
theuser1need a way00:00
theuser1i use amarok00:00
d3jakehmm... xfd xditview, xclock, x11perf, x-window-system-core, smproxy, ssesreg, python2.4-tk, python2.4-imaging, python-simpletal, python-egnix-mxproxy, oclock00:00
d3jakeMany others00:00
d3jakebeing removed00:00
RizRhad enough of amarok 2. anyway to install amarok 1 on kde4.2?00:00
xorredyes, amarok2 sucks00:01
DaskreechRizR: Yes look at apt-.pearsoncomputing.net00:01
antoranzguys, is it possible to use portable ubuntu but with kubuntu instead?+00:02
RizRDaskreech, :-) their account bandwidth limit has been exceeded. may be will be up in may ;)00:02
Cirosokay I am annoyed at air.00:03
DaskreechRizR: ha ok :)00:03
d3jakeI tried to install a package named rdiff-backup, but I get this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153110/00:03
Cirosimma annoyed, I dunno what this means... (airinstall:6471): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libqtcurve.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6400:04
d3jakeReplace your elves...00:04
RizRanother one. (may be a dumb question but hey). how do I switch off monitor (just monitor not machine) after a certain time. cant see settings under screensaver00:04
Ciroser wha?  >.>00:04
p-fRizR: it's in 'Display'00:04
p-fRizR: (assuming you're on KDE)00:04
p-f(power control)00:05
p-fbecause having a standalone Power control would make too much sense00:05
* p-f twitches00:05
RizRp-f, err it's got three options. standby, suspend, and power off.00:06
RizRnone says switch off monitor :$00:06
p-fRizR: it's power off00:06
p-fRizR: these are only for the monitor, not your computer00:06
p-fRizR: completely unintuitive, I know :)00:06
p-fplus, the "What's this?" don't give any info00:07
p-fit's great00:07
RizRp-f, ah well. that's classic kde. got three options for when you only need one saying turn off monitor :-)00:07
RizRok another one.00:08
RizRselecting random screensaver usually makes screensavers switch after few mins in gnome. in kde it starts a screensaver randomly whenever inactive but never switches it to something else.00:09
RizRmakes sense?00:09
p-fRizR: makes perfect sense00:10
d3jakeIs there a way to, within Kubuntu, throttle the bandwidth that Adept is allowed to use?00:11
RizRp-f, any way to do the switching?00:11
p-fRizR: I don't think so, maybe you could look into commandline options for xscreensaver / xlock00:12
kanonmat_dpms can be used to turn monitor off00:13
kanonmat_xorg.conf SERVERFLAGS SECTION: Option "OffTime" "minutes"00:15
kanonmat_or use xset00:15
cllaudyui have a little problem... when i try ti install or upgrade it's suddenly intrerupting and in terminal when i type dpkg --configure -a it's doing the same thing...00:16
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ign0ramushey all.00:22
ign0ramuswas in here earlier today, but never got an answer... Does anyone else have issues with inline/embedded images in gmail being fuzzy or difficult to read?  On my Windows machine, this is not an issue.00:23
ign0ramuson ubuntuforums, I saw another thread with the same issue, but no solution.  someone mentioned that the page may have been zoomed, causing aliasing, but this is not the case :(00:24
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ign0ramusActually, this goes for all my web-based email accounts - yahoo, hotmail, and gmail... no one else has ever seen this?00:26
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ign0ramuslet me check Opera00:27
DaskreechHow bad is the fuzzy?00:28
markjohnsoncan anyone tell me how to compile an apache mod in ubuntu00:30
ign0ramusDaskreech: it makes barcodes unreadable... :/00:30
markjohnsonlike.. what compiler do i use00:30
Daskreechmarkjohnson: Which module ?00:30
markjohnsoni cant get apxs to work00:30
markjohnsonlike, anything00:30
markjohnsonim writing my own00:30
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:31
markjohnsondoes this apply to compiling for apache too?00:31
markjohnsonor just generically?00:31
Daskreechign0ramus: I'm not seeing it look very fuzzy here00:31
Daskreechmarkjohnson: Code is more or less code00:31
markjohnsonyea.. but doesnt apxs use spcific functions to compile it with apache the correct way?00:32
ign0ramusDaskreech: opera looks fuzzy, too.  maybe a *little* more readable, but if I view the same email in Windows, it's crystal clear00:32
Daskreechign0ramus: Sounds like your video driver00:32
ign0ramusDaskreech: even if it's *just* for inline images in email?00:32
Daskreechmarkjohnson: long as it has a build script it'll be fine00:32
markjohnsonalright, ill give it a shot then00:33
Daskreechign0ramus: to be clear you download the file and it's really clear?00:33
ign0ramusDaskreech: exactly. yes.00:33
Daskreechign0ramus: Kinda funky00:34
Daskreechwhat version of FF ?00:34
ign0ramusDaskreech: 3.0.800:34
DaskreechHmm not sure what would make the html renderer be strange00:36
ign0ramusDaskreech: for example, here's an old (expired) coupon from old navy i got: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6871/59174353.png00:37
DaskreechThat's it downloaded?00:38
ign0ramusDaskreech: that's a screenshot from gmail.  but if i right-click and save the image, it is clear - like so: http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/3728/19162240.gif00:38
ign0ramusDaskreech: big difference, right?00:38
ign0ramusDaskreech: and its not just me ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82302700:39
Daskreechign0ramus: Hooray!!!00:39
ign0ramusDaskreech: yeah, but no solution, so... boooooo!00:39
DaskreechHi I'm ign0ramus and I'm a blurry HTML renderer user00:39
ign0ramusDaskreech: care to explain...?00:40
Daskreechign0ramus: Support group00:40
ign0ramusDaskreech: yeah, i get that, but do you know how to solve?00:40
ign0ramussheesh. ;)00:40
DaskreechI wouldn't be dragging this out if I did. I don't know what would make it do that Unless Gmail is trying to save bandwidth costs or something00:41
DaskreechIt might actually be the video card driver ....00:42
theuser1how to run a 1.mp3 every time at boot up, in amarok? command or method?00:42
Daskreechbut somehow I doubt it00:42
ign0ramusDaskreech: onboard Intel that works fine for everything else00:42
Daskreechtheuser1: at bootup?00:42
Daskreechnot at login?00:42
theuser1Daskreech:  dont know. whenever kde starts00:42
Daskreechign0ramus: Yeah it's a shot in the dark. If there is a bug about it on launchpad vote for it and follow it if not make one00:43
Daskreechtheuser1: login then00:43
theuser1Daskreech:  ok.00:43
DaskreechLook in System Settings00:43
theuser1Daskreech:  i did a kcron fffor 'a startup' at 'boot up' but it didnt worked00:43
theuser1Daskreech:  amarokapp '/home/theuser1/Desktop/ayatul kursi.mp3'00:44
theuser1not worked00:44
ign0ramustheuser1: can't you just add it into System Notifications to run when KDE starts?00:46
theuser1ign0ramus:  how00:46
theuser1i want it to run auto maticaly00:46
ign0ramustheuser1: im still using kde3.5, but in Kcontrol, just go to sound & multi > system notifications00:47
theuser1ign0ramus:  i want it to loop for ever00:47
ign0ramustheuser1: really?00:47
ign0ramustheuser1: i'm sure there's a quick and dirty bash script you could run... do you want an external media player to play this file?00:48
theuser1ign0ramus: i wont mind. i just need it to be played. amarok maybe00:49
ign0ramustheuser1: lemme see... brb00:49
Daskreech!autostart | theuser100:49
ubottutheuser1: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. In KDE 3.X the package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete KDE 3.X guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html00:49
theuser1Daskreech:  thx00:51
ign0ramusDaskreech: mplayer has a loop flag... could you whip up a quick script to run mplayer on startup and loop this mp3?00:54
DaskreechCould I? No I'm about to step out. Can it be done? Yes.. yes it can00:54
ign0ramusDaskreech: Understood.  I don't feel like going through the man pages for this... a looping song over an entire session?00:55
Daskreechit's not that hard just start a mplayer session with a loopflag and background it00:55
ign0ramusDaskreech: yeah, i'm checking the option flags now.. :/00:56
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:57
ign0ramusyo yo ma00:57
CoJaBo-AztecIs there any way to stop most windows from defauting to open fullscreen?01:02
ActionParsnipCoJaBo-Aztec: i thiink theres a setting in systemsettings about that sort of thing01:05
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CoJaBo-AztecActionParsnip: Any idea where? I cant find anything about fullscreen in there01:10
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:11
nitr0ixis there a kde alterantive for emerald?01:15
hallownamenitr0ix: kwin :) emerald runs with kde fine too.01:15
CoJaBo-AztecIs there any way to fix it?01:16
nitr0ixdoes it? heard that emerald not compatible with kwin01:16
nitr0ixevil internet confuses me >_>01:16
CoJaBo-AztecAny options in Compiz might be doing it??01:18
Cirosis there any way to find out what caused this: Application crashed with an unhandled SIGSEGV01:19
hallownamenitr0ix: emerald and kwin do the same things. decorate the window borders. if ur not using compiz, ud be better just using kwin themes. but for compiz emerald is best. either way. u can make ur own themes for either. :)01:20
hallownameCiros: learn c++ probably. strace might help. installing -dbg packages and sending a backtrace to the programmer might help too.01:20
Ciroshaha.    I hate air -.-01:21
hallownameCiros: air? the kde4 theme? which theme do you use?01:22
nitr0ixanyway to make Firefox look more preatty in kde4?01:22
Cirosno, adobe air.  am trying to install something via air and that is the error I am getting01:22
hallownamenitr0ix: on jaunty i think it looks perfect. no more oxygen glitches. you can always install firefox themes. add-ons.mozilla.com01:22
hallownameCiros: ooo, that's adobe's fault then. why do you need air? boycott closed source nonsense! ;p01:23
Cirosbecause I want to run tweetdeck.   I likes it, atleast I got my elf issue fixed on it.01:23
esp17anyone here experts on how to access files and folders on a mac (iBook) hard drive via ubuntu live CD? my g.friends ibook wont start up normally, so running on live CD, but are not able to get permission to here personal files on the mounted partition from the mac hard drive... help please!01:24
nitr0ixMac sux throw it away = problem fixed xd01:24
esp17haha after getting the files!01:25
OliverKruegerDoes anybody know, how I can get my Katapult back in Jaunty?01:25
hallownameesp17: changing perms on a macbook like that can brick the mac. but you can always 'sudo chown myusername:myusername /path/to/dir -R' on it. beware.01:25
esp17hallowname: im not an expert in this terminal stuff, but i tried some chmod seemingly without result... are not able to get more than "read only file system"01:26
nitr0ixhmm any details on 9.10 ubuntu? xD01:26
bazhang!koala > nitr0ix01:27
ubottunitr0ix, please see my private message01:27
nitr0ixaw i am allready lovin 9.10 >_>01:27
=== ubuntu is now known as Mircho
esp17folders are displayed with a little red cross at the corner, and by doble clicking to open, i get the message "content can not be displayed, you dont have permission necessary..."01:30
nitr0ixKarmic Koala01:30
DragnslcrYeah, I started ignoring the names and just using the numbers a couple years ago01:31
nitr0ixhe he01:31
DragnslcrOliverKrueger- I think katapult has been retired for the standard run dialog (alt-F2 by default)01:32
nitr0ixso kde uses QT and gnome uses GTK?01:33
hallowname|FFFnitr0ix: yup01:33
nitr0ixhmmm anyway to get Firefox to use QT instead of GTK?01:33
DragnslcrI vaguely recall someone working on it, but I don't know anything about it01:34
karthikcan any1 tell what difference will it(Firefox with QT) make?01:35
nitr0ixah thanks anyways...sad tho... shiny kde4.2 with ugly firefox....01:35
DaskreechIt would fit better and probably work nicer on all platforms01:36
hallowname|FFFnitr0ix: ugly firefox in 4.2? jaunty or intrepid? jaunty's firefox is very pretty. firefox in too tied in with gtk and its own custom subclasses of gtk classes. =/01:37
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: yea it would. let's go riot at the mozilla office :D01:37
Daskreechfar as I recall they have  Qt Firefox project01:37
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: yea there is one, but it will take forever. bc firefox was directly subclassed from gtk instead of implementing gtk like most gtk apps do. firefox will b gtk only for a long time i think.01:38
Daskreechsame reason that Chrome is Gtk01:39
nitr0ixdid chrome got ported to linux?01:39
hallowname|FFFnitr0ix: yup01:39
hallowname|FFFnitr0ix: halfass ;p01:40
nitr0ixhmm any good?01:40
hallowname|FFFnitr0ix: dunno, i only use qt apps. kde programmer. gtk isnt maintained. like at all. lol.01:41
nitr0ixhe he fair enough...hate gtk now...01:41
DragnslcrIf you search Google for "firefox qt" you'll get a couple hits for people in this channel that have worked on it01:41
DragnslcrThere's even a firefox-qt package in PPA01:41
nitr0ixNokia helps port Firefox to Qt xD01:42
karthikOK. why is Opera not favoured?01:42
nitr0ixdont like opera ether...01:42
nitr0ixsomething wrong with it....it just does not feel right xD01:42
hallowname|FFFyea, noble project. takes too long tho. firefox does need a rewrite tho i think.01:42
Daskreechhallowname|FFF: Real port? not just a wine wrapper?01:42
* devilsadvocate wants firefox-qt01:42
hallowname|FFFopera is closed source. thats whats wrong with it.01:42
devilsadvocatewhere where01:42
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: yup, gtkish01:43
DaskreechHmm that's interesitng01:43
Daskreech Chrome is really really Windows specific01:43
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: i seen a deb of it somewhere... the build-log looked horrible tho.01:43
DaskreechSo is Firefox but Chrome it bleeds into the code01:43
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: dunno, dont use either ;p konqueror elinks and arora for me. if all else fails: kget. ;D01:44
devilsadvocateDragnslcr, where is the ppa with firefox-qt01:44
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: i liked that one. but only if i had a mouse and no keyboard. the key interaction with w3m is funny i think...01:45
Dragnslcrdevilsadvocate- looks like it's http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu01:45
nitr0ixw3m is way tooo hard-core for me01:45
rmrfslashI'm getting lots of updates recently :)01:45
Daskreechrmrfslash: Jaunty?01:45
hallowname|FFFnitr0ix: elinks :) simple and easy. so is w3m but u gotta read the manuals.01:45
Daskreechw3m is pretty neat01:45
DaskreechI just need to figure out how to pipe aa through it01:46
Daskreechrmrfslash: Expect that01:46
Daskreechyou will pull down tens of gigs of data in the early part of kubuntu+101:46
nitr0ixill stick with konqueror.... dont like text based ones >_>01:46
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: haha aa? havent used that since i was 13 maybe :D good times01:46
Daskreechit slows down a lot once it releases01:46
rmrfslashDaSkreech: wasn't there lynx for a long time? curl? wget? How's w3m different01:46
Daskreechhallowname|FFF: It's great. I can watch DVDs on the command line with it01:47
Daskreechlinks lynx and w3m01:47
nitr0ixcommand line dvd...whoah you mean like numbers and text replaces image?01:47
rmrfslashmatrix style sh*t01:47
hallowname|FFFDaskreech: yup :D i used to have an interactive cli computer with it. using screen and custom tweaking. lol. good times01:48
hallowname|FFFaafire! woot!01:48
Daskreechrmrfslash: Funny enough last DVD I watched lke that was Matrix01:48
Daskreechtrippy :)01:48
Daskreech!info bb01:48
ubottubb (source: bb): ASCII-art demo based on AAlib. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3rc1-8 (intrepid), package size 1168 kB, installed size 1832 kB01:48
Daskreech!info aafire01:49
ubottuPackage aafire does not exist in intrepid01:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about matrix01:49
hallowname|FFFnow kde is more graphically customizable than cli.01:49
nitr0ixmatrix owns you01:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pwn01:49
tsimpson!botabuse > rmrfslash01:49
rmrfslashwhat do you know ubottu?01:49
ubotturmrfslash, please see my private message01:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about own?01:49
hallowname|FFFanyone here tried openbrain?01:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iNoob01:50
tsimpsonnitr0ix: please do not abuse the bot01:50
rmrfslashwhat's ipenbrain?01:50
nitr0ixlol this is fun ....01:50
devilsadvocateDragnslcr, is the package there only for jaunty? i have the ppa enabled but i dont see firefox-qt01:50
hallowname|FFFrmrfslash: a desktop assistant plasmoid. talks english to u.01:50
Dragnslcrdevilsadvocate- it might not be there anymore. I just looked through it and it doesn't seem to be there01:51
rmrfslashi guess01:51
Dragnslcrdevilsadvocate- I was just going by a post from August, so it have gotten pulled since then01:51
hallowname|FFFrmrfslash: its on kde-apps.org if u wanna try. there are debs somewhere. it can 'google urmoms' and answer 'what time is it' 'what month is it'. 'wiki urmomz' 'run firefox' etc etc01:52
rmrfslashI don't really wanna have my computer talk to me.02:00
rmrfslashSo I can say run firefox and it'll run?02:01
nitr0ixsooo can anybody explain me what is kwin? cause i thought it was used when you enable desktop effect in kde..02:02
bazhang!info kwin02:03
ubottukwin (source: kdebase-workspace): the KDE 4 window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid3.1 (intrepid), package size 38 kB, installed size 304 kB02:03
Daskreechnitr0ix: It's your window manager by default in KDE02:03
rmrfslashI think kwin is the new kwm right?02:03
DaskreechIt's not new02:03
rmrfslashwell... it used to be called kwm02:03
nitr0ixyeah but i just did sudo apt-get install kwin and it did install it like it wasnt in there02:03
tsimpsonrmrfslash: when? not in KDE302:03
rmrfslashand in many cases, some of the errors still report it as kwm02:03
tsimpsonnitr0ix: kwin is a transitional package for kde-window-manager02:04
rmrfslashno, not in kde302:04
rmrfslashI think kwm stopped after KDE 102:04
rmrfslashbut there's some legacy code in there which still refers to it as kwm02:05
tsimpsonyeah, some constants and X11 interfaces02:05
nitr0ixso i still can't use emerald with kwin cause if i do apt-get it will install compiz with it..02:05
rmrfslashemerald is a compiz theme isn't it?02:06
tsimpsonemerald is a compiz window decorator02:06
rmrfslashso you need compiz02:06
nitr0ixany alternative for kde/02:06
tsimpsoninstall a KDE theme02:06
rmrfslashkde has it's own compositing02:06
nitr0ixi mean for emerald.02:06
rmrfslashno clue02:06
tsimpsonemerald just themes compizz02:07
rmrfslashI just know KDE compositing is more integrated w/ KDE02:07
tsimpsonkde has it's own theme system02:07
Daskreech!info emerald02:07
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1380 kB02:07
hallowname|FFFrmrfslash: yup. it does way more than that tho.02:07
nitr0ixhmmm DeKorator seems something like emerald.02:07
tsimpson!info kwin-style-dekorator02:08
ubottukwin-style-dekorator (source: kwin-style-dekorator): windows decoration for kde using user-supplied PNG files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1 (intrepid), package size 173 kB, installed size 420 kB02:08
rmrfslashSome of the effects aren't as good as in compiz though02:08
rmrfslashsome don't work at all (at least for me)02:08
rmrfslashand some just downright crash my machine02:09
rmrfslashlike the "snow" effect02:09
rmrfslashI tried launching that one and my machine just crashed02:09
nitr0ixaw found it.... Translucency seems to do the trick...02:10
rmrfslashmy wobbly windows effect looks all weird too02:10
rmrfslashI'm using XRender... not sure if that's why02:10
rmrfslashnitri0ix: what, did you want translucent konsole?02:11
nitr0ixnah transparent window decorations..02:11
nitr0ixthats why i wanted emerald ;)02:11
rmrfslashtranslucent window borders?02:11
nitr0ixtranslucent this word freaks me out02:12
rmrfslashhey, why don't I have translucent window borders :(02:13
nitr0ixyou are the lucky one xD02:13
nitr0ixwhat kde version you have?02:14
nitr0ixsame here...works perfectly02:14
rmrfslashI'm using XRender compositing02:15
rmrfslashprobably limited capabilities02:15
rmrfslashoh, and the open source ATI driver02:15
nitr0ixwhy not use OpenGL?02:15
nitr0ixnvidia rox >_>02:15
rmrfslashfor now ;)02:16
nitr0ixfor always ;)02:16
nitr0ixdamnit....i've been planing to start playing eve for past couple months...but i didnt know they ended up linux support....02:18
nitr0ixtho you still can get deb package on their page if you use mighty google...02:19
lorecastergot a question :D why can i listen to any kind of audio file, MP3 etc, but i cannot get audio on ANY video file, AVI, MP4, etc02:22
lorecasteri even installed the restricted extras02:22
nitr0ixgo to kmix02:23
nitr0ixturn your pcm all the way up02:23
nitr0ixor do it via alsamixer02:23
nitr0ixthat helped me xD02:23
=== mogul218 is now known as mogul218-
lorecasternitr0ix, will try that02:27
lorecasteranother question, in the mean time, how do i turn my numberpad on?! numlock doesn't let me use the buttons02:27
nitr0ixhad a problem with numlock once...turning it on actually meant turning num off....i think it was debian >_>02:28
lorecasterneither on nor off work02:28
lorecasterkmix didn't work :(02:29
nitr0ixhmmm trying doing it with alsamixer just turn every thing up to 100 see if it works02:32
=== maximo is now known as Nasra
lorecasterworking on it now :D thanks02:33
lorecasterSystem > Preferences > Keyboard02:35
lorecasterUnder the "Mouse Keys" tab uncheck "Allow to control the pointer using the keyboard"02:35
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lorecasternow, onto sound02:35
nitr0ixdid it work? xD02:35
lorecastereven the colours are all crazy... skin is blue and so forth02:37
Daskreechinstalled libxine1-ffmpeg ?02:38
nitr0ixlol what did you smoke? i want some xD02:38
lorecasterdask, checking now02:39
lorecasterit's not in add/remove, how would i install that?02:39
nitr0ixsudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg02:41
Daskreechlorecaster do you have multiverse enabled?02:41
lorecasterhow would i check that? :$ sorry, very green02:41
lorecasterbeen an M$ tech for YEARS, but this linux system is amazingly different02:42
nitr0ixhe he02:43
lorecasterit's wicked-awesome, dispite some minor user-related shortcomings...02:44
p_quarleslorecaster: look in /etc/apt/sources.list02:44
lorecasteri see nothing of that nature... don't see "multiverse" anywhere in the software sources area02:45
peterhillorecaster: by uncommenting /etc/apt/sources.list or graphically in adept by Sources > Edit Software Sources02:45
lorecasterdo you mean the restricted extras?02:46
lorecasteri have that, and the Gstreamer plugins installed02:46
lorecastersoftware restrcited by copyright or legal issues (multiverse) is checked02:46
p_quarleslorecaster: it's as simple as adding the word "multiverse" to the lines that end with "main restricted"02:47
nitr0ixso how long did the piratebay owners get?02:47
peterhilnitr0ix: one year and over $3 million US in fines02:49
peterhilSee: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/pirate-bay-4-guilty02:49
nitr0ixsad tho02:49
peterhilYes, in a way02:49
lorecasterso how do you want me to go about this? to edit the sources.list file?02:49
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:49
lorecasterthanks so much02:50
lorecasteri'm using Ubunto 8.1 though02:50
lorecasterall the same beast, yeah?02:50
nitr0ixyeah its all the same02:51
lorecasterwhat happened with pirate bay?02:52
nitr0ixnothing yet02:53
nitr0ixthe owner got in prison but thats it xD02:53
lorecasterthe links above are only for KDE... (go figure) i'm running gnome02:54
nitr0ixubuntu - gnome kubuntu - kde xubuntu - xfce02:54
nitr0ixsame structure but different desktop envoirment02:55
lorecasterdifferent enough to throw me sometimes02:55
lorecasteri've also got a wicked headcold, and am on some happy pills... bear with me :P02:55
nitr0ixha ha02:55
lorecasterhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources my settings are identical to this02:56
nitr0ixits like Windows with explorer...and windows with aston shell02:56
nitr0ixjust different gui02:56
nitr0ixhe hey i got an idea...lets sue google for piracy..02:57
lorecasterthey have more money than god... no one'll sue them.02:57
lorecasterthey could hire EVERY lawyer licensed to practice law in america, and win by default02:57
nitr0ixdoes not matter..if they win...people will burn theyr office02:58
nitr0ixgoogle hunt xD02:58
nitr0ixalso possible to sue youtube...02:59
nitr0ixbut its same thing..02:59
lorecaster-ahem- i still have no video :P02:59
nitr0ixerm did you use totem?02:59
nitr0ixi think it asks you if you want to install codecs for video when you try to play something for first time03:00
lorecasteri've used dragon, media player, vlc, rhythmbox, name it.03:00
lorecasteris totem anotherplayer?03:00
nitr0ixermmm it video layer in gnome03:00
lorecasteri've even downloaded divX 6.1.1 for linux... nothing is helping03:00
lorecasterthis has become the worst week of my life, i just want to watch a movie!! waahhh!!03:01
nitr0ixsame happend to me first time...03:01
lorecastertotem xine backend? got it03:01
nitr0ixits like having sex for first time..just dont know what to do03:01
lorecasterspeak for yourself ;) but that's a little off topic03:01
nitr0ixha ha too much 18+ movies? xD03:02
lorecasteri leave that to perverted imaginations :P03:02
lorecasterback to my aide :P03:02
nitr0ixsudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread303:03
nitr0ixerm exclude libdvd03:03
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nitr0ixtry this ;) sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1-ffmpeg03:05
lorecasterFerris Bueller's Day Off (1986) is screaming name... teasing me :(03:06
lorecasterit was already installed03:06
lorecasteri just don't get how i can play audio files, but no video files03:07
nitr0ixerm what video format you trying to play? ;003:08
nitr0ixthats wierd03:08
lorecasteri know03:08
lorecaster-none- of my avi's will play03:08
jason_froebe!medibuntu |lorecaster03:09
ubottulorecaster: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:09
jason_froebelorecaster - did you get the win32codecs and such installed from medibuntu?03:09
lorecasterlooking at it now... never saw this site before. what do i need to install?03:10
lorecaster-tear- do i need to go through all this when i install 9.04 next week?03:10
jason_froebefollow the instructions for 8.10  - you might for 9.0403:11
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lorecasterwent here... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu03:13
lorecasterran sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list03:13
lorecasteralso running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update03:13
jason_froebeyou're almost done :)03:13
lorecastergot an error...03:13
lorecasterE: Couldn't find package medibuntu-keyring03:13
jason_froebedo sudo apt-get update03:14
jason_froebelook for the word "medibuntu"03:14
lorecasteralso ran sudo apt-get install w64codecs03:15
lorecasterE: Couldn't find package w64codecs03:15
jason_froebethen run sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring03:15
lorecasterE: Couldn't find package medibuntu-keyring03:15
jason_froebewhen you run sudo apt-get update, do you see "medibuntu" somewhere in the output?03:16
jason_froebeoh wait03:16
nitr0ixDon't worry - we're from the internets. It's going to be alright. :-)03:16
jason_froebesudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list03:17
jason_froebeI think you were missing the output document part03:17
lorecasterthis place is a god-send, and you're saints :P when i become as uber-leet as you guys, i'll stay here and help noobs too :D03:17
jason_froebebah, we're all noobs at something or another03:17
lorecaster(heart) kk, did the last one03:17
lorecaster2009-04-17 23:47:37 (15.1 MB/s) - `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list' saved [230/230]03:18
lorecaster(tries to imagine a windows helpdesk being this 'helpful') -giggles inwardly-03:18
jason_froebetry the sudo apt-get lines now :)03:18
lorecasterkeyring installed okay03:19
nitr0ixthats a proggress >_>03:20
jason_froebeyou should be able to install the dvd codec and the win64codec now03:20
lorecastersudo apt-get install w64codecs installed that one03:20
lorecasterdo i do this now? http://wiki.videolan.org/Git03:21
jason_froebeyou can just run "sudo aptitude install vlc"03:22
lorecasteri'll install whatever you tell me too :D i just want to distract myself beyond troubleshooting sometime tonight03:22
lorecasterinstalled that one too03:23
jason_froebetry it out - pop in a dvd and run vlc03:23
lorecasterphantom of the opera, 2006, with Emmy Russom :D03:24
lorecastertesting now03:24
jason_froebenever saw it -  Emmy Russom was in the Day After Tomorrow I think03:24
lorecasterstill no sound03:24
jason_froebebut you have video?03:25
lorecasteri always had video :P03:25
lorecasteronly... faces are blue for some reason.03:25
lorecasterand no Nitro... i'm alergic to all the good stuff03:25
jason_froebeahhh..  do you get audio at all when you log in (gnome, kde, etc)?03:25
jason_froebeany sounds at all/03:25
lorecasterthe strongs thing is that RhythmBox plays my MP3's fine03:25
lorecaster-rubs cheek and sucks thumb while tearing up- :P03:26
jason_froebek - another guy had a similar issue a couple days ago.  open up the audio mixer (I forget what it is called in gnome) - try different outputs while vlc is playing03:27
nitr0ixpeople you start to scare me03:27
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lorecastereverything is off-mute, everything is max-volume in my mixer... every option for display is on03:31
nitr0ixtry to reboot03:31
lorecastercrtl + alt + bkspc?03:31
lorecasterttys :D03:31
jason_froebeare you using a second audio card or anything?03:31
jason_froebebut have a motherboard audio03:32
nitr0ixi am so scary xD03:32
jason_froebecard as well?03:32
jason_froebeit's gotta be something obvious as sound works in rhythmbox03:32
itai_michaelsonhi, nautilus has gnome-photo-printer which allows you to print several pix on one page, what is the kde alternative?03:33
itai_michaelsonor can i use gnome-photo-printer  with konqueror?03:33
jason_froebeitai_michaelson - don't know to be honest, I use picassa for photo management/printing03:34
jason_froebeand gimp for processing03:34
p_quarlesitai_michaelson: digikam is the KDE app for photo management and printing03:35
lorecasterno change.03:35
bdizzlehi, need some help on open office03:35
itai_michaelsonp_quarles, do i need to import the pix to didgikam everytime i want to print them? cause i will be mainly printing from various network shares03:36
bdizzleon something that is normally a piece of cake in Powerpoint, but I don't use Impress that often, so the details need to be learned03:36
jason_froebelorecaster - are you using the builtin audio on your motherboard?03:36
jason_froebeor a separate audio card?03:36
lorecasterit works fine for rythmbox03:36
bdizzleI'm trying to figure out how to do timings of animations of objects in a slide03:36
jason_froebecan you reboot again but into bios and make sure the motherboard audio is disabled?03:37
p_quarlesitai_michaelson: it manages your collection; as long as the shares are persistent, you don't need to re-import anything03:37
jason_froebeI'm guessing ubuntu is confused03:37
jason_froebeas to where to send the audio03:37
lorecasterthat works :D thanks. ... IT'S NOT THE ONLY ONE! :p03:37
lorecasterback soon, friends.03:37
itai_michaelsonp_quarles, say someone just added a pic to a share, another user wants to print it, what should hw do?03:38
lorecasterand stew on this, i still get blue faces... yellows are seen as greens, beiges as blue-greens03:38
jason_froebelet's get the audio first03:38
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, same question, can picasa manage pix on remote shares,also when pix are added to the share picas immidiately sees tham?03:41
jason_froeberemote shares...  not directly, you need to mount the remote shares so they appear to be local (mount -t cifs ...)03:42
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, they are mounted03:42
itai_michaelsonat boot03:43
jason_froebethen.. yes03:43
nitr0ixmaybe something wrong with video file ;)03:43
lorecasteronboard audio WAS installed... and i diabled it03:43
jason_froebetry it now...  cross fingers :)03:43
itai_michaelsonmy question is , a user uploaded some pix to a share called "pix", another user on a different box wants to print them, what does he do?03:43
nitr0ixsave picture....then print03:44
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lorecasterYOU DESERVE A MEDAL!!!03:44
jason_froebelorecaster - woohoo!!!  congrats :)03:44
itai_michaelsonnitr0ix, "save"/03:44
lorecaster-bounces in a happy dance-03:44
nitr0ixright click save as03:44
nitr0ixthen open and print03:44
itai_michaelsonnitr0ix, from konqueror?03:45
jason_froebeitai_michaelson - if the second user has that folder 'being watched' within picassa, then it will show up for them to print in the applicaton03:45
nitr0ixor firefox or opera what ever you prefer03:45
jason_froebelorecaster - go celebrate and watch some vids :)03:45
lorecasterAHHHHH!!! THIS IS FANTASTIC!!!03:45
lorecasteryou all deserve flowers!03:45
nitr0ixmeh lets party03:46
nitr0ixgirls and alcohol on you03:46
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, ok, so to print he will need to open picasa, can i set picasa to display the pix as a file browser (not by name/date/tag but by location)?>03:46
jason_froebeyes... they folders will show up as "folders" in Picassa03:47
jason_froebealbums are the equivalent of 'virtual folders'03:47
jason_froebein picassa03:47
lorecasterblessings to you all, Goddess has a special place reserved for you (heart)03:47
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, let me install picasa and get back to you, is there a deb?03:48
jason_froebeyup - one sec03:48
jason_froebeitai_michaelson - http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html#picasa3003:49
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, thanks, downloading,,,03:49
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, one more question , can i set konqueror (or nautilus ) to open image with picasa?03:51
jason_froebeprobably - right click on a photo and open with ... choose picasa  - never did it with picasa but don't see why it wouldn't work03:53
nitr0ixwow the piratebay is still working03:53
jason_froebenitr0ix - slashdot.org had an update on it earlier today03:53
nitr0ixerm what do you mean?03:54
nitr0ixSwedish Museum Puts Pirate Bay Server On Display this? xD03:54
nitr0ixaint no stopping us grand torrent mafiaz...03:56
nitr0ixlets hope i dont get my bottom whooped cause of downloading that disturbed album...03:58
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, i have installed picacs, but it seems to arrange folders by date, i need them to be set up by location, we are many network shares and users are going to look for a folder by location eg /server/pictures/may/nature/mountains03:58
jason_froebeview -> folder view04:00
jason_froebeyou can sort it different ways there04:00
* jason_froebe 'tis quiet in here04:07
thebehello, in knoppix netcardconfig command works but not in kubuntu, what is the command for the same purpose in Kubuntu?04:09
jason_froebeSystem Settings -> Network Settings04:13
itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, picasa is very nice, but unfortunately doesnt have the features we need, thanks anyway04:15
jason_froebeitai_michaelson - no problem..  maybe one of the other people on here has another idea04:15
jason_froebeyou may also want to ask on #linux or #ubuntu as well04:16
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itai_michaelsonjason_froebe, thanks04:19
jason_froebenp and good luck! :)04:19
simba_i have a question about konqueror, sometimes i end up showing the page sources instead of the page content...it there a hot key to switch between those views?04:29
zerothisHow to I use a wireless print sever? The server is detected by my card.04:32
husaynhow to open .chm file in kubuntu04:42
jason_froebehusayn - kchmviewer04:44
jason_froebezerothis - wireless as in bluetooth or wifi?04:44
zerothissorry i didn't specify, wi-fi.04:47
jason_froebezerothis - for wifi, it will show up as a normal network printer.  you can probably just search for it when adding a printer04:48
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jason_froebenight all - off to bed05:05
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ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore05:17
david_I just installed kubuntu-desktop package; I don't think I have a KDE package manager. Is this normal?05:18
jamesjedimasteryes, it's normal05:19
david_Which would you recommend?05:20
jamesjedimasterI haven't tried jaunty, but adept works fine in intrepid; which is replaced by kpackagekit05:21
david_Ok, will try that out. Thanks05:21
kde185this is driving me nuts.  Is there a way to make kwallet not ever ask for a password?  I'm on the jaunty rc.05:22
kde185or at the least, make network manager not use kwallet05:23
jt1jkde185: this is a pet peeve for me as well.  I haven't found a solution other than hitting "cancel" every time05:32
kde185jt1j: yeah, I don't know what jackass thought it would be a good idea, but it seems with Jaunty you can't simply hit 'cancel' anymore05:40
paultanyone would help on how can i play divx movie in kubuntu? im new with linux06:37
komandanhaloooo ada indonesia gak nichhhh tolongin donggg06:37
komandanforum buat anak indonesia ada gak yaaa06:38
komandansama2 indoen gituuuu06:38
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Jonieanyone's using firefox in KDE4 ?06:49
TeslaTonyWhat's the issue?06:51
Joniethe firefox3.0.8 still run in the background after i click the close button06:51
TeslaTonyEvery time?06:52
nitr0ixkde preloads it06:52
TeslaTonyThat'd do it06:53
nitr0ixso it open faster next time ;)06:53
Joniei hate to use pkill to kill the process06:53
TeslaTonyDon't worry. Processes don't have feelings. It's OK to kill them06:53
TeslaTonynitr0ix: How would you prevent the preloading?06:53
nitr0ixdo not know sorry... but whats wrong with it?06:53
nitr0ixit does not harm your pc in anyway ;)06:54
JonieTeslaTony:  sure!  but when i want to use it the next time, you know what happen: Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.06:54
nitr0ixdoes not happen to me..06:55
nitr0ixtho i use firefox just for 1 website that does not work that well in konqueror06:55
Jonienitr0ix:  i don't even know how to fix it out.06:55
nitr0ixgoogle....my friend google is the answer ;)06:55
Jonienitr0ix:  got nothing06:56
nitr0ixwhy use firefox?06:56
Joniei did google for many times06:56
Joniei like it pretty much than kon!06:57
nitr0ixerm... dont like firefox in kde...looks ugly cause need GTK06:57
nitr0ixif its in gnome its decent06:57
nitr0ixbut Galeon is alot better ;)06:57
Jonieyou can install kde4-gtk-engine06:57
TeslaTonyI'll take functional over ugly any day06:57
TeslaTonyor over pretty06:58
Joniegaleon, what's that?06:58
nitr0ixtry it06:58
nitr0ixapt-get install galeon06:58
Joniebase on qt?06:58
nitr0ixhmm not sure06:58
nitr0ixnop GTK06:59
Jonieok, i go trying it right now06:59
nitr0ixjust tryed to apt-get it now...seen the list of packages and cancelled it..06:59
nitr0ixNeed to get 41.3MB/43.6MB of archives.07:00
nitr0ixAfter this operation, 255MB of additional disk space will be used.07:00
nitr0ixerm did you ever try Swiftfox?07:00
nitr0ixits firefox optimized for certain CPU07:00
Jonienitr0ix:  you know that, i'm been telling these archives also07:01
nitr0ixthey got ubuntu packages07:01
Joniei have no idea with swiftfox07:01
Joniemaybe i don't need that browser07:01
nitr0ixSwiftfox is an optimized build of Mozilla Firefox. Swiftfox has builds for both AMD and Intel processors and is based on the most cutting edge Firefox source code available.07:02
Joniemaybe opera is the better one to try a use07:02
nitr0ixmeans latest firefox...so maybe it will solve problem with "Another instance of firefox allready running"07:02
Jonienitr0ix:  the repo.?07:03
Joniefor 9.0407:03
nitr0ixthey got deb packages on a site...dont know about the repo07:03
nitr0ixdeb http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian unstable non-free07:03
nitr0ixheres the debian repo07:04
nitr0ixbut youll need to select one for your CPU ;)07:04
nitr0ixapt-get update && apt-get install swiftfox-athlon-xp07:04
nitr0ixthis will install it for athlon xp series07:04
Joniei download it,  manually install it07:04
nitr0ixyeah thats probably easier07:05
nitr0ix+ swiftfox icon looks sooo much cooler then firefoxes xD07:05
Jonieoh, it's still be the 3.04 version07:05
nitr0ixwell it is build from source for a specific CPU :)07:06
Joniei got it07:07
Joniewhy don't we get a qt version of firefox?07:07
nitr0ixits being ported i think07:09
Jonieany news for that porting thing07:09
Joniewe get a bot here, in this channel?07:10
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the GNOME interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.07:10
nitr0ix!Firefox |Jonie07:11
ubottuJonie: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:11
nitr0ixubuntu world domination plans coming true07:11
nitr0ixhmmm is there anyway to detect the albums/track marked as unknown in amarok2 this is getting frustrating..07:12
Jonienitr0ix: ooh, this remind me something about this F*ing amarok2, i got no sound.07:13
nitr0ixhe he07:13
nitr0ixaw i see now it sorted it ok....07:14
Joniei install all those codecs packages07:14
nitr0ixwhat kde version you use/07:14
nitr0ixjaunty? :)07:14
nitr0ixyou dont have sound at all or just in amarok?07:15
Joniejust in amarok07:15
nitr0ixdunno then mine worked out of the box07:16
Joniewhy all these frustrating things happen to me!07:16
nitr0ixyour the lucky one...i quess..07:17
nitr0ixwell i upgrade from 8.10 clean install after upgrade i removed ~/.kde directory07:17
nitr0ixthats it07:17
nitr0ixthen isntall codecs and bingo works07:17
Joniethanks telling, maybe i should remove my ~/.kde 207:18
nitr0ixit will remove every settings that you have changed in kde07:19
nitr0ixyoull start with clean kde07:19
nitr0ixif i understand it right xD07:19
Jonieok, but do i have to remove that folder!?07:20
nitr0ixdo not know :)07:20
nitr0ixbut you wont loose much if you do07:20
kameshHi everybody, I have a question on installing nVidia Drivers for my kubuntu system07:21
kameshis it complicated?? I can't seem to go for higher resolutions on my 22" LCD monitor07:21
kameshwithout the nVidia drivers. I am a newbee... can somebody help me install the drivers??07:22
nitr0ixhmmm did you tryed changing resolution in nvidia-settings?07:22
Jonieyou guys are all english native speakers?07:23
kameshwhere are the nVidia settings?? I just installed kubuntu 2 weeks before. I don't have any drivers installed for my Geforce 6600 card07:23
nitr0ixoh go to applications/system/hardware drivers and install nvidia drivers from there07:23
kameshlemme try07:24
nitr0ixmeh i hate gnome now...07:24
Jonieany thing bothers you or what07:25
nitr0ixdunno when i first used ubuntu 6.04 ( i think) gnome was faster...now its more like erm Explorer07:25
Joniebut some guys else tell gnome run fast than kde, i dunno07:27
nitr0ixbut that time i tryed Kubuntu and Ubuntu together and Kde seemed alot slower07:27
nitr0ixand now kde is ALOT faster then gnome for me07:27
nitr0ixmabe those guys been using it without compiz effects ;)07:27
nitr0ixi get like 50fps while moving window...on a 20$ graphics card >_>07:29
nitr0ixi am shocked xD07:29
Joniesearching food to eat, talk latter07:30
nitr0ixhe he07:30
nitr0ixsupport pirate bay...sEEED!07:30
nitr0ix5kb/sec omg!07:30
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kameshhey nitr0ix, I got to the Display-system settings->Hardware tab where it shows Graphics card nv and driver nv07:33
kameshnext to that configure is there, which shows mine selected as GeforceFX(generic)07:34
kameshsays couldn't run the specified command07:34
kameshI'm sorry...07:35
nitr0ixdid you install nvidia-drivers?07:35
kameshI really did not install anything07:35
kameshjust the OS and that's it07:35
nitr0ixok go to your menu07:36
nitr0ixthen go to Applications submenu07:36
nitr0ixthen to System07:36
nitr0ixthen click on "Hardware Drivers"07:36
nitr0ixthen select the driver version and click Activate07:36
nitr0ixthen reboot07:36
kameshIn "application->system" menu, "Hardware Drivers" isn't shown. Does it show on Kubuntu 6.10??07:37
nitr0ixyou got kubuntu 6.1007:38
kameshyes sir07:38
nitr0ixyay thats ancient07:38
nitr0ixmeh we are moving toward 9.04 allready xD07:39
nitr0ixbut you can try google it07:39
kameshOk. Thanks07:39
lorecasteri have a question for you guys... you fine, wonderful, glorious guru's of linux.07:39
kameshI'll see if I can install it some other way.07:39
nitr0ixhere try this07:39
lorecasteri've got dual monitors and a x64 system... when i try to activate desktop special effects, it tells me it cannot do it. is it because i have 2 monitors?07:40
nitr0ixmeh i wish i had 2 monitors...07:40
lorecasterhey nitro!! :D07:41
lorecasteri've got a 22" LCD, a 17" LCD and a windows box for Autocad with a 17" CRT on the same desk07:41
lorecasterover a meter of desktop realestate07:41
nitr0ixmeh my 19" is enough for me lol07:41
lorecasteri want to replace the two miss-matched 17"'s for 2 more 22"'s... but my wife wants to 'eat'07:42
nitr0ixi guess having 1 desktop means being minimalistic this days xD07:42
lorecasterit does07:42
nitr0ixwell why dont get one 30" ?07:42
lorecasterbecause i don't have 500$ to spend on one :P07:43
nitr0ixgo ebay you can get 200-300$07:43
lorecasteri wish i had the 42" LCD, in the living room, on my desk (after some reinforcement07:43
nitr0ixha ha07:43
lorecasterthere's a 32" touchscreen i've been eyeballing...07:43
lorecasterbut 2 grand is a bit much...07:44
lorecasteryepyep :D07:44
nitr0ix2000$ + 150$ for windows seven lol07:44
lorecasterit's like the Imacs... the whole tower is built into the back, side-mount slot-loading optical drive...07:44
lorecasterpfft, who buys operating systems any more? :P07:45
nitr0ixpiratebay rox?07:45
nitr0ixhe he07:45
nitr0ixfor some reasons never got good speed on demonoid07:45
lorecasterdepends on how you go about it... most of the popular downloads are pretty good... but i like the interface07:46
lorecasteri mean... -ahem-... for testing purposes only.07:46
nitr0ixlol holywood gonna come after demonoid 2 95% sure bout it07:47
lorecasteralready did... they set up servers in a different coutnry after Canada banned the service :P07:47
nitr0ixlol really?07:47
nitr0ixaw....where does this world go...07:48
lorecasterthey were down for about 6 months after the canadian film board or whoever the hell it was sanctioned supreme court about the invasion of privacy or something07:48
nitr0ixsoon i wont even be abble to watch porn in my own house...07:48
lorecasterthey said... "fine..." and shut down... they packed up thier toys and moved away. we were all using european proxies by then anyway :P07:48
nitr0ixhe he07:49
nitr0ixwell most of the time i use private bt tracker...tho they got 5 gigs limit per account... but when you have more then 20 emails guess it goes easy ;)07:50
lorecasterteef! :D07:51
nitr0ixyeah but its like after 5 gigs you need to have more then 0.3 upload ration to be abble to download torrent files ;)07:52
nitr0ixusually i download 20 torrent files in to 1 folder...you can get this way as much files as you can07:53
lorecasterany solutions to my monitor problem?07:56
nitr0ixerm i know the solution07:57
nitr0ixgonna cost you 20$ xD07:57
nitr0ixhe he07:57
lorecasteri wonder... hey... if there's a way... to have 2 towers functioning as one (beowolf cluster?) and spread THAT monster across 3 monitors :D07:58
lorecasterRAID computers07:58
nitr0ixyou are a geek07:58
nitr0ixsometimes its just better to get soome expensive *** pc like alienware that gonna replace you 5 PC's07:59
lorecasterdo YOU have the money for the Alienware ALX?08:00
lorecasterme either08:00
lorecasternext option pls08:00
lorecasterremember my friend... the Geek shall inherit the earth08:00
nitr0ixmaybe this post will help08:00
lorecasterthat didn't give me the answer i was looking for... meanie head08:02
lorecasterback in a sec08:03
nitr0ixwell maybe its a bug..but who know..never had dual monitors so cant help you xD08:06
nitr0ixand i am not a menie08:06
nitr0ix*runs away crying*08:06
lorecasteryou may all rejoice now :) i have returned08:07
nitr0ixhate torrents08:07
nitr0ixgot my self LP discography and its all just a bunch of mixes...08:08
lorecastertorrents take practice to nativigate sometimes08:08
lorecaster-ahem- if you use such things08:08
codebazDoes anybody know about any program that can do "Speech to Text" under LINUX ?08:09
nitr0ixi think orca is is made for this or i am wrong08:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about orca08:10
lorecasterbetter question, has anyone found any speach recognition program that does it's job WELL? :P good luck08:10
nitr0ixnop i am wrong08:10
codebazDoes anybody know about any program that can do "Speech to Text" under LINUX ?08:12
nitr0ixhttp://live.gnome.org/GnomeVoiceControl  maybe this will help08:12
nitr0ix<---- I am a googling machine08:14
nitr0ixdont mess with me08:14
lorecasteri am just as bad with Wikipedia08:15
nitr0ixanygood reasources for HD cool wallpapers?08:16
lorecasteror however it's correctly spelled... forgive my dyslexia08:16
nitr0ixgoogle saves the day again...08:17
lorecasterawe jeez... hermione is destined for porn08:18
lorecasterjust some of the pics i've seen her in... are sloping in one direction... and have you READ some of the fanficks?08:19
nitr0ixmeh you loosing it08:20
lorecasteri must be off though... the day runs long. we'll chat later :D i'm sure to have more problems as i explore this system08:23
nitr0ixhe he yeah i need some sleep 208:23
codebazDoes anybody know about any program that can do "Speech to Text" under LINUX ?08:27
dwidmanncodebaz: seem to be a couple in the repositories ... sphinx2-bin and julius ... dunno if they work (well) or not08:30
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olskolircthere is no alsaconf in ubuntu?  how do I run a sound test?08:59
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CQhello, I have a hardy laptop that I want to get to jaunty, how do I best so that? jsut select pre-release updates in adept?09:16
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Sorcerercan anyone tell me why kubuntu installs perfectly fine, but when i boot it up, i get nothing more then a greyish colored screen after the kubuntu load screen?09:39
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ForgeAushey all :)10:16
ForgeAustoying with a pre-releaase of Google Chromium for Linux, its  ok... seems to work for the most part sofar... only thing I havn't got going yet (that it doesn't support) is flash (ie youtube) and the options dialog box...10:17
ForgeAusmost other stuff works fairly nicely...10:17
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quassel208guys why cant you get 64 bit cds anymore on shipit ?10:40
CQhow do I best migrate ubuntu to kubuntu?10:44
CQjust apt-get isntall kde-desktop?10:44
CQok, thanks10:44
drbobbin current ktorrent, does the upnp even work?10:52
drbobbuh, current == jaunty RC10:52
drbobbhmm setting the font for the chat window in Quassel doesn't work, at all10:56
nitr0ixbest way is to download an iso and install it from scratch10:58
fosco_veamos como se porta la RC...11:11
fosco_ups, wrong channel, sorry11:11
hcooh_does anyone knows a graphic program to convert wma and m4a in mp3 ?11:18
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drbobbcool, finally a kde4 look i can live with: skulpture for widgets, atelier for plasma11:38
drbobbIs there anything in kde4 with functionally more or less like Miro - or am i better off just installing Miro?11:46
abcSysinfo for 'abc': Linux 2.6.24-23-generic running KDE 3.5.10, CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUE4500@2.20GHz at 1200 MHz (4399 bogomips), , RAM: 521/2026MB, 110 proc's, 20.29min up11:49
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aibwhat program will show the volume of the sound coming through the mic?11:56
Mamarokaib: Kmix12:19
ungethymHi together.12:21
ungethymMy sister is on kubunto (very new) and can't start adept-manager with root-rights.12:22
ungethymCan anybody tell me the command to start adept-manager from konsole? (I'm on OpenSUSE and don't know).12:23
ungethym"kdesu adept-manager" doesn't work12:23
Mamarokungethym: normally, it asks you your password when you start adept with krunner12:25
ungethymshe told me that, too. but it doesn't ask anymore.12:26
ungethymSo I thought if you run it with sudo it might ask again.12:26
Mamarokshe has Intrepid, doesn't she?12:26
Mamarokyou have to run kdesudo adpet-manager12:26
Mamarokthere is no root password in Kubuntu12:26
xorredhey guys, how con I configure PPPOE on my kubuntu 9.04? I had before the xubuntu-desktop, then I installed the kubuntu-desktop, now all the configuration tools are in the xubuntu-desktop, I've set it as system in xubuntu now I can't change them in any kubuntu tool12:27
Mamarokxorred: I guess kppp is not installed by default12:28
ungethymthanks, Mamarok. That was the command I was looking for.12:28
Mamarokungethym: you are welcome :)12:28
xorredMamarok: it was not, I installed it, it can't find my current settings?12:30
xorredand it dies when I click "new" connection12:31
xorredhow can I see my current pppoe settings in kubuntu12:32
ungethymMamarok: btw: Nice interview on the planet. Have a great time.12:33
Mamarokungethym: thx :)12:45
cllaudyuhelp! plasma is crashing too many times12:46
cllaudyuhelp! plasma is crashing too many times...12:46
cllaudyuhelp! plasma is crashing too many times12:48
Mamarokxorred: I'm sorry, I never used it, so I can hardly help you12:49
Mamarokxorred: did you try looking in the System Settings -> Network settings12:50
MamarokI suppose it doesn't show up in the network-management-widget12:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kppp12:52
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:52
xorredthanks Mamarok, ubottu12:54
Mamarokxorred: you are welcome :)12:54
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f16any human here ?13:25
bazhangf16, yes13:27
bazhang!pm > klien413:38
ubottuklien4, please see my private message13:38
bazhangklien4, please dont PM without asking first thanks13:39
xorredhow can I find out my current pppoe settings?13:48
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noaXess_kubuntuhi anybody13:54
noaXess_kubuntucan't play dvd.. vlc or dragon player nothing works.. any idea?13:55
gadevoiinstalled libdvdcss2 ?13:55
noaXess_kubuntugadevoi: think no..13:55
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:55
noaXess_kubuntuis it a single package or is it in another one?13:56
EagleScreennoaXess_kubuntu: have you got libdvdread?13:57
noaXess_kubuntuEagleScreen: no13:57
noaXess_kubuntualso from medibutu13:58
EagleScreenlibdvdread4 is a library to read DVDs, it is free so it can be in universe or main13:58
gadevoilibdvdcss2 is for protected DVDs, you have to install it after libdvdread14:01
kanonmat_what mediaplayers use libdvdread4 and libdvdnav4?14:02
marie_blubbhi, i'm just installing sunbird. so i downloaded it but where do you normally extract your programms. under windows that was something like C>programs>sunbird . I'm looking for a place where programms are usually stored14:05
EagleScreenI think vlc doesn't need that libraries to read DVDs14:05
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EagleScreenmarie_blubb: /usr/local14:08
marie_blubbEagleScreen. thanks but it tells me I don't have permission when I want to extract it14:10
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:11
EagleScreenmarie_blubb: if you plan to install it only for you, do it in a subfolder inside your $HOME. If you plan to install it for all users, install it inside /usr/local, but in order to can do it in /usr/local you have to do it as root or super user14:12
EagleScreen!sudo | marie_blubb14:12
ubottumarie_blubb: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:12
gadevoiBluesKaje, here is 3.15 PM14:12
kanonmat_good afternoon :)14:13
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admin_is there any simple way to get kde 4.2.2 in kubuntu hardy?14:20
LjLin hardy, afraid not (but can't swear on it)14:21
admin_heh, thanks.14:21
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kanonmat_I'm trying to play a dvd with mplayer. I can't play .IFO or .VOB files14:27
Mamarokkanonmat_: do you have all codecs installed?14:27
kanonmat_i can play it with kaffeine :)14:28
Edward_HydePeople... what's a good brand of video card, with great drivers, for using with Jaunty + desktop effects ?14:28
MamarokEdward_Hyde: the NVIDIA drivers seem to work, sadly some ATI cards fail14:28
Edward_HydeMy card is ATI, it's very frustrating14:29
Mamarokmine too, but for everyday work I really don't need Desktop Effects, but would be nice to have indeed14:29
obunnhow do  i add a panel in jaunty?14:33
zabbadappis it possible to get panles to scroll smoothly? ... when scrolling through plasma themes for download, it's hard to understand how far the jump is for each turn of the scrollwheel14:37
ian_obunn: place your mouse right at the top of the screen and right-click14:37
ian_On the desktop, I should say14:38
ian_Also works at the edges of the desktop14:38
ian_In fact, I see it now works ANYWHERE on the desktop!14:39
obunnzero points14:39
obunni don't get any extra options in the right click menu14:39
ian_WHen I right click on my desktop it offers 'add panel' as the third item in the right-click menu14:40
obunni installed kubuntu desktop over the regular ubuntu14:43
obunncould i be missing something?14:43
kanonmat_isnt there a setting to choose how many lines to scroll with scrollwheel?14:43
Mamarokobunn: did you only install the kubuntu-desktop package?14:44
Mamarokthen your are missing a lot of stuff14:44
obunni have the kubuntu desktop package. that's how i installed kubuntu14:46
obunni'm really confused. i installed ubuntu beta and the pulled the kubuntu package14:48
xorredkubuntu 9.04, every time I close firefox it keeps living in the process tree14:53
xorredso I can't kill it unless I kill -9 it14:53
xorredwhat could be the reason?14:54
oktoobunn: are you using folder view desktop?14:55
obunnyes. desktop containment fixed the issue14:56
zabbadappkanonmat_: yes, but it is still "jumpy" (and the plasma-theme-browser skips more than 3 lines as the setting states)14:57
oktoobunn: :)14:58
kanonmat_so it skips more lines in plasma-theme-browser than in the rest of the system?14:58
kanonmat_tthen i don't know14:58
zabbadappfelt more like pg-down than scroll ...14:59
* ian_ grooves mysteriously15:08
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elisa pause15:25
Dekans ||15:25
rmrfslashKubuntu 9.04 is really coming along :D15:26
rmrfslashI can almost say that I'm rarely coming across any bugs.15:26
DekansAmarok seems to be stable now15:27
DekansIf you want bugs try Koffice 2 :p15:27
rmrfslashyeah, there were a lot of updates for amarok yesterday15:27
rmrfslashis koffice any good?15:27
rmrfslashI'm noticing a couple of little visual bugs (icons overlapping things they shouldn't) but these are only noticable to someone like me15:28
BluesKajDekans, does amarok 2 give bitstream rates on internet radio ?15:28
rmrfslashoff-by-one problems probably15:28
DekansBarbadillo: I don't listen radio15:29
DekansI try and I tell you15:29
rmrfslashusplash is all messed up for me though15:29
DekansBlueEagle sorry15:29
whirleystaramarok is stable now?  it still keeps wiggin out on me... all of a sudden starting like a week ago.... i think it might be my system, tho15:30
Dekansrmrfslash: Koffice 2.0 is not a stable release, like KDE 4.0 was15:30
Dekansbut it's amazing15:30
rmrfslashill wait15:32
rmrfslashI don't want to disrupt my experience15:32
DekansBlueEagle: I don't see it15:33
BluesKajDekans , are you talking to me ?15:35
* BluesKaj is my nick15:35
Dekansah fuck15:36
bazhangDekans, no cursing please15:37
xorredcurrently, kubuntu 9.04, I have 2 keyboard layouts - bulgarian and us, and they switch with alt+shift, and I can't seem to figure how to switch that to ctrl+shift15:38
xorredI tried dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it asked me about keyboard layout shortcut, but... still the same15:38
bassmansbonjour à tous15:41
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:41
bassmansthank's bazhang for the !fr15:42
bassmansnice to see you15:42
xorredanyone aware of a way to reconfigure keyboard layout switching?15:43
Dekansxorred: system setting -> regional and language, you have an alternate shortcut15:43
Dekansfor the main one I don't know15:43
xorredI don't have System setting15:44
xorredI have a K button15:44
xorredthen System menu, or a Settings menu15:44
xorredkde 4.215:44
xorredok I've found it15:45
xorredthere are Keyboard Layouts15:45
xorredand they're disabled15:46
xorredand I want to point out - I want them to   stay this way15:46
xorredI need a system wide setting, not a kde wide setting15:46
w-heathi, my camera (Digital Ixus 70) can be found in Konqueror via camera://, but does not mount as a folder; is there any way I can achieve this please?15:46
xorredcurrently, my kb layout switch lights up the scroll lock led... I want to keep it that way15:46
xorredjust change the keyboard shortcut15:46
xorredwihch is now alt+shift..15:46
xorredeven if I enable them there, the shortcut stays the same15:48
xorredI set it to be ctrl+shift, it stays alt+shift15:48
xorredthere is another setting somewhere, I can't find it.. :(15:48
xorredoh I found it15:49
xorredI had both of them selected15:49
xorredboth switching options...15:49
mnd999hi, i'm getting the occaional problem with wine corrupting all my fonts? is this a known issue?16:04
weedarI have an Intel Pentium dual-core processor T4200 - Will I get 64-bit kernel with the "PC (Intel x86) desktop CD" or do I have to get the "64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD" even though it's Intel and not AMD?16:08
bazhangweedar, core duo or core 2 duo16:09
vincenzociao atutti16:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:10
vincenzocome ci vado16:11
relicgeekweedar: amd64 and intel 64 are the same as far asthe version is concerned.16:11
bazhangvincenzo, /join #ubuntu-it16:11
relicgeekyou can use 32 bit too, if you want16:11
vincenzovincenzo, /join #ubuntu-it16:11
bazhangcore duo is 32bit core2 is 6416:11
user6hello ... a fast  tip . Where's the file that handle reposities?16:12
bazhanguser6, /etc/apt/sources.list16:13
relicgeekuser /ect/apt/sources.list16:13
user6thank you buddies ... too gentle16:13
relicgeekthough, some repos have their own source files in the /ect/apt directory16:13
bazhang/etc/ yep16:14
rohitjI am on kde4.2.2. I use a wirelese connection for internet. My wifi router broadcast the dns settings as well. But I want to use opendns. How can I do that? I can not change the dns settings in the router.16:18
rohitj[11:09] <rohitj> it seems that networkmanager doesn't allow me to do that.16:18
weedarbazhang & relicgeek: So I should go with 4-bit? My machine has 4GB of RAM and I want to be able to address it all, even if there are certain minor issues with 64-bit linux :)16:22
weedarI mean 64-bit of course, 4-bit would be a bit of a step in the wrong direction :)16:22
relicgeek4 gb or more? you'd want 64 bit16:23
bazhang4bit might break things16:23
relicgeek4 bit... no. you could go 2 bit with windows ;p16:23
weedarI hear windows often goes t(w)o bits... ;-)16:23
bazhangweedar, if you have the core2 then you can try it :)16:24
relicgeekamusingly, i'm stuck with a win2k box till i get kubuntu jaunty working on my main laptop16:24
weedarbazhang: All-right I go for it. Bought a new laptop for my gf today and thought I'd try Jaunty on it. Could be interesting :)16:24
bazhangweedar, good luck :)16:24
weedarOh, Jaunty still has major show-stoppers?16:24
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relicgeekweedar: i tried installing it on a ext4 partition, no luck16:25
rohitjweedar: is a good way or bad way?16:25
relicgeekso going back to ext316:25
relicgeekand praying to various random deities ;p16:25
weedarrelicgeek: yeah, I heard ext4 is still buggy, but I don't really think I need that just yet :)16:25
weedarrohitj: Excuse me?16:25
relicgeekweedar: oh, and lack of wpa2 support on the new network manager i'm told16:26
relicgeekmy network is hybrid wpa and wpa2 so its no biggie16:26
weedarI just have bad memories from upgrading to Intrepid...Major issues with networkmanager and my Intel wifi-card..I actually had to use GNOME for a week or two until upgrades came along and fixed those issues16:26
rohitjweedar: you said that Jaunty has major show-stoppers. Did you mean that it has lot of bugs, or it has lot of awesome things. (in fashion world, show-stopper actualy means the prettiest lady on stage)16:26
weedarrelicgeek: aha...I think I might actually be using wpa2 currently...could I use the gnome nm-applet until the issue is resolved?16:27
relicgeekrobinr: bugs16:27
weedarrohitj: hehe, I meant bugs :)16:27
rohitjweedar: lolz ok16:27
relicgeekweedar: thats what they suggest, or knetwork manager16:27
relicgeeki'll also need to see if i can get quassel set up on my intrepid server16:28
weedarrelicgeek: aha, so It's just the new plasma-applet that's broken16:29
relicgeekweedar: donno16:29
relicgeeki haven't booted into it yet ;p16:29
* relicgeek is tempted to put 8.10 back on ><16:30
weedarI'm only considering Jaunty since this is a new laptop, I'll wait at least a month before I upgrade on my laptop, since I use it at work16:34
norenhi all16:35
relicgeekweedar: well, its not working for me ;p16:37
relicgeekunless its doing something at first boot that takes ages16:37
xorredI have a very strange process on my system taking up all my cpu16:38
norenrelicgeek: whts the prob16:38
xorredhow can I see why?16:38
weedarrelicgeek: at what point does it freeze?16:39
relicgeeknoren: well its jaunty, so i was asking on the orher chan. I have a fresh install with a pair of 4 gb partitions (root and home). I tried ext4 first then ext3 for root. It says boot from (hd...) then Starting up16:39
relicgeekthen there's a blinking cursor for quite a while, and it seems to be running my processor at full throttle cause the laptop's running hot16:39
ArGGu^^hello is there way to prevent system notifications be over fullscreen windows?16:40
ArGGu^^I'm using kde416:40
relicgeekso, after grub, before bootsplash16:40
weedarrelicgeek: so your boot partition is still ext4?16:40
norenrelicgeek: did u try booting up in safe mode16:40
relicgeeknot yet16:40
norenArGGu^^: are u getting system notification on full screen windows ?? thats odd16:41
relicgeekone more try, then i go back to intrepid ;p16:41
relicgeeknoren: recovery mode?16:41
norenrelicgeek: i hav jaunty but have not tried the ext4 as of yet16:42
weedarI really want Jaunty to be a good release.. I've been using Kubuntu for a few years now and the last few releases have been buggy in both beta-state and shortly after release..While a few releases back I had no issues even with alpha-version16:42
ArGGu^^noren do you have unredirect fullscreen windows = true?16:42
relicgeekweedar: ya. same reason i was trying to upgrade16:42
norenrelicgeek: yest select from the grub list16:42
weedarAlso my colleague at work who uses Ubuntu keeps bashing KDE saying it's pretty but unstable. Lately he's been right :/16:43
relicgeekrecovery mode seems stuck at "ACPI : Checking initramfs for custom DSDT"16:43
relicgeekweedar: 3.5x was great for me. 4.x ... needs polish16:43
ArGGu^^I have unredirect fullscreen windows true so the compositing won't slow my games16:43
lorecasterhey all... any idea how i can share a folder across my windows XP machine and my ubuntu 8.1 machine?16:44
weedarrelicgeek: I know..But I'll hang in for a while longer, I'll be damned if I loose a Desktop Environment war! ;-)16:44
relicgeeklorecaster: samba16:45
lorecasteri've got a thumbdrive, i've got an external USB hard drive... samba? cools. :) thanks16:45
relicgeekweedar: i was running the experimental 4.2 repos, on intrepid16:45
relicgeekwas a huge improvement16:45
norenrelicgeek: try with ACPI =OFF option16:45
ArGGu^^but if system notification comes up my game flashes and slow downs16:45
relicgeeklorecaster: AKA windows file sharing16:45
ArGGu^^but it only last 1-2 seconds16:45
relicgeeknoren: wow.. its been a while since i did that. should be in the kernel line, right?16:46
weedarrelicgeek: Good, hope is on the horizon then it might seem16:46
lorecasterantoher question... how well would the new 9.04 run on a Celeron 2.8ghz machine, 40gb hdd and 512 mb ram with onboard video??16:47
relicgeeknoren: acpi = off worked16:47
relicgeeklorecaster: pretty well16:47
norenrelicgeek: yes16:47
weedarI'd love to get involved in developing KDE to improve it, but then I'd have to brush up on my programming skills and probably divorce my wife to find the time :)16:47
relicgeeknoren: that works... now... is there anything i can do to work out what exactly is the error for a bug report/proper fix?16:48
weedarlorecaster: You'd probably want to turn off desktop effects16:48
norennot a good option weedar16:48
devilsadvocateweedar, i dont think you should install jaunty - or any unstable software - _for_ someone16:48
lorecasterperfect... autocad has been a dog to run in linux, and i need my mightier computer to run it... i want to keep it on my amd64 x2 2.66 w/ 4gb of ram and 1.5tb drive... but Autocad just won't handle a windows box like the first i described16:48
BluesKajlorecaster, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements16:48
norenrelicgeek: just see that if u have all the latest updates16:48
weedardevilsadvocate: It's a new laptop and I'll probably notice quickly if it's buggy. If it is, I'll just install Intrepid instead :)16:48
lorecasterthere's a big difference, i've learned, in the 'requirements' and what is functioanl :P16:49
devilsadvocatelorecaster, probably quite well. turning off compositing would definitely help16:49
BluesKajlorecaster , mosy of you specs are fine altho 1G memory would really help , IMO16:50
lorecasteri had to frankenstein this computer together, and it's a DELL... -sigh-, i REALLY appreciate the input..... i think i may install the new ubuntu on the weaker computer, turn graphics down, and see how that runs... i don't want windows at all, to be honest with each of you, but Autocad hates linux :(16:51
BluesKajlorecaster, 20-35 bucks for mem stick will put you in fine shape to run 9.0416:51
jason_froebelorecaster - what about xubuntu?16:51
jason_froeberequires alot less horsepower16:51
devilsadvocatelorecaster, thats not a weak computer, although you'd do well with more ram16:52
lorecasterthat's what i mean... it's a dell, and both mem sticks are used. i'd need to buy two fresh ones... and i'm not in a position at the moment to do it. but i shall keep that in mind :D thanks!16:52
devilsadvocatelorecaster, i have a 800 mhz p3 with 384 mb of ram, and kde 4.1 was quite usable on it (although slow and hence causes a drop in productivity)16:52
weedarIf you were to guesstimate, how long would it take to install Kubuntu on a laptop and finish downloading updated packages? Under 1 hour?16:53
relicgeekdevilsadvocate: all you need is more ram16:53
devilsadvocateweedar, depends on your internets16:53
devilsadvocaterelicgeek, yeah. sadly, i now have only 256 mb (the other chip got whacked) so im back to fluxbox :P16:53
weedardevilsadvocate: I've got a 12Mbit connection or so16:53
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devilsadvocateweedar, estimate around 1 hour + time to download 700 mb16:54
ncfi1013how do you burn a downloaded dvd rip to a dvd that has .vob, .ifo, and .bup files in it?16:54
devilsadvocateweedar, to install, configure, etc16:54
relicgeekdevilsadvocate: my server is a pIII 450, with 640 mb or ram ;p16:54
weedarcorrection, 18Mbit..The ISO got downloaded in about 5 minutes or so I think16:54
relicgeeki suspect it could handle kubuntu other than its graphics card16:55
devilsadvocaterelicgeek, the problem is the latency on day-to-day use16:55
relicgeekdevilsadvocate: that box was... suprisingly fast with kde 3.5.10. Never tried kde 4 tho16:55
devilsadvocatei also saw a noticeable performance improvement on kde 4.1 - kde 4.2 upgrade16:56
kanonmat_ncfi1013: doesnt k3b know what to do with a rip?16:56
weedarThe reason I ask is that I wanted to finish the setup of the pre-installed Vista on this laptop. It took ages before I could log in, over an hour at least. Then made room for linux by shrinking one partition and rebooted..It spent 10 minutes configuring updates16:58
relicgeekweedar: windows tends to be a pain to inisially set up16:58
devilsadvocateweedar, it typically takes me an hour to get the system up to my requirements, which includes theming, etc :P16:59
* relicgeek uses offline updates, then needs a half dozen pieces of extra shit to get it to do what linux does outta the box16:59
kanonmat_how do i install gtk themes? im trying gtk-theme-switch on .tar files16:59
PollywogDo the non-graphical installers have an option to encrypt the drive?  I usually use the alternate installers and they have such an option but I do not see one in the rc desktop Kubuntu install16:59
lg188what do i use to install a program ?17:00
ncfi1013if it was simple iso file i would know what to do with it.17:00
lg188thank you17:01
Pollywoglg188: is this a program you downloaded?17:02
relicgeeknoren: i love you in an entirely platonic way. it works now17:02
Pollywogand what does the extension of the filename look like?17:03
kanonmat_lg188: use your package manager, is it Kpackage?17:03
lg188Pollywog: i need to install the gstream-plugins package,17:03
Pollywogoh then do 'sudo apt-get install <packagename>17:04
kanonmat_aptitude install gstream-plugins :)17:04
kanonmat_sudo !!17:04
Pollywogor what kanonmat_ said17:04
lg188i'm already root17:04
lg188damed, probably beceaus i have a live cd version of an related OS, i can' install stuf17:06
gerihow could add ifconfig eth0 <ip> netmask <netmask> up  route add default gw <gw-ip> to a conf file?17:06
lg188well it seems that aptitude isn't a command in my bash17:08
Pollywoggeri: you could use 'kdesudo editor filename'17:08
Pollywoglg188: then use apt-get17:08
geriis ther another conf file?17:08
gerii know resolv.conf17:08
geribut there should be another one?17:08
lg188apt-get isn't to , treid alreayd default os is ubuntu17:08
weedargeri: add something like this to /etc/network/interfaces - http://pastebin.com/d4f24977517:08
Pollywoggeri: I think you are looking for the scripts for networking but I think the name of the script has changed recently17:09
Pollywoglet me have a look'17:09
geriyeah but changed to?17:09
Pollywogcd /etc/network17:09
geriits a conf file?17:09
lg188oh is a package in ubuntu like a component in kubuntu ?17:09
Pollywoglook at the interfaces script there17:09
weedargeri: read my comment17:09
lg188nope ..17:10
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relicgeeklg188: no, a package is simply an installer thing17:10
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devilsadvocategeri, yeah, its a conf file : /etc/network/interfaces17:10
Pollywoggeri scroll up, weedar answered your question17:10
lg188relicgeek: i know , but mayeb ubuntu and kubuntu names are difrent ?17:10
relicgeeklg188: no17:11
Pollywoglg188: the desktops are different but many tools are the same17:11
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relicgeekubuntu and kubuntu are identical other than the default desktop envirionment17:11
relicgeekeven then sometimes you can mix and match17:11
kanonmat_lg188: if you are running a live cd of another distro you cant use ubuntu commands17:12
geridavilsadocate could i add there: ifconfig eth0 <ip> netmask <netmask> up  route add default gw <gw-ip>17:12
ByronHow can I modify the height of my K Menu Kickoff?17:13
lg188well call it a modifeid kubuntu live cd17:13
weedargeri: did you read my comment and the contents of the pastebin-link I gave you?17:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:13
kanonmat_i want a gtk theme for gtk apps in kde. in im trying gtk-chtheme Maqua_Gtk2x_by_monkeymagico, but nothing happens to the gtk apps17:14
kanonmat_and a lot of other themes cant even be loaded17:15
lg188I'll check there web page17:17
geriyeah i did17:20
kanonmat_lg188: why not boot your kubuntu on hdd and install from there?17:20
server_anyone can help me how to instal squid in ubuntu server 8-10...thx17:20
weedargeri: Was something unclear?17:21
gerihow could i restart the network?17:21
geriby using if-up.d ?17:21
lg188kanonmat_: not isntalling , and i'm runnign an sort of kubuntu it only looks like and has a bunch of ools kubuntu has, but i can't install it anyway17:22
weedargeri: after adding those lines (alter them to suit your needs), all you need to do is "ifdown eth0" and then "ifup eth0" to bring it up with config from /etc/network/interfaces17:22
weedargeri: also, if you put "auto eth0" on the line before those I sent you the interface will come up automatically when you boot, otherwise you'll have to run an "ifup eth0" each time17:24
lg188is Juk an audio player ?17:26
gerii tells me interface eth0 not configured17:26
geribut i configured in network/interfaces17:27
weedargeri: paste the contenst of your /etc/network/interfaces to pastebin.com or similar17:27
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geriok works17:28
gerii chould call ifuo eth017:28
drewdiddywondering if anyone can help me with my x1950 pro driver installation on 8.10....it seems i installed them through hardware drivers but everything feels sluggish graphically still17:28
lg188it works :)17:29
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EGMACHADOWhy Kubuntu is slower than ubuntu?17:29
gerithanks weedar17:29
kanonmat_it depends on what you enable EGMACHADO17:30
kanonmat_kde is a bit bigger than gnome iirc17:31
EGMACHADOKanonmat_ ok... understood! Do you recommend the Jaunty version?17:31
kanonmat_i havent tried jaunty yet17:31
hamithi i have a problem with knetworkmanager.. My wireless network is wpa-tkip.. I cannot connect to it unless i fill expert settings17:31
hamitwhen i restart my pc it fails again17:32
EGMACHADOhamit> What's your machine?17:32
EGMACHADOhamit> open a console, than type lspci. After that post here the results17:33
drewdiddywheres my best bet for assistance with hardware problems such as sound and video?17:33
EGMACHADOor in private17:33
yevgenytrying to fix x-fi sound driver for ubuntu!!! No luck :(17:33
EGMACHADO<drewdiddy> what's your problem?17:33
hamit00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)17:34
hamit00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express PCI Express Root Port (rev 03)17:34
hamit00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 2 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 3 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev e2)17:34
hamit00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Controller (rev 02)17:34
hamit00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 02)17:34
hamit01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300] (rev a1)17:34
hamit02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)17:34
hamit03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)17:34
hamit06:01.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 IEEE 1394 Controller17:34
hamit06:01.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 19)17:34
hamit06:01.2 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C843 MMC Host Controller (rev 01)17:34
hamit06:01.3 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter (rev 0a)17:34
EGMACHADOthat's it?17:34
drewdiddy1.  ati x1950 pro drivers.. installed them supposedly through the activate hardware drivers, everything still feels quite sluggish though.  proprietary fglrx drivers are the ones being used17:34
kanonmat_no, use pastebin! :)17:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:35
EGMACHADO<hamit> probably it's listed in lsusb17:35
EruaranPastebin widget17:35
yevgenyanyone has any info on X-Fi drivers for ubuntu, 32-bit?17:35
EGMACHADOhe lspci post just showed your ethernet controler17:35
EGMACHADO<hamit> post in private the lsusb result17:36
drewdiddyand 2.  creative x-fi xtrememusic drivers17:36
drewdiddyis this not the right arena for such questions?  if not, could someone direct me to the appropriate place?17:38
kanonmat_i guess it depends on who is on, drewdiddy17:40
weedarrelicgeek: indeed the network-plasma-thingy does not support wpa2 :/17:43
relicgeekweedar: lol...17:45
relicgeekquessel seems a pain compared to konversation17:45
BluesKajquassel needs some work. The chat text is too "busy" looking for my taste.17:48
BluesKajamongst other PITAs17:48
weedarrelicgeek: knetworkmanager didn't work much better either...I'll toy around a bit with it, but unless I get wireless working I'm back to Intrepid for a wihle :)17:49
kanonmat_knetworkmanager has been bad to me, i think there are better cli tools17:51
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hamitis there any hacker here??18:05
BluesKaj!hacker | hamit18:07
ubottuhamit: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy18:07
hamiti know who a hacker is18:08
hamiti have a problem called arp poisoning18:08
hamitanyone helps?18:08
p_quarleshamit: you might try ##security18:09
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:09
ubottuhamit: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy18:09
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:10
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:10
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:10
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:10
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:10
EGMACHADO!hacker | hamit18:10
joseHi, I'm testing the jaunty rc and it's looking great!18:18
joseThe only problem, xorg is using a lot of CPU if I turn on the efects (either with opengl or with xrender)18:23
joseand without effects I got render glitches all of the windows.18:24
arranjose, what graphics card?18:24
joseI've got an intel card. Is this a know problem?18:24
joseIntel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL96018:25
arranyes, unfortunaly18:25
drewdiddyi cant get my x1950 drivers to work to save my life18:25
zer0odoes anyone play planeshift or can suggest the planeshift support chat?18:25
joseoh, crap! I was willing to used kubuntu, I lateley have been used gnome but I prefer kde18:26
joseIs this a problem of the intel drivers for this xorg version?18:26
joseAnyway to fix it?18:27
arranI upgraded yesterday and stumbled into the same problem..18:27
p_quarlesjose: give the live disk a test drive; I have an Intel card, and frankly the problems aren't bad at all18:27
arranfound a few suggestions that seems to work for some people, but it seems to vary greatly18:27
joseI've already installed the rc, I'm using it right now.18:27
arranjose, try using uxa instead of exa, or try the old intel 2.4 driver.. (but neither really worked well for me)18:28
joseIn my case the problems are quite noticeable. With the opengl effects on, I get no render glitches but the cpu use is too much18:28
arranjose, I switched to UXA, and I got the cpu down about half I think. but I still have an idle load of 0.3 ( think it was 1.2 or something at first)18:30
arranso, not perfect, but at least usable18:30
josearran, how do I use uxa, is an xorg.conf modification?18:30
arranyes, just put option "accelmethod" "uxa" in the video card section18:31
joseok, I'm going to try!18:31
arrantell me if it made any difference, eh?18:32
joseyes, I will.18:32
declanpwalshHi, This may seem like a stupid question, but how do i set up a printer?18:36
joseHi, I'm back18:40
declanpwalshIs anyone able to help with printers? I can't seem to work out how to set mine up18:40
joseXorg has freeze when I was closing up, no good!18:40
Dragnslcrdeclanpwalsh- should be something like KMenu -> System -> Printer Configuration18:40
joseBut now with UXA the render problems are gone and the cpu is more reasonable18:41
declanpwalshDragnslcr- yeah there is a printer configuration setting but it doesnt have settings for local printer. Only network!18:42
arranjose, is good or just better?18:42
josewell, I don't now yet, For sure is better but just testing18:43
joseWith opengl the cpu is around 6% when idle, still a little higher, this is a laptop and the battery is a concern.18:44
joseI'll how it behaves with gnome and intrepid, I've got the system also installed as a backup.18:45
Dragnslcrdeclanpwalsh- hm, I dunno. It's been a while since I setup my printer18:46
joseBut I'll like to stay in kde land for a with, kde is just nicer.18:46
arranlet's hope it gets fixed soon enough then..18:46
josearran, how's your case? Is with UXA usable?18:47
Dragnslcrdeclanpwalsh- if it's a USB printer, cups may auto-detect it18:47
declanpwalshthats the problem i think. its parallel. its fairly old. hp laserjet 110018:48
arranusable, but pretty crappy compared with intrepid..18:48
joseis the problem due to the intel drivers? Are they just buggy for this xorg release?18:48
arranwell, there are lots of bug reports about it (even since december last year)...18:49
arranand yes, seems to have something to do with the intel 2.6 driver18:49
joseI just don't get why there are so many problems with the graphics driver in general?18:49
Dragnslcrdeclanpwalsh- KMenu -> System -> HPLIP18:50
joseI used to have a desktop with nvidia, but when I got the laptop I went with intel because of the freedom18:50
Dragnslcrdeclanpwalsh- that's specifically for HP printers18:50
josenvidia was a problem and intel is just a different one. It's a shame.18:50
joseWhen I scroll in konqueror or in firefox my cpu just goes mad!18:51
arrani think there are some major changes right now with the intel drivers, xorg/dri2, uxa/exa, gem and probably some kernel stuff...18:53
woolalguem sabe como mudar o splash do ubuntu???aquele q fica a barrinha carregando?w18:54
arranso perhaps that's why. never had any problems with intel for the last three releases, but it's never been particularly fast either18:54
joseI don't need a fast graphics card, I don't play 3D games, I just need a working desktop18:55
arrani just need those fancy plasmoids and spinning cubes18:56
joseI guess I'm not so young anymore :)18:57
arranhaha :)18:59
joseWell, I've found a deal breaker. Not kubuntu jaunty for me :( I can't play hd video with this setting19:01
joseI've tried with mplayer, I works perfect in intrepid and gnome, but it's choppy now.19:02
joseI would have like to stay in kde, but It's guess is not possible at this time. I'll try ubuntu jaunty just to see if there's any better.19:04
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joseI've been reading the bug repport 342923 and it's a sad story.19:33
||arifaXmy main display is my notebooks lcd. at work I have a second lcd monitor with 1024x768. thunderbird starts always fine at work. now at home without the second monitor thunderbird does not start. I see the tasks with ps waux but it does not come up. any ideas. this is display depended!19:33
joseI'm going to try with the backported old driver.19:33
yaa_when i m adding new user / i cannot change his password19:38
jim_002Hi, does anyone else get ping spikes every 2 minutes or so when using wireless net? I had the same problem on windows until I disabled "Wireless Zero Configuration", and I'm assuming this is the same problem.19:43
jim_002I discovered it was due to the polling of available wireless networks.19:44
portalhow to I get the wireless network in this new ubuntu 8.10?19:45
jim_002portal: I'm using 9.04, but I used the network module in system settings19:46
jim_002I'm pretty sure you can also use the /etc/network/interfaces or something like that also19:47
portalumm... well for firs what programs I need to get it work19:48
yevgenyneed help19:48
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jim_002portal: system settings19:49
yevgenyHow do I install a driver for my creative soundcard?19:49
portalI don't  find that19:51
portalok just a sec..19:52
jim_002portal: not sure then. I'm using 9.04 so it might have changed19:52
jim_002In mine it's system settings->network settings19:52
yaa_cannot change password with passwd19:53
yaa_help me19:53
portalok now I have it19:53
portalthen what19:53
jim_002network management19:54
jim_002then you can add wireless connection19:54
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portalI don't have there in the system settings anything19:56
jim_002portal: what version are you using?19:57
jim_002I mean of kubuntu?19:57
portalok... ubuntu 8.10... whre I can go to that chat room or something19:58
jim_002type: /join #ubuntu19:59
jim_002#ubuntu **19:59
jim_002Is it possible to disable wireless network polling ?20:00
jim_002it keeps giving me ping spikes every 2 minutes or so... :(20:01
yevgenyCan I somehow install windows drivers on Linux??20:04
fosco_yevgeny: ndiswrapper20:07
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ohamaOdd java error while starting an app. "Current thread is native thread". I first noticed it after an upgrade. Something about libc.so too. Would that be a java problem, kubuntu problem or application problem in your opinion?20:23
starenkahi, how to disable screen saver while watching a movie in kaffeine? i'm on jaunty - i never experienced sucha a problem in older versions..20:24
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anoncosHow can I change the appearance of an icon in a panel on 9.04 beta?  I have the file (a .kdb KeePass file) associated with KeePass, and it opens just fine, but the icon is still the default question-mark.20:35
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amgarchIn9omg, I pressed Cntrl-Shift-T in konsole, how do I get a single window back?20:42
ohamaIs there a known java error in kubuntu 8.10?20:43
amgarchIn9never mind, close others, Cntrl-Shift-O20:43
kazagistar_I can't seem to get the nVidea drivers working for my GeForce 9800 GT20:48
kazagistar_it keeps telling me the kernel module failed to load20:48
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yevgenyCould someone please help me with ubuntu drivers?20:55
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nitr0ixwhats wrong with them?20:55
yevgenyI can't install creative X-Fi sound drivers20:56
yevgenyThere is a driver for linux 64-bit20:56
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AizawaEvery time I start Kubuntu, Intrepid or Jaunty, my screen resolution is reset to 1024x768. I only have to open the Display settings window for it to switch back to 1600x1200 though. I've asked this many times on the forums, but never got any replies. Perhaps it has a simple solution, but nevertheless, I don't know it.20:56
nitr0ixtry it via nvidia-settings20:57
nitr0ixchange the reso i mean20:57
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yevgenynvidia settings?20:57
ohamayevgeny: ask your question. if anyone knows they'll answer.20:57
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:57
Aizawanitr0ix: Me?20:58
nitr0ixhmm you have nvidia GPU right? with drivers installed on it?20:58
Aizawanitr0ix: I have an ATI card, but I use the, wassit called, the free software driver that is default. (Free software only)20:59
yaa_рудз ьу цшер зфыыцв20:59
yaa_help me with passwd20:59
nitr0ixwhats wrong with passwd?20:59
yaa_it does not work21:01
yevgenyI have a Creative Soundblaster X-fi Fatal1ty soundcard but I can't install drivers on ubuntu, i tried to install a linux driver but the soundcard didn't work. maybe I can somehow install windows drivers on linux??21:01
ohamayaa_: Could you be a bit more specific?21:01
nitr0ixdoes it give any errors?21:01
yaa_i can change passswords through gui utility  only21:01
yaa_nitr --$? = 021:02
yaa_when type passwd xxx21:02
=== alexander_ is now known as alexander__
=== alexander__ is now known as alexander_
yaa_it writes passwd: password updated successfully21:03
yaa_thats all21:03
yaa_password does not change21:03
nitr0ixit changes root password ;)21:04
nitr0ixnot your account password21:04
devilsadvocateyaa_, it should work21:05
yaa_should but does not21:05
devilsadvocateyaa_, you're not using sudo right?21:05
yaa_im using it21:05
nitr0ixmmm it changes the one you use with sudo but not the one you log in with ;)21:05
devilsadvocateand although im not sure, perhaps a log out, log in may be required21:06
yaa_even when i m changing own password21:06
devilsadvocateyaa_, sudo passwd changes root password21:06
devilsadvocatejust use passwd21:06
yaa_does not matter21:06
yevgenyis there anybody who uses creative X-Fi card on linux??21:06
yaa_sudo password xxx21:06
devilsadvocateyaa_, it does matter ...21:06
yaa_password xxx21:06
devilsadvocateyaa_, its not password either21:07
devilsadvocateso this : open up a new terminal, type "passwd" and hit enter21:07
yaa_not on my comp))21:07
yaa_i did try all the variants21:07
Befolkedwhat up folks.21:08
devilsadvocatewhat exactly happens21:08
yaa_never again21:08
yaa_it does not ask for new pass21:08
ohamaBefolked: I hate java. Not much else.21:08
Befolkeddoes anyone know how to make it in quassel irc where you close the window but it just goes to your tray?21:08
Befolkedohama, i hate it too.21:08
yaa_it just writes passwd: password updated successfully21:08
devilsadvocateyaa_, you need to enter your old pass first21:08
yaa_i know))21:08
yaa_i do21:08
Befolkedohama, at least its cross platform. (H)21:09
ohamaBefolked: write once, debug everywhere.21:09
yaa_after it it writes21:09
yaa_passwd: password updated successfully21:09
devilsadvocateyaa_, then try "sudo passwd username"21:09
yaa_i did21:09
yaa_the same21:10
yaa_and I CAN change all the passws through gui21:10
ohamaMy reason for hating java. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36348021:10
yaa_what it could be21:11
yaa_i cannot find anything around in google(21:11
ohamayaa_: You're not logged in to another computer via your terminal? I shut down the wrong computer once with that misstake. Not good.21:12
Befolkedso does anyone actually use usenet?21:12
Befolkedthats weird.21:13
yaa_im on localhost21:13
ohamaBefolked: usenet? That's like the new piratebay.org isn't it?21:14
Befolkednot really, i think its been around for a long time.21:14
ohamayaa_: Never heard of that problem before.21:14
ohamaBefolked: I know. I was joking. I used usenet back in 94-95.21:15
Befolkedohama, its nice because you get full download speeds.21:15
yaa_christos voskrese21:15
Befolkedohama, you must be old. xP21:15
ohamaBefolked: ancient.21:15
Befolkedi talk to this guy off the freespire forums21:16
Befolkedhes almost 60.21:16
Befolkedpretty cool. my grandparents are all dead.21:16
ohamaBefolked: hey you little whippersnapper, get off my lawn. ;-)21:16
Befolkedyeah, my dad made me mow some of the neighbors lawn today.21:17
Befolkedhow ironic.21:17
yaa_Christ is Risen!21:17
=== jack is now known as fracuzzo
fracuzzohi all21:17
* Befolked goes to off-topic channel.21:18
devilsadvocateyaa_, try using yppasswd21:18
yaa_today is a holy day of easter21:18
devilsadvocateyaa_, nevermind21:18
sachaelhi, i need a volunteer KDE user to test a command for me: http://pastebin.com/dc8f37b221:19
nitr0ixhmm ill try21:20
nitr0ixobject not accessible21:21
sachaelawww, that's what I though. Are you using KDE 4 or earlier?21:22
nitr0ixkde 4.2.2 on kubuntu 9.0421:22
sachaelnitr0ix, thank you for your help. :)21:22
nitr0ixnp always welcome as long as those commands wont brake my system xD21:23
PhilRodsachael: your command will definitely only work for kde 3. In kde 4, you'll need to look into dbus (probably via qdbus, but there might be other command-line ways to access dbus)21:26
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PhilRodsachael: actually, I can't find a relevant-looking dbus command using qdbusviewer, but you might want to ask in #plasma21:28
sachaelPhilRod, i will, thanks. I knew i should use dbus, but google showed nothing21:29
theuser1in what cases is a website domain name is closed forcefully by the registrar or the company one buy a .com ?21:30
ohamahttp://pastebin.com/m5e7d23cc anything that I can do to fix that error?21:35
=== levi_ is now known as Xbz
=== Xbz is now known as Sterdam
yevgenycan I run starwars Battlefront II on ubuntu??21:38
ohamayevgeny: unknown. have a look at wine or cedega. Might be possible though.21:39
norenhi all21:40
AuctionedllamaI need help with adding windows to grub21:40
AuctionedllamaI just installed windows, and than reinstalled grub, and I tried manually adding windows to the list, but it won't.21:41
Auctionedllama*won't work21:41
AuctionedllamaIt's on my second harddrive, and theres only one partition, so would the grub coordinates be (hd1,0)?21:41
AuctionedllamaCan anyone help me with that?21:42
ohamaAuctionedllama: Don't you have to run some sort of grub-update-tool? I seem to remember something about that.21:42
AuctionedllamaI didn't see anything in Ubuntu's help21:42
ohamaAuctionedllama: Or perhaps that was just how you did things in lilo...21:42
AuctionedllamaIt said how do it manually, but its not working21:42
DragnslcrAuctionedllama- I would guess it would be 1,021:43
AuctionedllamaWell, when I try to run it in boot21:44
AuctionedllamaIt just says "Starting up..."21:44
Auctionedllamaand nothing happens21:44
DragnslcrAuctionedllama- this is what my entry in menu.lst looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153660/21:44
DragnslcrI haven't tried booting it in a long time, though, so I don't know if it still works21:45
Auctionedllamawow, mine is totally different.. heres mine:21:45
Auctionedllama(one sec, haha)21:46
AuctionedllamaI followed the tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Quick%20Start21:47
DragnslcrI dunno, I haven't had to do it before. I don't think I've booted into Windows in a couple years21:48
norenAuctionedllama: gub prob ??21:49
AuctionedllamaI'll add yours then.21:49
AuctionedllamaYeah noren21:49
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:50
AuctionedllamaNo, I installed grub fine21:50
AuctionedllamaI cant add windows21:50
ohamahttp://pastebin.com/m5e7d23cc anything that I can do to fix that error? java -version gives segfault.21:50
norenoh ok21:51
SalacAuctionedllama: I would've tried Dragnslcr's version, never seen one like yours before. just make sure you get the rigth hdX param.21:52
norenAuctionedllama: is the prob solved or u still need help ??21:56
Salacnoren: Auctionedllama [n=ben@adsl-75-60-214-67.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Remote closed the connection21:57
norenSalac: ??21:57
norenoh sorry !! :(21:58
=== ubuntu is now known as ped_thebest
ped_thebestcome facc ad istallare programmi?21:59
ped_thebestcome faccio ad istallare programmi21:59
hallowname!it > ped_thebest21:59
ubottuped_thebest, please see my private message21:59
Befolkedhere we go22:00
Befolkedparsix is at a god speed now22:00
Befolkedaaand i just said this in the wrong channel, sorry.22:01
norenBefolked: what is parsix22:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parsix22:04
lawlzfrieshey guys, i have a server on a fast connection with a small HD (320GB). I have a large NAS (2TB) at home. I would like to use the NAS as storage on my server and the HD as a cache.22:08
lawlzfriescan i do this?22:08
=== mohammed is now known as Guest76993
lawlzfriesam i asking in the wrong channel?22:11
dwidmannlawlzfries: I'm sure you could do it (anything is possible when people put their minds to something), how to go about it though, I've no idea.22:12
dima_Hi,everyone. What's the difference between "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" and "update-manager -d" way to update the distro?22:13
lawlzfrieswell, more specifically i'm interested in knowing whether or not it's possible to have such a such cache with any of the major network filesystems22:13
dwidmannlawlzfries: and trying other channels/forums might not be such a bad idea22:13
lawlzfriesi'm really new to computers, any recomendations?22:14
dwidmanndima_: update-manager does some other things that dist-upgrade won't do, I'm not sure what all that consists of though22:14
dwidmanndima_: as far as I've been told, update-manager is the "recommended" way to go about it22:15
dima_do I have to take any additional steps when doing the update with "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"?22:15
dwidmannlawlzfries: anywhere high traffic is probably a good idea.. Maybe you can get some decent info from http://ubuntuforums.org22:15
lawlzfriesdwidmann, thanks!22:16
dima_I'm asking because I've just updated to 9.04 beta with apt-method. Now I'm wondering if that's not the end of the story22:16
dwidmanndima_: well if it works then I wouldn't be too worried22:17
pteaguehow do i turn off the shaded window affect for modal windows?22:17
dwidmannpteague: maybe that would be somewhere in system settings -> desktop -> desktop effects, if it can be done22:18
pteaguedwidmann: ah, thanks... i was looking in window settings and wasn't having any luck...  desktop effects -> all effects -> focus -> dialog parent :)22:20
dwidmannHmm, I need to test amdcccle with the new version, but I'm not sure I want to ... 9.3 is crashy :(22:21
dwidmannand so might be 9.422:22
AizawaHow do I restart X?22:27
AizawaWithout rebooting, that is.22:27
hallownameAizawa: ctrl+alt+bkspace22:27
hallownameAizawa: or from cli : 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'22:27
Aizawahallowname: The keystroke doesn't work for me for some reason, I'll try the terminal command22:28
nitr0ixctrl+alt+backspase no longer works in ubuntu 9.04 ;)22:30
hallownamenitr0ix: serious? why? who's idea was that? *=[*22:30
dwidmannnitr0ix: why not?22:31
nitr0ixwell i just noticed my self ;)22:31
dwidmannnitr0ix: and what file will I have to edit to get it back?22:31
nitr0ixdunno yet22:31
* dwidmann will be back in a few minutes22:31
hallownameim too busy to test mine. u can prolly map it to that command from systemsettings i bet.22:32
nitr0ixCtrl-Alt-Backspace is now disabled, to reduce issues experienced by users who accidentally trigger the key combo. Users who do want this function can enable it in their xorg.conf, or via the command dontzap --disable.22:33
hallownamenitr0ix: gotcha. how does someone accidentally press that? lol22:33
nitr0ixdunno lol22:33
nitr0ixbut you neet to run this dontzap command as root22:34
nitr0ixsudo dontzap --disable22:34
nitr0ixsek brb22:34
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »22:36
=== Pendevil is now known as Pen[Zzzz]
=== dgm_ is now known as nitr0ix
nitr0ixit acutally works22:37
nitr0ixafter reboot tho22:37
=== Pen[Zzzz] is now known as Pendevil
nitr0ixdoes anyone actually know of any decent mmorpg with native linux client....that is fun to play?22:40
peterhilnitr0ix: I've been also missing ctrl-alt-backspace22:40
peterhilAnd that other which allows you to kill X windows22:41
nitr0ixhmm is there a big difference between ext3 and ext4?22:42
infinullI'm having problems with VLC/Phonon/Pulse/Amarok: What's the best way to get mixing to work in VLC, Flash Player & Phonon Apps (like amarok)22:43
infinullI'm running the 9.04 RC22:43
nitr0ixwhat do you mean by mixing..22:44
infinullin 8.10 I used pulse22:44
infinullthe audio runs in both simultaneously22:44
infinullaudio works in vlc22:44
infinullaudio works in amarok22:44
infinullbut not at the same time22:44
nitr0ixwhy do you want play audio at the same time?22:44
infinull(this means a lot of stopping / restarting)22:44
peterhilAnd there is a kdm logout freeze problem on kde4 too: http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1516222:44
peterhilWhy this isn't fixed yet?22:45
nitr0ixpay the devs to fix it22:45
nitr0ixhmmm strange22:45
nitr0ixdont have any troubles with kde4 atm22:46
nitr0ixonly one thing i guess22:46
nitr0ix2 entries of nvidia-settings in the menu22:46
AizawaCan't you just remove one?22:46
nitr0ixyeah i did ;)22:46
Aizawahaha, okay22:46
peterhilI just wonder how easy this would be to fix if someone just would do it.22:46
nitr0ixfix what?22:47
AizawaI can't believe I haven't tried the XRender option before. OpenGL doesn't work with the free software drivers for some reason, but this does. I've been living in a compositing-less world for a few days. *It.. It was hard.*22:47
nitr0ixXrender kinda sucky....22:48
nitr0ixas far as i heard22:48
nitr0ixback to that black screen on next login in kde 422:48
AizawaWell, perhaps it's because I have good hardware, but it does the job.22:48
nitr0ixaint fglrx is an ati driver?22:48
AizawaNot to be a showoff, just that perhaps opengl works better with older hardware.22:49
Aizawafglrx is ati, yes.22:49
nitr0ixthen that logout problem is ati's fault not ubuntu's22:49
AizawaI have never argued with you about that..?22:49
nitr0ixwhy does nvidia treat linux community more nicely then ati does?22:49
peterhilnitr0ix: The logout problem - or maybe it isn't that common. I just read that ext4 have journal checksums, defragmentation utility and extents.22:50
AizawaDunno. I have ati, on 3 different cards it has always worked perfectly well.22:50
nitr0ixso anything on linux native fun mmorpg ?22:54
cinexy yeah22:55
AizawaThe best mmo available in Linux (that I've found) was Planeshift. Which isn't very good by mmo standards.22:55
nitr0ixyeah played it22:55
nitr0ixsorta looks like Elder Scrolls22:55
AizawaWell, looks like it perhaps. :P22:56
nitr0ixbut i couldnt undersstand many things in it..22:56
nitr0ixi couldn't last for mroe than 20 minutes22:56
nitr0ixi quess regnum is quite good22:56
nitr0ixdang we need something like Lineage 2 with native linux client22:58
AizawaI used to play MMO's.. Got tired of them eventually. All I play now is deathmatch-fps-kinda-games. Luckily there are multiple good, open source ones for Linux.22:58
s007comment rejoindre un salon froncophone?!22:58
nitr0ixhmmm for example?22:59
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:59
AizawaNexuiz, Warsow, OpenArena22:59
s007how to connect to ohter room?!22:59
nitr0ixhmm quess need to try them ;)22:59
bazhangs007, /join #channel22:59
nitr0ixare those available from apt-get?22:59
AizawaWarsow has some art that's not free, though, but I consider that to be okay.22:59
AizawaWarsow is up to date in repos23:00
AizawaOpenarena and Nexuiz is not, though23:00
AizawaAlthough if you download them from the site you launch them with scripts, and you don't need to install them, which is fine.23:00
nitr0ixwhoah! openarena is a quake 3 like >_>23:01
nitr0ixmy fav type23:01
nitr0ixkill anything that moves...23:01
AizawaYeah, well, all of these are quake-like23:01
AizawaOpenarena is a Quake 3: Arena clone, though23:01
AizawaAlso, Warsow isn't in the Jaunty repos (At least not in the 2 free ones), I just checked.23:02
nitr0ixhe following NEW packages will be installed23:02
nitr0ix  warsow warsow-data23:02
AizawaEither you're in Intrepid, or you have all repos enabled. I only have the OSS repos enabled23:03
nitr0ixnop i am on jaunty... tho upgraded from intrepid23:04
AizawaWell, then you have all repos : P23:04
AizawaAlso, dang, I just cannot get over how good the new Air theme looks.23:04
nitr0ixglassified owns23:05
quassel208ive jaunty with kde4.2.7023:05
AizawaThe new plasma theme that's in kde 4.3 (I use 4.2 though, I got the Air theme from playground23:05
quassel208Air can you get from playground23:06
AizawaI said that23:06
nitr0ixhmmm gimme link23:06
Aizawasvn branch or whatever they're called23:06
quassel208yes there stuff thats fairly new23:06
quassel208 svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/plasma/desktoptheme/air  and then copy air to /home/user/.kde(4)/share/apps/desktoptheme23:06
Aizawasvn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/plasma/desktoptheme/air23:06
nitr0ixforgive me...i am just new to kde xD23:07
quassel208ive compiled today kde4.3 on jaunty, and overwrited kde4.2.223:08
nitr0ixany good?23:08
AizawaAhahahahahahahah! I've been pissed for months because I thought my expensive gaming mouse was starting to get a little iffy, I just tried removing the mouse pad and now it works perfectly. Really weird though.23:08
cinexlaser mice dont do well on a patterned mouse mst23:09
cinexthe picture messes them up23:09
AizawaAlso, I tried 4.3 before I formatted, just to try it out. Nothing special, really. The only really attractive thing so far is the Air theme, which works in 4.223:10
Aizawacinex: Oh, then that's the thing.23:10
cinexbut the mouse will eventually ruin the desk23:10
AizawaEh, fuck the desk : P23:10
quassel208hmmm, I dont know, there are some changes already thats worth to upgrade23:11
jussi01!ohmy | Aizawa23:12
ubottuAizawa: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:12
quassel208In konqueror, in dolphin, in kopete, ect23:12
quassel208so there are changes for sure23:12
AizawaPeople do say qt 4.5 is snappier or whatever, I couldn't really feel the difference.23:12
nitr0ixany tips on how to get 4.3?23:13
quassel208yes build dependies with build-dep23:13
quassel208sudo apt-get build-dep kde4libs && sudo apt-get install lzma-dev libfam-dev libaspell-dev subversion && sudo apt-get build-dep kdepimlibs && sudo apt-get remove libakonadi-dev && sudo apt-get build-dep kdebase-runtime kdebase-workspace23:14
quassel208thats get most of them and then just follow the guide on kde.org23:14
quassel208oh that what i pasted was what i did in jaunty23:15
Szadekhello all , i upgraded to jaunty from intrepid , but amarok still is the version 2.0.1 , it shouldnt be 2.0.2?23:16
quassel208with some help from #kde-devel I have now a succesfull kde trunk23:16
nitr0ixwill try it later..23:16
quassel208if you understand dutch, then jou can have my notes23:17
nitr0ixnop thx xD23:17
anoncosHow can I change the appearance of an icon in a panel on 9.04 beta?  I have the file (a .kdb KeePass file) associated with KeePass, and it opens just fine, but the icon is still the default question-mark.23:18
quassel208lol i dont have a default 9.04 anymore because ive overwrited kde4.2.2, but i havent had any freeze anymore :)23:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about buildsource23:26
nitr0ixhmm found a how to for debian and kde4.3 think it will work with ubuntu?23:27
quassel208dont know23:27
quassel208on kde,org is a howto for kubuntu and debian23:28
nitr0ixseems preatty straight forward23:28
nitr0ixjust the dependencies took from Gettings started on kde's website23:28
nitr0ixfrom techbase*23:29
nitr0ixaw anyways no reason to sleep this night....time to experiment >_>23:29
quassel208i did it yesterday23:30
nitr0ixhmmm how long did it take to compile kde?23:31
quassel208quite long i bet 7 hours ?23:31
nitr0ixyay thats long xD23:32
dwidmannnitr0ix: on my box, compiling kde and all the usual modules, it takes about 3 hours, ish23:32
nitr0ixwhat box you have?23:32
quassel208dwinmann do you do it with a gui? without gui running is faster ?23:32
dwidmannIntel Q9300, (only) 2GiB of RAM23:33
quassel208I Intel Atom 330 and 2 gb ram23:34
dwidmannThat would certainly explain a significant difference in how long it would take23:34
dwidmannWhen I do it I only let it use 3 of my cores ... so it doesn't make my system "unusable" for hours on end ..23:35
dwidmannOtherwise it might be a bit less time23:35
quassel208can you point it cores? ive have 4 cores23:38
quassel2082 virtual23:38
AizawaWhat? Virtual cores?23:39
dwidmannanyway I just cd into each directory and "mkdir build; cd build; time taskset -c 1-3 nice -n +19 /usr/local/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug ..; time taskset -c 1-3 nice -n +19 make -j 4 -s; time taskset -c 1-3 nice -n +19 sudo make install23:39
dwidmannI have scripts & aliases that take care of this, however23:40
dwidmannquassel208: use the taskset command to assign cpu affinity23:41
quassel208taskset ?23:41
dwidmannyou might have to install it first23:41
dwidmannbazhang: no. taskseT23:41
bazhangoops never mind me :)23:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tasksel23:41
dwidmannsudo apt-get install util-linux23:42
dwidmannthat will get you the taskset command23:42
AizawaIs there a way to change the keystroke for bringing up krunner?23:42
quassel208so how do you use taskset command ?23:43
dwidmannAizawa: yeah, go into sysem settings -> keyboard -> global shortcuts, I think23:43
AizawaBy default it's Alt+F2, which feels awkward.23:43
dwidmannYeah, that's it, then you pick the "Run Command Interface" kde component23:43
AizawaYup, found it23:43
AizawaMan, KDE is the best.23:44
AizawaAlthough true23:44
dwidmannquassel208: man taskset  has some good examples, actually23:44
dwidmannor did taskset --help23:44
dwidmannYeah, the latter (--help)23:45
quassel208but doesnt it overload the pc ?23:45
quassel208dwidmann how would i assign 3 of my 4 cores then to the process ?23:50
=== nocturn is now known as Pendevil
dwidmannquassel208: taskset -c 2,3 someprocess23:53
AizawaI wish Gnash actually worked.23:53
dwidmannAizawa: Yep, that would be nice23:53
dwidmannquassel208: doesn't what overload the pc?23:53
quassel208taskset -c 2,3 cmake /home/wesley/KDE/kdelibs -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr23:55
quassel208like this ?23:55
dwidmannquassel208: well, cmake certainly won't, you shouldn't be too worried about cmake but make and make install certainly can23:55
quassel208cmake /home/wesley/KDE/kdelibs -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr23:55
dwidmannquassel208: look up at the command I typed up a while ago, I had more stuff in there that helps keep the system from choking23:56
quassel208I should test command what you gaved23:56
dwidmannnamely, nice -n +1923:56
dwidmannquassel208: no, it's not meant to be copy + pasted, but to serve as a piece of info :)23:57
quassel208i copy and past every thing i a note23:57
quassel208that way i dont need to remeber it23:57
dwidmannI've got a somewhat more intricate setup going on, involving scripts & aliases so I don't have to remember either :)23:58
quassel208ive nade a text file with everthing i should know, but updating kde doesnt take so long as installing23:59

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