
flips01topyli: I tried stuff like crunchbang and easy peasy, linux mint fluxbox and more, but on my Eee 1000, UNR has so far been far superior, most stuff really works, like attaching external screens/projectors and stuff00:00
flips01Stealthii: the xserver-xorg-core version is 1.6 ...00:01
Stealthiiyes, but that's the version of xserver00:01
yofelStealthii: Xorg 7.4 afaik, but not sure00:02
flips01on my, not latest revision, xserver-org is 1:7.4~5ubuntu18, whatever that means00:02
Stealthii7.4 is what I expected, just confirming00:03
Stealthiithere was a new fglrx released today,00:03
JorgeJorgessonI have a camcorder with a 1394 interface.  What is the best way to import the video?00:04
spiderz13have others had problems with the hp mini 1000 sound not playing on the main speaker00:04
spiderz13but can play on the earbuds00:05
kebomix_1hello , any body help me plz , there is mikrotik hotspot server on my network  , and user name and password page dont open through ubuntu and it open's through windows ?00:06
spikyharoldIf I install jaunty, can modify sources.list and DOWNgrade to Intrepid or Hardy? Can I go from Jaunty all the way back to hardy in one apt-get update/ dist-upgrade or have I got to do Jaunty to Intrepid then Intrepid down to Hardy?00:07
IntuitiveNippleJorgeJorgesson: kino00:07
JorgeJorgessonIntuitiveNipple: thanks00:07
IntuitiveNipplespikyharold: no, there is no downgrade facility00:08
mjwitterspikyharold: Don't think you can downgrade like that. The versions you have are higher than hardy etc, so it won't show anything to upgrade00:08
spikyharolddoesn't Debian offer such a feature? I'm sure I've gone sid to stable an back00:09
kebomix_1any body help me plz00:09
spikyharoldIntuitiveNipple: the nicks just get better!00:10
spikyharoldcan you not downgradeb Debian, even if its just one generation at a time?00:11
IntuitiveNipplespikyharold: the best way to do it is keep /home/* as a separate volume and have separate installs or use virtual machines00:11
spikyharoldOr, would anyone know if I can download Dells 'belmont' Mini 12 customised Ubuntu from anywhere?00:12
spikyharoldI don't want the non-free codecs00:12
spikyharoldit can have them stripped00:12
spikyharoldbut I want to try it on the mini 1000:13
spikyharoldto get my psb gfx working :(00:13
VenkoJaunty seems to completely ignore power management settings00:13
spikyharoldAnybody here been successfully in getting accelerated pouslbo gfx working under Ubuntu?00:16
spikyharoldI do feel cheated by intel on this one00:17
flips01hm, if I want to reset the gnome-panel back to default layout, without losing important stuff like my gnome-keyring, could I just move/remove a file/folder or something under .gnome2 (or something)?00:17
spikyharoldI actually bought this damn thing because intel, up until pouslbo, normally had A1 open source support in xorg for all there chipsets00:18
JorgeJorgesson I get the following when trying to use my 1394 camcorder....raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394!00:18
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: sudo modprobe raw139400:19
JorgeJorgessonspikyharold: nothing back00:19
spikyharoldthats correct00:20
spikyharoldtry your camera app again- is it kino?00:20
JorgeJorgessonyes kino00:20
JorgeJorgessonWhat else to try?00:20
spikyharoldThere are some other 1394 modules00:20
spikyharoldI forget00:20
flips01-v to modprobe might reveal something00:21
JorgeJorgessonlib1394-8 installed00:21
spikyharoldmodprobe video139400:21
spikyharoldmodprobe ohci139400:22
JorgeJorgessonnothing back video....00:22
JorgeJorgessonnothing back ohci00:23
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: Have you tried running dvgrab from terminal?00:23
JorgeJorgessonspikyharold: no.....00:24
spikyharoldalso do a00:24
spikyharoldmodprobe ieee139400:24
spikyharoldtry capturing with00:24
spikyharolddvgrab capture.dv00:24
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson:Is your firewire card being found? Is it a pci or onboard or.. firewire00:26
spikyharoldtype lspci00:26
JorgeJorgessonWorked fine with suse00:26
spikyharoldHave you also done a00:27
spikyharoldmodprobe dv139400:27
JorgeJorgesson03:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link)00:27
spikyharoldsudo modprobe dv139400:28
JorgeJorgessonnothing back00:28
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: Have you tried turning off your camera, plugging it back in turned on and turned off after having loaded all those extra modules?00:29
JorgeJorgessonok, never mind.  Thanks for the try.  I'll just go to another computer and use XP.  It works00:30
JorgeJorgessonThanks though!00:30
JorgeJorgessonIt just does not work in Ubuntu.00:30
JorgeJorgessonNot a biggy.00:30
solorvoxhey guys, need some help.  Just installed rc and my system is locking up every few minutes (4 times now)00:30
solorvoxhard lock, no mouse/cursor or anything00:31
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: YOu're under Jaunty right?00:31
JorgeJorgessonspikyharold: yup00:31
spikyharoldspikyharold: Have you tried it under intrepid?00:31
JorgeJorgessonNope, one install00:31
solorvoxit's impossible to tell what happening since it hard locks, any advice?00:31
JorgeJorgessonI have another fallback machine with XP for most of my hardware that Ubuntu does not work with.00:31
JorgeJorgessonIT has my printers, scanners, digital cameras and now my video camera00:32
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: You might have more luck with intrepid00:32
JorgeJorgessonspikyharold: can't stick with old stuff forever.00:32
JorgeJorgessonAnyways, gotta run.  Thanks again00:32
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: If you do get your camera working, kdenlive has just had a new release00:33
spikyharoldand its getting good now00:33
JorgeJorgessonnah, I'll stick with xp00:33
JorgeJorgessonIt works00:33
JorgeJorgessontoo much work to get hardware working under Ubuntu.00:34
spikyharoldJorgeJorgesson: Stick with HP!00:34
JorgeJorgessonI agree.00:34
JorgeJorgessonHP stuff just works!00:34
spikyharoldEverything HP, all scanners and printers just work under LInux with ONE driver!!00:34
DrMrHorseXP is nice, i just like to fight with my hardware00:34
spikyharoldI really like that00:35
JorgeJorgessonYup, same experience.00:35
JorgeJorgessonHP works00:35
JorgeJorgessonThis is an HP (Compaq) laptop though.00:35
solorvoxspikyharold, that isn't true, hp has several models that don't.  see hplip page for example00:35
JorgeJorgessonOk, gotta run.00:35
DrMrHorsebut my hp laptop's wireless card doesnt work with linux *or* vista out of the box00:35
spikyharoldBye Jorge!00:36
spikyharoldsolorvox: Yeah but its near as dammit true00:36
DrMrHorsein hardy it took like three reboots to work00:36
elpargoi'm not leaving :p00:36
spikyharoldWe've got HP gear of all ages at my work00:36
spikyharoldI can get a 15 year old HP printer, plug it into Linux and it normally just works- all the HP stuff I've trid has worked, anyway00:37
spikyharoldjust my experience00:37
spikyharoldmuch better than epson00:37
DrMrHorsei like my mac printer, but the ribbon broke and i had to buy a new one00:38
flips01hm, I removed .gconf/apps/panel and got a new panel upon login, but I don't see the system/software update applet/icon ...00:38
flips01(jaunty UNR, latest dist-upgrade)00:38
loquitus_of_borgCan someone help me with sound issues? My sound WAS working ok except that it would stop working after a while, from time to time. Now it is totally not working. Trying restarting, powering down, etc... no luck.00:39
loquitus_of_borgMy sound works when I boot with Knoppix so I know the hardware is not hosed.00:39
flips01tried both alsa, pulse and oss? enabling/disabling channels in alsa-mixer or something like that?00:40
spikyharoldloquitus_of_borg: Have you tried disabling pulseaudio? alsaconf?00:40
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold: I am not quite sure how to do either of those... can you please specify?00:41
spikyharoldSystem -> Prefs -> Sound00:41
spikyharoldChange everything there to your ALSA analog settings00:41
loquitus_of_borgflips01: how do I "try" alsa, pulse, oss? I mean, I tried selecting those devices in prefs-> sound and still it made no difference.00:41
loquitus_of_borgflips01: what do I enable and disable?00:42
spikyharolddisable pulseaudio00:42
spikyharoldby setting efverything to alsa00:42
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold: as in replace all the autodetects with alsa?00:42
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold: there are two alsa's... one with the sound card prefixed, and then just alsa by itself00:43
Kamitsukai1do you get any static sound from your speakers?00:43
loquitus_of_borgI get some when the system starts... a few clicks... and then nothing00:43
flips01loquitus_of_borg: right click the volume control in gnome-panel and choose "Open Volume Control" and choose device there ... enable/disable tracks under preferences there (track names might be wrong/confusing sometimes) ... and also choose devices under prefs->sound00:44
loquitus_of_borg(keep in mind this all used to work from time to time)00:44
yow|x2cwillu - hey man, hows things? update -- still getting freezes. i wish i never updated that intel-video driver ;)00:44
Kamitsukai1something simmilar happened to me today and PCM was turned to mute in alsa...00:44
EruditeHermitwhat is the current solution to getting the intel driver to work well?00:44
yow|x2i wish i knew EruditeHermit. They have release numerous instances of them, at one time, it was working great and then another release came along and it started freezing again00:45
loquitus_of_borgflips01: not muted on there...00:46
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold: put it all on alsa. no diff00:46
spikyharoldloquitus_of_borg: Did you not hea00:46
spikyharoldhear anything when you pushed the test buttons00:46
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold: nothing.00:47
spikyharoldloquitus_of_borg: Is firefox open?00:48
loquitus_of_borgclosed it now.00:49
flips01loquitus_of_borg: you could boot knoppix and see which sound system (alsa/oss/pulse) is used and which kernel modules loaded (lsmod)00:49
spikyharoldI've had the official adobe flash player cause sound probs00:49
spikyharoldsometimes I need to kill FF00:49
loquitus_of_borgflips01: well the thing is that I am pretty sure the right drivers are loaded on here... because it was working before and it still shows the drivers loaded00:49
spikyharoldloquitus_of_borg: You checked your speakers/ headphones and tried rebooting after changingto ALSA?00:50
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold: I should reboot after changing it all to alsa in sound preferences?00:50
spikyharoldYou shouldn't need to really no00:51
spikyharoldbut just in case theeres some rogue wee app you've not killed00:51
loquitus_of_borgspikyharold ah...00:51
loquitus_of_borgI don't think it would matter.00:51
loquitus_of_borgbut I could tyr00:51
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:57
spikyharoldActionParsnip returns!00:59
=== spikyharold is now known as danboid
danboidAnyone here going to the Jaunty launch party in Manchester (UK) this time next week?01:00
sevenhillAre there any kubuntu-devel in here ?01:01
sevenhillthere are some problems on update-notifier script and01:02
sevenhillit makes QtCore crash01:02
sevenhilland it makes whole Kde4 crash01:02
sevenhilland only mouse can move but whole X freeze01:02
sevenhillApr 18 01:45:49 mylaptop kernel: [ 2410.813309] kwrited[3718]: segfault at 48954f2d ip b6bd7dd9 sp bffe7844 error 4 in libc-2.9.so[b6b68000+15c000]01:02
sevenhillApr 18 01:47:11 mylaptop kernel: [ 2494.860910] python[15808]: segfault at 1c ip b7ae9821 sp bfbc3820 error 4 in libQtCore.so.4.5.0[b7984000+238000]01:02
ActionParsnipsevenhill: please dont flood01:03
ActionParsnipsevenhill: log a bug01:06
Skapareloquitus_of_borg: interesting spelling01:17
loquitus_of_borgSo folks... my sound card WAS working in Jaunty. Now it does not. I did not change anything. I rebooted to the Intrepid live CD, compiled and installed the Creative Labs driver for my sound card, and my card works fine there... (in OSS, not ALSA)... but in Jaunty... nothing01:18
Skaparehow about locutus_of_boring01:18
loquitus_of_borgI prefer my mis-spelling01:18
Skapareyou didn't install the Intrepid one on Jaunty?01:19
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: I did. used to work on Jaunty. stopped working. no reason I can think of01:19
Skaparemaybe reinstall the old one back ... do over, but compile in Juanty?01:19
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: already tried that01:20
Skapareif you just go back to the old driver, does it work again?01:20
Skapare"I did not change anything" <-- doesn't seem to be true ... you did change the driver01:20
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: there is no old driver. Ubuntu does not have out-of-the-box support for my card. so I need to download the source for the driver from creative, compile, and install it.01:20
loquitus_of_borgsound overall stopped working.01:21
loquitus_of_borgso I rebooted to a cd01:21
Skapare"my sound card WAS working in Jaunty" <--- THIS old driver01:21
loquitus_of_borgto see if the sound worked there.01:21
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: that's still what I am running now (same source). I rebuilt it 10 minutes ago just as a sanity check01:21
Skapareloquitus_of_borg: so you installed Jaunty, then compiled the sound driver, it worked, you compiled it all over again, then it didn't work01:23
Skapareand why did you compile it all over again without any changes if it worked the first time?01:24
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: almost. installed Jaunty, compiled sound, it worked... it stopped working, I rebooted to intrepid off a cd, compiled sound there, it worked, rebooted back to installed Jaunty, recompiled sound here, no working01:24
Skapareso it worked for a while ... then stopped for no apparent reason ... you rebooted ... did it work for a while and stop again, or just not work at all?01:25
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: when it was working initially... it was still flaky... sometimes it would die, but rebooting would "fix" that.01:26
loquitus_of_borgso this morning when it stopped working, I thought a reboot would correct that. it did not.01:26
Skaparesounds like a flaky sound card or a flaky driver ... does recompiling it again remove flakes?01:26
loquitus_of_borgSkapare: no.01:26
Praveenquestion... how do i change the position of the new notifications in jaunty?01:27
* Skapare thinks there ought to be some .deb for this maybe on launchpad.net or something01:27
maxbPraveen: you don't, they're not configurable :-(01:29
Praveenthat sucks01:30
danboidconsider yourself notified01:30
Skapareyes it does01:30
maxbI think all you can do is move your top gnome-panel, and they follow it from screen to screen01:31
Praveeni also want to remove the crackle01:33
Praveenlets say im watching a movie01:33
Veinormaxb: I'm 99% sure that's the way it works01:33
Praveenand i get a message via pidgin. i also get some crackle01:33
JorgeJorgessondoes amarok work in 9.04?  I can't get the sound to work.  Banshee works just fine01:43
DG19075prefers alsaplaer01:44
JorgeJorgessonI'm using alsa01:44
DG19075alsaplayer gives me tight segues between tunes01:45
JorgeJorgessonOk, so amarok does not work then?01:45
DG19075haven't used amarok much....did more with audacious and rhythmbox01:46
JorgeJorgessonOk, good enough01:47
wirechiefJorgeJorgesson: i tried amarok and the sound was not working same with rhythmbox, i had to use alsamixer to enable/disable and renable 958 D then it started to work.01:57
Skaparewill there be USB key / SD card images also (in addition to ISO) for Jaunty, or do people have to run an unverified binary program as root to make their own USB key / SD card image?02:00
wirechiefSkapare just use usb-creator02:01
thiebaudehi wirechief02:01
wirechiefSkapare System>Adminstration>USB startup creator02:02
wirechiefhi thiebaude02:02
JorgeJorgessonwirechief: my rhythbox plays fine02:02
wirechiefJorgeJorgesson yes mine too02:02
thiebaudemy install of 9.04 wasn't successful ,wirechief02:02
wirechiefthiebaude: was a error found ?02:03
thiebaudewirechief: the same x freezing on the i81502:03
JorgeJorgessonwirechief: but amarok will not.  I like amarok because of its integration with shoutcast.  No other player has that02:03
wirechiefthiebaude: man thats really bad.02:03
thiebaudenp, i went back to 8.10, in the mean time i have ordered the 9.04 cd02:04
wirechiefJorgeJorgesson: something perhaps with this bug  ive been chasing all day, it affects amarok too02:04
thiebaudemaybe a fresh install will work02:04
thiebaudewirechief: instead of an upgrade02:05
Skaparewirechief: so I have to first install intrepid so I can make a USB image?02:05
wirechiefthiebaude: also check the media on the first boot02:05
DG19075and i found the launcher for the root terminal doesn't work.......02:05
wirechiefSkapare no02:05
thiebaudekewl, yea before i install it use the live cd02:05
wirechiefSkapare it works with 9.0402:05
JorgeJorgessondan457: songbird?02:05
thiebaudei love songbird02:05
dan457JorgeJorgesson, made by mozilla.  not in repo, but you can find .deb's for it.02:06
Skaparewirechief: OK, let me see if I understand this right ... in order to make a USB key to install Ubuntu, I have to be running Ubuntu02:06
wirechiefSkapare i found i had to add a bootcheat though  at the grub line to prevent running into a intramfs busy box add rootdelay=9002:06
wirechiefSkapare no02:07
wirechiefSkapare what distro are you using ?02:07
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: if you want songbird there is a site getdeb that has a .deb for it02:07
JorgeJorgessondan457: checking it out now02:07
cwilluSkapare, no.  In order to use the usb creator that ubuntu comes with, you need to be running ubuntu.  There are instructions on how to do the process manually from windows though02:07
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: the standard download won't work?02:07
Skaparewirechief: various ... this wasn't what my question was about02:07
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: thats where i get songbird02:08
wirechiefcwillu i had lots of questions for you on the  bugfix for freeze02:08
cwilluSkapare, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick has the relevant instructions02:08
Skaparecwillu: not running Windows (I assume you mean the Redmond based closed-source so-called-OS)02:08
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: it isn't in synaptic02:08
cwilluSkapare, the instructions for any os02:08
Skaparecwillu: the unetbootin way?02:09
ienorandSkapare: unetbootin are available for windows & has packages for severl distros...02:09
JorgeJorgessonok, not sure here.....I dont' install things outside the repos.  I dont' think that is an option for me02:09
Skapareienorand: source?02:09
wirechiefSkapare unetbootin or with usb-creator02:09
dtchenloquitus_of_borg: please run `ubuntu-bug pulseaudio'02:09
dtchenloquitus_of_borg: then tell me the bug # that is filed02:09
Skaparewirechief: let's get back to my original question02:09
Skaparewirechief: but from the sounds of it, I'm presuming the answer is "no"02:10
ienorandSkapare: Untebootin: "Packages available: Ubuntu Debian openSUSE Gentoo"02:10
cwilluSkapare, there are 4 different approaches that should work from any given linux distro, as well as the exact manual steps02:10
Skaparecwillu: manual steps w/o unetbootin?02:11
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: is pulseaudio being used? i assume it is because you mentioned rhythmbox. please check with `pgrep pulseaudio'02:11
JorgeJorgessonSo, in 9.04, from the standard repos, shoutcast is out.  Correct?  Amarok does not work?02:11
cwilluSkapare, yes, on the link I sent you, in the section "Manual Approach"02:11
JorgeJorgessondtchen: no alsa02:11
Skaparecwillu: OK ... just wanted to be sure ... too many people send me to unetbootin all the time02:12
dan457songbird works fine with shoutcast02:12
JorgeJorgessondan457: not with 9.0402:12
thiebaudedan457: yup02:12
JorgeJorgessondan457: not with the repos02:12
cwilluSkapare, next time, consider reading the page first.  At least, read the table of contents at the top of the page that says this already02:12
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: can you verify by running that pgrep command?02:12
ienorandSkapare: sorry...02:13
dan457Not on repo's no, but works fine on all 4 boxes here02:13
cwilluwirechief, yep?02:13
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: *while using rhythmbox and the music is audible*02:13
Skaparecwillu: I've been burned by that before ... I don't want to take the time to do what might be the same old dead end02:13
wirechiefcwillu i had a EE in my attempt at using the PPA from Bryce and have started basically all over02:13
cwilluSkapare, then welcome to my ignore list :(02:13
JorgeJorgessondtchen: 3576 is the response I get02:14
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: then you *are* using pulseaudio02:14
Skaparecwillu: I'm just suggesting to clarify ... making sure that "manual" isn't "how to run unetbootin manually"02:14
cwilluwirechief, can you give me the usual pastebin of /var/log/Xorg.0.log from a failed session, and your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?02:14
JorgeJorgessondtchen: My volume control says alsa02:14
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: that doesn't matter02:15
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: that's just the mixer interface02:15
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:15
JorgeJorgessondtchen: ok, not sure how that helps me though.  A little confused here02:15
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: i'm walking you through troubleshooting02:15
JorgeJorgessondtchen: ok, got you02:15
Skaparecwillu: I can tell immediately looking at it, those manual steps won't work for my USB sticks02:16
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: i presume rhythmbox is still audible?02:16
JorgeJorgessondtchen: yup02:16
Skaparecwillu: the reason is they are formatted ext2, not fat02:16
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: please pastebin the output from: pactl stat|grep ^D02:16
Skaparecwillu: maybe we go back to my original question, which was NOT "how can I make a USB key image"02:17
cwilluwirechief, still there?02:17
JorgeJorgessondtchen: no need to pastebin:02:17
JorgeJorgessonDefault Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz02:17
JorgeJorgessonDefault Sink: alsa_output.pci_1002_4370_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_002:17
JorgeJorgessonDefault Source: alsa_input.pci_1002_4370_sound_card_0_alsa_capture_002:17
wirechiefcwillu i wish i had saved it, i made a picture of it though. would have to get it uploaded to someplace, i made a comment on the launchpad bug will see if i can find it. however too much has changed now. i was wondering if you could give me suggestions on my current  though.02:18
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: ok, good. please install the `pavucontrol' package.02:18
wirechiefcwillu i can paste what i currently have02:18
corinthI'm getting weird characters in odd places in the RC. Using 64-bit. http://i44.tinypic.com/23h4z78.png02:18
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: afterward, open it (Applications> Sound & Video> PulseAudio Volume Control) and look at the Playback tab while amarok is playing02:19
cwilluwirechief, sure.  Include uname -a as well02:19
Brucidusneat, a recently released bios update fixed the acer aspireone atheros wifi problems, it's automagic now, no farting around with blacklists02:20
wirechiefcwillu http://pastebin.com/f61514ca302:20
Skaparecwillu: I'll assume the answer to my _original_ question is "no" ... so then my next question in that case is, where to contribute another method that isn't as complicated?02:20
JorgeJorgessondtchen: working......................02:20
wirechiefcwilli Linux wirechief-laptop 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:20
cwilluwirechief, give me xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log too02:21
wirechiefcwillu ok02:21
Brucidusis there a log that can be tail'ed that shows what files have copied so far in a nautilus directory copy?02:21
cwilluwirechief, are you trying to back things out?, or what's your goal right now?02:21
=== Brucidus is now known as Barridus
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: tell me if amarok appears in the playback tab02:22
JorgeJorgessondtchen: nothing appears02:22
wirechiefcwillu i would of liked to of gotten all the patches  in. but running into depends issues and i get really confused.02:22
wirechiefcwillu xorg.conf  http://pastebin.com/f30e4c08302:23
thiebaudelooks familiar02:23
wirechiefcwillu Xorg.0.log  http://pastebin.com/f1fb0ffbd02:24
cwilluthiebaude, you're back!  I take it things didn't work out?02:24
cwilluwirechief, is https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test what you were using?02:24
thiebaudecwillu: no not this time, but im using 8.10 and i ordered the 9.04 cd02:24
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: ok, what's the output from `sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*' ?02:24
thiebaudei think a fresh install will most likely work02:25
thiebaudeinstead of an upgrade02:25
thiebaudecwillu: but im tempted,:)02:25
JorgeJorgessondtchen: http://www.pastebin.ca/139547402:25
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cwilluthiebaude, well, upgrades should work.  re: your video trouble, you just kinda walked into a perfect storm that we're having :p02:26
wirechiefcwillu i saw that link and users trying it but i wanted to have all the PPA's from Bryce installed, unless what i have currently is enough. i think i am missing drm02:26
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: it doesn't look like amarok's trying to play any music files, however.02:26
thiebaudei have been using ubuntu since 6.06 and never seen it so bad with a RC02:26
cwilluwirechief, that ppa is the summation of fixes he's found.  Generally, you don't want to mix ppa's like that02:26
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: can you try playing some music file and re-pastebin the previous fuser command?02:26
JorgeJorgessondtchen: that would make sense, as I hear none02:26
ienorandSkapare: Sorry, what was your original question? Ubuntu not supplying a usb creator for initial install? Since untbn exists I don't know if there is any need...?02:27
cwilluwirechief, pastebin me your /etc/apt/sources.list, I'll see if I can give you a replacement that'll work02:27
JorgeJorgessondtchen: I have no music files02:27
wirechiefcwillu  ok , right, i would have apples and oranges02:27
Skapareienorand: hold on, phone call02:27
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: you should have quite a few ogg vorbis and wave files02:28
wirechiefcwillu hopefully i didnt screw that up too, i # out all the stuff except for Bryces in one of my attempts so one of them might be not correct.02:28
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: try /usr/share/example-content/Ubuntu_Free_Culture_Showcase/Invocation.ogg , for instance02:28
wirechiefcwillu ok02:28
cwilluwirechief, well, you'd have a glass eye with eye surgery and a bionic implant, which would all be getting in each others way :p02:28
* wirechief hahaha02:29
wirechiefcwillu sources.list http://pastebin.com/f534ca20602:29
cwilluwirechief, okay, give me a minute02:30
wirechiefcwillu sure02:30
wirechiefcwillu at one point i had all but one bug fixed mesa7.4 installed and then i noticed that stupid /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so not being found02:33
JorgeJorgessondtchen: http://www.pastebin.ca/139547702:33
cwilluwirechief, okay, if you had the -dbg debs installed, those dependendcies will probably break, as they don't exist for some of the ppa packages02:33
wirechiefcwillu yep thats what happend02:34
cwilluwirechief, it's not a big deal though, just use aptitude, and let it figure out a good solution (basically, say no to a solution if it doesn't end up with the packages you actually want)02:35
wirechiefcwillu i did have those -dbg debs installed. (cruel trick for beginners)02:35
cwilluwirechief, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test has instructions for this repository02:35
wirechiefcwillu wil aptitude just install the bugfixed .debs then ?02:35
cwilluwirechief, basically02:36
* wirechief WHEW02:36
cwilluwirechief, you can tell aptitude that you really really want a particular version02:36
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: have you configured phonon to fall back to pulseaudio?02:36
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: it should do so automatically if you've installed kubuntu-desktop alongside ubuntu-desktop02:36
JorgeJorgessondtchen: ??????02:36
cwilluwirechief, you'll _need_ to be running 2.6.30rc2 out of the mainline repository (that's included on that link)02:36
corinthI'm getting weird characters in odd places in the RC. Using 64-bit. http://i44.tinypic.com/23h4z78.png02:36
cwilluwirechief, but then we'll be able to get useful debugging info if/when things crash02:37
cwilluwirechief, you have another machine you can ssh from?02:37
wirechiefcwillu yes02:37
cwilluwirechief, and ssh installed on this one?02:37
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: do you have Kubuntu installed alongside Ubuntu?02:37
cwillu(or whichever one is the intel)02:37
ienorandSkapare: Well, I'm off for bed, but the point I was coming to is that source for unetbootin seem to be here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/unetbootin/devel-new/files and in my opinion unetbootin should probably be advertised on the downloads section for all other-than-ubuntu users as the easiest way to get a liveusb...Sorry if I didn't understand you02:37
JorgeJorgessondtchen: is there nothing else that integrates well with shoutcast?  That is native to Gnome?02:37
JorgeJorgessondtchen: no I do not02:38
wirechiefcwillu yes it worked before for me when i was freezing and i got the logs from the reg before and after test02:38
cwilluoh, goodf02:38
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: when you use shoutcast you have options of which media player to use02:38
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: I use a media player to integrate with shoutcast.  Not the other way around02:39
wirechiefcwillu i have the intel reg tester on this machine and did before and after on the regs , the after with the ssh in machine02:39
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: i use songbird, which works great with shoutcast02:40
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: I understand.  But that is not a part of the repos.02:40
wirechiefcwillu so what do i need to do to prepare for this test of https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test02:40
cwilluwirechief, sounds like you already did it02:41
wirechiefcwillu ok just follow the instructions on that link then.02:42
JorgeJorgessondtchen: I assume the only way to run amarok is to install the full blown kubuntu as well?02:42
cwilluwirechief, might want to enabled -proposed if you haven't already, that's where the bug fixes are going to be showing up02:42
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: when you use shoutcast it opens its own media player02:42
cwilluwirechief, at least until they've been tested to work and can be released in an sru02:43
Skapareienorand: OK, if you are still around, my original question was if a USB key (or SD card) image was going to be made available for download (ultimately ISOs will some day become obsolete, IMHO)02:43
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: sorry I've never tried directly through my browser.02:43
BoohI've done dist-upgrade at the minute... and I loose network-manager.  (I use xubuntu)02:43
wirechiefcwillu ok , this sru does that show up when you dist-upgrade at some point in time ?02:43
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: check it out its cool, go to the shoutcast website if you want to02:44
thiebaudeand the quality is very good02:44
Boohhow to start network-manager by hand?02:44
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: it does work....indeed!02:44
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: no, you just need to configure phonon/its backend to use pulseaudio02:45
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: that feature is new, i use to could open it in any media player i wanted02:45
cwilluwirechief, sru = stable release update:  basically any update that shows up in the normal repositories in a released version of ubuntu02:45
calcSkapare: hmm iso02:45
calcSkapare: hmm iso's will become obsolete once usb keys are essentially free :)02:46
calcSkapare: since cd's already are02:46
wirechiefcwillu ok great02:46
cwilluwirechief, the -proposed repositories is where those get tested immediately before they're released to the world02:46
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: is this a clean install of jaunty or a dist-upgrade? Do you have an ~/.asoundrc ?02:46
thiebaudeJorgeJorgesson: have you tried, pandora?02:46
Meintetrue calc, i hate throwing away all those cd's/dvd's i dont use anymore :)02:46
JorgeJorgessondtchen: dist-upgrade02:46
wirechiefcwillu ah ok, well thats good to know.02:46
wirechiefcwillu i have a backup of my sources.list so not worried about mucking it up to much.02:47
JorgeJorgessondtchen: no.asoundrc02:47
cwilluwirechief, okay, then the aptitude install package=version trick is probably all you need to know02:47
cwilluwirechief, aside from, you know, which version to put in there :p02:47
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: no, no pandora....a repo program?02:48
Barridusthe bar hasn't moved in a long time in this gnome directory copy.  granted it's big with lots of files, but i'm worried something is wrong.  is there some way to see what is happening if anything?  cpu use is high02:48
wirechiefcwillu i have most of the current updates and can proceed to "GO" and collect $20002:48
Boohhow to start network-manager by hand?02:48
Barriduslike a file log to tail?02:48
* cwillu watches wirechief land on baltic, and charges wirechief $350 for the privilege02:48
nebbesgrahh! I want to play games but I don't want to lose ext4 =[02:49
wirechiefcwillu thanks for the information and upgrading my knowledge02:49
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude:  does the toolbar work in ubuntu?02:49
cwillunebbes, eh?02:49
nebbescwillu: can't play games on ubuntu =[ its really slow02:50
cwillunebbes, intel?02:50
Barridusnebbes, what does that have to do with ext402:50
nebbescwillu: yes, q6600 and a 8800gt02:50
cwilluoh, nvidia02:50
nebbesBarridus: I don't want to lose ext4 by switching to windows02:50
Barridusnebbes, oh i get you now.02:51
Barridusso there's no way to -tail some log or something to see if this gnome copy is doing anything or where it is?  the gui window is vague XD02:52
cwilluBarridus, from where to where?02:52
Barriduscwillu, from a windows box to my desktop.  it's a copy i made of my /home last week.  i was gonna copy it to desktop with gnome, then sudo cp it back to home02:53
cwilluBarridus, "watch df /mount/point/you\'re/copying/too" and watch for a number that's increasing :p02:53
cwilluBarridus, rsync would give you more info, and handle interruptions a little better, but if you're copying from an smb share, I don't know that it'll help02:54
Barridusyeah i don't know how to do smb file ops via command02:55
JorgeJorgessonI think I got disconnected there02:55
cwilluBarridus, oh, wait02:55
cwilluBarridus, are you copying over your home directory while you're logged in?02:56
Barridusi think i have my old fstab backed up02:56
Barridusi could retrieve the fstab setting for that share02:56
Barridusoh no, nevermind, i can't02:56
JorgeJorgessonthiebaude: pandora is a gimp add on02:56
Barriduscwillu, i was going to reboot as livecd to do the actual final copy02:56
cwilluBarridus, okay02:57
Barridusyeah i figured that would be bad XD02:57
cwilluBarridus, gnome mounts will show up in ~/.gvfs/02:57
JorgeJorgessondtchen:  you give up?02:57
cwilluBarridus, which means you can rsync from that folder directly, after you've opened the mount point in gnome02:57
cwilluBarridus, however, the permissions on the files will probably be screwed up, so you'll need to change ownership and reset the permissions as appropriate02:58
cwilluBarridus, another time, making a big tar ball with sudo tar ... will create a single file that will preserve permissions and ownership information02:59
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: no, i'm in the middle of apt-hunting02:59
Barriduscwillu, ~/.gvfs/ is empty03:00
JorgeJorgessondtchen: thanks...!03:00
Barridusand that share is mounted, i'm browsing it03:00
Barriduswait, i think it broke03:00
JorgeJorgessondtchen: I don't want to have to go back to XP, but everything is pulling me that way!03:01
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: does amarok's configuration/settings panel allow you to choose the sound device?03:01
MrKeunerhi, can I find svg version of the abstract background image Flow.png?03:01
cwilluBarridus, hmm.  Maybe you need to install gvfs-fuse first, but I thought that was included by default now03:02
JorgeJorgessondtchen: nope03:02
JorgeJorgessondtchen: and it worked with the local file.03:02
JorgeJorgessondtchen: I think it is an error with the app in an internet stream03:02
Barriduscwillu, i have gvfs-fuse installed03:03
JorgeJorgessondtchen: not a problem, really.  Thanks for knocking yourself out.  Really, I have an XP machine where my printers, scanners, webcam, camcorder and now radio player works03:04
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: ok, so local files do work?03:05
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JorgeJorgessondtchen: yes, I thought I said so.  The file you asked me to play.  I posted the pastebin03:05
JorgeJorgessondtchen: really, I feel guilty here.  Carry on with someone that has a solvable problem.  I have an XP installation that works.  No issue03:07
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: ok, np. i just needed to eliminate alsa and pulseaudio as problem points (since i maintain them).03:08
JorgeJorgessondtchen: hey, you tried.03:08
JorgeJorgessonit didn't work.03:08
dtchenwell, it appears they aren't if local file(s) work03:08
JorgeJorgessonamarok does not work on a Compaq R400003:08
JorgeJorgessonI understand the frustration of new Linux users03:09
JorgeJorgessonI have an old compaq r4000 and still it does not work with the latest and greatest, most popular release of Linux03:09
JorgeJorgessonI understand03:10
JorgeJorgessonXP works03:10
JorgeJorgessonWith all my stuff03:10
JorgeJorgessonAnd everything I throw at it03:10
JorgeJorgessonJust an insight.03:10
JorgeJorgessonLinux might be a good text based server.03:10
JorgeJorgessonSomething that is not touched for a year03:11
Barriduscuz of one computer?03:11
JorgeJorgessonAnd a HPa1211n03:11
JorgeJorgessonToshiba a1003:11
Barridusi've installed ubuntu on a bunch of stuff, of varying age03:12
dtchenJorgeJorgesson: there's likely a way to make it work. if you have access to a release party or installfest, you can try that.03:12
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: modern driver development tends to focus on modern computers ... sure, it would be nice if old computers could be made to work better03:12
JorgeJorgessonThere are three03:12
Barridusand i have 4 pc's of various age running it right now here at home, plus two at work03:13
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: fantastic...I wish I were as lucky....03:13
Barridusthe issue is that drivers are provided for nvidia by nvidia03:13
JorgeJorgessonBroadcom issues, ATI issues03:13
JorgeJorgesson1394 issues03:13
JorgeJorgessonAmarok issues03:13
Barridusif they choose not to care about getting an old compaq, or a particular hp, able to run linux then it's not linux's03:13
JorgeJorgessonIt goes on and on03:13
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: corporate manufacturer lawyer issues03:13
Barriduslinux's fault *03:14
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: I can assure you Linux would work better on those machines if they opened their hardware specs and/or their driver source code03:14
JorgeJorgessonI'm sorry, you wanted users to change to linux?  Not understanding here.03:15
Barridusif not, you gotta rely on them to deliver the goods03:15
cwilluBarridus, gvfs-fuse installed, okay, then if .gvfs is empty then nothing is currently mounted03:15
cwilluBarridus, sorry, I have to run :/03:15
Barridusno it is now cwillu, i think i'm going again.  thanks a ton have a good night (?)03:16
Barridusby "going" i mean "copying" ;)03:16
JorgeJorgessonBut in order to switch you want me to go back to the manufacturers and strong arm them to re-engineer their software drivers to a minority operating system?03:16
JorgeJorgessonDid I understand this?03:16
Barridusthey'll eventually do it on their own03:16
Barriduslinux is in a big upswing03:16
JorgeJorgessonOk, I must be missing something here, sorry.03:17
Barridusintel already did03:17
Barridustheir gpu is open source03:17
rm```is there an easy way to enable or disable encrypted home directories after creating an account?03:17
JorgeJorgessonWell, you guys tried to help me out and i thank you.03:17
Barridusi think you are missing something JorgeJorgesson03:17
JorgeJorgessonIt just is not working for my machines03:18
Barridusi'm not sure what it is, i think perhaps you're just "seeing" what you want to see here03:18
Barridusprolly due to frustration03:18
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: I see my machines with a non-functioning o/s03:18
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: not exactly want you to do that ... just saying that support between certain hardware and open source software tends to be weaker because the hardware manufacturers make choices that cause that03:18
BarridusJorgeJorgesson, what happens exactly?  they can't all fail the same on completely different hardware03:19
JorgeJorgessonshapare: no problem at all.03:19
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: I have old old machines here that work fine on Linux ... they aren't made by the hardware manufacturers that tend to be problematic ... I made the machines and when I did, I carefully selected parts known to not have these issues03:19
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: I said....one is for sound, one is for video, one is for printer.03:20
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: the biggest problems come from the biggest corporations that have to go through so many corporate lawyers to make decisions03:20
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: I don't mean to stir the pot here, I'm sorry.  Just frustrated.03:20
Barridussound could be a pulseaudio issue03:20
Barriduspulseaudio is "flaky" on some soundcards, the alternative is to use alsa which is more reliable03:21
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: on one machine.  then there is the scanner, printer, barcode scanner.03:21
JorgeJorgessonAnd so on03:21
DG19075I've had no troble at all with this old repackaged emachines03:21
Barridusvideo only when proprietary drivers are loaded?03:21
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: these corporations, for example, actually do LESS development themselves, and end up "buying" the development from outside, licensing other company's intellectual property ... making releasing stuff all that much more complicated03:21
Barridusyou *never* had video output on it once ubuntu was loaded?03:22
dtchenBarridus: meaning "alsa-only", correct? because pulseaudio uses alsa.03:22
Barridusdtchen, yes that's what i meant, thank you03:22
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: to the extent that _we_ can choose NON-emcumbered hardware, the more we can make sure Linux works in a larger number of future machines03:22
Barridushow was that disabled again dtchen?03:22
JorgeJorgessonI'm sorry guys....I've switch all my 5 machines over to Linux but there is always something that does not work on each one.  I'm only one guy and making excuses for each one is tiring.03:23
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: video, audio, wireless, tend to be the more problematic area03:23
Barriduswell not much more to say that won't sound token03:23
JorgeJorgessonshapare: those are the only things that computers work on03:24
Barridusplus he's trying to get barcode scanners and such going03:24
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: hard drives, USB controllers, tend to be less problematic03:24
Barridusoh jorge heh03:25
dtchenBarridus: disable autospawn in /etc/pulse/client.conf and touch $HOME/.pulse_a11y_nostart03:25
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: the 2 latest machines I built, everything works on03:25
JorgeJorgessonshapare: thank god, as video audio and wireless could work without those!  (kidding)03:25
JorgeJorgessonWell, I don't know here.  I tried.03:25
Barridusi have an acer aspireone netbook, the wifi was always a pain to get going.  every bug report and such blamed linux.  i did the new bios update on the machine today and it's now instantly automagic :)03:25
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: if you build your own computer, you can pick and choose parts that are known to work better03:26
Barridusso sometimes linux is just a scapegoat when it's the manufacturer of the hardware's fault03:26
JorgeJorgessonI have 5 HP machine....what shoudl I do03:26
SkapareBarridus: so they finally fixed the ACPI?03:27
JorgeJorgessonAnd you cannot blame a manufacturer that makes their machines work with 90% of the software out there03:27
Barridusthanks again,  dtchen.  i'll write that down03:27
BarridusSkapare, it was the acer_wmi issue03:27
JorgeJorgessonLinux wants to gain market share, correct?  The best way is not to sit and wait for hardware guys to conform.03:27
JorgeJorgessonPlain and simple03:27
Barridusthat wifi kill switch, it would report to linux the wifi was "killed" regardless if it was or not03:27
SkapareBarridus: OK ... don't have an AAO so I don't know it03:27
SkapareBarridus: I'm looking at getting an EEE in the next couple weeks03:28
Barriduswifi lights would be be blinking, it would find access points... but then fail to connect cuz it thought it was "off"03:28
JorgeJorgessonLinux needs to make releases/distos to conform to hardware platforms.  Not the reverse03:28
Barriduscool, hope you've had the same great luck with it as i have with this acer.  netbook's are grand03:28
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: doable for hardware platforms that are openly documented03:29
JorgeJorgessonGo nuts03:29
Barridusis it the EEE with nvidia?  i thought i read something problematic in here the other day03:29
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: but I'd argue hardware interfaces need to be more standardized ... not make a new one for every new hardware design03:29
BarridusJorgeJorgesson, Linux needs to make?03:29
Barriduswho's "Linux"03:29
rm```linux torvalds!03:30
JorgeJorgessonshapare:  You mean Apple?03:30
Barridusi think you don't quite understand what linux is03:30
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: You mean Apple?03:30
SkapareBarridus: don't know ... I know the ubuntu-eee/easypeasy derivative works on it ... and supposedly jaunty-unr will03:30
BarridusSkapare, ah great, you'll love it then :D03:30
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: no, I means adopt standards for how the drivers access the hardware, and stick to it03:31
Barridusi didn't care for UNR personally, Skapare.  i might give it a go again later on.03:31
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: I think you hit the nail on the head.  I don't understand and I don't think I am the typical user.03:31
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: I am a desktop productivity user03:32
SkapareBarridus: I found too many glitches in the UNR netbook-launcher ... I'll go with plain ubuntu and customize it a bit03:32
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: I want to do my work and with others03:32
SkapareBarridus: but have EP and UNR handy to "steal" their solutions if I have issues03:32
BarridusSkapare, yeah exactly.  there's a lot of nice tips out there to get something superfunctional03:32
Barriduslike set the DPI of gnome fonts and menus down to 96, etc03:33
SkapareBarridus: and with respect to the "boot USB key" issues I raised earlier, I have my own solution to that ... I was just curious if I have to do it for Jaunty, too (answer: yes I do)03:33
Barridushave you used unetbootin?03:33
SkapareBarridus: I tried to ... quite a mess it made03:33
SkapareBarridus: I took a very different approach which worked fine03:34
Barridusi think there were other methods03:34
Barridusoh you got one?  cool03:34
SkapareBarridus: I created grub based "booter" images ... you just concatenate them in front of the ISO file ... that makes the bootable image for USB key03:34
BarridusJorgeJorgesson, yeah i'm sorry you've had crap luck.  but i think you've heard the buzzwords "open source", "cloud computing", and others more and more lately03:35
SkapareBarridus: http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/ <-- available for Intrepid right now ... I'll work on Juanty ones this weekend03:35
SkapareBarridus: and I need to write documentation ... but the simple directions:  cat ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.boot ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso > /dev/usbkey03:36
BarridusSkapare, ah neat!03:36
SkapareBarridus: the tarball in that directory is the script that builds the .boot files03:36
SkapareBarridus: to build the .boot files it has to have the .iso file to extract kernel and initrd and calculate sizes03:37
Barridusinteresting, wish i had a spare usb key atm03:38
SkapareBarridus: if you want to have BOTH an image for CD and an image for USB key, my way only need to download the ISO and a 10MB boot prefix03:38
JorgeJorgessonBarridus: no, not really.  Just in a threatening way.  Nothing constructive.  What MS did to be successful was find a way to make the O/S work on a platform basis.  Until Linux does this en masse, nothing will happen.  You will just leave frustrated people behind.03:38
SkapareBarridus: so its as effective as using unetbootin in saving download bandwidth03:38
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: Microsoft did it by telling the manufacturers to do it and send them the drivers03:39
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: So what....they did it.03:39
rm```JorgeJorgesson: I agree with you partially, over the years I've had different issues with different distros and various pieces of hardware, but 9.04 works well for me03:40
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: it comes down to: manufacturers must make drivers for the OSes they want, or be left behind03:40
VenkoJorgeJorgesson: Lets be fair, what Microsoft really did was provide an OS to computer retailers for a fraction of the price of competitors and then use it for vendor lockin03:40
rm```I believe that part of the issue is hardware manufacturers being unwilling to release documentation or make linux drivers03:40
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: Microsoft being the "monopoly" could strong arm anyone03:40
VenkoThat's why MS was successful03:40
rm```there's only so much time you can put into reverse engineering03:40
SkapareVenko: exactly ... Microsoft is very innovative ... in business process03:40
JorgeJorgessonVenko: I don't understand what you are saying03:41
solorvoxok guys, can anyone tell me how stable the encrypted home directory stuff is?  I was getting lock-ups (hard) every few seconds, so I re-formatted to from ext4 to ext3.  Just got another one with a kernel opps.03:41
Barridusand the downside of that paradigm, is that MS doesn't have to care.  bow to them, or stuff it.  and that includes accepting all the security problems, cuz they don't have to really care about that either until they lose a market slice with bad press03:41
VenkoJorgeJorgesson: You said Microsoft was successful because they made the OS work on a platform basis03:41
solorvoxI checked and someone already filed a bug for the kernel oops, but no one has replied yet.03:42
VenkoI was saying they were very successful because they provided their OS at a loss to secure vendor lock-in03:42
solorvoxis anyone else using the encrypted home directory feature of 9.04?03:42
JorgeJorgessonVenko, you don't make billions by providing an o/s at a loss03:42
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: the linux share is growing ... just slowly ... the problem is, many people who are frustrated with microsoft leap into linux without knowing these limitations and issues, and get turned off of linux because their particular hardware has issues03:42
Barridusi think i am, but not sure if i did pick that or not03:43
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: provide linux on a platform basis and all will be well03:43
BarridusJorgeJorgesson, you make billions by being a company03:43
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: who cares about bullshit releases03:43
Barriduswhich is something Linux isn't?03:43
VenkoJorgeJorgesson: Sure you do03:43
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: I want it to work on my hardware03:43
Barridusthen make it work03:43
VenkoJorgeJorgesson: You make it the standard and required for businesses03:44
VenkoThen you start charging ridiculous amounts03:44
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: there is still the driver issue ... your manufacturer chose to lock you into windows and leave you hanging on linux03:44
JorgeJorgessonI don't understand the fight in Linux.  Make it work on my hardware.  A popular platform.03:44
Barriduswho make it work?03:44
JorgeJorgessonUnderstand your market03:44
Barriduswho are you asking to make it work?03:44
JorgeJorgessonOk, never mind03:45
VenkoYou also use your vendor lock-in to stop competition from emerging by threatening PC vendors to remove their Windows distribution license if they bundle competing software on Windows machines03:45
JorgeJorgessonYou don't get it.03:45
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: Microsoft handles drivers very much like Linux developers do:  common interfaces they make the drivers ... wierd proprietary interfaces they expect the manufacturer to do so03:45
Barridusactually i do get it03:45
VenkoThen you also charge more to them for Windows if they sell multiple OS options for computers03:45
Barridusthat's why i'm here03:45
JorgeJorgessonI dont' care about drivers03:45
JorgeJorgessonOr hardware suppliers03:45
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: you need to ... that's where the problem lies03:45
JorgeJorgessonI bought a laptop03:45
JorgeJorgessonI want it to work03:45
BarridusMy car's at the body shop03:46
BarridusI want it to be repaired already03:46
Barridus(not a joke :p)03:46
JorgeJorgessonRight, you do03:46
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: and you think microsoft made it work for windows?03:46
JorgeJorgessonDo I care if ford made the radio?03:46
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: microsoft did NOT ... the manufacturer did ... Microsoft has the clout to force the manufacturer to do the work03:46
Barridusobviously not, cuz then you'd be clear on who makes what for what03:47
VenkoFurthermore the manufacturers often do a poor job03:47
PhotoJimJorgeJorgesson: if Ford sold you a radio that wouldn't get stations in your area that you wanted, you'd consider a different car.  So too should you consider the laptop that runs the OS you want.03:47
rm```Microsoft started small, and now they're in a very good position where a manufacturer will have to make their hardware work on Windows, or no-one will buy it03:47
Barridusyou're just pointing the finger at an invisible antagonist for your worries03:47
VenkoA lot of FOSS gnu/linux drivers are better than their Windows counterparts03:47
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: on the Linux side ... Linux developers are very willing to do ALL the driver development FOR the manufacturers ... once they have the documentation for the hardware03:47
Skaparerm: exactly03:47
bjsniderit takes money to release documentation03:48
solorvoxyou guys are way off topic03:48
Barridusgonna afk for a bit until "ZOMG OS WARZ" cools off here.03:48
bjsnideramd had to hire people specifically to go thru the documentation they have and then release it03:48
JorgeJorgessonOk, I'm fighting a losing battle here.  I'm sorry, I gave it a shot on my machines.  It did not work, but you guys tried and I thank you.03:48
Skaparebjsnider: they can release the same doc that the "drivers for windows" developers used, and put it on torrent for the bandwidth03:49
bjsniderobviosly it isn't that simple03:49
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: sorry to hear we are unable to make a driver for your hardware03:49
solorvoxis there a way to turn off the home dir encryption without reinstall?03:49
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: if you ever get into the business of making computer hardware, send us the hardware specs so we can make drivers for that03:50
rm```heh, I was wondering about that a few minutes ago solorvox03:50
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: no worries, I still have the xp discs.  I can get them working03:50
rm```you can just make a new account03:50
solorvoxrm```: are you using it?03:50
bjsniderwhat was jorgesson's problem?03:50
solorvoxoh, I've got lockups and kernel oops, trying to find the source.  went from ext4 to 3, now have to try that03:51
rm```the --encrypt-home option for adduser will create a user account with an encrypted home directory03:51
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: you can also go buy hardware that "just works" when you are ready to buy more, at www.system76.com and other places like it03:51
solorvoxah, ok, I will try that03:51
rm```so you could try making a new account without that option, to avoid it messing up03:51
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: or do like I do and buy boards from Linux friendly companies and build your own03:51
solorvoxmaybe I can get lucky and copy my existing data out first. :p03:51
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: I already have these.  Might as well use them03:51
rm```but there is probably a simpler way to decrypt everything03:52
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: yes, you might as well ... Vista?  no, XP03:52
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: xp03:52
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: for sure03:52
bjsnidervista's better than xp03:52
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: I still use XP for where I need to use Windows03:52
solorvoxrm```: if you find it, let me know... going to be doing it the hard way in the mean time03:52
JorgeJorgessonSkapare: see, you still need to use.....03:52
rm```vista is nice, in my opinion (please don't hurt me)03:53
Skaparebjsnider: for bigger machines (and my new desktop is plenty), yes it is03:53
rm```but the reason I use gnu/linux is for the software freedom, that is very important to me03:53
JorgeJorgessonrm```: Vista is not as bad as everyone would lead you to believe.03:53
solorvoxseriously guys, take this OS crap to another channel, it's not only off topic but is source of endless flames03:53
JorgeJorgessonNot as good either!03:53
bjsniderrm```, so for you, it is about ideology03:54
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: very occasionally use Windows ... because I am used to the look and feel of Visio ... and need to test web sites in Explorer03:54
JorgeJorgessonActually, solorvox is right.03:54
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: one machine with a plug-in drive to switch to Windows03:54
rm```bjsnider: partially it is, but I like using Linux anyway and I used it long before I cared about free software03:54
bjsniderme too03:54
SkapareJorgeJorgesson: I also have 2 Solaris boxes :)03:55
rm```DRM makes me ballmer-rage :(03:55
bjsniderwindows and linux both have major weaknesses though, but different ones03:55
* Skapare hands rm a chair03:55
JorgeJorgessonguys, really, solorox was right.  Not on topic03:56
* rm``` throws the chair at microsoft/securom/[insert villain here] and shouts a lot03:56
DG19075will never go back to Windows....03:57
* Skapare hands rm a barcalounger03:57
coz_hey guys...big update just now...anything to be aware of before I reboot? :)04:04
dtchenbeware your next-of-kin. and the black guardian.04:04
coz_ok so no real issues then?04:05
dtchennot that i've experienced.04:05
coz_ok thanks :)04:05
PhotoJimand don't eat yellow snow.04:08
Barridusalright, back.  i tried to mount my encrypted /home in the live cd to copy my backup files back.  it won't let me access it from livecd.  what can i do?  just cp -ax it all back while running off the installed os?  or perhaps after terminating xorg first?04:08
Barridusor gdm rather04:09
PhotoJimis your intention to not use encrypted /home anymore?04:09
Barridusoh i want it encrypted still, i'm just restoring from backup since the install is new04:09
SkapareBarridus: raw sector backup or a tarball?04:12
Barridusi just copyed over the tree with owner/permission04:12
Barridusrsync'ed over, rather04:12
SkapareBarridus: to another hard drive I take it04:13
Barridusyeah on a windows box across the network04:13
Barridusthe files are all back on my ubuntu Desktop04:13
Skapareso you need to get the Live CD to understand how to mount it encrypted, or else do this later once the system is installed04:13
Barridusi was gonna do the final copy to their home04:13
Barridusoh man, really?04:14
* Skapare needs to look into doing an encrypted disk, partition, or filesystem, some day04:14
Barriduswell maybe i'll skip it then04:14
Skaparewhenever I install new systems, I always install fresh, then repopulate /home afterwards04:15
Barridusthe docs and such can be moved in now, it's the settings i'll lose, but whatever04:15
Barridusyeah that's what i did here, Skapare.  didn't occur to myself i shot myself in the foot with encryption though XD04:15
* Skapare makes notes about his settings as he does them, then re-installs to make the notes are correct04:15
Skaparemake sure04:16
Skapareyou did the rsync when the fs was mounted, so it appeared clear ... so your backup files are not encrypted04:17
Skapareso when you re-install, just re-enabled the encryption ... doesn't even have to be the same key (but of course you need to remember the new one if you change it)04:17
Skaparethen rsync back04:17
Barridushmm, where is encryption?04:20
Barridushow would i encrypt or unencrypt the home folder?04:22
dinkusalright - just got Jaunty up and running on my MacBookPro 4,1 - followed the instructions per the ubuntu help wiki... and now my keyboard doesn't work...04:22
dinkusany one have any ideas?04:22
dinkusworked before i followed the wiki instructions04:23
Volkodavwiki for jaunty ?04:23
dinkuswell... whatever this is... its maybe not a wiki04:24
dinkusbut yea04:24
nztalSkapare, how do you keep your encrypted /home on the alternate cd when reinstalling ?  you just need the key that was generated ?04:24
dinkusanyone? don't everyone try to help all at once... the writing gets too hard to follow04:25
Volkodavdinkus did you update jaunty and how did you install ?04:26
dinkusi installed from a live cd.04:26
dinkusi followed the instructions verbatim04:26
PhotoJimdinkus: not sure if you're being humourous or taking a stab at us, but we're not getting paid to type instant responses. :)04:26
PhotoJimmy instinct is to reconfigure x.  that will require that you log in with a different (USB) keyboard temporarily, most likely.04:26
dinkuseverything worked yesterday fine... then i saved the files as per the instructions and after reboot noting.04:27
VolkodavI have my 5.1 macbook pro running jaunty ok04:27
dinkusyea... i can get to the system by booting through a live cd and then editing something... i just dont know where to go to look.04:27
PhotoJimreconfiguring X with the actual system running will be easier.  do you have or can you borrow a USB keyboard?04:27
dinkuson that wiki... could have been this issue: sudo gedit /etc/hal/fdi/policy/11-x11-synaptics.fdi  - ?04:27
dinkusphotojim - i dont04:27
PhotoJimdinkus: no desktop in your household?04:28
Volkodavwhat CD did you use for install ?04:28
dinkusphotojim - nope...04:28
dinkusRC candidate04:28
dinkusdesktop edition04:28
Volkodavso keyboard is dead ?04:28
dinkusits got to be something to do with that wiki because it worked before I made the changes... is there anything in the wiki you could see that i could have done to kill it?04:29
dinkusvolkodav - yup. doesn't see it at all04:29
Volkodavtouchpad works ?04:30
dinkusyea.. no problems there04:30
dinkusthe new changes (e.g. left click etc...) all work great now... just the keyboard dissappeared04:30
dinkusi had some other problems with the wiki that i managed to get around... but not everything worked as per it said it should.04:30
dinkusso maybe something just dead04:31
Volkodavdid that happened after update or just after install ?04:31
dinkusinstall worked fine04:31
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dinkusafter the update04:31
PhotoJimdid you do a soft reboot or a hard reboot?04:31
dinkusi installed... then rebooted... then fixed the wifi - rebooted... then made trackpad and keyboard changes... then dead (trackpad works tho)04:31
PhotoJimif soft, you might try a hard04:31
dinkusblacklist usbhid - this have anything to do with it?04:31
dinkusphotojim - i can try that... i'm booted into my OSX right now... so i'll see if anything else comes up... then try04:32
PhotoJimdinkus: worth a try.  I don't think it will work, but there is a chance it will if it's a weird hardware configuration issue.04:32
dinkuswhat did blacklisting the USBHID do?04:32
dinkusthat wasn't the issue was it?04:32
VolkodavI suggest you wait a week for a release and try the latest updates04:33
PhotoJimdinkus: it prevents your system from using that driver.  hid is for human interface devices like mice and keyboards via USB.04:33
dinkusvolkodav - problem is everything else works... i'd rather not restart from scratch... i can... but it would be nice to update from wtihin my install... not re-install because i cant type or give root pass04:33
dinkusphotojim - so maybe removing that line that i put in would get things up and going again.04:34
dinkusi'll try hard boot and then remove that line if i can borrow a usb keyboard from someone.04:34
dinkuswelp... this is a start... thanks guys.04:35
Volkodavit seems to me you borked something during that wiki04:35
Volkodavgod knows what it is04:35
PhotoJimdinkus: what I see in that howto thinks it's just used for the touchpad, so in theory it shouldn't matter...04:36
dinkusthat wiki needs some updating... rEFIt never needed to do anything... no partition syncing problems at all...04:36
dinkusphotojim - thats exactly right.. its the theory that always gets us tho.04:36
dinkusout boys.04:36
Volkodavthere are partiton syncing on 5.1 left and right so that part is a safety layer04:36
jschallrelease is very soon, right?04:37
PhotoJimnext week.04:39
PhotoJimI think.  or very early the following.04:39
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:39
PhotoJimApril 23, evidently.04:40
PhotoJimSo a week today.04:40
FinnishI've got this very strange problem with HDMI on my 23" screen, can someone help me?04:43
DooohHeadany wifi related problems with Jaunty?04:50
DooohHeadanyone know of any reported problems with wifi using Jaunty?04:52
AthenonI just upgraded to 9.04rc....when I go to upgrade (finish the upgrade)...the update manager.  When I go to the update manager and click "Partial upgrade", it goes through the first step then immediately closes without warning or error.  It does this every time I go there, so apparently something isn't getting installed right.  any ideas?04:52
AthenonThe upgrades shown under "Distribution Upgrade" are brasero and liblucene2-java04:52
AthenonI mean, it's nothing crucial....it installed and runs fine aside from that.  But it may be a bug perchance?04:54
dan457Use synaptic04:55
The_DrizzleHow's Jaunty coming along?04:55
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Athenonok cool awesome thanks04:59
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ugliefroganyone having problems in firefox, where youre keyboard and mouse freezes up05:15
ugliefroganyone having problems in firefox, where youre keyboard and mouse freezes up05:27
dan457Not here05:27
ghindoGmail isn't loading on Firefox properly - is anybody else having this problem?05:35
dan457On one box ya05:36
adoleoghindo: It's been fine for me05:39
Aleksey_Sdtchen : hello05:45
perlsyntaxis the release candidate stable?05:46
perlsyntaxfor  ubuntu 9.0405:46
perlsyntaxi just download it05:49
perlsyntaxit look stable to me05:49
dan457Works on most of my stuff.  I've had issues with intel 815 or any new ati video so far.05:50
perlsyntaxi have no probs with it05:50
cyclobshey guys, trying to set up partitions here, i want to set up 2 partitons. mainly 1 for /home. can i just set up 1 partition for /home and another for / or do i have to set up every other partition as well?05:51
dan457do a / and one for /home05:52
cyclobsah awesome, thanks05:52
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Trewasupgrade to jaunty was otherwise uneventful but unfortunately nvidia's driver still doesn't work correctly with two monitors (set as separate screens) :(06:39
dan457does here06:39
Trewaswhen running compiz actually, works fine with metacity06:40
dan457using compiz here06:40
Trewasbug 29077406:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290774 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "Rotation of second monitor produces screen artifact Ubuntu 8.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29077406:40
Trewasso the second monitor (actually tv) has a black bar in the right side because it has higher resolution than the first monitor06:41
dan457you can set the monitors to different resolutions06:42
Trewasyes, they are set to correct resolutions, but with compiz the second monitor apparently cannot be higher resolution than the first one (due to nvidia bug)06:43
Trewashrm which has the obvios solution, I should buy a new monitor with >=full-hd resolution :)06:43
MocThe key shortcut to switch keyboard language (Both(left,right) ALT key) doesn't work06:44
dan457or switch primary screens06:44
Mocit been broken since 8.10 (8.04 worked fine)06:47
Trewasactually that doesn't help because currently the monitor is 1280x1024 and tv 1360x768, so whichever is the primary, the other has higher resolution in x or y direction06:48
Trewasmost probably use two monitors with twinview/xinerama, where it works correctly, so the bug is not very visible :(06:49
Trewasbut that sucks when the screens are really separate06:50
belredwhere in ubuntu 9.04 is the upgrade notification?07:08
thalias09Hi there. I get these "perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset),  LC_COLLATE = "C", LANG = "de_DE.UTF8"  are supported and installed on your system." warnings after an apt-get. ...07:08
Mocwell, there is no update yet, so you get no notification I guess07:09
thalias09... I already run "locale-gen de_DE.UTF8"07:09
belredMoc: when i used kde, there was an icon that displayed when there were updates, but i don't see it in gnome07:10
thalias09What should I do to not get these warnings, please?07:10
Mocbelred: I dont see the update icon unless there is an update07:10
belredthere has been updates every day since i installed ubuntu07:10
thalias09And the locales package is also installed07:12
belredMoc: i just ran the upgrade manager and there was a lot of updates, but i never got a notification07:12
racecar56i gotta go, bye peoplez07:13
Mocbelred: same here then07:13
Mocmaybe it was disabled in the rc ?07:13
aaron____hello. I'm having some trouble connecting to a particular wireless network in the jaunty release candidate07:14
aaron____there are some I can connect to fine, but the my own won't even give me a connection dialog like the other, unsecured ones do07:15
aaron____can anybody give me some advice, please?07:15
belredMoc: i never ran ubuntu before.  i've used kubuntu for years.  maybe gnome doesn't have this feature.07:15
aaron____sorry, I meant kubuntu07:16
aaron____the new network management applet07:16
fugi recently changed my file system from ext3 to 4 and everything was working great until the second reboot at which point i now receive the error 13 invalid or unsupported executable format07:18
fugonly option i have now is to edit the grub menu07:19
fugsince i cannot boot into recovery07:19
fugactually i can get to  busy box with an older kernel07:21
SandGorgonguys.. is anyone using nvidia graphics cards on kde... is it usable ?07:21
mac_vrhi all... i keep getting 408 errors with launchpad and a few other sites... any help here?07:25
mac_vr hi all... i keep getting 408 errors with launchpad and a few other sites... any help here?07:28
Veinorhas anyone here heard of apt-p2p?07:29
mac_vr hi all... i keep getting 408 errors in jaunty ,with launchpad and a few other sites... any ideas what could be wrong??07:32
Skapareanyone know why there is no .jigdo file for the "desktop" ISOs, but there is for "alternate" and "server" ?07:35
andresmhi'm running Pidigin on Jaunty and I would like to know how I can make the Pidgin events to show up using the new Jaunty notification?07:35
VeinorGo to Tools>Plugins07:36
VeinorEnable libnotify popups.07:36
andresmhthanks Veinor, it's already enabled07:37
VeinorTry highlighting it and clicking configure plugin, see what's checked07:37
DanaGugh, stupid Tracker... prompts over and over and over again with "corrupted index"07:37
DanaGI hit reindex... it asks me again right away, on top of the other "are you sure?" dialog.07:38
andresmhall it's checked Veinor07:38
VeinorWeird. And you're not getting notifications when people send you messages?07:38
VeinorTry opening a terminal and running notify-send foo bar07:38
andresmhno, i just get the new chat window pop under07:38
andresmhVeinor,  notify-send foo bar worked07:39
andresmhalso Gwibber is showing notifications07:40
andresmhit's just pidgin i think07:40
VeinorSounds like a pidgin issue then07:40
andresmhis there a way I can "revert" pidgin to its factory settings?07:40
VeinorI think if you rename ~/.purple07:41
Alexia_Deathanybody here using knetworkmanager?07:41
VeinorTo something else, it should delete preferences.07:42
DanaGstupid notify-osd and pidgin:07:52
DanaGjust gave me a notification:07:52
DanaGis offline07:53
DanaGis offline07:53
inasmuIs there any way to log in to the Guest Account without using the user switcher? i.e. from GDM or a locked screen?07:57
mac_vr hi all... i keep getting 408 errors in jaunty ,with launchpad and a few other sites... any ideas what could be wrong??08:00
VeinorHTTP 408?08:01
mac_vrVeinor: yeah08:02
VeinorDoes that happen all the time?08:02
mac_vrits been happening for the past 3 days08:02
VeinorI mean, does it happen eery time you try to connect?08:02
droid7is there any fix for video tearing with intel gm9xx cards?08:03
mac_vri'v tried to access from firefox/epiphany/terminal but it just keeps timing out!08:03
mac_vrVeinor: yes everytime... i cant even file a bug regarding this!08:03
VeinorEvery browser too?08:04
VeinorLike, did you try installing lynx and using it?08:05
mac_vrVeinor: didnt try lynx, but since i got it from the terminal tooo, i'd expect the same from lynx08:05
VeinorWhich sites does it happen on?08:06
VeinorAny others?08:07
ShoonyataHi all, has anyone tried to install jaunty on a alu iMac ?08:07
VeinorAlso, did you try rebooting or connecting to the internet a different way?08:07
mac_vrVeinor: i08:09
ShoonyataNobody ?08:10
mac_vrVeinor: i'v been trying everything , reboot/ new profile08:10
VeinorMaybe it's your connection08:10
VeinorLike, what happens when you just try pinging it?08:11
droid7what's UXA?08:11
mac_vrVeinor: i tried the same page from windows[dual boot] from same system, but page works fine in windows08:12
mac_vrVeinor: i didnt try ping.. how do i do it?08:12
Veinoropen up a terminal and run ping launchpad.net08:12
shell32how about wine in jaunty?08:13
mac_vrVeinor: it just is going on and on...08:14
VeinorWhat's it saying08:14
shell32how about wine in jaunty?08:14
VeinorAre they all doing the same thing?08:14
Veinorshell32: I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work08:14
mac_vrVeinor: 64 bytes from vanadium.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=110 ttl=43 time=327 ms <<<repeating08:15
blackmoonhi, i'm unable to play video in vlc in the main window of program (even if the "include video in interface" option is enebled). someone else have this problem?08:15
VeinorOK, so you can ping it. That's normal.08:15
mac_vrVeinor: ok... so why am i not able to post /comment or report bug?08:16
VeinorWhat happens if you open a terminal, cd to /tmp, and run wget launchpad.net08:16
VeinorDoes that just happen whenever you try to post a comment or when you go to launchpad.net08:16
ShoonyataHi has somebody installed Jaunty on an iMac ?08:17
VeinorI mean, if you just open up your browser and go to launchpad.net, does it work?08:17
mac_vrsorry i had this discussio here yeterday, so forgot to mention form begining...only when i try to post a comment/report bug on launchpad... i have this timing out problem08:18
VeinorI'm going to try posting a comment, see if I can replicate.08:19
mac_vrVeinor: others are able to , but just not me!!!. i'v tried from my windows partition , it works from there! but just from ubuntu i'm not able to!08:20
VeinorHmm. I have no clue why that would be, to be honest.08:20
mac_vrVeinor: today i tried to post the bug via mail, using thunderbird... so was uploading the pgp key to launchpad keyserver... i got 408 error!08:21
droid7is there any fix for video tearing with intel gm9xx cards?08:24
mac_vrVeinor: same problem with the ubuntu forums website too... anyway someone could check this? could this be an ip block?08:31
Skapareanyone know why there is no .jigdo file for the "desktop" ISOs, but there is for "alternate" and "server" ?08:38
eagles0513875mac_vr: hey how did it go with kmyfirewall08:46
mac_vreagles0513875: got toooo confused!!!08:54
mac_vrwas very sleepy when i tried it , so  ended up with no firewall!08:55
eagles0513875mac_vr: dont give up on it youll have yourself a very powerful iptable firewall08:55
mac_vreagles0513875: will try again, but i think i have to read the instructions.. will be trying in the free time..08:56
eagles0513875mac_vr: good luck im in the process of setting up me own server on me own laptop with it as well08:56
khuntI have installed flah from the adobe site but firefox keeps using swdec which doesnt work on the website I am trying to view how do08:56
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:57
khuntI get rid of swfdec and use flash08:57
shell32webcam in jaunty cant use with acer 452008:57
eagles0513875khunt: see that link08:57
Assidare we ready to roll08:57
mac_vrshell32: the webcam wont work... i'v given up on it too.. the webcam will work in the kernel 2.29/30 ... if u want the cam working u can try that kernel... thats the only solution08:58
shell32where i can get????09:00
mac_vridont know about kernels... u might want to ask> ur question again... for upgrading the kernel[check that link i had given u for the correct kernel]09:01
khuntflash still doesnt work firefox is using the free flash plugin swfdec and not the proper flash plugin how do i force it?09:04
egonwmoin, I did a fresh install of 9.04 RC1 ... the live CD had sound, but the install does not... new account, empty home folder...09:11
egonwusing the kubuntu RC, and KDE desktop09:11
ugliefroghell all, I crashed my sys with 9.04 tday, up and running again in 8.10. My question is when the release is final will 8.10 get alot of updates to. Because 9.04 so far freezes my sys up09:11
kazagistarso, I just tried to boot off the live-cd of the release candidate09:14
kazagistarit instantly kernel-paniced09:14
kazagistarI used the AMD64 disk on a computer with an i7 disk and a nVidea 9800 graphics card09:15
andresmhi installed 9.04 and applying all the updates via Update Manager. Does it make any sense for me to re-install 9.04 once it's released?09:15
ugliefrogI did fresh install too, but my sys kept having random freezes09:16
timfrostkazagistar: what is the system CPU?  The 64-bit kernel won't boot (and will panic) if the CPU isn't a supported 64-bit CPU.09:19
kazagistarits a quad core 64-bit... I am using a brand new i7 from Intel09:20
kazagistartimfrost: I installed debian and it seemed to work fine, so it is not a hardware problem09:21
macvrikonia: hi09:24
macvrikonia: i had problems with the webpages, connecting to launchpad...09:24
macvrikonia: i also have similar problems connecting to ubuntu forums09:25
klb_does anyone else have problems with lagging flash movies in firefox?09:25
klb_works fine on micro$ os http://starcraft2.com/features/battlereports/2.xml09:26
macvrklb_: i'm watching flash video , right now... i working fine here09:27
klb_macvr, no lagging?09:28
CQhello, I have a hardy laptop, how can I best get it to jaunty? apt-get dist-upgrade isn't doing it...09:28
CQand setting pre-release sources active in adept isn't either09:29
klb_macvr, what player are you using?09:29
macvrklb_: adobe09:29
klb_macvr, and firefox09:30
depapeomebody know something about this?09:30
depapehi, I have a bug with gnome-panel with jaunty, the order of the applets/controls changed after I logged in/out.09:30
macvrklb_: adobe 10 in firefox... u?09:30
klb_macvr, the same09:31
macvrklb_: by lagging u mean difference between voice and pics?09:32
klb_macvr, yes and and stopping09:32
klb_macvr, even while the buffer is full09:32
macvrklb_: i had that prob ,earlier but now working fine09:33
kazagistarso if I get kernel panics when I try to run the server install, would a older version, like a alpha or beta have any chance of working better?09:33
klb_macvr, could you tell me wich package you have installed?09:35
macvrklb_: adobe
bigbrovarOne of the feature i was praying would be implemented in ubuntu is the ability of Intel GMA965 cards to support dual monitor and compiz at the same time. my pray was answered then the mesa package with the fix was release as update during the the beta, however to my dismay upon installing the ubuntu rc (clean install) its back to the bad old days :(, am unable to have compiz and dual monitor again.. everytime i try to setup dual monitor, compiz get di09:36
bigbrovarsabled .. can any one confirm this09:36
klb_macvr, oki, what is the name of the deb package?09:36
macvradobe-flashplugin...? i dont understand wht u r asking09:37
arkygeekhi.  we have jaunty installed and running very nicely on an acer aspineOne.  One glitch however, is that apps like QtiPlot have completely scrambled menus and info windows.  The font is absolutely scrambled.  any hints?09:37
timfrostCQ: upgrade to a new release isn't automatic. To get from hardy to jaunty, you will need to do 2 upgrades (hardy->intrepid, then intrepid->jaunty)  Basics: do a full update of hardy using update-manager, then run 'sudo update-manager -c' to look for a new distribution (more options will be available because hardy is an LTS release) - this will update to intrepid.  Fully update intrepid, then run 'sudo update-man09:37
CQtimfrost: thanks, found it already, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.0409:38
CQit does work directly.09:38
depapecan someone tell me if vpnc with SSL support will make it into Jaunty ? I'm already missed it in intrepid09:38
arkygeekit seems like other Qt based apps are doing the same09:39
timfrostCQ: there are probably several similar instruction pages.  Good luck with  the upgrade.09:39
socdoes someone know if that prerelease-version of the proprietary amd catalyst driver will be updatetd to the stable one, released today?09:39
CQtimfrost: it's a clean install, so it's no risk09:40
arkygeekI am just going to repeat this one more time (sorry!).  We have jaunty installed and running very nicely on an acer aspineOne.  One glitch however, is that apps like QtiPlot have completely scrambled menus and info windows.  The font is absolutely scrambled.  any hints?09:46
socarkygeek: could it be that the fonts are too big or too small?09:49
socafaik there were many changes to dpi-related things lately ...09:49
arkygeeki set the font sizes to 96 dpi in xorg.conf09:50
arkygeekI added Option "NoDDC" to Devices  and  DisplaySize 195 113  to the Monitor Section09:51
arkygeekrebooted, and no change09:51
arkygeeksoc: is there anything else I can try?09:52
aaroncan anybody tell if there's something I'm missing when it comes to installing digikam in jaunty?10:08
aaronit says I have to uninstall libgpod4-nogtk but trying to do that tells me it will uninstall amarok210:08
aaronit seems like it's set up so that the 2 programs can't exist simultaneously10:09
Aisonwith jaunty I allways get these strange errors when restarting the networking10:11
denndaHi. I removed the new notification applet from the panel. How can I restore it? I cannot find it in "Add to Panel"10:11
aarondennda: how did you remove it?10:12
denndaaaron: by right clicking and "remove from panel"10:12
denndai think10:12
denndahow else would i?10:12
aaronare you talking about the device notifier?10:12
denndanot quite10:12
aaronI don't know, I wasn't aware it was possible to do it at all, if it's what I'm thinking of10:12
denndaI'm talking about the little envelope icon that informs you about messages in pidgin, evolution, etc10:13
aaronthe little blue icon with the 'i' in it that pops up info on file transfers and thinks?10:13
bazhangdennda, in kubuntu?10:13
denndaNo, ubuntu with gnome10:13
aaronoh, sorry, I thought you were talking about kubuntu. I don't know for gnome10:14
maccam94i'm getting a lot of wget tcp kernel errors10:26
maccam94[43586.051428] TCP(wget:15654): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK.10:26
socarkygeek: no idea, maybe you could search for this bug on launchpad?10:27
aaronit looks like I've found the 'answer' to my problem, although it was a little bit scary10:29
aaronI had to uninstall libgpod4-nogtk and install libgpod410:30
aaronlet it uninstall amarok, then install digikam, then reinstall amarok and now I have everything running together10:30
aaronthat should be fixed before actually releasing, although I don't know how10:30
ernie_euhi I want to download 9.04 RC, the question is: when final version will be released, is it better to make then fresh install again ?10:31
nandemonaiI see no problem updating RC to final through update manager.10:32
nandemonaiI'm not going to reinstall and I've been using since early beta.10:32
ernie_eunandemonai: uh-huh, but usually it recommended to make new install, not update.. or not ?10:34
nandemonaiernie_eu: I don't think it's reccomended to do a fresh install unless something has broken. Updates should be fine.10:35
ernie_eunandemonai: ok, thank you, I will give it a try :)10:35
Aisonach, wtf is going on here :(   not even nslookup http://kh.google.com works10:40
AisonI allways get ** server can't find http://kh.google.com: NXDOMAIN10:40
Aisonbut only on one of my ubuntu machines10:40
Aisonresolv.conf looks right10:41
penthiefnslookup kh.google.com10:42
Aisonah yes :(10:43
Aisonis googleearth somehow blocked? I can't still use it10:46
kklimondahey, i've just noticed that cpu scaling for cores is independent - ie. both cores can be running on different speeds.. is it for real? afair  in the past it was impossible to set speed for each core..10:48
Praveenwhen upgrading from intrepid to jaunty, my windows fonts dont seem to be working. i have msttcorefonts installed10:51
Praveenand i have done sudo fc-cache -fv as well10:52
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
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pucko-how long does it usually take for a "fix released" on launchpad to work itself into the repositories?10:54
kklimonda"a while" ;)10:55
kklimondait should be on main server immediately but it takes time to sync mirrors.10:55
pucko-so within a day or two?10:57
pucko-had this annoying problem that X uses 100% cpu on intel graphics10:58
kklimondafew hours10:58
drbobbhmm with jaunty, i'm even starting to _like_ kde4 - but i want my transparent panels back ;-/11:00
xolveHello. Desktop effects didn't work in intrepid on intel 845 graphics chip, but they did work in hardy. Does desktop effects work in jaunty on intel 845.11:00
pucko-xolve, right now there seems to be a problem with most intel graphic boards...11:00
pucko-xolve, although, if they didn't work in intrepid I don't know11:01
xolvewell release notes say that it has been *fixed*. I can't understand with propriety nvidia drivers they work. But not with opensource intel.11:01
xolvepucko-, ?11:03
kklimondais it worth to disable one core to preserve battery?11:03
pucko-all I know is that there is a problem with the current xorg-xserver-video-intel11:04
Omar87My system refuses to continue the upgrade.11:04
Omar87It downloaded 51 files out of 69, and then it refused to go on, stating that there's a problem with the connection or something.11:05
Praveenfonts in firefox look weird eventhough i have msttcorefonts installed11:17
Praveenwhy is that?11:18
Praveeni upgraded from intrepid to jaunty yesterday11:18
andersonhow to sudo without password ?11:22
andersonanderson        ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL11:23
andersonno effect11:23
xolveHello. Desktop effects didn't work in intrepid on intel 845 graphics chip, but they did work in hardy. Does desktop effects work in jaunty on intel 845.11:24
mrwesCompiz can not be enable with this card: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 01)11:25
mrwes -- worked with 8.1011:25
mrwesxolve, I think there are issues with Intel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112694411:25
Praveenfonts in firefox are not correct eventhough i have msttcorefonts installed11:30
iElechey guys11:34
iElecis this a place to report RC bugs?11:34
lanoxx-i just booted from a usb key into the jaunty rc11:36
lanoxx-horrible :(11:36
iElecafter upgrade from 8.10 my system does not boot11:36
lanoxx-iElec, please give us more information11:36
yofeliElec: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu just say that you're using 9.04 in the bug report11:36
iElecloading bar shows up and then just some anomalies11:36
iEleccan I elaborate here?11:36
iElecor should submit the bug rather11:36
lanoxx-rather a bug, if you have enough information11:37
lanoxx-i just tried to install xchat-gnome inside the livecd... it failed with libc6 errors11:38
Praveenfonts in firefox are not correct eventhough i have msttcorefonts installed11:41
hemi770hi all11:41
hemi770i have dual monitors, ATI 4870 ... all good with default drivers in Jaunty R/C, but the restricted drivers don't pick up both screens, and then the display applet hangs when i open i11:42
hemi770anyone else seen that?11:43
Tecn1hey, guys...11:43
Tecn1I'm using the 9.04 Release Candidate and my ntfs partitions won't mount during boot.  anyone know why? (my fstab => http://dpaste.com/35111/ )11:44
mrwesTecn1, can you mount after booting?11:45
mrwessudo mount -a11:45
Tecn1ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/disk/by-uuid/bc48731c4872d51c': No such file or directory11:46
Tecn1mrwes: in short, no11:46
balachmarHi, I just upgraded a system and now it won't boot. It drops to busybox shell. I have checked the UUID's in both the fstab and the menu.list from grub and they are fine. compared with blkid11:46
bXii'm having issues with the little popup that shows up when i change songs in rythmbox for example11:47
balachmarHowever when I go to /dev/disk in the busybox shell there is no by-uuid directory.11:47
bXican i somehow disable it for some events?11:47
mrwesTecn1, run blkid to check the UUID11:47
iElecaha, xorg 1.6 and fglrx is a no go11:49
iElecis that corret?11:49
balachmarHmm, an older 27 instead of 28 kernel does work...11:52
Tecn1mrwes: one of the ntfs partitions mounted the first time i used sudo mount -a and the other went after correcting the uuid.  this still doesn't explain why the one that had the right uuid didn't mount on boot11:53
hemi770iElec: i'm having trouble with the restricted ATI drivers11:53
iElecI did apt-get remove --purge fglrx11:54
iElecand system boots:)11:54
iEleclooks like the support will come just after the 9.04 release11:54
hemi770mine was booting but display applet crashes11:54
hemi770that's cool i can wait11:54
hemi770even better, suspend and resume worked with it unlike intrepid11:55
hemi770fingers crossed that keeps on happening11:55
hemi770i was wondering if i should report the display applet crashing somewhere though11:56
balachmarHowever the gdm greeter seems to be crashing... and I am stuck with 7 packages that encounter errors. One of which is mythbuntu-desktop...11:59
icewatermananyone running the 64-bit version of jaunty?11:59
lanoxx-im just following the discussion about the new update policy stuff, like update manager poping up once in a week or every day if there are security updates available, thats not an improvement in my oppinion11:59
hemi770icewaterman: yes12:00
icewatermanhemi770: any serious drawbacks?12:00
lanoxx-who ever came up with that idea didnt think it through.12:00
hemi770icewaterman: it fixes just about every minor hassle or workaround i had with 8.04 and 8.1012:00
lanoxx-I really hope there is a way to get the reboot and updates available icons in the upper panel back12:00
hemi770just the restricted ATI drivers for me so far, but even they've improved12:00
icewatermanhemi770: java plugin, flash player, both working?12:01
balachmaricewarerman: I am running a 64bit system as well. And no drawbacks for me...12:01
balachmaricewarerman: yep both working12:01
icewatermanhemi770: i am using the open source ati drivers on 32-bit12:01
icewatermandunno if they also work on 64-bit12:01
hemi770the open source drivers are sweet and have improved12:01
hemi770works nice with dual screens now12:01
hemi770i have 487012:01
mrwesTecn1, you verified the mount point too?12:02
hemi770i just like wobbly windows12:02
Tecn1mrwes: yes.12:02
icewatermanhemi770: ok, one issue might be zattoo, dunno if that works on 64-bit12:02
hemi770java working in FF unlike intrepid ... flash also working fine so far12:02
icewatermanhemi770: what about openoffice?12:03
hemi770dunno i use vi12:03
hemi770haven't fired it up yet12:03
balachmarHow can I make the system try to reinstall itself (like an upgrade) without actually performing a complete reinstall?12:04
mrwesTecn1, which one didn't mount? The /XP line?12:04
icewatermanhemi770: vi vs openoffice is a huge problem if you want diagrams...12:04
hemi7701 sec12:04
hemi770it's 3.0 and it just opened an old .rtf fine12:05
Tecn1mrwes: neither mounted on boot, /XP mounted with mount -a the first time, and /media/Storage mounted with mount -a after i fixed its UUID.12:05
icewatermanhemi770: thx, i think i will install it.12:05
icewatermanhemi770: are there install cds for the release candidate?12:06
kklimondaicewaterman: yes - check topic12:07
Tecn1could this be a bug that needs to be reported and fixed for the ginal release?12:07
hemi770icewaterman: yes12:07
Tecn1mrwes: brb, restarting12:08
icewatermankklimonda: thx, in irssi the topic is cut off after the beginning, so i can only manually read the topic by /topic12:09
icewatermanbtw, what happened to the opera browser in the ubuntu partner repository?12:09
AisonI tested everything now, but googleearth can't login to it's servers on my ubuntu12:12
Rods_TigerI've got ubuntu 9.04 running on this Acer Aspire One netbook and now it's working (the wireless wasn't initially a few weeks ago but I've finally got it to).12:13
Rods_TigerNow, how do I get the 8GB SD card to 'join' with the normal home directory folders, like the Acer Aspire One's Linpus Linux does - it joins the SD card in the 'storage expansion' slot on the left, together with the home folders, so you can't see the difference.12:14
mrwesTecn1, you're in CT ?12:14
mrwesme too :)12:14
Tecn1mrwes: not Storage mounts during boot, but XP doesn't12:15
Rods_TigerAt the moment, I'm seeing the left SD card as a separate 8GB drive - that's not how it should be on here.12:15
mrweshrmm is that path correct /XP ?12:15
Tecn1in fact, it mounts with mount -a12:16
Tecn1just not during boot12:16
mrwesit's a local drive?12:16
mrwesI'm in Middletown, and you?12:16
Tecn1are you fucing with me?12:17
mrweswhy do you ask that?12:17
Tecn1I'm in fucking middletown12:17
mrwesI live in the WestLake area12:18
mrweswhat are the odds of that sheit12:18
kklimondaTecn1: btw, do you really have to mount it during boot? it should mount automatically when you access it from nautilus. FWIW I think fstab should only contain few entries required to boot system...12:18
mrweskklimonda, without an entry in fstab how does it know the mount point?12:19
Tecn1kklimonda: for one, it doesn't mount with nautilus either... secondly, I'm not planing on accessing it with nautilus.12:20
kklimondamrwes: hal handles it - mounts volumes into /media/<LABEL> or /media/disk12:20
mrwesahh right12:20
balachmarI have a mythtv box. And I want to do a fresh install without having to backup all the recordings (I simply can't because I have too little space). All the recordings are somewhere in /var/lib and /var/lib is a separate partition. Is it safe to do a complete reinstall and hope that the recordings are untouched? (I can just reuse existing partitions, right)12:20
mrweslong as you don't format the partition12:21
kklimondaTecn1: there are no messages during boot about this partition?12:21
mrwesyah...check dmesg | tail12:21
kklimondait's weird that mount -a works fine. afaik that's how ubuntu mounts partitions during boot12:22
Tecn1kklimonda: nope, just the ubuntu splash12:22
balachmarmrwes would the same be true for mysql databases? or is it better to actually dump them (they are not that big...12:22
mrwesseems the volume is not available right at boot time...shrug12:24
kklimondaTecn1: disable splash by removing quiet and splash from entry when you are in grub.12:24
hemi770i installed mysql this afternoon after copying my old /var/lib/mysql over to /var/lib and it seems fine so far12:24
kklimondaTecn1: also dmesg |grep <partition node name. eg. sdb1> may show something12:25
mrwesTech1 isn't 0 1  1=only for root/boot partitions?12:26
mrweschange that to a '2'12:26
Praveencan anyone help me with a font problem in jaunty12:27
drbobbhey can anyone confirm that sun's virtualbox works correctly in jaunty?12:38
dtchendrbobb: 2.2 works fine here.12:38
drbobband to be sure, i don't mean jaunty in a vm, i mean launching vm's in jaunty12:38
drbobbit's pretty essential for me if i am to switch my workstation to kde412:39
dtchendrbobb: i use vbox pretty extensively for *ubuntu testing12:40
dtchendrbobb: throughout jaunty development, i was testing my development snapshots of alsa* and pulseaudio* on bare metal and in various vbox vms.12:41
dtchendrbobb: you probably should just install it and try it, because no amount of user testimony is really going to change your experience.12:42
kklimondadtchen: virtualbox uses alsa and works fine with pulseaudio?12:45
kklimondathis is the worst drawback of vmware :/12:45
dtchenkklimonda: vbox's pulseaudio subsystem works fine here12:46
kklimondadtchen: and it works fine with host? no shuttering, no problems with access to devices?12:46
dtchenkklimonda: correct.12:46
dtchenkklimonda: be aware that i'm running my own kernel with audio fixes that will be in a jaunty SRU kernel.12:46
dtchenkklimonda: (http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/)12:47
dtchenwhich reminds me that i need to respin those for the -11.42 upload12:47
drbobbdtchen: thanks. I can't risk a nonfunctional setup on my workstation, and restoring from backup is always a hassle and waste of time13:03
drbobbso i'd rather see that odds are it will work fine, but obviously there are no guarantees13:04
Trewasdrbobb: fwiw xp in vitualbox works in jaunty13:08
rene_hi room13:08
NewbeeI have a problem with my display resulution. when I start jaunty the display ist blurry and when I open the display settings everything is ok but i have to du this after each reboot.13:12
Newbeewhat can I do?13:12
drbobbTrewas: ok that's good enough for me13:14
exco1what could be the cause for my dialogs to take forever to show (e.g "save as")?13:30
milkncatHi there13:40
milkncati installed kde to 9.04 rc but desktop effects doesn't work. it works with gnome tho13:40
bardyrHey, is there any way i can install ubuntu rc alternative with a usb stick?13:40
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:41
milkncatGot an error, Failed to activate desktop effects using the given config options..check your x config..also consider changing advanced options bla bla..13:41
milkncatcan anyone help?13:41
bardyrbazhang, that only support the desktop/live versions13:41
milkncatbtw, it works so slow13:42
bazhangbardyr, you want text install? netboot?13:42
Lint01will be updates held until release?13:42
Lint01or they will be available immediately?13:42
kklimondaLint01: what updates?13:43
bardyrbazhang, i want the raid features of alternative and install it using a usb stick13:43
bazhangLint01, just keep updating and it will be final13:43
kklimondaLint01: right now only important fixes are being accepted.13:43
bazhangbardyr, not sure if unetbootin supports that or not13:43
bazhangbardyr, you can /msg ubottu netboot for links to see13:44
bardyrbazhang, it does not, and i dont have the extra hardware to do net boot13:44
bazhangbardyr, no idea then sorry13:45
lanoxx-bardyr, you can download a tool called Unetbootin to write an ubuntu iso to a usb key13:45
lanoxx-bardyr, but not if you use this tool then the stick must be cleanly formated before13:45
bardyrlanoxx-, i know, the problem is not to install ubuntu on a usb stick, the problem is that the alternative cd actively forces you to use a cd-rom13:47
m[a]tti just installed 9.04, but after installation my monitor resolutions is wrong13:47
m[a]ttits 1024x768 instead of 1280x80013:47
m[a]ttit was correctly recognized in live cd mode13:47
kklimondam[a]tt: what graphic card do you have? can you change resolution using System->Preferences->Display?13:48
m[a]ttkklimonda: intel 4500 onboard13:48
m[a]tt1024x768 is the max resolution in the display dialog13:48
lanoxx-bardyr, oh sorry13:49
m[a]ttit displayed 1280x800 during the live cd mode13:49
m[a]tt(in the dialog)13:49
uffowhy kubuntu 9.04 rc do not display folder sharing options ???13:49
m[a]ttkklimonda: after the installation of some missing language support files it displayes 1280x800 now, sorry13:50
uffowhy kubuntu 9.04 rc do not display folder sharing options ??? has anyone tested it13:57
tpfennigcan somebody tell me why aptitude is part of ubuntu-minimal if in fact you should never use it on Ubuntu?14:00
Omar87My system refuses to continue the upgrade.14:04
Omar87It downloaded 51 files out of 69, and then it refused to go on, stating that there's a problem with the connection or something.14:04
kklimonda"or something" doesn't sound right14:04
kklimondai'd do something to fix it14:04
SchalkenDoes anybody know much about the new sound stuff in GNOME?14:05
kklimondaOmar87: try doing apt-get update and then again apt-get dist-upgrade14:05
penguin42Omar87: The exact error would probably be useful; also just check if your disk is full14:05
floxtpfennig: i use aptitude every day... what is your problem ?14:05
tpfennigflox: the problem is, as far as I investigated, that synaptic and Ubuntus update manager use apt-get and so if i use aptitude i get a mix of both. what we should not do!?14:06
Tecnadoes anyone know why my resolution keeps changing back to 800x600 every time I restart?14:06
penguin42Tecna: Are you using KDE?14:06
penguin42there's a known KDE bug of that, but I've not seen that on Gnome14:06
Omar87penguin42: According the System Monitor, my disk is approximately 66.7% full.14:07
penguin42that sounds OK - it was just worth checking14:07
Tecnawait, I think I found the problem...14:08
floxtpfennig: i see no problem, except that they keep different log files14:08
Tecnamy nvidia configurator isn't writing to xorg.conf14:09
penguin42ah nvidia14:09
kklimondatpfennig: they all work on the same package database so there is no problem14:09
Tecnawhere should I report this bug?14:09
floxtpfennig: finally all package information is stored on dpkg side "/var/lib/dpkg" and used by both14:09
tpfennigkklimonda, flox: I read a lot of different stuff14:09
* tgpraveen thinks all said and done nvidia is best choice if one is using linux os14:09
kklimondaOmar87: then run apt-get dist-upgrade in terminal and copy whole error message to http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:09
kklimondatgpraveen: nah - imo intel is better choice if you are not playing games.14:10
kklimondanvidia drivers lack some nice features14:10
kklimondaTecna: how do you install nvidia drivers?14:11
sultanAt Select Language Arabic lists appear in English14:11
tgpraveenkklimonda: yeah nvidia is gr8 with games and compiz. could u tell me what features it lacks?14:11
Omar87Plus, I also have another problem, with every notification sound (e.g: some on logged in or out on Pidgin), there's this annoying cracking sound (smthn like: TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK!!! -sounds stupid, in know but that's the best I could find to describe how it sounds :)-)14:11
Tecnakklimonda: this time, they were automatically installed when I enabled compiz14:11
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:11
kklimondaTecna: the truth is ubuntu isn't using xorg.conf to set resolution in most cases anymore..14:13
marlocki'm using jaunty, and i'm affected by the intel video bug14:14
kklimondaTecna: but maybe nvidia is still using it. what happens when you click "Save to X Configuration File" ?14:14
marlockis there anyone that has a workorund for it?14:14
cwillukklimonda, nvidia still uses it in many cases, yes14:15
kklimondaTecna: from nvidia-settings14:15
Tecnakklimonda: it says it can't create the backup14:15
kklimondaTecna: are you running it as root?14:15
kklimondacwillu: yeah, i forgot that nvidia is still in stone age when it comes to xrandr support..14:15
exco1what could be the cause for my dialogs to take forever to show (e.g "save as")?14:15
Tecnabut I just worked around it by pressing "Show preview" and copy/pasting into xorg.conf myself14:16
marlockis there anyone that is affected by the intel xorg bug?14:16
floxexco1: slow disk?14:16
floxexco1: or overcrowded destination folder?14:16
cwillukklimonda, well, in the sense that they've had xrandr1.2-like support for their cards for nearly a decade longer than we have :p14:16
Tecnakklimonda: restarting X to test14:17
penguin42marlock: I have a few14:17
cwillukklimonda, is it any wonder that they don't take us seriously when we tell them about our silicon age when they saw us bumbling around in our own stone age for so long?14:17
kklimondacwillu: sure - but now that xrandr 1.2/1.3 support is here it would be nice to actually use it.14:17
cwillugive it time14:17
penguin42marlock: As of jaunty I seem to get occasional pointer corruption after resume that doesn't go away until I restart X, I get some corruption under KDE as well14:18
kklimondacwillu: oh come on - they are working on xrandr 1.2 support for over a year already ;)14:18
marlockpenguin42: and do you have anyworkoround for it?14:18
cwilluxrandr1.2 is quite new in the grand scheme of things14:18
kklimondaand they have time to work on vdpau ;)14:18
penguin42marlock: No14:18
marlockpenguin42: i noticed that xorg has an abnormal ram usage14:18
cwillukklimonda, they're not going to drop other features to do it though, and xrandr only recently gained the ability to handle multiple cards in anything approaching a sane manner (which again they've supported the whole time)14:18
marlockpenguin42: more is the uptime and the more is the ram usage.....14:19
penguin42marlock: RAM useage on Xorg is often misleading14:19
marlockpenguin42:after some hours it gets about 250 MB14:19
marlockpenguin42: i arrived also to 500 MB14:19
penguin42marlock: Yeh, I'm not sure it's actually using all that - although it does show in top14:19
kklimondacwillu: i guess it's matter of priorities - I haven't seen linux with SLI setup but I've laptop with nvidia card and lack of xrandr 1.2 is painful ;)14:20
marlockpenguin42: it's very bad , and i can't find anything on internet14:20
cwillukklimonda, :()14:20
cwillubah, meant :)14:20
marlockpenguin42: all the bugs reported are about performance14:20
penguin42marlock: Are you sure it's bad and not just misleading in the way it's displayed?14:20
marlockpenguin42: that is another problem14:20
marlockpenguin42: no no , it's bad14:20
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know where i can get  psyco for ubuntu 9.04 i can find it in my package apt-get14:21
marlockpenguin42: i arrived to have 86 % ram used and 57 % swap used, with no programs opened14:21
cwilluperlsyntax, python's psyco?14:21
marlockonly xorg usage14:21
perlsyntaxthat what it call14:21
penguin42marlock: That's a little odd; for example while my Xorg has a virtual size of 440M, it's only 69M resident14:22
kklimondaperlsyntax: but there is no psyco for amd6414:22
marlockpenguin42: now i'm using the old xserver-xorg-video-intel package and i've no problem14:22
penguin42marlock: Oh I see, if you have a difference like that then I guess that's more relevant14:22
marlockpenguin42: i would like to know if when the stable release is out they resolve the bug14:23
perlsyntaxi try that and say np ackage found in the command line.14:23
perlsyntaxno package14:23
penguin42marlock: I doubt there will be many changes between now and the release14:24
cwilluperlsyntax, I misspelled it, python-psyco14:24
drbobbdang, there's another ugly regression in support for SiS chips in jaunty's xorg: when i plug my latop into my tv via the external vga socket, the system freezes intermittently14:24
marlockpenguin42: now my xorg has 482 mb in virtual and 165 resident14:24
cwillupenguin42, there's probably going to be an sru addressing a bunch of intel regressions14:24
drbobbso video playback becomes out of the question14:24
marlockpenguin42: if they can't resolve this bug, all the intel users will be sad with jaunty14:25
marlockpenguin42:very sad....14:25
cwillumarlock, ^^^14:25
perlsyntaxmaybe kklimonda is right14:25
perlsyntaxi got the 64 bit one14:25
penguin42marlock: Well, the memory useage there doesn't bother me much (says he with 3GB) - my only real Intel problem on X is the resume issue14:25
kklimondaperlsyntax: i am - there was never psyco for 64 bits and there are no plans to support it14:26
perlsyntaxi see14:26
marlockpenguin42: yes but i've only 1GB14:26
Tecnawhat's particularly annoying is that nvidia still fails to include Option"AddARGBGLXVisuals""True"14:26
marlockpenguin42: and the video memory is shared...not dedicated14:26
perlsyntaxthen i download the i386 for the laptop then.14:26
perlsyntaxthank any ways14:26
kklimondaperlsyntax: it wont work with 64 bit python14:26
cwilluperlsyntax, kklimonda, the psyco developer is on the pypy team14:26
kklimondaperlsyntax: you will need 32 bit chroot14:26
kklimondacwillu: i know14:26
=== Tecna is now known as Tecna|AFK
cwillupypy is the closest thing to a successor that psyco is going to have14:27
kklimondabut pypy is.. in development ;)14:27
marlockpenguin42: it's unsopportable that i can run my ubuntu for more than some hours14:27
cwilluwell, it can run django unmodified now14:27
perlsyntaxboy do i like ubuntu 9.0414:27
cwillukklimonda, ^14:27
marlockpenguin42: after that i have to restart system14:27
penguin42marlock: If you do   http://techpatterns.com/forums/about687.html   on your X server what's using all the memory? For me it's things called resource0,2, and 3 - I don't know what they are, it's odd14:27
penguin42marlock: Ah, that sucks14:27
marlockpenguin42: llol14:27
cwillukklimonda, it's actually less than an order of magnitude slower than cpython now, which is actually really impressive considering that they aren't jitting it yet14:28
marlockpenguin42: this article is too old14:28
penguin42marlock: No, pmap -d still works14:28
marlockpenguin42: it's only a xorg problem, it's not caused by programs like firefox14:29
penguin42marlock: OK, well file a bug then - making sure no one else has14:29
marlockpenguin42: i tried to started pc without opening programs14:29
cwillumarlock, if that article was reffering to xrestop, then it's still relevant14:29
vartIhave some messages in dmesg that I'd like to get rid of. How do I know the module name that left specific messag eso I could blecklist it?14:30
Sage`i want to say thanks for the beta version14:31
Sage`works better then hardy did on my laptop14:31
Sage`was able to detect my vCard no problem :)14:31
marlockpenguin42:this is the result with pmap -d on xorg process14:31
penguin42don't paste it - please14:32
marlockpenguin42:mapped: 513640K    writeable/private: 187360K    shared: 314128K14:32
* penguin42 forgot about xrestop14:32
penguin42cwillu: Hmm xrestop only shows a small amount of memory (25M) against top showing 446M - I expect it's some artifact of the way device memory mapping is done, but don't know14:33
f1assistancewill I have to reinstall 9.04 when final release?14:34
kklimondaf1assistance: no14:34
penguin42f1assistance: Probably not14:34
cwilluf1assistance, it's the same repository, just just do a normal update14:34
f1assistanceawesome...that makes me happy, I've got everything working soo well...:)14:34
f1assistanceor I should say it just works! Impressive...14:36
Sage`i gotta say this beta version may keep me on ubuntu for another 6 months14:36
penguin42Sage`: What is it that's particularly made you like it?14:37
Sage`Well on the previous versions of ubuntu it wouldn't read my hardware mainly my graphics card14:37
Sage`it was able to say hey thats an nvidia 9700 GTS14:38
exco1flox: sorry, didn't notice you - no, that's not the problem ... also dialog boxes without disc access take ages  (e.g. network-manager -> edit)14:38
Sage`vs my last ubuntu it was like uhh thats some sort of nvidia card but i'm not sure which14:38
Sage`i just wish that it came with a way already built in to turn off compiz and switch to something a lil less flashy14:39
cwilluSage`, it's all the same driver though14:39
cwilluSage`, appearances | desktop effects | none14:39
penguin42my 2 big problems are Intel X stability (although it's better than it was - the cursor corruption is a PITA) and Intel audio popping sounds - although there is a test kernel that fixes that (with a different bug!)14:40
Sage`ah thanks cwillu (use to the icon)14:40
cwilluSage`, that's been there since gutsy :p14:40
FiveAcresI am having a compositing problem since morning updates that I hadn't seen before.14:41
FiveAcresI have to run fusion-icon after a restart to get compositing to work.14:42
penguin42FiveAcres: What graphics card?14:42
FiveAcres00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:42
penguin42I thought I saw a compiz change of blacklisting 965 until some Intel fixes went in?14:43
FiveAcresI don't know about a blacklist:  where would I find information about it?14:43
robin0800FiveAcres: hace you tried uax accelleration?14:44
penguin42FiveAcres: Top of /usr/share/doc/compiz/changelog.Debian.gz  - I'm not sure if this is related or not14:44
FiveAcresrobin0800:  I wouldn't begin to know about uax accelleration14:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uax14:45
coz_hey guys I am trying out anew thing  twitux :)  but it keeps asking for a password to unlock the default keyring14:46
virtualdis it safe to use ext4 with the new kernel?14:47
coz_my user password does not work14:47
penguin42cwillu: Is it something you just turn on or does it just work?14:47
Vorbotepenguin42, doubtful I have a GM965 working here (but I'm cheating, I've compiled my own kernel thus I have *real* KMS  working).14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uxa14:47
penguin42Vorbote: KMS?14:47
cwillupenguin42, we're using exa by default for now:  uxa has some lingering stability issues14:47
Vorbotepenguin42, kernel mode setting14:47
cwillupenguin42, AccelMethod "UXA" in the device section will select it14:47
Vorbotepenguin42, that's a requirement for UXA working well...14:47
cwilluVorbote, there's a ppa for mainline kernels you know14:48
cwilluVorbote, eh?14:48
BluesKajBy default the Intel driver continues to use EXA so the AccelMethod option within the xorg.conf must be set to UXA."14:48
Vorbotecwillu, of course but you can't stop an old hand of setting up things his way. And yes I clamor in the desert. :-)14:48
penguin42cwillu: I'm running with an old X config - do I have to explicitly turn EXA on? I see a warning in my Xorg0.log 'WW intel(0): DRI2 requires UXA14:48
BluesKajintel graphics ? read this : http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2008122901535RVSW14:49
cwillupenguin42, exa is the default unless you specifically change it to something else14:49
cwillupenguin42, that warning is harmless14:49
penguin42oh actually, it looks like it does use it: (II) EXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:14:49
penguin42cwillu: Cool14:49
Sage`i use an internal made external hdd via sata port, why is it i need permissions to use it?14:49
penguin42cwillu: I suspect it's the fun of these changes that's introduced a few instabilities - although I'll admit to being confused how my mouse corruption problem is even possible - if it was just corrupt video memory I'd expect it to fix it if I changed pointer or theme14:50
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, so that seems to be saying UXA will be wonderful when it's stable14:52
penguin42(or EXA will be once it's gained stuff from UXA?)14:53
Aisonis there something like a builtin firewall in jaunty?14:58
Aisongoogleearth is no longer working here, it cant authenticate to it's servers14:58
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:58
penguin42Aison: There is a firewall, but I don't think it's on by default14:59
penguin42Aison: Seems to be working here - I've had similar problems in the past though - what Google earth version do you have?15:00
penguin424.3.7284.3916 (beta) Jul 8 2008 seems OK here15:00
penguin42(What a version number!)15:00
Aisonpenguin42, newest one, version 5.0.11337.196815:01
Aisonmaybe it's somehow related to my desktop effects15:01
penguin42Aison: Doubt it (although I'm not using desktop effects)15:02
Aisonthe funny thing is, in Google Earth - Options everything is grayed15:02
DJonesCan somebody help me work out why my nvidia graphics card isn't prompting me to use a restricted driver, lspci lists it as 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV15BR [GeForce2 Ultra, Bladerunner] (rev a4)   I know its old, but it worked perfectly in 8.10 and a Geforce2 Go in my laptop is detected in 9.0415:02
penguin42Aison: Oh that is odd - it seems happy to let me change any of them15:03
AisonDJones, I remeber something that newer drivers arent working with older cards15:03
BluesKajpenguin42, maybe the ops might add a statement about the intel media probs to the infobot ...there seems to be a lot of ppl with this problem.15:03
penguin42BluesKaj: Well X normally seems a bit of a fight15:04
thiebaudeyup x freezes15:04
=== rconan_ is now known as rconan
* penguin42 hasn't seen any freezes for a few weeks now - early Alphas were hopeless15:05
DJonesAison: that sounds about right, although I've always used the older drivers with no problem, its just annoying that it doesn't seem to be detected15:05
Aisonmaybe you need to apt-get the modaliases15:05
AisonDJones, search for nvidia modaliases with synaptic and install them15:06
Aisonthen reboot and then it should be detected15:07
DJonesAison: I'll have a look, thanks15:07
DJonesAison: Just checked, according to synaptic, all the nvidia modaliases are installed15:08
Aisonthen it's strange15:08
DJonesyep, very15:08
Aisonas strange as my GoogleEarth don't work15:09
DJonesI never use that15:09
DJonesAny idea what package I should report a bug against for this?15:13
Aisonno, i'm not that familiar with ubuntu ;) i'm a gentoo user ^^15:14
Aisonbut I installed ubuntu on my parents machine ^^15:15
Aisonwhat package ships this lib: libminizip.so?15:15
penguin42Aison: apt-file is great for answering those questions15:15
DJones!info libminizip15:15
ubottuPackage libminizip does not exist in jaunty15:15
Aisonbecause ldd on googleearth-bin reports missing ./libminizip.so => not found15:16
thiebaudecwillu: good morning15:16
penguin42Aison: Oh, I suspect that's in the google earth package15:16
BluesKajAison , which google earth version ?15:16
Aisonpenguin42, maybe, but I did: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/google-earth ldd /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin15:16
penguin42Aison: In my google-earth unpack it's in the top level unpacked directory15:17
AisonBluesKaj, version 5.0.11337.196815:17
Aisonpenguin42, here also, but it's not found?!?15:17
penguin42Aison: Which file are you ldd'ing ?15:18
BluesKajGoogle Earth 5.0.11337.1968 (beta)15:18
penguin42Aison: Yeh, but the shell script googleearth will set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc15:18
Aisonsee my comment above -;15:19
BluesKajAison , that beta version needs to be opened with kdesudo in the "run command"  , then it works fine15:19
cwilluthiebaude, poke poek15:20
AisonBluesKaj, just tried, but no help15:20
Aisonmaybe my ubuntu is fucked up...15:21
thiebaudecwillu: i cant wait for my 9.04 cd15:21
* penguin42 did have a period a year or so ago where one version of google-earth refused to connect15:21
Aisonare there some integrity check tools for ubuntu? eg. forced dependency check etc...?15:21
BluesKajAison , kdesudo googleearth ?15:22
VorboteAison, far more than in gentoo, if that's what you mean. Yet, you need the software to be integrated into the package manager system.15:22
penguin42BluesKaj: Yeuch15:22
VorboteAison, it occurs to me... Why don't you add the google-earth paths to ldconfig.conf, rerun ldconfig to try again=15:24
penguin42Vorbote: No!15:24
penguin42Vorbote: The libs that come with Google earth are there own special versions, you risk screwing lots of other stuff up by doing that15:24
penguin42There's nothing wrong with the ldd saying those things are missing, they'll find it when run by the script15:24
BluesKajAison , dunno what the gnome command is,  gtksudo googleearth /15:25
Vorbotepenguin42, possible. I never use google-earth. /me uses a real GIS.15:25
cwilluBluesKaj, gksudo15:25
BluesKajAison , it has to be in your /home/username dir15:25
wirechiefcwillu good morning .. seems to work ok so far although i am not having much success with the repro.sh15:26
BluesKajok cwillu , thx ..i haven't used gnome in 5 yrs so i forget stuff :)15:26
wirechiefcwillu it blows out  here...repro.sh: 20: arithmetic expression: expecting EOF: "1280        1280 * 0"15:28
[TheAsp]I'm trying to burn the alternate install cd onto a 700mb disc, and it won't fit...  Anyone know of a smaller version?15:29
charlie-tca[TheAsp]: try using the daily image. it is 698MB15:31
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/15:31
charlie-tcaThat would be the RC with updates15:31
Vorbote[TheAsp], if you got the cd image some days back, it is probably oversized. You can update to a more recent daily with rsync, jigdo or jigit.15:32
[TheAsp]The daily is larger15:33
charlie-tcaWhat size do you show?15:33
[TheAsp]The daily: 73227673615:33
Vorbote[TheAsp], if you are using a cd-rw it may have dead sectors.15:33
[TheAsp]Nope, cd-r15:34
charlie-tcaThe daily will fit a 700MB cd-r15:34
* [TheAsp] adds memorex to the never buy again list15:34
Vorbote[TheAsp], The size in bytes will fit a 700MB cdr, divide by 8 to have a real estimate.15:34
* Vorbote oops, I'm confusing my DSL calculation tricks. Erase that.15:35
Vorbote[TheAsp], divide by 102415:36
ienorand[TheAsp]: Well there are some media that is only 650mb, they're rare but at least on cd-rw (i.m.exp.) pops upp now and then.15:36
[TheAsp]The disc says 700mb on the top.  I do beleive they are crap though15:36
charlie-tca[TheAsp]: You could download xubuntu and then install ubuntu-desktop15:36
Vorboteienorand, you were born yestarday :-) 650MB media was the rule in the 90's and early 00's15:36
[TheAsp]charlie-tca: Awesome.15:37
charlie-tcaThe daily is only 623MB15:37
bertodserahi again, among the load parms I see an acpi=off, does that mean that simply acpi will turn it on, or do I need acpi=on?15:37
bertodseraor is it on by default?15:37
ienorandVorbote: Yea, guess thoses discs we have lying around at home are somewhat ancient...15:37
[TheAsp]Why isn't there a netinst version of the alternate cd?15:38
* charlie-tca not telling how many he has15:38
Vorboteienorand, in fact, in the early 90's cdrs were 450MB/500MB if memory serves (and that was a*a lot* <chuckles>).15:38
ienorandVorbote: Well, compared to floppies, of course, :)15:39
cwilluVorbote, 650, no?15:39
cwillu650 is the capacity of a normal 72 minute audio cd15:40
cwillui.e., every cd ever :p15:40
Vorbotecwillu, but in those ages (when the Cranberries where the hottest thing) data cd's were marketed as a different thing and were smaller.15:41
* Vorbote listening to you know what :-)15:41
[TheAsp]Zombie was an awesome song...15:42
sirjoebobhey all. i upgraded to the 9.04 rc and am having issues with conky disappearing anytime i draw a selection box over it and my desktop icons do the same (only while conky is running) i am using the 180 nvidia proprietary driver and everything else (including compiz effects) works fine. it all worked great under the 8.10 release. anyone have any ideas?15:43
VorboteUS$ 1800 for a cd burner... It was cheaper to use DDT tapes, yuck.15:43
ienorand[TheAsp]: And no usb stick lying around that you could use?15:43
Sage`i might have missed this but can't you upgrade to 9.04 by pressing F2 then typing something?15:45
Vorbotesirjoebob, do you have any message about a library crash or something? (check dmesg and check the end of /var/messages and /var/log/syuslog with the log viewer).15:45
cwilluSage`, update-manager -c -d15:46
[TheAsp]ienorand: As it happens I do, but the xubuntu cd should do what I want...  I'm switching from i386 to amd64.15:46
sirjoebobVorbote, negative15:47
Sage`has anyone here played around with Virtual Machines on 9.0415:47
ienorand[TheAsp]: Why oh why? You waste a cd, that could have lived, could've been free!15:47
hyper_chanyone running kde 4.2.2? since yesterday (or today) I noticed that, even when I have a movie playing in the foreground, the screensaver kicks im after a dew minutes15:47
atlefSage`: i have virtualbox installed15:48
Vorbotesirjoebob, then try starting conky from a terminal window and check the possible error messages.15:48
hyper_chSage`: running vmware workstation on jaunty15:48
[TheAsp]ienorand: When my box stops booting in a few months, I'll have something to fix it with. :)15:48
ienorand[TheAsp]: True :)15:48
sirjoebobVorbote, shows none. launches as it did in 8.10 and just has weird graphical glitch problems. the monitors work fine.15:48
* Vorbote always uses cd-rw and dvd-rw for his distro hopping and updating. Saving the environment.15:49
atlefVorbote: +115:49
[TheAsp]I usually just upgrade without the cd... :P15:49
hyper_chVorbote: why not booting from usb stick?15:49
Vorbotesirjoebob, that's strange. Does it work OK if you disable compiz?15:49
Sage`okay, i was thinking about switching from partitions to VM's however since i have 2 different responses perhaps you can explain to me something why use VM over partition15:49
hyper_chSage`: running multiple system at the same time15:50
atlefSage`: i do not understand what you mean15:50
[TheAsp]Sage`: any chance you are talking about LVM?15:50
Sage`hyper_ch, got it (thanks hyper)15:50
hyper_chI run up to 4 virtual OSes at the same time15:50
Vorbotehyper_ch, far cheaper in this here parts and I can hold on to older install images for a while. Say, I update my ubunt installer in their cdrws every six months.15:51
Sage`amd64 or 86?15:51
hyper_chhost 64bit15:51
hyper_chguests vary15:51
* Vorbote has stompu fingers today.15:51
Sage`atlef, why did you choose VirtualBox over VMware?15:52
Sage`or is it one of those things in the end it doesn't matter which you use?15:53
simmerhi i upgraded to jaunty and i am getting random xserver crashed with a gdm_slave_xioerror_handler error in syslog. there are a lot of bugs in launchpad with this error - does anyone know of the cause/fix?15:53
sirjoebobVorbote, negative. Same issue15:53
simmerI have an ati x1300 and im using the opensource driver (not fglrx)15:53
atlefSage`: no reason, just tried that first15:54
Sage`hyper_ch, any reason as to why you chose VMware over the other products out there?15:54
Vorbotesirjoebob, that's bad news :-( I'd suggest you try with the nv driver if you can to make sure it isn't the prpietary driver for your card (you did mention it is an Nvidia, right?)15:54
hyper_chSage`: hmmm, runs smooth, better networking IMHO, direct x support15:55
sirjoebobVorbote, yea. Thanks for the help. I will give that a shot.15:55
hyper_chanyone running kde 4.2.2? since yesterday (or today) I noticed that, even when I have a movie playing in the foreground, the screensaver kicks im after a dew minutes15:56
Sage`hyper_ch, i use to have that problem in some of my older versions15:56
hyper_chSage`: what problem? kde 4.2.2 and screensaver?15:57
Sage`the screen saver15:57
Sage`sadly to say when i looked for the fix nobody could give me a straight answer so i ended up turning off the Screen Saver15:59
hyper_chI only have thar problem since today or yesterday I think15:59
relicgeekI just installed kubuntu 9.04 - two 4 gb partions for root and /home both using the ext4 file system first boot appears stuck at the 'starting up' screen for a while...16:01
relicgeekis this normal, or am i experiencing a bug? its a fresh install16:02
hyper_chrelicgeek: you know that ext4 has a serious "bug" that could result in dataloss?16:02
relicgeekhyper_ch: yeah.16:03
relicgeekhyper_ch: you think it might be related to that?16:03
hyper_chhaven't used ext4 yet... I value my data16:04
relicgeeki backed up my data ;p16:04
relicgeeki just need to know if i should bother waiting or wipe it and reinstall16:05
vartrelicgeek: you could read release notes...16:06
relicgeekvart: might have missed something... anything specific to this?16:07
relicgeekonly known issue mentioned on the download page relates to kmail16:10
vartrelicgeek: there was something about possible freeze during boot on some hardware, I do not know if it applies...16:11
f1assistancedo you think the zfs file system will be made available in a future version of Ubuntu?16:12
relicgeekvart: its a bog standard c2d based laptop. Intel everything. If you got a link maybe i can check16:12
relicgeekf1assistance: zfs sounds more useful on servers than desktops and laptops. I suppose if debian supports it, ubuntu will too, well or vice versa16:14
vartrelicgeek: have you looked through this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes#Other%20known%20issues ?16:15
relicgeekvar: not yet16:15
=== bacs_laptop is now known as bacs
relicgeekvart: hmm, nothing that seems applicable16:16
belredhow can i get ubuntu to notify me when updates are available? kubuntu does this, but i can't find a way to do this in ubuntu.16:18
wirechiefcwillu the script works..freeze_bug.txt uploaded16:19
xanguabelred: in 'gconf-editor' go to /apps/update-notifier and change the value from TRUE to FALSE16:20
Praveencan anyone help me with a font problem in jaunty16:20
Praveeni've installed msttcorefonts. but firefox does not use them16:20
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
belredxangua: thanks, i didn't realize it was set to 7 days by default16:25
[TheAsp]charlie-tca: It burnt, thanks!16:25
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:25
[TheAsp]In 24 hours I should be good... http://xkcd.com/349/16:26
belredxangua: is gconf-editor available from the menu be default?16:26
belredxangua: nevermind, i just found it16:27
xanguago to apps/update.notifier and change the 'auto_launch' value from TRUE to FALSE16:27
eternal_pmorning all..quick question...I cannot enable more than one desktop with compiz...if I flip to a second one, I lose the top or bottom pannel16:29
eternal_palso, when I flip, it stays on the first box in the compiz window manager, bottom screen16:29
lfaraoneHi, I plugged in a USB device and although syslog says that it's been attached as sdb, it doens't appear in /dev.16:29
Aisoneternal_p, gnome?16:29
eternal_pthats what I said16:29
[4-tea-2]I'm using Gnome's NetworkManager to admin my network connections, I need to run a script when one of the devices comes up, can someone tell me where to put it or what to do with it?16:30
[4-tea-2]Hmmm. I'll change the script to work from /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/16:33
tobianyone here with problem with fonts in qt/kde programs?16:34
tobilike this:16:34
BluesKaj[4-tea-2] , dunno for sure but if it's a bash script , maybe /etc/init.d/  could work16:36
f1assistanceis there a minimum processor speed for 9.04?16:36
relicgeeki'm having the same issue with an ext3 root partition - it seems stuck at a screen saying starting up. 4 GB root and 4gb home partitions16:37
f1assistanceor recommended?16:37
The_Joe_Can you actually upgrade from Beta to RC?16:38
The_Joe_I did update-manager -d but it's just doing a normal update by the looks of it16:39
jbotalanwhy is the evil system beeper enabled by default?16:39
[4-tea-2]BluesKaj: /etc/init.d/ is only used for scripts executed when the runlevel changes, e.g. during boot or shutdown. I needed a place that is used when a certain network interface becomes active (and I found it).16:40
Vorbotef1assistance, it depends on your needs. For a desktop, I've installed Xubuntu in a pentium ii with 96MB and it flies (until you start openoffice.org, of course).16:40
ienorandThe_Joe_: Automatic updates will do that...16:40
BluesKajok, [4-tea-2]16:40
BluesKajf1assistance , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements16:40
The_Joe_ienorand, I get that...16:40
f1assistanceBluesKaj: thanks, exactly what I was looking for...16:42
jbotalanit makes a full-volume beep, and it beeps several times upon shutdown. the livecd always did that to me, but now the distro is installed on a hard drive and it's doing the same thing16:42
cousteauwhy is nautilus segfaulting on the LiveCD?16:42
ienorandThe_Joe_: alpha-beta-rc-final are no *definite* releases, so just upgrading will get you from one to the other...16:43
f1assistanceBluesKaj: will it be the same for 9.04?16:43
The_Joe_jbotalan, Just blacklist the pc speaker16:43
cousteau0xb61db7dd in ?? () from /usr/lib/libbrasero-media.so.016:43
The_Joe_ienorand, Yes but RC > Beta so I would prefer to upgrade. I just wanted to know if it was possible16:43
jbotalanThe_Joe_: I know I can do that...but where is the system beep useful at _all_?16:44
The_Joe_jbotalan, When you have no speakers?16:44
ienorandThe_Joe_: Just run update-manager.16:44
The_Joe_I don't like it either...16:44
The_Joe_¬¬ I did.16:44
The_Joe_I said that.16:45
BluesKajf1assistance , i believe so , since most reports so far indicate that 9.04 is faster than 8.10 so i assume it's more efficient16:45
Barridusdoes simply installing QT-based apps bloat down the performance of gnome on weaker hardware?  or not until you actually *run* them16:45
f1assistanceBluesKaj: thanks again16:45
ienorandBarridus: I'd guess it just takes up diskspace...16:45
xanguaBarridus: they will simple use a little more memory16:46
Eruarankubuntu update notifier is broken16:46
Barridusok then, thanks :)16:46
EruaranIts always in my system tray saying 39 updates available16:46
jbotalani suppose. i don't know who i'd talk to, but it really seems to be a bug. why turn on a system beep on a desktop image?16:46
xanguaBarridus: if you want your qt apps look more like Gnome/GTG you can use this> http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Styles/GtkStyle16:46
Eruaraneven when all latest updates have been installed16:46
xanguait only works fot qt4 apps16:46
xanguahttps://launchpad.net/~martin-espinoza/+archive/ppa < Here is the deb16:47
tobixangua: isn't that integrated into qt 4.5?16:48
tobiI don't think you need to instl that anymore16:48
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
xanguayes it is, when is qt5 going out tobi ¿16:48
xanguaqt5 is not in my repositorie16:49
tobiqt4.5 is in ubuntu 9.0416:49
xanguanop, i am using it16:49
xanguain Jaunty is qt4.4.416:50
ntfsHey, I'm considering installing Jaunty with ext4 as the fs, but I've heard there is some bug where it'll nom all my data and such.  Is this the case?16:50
Barridusxangua, thanks for the link.  i'll evaluate once i get some qt stuff going (skype, etc)16:50
xanguantfs: using it since a week ago and nothing has deleted or mystery disapeared16:51
ntfsxangua, okay cool16:51
xanguathe only bad is that i have an Intel video card16:51
ntfswhy is that bad?16:51
xanguaand it freezes somethimes with compiz, so i disable it16:51
ntfsI have nvidia, I'm hoping for decent performance :)16:52
cousteaudoes anybody know why brasero segfaults on RC?16:53
cousteauand nautilus segfaults due to brasero16:53
EruaranIn Jaunty were using Qt 4.516:53
Barridusxangua, there's an intel issue atm?  i got one in this netbook16:53
xanguasegfaults¿? cousteau ¿??16:54
cousteau"Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0xb80077dd in ?? () from /usr/lib/libbrasero-media.so.0"16:54
PollywogThe Jaunty desktop installer does not seem to allow one to choose to encrypt the drive.  Does the alternate installer for Jaunty have this?16:54
tobixangua: are you sure? I have 4.5.0-0ubuntu4 here16:54
PollywogI believe it does16:54
xanguajum.... do yo uadd a repositorie or something tobi ¿16:55
xanguaooh i see it16:55
xanguaqt5 yes you are right16:56
cousteauproblem fixed: I uninstalled brasero and libbrasero-media16:56
cousteaunow nautilus works16:56
cousteaubut it's a strange problem16:57
Emme_NKI'm trying to get 802.11n working with my Intel 5300 adapter...16:59
Emme_NKI only can get up to 54MBps16:59
xanguawhat's wrong with Nautilus cousteau ¿17:00
Emme_NKare the 11n/Draft-N features (Link aggregation,...) disabled in the jaunty kernel?17:00
PhotoJim54 MB/s is excruciatingly fast.  you might mean 54 Mbps. :)17:00
Emme_NKof course :)17:00
cousteauxangua: it didn't work; when I started it I got a "Segmentation fault"17:00
cousteaubut after removing Brasero it worked17:00
gauseis ubuntu 9.04 any better than 8.1017:02
Lyth1Is anyone else having a problem with fonts being displayed?17:02
Eruarangause: yes17:02
cousteauI'm gonna install Jaunty on a testing HD17:02
m0RrEare you using raid?17:03
Lyth1Is there a known issue with fonts being displayed improp[erly17:03
gauseis it possible to upgrade 8.10 to 9.04?17:03
m0RrEi haven't noticed anything with the fonts?17:04
xanguagause: yes17:04
m0RrEgause: yes, apt+f2, update-manager -d17:04
Lyth1How do I update from beta to RC17:04
Eruarankubuntu's update notifier is broken, where should I report this ?17:04
Lyth1How do I update from beta to RC17:04
Emme_NKLyth1: just continue to "aptitude update" + "aptitude dist-upgrade"...17:05
rm```Lyth1 run update manager17:05
Emme_NKor via update manager17:05
atlefLyth1: if you have updatet you are olready there17:05
Lyth1Do I need to add any repositories?17:05
rm```no, it should be automatic17:05
Emme_NKthe prereleases are only snapshots of the ongoing development17:05
Lyth1Hmm, then the problem isn't caused by Jaunty17:05
wirechiefhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904   for those who like to read17:06
Lyth1Anyone know why allf onts would appear idential17:06
kBangperhaps your gtkrc-2.017:07
kBangwhat is the last line in your gtkrc file, Lyth1 ?17:08
Lyth1Where is that?17:08
kBang~/.gtkrc-2.0 I believe17:08
Lyth1Not there17:09
kBangwell if you don't have a /home/username/.gtkrc-2.0, maybe thats the problem...17:10
kBangit is a hidden file17:10
kBangbe sure your view is set to show hidden17:10
Lyth1where is it again17:11
Lyth1I don't seem to have that file17:11
kBangin your base user directory, usually /home/lyth1/.gtkrc-2.0, for example17:11
Lyth1I checked there, nothere17:11
kBangbe sure your View is set to Show Hidden Files17:11
Lyth1it is17:11
kBanghrm...then make one maybe17:12
Lyth1What should I put in it17:12
kBangsec let me see if there is an good example on the net17:12
wirechiefkBang: http://pastebin.com/f3858787217:13
wirechiefthats mine17:14
Barridusanyone know why i peridically get "The following packages have been kept back:" from apt-get upgrade?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/153539/17:14
Lyth1I just managed to fix it!17:14
PhotoJimBarridus: you have to do aptitude dist-upgrade to install some upgrades sometimes.17:15
kBangHow so Lyth1?17:15
kBangyour theme engine should be setting it automatically17:15
Lyth1sudo fc-cache -f -v17:15
kBangahh your font cache wasn't updated17:15
[4-tea-2]Barridus: it also happens sometimes when updated packages have been uploaded to the repository, but their updated dependencies are not available yet.17:15
Barridusok thanks guys, both could be it i guess (although i'll try PhotoJim's idea first)17:16
Lyth1Ubuntu: The most amusing frustration17:16
f1assistanceis there an app that will tell me what the hardware is on my system or what it knows about?17:17
BarridusPhotoJim, ok it was dist-upgrade.  what does that mean then?17:17
PhotoJimflox: a really good terminal-based one is lshw17:17
hilBetter than the most frustrating amusement from redmont ;)17:17
PhotoJimBarridus: truthfully?  I don't know.  dist-upgrade is intended for major upgrades.  but I'm not sure how the packages are marked to make the differentiation.17:17
[4-tea-2]Barridus: it also means that you should switch to aptitude. :)17:18
cousteaulooks like the installer is a zillion times faster than Hardy's one17:18
PhotoJimBarridus: I agree that aptitude is better, although it has dist-upgrade too. :)17:18
Barridusyeah i use both.  depends what i'm doing17:18
PhotoJimI'd stick to one.  if you use aptitude exclusively your dependency checking will work better, if I trust what I've read.17:19
Barridusit's fun to just quickly type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo reboot" then walk to the restroom17:19
[4-tea-2]Barridus: be aware that on some systems (not sure about jaunty), apt-get will not mark packages as "manually installed", thus a later aptitude run might delete them.17:19
BluesKajguys, aptitude has safe-upgrade , where apt doesn't ..don't ask me if it's safer ?17:19
PhotoJimBarridus: I use safe-upgrade instead of upgrade.  can't tell you if it's better.  probably is :)17:20
Barridus[4-tea-2], not sure what you mean17:20
cousteauisn't aptitude just a front-end to apt-get?17:20
[4-tea-2]cousteau: no17:20
Barriduscousteau, no but it's a common misconception17:20
[4-tea-2]Barridus: aptitude will clean up packages that "are not longer used", ie. packages that have not been installed manually and are no longer needed by other packages.17:21
cousteaugood to know17:21
wirechiefBarridus do you do sudo killall gdm before you dist-upgrade ?17:21
Barriduswell i've never done dist-upgrade...17:22
[4-tea-2]Barridus: "apt-get install somepackage" does not know how to mark packages as "somepackage was installed manually and should stick around" on some systems (e.g. Debian etch, lenny)17:22
Barriduswell i "tested" it but didn't say "y"17:22
[4-tea-2]Barridus: you might want to try starting aptitude in GUI mode (just "aptitude")17:23
Barriduswouldn't killall gdm be sorta bad if you hadn't exited to the true terminal?17:23
wirechiefwell sure,  with ctrl-alt f2 or so17:24
Barridusi've sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop before for other purposes but after ctrl-alt-f217:24
[4-tea-2]Barridus: it takes a moment to see how it works, but I think it's worth it. It's been my preferred package management tool for years.17:24
Trewas[4-tea-2]: actually apt-get also marks which packages have been installed manually, it just does not remove not needed automatically installed packages automagically (like aptitude), you have to use apt-get autoremove17:24
Barridus[4-tea-2], i've used it tons already but thanks17:24
Barridusi didn't start with apt-get :)  i haven't been using linux that long, so i started with gui stuff until i became familiar with why it worked17:25
wirechiefBarridus i think i read in a forum on dreamlinux the use of sudo killall gdm from a ctrl-alt f2 terminal is the recommened way to keep from smucking your gdm stuff with updates.17:25
Barridusgood to know, i'll look into that myself then17:26
wirechiefBarridus other distros like sidux , kanotix have scripts to drop into init 3 and they do their apt-get dist-upgrade from there.17:26
Barridusi really never did updates very often at all, i used to run hardy17:26
Barridusand updates were very rare17:26
wirechiefBarridus and they said this was basically doing the same as those scripts... i do not know but i have been using that method to du17:27
ArnosDoes upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 RC using "update-manager -d" work under a Wubi installation?  is it safe?17:27
cousteaujaunty installed! now I have to test it17:27
bopAfter the upgrade my evince is not diplaying pdfs anyone has any ideas?17:28
Barriduswirechief, i love learning stuff so thank you17:28
wirechiefcousteau checkout the usb startup feature17:28
Barridusor at least being hinted there's something interesting to learn XD17:28
Eruaranjust did my dist upgrade before17:29
Eruaranrestarted after kernel updates17:29
wirechiefBarridus well its only from what i have gotten from reading like in that dreamlunix forum, i thought it was interesting thats how they do there du's17:29
Barridusit makes sense logically17:29
Barriduswhy not cut down all variables except the internet connection and dist-upgrade17:29
Barridusnothing to potentially collide17:29
ArnosDoes upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 RC using "update-manager -d" work under a Wubi installation?  is it safe?17:30
wirechiefBarridus it does. unfortunately dreamlinux does not work for me at all in any of my testing of it.17:30
Barridusi'm half tempted to try that now actually17:30
wirechiefArnos (i dont know) but have you read http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90417:31
Barriduswirechief, i'm on a new install atm, so nothing much to lose17:31
* wirechief doesnt use wubi17:31
wirechiefBarridus cool17:31
Arnoswirechief: Yes I have, the page doesn't mention Wubi17:31
BarridusArnos, i've never updated wubi but i suspect it will prolly work.  be sure to look around thoroughly first17:32
wirechiefBarridus i found a bug with the usb-creator  when you use it with persistence it drops you to a initramfs shell unless you use a boot cheat rootdelay=9017:32
Arnoslook around where?17:32
Barridusi only used wubi for a few hours before i said "SOLD!" and busted out the partitioner XD17:32
BarridusArnos, google?  i doubt there will be many wubi'ers in these chans17:33
charlie-tcaWhat about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades17:33
wirechiefBarridus i am about to test it again the bug is 27682217:33
hallownameum i have a bug on jaunty i cant find a reference too. whenever i use 'svn' on more than 100mb of data. complete lockup. only sysrq responds. tips?17:33
Barriduscan you clarify what you mean?  my live usb crapped out yesterday with persistence.  said it ran out of space and then locked up on that error17:34
Barridusduring maybe the 5th boot?17:34
wirechiefhallowname if you are totally locked up you can use RSEIUB17:34
hallownamewirechief: i kno. i have to when i try to svn more than 100mb of data. which i need to do a lot. lol. i need a working svn somehow..17:35
[4-tea-2]hallowname: I got a similar problem, related to a Broadcom NIC using the tg3 driver.17:35
hallowname[4-tea-2]: huh? causing svn to lock down the computer?17:35
hallownamei cant 'apt-get -b source subversion' either... build failure... =[17:36
Barriduswirechief, or you mean the bug occurs during the actual gui of the making process?17:36
[4-tea-2]hallowname: causing the computer to lock up when I send a lot of data, no matter what.17:36
hallowname[4-tea-2]: gotcha. i can download tarballs all day here. just svn locks it up.17:36
wirechiefBarridus no, when you boot from the newly made stick you have to use f6 and then add the cheat to the grub boot line17:37
[4-tea-2]hallowname: I can download as much I want. I only have problems when I send a lot of data. Does svn send a lot of data when comparing a 100MB repository?17:37
Arnosah, here we are: "Once Ubuntu is installed with Wubi you can dist-upgrade it as usual from within Ubuntu." -ago17:37
hallowname[4-tea-2]: ah it does. but i torrent all day. uploads are fine.17:37
[4-tea-2]hallowname: anyway, if you got a Broadcom NIC, you might consider it as a possible source of the problem. If not, probably not. ;)17:37
wirechiefArnos did you find a link on that ?17:38
Barriduswirechief, ohhhh ok.  sorry i had a usb stick booting issue yesterday unrelated, and i think i just read what i "wanted" to read17:38
hallowname[4-tea-2]: no i dont =] thx tho17:38
ienorandArnos: Where did you find that, I wa looking for it as well.17:38
Arnosienorand: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110795017:38
Arnosienorand: third post down17:38
Barridusspeaking of booting from usb.  what if the "persistence" is full and the stick won't boot?17:39
cousteauis ext4 stable?17:39
ienorandArnos: Got it, I was looking mostly at wiki... I guess it should be added to the wiki somewhere...17:39
Barridusi was never able to use ubuntu's boot stick maker before jaunty, it never worked.  i used unetbootin17:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext417:39
Barriduscousteau, it's been fine for me for weeks17:40
Barriduseven with shuffling data-filled partitions around and resizing, etc17:40
hallownamecousteau: good here too17:40
* hallowname kicks svn17:41
cousteau'cause I installed jaunty using the automatic partitioning and it used ext317:41
cousteau(and I wanted to test the ext4)17:41
wirechiefBarridus unetbootin is available in jaunty just apt-get unetbootin17:41
hallownamecousteau: you have to manually tell it to use ext4 :)  cuz the pl are still scared of it17:41
wirechiefBarridus but this issue with rootdelay affected both cd-creator and unetbootin for me17:42
robin0800cousteau: ext3 is still the default17:42
ienorandcousteau: The problem, at least that _was_ , is the one about data being lost on computer reset during operations... I think at least one of the bugs there have been fixed...17:42
cousteauso it's not a good idea to use ext4 yet?17:42
Barriduswirechief, ah, didn't know unetbootin was in repo now.  it wasn't a while back17:42
wirechiefBarridus if you see the busybox shell you will know exactly what im talking about *g*17:43
cousteau(I'm going to use it anyway on my test HD)17:43
hallownamecousteau: use it :) its fast. if it screws u, u should have had backups.17:43
wirechiefBarridus yes, i have both17:43
dtchencousteau: the fact that it's not used by default in Ubuntu should say something17:43
Barridusso any idea how to clear the persistence data?17:43
Barridusif it will no longer boot?17:43
dtchencousteau: if you really want ext4, you might want Fedora 11, which has even more patches for ext417:44
wirechiefBarridus and you select unetbootin from the Applications >System tools17:44
wirechiefBarridus well i havent exceeded my 1gb of persistence but would expect you could just delete files and make room.17:45
hggdhcousteau, if you are going to use ext4, it is a good idea to set the partitions *after* upgrading17:45
reya276Where can I get the Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras packages17:45
cousteauI can't believe I already broke the LiveCD session17:45
wirechiefBarridus one other thing that might happen is you boot to a terminal screen, if you do just give startx17:45
cousteauI can only type, but can't use the mouse nor the keyboard to change the window17:45
dtchencousteau: using the latest daily-live?17:46
cousteauthe release candidate17:46
dtchencousteau: right, you'd want to rsync to the latest daily-live17:46
Barriduswirechief, i'll test if i can replicate it later, it wouldn't let me do anything that i remember.  i was in a hurry though so i just rebooted into livecd and remade it17:46
cousteauI'll have to restart the session17:46
reya276Where can I get the Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras packages for Jaunty RC1?17:46
dtchencousteau: you'll have to do that anyway ;)17:46
xanguareya276: in Gnome go to Apps> Ad7quit17:47
wirechiefBarridus well thats ok. others seeing this discussion might be helped by it but the instructions are on launchpad bug 27682217:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276822 in usb-creator "busybox with (initramfs) / boot: / kernel not found" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27682217:47
wirechiefBarridus see, i was hoping it would jump up with a link,,, some interesting reading about the history of this.17:48
cousteau:'( :'( :'( Ctrl+Alt+Bksp isn't working17:48
dtchencousteau: altgr+sysrq+k17:50
hallownamecousteau: ctrl+alt+sysrq+ { R,E,I,S,U,B } :)17:50
cousteaulooks like Ctrl Alt F1 still works17:50
cousteauI'll kill gdm there17:50
Barridusyeah i looked it up, odd17:50
dtchenhallowname: that would be a bit extreme ;)17:50
Barridusok i'm gonna try that killall gdm   distro-upgrade17:51
wirechiefBarridus perhaps the delay can be shorted, it might depend on the size of the persistence (time to load it up)17:51
Barridusjust for kicks, bbl (hopefully :D)17:51
hallownamedtchen: he was goin for down time anyway ;p17:51
hallownamewonder if 'sudo apt-get -b source subversion' will magically work after jaunty's release...17:52
reya276xangua: is that the name of the app for the Ubuntu - extras?17:53
xanguaUbuntu extras is a metapackage that installs flash, java, codecs, fonts, etc17:54
xanguayou can install Ubuntu extras in Ubuntu/Gnome thru Apps> Add/quit17:54
deanyand last i checked, it didnt include java this time around17:54
reya276I know what it is, I've always installed it before by searching for Ubuntu-Restricted and now I can't find it in the repositories17:54
deanyyou need medibuntu repo17:55
gnubiereya276;  you   should find the restricted in synaptics, you may have to turn the concanical 3rd party on.17:55
reya276ah ok17:55
hallownamejaunty already had ubuntu-restricted-extras in synaptic when i installed... from beta alternate.17:55
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abdelrahmanPeople I'm extremely disappointed from jaunty... I thought it would work smoothly on my laptop...it turned out to be just like hardy!18:04
abdelrahmanno sound, no suspend, no hibernate!18:04
abdelrahmanI have a tx2510us...and ofcourse the wacom packages aren't working out..18:05
BluesKajabdelrahman, intel sound card ?18:06
BluesKajmake sure alsa is installed18:06
abdelrahmanit should be by default? I haven't done anything18:07
abdelrahmanor is it pulseaudio the one default like in hardy18:07
dtchenalsa is the underlying audio subsystem. it is always installed in Ubuntu.18:08
dtchenfor Ubuntu, pulseaudio is used on top of alsa. for Kubuntu, pulseaudio is not used by default, but it can be configured to be used, and same as the latter for Xubuntu , Mythbuntu, and Ubuntu Studio18:09
BluesKaj!pulseaudio | dtchen18:09
ubottudtchen: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:09
dtchenBluesKaj: ?18:10
BluesKajit's installed by default18:10
dtchenBluesKaj: i just said that18:10
dtchenand yes, i know. chocek the changelog for alsa-* and pulseaudio packages.18:10
BluesKajpulseaudio i mean18:10
slepthi, I have a very bad experience with dist-upgrade ... when I try to install gnome (things go fine) there is a recomondation to install fam  this creats tons of package collisions18:12
dtchenabdelrahman: i presume you installed Ubuntu?18:12
abdelrahmandtchen: yea!18:12
_megabreit_Hi there!18:12
dtchenslept: using apt-get/aptitude or using do-release-upgrade/update-manager?18:12
sleptbut fam is not one of the packages colliding which seems to be really strange18:12
sleptthen i removed couple of things /metapackages18:13
dtchenslept: you shouldn't be using fam; gamin is a drop-in replacement for it18:13
sleptthan there shouldn't be the suggestion to install it , right ?18:14
dtchenabdelrahman: please run the following command: ubuntu-bug pulseaudio18:14
abdelrahmandtchen: what that should do?18:14
dtchenslept: depends whether the source package has been updated18:14
dtchenabdelrahman: it will file a bug against the pulseaudio package. i need the information it gathers to help troubleshoot.18:15
dtchenslept: arguably, yes, it's a bug to be recommending it. please file a bug against the packages that recommend fam so we can get that fixed in karmic.18:15
sleptdtchen, I don't get it, things should fit together and after a freeze there mustn't be any dependencie problems18:15
abdelrahmandtchen: mmm ok..let me switch my computer back to ubuntu to do that :D18:15
_megabreit_I installed 9.04 today, everything went pretty smoothly except the grub configuration... (this didn't even work in the 8.x)18:16
CrocoJetno more 9.04 beta iso?18:16
dtchenCrocoJet: no, RC has superceded it18:16
CrocoJetI think "RC" release is almost final, right?18:17
dtchenCrocoJet: correct, it means "release candidate"18:18
ienorandCrocoJet: There is still daily...18:18
_megabreit_The ubuntu installer mixes my disk sequence in a different way as grub recognizes them later... anybody has experienced such behavior?18:18
sleptwhere was the file containing all the packages ... can't find it ..18:18
CrocoJetdaily came with last updates?18:18
sleptdescriton of and dependecies18:18
CrocoJetsounds more stable, daily, right?18:19
ienorand_megabreit_: I had that issue, but that was because of installing everything on a separate usb stick (incl grub)18:19
dtchenCrocoJet: at this point, daily and daily-live snapshot images can be preferred to RC18:19
melkarthttp://i39.tinypic.com/2lnxopk.png   <--- there is a missing translation in the jaunty release candidate18:20
CrocoJetafter final release, do I need change "software source"?18:20
_megabreit_ienorand: I have 2 IDE and 1 SATA disk in my system... this is probably the reason... BTW: This also happens with Suse...18:20
dtchenCrocoJet: no18:21
CrocoJetis automatic?18:21
dtchenCrocoJet: if you track daily updates until the release, you will be running the release18:21
CrocoJetto change repository to oficial, not development18:22
ienorand_megabreit_: Yea, grub was seeing different disk naming than ubuntu... using the drive it was started from as hd0.18:22
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sleptdtchen, ok found the package its "gnome-desktop-environment" recommending fam, are you sure that it shouldn't do so ?18:23
bronsonMan this release has sloow graphics.18:25
bronsonI can watch each individual window redraw.18:26
calcbronson: intel video?18:26
bronsonIntel GMA4500 on Lenovo T500.18:26
bronsoncalc, yep18:26
calcbronson: yea intel video driver is known to be screwed, they are still working on trying to fix it, may even end up being as an update18:26
calcbronson: more information about the issue is on phoronix18:27
bronsonah good.  I18:27
calcbronson: if you disable compiz it should be relatively fast as a temporary workaround18:27
bronson'll go read about it.18:27
bronsonI did, still really slow.18:27
calchmm i have GMA4500 on ThinkPad X200 and it seems fine for me, but then i don't do anything with 3D18:28
bronsonThat's the same as visual effects: none, yes?18:28
yofelbronson: you can try some of the things here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance18:28
sleptyes, I can confirm that :(  got i94518:28
sleptoh nice18:28
bronsonI don't do 3D either...  Just switching desktops, I can watch each window scan down the screen when being repainted.18:29
dtchenslept: that package shouldn't be installed in Ubuntu by default18:29
calcbronson: yea18:29
bronsonyofel, thanks for that, I'm off to read.18:29
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
dtchenCrocoJet: there's no distinction between official and development repositories from apt's perspective18:30
sleptgnome depends on it18:30
dtchenCrocoJet: the answer to the question i think you're attempting to ask is: "no, you won't need to change anything if you update now and continue to update daily until the release"18:30
CrocoJetdtchen, cool .. downloading now from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20090418/jaunty-desktop-i386.iso18:30
CrocoJetok, got it ! .. thanks18:30
dtchenslept: the package 'gnome' shouldn't be installed in Ubuntu by default18:31
cousteauok, once jaunty is installed, brasero works fine18:32
sleptdtchen, oh well I wasn't expecting that...18:35
dekkardhow do i get ctrl+alt+backspace back?18:38
sleptcould someone (if possible/ owning a fresh install)  do  "dpkg --get-selections >list" and paste it somewhere for download, maybe there are some more packages which shouldn't be installed ...18:38
dtchendekkard: install dontzap18:39
wirechiefdekard check this link http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90418:40
dekkarddo i have to enable it after install or does it just run in the background like a daemon?18:41
wirechiefdkkard it becomes a statement in your xorg.conf18:41
dekkardidiotic getting rid of that command...18:42
wirechiefdekkard i guess they were having too many people complaining about the terminal because they accidentially did ctrl-alt backspace (i dunno)18:44
dekkardmaybe from emacs users..heh18:44
wirechiefno from people trying to migrate from windows to linux18:45
dekkardthere are only 13,450 keyboard shortcuts after all18:45
dekkardi gotcha.. just sayin18:45
wirechiefdekkard just wait till you try booting with a usb stick and you end up in a dark box shell intramfs hehe18:45
ienoranddekkard: wirechief: Actually, as long as alt+sysrq+k works as it should I'm for its removal, it is a far to "natural" combination C-A-D, to have killing your xserver18:46
dekkardnot a bad point18:47
wirechiefienorand we spend our lifetime in linux learning what C-A-D does and then try a new release and it doesnt work... hmmm maybe it should pop up and tell them what to do18:47
yofelwirechief: pop up when X hung up? ^^18:48
wirechiefyofel right a new feature... hehe18:48
dekkardsysrq.. i dun know if i have that key18:48
yofeldekkard: It's usually the 'Print' key afaik (at least here it is)18:48
ienoranddekkard: printscreen should be able to substitute...18:48
dekkardok..yeah have that18:49
wirechiefyofel if you do a C-A-D you might have more than a headache .. ctrl-alt backspace was a great way to exit18:49
* dekkard using old model m18:49
yofelwirechief: true18:49
wirechiefyofel and besides. if your totally locked up using RSEIUB is much safer18:50
yofelwirechief: I know that :P18:50
yofeldekkard: It you're interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key18:51
wirechiefyofel and probably by the time we all remember what that means it will get changed  too *g*18:51
ienorandwirechief: Is it bettter to sunc before or after sigkill and sigterm ?18:52
otmDoes anyone know how I can reset the network proxy settings permanently?18:53
otmI set it up through terminal to work at school but now things like add/remove programs wont work18:53
otmand I don't know how to reset variables like http_proxy which I think is causing the problem18:54
otmsure is quiet for 327 Users!18:55
wirechiefienorand I just found using the key sequence got me out of the trouble i was in quickly and safely and have never had a crashed system from it18:55
Skapareotm: 323 zombies18:56
wirechiefwith intel945 its really a life saver.18:56
hifidoes ubuntu kernel have radeon framebuffer available?18:56
wirechiefienorand but i keep my home backed up all the time on my ext partition on my usb drive18:57
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poningrucant get ekiga to work under 64bit ubuntu19:00
Barridusdoes evolution work better with exchange if synch'ed locally?19:01
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cumulus007Hi, Ubuntu Jaunty RC won't boot up from my USB stick19:05
cumulus007is this a known bug?19:05
poningrucumulus007, no19:07
poningruwhats wrong? and how did you put it in your usb?19:07
cumulus007with the usb creator19:07
cumulus007I found this btw:19:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 363038 in casper "casper USB media fails to boot: USB storage device not detected, drops to (initramfs) prompt" [Critical,Fix released]19:07
poningrucumulus007, then try to recreate the usb19:11
cumulus007did that 3 times19:11
cumulus007I'm downloading the daily right now19:11
Pedrolitoif I install the RC, will I need to do a full reinstall when the final version is out in 5 days or will updates do the trick?19:12
daftykinsupdates'll probly be fine19:12
bopanybody having problems with evince after upgrading19:16
yofelbop: what specific?19:25
bopit does not open pdf files19:28
bopeps and svg files are ok19:28
poningrubop, seems ok let me test again19:28
bopmay be it happens for my configuration i don't know19:29
bopalso acroread and xpdf works fine19:29
_akahige_is there a way of viewing the list of updated packages by date? something just recently happened that has effected the layout of Firefox buttons and sliders, and I'm trying to see if I can narrow down what it was...19:35
Pici_akahige_: check /var/log/dpkg.log19:36
St0n3-C0lhas the performance of intel driver in xorg 7.4 improved in ubuntu 9.04 RC?19:36
_akahige_Pici: thanks19:37
drbobbhmmm would an older xserver version work in jaunty?19:38
yofelSt0n3-C0l: not really - the benchmarks here are a quite good reference: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_intel_greedy&num=119:38
drbobbmy guess is that the xserver's dependencies are not that restrictive..19:39
poningru_akahige_, no updates should change your layout19:44
poningruthats the profile19:44
poningrui.e .mozilla/firefox19:45
_akahige_poningru: I wouldn't think so, and yet... I can't really explain what I'm seeing... if I post a screen grab you mind taking a look?19:45
ienorand_akahige_: Try runnin firefox -P and create a new profile, if that one looks ok, it will be settings in firefox/extensions/similar.19:45
poningruienorand, no thats extensions folder19:46
poningruthe profile is in ~/.mozilla19:46
ienorandponingru: Nono, I was saying it will be beacuase of settings and/or extensions and/or something similar the /s were kinda misleading though...19:47
poningruah gotcha19:48
_akahige_poningru: before I post this, let me try the new profile suggestion real quick...19:49
TwigathyIt's been a while since I've done a 'normal' upgrade.... will update-manager -d reboot my machine as soon as it's done or prompt me to do so?19:50
Twigathy(I have to fiddle with grub before rebooting or else Things Will Go Wrong :>)19:50
poningruprompt you to do so19:51
Twigathyexcellent :D19:52
makarioAnyone know of a good Gmail checker that uses the new notification system?19:53
kklimondais there still some problem with fglrx in 9.04?19:58
deanymakario, enable pop3 and use standard email client...20:00
_akahige_poningru: I've got two images upped here: http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV2j44Zr http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq2kBfz0  . both shot on a clean profile.20:00
makariodeany, I used to do that, but I've switched to IMAP since I got a G1. More centralized.20:00
makariodeany: And I'm not too big of a fan of IMAP in Evolution.20:01
Bob_DoleI'm trying to find a way to mount a samba share so that my windows software running under WINE can access it, such as ion the media folder.. on intrepid there was a program "ksamba" or some KDE software I can't find in jaunty that did it for me... mounting it through the "network" thing under places mounts it..but not in a way my windows software can access it.20:01
poningru_akahige_, why do you have so many profiles?20:02
poningrujust switch to the original one20:02
_akahige_boredom?  ;)20:03
Bob_DoleAlso, I'm using jaunty because it actually boots on this system.. Intrepid and Hardy don't, for some reason.20:03
deanyyou can use imap tho in your email client?20:03
abstr4ktanybody have tested flumotion on jaunty??20:03
deanyi use tbird20:03
_akahige_poningru: there is no "original" profile. nothing clean, anyway20:04
poningru_akahige_, what do you mean nothing clean?20:04
poningruwhats wrong with it?20:04
antoranzdoes anybody know (around) when the netbooks based on ARM?20:05
antoranz... will be out?20:05
Bob_DoleI'm thinking about buying one of those MIPS based netbooks.20:06
_akahige_poningru: all of those profiles have extensions installed, or configs made. if this was an issue with a profile, it makes sense to create a new profile where everything is fresh and clean, right?20:06
antoranzby the way... will this be solved in the next days? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/35525820:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 355258 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i865] Jaunty: DRI disabled with i865" [High,Triaged]20:07
deanythe intel bug, still? that was a week ago..  slacking20:08
jacobw-uki've got a problem with the xchat-gnome package, it wouldn't install, and the xchat-gnome-common package is 'stuck' on my system being unremovable and also blocking other tasks20:08
_akahige_poningru: because the profile chooser comes active before any profile is loaded (and exhibits problems similar to the main window on a clean profile), it seems apparent that the issue has something to do with the graphic lib that Firefox is using -- I just don't know what that is20:08
antoranzI'm already psichologically prepared to lose acceleration with jaunty... but I'd love to get it back20:08
poningru_akahige_, if you dont care for the data in the profiles what you can do is just rm -rf ~/.mozilla or mv ~/.mozilla ~/mozilla20:09
Bob_Doleantoranz: there's uax or something new for accel. on intel chips. it has stability issues, I hear.20:09
antoranztranslation: do I forget about it?20:10
antoranzas It's like a legacy chipset, perhaps it will simply be dropped20:10
_akahige_poningru: I'm aware of that. what does the number of profiles I've got have to do with the issue of the window layout?20:10
poningruwait what do you mean window layout?20:11
poningruI thought you said toolbar layout20:11
Bob_Doleantoranz: I think waiting for a couple of months and check the status of this new accel. method20:11
Bob_DoleLet me go make sure of its name20:11
antoranzso perhaps it will come back? For jaunty? Or kinky?20:12
_akahige_poningru: nope. sorry. do you see how in the g-news image, the scroll bar has no left edge and disappears into the page background?20:12
antoranzas I got a new job, perhaps i will be moving to another box (this is rather old, iad it's my wifes so most of the room is taken by güindous)20:13
poningru_akahige_, and a new profile fixes that? I think thats an issue with the ubuntu/firefox theme you are using20:13
antoranzBob_Dole: there's uax and eax, I think20:13
_akahige_poningru: a new profile does not fix that. the screenshot was take WITH a new profile just to confirm that it wasn't related to the theme or something else in the old profile I was using20:14
poningruyeah its gotta be an ubuntu theme issue then20:14
poningrutry changing to a different theme20:14
Bob_Doleantoranz:  Ah, they mention how to get accel. working in the release notes... http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90420:14
antoranzlet me save it so I can check it later (I'm about to leave)20:15
Bob_DoleIt's near the bottom of the page20:15
hale3rchow do i update from the beta to the RC?20:15
* Bob_Dole still waiting on an answer for how to mount a samba share to /media instead of "on the desktop" where his windows software can't see it.20:16
_akahige_poningru: are you sure they're theme related? Firefox is doesn't use gtk theming for its interior window layout20:16
Praveenhale3rc: update-manager -d20:16
hale3rcpraveen:  that's all i have to do?20:16
antoranzBob_Dole... I think I tried with uxa and itdidn't work20:17
antoranzI'll try just in case20:17
antoranztalk later!20:17
poningru_akahige_, sure it does atleast in linux20:17
Bob_Doleant: try the "greedy" thing20:17
_akahige_poningru: then why, when I switch gtk themes do all of the open apps on the desktop shift their scroll bars EXCEPT Firefox?20:18
poningru_akahige_, do you have a firefox theme installed through ubuntu? let me check if thats even possible20:19
unkosup guys20:19
unkook im wondering if i install jaunty now... and the final release comes out.. will the update mamanger update me to the final realse since im in bets?20:20
_akahige_poningru: I usually use Firefox themes, but like I said earlier, that screenshot was taken with the default theme20:20
poningruunko, yes20:20
poningru_akahige_, yeah see the buttons on there are not the default buttons20:20
Praveenhale3rc: i think so20:20
unkook poningru so i should have nothing to worry about if i install it and use it as default desktop right?20:21
poningruunko, yeah20:21
unkook nice20:21
poningruyou can just use the update manager to update to the release20:21
_akahige_poningru: and those buttons come from... some kind of graphics lib that Firefox is referencing, right...?20:21
unkobeacause, i don't know alot of people were saying there still alot of bugs and glitches and it's gonna be released in five doys so there can't be many bugs20:22
poningru_akahige_, probably some theme that was installed system wide20:22
mrwesunko, solid on my end20:22
unkomrwes, ok nice20:23
poningruunko, I do have some issues with some particualr software like ekiga and stuff20:23
unkomrwes, specs?20:23
poningruso I dont know20:23
mrwesunko: Dell D60020:23
unkoi never used that so i don't care..20:23
poningruthose bugs will probably not be solved unless they are a huge issue20:23
unkomrwes, can i pm u?20:23
mrweshrm...ok, but I am watching the NBA playoffs :)20:24
unkohhaa ok20:24
_akahige_poningru: I saw some theme related updates come through the update manager, but that was days ago, and this problem cropped up today20:25
Heeroohow can i update my drivers?20:27
TecnaI can't umount <filesystem> -f20:36
Tecnaisn't -f supposed to FORCE unmount even if the filesystem is busy?20:37
bronsontecna, crash?20:37
bronsonoh, is it an nfs volume?20:37
bronsonI think it's up to the fs if -f works or not.20:37
Tecnaits ext220:38
ikus060Hi all, I'm running Jaunty (with ext4) and I'm looking for a way to recover a deleted file. thanks for help.20:38
bronsonAnd, I've seen it even with NFS where things would crash and -f wouldn't work.20:38
bronsonikus060, heh...  you're in uncharted territory.20:38
bronsonIf you figure out how, make sure to make a blog post.  :)20:38
Tecnaso how can I umount?20:39
ikus060bronson: hey hey, so recovering file from ext4 wasn't a requirement ?!20:39
bronsona reboot will fix it.  :(20:39
bronsonother than that, start killing processes, removing modules, and digging through logfiles maybe.20:39
Tecnathis is annoying...20:40
poningruTecna, do lsof and grep for where that fs was mounted20:41
poningrubut yes if you do sudo umount -f fs20:41
Tecnathere isn't even anything on the drive to be used20:41
poningruit should umount forced20:41
poningrudo it couple of times20:41
mrwesTecna, still learning to mount and umount? :P20:42
bronsonikus060, not a requirement I think.  It's certainly a nice-to-have but I don't know the state of it.20:42
Tecnamrwes: I think it's another bug, because I'm not doing anything different from any other distro, and it's just not working20:43
mrwesso report it and see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing20:44
TecnaI'll report it as soon as I can confirm that it's really a bug and I know exactly how to replicate it20:45
* Tecna checks something20:45
mrwesTecna, still having issues with the ntfs mounts?20:45
Tecnano, this is an ext2 fs20:46
Tecnaif you remember my fs tab, it's my /scratch mount20:46
mrwesnot the scratch I don't20:47
Heeroohow can i update my drivers?20:48
Tecnawell, i'm trying to unmount it to reformat20:49
mrwescan't umount using sudo either?20:49
Tecnai know better than to try to umount without sudo20:50
HeerooIn my login screen the text is to big, how can i change thet?20:55
amikropDoes RC have any problems with any (proprietary) graphics card drivers?20:59
amikropE.g. they are not ready due to Xorg change.20:59
amikropOr anything?20:59
yofelamikrop: nvidia works fine here, there were problems with fglrx, not sure if the new version is already out21:04
amikropyofel: ok, thank you :)21:05
macman_sup all21:07
SarujiHello, I have deleted my ubuntu toolbar on jaunty, how can I get it back?21:07
macman_everytime i do a sudo apt-get install vir i get virtualbox-2.2 .. i want to virtualbox.2.0 .. any ideas to get virtualbox2.0 ?21:08
Tecnarestarting cleared everything up for now21:08
macman_Saruji: i think you have to re-add the toolbar21:08
Tecnamacman_: I suggest using the force version feature in Synaptic21:09
macman_Tecna: i tried none of them work21:09
macman_anyone else ?21:12
deanyim tryin to get my brothers T-mobile dongle to work in jaunty, its not playing.  i setup a new connection in network manaager, and nothing.. just doesnt even look as its trying21:12
macman_it says virtualbox is in /usr/bin/virtualbox21:12
macman_but nothing21:13
deanyi thought mobile broadband was supposed to be easy21:13
robin0800deany:  are you on kde?21:15
robin0800deany: did you use the wizard21:16
deanywhat else is there to use21:18
deanythe entry is there for it, but its not trying to connect.. there is no "connect" option either.. Ive set to connect auto too21:19
robin0800deany:  did you check it put the right information in It was wrong in mine the APN was incorrect21:20
deanyI dont know, what is the apn.21:20
deanyim not "at" the pc now21:20
prometheus765hi, updates icon in notification area does not shows when updates are available, anyone have similar issue?21:21
robin0800deany: when you are go to edit connection and check the info is correct there It may be easier to connect it to a windows machine and read info from there21:23
robin0800prometheus765: No Ive never seen it  only in kde never gnome21:25
kristina_hi, how do I install the nvidia drivers on kubuntu jaunty? seems like there is no driver assistant?21:27
robin0800deany: Access Point Name21:28
prometheus765kristina_: check System->Administration->Drivers or Restricted Drivers if you are using gnome21:28
kristina_prometheus765: nope, kde21:29
prometheus765kristina_: try adept manager and search for package named 'nvidia-glx-180'. I don't use kubuntu so i don't know if there is a better/easier way to install those drivers21:32
kristina_prometheus765: ok, thanks21:33
robin0800deany:  for Uk T-mobile APN = general.t-mobile.uk21:33
Bert_2Hi, I'm having problems with the user switch applet in the jaunty netbook remix, it appears as a white bar, I can't find the bug on launchpad, is this me or a new bug ?21:34
BigMoopiesWhat's the "new notification system" stuff this page is talking about that will be in Jaunty? http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2008/12/canonical-linux-notification-system.ars (or is it even true)21:37
AmaranthBigMoopies: Most of it is already21:38
BigMoopiesAmaranth, from what I understand it's supposed to cut down on some kind of notifications to the user ?21:39
AmaranthBigMoopies: It's supposed to make notifications saner21:39
BigMoopiesAmaranth, I guess I'll have to see it to understand it21:39
AmaranthYou'll get just as many or more notifications21:39
AmaranthDid you watch the video?21:40
AmaranthIf so, imagine basically all of that except the animations21:40
BigMoopiesoh , I thought that was just an image.21:40
BigMoopiesI'll watch it21:40
AmaranthAnd some tweaks for how you get notified of new mail or new messages in pidgin21:40
BigMoopieswow, that looks annoying21:41
BigMoopiesLooks like a big bad super 'Guifications'21:41
BigMoopies(for pidgin)21:41
mrwesany additional reports of 'hot' RAM on laptops?21:50
noodlesgchey I noticed my gfx card is blacklisted (Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found). Why? & Will jaunty final ship with this?21:51
noodlesgcah, I see the issue here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112905521:54
deanyits set right22:01
deanywont connect22:01
BUGabundoguud evening22:01
hallownameanyone on ext4 + jaunty here? dont use svn for stuff over 60mb. it will lock up. :D now u know. u can svn to ext3 partitions tho. svn needs fixn.22:02
noodlesgchallowname: thats odd. I have used 1+gb files on ext4, and I haven't crashed22:03
noodlesgchallowname: oh, you said svn. nvm22:03
deanylogin as "t-mobile"      password as mms (default in jaunty setup) and number is *99#.  not working.. this is bs22:03
kristina_hi, how do I add a new local printer?22:05
jeiworthkristina_: gnome or kde?22:06
kristina_jeiworth: kde22:06
m0RrEhttp://localhost:631 should do it kristina_22:06
hallownamenoodlesgc: yea everything is golden on ext4 it seems except svn22:06
jeiworthok, in the new start menu its (afair) kde -> applications -> system but they also moved it back to system settings22:07
jeiworthbtw is there any way to resize the new style menu? too me it appears very large, which is the reason i switched back to classicc menu22:09
hallownamejeiworth: y not use lancelot? its resizeable. and cool :)22:10
deanyAnyone got any ideas about this T-mobile dongle?  it wont connect.. its setup with correct apn and "t-mobile" as user (even tried T-Mobile22:11
jeiworthhallowname: well, primarily i assume because i have never heard of it until now ;o)22:11
jeiworthgot link?22:11
hallownamejeiworth: oh. its in kdeplasma-addons. with other cool things. its a start menu of sorts. better than kicker imho. prettier than classic.22:12
hallownameanyone here tried the openbrain plasmoid?22:16
dreamonAfter Pressing STRG+ALT+F1 there is only a blank black screen. No Textconsole.22:17
hallownamedreamon: ur video driver. most likely anyway. dunno tho.22:17
hallownamedreamon: console cursor or no cursor?22:17
jeiworthhallowname: hmm looks very nice, but still quite large...22:18
dreamonhallowname, No Cursor.. only darkness.. STRG+ALT+F7 I can go back to desktop22:18
hallownamejeiworth: its resizable. grab the sides of it.22:18
hallownamedreamon: yea driver prollem id guess.22:19
mathijsHi, I upgraded to jaunty, all fine, except for my keyboard. I noticed the repeat-delay & rate felt different, but I could adjust them. Thing is, I'm playing games in wine and I notice the repeat rate forces itself there too, while in 8.10 games would just receive press & release events.22:19
mathijsI did not change my xorg.conf, and my xorg.conf does not contain a keyboard part, so I think this means it's using evdev by default (but that would have been the case in 8.10 too I think)22:20
dreamonusing Nvidia Driver. 1.8022:20
dreamonmight be a problem with the 16:9 format of the notebook lcd22:21
alex_mayorgaany chance this one is fixed in jaunty now https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/14670622:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 146706 in xorg-server "[Intrepid] Live cd graphics fail with nvidia geforce4 440 go " [Unknown,Confirmed]22:28
luckyonedoes anyone in here have conduit installed?22:28
dreamonnext problem, my notebook doesnt shutdown 100%.. The display is on.. i can see white display, an how die digits lose lightning. But notebook keeps turned on. So i have to press powerbutton for a few seconds du stop runnig.22:28
BUGabundoalex_mayorga: can you test with a livecd/usb?22:28
luckyonesince I upgraded to Jaunty, conduit runs at 49% all the time22:28
BUGabundothat's the best wsy if it fixes for you!22:28
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo, the daily or other, shoot a link and I can check I believe22:29
BUGabundodreamon: seems you have a ACPI bug that won't get the proper command22:29
BUGabundoeither you get a BIOS update or need a kernel patch for your laptop22:29
Athenonjaunty's screen keeps fading to black like every 15-30 minutes and its annoying.  i checked the settings in power management, and its set to "never" on AC power, which is what its using22:29
jeiworthsay, does k9copy try to eat all your mem too when you try to copy a dvd22:29
BUGabundoalex_mayorga: daily is fine !daily22:30
BUGabundo !daily | alex_mayorga22:30
ubottualex_mayorga: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:30
dreamonBUGabundo, Is there an easy way to test if the probleme comes from acpi?22:30
BUGabundodreamon: humm you better get a kernel team member to answer that22:30
BUGabundodreamon: file a bug and ask on #ubuntu-kerneç22:31
macman_how do you become a team member ?22:31
BUGabundodreamon: file a bug and ask on #ubuntu-kernel22:31
BUGabundodreamon: $ ubuntu-bug linux22:31
dreamonBUGabundo, ok. Thanks a lot22:31
BUGabundomacman_: ask on #ubuntu-motu22:31
MightyTweekAthenon: I think you may still have the screen saver enabled22:32
AthenonMightyTweek:  yeah.  it was set to blank screen after 10 mins.  thanks22:32
hallownameanyone here tried the openbrain plasmoid?22:34
_akahige_since one of the recent upgrades, I've noticed several problems with Firefox. my pdf printer has disappeared from the print selector (but it's present in other apps).  what can I do to get it back?22:36
shiznebithi everyone, i got a question, what do i change  to make my power button run a script instead of using gnome-power-managment settings ?22:39
deanystill having trouble with the t-mobile dongle.  its setup correct with correct APN, im lost..22:42
deanythe password in windows for it is blocked out as usual, but is 2 chars long, whereas the one in ubuntu is set to mms  .?22:43
BUGabundodeany: mms?22:44
ali1234the windows dialogs displays "***" regardless of passwordlength22:44
deanyusing the wizard, its set to User and mms22:45
deanyive set the login to T-Mobile and t-mobile and T-mobile22:45
ali1234also gprs/3g data connections don't need a user/pass, only the correct APN, authentication is done by the sim card22:45
deanythere is no such "wizard" in 8.10 tho..22:45
deanyid try it in 8.10 ottherwise22:46
deanyok i`ll try no login/pass22:46
ali1234it wont allow you to leave them blank22:46
ali1234i usually put in "web/web"22:46
ali1234because that's what t-mobile told me22:46
ali1234but it should in theory accept anything22:46
ali1234does the dongle appear as a serial device? if so try to establish a connection using picocom22:47
rlaagerCan anyone point me to instructions on migrating my encrypted private directory to use filename encryption?22:48
ali1234you may need extra initialization strings or something22:48
deanyit mounts as a cd too22:48
deanywith windows bs22:48
ali1234so it has built in storage too... that isn't unusual for usb devices to have two modes of operation22:48
ali1234but it should appear as a serial device too i think22:49
deanymy sandisk usb 16gig stick has an isofs too22:49
ali1234like /dev/ttyUSB022:49
deanyportable bs22:49
deanycant remove it22:49
ali1234this is why i only buy fake chinese rip-offs. they never have stuff like that on :)22:49
deanygot no ttyUSB22:50
deanyali1234, yeah, and half their capacity lol22:50
ali1234check dmesg before and after plugging it in22:50
deanyhso: /build/buildd/linux-2.6.27/drivers/net/usb/hso.c: 1.2 Option Wireless22:51
deany usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic      i get that22:51
deanyyes, im on 8.10.. i cant be bothered switchin pc`s tnite.. ive tried em both22:52
prometheus765vlc always shows video in separate window, even if i set option to embed video in player window (in older ubuntu's that works), anyone have similar problem?22:52
deanyi think im just gonna give up and sack any idea of ubuntu for mobile broadband....22:52
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
BUGabundodeany: its needs an hack22:53
BUGabundofrom hal or udev22:53
BUGabundoyou have to file a bug and wait for it to be fixed22:53
prometheus765also totem still shows wrong aspect ratios in all videos22:54
ali1234dont thinkhso works by a tty so i can't really help you sorry22:54
mrwesthe new version of VLC is designed to show the video in a separate window22:55
mrwesI like it actually22:55
shiznebitguys what will be better to use etherwake or wakeonlan in jaunty ?22:55
prometheus765mrwes: but ther is no controls when video is played fullscreen22:55
mrwesprometheus765: sure there are from the keyboard22:56
mrwesspacebar = pause22:56
mrwesright mouse button?22:56
mrwesBUGabundo: have you heard any additional reports about hot RAM on laptops?22:58
prometheus765mrwes: right mouse button works, but in preferences there are settings for gui on fullscreen, also for embedding/unembedding video from player window. In Intrepid all of that worked, now not22:58
BUGabundomrwes: was it RAM or HDD?22:59
mrwesBUGabundo: gotta be RAM -- hddtemp is looking Ok, and the RAM cover is smokin22:59
mrwescputemp is good too, there is a thread in the forums on it23:00
=== Activity is now known as Hecate
BUGabundomrwes: 1st time I heard about OS related MEM tempature malfuntion23:00
BUGabundoI would go with faulty HW 1st23:00
BUGabundonot at par with how kernel sets mem speed23:01
BUGabundoapw: ping you around ?23:01
mrwesBUGabundo: I installed powertop and firefox is the number one cause of wakeup and more so when running flash23:01
BUGabundomrwes: yes flash is bad23:01
mrwesthere's not a sensor for RAM temp is there?23:01
shiznebitmrwes: use flashblock23:01
BUGabundo   4.7% ( 70.5)       firefox-3.6 : schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)23:01
BUGabundowith no flash23:02
BUGabundomrwes: not that I know, on common boards!23:02
shiznebitmrwes: its a plugin for Firefox23:02
mrweshrmm..lemme boot into ubuntu23:02
BUGabundo  18.2% ( 99.0)       firefox-3.6 : schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)23:04
shiznebitBUGabundo: where are the settings for the acpi powerbutton event ?23:04
BUGabundoshiznebit: don't know!23:04
BUGabundoshiznebit: try $ mlocate acpi ?23:05
mrwesBUGabundo,   27.8% ( 99.7)           firefox : schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)23:08
BUGabundoits not 100% ehe23:08
mrweswireless card jumps through the roof on flash too23:09
mrwes  32.4% (100.0)           firefox : schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)23:10
shiznebitis that with flash block ?23:10
mrwesno..lemme install it23:11
=== qedx_ is now known as qedx
_akahige_when I go to print in Firefox, my printer selector is now empty. cups is installed and available in other apps. can anyone help?23:12
mrwes  41.5% (100.8)           firefox : schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)23:13
mrweswith flash vid running:   65.0% (229.2)       <interrupt> : ipw2200, Intel 82801DB-ICH423:15
shiznebitmrwes: not an improvment ?23:16
mrweswireless card jumps to the top -- is that to be expected?23:16
mrwesshiznebit, no23:16
Praveeni have MSTTCOREFONTS installed in jaunty. but firefox does not seem to use the fonts. please help me.23:16
shiznebitit's video i mean, what can you expect23:17
shiznebitPraveen: firefox uses its native fonts23:17
shiznebitmrwes: yea wireless will jump cause its downloading the video23:17
Praveenshiznebit: i dont think so. in intrepid the fonts were much different23:17
Praveenshiznebit:  i recently upgraded23:18
mrwesgetting a lilttle flicker on flash 10 too23:18
mrwesthat's new too23:18
shiznebitreally? what vid card are you using ?23:18
mrwes01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 01)23:19
shiznebitare you with default x settings ?23:19
mrwesunder 8.10 I could enable compiz | normal, but under 9.0423:20
mrwesyep OTB23:20
mnkhi does anyone know how to get the new jaunty notifications working? I have got jaunty now but I only get notifications for pidgin [not volume for example] and also it looks nothing like the one in Mark Shuttleworth's flash video on the jaunty notifications. Can someone PLEASE help?23:20
mnkANY help will be appreciated :)23:20
BUGabundomnk: $ notify-send foo23:21
BUGabundosee if that pops up23:21
mnkwhat's foo?23:21
BUGabundoits any text you want23:21
mrwesworks here23:21
mnkaah ok cool23:21
BUGabundomnk: $ notify-send HELLO WORLD23:21
mnkit seems that it is not installed!23:21
mnki am installing it now23:21
mnkhow comes it didn't come as default?23:21
mnkok done23:23
mnkit comes now23:23
mnkbut again looks nothing like mark's black one23:23
BUGabundomnk: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:23
BUGabundoif you are on ubuntu23:23
mnkyeah i am23:23
BUGabundomarks is a mokup23:23
BUGabundoits not the real thing23:23
mnkbut someone on the forums said that his was black23:23
mnkdo i have to reboot or something23:24
HalowIt should be a translucent grey/black.23:24
mnknaa it isn't that23:24
HalowWhat color is it coming up as?23:24
mnkyellow or something23:25
mrwesMine is black23:25
mnkit seems to be like the ubuntu theme or something23:25
mrwesshiznebit, any ideas?23:25
shiznebitmrwes: you can always go back to the XAA method, jaunty's xorg uses the new EXA method so that might be causing some trouble23:25
mrwesshiznebit, I'm not familar with that23:25
mnkis the pidgin notification stuff different?23:26
mnkcos that was working before?23:26
HalowYeah, those are the old style notifications. Hmmm...23:26
mnkso now what?23:26
mnkthe pidgin ones still work even now23:26
mnkbut not with the black / grey colours23:26
HalowYou aren't by chance using the vanilla GNOME? I forget what it was called. Starts with an S...23:26
mnkno idea23:27
mnki just upgraded to jaunty from intrepid23:27
mnk2.26.1 is my gnome version23:27
Halowmnk: Is notify-osd installed as well?23:28
mnkshould i just try to install it?23:28
mnkhow would i know?23:29
BUGabundomnk: $ sudo apt-get install notify-osd23:29
mnkok so i need that too then?23:29
BUGabundonot exaclty23:30
BUGabundoit should be there23:30
mnkaah i c23:30
mnkleme check23:30
danilJust 5 more days!23:31
mnknotify-osd is already the newest version.23:32
mnkafter the update it seems to be working23:33
mnkso what kind of things should i be notified for?23:33
mrwesshiznebit, I'm not familar with XAA -- how do i revert to that?23:34
Halowmnk: Pidgin, rhythmbox and volume/brightness I can name right away.23:34
Halowmnk: And wireless connections.23:34
mnkhow can i set the kind of stuff i want notified?23:34
BUGabundoand power,battery etc23:34
BUGabundomnk: you can't! its not configurable by now!23:35
mnkoh ok23:35
mnkshould i disable libnotify for pidgin?23:35
deanyi hate the notification thing.. i disabled it23:36
HalowIf you want to turn of pidgin notifications. Other than that, you can choose which events trigger them.23:36
Halow(messages, sign offs/sign ons, etc)23:36
shiznebitmrwes: $ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:36
mnkmy pidgin isn't notifying me thru this new notifications thingy23:36
mrwesshiznebit, yah I looked at the xorg.conf -- I don't see a line concerning EXA or XAA23:37
shiznebitthen add the line :      Option         "AccelMethod"   "XAA"23:37
shiznebitunder Section "Device"23:37
mrwesunder device?23:37
Halowmnk: Hm... try it, I guess. That was how I turned mine off. I hated seeing when every single person was available. ;)23:37
mnkif i disable libnotify for pidgin it will stop on the new notifications?23:37
mnkor is that the old way?23:37
* Twigathy wonders why ctrl-alt-backspace is now disabled >:(23:38
HalowTwigathy: Too many accidental triggers.23:38
Twigathynnngh, ok23:38
shiznebitmrwes: then save the file and reboot23:38
mrwesgot it23:38
Twigathytime to fix my nvidia drivers. The upgrade broke them, apparently :-(23:38
HalowTwigathy: Alt+Sys Rq+K does it too.23:38
HalowTwigathy: Or there's this package called dontzap you can install to get it back. ;)23:39
Twigathyyeah, just read about it. Installing now >_>23:39
mnkwhat is the default jaunty theme?23:39
* Twigathy ctrl-alt-backspaces :D23:39
BUGabundo !dontzap23:40
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »23:40
HalowTwigathy:  ^ That.23:40
mnkwhat is the default jaunty theme?23:41
mnkanyone know?23:41
Halowmnk: It should still be Human, right?23:42
mrwesshiznebit, bingo! that worked -- I can enable compiz now23:42
mnkoh ok23:42
mrwesdamn..that would have been a needle and a haystack of needles23:42
mnkdoes anyone use evolution ehre?23:42
the7thmagus1whenever I start a gnome session, my CPU usage shoots to 99%. computer is noticeably laggy. this doesn't happen in KDE and never used to happen in gnome before. Gnome System Monitor and top/htop in console show that the sum of all processes is below 99%... what's going on?23:43
mnkwhen you select an email which has external images, are you able to scroll properly?23:43
mnkcos mine just goes to the top every second23:43
mnkwhile it is loading the images one by one23:43
mnkVERY annoying23:43
shiznebitmrwes: good to hear23:44
chipt4is 9.04 going to be LTS?23:44
shiznebitmrwes: just remember most of the new feature will appear for the EXA method23:44
shiznebitchipt4: nope 10.04 will23:45
chipt4ah ok23:45
Twigathyerk, angry machine now. nvidia-glx-180 for the nv driver, correct?23:45
the7thmagus1hello? can anyone help me?23:46
Halow!ask | the7thmagus123:46
ubottuthe7thmagus1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:46
the7thmagus1whenever I start a gnome session, my CPU usage shoots to 99%. computer is noticeably laggy. this doesn't happen in KDE and never used to happen in gnome before. Gnome System Monitor and top/htop in console show that the sum of all processes is below 99%... what's going on?23:46
BUGabundochipt4: No.. 10.04 might23:47
HalowTwigathy: I think that is the Nvidia driver. NV is the open one, as far as I know, but I only just started using a Nvidia card a few weeks ago.23:47
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
_akahige_I don't know if I've found a bug, but this is sure weird, and I want to get some feedback to see if I should file anything... I'm running two versions of Firefox: 3.0.x installed from the repos, and 3.1b3 untarred and running local on my desktop. Until today, they've functioned identically (except for 3.1 being better). As of this morning, some Jaunty update caused the beta to no longer honor the desktop gtk theme, and there are n23:51
BUGabundo_akahige_: any reason for not running 3.5 from archive?23:52
Twigathyyay, got my nvidia driver working again23:53
Twigathydual screens \o/23:53
_akahige_BUGabundo: nope. I've been running the beta under Intrepid, and only a week ago went Jaunty, so it never occurred to me to look for the beta23:54
BUGabundo_akahige_: you can get the daily ppa and also have 3.623:55
BUGabundothat's what im using23:55
lifi_anyone know how to change the position from notify-osd?23:56
_akahige_BUGabundo: is that better than installing 3.5 from the repo?23:56
Halowlifi: Can't. =(23:56
lifi_damn it, is it also not possible to get it on e.g. the 2nd lcd?23:58
Halowlifi: Nope. =( I had that irritation as well.23:58
lifi_very lame23:58
BUGabundolifi_: only way is to move the bar. OSD ballons will show next the clock applet23:58
lifi_ah yea, i did that23:58
BUGabundo_akahige_: hum it will be trunk23:58
BUGabundolifi_: there's a bug for that23:59
lifi_i moved my bar from the left lcd to the right one, but osd still shows on the left lcd23:59
lifi_ah ok, thx23:59
BUGabundolifi_ bug 33684823:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336848 in notify-osd "Notifications show up on the wrong screen (dup-of: 331369)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33684823:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331369 in notify-osd "regression vs. notification-daemon: positioning when multiple screens are available" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33136923:59

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