
mdzjbarnes: did albert23's i915 debugfs stuff net any clues?00:00
jbarnesit seemed ok but I've got to go through each instruction with the docs next to me00:00
bryce_are the docs online?00:02
jbarnesat intellinuxgraphics.org00:02
bryce_ok thanks, I'll link to them00:02
jbarnestrying to refine my debug patch a little00:02
mdzogasawara is working on building a module with jbarnes' patch for the jaunty kernel00:05
jbarnesI'll be posting a new one shortly00:05
ogasawarajbarnes: should I just wait for the new one?00:06
jbarnesyeah give me a few minutes please00:06
mdzbryce_: did you have any luck reproducing the bug with the script?00:10
bryceoh yeah let me try that first00:10
bryce_1280 * 4: syntax error in expression (error token is "128000:16
mdzbryce_: it doesn't work under metacity00:17
mdzit seems to configure workspaces differently, and I haven't bothered to make it work there00:17
bryceI started it up, and *then* activated compiz00:18
bryceit definitely is unhappy 00:18
bryceok, froze00:18
bryceok, tooltime00:18
jbarnesogasawara: ok just posted an updated patch to the lp00:19
jbarnesman my machine is failing hard00:20
ogasawarajbarnes: ok cool00:20
mdeslaurunfortunately, I can't help. I have an nvidia card.00:25
mdzmdeslaur: oh, sorry, you were a false positive in my search00:27
jbarnesoops had a register address wrong in that last patch00:31
jbarnesnot harmful, and that reg wasn't very interesting anyway00:31
ogasawarajbarnes: I can fix it up really quick if it'll help00:32
jbarnesIPEIR should be 0x2064 rather than 0x208800:33
ogasawarajbarnes: np, I'll update it00:33
jbarnesI'm checking the other ones now00:33
bryceyay, got a freeze dump for you jbarnes00:44
jbarnesoh yay :)00:44
mdzit's after midnight here, I'm going to have to pick this up again tomorrow00:44
mdzthanks so much to all of you for working this issue00:45
brycenight mdz, thanks for your help as well00:45
mdzplease remember to update the bug report so that others can pick up where you leave off00:45
jbarnesmdz: ok later, thanks00:45
brycejbarnes: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25686110/freeze_dump.txt00:46
mdzBuffer size too small in MI_STORE_DATA_INDEX (2 < 3)00:48
jbarnesthat might just be junk after the end of the ring00:49
jbarnesthe head pointer should indicate where the hang happened00:49
bryceMI_NOOP ?00:51
jbarnesyeah just padding00:51
jbarneslots of padding :)00:51
bryce3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE sounds interesting00:52
jbarnesbryce: see if you can get i915_interrupt too00:54
jbarnesit's one of the debugfs files00:54
bryceInterrupt enable:    0002005300:56
bryceInterrupt identity:  0000000000:56
bryceInterrupt mask:      fffcdfac00:56
brycePipe A stat:         0004000000:56
brycePipe B stat:         0000020600:56
bryceInterrupts received: 4368000:56
bryceCurrent sequence:    51790500:56
bryceWaiter sequence:     51799100:56
bryceIRQ sequence:        51774600:56
brycejbarnes: uploaded tarball of all the files to the bug00:57
jbarnescool thanks00:58
jbarnesbryce: those files are empty :p01:03
brycehuh, you're right01:03
brycecp: reading `0/i915_batchbuffers': Cannot allocate memory01:04
jbarnesbryce: wanna join #intel-gfx?  anholt has questions01:05
kirklandbryce: hey01:14
kirklandbryce: i just upgraded mesa to 7.4-0ubuntu301:14
kirklandbryce: is that the one thought to provide the 965+compiz fix?01:14
brycekirkland: yes01:14
kirklandbryce: fwiw, i upgraded to that rebooted, reran mdz's repro.sh script;  still hangs X01:14
brycekirkland: there is now some additional debug tools I've packaged for ubuntu01:15
brycerequires installing a new kernel and new libdrm01:15
kirklandbryce: okay, what are we trying to get out of this?01:17
brycekirkland: register dumps that the intel guys can grok to figure out what's gone wrong01:17
bryceI posted my stuff on bug 359392 just now01:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939201:17
brycea second set might give extra insight01:17
kirklandbryce: okay, gimme a moment01:18
kirklandbryce: doesn't look like intel-gpu-tools - 1.0-0ubuntu1  has built yet ...01:24
brycegod I hate ppas01:24
brycethere was an older ~pre2 there which is identical01:24
bryceI guess ppa supersedes packages at point of upload, rather than waiting until the new thingee has built?01:25
bryceanyway, looks like amd64 has built, so presumably i386 is nearly done01:25
kirklandk, amd64 is what i need01:26
kirklandbryce: which of the libdrm debs do i need?01:29
brycekirkland: if you add the apt sources.list lines from the ppa into your /etc/apt/sources.list, and do apt-get install intel-gtp-tools it will pull in exactly what it needs01:30
kirklandbryce: perfect, thanks.01:30
kirklandbryce: rebooting into this jankey environment :-)01:33
kirklandbryce: okay01:42
kirklandbryce: X hung again, but slightly differently01:42
kirklandbryce: i still have control of my mouse01:43
bryceyeah that's typical01:43
kirklandbryce: but keyboard is unresponsive01:43
kirklandbryce: oh?  hmm, i didn't rember that01:43
kirklandbryce: okay, where do you want the freeze_dump.txt ?01:43
brycebug 35939201:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939201:43
kirklandbryce: k01:44
brycemaybe snag also the files in /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915* while you're at it01:44
kirklandbryce: sure01:47
kirklandbryce: done01:49
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brycekirkland: thanks!01:49
brycekirkland: go ahead and restore your system to normal, I think that'll do it for now.01:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged]01:49
brycegod that bug's getting long :-)01:50
kirklandbryce: yeah, i'm not jealous, i promise01:50
* kirkland thinks bryce has one of the hardest jobs in ubuntu :-)01:50
pwnguinhow much of the -x team's work is writing code versus testing / filing reports for intel?01:51
pwnguinseems like a lot of what goes on is wrangling patches from various sources01:51
brycekirkland: heh thanks01:52
brycepwnguin: pretty much01:52
brycepwnguin: most of the X coding is limited to reworking upstream patches to apply to our stuff, or little quirks or enable/disable options and stuff01:52
brycepwnguin: the bug load is just too high to be able to spend much time doing coding for any one particular issue01:53
bryceunless it's either really important, or really trivial01:53
pwnguinindeed, it kinda seems like the worst thing that can happen to a bug is to be triaged medium01:55
bryceI have been doing a fair bit of scripting type coding, for support tools and so forth01:55
pwnguinlow priority bugs seem to have tiny fixes01:55
jbarnesok I have to go home now too.. I'll leave my machine running (still hasn't hung with mdz's test script even after suspend/resume)01:55
brycejbarnes: any leads from the info collected so far?01:56
brycepwnguin: to be honest I mostly ignore the priorities on bugs01:56
jbarnesmy best guess is that we're actually looking at a few bugs here01:56
jbarnesbut until we can accurately reproduce things we won't know for sure01:57
brycehah, my gut was right01:57
brycejbarnes: yes I've sensed since the start that there are more than a couple bugs going on01:57
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brycepwnguin: what I do is skim for bugs with patches, git commit ids, backtraces, fixed-upstream, needs-sponsoring, or other indications that the bug is "ripe".  I'll pick those off regardless of priority set01:58
LLStarksbryce what is this delicious new ppa you've created?01:58
bryceLLStarks: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test01:58
LLStarksi see01:58
ogasawarabryce, jbarnes:  I've attempted testing with the updated patch, but my system is locking up hard02:23
ogasawarabryce: could you give it a try and see if you get the same?02:23
ogasawarabryce: I've posted a comment to the bug02:23
ogasawarabryce: I gotta drop off, but will be checking back in later.  feel free to email if you need anything else.02:42
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Mirvtjaalton: I wasn't either able to crash ith mem=1G, ran rotate-forever for the night07:43
Mirvtjaalton: what about resolutions btw, I've 1400x900, does your and dustin's machine have same screen?07:47
Mirvoh, I guess I shouldn't update compiz since now all 2a02:s are blacklisted07:49
tjaaltonMirv: I have a 10x7 screen08:16
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
Mirvok, there is simply nothing to differentiate non-crashing 2a02 rev 0c:s from crashing ones :(08:27
Mirvor maybe if taking a hard look at lspci, but still08:27
tjaaltonI'll try the script now08:29
tjaaltonheh, dholbach has a X61s (very similar to X61) and no problems08:30
tjaaltonmaybe it's the models they sell in the US that have problems :)08:31
Mirvmaybe it's 110V that causes the crashes ;)08:33
Mirvthen we could disable compiz based on country ;)08:33
tjaaltonooh, must be.. power drainage08:33
tjaaltonsweet, now it crashed08:37
tjaaltonrunning repro.sh08:37
tjaaltonit got to the fourth workspace08:38
Sarvattdo the crashing ones have dual channel memory by any chance?08:40
tjaaltonthis is a laptop, dunno08:41
tjaaltonsigh, for some reason reboot doesn't actually reboot, it'll just bounce back to runlevel 208:41
bryceI got frozen again08:41
brycethis time I did it the old fashioned way, just used it for several hours08:42
brycethis was after updating to today's mesa08:42
bryceI expected it would freeze, but what was curious was that it took 4 hours to do08:42
bryceanyway, I posted the intel_gpu_dump and etc. data onto the bug report08:43
bryceit seems to be considerably different from the output I got when freezing with the repro.sh script08:43
bryceso I wonder if that means they're independent bugs08:43
brycejbarnes: ^ is that a correct conclusion to draw?08:44
bryceor can the same root bug cause differing intel_gpu_dump output?08:44
tjaaltonheh, after shutdown compiz refuses to work08:46
Mirvtjaalton: 2a02 was blacklisted...08:47
brycethere is a config thingee to force it08:47
Mirvbut right, I had missed repro.sh, I have it running now though not getting a crash08:47
MirvI just edited /usr/bin/compiz and commented out the 2a02 line08:47
brycesudo gedit .config/compiz/compiz-manager08:48
bryceand add this line:08:48
brycewe should probably recommend testers enable compiz that way, rather than editing the script08:48
tjaaltonI edited the wrapper like Mirv 08:49
tjaaltonlast time it hung before finishing the first cycle, but not this time08:49
tjaaltonI'll let it run for a while08:49
Mirvshould the repro.sh be visibly able to switch between ws 4 and 0? for me the visible thing is that it stays at workspace 0, but I just cannot change the workspace since it always rotates back08:50
Mirvoh, later comment, excepts 1x6 workspace08:53
bryceyeah has to be 1x608:53
bryceare you two on the 2.6.30 kernel with the intel_gpu_tools stuff installed?08:54
tjaaltonyou have to have 1x6 grid08:54
tjaaltonok, hung again08:54
tjaaltonnot yet08:54
tjaaltonthis is stock jaunty08:54
tjaaltonwhat ppa was it again08:54
Mirvand not yet08:55
Mirvoh right the intel_gpu_tools08:55
bryceI've tried to make the directions fairly paint by number but let me know if I missed anything08:55
tjaaltonheh, intel_gpu_top is funny09:01
tjaaltonevery task is 100% when it's hung09:01
tjaaltonwell, makes sense I guess09:01
Mirvtjaalton: so you managed to crash easily with repro.sh? are you still using the mem=1G? I'm not getting a crash but using also full 2G now again.09:03
tjaaltonMirv: not using mem=1G and it crashes, yes09:04
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tjaaltonMirv: are you running the stock mesa?09:06
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Mirvtjaalton: yes, ubuntu3 now, earlier was that ubuntu2~bug35939209:19
brycethose two should be basically identical09:20
MirvI've done a couple of suspends as well while running the script, no problems09:22
tjaaltonok I got a dump09:26
tjaaltonnext I'll try without patch 10409:29
tjaaltonno difference09:37
Mirvstill running smoothly, ca. 10 suspend-resumes done as well09:45
tjaaltonnext I'll build mesa 7.3 and try repro.sh with it09:49
mdzmorning folks11:09
tjaaltonmorning mdz11:10
mdztjaalton: it appears the mesa patch was not to blame for this particular set of bugs11:11
tjaaltonmdz: no, but neither was the mesa upgrade ;)11:12
tjaalton7.3 froze immediately11:12
tjaaltonjust finished testing it11:12
tjaaltonrepro.sh is probably a bit too ruthless11:13
mdzyes, it's useful to have a case which freezes, but I worry that it may not be the same bug which people encounter in normal usage11:13
mdzthe visual artifacts are the same, though11:14
mdzI think it's reasonably likely11:14
mdzit sounds like there is one bug which is fixed by reverting the mesa patch, but it is not the one experienced by most people in the bug report11:47
ogramdz, i'm pretty sure i saw the issue way earlier 11:48
ogralike around the berlin sprint11:48
mdzogra: which one is "the" issue?11:48
mdzwe are certain at this point that there are multiple bugs which can cause X to freeze11:49
ografor me thats the alt-tab animation being delayed by about two seconds, workspace switching being very slow, freezes every two days11:49
ograwhen i had enabled UXA (which i did to overcome the first two) i could see my swapspace being eaten, after two/three days my system hit OOM11:50
mdzogra: those are at least two separate bugs11:51
ograright, and UXA isnt relevant atm anyway, i switched that off yesterday11:51
ograbut i remember that my X exposed issues in berlin already 11:52
ograand it didnt change much since11:52
tjaaltonthe delayed animations one is just generic slowness with the -intel driver jaunty has11:58
tjaaltonand UXA has memleaks, probably affects EXA too but not as much11:59
ograyeah, i still see zero swap used since i switched off UXA12:02
ograrunning constantly my system used to use about 2G swap after a day before ...12:03
ograthe genric slowness came together with the freezes here though12:03
tjaaltonthat's weird12:04
tjaaltonsure it's not after turning UXA off?12:04
mdzogra: it's changed a lot since then actually, including a whole new upstream mesa12:04
ograi turned off UXA yesterday, i had my first freezes shortly after the sprint12:04
ograand turned on UXA about two to three weeks after the sprint12:05
* ogra turns off all important apps and runs the testscript now 12:07
Sarvattfor what it's worth, i'm running mesa 7.5 (with only 03 patch in the debian/ubuntu series), xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.7.99/libdrm-2.4.9 on 2.6.30-rc2 with the latest drm-intel-next stuff from a few hours ago and UXA (with and without KMS) is still freezing with alot of compositing activity on my 945GME. With the ubuntu packages I had hard freezes usually when alt-tabbing or opening a new gnome-terminal but with my packages the mouse i12:10
Sarvatts still moveable but the same things trigger it. updating just libdrm/-intel/kernel alone had the same exact crashes as ubuntu packages, the mesa upgrade is the only thing that changed it at all.12:10
ograhmm, glxgears eats a complete CPU core ... it feels like i have no GL accel at all and its software rendering12:14
ograand shouldnt it constantly switch workspaces ?12:15
ograit only did one run and left me on the first then12:16
tjaaltonyou have a 1x6 grid?12:17
ogranope, all default12:17
ogra4 workspaces12:17
tjaaltonyou need to have that12:17
tjaaltonone row12:18
ogra_babbageyup, that helped12:21
* ogra_babbage is impressed how good pulse copes ... not the slightest coppyness with the video sound12:22
albert23With Virtual 2048 2048 in display subsection in xorg.conf I could run the test script without freezing for more then an hour12:41
albert23After removing that etting X froze again in less then 2 minutes12:41
albert23I originally used it to solve the slow cube rotation. Effect is that you get more EXA offscreen memory12:42
albert23For me EXA offscreen memory goes up from 19 to 49 MB12:44
jbarnesbryce: it's possible we're seeing different gpu dumps but still the same root cause16:56
jbarnesbryce, mdz: ran the test script all night with stock jaunty bits from yesterday, no hang, even did a suspend/resume shortly after starting it17:06
jbarnesunfortuantely I didn't have the right number of virtual desktops so I've got to start it over this morning :/17:07
Mirvjbarnes: do you see any sense in albert23's suggestions of Virtual setting (increasing EXA offscreen memory)? at least that would be worth trying also by others who experience the hang easily17:48
Mirvalbert23: if you don't mind, I quote you in the bug report?17:48
Mirv(oh well, these are publicly logged channels anyway)17:49
Mirvso quoted :)17:49
ogra_babbagetell them also that sitting in front of your screen for to long while the script runs might harm your stomack17:52

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