
Geoff918I'm running a business and will be using webserver, http, ftp, and mailserver functions.  I'm trying to decide between 8.04 (LTS) and 8.10 or even 9.04 (in a few days).  I need to know that my server will be stable, but have preference for something reliable.  What is the advantage of using the LTS versus upgrading to the interim updates?  Is there a security difference, or are patches virtually synonymous with each other?05:06
adoleoGeoff918: The security patches should be stable across distributions05:07
adoleoGeoff918: The advantage of an LTS version is that you can install it and rest assured that it will be supported for 2 years through Canonical's paid support program.05:08
adoleoGeoff918: So you don't have to upgrade every 6 months in order to be supported by the paid tech support.05:08
twbadoleo: that's only useful if you're actually buying support from Canonical05:09
adoleoGeoff918: If you don't plan to rely on the community for support, then LTS is not necessarily needed05:09
Geoff918adoleo: Thank you. So, it's simply a tech support issue, and not a software specific issue05:09
adoleotwb: Yep, I agree05:09
Geoff918adoleo: Okay, it seems I'd rather go with the latest release versions then. I can't imagine with the amount of testing Ubuntu releases go through something simple like MySQL would break on upgrade05:09
adoleoGeoff918: Sorry, let me correct that - if you /do/ plan to rely on the community for support, then LTS is not needed05:09
twbAlso, if you do that I guess you are obliged to stick heavily to main05:09
twbi.e. stuff lib libnss-ldapd is frowned on05:10
twbGeoff918: mysql is FAR from simple05:10
adoleoGeoff918: I'm running 9.04 on my main server, and two virtualized sub-servers, and I haven't had any problems.  Great stuff.05:10
twbFor stuff *I* support, I prefer the two-year cycle of LTS to the six-month cycle of, uh, HEAD.05:11
Geoff918twb: lol, eh okay I'm not sure what's complicated about it. I taught myself the whole thing. Unless you mean simple as in feature rich--in which case, no it's quite robust05:11
twbGeoff918: you taught yourself to *use* it.05:12
twbGeoff918: that's quite different from integrating the upstream mysql release into a larger distribution (Ubuntu).05:12
adoleotwb: +105:12
Geoff918twb: yes, I don't write modules for it if that's what you mean, sure I don't often take time to program these days--too many other things going on05:12
Geoff918twb: sure, sure, agreed05:12
twbGeoff918: all I'm saying is that a lot can go wrong "under the hood", or beneath your level of visibility.05:12
Geoff918adoleo: Great, I'll wait for the 9.04 release and use that then05:12
Geoff918twb: No doubt. I do have a pretty solid RDMS that I've written. I don't want to be upgrading willy-nilly. I've had enough professional experience to see some companies that are *still* running Windows 98 (for example)05:13
Geoff918twb: and I've also been with major corporations that upgrade their software (proprietary) so often that maybe once every week or two we'd have a fairly major outage05:14
twbYes, well, altiris and friends aren't all they're cracked up to be05:14
Geoff918twb: Altiris?05:15
twbGeoff918: infrastructure to do push deployments of software on top of Windows05:15
Geoff918twb: perhaps I'll PM you, might be more appropriate for the forum reasons05:15
=== vrizlle is now known as vraa
ragsHello...I am trying to setup raid on an existing system..after searching a lot I found a good doc on how to go about it. Only problem wiht ubuntu uisng UUID's..05:54
ragswht should the root=UUID line in grubs menu.list contain?05:54
ragsthe uuids from blkid?05:55
ragsthen I notice the previous line doesn't have the full id..but a part appended with an "$'.05:55
foxbunturags, you have it open in nano or similar cli editor?05:56
ragsbut I tried vi as well...05:57
foxbunturags, that $ is just the edge of the screen05:57
ragsam sure of the $05:57
foxbuntuif you scroll to the edge the rest of the text will appear05:57
twb$ means that the line has been truncated, i.e. you're not seeing the rest05:57
twbIt's an Emacs convention05:57
ragserrr...Ya..I thought of tht..but then I did scroll...05:58
ragsummm...k..maybe I missed it.05:58
twbYou can get the UUID to put in menu.lst and fstab by running "tune2fs -l /dev/sda1" or "/dev/md1" or whatever05:59
ragsok..ya..I got them by "blkid"06:00
ragsalso mkinitrd and mkinitramfs are same right?06:01
twbOh right, you have a newer udev06:01
twbrags: they are not06:01
twbrags: you should not need to touch the ramdisk.06:01
ragsbut I need for this raid setup..06:01
twbYou should only need to add the UUID setting to menu.lst and fstab06:02
Alex_21How do you do a SSH tunnel to a Ubuntu server?06:03
twbAlex_21: the same as any other server.06:03
Alex_21What are the cintax06:03
Alex_21? Please06:04
jmarsdenAlex_21: man ssh and look at the -L and -R options06:04
Alex_21I read the usage, but it didn't make sense06:04
twbssh www -L 8080:
twb...connects to the host "www" and fowards its port 80 to your port 808006:05
Alex_21A lot for that help06:06
drspinhi all, I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 2.6.27-7-server in a VM environment on an ESX server, and it looks like the FS timed-out and the server locked up06:10
drspinit's been running without a problem for about a month in production (and before that, at least 2 months in staging)06:10
drspinI see this in syslog  kernel: [75479.142247] mptscsih: ioc0: attempting task abort! (sc=ffff880068d75280)06:11
drspinany suggestions ?06:12
Alex_21Thanks for all your help06:12
Alex_21Good night06:12
ragsI had to make a ramdisk to boot into the raid array..06:39
ragsinitially I started out with a degraded array...06:40
ragsI changed the fstab and grub's menu.list06:40
ragsbut it is not finding the root disk...06:40
ragsI am just getting the initramfs prompt06:40
Alex_21How do you connect to a machine over ssh when this is the problem? I have a connection to an ssh server on 8080: . Now I want to use this machine to ssh into something. How do I do this06:41
ragsI made the ramdik using...mkinitramfs -r /dev/md0 -o initrd.img-raid06:41
ragsit seems like /dev/md0 has not loaded...06:41
ragsis there somethin I ma doing wrong?06:42
Alex_21Can anyone help06:43
jmarsdenAlex_21: Your question seems strange?  Just do    ssh user1@machine1   and then at the shell prompt for machine1, you can do    ssh user2@machine2 .  No need for any tunnels at all.06:53
Alex_21Thanks for all your help06:55
Alex_21Good night06:55
arooni-mobilehow can i find out whether a db table is myisam or innodb07:49
jmarsdenarooni-mobile: Try asking in #mysql07:57
=== sloopy is now known as Guest79822
godownerHey all, need an advice, which cpanel would you recommend me? Have Webmin, but am looking for something else...14:03
friartuckgodowner probably ebox. good to switch from Webmin because it has a lot of security vulnerabilities.14:06
godowner^^ k thenks will check it out14:06
uvirtbotgodowner: Error: "^" is not a valid command.14:06
* friartuck cline14:06
LyonJT_can you sleep a ubuntu server?14:10
friartuckLyonJT_ eh...like, apic?14:14
LyonJT_I need the server to go into standby mode and then able to turn on by Wake on lan14:19
friartuckLyonJT_ you want acpi (advanced conf and power interface). I fat-fingered it earlier.14:23
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Bambi_BOFH
giovaniLyonJT_: ok, well, WoL is an ethernet card feature, not an ubuntu feature14:40
giovanipresuming your server supports ACPI, you can easily hibernate/sleep/suspend it14:40
LyonJT_I know i realise that but how can implement it14:40
LyonJT_okay thank you!14:40
LyonJT_ACPI? do you have a guide or a link?14:40
giovania guide to what? it's a feature of your computer14:41
giovaniit's in the ubuntu kernel already14:41
LyonJT_how to set it up14:41
giovanithere's nothing to set up14:41
LyonJT_what the command to put it to sleep?14:42
XiXaQI'm trying to setup shared user accounts and following https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html14:43
giovaniprobably installing the acpitool package is your easiest option14:43
XiXaQhowever, I've tried several times, and I can't get it to work properly. Under LDAP Authentication, I'm asked to run the following command: sudo auth-client-config -a -p lac_ldap14:43
giovanisudo apt-get install acpitool14:43
XiXaQthis results in an error, saying "Error in updating the file: 'pam_account' not found"14:43
giovanithen read the manpage for acpitool14:43
XiXaQcan someone help me fix this? I'm following the guide step by step, so I think it must be a bug in the documentation, but I don't know how to get around it.14:44
XiXaQwhat should 'pam_account' contain, and where should it be located?14:44
giovaniXiXaQ: you may have to wait around ... it's a Saturday morning in the US14:45
XiXaQyes. Unfortunately, my internet connection is a bit unstable. It's a HSDPA connection, so I'll drop out from time to time.14:46
twbXiXaQ: run your IRC client on a server in screen, then?14:52
XiXaQthanks. May I have one please?14:52
twbXiXaQ: I'm not stopping you.14:53
XiXaQit's not very important though. The channel is logged, isn't it?14:53
twbFreenode policy is not to allow logging unless it's mentioned in the topic, IIRC.14:53
XiXaQI thought all ubuntu channels on this network were logged.14:54
twbMaybe they are.14:54
twbubuntulog: help14:54
XiXaQI'm sure ubuntulog does that.14:54
XiXaQit's really frustrating when you can't rely on the manual.14:56
twbldap servers are certainly a rollercoaster of fun :-/14:57
Bambi_BOFHrollarcoaster yes, fun, not sure ;)14:57
XiXaQI don't think  it's LDAPs fault that Ubuntus manuals are faulty.14:58
twbXiXaQ: granted.14:58
XiXaQmaybe the manuals are good, and the system is buggy? I don't know.14:59
twbBut LDAP is bloody confusing and tedious and complicated if you're using to the turn-key NIS packages.14:59
XiXaQmaybe Fedora would be a better choice as a server?15:02
twbWell, if you actually *like* FDS...15:04
ScottKirclogs.ubuntu.com has the logs.15:05
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
toothyHi Guys, i am trying to get a chrooted user account working with vsftpd and i've found that when i try to upload via this user i get "Error: Critical error"   any ideas why?18:17
toothyhere's my config if anyone is interested http://pastie.org/45083618:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #342227 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "error when issuing mysqldumpslow" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34222718:41
Activitytoothy, did you check the logfile? did you set a valid login-shell for the ftp-user? does the ftp-user have the required permission to view his chroot?19:28
=== Zerqent_ is now known as Zerqent
reidhey can anyone tell me the cleanest way to get JUST X/Gnome on my server?20:57
reidI dont want all the desktop goodies20:57
ScottKreid: Off topic for here.20:59
ScottKSee #ubuntu20:59
reidreally..?  because its a server, running ubuntu-server.20:59
ScottKOnce you put X on it, it's not anymore.21:00
theuser1in what cases is a website domain name is closed forcefully by the registrar or the company one buy a .com ?21:32
reid_how do I force -server to use a static IP?21:40
cemcreid_: you can set the IP in /etc/network/interfaces, look at 'man interfaces' for some examples21:42
reid_I did21:43
reid_cemc: I told it iface eth0 inet static, and specified everything21:43
reid_cemc: and it worked for like.. 2 days21:43
reid_cemc: now it seems that DHCP is leasing it new IP addresses =P21:43
cemcbut the configuration you made in the file is still there?21:44
cemcon the same interface which is set to static, you got other ip address?21:48
Chipzz22:43 < Chipzz> does anyone here know how to get the *actual* physical memory a server has under linux?21:48
Chipzz22:44 < Chipzz> free, /proc/meminfo, and dmesg all give wrong answers21:48
Chipzz22:45 < Chipzz> (there's things like the amount of memory the kernel takes up, memory space reserved for PCI, etc etc to take into account. I want to ignore all of that and just have it tell me how  much physical memory the server has)21:49
ChipzzI want none of that. If I put in 2 sticks of 2GB, I want it to report me: 4GB, not 3.8GB or whatever21:49
Chipzzreid_: ps aux | grep dhc21:50
reid_cemc: nothing has changed in the interfaces file21:50
Chipzzand kill all dhclient(3)'s21:50
Chipzzpkill -9 dhclient; pkill -9 dhclient321:50
Chipzzor if you want to cruel about it:21:51
Chipzzpkill -11 dhclient; pkill -11 dhclient321:51
reid_I killed them21:52
reid_ifconfig still reports the DHCP addy21:52
Chipzzof course it does21:54
Chipzzdhclient will SET the address21:55
Chipzz(when it gets/renews a lease)21:55
Chipzzwhy do you think the address should magically reset when dhclient dies?21:55
reid_Chipzz: can u tell me how I force it to move to the one I specified in interfaces?21:56
Chipzz(ESPECIALLY if you killed it with -9, which doesn't give dhclient a chance to release the address)21:56
reid_because I'm an ignorant fool =/21:56
reid_I killed with 1121:56
Chipzz/etc/init.d/netwerking restart21:56
Chipzzifdown eth0; ifup eth021:56
reid_ahh yeah ok I should have known that21:56
Chipzz(replace eth0 with whatever your interface name is)21:56
Chipzz/etc/network/interfaces is a debian specific thing and has nothing to do with the "configuration" of ifconfig or ip21:57
reid_yeah, awesome problem solved.. my server is back to its happy place =P21:57
reid_thanks a bunch21:57
Chipzzread: ifconfig and ip do not HAVE a configuration file of theirselves21:57
Chipzzifup/ifdown etc are wrappers around ifconfig/ip21:57
Chipzzwrappers being the operative word here21:58
Chipzzie: the wrappers have a config file, ifconfig does not21:58
lawlzfriesi have a server with a small HD (320GB). I also have a nas (2TB) sitting at home on a cable connection (5mbps). i was wondering if i could access the nas from the server at a decent speed. I want to dedicate the entire HD to a cache. is this possible?22:20
lawlzfriesi would prefer to use one of cifs, nfs, or afp. but anything really is fine22:22
lawlzfriesthe main thing is to use as big a chache as possible22:24
lawlzfriesis there a better way of going about this?22:25
lawlzfriesis this the correct channel for asking such a question?22:27
=== vrizlle is now known as vraa
lawlzfriescould i use fs-cache with nfS?22:33
=== Activity is now known as Hecate
lawlzfriesalright i've found some fscache patches for linux 2.6.1723:02
lawlzfriesis there something more modern and more "just works" out there?23:02
ScottK!weekend | lawlzfries23:07
ubottulawlzfries: It's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.23:07
lawlzfriesalright, thanks23:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
NineTeen67CometHello. I'm building a web server for an upstart studio and would like to give their users ftp access. I want the users to login and be sent to /var/www so they can contribute to the site. I'm using vsftpd and don't see where I can jail them to that directory, can I send them there when they login? (Don't want them locked to /home/~)23:45
lawlzfriesNineTeen67Comet, well you could set their home directory to /var/www23:47

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