
TurlI uploaded a package to my ppa, but the amd64 build seems to have stuck01:54
Turlit's 2 hours and still didn't finish01:55
wgrantTurl: Has https://launchpad.net/builders/bohrium changed recently?01:57
wgrantIt looks like it's very nearly done.01:57
wgrantinfinity stole the builder.01:58
wgrantTurl: That buildd has been taken down for some kind of maintenance.01:58
wgrantBut for some reason it didn't relinquish your build.01:59
TurlStatus      Disabled for Enablement02:00
Turlwgrant: can you cancel that build and restart it or something?02:00
wgrantTurl: I've no special privileges. Only a sysadmin can fix it.02:07
wgrantTurl: You might be best to reupload.02:10
Turlok wgrant, thanks anyway02:21
ub3rst4rdoes anyone what the url is to mirror a branch thats hosted on sourceforge on to launchpad?03:48
wgrantub3rst4r: What type of branch?03:49
wgrantub3rst4r: So, you should head over to your project, hit the 'Code' tab, and find the 'Register branch' link in the top right.03:50
ub3rst4rwgrant ya i want to mirror the sourceforge code on to launchpad03:51
wgrantub3rst4r: You can then select to create a mirrored branch, and give it the URL to the SF.net branch.03:52
ub3rst4rya how does the url work?03:52
Peng_What URL? SourceForge's URL?03:53
ub3rst4rdoes that work?03:53
wgrantub3rst4r: Just give it the URL to the branch, like you would if you checked it out.03:53
wgrantThat should work.03:53
ub3rst4rsorry, i wasnt sure how it got the password...03:54
ub3rst4rjust remembered it just needs to read it03:54
wgrantWow. Geocities.03:55
jmlI remember them.04:00
jmlangelfire! tripod! cgi! frames! under construction animated gifs!04:02
ub3rst4rhi, launchpad isnt letting me mirror the branch04:08
ub3rst4rit says "Launchpad cannot mirror this branch because its URL uses sftp or bzr+ssh. "04:08
wgrantub3rst4r: Is that error message not clear enough?04:09
ub3rst4rhow are you suppose to mirror something from http?04:09
wgrantGive it an http:// or bzr:// URL.04:09
ub3rst4rbzr doesnt work04:10
Peng_bzr://? Not bzr+ssh://?04:10
ub3rst4rbzr+ssh works not bzr:://04:11
Peng_LP can't mirror from bzr+ssh, as the error message says.04:11
ub3rst4rbut no it doesnt cus it has to be ftp or http04:11
* Peng_ is completely confused now04:11
wgrantbzr:// does work.04:12
wgrantSF.net serves on bzr://04:12
ub3rst4rhere was it says04:12
wgrantbzr, not bzr+ssh04:13
Peng_ub3rst4r: You gave it a bzr+ssh:// URL. Give it an http:// or bzr:// URL.04:13
ub3rst4rbzr doesnt work04:13
wgrantWhat do you mean?04:13
Peng_ub3rst4r: bzr://littlecleaner.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/littlecleaner works.04:13
ub3rst4rit says bzr is unrecongized04:13
ub3rst4rhe URI scheme "bzr" is not allowed. Only URIs with the following schemes may be used: bzr+ssh, ftp, http, https, sftp04:14
* wgrant blames jml. Any ideas, jml?04:14
wgrantThat certainly looks like a Launchpad bug.04:14
wgrantAnd an SF.net bug for not serving over HTTP like everybody else.04:14
ub3rst4rthen it says it says it cant mirror it04:14
Peng_So it accepts bzr+ssh URLs even though it can't use them, but rejects bzr? Very smart. :)04:15
wgrantIt needs to recognise bzr+ssh and sftp for Remote branches.04:16
Peng_Does it recognize bzr+http or nosmart+ URLs?04:16
wgrantjml: One cannot register a branch in Launchpad with a bzr:// URL.04:16
jmlno, you can't04:16
jmlthere's a bug about that, iirc.04:17
wgrantI suppose it needs firewall poking, so it's not too trivial.04:17
ub3rst4ri dont think sf has http access for its bazaar04:18
ub3rst4roh well04:19
Peng_How much effort does it take to push something like this through the sysadmins?04:21
ub3rst4rthe http doesnt work either04:25
jmlPeng_: there's code changes as well as network changes required04:56
jmlPeng_: pushing something like this doesn't take much effort at all -- our sysadmins are awesome04:57
Peng_Oh, good.04:58
alkisgHi, I've uploaded a package into my PPA and it shows as "Supported by Canonical" in synaptic. What am I doing wrong? Is it the package version numbering ( Synaptic screenshot: http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/temp/synaptic.png08:46
wgrantalkisg: That's a Synaptic bug.08:52
alkisgwgrant: <relieved> thanks!!!08:52
alkisgwgrant: If I have a greek filename with an english extension in my package (e.g. δοκιμή.glo), the .deb gets generated correctly, but later on `sudo apt-get install my-package` crashes! This doesn't happen if the filename has all greek characters (e.g. δοκιμή.γλώσσα). What could be the cause, where should I report something like this?08:54
wgrantalkisg: How does it crash?08:58
alkisgwgrant: it produces a stack dump, and leaves some /usr/share/myapp/temp files behind08:59
alkisgI get the same result with dpkg -i mypackage.deb08:59
wgrantalkisg: File a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+filebug08:59
alkisgwgrant: thanks a lot :)08:59
maaronsHi, is bazaar.launchpad.net down?11:08
kikoshouldn't be -- let me check11:27
kikomaarons, works for me.11:28
kikoyeah, it wfm11:32
thekorn_hi, someone arround who has the power to give bazaar.launchpad.net a kick?11:33
thekorn_pages like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~python-screenrecorder-dev/python-screenrecorder/trunk/files are not working here11:34
thekorn_hmm, now it worked11:34
maaronsworks now, nice=)11:51
kikoit's the sort of app that only works when it wants to11:52
kikobut mwh has his own ideas about that11:52
maxbzirconium and kahikatea both seem to be in need of a kick12:24
savvas1 milestone = 1 release right?13:07
wgrantsavvas: Yes, but a milestone doesn't have to have a release.13:09
savvasok, thanks :)13:10
savvasI thought I could make something like 0.1* milestone and 0.1.0 release13:10
savvasand then 0.1.1 release :P13:10
wgrantA 0.1* milestone doesn't make sense.13:11
wgrantWhat is your use-case?13:11
savvasthe web 2.0 has a star next to the newly created milestone13:13
savvasI went to https://edge.launchpad.net/surl/trunk/+addrelease13:13
savvasand created a new release, when it was created, the "select milestone" dropbox had 0.1.0* in it13:14
savvasI got confused by that asterisk I guess :)13:14
savvasbut it's all clear now, every release needs its own milestone13:15
savvas* and created a new release = and created a new milestone13:16
wgrantOr converting an existing milestone into a release.13:17
savvasI'll have to try that in staging, good thing we have it for testing purposes hehe13:17
wgrantYep. Staging is useful for this sort of thing.13:18
mdkeanyone able to diagnose an "oops" for me?15:23
cody-somervillemdke, I imagine you got that when you tried to decline all the pending ubuntumembers?15:24
mdkecody-somerville: yes15:24
cody-somervillemdke, Yes, I was just writing a reply to your e-mail.15:25
cody-somervilleUnfortunately thats not going to work due to the large number of users you're declining at once.15:26
mdkecody-somerville: do you work on Launchpad nowadays?15:27
mdkeif that's definitely the reason for the oops, I guess I need to file a bug15:28
cody-somervillemdke, I work for Canonical's OEM Solutions Team and that requires me to hack here and there on Launchpad as a part of my job.15:28
mdkecody-somerville: ok, so you can see the oops logs15:29
cody-somervilleI can yes. Still waiting for the OOPs log to sync to devpad though.15:29
cody-somervilleIt is indeed a timeout error15:31
cody-somervilleAnd unfortunately I highly doubt the launchpad team is going to be able to optimize this to be able to handle declining almost a thousand members in one shot.15:31
* wgrant suggests the API.15:32
mdkeyes, it told me that on the page. But it suggested that if I try again, it might work15:32
cody-somervilleYou could indeed try the API, mdke15:32
mdkeI'll have to learn what an API is though15:33
cody-somervilleHowever, it would probably be best for everyone if we just asked the launchpad OSA team to do the database edit like I suggested in my e-mail. After all, there isn't really any benefit in sending those members an e-mail anymore anyhow as its been a number of months so anyone who is legitimately interested in applying would already have gotten the news.15:34
cody-somerville904 e-mails multiplied by all the admins of the team + 904  is a lot of e-mail15:35
cody-somervilleI don't imagine it would make the launchpad OSA team very happy15:36
mdkeyes, it would be sensible for Launchpad just to send one email to admins arising out of that function15:36
mdkeI don't know if that is already the position or not15:36
mdkeso what does OSA stand for?15:39
cody-somervilleOperational Systems Administrator15:39
cody-somervillemdke, If you file an answer against launchpad asking for the database edit, I'm sure the launchpad team will be more than happy to facilitate you.15:41
mdkeI'll do that15:42
mdkethanks cody-somerville15:42
cody-somervilleNo problem15:43
jeroen-people I have a privacy problem15:58
jeroen-My full name is listed on launchpad (in a translation) and can be linked to my nichname15:59
jeroen-can someone please assist me in solving this problem?15:59
hyperairjeroen-: are you that afraid of having people know who you are?16:00
hyperairjeroen-: i officially gave up hiding the links between my real name and my nickname the moment i began packaging.16:00
jeroen-hyperair: well for two reasons16:01
jeroen-I also use this nickname somewhere else16:01
jeroen-and I have been stalked a few times in the past16:01
hyperairdid you give the stalker a reason to stalk you?16:02
hyperairand seriously, you shouldn't have put your real name anywhere then if you were worried about being stalked16:02
cody-somervillehyperair, Comments like that aren't helpful, thanks.16:02
hyperairmy bad16:02
cody-somervillejeroen-, Please file a question against the launchpad product.16:02
jeroen-hyperair: thats not your problem16:03
jeroen-and your issue16:03
jeroen-I don't want my name over there16:03
jeroen-its an old translations where it is in16:03
savvasjeroen-: a translation? one translation or more? how many programs involved?16:04
jeroen-2 lines16:05
savvasshould be easy to fix then with a launchpad question :)16:05
jeroen-well I just want change my name in that old translation - is this so diffucult16:06
savvasit kind of depends on the release16:07
rowinggolferhaving problems comitting today... getting odd errors.16:07
jeroen-well I can change my nickname, that solves 50% of the problem16:07
rowinggolferI get asked to unlock... then the command fails.16:07
rowinggolferwhat to do please?16:07
cody-somervillerowinggolfer, do bzr break-lock lp:~rowinggolfer/openmolar/trunk16:08
hyperairjeroen-: why 50% only?16:08
rowinggolfercody-somerville: thanks dude. Fixed.16:09
jeroen-hyperair: I just told you16:09
savvasjeroen-: do you know in which release it is? and which package? if it's a stable release, I don't know how much success you would have into getting your name removal applied, as that would require to make a new package for it16:09
jeroen-savvas: I will check if it is still used16:09
savvasjeroen-: for example, if it's in ubuntu gutsy (7.04), you shouldn't have to worry about it, as its end-of-life date is today - the packages are removed :)16:12
jeroen-ok than16:13
jeroen-I changed my name16:13
jeroen-thanks savvas16:13
hyperairsavvas: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:13
hyperairit isn't removed16:13
hyperairbut it'll take quite some effort to track down that16:13
savvasI forgot about that16:13
LarstiQjeroen-: did you follow cody-somerville's advise about filing a question on the launchpad product?16:14
jeroen-LarstiQ: not yet16:15
jeroen-but proberly it is not needed16:15
savvasthe end-of-life dates are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases16:15
jeroen-June 200916:17
jeroen-well great16:17
jeroen-savvas: so all string will be deleted16:17
jeroen-right away?16:17
savvasif you still see it, file a question against launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion16:18
savvasI don't know if it's right away, but old release packages go to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ as hyperair pointed out :)16:18
hyperairand i don't think they're updated either16:18
jeroen-are those questions not public?16:19
* rowinggolfer of to listen to launchpod while mowing the lawn :)16:19
savvasquestions in launchpad are public, yes16:20
savvasI'd just wait and let it fade away, in june there won't be any dapper drake packages :)16:20
savvas(for desktop that is?)16:21
jeroen-savvas: ok than I just let it fade away16:23
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