
=== barteqx is now known as siekaczx
=== siekaczx is now known as siekacz
GonI want to submit a bug in kdm package00:46
GonBug option are disabled in lauchpad :|00:46
tsimpsonyou don't file bugs against packages like that, you file it against the source package. kdebase-workspace in this case00:49
tsimpsonor just use "ubuntu-bug kdm" if you want a "quick" way00:51
GonWhen I close the session to change my desktop manager or user, the menu does not appear00:51
Gononly can show the console00:51
Gononly restarting the kdm service can show the login menu00:54
Mr_Grieves|There seems to be an issue with jaunty's cmake:00:59
Mr_Grieves|Unknown CMake command "macro_optional_find_package"00:59
Mr_Grieves|I have /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/MacroOptionalFindPackage.cmake, but cmake just doesn't seem to be finding it.00:59
Mr_Grieves|Ack, the problem is that you can't just checkout kalzium and compile it, I have to build from kdeedu's cmakelists.txt01:07
Mr_Grieves|(For the archives ;) http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Installing_a_subset_of_a_module )01:07
JontheEchidnaIt usually is fiddly things like that. :-)01:11
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JontheEchidnaAll these upstream bugs we're tracking are being fixed just now02:34
JontheEchidnacouldn't they have done this a week or two earlier?02:34
ScottK4.2.3 is just an sru away.02:39
Gonmy sound D:03:09
GonI have no sound in flash since my last update03:09
dtchenGon: what's the output from: pgrep pulseaudio03:19
Gongon@acer:~$ pgrep pulseaudio03:20
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docxhi, do somebody know where can be problem when I have turned on compositing in kwin and after some random time (maybe not time but some action) freezes graphic and keyboard, but mouse and background applications still running?11:00
docxI'm using ubuntu jaunty, graphics is intel GM94511:00
docxi would help you with reporting bug, but i don't know where is some useful information, in Xorg.log i didn't find anything :(11:01
asranielif seen that once, but after clicking around etc, sudenly i got my keyboard back. i suspect that a "global" input widget got hold of the keyboard somehow, but by clicking around alot i could escape it (but i had a similar problem with kubuntu 8.04, but more often there)11:08
LureRiddell: arround?12:37
Tonio_ScottK: ping ?12:41
LureTonio_: thanks for taking care for mlt package12:42
Tonio_Lure: no pb ;)12:42
Tonio_Lure: on the other side, kdenlive needs rebuilt, and is stuck in the queue :)12:42
Tonio_Lure: it crashes right now :/12:42
LureTonio_: ups, did not try it today12:42
Tonio_try !12:43
Luresymbol lookup error: kdenlive: undefined symbol: _ZN3Mlt8ConsumerC1ERNS_7ProfileEPcS3_12:43
LureTonio_: I think we need to get bug 358576, but I have hard time to get attention of Riddell and release team12:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358576 in exiv2 "exiv2 version 0.18 crashes / also crashes digikam / fixed in 0.18.1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35857612:44
Luremany duplicates and reporters with crashes12:44
Lureand exiv2 is primarily used by KDE apps (no gnome app in main uses it)12:44
Lureso I think Kubuntu/Riddell need to push to get approval for this12:44
Tonio_Lure: true12:45
Tonio_Lure: does digikam need rebuilt ?12:45
LureTonio_: no, just new exiv2 upload is needed12:45
Lureit is bug-fix only release of library12:45
LureTonio_: confirmed by several people with my ppa packages12:46
Tonio_Lure: you already have the source package ?12:46
LureTonio_: yes, in my ppa - it just need release team approval and core-dev to sponsor upload12:46
Tonio_Lure: have a dget command please ? I'll upload !12:47
LureTonio_: https://edge.launchpad.net/~lure/+archive/ppa/+files/exiv2_0.18.1-0ubuntu1~ppa~lure1.dsc12:47
Tonio_lure thx12:48
LureTonio_: just need removal of ~ppa~lure1 in version12:48
LureTonio_: and please comment to bug with your core-dev hat ;-)12:48
a|wenLure: if you have upstreams changelog from 0.18 to 0.18.1, put that in the bug as well so it is easily accessible fore releas team12:49
Lurea|wen: done12:49
Tonio_Lure: uploaded12:51
Tonio_Lure: have to ping an archive admin now :)12:52
LureTonio_: thanks12:52
Tonio_yw :)12:52
ScottKTonio_: When I went to bed last night mlt++ was not yet done.  I'll accept it today.  No worrites.14:06
Tonio_oki doki ;)14:06
Tonio_ScottK: now all is built and I rebooted, kdenlive segfaults, rebuilt is really needed in fact :)14:07
ScottKHandy it was in the queue.14:07
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
ScottKThe reason it took so long was to get frei0r then mlt then mlt++ published on all archs in sequence.14:08
ScottKI did get manual buildd intervention to get frei0r and mlt jumped to the front of the queue on the slow archs.14:09
=== Mr_Griev1s| is now known as Mr_Grieves|
thewall83Hi all!15:27
thewall83I knew that you nedded testers for the upgrade of kubuntu jaunty15:28
thewall83I just want to make you know that all went good for me...only 1 thing: although the 2.6.28 was installed, I had to make "sudo update grub"15:29
thewall83to have it up and shown on the grub menu...15:30
thewall83I don't know if this could be fixed in the upgrade process...15:30
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
cumulus007Hi, why have you put KPackageKit into Jaunty?18:05
cumulus007it's the worst package manager I've ever seen18:05
cumulus007it's slow, it's buggy, it's interface is unusable18:05
cumulus007it's not completed yet18:05
cumulus007Adept was fine18:05
ScottKAdept is still in the repositories.  You can install it and use it if you prefer.18:06
cumulus007I know, but that's not the problem18:07
cumulus007are there any good reasons to replace Adept with KPackageKit?18:07
ScottKBoth were regarded as incomplete and Adept is unmaintained where as there are people working on KPackagekit.18:11
* ScottK didn't make the decision.18:11
ScottKThe thought was that KPackagekit is the future, so best get started.18:12
cumulus007I still think that KPackageKit is not mature enough18:14
claydohI find it less annoying than adept3 tbh, and I get few if any complaints on it in kubuntuforums18:16
claydohesp mcompared to Adept318:16
* ScottK doesn't think either of them are.18:16
valgaavboth suck :P18:16
valgaavAdept sucks more though18:16
valgaavI'm using synaptic and there is nothing Qt based to replace it for me .... Shaman looks promising but 1.0 works just in Archlinux and 2.0 is still in development18:18
claydohbut i prefer either over synaptic for Kubuntu as I prefer to keep  things kde/qt18:20
smarterin my experience, I've had relatively few problems with Adept but haven't been able to complete a _single_ update with KPackageKit18:20
* ScottK prefers apt-get.18:20
smarterwhich is why(+ the apparent problem with Intel video cards) I won't upgrade people I know computer to Jaunty18:21
ScottKNeither KPackageKit nor Adept 3 will complain about unsigned packages.  I consider the lack of enforcing cryptrographic security a fatal flaw in both.18:21
smarterI think we should look into Shaman for Karmic18:21
smarterapparently it'll have packagekit support in the future and seems to be relatively appreciated by its users18:22
ScottKThe other consderation is that finishing Adept 3 is on the Debian GSoC shortlist, so it may be a consideration.18:26
a|wenjust getting something that both handles debconf questions and makes you aware of unsigned packages...18:32
ScottKThe debconf thing is another point of breakage for KPackageKit that Adept handles.18:39
* Quintasan votes for Shaman in Karmic (if it's ready)22:06
* ScottK waits for Tonio_ to jump in and say something about Pardus.22:08
* smarter will probably investigate a bit Shaman when he'll get time22:23
Tonio_ScottK: yoyoyo !!22:23
lubyouany idea why the wireless, mobile broadband and dsl tabs in the networkmanager plasmoid are greyed out (aka not selectable)?22:24
Tonio_lubyou: I reported upstream, no response so far :/22:24
ScottKTonio_: Did you see the post about Pardus/Turkey on planet.kde today?22:25
smarterooh, shaman got a krunner plugin and a plasmoid22:25
Tonio_ScottK: not today, why ? something interesting ?22:25
ScottKI think you'd enjoy it.22:25
lubyouTonio_ got a link to the bug report?22:26
Tonio_lubyou: there is no official one, I posted to the appropriate mailing list.... lemme find the link22:26
Tonio_ScottK: probably yes :) it's to me by far the most innovative kde based distro, as you know :)22:27
Tonio_lubyou: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-networkmanager/2009-February/000412.html22:28
lubyouthanks you Tonio_22:28
Tonio_lubyou: more generally : http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-networkmanager/2009-February/thread.html22:28
Tonio_lubyou: 3 reports, no response :/22:28
Tonio_lubyou: honnestly, when I see gnome, I'm *really* frustrated to see that we *never* had a consistant network configuration tool for the last 4 years....22:29
Tonio_lubyou: I think I'll go to the UDS with pardus stuff packaged and try to collaborate with them on the future...22:29
Tonio_lubyou: they have a really nice network config tool plus many other things...22:30
Tonio_lubyou: they use python which we love too, so....22:30
lubyouyay python ftw22:30
Tonio_ScottK: and yes, I'm reading planet.kde now !22:30
Tonio_ScottK: probably if I hadn't find out kubuntu before pardus I'd be a pardus contributor right now :) hehe22:31
ScottKmaybe soon ....22:32
Tonio_ScottK: no, probably never, cause I love my community so much22:33
Tonio_ScottK: but as I can see I'm not the only one pardus impresses :)22:33
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz

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