
=== SiDi_unchocked is now known as SiDi_Segfault
dashuakwwii: Should these icons be working for notify-osd?  http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/12670/screenshot_004_xTifT0.png . I only ever see the disconnected icon in network-manager-applet.00:48
BHSPitLappydashua, I think it shows me those whenever it connects to a network01:45
BHSPitLappy(it shows me whichever one is correct)01:45
BHSPitLappyit doesn't pop up each time my reception changes01:45
dashuaHrm, man I only get disconnected here.01:46
dashuaIf I run via command-line I get a notification01:46
dashuaBHSPitLappy: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/12675/screenshot_3GUa1y.png01:48
dashuaThat's all I get, but manually01:48
dashuaMaybe I messed something up here01:48
MrKeunerhi, can I find svg version of the abstract backgorund image Flow.png?01:50
dashuaNada =/02:00
MrKeunerwhy would that be?02:10
BHSPitLappydashua, yeah, that's strange05:29
BHSPitLappyI get "Connected to <name of ssid>" with the signal icon like I said05:29
dashuaBHSPitLappy: Ah, I got it.05:50
dashuaI've been using Jaunty since Alpha 3 and the gconf setting still set for disable notifications for nm-applet05:50
savvasmmm droid fonts11:53
* SiDi uses droid here11:56
SiDiit's really sexy :d11:56
kwwiisavvas: I like droid personally, but there are good reasons for not using it on a normal desktops....it was made for small devices and works best on them11:56
SiDi(i'm using it on a 15" lappy)11:57
savvaskwwii: ok :)11:58
savvasyet nothing beats monospace in terminal :P12:02
savvaskwwii: is it included in netbook remix?12:03
kwwiiyes, I think that since jaunty it will be included12:05
savvaswonderful! :)12:05
=== aantn is now known as aantn|away
=== aantn|away is now known as aantn

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