
BigMoopiesIs it possible to make orange , or the clock to display the day? (Monday, Tuesday, etc)00:24
knomeorage you mean00:24
knomeBigMoopies, right click -> properties: %A to any line you want00:25
knomeBigMoopies, you can also use %a to get Mon, Tue etc.00:25
BigMoopiesknome, in orange preferences ?00:26
knomeBigMoopies, no, right click the clock on the panel00:26
BigMoopiesOK.  I only see Apperance , Digital, Show frame, clock options: 24 hour, show am/pm , display seconds00:27
knomeBigMoopies, which xubuntu version?00:27
knomei'm not sure if it can do it then00:28
BigMoopiesOK.  I'll upgrade to Jaunty if it doesn't screw around with my NIC like Intrepid did00:28
knomeBigMoopies, oh, wait!00:28
knomeBigMoopies, i think you have the other clock appelt00:28
knomeBigMoopies, right click, add new items and add orage clock00:29
BigMoopiesOK, then I can just get rid of the standard clock ?00:29
knomeright click and remove00:30
BigMoopiesok that works00:31
knomegood to hear00:31
knomeand good night00:31
BigMoopiesI told it to set time to central time00:31
BigMoopiesHow do I make it update to that ? or did it once I clicked OK ?00:31
knomehmh, not sure00:32
knomecharlie-tca, ^ ?00:32
knomehave to go to bed now00:32
BigMoopiesok ll00:32
knomei hope somebody will help you soonish00:32
knomecharlie-tca should be here in a minute :P00:32
BigMoopiesIs he your low wage worker? :o00:33
cody-somervillecharlie-tca is the Xubuntu Quality Assurance Lead00:34
BigMoopiesHm.  Quality Assurance Lead?00:34
BigMoopiesWhat's that? Sounds like something to do with a call center or tech support00:39
J_Litewskithere we go02:56
J_Litewskindiswrapper isn't all that hard to use02:57
J_Litewskiok, i got a netgear WG111v2 USB dongle, and I can't get it to work03:04
J_LitewskiI already tried the netgear .inf files and the realtek .inf files in ndiswrapper 1.9, nether activate the dongle03:05
J_Litewskindis wrapper states that it's there03:05
J_Litewskiaparently, it's working03:09
J_Litewskinevermind on that question then03:10
DiecastMessiahHailz all03:37
DiecastMessiahI have a bitch of a time with xfce panel ... all was working but it closed while trying to move my trash bin.... I can get it open when i use the termal and then get to setting and all works.. but as soon as I close the terminal window the panel closes again03:41
DiecastMessiahis there a setting file i could delete and reboot to reset it?03:42
DiecastMessiahwow the whole room dead?03:44
pleia2DiecastMessiah: try launching it from the alt f2 launcher rather than the terminal03:44
DiecastMessiahohh thanks... way didn't think of that lol03:44
DiecastMessiahworked... going to restart and see if it stays03:45
rixvhello, I'm a newbie, can anyone pls help me setup my modem on a IBM Thinkpad iSeries 1200?04:21
zerothisAnybody know how to get a Lexmark X4530m working with Linux (scan and print, usb or wireless)?04:37
ioxhey everyone! :)05:29
marcPVgood morning07:56
marcPVanyone know how to install a truetype font on xubuntu?07:57
marcPVanyone alive here?08:00
forcesmarcPV, install packages xubuntu-restricted-extras08:02
marcPVsorry im really new to linux so you have to be more explicit, please08:02
forcesmarcPV, open a terminal08:08
forcesthen write this08:08
forcessudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras08:08
marcPVok wait a min08:09
marcPVanyway i already have the font i want to install08:09
marcPVits intalling right now, then what?08:12
marcPVok i already installed the xubuntu-restricted-extras, now what i have to do with the font i want to install?08:20
marcPVplease, anyone?08:25
_Pete_I'm sure anyone will respond when have time/knowledge08:26
_Pete_before that just wait08:26
marcPVi guess, sorry... it seems that forces is busy08:29
forcesmarcPV, you already have installed ms-fonts08:31
forcesjust use it08:31
SliMMI have a problem with font dpi in xubuntu08:32
SliMMmost of my fonts are all of a sudden larger08:32
marcPVthanks anyway but my question is about how to install concrete truetype font08:33
marcPVi have the ttf file and i want to use it08:33
forcesmarcPV, you can install it from repositories08:34
forcesyou dont need a file08:34
forcesSliMM, edit your xorg.conf08:34
forces!xorg | SliMM08:34
ubottuSliMM: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:34
marcPVthe thing is i have to make a document with that ttf file they send to me08:35
marcPVsorry i am totally rookie, how may i use repositories to install it?08:35
SliMMforces: I have restarted X08:37
SliMMno result08:37
forcesSliMM, not restart08:37
forcesedit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:38
SliMMwell, there's nothing to edit there08:38
SliMMmy resolution is correct08:38
SliMMthe font size is wrong08:38
SliMMand this is a problem I have encountered only in xubuntu08:38
SliMMcould it be bacause of the ubuntu updates?08:40
forcesyou can edit your font size in xorg.conf08:40
forces"Set Correct Font Size"08:43
marcPVok i found the way to install fonts on xubuntu from TTF files: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79717308:51
marcPVthanks anyway08:53
marcPVnow... how can i remove xubuntu-restricted-extras?08:54
marcPV(just kidding)08:54
marcPVsee u09:00
zeltakhi guys..just installed mythbuntu (with xubuntu desktop). its missing language support anyone care to guide me on how to add it?10:22
SiDizeltak, hello10:27
SiDiGo to apps -> system -> Language support10:27
SiDiIt should normally notice that you're missing some language packages and offer you to download and install them.10:28
zeltakhmm i dont have these menus10:28
zeltaki have an application menu>system but now language menu10:28
SiDiopen a console and launch "gnome-language-selector"10:29
SiDiit should be there, at least in 8.04/8.10 (probably in other versions too)10:30
zeltaknot installed.. i guess ill install these packages10:30
zeltakwhat i want is to keep english as the main lang. but have other languages support10:31
SiDithis app will check for missing language packages10:55
gorguthey guys. I'm forwarding an X session via ssh. I am running a program on another computer and I needed to reboot this one, so I ctrl+Z'ed and put the forwarded window in the background with the "bg" command. Now that I rebooted, is there a way to pull that window back up over a new ssh session?11:48
_Pete_I think not without starting the app again over new ssh session11:50
gorguthrm. well, the app was working when i backgrounded it11:51
gorgutit was encoding a DVD, actually11:51
_Pete_I guess when the forwarded X11 app loses the ssh connection11:52
_Pete_it will terminate11:52
gorguthrm. i see...11:52
gorgutis there a way to just "detatch" the window (kinda like you can do with the "screen" command) for GUI windows?11:53
_Pete_not any of I know11:53
_Pete_better use freenx for those11:53
gorgutwell, I'm not wanting to maintain the ssh connection the entire time11:54
_Pete_freenx is perfect then11:54
_Pete_you cat detach session and reconnect later11:54
gorgutok. i'll read up on that. Thanks11:55
_Pete_like screen but for whole desktop session11:55
jinggoyguys, is there any way i can determine the computers w/c are connected on me?12:55
ablomenjinggoy, connected how?12:57
jinggoymy downloads are getting slower, i'm thinking of other units w/c are connecting on me..13:01
kromarhow can i change the size of my partitions and create a new one?13:11
Raggskromar, with parted13:11
Raggsgparted actually is easy13:11
kromarit only finds qtparted in the add/remove app13:12
kromardoes that work also?13:12
Raggsbut back up stuff before you do anything13:12
kromarthere is also a gnome partition editor and KVPM, which one would you recommend?13:13
Raggsgnome partition editor i believe is GParted13:13
Raggsjust checked, it is, do you have a live CD with gparted on it?13:14
kromarwhy would i need a cd with it?13:14
Raggsbecause you cant edit a partition that is in use13:15
Raggsi think xubuntu has gparted13:16
Raggsnot totally sure though13:16
Raggskromar, what do you need the new partition for/13:17
kromarwell i installed new hardware and windofs doesnt start anymore, so i need a new one to install a new version...13:17
Raggswindows wont start?13:18
kromarnope blue screen ftw...13:18
kromarwell i changed the mainboard, cpu, gpu.. so might be a problem for it13:18
Raggsno doubt, can you access your windows partition from linux?13:19
Raggsanything there you need to save?13:20
=== Roonux__ is now known as Roonux
kromaryou think it would be easier to backup the things i need and format the disk?^13:21
Raggskromar, it is hard to say without knowing what is on the disk13:21
kromarwell there are a lot of programms and settings for everything, but i think i have to format it anyway, so no need for an other partition..13:22
Raggsyou will hoever need to reinstall a boot loader13:23
kromaroh man thats gona be a pain to reinstall:/13:27
kromaris there a way to directly delete files without moving them to the trash?13:35
_Pete_press shift while selecting delete from meny13:35
_Pete_or use commandline :)13:36
knomeor shift+delete13:43
basajaunhi I have two versions of xubuntu installed on two hard drives  of the same computer in order to access some files on one of the drives I have made changes to permissions which means that when I log onto the other drive/version my permissions are messed up is there a way to change that ?14:01
basajaunhave problems with change made to permissions on a hard drive containing another version of ubuntu14:36
genady12how do I connect to ppp with xubuntu? I added connection in networkmanager whats now?14:53
Skizoboyhey there14:59
Skizoboyanybody here?15:00
SiDiWe're all away, sorry15:02
SiDi(feel free to ask a question, Skizoboy, if anybod knows the answer they'll tell you)15:03
SkizoboyI have a Xubuntu box I used to use as a NAS15:04
SkizoboyI only have Macs on this network15:04
Skizoboyand the Xubuntu box was running 8.04.115:05
Skizoboylast week I installed 9.0415:05
Skizoboyand it works great15:06
Skizoboybut I cant get Netatak to work15:06
SkizoboyI need to know if the new version included in Xubuntu supports encryption15:07
Skizoboy(Excuse my English BTW, I'm French :)15:08
knomeSkizoboy, 'apt-cache policy netatalk' to get the version number15:08
knomeSkizoboy, i don't know the app so i can't help you more. the version should be at least the same that is in intrepid15:09
Skizoboy2.0.4 beta 215:09
Skizoboywell it was 2.03 before15:09
Skizoboyand I remember I had to tweak it15:09
knomeSkizoboy, so maybe you need to tweak this new version also, if you didn't do an upgrade15:10
Skizoboynow the tutorial I had used to add SSL support doesn't work anymore15:10
knomeSkizoboy, try on web.archive.org15:10
knomeSkizoboy, or google cache15:10
SkizoboyI still have the instructions15:10
knomei have to go now15:11
Skizoboybut it seems impossible to add SSL to this new version15:11
knomei will be back later, if you still need help15:11
Skizoboyok, thx :)15:11
knomeSkizoboy, you can also try #ubuntu, because this is not xubuntu-sepcific15:11
Skizoboyk, thx :)15:12
basajaunHave a problem with changes permissions15:27
ecceberlinhow can I make xubuntu/xfce remember the desired screen resolution?16:00
ecceberlinit is reset on each reboot16:00
RuadhHi, all16:28
Besogonecceberlin, I find out you problem!!!!16:28
Besogonecceberlin, decision: change file ~/.config/monitors.xml16:30
BesogonWithout thanks... Nice16:33
BesogonRuadh, hi man16:36
deanhi guys, having a bit of trouble. trying to run xubuntu 9.04 as a little headless home server, but as soon as i detach the monitor cable it goes into "low graphics mode" on bootup and fails to reach desktop. any ideas?16:50
cody-somervilledean, Disable X from starting at boot16:51
deanyeh i tried that, but when i enter startx it launches a different, I believe standard non-ubuntu branded desktop16:52
deandoes that make sense?16:52
deanI wouldnt worry about it being different but then it ties up my session on ssh and doesnt launch my autostart scripts i setup under the standard default xfce desktop (the xubuntu altered/branded one)16:54
cody-somervilleyou can do /etc/init.d/gdm start16:58
Besogondean, Why do you do detach? Change your xorg.conf May be section "Monitor" has failed17:09
cody-somervilleI'm pretty sure he doesn't want to modify xorg.conf17:10
ecceberlinBesogon, thanks, I was away for a while17:12
ecceberlinhowever,  ~/.config/monitors.xml does not exist17:12
Besogoncody-somerville, may be17:12
ecceberlinand there are correct settings in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml17:12
ecceberlinbut they are ignored17:13
Besogonecceberlin, I havent that file. ( xfce 4.4.2 was installed after ubuntu gnome).17:16
Besogonecceberlin, Doesn't work ~/.config/monitors.xml?17:17
alok_hello is anyone here17:26
alok_Can anyone help me?17:31
alok_i am unable to create launchers17:31
BesogonWhat do you mean with word launchers (rockets) ))17:34
alok_oh iam sorry17:35
alok_i meant a shortcut17:35
alok_when i right click on the desktop and select "create launcher"17:36
zoredachecan you be more specific?17:36
alok_a dialog box pops up17:36
alok_when i type a name for the launcher17:36
alok_the app just crashes17:36
alok_eventually i have to use "ln -s" but that's frustrating17:37
zoredachehave you tried creating a different name?17:37
zoredacheperhaps something simple like blah, foo, bar, or test?17:37
alok_Sir i cant even type a single letter17:39
alok_as i write anything in the "name" text box17:39
alok_the application crashes17:39
alok_and apport starts17:39
dean@ cody, if restarting gdm daemon works that would be ace! I can then simply setup init.d scripts for rtorrent and sabnbd and be doen with! thus saving on X running 24/7 for no reason17:39
basajaunchanged permission on second hard drive which also contains aversion of xubuntu and  when I log using that version permissions are of course messed up any solution?17:39
alok_Is this ia a bug in xfce 4.6?17:40
zoredacheI don't know, I haven't upgraded yet17:40
bigzedalok_, it works fine with my xfce 4.617:42
alok_"exo-desktop-item-edit crashed with SIGSEGV in strstr()"17:42
Besogon"ln -s" must work whether or no.17:42
alok_sir this is what apport reports17:42
alok_" ln-s" works perfectly17:42
alok_and it lists "nvidia kernel module" as the culprit17:43
alok_anything to do with graphics driver?17:43
bigzedmaybe, it works fine with an intel integrated chipset... maybe nvidia causes the crash17:45
Besogonalok_, hardly. I think if you have problem with video-driver you have trobble in almost all applications. II suggest to find out package for it and reinstall. Sorry I cant help you more.17:47
alok_just one more thing sir17:47
alok_i had installed the 173 series nvidia driver17:47
alok_do you think upgrading to the 180 series will help?17:48
Besogonalok_, I think no. But I have installed 180.44 series driver on my computer. (it seems work fine for me)17:50
alok_oh its a known problem17:53
alok_guess i will have to use thunar17:53
Besogonalok_, Are you from the German? )))17:54
alok_i use english india as the default language17:55
alok_Yes that is very starnge17:55
alok_it is listed that that bug affects only the german language17:56
alok_Thanks for the help sirs17:56
alok_when i create the desktop link from thunar it works17:57
alok_but now i get an arrow beneath the shortcut icon just like in windows17:57
alok_how i can remove that arrow?17:57
Besogonalok_, You are from India. I havent that. May be it only in xfce 4.6 you have. I not so experienced user. Sorry18:03
ecceberlinalok, a more elegant solution would be to write a .desktop file yourself18:06
ecceberlinyou can look at examples in /usr/share/applications18:06
ecceberlinjust create such a file in ~/Desktop18:06
alok_Thanks ecceberlin18:15
alok_let me give it a try18:15
ecceberlinif the application you want to launch, is in /usr/share/applications, you just need to copy the file to ~/Desktop18:16
alok_yes thanks18:20
alok_it surely works18:20
ecceberlingreat :)18:20
alok_now that that problem is solved18:24
alok_can someone tell me how can i get totem to work with oss 4.118:24
orgthingyhello, i seriously need help! whenever i play a video using vlc or mplayer, sometime during the video i get (any video btw..) at end of my ~/.xsession-errors file THIS http://pastebin.com/m77295d2a19:15
orgthingyplease help me, it's *really* pissing me off, 'cause it logs me out of xfce and doesnt let me continue watching my videos :(19:15
ron_oyou have a fatal error on your Xserver..19:18
ron_obesides that, I don't know. :/19:18
orgthingyron_o: yes, i already know that :(19:18
orgthingysolution anyone?19:18
ron_oI was being a being sarcastic.19:19
ron_othat's python there.19:19
ron_orun your video in a terminal and maybe you can track down the error there.19:19
orgthingyron_o: it's not just wicd-client19:19
orgthingyits many apps19:19
ron_opipe the output to a file.19:19
ron_obut it's just the video no?19:20
orgthingywhat do you mean?19:20
ron_owell if it's crashing your system, then you can run your video program in a terminal. That will give you feedback what's going on all the time. But if your system crashes, then what?19:21
ron_oyou can run a command and pipe it to any file with the >19:22
orgthingyi know, ron_o19:22
ron_ook, sorry.19:23
ron_obesides that I can't help you.19:23
orgthingyi've ran wicd-client using GNU Screen19:23
orgthingybut, ill see what will it "produce" when it crashes19:23
orgthingycrashing time! *opens some vid*19:23
ron_oanyway, do you have widgets running?19:24
ron_olibxfcegui4 Overview19:24
ron_olibxfcegui4-WARNING **: ICE I/O Error19:24
orgthingyyup, crashed19:24
ron_othat *looks* like where the problem lies.19:24
orgthingyron_o: the pastebin text file showed more than one "app" crashes19:25
orgthingyron_o: wicd-client.py: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0.19:25
orgthingyi got this19:25
ron_oyah.. so sorry.19:25
* orgthingy cries19:25
orgthingyron_o: if you found *anything* regard this please send me a pm or tell me here19:26
ron_oorgthingy, could that be it?19:28
orgthingyron_o: ill read it19:28
ron_othat's probably not it.19:29
ron_oyou have way too many errors.19:29
ron_onot just a few.19:29
=== esteeven_ is now known as esteeven
orgthingyron_o: but why does xfce log me out :(19:30
orgthingycant vlc/totem just crash alone :'(19:30
ron_oyah, weird.19:30
ron_othat means it's an OS problem.19:30
orgthingy<< X11 noob19:30
orgthingyron_o: no, DE problem19:31
orgthingyron_o: I had gnome before19:31
orgthingynow dont anymore (only xfce)19:31
orgthingybecause of gnome broken deps in sid atm..etc19:31
orgthingybut it never ever happened to me in gnome19:31
ron_ofor debugging try to use another window manager just to try to see where it's coming from.19:32
orgthingyron_o: same with OpenBox/LXDE for some reason19:32
orgthingybut never on gnome..odd really19:32
ron_oso you installed Ubuntu with Gnome and then installed XFCE on top of it?19:33
orgthingyron_o: I've been using Linux for 11 years now and never got such a "weird" situation19:33
orgthingyron_o: yea, multiple-DE's19:33
ron_onever seen it before either.19:33
ron_oI had some problems with that so I know just use Xubuntu.19:34
ron_otoo many ubuntu apps want to start automaticlly.19:34
ron_oI'm actually trying to figure out a probelm myself. I'm playing minesweeper and my mouse keeps going nuts when I play it. Only when I play that does it skip and hold and gyrate out of control.19:37
ron_oand usually only when I go really fast.19:37
orgthingyron_o: i think it's dbus problems19:39
orgthingybut how to solve it i dont know19:39
orgthingyit's a shame that im a linux/unix consulter19:39
orgthingyfor servers though, and dont know how to solve my own problems19:39
ron_othe desktop is indeed a different ballgame altogether though. don't feel so bad.19:41
ron_oyou shouldn't need X11 much.19:41
* SiDi_unchoked reading what's going on!19:41
orgthingylinux user since 1998, consulter..simple problem i cannot solve :P ! i need to consult one19:42
orgthingyoh wait, im the only linux consulter in the whole god damn country :P !19:42
orgthingyall people here do windows support, which im happy off, since that helps me gain more money and customers :P19:42
SiDi_unchokedorgthingy, i'll be blatently helpful : use totem :D19:43
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: this *is* totem19:44
orgthingyand vlc :P19:44
SiDi_unchokedyeh noticed rereading ur log19:44
SiDi_unchokedactually you might want to try jaunty, it has a new xfce and x.org :P19:44
orgthingyi will, probably19:44
SiDi_unchokedI asked in #xfce btw, they might know better than us19:46
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: yea, appearntly no answer :(19:46
orgthingyron_o: wait, it has dependencies problems19:47
orgthingyill show you second19:47
orgthingySiDi_unchoked and ron_o : http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/7629/screenshoteqr.png19:49
orgthingythe thing is, I can't re-install gnome for dep problems19:49
orgthingyyet it causes problems..19:49
orgthingyshould i remove it?19:49
SiDi_unchokedsudo apt-get reinstall ?19:50
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: cant19:50
SiDi_unchokedYou don't have any custom PPA?19:50
orgthingydep problems...(not ready to explain 'how' i got dep problems but i cant really fix it atm, probably in a week)19:50
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: I use debian unstable :P with ubuntu parts in it19:50
SiDi_unchokedyou installed xorg/xfce from a server install ?19:50
orgthingyi call it orgbuntu sometimes, since it's a mixture19:51
SiDi_unchokedi see.. :P19:51
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: xfce from repo19:51
orgthingyanyhow, i guess i should remove that package19:51
orgthingyit conflicts with other packages fhs!19:51
SiDi_unchokedwell, you must be missing some packages :P19:51
SiDi_unchokedbut we cant help you on orgbuntu :P19:51
* SiDi_unchoked goes back to his memory leaks in his BT client :( it's been stable for 2 hours :(19:52
orgthingyX problems are X problems after all!19:52
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: memory leaks?19:52
SiDi_unchokedbut this X is far above my knowledge :P19:52
SiDi_unchokedmemory leaks, memory corruptions, various segfaults19:52
orgthingyI use KTorrent as a BT client19:53
orgthingywonderful even though it's QT19:53
SiDi_unchokedsupports DHT, stuff like that ? :P19:53
orgthingySiDi_unchoked: yes ;)19:54
SiDi_unchoked(mine's here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/reztorrent it supports grabbing IPv4 IPs from TCP trackers, and answering to handshakes, and that's all :D)19:54
orgthingyTHE VIDEO PLAYED19:56
orgthingybut then, i stopped the video, because of excitement19:56
orgthingyclicked on roxterm19:56
orgthingythen, it froze19:56
SiDi_unchokedand your PC burnt ? :P19:56
orgthingylogged me out of xfce..again19:56
orgthingydammit xD19:56
=== SiDi_unchoked is now known as SiDi_SIGABRT
SlonkieWhat's the default chmod permission on folders?20:15
zoredacheSlonkie: can you be more specific?20:15
zoredacheit depends a lot on the folder, and your umask20:16
Slonkiewell i by mistake set chmod -R 000 on a folder of mine in the believe it would promt me for an password when i wanted to enter it20:16
Slonkienow i can't enter it at all20:16
SiDi_SIGABRTSlonkie, 75520:17
SlonkieThanks, SiDi_SIGABRT :).20:17
zoredacheSlonkie: if you want security on a folder look at setting up things like truecrypt, dm-crypt, or so on20:17
SiDi_SIGABRTi think he just wants to open his folder20:17
Slonkiewell no i wanted to make it password protected20:18
zoredacheSiDi_SIGABRT: which you helped him with...  I was trying to address the underlying issue20:18
SiDi_SIGABRTanyways default chmod is 755 ^^20:18
SiDi_SIGABRTzoredache, i see :p20:18
Slonkiethought it maybe was possible like that, somebody said that in a forum i saw.20:18
SiDi_SIGABRTDoes anyone know about a simple and light library to handle HTTP requests, that is NOT libcurl ?20:35
zoredachewhat is you problem with curl?  And what language do you want to use it in?  Pythong has httplib20:37
SlonkieWhat is Xorg? It's using an impressive amount of CPU power20:42
zoredachexorg is the base component for the gui...20:43
Slonkieall right20:43
SiDi_SIGABRTzoredache, my problem is that i dont understand how im meant to send a get request and get my answer with it20:43
SiDi_SIGABRTi'm using C, zoredache20:43
SlonkieIf i wanna remove an application i compiled myself, should i just delete the directory of the application?20:49
SiDi_SIGABRTif you did a make install there should also be a make clean or make remove20:50
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinister
SlonkieIs it anyhow possible to get an location for an icon i made for the Applications menu?21:26
SlonkieI can't seem to find it :/21:26
cody-somervilleSlonkie, Its probably where you saved it ;p21:27
SlonkieThat's useful ;)21:27
cody-somervilleSlonkie, Try Applications > Accessories > Search for files21:27
cody-somervilleor catfish21:27
Slonkiei tried it21:28
SlonkieChouldn't find it :/21:28
cody-somervilleAny idea what the filename is?21:28
Slonkiewell i searching for the few that came to mind i might have called it21:28
SiDi_SIGABRTopen inkscape21:35
SiDi_SIGABRTand save an empty file21:35
SiDi_SIGABRTand it'll tell you in which path you saved last time :P21:35
Slonkiewell.. it's not the last time i saved21:37
Slonkiewell you helped me back then SiDi_SIGABRT. what dir would you have me put down my file? :P21:37
SiDi_SIGABRTNo idea :P21:40
SiDi_SIGABRTi'm harrassing a guy who annoyed a friend's friend yesterday21:40
SiDi_SIGABRTon msn :O21:40
Slonkieall right21:40
rafkidI have a windows workgroup with five pcs and one xubuntu pc - any god guides to joining the workgroup?22:22
rafkidgood evn22:22
=== SiDi_SIGABRT is now known as SiDi_SIGPIPE
zoredacheyou don't really join a workgroup.  All you do is setup folder sharing and set whatever workgroup you like22:27
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:27
jmichaelxi just upgraded to xubuntu jaunty, and have one gripe with the new xfce... so far, i have not been able to get the old functionality when right-clicking on the desktop... i want the applications menu ONLY, NOT the desktop menu, with a selection at the bottom for the apps menu. is there still a way to do this?22:28
rafkid@zoredache many thanks for this - i shall have a read22:31
rafkid@zoredache greif - well done - I looked but could not see.......................ty chum22:33
=== Roonux_ is now known as Roonux
=== SiDi_SIGPIPE is now known as SiDi
=== SiDi is now known as SiDi_unchocked
SiDi_unchockedDoes anyone remember the shortcut to add /remove virtual desktops ?23:29
SlonkieAnyone any new ideas on how to remove an dead icon which you've got not idea where's stored? :)23:37
knomeSlonkie, search for it23:39
Slonkiei did try searching for it a million times23:39
knomeSlonkie, it is something .desktop23:39
Slonkienothing apperas23:39
knomeSlonkie, with what did you search?23:39
knomeSlonkie, and what's the icon?23:39
Slonkieit's an icon in Applications>Office23:39
Slonkiewhich i created manually, now i can't find it, it's called "Maple 11" and i tried searching for it a million times23:40
Slonkieand lots of other word containing "maple"23:40
knomeuhm, you created an icon manually and don't know where?23:42
Slonkiei can't remember it23:42
SiDi_unchockedor /usr/share/applications23:46
SiDi_unchockedor in .gnome / .kde but unlikely23:46
SiDi_unchockedor locate .desktop23:47
Slonkienow i remember.. it's .local23:47
Slonkie:D Thanks SiDi_unchocked , your the best23:47
SiDi_unchockedits because im unchocked23:47
SiDi_unchockedbut i'm also sigabrt'ed :(23:47

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