computer attatched to the network?16:47
ClopinTitan8990: Well, im addicted to WoW im afraid.16:47
ienorandbbeecher2: Well it's picked up the bcd boot loader but refuses to boot it, and I'm guessing this is probably since grub is on a different disk (usb) than it... can I just use rootnoverify (hd0) to do a localboot?16:47
Titan8990Clopin, ehh.... mainstream mmoers......16:47
exodus_msGhoti_, ok, I'm looking at some info on lvm at the moment, thanks for your help16:47
Ghoti_exodus_ms: my pleasure16:48
mpoz2How is this program called to start another X session in a window?16:48
bbeecher2andew_: you should be able to find the raw drivers - try googling the make and model of the wifi.. if that doesn't work, you can try to get them out of an exe but you're going to have to install on a windows box and then locate the drivers16:48
exodus_msGhoti_, btw, I'm not using lvm, so it looks like I will need to create a lvm partition formatted from ext3 to lvm? is this what you meant by " It's a lot easier if you already are using LVM on your current drive"16:49
Brucevdkmpoz2: it's called xnesting16:49
Ghoti_exodus_ms: that's exactly what I meant.16:49
Brucevdkmpoz2: sudo apt-get install xnest; Then use gdmflexiserver --xnest to start a session.16:49
bonhofferPici, dirdiff is awesome!16:50
bbeecher2ienorand: hmmm.. the different disks shoudn't matter as long as the boot images are correctly configured - the boot loader has an entry for your hd, but won't accept it?16:50
Picibonhoffer: Is it? I guessed on the package name.16:50
mpoz2Brucevdk: thanks :)16:50
HorusofozHi guys - Im a nooby and just wanting to know if I convert my portable hardrive to NTFS will I still be able to run my Ubuntu virtualbox image and virtual harddrive on it?16:50
exodus_msGhoti_, figures :P thanks again16:50
bbeecher2ienorand: I think rootnoverify wouldn't screw anything up, but I'm not sure thats the problem16:50
bonhofferPici, does what i want it to16:51
bbeecher2ienorand: can you paste in the bootline config?16:51
andrew_bbeecher2: how do i get the files? extract them?16:51
bbeecher2andrew_: when I was doing this I was able to find a zip someone had put together jsut containing the files I needed16:52
bbeecher2andew_: that is the best solution - thats the no fuss no muss way16:52
=== jumbers_ is now known as jumbers
andrew_bbeecher2: zip appreciated.. but from where?16:53
bbeecher2andrew_: I found them through some googlein - ndiwwrapper + make of my laptop + make of my wifi card, and some guys blog had a link to some file sharing site with them16:53
ienorandbbeecher2: As in menu-lst? : http://www.mibbit.com/pb/bQvH7Z  ( I have edited (hd0,0) to (hd0) and removed savedefault, which I was going to try just now, makeactive I added before and made no diff.16:53
bbeecher2andrew_: btw, what model wifi do you have? athros?16:53
andrew_bbeecher2: some information saying there is a linux driver ? http://forums.opensuse.org/hardware/392982-dell-1450-wireless-usb-dkms-problem.html16:53
AzalarAnyone know if the evolution in jaunty supports exchange 2007 yet?16:54
mik3hi, i have a problem i just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu on a brand new lenovo laptop and they keyboard and mouse don't work after boot up16:54
PiciAzalar : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:54
jumbersOkay, so I've installed AWStats, but it doesn't have permission to /var/log/apache2/access.log What could be the problem here? These are both out of the box setups16:54
Picijumbers: Add your user to the adm group.16:54
benkong2hello all16:54
HorusofozIf I convert my portable hardrive to NTFS will I still be able to run my Ubuntu virtualbox image and virtual harddrive on it?16:54
ienorandbbeecher2: Hang on... If grub boots from a disk, it would think that disk is hd0 right?16:55
armornickHorusofoz: probably16:55
Azalarcheers pici16:55
bbeecher2ienorand: aha - you're trying to boot a windows partition... this looks good to me - the chainloader is the part that should be telling grub to pass on control to the windows box...16:55
jumbersPici: Which user? My www-data user?16:55
benkong2how can I find out which package refers to what I am looking for? I did an apt-cache search pypanel.16:55
bbeecher2ienorand: not necessarily16:55
marcelHorusofoz, i think so, these are just files16:55
andrew_bbeecher2: I think its connexant16:55
benkong2Response was no candidate for pypanel but it is reffered to by another program16:55
ienorandbbeecher2: How can I find out what kind of naming grub has?16:56
benkong2what does that mean?16:56
marcelandrew_, lsusb16:56
andrew_bbeecher2: more nfohttp://blog.hosting4unow.com/index.php?itemid=1216:56
bbeecher2ienorand: can you boot into a shell and run df16:56
andrew_marcel: brb16:56
Picijumbers: Whichever user that needs to be able to access the logs.16:56
bbeecher2ienorand: that should give you a listing of the different disks that are loaded, and where they're mounted16:56
Horusofozmarcel: Will I be able to read and write to the Ubuntu virtual hard drive/image when running apps etc?16:57
marcelHorusofoz, i think so, there are just files16:57
jvrmrtnhello every body16:57
marcelHorusofoz, on what filesystem the images are is not important16:57
armornickHorusofoz: the virtual machine doesn't know it's on a ntfs partition16:57
ienorandbbeecher2: And does grub follow ubuntu's naming so that sda1 > hd0,0 ?16:57
bbeecher2andrew_: yeah - try grabbing those files16:57
armornickjvrmrtn: hello16:58
r3duxhey jvmrtn16:58
hemanthjvrmrtn: hi16:58
HorusofozCool :) Thanks guys16:58
bbeecher2ienorand: I think so...16:58
andrew_bbeecher2: Dell Computer Corp. Wireless 1450 Dual-band (802.11a/b/g) USB2.0 Adapter16:58
andrew_marcel: Dell Computer Corp. Wireless 1450 Dual-band (802.11a/b/g) USB2.0 Adapter16:58
marcelandrew_, sudo lshw -c network16:59
hemanthneed some help on netwroking , 5 pc's with NIC cards , I'm not using switch16:59
r3duxI've given up on Amorak parsing my stupidly large mp3 collection with invalid filenames along the line... bash scripting a filename fixer... fun fun..16:59
ienorandbbeecher2: Hmm, seems like windows is hibernated... should probably try without that first...16:59
bbeecher2r3dux: nahhhhh... thats what pythons os.path is for!16:59
r3duxbbeecher2, I only started learning python last week ---- I know nothing17:00
bbeecher2ienorand: yeah that coudn't hurt things.... you might want to try asking for answers at #grub as well, since you seem to be hitting some questions on that17:00
r3duxSo using bash to do it17:00
bbeecher2r3dux: this is a good chance to learn then! :)17:01
marcelyou can also replace filenames with the find command17:01
r3duxbbeecher2 - I can code in a dozen langs, I just don't know python and what benefit this os.path might give me - care to elaborate?17:01
bbeecher2r3dux: if you know how to code pretty well, then you probably don't need another speech that comes down to "because I like it" ;)17:02
andrew_marcel: http://pastebin.com/m199cc10517:02
r3duxI've had a thousand zips extracting to their own directories, and moved them into one with find . -name *nds > command.sh17:03
marcelandrew_, i see you already have an ip with the wireless? and its not working you say?17:03
andrew_marcel: NB: adapter works for about 10 seconds to 60 seconds using native ubuntu drivers.. with 8.10 .. then it disconnects and wont reconnect.. until reinserted.. or in some cases .. machine rebooted.17:03
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marcelandrew_ did you try with wicd? instead of network-manager?17:03
r3duxThen change all entries of "./" to "mv "./", and all endings ".nds" to ".nds" ~/ROMs17:03
bonhofferi am getting: Unrecognized option: -Xdock:name=JetS3t Cockpit Could not create the Java virtual machine.17:04
andrew_marcel: no17:04
r3duxA swift chmod+x later and running it - all you extracted files of set extension into a location of your choice17:04
marcelandrew_, i've been using wicd and has pretty good results with it, do you want to try it?17:04
bonhofferi have java version "1.6.0_10"17:04
andrew_marcel: sure17:05
marcelandrew_, sudo apt-get install wicd17:05
dundeli'm looking for a free ssh account from a server in USA, does anybody know where i can find 1?17:05
cy6|siMNAnyone here got any problems accesing harddrives in Ubuntu 9.04? i have installed the beta, and formatted the drive into ext3 with gparted. And i cant access it, When i dubbleclick it inside my "Computer" window nothing happens, Anyone had any similare problem and found a solution?17:05
andrew_marcel:  Couldn't find package wicd17:05
VnixHi i wish to view share folder from Windows . My linux ubuntu share the folder using Samba. Can anyone tell me please?17:05
bonhofferanyone know how to troubleshoot this one?17:05
Picicy6|siMN : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:05
r3duxI have a query about perl - and how you could take a bash script I wrote the other day (68 lines) and do the same thing in 4 lines of perl - any takers?17:05
Picidundel: Not here. This is a support channel.17:06
marcelandrew_, what ubuntu are you using? version? and you have repos set up correctly?17:06
Picir3dux: Try #bash or #perl17:06
andrew_marcel: 8.1017:07
andrew_marcel: not sure about repos17:07
* r3dux smiles @ Pici - okay17:07
sabufrancisanyone here can help me with audacity?17:07
marcelandrew_, please read http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php17:07
r3duxWhat prob are you having with audacity?17:08
marcelandrew_, i'm gonna eat, brb17:08
sabufrancisI'm running ubuntu 8.10 Its got an Nvidia sound card17:08
r3duxIt's got an onboard soundcard.17:08
sabufrancisFor some reason it switches to digital mode for playback in preferences17:08
r3duxProlly intel.17:08
r3duxNvidia don't do sound.17:08
moller_Ive tried looking through some errors in my wine-gecko app (asking here because it's a general question), and somewhere it says this: [/home/moller/Skrivebord/wine-1.1.18/programs/iexplore/main.c:28]. But I do not have such folder on my desktop (skrivebord)17:08
ashmew2bbeecher2: sup17:08
sabufrancisOne sec... I am a newbie. lemme chk17:08
andrew_marcel: ok17:08
moller_How can I fix it, so wine would look in the right folder and stuff.17:08
ActionParsnipyo yo yo17:09
r3duxsabufrancis, --- asoundconf list17:09
sabufrancisIt says in preferences "ALSA: HDA Nvidia: Conexant Digital"17:09
sabufrancisbut when it is Digital it does not work17:09
sabufrancisbut when it is analog it does... but problem is that it does not show the analog option at all17:10
sabufrancisIt does show it when I start Audacity the first thing after I start Ubuntu17:10
johannes_ich habe ein problem17:10
johannes_wie mache ich so lusige fizschers17:11
Pici!de | johannes_17:11
ubottujohannes_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:11
r3duxsabufrancis, I've had stacks of ALSA problems, I just upgrade to the latest and let that ride -- to do this, google "alsa install script"17:11
sabufrancisasoundconf list returns "NVidia"17:11
r3duxsabufrancis, that's really odd... cos I'm pretty sure Nvidia aren't in the soundcard market..17:12
macman_sup all17:12
sabufrancisThat is what I thought too. But it is there17:12
r3duxIt's probably a nvidia motherboard or something.17:12
r3duxnForce etc17:12
sabufrancisI've got a brand new Compaq Presario CQ60-101AU17:12
sabufrancisAMD processor17:12
flo-isbackneed help fix xorg on ubuntu 8.10 , it tries to start then fails and all starts over again.17:12
r3duxJeez ... got some details for it? lspci?17:13
sabufrancisPeculiar thing about this is that the playback works fine when I start Audaacity the first thing17:13
sabufrancissomewhere I read something about JACK which I simply did  not understand17:13
hydesterhi.  i am using gparted to resize/move an ext3 partition.  it failed and the logs say the following "ext2fs_check_if_mount: Stale NFS file handle while determining whether /dv/sda5 is mounted".  i do not use NFS and do not know how to resolve this.  any ideas?17:13
sabufrancisI got Amarok and it works fine with the sound17:13
dxdemetrioucan I save the launchers position on desktop so when they rearrange its positions to restore?17:13
solsTiCehi. i got a problem when upgrading 8.10 to 9.04 i am still runinng the old kernel (from 8.10) how do i force the creation of new entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst for the new kernel ? i already tried to reinstall grub or linux-image and nothing17:14
sabufrancisIn fact I am listening to it now17:14
sabufrancisJackson Browne :)17:14
xanguawho's having troubles with Amarok ¿?17:14
r3duxsolsTiCe,  9.04 isn't out yet....17:14
armenceHello all, I am using Ubuntu Intredid 8.1. There is a menu on the top left for the screen in GNOME called Places which has a number of folder shortcuts, how can I edit that menu?17:14
VnixHi any nice guy can help me? I can view Windows shared files using my Ubuntu but I can't view my Linux shared files on Windows.17:14
PicisolsTiCe : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:14
solsTiCer3dux: yes rc if you want17:14
xanguar3dux: for Amarok to work fine you also need to instal Xine17:14
solsTiCePici: ok17:15
=== warren is now known as htrejh
r3duxxangua, I have a lot of problems with Amarok. So much so I removed it from my box today and tried songbird. Songbird can't even parse my mp3 collection =/17:15
ienorandbbeecher2: Ah, turns out that grub was just seing the main hd as hd1 rather than hd0, since it was booted from usb stick... Not following the ubuntu naming...17:15
Mike||busyHow can I update my java? In package manager, sun-java6-jre (etc) are listed as being up-to-date, but that's version 6 update 10 & current is version 6 update 13.17:15
sabufrancisWhat is "alsa" ? Some kind of intermediate protocol?17:15
erUSUL!latest | Mike||busy17:15
ubottuMike||busy: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.17:15
Moddedhello guys, im trying to make a 80gb partition17:15
xanguar3dux: have you already installed all the codecs¿¿, what desktop dp ypu use¿¿17:15
Moddedwhats the correct size i use17:15
r3duxMike >> Add a path to your software sources with the recent java stuff17:15
Mike||busythank you, r3dux17:16
r3duxxangua, no codecs needed, use 8.10 gnome - everything latest17:16
moller_0[1a5448]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("c:\windows\gecko\0.9.1\wine_gecko\nssutil3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found17:16
moller_ What does that mean?17:16
xangualike i told you before r3dux, you need to instal Xine so Amarok can play17:16
dxdemetriouI need something like "gconftool-2 --dump /apps/panel > panel-config.dump" and "gconftool-2 --load panel-config.dump" for desktop launchers17:17
Picimoller_: Have you tried asking in #winehq yet? I see you're not really getting any answers here.17:17
moller_Pici: Aye, I have. But it's the same there. No answers yet.17:17
r3duxMike||busy, to elaborate - the ubuntu hardy repo might not have the latest java stuff - look up who does, add that third party repository, update java17:17
r3dux-hardy +ibex17:17
Vnixhow can I change workgroup name?17:17
asdfubnubwhen trying to activate the nvidiadrivers nothing happens at all. how can I fix this17:19
r3duxxangua, Amarok plays fine. I've even got a more up to date ver than the Ibex repos, it's just being a DICK very often and losing the MySQL DB I've given it access to and rebuilding a lot.17:19
lp84does ubuntu install a firewall by default, because i am having problems connecting to my proftpd server, i opened the passive ports and the port for the ftp on my router as well, and i still cannot getr a directory listing when i connect17:19
r3duxI'm just sick of amarok falling over, so I'm using nautilus and right-clicks ;)17:19
ienorandModded: in gparted? It works in #iB so just use table in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte and convert17:20
Ghoti_lp84: I think ufw might be installed by default, but I'm not certain17:20
bonhofferdoes anyone here connect to aws s3 with ubuntu -- if so, how?17:20
Pici!firewall | lp8417:20
ubottulp84: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).17:20
r3duxAny of you find your dmesg log filled with TCP/IP garbage?17:21
lp84yea i checked iptables i didnt see anything in the startup script17:21
r3duxOr is it just me?17:21
dxdemetriouwhere is the position of icons on desktop saved?17:21
r3duxI've disabled logging in GuardDog, but still it's there... think ktorrent is the source..17:21
bonhofferi can't get jets3t to work because of "Could not create the Java virtual machine."17:22
asdfubnubdoes ubuntu support 9600m gt?17:23
erUSULr3dux: the firewall logs to messages by default17:23
epaphushey guys, what was the command to remove a program to starting up automatically.. in the rcs?17:23
lstarnesepaphus: update-rc.d -f <program> remove17:23
erUSULepaphus: sudo update-rc.d -f progrma remove17:23
erUSUL!caps | DMAURO17:26
ubottuDMAURO: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:26
erUSUL!es | DMAURO17:27
ubottuDMAURO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:27
xanguaDMAURO: english please17:27
GortiZhi to all17:27
GortiZi've a question 'bout parallel compilation under ubuntu: How can i set the -j parameter for the make file such that every time that the system compiles something will use that parameter? (in gentoo is a variable into make.conf i wish to obtain something like that)17:28
zanberdoquestion about crontab: I've added an entry that looks like this: 55 08 * * * /home/maint/backup.sh -C /home/maint/backup.conf -? >> /home/maint/backup/backup_`date +%Y-%m-%d`.log 2>&1  My problem is the back-quotes around date don't seem to translate.  I've tried it is date in $() but that seems to fail too.  How do I pass a variable such as date to crontab?17:28
marcelandrew_, back17:28
marcelandrew_, you have wicd now?17:28
koolkartikhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/152890/ need help on it17:28
DragonRiftdoes anyone here use SLI17:29
marcelkoolkartik, sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic17:29
foldingstockDragonRift: I only use ABCDEFGHJKMNOPQRTUVWXYZ17:29
DragonRiftI am being serious17:30
GortiZfoldingstock: -.-'!17:30
marcelDragonRift, i'm not using it, dont see why17:30
* cousin_luigi just upgraded to jaunty: update-manager complained about not being able to install ca-certificates17:31
Sonix1aSli is for games17:31
foldingstockheh, sorry17:31
flo-isbackCan't get Xorg to start , it starts i get blank screen and can only move mouse. any help would be welcome17:31
foldingstocktbh I don't see the point on using SLI unless you're gaming17:31
foldingstockand then, you should be on Windows17:31
ActionParsnipfoldingstock: you can game well on linux17:31
usserfoldingstock, theres a point in sli even on linux, CUDA comes to mind17:32
coreyfoldingstock: there are a few and I do mean few, reasons aside from gaming to use sli17:32
r3duxfoldingstock, not to worry, I've been bash coding recently, it's a bit of a nuisance. {//[whatever you put is replaced with]/[this]}17:32
albechwhy isnt a variable exported in a script like: export VAR="VALUE" available in other later scripts? Do I have to specify it as a global variable?17:32
Sonix1aLinux ain't for gaming so sli lol17:32
coreyfoldingstock: There are a few cloud computing apps that use GPU's17:32
FoorLinux is a great os to game on there just arnt many games17:32
marcelalbech, thats an environment variable you're declaring, you should use arguments17:33
flo-isbackCan't get Xorg to start , it starts i get blank screen and can only move mouse. any help would be welcome17:33
r3duxLinux is not a great OS to game on, or even emulate on. But it IS an awesome OS.17:33
coreyFoor: Thats why I have a dual boot17:33
marcellinux is a great game os, there are just no games for it, unreal tournament runs faster then windows17:33
Sonix1adirectx is king don't think I like it but it is fact17:33
alok_Using Winduhs for gaming? whats the fun in that?17:34
r3duxI just use my 360 to game...17:34
Foorr3dux: i can run Quake wars at over 200 fps on linux compared to 44 on windows17:34
albechmarcel, i want to declare an environment variable ;)17:34
r3duxFoor, Nobody plays Quake Wars.17:34
Sonix1aThank bill gates rofl17:34
DragonRiftI am a game developer17:34
coreyFoor: Must be virus'17:34
DragonRiftand am making a mmo engine17:34
DragonRiftI need my SLI working17:34
marcelalbech, so $VAR is empty?17:34
Ghoti_r3dux: I use my 360 to watch media streamed from my Ubuntu box :)17:34
foldingstockFoor: sounds like your system has some malware running in the background17:35
r3duxGhoti, so do I, I use twonky - what do you use?17:35
coreyFoor: Yes and alot of it!17:35
marcelalbech, what does env say?17:35
Sonix1aDirectx is a monopoly17:35
Ghoti_r3dux: ushare. Never seen or heard of twonky- any good?17:35
albechno $VAR doesnt exist17:35
coreywhat is  a good application for adding and editing hotkeys?17:36
marcelalbech, to what value do you set VAR?17:36
armenceIs there a way to modify the "Places" menu?17:36
r3duxGhoti_, works for me well enough... I just point it at my videos folder on the NAS, and play whatever I want..17:36
marcelalbech, export VAR=117:36
Foorthe point im making is that linux is customizable so i can get better proformance out of it compaired to windows17:36
marcelalbech, echo $VAR17:36
epaphusthank you17:36
Ghoti_r3dux: my one complaint about ushare is that you need to restart it to refresh the files seen on the 36017:36
albechmarcel, that works17:36
marcelalbech, so what are you using in your script17:36
albechmarcel, but when export VAR=1 is within a script it is cleared when the script ends17:36
coreywhat is  a good application for adding and editing hotkeys?17:36
r3duxFoor - the point I'm making is that linux doesn't have many good games, month by month, like windows or the 360/PS3 does17:36
r3duxSimple fact.17:36
r3duxI love linux. I just game elsewhere.17:37
albechmarcel, i want another script to be able to pick up that variable later on if needed17:37
c420sis there an easy way to remove the ubuntu delivered glib?, I compiled and installed a new version, but when I try to compile atk it's still finding the old version ???17:37
marcelalbech, i've never done it that way, i think its bad design, you should give arguments to another script17:37
Foorr3dux, not having many good games doesnt mean it cant do it, it means there arnt many games17:37
albechmarcel, yes, you might be right17:37
coreyr3dux: Isnt the time between good games decreasing?17:37
marcelalbech, for instance: script_two.sh -o test17:38
koolkartikmarcel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/152896/17:38
Sonix1aGaming is not on Linux because they all want money17:38
g[r]eekHi guys - I want to test my websites on IE. What are my options for installing and running IE?17:38
Ghoti_corey: I'd rather have time to enjoy the good games before the next ones come out anyhow :)17:38
albechmarcel, you i know how that works, but it just isnt viable in this case ;)17:38
foldingstockFoor: that's kind of a redundant point; much like saying a certain type of pen is awesome for writing, but no one makes ink for it17:38
ActionParsnipr3dux: some new games will play on linux just fine17:38
r3duxlol Foor - point taken. We're a minority... one soul at a time :)17:38
albechmarcel, you = yep17:38
Ghoti_!wine > g[r]eek17:38
ubottug[r]eek, please see my private message17:38
Ubersoldatg[r]eek: you could try installing ie4linux. but it's performance sucks17:38
marcelkoolkartik, so it works again?17:38
coreyGhoti_ : I have a whole shelf full of unopened games for the ps3!17:39
g[r]eekUbersoldat, ok, so besides wine and dual booting, is there anything else?17:39
ZeZuIf you have a copy of windows you can use virtualbox :)17:39
marcelalbech, why is it not vaiable17:39
natrixnatrix89Hi.. When I create bash script.. If i create a command that requires root privileges - what would be the line before that command for it to prompt me for password?17:39
Sonix1aBlame game developers17:39
g[r]eekGhoti_, thanks17:39
Ubersoldatg[r]eek: virtualization17:39
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: ies4linux is an option but not ideal, you can run virtualbox to get an accurate test but you will need a windows license17:39
Ghoti_corey: wow, that's a lot of money collecting dust!17:39
marcelalbech, use arguments or use files like xml17:39
g[r]eekActionParsnip, I've got an original windows xp cd17:39
albechmarcel, a little hard to explain.. im pretty limited on this embedded system of mine17:39
r3duxI can play most graphics demos from pouet on VirtualBox with 3D acceleration in linux... doesn't mean I can play HL2... never tried though, tbh..17:39
koolkartikmarcel: i didn't get wat u said.17:39
lp84is there any way to change the console resolution in ubuntu server17:40
coreyGhoti_ : My fav non-franchise store went out of business and was selling stuff 95% off on the last day17:40
marcelkoolkartik, according to what i see in pastebin you have no problems17:40
Ghoti_r3dux: wine handles Source engine games splendidly :)17:40
ActionParsnipr3dux: some games have native installers created by the devs17:40
marcelalbech, you lost me17:40
r3duxGhoti - ORLY? =D17:40
Ghoti_corey: holy crap, nice deal!17:40
ActionParsnipr3dux: also check the loki installer project17:40
natrixnatrix89When I create bash script.. If i create a command that requires root privileges - what would be the line before that command for it to prompt me for password? it should be something similar to sudo..17:40
Ghoti_r3dux: really.17:40
rawfaeli am from brazil17:40
Foori refuse to play wined games i want native linux games :P17:41
Ghoti_natrixnatrix89: just as at the prompt: sudo $command_that_needs_root_access17:41
rawfaeland i cant speak english good17:41
marcelalbech, environment variables in a script have a different lifespan / scope17:41
g[r]eekActionParsnip, please elaborate on your last comment about getting an accurate test on virtualbox17:41
r3duxActionParsnip - I will, cheers17:41
albechmarcel, its all good.. i will do a little more research and see if i can change the design so it passes on an argument instead of my original idea17:41
koolkartikmarcel: thnx a lot rather thanx a ton :)17:41
coreyIs there a program for creating keyboard shortcuts?17:41
Sonix1aWine via cedega is a community effort that gets it all working but a good effort17:41
rawfaelI have a problem to use Encore ENUWI-G2 in ubuntu 8.1017:41
r3dux(check loki-installer that is)17:41
koolkartikthnx everybody for solving my prob17:41
Ghoti_corey: you talking about in X or at the command line?17:41
rawfaelcan you help me?17:41
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: well running ie thriugh wine wont show 100% accurately how it will look as all the windows control commands are translated to linux ones via wine17:42
marcelalbech, there is an standard way of parsing script arguments, i forgot the name17:42
marcelkoolkartik, ok, no problem17:42
coreyGhoti_ : IDK. I am a noob and I keep using windows shortcuts and weird things are happening17:42
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: so an accurate test would be virtualisation17:42
g[r]eekActionParsnip, i want to know what it will look like in IE on a windows box :)17:42
boo-hooanyone using netbook remix candidate??17:42
g[r]eekActionParsnip, ok so that's where "virtualbox" come sin?17:42
Ghoti_corey: what are you trying to do, exactly?17:42
g[r]eekcomes in17:42
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
r3duxI tried Windows Beta 7 in VM as my first ever virtual machine... it looks okay, but runs like a dog17:42
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:43
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: then you need a windows boot for 100% accuracy17:43
knobcottageboo-hoo: I use easy peasy netbook17:43
r3duxXP runs a lot better, and with 3D accel in VirtualBox17:43
boo-hooKnightlust, whats that?17:43
coreyGhoti_, windows key + m      this mininmizes all in windows but inverts colors in ubuntu17:43
foldingstockr3dux: W7 runs very well as an install, faster than XP on modern hardware17:43
marcelalbech, see http://aplawrence.com/Unix/getopts.html17:43
r3dux(32-bit XP guest OS, that is)17:43
foldingstockr3dux: I haven't tested in a VM though17:43
g[r]eekActionParsnip, ok so basically i must install windows on my other pc is what you're saying ;_17:43
ActionParsnipr3dux: on dual core systems vmware runs a lot smooth (or so ive heard)17:43
boo-hooknobcottage, whats that?17:44
Ghoti_corey: you can set those in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts17:44
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: or you can install windows i a virtual pc17:44
flo-isbackim having a problem starting xorg ,, it start but i can only move mouse. I tried gnome safe mode and rescue option on boot any ideas ?17:44
r3duxfoldingstock, must be me then, cos it kinda sucks nobs for me (t9300 dual-core 2.5Ghz)17:44
g[r]eekActionParsnip, what do you mean by virtual pc?17:44
coreyGhoti_ : thanks!17:44
Ghoti_corey: cheers!17:44
g[r]eekActionParsnip,  is that like VWWare?17:44
g[r]eekor what's it, VMWare?17:44
knobcottageboo hoogoogle it.  Its an out of the box ubuntu by a different name17:44
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: well its a guest system running virtually on a host17:44
DragonRiftso no one here uses SLI?17:44
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: yes but easier to use and open sourced17:44
g[r]eekActionParsnip, ok so what steps do i need to take to set that up17:45
DragonRiftdoes linux even support SLI?17:45
ActionParsnip!virtualbox | g[r]eek17:45
ubottug[r]eek: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:45
squidlyDragonRift: yes it can17:45
g[r]eekActionParsnip, ok thanks for your help i will setup virtualbox17:45
ActionParsnipDragonRift: the proprietary driver does17:45
DragonRiftI am using 18017:45
g[r]eekis gutsy 8.10?17:45
squidlyDragonRift: you have to use the propiertary driver17:45
DragonRiftproprietory driver17:45
g[r]eekor 8.04?17:45
DragonRiftwith driver 18017:45
g[r]eekhow do i check my version?17:45
knobcottageboo-hoo: it used to be called eeeubuntu17:46
g[r]eeki think im on feisty...17:46
Kingsycan someone tell, how can I convert a .mpg file to a uncompressed avi file? by that I mean a avi file that will play on any machine without the need of divx or xvid codecs etc.. just a plain avi format..17:46
Kingsyit doesnt matter about size17:46
squidlyDragonRift: grep SLI /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:46
squidlythat will tell you if it's there17:46
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose; sudo adduser $USER vboxusers17:46
r3duxActionParsnip - I come in here maybe once a month, and each time you're here (3 months in a row) and busy being helpful - I'd just like to say thanks. People like you make it all work.17:46
flo-isbackNeed help getting X ton work.. please.17:46
boo-hooknobcottage, cool what netbook? i have the european version of MSI WIND (medion akoya)17:46
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: thats all it takes to install, you will then need to log off and on17:46
knobcottageKingsy:  VLC will convert most things17:46
ActionParsnipflo-isback: reboot to recovery mode for your kernel17:47
erUSULKingsy: there is no plain avi format... avi is just a container17:47
g[r]eekActionParsnip, yeah but firstly I think I'm on Ubuntu 8.04... how do I check?17:47
ActionParsnipflo-isback: then select fix x17:47
g[r]eekActionParsnip, because it says there "From Gutsy..."17:47
r3duxg[r]eek, uname -r17:47
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: lsb_release -c17:47
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: hardy = 8.04  intrepid = 8.10  jaunty = 9.0417:47
KingsyerUSUL - well I have a .mpg file atm, it needs to be a .avi and I need it to be able to play on a machine without any fancy codecs.. possible ?17:47
knobcottageboo-hoo: many see what it says I know it will do the eeepc and the samsung not too sure about anything else.  I run it from and sd card eaasy peasy17:47
squidlyDragonRift: in the device secion check so see if there is a "option       "SLI"   "Auto"" for each of your cards17:47
flo-isbackActionParsnip; tried that did not work.17:47
dr_phd1hello everyone, I have a problem, i installed Ubuntu and it went fine. After installation when i started Ubuntu, it started normally till the screen where the login prompt should come but it doesn't. The screen go black, and all you can do is move the mouse around. other than that nothing happens17:47
boo-hooknobcottage, nc10? just bought my bird one of them17:48
g[r]eekoh ok17:48
ActionParsnipflo-isback: then reboot to root console and run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:48
knobcottageboo-hoo NC10 was out of teh box ok as I remember17:48
marceldr_phd1, you have only text terminal?17:48
g[r]eekok im on gutsy17:48
g[r]eeksorry hardy17:48
g[r]eekim on hardy17:48
r3duxActionParsnip, What does dpkg-reconfigure really do?17:49
coreyGhoti_ : Is there a reset to default option? When I try a shortcut with the super key all shortcuts that use the super key activate17:49
knobcottageboohoo stick it on an sd and test it out wireless sound al ok on my eeepc17:49
g[r]eekSo I can run virtualbox.17:49
dr_phd1no, nothing, just a black screen with nothing on it, except for the cursor17:49
g[r]eekActionParsnip, thank you for your help.17:49
Ghoti_corey: so you set a shortcut to just the superkey?17:49
marceldr_phd1, can you do:17:49
coreyGhoti_ : no17:49
joshjtlcan anyone remind me how to install using apt-get without installing recommended packages, its something like --no-install-recommends... but thats not it17:49
marceldr_phd1, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:49
dr_phd1nopes, nothing17:50
marceldr_phd1, you cant type commands?17:50
ActionParsnipr3dux: configures whatever you say, things like gdm/kdm xserver-xorg, apache2. just lets you run through the initial setup options17:50
knobcottagedr_phd: tried startx?17:50
flo-isbackActionParsnip: its starts like before , the screen is blank i can only move mouse17:50
r3duxActionParsnip, whatever I say? Like "dpkg-reconfigure gedit" would re-install gedit over the top with options I can pick?17:51
ActionParsnipflo-isback: hit ctrl+alt+backspace17:51
dr_phd1no i can't give commands as there is nothing on the screen, i haven't even entered my password for logining in, there is no login screen, in fact ther is nothing17:51
r3duxJust curious - I should prolly try to find out..17:51
marcelr3dux, it will just reconfigure17:51
olinuxxhi all17:51
marcelr3dux, reconfigure runs the installation script again17:52
ActionParsnipr3dux: you will get to choose the options for it (if it has dpkg options that need setting)17:52
r3duxNow I get it17:52
dr_phd1when i start the computer, Ubuntu goes till that Progress bar and then after that a blank screen with a cursor only17:52
flo-isbackActionParsnip: does not work nor does ctrl - alt - F117:52
marcelr3dux, a debian package has a script inside it, which runs before or after the files are copied17:52
ActionParsnipflo-isback: drop to console: sudo apt-get --reinstall install (whatever-buntu)-desktop17:53
Wayne323Is there a way to have LILO automatically update itse;f?17:53
marcelWayne323, why do you use lilo? and not grub17:53
Ghoti_Wayne323: sudo apt-get upgrade lilo17:53
Wayne323I have a Dell Optiplex 320....17:54
Wayne323It won't boot with GRUB no matter what...17:54
marcelWayne323, also not with jaunty?17:54
Wayne323I'm stuck with LILO...17:54
marcelWayne323, strange17:54
knobcottagedr_phd: are you using a Dell?17:55
Wayne323And when the kernel updates, LILO doesn't get a message to use the latest kernel...17:55
marcelWayne323, most packages assume you have grub17:55
Wayne323Which from time to time, stops it from booting...17:55
marcelWayne323, what is your hard drive layout? you have also windows?17:56
marcelWayne323, you have one hard drive17:56
Wayne323One hard drive..17:56
Wayne323Latest Ubuntu installed...17:56
marcelWayne323, i would really try installing grub, because lilo is becoming legacy17:56
DragonRiftOne Moon Circles17:57
flo-isbackActionParsnip: i can't connect to wireless , been using gui. Also can't i just update to 9.04 ?17:57
mackk431hey everytime i want to install somewhat for example this "sudo apt-get install kate" i get the message "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." whats wrong with my kubuntu?17:57
DragonRiftEyes in the Dark17:57
marcelWayne323, sudo apt-get install startupmanager17:57
DragonRiftOne Moon Circles17:57
cyraxI have a question regarding the opengl headers provided with Ubuntu. Although I have Ogl 2.1 on my system I cannot seem to use glGenBuffers. Says undeclared identifier. I've read elsewhere that I need to include glext.h but I get the same error inspite of this. Can anyone help me with this?17:58
marcelmackk431, nothing wrong, can happen, just run that command17:58
knobcottagemackk431:  try here http://paste.ubuntu.com/152915/18:00
flo-isbackActionParsnip: Ok xorg gave up , with a error " xinit; permission denied (errno 13)18:00
ashmew2no sudo >?18:01
marcelcyrax, you should ask this at an opengl forum, i dont think there are many opengl developers here18:02
cyraxmarcel: understood. Do you know of an opengl channel?18:02
marcelcyrax, no i dont, i'm more a java developer18:03
dr_phd1hi everyone, i installed Ubuntu, when i started using it for the first time, i booted normally till the point where the login screen has to come, but it didn't, instead after the "Progress Bar" completed my whole computer screen went black and there was nothing on the screen except the Mouse Cursor, i couldn't do anything except move the cursor around18:03
cyraxthanks marcel18:03
r3duxcyrax, game dev channels are good for OGL - but, they don't want to baby you. Wish I knew a good OGL channel myself.18:03
petskullcyrax: what's your question?18:04
marcelcyrax, maybe its better to use a opengl library, there are enough opensource libs for that18:04
ashmew2They were showing on the discovery channel the other day that Game development is one of the most high paid jobs..18:04
Yud_Zrocim having a dpi problem any pointers18:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dpi18:04
r3duxashmew2, I doubt that's true.18:04
VnixI can view my Windows shared folder on Linux Ubuntu platform but I have trouble viewing Ubuntu shared files on Windows platform. What should I do thanks.18:04
ashmew2r3dux: maybe..18:04
ashmew2r3dux: Maybe its true if some company like Epic or something hire you ?18:05
dr_phd1so anyone got a clue what the problem may be?18:05
r3duxUnless you're a monster in AI/Gfx/Tools/Sound18:05
xiamxwhere are the CFLAG and CXXFLAG variables in ubuntu?18:05
ashmew2of course..18:05
marcelashmew2, you need very good math skills for that18:05
rosemayfearsi already have my ubuntu8.10 latest updates...is there strong reason I should replace it with 9.04? Can't I make it same level by updates ??18:05
r3duxashmew2, we have more chance as indies..18:05
djnelHey guys, doing a little spring cleanup on the music collection and could use some input. I have 999 folders each starting with a number 001 through 999 and followed by a folder name... eg 016 Nirvana - Nevrmind. Whats the quickest way to eliminate just the numbers from just the folder names18:05
ashmew2marcel: you mean 3d coordinates and stuff ?18:06
chennoxiamx: its CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS and they are set in the Makefile or the environment18:06
ashmew2r3dux: Indies = Indians ?18:06
Pici!offtopic | ashmew2 r3dux18:06
marcelashmew2, yes18:06
ubottuashmew2 r3dux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:06
marcelashmew2, matrix calculations and stuff18:06
Yud_Zrochow do i increase my dpi so i can use kubuntu18:06
ashmew2Pici: Im sorry Pici , wont happen again18:07
nubuntu9.04 not so good18:07
Ghoti_nubuntu: 9.04 isn't done yet.18:07
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:07
nubuntuyes of course18:07
marcelnubuntu, whats not so good18:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu18:07
Picimarcel : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:07
Yud_Zrocdoes anyiine now how to fix the kubuntu gui?18:08
nubuntuhopefully when done it will be super!18:08
ripnode4it's basically done it comes out in 6 days if you look at the releaseschedule they arnt doing much between now and then18:08
ashmew2im back guys18:08
urban_ryogahow do I reset the permissions of folders and files to all users? for some reason the permission to all files on my external is root only18:09
lp84what the, i did chmod +x on an executable file18:09
lp84but it wont let me run ./file18:09
ashmew2i lost the user list of XChat which was on the right18:09
ashmew2'how to get it back :(18:09
lp84it says no such file or directory18:09
Ghoti_urban_ryoga: sudo chmod 777 /path/to/unsecured/directory18:09
urban_ryogaGhoti_: trying now. ty18:10
mgolischlp84: you are in the same directory as the file?18:10
mgolischlp84: and you used tab? like to make sure you have no typo in the filename18:11
lp84maybe i copied it wrong?18:11
gujaOkay, I have huge problem. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and I have installed mysql+apache2+php. While installed that, that applet in panel which shows my name and status started to mark all status as black rectangle. After rebooting, gdm didn't start, system was trying to do some checks, but with failure. I got console login, log in there and typed startx to go into Ubuntu. When in X, got this The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFII18:11
gujaD:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet". and choice to remove it or keep in panel. What ever I choose, it isn't anymore in panel. Same thing happened on 64bit and 32bit Jaunty. Any help??18:11
mgolischlp84: whats the files name? does it have spaces in it? those need to be escaped18:11
lp84i did cp * ../ -R to move the file to the right directoriy18:12
lp84the file is called mvdsv18:12
Ghoti_!jaunty > guja18:12
ashmew2how do i get a channel's userlist?18:12
urban_ryogaGhoti_: is there a way to do it recursively or do i just have to keep adding /* to the end of it?18:12
ubottuguja, please see my private message18:12
lp84im in the proper dir, i did chmod +x mvdsv , then ./mvdsv18:12
lp84and i get no fsuch file or directory18:12
Ghoti_ashmew2: /who #channel18:12
gujaGhoti_, what with jaunty? To go to +1 channel?18:12
dr_phd1hellooooo..... can anyone please answer my problem?18:12
mgolischlp84: is mvdsv a symlink? maybe its target is missing18:12
Ghoti_guja: yes; +1 is the jaunty channel18:12
lp84mvdsv file is also green18:12
lp84is there any way to force a move/copy of a file18:13
mgolischlp84: ls -lh on the file18:13
Ghoti_lp84: what is the first line of the mvdsv file?18:13
lp84its all code or w/e18:13
andrew___thanks to MARCEL18:13
Ghoti_lp84: are you sure that the error isn't in the script itself?18:14
lp84mgolisch what do i do with that?18:14
lp84well i jhust redownloaded it18:14
Ghoti_lp84: could you please give the entire, exact, error message you are getting?18:15
Ghoti_lp84: if it's more than one line, use the pastebin18:16
mgolischit seems to be a elf binary18:16
mgolischso no symlink or script18:16
lp84-bash: ./mvdsv: No such file or directory18:16
mgolischlp84: but ls ./mvdsv works?18:16
Ghoti_lp84: try /path/to/the/actual/location/of/mvdsv18:17
lp84yep mgolisch18:17
lp84ok Ghoti_18:17
unix3_hi guys, how can I install libssl0.9.8 ??18:17
coreyI am suffering from software instability and at risk to returning to vista. Please help18:17
pkunduwhen i restart my pc sometimes my usb keyboard is not been detected in ubuntu .... for windows it works fine18:17
pkunduwhat shld i do18:18
mgolischreplug it?18:18
lp84i used /fullpath/mvdsv and ./fullpath/mvdsv18:18
lp84same error18:18
pkundumgolisch, it works18:18
lp84do i need glibc installed or somethign?18:18
unix3_anybody know how I can instal libssl0.9.8 :..?18:18
Piciunix3_: sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.818:18
lp84im on a fresh install of ubuntu18:18
mgolischlp84: you must be doing something wrong18:18
pkundumgolisch, is there other way than that18:18
nubuntuubuntu kept on giving error messages when installing? is this common as i can only get it to run on vmware?18:19
nubuntuerror with reading disk*18:19
unix3_Iam trying to install a .deb that says its missing a dependancy (libssl0.9.8) .. but that is already installed... how can I deal with the .deb then??18:20
Ghoti_unix3_: did you install libssl from a .deb also, or did you compile and install it manually?18:20
unix3_Ghoti_, it was installed by default... with ubuntu..18:21
alok_how can i get totem to work with oss 4.118:21
celthunderunix3 dpkg --force-depends -i <package>18:21
mik3hi, i have a problem i just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu on a brand new lenovo laptop and they keyboard and mouse don't work after boot up18:21
donkeyI need some help. When I try to watch a video on my computer it usually turns my screen completely black and stays like that. I end up having to do a hard reset on the computer. What could be the cause??????????????18:21
nubuntugraphics card?18:21
celthundermik3 what input drivers?18:22
celthunderdonkey particular files, all files, particular media player/codecs ?18:22
donkeycalthunder all files18:22
lp84is glibc not installed by defgault18:22
lp84on ubuntu?18:22
mgolischlp84: you problem is something else18:22
celthunderlp84 build-essential has it18:23
mgolischlp84: i can execute that file just fine on my interepid install18:23
celthunderor it should rather18:23
mgolischglibc is allways installed18:23
mgolischits the c library18:23
mgolischnothing would work without that18:23
alexidoiahey I am looking for a very simple application allowing me to show my daughter what is an equation such as x=y on a graphical representation18:24
alexidoiaI really don't need something fancy18:24
alexidoiathe simplest the best18:24
unix3_hmm.. how can I install the shared library libpkcs11--helper.so.1 ?18:24
celthunderalexidoia you can google web graphing calculators...18:24
=== voorhees is now known as SpinningCog
marcelalexidoia, there is nothing like that on the internet?18:24
Ghoti_alexidoia: graphmonkey might work18:25
Ghoti_!info graphmonkey | alexidoia18:25
ubottualexidoia: graphmonkey (source: graphmonkey): a GTK#-based graphing calculator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 39 kB, installed size 152 kB18:25
vegombreialexidoia: mebbe you should ask in #math .. i stumbled upon that room a few days ago .. those guys are on a different level .im sure they'll help ya18:25
donkeycelthunder all files do that to my computer18:25
unix3_hmm.. how can I install the shared library libpkcs11--helper.so.1 ? anybody?18:25
Ghoti_unix3_: apt-cache search libpkcs11; then install the right package18:26
celthunderdonkey ok what codecs do you have and what video card?18:26
roel_firefox is running but not responding bla bla18:26
roel_how do I close it again?\18:26
Xevkillall firefox18:26
donkeycelthunder where do i find that out. and i have all codecs from what i know18:26
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:27
roel_thanks xev18:27
mik3celthunder: not sure, the install process had them both working fine18:27
uberwallawill ubuntu 9.04 have wireless support on acer aspire ones without having to download new wireless drivers?18:27
celthunderunix3_, libpkcs11-helper1 is the package i believe that has that18:27
uberwallathat's one reason I really didn't care for 8.1018:27
uberwallaI couldn't run wireless18:27
Ghoti_!jaunty > uberwalla18:27
ubottuuberwalla, please see my private message18:28
celthundermik3 hal on?18:28
lp84aparelntly i need to install 32bit support18:28
celthundermik3 do you have input-evdev installed?18:28
lp84it isnt installed by defualt on ubuntu?18:28
recon69anyone able to help me setup fstab to load a vfat driver so i can access it over a network share to back it up, current using UUID=44D3-C361 /home/mec/data vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,dmask=027,fmask=137,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8 0 0 , but cant seem to figure out good uid=1000,dmask=027,fmask=137 values so that I can actualy access the data?18:29
celthunderlp843 uh...32 bit is supported on 64 buit installes thats why its x86 6418:29
vegombreimik3: are you running ubuntu thru windows?18:29
celthundervegombrei, your drives working ok yet?18:29
mik3celthunder: i have whatever is installed with the base, the only thing i have done with it is deleted the old xorg.conf and did a dpkg-reconfigure on it18:29
mik3vegombrei: no,.18:29
TetracommI've dedicated a channel to helping those who have devices to make them work on Linux.18:29
vegombreicelthunder: yep flat out bro ... looks like im gonna sleep in peace on ma bed after all hehehe18:29
mik3Tetracomm: start with me18:30
TetracommSince this is such a major problem that everyone faces when switching to Linux.18:30
Tetracommmik3: It is ##linuxdevices18:30
TetracommMembers will join soon, give it time to become active.18:30
TetracommSo stay in there.18:30
celthundermik3 apt-get install input-evdev and make sure hal is on when you start x18:31
mik3other than some problems with broadcom wireless chipsets a few years ago this is my first time i've ran into hardware problems on a fresh install :P18:31
ugliefrogis the daily build of 9.04 is the same as the official release?18:32
uberwallathe release schedule didn't really help me at all about acer aspire one's18:32
Piciugliefrog : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:32
uberwalladoes anybody know if there will be wireless support for the acer drivers?18:32
Piciuberwalla : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:32
shadowlandAnyone here any good with regular expressions?  I want to grep out all (uncommented) lines containing grup, passwd, shadow, and automount from /etc/nsswitch.conf18:33
Tetracommmik3: Oh, are you good at getting devices to work on Linux?18:33
shadowlandegrep '(group|passwd|shadow|automount)' /etc/nsswitch.conf18:33
shadowlandThat gets them all including the comments.  I can't figure out how to exclude the commented lines18:33
vegombreiTetracomm: you think its possible to install it on a mac?18:34
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vegombreiTetracomm: ubuntu18:35
TetracommI don't know18:36
TetracommI hope so.18:36
FloodBot3Tetracomm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
XevI have ubuntu on a mac18:36
vegombreiXev: macbook?18:36
TetracommXev: How well is it working?18:36
Xevvery well18:36
vegombreiXev: wow18:36
Xevno sorry18:36
guntbert!ot | Tetracomm18:36
vegombreiXev: did you have any trouble installing?18:36
zewb_obama sucks18:37
Xevonce I updated the kernel everything worked fine18:37
* vegombrei now he tells me18:37
feedmechickenHow can I check whether the system beep is working?18:37
zewb_feedmechicken: make it beep18:37
feedmechickenzewb_: How to I make it beep?18:38
guntbertzewb_: please keep to the topic18:38
JeffRey`Hey i'm having a problem. I un installed Ubuntu off of my desktop, because I want this for windows, and my Laptop for Ubuntu. Anyway, I un-installed Ubuntu, but Grub keeps coming up and saying "error 22". How do I delete grub and fix this? I'm stuck using a Live CD at the moment18:38
Ghoti_feedmechicken: echo -e \b18:38
ubottuTetracomm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:38
recon69help, I cant copy a file over a ubuntu network share!!!!!18:39
feedmechickenGhoti_: that didn't work, might there be something wrong?18:39
seniorakehow is portugal called in the native language..?18:39
Pici!ot | seniorake18:39
ubottuseniorake: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:39
seniorakethis is kinda offtopic, but i know that :>18:39
zewb_feedmechicken: sudo cat /dev/random > /dev/audio18:39
Ghoti_feedmechicken: my bad-  echo -e "\b"18:39
kebomixhello , Mikrotik hotspot username and password page to log on network don't appear on ubuntu as it appears on windows xp ? !18:39
guntbertTetracomm: your discussion is not exactly ubuntu-support related :-) (and ubottu seem to sleep)18:39
Piciseniorake: Then you should know to ask in a different channel.18:39
seniorakei picked that one which has most users, which is of course, ubuntu18:39
unix3_hey guys, how do I know if ubuntu is currently running any type of firewall?18:39
recon69currently getting "Failed to retrieve share list from server"18:39
Ghoti_unix3_: iptables -L18:39
ChrystallicHi, I somehow managed to delete teh "shutdown"-function...     I got the (my name) User- icon, but I'm unable to press on it. how do I fix that?18:40
KissakiMy ubuntu did not get to the login screen after using hibernate with nvidia drivers. After an upgrade (had the new ubuntu in package srces) I am able to log in only with failsafe gnome, it will load the desktop but fail to load an implement it completely. Top right does work, top left (menu etc) does not, bottom left the desktop icon is not the correct one... Any ideas? Or, how do you remove the h18:40
recon69unix3_: you could also install firestarter , a GUI for the firewall18:41
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JeffRey`Hey i'm having a problem. I un installed Ubuntu off of my desktop, because I want this for windows, and my Laptop for Ubuntu. Anyway, I un-installed Ubuntu, but Grub keeps coming up and saying "error 22". How do I delete grub and fix this? I'm stuck using a Live CD at the moment18:43
unix3_Ghoti_, nice.. thank you.. it seems ubuntu comes with a default firewall? how do I turn iptables off?18:43
Ghoti_unix3_: to completely clear your firewall and expose you to the network, if that's what you *really* want to do, you can sudo iptables -F18:44
unix3_Ghoti_, would it revert back to the original after a reboot?18:44
Ghoti_unix3_: in most cases, yes.18:44
recon69JeffRey: if you want a clean windows install just repartition you HDD and wipe everything, the windows installer should do it for you.18:45
unix3_Ghoti_, ubuntu comes with a default firewall right..?  6 lines?18:45
recon69unix3_: why not install firestarter , it has a nice stop start button18:45
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mik3celthunder: that's already installed btw18:45
JeffRey`No I already have windows installed, It was a dual boot18:45
kebomixhello , Mikrotik hotspot username and password page to log on network don't appear on ubuntu as it appears on windows xp ? !18:45
mik3celthunder: i would imagine that would be installed on installation18:45
unix3_recon69, thank you.. its just q quick check up18:45
Ghoti_unix3_: last I knew, ubuntu came with ufw (uncomplicated firewall) preinstalled18:45
PiciJeffRey`: Use the fixmbr/fixboot utilities from the Windows recovery disk. The folks in ##windows can assis you if you're not sure how,.18:45
JeffRey`Okay thanks18:46
recon69anyone able to help me copy/backup a vfat disk over network share? seem to have permission problems18:49
KissakiMy ubuntu did not get to the login screen after using hibernate with nvidia drivers. After an upgrade (had the new ubuntu in package srces) I am able to log in only with failsafe gnome, it will load the desktop but fail to load an implement it completely. Top right does work, top left (menu etc) does not, bottom left the desktop icon is not the correct one... Any ideas? Or, how do you remove the h18:49
recon69Kissaki: what did you update to?18:49
Kissakirecon69: what is it. Jaunty I think?18:49
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Kissakinext ubuntu release18:50
recon69Kissaki: you should ask in the ubuntu+1 channel as well , it's for jaunty issues18:50
salvatoreemulatori ps218:50
Kissakiwell, it's not a jaunty issue... more like a hibernate issue18:50
Picisalvatore: Please see the topic, this is the Ubuntu support channel.18:51
recon69Kissaki: yes, but you now using jaunty and it was the upgrade that started the issue, no harm in asking in ubuntu+1 , probably got more of the experts in there anyway :)18:52
lantjiehey guys18:52
Prettois there a way to know uptime for services?18:52
lantjiei have aquestion18:52
Kissakirecon69: The issue also in the old release, where I didn't even get to the login screen. But I'll try there, thx18:52
lantjieis python good18:52
lantjiefor programming18:52
AleX-lantjie: yes18:53
ss0Python is easy to pick up and rather powerful, it depends on what task you want to achieve.18:53
Bodsdadefine 'good'18:53
Picilantjie: Yes. Please join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion. #python18:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ebooks18:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about e-books18:53
kebomixhello , Mikrotik hotspot username and password page to log on network don't appear on ubuntu as it appears on windows xp ? !18:53
AleX-Anyone know some PDB reader ?18:53
austinyea whats up18:53
AleX-say me18:53
guntbertAleX-: please keep to the topic18:54
ss0I recently upgraded my system from an amd64 bit too a dual core 32 bit system, even after a distupgrade it seems to see my old arch. anyone know where to change that at?18:54
Bodsda!who | austin18:54
ubottuaustin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:54
AleX-guntbert: what is offtopic?18:54
lantjieoke thacks guys18:54
guntbertAleX-: this channel is dedicated to ubuntu support - all other things should be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic, thank you18:55
AleX-guntbert: bah...i am looking for PDB reader for ubuntu :P18:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:55
ibuclawss0, to change arch from 32bit to 64bit or vice versa, you must do a clean install.18:55
ibuclawif that is what you mean ...18:56
AleX-i am not offtopic :P18:56
AleX-am I ?18:56
SkapareAleX-: depends if looking for software is offtopic or not18:56
* Skapare shrugs18:56
ibuclawAleX-, what is a PDB reader ?18:57
mik3grrr this is frustrating18:57
lantjiehey guys how do i join #python?18:57
SkapareProprietary Data Base18:57
slykenshi... doing install on new dell t610... mptsas - detects and installs fine but can't detect disks on boot. any pointers?18:57
AleX-It allows you to read e-books / texts in .pdb format18:57
lantjiepici: how do i join #python?18:57
recon69lantjie: try /join #python18:57
AleX-Skapare: heh no18:57
ibuclawlantjie, /join #python18:57
Skapare.pdb is not .pdf ?18:58
AleX-Skapare: no18:58
Picilantjie: You need to be registered and identified.18:58
ibuclawdick, we hear you ;)18:58
Pici!register > lantjie18:58
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ubottulantjie, please see my private message18:58
lantjierecon69: it asks me to identifie myself18:58
SkapareAleX-: I guess I'm not one to answer your question18:58
lantjiepici: how do i do that18:58
AleX-Skapare: no answer for me18:59
Picilantjie: Join #freenode for registration questions please.18:59
lantjieoke guys thanks18:59
darkpixelSkapare: PDB is Palmpilot Database/Document File18:59
guntbertAleX-: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27013319:00
doogluswhich application is responsible for automounting my phone's memory card when I plug it in to a USB port please?19:00
recon69any help on how to back up a vfat data drive over ubuntu share? just cant get it to work!!!19:02
Skaparedooglus: probably the same one responsible automounting other kind of cards and other storage devices19:02
recon69dooglus: it should really automount19:02
JPZHello everyone. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to config my ubuntu 8.10 to send system wide emails using a relay smtp account. I've checked countless guides, but thus far they only explain how to setup up postfix ( for example) to act as a full server. I just want "it" to use my isp's smpt act as relay server so that emails don't get bounced.19:03
PiciSaruji: please stop.19:03
Skaparedooglus: are you plugging it in and finding it doesn't automount and trying to figure out why?19:03
Sarujiwas just checking highlight19:03
FloodBot3Saruji: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:03
lucahi everyone19:03
AleX-luca: hi19:03
lucahi :)19:03
Sarujiwhats pastebin?19:03
usserJPZ, mail command perhaps?19:04
lucamy top toolbars have disappeared from all my gnome program windows19:04
usserJPZ, or a python script19:04
guntbert!pastebin | Saruji19:04
ubottuSaruji: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:04
Sarujiah ok thank you19:04
dooglusSkapare: yes.  until today it was automounting.  now it isn't.  I'm wondering how I broke it.19:04
lucalocal configuration mess only, other users do not have this problem19:04
JPZusser, its so that snort for example can send emails. they currently get bounced.19:04
Skaparedooglus: does it show up in "dmesg" command output?19:05
dooglusSkapare: these are the things I disabled earlier today, thinking them unneccesary for me: bluetooth manager, evolution alarm notifier, gnome login sound, network manager, print queue applet, pulseaudio session manager, remote desktop, user folders update, and visual assistance19:05
Skaparedooglus: also, does it add a device to the contents of /proc/partitions ?19:05
usserJPZ, you have to set your exim or postfix to act as a relay server19:05
Skaparedooglus: try re-enabling user folders update19:05
dooglusSkapare: it shows up as '[25301.220307] usb 1-6.3: new full speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 37'19:06
usserJPZ, all my scripts are at work, hang on let me pull up a decent guide19:06
recon69Saruji: just create your own channel if oyu want to test irc command , try /join saruji , then you can spam away and bother no one19:06
JPZok so searching for "postfix relay server" on google and such should do the trick... thanks for the point in the right direction.19:06
JPZgreat usser, thanks19:06
Sarujiok I will thanks19:06
Skaparedooglus: OK, so the driver sees it ... the kernel does not automount it ... some user program gets notified of new device and does so ... that may be connected to the folders update19:06
dooglusSkapare: it doesn't add anything to /proc/partitions19:06
Sarujijoin saruji didnt work19:06
paolobHi guys! Let me ask you before opening a bug. In my Jaunty beta gnome, it's happening that when I'm writing a doc with Oo.o, after some 100/200 characters the keyboard begins entering very strange characters, and I haven't found any way to modify this behaviour rather than closing Oo.o and reopening it. I have italian localization, italian keyboard, but I have a spanish layout too in my gnome settings. Any idea about anything similar?19:07
Skaparedooglus: try re-enabling user folders update19:07
Skaparedooglus: and reboot to be sure things got started that might not be19:07
recon69Saruji: sorry , forgot the #19:07
dooglusSkapare: I have done.  I've not rebooted or logged out and in again since, but I also didn't do either since disabling it...19:07
Sarujiah ok19:07
Sarujicomplete and utter noob here19:07
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SkapareSaruji: I can tell ... but welcome to the Ubuntu Linux world19:08
dooglusSkapare: I think 'user folders update' is responsible for recreating a bunch of empty folders every time I log in: ~/Porn, ~/TV and such like - that I then have to delete19:08
SkapareSaruji: whatever you are doing that does that, better work on fixing it19:08
Skaparedooglus: something adds a new folder for a drive when I plug in a drive ... was just a guess19:09
SarujiAlex whats up19:09
dooglusSkapare: I also took the liberty of uninstalling pulseaudio or some such.  it was taking a lot of RAM, and making audio and video be out of sync19:09
Skaparedooglus: I have no idea with all these apps and things ... I'm more of a kernel, driver, bootloader, firmware, embedded stuff programmer19:10
dooglusSkapare: but I would have thought that would be related to this problem - just trying to think what I've changed today19:10
Skaparedooglus: I doubt pulseaudio is responsible19:10
dooglusI guess the thing to do first is to try logging in as a different user and see if it works there19:10
dotblankpulse audio is awesome19:10
dooglusdotblank: what's it for?  it seems to me it eats memory and unsyncs the audio - other than that I've not noticed any loss from uninstalling it19:11
Skaparedotblank: does it solve the audio vs. video sync problems that are built into most of the A/V formats?19:11
ibuclawdooglus, pulseaudio is aimed at lower end laptops, or laptops with low end soundcards.19:11
ibuclawdooglus, it is a software mixer that allows > 1 application to use the soundcard at once.19:12
dooglusibuclaw: ok, but what is the benefit of using pulseaudio over using nothing?  I find using nothing has a smaller memory footprint19:12
dotblankPulse audio allows to me to individually control volume on per application basis and allows networked audio which i am using rigtht now and allows simultaneous connections19:12
ibuclawfor those soundcards that don't support hardware mixing19:12
dooglusibuclaw: I just put 'aoss' in front of each app I run - that lets them share the audio19:12
Skaparedooglus: the sync problems are inherit in bad format designs for most of the audio-video formats ... players have to do weird things to keep them in sync ... some do better than others19:12
=== kupesoft is now known as davecooper
Medo42Hi. I'm currently running apt-get upgrade on my Eee Pc 901 and was a bit concerned whether it would work since there was little disk space left. During the process, df -h now showed 0 bytes left on the drive several times, but the upgrade continues running without an apparent problem. What's happening here? Could there be problems even though no error is shown?19:13
dooglusSkapare: ok, fine :)19:13
jemarkpulseaudio makes skype use more than 100% cpu?19:13
ibuclawdooglus, no ... aoss is not the same ... aoss is an ALSA wrapper for OSS applications19:13
tready29201hey when editing the debian/rules file can i just add --with-mssql anywhere in that file?19:13
dotblankI think pulse audio is what we all need to use, the problem with pulse audio right now really is that apps don't use pulse audio19:13
ibuclawdooglus, though, if that is working, then that probably means your soundcard supports hardware mixing.19:14
maverick340few days ago when i connected my Sony Ericsson T700 via usb i could see all my pics. however today i cant see my memory card contents19:14
ibuclawso you can disregard pulseaudio if you don't wish to use it19:14
maverick340it only shows up my phone contents19:14
Skaparedotblank: if there is competition for the audio devices and/or video devices for playback, that could explain the worsening sync19:14
dotblankactually when you use aoss it actually sends it to pulse audio, I belive pulse has the OSS plugin19:14
maverick340anyone else facing any similar problem , with digital cameras or phones ?19:15
Skaparedotblank: so yeah, it could solve it by actually using it ... but I'm also not fond of having so many different layers and interfaces for programs to use19:15
ibuclawdotblank, if pulse is wrapped around ALSA, then yes, aoss will send sound through OSS -> ALSA -> PULSE19:15
tready29201is this ubuntu desktop only or does anyone know about server as well?19:16
ibuclawtready29201, desktop and server :)19:16
dotblankI think pulse is the right way to go, it was just introduced a little early19:16
tready29201hey when editing the debian/rules file can i just add --with-mssql anywhere in that file?19:16
ibuclawdotblank, for low latency, JACK does the exact same as pulse19:17
ibuclawjust a little harder to setup due to XRuns, etc etc...19:17
Picitready29201: Packaging questions can be asked in #ubuntu-motu19:17
Skaparedotblank: what is pulseaudio?  a library programs link to?  a daemon they communicate with?  a driver layer module in the kernel?19:17
dotblankI just think its really cool to be able to move my sound around my house 5+ ubuntu stations all with networked pulse audio19:17
henriquelmHello there19:18
henriquelmI'm getting an error msg when I try to start mrtg, can you guys help me?19:18
dotblankSkapare: its a layer above alsa19:18
saturn__ubuntu is great - new pc, everything works, nvidia, laserprinter :D19:18
Skaparedotblank: but a library?19:18
=== bronson_ is now known as bronson
dgt84Ubuntu Jaunty seems to have changed the install location for python packages and many can now not find their data since it's in /usr/local... wtf? Anybody know how this is supposed to work since sys.prefix is still set to /usr?!?!?19:18
Picidgt84 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.19:19
dgt84Pici, thanks19:19
dotblankSkapare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pulseaudio-diagram.svg19:19
Skaparedgt84: what?  it's installing in /usr/local ??? yuck19:19
zewb_gentoo's better19:19
kjonquestion: ubuntu 8.10 isn't booting on vbox. A lot of cd-reading failures and a squashfs segfaults sticks the virtual system. What might be the wrong thing here? (and yeah, the md5 sum is right)19:19
dotblankSkapare: like all the above except kernel19:19
dgt84Skapare doing a default python setup.py install on Jaunty now installs in /usr/local, yeah. I'm not sure what's going on.19:20
dgt84I'm moving to #ubuntu+1 though19:20
=== Yoda is now known as Master-Mind
Skaparedotblank: OK, so it's a "media stream broker"19:21
Master-MindHello there (: ... how do you install a folder full with icons :) ?19:21
mik3any ideas why keyboard and mouse doesn't work on a fresh install of ubuntu on a brand new lenovo laptop? doesn't work in xfce or in single user mode, it worked fine during the install live boot19:21
walenMaster-Mind, what do you mean, full o ficons??19:21
dotblankSkapare: yea. I just think its important cause linux audio is in disarray (except alsa)19:21
recon69keep getting "failed to retrive share list from server" when i tr access a share on my other ubuntu comp?19:22
saturn__ah.. disabling join/part msgs is a relieve :D19:22
saturn__hi ;D19:22
Skaparedotblank: lots of things are in disarray ... and I believe it is because too many people focus on APIs to solve things, rather than protocols ... that in turn because most programmers are bad at coding around protocols ... let's go to -offtopic if you want more info19:23
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
Master-Mindwalen:  i mean a folder from Gnome eye candy ... first of it was a zip then i extraxted it to the desktop then it was a tar.gz and then i extracted it again, so now i got the folder "royal GBlue" on myt desktop19:24
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications19:24
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:24
walenMaster-Mind, aah, you mean a theme? :P w8 a minute19:24
ibuclawMaster-Mind, you open up System->Preferences->Appearance19:24
ibuclawMaster-Mind, then you click and drag that tar.gz file into the window.19:25
Master-Mindwalen:  yes exactly :D19:25
Master-Mindibuclaw:  Hm okay ill try that :)19:25
walenMaster-Mind, so, as ibuclaw said, or, from  system->preferences->appearance, select "install"19:26
Master-Mindwalen:  Well its not a theme, its cool icons for my standard icons.19:27
lantjiepici: do you know the command to login to freenode19:27
ibuclawMaster-Mind, oh!19:27
Picilantjie: /msg nickserv help identify19:27
ibuclawMaster-Mind, open your home folder, and find a directory called ".icons"19:28
Master-Mindwalen: ohh .. i got it now, you was right i just clicked install and then boom it was there :)19:28
Master-Mindibuclaw:  ohh .. i got it now, you was right i just clicked install and then boom it was there :)19:28
walenMaster-Mind, great! It's a miracle :P:P19:28
ibuclawMaster-Mind, coolios ;)19:28
Master-Mindwalen:  haha yes :'D19:28
ruben231how do i install ubuntu desktop on a multiple PC...one time installation19:28
Master-Mindibuclaw:  yes hehe, thanks :D19:28
recon69I give up, 2 days trying to create a share/backup a drive over ubuntu and cant lol.19:28
=== esteeven_ is now known as esteeven
Medo42I'm currently running apt-get upgrade on my Eee Pc 901 and was a bit concerned whether it would work since there was little disk space left. During the process, df -h now showed 0 bytes left on the drive several times, but the upgrade continues running without an apparent problem. What's happening here? Could there be problems even though no error is shown?19:30
walenruben231, u mean, like installing once to 10 PC's?19:30
ruben231walen:can i do that..?19:31
Brucevdkruben231: yes19:31
ruben231Brucevdk: how do i set it..?19:32
icc_why's Jesse_Crane sending me spam on join?!19:32
cristianviva windows que mola, es mortal19:32
ruben231Brucevdk: and also when one PC ubuntu updates the rest can also haveq updates not individual PC updates which would take time..19:33
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Piciicc_: Can you pm me what you were sent?19:33
cristianyou can download the ubdates in one pc and the others pc download updates from your pc19:34
Brucevdkruben231: it's called network install. A common keyword here is PXE. It's not something you can just do in one line, you'll have to find and follow a guide. I've never attempted it, but I guess there's two ways 1) Network install 2) Always boot from image 3) Boot from central machine.19:34
cristiananyone speek spanis?19:35
pkuhadunable to boot ubuntu,, at the time of booting it displays memtest86+19:35
Picipod!es | cristian19:35
ubottucristian: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:35
axos88hello! can anyone point me to the help channel of busybox?19:35
pkuhadand starts perform memeory testing...19:35
walenpkuhad, when you see a countdown to GRUB19:36
walenpkuhad, press any button and select your kernel19:36
dotblankWhenever I try to suspend/resume it breaks my network card, even tried loading and unloading my modules19:36
Mip5Hi Gang - anyone know how to disable options to save passwords when using connect to server? Intrepid 8.10 in a high school library19:36
walenpkuhad, then,   gksudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst19:37
pkuhadwalen: can u please elaborate that19:37
walenpkuhad, and change "default 2" to default 019:37
walenpkuhad, when you boot, you should see a message like "press any key to enter grub options" and a countdown19:37
pkuhadwalen:just hold on19:38
pkuhadwalen: m trieng that out19:38
BrucevdkMip5: maybe killing the keyring daemon and disabling it in Preferences -> Session will work19:39
pkuhadwalen: its not displaying kernel.. it is only showing options: 1memtest86+    2 other19:39
Mip5Brucevdk: oh cool idea! I'll give that a shot!19:39
walenpkuhad, what are the other options?19:40
pkuhadwalen: other os i.ewindows19:40
walenpkuhad, ah, i get it - 2 options, memtest and other?...19:40
merulais there a room for ubuntu help on the Acer Aspire One?19:40
henriquelmCan you guys help me solve this error with mrtg? This is the error msg: http://pastebin.ca/139516019:40
othellixhi all19:41
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walenpkuhad, i dunno.. ask others19:42
othellixhow i configure a wireless router and put a pass?19:42
lantjiePICI: i am now in the nickserv what next?19:42
Picilantjie: identify? The link that ubottu gave you and you got from #freenode explain all the steps.19:43
pkuhadunable to boot ubuntu, not displaying kernel and starts performing memtest....19:43
guest1hello all :)19:44
guest1I have a very Noob question for ya all19:44
pkuhadis there any way by which i can recover ubuntu8.0.4 using a that cd?19:45
dooglusSkapare: it seems that disabling startup apps and removing pulseaudio had no effect.19:45
knobcottageguest1: ask19:45
dooglusSkapare: I switched to a different USB port and now automount is working again19:45
guest1I have been modifying a live boot of windows XP for allowing install on external hardrive ... I have finished the modifications and now need to delete the unmodified files from the ISO and insert the modified files back into the ISO19:46
flukxohowdy, how do I use vnc to make the login screen available through the network?19:46
djnelI have a directory containing a bunch of directories no files, what mv command line will remove the first 4 characters from each and every directory but preserve the remaining characters?19:46
BrucevdkMip5: so, did it work?19:47
guest1how do I get the ISO modified19:47
knobcottageguest: try reading this http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/19:48
pkuhadubuntu is not booting and strange memtest starts performing... is there any way to fix this problem?:(19:48
genii-aroundpkuhad: Hit ESC when it says something like "Grub loading". Then choose a kernel to lad instead of memtest19:49
Mip5Brucevdk - I just tried it - but forgot to logout and log back in to see. brb19:49
flukxohowdy, how do I use vnc to make the login screen available through the network?19:49
Piciguest1: Are you sure thats a question we can answer on the Ubuntu support channel? It sounds more like a question for ##windows.19:50
guest1I am trying to do this modification within Ubuntu19:50
guest1I have already completed the modification to the ISO files19:51
Piciguest1: Okay, just making sure.19:51
pkuhadgenii-around: when i hit escape there is no krnel over there instead there are only 2 options  1) memtest86    2) other(i.e. another operating system)19:51
guest1I just need to recompile19:51
Piciguest1: I think you need to look into genisoimage.19:51
knobcottageguest1: then I am not your man......thought you were talking winxp19:51
Whitor! seen xEmber19:52
ubottuI have no seen command19:52
tkoodais there a known issue with firefox 3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.2 in hardy?  -ff is crashing on me 100% of the time (w/no extensions) this week (perhaps the first time I've rebooted since the last FF upgrade?)19:52
Mip5Brucevdk - didn't work. Not sure why.19:53
genii-aroundpkuhad: Did you change lately the boot order of your drives?19:53
BrucevdkMip5: what does `ps auxww | grep keyring` say?19:53
knobcottagestill trying to get ubuntu to connect to my SLUG.  Windows does it with a series of clicks.  Ubuntu doesn't.  I try the connect to server dialogue and it keeps asking for a password and domain name which i duly put in but it just comes back again with teh same request.  What am I doing wrong????19:53
haytham-medhi all, how to change the bit colour in ubuntu 16 or 32 bit?19:53
icc_haytham-med, xorg.conf19:54
haytham-medis there a graphical way :)19:54
pkuhadgenii-around: hmm:(  i guess yes, i was just trying to boot into single user mode to see if i'll be able to change root password that way and meanwhile this thing happened :(19:54
cheekeehow do I change my terminal color settings to white on black rather than black on a white background?19:55
cheekeehow do I change my terminal color settings to white on black rather than black on a white background?19:55
icc_cheekee, Preferences19:55
cheekeesorry for the repeat19:56
icc_cheekee, and remove the selected us system colors19:56
DavideHi, how do you permanently mount a network location on a windows partition?19:56
Mip5Brucevdk - it's still running - so I must not have disabled it properly19:56
genii-aroundpkuhad: Is the other OS listed something like a BSD version, or Windows, or something else entirely?19:56
battlesquidhellow, i'm trying to upgrade ubuntu but the mirror is down!19:56
battlesquidhellow, i'm trying to upgrade ubuntu but the mirror is down!19:56
cheekeethanks. done19:56
tkoodaDavide, `man fstab`19:57
genii-aroundbattlesquid: Wait a while then try again19:57
battlesquidgenii-around: bad idea19:57
battlesquidgenii-around: bad idea19:57
pkuhadgenii-around: it is windows and i've installed ubuntu under windows   :(19:57
genii-aroundbattlesquid: Also please stop posting all twice19:57
tkoodaDavide, er, perhaps `man mount` is more helpful19:57
genii-aroundpkuhad: Ah, so Wubi19:58
battlesquidgenii-around: that was random. i didn't post twice19:58
battlesquidgenii-around: that was random. i didn't post twice19:58
squidlybattlesquid: actually you are19:58
battlesquidsquidly: what?19:58
battlesquidsquidly: what?19:58
squidlyproblem solved19:59
Davidetkooda, thanks, I've been trying by adding a certain line to fstab, but without success.  under "man fstab" in some of th efirst lines it says the order of commands is important, I did not realize that, it says that remote filesystems must be entered in the beginning of the file I was adding it at the end.19:59
icc_Anyone successfully built grub 0.97 on ubuntu? My upper memory limit is negative and grub seg faults...20:00
mlissnerjust updated to jaunty - amarok 2 is REALLY bad, but otherwise no problems.20:00
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Picimlissner : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.20:00
Davidemaybe I read that wrong tkooda20:00
genii-aroundpkuhad: Ah. You need to find someone then more familiar with Wubi ... I stopped using it long ago20:01
knobcottageanyone tell me how to connect to my SLUG in Ubuntu?20:01
knobcottagethat is not via http but to the discs attached to it...20:01
pkuhadgenii-around: is there any way by which i can recover ubuntu using ubuntu cd, i mean i can install that kernel or recover from cd..:(20:01
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maverick340i was having troubles getting my SE phone to get detected as a mass storage device. I hunted on the forums and got one solution (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6231205#post6231205).SO do i file a bug since it doesnt work on 9.04 or 8.10 (updated) ?20:02
Davidetkooda, I'm using this command in fstab.  The command works when I use it in the terminal, but it doesn't work in fstab any idea why?   mount -t cifs //none-xvlc1hi3pv/d/ /media/none/d20:03
genii-aroundpkuhad: Since Wubi puts the install to a file on your windows install, I would think you could choose that file during another Wubi install as the place to reinstall to20:03
Ghoti_Davide: the format of fstab entries do not match exactly the format of the mount command20:03
genii-aroundpkuhad: but as I just earlier said, you are best to find someone who is more knowledgeable specifically with Wubi20:04
pkuhadgenii-around: is there any cah nce of data loss20:04
DavideGhoti_, do you know how I should adjust the entry to make it work?20:04
genii-aroundpkuhad: There is always of course a chance of data loss20:04
pkuhadgenii-around: chance of data loss and settings change20:04
genii-aroundpkuhad: Again, you need more a Wubi guru20:05
Ghoti_Davide: I'm not intimately familiar with cifs, but you could try:   //none-xvlc1hi3pv/d/ /media/none/d cifs defaults 0 020:05
tkoodaDavide, you won't run the actual `mount` command in fstab..  you'll simply specify it as another fstab config line (like Ghoti_ just suggested)20:05
manpoolehow do i make the compiz cube smaller?20:05
battlesquid_so... maybe using x-chat will prevent me from being  banned...20:05
a931bwHi all20:06
a931bwHow to install windows xp but don't kill ubuntu/20:06
pkuhadi need wubi help as ubuntu is not booting and ihave installed ubuntu under windows?  :(20:06
maverick340a931bw,  backup the grub file20:06
maverick340a931bw,  and of course install XP on a different directory20:07
``y7after 18 months, how much do the updates cost?20:07
DavideGhoti_, tkooda, thanks  I'll try that.  I thought it woudl work like that because I added a mount line for my second HD with the mount comamnd and it works somehow it mounts at startup20:07
ienoranda931bw: xp will inevitably overwrite mbr so you'll have to reinstall grub to mbr afterwards.20:07
DavideGhoti_, I actually dont even know what cifs is or means, I've just been using it from a suggestion from someone in this channel20:07
vfwa931bw: MS Windows needs to be on first partition of first ordered drive in order to boot.20:08
Ghoti_cifs is the speficier for the filesystem type20:08
tkoodaDavide, "cifs" is the protocol that is used to communicate over the network to the windows machine20:08
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tkooda(yah, what Ghoti said)20:08
DavideGhoti_, tkooda Ah ok thanks so whitout specifying it could not work?20:09
ienoranda931bw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 < has instruction for doing this from livecd20:09
Ghoti_Davide: in fstab you must specify the filesystem type20:09
pkuhadi think linux-2.6.23-19 has been deleted... is there any wayby which i can install that kernel  :(20:09
celthunderpkuhad, kernel.org20:09
darkpixelmik3: what lenovo model you have?20:09
DavideGhoti_, tkooda ok gonna try that one question does the command mount -a reload fstab? is there  acommand to reload fstab without haveing to reboot?20:10
kronos84pkuhad aree you trying to recover valuable files?20:10
danakaIs there a way to make an icon i can click that will execute a command in terminal?20:10
tim167hi all, how do i transfer a large file from a computer i can acces vwith vncviewer to my local computer ?20:10
Ghoti_Davide: mount -a will mount all filesystems set to 'auto'.. if your defaults don't include 'auto', you can use 'sudo mount /mnt/mountpoint'; in the example above, '/mnt/none'20:10
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celthunderdanaka yes20:11
darkpixeldanaka: of course, there's checkbox that enables "run on terminal" option20:11
tkoodaDavide, yes.  `mount -a` will attempt to mount any unmounted config lines in /etc/fstab, presuming the config line doesn't have the "noauto" config entry in it20:11
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DavideGhoti_, tkooda, so I don't have to add 'auto' just as long as 'noauto' isn't there?20:12
celthunderdavide yes20:12
danakadarkpixel: i mean like.. i click an icon and i want it to execute a command... like mount a drive when i click this link20:12
Ghoti_Davide: correct20:12
tkoodaGhoti/Davide, I think the "auto" config entry is the default20:12
pkuhadkronos84: actually its not even booting i guess the kernel image have been deleted m just trying to install that kernel so that ubuntu works agin........... is there any way?20:12
battlesquid_dose anyone know which mirror to use and where to put that, so i can start upgrade from 7.04 to latest version?20:12
darkpixeldanaka: yeah, that's ok20:12
* tkooda could be wrong, but he doesn't have to specify "auto" in his20:12
dax2112rushHow can I globally enable core dumps for all users? (ulimit -c reports 0 on new shells)20:12
celthundertkooda, thats correct20:13
icc_Anyone successfully built grub 0.97 on ubuntu? My upper memory limit is negative and grub seg faults...20:13
danakadarkpixel, well how do i do it? do i have to make a shell command or something?20:13
kronos84pkuhad can you confirm that drive is spinning up?20:13
pkuhadcelthunder: after downloading the kernel wat do i hav to do n i hav installed ubuntu under windows...:(20:13
pkuhadkronos84: spinning up means?20:14
darkpixeldanaka: nah, with rigth click on desktop20:14
Ghoti_Davide: That'll be $8.00 ;)20:14
DavideGhoti_, LOL20:14
danakadarkpixel, oh create launcher... that's easy20:14
DavideGhoti_, tkooda, man been fighting with this.. I guess all I was doing wrong was putting the filesystem in the wrong spot?20:14
kronos84pkuhad can you hear the hrd drive try to boot?20:14
pkuhadkronos84: i have installed ubuntu under windows :(20:14
celthunderpkuhad untar it and read the readme/install file it should basically say ./configure;make;make install but since ubuntu uses grub most likely you will haveto copy the kernel from the build directory btw dont foreget to check that you have your filesystem not as a mudle and whatnot in the config before compiling.20:14
darkpixeldanaka: indeed :-)20:15
DavideGhoti_, tkooda, so for mount command the filesystem goes before the locations, and for fstab it goes after? is this correct?20:15
Ghoti_Davide: it sounds like the mistake you were making was just putting the commandline mount paramaters into fstab.. easy mistake to make :)20:15
Ghoti_Davide: the mount command it a little more flexible; the fstab requires a specific order20:15
DavideGhoti_, well I have this line in there as well mount /dev/sdb1 /media/storage  And that one mounts that drive fine20:16
kronos84pkuhad you will need to do more reading on dual booting20:16
rufinsalut mbom20:16
MidnightDevilhow do i make gtk applications look good under e17?20:16
pkuhadcelthunder: but ubuntu is not booting, some memtest starts and thats it :(20:16
DavideGhoti_,  so even with the "mount" command in there it still mounts it at startup20:16
celthunderpkuhad so look at /boot/grub/menu.lst20:17
Ghoti_Davide: I honestly don't know why that works, lol20:17
DavideGhoti_, the difference is it doesnt specify a file system20:17
DavideGhoti_, LOL20:17
lp84having trouble with a script, can someone help me? i cant get a file to execute by navigating from the home dir to the script dir20:17
DavideGhoti_, is there a way I could make these moutned locations automatically appear on the desktop at startup?20:17
Davideor that would do it what we just did?20:17
lp84i use q1servs/server1/startscript and it wont execute, but when i go in the actual dir and do ./startscript20:17
lp84it works fine20:17
pkuhadcelthunder: yep i made a look at menu.lst ..........but what configuration do  i need to change....since no kernel image is there in /boot/{ here }20:18
DavideGhoti_,  gonna reboot brb20:18
celthunderpkuhad if you dont have ak ernel image compile as i said and then make an initramfs (if needed) and add the kernel to the boot menu?20:18
celthunderbala hi20:19
hansoffateHi all, I am trying to mount an NFS share on my ubuntu system from a NFS openSUSE server.  I keep getting mount.nfs: access denied by server.  Any ideas what may be cuasing this?20:19
balaHi Celthunder20:19
pkuhadcelthunder:  ........so at least i need a compiled kernel......... isn't it ..?20:19
balaHow do u do?20:19
coldsilence27does any one kno the terminal command that cleans up packages20:19
celthunderpkuhad yes20:19
vfwcoldsilence27: apt-get  install -f20:19
celthundercoldsilence apt-get autoremove20:20
darkpixelhansoffate: that seems you dont have given access for the Ip of your ubuntu machine on your Suse NFS config files /etc/exports20:20
doonerhansoffate, server isn't configured to allow you access to that particular share.20:20
pkuhadcelthunder: ok........ let me have a look .......20:20
coldsilence27no the one that uses configure a20:20
tkoodais anyone having trouble with hardy ff crashing shortly after startup??20:20
vfwtkooda: What is ff?20:21
Ghoti_vfw: usually, firefox20:21
hansoffatedarkpixel: dooner: i have setup /share/Videos  *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)   in my /etc/exports.   That should let in everyone right?  I even tried it with  I keep getting the same error20:21
pkuhadcelthunder: can i get a compiled kernel from anywhere for ubuntu 8.0.420:21
vfwtoga30: Oh, firefox... well you probably have a messed up plugin or helper application.20:21
i3luefire__is there a repository of games for ubuntu? games like urban combat?20:22
celthunderpkuhad you alrady downloaded one just compile it .....20:22
coldsilence27anyone kno the clean up command that use configure -a20:22
vfwtoga30: There is a way to start firefox without add-ons  but don't remember what it is right off hand.20:22
guntbert!games | i3luefire__20:22
ubottui3luefire__: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php20:22
Ghoti_coldsilence27: dpkg-configure -a ?20:22
vfwSome one else probably does.20:22
coldsilence27yea thanks20:22
pkuhadcelthunder: ok........i have downloaded........how to compile it in windows...20:23
Ghoti_coldsilence27: that's not really much of a cleanup command though20:23
doonerhansoffate, what does the logs on the server say?  also are you running portmap on the client?20:23
rndmi have a weird window that keeps popping up. i want to see what process owns it, is there a tool for that? where i can click on a window and get it's process id?20:23
celthunderpkuhad compile from a linux box20:24
coldsilence27well it fixes the pakages but wats the rest of it20:24
soreaurndm: xprop20:24
rndmsoreau: thankyou20:24
darkpixelhansoffate: how look's /etc/hosts.deny in Suse?20:24
l2uddI've just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now I don't have any sound.20:24
celthunderrndm ps auxf will show ut its commnd line not "click on it"20:24
Ghoti_rndm: or xwinfo :)20:24
hansoffatedooner: haven't checked the logs, /var/logs?  and the both the client and server has portmap installed20:24
harlemdavveyguys i need some help with a .rar archive20:24
Peace-greenrabbit: hi20:25
harlemdavveyi think it should have a password20:25
rndmcelthunder: i don't know what the process name is, that's what i'm trying to find20:25
greenrabbithi Peace-20:25
rndmcelthunder: the window is called "untitled window" and it has nothing in it20:25
MidnightDevilhow do i make gtk windows look good under e17?20:25
doonerhansoffate, i would look in /var/logs, but I don't know where suse logs nfs stuff. ubuntu puts it in /var/log/daemon IIRC20:25
pkuhadcelthunder: right now i m on fedora.... how can i compile...it in fedora......without affecting its own kernel........i have just a little idea about ./configure ____ ./make ____ ./make install  :(20:25
darkpixelalso you can try instead of (i dont see that sysntax on the how-to)20:25
hansoffatedarkpixel:  my /etc/hosts.deny only has "http-rman : ALL EXCEPT LOCAL"  my /etc/hosts.allow has "ALL :"  which is my client ip20:26
harlemdavveyis there any way to find the password for a pass protected .rar archive with gnome?20:26
celthunderpkuhad ./configure;make dont do make insatall and itll be in the build directory copy it to your ubuntu machine note you MAY have to set additional options after./configure depending on if the architecture of the two systems are different20:26
luceatheya! how do i upgrade to the latest nvidia restricted drivers? I need version 177.80, is it enough to just grab the latest linux-restricted-modules?20:26
soreauharlemdavvey: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-388152.html20:27
pkuhadcelthunder: ok let me have a try........ :)20:27
soreauluceat: Which version of ubuntu?20:27
mheathIs anyone aware of any tutorials on themeing the main menu in Ubuntu Netbook Remix? I'm having trouble finding much of anything on the topic.20:27
Otacon22My firefox is always crashing, wich is the best and more simple method to recompile it?20:27
luceatsoreau: 8.0420:27
jimsheldongreetings!  has anyone used totem to play an ip camera stream?20:27
DavideIt WORKS! :D20:27
MarfiHow do I remove a program from starting up? It's not in system > applications > sessions20:28
soreauluceat: And which version have you installed currently? or do you have nvidia drivers installed at all?20:28
vfwMarfi: is it an app or a service?20:28
Marfivfw: service20:28
vfwMarfi: try services-admin20:28
Marfivfw: alright, thank ya20:28
hansoffatedooner: I'm still looking for the log files20:28
Ghoti_Davide: yay! :)20:28
luceatsoreau: 169.12. i need to upgrade in order to get audio over hdmi support. perhaps it's easier to upgrade to 8.10 or 9.04?20:29
vfwMarfi: I think it's Administration -> Services or someplace like that.20:29
hansoffatedarkpixel: I tried changing  the /etc/exports to that and then typing exportfs -ra   and I still have access denied20:29
soreauluceat: Audio over hdmi... which card model is it?20:29
vfwMarfi: but you can run sudo services-admin  I think.20:29
PyrusHas anyone ever had a problem installing over a Fedora install that had a few encrypted partitions? I'm trying to install *gasp* Windows over it.20:30
luceatsoreau: 8600M i'm on a hp dv9000 sound card is some HD-intel type20:30
Marfivfw: yea, I got it. It's still missing a few, though. Things like virtualbox, tor, etc. I don't want them starting up20:30
DavideGhoti_, now I get an error when trying to mount my local 2nd HD You are not privileged to mount the volume 'storage'.20:30
TheFunkbombQuick question.  I'm trying to make bash script that requires me to use a sudo command.  How do I stop the bash script so it doesn't enter my next line as the password?20:30
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DavideGhoti_,  or when trying to open the mounted location20:30
Ghoti_Davide: are you using sudo?20:30
darkpixelhansoffate: its portmap running? ps aux | grep portmap20:30
MarfiTheFunkbomb: just have it run sudo <command> and it will pause20:31
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: when sudo asks you for your password, it reads only from stdin, not the script itself20:31
DavideGhoti_, well it's in fstab, and I'm just double clicking the icon.  Do I have to somehow set permissions in fstab??20:31
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: so you're cool already20:31
vfwDavide: Is it not in fstab? (and designated "user"). If not, you will have to use sudo to mount it.20:31
MarfiAnyone else know how to modify the programs that start at boot? things like virtualbox and tor?20:31
Ghoti_Davide: when you run mount with no parameters, does is how that the voluume is mounted?20:31
vfwDavide: Is it not in fstab? (and designated "user" rather than "owner")20:31
soreauluceat: Well, you can try a couple of things. You can try upgrading from the nvidia site though there may be other components too old to be compatible with that version of the driver. Or, you can try an intrepid live cd and optionally install 8.10 or you can wait for 9.04 to be released and then upgrade. All in all, I think since your hw fairly new, you should consider updating ubuntu20:32
DavideGhoti_, vfw, It didn't have "user" next to it... I added it let me try now.  I'm kinda confused when it comes to using parameters20:32
spaceBARbarianhow do i get gparted to let me format my SDCARD ?20:32
luceatsoreau: okay, think that's what i'm gonna do then. i've got no problems using beta-stuff either, so might go for 9.04 anyway :)20:33
hansoffatedarkpixel: hmmm, it seems to be only running on my ubuntu system.  But when I do rpcinfo -p on my server, it lists port 111 is running portmapper20:33
Ghoti_Davide: to add 'user', just put it with a comma just after 'defaults', so that part reads 'defaults,user'20:33
soreauluceat: Cool. Good luck20:33
hansoffatedarkpixel: but it doesn't show up in ps20:33
xDaReaperxHow are your all :D20:33
spaceBARbariani want to format my SD card but it doesnt show up in the gparted list of devices20:33
MarfiGood, and yourself, xDaReaperx ?20:33
luceatsoreau: thanks for all the help mate :) one more thing, anything special i should consider backing up before upgrading?20:33
darkpixelhansoffate: and if you try /etc/init.d/portmap status?20:33
xDaReaperxIm' good too thank you20:33
lp84can somoene here help me with a shell script20:34
usserlp84, just ask20:34
Ghoti_!ask | lp8420:34
ubottulp84: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:34
soreauluceat: You already said it: back up. All depends on what you use most20:34
Cpudan80Fire away lp8420:34
xDaReaperxI just pre - ordered myself 1 Ubuntu desktop CD :D ... last month still waiting for it20:34
xDaReaperxonly 2 weeks passed yet20:34
luceatsoreau: pr0n backup it is then ;) thanks again o720:35
xDaReaperxNot sure when it will reach here... in Bahrain ... i'm gonna join the design team and help i guess20:35
lp84well actually its a question about screens, i am trying to execute a program from outside of the directory with screen, (I want to add this entry to the crontab)20:35
hansoffatedarkpixel: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/cYApMl    check it out20:35
DavideGhoti_, vfw, this is all I wrote, and it seems to work: /dev/sdb1 /media/storage ext3 user20:35
Cpudan80lp84: with screen?20:35
Ghoti_lp84: screen /path/to/the/program20:35
hansoffatedarkpixel: i pmed you, but i bet it didn't go through20:35
Cpudan80lp84: just include the full path /home/user/progs/shell.sh20:36
Ghoti_Davide:  excellent.20:36
DavideGhoti_, again I am not very familiar with parameters, should I have some other stuff in there?20:36
xDaReaperxdoes all the softwares that run for Windows work with Ubuntu ?20:36
amathishello, I am having an issue with xorg.. I just switched from a 2120:36
lp84its actually an executable20:36
Ghoti_!wine > xDaReaperx20:36
ubottuxDaReaperx, please see my private message20:36
spaceBARbarianhow do i get gparted to let me format my SDCARD ?20:36
darkpixelhansoffate: i dont see the state, i mean running / stoped20:37
genii-aroundxDaReaperx: The short answer is No20:37
f1assistancewhat is the minimum processor speed to run 9.0420:37
Ghoti_lp84: it'll still work, just specify the pull path to /usr/local/bin/myrandomtool20:37
vfwDavide: That is your fstab entry?20:37
xDaReaperxOh thnx Ghoti .,.. well where do i get this WINE ?20:37
lp84i do screen -A -m -d -S tf1 /home/pathtoexec/executable -extraargs20:37
lp84and it doesnt give me an error20:37
Davidevfw now it is /dev/sdb1 /media/storage ext3 user20:37
lp84it just doenst execute20:37
Davidevfw, would you put any other parameters?20:37
lp84the only time it works, is when im in the actual directory of the executable20:37
hansoffatedarkpixel: yea, it didn't list it ... but its installed supposedly.  It was much easier setting up NFS shares w/ ubuntu to ubuntu.   lol20:38
amathishello, I am having an issue with xorg.. I just switched from a 21" crt to a 22" widescreen LCD and I beleive the res is out of range because it is set to 1600x1200 and my monitor supports up to 1680x1050.. so all I can get is part of my desktop with no response from mouse... All I can do is go to a failsafe XTERM session. I tried dpkg-reconfigure and it didn't help. Any idea?20:38
xDaReaperxOk i got it now thnx Ghoti :D for the support....20:38
Ghoti_lp84: try making a shell script that CDs to the location of the binary, and runs it, and have screen call the script20:38
vfwDavide: if that doesn't work try:20:38
Ghoti_xDaReaperx: np, cheers20:38
programmer1any way to put ubuntu on a flashdirve and run it off the flash drive?20:38
darkpixelhansoffate: yes, ok, so try starting the portmap in suse /etc/init.d/portmap start20:38
Davidevfw, no it works fine, just wondering if other parameters would benefit anything I dont know anything about parameters20:38
idiotSome brat in #peltkore say ubuntu suck. They start the chann topic anti-ubuntu20:38
spaceBARbarianhow can i find the /dev/xxxx name of a mounted usb drive ?20:38
vfwDavide: /dev/sdb1 /media/storage  auto  noauto,user20:38
Ghoti_programmer1: boot a livecd, then go to System, Administration, Create USB Startup Disk20:38
hansoffatedarkpixel: i just tried to and it failed.   Checked the system log.  Apr 17 12:35:45 reborn portmap[9541]: cannot bind udp: Address already in use20:39
Davidevfw, so settingauto for the filesystem make it recognize it automatically?20:39
darkpixelhansoffate: ah, there's the problem20:39
idiotEveryone, flood #peltkore20:40
kronos84amathis did you try setupx?20:40
Ghoti_!ot > idiot20:40
ubottuidiot, please see my private message20:40
vfwDavide: Yes, if it is set to auto instead of ext3, auto detect the filesystem for you.20:40
darkpixelhansoffate: try netstat -putan, and check what the hell is running of the UDP port used by portmap20:40
amathiskronos84: no20:41
=== Xev is now known as killall
xDaReaperxHow am i supposed to get the xbuntu or edubuntu CD's for free  ?? the desktop edition that is20:41
=== killall is now known as kill-9
darkpixelhansoffate: look at the LISTENNING stuff20:41
amathiskronos84: can I do that from this failsafe xterm or should I do something else?20:41
xDaReaperxthrough SHIp it20:41
mike12I just tried to update my system but midway i ran out of memory, how do i delete the uninstalled packages20:41
Davidevfw, Ghoti_ thanks very much for your help20:41
=== kill-9 is now known as dmesg
Ghoti_Davide: that's why we're here :)20:42
DavideGhoti_,  the check is in the mail20:42
Ghoti_Davide: \o/20:42
xDaReaperx>How am i supposed to get the xbuntu or edubuntu CD's for free ?? the desktop edition that isthrough SHIp it Do we get those CD'S with the unbuntu ?20:42
=== dmesg is now known as modprobe
TheFunkbombvery cool.  Thansk20:42
=== modprobe is now known as makefile
BrucevdkxDaReaperx: you've already answered your own question it seems, but I believe Ship It is currently not shipping20:42
=== makefile is now known as execlp
kronos84amathis unknown20:43
hansoffatedarkpixel: cool, didn't know about that command.  rpcbind is on LISTEN state for   pid = 260320:43
hansoffatedarkpixel: think I should kill it?20:43
=== execlp is now known as Unlock
=== Unlock is now known as Prolog
mike12is it ok to delete everything in the folder cache20:43
TheFunkbombso, who here is good at bash scripting?20:43
xDaReaperxThey are currently not shipping ?? but why... ?? it says to me that my CD has already been sent for shipping20:43
a931bwis that real to launch cracked counter strike 1.6 in linux?20:43
amathiswell, I will try. How do you kill an X server, like if I ctrl-alt-f2 and then wanted to kill any instance of an x server20:43
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: define 'good' :)20:43
mike12cache being the name of the folder20:43
TheFunkbombGhoti_, this is what I'm trying to do.  I have a USB wireless card that I use for programs like Kismet and all that dirty stuff20:44
xDaReaperxThey are currently not shipping ?? but why... ?? it says to me that my CD has already been sent for shipping ??20:44
TheFunkbombI just made a script to take down wlan0 and put up rausb0, put it in monitor mode and change the rate to 1Mps20:44
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=== Anil is now known as Anilm3
TheFunkbombNow, I want to make a script that undoes that and connects me back to my router on my normal wifi card20:45
darkpixelhansoffate: nope, you must look at port 111, and see what is LISTENNING in that port20:45
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv20:45
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: set the network interface paramaters, then just use ifup and ifdown with the interfaces20:46
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: you can set the paramaters in /etc/network/interfaces20:46
pkuhadcelthunder: m back ... i think i caught the right problem after googling a bit........ .. actually i have updated my kernel and a forum post talks about the same problem .. here it is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843800   and also after updating menu.lst file's default options are changed . . only the option of memtest86.bin (as the default ) is there ..........no other one.......kindly have a look...20:46
kronos84amathis suggest you research commands for setup as I recall the configuration is pretty friendly now, did you cdhange the resolution on the new panel to see if that changed anything?20:46
TheFunkbombthanks.  I'll check it out20:46
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: anytime :)20:46
mib_y5wd1ehpanyone mind helping me?  i just installed for the first time, and after login i get a blank screen with only a cursur20:46
knobcottagecome on someone this can't be complicated but how on earth do  I connect to drives on my SLUG via ubuntu.  This is so not easy20:47
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vfwmib_y5wd1ehp: What did you install?20:47
mib_y5wd1ehpubuntu 8.1020:47
vfwmib_y5wd1ehp: black screen?20:47
xDaReaperxwill ubuntu x32 work in my computer cuz i dunno whether my computer is x32 or x64 compatible20:47
amathiskronos84: I tried xrandr to change the resolution but with no avail if that is what you mean20:47
mib_y5wd1ehpsometimes black, sometimes peach20:47
pkuhadkronos84: actually i have updated my kernel and a forum post talks about the same problem .. here it is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843800   and also after updating menu.lst file's default options are changed . . only the option of memtest86.bin (as the default ) is there ..........no other one.......kindly have a look... is there any way to boot into my system20:47
hansoffatedarkpixel: didn't I just say that RPCBIND is LISTEN on port 111?  There is nothing listed as "Listening"  everything is either "Listen", "Close_wait", or "Established"20:47
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Ghoti_xDaReaperx: 32 bit will work on 32 and 64-bit machines20:47
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: What happens if you press something.. like alt+F2 ?20:48
kronos84xDaReap yes to 3220:48
soreauxDaReaperx: I believe x86 will work on both x86 and x86_64 machines20:48
xDaReaperxoh ok thnx20:48
TheFunkbombGhoti_, that's too complicated for a beginner like me.  I'll just reconnect manually20:48
l2uddI have just upgraded my netbook from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04.....now I have no sound.20:48
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: ctrl+alt+F2 then?20:48
Ghoti_!jaunty | l2udd20:48
DavideAnyone have experience with MythTv?20:48
ubottul2udd: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:48
soreaul2udd: Did you make sure that 'alsamixer' works?20:48
soreaul2udd: Did you make sure the audio is not muted?20:48
vfwmib_y5wd1ehp: Try dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg.conf20:49
soreaul2udd: Did you make sure the audio driver for your hw is loaded?20:49
mib_y5wd1ehpwhoa, no idea how do to that20:49
l2uddubottu: thanks20:49
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:49
soreau! audio | l2udd20:49
ubottul2udd: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:49
kronos84pkuhad burn a live cd and explore your file system with that?20:49
vfwmib_y5wd1ehp: sudo  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg.conf20:49
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: hmm, boot up from restore option. and do that command20:49
mib_y5wd1ehpoh, k, one second20:49
knobcottagel2udd:  Have you double clicked the sound icon and chosen the correct device from the dropdownbox?20:49
soreaul2udd: Yes, try #ubuntu+1 for jaunty issues20:49
vfwmib_y5wd1ehp: What display adapter do you have?20:49
mib_y5wd1ehplol, no idea. im pretty poor at pc vocab20:50
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l2uddYes, this doesn't work.  I have sound in the headphone jack, but not built in speakers20:50
bnasysslt peuple ubuntu20:51
bnasyses k quelun pe m aideer20:52
guntbert!fr | bnasys20:52
ubottubnasys: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:52
kronos84l2udd did you check the mixer?20:52
pkuhadkronos84: ok i got a live cd... and gonna explore the file system...but would u please elaborate what to do with the file system...any config changes are to be made there ??20:52
bnasyscommen ca pass de francais20:53
gartralhello al, i cant get sound out of flash videos in firefox20:53
mike12how do i delete packages that were not installed with the update20:53
kronos84pkuhad you will need to understand the layout of a dual boot system, if all else fails it may be easier to reinstall20:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clean20:53
gartral!fr | bnasys20:53
ubottubnasys: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:53
mib_y5wd1ehplooking for some one how can help a noob get his ubuntu 8.10 working.  i did a text install, after login i get a blank screen20:53
amathisok, I don't have 'setupx' and I tried apt-get with no avail20:53
* mimor is away: brb20:54
Ghoti_mib_y5wd1ehp: blank?  Utterly blank? you see nothing whatsoever on the screen?20:54
gartralamathis: apt-search setupx maybe?20:54
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:54
knobcottagel2udd: sorry this is silly but the sound is not muted.  i found this by default sometimes after an upgrade20:54
Guest67119hello, i have a quick question. how would you have another partition automatically mount when you boot up 9.04?20:54
gafirHello, I'm writing a paper for school on the advantages of choosing Ubuntu over Windows Vista. Is there anybody interested in answering a few questions in private about their choice in therms of Operating System?20:55
darkpixelhansoffate: well, thats the portmap, so its running well.  check if  the nfsd and statd daemons are started20:55
amathisok, it says apt-search isn't there either20:55
Activity-!fstab > Guest6711920:55
kronos84amathis go look at www.x.org20:55
ubottuGuest67119, please see my private message20:55
vfwGuest67119: Make an entry for it in /etc/fstab file.20:55
xDaReaperxok gafir i might be interested20:55
Ghoti_amathis: try apt-cache search :)20:56
gafirthanks, I'll talk to you in private!20:56
Ghoti_gafir: I'd be happy to help20:56
soreaugafir: Also, maybe try #ubuntu-ot20:56
gartralamathis: you arent trying to sudo apt-search, are you?20:56
genii-aroundgafir: You may want to enquire along those lines in channels like #ubuntu-offtopic #kubuntu-optic #xubuntu-offtopic20:56
Guest67119Activity, thank you20:56
Activity-youre welcome20:56
gafirgenii-around: I will, thanks20:56
genii-aroundBah, #kubuntu-offtopic    (sp)20:56
soreaugafir: Oh yes, I meant -offtopic ;)20:56
hansoffatedarkpixel:  http://www.mibbit.com/pb/ezpqUM   Looks like it is running to me.20:56
kronos84amathis did you try and select resolution at panel?20:57
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: Is that working for you? (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)20:57
gartralhello all, i cant get sound out of flash videos in firefox, yet sound works fully and fine through Konquer (which i dont use much, as it is bulky, slow, and cumbersome)20:57
mib_y5wd1ehpok ieonrand, it pulls up a blue screen asking about using kernal framebuffer device interface20:58
amathiskronos84: at panel? I don't understand20:58
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: I think you normally want to go with all recommended options through the reconfiguring...20:58
kronos84amathis LCD panel config menu20:58
hansoffatedarkpixel: this seems like a really odd error.   Everything seems to be configured correctly20:59
l2uddknobcottage: no the volume is turned all the way up20:59
darkpixelhansoffate: seems so. Ok, paste the output of "rpcinfo -p localhost" run on the server (suse), and the output of rpcinfo -p serverIP run on the client (ubuntu)20:59
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, now i'm at a dead end.  i clicked yes, then yes on the us keyboard.  now it won't let me go any further20:59
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, sorry one moment21:00
amathiskronos84: I don't have that option21:00
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, now im back at the terman21:00
amathisand apt-cache search setupx returned nothing21:00
=== sean is now known as Guest30967
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, it's just giving me a post install warning, but blank21:01
kronos84amathis can you tell me panel maker and model?21:01
amathisThe thing that confuses me is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is pretty much empty... just says stuff like "Default Setup" etc... I don't see anything to mess with21:01
=== Guest30967 is now known as marv_unr
amathiskronos84: acer X223W21:01
genii-aroundxorg.conf is deprecated and will eventually no longer be used21:02
hansoffatehttp://www.mibbit.com/pb/YvrUE8   here it is21:02
l2uddJOIN ubuntu-121:02
hansoffatedarkpixel: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/YvrUE8 here it is21:02
kronos84amathis brb21:03
Slartgenii-around: do you know if there will be some other way of configuring the stuff that used to be in xorg.conf?21:03
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, just tried rebooting and i still have the same prob21:03
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guntbertl2udd: you probably want /join #ubuntu+1 :-)21:03
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: Hmm, I'm not quite sure here...21:04
gartralhello all, i cant get sound out of flash videos in firefox, yet sound works fully and fine through Konquer (which i dont use much, as it is bulky, slow, and cumbersome) if someone can recommend a web browser that works well with OSS21:04
gartralit would be apreciated21:04
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg < that will hopefully do it all automatically21:04
Slartgartral: I think firefox uses alsa by default.. but it pipes it through a filter called padsp.. I'm not sure if there is a reverse aoss filter available.. but that's what I would look for21:05
Slartgartral: look at the file /etc/firefox-3.0/firefoxrc  .. it sets a variable called FIREFOX_DSP .. might be useful21:06
gartralSlart: i have aoss, but know very little of how to set it up, MOST media plays through ff already... web page music, moives from non flash players, this seems flash specific21:06
l2uddguntbert:  Thanks, I'm a newb!!21:07
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand now when i do tht ait just says possible overwriting of customized configuration file, but doesn't go anywhere21:07
kronos84amathis what did x.org say about setup?21:07
Slartgartral: I haven't reinstalled ubuntu for a while so I don't really know what I did to make it work for me.. but it does.. but I use pulseaudio for all my audio stuff21:07
celthunderpkuhad im in class sorry i didnt respond sooner but i am going to work21:07
guntbertl2udd: no problem, I remember....21:07
celthunderill be on in like 8-9 hours pm me if you are on then and ill look at it if you dont get it fixed before21:08
amathiskronos84: I am trying to read it in links now,21:08
amathiskronos84: one sec21:08
v3gardhi guys!21:08
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: strange, what is the exact message?21:08
v3gardi'm a hardcore slackware-user, and I haven't really used either ubuntu or debian that much21:08
v3gardwhat I want to do is to make a package from an application that I've compiled21:09
gartralSlart: pulse works fine... i kludged it into the aoss/alsa paths... ill check that file, thanks21:09
v3gardwhat's the easiest way to do that when I'm on a system of which I do not have root-access?21:09
kronos84amathis seems to me I recall that you can plug in your own resolution into xserver at command line if the fancy menu doesnt work21:09
mib_y5wd1ehpxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customiesd configuration file;backup in/etc/x11org.conf.200941710063221:10
=== rm````` is now known as rm```
genii-aroundSlart: I imagine changes would have to made by specifying driver module arguments in modprobe.d or /etc/modules so21:10
schristiehow do you change the hostname on ubuntu server?21:10
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: Ah, then it has overwritten it... try starting again.21:11
Slartgenii-around: hmm.. well.. I suppose one will get used to that too. thanks21:11
amathiskronos84: I am having a hard time finding anything on the site in links.. is there something specific I should search for?21:11
mib_y5wd1ehpxclient right? or gnome?21:11
amathiskronos84: I tried to use xrandr but it didn't help anything21:12
mib_y5wd1ehpdamn i hate feeling this stupid, lol21:12
gartral!language | mib_y5wd1ehp21:12
ubottumib_y5wd1ehp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:12
doonerschristie, man hostname21:12
gartralno problem, everyone does it at least once21:13
ubuntuhallo wie installiert man assaultcube unter ubuntu?21:13
guntbert!de | ubuntu21:14
gartral!gr | ubuntu21:14
ubottuubuntu: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:14
ubottuubuntu: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes21:14
gartraloops, wrong lang21:14
natrixnatrix89When I inter sudo in terminal, it prompts the password in a line in terminal.. Which was the command that would make the password prompt pop up in a window (not a line in terminal)?21:14
guntbertgartral: :)21:14
=== shinnok is now known as Guest33412
grawitynatrixnatrix89: gksudo?21:14
natrixnatrix89couldnt remember21:14
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/21:15
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: the reconfigure command has replaced you "various drivers" (including video handling) configuration file with the default one... Hopefully this will enable ubuntu to boot.21:16
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: or rather... the graphical environment to start properly...21:16
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
kronos84amathis try looking or searching for xserver configuration21:16
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, nope same peach screen21:17
Cutteris there any benefit of instaling Ubuntu64bit if I have less than 4Gb or RAM?21:17
ScientistBlahhey, not to bust in and start asking questions, but in some applications, the menu bar text doesnt show up unless you hover over it, anyone know why that happens?21:17
ScientistBlahusing ubuntu 8.1021:18
tready29201   /quit21:18
barfIs Jaunty released?21:18
Waldirhow do I filter the ls command's output by file type?21:18
droneafter upgrading the processor, is a full reinstall in order? or can I just adjust a few settings and it will recognize it ?21:18
ienorandbarf: only release cndidate so far 23 apr21:18
SlartCutter: there's supposed to be a small performance gain.. but nothing you'll notice in general use21:19
Slartdrone: if you're still using the same architecture I think it will just recognize it just fine21:19
CutterSlart: aren't some applications less stable in 64bit?21:19
barfWaldir: ls -lAh |grep ^d21:19
barfwill give you directories21:19
SlartCutter: not these days21:19
CutterI've been told that Adobe flash 64bit isn't too stable21:19
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, not trying to be pushy at all, i was wondering if you ahd any other ideas or if i should go back to googling?21:20
doonerCutter, I run 64 bit and haven't notice any problems.21:20
SlartCutter: with the new 64 bit flash I don't really see any problems21:20
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: nah... not really sure where to go here21:20
Waldirbarf: can you tell me what that means please?21:20
mikejetCutter : I can vouch for that. Don't bother with 64-bit if you want to look at webpages with flash.21:20
SlartCutter: some proprietary stuff still isn't available.. for example I can't use some electronic id's since they only have 32bit plugins21:20
troneHow do i start a service with xinit?21:20
droneSlart: cool, I have a client with a lenovo laptop and I want to go one step up on the proc to make it a bit snappier for them, but I'd rather not have to reinstall21:20
mikejetCutter : The Bug can be reliably reproduced by going to a single html webpage with 25 embedded youtube clips.21:21
sisifHello guys. Anyone here with some knowledge of pppoe and willing to help me? I`m using a pppoe connection in my campus, and every 10 minutes or so it keep "failing" on. What I mean to say is that after a while my internet is not working. My connection is still active, but I can`t ping any think nor open a website. Strangely, sometimes my p2p connection will keep working. The only solution is to disconnect and re-connect. And it`s VERY annoying! So .. any s21:21
mib_y5wd1ehpanyone care to help a computer illiterate, but generally smart guy, try to get my pc running?  i tried to dive right into linux, deleted my old stuff and now i have no pc.  i get a peach screen after login help!21:21
Slartdrone: I don't think you'll have to reinstall for that21:21
mikejetCutter : I think they are not close to fixing flash on 64-bit.21:21
pctrone: define "service"21:22
tronepc, proftpd21:22
droneSlart: I didn't really think so either, especially since I'm not getting anything with more cores or really that drastic in difference21:22
pctrone: with xinit?  why xinit?  or do you mean xinetd?21:22
droneSlart: thanks for the insight! :)21:22
Slartdrone: you're welcome =)21:22
user_sisif: anything in /var/log/messages?21:22
icc_Anyone successfully built grub 0.97 on ubuntu? My upper memory limit is negative and grub seg faults...21:23
kronos84MIB suggest you download and burn a liveCD21:23
Slartmikejet: do you know of an url I could try? something that ought to crash the 64bit flash plugin?21:23
sisifuser_: no. I looked at EVERY log that might prove useful. If you want I can pastebin it to you.21:23
tronepc, i guess so it ask me if i wanted standalond or xinit and i though for so stupid reason xitin would be quicker21:23
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: can you log into the console?  <Ctrl><Alt>F1 might give you a login prompt?21:24
tronepc, never used it before. thought it had some graphic interface21:24
doonertrone, standalone will be quicker as it will always be running21:24
doonertrone, if you run it out of inetd , then startup will be slower since it will spawn a new proc on connect.21:24
pctrone: I'm guessing you mean xinetd, not xinit.21:25
mib_y5wd1ehppc, not once i get past the username longin21:25
pcxinit starts the X server21:25
tronei know. just trying this cd out and thought xinit had a gaphical interface i guess21:25
dooneralso proftpd is an ftp server,  there really isn't a gui per sea (That I know of)21:25
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: so, peach screen, and you can't do a thing with it?  sounds like perhaps a graphics hang?21:25
user_sisif: ok, no need then. maybe contact the admins on your campus?21:25
tronehow do i uninstall an app with app-get21:26
tronei will read acctualy21:26
user_trone: remove or more drastic purge21:26
mib_y5wd1ehppc, i can move my mouse cursor if that means anything.  no idea if it's a graphics hang.  how can i check? (don't even know what a graphics hang is.)21:26
sisifuser_: I`m kinda sure that is somehow linux related since on Windows machines (XP, VISTA) I don`t get this behavior. I just can`t figure out what it is21:26
mib_y5wd1ehpif anyone helps get this work you will have saved me some major nagging from the wife21:27
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: you can move the cursor, but ctrl-alt-F1 does nothing?21:27
mib_y5wd1ehppc, correct21:27
user_sisif: #linux has a bunch of know how. maybe they can help21:28
troneuser_, just remove it so i can reinstall it21:28
darkpixeldooner: instead of proftpd, pureftpd has multiple GUI's and for me, its a much powerfull and secure than proftpd (http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/pureftpweb.htm)21:28
sisifuser_: thank you21:28
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: something is hung, methinks...21:28
user_trone: so you do apt-get remove package-name21:28
mib_y5wd1ehppc, what does mean for me?  not sure what to do about something being hun21:28
amathisas a last resort, will I be able to reinstall ubuntu and have it setup the widescreen LCD monitor automatically?21:29
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: you may want to reboot, then before logging in via the GUI, ctrl-alt-F1 and log in there, then you might(?) find some info in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old21:29
tronei feel so stupid pureftpd was what i was looking for21:29
darkpixeltrone: :-)21:30
doonerdarkpixel, yep I am well aware of proftpd vs pureftpd :)  I actually maintain some of the proftpd code :)21:30
mib_y5wd1ehppc, permission was denied21:30
darkpixeldooner: good to know :-)21:30
tronethis is all messed up now21:30
doonerdarkpixel, albeit I run it primarily on FreeBSD. My Linux boxes use pureftpd.21:31
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: from the command line use "sudo nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old"21:31
tronei was i was paying attention21:31
Arth_UrHi All21:32
loquitus_of_bor1Anybody can recommend if I should remove pulse audio? It seems that my sound stops working randomly.. And now for some reason, whenever I start the machine, no sound.21:32
mib_y5wd1ehpienorand, what should i do once i open it?21:32
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: sudo <any command> will run it as root to get past permission problems.  use with great care!  :-)21:32
koolkartiki hav upgraded my ubuntu and now after rebooting linux-2.6.24-19 or any other kernel is missisng only meme test86+ is ther...... need help to reboot that again and i hav installed using wbui21:32
Arth_UrDoes anyone know how can it happen that one user has internet access one not from the same PC?21:32
tronei see the package manager is much better than the add remove thing21:32
doonermib_y5wd1ehp, it starts up and all you get is a peach screen?  that sounds to me like X is starting, but failing to initialize the session21:33
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks21:33
ienorandmib_y5wd1ehp: Look for lines starting with (EE) or (WW)   errors/warnings21:33
loquitus_of_bor1Anybody can recommend if I should remove pulse audio?21:33
dooglusno, not how to use tor here - how to install it for ubunut21:33
user_Arth_Ur: what do you mean with "internet access"? dial out maybe?21:33
dooglusloquitus_of_bor1: I did.  no problems yet21:33
ienoranddooner: mib_y5wd1ehp  That is probably the case.21:33
kronos84Loquitus  remove pulse audio , for futher info google linux outlaws21:33
m0RrEhey, i've got a question about the "home encryption" i just installed ubuntu on a new harddrive.. mounted my raid (on which i have my old /home ) and i was able to access all my files without entering my encryption passphrase a sigle time?21:33
m0RrEi guess it shouln't be like this?21:34
Cpudan80if the users ID, name and pass are the same you won't be prompted21:34
kronos84More did you encrpt that old system?21:34
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: I wonder what graphics driver you are using, and what graphics hardware you have.  you might be able to drop back to "vesa" driver21:34
mib_y5wd1ehpiok, well i found only ww's.  a few of them are for inel(0).  and one if by a directory21:35
Cpudan80although one would think it would check the machine name too ... hrm...21:35
Arth_Uruser_: I mean it can't ping any address, no web access etc21:35
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: no interesting messages at the end of that file?21:35
pc(and you're looking at the .old file, right?)21:35
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: so 2 users on 1 machine, 1 can access net the other one cant?21:35
gartralSlart: after digging around, i cannot find /etc/firefox-3.0/firefoxrc, there are two folders at /etc/firefox-3.0/, but no files21:35
koolkartik i hav upgraded ubuntu and now after rebooting linux-2.6.24-19 or any other kernel is missisng only memtest86+ is there...... need help to reboot that again and i hav installed using wbui :(21:36
mib_y5wd1ehppc, yes i am looking at that.  no there is not ineteresteing message.  just ends21:36
Arth_UrCpudan80: yes, exactly21:36
Slartgartral: hmm.. I wonder if it's some kind of leftover from 8.04..21:36
user_Arth_Ur: tell us a bit more about your network setup21:36
doonermib_y5wd1ehp, i've not been paying to much attention, but when it goes to start do you get the login screen?21:36
gartralSlart: well.. im in 9.04...21:36
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: what's the output of ifconfig ethX for each user?21:36
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: where X is some number (usually 0)21:37
gartralSlart: 8.10 nvm21:37
mib_y5wd1ehpdooner, yes then i get the peach screen of death21:37
mib_y5wd1ehp(after i login21:37
amathisWill ubuntu support a widescreen LCD with nvidia drivers out of the box?21:37
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: use a pastebin to paste21:37
Cpudan80!paste | Arth_Ur21:37
ubottuArth_Ur: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:37
Slartgartral: I'm running 8.10 atm.. but I upgraded from 8.04 .. perhaps it something left behind21:37
doonermib_y5wd1ehp, ok  then look at ~/.xsession-errors21:37
neurobuntuis it possible to create a fake eth device? i want to create a /dev/eth0 device and make my current eth0 /dev/eth121:37
Arth_Urthe ifconfig is the same for both users21:37
pcamathis: define "out of the box"21:37
doonermib_y5wd1ehp, something like less ~/.xsession-errors21:37
kronos84amathis I would say yes21:38
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: ok right, so the one user must have disabled the gnome network manager or something21:38
mib_y5wd1ehphow do i get out of this file?21:38
amathispc: basically, Xorg died when I switched from a CRt to a widescreen LCD.. I am thinking after days of pain, I will just reinstall ubuntu fresh and keep my home partition.21:38
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: to change the actual networking stuff requires root access - but users can block themselves out by killing the network manager21:38
Cpudan80or by screwing up the settings21:38
koolkartik i hav upgraded ubuntu and now after rebooting linux-2.6.24-19 or any other kernel is missisng only mem test86+ is ther...... need help to reboot that again:(!21:39
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: how'd you get in?21:39
UbuntuNewbhelo, I have a few questions about security... When my machine has been running for a few hours, My user/root password stops working. For example when I´m trying to access the synaptic packet manager it asks me for the password but the password doesn't work, even though I'm using the same password as worked earlier. Also I'm unable to run the terminal at that point. When I reboot everything is back to normal and all is working. Can this be bec21:39
pcmib_y5wd1ehp: ":q" (no quotes) for vi21:39
mib_y5wd1ehptyping in the prompt sectino21:39
amathishow can I view my partitions command line?21:39
amathison the harddrive21:39
Cpudan80fdisk /path/to/dev21:39
pcwhat's a partition command line?21:40
darkpixelfdisk -l21:40
user_neurobuntu: heard once that ethn are just links to kernel modules.. so if you search for modules list and add an entry.. maybe.21:40
Cpudan80pc: fdisk21:40
kronos84amathis if it isnt a big pain give it a try and continue effort to configure xserver resolution to match your screen21:40
pcamathis: you might be able to just remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf and try again...it'll try a default config then21:41
kronos84UbuntuNeww sup?21:41
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UbuntuNewbhey kronos!21:41
UbuntuNewbhay ActionParsnip21:41
UbuntuNewbAs I wrote earlier... I have a few questions about security... When my machine has been running for a few hours, My user/root password stops working. For example when I´m trying to access the synaptic packet manager it asks me for the password but the password doesn't work, even though I'm using the same password as worked earlier. Also I'm unable to run the terminal at that point. When I reboot everything is back to normal and all is working.21:41
kronos84Ubun sup pal?21:41
amathispc: tried that, also tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, I tried X -configure (and it fails), and dpkg-reconfigure -pHigh xserver-xorg made it worse..21:42
Sqrt[i]how to configure vlc to use one window to play videos instead of 2? ()one for the video and one for the controls21:42
kronos84Ubon is that a laptop?21:42
mib_v1u5fkHi! Would anyone be willing to guide me through completely removing Gnome so I could just use a window manager? I've already disabled GDM and modified the necessary files so that when I run 'startx' my window manager appears. I just need help getting rid of Gnome.21:42
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewb: try: gksudo nautilus21:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »21:42
koolkartikunable to boot ubuntu memtest 86 begins and i i've installed ubuntu under windows can i simply take the kernel from another ubuntu system and paste it into my boot folder.... will that work :(21:42
UbuntuNewbnot a laptop.. no21:42
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: did you md5 test the iso / wubi you use to install ubuntu?21:43
UbuntuNewb"gksudo nautilus" ok, what does that do?21:43
kronos84Ubun sounds like a heat issue21:43
mib_v1u5fkubottu: I don't want the KDE or any other DE. I want to kill my DE and just use a window manager.21:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
kronos84Ubun this a old install?21:43
tronei cant get pureftpd to work21:44
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewb: runs nautilus with sudo priveledges21:44
glitsj16amathis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution might have a few things you can try using xrandr if you haven't already21:44
ActionParsniptrone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureFTP21:44
koolkartikActionParsnip:nah i simply installed it using ubuntu 8.0.4 cd21:44
UbuntuNewbkronos, no, it's 9.04 jaunty, three days old21:44
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: ok, did the cd test pass on the cd, did you md5 check the iso used to create the cd21:45
Sqrt[i]how do you run a 32bit binary on Ubuntu x64?21:46
kronos84Ubun sounds like a hardware issue, did you memtest it?21:46
koolkartikActionParsnip:yes it pass the cd test21:46
Arth_UrCpudan80: the network manager is not killed, it runs21:46
Cpudan80UbuntuNewb: gksudo runs nautilus (the graphical file browser thing) as root, it is ***VERY*** dangerous. Be careful21:46
UbuntuNewbno, haven't memtested it...21:46
kronos84Sqrt it should run21:46
Cpudan80Arth_Ur: did they disable the interface or something?21:47
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: i'd boot to root recovery console and check grubs config21:47
UbuntuNewbhow do I memtest it?21:47
kronos84Ubun memtest it for a hour also read your system log for temprature21:47
Sqrt[i]desktop:~/Desktop$ ./real.bin21:47
Sqrt[i]bash: ./real.bin: No such file or directory21:47
Sqrt[i]that is what I get :(21:48
Sqrt[i]but the file is clearly there21:48
tronechapped setup21:48
Arth_UrCpudan80: how can be the interface disabled at all?21:48
UbuntuNewbhow do I monitor temperature?21:48
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: if you had a proper install you could boot to livecd to check stuff but you have wubi which imho is the spawn of the devil21:49
pcSqrt[i]: did you install ia32-libs?21:49
kronos84Ubun its in your system log21:49
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewb: lmsensor21:49
doonerSqrt[i], Is it bin or a script?21:49
koolkartikActionParsnip: in the grub config also there is no kernel image i dont know wat to do next...21:49
doonerSqrt[i], could it be a bad shebang line?21:49
pcdooner: a 32bit script??  :-)21:49
kronos84bailing out good luck all21:49
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: check the grub config for a working system to see whats what21:49
icc_Anyone successfully built grub 0.97 with netboot on ubuntu? My upper memory limit is negative and grub seg faults...21:49
doonerpc, missed the 32 bit part :)21:50
mib_v1u5fklHi! Would anyone be willing to guide me through completely removing Gnome so I could just use a window manager? I've already disabled GDM and modified the necessary files so that when I run 'startx' my window manager appears. I just need help getting rid of Gnome.21:50
Sqrt[i]let me install ia32-libs first21:50
UbuntuNewblmsensor... ok...21:50
koolkartikActionParsnip: can i simply take someone else kernel who also ahs a wubi install and paste into my boot file21:50
pcdooner: although the "#!" part would be something to look for21:50
doonerpc  yep, if the #! was messed up you get that error IIRC21:50
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: well theres slightly more than just copying the kerenl, you could use aptoncd to download the kernel to install it21:51
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline21:51
koolkartikActionParsnip: can u pls explain that a bit21:51
tronewhat if i wanna just open up my whole computer on ftp21:52
guntbertUbuntuNewb: hddtemp, computertemp brings an applet for the panel21:52
koolkartikActionParsnip:i've downlaosded a kernel but now how would i compile that21:52
Sqrt[i]how to install a 32bit deb?21:52
usserSqrt[i], sudo dpkg --force all packagename21:53
usserSqrt[i], assuming the package is on your harddrive and not in the repositories21:53
koolkartikActionParsnip: wat do u mean by aptoncd ?21:55
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: you use a cd to copy over a kernel, then instal using that21:56
=== xDDDD is now known as xD
jacoblyleswhen I try to use a thumb drive, I get an error message: Can't mount volume - you are not privileged to mount the volume. Anyone know how to fix this?21:56
UbuntuNewbhow do I use lmsensor then?21:57
=== xD is now known as xDD
pcjacoblyles: it won't automount?21:57
jacoblylespc: no21:57
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278021:57
=== xDD is now known as xD
koolkartikActionParsnip: i didn't get that .... u mean i hav to take a kernel and place it into my boot directory  :( (dont have any idea of this)21:57
darkpixeltrone: i use SSH instead of FTP, once you login, you see the whole computer and if the user logged has permisssions, it will have access to copy / move / remove anything. And under encryption.21:58
pcjacoblyles: did you try sudo?21:58
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: no you download all the debs that make up a kernel and install them all21:58
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: then boot to it21:58
=== xD is now known as HiddenGuy
amgarchIn9OT: any idea if errout(char *) was/is some standard error handling function in any unix? Grepping /usr/include does not produce anything21:58
dries_how do you lauch computertemp commandline-wise?21:58
koolkartikActionParsnip: : from where shall i downlosd all those debs ..21:59
geniidries_: Probably:  sensors21:59
=== _Skyo is now known as Ranakah`
rww!lm-sensors | dries_22:00
ubottudries_: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.22:00
joanki123can anyone suggest a tv tuner compatible with ubuntu?22:00
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: thats where aptoncd comes in, you can download the necessary debs and put them on a removable medium or in this case the windows system if you can acces the host system)22:00
psicobrahi all any one able to help me with the moonlight plugin it says it's installed but it doesnt work22:00
polgdbhi everybody ..any dude .is posible install ubuntu kernel server into of ubuntu deskop?22:00
ActionParsnip!hcl | joanki12322:00
ubottujoanki123: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:00
=== Burrfoot is now known as Barnabas
tronedarkpixel, great idea i use that on my ipod. just what i need to quickly grabfiles from this down server22:00
loquitus_of_bor1Should I remove pulse audio? My sound is so incredibly flaky22:00
ActionParsnippoing__: sure, you wont gain much though22:00
ActionParsnippoing__: apt-cache search linux server22:01
tronedarkpixel, o yea im trying to get them from xp22:01
rwwpolgdb: Yeah. install the "linux-server" package.22:01
ActionParsnippoing__: what do you expect to gain?22:01
jacoblylespc: sorry, had to step away for a second. I have not yet tried to use sudo to manually mount it. This would not necessarily be ideal as I have a large number of storage devices and would not like to write down/remember a command to use each one. Moreover, the USB drive does auto-mount on another computer I have22:02
koolkartikActionParsnip: i know about the necessary debs and their downloading and i can access ubuntu foder using windows22:02
darkpixeltrone: you mean a SSH client with SCP support for Xp? i used in the past one called WinSCP22:02
guntbertdries_: computertemp brings an applet for the panel22:02
polgdbreally? sure i can get up in grub ?22:02
tronewow i dont really care anymore22:02
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: then boot to recovery root console and install them with dpkg22:02
Ghoti_trone: the PuTTY suite includes an SCP client. There's also Filezilla22:02
koolkartikActionParsnip: its not booting only memtest86 begins :(22:03
dries_i installed computertemp package, but computertemp is not recognized on the command line after that... I thought i need to use another name, but the official website disagrees22:03
mib_v1u5fkHow can I connect to a *secure* WLAN using the command line?22:03
mib_v1u5fkWPA specifically22:03
joanki123ActionParsnip, all of the "versions" are old.... why?22:04
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: then press esc to show the grub menu22:04
joanki123does that mean newer op systems don't support them?22:04
ussermib_v1u5fk, man wpa_supplicant22:04
tronegood ideas i just dont wanna install anything ill just boot a cd in there22:04
koolkartikyeah i did that also inthat also there is only memtest and other option for my windows boot22:04
koolkartikActionParsnip: yeah i did that also inthat also there is only memtest and other option for my windows boot22:05
gujaE: /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 122:05
gujaKeeps saying me that.22:05
gujaI can't remove that pkg with synaptic.22:05
SuspectZerois there a way to configure the clock through CLI?22:05
ActionParsnipjoanki123: what i do is pretend i have a card that not working and see if there is a guide to get it working22:05
LjLSuspectZero: "man date"22:06
Ghoti_SuspectZero: 'date'22:06
polgdbhow i can see video in linux server ?22:06
LjLSuspectZero: although the clock in ubuntu is usually set remotely22:06
SuspectZerokk thanks22:06
ActionParsnipjoanki123: if lotsa people say "hey, this works out of the box in <whatever>" its usually a good choice22:06
mib_v1u5fkusser: Okay. I was trying to use iwconfig22:06
joanki123ActionParsnip, if the ad for the product says that it works with linux, is it a safe bet it works on 8.04?22:06
lsbrumHow the correct permission for /home, /home/user and /home/user/public_html running lighttpd?22:06
ActionParsnippolgdb: mplayer can run without an x server22:06
ActionParsnipjoanki123: sure22:06
ActionParsnipjoanki123: also check the tv cards advertised at www.efficientpc.co.uk22:07
mib_v1u5fkIt was connecting but I couldn't get an IP address.22:07
polgdbah ok22:07
tronelol i spilt juice on my laptop yesterday in the middle of install gentoo and thats why im in this stupid situation22:07
ussermib_v1u5fk, for wpa you need more than iwconfig22:07
pcjacoblyles: next thing I'd do if automount didn't work would be to look in /var/log/messages for an explanation or clues22:07
troneinstalling on the server22:07
ussermib_v1u5fk, man wpa_supplicant.conf has some examples22:08
lsbrumHow the correct permission for /home, /home/user and /home/user/public_html running lighttpd? 700? 703? 704?22:08
ussermib_v1u5fk, something like that22:08
pcSuspectZero: there's also hwclock, depending on what you're trying to do22:08
SuspectZeropc, i got it using the date command22:09
SuspectZerothanks alot22:09
koolkartikActionParsnip i am getting abit of what u r sying n i have donloaded aptoncd... now can u help me further22:09
SuspectZerodate --set=arugument :)22:09
rpaddockWhen installing ubuntu, has anyone run into an issue with custom partitions being ignored and put into /target instead?22:09
rpaddockLike /target/home, etc..22:09
euthymoshow can I inspect the library dependencies of an executable?22:09
ussermib_v1u5fk, save it somewhere, my_network.conf and run wpa_supplicant on it with wpa_supplicant -d -c my_network.conf22:09
mib_v1u5fkusser: Yeah, I'm looking at it now. Thanks. I wanted to connect to the internet an update Xmonad before I kill Gnome.22:09
Ghoti_rpaddock:  while you're installing, /target is the mountpoint for your hard drive that you're installing ot22:09
Ghoti_rpaddock: /target/home will be /home once the install is complete.22:10
ActionParsnipkoolkartik: ive not used it, read the guide and it will help22:10
polgdbis posible burn discs in linux server?22:10
rpaddockGhoti_: Ahh, gotcha. It does error out towards the very end.. I'm guessing that's why it's like that.22:10
ActionParsnippolgdb: sure is22:10
Ghoti_!info cdrecord | polgdb22:10
guntberteuthymos: ldd <file>22:10
lsbrumHow the correct permission for /home, /home/user and /home/user/public_html running lighttpd?22:10
jacoblylespc: when I try to mount as superuser, It tells me "NTFS signature is missing \n Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': invalid argument \n The device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't have a valid NTFS \n Maybe you selected the wrong device? or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around?22:10
ubottupolgdb: Package cdrecord does not exist in intrepid22:10
Sqrt[i]my mouse scrolls too fast. any way to change the speed of the wheel? like the num of lines it scolls?22:10
ActionParsnippolgdb: http://sharkysoft.com/tutorials/linuxtips/cdcommands/22:11
koolkartikActionParsnip: ok i'll try that thnx22:11
gujaPLEASE HELP: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 122:11
guja Synaptic wont delete file, won't repair it, won't do anything about it. It keeps reporting error sign in system tray in gnome panel. What am I supposed to do??22:11
euthymosguntbert: great22:11
=== Archit3ct is now known as Architect
ActionParsnipguja: sudo apt-get clean22:12
euthymosguntbert: thanx22:12
guntberteuthymos: glad to help22:12
gujaActionParsnip, E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)22:12
gujaE: Unable to lock the download directory22:12
polgdbclient irc for linux server ?22:12
ActionParsnipguja: do you have synaptic still open22:12
ActionParsnippolgdb: irssi22:13
ActionParsnip!info irssi22:13
gujaActionParsnip, I'm idiot, sry, didn't notice. :-)22:13
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-4ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1056 kB, installed size 2908 kB22:13
pcjacoblyles: same key mounts ok elsewhere?  that's quite odd.../var/log/messages present any clues?22:14
mib_61ad3or6hi, windows 7 killed grub with an update. how can i restore it? I tried find /boot/grub/stage1 but i got error 15: File not found22:14
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:14
gujaActionParsnip, didn't help.22:14
polgdbtotem is working in linux server?22:14
jacoblylespc: figured it out. I had trouble with another drive and edited my fstab file to try to get it to mount. I deleted that line from my fstab file, and the thumb drive works well.22:14
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:14
guntbertguja: silly question: you did sudo?22:15
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:15
euthymos2nd question!!22:15
gujaActionParsnip, guntbert http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?YmVhZj22:15
euthymoswhat is the package needed to run qt apps22:15
euthymosthere are bunch of packages22:16
DigitalKiwisuch as22:16
guntbert!qt | euthymos22:16
ubottueuthymos: Qt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports22:16
mib_61ad3or6ActionParsnip, find /grub/stage1 nor /boot/grub/stage1 works22:16
sah-workanyone have any issues with sound not working the lastest beta22:16
DigitalKiwiubuntu names it libqt?22:17
euthymosthe bot suggested to install developement packages22:17
euthymoswhat are the ones just for run the apps?22:17
pcDigitalKiwi: ignore me and see ubottu, above22:17
tgunrI have been reading the page for firestarter and can't find how to22:17
tgunrchnage logging level22:17
DigitalKiwii didn't feel like typing the whole name22:17
UbuntuNewbany ubuntu security expert here?22:18
DigitalKiwithe whole name is even worse22:18
tgunrmy syslog is being flodded with firewall events22:18
UbuntuNewbI really need someone to talk to..22:18
jpdsUbuntuNewb: You might want to try #ubuntu-hardened.22:18
mib_61ad3or6can anyone help me with grub? both find commands the wiki says to use produces an error 1522:18
ActionParsnipeuthymos: if you install an app that needs qt it will be installed for you22:18
euthymosthere's no package22:19
euthymosis a test application22:19
enzotibmib_61ad3or6: are you using sudo?22:19
ActionParsnipeuthymos: sudo dpkg -i <name>; sudo apt-get -f install will install the required stuff22:19
mib_61ad3or6enzotib: yeah i'm using sudo22:19
Bert_2Hi, how do I make a program autostart for just one user and not for the others ?22:19
euthymosthere's no package22:20
AciDI installed 8.04 on my sasung NC10 and had no major problem. for 3 weeks now (approximatively), I can't suspend anymore. I checked the dmesg logs and spotted a possible error message regarding the "eviocgbit problem". I tried with another kernel, same pb. I tried deinstalling synaptics, still. Anyone got a solutino for this suspend pb on 8.04 ?22:20
enzotibeuthymos: you can run it through auto-apt22:20
xanguaBert_2: in Gnome go to Sys> Prefs> Sessions22:20
euthymosthank you guys22:20
euthymosbut I was just wondering on what is the package to run QT apps on ubuntu22:21
=== petskull is now known as Petskull
euthymosjust suppose I'm releasing the package for that app22:21
milenhi guys22:21
xanguaeuthymos: what is the problem with QT apps¿22:21
euthymosI am the package creator, OK. What are the dependencies to declare?22:21
xanguayou can use it in Gnome ass well22:21
vocxeuthymos, something like kde-libs will install required qt libraries and more, maybe libqt will install only the essential QT libraries.22:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:21
mib_61ad3or6do i have to reinstall? I can't find grub22:22
bachhi i'm having problems making changes to my screen resolution on nvidia anyone able to help.22:22
euthymosvocx: i'll test libqt22:22
grendal_primeim trying to record sound from my music player and my desktop in recordmydesktop.  I can record sound from the mic, but not from the mp3 player...anyone what im doing wrong?22:22
milenhave anyone had issues with starting 1) nautilus 2) sound-juicer while there's CD in?22:22
ActionParsnipbach: gksudo nvidia-settings22:22
euthymosthere's no libt22:22
Bert_2xangua:  Sys> Prefs> Sessions is not user specific, it's global22:23
ActionParsnipeuthymos: apt-cache search qt | grep lib22:23
DigitalKiwimilen: I have heard of such issue22:23
DigitalKiwiI believe I even had it22:23
saurabh1403hello everyone....how can I download a full version of ubuntu which includes most of the packages....I need to install it on a PC where no internet facility is present at the moment22:23
xanguais not for  ALL USERS22:23
* DigitalKiwi uses pcmanfm ;D22:23
bachActionParsnip: do you know why this is.22:23
xanguaBert_2: that is your user configuration22:23
ActionParsnipDigitalKiwi: its awesome22:23
pceuthymos: $ ldd <app> will tell you which libs you depend on22:23
Ghoti_!offline > saurabh140322:23
ubottusaurabh1403, please see my private message22:23
xanguaSaruji: you can download (K)(X)Ubuntu DVD22:23
Bert_2xangua: FAFAIK it's for all users, I'll have a look22:23
euthymospc: yeah but packages have different names, there are nice metapackages22:24
vocxeuthymos, remember that libraries usually have versions, so it's probably libqt-3.5 or something. You should search before "aptitude search lib qt"22:24
ActionParsnipbach: that app is for setting res with the nvidia driver22:24
pcdpkg -S <filename> will tell you the package name22:24
euthymosI've found libqtcore4 and libqtgui422:24
euthymosI think they do the trick but strange there's not a metapackage22:24
milenDigitalKiwi, what could you advise?22:24
saurabh1403Ghoti_: thanks  :)22:24
Ghoti_saurabh1403: anytime22:25
DigitalKiwiusing pcmanfm ;)22:25
root1help my, search mkmf22:25
pceuthymos: the metapackage is probably "kde"22:25
euthymostoo large22:25
euthymoshowever I don't want to bug you with this22:25
aniasishello my wireless is not working22:25
aniasisand when I enter ifconfig wlan0 up22:25
euthymosI think libqtcore4 and libqtgui4 are fine, but I expected a nice metapackage22:25
aniasisI get siocsifflags: No such file or directory22:26
vocxeuthymos, I suggest checking out a very simple program's dependencies. Something small that is done is QT. But beware, if it is part of the whole KDE it will try to install KDE specific libraries too.22:26
root1ja z Ua22:26
TheFunkbombaniasis, try sudo ifconfig wlan0 up22:26
root1help my22:26
milenso, you believe that nautilus is actually the reason DigitalKiwi?22:26
euthymosvocx: maybe Skype22:26
root1search mfmf22:26
Ghoti_ActionParsnip: You seen to have nvidia-fu, perhaps you can assist me with this-  I have a box that will do 1280x1024 on a normal CRT monitor, but will not go above 640x480 on an HDTV that I know will do 1280x1024 (my mac works just fine)- how can I force a specific resolution?22:26
root1not X22:26
euthymosvocx: I'll uncompress their package :D22:26
DigitalKiwiI don't remember the specifics of the issue22:26
mib_61ad3or6find /boot/grub/stage1  Error 15: File not found22:26
DigitalKiwibut try it with a different manager22:26
vocxeuthymos, I believe there is no such metapackage. Might be a good idea suggesting it to packagers. Although that should be taken care of in debian.22:27
milengot it22:27
mib_61ad3or6find /grub/stage1  Error 15: File not found22:27
ActionParsnipGhoti_: have you installed the nvidia driver?22:27
milenappriciate it ;)22:27
root1milem help my, ok?22:27
DigitalKiwiand if it works then well the problem is probably with nautilus22:27
aniasisit doesn't even show my wireless card as a device22:27
pcmib_61ad3or6: find /boot -name stage122:27
TheFunkbombanias, what happens when you ifconfig?  Pastebin it here.  As well iwconfig22:28
macman_crazy question for you22:28
Ghoti_ActionParsnip: yes, the problem developed when I moved the computer to the HDTV. As I mentioned, on a CRT it works perfectly22:28
milenso do you prefer that file manager?22:28
DavideHi does anyone run MythTV?22:29
root1DigitalKiwi help my, ok?22:29
macman_say /dev/hda1 /dev/hda3 /dev/hda5 where all linux and /dev/hda2 was windows .. if i fdisk hda1 hda3 and hda5 will  /dev/hda2 windows still be there ?22:29
DigitalKiwirubyripper is nice too if you don't mind ruby dep22:29
TheFunkbombaniasis, ifconfig -a and iwconfig into pastebin22:29
Ghoti_!mythtv | root122:29
ubotturoot1: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv22:29
ActionParsnipGhoti_: set the res low and then attatch it, ive never done this so am not the best person to ask22:29
DigitalKiwiand if it's on ubuntu22:29
AloushHey guys!22:29
root1NO X22:29
DigitalKiwii don't even know what root1 question is22:30
ActionParsnipGhoti_: the fact that it works on crt is good and the right driver is being used22:30
milenmib_61ad3or6 ??22:30
milenyou get the error while bootin, right?22:30
Ghoti_ActionParsnip: I can run everything "normally, but only at 512x384 or 640x480- no higher resolutions show up at all; I know the TV can do 1280x1024x60Hz, I just want to force that resolution22:30
root1DigitalKiwi search mkmf22:30
TheFunkbombaniasis?  You still with me?22:30
root1DigitalKiwi search mkmf, help please22:31
DigitalKiwisearch where22:31
mib_61ad3or6milen: i am unable to find grub. a windows update messed with the MBR22:31
ActionParsnipGhoti_: you could edit xorg.conf to force it22:31
ActionParsnip!grub | mib_61ad3or622:31
ubottumib_61ad3or6: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:31
DigitalKiwimib_61ad3or6: reinstall grub ;p22:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:31
aniasisTheFunkbomb, ifconfig shows my wlan0 as there but how do I connect to local devices22:31
Ghoti_ActionParsnip: on the TV that is, on the CRT, I can set any resolution I want.  I've tried hacking the xorg.conf, but it seems to ignore anything I put in there22:31
milenare you at least able to get to the boot screen, where you can choose between ubuntu and windows?22:31
darkpixelGhoti_: i solved a similar issue adding the "modelines" to xorg.conf22:31
root1please help22:32
TheFunkbomb!pastebin | aniasis22:32
ubottuaniasis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:32
the7thmagus1hey, my system monitor reports 99% CPU load and my compy's fans are whirring, but I can't find a process with a high CPU time... idk what's up22:32
TheFunkbombgo there and pastebin the results22:32
vocxmib_61ad3or6, I don't think it's mentioned in the wiki but you can reinstall grub using "grub-install" which basically is a higher level of going into the grub prompt22:32
thebeavthis is throw out to the room looking for info, I checked the Ubuntu Forms for a how-to on bluetooth keyboard and mouse. found what i need but in the middle of the procedure I discovered that I don't have a hcid.conf file, so I can't complete the how-to. Anyone got more info on this?22:32
pavi711hello guys i need some help with openoffice22:32
aniasisTheFunkbomb this is not the machine I am talking about another laptop that I have.22:33
pavi711can anyone help me with it22:33
mib_61ad3or6vocx: ty22:33
pcGhoti_: does /var/log/Xorg.0.log tell you anything?  maybe the TV is reporting and EDID with small resolutions?22:33
UgiDoes anyone know how to change the new jaunty notification options?22:33
DigitalKiwi!ask | pavi71122:33
TheFunkbombaniasis, well, you need to tell me what you're talking about in order for you to help me.  The only things I know is that it doesn't work22:33
ubottupavi711: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:33
pcthe7thmagus1: use top22:33
root1HELP HELP HELP22:33
the7thmagus1pc: what's top?22:33
root1SEARCH mkmf22:34
erUSUL!help | root122:34
ubotturoot1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:34
Ghoti_pc: let me check :)22:34
TheFunkbombaniasis, plug into your router with an ethernet cord and run sudo apt-get update22:34
DigitalKiwiwhat is it with everyong PMing me today22:34
pca command that tells you what processes are running22:34
TheFunkbombI gotta go eat22:34
TheFunkbombgood luck22:34
root1not X22:34
root1not X22:34
darkpixelthe7thmagus1: you can also open a terminal and type ps aux, and look to %CPU22:35
the7thmagus1there isn't really anything taking huge time. X-serve is at 13%22:35
glitsj16Ugi: you might have better luck in #ubuntu+1 for jaunty related issues22:35
pcthe7thmagus1: top reports CPU load, too...still says 99% ?22:36
guntbertdoes anyone know if there exists a channel in ukrainian language?22:36
mib_61ad3or6can you guys help me with this? I can't find grub using the first wiki, and the second wiki doesn't help with the fact that I'm running a live CD22:36
mythmanCan someone advise me of some good guides or how to's for making the ubuntu desktop look a little more polished22:36
the7thmagus1its says ~67-75 percent22:36
pavi711how to enable hibernate option in ubuntu22:36
harlemdavveyguys what does this line mean?:       filename.rar -r -- *22:36
harlemdavveycan you help me??22:37
the7thmagus1Cpu(s): 71.9%us, 27.8%sy22:37
the7thmagus1that seems to add up to 99 percent...22:37
usserharlemdavvey, the owner can read the file, everyone else have no permissions22:37
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pcthe7thmagus1: you ought to at least be able to add up the active processes you see and get the 71.9%22:38
TetracommI want to change the Ubuntu startup screen to one which shows the processes taking place instead of the logo, how do I do that?22:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash22:38
Ghoti_pc: I see a lot of output along the lines of "(II) NV(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)" (with differeing resolutions).  800x600 is there ("(II) NV(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz)") but I can't set to that resolution even22:38
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:38
guntbertthe7thmagus1: htop might give you a better picture22:39
vocxmib_61ad3or6, mount the root directory in something like "/media/original_root/"22:39
pavi711hibernate is not working in ubuntu 8.10 can anyone help me22:39
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:39
TetracommIs there a key or combination that will enable me to stop the boot process so that I can write down error messages?22:39
xanguaTetracomm: you can find some splash themes in "Gnome Look"22:39
harlemdavveyis there any possibility to extract files from a password protected archive, without any knowledge of the password?22:39
cbwcjwI am having a problem with fluxbox and sound. Whenever I use fluxbox, I hear no sound. Ive dug around and I cant find anything. It works in Gnome and KDE.22:39
vocxmib_61ad3or6, then issue "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/original_root/" hd022:39
maximonick Nasra22:39
the7thmagus1pc and all: nope, the sum of my processes is at 25%22:40
erUSULTetracomm: remove the splash and quiet options from the kernel lines in grub's /boot/grub/menu.lst22:40
the7thmagus1yet top shows me much more22:40
Ghoti_Tetracomm: Ctrl+S22:40
mrwesTetracomm, you can see those messages by typing dmesg | less or dmesg | tail in a terminal22:40
vocxmib_61ad3or6, that should install grub to the master boot record of the first disk, hd0, and then proceed to create the directories /media/original_root/boot/grub with a new menu.lst, so next time you boot it will detect the new installed boot loader.22:41
the7thmagus1http://paste.ubuntu.com/153067/ : that's a snapshot of my top readouts22:41
TetracommGhoti_: Ctrl+S to stop the boot process?22:41
Ghoti_Tetracomm: Ctrl+S will 'freeze' any terminal until you press ctrl+Q to 'thaw' it22:42
sisifI`m on a pppoe connection and after a while (let`s say 30 minutes) my traffic trough the port 80 does not work anymore. I`v checked the /var/log/messages and I got nothing. Any suggestion on what is causing this? The only solution I have so far is to re-connect the pppoe.22:43
cbwcjwI am having a problem with fluxbox and sound. Whenever I use fluxbox, I hear no sound. Ive dug around and I cant find anything. It works in Gnome and KDE. Can anybody help me?22:43
the7thmagus1even htop is showing 100% CPU load22:43
xanguahello, does anybody have this issue ¿ > when i play a file with Mplayer my screens turns darker22:44
TetracommThank you.22:44
Ghoti_Tetracomm: a pleasure22:44
vocxxangua, don't use compiz22:44
xanguavocx: i have already tirned compiz off22:45
Lyth1when I try to save nvidia-xserver settings to the x configurationf ile it fails with an error of not being to write the backup file22:45
TetracommI don't see fd0. :(22:45
TetracommWhat do I do?22:45
the7thmagus1hello? anyone check out the pastebin I sent?22:45
erUSULxangua: try with a different vo driver ... « mplayer -vo x11 media_file »22:45
xanguaerUSUL: i have already tried that many times22:46
pcLyth1: sudo ?22:46
Ghoti_Tetracomm: do you have a floppy disk drive connected to the computer?  It's not USB, is it?22:46
Lyth1pc: Why did that not occur to me?22:46
xanguait happens with mplayer or VLC, it doesn't with Totmem the default player erUSUL22:46
DavidePalmhi Does anyon here run MythTV?  Anyone know about the "No UPnP Backend found" Issue?  I cannot even setup the backend or frontend, I just get that error22:46
pcTetracomm: /dev/fd/0 ?22:46
darkpixelthe7thmagus1: yes, but it seems incomplete, can you please paste the COMPLETE output of ps aux?22:47
erUSULpc: that's the default file descriptor... stdout nothing to do with floppy22:47
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv22:48
sisifOk, new question: does anyone know any (good) reason for which your dns to go bezerk on a pppoe connection after a given amount of time ?22:48
Lyth1Nvidia-settings/ubuntu is not detecting my monitors proper max resolution22:48
erUSULTetracomm: load the floppy driver « sudo modprobe floppy »22:48
sisifLyth1: make sure you have the Xorg.con set up properly22:48
Ghoti_Lyth1: I'm having exactly the same problem :(22:48
the7thmagus1darkpixel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153075/22:48
DavidePalmcbwcjw, everything I've read there doesnt seem to have this issue do you happen to know what is going on?22:48
multiverseany masters of sudo here?22:49
Lyth1sisif: How do I check that?22:49
Ghoti_multiverse: we use Ubuntu. We're all sudo jockeys :)22:49
Lyth1Ghoti: Misery loves company,22:49
multiverseI can't seem to get this command to work:  Cmnd_Alias DBACHOWN = /bin/chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/22:49
multiverseGhoti_:  will mister master help me out22:49
sisifLyth1: look in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf22:49
macman_sudo multiverse22:49
fleebailey33i got an s3 savage 2000 with intrepid. it has installed xorg drivers, it can't play dvds22:49
Lyth1One moment, sisif22:49
cbwcjwDavidePalm: No, I dont seem to understand whats causing it. Xmms2, Rythmbox, Any media player and firefox, ect doesnt make a sound, the mixer looks set right, and it works just fine in gnome.22:49
multiversesudo make me a sandwich22:50
vocxmultiverse, that has nothing to do with sudo?22:50
TetracommUnder /dev/fd, I see a link called 0.22:50
TetracommCould not display "/dev/fd/0".22:50
Ghoti_multiverse: xkcd fan, eh? :)22:50
cbwcjw:) I love that comic22:50
multiverseGhoti_:  natch22:50
milenboys and girls, can the terminal 's function to ALWAYS says "Close this Window" be turned Off?22:50
fleebailey33s3 savage 2000, playing dvds...22:51
Lyth1What am I looking for?22:51
ubuntusuxhello anyone know how to install xkoules in ubuntu  ?22:51
pcTetracomm: erUSUL already mentioned that that's file descriptor 0 (not floppy)22:51
milenI'm using the latest Jaunty and when I'm closing the terminal, even if there are no processes I'm always getting "There is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it."22:51
Ghoti_multiverse: so, in what context is 'Cmnd_Alias'?22:51
pc(because I made the same assumption as you :-)22:51
Lyth1Ssisf: What am I looking for?22:51
the7thmagus1darkpixel: any ideas?22:51
Ghoti_!jaunty | milen22:51
ubottumilen: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:51
xanguamilen: go to #ubuntu+122:52
milen10x ;)22:52
milengot it!22:52
fabiomilen: try /apps/gnome-terminal/global/confirm_window_close in gconf-editor22:52
Lyth1Sisif: ?22:52
darkpixelthe7thmagus1: its seems all ok man :-(22:52
multiverseGhoti_:  I am making an alias for the command that I want to allow my DBA to run.  Someone on another channel has suggested that I create an alias for the command parms.  I'll try that now and I'll leet you know  how it goes.22:52
milenright away fabio22:52
darkpixelthe7thmagus1: it happens every time you boot or its something aleatory?22:53
Ghoti_multiverse: try: alias yourcommand='sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/'22:53
sisifYes Lynth1:22:53
mib_61ad3or6I found the names of my partitions using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub, but I'm afraid to continue because I don't have just two partitions. I have a root partition, the second is an extended partition that contains a /swap and /home22:53
multiverseGhoti_:  kk, thanks22:53
Lyth1Sisif: I'm not sure what to be looking for22:53
Ghoti_multiverse: no prob mate22:53
=== Purple_ is now known as forced_in
the7thmagus1darkpixel: well, I was using KDE for a month. I boot back into gnome and this happened. I've rebooted several times directly into a gnome session and still it happens22:54
sisifLyth1: check you display specs on the internet (aka max resolution and refresh rates) and modify the Xorg.conf22:54
milen10x fabio, it worked!22:54
Lyth1Sisif: I was able to locate those on the monitor, however they were not ranges22:55
=== Inc`` is now known as Inc`
TetracommOk, pc. So where is it then?22:55
TetracommI'm not seeing floppy anywhere.22:56
lmartin92is there a way to limit bandwidth on a per user basis (home computer system, not server)?22:56
TetracommAfter typing sudo modprobe floppy22:56
sisifLyth1: I`m sorry I Cannon t help you more. I myself am here for help. Kinda newbie myself.22:56
Ghoti_!info shaperd | lmartin9222:56
ubottulmartin92: shaperd (source: shaperd): A user-mode traffic shaper for tcp-ip networks. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-5.2 (intrepid), package size 41 kB, installed size 196 kB22:56
=== pen is now known as penC
Lyth1Can anyone here tell me what to do if I can only find one number each for my monitors horizsync and vertrefresh and the resolution is not being detected right?22:57
darkpixelthe7thmagus1: what's the output of ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10 ?22:57
lmartin92Ghoti_: one last question, does it work similar to trickle cause that didn't work, and is it as easy as adding it to a gnome session?22:57
cbwcjwI am using fluxbox in ubuntu intrepid. My sound isnt working for any programs, but it works fine and dandy in ubuntu. Can anybody help me?22:58
Ghoti_lmartin92: All I know about shaperd is what it does, I've not used it, sorry :(22:58
=== penC is now known as pyen
cbwcjw* Gnome22:58
slhawkinsI've got a problem! I've got a server and I've been working on installing everything to it.. well when I decided to test my mail server I tried using telnet .... and it froze22:58
lmartin92k, thanks, I'll try it22:58
the7thmagus1darkpixel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153080/22:58
pcTetracomm: modprobe worked?  any interesting messages in /var/log/messages?22:58
slhawkinsit said.... trying xx.x.xxx.xxx ...., then 'Connected to....' 'Escape character is '^]'.'22:59
slhawkinsShows something about the process I'm trying to connect to, and then freezes22:59
pc(I unplugged my IDE floppy, so I may not be much more help here)22:59
slhawkinsCtrl+C doesn't kill it either22:59
=== fernando is now known as Guest80691
Ghoti_slhawkins: to break out of telnet, press ctrl-], enter, type 'quit'22:59
Ghoti_slhawkins: you should then be at a prompt22:59
slhawkinsnever knew that.. thought a quick Ctrl+C would work22:59
=== Guest80691 is now known as fer
slhawkinsnow the question becomes - why does it freeze? even trying to ssh in to port 22 it freezes23:00
slhawkinsIt said 'Protocol mismatch'?23:00
slhawkins - That's something I might have luck googling :D23:00
dada__Hi there! I was wondering, what's this "recovery menu" I get in when I sudo shutdown now? I expected my computer to, well... shut down :)23:00
Tetracommpc, I will check soon.23:01
h8reddoes ubuntu have the equivalent of a device manager, that would list my hardware, what kind of ram i have and how much, etc23:01
TetracommWhat do I type to run memtest86+?23:01
pcTetracomm: I think you boot to it, using the grub menu23:01
Ghoti_slhawkins: port 22 is ssh, not telnet :)23:02
slhawkinsyes, I know this23:02
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
slhawkinsI ssh'd to my machine, was using telnet to test my mail server23:02
Ghoti_slhawkins: you cannot telnet to an ssh server, you'll get what you got- a 'dead' session23:02
vocxh8red, maybe not in a single place like that, but you can most probably find that information in the menus, System > Administraion or Preferences23:02
Ghoti_slhawkins: try telnetting to port 25 :)23:03
cbwcjwI am using fluxbox in ubuntu intrepid. My sound isnt working for any programs, but it works fine and dandy in gnome. Can anybody help me?23:03
slhawkinsone sec - I'm going to try my mail server again..23:03
Ghoti_slhawkins: kk23:03
Ghoti_cbwcjw: try in #fluxbox perhaps?23:03
h8redi love ubuntu but i have no idea how to do the simplest things heh23:03
Gulopineokay, what's the magic to getting atheros support working? :(23:03
cbwcjwGhoti_: Ill head there after I do a quick post on the forums.23:03
Gulopinethat seems to be the only thing i'm missing23:04
cbwcjwh8red: Its fun to learn :)23:04
h8redi need a good starting place23:04
zsquareplusccbwcjw: maybe pulse audio is not started when you use fluxbox23:04
Ghoti_!info atl2-source | Gulopine23:04
ubottuGulopine: atl2-source (source: atl2): Linux Base Driver for the Atheros(R) L2 Fast Ethernet Adapter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-3 (intrepid), package size 33 kB, installed size 80 kB23:04
slhawkinsGhoti_: telnet freezes23:05
cbwcjwh8red: if you want a good read, go to the community documentation or http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php23:05
h8redi would like to learn and be totally ms free.23:05
slhawkinscan't quit or esc out23:05
Gulopineghoti_, erm, thanks i think, but what does that mean?23:05
Ghoti_slhawkins: on the SMTP server machine, can you sudo netstat -plnt | grep 2523:05
cbwcjwzsquareplusc: Ill add it to .fluxbox/startup23:05
h8redi liked windows xp but i'm not down with this vista shit23:05
dada__Anyone know if there's a way to synch the system clock with a timeserver in the terminal?23:05
zsquareplusch8red: there is lshw but that's a text tool. there are graphical tools too, but i don't remeber a name :-)23:05
Ghoti_Gulopine: that's the name of the package with atheros NIC support :)23:05
Ghoti_!language | h8red23:05
ubottuh8red: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:05
* dada__ running terminal only system23:05
GulopineGhoti_: but how do i get it/set it up?23:06
slhawkinsthat's probably it - tcp     0   0
Gulopinei've tried linux a few times in the past and always got stuck getting hardware working23:06
Ghoti_Gulopine: try apt-get install atl2-source ?23:06
pyendada_: use ntpdate23:06
thearthurdada__,  its done with ntpdate23:07
DasEih8red: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-8.04-lts-hardy-heron23:07
thearthurthough im not sue the details23:07
h8redzsquareplusc:  thanks just what i wanted23:07
slhawkinsGhoti_: It shows it binding to one sec door23:07
dada__Thanks guys!23:07
mr_frosteeh8red....I have been Windows free for almost 3 weeks now...I'm still learning Ubuntu.  It's just like your first Windows computer, you didn't know your way around that OS the first day either.23:08
GulopineGhoti_: ah, okay. what's this i'm reading about ath5k then? similar? different?23:08
Ghoti_Gulopine: I'm not sure- I don't get any hits when I apt-cache search ath5k23:08
vocxmr_frostee, 3 weeks... well... great?23:09
zsquarepluscGulopine: ath5k is included with the kernel, so there is no separate install.23:09
GulopineGhoti_: ah, i'm looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros23:09
Lyth1Are you dual booting23:09
c4pthello just wondering why sometimes when using ubuntu parts of the screen freeze and go grey? is this a ram issue?23:09
Gulopinezsquareplusc: oh? hrm, maybe it was atl2 i need then23:09
Ghoti_Lyth1: more like tri-computing. Got a Linux workhorse, a mac, and a windows gaming box23:10
Lyth1ghoti: On this box though, are you dual booting?23:10
Ghoti_Lyth1: and the linux workstation at work that I'm using now ;)  No, I'm not dual-booting at present23:10
Lyth1Is your monitor like a generic23:11
DasEic4pt: most probly no correct driver loaded; you can test system-mem( not the graphics one ) with live cd23:11
cbwcjwzsquareplusc: no difference.23:11
Ghoti_c4pt: when a window goes grey that means it's not responding to the OS, either because it's frozen or because it's gone momentarily autistic23:11
c4ptGhoti_, so how do i fix it? add more ram?23:11
DasEic4pt: do you use compiz on a weaker pc ?23:12
Ghoti_c4pt: it really depends on what you are doing and what apps are going autistic on you23:12
c4ptDasEi, i am using compiz fusion on an 8800GT 1GB nvidia with a d5400xs motherboard 8 cores dual xeon 2.33ghz with 2gb of ram23:12
Ghoti_c4pt: in my experience, more often than not, if you let them lie, they'll come back to life, especially Firefox23:12
c4ptDasEi, ??23:12
DasEic4pt: so no hardware issues, and 2 gigs are enough too (lol)23:13
darkpixelc4pt: definetlly is not a weaker pc lol23:13
c4ptso what could be causing this?23:13
DasEic4pt: did you install the propitary driver ?23:13
c4ptDasEi, propretary for broadcomm23:13
Ghoti_c4pt: which applications is that happening with?23:13
DigitalGeekCan someone look at my forums post for me? I'm having a problem with my SATA drives on 8.1023:13
SkapareI have installed SMPlayer (it works) so now I'm trying to make it the default player for multimedia under System > Preferences > Preferred Applications ... but it still runs Totem Movie Player despite selecting SMPlayer23:13
c4ptDasEi, for graphics i used the one directly from nvidia23:13
c4ptGhoti_, not just one app different apps.23:14
Skapareanyone know how to force the preferred player for multimedia?23:14
DasEic4pt: and it installed well and can be found under hardware drivers ?23:14
c4ptDasEi, yeah23:14
Ghoti_c4pt: the same ones usually, or does it seem sort of random?  Do they stay grey, or do they come back to life after a few moments?23:14
chelkkzOlá A todo s23:14
DasEic4pt: did you check your log files for errors ?23:14
LiraNuna/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL23:15
moffiosowhen i turn off firestarter with #rcconf, it won't unsecure my ubuntu 8.123:15
LiraNunaanyone has a clue?23:15
c4ptGhoti_, just random.23:15
Ghoti_LiraNuna: what are you doing when that error occurs?23:15
vocxLiraNuna, what are you trying to do?23:15
DasEic4pt: check /var/log/syslog  , kern.log in same dir , /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log for errors23:16
Ghoti_c4pt: hmm. will it happen when you only have one or two apps running, or only when you're seriously multitasking?23:16
LiraNunaI'm trying to compile an OpenGL application23:16
macman_note .. portable ubuntu dosen't work in vmware/virtualbox .. i tried 3x23:16
LiraNunaI'm a developer, and I switched to 64bit,23:16
amathishello, I have been having issues with an LCD monitor, so I decided to reinstall... When I choose to install from the cd, it has the splash screen then says 'input not supported', any thoughts?23:16
LiraNunait can't find opengl libraries..23:16
topsyandpip56Greeting everybody23:16
c4ptGhoti_, when i am pushing a heavy load it seems to do it. but i have ram available in system monitor23:16
c4ptDasEi, as noob as this might sound i dont know what exactly to look for in the logs23:17
vocxLiraNuna, Have you installed the developer packages, eh, developer?23:17
topsyandpip56I have a question23:17
LiraNunavocx, what do you think?23:17
Ghoti_Usually it's more CPU than RAM that causes autistic apps..  next time it happens, open a temrinal and run 'top' and see what your 'load' numbers are23:17
vocxLiraNuna, NO23:17
DasEic4pt: open a terminal...23:17
topsyandpip56I have a question23:17
LiraNunavocx, libglu1-mesa-dev is already the newest version.23:17
isiahtosyandpipi56: ask away23:18
topsyandpip56Is this really as acurate as it shows or is there anything else I should be aware of? (http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm?page=3)23:18
vocxLiraNuna, you need several packages, like freeglut, libglut and so23:19
DasEic4pt: done ?23:19
LiraNunavocx, why would I need freeglut for openGL?23:19
amathisHas anyone had a problem with installing ubuntu with a widescreen LCD?23:19
DasEic4pt: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:19
LiraNunaglut is libglut (-lglut) NOT -lGL23:19
isiahtosyandpipi56: looks like it is23:20
c4ptDasEi, ok?23:20
h8redso if i learn how to do things well in ubuntu, will that carry over to other distros23:20
DasEic4pt:  pastebinit /var/log/syslog              <<<<<give url from trml in here23:20
nazgulHow do I regenerate the readahead files in /etc/readahead/* ? Reinstalling the readahead package and booting with thre "profile" kernel option did not work. Still empty.23:20
c4ptDasEi, pastebinit installed23:20
Ghoti_h8red: for the most part, yes23:20
topsyandpip56Ive never been comfortable with modifying my MBR23:20
DasEi!paste | c4pt23:20
ubottuc4pt: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:20
h8redis it all the same commands and whatnot23:20
DasEic4pt:  pastebinit /var/log/syslog              <<<<<give url from trml in here23:20
c4pti know what pastebin is23:20
topsyandpip56I was going to use Wubi but I heard it was a virus23:20
c4pti wasnt aware there is an app for it.23:20
c4pti usually use pastie.org23:20
LiraNunavocx, uh, seems like I need to use the libraries for my graphic card, installing nvidia-glx-180-dev worked...23:20
isiahtosyandpipi56: my advice is to go slow, and try to do it by another computer so you can go online and ask for help in case something goes wrong23:21
DasEic4pt:  pastebinit /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log23:21
Ghoti_h8red: again, mostly yes. the main thing that changes form distribution to distribution is the package management23:21
Skaparec4pt: someone will eventually make an app for everything23:21
mimorI want to sync my evolution from desktop to laptop and visa-versa (combine items), how can I do this?23:21
c4ptDasEi, http://pastebin.com/f6379d9ef23:21
Light-Skapare, isnt that what PackageKit is?23:21
GulopineGhoti_: am i missing something? do i need to install/configure that package beyond the command you gave me?23:21
vocxLiraNuna, I see.23:21
topsyandpip56Ive done it on VMware Workstation, and everything went fine23:21
SkapareLight-: an app for everything?23:21
Gulopinei apologize for sounding completely ignorant, i'm just used to things that just work :(23:22
LiraNunavocx, that's weird, on 32bit I don't need to install anything else23:22
Light-wait what, osrry I read the wrong line23:22
Ghoti_Gulopine: what's the output of lsmod | grep ath ?23:22
SkapareGulopine: you're not the first23:22
Ghoti_Skapare: an app for everything, and for everything an app :)23:22
loquitus_of_bor1Hi. My sound has stopped working, for no apparent reason. Sound card is still detected but no output! Should I remove pulse? Reset alsa? Please help.23:22
c4ptDasEi, http://pastebin.com/f6236403a23:22
Light-loquitus_of_bor1, sound in ubuntu has been borked since 8.04. have you tried restarting?23:23
topsyandpip56Is a GeForce 7 compatible with Compiz?23:23
GulopineGhoti_: nothing. but i think that's because of trying to follow instructions from the site i linked earlier.23:23
Ghoti_loquitus_of_bor1: isn't it 'Locutus'?23:23
Light-topsyandpip56, yes, with nvidia's driver23:23
loquitus_of_bor1Light: yes... tried restarting and yes... I purposely spelled it that way23:23
GulopineGhoti_: i'll undo those changes and let you know what i get23:23
Ghoti_Gulopine: try sudo modprobe ath5k, then the lsmod command again23:23
dries_my sound is broken sinds last kernel update23:23
dries_two weeks ago23:23
topsyandpip56I heard I just had to enable the restricted driver23:23
GulopineFATAL: Module ath5k not found.23:24
topsyandpip56And would a Realtek Ac'97 onboard sound work?23:24
Light-topsyandpip56, system->admin->hardware drivers23:24
Ghoti_Gulopine: insmod ath5k ?23:24
vocxLiraNuna, you should check specifically which libraries it is liking, and see if they are contained in the same packages.23:24
SkapareGulopine: one reason many things don't "just work" is lawyers ... next time you meet a lawyer, thank him for his kind making your computer so screwed up23:24
DasEic4pt:  I'm still reading; sudo apt-get install conky && conky           <<generic system overview (mem and so on)23:24
Gulopinei should disclose: i used wubi to install, in case that makes a difference23:24
harnakWhenever I start a "Termina" from gnome using a shortcut I've setup, it always drops me into "/"? Any one seen this before?23:24
topsyandpip56Light-, thanks, I'm happy there is no terminal stuff to do!23:24
zsquarepluscGulopine: 8.04 or older? the ath5k driver came in in later kernels23:24
LiraNunavocx, it wants /usr/lib/libGL.so - aka -lGL23:24
Gulopinezsquareplusc: 8.1023:24
loquitus_of_bor1Should I just remove pulseaudio?23:25
topsyandpip56And would a Realtek Ac'97 onboard sound work?23:25
nazgulloquitus_of_bor1: right-click on volume control in panel, click settings, and check for devices that are set to mute.23:25
LiraNunavocx, libglu-mesa1-dev also provides it, but it didn't work; seems like I need my driver's libGL23:25
zsquarepluscGulopine: that should have it.23:25
GulopineGhoti_: insmod tells me no such file or directory23:25
zsquarepluscGulopine: wait, it in a extra package23:25
Gulopinezsquareplusc: would having used wubi made a difference?23:25
DigitalGeekCan someone please help me with this issue: I cannot install 8.10 because it hangs up on my SATA drives and I can't get it to work.23:25
loquitus_of_bor1nazgul: not mute. checked that23:26
topsyandpip56And would a Realtek AC'97 onboard sound work?23:26
Gulopinezsquareplusc: yeah, i saw a link that said it was in backports, but i didn't know how to get it23:26
nazgulloquitus_of_bor1: check all subdevices, too... there are lots of rulers23:26
DasEic4pt: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list23:26
topsyandpip56Can somebody please answer my question? :-/23:27
c4ptDasEi, http://pastebin.com/fcc7815523:27
vocxtopsyandpip56, My onboard AC'97 works without issues, with pulseaudio or alsa.23:27
DasEic4pt: the 2 logs given before let me find no serious error, the vid-card seems to work fine23:27
Gulopinezsquareplusc: ah, the apt-get command Ghoti_ showed me seems to be getting the backports module now23:27
DigitalGeektopsyandpip56: I'm having trouble getting mine answered too.. seems to be busy today :(23:27
Ghoti_topsyandpip56: AC97 sound should work, yes23:27
topsyandpip56vocx: Thanks, I used to have problems with a Sound Blaster Audigy23:27
topsyandpip56So I got it replaced23:27
c4ptDasEi, conky (top) is showing 15% cpu usage for ¨wine¨ (wine is not an emulator)23:27
DigitalGeekc4pt: If you have a second can you help me with my SATA issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7088160#post708816023:28
homeskillis there a way to reload my audio drivers without rebooting ubuntu? randomly they just stop working23:28
DasEic4pt: what are you running it it ?23:29
vocxtopsyandpip56, mine is a K8M800 motherboard with VT8237 chipset, but it's fairly standard. Don't expect fancy sound.23:29
thebloggui have a problem with sound in uuntu 8.10. whenever i mute the sound and some sound plays (it doesn't because it is muted but..) i hear a lot of crackling. if no sound is played no crackling at all23:29
c4ptDasEi, trying to install a game from cd using cedega at the moment and cedega is like 99.9% wine based23:29
Gulopinek, rebooting now that ath5k shows up in Hardware>Drivers. see if it works23:29
c4ptDigitalGeek, what sata controller is it? maybe try sata in IDE or legacy mode23:29
DavidePalmHi I was able to install MythTV, when I set the storage directories to my second hard drive, I get an error saying that mythtv was unable to write to those directories.  Do I have to give MythTV SUDO permission somehow? any ideas?23:29
topsyandpip56vocx: I really don't mind, as long as I can hear YouTube, LOL23:30
DigitalGeekI'm not sure.. I have a XFX GeForce 8200 so maybe I can look it up based on that.23:30
DigitalGeekor run CPU-Z23:30
c4ptDasEi, cedega right now is just greyed out. i have to force quit and re initialize it but it does the same thing23:30
Bo7Hi! I want to access a Ubuntu server from a XP machine, what progs should I use?23:30
vocxtopsyandpip56, will do23:30
DasEic4pt: so no current running act, let it finish then, I also don't know where the idle of an 8 core sits; you might to enable the partner's repos in your software sources, then do an update/grade23:30
eseven73bo7 putty maybe23:30
kinja-sheepBo7: Putty.23:30
zsquarepluscBo7: putty for console based access using ssh23:30
eseven733 answers ftw23:31
Bo7ah, great, thx all!23:31
dries_putty for shure23:31
zsquarepluscBo7: you can use desktop sharing using vnc or run an x server on win (xming)23:31
c4ptDasEi, partner repositories?23:31
thebloggui have a problem with sound in uuntu 8.10. whenever i mute the sound and some sound plays (it doesn't because it is muted but..) i hear a lot of crackling. if no sound is played no crackling at all23:31
c4ptDasEi, running 9.04 btw23:31
Ghoti_thebloggu: tell your cat to stop playing with the speaker wires :)23:31
Bo7is that the http://www.realvnc.com   ?23:31
dries_I have the same problem as thebloggu23:32
darkpixellol :-)23:32
c4ptDasEi, it doesnt just do it with cedega or wine though it does it randomly at times with other apps23:32
theblogguGhoti_, i indeed have a cat but that's not the issue :P23:32
zsquarepluscBo7: for example. there are several free vnc viewers available23:32
cbwcjwGhoti_: I Laughed, but uh, I still have my issue23:32
theblogguGhoti_, and i am on a laptop so no wires :)23:32
Ghoti_thebloggu: it was worth a try :)23:32
DasEic4pt: check system > software sources, there you enable then, or look at your sources.list : http://pastebin.com/fcc78155 , 44 n following23:32
cbwcjwGhoti_: It might be using the wrong soundcard. How do I make it prefer the different soundcard?23:33
thebloggudries_, asus laptop ?23:33
Bo7zsquareplusc: witch is the best iyho?23:33
zsquarepluscBo7: please note that vnc is usually not encrypted, so don't use it over the internet unless oyu tunnel it through ssh or a vpn23:33
dries_nope, dell core2 duo23:33
epaphushi guys, how can I install sun java virtual machine ---?23:33
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thebloggudries_, hmm, so probably no sound card issue23:33
cbwcjwGhoti_: Oh, it is. Its just using the wrong card. Thats a lot simpler. Fail is me :/.23:33
c4ptDasEi, intrepid partner? i am on 9.04 is it safe?23:33
thebloggudries_, pulseaudio too right ?23:33
Bo7zsquareplusc: is that hard to do? the tunneling23:34
zsquarepluscBo7: i somtines use tightvnc as it has matching versions for win and lin. but it doesn't matter much23:34
dries_nope, the problem arose since last kernel update23:34
DasEic4pt: as safe as a beta can be, mine does fine23:34
dries_jup, using pulseaudio23:34
c4ptDasEi, do i click revert?23:34
c4ptDasEi, to enable?23:34
thebloggudries_, mine possibly too but not sure though23:34
roffleHi Guys, can someone give me an idea when 9.04 will be released?23:34
c4ptDasEi, << scurred...23:34
dries_in 5 days23:34
Ghoti_cbwcjw: fun is having the Linux kernel see and prefer an onboard soundcard you thought you'd disabled in BIOS to the Audigy :)23:34
kinja-sheep!9.04 | thebloggu23:34
ubottuthebloggu: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:34
roffleah good stuff, thanks!23:35
thebloggukinja-sheep, i think you mean roffle :P23:35
zsquarepluscBo7: na, when you run an ssh server on you r linux box, you can use putty on the windows pc. it has a tab where you can set up port forwarding. finally you tell vncviewer to connect to localhost:1 (or whatever port number you forwarded)23:35
cbwcjwGhoti_: I have an audigy too... hahahaha.... Yea.23:35
kinja-sheepthebloggu: Disregard that.  roffle -->  See ^^23:35
Bo7zsquareplusc: ah, smart23:35
DasEic4pt: system > administration > software sources > third party23:35
c4ptDasEi, << reloading23:36
DavidePalmHow do I allow MythTV permission to write to my second HD? do I edit in fstab?23:36
thebloggucan someone help me and dries_ ? i have a problem with sound in ubuntu 8.10. whenever i mute the sound and some sound plays (it doesn't because it is muted but..) i hear a lot of crackling. if no sound is played no crackling at all23:36
Lyth1Circles are being stretched and displayyed as ovals23:36
DasEic4pt: when done, go back to trml : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:36
Skapareanyone know how to make .mp3 files use a different player?23:36
zsquarepluscSkapare: with nautlis, select properties and go to the "open with..." tab23:37
DasEiSkapare: sure, properties tab23:37
eseven73right click the mp3, open with and choose player23:37
SkapareDasEi: on each mp3?23:37
SkapareI mean for every mp3 and other files too23:37
DavidePalmGhoti_ are you still here?23:38
dclxvii am helping a child install ubuntu while on the phone, his screen says "initramff", is this what it should be?23:38
DasEiSkapare: it asks for your general app per file-type, f.e. mp323:38
Skaparelike in viewer associations23:38
Ghoti_DavidePalm: affirmative23:38
SkapareOK, I'll go try that and see what it does23:38
c4ptDasEi, ok finished23:38
DasEic4pt: when done, go back to trml : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:38
dries_thebloggu, I can fix the problem if I do: $ killall pulseaudio23:38
DavidePalmGhoti_ can I ask you another question?  How do I allow mythtv access to write to my second HD.  Normally that requires sudo.23:38
aaronatorI recently installed 9.04, and my virtualbox with vista guest has been a bit unstable.  is this a known problem?23:39
thebloggudries_, really ? let me try23:39
henryCI'm running Xubuntu on VMWare (on XP).  I can't seem to launch a simple X app, say, xterm.  No matter what I set DISPLAY to.  Any ideas?23:39
c4ptDasEi, yeah finished...23:39
dries_and if I set everything in sound preferences to OSS23:39
Sqrt[i]I have libflashplayer.so in /home/jinxi/.mozilla/pluggins23:39
Ghoti_I'm not really the guy to ask, I've not set up MythTV in a dog's age.. you could ask in #mythtv perhaps23:39
DasEiDavidePalm: own a dir to regular (myth-tv) user23:39
Ghoti_DavidePalm: I'm not really the guy to ask, I've not set up MythTV in a dog's age.. you could ask in #mythtv perhaps23:39
thebloggudries_, me too, definitely23:39
dries_thebloggu,  and if I set everything in sound preferences to OSS23:39
dstrbdfrk1can i get some ipod/amarok help??23:39
Sqrt[i]and yet there is no flash support in firefox23:39
DavidePalmGhoti_ yeah non one answering in there23:39
zsquarepluschenryC: you expect it to connect to your xserver outside the VM?23:39
DavidePalmDasEi how exactly?23:39
DasEiDavidePalm: or do you need sudo to mount the extra hd ?23:40
Ghoti_DavidePalm: dasei might be able to help you :)23:40
henryCzsquareplusc:  I just want to run xterm (or any X app) inside ubuntu in vmware23:40
DavidePalmDasEi yes I need sudo to mount the second HD23:40
thebloggudries_, so it is a pulseaudio issue23:40
DavidePalmDasEi Ghoti_ so I was thinking can I somehow add the user: mythtv to the fstab line?23:40
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thebloggui'll try to seek help there23:40
DasEiDavidePalm: then add it to fstab and use the options rw, user for it23:40
DavidePalmdasei Ghoti_ just add user,mythtv23:41
DavidePalmDasEi ah ok what's rw?23:41
DavidePalmread write!23:41
DavidePalmok let me try23:41
zsquarepluschenryC: and you run the emulator with GUI, ok. did you install a desktop or server edition of ubuntu inside vmware?23:41
DasEiread-write, DavidePalm23:41
epaphushi guys, how can I install sun java virtual machine ---?23:41
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:41
henryCzsquareplusc:  VMWare Workstation 6.5.123:41
dries_thebloggu, just keep it off for another 5 days, and then do the update to 9.04, it will probably be fixed by then23:41
DasEi!java | epaphus23:41
ubottuepaphus: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:41
cbwcjwI seem to fail at making the sound card I want the default. Can anybody help me?23:42
henryCzsquareplusc:  What I really want to do ultimately is run Navicat via wine, but it seems I can't get DISPLAY set properly even to run xterm.23:42
thebloggudries_, or maybe that too will help :P23:42
SkippyQ: I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction here I am having the oddest problems with a Intel Pro/100 VM adapter and ubuntu 8.04, 8.10.23:42
DasEi epaphus : or do you talk about vbox ?23:42
RedFlamehello everyone23:42
dzupGhoti_: damm man you are loadit23:43
Bo7do I need some firewall for a Linux server? is a software-firewall installed by default? or do I need a hardware one?23:43
Ghoti_dzup: I am what?23:43
dries_just install firestarter23:43
DasEi DavidePalm: edit your fstab and paste it, so I will have alook23:43
DavideDasEi, does this line look ok?  /dev/sdb1 /media/storage ext3 user,auto,mythtv,rw23:43
RedFlamewhy doesnt ubuntu support ati rs200 340m driver23:43
vocxBo7, it depends, do you know what a firewall does? Why would you need one? If you do need one the use firestarter.23:43
dzupGhoti_: nice box23:43
DasEiDavide: or so,  delete mythtv in the options, add a auto23:44
Skippy- Interface gets an ip address, and CAN ping the external would BY IP only... the /etc/resolv.conf file has the correct information (and should be noted works with ever other computer on the network both linux and windows computers) The PC is a compaq evo d500 with an Intel 82801DB PRO/100 VM (LOM)23:44
zsquareplusccbwcjw: you probably want to configure pulse audio. also look at padevchooser applet23:44
Ghoti_dzup: you're confusing me now.23:44
DasEiDavide: sorry, there already (auto) and end with  0   023:44
DavideDasEi, so /dev/sdb1 /media/storage ext3 user,auto,rw  0  023:44
c4ptDasEi, :( i noticed this on 8.04 also....(right now when i just reinstalled cedega and re ran it...in system monitor two cores go to 100% and it just goes grey)23:45
Bo7vocx: to defend for hackers? is a modem/gateway safe enough?23:45
zsquarepluschenryC: i was asking becuase you can run virtual machines "headless" or with virtual screen. if you have a virtual scrreen (usually the default) you would install the deskop version of ubuntu. do you have a graphical login or just text?23:45
DasEiDavide: SAVE fstab, then sudo mount -a  (for te last time), then try again23:45
Davidejust tried DasEi  still didnt work should I try a reboot?23:46
vocxBo7, what can "hackers" as you call them, possibly do? A modem/gateway is safe enough.23:46
Barridushi guys i'm on a live cd and a bit of a pickle.  trying to pull some files off my home partition, but it won't let me because i'm "not the owner" since i'm on a live cd.  any advice?23:46
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henryCzsquareplus:  I have the full graphical login. I can run all the ubuntu graphical apps.  Firefox, anything.  It's xubuntu.23:46
Ghoti_Barridus: sudo is your friend; sudo mount the hard drive, then sudo cp the files to wherever you want to save the,23:46
DasEic4pt: for apps in wine, ask in #winehq,  does the freeze only appear with that certain app ?23:46
Bo7vocx, take over the machine (or is that just windows)? :)23:46
dries_Bo7, I would advise openBSD, I you want to be realy secure23:46
henryCzsquareplusc:  But from a terminal app., I can't launch a simple xterm.23:46
DavidePalmDasEi, I'm rebooting23:46
pipegeekwould that windows had a sudo equivalent23:46
c4ptDasEi, pretty much23:47
DasEiDavide: no, check  mount (no further options) to make sure it's mounted23:47
henryCzsquareplusc:  I had a navicat for ubuntu but it was 30 days, just ran out.  I'm hoping to run my thinstalled navicat via wine.  But I think my first problem is just being able to run anything requiring X, if I'm understanding the problem rightly23:47
BarridusGhoti_: that may be a little complicated, as i need to copy it to a network resouce (windows share) and i'm not sure how to do that23:47
Bo7do most Linux machines use a firewall would you say?23:47
somethingdo they make drivers for when you use Ubuntu in Virtual machine?23:48
vocxBo7, being paranoid about security is a common symptom of using Windows. But you need to understand how security works in Linux. Don't just throw firewalls and virus scanners there without knowing what their purpose is.23:48
somethinglike video drivers that is23:48
DasEisomething: it's not as good as native, but works23:48
zsquarepluschenryC: i'm not yet understaning your exact situation. you have ubuntu in a VM. you want to run a wine program in there. and it should display on the virtual screen of the VM?23:48
Ghoti_Barridus: places -> Connect to Server to connect to the Windows share for starters :)23:48
BarridusGhoti_: i did23:49
ferhey, should I have any problems installing GTK2? I'm using ubuntu 8.1023:49
henryCzsquareplusc: yes, exactly.23:49
Ghoti_Barridus: and is the share connected now?23:49
ferand I'm brand new to linux23:49
vocxBo7, no most linux machines don't use strict firewalls. But the distributions carry a native firewall that essentially blocks ports that are not being used. You wouldn't notice.23:49
henryCzsquareplusc:  Although, to simplify the problem, I thought I'd just try even running an xterm there.23:49
xzirrowhi to everybody!23:49
h8redwhat kinda hardware should i have to run nero vision converting divx to dvd in a virtual machine?23:49
gartral!hi | xzirrow23:49
ubottuxzirrow: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:50
BarridusGhoti_: yes it's been connected23:50
zsquarepluscBo7: the linux kernel has a firewall built in, but it usually unconfigured. the security is that no services, accessible from the outside, run on a default install-23:50
h8redi have 2 ghz and 512 ram think that'll do?23:50
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henryCzsquareplus:  machine name is "chris-desktop".  I've done export DISPLAY to all kinds of things:  chris-desktop:0.0,, ... no luck.23:50
xzirrowis there someone who familar with Synaptic Package Manager ?23:50
Ghoti_Barridus: okay, at a terminal, type 'mount' - that will show a list of all mounted locations, from which you can find the path to the mounted windows share23:50
DasEifer: no, you know the exacr packet name? else use synaptic23:50
BarridusGhoti_: oh rats, i mispoke.  wait a second.  i said the reverse.  i want to copy stuff FROM the samba to the home partion23:50
eseven73now, once you start installing ssh and vnc and stuff, then you might want a firewall23:50
Bo7vocx, well I'm just trying to host a webserver, I won't download any viruses or Trojans. is it safe without a FW just connected to the net23:50
zsquarepluschenryC: and in your VM, did you install the desktop version of ubuntu? i.e. you have the browinish user interface or a black text console?23:50
DasEiDavide: is it mounted ?23:50
Ghoti_Barridus:  that's okay, sudo is still your friend :)23:50
Guest48768has any1 noticed remote desktop get buggy in 8.10 or is it a user specific issue im having? on a fresh install, remote desktop was perfect now ubuntu 8.10 is a bit slower internet wise and the remote desktop is not working at all and sometimes it almost works but blurs on my control screen        does any1 know what i should do?23:51
Gulopinezsquareplusc: Hardware Drivers says "This driver is activated but not currently in use" for the ath5k23:51
xzirrowneed help : how can i use regular expressions in Synaptic Search ? Is there a way ?23:51
BarridusGhoti_: i'll pastebin the mount output23:51
vocxBo7, sure. maybe add a very strong password so it is not easily guessed. A password containing punctuation marks for instance.23:51
Gulopinedo i need to do something to configure it or do i maybe just not have an ath5k chip?23:51
Ghoti_Barridus:  okeydoke23:51
DavideDasEi, yes its mounted23:51
henryCzsquareplusc:  Well it's more like blue-black instead of brownish, but that's just because it's xubuntu.  I installed it before I got familiar with regular ubuntu intrepid which I have since been using elsewhere.  It's not much different that I can tell though.23:51
DavideDasEi, but I think mythtv still doesnt have access to it23:51
DavideDasEi,  I'm getting the same error23:51
DasEiDavide: did you restart mythtv ?23:52
Davideyeah I rebooted the system23:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:52
vocxfer, you don't need to install GTK+ 2.0 it's already installed. What are you trying to do?23:52
zsquarepluscGulopine: there are two kernel modules for the same chip. you may need to blacklist one, to make sure the other loads.23:52
elli222err, i've come across a interesting problem23:52
BarridusGhoti_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153102/23:52
pipegeekelli222: do tell23:53
Barridusi'm assuming sda6?23:53
henryCzsquareplusc:  I'm in a graphic UI desktop (xubuntu on vmware on XP). ... So I shouldn't need to apt-get install anything I wouldn't think.23:53
zsquarepluschenryC: ok. xubuntu is fine too. so it sounds like you have an xserver running inside the VM. so i'd expect lauching an xerm there should work.23:53
elli222sometimes, my hard disk is reffered to differently in /dev. Today, it is /dev/sda, but sometimes it is /dev/sdc...23:53
Bo7vocx, so basically Ubuntu has a simple FW built in, no config needed to run a server app?23:53
emil_anyone installed google earth 5 from medibuntu repo? Couse It don't show photos but version from bin installer does23:53
henryCzsquareplusc:  Me too, stumped.  Always: "xterm Xt error: Can't open display: chris-desktop:0.0"23:54
zsquarepluschenryC: you talked about a console you use to tun the command. that a console inside the VM? or form the outside (i.e. ssh?)23:54
pipegeekelli222: That's a little odd... is it an external?23:54
SkapareDasEi: that worked ... no idea why it didn't work in System > Preferences > Preferred Applications23:54
henryCzsquareplusc: That is the "Applications-->Terminal" app of ubuntu.23:54
Ghoti_Barridus: I don't see the windows share being mounted, which is odd- is it currently on your desktop?23:54
vocxBo7, nope. If you need it, you can customize such firewall with the frontend called "firestarter".23:55
zsquarepluschenryC: if its all inside the vm, try setting DISPLAY=:023:55
DasEiDavide: did you configure a certain dir on mythv (on the additional hd9 ?23:55
pipegeekelli222: In any event, you can also refer to your drives by UUID (a number that uniquely identifies the partition, and does not change unless you reformat)23:55
Bo7vocx, so when would I need it?23:55
zsquarepluschenryC: maybe you have a problem with the hostname. so that the name in DISPLAY isn't the real name of your (virtual) machine23:55
henryCzsquareplusc:  That gives the same error except it precedes it with another error: "No protocol specified".23:55
vocxBo7, when you are a real hacker, system administrator, who really needs to have control over all user's accounts and programs access, etcetera.23:56
NecrosanGot latest wine installed23:56
Necrosancant seem to make spore install, have applied patch to make it run fine23:56
zsquarepluschenryC: with ctrl+alt+F1 you should get a textual console. can you log in there and check what "hostname" returns? is it the same name as you had in DISPLAY?23:56
spiderz13anyone running the Ubuntu Netbook Remix off a HP Mini 1000?23:56
NecrosanJust keeps asking me for data3.cab, which is not on my dvd.23:57
DasEiSkapare: nice to hear, have music !23:57
homeskillis there a way to reload my audio drivers without rebooting ubuntu? randomly they just stop working?23:57
LargePrimehello. i am on 8.04 and am looking to update my kernel to 2.6.27 or greater.  what is the easiest way of doing so?23:57
BarridusGhoti_: actually it had vanished although i still had the nautilus window open for it.  ok it's remounted and on the desktop again.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/153108/23:57
Bo7vocx, ah, well I only have 1 account, that I should always run in "user" mode not root right?23:58
vocxBo7, correct23:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:58
* scunizi just started burning the 64 bit version of 9.04.. never tried 64bit.. always heard it was trouble.23:58
DasEihomeskill:if you know the name, put it in /etc/modules23:58
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Bo7vocx, great! thx for the help man!23:58
henryCzsquareplusc:  ctrl+alt+f1 did not get me there.  I tried ctrl-alt-backspace and it sent me to the graphical "Username:" prompt.  After 30 seconds, it brought me back in.23:58
vocxscunizi, yeah, somethings like java, video codecs, flash and stuff may not work.23:59
homeskillDasEi how can i find the name23:59
henryCzsquareplusc: "uname -a" gives Linux chris-desktop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 20:57:48 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux23:59
zsquarepluschenryC: so you running a live cd inside the VM?23:59
MarkJonesBesides OpenArena, Nexiuz, and Alien Arena, are there any other cool games I should know about for Ubuntu?23:59
scunizivocx: well... I have 400 gigs of unused space just waiting for an experiment..:)23:59
henryCzsquareplusc:  I guess it was installed from an xubuntu liveCD.23:59
Ghoti_Barridus: that outout was exactly the same. Interesting.  I suppose you could copy the files from the Windows share onto your desktop, and from there to the local /home folder23:59
zsquarepluschenryC: because automaic login is not by default enabled otherwise23:59
vocxLargePrime, the recommended way is to update the distribution to 8.10 to get a new kernel. Otherwise you will have to compile it from source and create a deb package to install it.23:59

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