
Peng_jelmer: Or never mind.00:01
jelmerPeng_: pong00:02
jelmerPeng_: hmm?00:02
Peng_Hmm, several levels of déjà vu.00:04
Peng_jelmer: I've been having problems with bzr-svn 0.6 and Google Code recently: it asks for HTTP auth on the .bzr control files. But "svn+http" works, so never mind. :D00:05
jelmerPeng_: see the recent thread on the mailing list00:14
Peng_jelmer: Ehh. Which one?00:15
Peng_I'm a week behind on mail, so that'd be great if thre was only one new thread on the entire list, but... :P00:15
Peng_jelmer: Oh, the fork thread?00:15
jelmerPeng_: yeah00:17
jelmerPeng_: the short summary is00:17
jelmerPeng_: bzr sends a POST request to see if the remote server provides a bzr smart server00:17
jelmerPeng_: But GOogle code responds to POSTs with a 401 Auth required reply00:17
jelmerand that triggers a username prompt on the bzr side00:18
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Peng_jelmer: Ahh, okay. Thanks.00:19
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SamBis it just me or is the bundle-buggy web UI down ?02:08
jamSamB: it seems to be down02:19
* SamB wonders if jelmer will vote for his http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/5673402:27
Peng_What's the mailing list's message size limit?03:04
Peng_I wonder if that's why my message hasn't gone through. I think.03:04
ub3rst4rdoes anyone what the url is to mirror a branch thats hosted on sourceforge on to launchpad?03:48
Peng_ub3rst4r: https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new03:51
Peng_ub3rst4r: Oh, never mind. Ignore me. Go with what you're being told in #launchpad.03:51
BasicOSXBundleBuggy have troubles tonight?06:04
Peng_BasicOSX: Seems that way.06:05
BasicOSXfigures :-)06:05
BasicOSXGoing to make confirming merge request for 1.14rc2 fun(?)06:09
BasicOSXNeed some assistance in where do I get a bug fix, when status = "Fix Committed" but  no branch is associated with the bug. I'm looking to merge bug 355280 but don't know where the fix is located07:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355280 in bzr "eol content filters are never loaded and thus never applied" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35528007:31
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Bambi_BOFH
Stavrosi am trying to unshelve something and get "bzr: ERROR: The file id "magnifyingglass.png-20090417233633-s6z8t2odk0omj4yo-1" is not present in the tree <Inventory object at [...]"16:48
Stavrosany idea what that's about? i really need my shelved changes back :/16:49
=== serg_ is now known as serg
Stavrosdoes bzr just lose data like that?16:56
Stavroscan anyone help me recover my lost data?17:11
=== _SamB_ is now known as SamB
SamBStavros: well, I'd save a copy of the directory before proceeding17:56
StavrosSamB: which directory do you mean?17:58
SamBStavros: well, any relevant directories that have .bzr subdirectories18:07
Stavrosi have nothing to proceed to, so not much danger there18:07
Stavrosit just ate my work18:07
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
Stavrosdoes anyone know how bzr works and what i can do about it?18:45
cody-somervilleStavros, what do you mean? :)18:48
james_wStavros: that's odd, did you shelve the addition of a directory?18:48
james_wor any additions for that matter?18:48
Stavrosjames_w: i think it shelved a file, yes18:50
james_ware there confidential things in this project?18:50
Stavrossadly, yes18:51
Stavrosi don't need the file18:51
Stavrosi need the other changes18:51
Stavroscan i override a line of code?18:51
james_wif you look at .bzr/checkout/shelf/shelf-n18:51
james_wfor the largest n in that dir18:51
james_wthen you will see your changes18:51
james_wit would have been good if you could attach that to a bug report, but I guess you can't?18:52
james_wanyway, a bit of surgery should allow you to recover from that file18:52
Stavrosi just made some changes (one of which was an added file), shelved them all, and committed a few revisions18:52
Stavrosah hmm, my changes are indeed there18:53
Stavroscan i comment out the code that checks for files?18:54
james_wif it's hard to recover from that, then an alternative would be trying to come up with a way to reproduce in a new branch18:54
Stavrosso bzr applies them?18:54
james_wthen we can try and fix the bug18:54
Stavroshow do you mean?18:54
james_wI doubt it's a simple as that18:54
james_wcd /tmp; bzr init test18:54
james_wthen try and do something similar with dummy files, and see if you can trigger the error18:54
Stavroshmm, let me check18:55
Stavrosdamn, i can't reproduce it18:57
Stavrosnope, nothing18:58
Stavrosis there a way for me to edit the pack file?18:59
Stavrosoh damn, i actually do need the file in there18:59
Stavrosoh, there it is19:00
Stavrosi did a revert and now it breaks19:00
james_wthe revert breaks? or the revert causes unshelve to break?19:01
Stavrosthe latter19:02
james_wso you have a minimal testcase?19:02
james_wcool, please open a bug and include it, and I'll take a look19:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 363444 in bzr "unshelve crashes if there is a revert and file shelve." [Undecided,New]19:08
Stavrosthis should work19:08
Stavroscan you take a look and tell me what's going on? i really need those changes :/19:09
Stavrosdoes it reproduce it for you?19:10
james_wStavros: I was more looking for instructions19:13
james_wI'd like to know the steps that lead up to it, as well as see the final situation19:13
Stavroslet me try again19:14
Stavrostry now19:18
Stavrosbasically, shelve a file add and revert19:18
Stavrosunshelve will fail19:19
james_w"bzr version"?19:19
Stavros1.14rc1, but even trunk fails19:20
james_wnice, thanks19:21
Stavroscan you see what's wrong with it?19:21
james_wdoes it have to be two files shelved?19:21
Stavrosjames_w: i am not sure, i only tried with two actually19:21
Stavrosit seems to work with one file19:22
Stavrosyes, it only happens with two19:23
Stavroswith three files, revert doesn't work19:24
Stavrosit crashes19:24
james_wnot for me19:24
Stavrosbzr init, shelve a file add, revert, crash19:25
james_wthat sounds like a separate bug, would you report that one too?19:25
Stavrosany luck on the first bug? :/19:26
james_wok, so it requires two or more file adds shelved, and any sort of revert after crashes it19:26
Stavrosno, just the unshelve after the revert19:27
james_wdoesn't even need a revert19:27
Stavrosit needed for me19:27
james_wset -e19:28
james_wrm -rf test19:28
james_wbzr init test19:28
james_w(cd test && bzr ci -m "Commit." --unchanged && touch test2 test3 && bzr add && bzr shelve --all && bzr unshelve)19:29
james_wthat's my minimal testcase19:29
james_wnot doing the first commit seems to trigger another bug19:29
Stavroscan you see why?19:30
james_wnot yet19:30
james_wpatience please19:30
Stavroshmm, what is that?19:32
james_wthat's the difference between a one added file shelve and a two added file shelve19:33
james_wso it's clearly to do with that line19:33
james_wunfortunately I have no idea what that line means :-)19:33
Stavrosso basically shelving two files crashes it?19:34
james_wlooks like it19:34
Stavrosdo you think the shelf is corrupt?19:34
james_wv.s. _id_numberi2e1819:35
james_wthen the extra new-239:test3-20090418182952-p5wbhmyzknaaa14q-2e919:35
Stavrosit seems to be the same error as this https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/25380619:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 253806 in bzr "bzr: ERROR: The file id "foo-20080731224042-7ogu3b3hk0bwnpo3-1" is not present in the tree" [Medium,Fix released]19:36
james_wthen something like new-15:test219:36
james_wnah, not really19:36
Stavrosthe same error message, i mean19:37
james_wwhat we're seeing is just a generic "foo is not in bar" error19:37
james_wah, yeah, the cause is completely different I bet19:37
Stavrosare you james westby?19:38
Stavrosso you know about that bug19:38
james_wyup :-)19:38
Stavrosi have no idea what could be going on19:38
Stavrosi'm not really familiar with the internals...19:38
james_wso we just seem to have some things repeated in the file, which would be expected19:38
Stavroswhat you pasted looks normal to me19:39
Stavrosif it's saving the file IDs...19:39
james_wyou can look at bzrlib/transform.py if you like19:39
james_wserialize and deserialize in there will help explain the format of that file19:39
james_wok, so it's bencoded19:40
Stavrosthe error happens after the second deserialization19:41
james_wok, adding debugging prints to serialize and deserialize helps us to see what is going on in there19:43
Stavrosthey look identical19:45
james_woh, and running bzr with "-Derror" will get you a full traceback so you can see where it is failing19:45
james_wyeah, I wouldn't expect that the serialization itself was the problem19:46
james_wit's writing out bad data19:46
Stavrosso it tries to merge and doesn't find a file id to merge with?19:46
james_wan unshelve operation is a merge19:48
Stavrosdoes it store a pack and then merge it?19:48
james_wit stores a serialized TreeTransform, which is something internally used in merge19:49
james_wand then tries to apply it by doing a merge19:49
Stavrosright right19:49
james_wit applies the transform on the old tree (hence saving the revision id) to get a new tree, and then merges that new tree with your working tree19:49
Stavroswhich stage do you think is failing?19:50
james_wbut it shouldn't be asking the working tree for the kind of these files, as they aren't in the working tree19:50
james_wwell it's crashing in the last stage, but I don't know what's at fault19:50
Stavrosthere aren't many things that would cause it to crash with two files and not with two, i assume...19:53
Stavroserr, one19:53
Stavrosi should redo my changes, i guess...19:55
zanagais there an easy way of getting bzr in to a postmortem debug?19:57
LarstiQzanaga: depending on what you mean with that, if you `BZR_PDB=1 bzr <command>` it will drop into pdb on error19:58
zanagathat's exactly what i want =)19:58
LarstiQ^\ is also useful to break into pdb19:59
Stavrosdamn, so much work lost...20:02
LarstiQStavros: you should be able to salvage them from the shelf20:03
StavrosLarstiQ: there's a png in there i don't know how to get :/20:03
LarstiQStavros: in a test with adding a png and then shelving, editing the shelf-1 file gives me back my png20:07
StavrosLarstiQ: how did you edit it?20:07
Stavrosi managed to get the other changes20:08
LarstiQStavros: just a sec20:08
LarstiQStavros: it looks roughly like http://rafb.net/p/HaZbYo46.html20:10
Stavrosbut won't editing it discard the binary data?20:10
LarstiQStavros: I deleted everything up to and including the 'i 10\n' line20:10
Stavrosactually let me open it with a hex editor20:10
LarstiQStavros: then I deleted everything from and including the 'E' at the end20:11
LarstiQStavros: I edited it with vim20:11
Stavrosoh good20:11
Stavroslet me do that then20:11
LarstiQStavros: and then used hexedit to remove the final newline20:11
LarstiQafter that, cmp between shelf-1 and the original png I copied reported no differences20:11
Stavrosinteresting, that looks lke it worked20:12
Stavrosi'll reexport in photoshop to make sure20:12
Stavrosthank you for your help20:12
LarstiQStavros: np, I hope you got all your data out correctly.20:13
LarstiQStavros: and thanks for reporting the bug, shelve needs some bugsquashing20:13
Stavroslooks like it :/20:13
Stavrosmost of the data was text so i got it out, looks like this png was the last20:13
Stavrosit seems to work fine now, thank you very much!20:14
Stavrosshould i delete the shelf file?20:15
LarstiQStavros: I'm not entirely sure how that works20:16
LarstiQStavros: but shelve --destroy should work20:16
Stavrosah, thanks20:16
Stavrosthat tried to shelve changes again20:16
Stavrosactually that selectively reverts changs20:16
LarstiQStavros: hokay20:18
LarstiQevening lamont20:18
BasicPROboo on thunderstorms20:22
james_wit does seem to be lost in the serialization20:27
james_wtwo files are recorded, but only one comes back out it seems20:27
Stavrosthat's interesting20:28
james_wand when you do it with three, still only the first one comes back out20:29
james_wbut I must go eat20:33
james_wStavros: I assume this isn't urgent anymore, you have recovered the things you needed to?20:33
Stavrosjames_w: indeed i have, thank you20:33
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
Peng_lifeless: ping21:29
=== weltende is now known as welterde
james_wah, it's multiple empty files that mess it up23:03
james_wwhen you serialize an empty file addition you get no body, so the reader gets thrown off23:03
lifelesspasky: ?23:10
lifelessbah sorry pasky , tab completion fail23:11
lifelessPeng_: ?23:11
Peng_lifeless: Oh hi. Um. Do you have access to the queue of messages being held for approval by the mailing list software? I think one I sent might be being held.23:19
lifelessfor the main list? yes, though right now I can't surf23:20
lifelesssmall matter of only irc working because its not actually on my machine :)23:20
lifelesseverything else is thrashing insanely23:21
lifelesswriting a full scale test index23:22
lifelessto get a perf trace on index writing23:22
lifelessand its uhm, well23:22
Peng_I wanted to check the mailing list archive again before asking you about this, but Firefox crashed as I was writing. :D23:22
lifelessI have 2G of memory23:22
lifelessits vss is3G23:22
Peng_Boy, I remember the days when I thought getting 1 GB of RAM felt a little excessive.23:23
lifeless'room for optimisation'23:23
lifelessPeng_: the index have > 8000000 keys23:53

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