
BarridusGhoti_: ok so i can overwrite the home partition while it's in use with sudo?00:00
theuser1how to play, at every system boot.(when kde or x starts)  two 1.mp3 and then 2.mp3 . then again 1.mp3 (repeating for ever. one after an other. for ever) ?00:00
DasEihomeskill:take a look at dmesg | less,  or in /var/log/syslog  search for audio, or deeper , see:00:00
kebomix_1hello , any body help me plz , there is mikrotik hotspot server on my network  , and user name and password page dont open through ubuntu and it open's through windows ?00:00
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:00
henryCzsquareplusc:  It isn't really automatic login.  just ctrl-alt-backspace brings me to the graphical username: prompt.00:00
Suender84hallo, kann mir jemand erklären, wie ich meine quickcam express zum laufen kriege??00:00
LargePrimevocx: thanks.  8.10 it is.   what is the latest kernel for 8.1000:00
LargePrimeavailable thru synaptic00:01
vocxscunizi, the thing with 64 bit is that if codecs don't work okay people complain, but most other programs can be compiled from source if there is no 64-bit package already available.00:01
spiderz13ubottu thanks for the help00:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:01
zsquarepluschenryC: yeah that's normal as it terminates the x server :-)00:01
p-fIs there a way to bind a key combination to trigger a middle mouse click event? I'm tired of having to use my mouse to paste.00:01
Ghoti_Barridus: you don't need to wipe out the partition; you should see the destination in /media/disk/home, yes?  Just sudo cp the files from the desktop to the hard drive once they're on the desktop00:01
scunizivocx: and 32 bit can be run on it too right?00:01
DasEiDavide: did you configure a certain dir on mythv (on the additional hd) ? and is it an internal additonal or a removable extra hd ?00:01
vocxLargePrime, 2.6.27-1100:01
Ghoti_p-f: you can also usually ctrl+insert to paste00:01
zsquarepluschenryC: and can you start a terminal with the run dialog. i guess alt-F2 also works in xubuntu?00:01
Suender84can anybody explain to me, how to make my qickcam express working? iḿ low skilled00:01
kolereally strange issue. I upgraded to the jaunty release candidate and all of a sudden Opera isnt playing flash any more. I checked the plugins tab and its listed there (shockwave flash) but youtube and other sites don't work... any ideas?00:01
LargePrimevocx:  perfect.  thanks00:01
p-fGhoti_: unfortunately that's not really the case - if I only select something, it goes to X's buffer, which most applications joyfully ignore00:02
henryCzsquareplusc:  cool, did not know about alt-F2.  xterm runs from there!  What does this mean though?00:02
zsquareplusckole: #ubuntu+100:02
DasEi!jaunty | kole00:02
ubottukole: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:02
vocxscunizi, I've heard it can be done, but I've never bothered to try. I guess you need to install the 32-bit libraries next to the 64-bit ones.00:02
kolezsquareplusc,  - would be nice if someone there helped.....00:02
kolei asked and got silence00:03
BarridusGhoti_: ok, will do.  thanks a ton for looking at this and trying to see me through.  cheers man, off to boot into the real installation and get cracking.00:03
kolesame with #opera00:03
scunizivocx: yes.. that's what I've heard too.. most everything in the repo's is 32 bit anyway.. so you'd almost have to.00:03
Dark-StarHi guys! Anyone know how I can set the "system clock uses UTC/local time" option after installation?00:03
kebomix_1hello , any body help me plz , there is mikrotik hotspot server on my network  , and user name and password page dont open through ubuntu and it open's through windows ?00:03
Ghoti_Barridus: good luck!00:03
zsquareplusckole: other apps play? using pulseaudio and the flash plugin uses pulse audio too?00:03
Ghoti_Dark-Star: tzselect00:03
kolezsquareplusc,  - what do you mean?00:04
spiderz13ty ubottu00:04
DasEikole: close all browsers, in trml : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:04
koleDasEi,  - its not that... mp3's play fine00:04
zsquarepluschenryC: not sure why the menu doesn't work. please compare "cat /etc/hostname", "hostname" and "/etc/hosts" if they all refer to the same name00:04
vocxscunizi, well, depends, if you check out the 64-bit repo I expect most of it to be 64-bit00:04
Dark-StarGhoti_: that's only for setting the timezone, not whether the RTC clock uses UTC/local....00:04
zsquareplusckole: sorry i somehow read that as sound din't play. but you meant the plugin isn't working at all..00:05
Ghoti_Dark-Star: I stand corrected.00:05
kolezsquareplusc,  - exactly00:05
Dark-StarI have the problem that every time I shut down linux, it stores the UTC in the RTC, and if I boot into windows afterwards, windoes interprets it as local time00:05
grungyHi there.. I will need some help with awm, i have the syslog line00:05
Ghoti_Dark-Star: just set windows to UTC ;)00:05
TheFunkbombhello again00:06
henryCzsquareplusc:  "cat /etc/hostname" gives chris-desktop.  Not sure what you meant by just "hostname"?  "/etc/hosts" lists chris-desktop as, and my misc. websites all as
JorgeJorgessonI have a camcorder with a 1394 interface.  What is the best way to import the video?00:06
henryCzsquareplusc:  So I tried export DISPLAY= ... no luck, same display error (from terminal app)00:06
Dark-StarI guess setting Linux to localtime should be easier... I mean if there's no way then I'll hack init.d/hwtime.sh to always store as local time...00:06
zsquarepluschenryC: "hostname" is a command it gets or sets the hostanme the kernel knows00:06
grungyAnyone to help with compiz00:06
vocxHelp, my friggin cat wants to sleep over my keyboard. What to do?00:06
TheFunkbombI was wondering if there is a command that as soon as I type "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" that it would connect me to my automatic preferred network00:06
henryCzsquareplusc:  by the way I also tried running "wine navicat" from within my successfully-launched xterm, tons of problems but among them, can't connect to X server.00:07
DasEi!ot | vocx00:07
ubottuvocx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:07
Ghoti_vocx: set your keyboard on fire.00:07
henryCzsquareplusc: hostname also gives "chris-desktop"00:07
Ghoti_vocx: or: man cat00:07
JorgeJorgessonvocx: #ubuntu-offtopic00:07
TheFunkbombOr, is there a command that I could use that would just connect me?  It's part of a bash script so I don't mind00:08
zsquarepluschenryC: ok. the other thing is that the xserver writes a file with a "key" to you home folder (.Xauthority) . other apps need to read that key to get access to the screen. does this file belong to your user? (ls -l)00:08
DavidePalmDasEi, sorry I had phone call I had to take.  I've configured on mythtv wher it says livetv directory... I told it to look at this second internal HD00:09
xlandxhello all00:09
henryCzsquareplusc:  I tried ctrl-F2, entered "wine /home/Chris/Desktop/navicat.exe" and it started to run, saw splash screen, failed loading some libraries.  Let me check...00:09
DavidePalmDasEi under a directory I created00:09
DavidePalmDasEi so the directory exists, but it just cannot write to it00:09
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: take a look in /etc/network/if-up.d00:09
TheFunkbombGhoti_, I did and it just confused the heck out of me00:10
vocxTheFunkbomb, most probably there is a way, but you would need to check how they implement if-up-down, scripts00:10
henryCzsquareplusc:  .Xauthority exists.  I can't really read it... I see "localhost.localdomain" inside it somewhere.... (guess it's not ascii huh)00:10
zsquarepluschenryC: maybe that's not the cause as oyu can run other apps. so maybe its just a confugration issue with the default terminal app of xterm00:10
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: scripts in that directory should be run when the interface goes up, so if you add a shell script in there to connect to your perferred net once the interface does up, that ought to do the trick00:10
DasEiDavidePalm: try to own the dir to the regular (non root) user that starts mythtv,f.e.  sudo chown -R Davide  /sdXX/path/dir00:10
Ghoti_TheFunkbomb: Unfortunately, I have yet to wrangle with wifi in Linux, so I can't give you the precise syntax00:11
TheFunkbombvocx and Ghoti_, that's too advanced for me00:11
TheFunkbombeventually, I'd like to make it so as soon as I plug in the extra wifi device, it runs the scripts and when I unplug it, it runs the undo script00:11
TheFunkbombbut I'm a beginner00:12
vocxTheFunkbomb, extra wifi device?00:12
TheFunkbombvocx, my stock wifi device does not support monitor mode00:12
`brandon`how do i get "Ogre SDK"00:12
TheFunkbombI bought another one that does00:12
vocxTheFunkbomb, Like a USB dongle?00:12
henryCzsquareplusc:  thanks for your patient help.  I'll be back in 2 mins., but if you think of anything else so I don't have to alt-F2 every time, let me know.00:12
JorgeJorgessonI get the following when trying to use my 1394 camcorder....raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394!00:13
TheFunkbombvocx, yep.  The stock wifi is built into my the motherboard.  The extra one is the USB dongle00:13
mib_adwk1stwHi I have a problem I cannot login to ubuntu due to the login screen not loading at the current time I'm on iPod touch and need a quick soloution. Plz help00:13
vocxTheFunkbomb, do you know what chipset it uses?00:13
TheFunkbombvocx, the new one?  It's an rt73.  The stock one is a broadcom00:13
DavideDasEi, that did the trick!  can you explain what that did exactl? and am I going to have to perform that each time?00:14
vocxJorgeJorgesson, seems like a bug in the kernel module, your best bet is to search for similar bug reports in launchpad or forums00:14
JorgeJorgessonvocx: thanks....will do!00:14
kthyonspeak in spanish00:15
DasEiDavide: no, it's persistent, you set the correct permission for that dir00:15
mib_adwk1stwcan anyone help ?00:15
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview00:15
`brandon`Spanish | kthyon00:15
vocxJorgeJorgesson, you may try looking at the system logs for clues, when you connect the cam.00:15
`brandon`!Spanish | kthyon00:15
ubottukthyon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:15
DasEi!chmod | Davide00:15
ubottuDavide: please see above00:15
=== Jerky is now known as Jerky1
TheFunkbombvocx, I don't know if that made sense to you00:16
`brandon`your welcome00:16
vocxTheFunkbomb, yeah, sure. A broadcom? is it a laptop?00:16
DavideDasEi, does that include all subdirectories?00:17
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview00:17
TheFunkbombvocx, yes sir, it's a laptop00:17
mib_adwk1stwAny one ???00:17
`brandon`how do i get "Ogre SDK"00:17
DasEiDavide: yup, the -R for recursive00:17
`brandon`!SKD | brandon00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SKD00:17
DavideDasEi,  ok thanks!00:17
vocx!anyone | mib_adwk1stw00:17
ubottumib_adwk1stw: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:17
DasEiDavide: good vies, nice00:17
`brandon`!ogre | `brandon`00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ogre00:17
`brandon`!ogre sdk | `brandon`00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ogre sdk00:18
`brandon`damn it00:18
DavideDasEi, do you run mythtv?00:18
=== shawn is now known as JerkyBoys
mib_adwk1stwDoes anyone now how to bypass the login screen and/or disable it00:18
DasEiDavide: no, but I did before00:18
=== Don_Fav is now known as Shivam
zsquarepluscmib_adwk1stw: run gdmsetup00:18
ShivamHow can I log into my VPN using Ubuntu?00:19
mib_adwk1stwFrom recovery00:19
DasEi!brain | `brandon`00:19
ubottu`brandon`: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:19
vocxmib_adwk1stw, you don't want to enter login information?00:19
ShivamHow can I log into my VPN using Ubuntu?00:19
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD00:19
Decepticonim trying to install vpn. i installed pptp with apt-get and ive been struggling to make it work. I can connect to the pptpd and log in with my password successfully but i cannot access the internet while on the vpn connection, however, i can access the local area network and browse the pptpd's webserver and samba shares indicating that im able to see the local network. please advise00:20
mib_adwk1stwvocx: at this current time I need to get on the main screen but the login is not showing00:20
zsquarepluscmib_adwk1stw: hm.. you might be able to run startx to have a gui. but you said the login screen isn't loading. are you sure that skipping login solves anything?00:20
slhawkinsI've got a problem with postfix - when I try to telnet address 25 it says it's connecting but then freezes up, not even quit or esc will make it exit. a quick netstat shows 'tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      14413/master'00:21
DasEiDecepticon: did you create a user account on the server who's allowed to access network ?00:21
Decepticonlike i said, yes im able to log in00:21
Decepticonso yes, i have a user account00:22
vocxmib_adwk1stw, you should explain your problem, what is the current state of your computer? does it login? did it crash? what were you trying to do? etc.00:22
Decepticoni think00:22
Ghoti_slhawkins: the only interface that postfix is listening on on that server is the one attached to, so you must connect to that IP. Are you?00:22
zsquarepluscDecepticon: that probably because the default route now points to your VPN and the intranet there doesn't let you out. either bacuse the default gateway is not correct or that your intranet uses some proxy with login00:22
Decepticoni have two interfaces on the vpn machine00:22
slhawkinsthat's what the domain goes to00:22
Decepticoni have a eth0 and a wlan0 on the vpn server, both interfaces are active and both lead to the same router00:22
slhawkinsGhoti_: Going to enter the ip itself00:23
DasEiDecepticon: is this user allowed to use network ?00:23
DecepticonDasEi i am not sure00:23
Funkeh`oh ffs00:23
DecepticonDasEi how do you mean00:23
=== Brucee is now known as Bruceee
slhawkinsGhoti_: same thing - shows trying... connected to... escape char... then freezes00:24
DasEiDecepticon: which os is running on the vpn server, the machine you connect to ?00:24
Decepticonthe machine that is the vpn server is a ubuntu machine, i think 8.1000:24
Ghoti_slhawkins: you might restart postfix; it may have gone autistic00:24
slhawkinsGhoti_: Same thing :(00:25
xlandxWhen does the next version of ubuntu come out?  What day this month ?00:25
Ghoti_!jaunty | xlandx00:25
ubottuxlandx: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:25
mib_adwk1stwzsquareplusc: I have already tryed that I get a messag"server already active for display ... " also I just tried to install a .deb pacage and it failed thats all."00:25
``y7after 18 months, how much do the updates cost for ubuntu?00:26
DasEiDecepticon: system > administration > user n groups > unlock > chosse your login-user > user rights  > allow modem connections / connect to blabla networks00:26
xlandxNo I was refering to the jakolope one00:26
DasEiDecepticon: (^ on the vpn server)00:26
DecepticonDasEi hold on let me check00:27
Ghoti_slhawkins: that's quite odd, it sounds like it should be working00:27
slhawkinsGhoti_: knowing my luck a config error, been trying to mess with it all day :(00:27
Ghoti_slhawkins: could you pastebin cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep _interface00:27
zsquareplusc``y7: nothing. but older relases don't get any updates anymore and you have to upgrade the machine to a newer release. there are "fast" releases and long term support releases. depending on your needs00:28
DasEi``y7: ubuntu is free unless you want payed support00:28
elli222for some reason, my mouse has a disk ID...00:28
slhawkinsI could pastebin it... don't understand why for one line?00:28
vocx``y7, ubuntu... pay?  what a weird sentence...00:28
zsquarepluscelli222: is it a mouse with built in cad reader?00:28
amathisI had to install in low graphics mode, and my highest resolution is 800x600 on a 22" lcd. I am using an integrated nvidia card. What do I need to install to get a higher res?00:28
DasEielli222: uuid ?00:29
mib_adwk1stwHow can I uninstall a .deb pacage from recovery00:29
DasEiamathis: enable third party software, check hardwaredrivers, also see :00:29
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:29
sebsebsebmib_adwk1stw: apt-get purge programname ???00:30
``y7DasEi, vocx, i read online that after 18 months, you have to pay for security updates? and then when i looked at which version i wanted to dl, they had expiration dates on them...?00:30
Ghoti_slhawkins: heh, usually it's more than one line :)00:30
slhawkinsoh :P00:30
scuniziamathis: look in System/Admin/Hardware drivers to see if there is a driver to activate..00:30
slhawkinsGhoti_: Sorry.. didn't know that00:30
hamburglari'm having trouble with ANT00:30
slhawkinsGhoti_: Obviously I'm new at this :D00:30
hamburglarand JAVA_HOME00:30
amathisok. I am just afraid that ubuntu has an issue with this monitor00:30
slhawkinsApache, MySQL, PHP... no problem, never tried mail00:31
hamburglarapparently my $JAVA_HOME variable is set to /home/my_name/jdkwhateverfolderitsin00:31
Ghoti_slhawkins: no worries.  the default config has like 7 examples for that one line :)  I'm at a loss, it *should* be working00:31
Ghoti_slhawkins: unless.. is there a firewall?00:31
hamburglarbut ant keeps telling me my JAVA_HOME is set to the JRE. what the heck is going on?00:31
slhawkinsI highly doubt it - mainly because I have two UT(Game Servers) I've been testing..00:31
``y7DasEi: "The latest release of Ubuntu brings the best open source technologies together on one platform, with the benefit of free updates for 18 months." source: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/desktopedition    what does that mean then? free updates for 18 months? month 19 = not-free?00:31
vocx``y7, where did you read that?   As has been said, Ubuntu is free. A release is supported with security updates for 18 months, but most probably you will update before that, for free again, to the newer release.00:31
slhawkinsthose ports are wide open..00:31
``y7vocx: "The latest release of Ubuntu brings the best open source technologies together on one platform, with the benefit of free updates for 18 months." source: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/desktopedition    what does that mean then? free updates for 18 months? month 19 = not-free?00:32
slhawkinsGhoti_: Haven't yet got the firewall up.. so.00:32
DasEi!attitude | ``y7: ;-)00:32
ubottu``y7: ;-): The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:32
slhawkinsGhoti_: I'll post my config in pastebin, I'm sure I messed something up00:32
DasEi!LTS | ``y7: ;-)00:32
ubottu``y7: ;-): LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.00:32
vocx``y7, no no no, you are getting confused.00:32
Ghoti_slhawkins: It's worth a look00:32
``y7vocx, please help me understand :)00:32
dureyeswhat's a nice application to put album art on mp3 files?00:32
slhawkinsGhoti_: http://pastebin.com/d793b716f00:32
DasEi!hardy | ``y7:00:33
ubottu``y7:: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.00:33
vocx``y7, there is a new version every 6 months, so by the time you get to the 18 months, there is already 3 newer versions, and you would have upgraded, for free, to one of those. In summary, you are always up to date.00:33
DasEi!jaunty | ``y7:00:33
ubottu``y7:: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:33
zsquareplusc``y7: ubuntu is free in all versions. and upgrades are also free. but you can buy commercial support (phone support etc)00:33
f1assistanceI would like to upgrade the BIOS on my Dell Latitude C610 and wondered if there was a link explaining how to run the .exe in Ubuntu?00:33
hamburglarso what is up with JAVA_HOME being set to the JDK but ant telling me JAVA_HOME is pointing at the JRE00:33
vocxDasEi, please don't bombard him with ubottu factoids, he is clearly confused, not a troll.00:34
``y7vocx, so you're forced to upgrade if you want it for free, and if you don't want to upgrade, you have to pay for updates?00:34
Ghoti_slhawkins: that all looks okay to me :-/00:34
MrKeunerhow can I reach user's registry from a cronjob for the same user?00:34
slhawkinsGhoti_: oh... I don't know if this would do it - I was confused when setting it up because a lot of articles on it setup the server as 'mail.servername.com' for their hostname and what not... I setup the MX record for that as mail.slhawkins.com.. while the hostname is slhawkins.com00:34
DasEivocx: :-[00:34
zsquarepluscf1assistance: when it is a DOS tool, FreeDOS can help. i'm not sure if a graphical bios update runs with wine.00:34
ActionParsnip``y7: after support fo tht version dies there will be no more updates and it will not be supported here00:34
slhawkinsGhoti_: So I'm unsure if I'm missing something in the config that should be.. mail.slhawkins.com00:34
caseyhi everyone, new ubuntu user here, have a hopefully, small issue.  I can't seem to connect to anything but google.com through the browser.  i've tried disabling ipv6 in sysctl.conf and ipv6 in firefox as well through about:config, nothing seems to work00:34
ActionParsnip``y7: if you buy phone support you will be advised about upgrades00:35
zsquarepluscMrKeuner: registry? like gnome's registry? with gconftool00:35
``y7ActionParsnip, as far as updating goes, is it like moving from windows xp to windows vista or is it less of a pain then that?00:35
ActionParsnipcasey: can you resolve names to ip?00:35
scunizigoogle has taken over casey.. I got the memo yesterday..00:35
caseyActionParsnip: yes i can00:35
caseyscunizi: oh noze!00:35
Ghoti_slhawkins: DNS records shouldn't keep the SMTP server from answering the telnet session00:35
ActionParsnip``y7: not really, its the same apps in the same place, just a newer kernel and newer versions of your favourite apps00:35
DasEicasey: are there additional firewalls in front of your box ?00:36
vocx``y7, no, you never pay. It is really rare that you will want to stick to an old release. That's the reason it's not a problem. You are not "forced" to update, you do it on your own, because each release is better, has better software, better security, etc.00:36
caseyDasEi: nope, just my airport express.  standard wireless security.  nothing special here.  every other machine works.00:36
ActionParsnip``y7: unless you esstablish it you never pay. its always free00:36
f1assistancezsquareplusc, so I can't upgrade BIOS using Linux?00:36
``y7when they update the software, are they typically minor changes that most people don't notice or are they big changes, as far as layout and whatnot?00:36
MrKeunerzsquareplusc, right but gconftool cannot find user's registry somehow when it is run by a cronjob as the same user00:36
slhawkinsGhoti_: I don't suppose there's a way to reinstall the default config?00:36
slhawkinsGhoti_: Backup what I have an see if default config lets me play around00:37
Ghoti_slhawkins: as it happens, yes:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix00:37
DasEicasey: just a standard install, and also no iptables configured ?00:37
Ghoti_slhawkins: just back up your /etc/postfix/main.cf first :)00:37
vocx``y7, some programs are changed completely, some are minor changes. That's the way linux works, you hardly stick to something old.00:37
zsquarepluscf1assistance: that really depends on the tool from the vendor. some also provide bootable CDs or some even can access USB stick from within the bios and get updates from there00:37
caseyDasEi: just standard install, no nothing about iptables, so i presume no :)00:38
``y7I'd like to to install ubuntu on my amd athlon 64 processor 3400+, i know with debian, it requires different installs for different cpus, does ubuntu work the same way?00:38
isivalhello to all!! Does anyone know how to force a package to install, I cannot update at all.  this is the message I keep getting:dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.00:38
caseyDasEi: i should add its the 32bit00:38
slhawkinsGhoti_: For the local networks... 127.0..... and the IP the server uses?00:38
zsquarepluscMrKeuner: ah, it probably wants to talk to gconfd. if you are sure gconfd is not running at that moment, look at gconftools --direct option00:39
DasEicasey: no matter with 32/64, also sysctl by default should be fine, what do you get when you search sth in google ?00:39
Ghoti_slhawkins: yes00:39
vocx``y7, yes, you would install the i386 image or the amd64. If you have used Debian, then it's all very similar.00:39
``y7vocx, thank you for all of your support00:39
slhawkinsGhoti_: Even after that last command.. it still freezes00:40
ActionParsnip``y7: you need the amd64 iso if you want to take full advantage of your cpu00:40
caseyDasEi: google searches come back fine.  as soon as i try to browse another domain, nothing happens00:40
vocx``y7, Ubuntu is based on debian packages, so most of what you see in Debian unstable, you will eventually find in Ubuntu repositories.00:40
``y7i've only used the debian stable00:40
``y7i'm trying to figure our the debian unstable vs ubuntu00:41
slhawkinsGhoti_: Going to remove, check to make sure config is gone, and reinstall00:41
mythos[MC]where is vi located in ubuntu? i wanna replace it with vim00:41
mrwesmythos[MC], /usr/bin ?00:41
bybyHi, i'm torawd doing disk encryption with dm crypt - luks, i'm now using windows and i don't know exactly how i start. i've already installation for new ubuntu and now i need to know how to enrypt and if to install linux before? would you tell some about to make this encryption thing? i already saw some instructions but i don't know how to follow them exactly and what is the first thing with it00:41
zsquarepluscmythos[MC]: so you'd just apt-get install vim then..00:41
=== AfterDeath is now known as z
ActionParsnip``y7: its slightly different but the transition should be relatively painless00:41
mrwesmythos[MC], sudo apt-get install vim-full00:41
DasEi casey:does your airport provide dhcp  or is it linked static ?00:41
=== z is now known as AfterDeath
caseyDasEi: DHCP00:41
ActionParsnipmythos[MC]: which `vi`00:42
f1assistancezsquareplusc: this Linux can be frustrating, seems most hardware is not made easy for us...with only Windows in mind  #@%$&^00:42
MrKeunerzsquareplusc, I log in as user foo and have a cronjob for foo, whouldn't gconfd be running when I am logged in as foo? somehow it cannot find the databse00:42
caseyDasEi: nic driver maybe?00:42
* kibble keeps getting pinged :?00:42
DasEicasey: it could be the case that your resolve.conf (dns) gets overwritten then00:42
mrwesActionParsnip, what I said = /usr/bin :)00:42
* kibble blames casey00:42
ActionParsnipinfo vim00:42
ActionParsnip!info vim00:42
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.314-3ubuntu3.1 (intrepid), package size 825 kB, installed size 1656 kB00:42
mythos[MC]i checked before it wasnt there lol :)00:42
mythos[MC]its there now, i must be seeing things! :)00:42
ActionParsnipmrwes: i like to ask the system rather than assume00:43
* casey slaps head00:43
=== edcrypt is now known as edcrypt_
mrwesActionParsnip, indeed :)00:43
mythos[MC]any way to kill a range of processes?00:43
DavidePalmDasEi, hi when I'm in the Frontend, and select watchtv it goes black for 2 seconds then goes back to menu.00:43
DasEicasey: do you have a nameserver from your ISP ?00:43
DavidePalmDasEi, any idea what could be wrong?00:43
``y7for those of you in here who know debian and ubuntu, what makes ubuntu so much better for a desktop environment point of view?00:43
mrwesActionParsnip, you're assuming I was assuming?00:43
caseyDasEi: i'm resolving addresses.  that doesn't seem to be the problem?00:43
DasEicasey: open a trml...00:44
DasEicasey: sudo apt-get install pastebinit00:44
DasEicasey: pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf00:44
caseyDasEi: i get E: Couldn't find package pastebinit00:45
slhawkinsGhoti_: I broke postfix now :(00:45
DasEicasey: if you had a problem with the nic-driver, no connection (nor ping) would be there at all00:45
Ghoti_slhawkins: it sounds like it already was00:45
slhawkinsGhoti_: Yeah, now it's even more broke :(00:45
DasEicasey: software sources  > multiverse00:46
Ghoti_how even broker is it?00:46
slhawkinsGhoti_: I deleted the config so that it would install new one00:46
theuser1how to run a 1.mp3 every time at login, in amarok? command or method?00:46
slhawkinsGhoti_: But it's not installing the new config00:46
zsquarepluscMrKeuner: probably yes. but the cron job is not run within the gnome session. the settings daemon might require some authentication00:46
Ghoti_slhawkins: sudo apt-get --purge remove postfix; apt-get install postfix00:46
slhawkinsGhoti_: Gonna make sure there's not a freaking package for that..00:46
slhawkinsok, thanks00:46
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion00:46
gujaI need help. I am getting this constantly. Errors were encountered while processing:00:46
guja /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10_i386.deb00:46
gujaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) and I can't install mysql-server!!! how can I solve this??00:46
DasEi!info pastebinit | casey00:46
ubottucasey: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB00:46
zsquarepluscMrKeuner: is the HOME directory correctly set in the cron job?00:46
Sh3r1ffguja: apt-get install mysql-server?00:47
slhawkinsGhoti_: Amazing! Worked00:47
Ghoti_slhawkins:  \o/ yay!00:47
gujaSh3r1ff, I get this kind of error when running that.00:47
slhawkinsGhoti_: Ok! It's installed and telnet works not00:47
slhawkinsGhoti_: Now..00:47
Ghoti_slhawkins: I know, I remembered your IP ;)00:47
bybydo you know to tell how to encrypt the hard disk with luks and dm crypt?00:47
DasEiDavidePalm: not really, I left mythtv for being to overhaeded for my purposes, used tvtime instead, so no too good on that00:48
observantvicDoes anyone know why the network manager hangs at "requesting network address?"00:48
slhawkinsOne second though, I've got to write some of these commands down00:48
slhawkinsThey'll be good in the future I'm sure :D00:48
georgy_28guja delete  /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10_i386.deb and try it again00:48
MrKeunerzsquareplusc, I am running gconftool-2 --ping now to see if it is running00:48
Sh3r1ffguja: apt-get clean; apt-get update and then install00:48
Ghoti_slhawkins: indeed they can be00:48
DavidePalmDasEi what's tvtime?00:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tvtime00:48
DasEi!info tvtime | Davide00:49
caseyDasEi: hmm, i can't seem to get pastebinit installed one sec00:49
ubottuDavide: tvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB00:49
theuser1how to run a 1.mp3 every time at login, in amarok? command or method?00:49
DasEicasey: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list00:49
Sh3r1fftheuser1: create your own script for starting amrok, first playing the mp3 then launching amarok00:49
gujageorgy_28, http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?ZjYxOW00:50
observantvic Does anyone know why the network manager hangs at "requesting network address?00:50
caseyDasEi: OK, now what?00:50
DasEicasey: find the multiverse section, uncomment it (delete the "#" in front of the two deb....  blahbla   lines00:50
brodosershould i use ext2 or ext3 for my new ubuntu partition00:50
zsquarepluscobservantvic: wlan or wire?00:50
MrKeunerzsquareplusc, yes it returns 2 which means it is not running (or may be not accessible) HOME is set correctly00:50
gujaSh3r1ff, it won't same stuff as in nopaste from above: http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?ZjYxOW00:51
linxehbrodoser: unless you understand the difference and why you would want ext2 over ext3, use ext300:51
observantviczsquareplusc: wlan00:51
DasEicasey: save sources list, then : sudo apt-get update && apt-get install pastebinit00:51
georgy_28guja, pt-get update and then install00:51
gujaSh3r1ff, there's practically no way to install this.00:51
brodoserlinxeh: thx for the advice00:51
gujageorgy_28, did update and then install again, same thing again.00:51
linxehbrodoser: if you are going to have LOTS of small files per directory, go with reiserfs potentially too00:51
slhawkinsGhoti_: Ok, I'm going to attempt to take it step by step.. and see what fucks it up00:51
zsquarepluscobservantvic: in roaming mode it might try to atatch to a foreing network that doesn't give you an IP address00:51
Picislhawkins: Please try to control your language here00:52
caseyDasEi: OK it's goin :)00:52
georgy_28guja and when you do apt-get install -f ?00:52
slhawkinsPici: Sorry, Marine Corps... bad language.. I do apologize!00:52
DasEicasey: pastebin /etc/resolv.conf00:52
MrKeunerzsquareplusc, what would be my config-source?00:52
DasEicasey: give url from trml in here00:52
gujageorgy_28, guess twice... :-) Same thing.00:52
DasEicasey: pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf                 ,sry^00:53
georgy_28guja: strange00:53
Sh3r1ffguja: try apt-get -f install, like it says, you have mysql-server installed, but it depends on mysql-server-5.0, which is not installed00:53
observantviczsquareplusc: it's not a foreign network though, its on my LAN00:53
Sh3r1ffguja: and apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 ?00:53
* darkpixel love's EXT400:53
gujageorgy_28, it is. Sh3r1ff I tried that like 5 times this night and always, no matter what I tried, same thing always given... http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?ZjYxOW00:54
caseyDasEi: stuck on Get 2 :( 95% Waiting for headers00:54
* linxeh loves zfs, lustre and hdfs 00:54
zsquarepluscobservantvic: and it succeeds optaining an address, it just takes long?00:54
Sh3r1ffguja: try sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.000:54
DasEicasey: the pastebin installer or the paste itself ?00:54
zsquarepluscMrKeuner: i don't know00:55
caseyDasEi: pastebin installer00:55
gujaSh3r1ff, tried that few secs ago. Again the same.00:55
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:55
observantviczsquareplusc: it doesn't succeed, it keeps reprompting me00:55
criminyalright. ubuntuu 8.10 ia32-mplayer?00:55
DasEicasey: sudo apt-get update                                runs through ?00:55
ActionParsnip!find ia3200:55
ubottuFound: lsb-core, lsb-cxx, lsb-desktop, lsb-graphics, lsb-languages (and 3 others)00:55
criminyIs there any way to run the 32-bit mplayer on 64-bit 8.10?00:55
Sh3r1ffguja: apt-get --purge mysql-server and retry to install?00:55
ActionParsnipcriminy: install ia32-libs00:55
gujaSh3r1ff, I install that with -f, but it gets this file Get:1 http://ftp.freepark.org jaunty/main mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10 [23.6MB] which makes me all the trouble.00:55
criminyActionParsnip: I already did00:56
ActionParsnipcriminy: then get the deb for 32bit mplayer and run: sudo dpkg --force-all -i <deb file>00:56
gujaSh3r1ff, when -f action finishes, I'll tray with --purge.00:56
criminyActionParsnip: I did, it complains about missing libs00:56
caseyDasEi: no hangs there00:56
ActionParsnipcriminy: then run: sudo apt-get -f install00:57
criminynope. Nothing there00:57
caseyDasEi: pings come back from ca.archive.ubunut.com00:57
criminymplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libXvMC.so.1: <the rest cut out>00:57
ActionParsnipcriminy: or satisfy the deps yourself with 32bit ones00:57
MrKeunerzsquareplusc, OK thank you for your help00:57
caseyDasEi: erm ubuntu.com00:57
ActionParsnipcriminy: apt-file search libXvMC.so.100:58
zsquarepluscMrKeuner: according to a google search on gconftool and cron, it seems to be related to dbus and that it's address is not known in the cron job00:58
darkpixellinxeh: tryed btrfs? :-)00:58
criminyI was hoping to avoid that, really.00:58
caseyDasEi: as well as security.ubuntu.com00:58
criminyoooO I didn't know about apt-file00:58
ActionParsnipcriminy: its the thing with trying to run 32bit apps in 64bit00:58
criminyActionParsnip: I thought I had done it on 8.4. I did it on archlinux too, very easily.00:59
observantviczsquareplusc: the network manager asks me to reenter the network password00:59
DasEi!info getlibs | criminy:00:59
ubottucriminy:: Package getlibs does not exist in intrepid00:59
zsquarepluscobservantvic: maybe it's using the wrong encryption WEP/WPA etc01:00
ActionParsnipcriminy: whats up with 64bit mplayer?01:00
caseyDasEi: it's going, just very slow.  i'll let you know01:00
criminy64-bit mplayer will not play many files.01:00
observantviczsquareplusc: i've attempted all of the encryptions01:00
DasEi criminy: is a tool you can d/l that gets the needed dep's of a 32 on 6401:00
ActionParsnipcriminy: have you installed w64codecs?01:00
criminyusuaully the files supported by w32codecs. w64codecs is pretty much empty01:00
DasEicasey: gedit /etc/resolv.conf              in a new trml-tab,  see if that file is changing01:01
zsquarepluscobservantvic: and you don't have actiavted any MAC filter on the access point..01:01
ActionParsnipcriminy: have you tried searching for codecs for your desired files?01:01
ActionParsnipDasEi: that'll need gksudo01:01
GaduGraphics Card Talk time! 785MHz Core Clock, 128 Stream Processors, 2340MHz Memory Clock ~OR~ 625MHz Core Clock, 800 Stream Processors, 1986MHz Memory Clock01:01
ShinuFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_2.6.24-23.48_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]01:01
Shinuanyone else?01:01
DasEiActionParsnip: to see if the file gets changed ?01:02
gujaSh3r1ff, -f didn't help. apt-get --purge mysql-server says E: Invalid operation mysql-server01:02
caseyDasEi: empty file?01:02
criminyActionParsnip: I'm not sure what the codecs are (they are flash). mplayer/vlc won't define their types, unless I'm on a 32-bit machine (which I'm not on)01:02
Shinuim dumb01:02
observantviczsquareplusc: i don't have any mac filters01:02
mib_u3jyqredcan someone help me?01:02
ActionParsnipShinu: if you look in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/  you will see that deb doesnt exist01:02
georgy_28guja : apt-get remove --purge ....01:02
DasEicasey: t /etc/resolv.conf             is empty ?01:02
zsquarepluscShinu: did you run apt-get update recently? such errors sometimes happen when you try to install a version that has been superseeded01:02
Shinui did apt-get update01:02
vulnWhere can I change the styles of the effects in Compiz01:02
Sh3r1ffguja: apt-get --purge remove mysql-server sorry01:02
caseyDasEi: yes01:02
mib_u3jyqredcan anyone help me with manually installing a deb file?01:02
Shinuzsquareplusc: Thanks :)01:03
criminygetlibs looks like it will work.01:03
ActionParsnipvuln: ccsm01:03
caseyDasEi: never mind, stupid me, typo01:03
DasEicasey: aah01:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:03
=== wch` is now known as wch
linxehdarkpixel: no, but it doesnt really fit what I want (ie HDFS/lustre type use01:03
criminyThanks a lot. Everyone was helpful here.01:03
mib_u3jyqredplease im pretty noob at linux01:03
zsquarepluscmib_u3jyqred: dpkg -i on the command line or double click it in nautlius01:03
gujageorgy_28, Sh3r1ff : http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?OGY4MG01:04
Sh3r1ffmib_u3jyqred: gksudo nautilus, double click the file, done01:04
maxbaldwinno problem criminy01:04
geeksquad1i have a slight problem, i got a pico usb drive from newegg but pysdm wont let me change the proporties the drive is fat3201:04
caseyDasEi: am i looking for something?01:04
DasEicasey: youst call the link from ubott.. and try to call http://paste.ubuntu.com (left click mouse on it)01:05
mib_u3jyqredi haves a problem01:05
observantviczsquareplusc: by the way I am using Ubuntu 8.1001:05
mib_u3jyqredwhere can i find the dependencies for wine?01:05
Sh3r1ffguja: looks to me ypu have a more recent version of mysql installed than 5.001:05
ActionParsnipgeeksquad1: what properties do you want to change?01:05
mib_u3jyqredi have to manually install wine and it keeps saying dependency error01:05
gujaSh3r1ff, 5.1?01:06
zsquarepluscmib_u3jyqred: why not "apt-get install wine" then?01:06
geeksquad1the mount point and the name of the drive01:06
maxbaldwinmib_u3jyqred: apt-get wine should tell you if you're installing it. wine-hq.org might, or whatever the URL is. google it.01:06
caseyDasEi: sorry, i don't understand :(  newb01:06
ActionParsnip!label | geeksquad101:06
ubottugeeksquad1: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.01:06
ActionParsnipgeeksquad1: automount reads the label01:06
mib_u3jyqreddo i need internet for that commnad?01:06
maxbaldwinmib_u3jyqred: yes.01:06
Gadugeeksquad1: I'm using the same drive but I got it from thinkgeek, 8GB yes?01:06
Sh3r1ffguja: aborting downgrade from at least 5.1 to 5.0, that suggest you have a more recent version01:06
maxbaldwinerr, maybe...01:06
Shinuconfig.status: WARNING:  bncmysql/Makefile.in seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting01:06
mib_u3jyqredi dont have internet on my ubuntu partition01:07
ShinuIs there anyway I can fix this?01:07
maxbaldwinYou should have one if you're installing it, it might work without.01:07
gujaSh3r1ff, what am I supposed to do to solve the problem then?01:07
ShinuOr doEs01:07
maxbaldwinmib_u3jyqred: Hm. You can try it01:07
ShinuOr does it matter?*01:07
mib_u3jyqredany other way to get the depdencies?01:07
zsquarepluscmib_u3jyqred: the next best solution , if you need a more recent wine is to find a repository prvinding packages for ubuntu, and setting up that in /etc/apt/sources.list. and then use apt-get update/install again (or you can do all that with synaptic)01:07
MarkJonesIf i install a deb for a program and then later decide i dont want that app so I go into synaptic package manager and remove the package.How do i get rid of all the programs dependencies that were installed, if I know there not needed by anything else? Do you have to go and uninstall them all by hand or is there a faster way?01:07
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | mib_u3jyqred01:08
ubottumib_u3jyqred: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline01:08
criminyx.x I'm still getting unsupported codecs for files that I have gotten working on 32-bit ubuntu01:08
gujaSh3r1ff, but when I say apt-get remove mysql-server-5.1 I get this Package mysql-server-5.1 is not installed, so not removed. Seems like I don't have any mysql-server at all. :-/01:08
mib_u3jyqredis there a wya to install it from the windows on my comp?01:08
Sh3r1ffguja: what does dpkg -l mysql show?01:08
sumwhatlinuxHello all.01:08
gujaSh3r1ff, No packages found matching mysql.01:08
DasEimib_u3jyqred:dpkg does that, see man dpkg for correct syntax/option01:09
mib_u3jyqredis there a way to install wine without internet?01:09
zsquarepluscMarkJones: like apt-get autoremove ? :-)01:09
ActionParsnipmib_u3jyqred: if you look online you may find what it depends on and you can download those01:09
criminyah I need the medibuntu version of w32codecs01:09
mib_u3jyqredis there a way to install wine without internet??01:09
Sh3r1ffguja: that is not the output i expected :s01:09
kaiser10123what is another program to make usb bootable to install ubuntu01:09
gujaSh3r1ff, I know, its sooo weird.01:09
ActionParsnipcriminy: well yeah, thats where they come from01:09
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | criminy01:10
ubottucriminy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:10
DasEicasey: what happens if you left-click on : http://paste.ubuntu.com01:10
kaiser10123the one with 8.10 i can never get it to work01:10
zsquareplusckaiser10123: make a bootable USB stick or fixing a PC that won't boot from USB?01:10
Sh3r1ffguja: what version of ubuntu are you running, and did you ever install mysql on the pc?01:10
criminyI understand. I had a w32codecs package that wasn't from medibuntu01:10
gujaSh3r1ff, jaunty 9.04. yes.01:10
MarkJonesoh cool let em try that01:10
kaiser10123zsquareplusc: use usb to install ubuntu on a hp mini01:10
geeksquad1Gadu: no the 16 gig version on newegg its only 30 instead of 6001:10
Sh3r1ffguja: how did you install it?01:10
kaiser10123no cd rom01:11
caseyDasEi: on the machine im working on now, i get to the ubuntu pastebin, but on the machine that is having the problem, nothing comes up in the browser01:11
zsquareplusckaiser10123: when you boot the liveCD on an other PC or virtual machine. there is a usb disk creator in the system->settings menu01:11
MarkJoneszsquareplusc it didnt remove anything from the looks of it.01:11
zsquareplusckaiser10123: alternatively unetbootin may also work01:11
kaiser10123wont that work if i have ubuntu installed01:11
DasEicasey: ok, right to pm you so you can paste your resolve.conf there to not flood this channel ?01:11
gujaSh3r1ff, sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client01:12
DasEicasey: saw the additional tab on your messenger ?01:12
Sh3r1ffguja: what does apt-get check show ya?01:12
gujaSh3r1ff, but that all worked well when I tried to delete mysql from some reason. And after trying to delete it, it all wen to hell.01:12
mib_u3jyqredcan i install packages from windows?01:13
ActionParsnipguja: did you add --purge to the uninstallation?01:13
gujaSh3r1ff, You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.01:13
gujaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:13
guja  mysql-server: Depends: mysql-server-5.0 but it is not installed01:13
ActionParsnipguja: to remove the old config01:13
paul__I seem to be stuck.  I need something called glib >= 2.2.  Ubuntu thinks all my packages are up-to-date.  I've searched in the package manger and found nothing.  What's up?01:13
gujaActionParsnip, yes, I did apt-get --purge remove mysql-server, but didn't help.01:13
zsquarepluscMarkJones: maybe the packages are now used by other software you also installed? alternatively deborphan might help01:14
ActionParsnipguja: ok thats cool01:14
grigoraDoes anyone know how to get Fn-F7 working on IBM Thinkpad T43 running the Ubuntu. That's the only way I know of enabling S-Video output. Thanks.01:14
Sh3r1ffguja: my last resort would be apt-get --force-yes install mysql-server-5.0 but use it with caution01:15
mib_u3jyqredi think i have the dependency files01:16
Sh3r1ffguja: it could do more harm than good01:16
zsquarepluscgrigora: depending on the gfx card, there might be a tool like nvtv or atitvout to configure that too01:16
mib_u3jyqredwhat do i do with them?01:16
paul__anyone able to help me get a newer version of glib ?01:16
bobgI'm looking for something other than Audacity to make "Line In" recordings from old 45's01:16
saikianyone know how to fix this errer:01:16
saikiE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:16
saikiE: Unable to lock the download directory01:16
gujaSh3r1ff, hopeless. Same thing said to --force. :-/01:16
zsquarepluscsaiki: run the tool as sudo or gksudo01:17
zsquarepluscsaiki: i.e. sudo apt-get install ...01:17
saikizsquareplusc, gives the same result01:17
grigorazsquareplusc: I think my controller is this - 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03). nvtv help?01:17
Sh3r1ffguja: i'm afraid this is above my league then01:17
mib_u3jyqredcan someone help?01:17
Sh3r1ffguja: if you ever get it fixed though i sure would like to knwo how01:17
knobcottageanyone tell me how to mount a usb drive via my sug under ubuntu?01:18
saikiguja, what's the problem?01:18
zsquarepluscsaiki: so do you have a synaptic or update-manager running in parallel?01:18
knobcottagesug SLUG01:18
gujaSh3r1ff, mine, too. :-) Thanks anyway, I'm off to a sleep. Sh3r1ff no problem if I solve it, I'll let you know.01:18
saikizsquareplusc, nope01:18
zsquarepluscgrigora: no, the intel driver has even an other tools. but i don't remeber it's name01:18
saikizsquareplusc, unless it's somehow running in the backround01:18
gujasaiki, http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?OGY4MG and that error in the end in every way possible trying to remove or install mysql-server. Hopeless, it seems.01:19
zsquarepluscsaiki: ps -ax :-)01:19
Sh3r1ffsaiki: guja had mysql-server installed, has removed it and is now unable to install it again: http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?OGY4MG01:19
topsyandpip56Guys, guess what I found?01:19
Sh3r1fftopsyandpip56: a dollar?01:19
topsyandpip56For nostalgias sake, I found a cached webpage of Ubuntu Warty Beta Days!01:20
grigorazsquareplusc: thanks, do you know if it's included in Ubuntu already or has to be downloaded/compiled from source?01:20
knobcottagetopsyandpip56: a version of ubuntu that wroks  on all machines out of the box?01:20
grendal_primethis is really making me nuts i need to be able to record the sound from my music player into recordmydesktop01:20
topsyandpip56Sh31ff: It would be rare if I found a dollar, given that I would usually find a pund01:21
saikisaiki@Saiki-pc:~$ ps -ax01:21
saikiWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html01:21
kaiser10123does unetbootin have a .deb download01:21
Praveenquestion... how do i change the position of the new notifications in jaunty?01:21
mib_u3jyqredplease someone he;lp01:21
topsyandpip56*I meant pound01:21
zsquarepluscsaiki: oh, then just ps ax  look for dpkg01:21
topsyandpip56I live in the UK01:21
Sh3r1fftopsyandpip56: that makes finding a dollar worth mentioning ;)01:21
zsquareplusckaiser10123: yes01:21
mib_u3jyqredwhat do i do with the dependency files, and typle clearly cause im uber noob01:21
bazhang!ot > topsyandpip5601:21
Sh3r1fftopsyandpip56: i live in be, knew what you meant ;)01:21
ubottutopsyandpip56, please see my private message01:22
kaiser10123zsquareplusc: cant find it01:23
c4ptanyone using networking with wine? i cant seem to get networking to work with wine i edited my /etc/hosts file properly but no networking in wine01:23
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:23
zsquareplusckaiser10123: on their sourceforge page. it only in the ubuntu repositories starting with the next ubuntu release01:24
paul__any glib experts out there?  I need to upgrade but it seems to be stuck on 2.001:24
mib_u3jyqredwhere can you get the wine dependencies?01:24
Sh3r1ffmib_u3jyqred: apt-cache depends wine01:24
grendal_primeanyone use recordmydesktop ?01:24
grigoraDoes anyone know how to get Fn-F7 working on IBM Thinkpad T43 running the Ubuntu. That's the only way I know of enabling S-Video output. I have the following video card - 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) Thanks.01:24
Praveenquestion... how do i change the position of the new notifications in jaunty?01:25
bazhang!jaunty > Praveen01:26
ubottuPraveen, please see my private message01:26
saikizsquareplusc, http://pastebin.com/d24aad96401:26
grendal_primegrigora: pretty sure you will be able to do that with software.01:26
mib_u3jyqredcan someone help?01:27
grigoragrendal_prime: ok, thanks, could you be a little more specific?01:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:27
bruceleehow well does ubuntu work with netbooks?01:27
Sh3r1ff!ask | mib_u3jyqred01:27
ubottumib_u3jyqred: please see above01:27
somedudeppfwat program can convert wmv to ipod format, go!01:27
zsquarepluscsaiki: it's rare but when dpkg was killed in a bad moment, an old lock file might be in place there. i guess the path it's reporting the error is otherwise existing01:27
saikizsquareplusc, but I rebooted01:27
knobcottagebrucelee: needs a bit of tweaking but there is an offshoot that works out of the box01:28
grendal_primegrigora:   system-> administration -> screens and graphics01:28
zsquarepluscsaiki: yes, but files are on the harddisk, so a reboot doesn't fix that :-)01:28
grendal_primeid start there is i were you..01:28
saikizsquareplusc, so how do I fix it?01:28
zsquarepluscsaiki: if you do a "ls -l" on that path from the error message, does it list the lock file'01:28
knobcottagebrucelee:  it was called eeeubuntu now called easy peasy01:29
buzzsawwhat would be recomended for a content filter to run on ubuntu server?01:29
topsyandpip56Does anybody know where I can still get Wubi 8.04?01:29
topsyandpip56On the FAQ, it says for old Wubi click here, but it just leads to the new ones01:30
Sh3r1fftopsyandpip56: google? ;)01:30
grigoragrendal_prime: somehow I don't have that option under System->Administration, should I install some tool to get that?01:30
topsyandpip56Ahh, good idea How silly of me01:30
mogul218is there a way to automatically mount a windows partition when ubuntu starts up?01:30
saikisaiki@Saiki-pc:~$ sudo ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/lock01:30
saiki-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 2008-10-29 17:25 /var/cache/apt/archives/lock01:30
Sh3r1ff!mount | mogul21801:31
ubottumogul218: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap01:31
scunizibuzzsaw: opendns.com01:31
topsyandpip56Brothersoft, no thanks01:31
lfaraoneWhat's the best way to manage user authentication and file storage over a large number of Ubuntu workstations?01:31
zsquarepluscsaiki: so that file exists even that no dpkg is running. i'd delete it (rm)01:31
macman_guys to get my history to work in zsh shell what is the command again ?01:31
Sh3r1ff!fstab | mogul21801:31
topsyandpip56They made me download SpySherrif on my old Win2000 machine01:31
ubottumogul218: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:31
mogul218thank you01:32
grigorawhat's the package to get Screens and Graphics installed?01:32
usserlfaraone, probably ldap01:32
saikizsquareplusc, delete what file?01:32
Sh3r1ffgrigora: gnome? ;)01:32
zsquarepluscsaiki: that lockfile you previously did the ls -l on01:32
buzzsawthanks scunizi i will take a look01:32
topsyandpip56Never mind, got it from: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/wubi.exe01:33
scunizibuzzsaw: I use it at home.. protects the kids.. easy to set up and tune-able01:33
grigoraSh3r1ff: oh, I thought it was KDE ;) anything more specific?01:33
topsyandpip56I actually know a local school what uses Edubuntu, Cool eh?01:33
scunizibuzzsaw: even protect somewhat against windows virus's.. if you have any win machines on your lan01:33
saikisudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/lock?01:34
zsquarepluscsaiki: yes01:34
topsyandpip56rm commands! THE EVIL COMMANDS01:34
bobgWhat software can I use to record from "line In"01:34
topsyandpip56DONT USE THEM!01:34
zsquarepluscsaiki: well, w/o -r01:34
Sh3r1ffgrigora: it is under applications > other01:34
scunizibobg: audacity01:34
buzzsawscunizi i am just about to go camping so i will play with it tomorrow, how many users do you think it can support01:34
pepperjacksaiki: but dont throw the -r around if you dont need it :)01:34
Sh3r1ffgrigora: if not, edit the menus to enabe it01:34
mabushow can I tell if I'm on an interpid/hardy/gutsy system etc01:35
scunizibuzzsaw: it's outside the lan so all the machines on your network01:35
zsquarepluscsaiki: but it won't hurt in that case. however always think twice when using -r (recusive...)01:35
bobgscunizi: tried that and all that synaptic would let me download was a "beta"01:35
scunizibuzzsaw: you have to change the dns server references in your router.. but that's easy01:35
saikizsquareplusc, just doin what I always do lol01:35
scunizibobg: that's what's in the repos..01:35
saikizsquareplusc, never had a problem like this though01:36
zsquarepluscsaiki: heh, then change your mental default to not using -r ;-)01:36
buzzsawoh so its not any thing you run on your own machine?01:36
scunizibuzzsaw: nope..01:36
bobgscunizi; their website says to use 1.2.6  Can I download that with out using synaptic01:36
topsyandpip56mabus: If you downloaded it and installed it with a blindfold on you would ask that question01:36
KupomanI am looking for an N wireless adapter that will work easily in Linux. I don't care if it has to work in G mode, I just want something I don't have to fight with.01:36
jamieHello how do i install boot & nuke on my flash drive01:37
mabustopsyandpip56: that's not funny or relevant, you lose01:37
scunizibobg: sure.. two ways.. 1 you can compile the source or 2 if they have a deb you can use that.. might also check www.getdeb.net for a precompiled version of the .deb01:37
grigoraSh3r1ff: thank you very much01:37
zsquarepluscmabus: lsb_release -a01:37
topsyandpip56mabus: why did you ask the question then?01:37
buzzsawi might need a different solution then :-) but i will still check it out thanks01:37
topsyandpip56If its not relevant01:37
scunizibuzzsaw: you can block "social networking sites too" if you want..01:37
saikizsquareplusc, ok, new problem, cd drive won't open :@01:38
mabustopsyandpip56: my question was relevant, your answer wasn't. I was seeking the answer to my question.01:38
scunizibuzzsaw: why a different solution.. ?01:38
bobgscunizi:  I not a command line guy........whats a "deb"01:38
mabuszsquareplusc: thanks01:38
Sh3r1ffmabus: cat /etcissue01:38
Sh3r1ffmabus: cat /etc/issue01:38
zsquarepluscsaiki: that's normal when it's still mounted01:38
saikizsquareplusc, there's nothing in it01:38
Decepticonhow to check what version i  have01:38
jamieHello how do i install boot & nuke on my flash drive01:38
scunizibobg: a .deb is the type of precompiled file.. kinda like an .exe in windows but for debian based distros like ubuntu01:38
buzzsawwell does it route all of your traffic through their site?01:39
zsquarepluscsaiki: heh... then it's not normal.. does "eject /dev/cdrom" help?01:39
lstarnesscunizi: it's not exactly a .exe, but more like an installer package01:39
scunizibobg: doesn't mean that all .debs will work correctly though.. you have to get one that is designed for ubuntu and the version you're running'01:39
jamieLike a windows .cab file01:39
zsquarepluscrather unlike01:39
mrwesDecepticon, from the terminal type lsb_release -rd01:39
bobgscunizi;  What will Ubuntu do if I just download it from them directly....Crash?01:39
scunizilstarnes: for those coming from win it's the easiest reference to get a hold of mentally for understanding.01:39
zsquarepluscthe main point is that a .deb knows it's dependencies01:40
scunizibobg: :)  that's part of the fun.. crash.. sometimes with the program.. but fixable01:40
manpooleafter installing ubuntu 9.04 how do i install all codecs and evrything through restricted packages in synaptic?01:40
jamieHow do I install boot & nuke on my flash drive?01:40
manpoolei forgot01:40
Sh3r1ff!medibuntu | manpoole01:40
ubottumanpoole: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:40
* scunizi is off to the shower01:41
saikizsquareplusc, would you believe me if I said it opened and closed?01:41
bobgscunizi:  Ubuntu has been good to me for over two months now.  Don't want to irratate it.    Any other programs?01:41
mrwesmanpoole, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:41
saikizsquareplusc, s in 0 time to insert anything01:41
jamieHow do I install boot & nuke on my flash drive?01:41
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:42
zsquarepluscsaiki: maybe the cdrom hardware is confused. can happen after soft resets sometimes, i guess.01:42
manpoolemrwes thankyou01:42
mrwesmanpoole, nod01:42
Sh3r1ffDavide: man chown ;)01:43
manpooleokay loaded compiz and restricted extras anything else im forgetting?01:43
Sh3r1ffmanpoole: w32Codecs and libdvdcss2 ;)01:43
manpooleafter a fresh install01:43
jamieHow do I install boot & nuke on my flash drive?01:44
saikizsquareplusc, I'll check it later, downloading packages, thx01:44
Decepticonwhats a easy software to make a vpn server and be able to tunnel the internet to a remote computer01:44
ryanpriorIt would appear that Ubuntu now has some kinda crazy VM integration. Without installing any special packages, Ubuntu desktops running inside KVM do mouse integration. Sweet.01:44
mrwesmanpoole, you should be good....VLC I like is part of the restricted extras01:44
manpoolevlc is part of the restricted?01:44
manpoolei dont think it is01:44
mrwescan't remember01:44
jamiepart of it is01:45
Sh3r1ffmrwes: vlc is not installed with ubuntu-restricted-extras ;)01:45
mrwesSh3r1ff, danke -- then NO manpoole01:45
jamievlc is not resticted but one of the codecs it uses is01:45
mrwessudo apt-get install vlc should solve that01:46
jamieThough you are not required to install the resticted codec(only if you want to layy restricted media).01:46
mrwesVLC in Jaunty has a separate video window during playback01:46
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs01:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:47
mrwesmplayer is good too01:47
manpooleokay movie player with ati with compiz in 9.04 doesnt flicker!01:47
manpoolebut.... it is kinda choppy not horribly01:48
manpoolebut a tiny bit01:48
mrwesI don't use compiz :)01:48
manpoolei wonder if that can be fixable01:48
manpoolebut the cube!01:48
mrwesyah turn off compiz01:48
manpooleoh the cube is amazing01:48
L3dPlatedLinuxI ahve a drive external that wont mount any ideas that will fix this01:49
mrwesmanpoole, I've used it, just choose not to01:49
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, what does dmesg say when you plug it in?01:49
manpoole9.04 works great with ati though well much better01:49
nn_GW_pcWell if you have a good graphics card and plenty of resources beryl ( compiz is great )01:50
RedFlameL3dPlatedLinux internal or exrenal01:50
manpooleim going to see if vlc is less choppy than movie player01:50
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes,  how do I look a dmesg01:50
L3dPlatedLinux and external01:50
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, from a terminal type dmesg | tail01:51
RedFlamedid u unmout it from widows01:51
topsyandpip56Ive heard rm is bad, is it? Cause a friend just gave me a rm command to fix flash player01:52
MrKeunerhi, can I find svg version of the abstract background image Flow.png?01:52
chamonixtopsyandpip56: rm = remove01:52
chamonixsoo if you want to delete a file it's good topsyandpip56 :)01:52
topsyandpip56Ah, good01:53
=== root is now known as Guest86206
topsyandpip56Its all okay then, thanks01:53
etzerdhello all01:53
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes,  http://pastebin.com/d19c0ab0b01:53
mrweslemme look01:53
etzerdcan anyone tell how can I set up my speaker for the system recognize at least as 5.1?01:54
chamonixtopsyandpip56: u should google a little if you don't know the basic commands, I personnaly don't ike doing stuff I don't know anything about or don't understand01:54
=== topsyandpip56 is now known as newnickgoesherew
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, ok so your drive is /dev/sdb01:54
=== newnickgoesherew is now known as topsyandpip56
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, did you make a mount point for it?01:54
topsyandpip56Yeah, its all okay01:54
bazhang!nickspam > topsyandpip5601:54
ubottutopsyandpip56, please see my private message01:54
etzerdmy computer have at least 6 speakers and a sub but only the front speakers works not the rear.01:54
=== solidus is now known as Brucidus
* RedFlame slaps his kb01:55
L3dPlatedLinuxno I thought when you turn on a external drive it mounts auto like01:55
etzerdI do not have an option where I can select the type of speaker01:55
vic__{join #kubuntu-es01:55
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, did you look in /media/disk or something like that?01:56
L3dPlatedLinuxnot yet01:56
grigorahow do i enable svideo on t43 ibm thinkpad, fn-f7 doesnt work01:56
etzerdcan someone help me solve the speakers issues that I have?01:57
manpooleim in love with 9.04! ati works!01:57
cordenjust i have this problem 6 months until now01:57
chamonixI hope u don't mind sharing manpoole :-D01:57
RedFlamewhich ati u have manpoole01:57
manpoole1650 pro01:58
cordeneverytime i open firefox and open a video or audio they are in slow motion01:58
manpoolewhich do you have?01:58
RedFlamei wonder if ati rs200 340m01:58
etzerdcan someone help me solve the speakers issues that I have?01:58
manpoole9.04 uses radeon open source drivers instead of fglrx01:58
cordeneverytime if i want to play movie/music, I always restart firefox01:59
manpooleso you can use video and compiz at the same time01:59
RedFlameany ati open drivers for 8.1001:59
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes nothing in there but I do have  in dev/by-label/ mainx      link to block device what ever that is and mainx is the name of the drive in ouestion01:59
cordeni guess this bug was never solve - no matter what update of kernel and firefox02:00
yashetzerd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106606102:00
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, try this from a terminal; sudo mkdir /media/external02:00
Brucidusi need to restore my /home folder into a new install.  reading --help,  should i use "sudo cp -fpRv /backuppath /home"?  or have i chosen the wrong things?02:01
etzerdyash: thanks, I will try that02:01
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, then mount /dev/sdb1 /media/external02:01
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, oops sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/external02:01
RealUllihmm.. is there a way to map the ide0 master to sda and sata0 to sdb? Currently, my system seems to roll dice..02:01
cordeni hope there's any solution to this02:01
cordensince everytime i demostrate video.audio and internet browsing this bug occurs02:02
* mrwes is wondering if GAWD invented red wine02:02
zsquarepluscRealUlli: or maybe switch to using uuids for the disks02:03
RedFlamenot wine02:03
=== CoasterMaster_ is now known as CoasterMaster
CrAzYc0d3rHI all02:04
Meintehi crazy02:04
grigorahow do i enable svideo on t43 ibm thinkpad, fn-f7 doesnt work?02:04
RealUllizsquareplusc: the root is already mounted from the UUID - but the fsck on sdb1 regularly fails when it decides to discover the sata disk first...02:04
jamieHello is there a low-level formater for ubunut02:05
RealUllizsquareplusc: i could switch that to UUID as well, but it seems... messy.02:05
Brucidusplease help, i'm afraid to just try this arbitrarily without some input.  i need to restore my /home folder into a new install.  reading --help,  should i use "sudo cp -fpRv /backuppath /home"?  or have i chosen the wrong things?02:05
RealUllii'd rather tie down the order in which the devices get mapped...02:05
CrAzYc0d3ri search for driver Nvidia Quadro 1000 for ubuntu 9.0402:05
bazhang!jaunty > CrAzYc0d3r02:06
ubottuCrAzYc0d3r, please see my private message02:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cp02:06
DanishJordanCan anyone help me find the drivers I need for a dual boot for windows XP?02:06
RealUlliBrucidus: as root: cd /backuppath; tar cf - . |(cd /home; tar xvf -)02:06
xanguaDanishJordan: yo do not need anything to dual boot02:07
RealUlliBrucidus: that's what I'd do02:07
BrucidusRealUlli, it's not tar02:07
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
Brucidusit's just a duplicate of the directory tree i made with rsync02:07
xanguajust remember you have to instal guindos first and GNU last DanishJordan02:07
RealUlliBrucidus: I know - but why does it have to be cp?02:07
zsquarepluscBrucidus: using tar is just an other method to copy files including permissions. i would probably use cp -ax02:07
RealUlliBrucidus: why don't you just rsync back?02:07
DanishJordanxangua, I know. I'm on ubuntu right now. I just need help for getting the windows drivers. Windows isn't as simple as ubuntu.02:08
=== mlkyaway is now known as mlky
xanguajum then go to a windows channel or something02:08
RealUlliDanishJordan: what are you trying to do?02:08
mrwes /msg L3dPlatedLinux you alive brutha?02:09
DanishJordanTrying to find drivers for my windows xp dual boot.02:09
BrucidusRealUlli, because the files in the "new" home directory would be newer.  i just want to overwrite the whole thing wih the backup from the other day02:09
zetheroohow do make synaptic install packages from the USB stick instead of from the CDrom?02:09
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes yeah02:09
L3dPlatedLinux and still nothing02:09
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, it didn't mount?02:09
RealUlliDanishJordan: the dual boot itself doesn't need drivers, windows however might, just to drive the HW... ;-)02:09
Bruciduszsquareplusc, -ax?  no need to specify permissions or ownership info?02:09
RealUlliBrucidus: hm...02:10
L3dPlatedLinux something about superblock02:10
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, no messages after the sudo mount command?02:10
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me fix screen resolution problem i had discussed this largely at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684  please refer to this thread02:10
L3dPlatedLinuxufs is made as read only02:10
L3dPlatedLinux which is the format it is02:10
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, ahh...did you once have this drive connected to a windows machine?02:10
DanishJordanYeah. I know. I need help finding the hardware that is on this laptop, and also need to find the drivers for that hardware.02:10
jduzetheroo, although you could add it as a repository, you might cd into the usb stick and run dpkg -i <package name>02:10
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes freenas02:11
DanishJordanThis is a laptop, Dell inspiron 6400, but I had a new motherboard installed, and I'm not sure of the model.02:11
DanishJordanI did sysinfo in terminal.02:11
zsquarepluscBrucidus: -a means "archive" it sets almost all other options of cp ;-) and -x ensures that it's not copying other mounted filesystems (such as the gvfs stuff)02:11
RealUlliBrucidus: then my tar solution should work, or cp -ax02:11
zetheroojdu: I installed Ubuntu on this Netbook from the USB stick and now I need to install ndiswrapper from the USB drive ...02:11
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, never used freenas -- although I've read about it02:11
Bruciduszsquareplusc, RealUlli, thanks for the information.  :)  cheers to you both02:11
L3dPlatedLinuxwhats the other way to format02:12
L3dPlatedLinuxbesides fdisk02:12
bh3wif i want to learn programming stuff what packages do i need for ubuntu02:12
Lyth1What is the channel for wine support02:12
RealUlliDanishJordan: did you do a dmesg |less and read the output?02:12
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, from the GUI gparted02:12
zsquarepluscL3dPlatedLinux: fdisk and cfdisk only partition. gparted partitions and formats02:12
jduzetheroo, so yeah,  go find any deb packages you need on the usb stick and install them with the command "dpkg -i ...."02:12
MrKeunerhi, can I find svg version of the abstract background image Flow.png?02:12
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68349302:12
Lyth1You can trace02:12
jamieIS there a low-level formatter for ubunut?02:12
pepperjackL3dPlatedLinux: fdisk doesnt format.  mkfs. and hit tab a few times02:12
jduzetheroo, but ndiswrapper is unlikely to be that simple to set up02:13
zetheroojdu: there are no deb packages on the usb stick ...02:13
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, Reload this Page  Read or mount UFS drive from FreeNAS box...02:13
n2diyjamie: like the old dos debug routine?02:13
fs__i need help, and i can't find it on the forums. i have installed apache and while configuring rewrite and all via .htdocs, i found out my apache has a weird behaviour regarding file extensions. if i enter /test and have a test.php file in that folder, it gets somehow redirected. i'd like this not to happen. how?02:13
jduzetheroo, sorry, I must have misunderstood.  Please restate the question.02:13
jamieDon't know Just A MAxtor low-level formatter02:14
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, or sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb102:14
Lyth1Where do I go for wine support?02:14
RealUlliLyth1: #wine?02:15
h00kjamie, you can actually use 'shred'02:15
zetheroojdu: the USB stick is the "LiveCD" for Ubuntu .... as far as I can tell the bulk of the OS is compressed in a file on the stick called filesystem.squashfs02:15
h00k!shred | jamie02:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shred02:15
mrwesguy doesn't speak for 40 plus minutes, then says 'goodbye'02:15
h00kwell, jamie, check out the shred man page02:15
Lyth1Not pound wine02:15
Lyth1Not #wine02:15
Lyth1Can anyone here help with wine?02:15
h00kLyth1, check out #winehq02:15
Ax4anyone here help me with emerald theems?02:15
Ax4i select it, and it doesn't activate....02:16
Ax4what am i doing incorrectly?02:16
jamieI did not what i'm looking for02:16
zetheroojdu: doh ... I found the package .... ndisgtk .... tried to install it and its asking for the Hardy cdrom02:16
Bo7can I use vnc on Ubuntu Server (8.10( right away?02:16
zetheroojdu: thats why I was hoping that there was a way to get Synaptic to see the stick as the LiveCD02:17
jduzetheroo, oh.  so you could probably mount it using a loop devices.   I would suggest disabling cdrom as a source for packages and just use the main repositories.02:17
Bo7or does the server ver. not have the windows system?02:17
h00kjamie, I'm not quite sure I understand your last statement02:17
h2g2bobhello - does update-manager print out logs anywhere?02:17
Lyth1How do I get development branches from synaptic02:17
jamieoops sorry i meant to say "That's not what i'm looking for"02:18
jduzetheroo, look in Software Sources under System, Administration02:18
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes we have lift off02:18
zetheroojdu: thats how it was initially and it was the same issue ... anyhow I installed the dependency package ....02:18
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, yah? from that web site I posted?02:19
h00kjamie, what are you looking to do?02:19
L3dPlatedLinuxformatted it with what you said and then mounted02:19
jamieLow-Level FOrmat02:19
etzerdyash: I think the problem some with the speaker. One more question. Why when I'm playing DVD the system keep crashing?02:19
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, good....now lets make it owned by you so you can read and write to it02:20
Ax4sorry i disconnected, again my question is, how do I get "emerald" themes to work, I select it and it doesn't activate. thanks! :)02:20
jamieTools for low-level format are normally provided by the manufactuer02:20
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, what's your username?02:20
jduzetheroo, as far as I know, the usb stick doesn't have anything you can't get anywhere else.  Although it would be awesome to make apt recognize the usbstick as a software source, I suggest just disabling cds in the Third Party Software section.02:20
Daniel591992Hi can somoene please help me with installing a driver for a pci card I got.02:20
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, sudo chown -R youusername:youusername /media/external02:21
h00kjamie, they are, you could also check out dban's boot and nuke02:21
jo125join #canonial02:21
jamieHow do install that to floppy02:21
jamieI mean flash drive02:21
=== Brucidus is now known as Barridus
RealUllin8 folks... thanks for attempt to help with my sata problem - I went with the UUID route now...02:22
h00kjamie > http://www.dban.org/download then check out the "for floppy disks and USB drives" link02:22
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, also, if you want it to mount at bootup you'll need to edit your /etc/fstab with something like this: /dev/sdb1/media/external ext3 defaults 0 202:22
L3dPlatedLinuxok what did that do02:23
hi5Hey, anyone know of a good quiz channel on IRC?02:23
frankS2Any bash geeks here? i want to do operation XXX; XXXXX times; then done;02:23
Daniel591992Hey guys, I bought a PCI Card for USB 2.0 yesterday and am trying to install it. It came with two folders called ehci1 and ohci. What can I do with them? The devices are being powered but nothing is recognized.02:24
hi5Hey, anyone know of a good quiz channel on IRC?02:24
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux,  the 0 2 will make fsck run after so many mounts02:24
hi5Hey, anyone know of a good quiz channel on IRC?02:25
mrweshi5, that's a support question? did you try google?02:25
hi5Hey, anyone know of a good quiz channel on IRC?02:25
hi5Nope and Yup02:25
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...02:25
=== mogul218 is now known as mogul218-
L3dPlatedLinuxok mrwes I dont think I can edit that02:26
Skiessihi5 #trivia02:26
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, uh? you mean /etc/fstab ?02:26
L3dPlatedLinux as I dont know enough to not mess it up02:26
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, it's easy brutha --- alt + F2 then gksu gedit /etc/fstab02:27
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, put this line in: /dev/sdb1/media/external ext3 defaults 0 202:27
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, close file/save file and the next time you boot up it'll mount for ya02:28
L3dPlatedLinuxok done02:28
Bo7Does Ubuntu-Server come with a windowmanager by default?02:28
linny1Bo7: no02:28
pepperjackBo7: cli only02:28
pepperjackBo7: its only an sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg fluxbox away though02:29
L3dPlatedLinuxmrwes when I right click to umount say only root can do that02:29
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, you can do that from alt + f2 gksu nautilus then umount it02:30
Bo7if there is no windowmanager, I can't run VNC - remote right?02:30
saikihow do I mount other partions?02:30
L3dPlatedLinuxduh I didnt think of that02:30
mvipi have a really strange problem. I'm trying to move a rather large folder to a subfolder (folder1 -> subfolder/folder1). The folder1 resides on a separate volume mounted as /vol0. However, when I"m trying to move folder1 i can see the diskspace on '/' decrease by ~100MB/minute and eventually I run out of disk space on /. /vol0 still has hundreds of GB available.02:30
saikiI forget, been too damn long since I last used linux02:30
pace_t_zulu_can anyone here help me import settings into gconf?02:30
h8redhas anyone gotten the online first person shooter games to work in ubuntu?02:31
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, you did chown on that mount point right?02:31
mrwes!chown | L3dPlatedLinux02:31
ubottuL3dPlatedLinux: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:31
h8redneither alien arena or warsow bring up any games in the server list02:31
saikihow do I mount other partions?02:32
h8redhas anyone had that problem before?02:32
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:32
Bo7pepperjack: you know if it's so?02:32
linny1 saiki: mount fs options device | dir see man mount for infos02:32
ghindoA swap partition should be as big as how much RAM you have, right?02:32
thiebaudeghindo: 1.5 times02:32
mvipghindo: 2x RAM is the traditional rule of thumb02:32
saikilinny1, so mount fs /dev/sdax?02:33
mrwesghindo, I wouldn't go more than 512mb02:33
pace_t_zulu_anyone here familiar with gconf?02:33
pace_t_zulu_please help02:33
ghindoWould it be safe to shrink my swap partition?02:33
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:33
h00k!ask | pace_t_zulu02:33
ubottupace_t_zulu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:33
mrwesI have 2gb of RAM and I certainly do not have a 4gb swap02:33
linny1saiki: no fs stands for the filesystem what are you trying to mount and where are you trying to mount it02:33
thiebaudeif i had 2 gigs i wouldn't need swap02:34
pace_t_zulu_ubottu: thanks for the advice02:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:34
fs__i have 3gb ram and use 512mb swap =(02:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:34
Ax4I have 4G of mem and 1G of swap, I use it from time to time, it's useful for some stuff :)02:34
pace_t_zulu_ubottu: thank you for making me feel stupid02:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:35
thiebaudefs__: i have 515mb and use 1gig swap02:35
mrwesthiebaude, depends on the mem cache...Jaunty is very efficient02:35
h00kI have 3gb of memory and no swap partition02:35
thiebaudemrwes: true02:35
Aristicol_BquillAlquien me puede guiar para que se usa esto02:36
newubuntuhey, i'm new to linux. when i boot ubuntu with the "try without altering hard disk" option, all i get is these green and white vertical lines flashing randomly... anybody have a suggestion?02:36
thiebaudei thought swap is for when you run out of memory02:36
linny1saiki: if i wanted to mount foo.iso to /media/dvd/ i would type sudo mount ~/foo.iso /media/dvd/ -o loop02:36
corinthI'm getting weird characters in odd places.  http://i44.tinypic.com/23h4z78.png02:39
mrwesre L3dPlatedLinux02:39
noodlesgcnewubuntu: press f4 and select "Safe Graphics Mode" at the menu and then try booting02:39
pepperjackcorinth: you should probably keep that to yourself02:39
jamieHello, how do i put boot & nuke on flash drive02:39
newubuntunoodlesgc, ok02:39
corinthLol pepperjack :-P02:39
linny1sorry but caps02:39
corinthYou're forgiven.02:39
L3dPlatedLinuxit mounted like you said but now I would like to beable to umount via right click option02:39
jamiecaps |02:40
corinthI haven't checked that. Lemme check.02:40
mrweshe gets it02:40
mlkylol those characters look so cool, how did u get them?02:40
mlkycan has?02:40
GaduI disabled my panel by unchecking `expand` and changing `screen` to 3. It has been gone for a long time. today when fiddling with the new nexuiz, I noticed my panel reappeared. now whenever I change `screen` to 3, it automatically changes back to 0. O_O HELP?02:40
L3dPlatedLinuxbrb mrwes02:40
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, did you chown it to your username?02:40
* RedFlame slaps his kb02:40
jamieHello, how do i put boot & nuke on flash drive02:40
guest123456help! I am trying to load ubuntu on my machine and the live cd seems to "start" to boot I get the ubuntu splash screen and then I get  "initramfs" and my cdrom stops responding02:40
h00kjamie, please see the link I showed you02:41
corinthHm. Where do I find my locale settings, linny1?02:41
jamieI did and i downloaded it02:41
guest123456what does initramfs mean?02:41
linny1corinth: dont know in gnome mate is been that long since i used it dont tell anyone but i use a bastardised ubuntu with openbox :)02:42
* corinth gasps02:42
noodlesgcguest123456: have you try running the "Check CD for Defects" option?02:42
linny1corinth: its prolly in system somewhere look around02:42
guest123456they are pressed cds I have tried both 32 and 64bit02:43
zenergiI just added a new group to the ldap server. However, the new group does not show up using a "getent group" on the connected web server. All of the other ldap groups do show.02:43
saiki_<saiki> linny1, and unmount?02:43
saiki_<saiki> umount /dev/sdax?02:43
saiki_<saiki> damn network..02:43
corinthI just installed this system. I'm going to try reinstalling. We'll see if that helps, lol.02:43
Gadumake my panel go away?02:44
zenergiDo I need to run a command to update the info from the ldap? or on the ldap server to propogate the new group to other servers?02:44
MeinteDoes anybody here know about voice / sound recognition software for controlling your system?02:44
noodlesgcguest123456: thats odd. You could try pressing F4 at the menu, and selecting "Safe graphics Mode"02:44
=== saiki_ is now known as saiki
TheFunkbombhello again02:44
saikiI hate my network lol02:44
mrwesL3dPlatedLinux, you need to add the 'user' option to the /etc/fstab to allow you to umount without sudo02:45
saikiwhat's the command to unmount something?02:45
mrwesmount /path/to/mount/point02:45
mrweser umount even02:45
linny1saiki_ you can type man umount for the manual02:45
jamiehook: I looked at the link and downloaded the thing so what now?02:46
Barridusthe bar hasn't moved in a long time in this gnome directory copy.  granted it's big with lots of files, but i'm worried something is wrong.  is there some way to see what is happening if anything?  cpu use is high02:46
scott8035What's a good IRC client, gtk/gnome-based, other than Pidgin?02:46
noodlesgcscott8035: xchat-gnome02:46
prontodotn use xchat-gnome use normal xchat02:46
jamieh00k: I looked at the link and downloaded the thing so what now?02:46
prontoxchat-gnome is horrible02:46
Barridusyeah use xchat not xchat-gnome02:46
prontobut irssi is much better02:47
saikisaiki@Saiki-pc:~$ mount /dev/sda4 ~/vista02:47
saikimount: only root can do that02:47
saikisaiki@Saiki-pc:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda4 ~/vista02:47
saikimount: you must specify the filesystem type02:47
FloodBot2saiki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:47
zetheroois it possible to unzip an EXE file?02:47
Gaduwhy did my panel come back? how can I make it go away?02:47
TheFunkbombzetheroo, um... what?02:47
mrwessaiki, sudo mount -t (filesystem) /dev/sda4 ~/vista02:47
pepperjackzetheroo: depends. installers yes but im not familiar with how02:47
Barriduszetheroo, wine prolly can let you run that self extracting .exe02:47
jamieGadu: richt click on it02:48
FrogTosspronto - agreed02:48
FrogTossEpic4 heh02:48
Gadujamie: can't delete last panel02:48
jamieGadu: and select delete panel02:48
noodlesgczetheroo: try the 'cabextract' and 'orange' packages in the repo02:48
zetherooTheFunkbomb: well I keep seeing on forums people saying "download this exe driver for such and such device and unzip it"02:48
Gadujamie: I hid it before but changing screen to 3 in gconf-editor but it came back02:48
jamieI don't know then02:48
TheFunkbombzetheroo, it probably came zipped02:49
Gadujamie: `Delete This Panel` is greyed out02:49
zetheroowhy do ppl write those things and not explain how to do it .... :(02:49
BoohHow to start network-manager by hand?02:49
zetherooTheFunkbomb: no they actualy tell you to unzip the exe file02:49
pepperjackzetheroo: they assume you are using windows02:49
TheFunkbombzetheroo, you got me beat on that.02:49
noodlesgcBooh: try 'nm-applet'02:50
zetheroopepperjack: on Ubuntu forums?02:50
zetherooTheFunkbomb: yeah  ... very odd ...02:50
chetnickBooh: NetworkManager02:50
Boohyes that's it :) cool.  Now, where it is configured to start at boot?02:51
TheFunkbombzetheroo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14151702:51
TheFunkbombNever had to do that though02:51
BoohI've done dist-upgrade on the 9.04... and now nm doesn't start automacilay.02:51
noodlesgc!jaunty | Booh02:52
ubottuBooh: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:52
BoohI know I know...02:52
TheFunkbombokay, who else can I help with n00b answers?02:52
Boohlet me try ;)02:52
jamieHow do i install DBAN to a USB drive02:52
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81002:52
ezzieyguygwufi need qt 4.3.x but only 4.4.5 is in the repos. where can I get this?02:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:52
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:53
zetheroohey guys ... cabextract worked!!!02:53
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:53
MarkJonesCan anyone point me in the direction fo step by step directions of installing the official NVIDIA drivers?Ive looked on google but I dont know how to stop xserver or whatever it wants me to do etc.02:53
zetherooTheFunkbomb: cabextract worked02:54
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:54
TheFunkbombI'm helping02:54
jamieHow do i put DBAn on a USB drive?02:54
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about DBAN02:55
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:55
Gadujamie: there are several methods for moving an ISO to a USB drive02:55
jamieIt's not an ISO02:56
martinipjamie, did you look at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67542502:56
jamieLooking Now.02:56
Gadujamie: you can download it as ISO02:56
martinipDoes anybody know if the Ubuntu Live CD uses the hard disks for temp files?02:57
jamieWhere from?02:57
Gadujamie: http://www.dban.org/download02:57
bh3wmarinip no clue, take the hard drive out and find out if it all works02:57
martiniphehe, good point02:57
noodlesgcmartinip: the livecd should not affect the hard drives02:57
Gadujamie: the downloads for floppy/USB version are in a windows executable formate. you'd be better off downloading the CD ISO version and running it from USB02:57
bh3wfrom my understanding it uses RAM only02:58
jamie!Live CD02:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.02:58
jamieDownloading CD Version02:58
=== pace_t_zulu is now known as Guest55521
geeksquadis there a way to make a partition invisible (i made part of my flash drive a live cd but i want the drive to be invisible but still bootable how do i do this?)03:00
ezzieyguygwufi need qt 4.3.x but only 4.4.5 is in the repos. where can I get this?03:01
bh3w#ubuntu, i now am running ubuntu on a virtual machine.  What now?03:01
daftykinsmartinip, the liveCD doesn't touch the hard disk at all03:02
daftykinsother than to see there's one there03:02
=== Guest51655 is now known as joeyjones
=== joeyjones is now known as joey
martinipif the liveCD doesn't touch the hard disk then the good news is that might hard disk might not be bad after all... and the bad news is that the motherboard might be.. hehe03:03
=== joey is now known as Guest69148
martiniperrr... s/might/my/03:03
geeksquadnobody knows hor to make a partition invisible on a flash drive??03:03
FrogTossgeeksquad, invisible how? to other OS's?03:04
ScottGCan someone tell me how to record something through a laptop mic in linux? I need to record something NOW before i forgot!03:04
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
h00kScottG, Applications -> Sound & Video -> Sound Recorder03:05
martinipor just write it down, ScottG03:05
ScottGh00k: I get the feeling i have tried that and it didnt work. How can I detect if linux is detecting03:05
ezzieyguygwufscottg: unmute it. double-click the microphone in the top panel to do so03:05
FrogTossgeek, an OS like windows won't regocnise the partition so it will in essence be invisible (I think)03:05
geeksquadi want the partition to be invisible but still bootable (it is a live ubuntu partition)03:05
ScottGmartinip: Yea but I got the phrasing down too03:05
martinipah, I thought you might be talking about music or something03:06
justin__hey, how do i open an iso from my windows partition03:06
noodlesgcezzieyguygwuf: you would have to download and compile it yourself unless you can find some packages somewhere. Though beware the unnofficial/older packages could mess up your system03:07
FrogTossgeek, you'll make it bootable, you'll need to set the BIOS on the PC to boot from the usb port first03:07
=== Guest69148 is now known as joey
ezzieyguygwufnoodlesgc: thanks03:07
swiftarrowjustin__, you mount the windows partition, then mount the iso using loob back03:07
geeksquadFrogToss: i mean on linux i want it invisible03:07
=== joey is now known as Guest61775
geeksquadFrogToss: i know that03:07
ScottGIt isnt working03:07
swiftarrowjustin__, mount -o loop filename.iso03:07
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:08
DasEicasey: here again ?03:08
caseyDasEi: i'm here :)03:08
ScottGh00k: ezzieyguygwuf: Still sint recording...03:09
=== tommyb is now known as Guest52629
DasEi?? What can be the reason when google appears in browser, but no other side ? Interfaces,dns, iptables, ifconfig,ping google alright, other pc on same modem works03:10
rnstuxHi everybody!03:10
Guest52629DasEi check dig to see if your dns is working03:11
gcdocsomeone has seen this problem> halt: unable to iterate and ID devices: No such file or directory03:11
gcdochow to resolve03:11
P_Kablehi, how do I change screen resolution with command line please ?03:11
DasEicasey: try to verify cd in between; thanks Guest52629, it's for casey03:12
Guest52629p_kable edit Xorg.conf file in /etc/X1103:12
ScottGP_Kable: Go into your xorg.conf probably03:12
ScottGP_Kable: look for something that looks like a reso03:12
caseyDasEi:  doing that right now03:12
P_Kableguys, the problem is that it is an iMac03:12
P_Kablelooks like the ati driver doesnt like the iMac03:13
ScottGP_Kable: your fault for having a mac you whack job03:13
gcdocsomeone has seen this problem> halt: unable to iterate and ID devices: No such file or directory >how to resolve03:14
Guest52629get the specs from MAC for your resolution.  then update the Xorg.conf03:14
Guest52629see man xorg.conf03:14
etzerdFirefox doesn't play video when I'm on the net or even in Youtube, the video is all black no picture or sound03:15
bonez46does firefox work otherwise?03:15
etzerdcan anyone help me03:15
eseven73!flash | etzerd03:16
ubottuetzerd: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:16
DasEi!flash | etzerd03:16
FrogTossetzerd, have you been prompted to install flash yet? lol nm03:16
etzerdbonez46: yes firefox works but not when  I go to side that have any video03:16
mike305so I have a home server behind a firewall, and I have a public facing server, what can I do so I can ssh into my home server via ssh tunneling, im confused on how I would set it up.. if its possible.03:17
DasEicasey: if verification was succesfull, try to reboot into cd's live mode and check ff there03:18
cimmingsdoes anyone know why my automounter stopped working?03:18
cimmingsthe only change I can think of that I made was to change the init level03:18
maydaysmboah ihr seit ja alle viel zu englisch03:18
DasEicimmings: an entry in fstab ?03:18
FrogTossmike, you need a router03:18
caseyDasEi: that's what i'll try next03:18
DasEi!ubuntu-de | mayday03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-de03:18
cimmingsdunno.... the delivered ubuntu automounter stopped working03:18
DasEi!de | mayday03:18
ubottumayday: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.03:18
cimmingsit used to auto mount my android phone and my vista ntfs partition03:19
mike305FrogToss: no way with ssh tunneling huh?03:19
cimmingsI had some issues with the nvidia driver so i had to change the init level03:19
zenergiI  just added a new group to my ldap server. However, the new group does not show up via a "getent group" on the connected web server. All of the other ldap groups do show. Do I need to run a command to update the info from the ldap? or on the ldap server to propogate the new group to other servers?03:20
zenergibtw, it's a fedora directory server03:21
bonhofferhow do i backup my ubuntu image?03:21
bonhofferbootable image of everything -- in case my computer crashes03:21
eseven73maybe partimage03:22
bonhofferwith partial (rsync-ish) backups?03:22
bonhofferlike super-duper on the mac03:22
mbanaif i want a directory only to visible to the root, i.e., sudo or whatever.  do i just use chown?03:22
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview03:23
mbanachown root:root dir?  like that03:23
etzerdI look at Synaptic Package Manager and I can see from there that adobe flash plugin is install03:23
zenergibonhoffer: dd can provide similar backups to super duper03:23
caseyDasEi: all came back fine03:23
bonhofferzenergi, but dd backups the whole thing right03:23
mbanaDasEi: chown root:root dir?  like that03:23
zenergibonhoffer: right03:24
DasEicasey: ff in live works ?03:24
bonhofferzenergi, so i want the next backup of image to take, like 5 minutes, not 10 hours03:24
mabuszenergi: that is not a link03:24
bonhofferlike super-duper does . . .03:24
caseyDaeEi: i verified the disc integrity, i'll try in live to see if it works03:24
zenergimabus: http://tinyurl.com/dd-wiki-page I'm not sure why it didn't work03:25
DasEimbana: chown -R root /dirWhatever  only owns it to root, so files can't be altered, though be read, chmod let's you also deny reading-rights03:25
zenergibonhoffer: there is rsnapshot that might be similar to what you're looking for03:25
zenergibonhoffer: http://rsnapshot.org/03:26
eseven73!backup | bonhoffer03:26
mbanaanyone ... please hel03:27
bonhofferzenergi, thanks03:27
zenergibonhoffer: np03:27
eseven73I think ubottu is lagging again03:27
eseven73cant even pm it03:27
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:28
DasEieseven73: is so, buaah03:28
ubottubonhoffer: please see above03:28
eseven73yep lagging lol03:28
eseven73that was like 3 minute delay lol03:28
mbanathis is *very* stupid.  i'm able to access /root03:29
newubuntuok... i have the safe graphics up and working... i can't load my pci linksys wmp110 card... if config just shows eth0 and lo. i've modprobe'd rt2x00pci and ath9k and still ifconfig shows no wireless cards..03:30
newubuntucan ubuntu show use an wmp110 out of the box?03:30
DasEimbana: you wanna hide root ?03:31
mbanawhy does ubuntu even allow this03:31
DasEimbana: thats odd, as a normal user won't be able to do anything then03:31
H4ck3rxhi, how to change default keyring passwd?03:31
caseyDaeEi: You'll like this one, in live mode only thing that i can browse to is google as well03:32
DasEicasey: dig  > out to pm03:32
mbanaDasEi: why does a normal user need access to /root?03:32
n8tusermbana -> normal has no need to access /root03:32
n8tusernormal users*03:33
mbanawell it seems i can access the contents of the /root dir freely03:33
DasEimbana: / or root  contains all the subtrees, as ~/Desktop and so on, it's the root of the dir-tree03:33
DasEimbana: a normal user can view, but not alter /03:34
n8tusermbana prove it to us, as a regular user  do an  ls -la /root03:34
n8tuserand post the results in pastebin03:34
noodlesgcnewubuntu: It seems that you need to use the Windows driver using ndiswrapper. Try this link: http://rewiv.com/blog/2008/09/08/how-to-install-your-linksys-wmp110-wireless-gn-card-on-linux/03:35
n8tusermbana i mis-interpreted, yah a regular user may read a /root directory contents, but not the file contents on that dir03:35
mbanaDasEi: i'm not talking about /, there's a folder called root that lives in '/'03:36
alecNoob Question here: In terminal, I'm having a problem renaming this file 'my zipped file.zip'.  I'm typing mv my zipped file.zip myzippedfile.zip but I'm getting an error.  Is it because the file's original name has spaces and I'm typing the command wrong?03:36
mbanan8tuser: why03:37
h00kalec, you have to use the \ to escape spaces,03:37
n8tusermbana why what?03:37
FrogTossbecause ubuntu puts the default user you set up at install in the root group03:37
alechook: thanks. 'll try it.03:37
mbanan8tuser: why can a normal user access /root03:37
h00kalec, for instance referencing My Zip.zip would be My\ Zip.zip03:37
mbanaFrogToss: ok i see thanks03:37
n8tusermbana list just the dir contents, but not see the contents of the files, do you see a difference?03:37
h00kalec, also, you can use tab to complete file names and commands03:37
FrogTossmbana: np, you'll have control over any additional users you set up on the system03:38
mbanan8tuser: that still not private enough03:38
alech00k:  cool.  !! thx.03:38
n8tuserFrogToss -> nothting to do with such,03:38
DasEimbana: can you even cd there as regular user ?03:38
n8tusermbana you have learned linux enuff i assume, so you can modify or customize per your needs03:38
etzerdI have adobe flash player 10 installed still I cannot play any video in firefox. can someone please help me out.03:38
xorphenochxfoiled again by realtek!03:39
mbanaetzerd: if all fails, get the flash binary and dump it in $HOME/.mozilla/plugins03:39
Lyth1When I try to use inkscape, most of the fonts appear the same03:40
xorphenochxgot one of those quad processor hp pavilions with a wifi card, but the drivers dont work, seems its using a realtek driver03:40
xorphenochxanyone come across this?03:40
etzerdmbana: where can I get the flash binary? I'm new to Linux, I don't know that much. I just switch from Windows to Linux03:41
alech00k: worked great. thanks/03:41
n8tuseretzerd most of us uses google to find things, so similarly you can do the same03:41
mbanaetzerd: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html03:42
mbana(assuming you've got a 64bit)03:43
mbana<n8tuser> FrogToss -> nothting to do with such,, what did you mean03:43
etzerdn8tuser: I know that. thanks for reminded me. It seems now people are very rude in Ubuntu. Ubuntu used to be the best community, it seem like things have change.03:43
etzerdmbana: thanks03:43
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
n8tusermbana a statement stating being in a root group03:45
n8tusermbana hopefully you dont expect every details to be explained to you, you have to do some reading03:45
DasEi?? What can be the reason when google appears in browser, but no other side ? Interfaces, iptables, ifconfig,ping google alright, other pc on same modem works, dig brings up standard standard answer-section, with server ip of modem/router ??03:47
IanClarkHello I have no sound after Intrepid upgrade.  I was wondering if anyone would help me.  I've been all over the forums, posted all over the place.  No luck.03:50
IanClarkhola servidor03:51
servidorde donde eres03:52
syntax\lo, how can i set 2 ips on an ubuntu machine and be able to enable/disable them? one ip is a static one (dsl connection) and the other one is an intranet ip running on dhcp.03:55
databits_how do I share a folder over the network in ubuntu03:56
BoondokLifedatabits: depends on what you are sharing it to. windows?03:56
tj83databits, right click the folder, and then click sharing :)03:57
DasEi!samba | databits03:57
DasEi!samba | databits_03:57
ubottudatabits: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:57
databits_what is the location of the video folder in ubuntu ?03:58
nadanso yah there is a process i try to kill it 12162 but its still there after i kill it... tried sudo and not03:59
calcdatabits_: $HOME/Videos ?03:59
tj83databits, what do yo mean "video" folder?03:59
zerodevicedoes anyone know how to install ati drivers into ubuntu? i tried apt-get install video-xf86-ati and it doesnt work03:59
tj83zerodevice, depends on your version of ubuntu and video card03:59
arash__nadan: kill -9?03:59
earthmeLonlol anybody know where there is an Excel irc room?04:00
arash__nadan: make sure you send sigkill and not sigterm04:00
calcearthmeLon: heh good luck finding help on excel04:00
tj83zerodevice, what version are you running and what card do you have?04:00
earthmeLonlol I have a question and I don't know how to word it to get good results in google, calc BAAAAH04:00
nadanarash__, thanks i guess -9 is sigkill?04:00
docmurI had a ubuntu Server install so I did apt-get xorg gdm gnome, and it all worked and I'm in the gnome but my resolution is retarted, I want to make it smaller like 1280x1024 but there is no xorg.conf file and when I go to the scree resolution setting in gnome, it doesn't do anything what do I change, I'm on 8.1004:00
arash__nadan: yes04:01
zerodevicetj83, here's my board and the details is this http://www.superwarehouse.com/ASUS_M3A78-EM_Desktop_Board/M3A78-EM/ps/153836204:01
arash__nadan: man kill04:01
zerodevicetj83, it says ATI Radeon HD 320004:01
nadanarash__,  thanks04:01
tj83zerodevice, /join #seaphor plz04:01
gwkalrodcomo estas?04:02
servidory tu04:02
servidor de donde eres04:02
DasEiwhat else is to bechecked if ff only displays google and no other sides  ?04:02
gwkalrodbien, New Hampshire04:03
servidoren usa04:03
servidork bien04:03
servidoroye una pregunta  como le hago para abril esta apicacion en otro equipo04:04
IanClarkcxu vi povas paroli esperante04:04
servidordisculpa lo k kize decirte es como le hago para abrir esta  aplicacion en otra compiutadora04:04
servidorpor k no kiere abrir04:05
L3dPlatedLinuxwhat would I have to put in fstab in order to be able to umount a drive so I dont get a not root error04:05
arash__nadan: fyi, when ctrl-c sends sigterm while ctrl-z sends sigkill04:05
nadanarash__, didn't know that... i'll add it to my list of commands thanks.04:05
=== solidus is now known as Barridus
databitsI want to know the file location of the video folder04:06
ubottudatabits_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:06
databitsthe video folder you can get to by clicking the "places" menu on the desktop04:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:06
FrogTossdatabits: it should be in your home directory04:06
FrogTossdatabits: /home/username/Video04:07
servidorsi se puede la ayuda en español mejor04:07
DasEi L3dPlatedLinux:you must allow that user to use fuse (users n groups)04:07
PhotoJim!es | servidor04:07
ubottuservidor: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:07
gwkalrodneccesito aprendo mas español...04:08
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=== psycho is now known as huntxu
gwkalrodthat was wrong, w/e04:09
L3dPlatedLinuxI added the user to fuse group04:09
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DasEi L3dPlatedLinux:what's the line in fstab currently saying ?04:10
servidorse necesita necesariamente internet para establecer una red04:10
databitsdoes anyone know of a good xvid to dvd coversion program ?04:10
deldotbHas everyone else been having DVD issues with 9.04?04:11
lvare there any chinese?04:11
L3dPlatedLinux /dev/sdb1 /media/external ext3 defaults 0 204:11
DasEideldotb: not until now04:11
ArrPirateThe monitor died on my ubuntu computer but there's source code on the hard drive I desperately need to get off the hard drive so I can continue the project on my husband's laptop. I can get into a terminal without needing a monitor. Is there a way to use the terminal to share a folder with a windows network and if so, what are the commands?04:11
gwkalroddatabits: dvd isn't a format, what format do you want04:12
noodlesgcdatabits: are you trying to copy from a dvd? or are you trying to burn a file to disc?04:12
deldotbDasEi: I've seen several bug reports on it, but no solutions as of yet04:12
DasEi!samba | ArrPirate04:12
ubottuArrPirate: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:12
databitsI know that it is not a format04:12
DasEi ArrPirate: sudo apt-get install samba04:13
databitsI am need to make dvd's out of xvid files04:13
noodlesgcdatabits: try DeVeDe04:13
ArrPirateDasEi I already have that installed04:13
ArrPirateDasEi I asked specifically is there a way to share folder in the terminal04:13
DasEi ArrPirate: configure /etc/samba/smb.conf for your needs04:13
ArrPiratethat's not specific enough04:14
ArrPirateI have no monitor, DasEi04:14
ArrPiratethere's no way for me to see what I need to edit04:14
L3dPlatedLinuxDasEi,   /dev/sdb1 /media/external ext3 defaults 0 2 thats what I have in fstab04:14
DasEi ArrPirate: I'd create a new folder, cp the to-be-saved-files in and make it a share in smb.conf04:14
L3dPlatedLinuxDasEi,  say I am not root and only root cando umount it04:14
ArrPiratehow would I do that without a monitor?04:14
ArrPiratehow can I edit smb.conf the way I need to without being able to see what it contains?04:15
DasEiL3dPlatedLinux: is because defaults contains nouser04:16
DasEi ArrPirate: you said you could access a terminal ..04:16
L3dPlatedLinuxDasEi, so what do I change the defualts to my user name04:16
ArrPirateDasEi I said I can access a terminal without a monitor04:16
dassoukiis there atextbase msn client ?04:16
ArrPirateI know what to type to login then I press the hotkey I set up to open a terminal04:16
DasEiL3dPlatedLinux:  /dev/sdb1 /media/external ext3 user,exec,rw,auto 0 204:17
sigtermyea don't get me and something else confused, the results could be deadly.04:17
L3dPlatedLinuxDasEi, ty04:17
DasEi ArrPirate: so then u can use vim or similar to edit04:18
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code04:18
ArrPirateDasEi How can I use that if I can't see to edit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!04:18
ArrPirateThere is no monitor to see the file I'm going to be editing!04:18
martineoArrPirate, echo "[bla]<newline>etc" >> smb.conf04:18
DasEi ArrPirate: so how do access a terminal ?04:18
ArrPirateDasEi I just told you!04:19
ArrPirateDasEi I know what to type to log in and I can press a hotkey I set up before the monitor died to bring up a terminal04:19
noodlesgcArrPirate: I'm not sure its possible to do what you are trying. You does the machine with the broken monitor have net access?04:19
ArrPirateit's not a hard concept04:19
ArrPirateyes, noodlesgc04:19
noodlesgcArrPirate: then you could apt-get install openssh-server, and ssh in04:20
DasEiArrPirate: that becomes a game of guessing the config of that pc then ; dissemble the harddrive to another machine ?04:20
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/04:20
dinkusalright - just got Jaunty up and running on my MacBookPro 4,1 - followed the instructions per the ubuntu help wiki... and now my keyboard doesn't work...04:21
dinkuscan i get some help here.04:22
noodlesgcdinkus: jaunty help is in #ubuntu+104:22
DasEi?? What can be the reason when google appears in browser, but no other side ? Interfaces, iptables, ifconfig,ping google alright, other pc on same modem works, dig brings up standard standard answer-section, with server ip of modem/router ??04:22
ophielsup? :)04:25
zerothisHow to I use a wireless print sever? The server is detected by my card.04:27
honda_hello, I changed the permissions on /etc/sudoers, and now i get an error "sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 0440" which prevents sudo from working. what should I do?04:28
IanClarkHello my card is detected but I can't confirm if I have the intel8x0 module installed, nor can I enable it.  Would someone help me?04:28
martineohonda_, chmod 440 /etc/sudoers04:29
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:29
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy
honda_martineo, i need root permission to do that04:29
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:30
IanClarkuser@user-desktop:/$ lsmod|grep snd  <---gives me nothing04:30
IanClarkhi h3tred04:31
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gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:31
Anacranom<IanClark> user@user-desktop:/$ lsmod|grep snd  <---gives me nothing its lsmod | grep snd04:31
noodlesgchonda_: you could reboot, and when grub is starting, press escape, and choose "Recovery Mode", and then choose "root shell", and set it from there04:31
generationkillWhere does Ubuntu store keyboard mappings?04:31
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martineonoodlesgc, no better way to get root access?04:32
honda_noodlesgc, actually i don't have access to that menu because i am ssh-ing in04:32
noodlesgcif you have set the root password, simple type 'su' then type the root password04:33
zombie-robot__I have a question not to do with ubuntu04:33
zombie-robot__but someone should know04:34
IanClark<Anacranom> user@user-desktop:/$ sudo lsmod|grep snd04:34
IanClarkstill get nothing04:34
Anacranom!ot | zombie-robot__04:34
noodlesgcmartineo: generally sudo is the best way to get root access, but his sudo is broken04:34
ubottuzombie-robot__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:34
honda_noodlesgc, this is actually for a class. they gave us sudo access to everything, but not the root password04:34
Nautilus__is the download server running really slow?04:34
AnacranomIanClark, Spaces04:34
=== mattgyver83 is now known as mattgyver[L]
zombie-robot__I have server space on godaddy. How can I set up a torrent tracker on the godaddy server?04:35
AnacranomIanClark, Spaces...    lsmod | grep snd04:35
zombie-robot__thanks for the off topic04:35
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:35
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:35
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:35
FloodBot2gizmo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
martineonoodlesgc, does this mean, that the Recovery Mode root shell is accessible without password?04:36
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:36
IanClark<Anacranom> the spaces are there. lsmod [space] | [space] grep snd04:36
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:36
gizmowhat the command to move this one --> WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place04:36
FloodBot2gizmo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
noodlesgcmartineo: by default, yes04:36
ArrPiratethere's no easy way to share a folder from the terminal with a windows network if you already have samba installed?04:36
IanClark<Anacranom> I just pasted the code you sent, there shouldn't be any mistakes04:36
AnacranomIanClark, try modprobe -l | grep snd04:36
martineonoodlesgc, but that's totally insecure, dammit04:36
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IanClark<Anacranom> that yields a whole ton of .ko files04:37
AnacranomIanClark, what are u looking for?04:37
noodlesgcmartineo: if someone has physical access, even if you have a root password, they could just boot off a disk and get all the files. Also this is offtopic.04:37
martineohm, right…04:38
IanClark<Anacranom> my /etc/group file is blank04:38
DasEi ArrPirate: if you have a working share on the borked, try to find it from win under view network computers, but won't be able to accees other files, unless samba allows you to04:38
AnacranomIanClark, what are u looking for? that has noting to do with "snd"04:39
ArrPirateI don't DasEi... I have the printer shared but no shared folder04:39
IanClark<Anacranom> I'm looking for intel8x0, it's on that list with .ko after it.  Can't get that module loaded.  Can't confirm if it's installed04:39
ArrPiratewhat I need to know is if there's some way to allow a folder to be shared from the terminal04:39
andrukhow do i manually add a kernel module?04:39
noodlesgcArrPirate: AFAIK the only way would be to edit smb.conf. Did the ssh idea not work?04:40
martineoandruk, modprobe <module>04:40
ArrPirateI -think- I installed ssh-server but I don't know how to test if I did or not04:40
ArrPirateI've never sshed before04:40
andrukmartineo: thankya kindly04:40
FrogTossArrPirate: can you get a vnc server installed on the blind box through the terminal? I'm grabbing straws04:40
DasEi ArrPirate: if you gotta type blind, it's a very tricky process, might rather write a script to a bootable cd then04:41
noodlesgcArrPirate: from the working machine just type ssh <ip-address>04:41
DasEi ArrPirate: you can't pull the hd nor put another screen on ?04:41
AnacranomIanClark, did you load that driver yourself?04:41
ArrPiratenoodlesgc I did that.. failed to connect04:41
ArrPirateDasEi I only have a laptop that works right now, so I can't pull the HS and I have no other screens04:42
IanClark<Anacranom> I tried to load the driver myself, but there were errors in the install, I don't understand the errors04:42
DasEi ArrPirate: but its a desktop, the broken one ?04:42
AnacranomIanClark, ahhh thats where we need to be,, at the errors04:42
FinnishI've got this very strange problem with HDMI on my 23" screen, can someone help me?04:43
DasEi ArrPirate: try to get an usb case then before you get .. a geek with a long white bear04:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about g1504:43
ArrPirateis there a way to access shared folders on a windows network from the terminal? If so, I could just use cp04:43
ArrPirateor... isn't there a program installed by default that can do blind-friendly computing? Orca I think it is04:44
DasEi ArrPirate:I still don't get your expression terminal : how (and where)  do you have a terminal there ?04:44
IanClark <Anacranom> these are some of the errors04:44
IanClark│ make[5]: *** [/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore/info.o] Error 1           ▒04:44
IanClark │ make[4]: *** [/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/acore] Error 204:44
martineoDasEi, a keyboard probably04:44
AnacranomIanClark, if you loaded yourself then the source would have a README that would have son dependencies, or conflicts that need to be removed or a way to copy/move the files to the right dir...04:45
noodlesgcArrPirate: you could also turn on remote desktop, and use vnc from the working computer04:45
ArrPirateDasEi, listen carefully. I've explained this before. I have speakers hooked up to my broken compouter. I can hear when it does the login noise so I type in my name and password. I hear the boot up sound so I know when it's ok to type. I then press ` which brings up Tilda and there ya have it, a terminal04:45
ArrPiratenoodlesgc, how would I do that?04:45
IanClarkAnacranom, I used a script to install, I can't compile programs04:46
generationkillHow does the "keyboard switch" work in Ubuntu? Where does it read the layouts?04:46
DasEiArrPirate: k, so a keyboard04:46
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:46
noodlesgcArrPirate: gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true04:46
IanClark<Anacranom> here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 I chose "module assistant"04:46
mkassonhow do I mount a windows (NTFS I think) drive? mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2?04:47
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:47
IanClark<Anacranom> The comprehensive guide there unfortunately doesn't have any suggestions for those for whom the module-assistant doesn't compile the program successfully04:48
noodlesgcArrPirate: you also have to run: gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/prompt_enabled false04:48
DasEiArrPirate: so, if really want a long white... get a ubuntu vm on the vin machine and then carefullyst retype blind from your console, really, get a usb-case for the hd or screen ( from a neighbour ?)04:48
DasEiwin machine*04:48
DooohHeadare there any reported wifi problems with Jaunty?04:48
AnacranomIanClark, how far did u get in that guide?04:48
generationkillWhen is Jaunty supposed to be released?04:49
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:49
IanClarkI got to the module assistant, I tried that first, then I went further and did the code way, with errors as well04:49
mkassonhehe oops04:49
The_Drizzlegenerationkill: Have you ever waited for a Bilzzard game (diablo, starcraft, etc)?04:50
ArrPiratenoodlesgc, ok, I typed those two commands, what can I do now?04:50
AthenonI just upgraded to 9.04rc....when I go to upgrade (finish the upgrade)...the update manager.  When I go to the update manager and click "Partial upgrade", it goes through the first step then immediately closes without warning or error.  It does this every time I go there, so apparently something isn't getting installed right.  any ideas?04:50
IanClark<Anacranom> I did sudo ./configure  --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) --with-cards=intel8x0 --with-oss=yes and got sudo: ./configure: command not found04:50
The_DrizzleIt'll be done when it's done :)04:50
BadEaglei installed apache2 and php5 (with libapache2-mod-php and what not), but when i browse to (file i made) it tries to download instead of runs it04:50
BadEagleanybody know what i messed up?04:50
noodlesgcArrPirate: is the working machine Windows or Linux?04:50
ArrPiratewindows vista04:50
lstarnesBadEagle: did you run "sudo a2enmod php5" and then restart apache?04:51
AnacranomIanClark, ooo ok, sooo, you are trying to install OSS?04:51
generationkillThe_Drizzle: no04:51
IanClarkAnacranom, no I'm not04:51
BadEagleIstames, no sir04:51
AthenonThe upgrades shown under "Distribution Upgrade" are brasero and liblucene2-java04:51
monkeygurujust curious, who here owns a Betta fish?04:51
IanClarkAnacranom, I just want Alsa to load the intel8x0 module and get my sound working as it was in Hardy04:51
ArrPirateI opened up Remote desktop Connection, noodlesgc, typed in the IP address for my broken computer and it connect and it says it can't connect04:51
noodlesgcArrPirate: ok, you need to download VNCViewer, then you should be able to connect to it04:51
AnacranomIanClark, thats what that says, and oss and alsa conflict04:51
FrogTossArrPirate: sudo apt-get install tightvnc <enter> *yourpassword* <enter> then read the docs on the websight to see what the default port is. open a vnc client on your laptop and log in04:52
BadEagleIstames: now i did and it's still doing the same thing04:52
IanClarkAnacranom: that's what what says?  My error messages?04:52
noodlesgcAthenon: jaunty discussion is in #ubuntu+104:52
IanClarkAnacranom: should I disable OSS and redo those instructions then?04:52
AnacranomIanClark, ... Ian) --with-cards=intel8x0 --with-oss=yes04:52
AnacranomIanClark, i actually prefer OSS but not for all,,,04:53
IanClark<Anacranom> So if the code were changed would it work?  I'll try anything.  I want this sound back and going04:54
lstarnesBadEagle: did you run "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart" ? (also, try typing "Lst" (with a lowercase L) then pressing the TAB key)04:54
ArrPirateomg noodlesgc, that worked!04:55
IanClark<Anacranom> I saw the guide on using OSS, I suppose I could do that.  But how do you see a conflict with these two now?  In that code there?04:55
ArrPiratethank you sooo much!04:55
noodlesgcArrPirate: no problem04:55
syntax\how can i set two ip's on ubuntu. a world ip(static) and an intranet ip(dhcp). i can't seem to have both working. currently. i only have the world ip. i need to have the intranet ip configured tho04:55
generationkillHow does the "keyboard switch" work in Ubuntu? Where does it read the layouts?04:55
Anacranomwell IanClark how long have you had 8.10? 8.04 is much better,, i'm using 9.04 now but if i had any issues i would go back to 04 rather than .1004:55
IanClark<ArrPirate> you should hear Beijing people talk04:55
ArrPirateIanClark, ?04:56
IanClark<Anacranom> I've only had it for a few weeks.  8.04 IS much better04:56
IanClark<ArrPirate> Beijing people talk like arr pirates04:56
AnacranomIanClark, i would just go back to 8.0404:56
IanClark<Anacranom> that's not easy04:56
FrogTosssyntax\ I only know how to bridge with two NICs, sorry04:57
h8reddoes devede have a menu creator04:57
syntax\FrogToss: i need to be able to configure the two working the same time :(04:57
IanClark<Anacranom> would Jaunty have some fixes for this?04:57
AnacranomIanClark, why? dont you have your /home on a separate partition?04:57
FrogTosssyntax\, I don't know howto do that with only one NIC04:58
syntax\the intranet ip screws everything up. if i was to setup the world ip, i can only use the world ip. and vice versa with the intranet ip.04:58
syntax\i have 2 NIC04:58
ArrPiratenoodlesgc, I didn't know setting up vnc was so easy04:58
AnacranomIanClark, 9.04 may.... worth a try04:58
syntax\one NIC for intranet04:58
syntax\and the other for the world @ FrogToss04:58
IanClark<Anacranom> Ubuntu is on sda9.  I don't think /home is on a separate partition from that04:58
noodlesgcArrPirate: Ubuntu makes it pretty easy04:59
IanClark<Anacranom> it's easier to go forward than backward in Ubuntu04:59
DasEisyntax\: configure it in networkinterfaces (system >...) or edit /etc/network/interfaces04:59
overshardanyone here know the best way to get a right click on a macbook pro with a single mouse button o.O04:59
FrogTosssyntax\, oh! good! give me a second to scratch my head and try to remember. It's been years04:59
rwwIanClark: Just a note, prepending your messages with "Person'sNick:", rather than "<Person'sNick>" makes things much less confusing for everyone.04:59
rww!tab | IanClark05:00
ubottuIanClark: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:00
noodlesgch8red: I don't think Devede can create menu's. You may have to try Dvdstyler, or QDvdAuthor.05:00
swiftarrowovershard press command key and click05:00
syntax\DasEi: already done that05:00
overshardswiftarrow, isn't working05:00
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IanClark<arrpirate> http://www.beijinghuar.com/05:00
DasEisyntax\: did you restart networking afterwards ?05:00
swiftarrowovershard, try holding the mouse button down?05:00
overshardswiftarrow, yes05:00
syntax\FrogToss: hehe my problem is i need to have both the intranet and world ip are working together. :D just like in windows. i can use them both at the same time.05:00
rww!ot | IanClark05:00
ubottuIanClark: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:00
AnacranomIanClark,  get /home separate... http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=8005:00
The_Drizzlesyntax\:  what is the specific problem? Can't ping, can't resolve host names?05:00
syntax\DasEi: i did. i can't get a connection :D05:00
IanClarkubottu: thanx!05:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanx!05:01
DasEisyntax\: what says ifconfig about your nics ?05:01
syntax\i have 2 NICs i need to setup two IP for each NIC 1 is for a world IP, and the other is for an Intranet IP05:01
syntax\DasEi: ifconfig shows eth0 and eth1 :)05:01
syntax\the problem is. Intranet ip should be DHCP, world IP should be static05:02
DasEisyntax\: on the same subnet ?05:02
syntax\nope different subnet05:02
syntax\different namservers05:03
wolf_Are you setting up a router?05:03
wolf_or just forwarding the connection?05:03
syntax\they are two different IP05:03
The_Drizzlesyntax: Shooting in the dark a little here, but read this: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch03_:_Linux_Networking#Multiple_IP_Addresses_on_a_Single_NIC05:05
The_Drizzlesearch for "multiple"05:05
Mike_lifeguardDoes anyone have any experience with compiz? I just tried to install compizconfig-settings-manager to play around with it & upon changing a setting, got kicked out of login. Display on login is distorted and I get kicked out within seconds 100% of the time. I tried a terminal login to remove it, but it's not resolved the issue.05:05
DasEisyntax\: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153196/  for interfaces05:06
The_DrizzleI'd be interested to know if this works as described05:06
Nautilus__will the regular install work on 256M or do I need the alternate install?05:06
syntax\hold on05:07
BadEaglewhen u run "sudo a2enmod php5" it says "ERROR: Module php5 does not exist!", but i have definately installed it05:07
lstarnesBadEagle: you installed libapache2-mod-php5 and php5?05:08
mobodo_how do I start linux in run level 1?05:08
syntax\i might loose connected05:08
syntax\i might loose connection DasEi05:08
syntax\currently i don't have intranet ip enabled.05:08
DasEiNautilus__: would work, but is little poor05:08
BadEagleIstames, yes, and php5-cli, php5-cgi, and php5-common05:08
DasEisyntax\: backup the old file before, don forget lo05:09
noodlesgcNautilus__: I think regular will work, though it may be slow.05:09
lstarnesBadEagle: you might need to try sudo tasksel install lamp-server05:09
admin_masu3701tryin to use filezilla to connect to server...what port should i use05:09
BadEagleO.o no what that is but i'll try05:09
Nautilus__thanks, just giving it a whirl, can upgrade later but wanted to play. If I ever get JJ downloaded... went from under and hour up to 3 now05:10
lstarnesBadEagle: also, my nick starts with an L not an i and that's r and n, not m05:10
BadEaglelol sry05:10
FrogTossadmin_masu3701: 2105:10
BadEaglelstarnes: i get "tasksel: aptitude failed (100)"05:10
admin_masu3701FrogToss: ok05:11
BadEaglelol oops05:11
BadEaglehad synaptic running05:11
IgneousHello all, I'm having a small problem. When I try to install scrot with "apt-get install scrot", ubuntu returns "bash: apt-get: command not found"05:13
YasumotoIgneous: try aptitude install scrot05:13
FrogTossIgneous: put sudo before the rest of the command05:14
Yasumoto(as a cheap fix)05:14
bobbie4I loves the Ubuntu thingy05:14
YasumotoIgneous: that too05:14
* monpolo sucks a dick05:14
xbj_A21mI also loves this thingie05:14
Igneoussudo: apt-get: command not found05:14
noodlesgcMike_lifeguard: you could log into a terminal session, and type: gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager /usr/bin/metacity05:14
* Igneous tries aptitude05:14
reade0I can't get my wireless adapter working in 8.04. I believe it worked out of the box with the previous installation of Hardy. This harinfo app recognizes it as:05:15
reade0Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI05:15
Mike_lifeguardnoodlesgc: ok, what will that do?05:15
FrogTossIgneous: sudo apt-get install scrot05:15
IgneousFrogToss: yes, that's what I just did, sudo returned that apt-get was not found05:15
noodlesgcMike_lifeguard: that will turn off compiz05:15
BadEaglewth does that mean?05:15
Mike_lifeguardah, k05:16
FrogTossIgneous: hrmmm. Did it prompt you for your password?05:16
IgneousFrogToss: yes, and I entered it05:16
lstarnesBadEagle: its name might be php instead of php505:16
Igneousthen it said "sudo: apt-get: command not found"05:16
L3dPlatedLinuxhelp! http://pastebin.com/d4cc3e9cb05:16
noodlesgcMike_lifeguard: wait, I might have gotten that wrong05:16
YasumotoIgneous: do sudo updatedb; locate apt-get05:17
FrogTossIgneous: try "whereis apt-get" let's make sure it's installed05:17
noodlesgcMike_lifeguard: it should be: gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default /usr/bin/metacity05:17
Igneouswhereis aptget returns "apt-get: "05:17
BadEaglelstarnes: in synaptic it shows it as installed05:17
MaskedOneSo I have a really easy to answer question :P How do i check if my installed ubuntu is the 64 or 32 edition?05:17
lstarnesBadEagle: I think I was wrong then.  Which version of ubuntu are you using?05:17
Mike_lifeguardok, thx05:17
lstarnesMaskedOne: uname -m05:18
xbj_A21mMaskedOne uname -a05:18
FrogTossIgneous: ah. It's not installed. Are you running the Gnome desktop?05:18
Igneousapt-get is part of gnome?05:18
lstarnesIgneous: no, apt-get is part of the base system05:18
MaskedOnex86_64 would mean 64bit im assuming? Just curious but any GUI way to find it?05:18
FrogTossIgneous: no05:18
lstarnesMaskedOne: yes05:18
MaskedOnei remember finding it back when but have since forgoten05:19
IgneousFrogToss: I'm actually running w9wm05:19
FrogTossIgneous: I was just going to tell you how to launch synaptic from Gnome05:19
lstarnesBadEagle: did you run sudo tasksel install lamp-server ?05:19
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:20
upgrdmanhow do i time it takes for a command to complete in a terminal?05:20
IgneousFrogToss: hmm, let me log out, I'll get back in my gnome session05:20
FrogTossIgneous: ok. Try sudo synaptic05:20
lstarnesupgrdman: it depends on the command05:20
IgneousFrogToss: oh okay, I'll do that05:20
upgrdmanlstarnes: dd05:20
BadEaglelstarnes: yes but it does nothing05:20
Igneous"sudo: synaptic: command not found"05:20
BadEaglesits there saying Please wait... 0% forever05:20
Gerdesasupgrdman: "time command arguments"05:21
lstarnesupgrdman: that varies depending on how much data is being transferred and the speed of the media being written to and added to05:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:21
lstarneser, and red from05:21
upgrdmanGerdesas: thx05:21
Gerdesasdd probably will respond to a USR1 signal to dump run-time statistics; man dd for more information.05:21
nadanHow do i disable usplash in ubuntu (apt-get remove wants to remove ubuntu-desktop) (and i tried to add quiet whatever to menu.list but it didn't work)  cause i have to hold a button to boot05:21
FrogTossIgneous: you'll need to get the tar file for the application you want from their server with either a web browser or an ftp client if you know the address05:21
lstarnesBadEagle: it may take a while to work05:22
SincerelyOedipushi i have a question05:22
SincerelyOedipushow do i install programs to ubuntu using a windows compatible install CD05:23
PhotoJimSincerelyOedipus: You don't.05:23
SincerelyOedipushow do i use a CD image?05:23
The_Drizzle_SincerelyOedipus: Which programs?05:23
SincerelyOedipusto do that?05:23
SincerelyOedipusaccording to WineHQ 2008 will work05:23
PhotoJimWell, you can run some under Wine.  so I shouldn't totally say that.05:23
SincerelyOedipuscan you run a .iso in ubuntu?05:23
IgneousFrogToss: is there a tar file I can use to download apt-get?05:24
reade0I tried following the guide for compiling rt61 driver but I think it is out of date and I can't get it to work.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61 is there another way?05:24
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: you can't "run" a .iso, but you can mount one and run executables that are on it05:24
FrogTossIgneous: yes there is, let me check for th adess05:24
SincerelyOedipusalrighty what program do i use to mount in ubuntu?05:24
SincerelyOedipusalcohol 120 didn't want to work05:24
FrogTossIgneous: *address05:24
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: mount05:24
SincerelyOedipusthere's a program called mount? >.>05:25
BadEaglelstarnes, i'll give it more time then, i don't understand what has changed, i just reinstalled ubuntu, was on the same version before and all i had to do before was install apache2, php5, and libapache2-mod-php5 and i was good to go05:25
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: specifically, mount -o loop filename.iso /path/to/mount/to05:25
BadEagleis it the order i did it in this time?05:25
SincerelyOedipuswhat do you mean by path to mount to?05:25
lstarnesBadEagle: try uninstalling them then reinstalling them all at once05:25
SincerelyOedipusdoes that mean the folder it's kept in?05:25
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: the folder to associate with the .iso05:25
SincerelyOedipusthank you very much :D05:25
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: usually, it will be something like /media/whatever05:25
BadEaglelol i closed the lamp thing and synaptic won't start05:26
BadEaglei'm gonna reboot05:26
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: once it is mounted, going into that directory will be like going into the image05:26
Mike_lifeguardnoodlesgc: (I think it was you) THANKS! I'm back in.05:26
noodlesgcMike_lifeguard: yeah it was me. no problem05:27
SincerelyOedipusnow the image05:27
SincerelyOedipusis built for a windows installation05:27
SincerelyOedipuswill going into the image find me a way to install it on wine?05:28
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: there should be an installer somewhere in there that can be run in wine05:28
SincerelyOedipusalrighty :D05:28
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: you may need to use winecfg to make that mount point a temporary cd drive05:28
SincerelyOedipusok question05:29
SincerelyOedipusif i burned the iso to disk from my windows installation05:29
SincerelyOedipusand inserted it into the cd drive05:29
SincerelyOedipuswould it be the same thing?05:29
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: the disk will be readable by ubuntu05:29
SincerelyOedipusthere's no installer in there >.>05:29
lstarnesSincerelyOedipus: and it should be automatically mounted to somewhere in /media05:29
SincerelyOedipusit activates immediately as an instillation process05:30
SincerelyOedipuswhen inserted into a windows machine05:30
SincerelyOedipusbut when inserted into linux there is no installer found05:30
IgneousSincerelyOedipus: look at the autorun.ini?05:30
BadEaglelstarnes: after rebooting it works fine05:31
=== indos256 is now known as mulan_cinta_
SincerelyOedipusit doesn't have an autorun.ini file05:32
SincerelyOedipusit has an info.plist file05:32
SincerelyOedipusit also has an installer.data05:33
SincerelyOedipusbut i dont know how to run that as an exe in ubuntu05:33
IgneousSincerelyOedipus: it sounds like ubuntu actually mounted the unix-readable part of the cd instead of the CDFS part05:33
Igneousyou are looking at mac files05:33
The_Drizzle_SincerelyOedipus: Are there any .exe or .bat files in the root directory of the iso?05:34
SincerelyOedipusno :D05:34
SincerelyOedipusif there were i would have run them a long time ago05:34
The_Drizzle_Sorry, had to ask :P05:34
SincerelyOedipusthere is an install vectorworks (A).rsrc file05:34
SincerelyOedipussomewhere in there05:34
john_jIs there a way with sendmail to have an option like -fadmin@mydomain-a.com05:35
john_jbecause when i try that cmd without the dash it's working but with the dash it's not working05:35
Jutsuwhat plugin do I require to handle .rmvb files? the real.com/linux page is timing out on my end, so that circumvents acquiring the actual realplayer.05:36
FrogTossIgneous: That was harder than I thought :) look at http://packages.debian.org/lenny/i386/apt/download05:36
The_Drizzle_SincerelyOedipus: I'm afraid you are looking at a Mac version of Vectorworks...05:36
JutsuI thought there might've been some gstreamer plugin, in my apt tree, capable of handling this.05:36
IgneousFrogToss: that says debian, will that install debian stuff on my ubuntu?05:36
xbj_A21mI thought you could run mac stuff though because I heard its unix too05:36
[t0rc]is there a way to update LiveUSB installs that are persistent? I'm always getting update error after everything installs05:36
FrogTossIgneous: Yes, Ubuntu is based on Debian05:37
IgneousFrogToss: so there shouldn't be any problems?05:37
The_Drizzle_xbj_A21m: Mac OSX is based on unix but they're distant cousins at this point...05:37
JutsuIgneous: It's rather ingenious.05:37
FrogTossIgneous: wait, type whereis bpkg05:38
JutsuCan anyone else connect to www.real.com?05:38
FrogTossIgneous: sorry make that dpkg05:38
john_janyone can helps with SendMail05:38
FrogTossIgneous: it's late here lol05:38
xbj_A21misn't it based on a freebsd terminal though?05:38
IgneousFrogToss: "dpkg: /mnt/ubuntu/nfs/usr/bin/dpkg"05:38
s_spiffJutsu: yes i can05:39
s_spiffjohn_j: what exactly is the issue?05:39
The_Drizzle_xbj_A21m: The keyword there being "based"05:39
john_js_spiff without the dash with php mail are sent05:39
john_jand with not05:39
Jutsus_spiff: Hrm, bizarre; are there any plugins in my apt-tree capable of handling rmvb's?05:39
FrogTossIgneous: Good! You shouldn't have any problems. You may need to read man dpkg to get the right switches to use for the install; bu dpkg will install the apt .deb file for you05:40
thahaussi created a launcher which uses the "rdesktop" command to remote into another box and I've added it to startup applications, however I want the remote desktop session to launch on another desktop other than my primary, any ideas on how to do this?05:40
macvrhi all... is it essential to have firestarter or any other firewall modifying programs installed? arent the iptables enough?05:40
s_spiffJutsu: do you mean with firefox? or just play any rmvb files?05:40
FrogTossmacvr: those are just front ends to manipulate your iptables05:41
tgrhow do i see whats on my computer on a projector? do i have to install anything?05:41
tgri have a laptop with a port out05:41
macvrFrogToss: i understand, but without them everything should work fine right?05:41
macvrJutsu: add the mediubutu repositories and add the real player05:42
john_jNobody can helps with sendmail dash problem ?05:42
FrogTossmacvr: yes, the default install of iptables is pretty good.05:42
s_spiffjohn_j: welll we al have our areas that we can help out with05:42
thahausstgr, usually to change the output to something such as presentation mode that would show an image on both you laptop and the projecter usually can be done by using the function key + F7 (if you refer to your keyboard layout you should see icons refering to this)05:42
s_spiffjohn_j.. so sometimes you'll find someone who can help you out.. who knows about such issues, some times you have to just wait05:42
s_spiffanyways, I'm searching the forums for a similar issue  john_j... so just hold on a bit.05:43
thahaussCan someone please help me with a command line switch to launch an application on another desktop?05:43
macvrFrogToss: ok... what are the default settings? firestarter is needed only if i need to open port , right?05:43
mwasfolks, how do I get my inbuilt webcam work  on my laptop05:43
john_jok thanks anyway05:43
john_ji'm searching for 6 hours now05:43
Jutsus_spiff: any.05:44
john_jto fix the problem05:44
macvrmwas: which model laptop?05:44
FrogTossJohn_j: SendMail is a bit of a bear too. You may have to plow through a lot of documentation to find your answer05:44
s_spiffjohn_j ..hehe... been there done that :)05:44
Mike_lifeguardHow can I find out what graphics card I have?05:44
Nautilus__is there a sendmail irc channel?05:44
FrogTossmacvr: exactly, It's an easy way to open a port if you want to run a p2p client or ftp server or such05:44
Nautilus__john_j: ^05:44
IgneousFrogToss: dpkg said that the package was malformed and could not be installed.. is there any way to extract the files from a .deb?05:45
macvrFrogToss: do u have any idea what the default iptable settings are?05:45
mwasmacvr: samsung with dual core processor05:45
perlsyntaxthis ubuntu 9.04 rocks05:45
s_spiffJutsu: you can play them if you have installed all the codecs using medibuntu?05:45
s_spiffperlsyntax: discussions on jaunty at #ubuntu+1 please :) ... anyways, I'm waiting for it to be released :P05:46
PerryArmstrongi am unable to perform Xorg -configure.. it says that server already running..can anyone tell me how to stop this05:46
macvrmwas: sorry, dont know about samsung... pls ask the question again mentioning the paptop model, someone might know05:46
tgrhow do i change screen resolution?05:46
mwasmacvr: How do i get it working on hardy, do i need to install something05:46
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: hold on..i have forgottent he kingdom.. let me search it out05:46
Jutsumacvr: aha.05:46
Mike_lifeguards_spiff: thank you05:46
FrogTossIgneous: Oh no.... I'm not sure what to do from here. Perhaps your best bet will be to look for the original program file you wanted and instal that manually05:46
raulhi was wondering if ubuntu could Record Line input05:46
PerryArmstrongtgr; SYstem-->Preferences--->screen saver05:47
mwaswhat is the gen procedure to get webcam work on laptop05:47
raulhlike windows xp when u record directly from your soundcard? anyone know how?05:47
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: yes.. i remember.. open terminal... type in laspci and hit enter05:47
FrogTossmacvr: I think (not positive) that it locks all your ports from tcp and udp packets but accepts icmp by default05:47
PerryArmstrongi am unable to perform Xorg -configure.. it says that server already running..can anyone tell me how to stop this05:47
macvrFrogToss: ok... thanx...05:47
s_spiffscroll down... it'll talk about your nvidia card somewhere down the line...if you can't figure out..just cope paste its output in a pastebin05:47
Mike_lifeguards_spiff: command not found :)05:47
tgrmy projector doesn't show in 1200X1024 only 800:600 how do i change this so i can see?05:47
macvrmwas: usually in hardy webcam should be detected by default...05:48
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: lspci didn't work!????05:48
* FrogToss has to run, best of luck to all05:48
cyclobshey guys, installing 9.04 and i want to set up a seprate partition for my /home. if i just set up 1 partition as /home can i set another as / or do i have to set up the rest of the partition like /usr and such?05:48
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raulhok  1 more shot, is it possible for linux to record from line in?05:48
Mike_lifeguardah, I spelled it wrong :D05:48
alesanhi, how was to sohw firefox' stored passwords? I do not remember the password of a site05:48
PerryArmstrongi am unable to perform Xorg -configure.. it says that server already running..can anyone tell me how to stop this05:48
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: hehe05:48
BladenBrocadeu can use a symlink to home on the new disk05:48
s_spiffalesan: you cannot see the passwords that have been stored by firefox afaik05:48
Mike_lifeguards_spiff: this'd be it, right? 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:48
alesans_spiff, sure you can, there is an option in the GUI I just don't find it05:49
raulhs_spiff yes you can.05:49
mwasmacvr: lsmod does not list webcam, what dev does webcam uses05:49
s_spiffraulh: yeah???? ohh.. my bad. how do you do it?05:49
raulhill find out 1 second05:49
BladenBrocadeid like to know too05:49
macvrPerryArmstrong: run the command in recovery mode... before the x strts05:50
raulhedit > prefrences05:50
raulhthen it's like on windows05:50
raulhi hope that helps05:50
raulhin the security tab05:50
s_spiffperry or just hit alt+f4 or something... i don't remember clearly.05:50
raulh:D good luck.05:50
PerryArmstrongmacvr; i ran it after pressing Ctrl+Alt+F105:50
s_spiffraulh: you cannot findout the password like that.. you can only see if its been stored05:50
raulhedit > prefrences>security "saved passwords"05:50
BladenBrocadeu cant see the passwords from there u can configure password management from there i believe05:50
raulhyea you can05:51
raulhyou hit05:51
raulh"show passwords"05:51
alesanraulh, oh ok thanks05:51
raulhlol ive done it thousands of times05:51
BladenBrocadeeven if u use a master password?05:51
raulhnp :305:51
racecar56bai bai ubuntu 7.1005:51
macvrPerryArmstrong: i usually find it better to run configure form the recovery mode, its easier that way...05:51
s_spiffraulh: ohh..nice man!05:51
raulhS_Spiff do you so it now :D?05:51
BladenBrocadewow that works cool beans05:51
raulhwow typo05:52
PerryArmstrongmacvr;ok thank you05:52
BladenBrocadehow unsecure is that.. lol05:52
raulhdo you see it now**05:52
s_spiffraulh: never knew it had such a thing...holy crap that means anyone can easily access all your passowrds!05:52
raulhyea i suppose it is unsecure05:52
raulhbut not many people know05:52
BladenBrocades_spiff: exactly05:52
raulhfirefox encrypts them05:52
raulhof firefox05:52
FloodBot2raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
s_spiffhaha ^05:52
BladenBrocaderaulh: do u mean it calls on the system to encrypt and decrpyt?05:52
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: did you find out your card?05:53
Mike_lifeguards_spiff: yes... and it seems supported, so I don't know the reason to compiz crashing everything yet :\05:53
raulhno firefox encrytps it in a file05:53
raulhim not even sure witch file and where its located :\05:53
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: can you close down compiz... go to terminal and start it up from there?05:53
BladenBrocadeweirdness ... hmm lets see..05:54
macvrraulh: s_spiff u are supposed to have a master password to lock the usage/visibility of the passwords05:54
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: you'll find out what errors you get.05:54
raulhi know05:54
Skript101Anyone here got a nds?05:54
raulhthats not the point macVR05:54
raulhhe didnt know you could see them ;D05:54
s_spiffmacvr: yes, I was just looking into that :P05:54
BladenBrocadeno .. master password allows u to use one password to save the rest of them05:54
Mike_lifeguardyes... anyone recall the shortcut to go to the fullscreen terminal? something like alt-f2?05:54
BladenBrocadebut i just actually viewed mine,, which is weird.. because that kind of defeeats the point lol05:54
raulhopens diff terminals05:54
lstarnesMike_lifeguard: ctrl+alt+f205:54
macvrraulh: firefox is supposed to run for that user... if u have different user u set master password or differnt profiles with passwords05:55
koolkartiki hav deleted kinux-2.6.24-19 and 2.6.24-23 kernel unintentionally while updating and now while booting it simply starts performing memtest......... i hav checked that there is no other kernel now and even while checking the grub also not solves the problem..:(  and most imp i had installed ubuntu under windows via  wbui...:( what to  do now=-O05:55
Mike_lifeguardright, thx05:55
lstarnesMike_lifeguard: any of f1-f6 should work05:55
s_spiffMike_lifeguard: hit alt+f3 or more..05:55
BladenBrocadeahh that makes more sense05:55
zenergiIs the following cron entry emailing the cronresults each day? test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp05:55
BladenBrocadeonly my system user should be able to decrypt my firefox passwords05:55
raulhback to my original question on windows xp you can change the volume control so that Line is not muted or down, and while its on it lets you record sound from your sound card does it work on ubuntu??05:56
s_spiffanyways guys... ciao.05:56
BladenBrocadeso u would need to be me and know my master password to do that05:56
raulhbbai spiff.05:56
macvrraulh: passwords are located in the signons3.txt and key3.db05:56
BladenBrocadefor firefox macvr ?05:56
raulhit dosnt bother me i said it wasnt the point someone asked how to view them05:56
SheezyI need help05:56
macvrBladenBrocade: yes05:56
Skript101IZ NEEDZ HALP05:57
BladenBrocadei see05:57
SheezyI just installed ubuntu 8.10, and I have two problems05:57
Sheezy1. Nvidia drivers not installing, duno whyy05:57
raulhgraphics? audio05:57
TheEpitomeSkript101: I believe you05:57
Sheezy2. Sound is only coming out of my left speaker05:57
Skript101How do i crack my school admins password?05:57
raulhLOL i knew it!!05:57
raulhsheezy* theres an option to download ur grapics card drivers05:57
raulhon top right05:57
BladenBrocadei was trying to do watch "lsof | grep -i firefox" and show passwords to see what file it opened.. haha05:57
TheEpitomeSkript101: google is your friend05:57
raulhit says hardware drivers avaliable05:57
SheezyYeah, it wont install05:57
bobbie4_Skript101:  ask the administrator for the password05:58
SheezyIt just says downloading/installing05:58
raulhi dont recomment did i had to pay 450 dollars :\05:58
racecar56so ubuntu 9.04 is coming on april 22nd, right?05:58
donavan01I keep getting multiple pidgin processes using up like 350mb of memory each ... they come and go it seems at random ... anyone know why this is ?05:58
SheezyLike some screen, whatever05:58
SheezyFlashes, hardware manager shows no difference05:58
raulhwait till it's done05:58
raulhthen when its down05:58
BladenBrocadedo u have the restricted drivers enabled?05:58
FloodBot2raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:58
Igneousracecar56: because you are using pidgin05:58
SheezyWait raul who are you talking to05:58
Skript101I tried google05:58
racecar56Igneous ?05:58
Skript101Just heaps ofregedit05:58
raulhyou sheexy05:58
telavivhow do i switch networks on xchat?05:58
SheezyOkay, can we bring it to a private chat?05:59
Skript101I need to know how in cmd05:59
raulhsure thing05:59
raulhwont let me05:59
raulhwhisper or pm u05:59
bazhangSkript101, not here05:59
quibbler!enter | raulh05:59
ubotturaulh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:59
Sheezywhat the fuck man06:00
raulhSend me a pm sheey06:00
bazhangSheezy, please watch the language06:00
SheezyIt like06:00
thahaussCan someone please help me with a command line switch to launch an application on another desktop?06:00
SheezyClosed out everything, and had me relogin06:00
raulhi know06:00
SheezyWas that supposed to do something06:00
raulhthats the point06:00
donavan01telaviv ... click IRC then connect ... select your server and your good to go06:00
SheezyYeah, sounds still screwy06:00
raulhit restarts gnome or X im not sure witch06:00
raulhi know sound is06:00
raulhill pm you06:00
FloodBot2raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
bazhangSkript101, stop it.06:01
koolkartik hav deleted kinux-2.6.24-19 and 2.6.24-23 kernel unintentionally while updating and now while booting it simply starts performing memtest......... i hav checked that there is no other kernel now and even while checking the grub also not solves the problem..:(  and most imp i had installed ubuntu under windows via  wbui...:( what to  do now         need help to fix this  ...06:01
rainofkayosanyone know if there is a citrix client that works on ubuntu 8.10 64 bit?06:01
koolkartikdo i be able to use a kernnel from another ubuntu system and copied it into my system does that solves the problem06:02
rainofkayoskoolkartik: did u remove the kernels or the boot entries?06:02
donavan01Rainofkayos:  doesnt citrix just use RDP ?... been a while since I messed with it06:02
generationkillSkript101: "cat /etc/passwd"  passwords are in there06:02
rainofkayosdonavan01: no06:02
koolkartikrainofkayos:i removed linux-2.6.24-19 generic06:03
koolkartikrainofkayos: there was some update problem n i just deleted taht06:03
rainofkayosdonavan01: citrix does have an application that does RDP like a terminal server.. but they have many applications.. i need the web client to load a portal app06:03
Gerdesasgenerationkill: ubuntu keeps passwords in /etc/passwd?  wow.  that's... a downgrade.06:03
lixcabNo one cares.06:03
toasted_cheeseultramon like app for ubuntu?06:03
ekimmargniOK, doing CTRL+ALT+F2 gave me a black screen with a vertical purple stripe on 1/4 of the screen and froze everything irrecoverably O.o06:04
Igneoustoasted_cheese: dwm06:04
tgrthanks for help guys it is working06:04
lixcabno more glitter.06:04
ekimmargniI feel like I have graphics card driver issues or something06:04
bazhang!ot > lixcab06:04
ubottulixcab, please see my private message06:04
donavan01rainofkayos:  gotcha ... like I said its been a while ... last time I really used citrix was back in the nt4.0 days wiht metaframe ... and a little in 200006:05
rainofkayosyea,, they got all types of crap now =).. hardware & software06:05
Skript101generationkill In system?06:05
koolkartikrainofkayos: is there any way to solve this problem :(06:06
rainofkayoskoolkartik: u should never rm -Rf a kernel... if it still exists u can edit the boot conf to point back to it,, if u removed the kernel..06:06
generationkillSkywaIker: type       uname -a              - what does it say?06:06
Igneousrainofkayos: why would you use -R on a file?06:06
rainofkayosIgneous: type06:06
thahaussCan someone please help me with a command line switch to launch 'Rdesktop' on another desktop?06:06
rainofkayosR is recursive06:07
rainofkayosfor a directory06:07
stealth-when is the next ubuntu version comming out and what are we currently at?06:07
Igneousprotip: kernels are not directories06:07
thahauss9.04 launches in 6 days06:07
donavan01anyone know why flash videos lag so much ... is it just me or does adobe just suck06:07
stealth-thahauss: thanks06:07
thahaussstealth-, np06:07
koolkartikrainofkayos: can u pls elaborate taht as i tried doing it  but unable to sove06:07
stealth-donavan01: linux and flash dont work well together, I belive its adobe's fault06:07
rainofkayostried doing what?06:07
generationkillstealth-: mine works reasonably well06:08
=== Gerdesas_ is now known as Gerdesas
toasted_cheesethanks igneous06:08
stealth-generationkill: well, I mean slower than windows in most cases06:08
donavan01generationkill... I would say I have my running reasonable well .h06:08
generationkillstealth-: that's true  x2 more cpu usage for youtube, etc.06:08
donavan01but not great06:08
rainofkayosu can reinstall the OS in ur case if u removed the kernel06:08
thahaussI'm trying to launch 'rdesktop' at startup, but have it come up on another desktop other than my primary, any ideas on how to do this?06:09
rainofkayosbecause i wouldn't imagine u can even boot into a bash prompt and do anything in single usermode as u removed the kernel..06:09
rainofkayosin a situation like this u would reinstall the OS and restore files from backup... do u have a backup?06:10
=== Skript101 is now known as Skripts_message-
=== Skripts_message- is now known as me
rainofkayosif u do indeed have a kernel left.. u may be able to boot a live CD mount the disk to it,, and edit the menu for grub06:10
generationkilljust compile a new kernel, or download it somewhere06:10
koolkartikrainofkayos: i simply press esc during bootingg to check about kernel but there were 2 options memtest and 2nd is othere( for naother os) and i checked the grub's menu.st file also in taht only memtest is there for kernel...06:11
bullgard4After visiting the local Ubuntu club and using its WLAN and coming back home, my Ubuntu 8.04.2 overwrites the file /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. The line "nameserver" is missing and I cannot resolve URLs. How to troubleshoot?06:11
rainofkayosdo u have a backup of menu.list?06:11
bazhangme stop that06:11
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
koolkartikrainofkayos:  no06:11
rainofkayosu would need to recreate it then06:11
mkassonhow can I upgrade from Open Office 2.4 (or whatever comes with Ubuntu) to the latest06:12
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:12
koolkartikhow can i create taht can u expalin that06:12
rainofkayosi could,, but im not sure ur setup,, is it one OS, a dual boot?06:12
studentzI do have problems with nvidia card (third day). What is thre problem with xserver?06:12
koolkartika dual boot06:13
bobbie4_ubuntu is good for me06:13
rainofkayosi see.. i can show u my menu.list if that may help06:13
KujiUnI can't connect to an OpenRPG server for some reason...06:14
koolkartikand i instaaled ubuntu under windows and then cahnged the boot loaader from windows and make that 2 ubuntu06:14
rainofkayosi understand06:14
rainofkayosso windows doesn't exist any more?06:14
st0k33_whats a good program to mount iso's in ubuntu?06:14
toasted_cheesehow do I work dwm (complete noob )06:14
rainofkayosas a option?06:14
bazhang!ot > me06:14
koolkartikwindows is there infact i m using windows06:14
rainofkayosmount -o loop /path/to/iso /mount/point/06:14
OuroborosThere's a friend of minie nicknamed Nog06:14
nogOuroboros: doubt i am the person06:15
nogand i -own- this nick on freenode06:15
rainofkayoskoolkartik: i see..give me a second..06:15
Ouroborosnog: yeah06:15
ubottubazhang, please see my private message06:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:15
rainofkayos=) forgot the addy hehe06:15
Ouroborosnog: i mean nicknamed in real life, not here :)06:15
nogOuroboros: is he short with big ears?06:16
eper3zis the upgrade from ibex to jaunty seamless?06:16
Ouroborosnog: no way06:16
nogOuroboros: so, i am assume he is not named after the DS9 character then06:16
ChupameFor me, going from ibex to jaunty was completely seamless.06:16
Ouroborosnog: whatever..06:16
generationkilleper3z: we'll find out in a month or so06:16
eper3zok, i dont wanna install and mess mine up06:17
ChupameI tried it on two different computers and it works perfectly.06:17
eper3zi have dual 1920x1200 displays and an ati radeon grafx card06:18
generationkilleper3z: neither do I (8.04 here). I'll wait a month after the release and try to get a sense of whether I should upgrade from how much people are complaining compared to 6mo ago06:18
eper3zok generationkill thanks for the advice :P06:18
SheezyI have three choices as to what to do while I update06:18
koolkartiki simply wanna ask as i can access my  ubuntu directory from windows can i change that missing kernel from there in boot directory by copying from another system06:18
Sheezya: watch movie06:18
Sheezyb: play tetris06:18
rainofkayosnot if its a ext306:18
Sheezyor c: chill out and listen to pink floyd06:18
rainofkayoswhich it likely is06:19
SheezyEither that or get angry at my bad internet06:19
celthundersheezy play tetris and listen to pink floyd softly and have am ovie on the other monitor06:19
xbj_A21mkoolkartik that may be easier from a live CD than from windows06:19
celthundersheezy make the movies sound a bit louder though so you hear it over the music06:19
ChupamePink floyd is good, depends on what the movie is though.06:19
SheezyI only have one moniter ):06:19
SheezyThe mist06:19
rainofkayoskoolkartik: i told u mount the disk to a live CD06:19
rainofkayoskoolkartik: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153218/06:19
ChupameEhhh, Go with pink floyd.06:19
SheezyWhich I thought is a good movie aside from the ending06:19
SheezyI also have yes man06:20
SheezyHere, mix and match06:20
Sheezyplay pink floyd music on guitar06:20
BugsBunnyBRhello, someone here already try to install LTSP 5.0 in jaunty?06:20
ChupameYes man was alright, just one of those mediocre movies you only watch once in your life.06:20
SheezyI need to get 2001: a space odyssey06:20
rainofkayosnagios is driving me craZy here ;$06:20
bullgard4After visiting the local Ubuntu club and using its WLAN and coming back home, my Ubuntu 8.04.2 overwrites the file /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. The line "nameserver" is missing and I cannot resolve URLs. How to troubleshoot?06:20
SheezyAll I have that is really good, is star trek 2 the wrath of khan and uh06:21
ChupameJim carey isn't really known for memorable movies.06:21
=== Tetracomm is now known as heftybeetle
Sheezydamn, not much06:21
rainofkayoskoolkartik: be aware that this is just for guidance,, u shouldn't try to copy and paste that06:21
rainofkayosbut if u installed windows first then ubuntu,, and are using grub,, and SATA drives then urs is most likely very similar06:22
Japahm..... when I installed Kubuntu onto a USB stick, it worked fine on my comp, which has no HDD connected, but when I try it on another comp, I get error 21 in grub, ie. it can't find the disk.06:22
BugsBunnyBRI had try to install inside a virtual machine..and I got this error http://juliocbcotta.googlepages.com/imagem6.jpeg ( the virutal machine window is of the terminal)06:22
Japaany ideas?06:22
BugsBunnyBRany ideas?06:22
Sheezyoh hey06:22
SheezyI have the dark knight06:22
bonez46is there any software.. a la pidgin or otherwise, that allow conferencing.. setting up a private or invite only chat room on the fly.. across disparate networks, i.e., from yahoo, or irc, or icq.. in one combined conference?06:23
koolkartikok but i didn;t get it u mean i edit my menu.Ist file inwindows...............and how to mount the image?06:24
rainofkayosno not in windows..06:24
minazokoolkartik: uninstall wubi and reinstall it. Add/Remove Programs within Windows, that's so much easier. rainofkayos script looks really cool though if you just want to play around and learn stuff.. that's fun do to as as well.06:24
rainofkayosmount which image>06:24
rainofkayoslol i forgot about wubi.. lol i dont touch windows often06:25
rainofkayosthere u have it06:25
bullgard4bonez46: Try to express yourself more precisely and state your requirements exactly, please.06:25
rainofkayosminazo: thats not a script it my menu.lst06:25
McShaneBugsBunnyBR, could be one of several things, like overclocked RAM, a bad burn of the ISO, a faulty optical drive, a faulty CD, faulty data cables...06:25
koolkartikthnx i'll try taht :)06:25
Edison_hello ~~~Any one here know How to share my Lan connection to air card?06:25
minazokoolkartik: I have Wubi on my Windows machine, that should  work.06:26
bonez46bullgard4: sorry. er.. let's say I am here on irc and yet I have friends online .. elsewhere, one is here on msn, another on aim, yet another on yahoo and a 4th is on icq.. say I want, without having them all have to jump on irc or all on yahoo, to have them all in a conference room.. can that be done? is this specific enough?06:26
BugsBunnyBRhe he ..that is a virutal machineof the terminal!06:26
DizzyAsianhaving problem reading the iso in ubuntu, i mounted it using fuseiso, then i try to access install.exe and it gives me06:27
minazorainofkayos: hmm, that's pretty cool. I need to find out what that is all about...time for some "googling".06:27
DizzyAsiani dont own wine06:27
rainofkayoslol minazo u have one too06:27
rainofkayosits only the menu list that says which OS is where for grub06:27
BugsBunnyBRI had createad a virutal machine to the server..and another to the client..there is not any cable..06:28
BugsBunnyBRI already did that with kubuntu 8.04 and it worked..06:28
minazocool, that's why I like to come to these channels...learn new stuff all the time. :)06:28
rainofkayosbut google up on grub u should see some cool stuff about it... that got created automagically06:28
rainofkayosyep i actually like this channel as well =)06:28
rainofkayossee i just learned wubi =)06:29
rainofkayosneed to find my citrix client,, theres one on the site.. but i only see 32 bit versions,, dont think that will work for me06:30
zenergiWhy would I be able to see a newly added group on the ldap server via ldapsearch but not "getent group"?06:31
zenergigetent does return all the ldap groups, just not the newly created one06:31
bonez46bullgard4: any ideas on my question?06:31
zenergiI am not using the name service cahce either06:31
rainofkayoszenergi: good question06:31
koolkartikit is not working.... i mean while removing wbui it did'nt took place and even in add/remove programs list thereis no wbui and ubuntu is showing there to remove :(06:31
zenergii also did a strace on getent group, and it skips over the nsdc and does connect to the ldap server, however, my new group is not there.06:32
hemanthI have setup up a network , 1->2->3->4->5 , using cross cables ,I'm able to ping 3 from one , but not 4 from 2 ,my NIC card and cables are all fine ..what might be the problem06:32
bullgard4bonez46: Yes, you have now described your target precisely enough. But this target cannot be met. The networks which you mentioned are incompatible with each other. So such a common conference is not possible.06:33
rainofkayoszenergi: is there a script to propagate changes for ur ldap setup? for me when we make changes on ldap we need to run a propagation script..06:33
koolkartik minazo:it is not working.... i mean while removing wbui it did'nt took place and even in add/remove programs list thereis no wbui and ubuntu is showing there to remove :(06:33
celthunderhemanth static routing ? rip? eigrp? types of routers? routing tables? ping charts? anythign to help?06:33
bonez46bullgard4: thanks.. found an answer just now..06:33
zenergirainofkayos: not that I'm aware of. this problem is happening on both my ubuntu and rhel webservers, so it's not necessarily ubuntu specific06:33
koolkartikrainofkayos:it is not working.... i mean while removing wbui it did'nt took place and even in add/remove programs list thereis no wbui and ubuntu is showing there to remove06:34
zenergirainofkayos: the ldap server is running fedora DS, not openldap, but I don't think that should be a problem either06:34
rainofkayoshmm im more familiar with ur RHELs than ur ubuntus anyway =)06:34
rainofkayoshehe srry to say but thats a 'real' linux.. anywho.. what do logs say on the failed search?06:34
hemanthcelthunder: static routing yes , am not using any routers , I have used route add command , I am treating make 2 as the gw to ping 3 from1 and similarly others06:34
imonorwant to boot from SD card via USB if I have to.. the BIOS does not mention any card, so I guess I have to boot via USB.. But I want the system, when booted, to be run entirely from the SD card.. Does anyone have any information ?06:34
rainofkayosldapsearch is the openldap search tool no?06:35
zenergirainofkayos: what logs should I be looking for?06:35
hemanthcelthunder: I'm doing this for a project on MPLS06:35
zenergirainofkayos: not sure if ldapsearch is openldap specific. It does return the correct results though :)06:35
bullgard4After visiting the local Ubuntu club and using its WLAN and coming back home, my Ubuntu 8.04.2 overwrites the file /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. The line "nameserver" is missing and I cannot resolve URLs. How to troubleshoot?06:35
rainofkayosdepending on ur setup.. may be in messages, may be syslog,, maybe u have a ldap log06:35
rainofkayosi see.. well ldap is also a protocol.. so one tool may be able to query another ldap server06:36
zenergirainofkayos: i can also verify that by loading up the fedora ds admin console... do you have any idea what scripts might be used to propogate a new group?06:36
nogbullgard4: give it up, no one is answering.. google it06:36
celthunderhemanth can we go to a diff less busy channel?06:36
zenergirainofkayos: would I have to make a local group?06:36
hemanthcelthunder: I'm not able to troubleshoot , what's wrong , cos the first part is working fine , same logic to the second part of the n/w is not working06:36
koolkartikrainofkayos: how to deal wiht it now :)06:36
rainofkayoshmm we use homebrew... but possibly checking under any /bin directory under the ldap install location06:36
Edison_how to share my lan connection to my wifi card ~? i can do this well in XP and Mac but not in Ubuntu ! anyone can help me?06:36
rainofkayoskoolkartik: Live CD06:36
rainofkayosmount disk06:36
hemanthcelthunder: PM ?06:36
rainofkayoscheck that the kernel exists..06:37
rainofkayoszenergi: lets see some output..06:37
zenergirainofkayos: what would you like to see?06:37
rainofkayosthe error u get and the success u get from each command06:37
NemesI am trying to ignore the lines that only contain # followed by a number. Does anybody know why this is not working --> diff test1 test2 -I '^[:whitespace]*#[:digit]+[:whitespace]*'   ?06:37
koolkartikrainofkayos:  ok with live cd but what to do with it :(06:37
nogEdison_: http://tinyurl.com/dew6a206:38
zenergirainofkayos: the error I get is that I cannot assign a group that's in the ldap to a folder. I tested to see if the group exists via "getent group" but it only shows the local and old ldap groups, not the newly created one.06:38
rainofkayosNemes: hmm something funny about that regex,, does the line start with a whitespace? followed by anymore amounts of the white space?06:38
rainofkayos^[:whitespace:]*[0-9] doesn't work?06:39
arvind_khadrihi, I cant login until I stop gdm and then again start it, after which I get that display 0 is busy.06:39
koolkartikrainofkayos: if that kernel doenot exist then......06:40
Nemesrainofkayos, the initial whitespace is optional (that's why I used *)06:40
rainofkayoskoolkartik: u need to reinstall ur OS or boot into one that does06:40
Nemeslet me try it06:40
Edison_oh no ~i cant open that page ~~06:40
nogEdison_: rm -rf /06:40
jamieHello i'm just here to thank all of you that have helped me.06:40
bullgard4nog: Was this all you were able to contribute to solve the problem put?06:41
rainofkayosok that didn't change that part it changed the part where u look for a # u also need to include the # between06:41
koolkartikrinofkayos: thanx:) but i don't want to reinstall :(06:41
Nemesrainofkayos, your regex doesn't work either (and the numbers could be bigger than 9, although that's not the case)06:41
arvind_khadriEdison_, what do you want to achieve06:41
koolkartikrainofkayos:thnx:) but i don't want to reinstall:(06:41
rainofkayosso u've mounted the disk.. and uve ls -ltrh /boot/ and there are kernels there?06:41
rainofkayosso add * after the number section06:41
Mocany irc channel to report bug in 9.04 RC ?06:42
racecar56Moc #ubuntu+106:42
arvind_khadri!bugs | Moc06:42
ubottuMoc: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:42
roadmapNemes:  what kind of regex do you need written?06:42
imonorI have a computer with no internal hard drive, I have bootstrapped from Live Xubuntu to a 8 GB USB flash drive, I now want to put the OS on a SD card.. and since the bios does not support cards, I probably have to boot via the USB.. How do I do this? anything is helpful..06:42
rainofkayosthere are only 0-9 for numbers even if the number were 22 thats only 2 & 206:42
Edison_i want to share my lan connection with wifi to my phone~06:42
Nemesrainofkayos, its working after adding the asterisk. My fault. Thanks.06:42
rainofkayosNemes: i didn't even know what type of regex diff would use.. as some tools have minor differences..06:43
rainofkayoskoolkartik: thats hard to answer06:43
Nemesroadmap, to match all the lines that only contain # followed by a number06:43
Nemesroadmap, something like ^[:whitespace:]*#[0-9]*[:whitespace:]*06:43
rainofkayosgot it06:44
bullgard4Moc: There is no channel but there is Launchpad.06:44
MocIm not a big fan of launchpad06:44
rainofkayoswhere'd the ldap guy go06:44
ryanpriorMoc: heresy!06:45
Lartza_I want to ask couple things, first, should I use ipv6 or not?, second, Is it default on ubuntu server install or do I need to configure it?06:45
roadmapNemes:  why POSIX?06:45
rainofkayoskoolkartik: well,, as i've said if the kernel exists u can recreate the menu.lst question what wiped out ur kernel or menu.lst in the first place?06:45
bullgard4Moc: You can increase your communication efficiency in IRC: Please prepend your message in a populated channel with the nick of the addressee of your message.06:46
roadmapNemes:  Why not ^\s*#[0-9]*\s* ?06:46
rainofkayossame difference06:46
rainofkayos\s ::whitepace::06:46
roadmapI just dont use posix06:46
rainofkayos= each other06:46
rainofkayosi see06:46
roadmapIt seems a bit lengthy06:46
rainofkayosme either lol06:46
Nemesroadmap, why not?06:47
roadmapunless whatever hes using is absolutely requiring it06:47
NemesI though POSIX was, well, a good thing :P06:47
roadmapNemes:  I've just never been a fan of POSIX in my regex.06:47
rainofkayosroadmap: exactly06:47
rainofkayossome tools require u too explicitly set POSIX flag to use those syntax06:47
roadmapNemes:  Say you're writing something in code (oh perl?) and you're trying to match a regex, if you do like if($var =~ <insert posix stuff here>) it would get pretty lengthy on one line06:48
Kamus_H_Zwischhow can I use sed to remove the last 4 lines of a file? with $d I can remove the last one, but I ned the last 4 lines. ideas?06:48
rainofkayostru as well06:48
roadmapMaybe im weird.06:48
roadmapI dont know06:48
koolkartikrainofkayos: firstly kernel is not there as i myself has deleted taht as some one told me that if it is not updating than delete using sudo apt-get remove :(  so m sure its not there as i myself manually did that06:48
thefallinganyone having problems with flash-nonfree on ubuntu 9.4?06:49
koolkartikrainofkayos: check this link this is what i dis  http://paste.ubuntu.com/152896/06:49
rainofkayoswell.. apt-get remove let u remove the kernel.. lol that sucks06:49
NemesI see your point06:49
roadmapNemes:  Maybe its just the perl scripter in me that doesn't like POSIX :).06:49
koolkartikrainofkayos:someone on this channel yesterday told me to do this :(06:50
roadmapBut every language I write in I prefer using the non-posix route.06:50
imonorI have a computer with no internal hard drive, I have bootstrapped from Live Xubuntu to a 8 GB USB flash drive, I now want to put the OS on a SD card.. and since the bios does not support cards, I probably have to boot via the USB.. How do I do this? anything is helpful..06:50
bullgard4thefalling: There is no Ubuntu 9.4.06:50
minazokoolkartik: You should have Wubi in your Add-Remove Programs so something went wrong when you downloaded Wubi, at leaast that's a guess. I would download http://wubi-installer.org/ on your Windows machine again, it can't hurt. That or use Live CD like rainofkayos said. If you decide to install  Wubu maybe try Xubuntu if you haev an older machine. Wubi uses 8.10 which seems to be "kinder" to my older machine.06:50
rainofkayoswell from the looks apt let u remove the kernel..06:50
NemesI'll have to find my path, I guess06:50
rainofkayosand if u didn't have another kernel istalled..06:50
roadmapNemes:  you new to Regex?06:50
Nemesroadmap, pretty much06:50
roadmapNemes:  Give this a shot http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet-version-1/ its V1. I prefer it over the V2 Cheat Sheet.06:51
armornickimonor: if you bios doesn't support cards, why do you want to put an os on it?06:51
Gerdesaskoolkartik: so if I told you to run, "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda" you would run it without having any idea what it would do?06:51
rainofkayosi was forced to learn regex.. i dont think people really KNOW regex,, they understand a link the pieces with google06:51
roadmapNemes:  Heres V2 http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet/ - use whatever suits you best.06:51
minazokoolkartik: yeah, that doesn't look good.06:51
Gerdesasnot that I AM telling you to run that, mind you.06:51
rainofkayoskoolkartik: if there was no fall back kernel..06:51
Nemesroadmap, thanks,06:51
imonorthing is that the usb system is fragile.. physically06:51
rainofkayosthen as i said.. u need to reinstall.. u actually have files..06:52
roadmapNemes:  No problem. I use regex all the time and I still forget what needs to be escaped every now and then. Those sheets pay off to have laying around.06:52
koolkartikrainfokayos: that means there is no option left except reinstalling06:52
rainofkayoswhat u can do is this.. connect a USB.. boot a live CD...06:52
imonorif I can use usb to tell the system to boot from the sd card.. and thus be able to remove the USB device06:52
Nemesroadmap, now I won't use POSIX, you're corrupting the youth!06:52
armornickimonor: what do you mean by fragile?06:52
rainofkayosmount the old drive.. and copy them to the USB reinstall linux and copy ur file back over06:52
roadmapNemes:  I think the youth corrupted me :).06:52
Gerdesasthis is fixable from a live-cd, but seriously, you should just reinstall and consider it a lesson learned.06:52
koolkartikyeh guys i agree i did a big mistake n m feeeling sorry also:(06:52
imonorit could fall out06:52
Nemesroadmap, probably :P06:52
rainofkayoskoolkartik: who told u to do this without knowing if u had another kernel installed or not?06:53
imonorthe thing is sticking out.. there may be kids, animals etc06:53
thedarkhas anyone here tried to install the Click, Speak extension for firefox?06:53
thedarkI have it installed but there is no sound when I tell it to speak06:53
armornickimonor: well, the ubuntu live cd should have a usb installer06:53
imonorIm running this sys from a 8GB usb stick06:54
spartan2276What is the difference between Ubuntu 32bit and 64bit and is the 64bit just as good as the 32bit, meaning will it run and behave like the 32bit version06:54
Lartza_How do I determine how long my ubuntu boots?06:54
koolkartikrainofkayos: there were 2 kernels nad they noth were deleted :(06:54
Lartza_It's server06:54
mvsnhello, im curious, is there a lightweight/tiny version of ubuntu? there are so many different options, but is there a common one?06:54
rainofkayoskoolkartik: ugh .. bad stuff06:54
imonorthe IDE hard drive is removed from the computer06:54
rainofkayosi can see if u first did apt-get dist-upgrade,, and then had a new shiny kernel,,06:55
armornickimonor: copy everything on the usb drive to the sd card, however you can't boot it if the bios doesn't support it06:55
rainofkayosbut just apt-get remove <kernel> is no good06:55
armornickmvsn: crunchbanglinux.org06:55
spartan2276The reason why I'm asking is because I just got a PC with Windows vista 64 and I wanted to switch it to Ubuntu 64bit06:55
mvsnarmornick: thank you sir!06:55
imonorright.. what files can I move?06:55
madsjhi; how do I disable the touchpad, when synclient yields:06:55
madsj[mads @ spirou:/etc/X11] $ sudo synclient TouchPadOff=106:55
madsjCan't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?06:55
Lartza_rainofkays: Why not? :S06:55
nyobthere any fix yet for network manager and its butchery of WPA keys?06:56
Lartza_Or more like how should you remove older kernel?06:56
armornickspartan2276: 64-bit is not as well supported, but if you use it, you could help make it better by filing bug reports06:56
koolkartikrainofkayos: infact i did apt-get dist-upgrade before removing that kernel06:56
imonorI read an  article on it, it mentioned that its possible to make the sys boot from SD by telling it with a USB drive06:56
spartan2276oh, so I should stick to 32bit06:56
rainofkayosbut it looks like u removed that one too if it removed 2 kernels06:56
madsjI have tried tpconfig as well, but it doesn't "respond", ie. the touchpad is still working after doing tpconfig --tapmode=006:56
armornickspartan2276: well, it depends what apps you need06:57
rainofkayoscan i see whats in ur boot folder since u say u checked there?06:57
imonorok.. thing is, Id like my entire system06:57
armornickspartan2276: it can do almost anything, except some closed-source apps and wine, among others06:57
spartan2276just everything that Ubuntu brings06:57
spartan2276oh no wine06:57
spartan2276chill, sticking to 32bit, thanks06:57
rainofkayos64 bit is really nice i must say06:58
imonorI need to know what files the USB device must have to tell the system to boot from the SD..06:58
koolkartikrainofkayos: actually there were 2 updates prob so i tried dist upgrade and then removed both 2.6.24-19 as well 2.6.24-23 generic06:58
thahausscan someone recommend a solid email / calendar client that can sync with gmail email / calendar ?06:58
spartan2276right but until apps don't support it then whats the use06:58
armornickif you want to install wine on 64-bit you need to install a bunch of compatibility libraries06:58
koolkartikrainofkayos: sure just hold on06:58
rainofkayoskoolkartik: show me contents of /boot/06:58
spartan2276thanks guys06:58
ragsI am tryiinuse RAID on existing system06:58
rainofkayosand also menu.lst06:58
armornickspartan2276: by using it, you force people to support it06:58
ragsis tht possible..?06:59
ragsraid without formatting the drives...06:59
rainofkayosthahauss: thunderbird no?06:59
imonorrags: any luck?06:59
armornickimonor: I think it's by using one of those usb sd connectors07:00
bullgard4After visiting the local Ubuntu club and using its WLAN and coming back home, my Ubuntu 8.04.2 overwrites the file /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. The line "nameserver" is missing and I cannot resolve URLs. How to troubleshoot?07:00
imonorraid needs you to format the drives07:00
ragswell I found a doc...but lota problems...07:00
imonoryes.. the thought have07:00
imonorbeen in there..07:00
imonorbut the computer has a sd reader07:00
ragsstarts off with creating a degraded array...07:01
rainofkayossoftware raid needs you to format the drives?07:01
thahaussrainofkayos: yeah sounds good 2 me, I'm new to linux and new to these apps :)07:01
kandinskiI am using pdfedit via a gui in order to annotate a PDF file from/for work, but I cant-t figure out how to add elements so I can write notes. Any tip?07:01
imonorI was thinking true raid07:01
ragsno software...mdadm...07:01
rainofkayoshmm thats strange because like in Veritas Volume MAnager u format and create the fs after u make the dg's and mirrors..07:02
minazokoolkartik: I did on apt-get dist-upgrade on this  machine and it no longer could find my ATI drivers for my video card so upgrading the kernel/distro will definitely have risks. I can only run 8.10 on this machine simply b/c of my old ATI video card...lots of things can go wrong. I'd stick with ry 8.10 and see if that works.07:02
rainofkayosbut i dunno maybe thats only on san?07:02
ragsrainofkayos:u can start with a degraded arry..07:02
rainofkayosrags: umm i know.. it just need be rebuilt07:02
ragsya...but need to cahnge fstab,grub with the uuids, build ramdisk with /dev/md007:04
koolkartikminazo: hmmm ok07:04
rainofkayosso its  a software raid then07:04
ragsbut having problems with booting the root disk...it drops to iniramfs prompt07:04
rainofkayoshmm scsi disks?07:04
rainofkayosi see can u boot into bash prompt?07:05
rainofkayosor haven't tried that?07:05
ragsno...I just see the <initramfs>07:05
rainofkayosdisk is bad07:05
koolkartikrainofkayos: no idea07:05
ragswith an alert sayin : /dev/bu-uid/<the id> not found07:05
ragsthe uid is of md007:06
rainofkayosmirror device 007:06
ragsI think /de/md0 is not getting loaded..07:06
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:06
rainofkayosyep.. because the disk is bad apparently... i'm not super familiar with software raid but.. i know its no comparison to hardware raid07:07
Nemesroadmap, the cheat sheets are amazing!)07:07
TarBarI'm trying to tweak ubuntu to the best internet speeds I can, What is the reccomended MTU?07:07
koolkartikrainofkayos: did u see those files? and can u suggest me smthng..:(07:07
minazoRAID? EW, I had a heck of a time installing an OS on a Dell Poweredge 2300(?) server, no OS...very "Windows-cnetric". CentOS 5.2  wasn the only thing that "took" it. But if you know what you *really* doing and not just learning like myself I'd like to see how you do it. I still don't fully understand install on RAID...07:07
roadmapNemes:  Im glad I managed to help.07:07
rainofkayosand wouldn't provide the true redundancy and failover a hardware raid would have07:07
rainofkayoskoolkartik: yes im comparing that to mine07:07
rainofkayosill tell u shortly07:07
belredwhere in ubuntu 9.04 is the upgrade notification?07:07
minazoOf course, I am not recommending CentOS as I like my Ubuntu type of distros. :)07:08
ragsminazo:well it starts with a degraded raid array...07:08
minazorags: what is that? i'll "google it"07:08
ragsrainofkayos: do u think the problem might be with the raid enable ram disk?07:09
ragsi used this07:09
ragsmkinitramfs -r /dev/md0 -o initrd.img-raid07:09
celthunderminazo RAID is good...07:09
ragsminazo:follow this....http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/RAID-1_in_a_hurry_with_grub_and_mdadm07:09
ragsvery good and only doc I found for raiding "live" systems07:10
ragsall other need u to format07:10
databitsdoes anyone know of a good xvid coversion program to make dvd's ?07:10
databitsfor ubuntu07:10
databitsalso a good dvd burning program that suports lightscribe07:11
ragscan anyone tell me wht this does: mkinitramfs -r /dev/md0 -o initrd.img-raid07:12
rainofkayoslooks like it creates a ram disk07:12
rags-r will change the root disk to /md0...will it load the raid modules?07:13
racecar56i gotta go, bye peoplez07:13
rainofkayosnot sure.. i dont see why made the raid mirror then made it a ram disk though..07:13
ragsthe raid mirror is degraded...07:14
minazocelthunder: Is it? i'd like to know more about it. Like I said, I have a computer with an OS on it but I get error/kernel warnings when I boot up so I don't use it that often (stays in the closet) ...maybe I'll mess around with it when I find the time. It was weird setting it up though...07:14
ragsonly one hdd...07:14
minazorags: thanks for the link.07:14
rainofkayosdid this all happend after the command u executed?07:14
ragsminazo:Don't thnk me yet...not sure if it will work...I am stuk in the middle...07:14
imonorsoftware raid is wasteful, is it not?07:15
celthunderminazo what configuration did you use ? 0 1 5 10?  Hardware? Software?07:15
rainofkayosits  a software raid,, its not like u have a hardware raid and could replace a disk,, u would need to actually access the OS to work on a software raid thats degraded07:15
ragsrainofkayos:no..I had to go this route bcause I am trying to radify a live sytem..07:15
rainofkayosi understand but that doesn't appear to work,, and looks to have borked the system07:16
databitscould I get some help from someone plz ?07:16
imonorcool.. but whats the point?07:16
rainofkayoscan i see the instruction u followed?07:16
ragsthe link07:16
=== rainofkayos is now known as BladeNBrocade
rags1. create degraded array07:17
rags2.cp all files to the second hdd07:17
rags3. update fstab and menu.list07:18
koolkartikminazo: i downloaded wubi infact thts also not installing  : (07:18
rags4. create new ramdisk with /dev/md0(the degraded mirror) and boot using this07:18
wittstdoes anyone know how i can see my wpa password in gnome's wifi manager?07:19
rags5. ass the original hda to the array...07:19
wittsti select show password but it's encrypted07:19
BladeNBrocadehmm looks like u made a software raid and then changed the boot image to be on the first mirror...07:19
wittsti forgot my password and im wondering if i can see it in ubuntu07:19
BladeNBrocadedid u accurately type these commands?07:19
wittstmy wifi password07:19
ragsstuck on 4. booting drops me to <initramfs> prompt07:19
BladeNBrocadelike copy-n-paste07:19
koolkartikrainofkayos: u there?07:20
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: yes07:20
ragsrags:I am using sata though....07:20
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: u dont have any valid kernel image there07:20
BladeNBrocaderags: boot from a live CD and check taht the configurations are accurate07:20
ragsBladeNBrocade:I can boot into the original hda as well...07:21
ragsI kept the old image as it is...07:21
BladeNBrocadei see07:21
koolkartikBladeNBrocade:oh alas.......... so do i hav any choice.:(07:21
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: not really07:21
userbnblack metal07:22
ragsI get an alert when I boot..: /dev/by-uid/<the uid of md0> not found07:22
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: as i said boot a live CD.. connect a USB ,, copy ur files over,, reinstall and copy ur files back07:22
wittstdoes anyone know how i can see my wifi wpa password in ubuntu? i forgot it but i need it for another machine and keyring saved it07:22
ragsthis is whn boot using the raid image...07:22
BladeNBrocadefstab can be messed up rags07:22
BladeNBrocadeif u can still boot to some kernel then i misunderstood ur issue07:23
ragsBladeNBrocade:...hmm...ya...I guess..I guess I'll recheck..07:23
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: is it a big mess using alive cd as i never done that before07:23
BladeNBrocadei think ur fstab file may be screwed,, i dont think u should software raid on one kernel and not the other..07:23
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: not really its kind of easy07:23
BladeNBrocadeit should see all the drives and u have the option to just mount using the GUI i believe,, after that u can use the gui to copy the files as well07:24
ragsBladeNBrocade: I can either boot to hda...or md0( consisting of only hdb)...so i think it's possible07:24
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: what files do i hav to copy...... can u be a bit specific07:24
SheezyI am so bored07:24
BladeNBrocaderags: check fstab again07:24
BladeNBrocadebe sure EVERYTHING is right07:24
SheezyDang updates07:24
ragsBladeNBrocade:yes...I'll do tht...07:24
babio1anyone who use virt-manager can help me????07:24
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: what do u really like on ur system?07:25
BladeNBrocadeis it the pics.. the programs .. what is it that u aren't ready to give up??07:25
BladeNBrocadeu can copy /home which is where ur desktop pictures and other docs are @... we use open source software on linux,, maybe u can copy some text file of ur installed packages from under /var somewhere and just install the same ones back07:26
BladeNBrocadeu can backup stuff like firefox favorites,, etc,, just by copying ur . files under ur $HOME07:27
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: the programs   i mean i've installed almost everythng i need and i dont want to install that again and to be a bit greedy even some data if possible :P07:27
BladeNBrocadeapt-get install07:27
BladeNBrocadeu can actually create a package of the packages u have installed, or even create an image,.. but not on a dead system =).. maybe checking in /var/cache/apt and copying that stuff would help you..07:28
BladeNBrocadeif u dont do apt-get clean or autoclean alot07:28
imonorhow can I create such a package????07:28
minazokoolkartik: If Wubi is not installing you might actaully have a #windows problem? You should be able to download executables and run them. Downloading another .exe file on your windows machine that you know that you can trust and run it. I *stress*, an .exe that you can trust. ;)07:28
minazocelthunder: RAID 007:29
BladeNBrocadeimonor: google =).. i've never done myself07:29
SheezySome guy is messaging me07:29
Sheezyin some language that I dont know07:29
imonorme too07:29
Sheezy"ech nama u cp"07:30
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: but how to make a package dont know how to do that07:30
Sheezythats who07:30
FloodBot2Sheezy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
celthunderminazo go to your bios turn on RAID set 0 and then if you have other options go through them if you want....thats all i had to do07:30
Sheezy"ouuuw nama u 2 what"07:30
SheezyI'm flooding?07:30
Sheezydamn bots07:30
BladeNBrocadedpkg -i07:30
owen1how to detect to file system on my usb stick?07:30
koolkartikminazo: can't trust windows its the last thing i would love to do ..........:)07:30
BladeNBrocadei think u mean install cause i told u to copy ur apt cache if it exists07:30
minazocelthunder: ok, thanks.07:31
minazokoolkartik: :)07:31
BladeNBrocadeas i said not sure how make the .deb packages on ubuntu u can google it07:31
coldsilence27wats that p2p something gorilla07:31
coldsilence27yea i think07:32
BladeNBrocadehehe yes gnutella is it07:32
AthenonI want to move my account settings (firefox extensions, bookmarks, etc) over to another ubuntu account.  how would i goa bout doing that?07:32
Sheezyspeaking of that, nutella is the best spread on toast in existance07:32
Sheezyand that is my random thing of the day.07:32
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: and how to copy data that is on dektop07:33
Sheezythis userBN guy is asking what my name is07:33
mac_vrSheezy: just ban the gu , or enjoy!!!y07:33
BladeNBrocadeby recursively copying home and all the hidden files ur should be fine07:33
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: uh i got it thnx07:34
SheezyI'm just trying to figure out why he wants my name07:34
BladeNBrocadeu can even tar home if u like07:34
databitscan someone tell me how I would go about mounting a harddisk within ubuntu ?07:34
BladeNBrocadethis way u can just untar it somwhere and ln -s home /new/home07:34
Sheezyhe just said "me ariel"07:34
ragsSheezy: same here...just ignored him07:34
SheezyYeah I duno07:35
imonoryou could try the partition editor.. and mount it there..07:35
SheezyI'm just trying to chill out while I update ubuntu07:35
BladeNBrocadebut as far as ur programs if u dont have the .deb diles all hope is pretty much lost.. dont try copying /bin and /sbin as u will only have more issues07:35
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: thank u so much..... i'll try that and hope my packages will be saved :)07:35
BladeNBrocadei think there is a text list of ur installed packages. somewhere..07:35
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arooni-mobileis there a convenient way to backup a directory to s3? and have it done every so often?07:37
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: i'll try to find taht07:37
armornickdatabits: should be automatic07:37
mac_vrkoolkartik: what list are u try to copy? installed packages?07:37
thedarkare there any easy-to-use text to speech programs that highlight text as it is being read and have voices for multiple languages?07:37
thedarkfor Ubuntu, of course?07:38
BladeNBrocaderags: any luck?07:38
koolkartikmac_vi: i'll try to copy var/cache /apt for installed packeges07:38
ragsBladeNBrocade: I am doing the entire thing again...07:39
ragsbeing more careful now...:)07:39
mac_vrkoolkartik: to copy apt archives u need aptoncd07:39
BladeNBrocadeu can do like find /var/cache -name "*.deb"07:39
BladeNBrocademac_vr: its on a dead system07:39
mac_vrBladeNBrocade: oh...! my bad!07:40
koolkartikthanks :)07:40
shell32can you help me07:40
BladeNBrocadebut also koolkartik this should be on the same kernel level u install these packages.. or else u should let apt get them07:41
armornickshell32: what's the problem?07:41
BladeNBrocadebut i think dpkg would just error out anyway if the packages didn't match the kernel07:41
shell32I want to install web cam with acer 452007:41
BladeNBrocadeatleast u would know some names to install =)07:42
shell32but i can't07:42
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: u mean i must install the same ubuntu version right07:42
BladeNBrocadeor u best bet would be to07:42
shell32my ubuntu is 9.0407:43
armornickshell32: have you tried this: help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam07:43
mac_vrshell32: i think there is a problem with most ACER webcams07:43
shell32you are right07:43
mac_vrshell32: what is the error u get?07:43
BladeNBrocadetheres also sometimes /var/log/apt/term.log but it gets rotated on boot i believe but if u do have some term.* files under there,, they would provide some clue of the packages u have.. dought it that u have any of the rotated files there though u can check it wouldn't hurt07:44
shell32it's no detect07:44
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:44
mac_vrshell my acer webcam was working with kernel 2.24/25 but now not working... heard that the webcam is working again with the kernel 2.29/30 might have to wait07:44
BladeNBrocademy dell webcam worked right out the box with 8.1007:45
BladeNBrocadeLinux rain 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 20:57:48 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux07:45
bytejumperHi all, what soft is here available for midi playing ? (sampler, sequencer and so on...) has somebody got any titles ?07:45
SheezyI am like07:45
Sheezyscrewing with this userbn guy07:45
MK-ubuntuLinux MK-vmware 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 20:57:48 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux07:45
Sheezy(12:34:16 AM) Sheezy: k07:45
BladeNBrocadecool a =)07:46
Sheezy(12:36:03 AM) userbn: key where your from07:46
Sheezy(12:36:12 AM) Sheezy: no07:46
Sheezy(12:36:42 AM) userbn: you in java07:46
Sheezy(12:36:52 AM) Sheezy: no07:46
Sheezy(12:37:23 AM) userbn: you have email07:46
FloodBot2Sheezy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
Sheezy(12:37:33 AM) Sheezy: no07:46
prontowhat is +z O.o07:46
BladeNBrocadea mode setting07:46
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: ok heypreviously i had ubuntu 8.0.4 but if now install 8.1 it will not work for packages i guess07:46
SheezyMute, I guess07:46
armornickbytejumper: timidity07:46
BladeNBrocademaybe install an ealier version and update?07:46
shell32it's no detect07:47
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: ok07:47
BladeNBrocadenot sure about that one,, u should honeslty just get the package list and install with apt07:47
BladeNBrocadein my opinion07:47
Sheezyah this looks nice07:47
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: ohk07:47
mac_vr shell32: my acer webcam was working with kernel 2.24/25 but now not working... heard that the webcam is working again with the kernel 2.29/30... might have to wait for the kernel07:47
BladeNBrocadekoolkartik: why not 8.10... its really nice =)07:47
bytejumperarmirnick - is there nothing more professional ? Windows has plenty of software for musicans07:48
Sheezyhaha, my cat is pawwing at the keyboard07:48
shell32can you give some solutions??07:48
armornickbytejumper: is it for playing or editing midi?07:48
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: but in that case i hav 2 reinstall all those packages that copying stuff would'nt work or would it be07:48
bytejumperarmornick - it for playing external drums07:49
arooni-mobilehow can i find out whether a db table is myisam or innodb07:49
BladeNBrocadeit would work for the deb packages that dpkg was able to install07:49
shell32where i can get it?07:49
BladeNBrocadeand most likely fail on anything not meant for ur kernel07:49
mac_vrshell32: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/271258 << this is the bug... i dont think its solved yet07:49
armornickhey guys, what's that music editing software? audacious or audacity?07:50
BladeNBrocadewhat kind of apps did u have?07:50
imonorthe last07:50
armornickbytejumper: install audacity and timidity07:50
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: show desc07:51
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: rather desc <table>07:51
inasmuIs there any way to log in to the Guest Account from either GDM or a lock screen?07:51
koolkartikBladeNBrocade:ok after copying those files.deb  i need to run dpkg -i ..../ right but what will it does07:52
bytejumpercan Audacity record from midi port ?07:52
arooni-mobilei dont see innodb ormyisaim07:52
BladeNBrocadeinstall the package koolkartik07:52
BladeNBrocadewhat table are u looking at?07:52
BladeNBrocadedo show create table then07:52
kartik_rustagiHello every one. I have  a HP compaq nx7400. Thw wireless 'button' aint working in it.  I am having ubuntu 8.10 on my box. please help.07:52
BladeNBrocadeshow create <table>07:52
koolkartikBladeNBrocade: ah ok07:52
BladeNBrocadedpkg -i is dpkg --install07:53
bytejumperhttp://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq?s=files&i=midi, no it can't07:53
imonorwhat button? a physical one?07:53
BladeNBrocadealso check in my.cnf it should be defined there,,default is MyISAM07:53
armornickbytejumper: well, I'm not a musician and those are the only apps I know07:53
kartik_rustagiimonor: Yup. A physical button to switch wifi on/off07:53
mac_vrkartik_rustagi: what wireless are u using?07:53
imonoris your wifi working?07:54
=== alex2 is now known as AleX-
jootbytejumper: You may want to try rosegarden07:54
bytejumperarmornick, so when You don't know the answer dont answer wrong07:54
bytejumperYou only wasting some other time07:54
imonorhave ubuntu found the hardware?07:54
shell32i want to ask you all07:54
armornickjust trying to hlep07:54
bytejumperI have tried rosegarden and muse07:55
kartik_rustagilspci | grep Wireless gives : Intel 3945ABG07:55
mac_vrkartik_rustagi: sudo rmmod iwl3945; sudo modprobe iwl3945  << try this07:55
kartik_rustagiimonor: ^07:55
shell32when the jaunty repository can we get???07:55
AleX-shell32: /join #ubuntu+107:55
bytejumperbut I don't understand why such system like Linux does'nt have better software for this purpose07:55
lstarnesshell32: you may need to rephrase that07:55
mac_vrshell32: even in jaunty its not yet fixed07:55
imonorso.. thing is, have you checked out if the right restricted drivers are installed with synaptics?07:55
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: did u check in my.cnf and try show create <table> ?07:56
AleX-bytejumper: because developers makes always things only for crap Windoze07:56
TychoQuadcompiz doesn't start for me unless I put compiz --replace in the startup options, but that causes other apps to start thinking compiziting isn't enabled. how do i fix this properly?07:56
armornickbytejumper: most artists use Mac07:56
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: i blieve mySQL default is MyISAM07:56
kartik_rustagimac_vr: They returned nothing07:56
arooni-mobileBladeNBrocade, i dont see where i would put show create <table>07:57
bytejumperIt's is not true, I know may of them and all using Windows07:57
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: do u have transaction logs under ur MySQL directory?07:57
arooni-mobilein mysql command line07:57
arooni-mobilei have an existing db and set of tables07:57
BladeNBrocadein the mysqlclient07:57
arooni-mobilei want to know whether they are set up as innodb or myisam07:57
bytejumperBut nevermind, I'm using Linux for developing applications, it's a shame, but not music apps :)07:57
BladeNBrocadeshow create table is a command that shows the command that have created the table07:57
AleX-bytejumper: then switch to windows :)07:57
mac_vrkartik_rustagi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/193970 <<< check this bug... its the dell killswitch bug ...07:57
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: as i said u can do one of those things07:57
shell32how about wine in jaunty?07:57
bytejumperI hate Windows, only problem with this shitty software07:58
imonorthe button for my blue tooth isnt workin either.. nor the wi fi, but the card does..07:58
AleX-bytejumper: maybe Wine can solve your problems07:58
mac_vrkartik_rustagi:did u try the killswitch again, before u ran the command? that command will detect the killswitch again07:58
arooni-mobileERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'foo' at line 107:58
BladeNBrocadearooni-mobile: desc <table> or show create <table> or u can check in my.cnf if u have innodb enabled07:58
BladeNBrocadewhat dud u type?07:58
AleX-shell32: /join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty disc/supp07:58
bytejumperI'm using Linux since over 6 years and I very happy with it. The problem is my friend has installed ubuntu and byued a drum station07:58
jill1hi i am new to ubuntu,i dn't  know how to use the terminal with proper commands, anyone tell me the commands pls07:58
inasmujill1: commands to do what?07:58
jill1like how to mount,copy ,etc...07:59
imonorI just printed out 200 pages of BASH reference manual..07:59
arooni-mobileBladeNBrocade, show create foo;07:59
armornickbytejumper: you could try virtualbox07:59
TychoQuadcompiz doesn't start for me unless I put compiz --replace in the startup options, but that causes other apps to start thinking compiziting isn't enabled. how do i fix this properly?07:59
arooni-mobiledesc phpbb_users;  does not list innodb or mysiam07:59
armornickjill1: http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html07:59
arooni-mobileBladeNBrocade, that is ;p08:00
armornickjill1: very nice tutorial, this is how I learned linux08:00
jootbytejumper: this points to a few options    http://www.linux-sound.org/midi.html08:00
bytejumperI know Virtualbox, but I don't understad why I should install windows soft trough an emulator, when i have asked about soft for Linux ? :)08:00
bytejumperjoot thanks08:00
jill1armornick: tankq:)08:01
AleX-bytejumper: you said that open softwar is not so good as software for win :P08:01
bytejumperbecause it is'nt, I mean for audio purpose08:01
bytejumperProgramming aids are much better on Linux than on WinShit08:02
AleX-bytejumper: ok now stop flaming :)08:02
TychoQuadso your asking someone here to write you a better alternative?08:02
jill1armornick: i have one rar file., i'm not able to extract here, what i do?08:02
bytejumperI'm not flaming, You have started giving strange answers, but nevermind, forget it08:02
armornickjill1: try installing unrar08:02
AleX-jill1: sudo apt-get install unrar08:02
AleX-jill1: type it to console it installing unrar08:03
thahaussPlease help I had the compiz cube and desktop effects enabled all working fine, playing around with the settings i changed the visual effects in appearance preferences to "None" playing around with it, rebooted, and now when i change the effects to extra it tries to for a few seconds then I get the error "desktop effects could not be enabled" any help greatly appreciated08:03
AleX-thahauss: its question for /join #compiz-fusion08:03
lstarnesthahauss: does it give you any further info?08:03
mattgyverI dont know exactly how to explain this scenario but I will try.  Im trying to put a debian distro on an SD card to boot from another device.  I created 2 paritions 1 FAT16 and 1 EXT2.  After recognizing an error I started over re-partitioning the drives,  now each time i do the ext drive does not let me delete certain files nautilus says 'Stale NFS file handle'.08:04
=== inasmu1 is now known as inasmu
jill1 AleX-: i am using fedora pa, it doesn't accept the sudo command , what i do?08:04
mattgyverDoes anyone know what that error means or how to delete the data, as well why each time i partition the drive does it show the same, previously deleted, data.. Any ideas?08:04
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:04
thahausslstarnes, it doesn't, is there a log i can look at I'm new to ubuntu08:04
AleX-jill1: this is ubuntu channel /join #fedora08:04
jill1 AleX-k08:05
AleX-jill1: but -> yast08:05
AleX-jill1: or su then yum install unrar08:05
armornickAleX-: yast is suse08:05
kartik_rustagiimonor: How should I check if drivers are installed or not. And how do I use without switching it on/off from the physical button.08:05
AleX-armornick: aaah08:05
lstarnesthahauss: I'm not sure08:05
thahausslstarnes, ok well thank you anyway08:06
AleX-jill1: then yum08:06
TychoQuadcompiz doesn't start for me unless I put compiz --replace in the startup options, but that causes other apps to start thinking compiziting isn't enabled. how do i fix this properly?08:06
DigitalKiwiso he's asking about yast on a distribution that uses yum in a channel that uses apt-get08:06
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:06
mattgyver!Stale NFS08:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Stale NFS08:06
AleX-TychoQuad: /join #compiz-fusion08:07
lstarnesTychoQuad: check glxinfo | grep direct08:07
imonorlaunch the synaptic package manager, check out the relevant section.. or see if the drivers are restricted, and allow linux to use them08:07
CQhello, is ther ea way to change ext3 to ext4 on an installastion or during an upgrade?08:07
kartik_rustagimac_vr: killswitch still did not working08:08
CQmeaning, change it without doing a complete reinstall08:08
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imonoreven if the button is used to deactivate the card, the system can activate it..08:09
mac_vrkartik_rustagi: did u check the bug? sometimes it works only after the reboot...08:09
bullgard4Ubuntu 8.04.2 provides nm-applet version 0.6.6. Why does it not provide nm-applet version 0.7.1 which has removed > 50 bugs?08:09
armornickbullgard4: hardy is two versions old ;)08:09
lstarnesarmornick: jaunty hasn't been released yet08:10
imonorunless you have some sort of old school power switch kind of thing, wich I doubt08:10
bullgard4armornick: I know. But you did not answer my question.08:10
lstarnesbullgard4: it may not be compatible with the networkmanager used on 8.04.208:10
kartik_rustagimac_vr: rebooting did not help08:10
armornickbullgard4: well, the packages are frozen right before a release, so 0.6.6 would have been the latest version at that time08:10
kartik_rustagiimonor: can you tell me the commands to activate the card via shell08:11
bullgard4lstarnes: Are you really suggesting that nm-applet is not compatible with NetworkManaager?08:11
imonorno, not as such :) I am a novice.. but Ive had some dealings with the card issues.. strictly GUI for me.. but Im in training..08:12
lstarnesbullgard4: nm-applet 0.7.1 may not be compatible with the version of networkmanager used in ubuntu 8.04.2 but version 0.6.6 of nm-applet might be08:13
bullgard4armornick: Your statement  "well, the packages are frozen right before a release" is false. Please note that the release Ubuntu 8.04.2 is current.08:13
kartik_rustagiimonor: GUI meaning the network applet at the top?08:13
imonorno.. graphical user interface08:13
lstarnesbullgard4: I'm not sure of the exact reason, but an incompatiblity like that can keep bugfixes in a newer version from getting into an older release08:13
shell32how about wine in jaunty?08:14
lstarnesshell32: what about it?08:14
kartik_rustagiimonor: :) . That I know . I meant you switch you wifi on using which application's GUI08:14
armornick_asterix_: hi08:14
imonoro.. generally, the ubuntu gui..08:15
bullgard4shell32: You will probably get a more comprehensive answer in #ubuntu+1.08:15
shell32how about wine in jaunty?08:15
imonorthing is, download hardware detection software.. by the synaptics package manager08:15
lstarnesshell32: #ubuntu+1 is for jaunty support until its release08:16
lstarnesshell32: not #ubuntu08:16
CQshell32 look at packages.ubuntu.com and search there for package infos...08:16
kartik_rustagiimonor: any specific software name you can tell?08:17
inasmuIs it possible to log in to the Guest Account in 8.10 directly from GDM or do you have to use the User Switcher?08:17
manpoolehow do i load ndiswrapper in a fresh install?08:19
imonorwhat is the name of your wifi card?08:19
blackmoonhi, i'm unable to play video in vlc in the main window of program (even if the "include video in interface" option is enabled). someone else have this problem? [i'm under jaunty]08:19
spartacusblackmoon, you'll need to elaborate - how does it fail?08:19
imonorits possible to search in the manager gui ;)08:19
kartik_rustagiimonor: Intel 3945ABG08:20
kartik_rustagiimonor: got that using lspci08:20
vegombreicelthunder: you there?08:20
blackmoonspartacus: it open another window for video insted of use the main window of vlc08:20
manpooleimonor belkin f5d705008:21
manpoolever 400008:21
kartik_rustagiCan any one else Also help in fixing the issue with my wireless card. I have a HP compaq nx7400. The wifi switch on it aint working. I am not sure whether the card itself is working or not.08:21
spartacusblackmoon: Did you select "Allow only one  instance"?08:22
kartik_rustagiTHe wifi and the button both works fine in windows08:22
kartik_rustagiI  have ubuntu 8.1008:22
imonorthe card works08:22
spartacusCan anyone tell me how to switch JVM from gcj to sun-java (it's already installed...)? There's some debian-esque magic involved here?08:22
vegombreii borrowed my friends external hdd .. when i plugged it in it says i need to connect it to a windows pc and disconnect it ... is there another safe way to mount?08:22
imonormy buttons are malfunctioning as well :)08:22
blackmoonspartacus: yes08:23
kartik_rustagiAny one. I kind of need wifi to work on this :(08:25
spartacusblackmoon: i guess "reset preferences" doesn't help either, in case something got messed up somewhere08:27
SJrI'm getting this error with a REALLY old version of Java08:27
SJr error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file:08:27
Jutsu_SJr: probably time to upgrade your version of Java.08:28
spartacusSJr: compat libs installed?08:28
SJrspartacus I'm going to say no08:28
blackmoonspartacus: no, i've also deleted "~/.config/vlc" folder, but nothing changed08:28
spartacusblackmoon: very strange... even with X11 output and no skins selected...08:29
vegombreii borrowed my friends external hdd .. when i plugged it in it says i need to connect it to a windows pc and disconnect it ... is there another safe way to mount?08:29
hateballvegombrei: you can force mount it through a !terminal08:30
blackmoonspartacus: yes i've no skin selected and i've tried with auto and x11 output... but nothing to do...08:30
hateballvegombrei: As for safe... there are risks of losing data, and it warns you too. Though personally I've never had it happen to me08:30
coffeeaddict22kartik_rustagi: are you running the network manager?  Series of bars up on the top panel?08:31
spartacusblackmoon: did you check the vlc shared defaults? i wonder if there's some way something is overriding the normal behaviour08:31
jill1 AleX-i extract the file in ubuntu  too thanq :)08:31
hateballvegombrei: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /path/to/external/dev /path/to/mount/point08:31
SJrspartacus know the package name? my searches thus far have turned up nothing?08:31
SJrSomething says it's compat-libstdc++08:31
spartacusSJr I'm looking at that now...08:32
shadeofgreyIs it possble to intall ubuntu with notyhing but bootcamp and the install CD yet?08:34
kartik_rustagicoffeeaddict22: No bars at the top08:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootcamp08:34
* spartacus wonders if that you, again, picasso...08:34
blackmoonspartacus: it seem ok...08:34
blackmoonspartacus: this i's what i've got: http://images.videolan.org/vlc/screenshots/0.8.2/linux-wxwin-playlist.png   and this: is what i want: http://images.videolan.org/vlc/screenshots/0.9.2/screenshot-kde4.jpg08:34
fitemashineDoes anyone want to hear about the problems I'm having with my wireless card?08:35
mac_vrugliefrog: bootcamp is for mac08:35
ugliefrog:) thank you was bout to google08:35
blackmoonspartacus: all worked fine under intrepid...08:35
mac_vr!virtualbox > ugliefrog08:35
ubottuugliefrog, please see my private message08:35
fitemashineHas anyone here ever had the network connections icon disappear from their tray?08:37
spartacusSJr: hmm... i can find 6.2, but not 6.1 in synaptic08:37
fitemashineMine keeps doing this.08:37
mac_vrshadeofgrey: i think u can try the ubuntu forums , there is a section for macs08:37
SJrI think I need version 3.108:37
SJrerrr 308:37
ugliefrogmac_vr, thats awesome I didnt know that could be done. I need to read som more on these commands08:38
spartacusblackmoon: mmm. maybe some new gnome library oddity then...08:38
spartacusblackmoon, anything interesting to  report when you run it from command line?08:38
blackmoonspartacus: now i try...08:39
spartacusSJr: might be worthwhile download sources and building the lib yourself under /usr/local/ for this one app08:40
raVenhello guys..how do i "purge"..how do i remove a folder in the Applications tab?08:40
SJrNah it's java 1.3 I don't think the source is available08:40
blackmoonspartacus: same thing...08:40
spartacusSJr: no, the libstdc library08:40
spartacusblackmoon: any errors on the shell output08:41
SJryeah I guess I'll deal with that in the morning.08:41
raVenhello guys..how do i "purge"..how do i remove a folder in the Applications tab?08:41
spartacusraVen: find the app in synaptic, and mark for complete removal08:42
shadeofgreyi cant beliee it08:42
shadeofgreylogitech releases the space pilot that doesbrtsupport osx08:43
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blackmoonspartacus: http://pastebin.com/d4ddcc09908:43
coffeeaddict22 kartik_rustagi: try in a terminal lshw -C network.  Can you see your network card?08:43
shadeofgreyTHEN they come out with the new spacepilot pro yestrerday and thats not supported either08:43
spartacusblackmoon: out of curiosity, what happens when you run it as root? eg sudo vlc08:44
shadeofgreyAND the support redhat but not ubuntu08:44
spartacusblackmoon: and yeh, there shouldn't be any cores being dumped08:44
blackmoonspartacus: with sudo i've got this error: "VLC is not supposed to be run as root. Sorry."08:45
mabusblackmoon: there's a use flag for that08:45
prontomplayer is better for videos08:45
spartacusblackmoon: ok. i'm stumped... did the guys in the vlc channel have anything to say?08:46
prontoyou can easily do sudo nice -n -20 mplayer ./file.mkv or what ever08:46
mabusVLC has a enabled for root USE flag or somesuch08:46
mabusalso has a matroska USE flag08:46
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:46
spartacuspronto: i love mencoder, but even my gf likes to vlc...08:46
prontoplus VDPAU works with mplayer, not vlc08:46
blackmoonspartacus: now i try to ask to guys in vlc channel...08:46
spartacusblackmoon: good luck!08:47
mabusblackmoon: see above...08:47
blackmoonspartacus: thanks for support :)08:47
mabusif you're trying to run vlc as root, there's a simple reason it's failing08:47
fabio84qualcuno sa perchè la mia rete wireles su ubuntu mi prende poco ed invece su windows la ricezione è ottima ???08:48
mabuswrong channel... ubuntu does not have use flags...08:48
blackmoonfabio84: il canale italiano di ubuntu è #ubuntu-it08:48
ghindoHow can I do upgrade from one version of Ubuntu to another through the command line?  dist-upgrade doesn't work08:48
olskolirchey guys I just upgraded to Jaunty and im using Alsa but I don't hear anything - whats the sweet little command line to run and alsaconf please?08:48
ugliefrogI had to reinstall 8.10 today. How do I get updates on some of my apps. The repo show old ones08:49
prontosudo apt-get update08:49
spartacusmabus: the main error is further up anyway... it's about not respecting the "Integrate video with interface" preference08:49
d0GFaceany ideas why intrepid date/time GUI doesn't show time zone opts?08:50
shell32can you help me?08:50
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ugliefrogis it sudo apt-get update plus the name of the app?08:51
ghindo!ask | shell3208:51
ubottushell32: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
jointmanHow do I see what version of Xfce I have?08:51
spartacusjointman:  xfce4-about08:52
spartacus(and then click the  info tab)08:52
d0GFaceI can't set my time zone through 8.10 GUI... Not there?08:52
olskolircthere is no alsaconf in ubuntu?  how do I run a sound test?08:53
jointmanmine is only 4.4.2. but my xubuntu has already been upgraded to 8.1008:53
Chris_does anybody know why my gvim in ubuntu would be missing important things from the menubar, like "Syntax" and "Buffers"?08:53
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:55
spartacusjointman: quoth the xubuntu release page: "This is their latest result: Xubuntu 8.10, which brings a host of excellent improvements built on the rock solid Xfce 4.4.2 desktop environment."08:55
jointmanspartacus: oh, that sucks There's already xfce 4.6 so i was wondering how to upgrade to it08:56
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olskolircthere is no alsaconf in ubuntu?  how do I run a sound test?08:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf08:58
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:58
Chris_now I see that I only get a subset of gvim when I launch if from Terminal (under Applications).  Is this normal?08:59
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vigoIs the newest Emacs in the Repositories or do I apt-get/wget if I wanted to use it?09:01
Madpilotvigo, apt-get works via the repos anyway, you know09:02
Madpilot!info emacs09:02
ubottuemacs (source: emacs22): The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 22.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 6 kB, installed size 36 kB09:02
vigoMadpilot: Thank you09:02
Madpilot!info emacs jaunty09:03
ubottuemacs (source: emacs22): The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 22.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 36 kB09:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:03
vigoI am looking at FSF directory, it says 22.3 is out.09:03
Madpilotvigo, if it's a very recent release, it won't be in the next version of Ubuntu - Version Freeze was a month+ ago for the release next week09:04
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:04
NoqqQuestion: Is installing Wubi the same as installing it trough my Bootable USB? (Gonna install on Eee 1000he)09:05
vigoMadpilot: Okee dokee, Thank you.09:05
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:05
vigoNoqq: If you used the WUBI you would want to get the one for your architecture. I think there is one for Eee, but I am not certain.09:07
manpooleei installed windows wifi driver using ndiswrapper09:08
manpooleeit connects to a wifi network but the internet does not work09:08
vigomanpoolee: Was what you installed part of an official Ubuntu release?09:10
manpooleewell xubuntu yes09:10
vigomanpoolee: Ok, did you look at the forums yet?09:11
manpooleeim looking at the help file right now troubleshooting09:11
manpooleeit found the wireless network fine09:11
manpooleeconnected but no internet09:12
vigomanpoolee: Have you got a hardwired there to test the modem/router with?09:12
manpooleeit works great hardwired09:13
olskolircthere is no alsaconf in ubuntu?  how do I run a sound test?09:13
olskolircanyone know?09:13
CQhi guys, i have a laptop with hardy isntalled, but in adept it's not showing an intrepid upgrade path in adept ... any ideas?09:13
vigomanpoolee: Hrm, Let me look at the forums.09:13
vigomanpoolee: Feisty?09:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook09:17
vigomanpoolee: I found this on the forums, it covers a few>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1127345&highlight=ndiswrapper+xubuntu09:18
vigomanpoolee: The first one there is Intrepid.09:18
raVenhello guys..how do i "purge" programs?and how do i remove a folder in the Applications tab?09:18
manpooleei already installed ndiswrapper09:19
manpooleeand the correct driver09:19
DeFiMorning everyone, does anyone know how to add an APTonCD CD to apt/sources.list ?09:19
vigomanpoolee: Is it the B43?09:20
raVenhello guys..how do i "purge" programs?and how do i remove a folder in the Applications tab?09:20
manpooleeits belkin f5d7050 ver 400009:20
raVenhello guys..how do i "purge" programs?and how do i remove a folder in the Applications tab?09:21
vigoraVen: You can just use the add/remove to remove any installed programs, purge is the command used, but that GUI makes it easier for lots of people.09:21
lstarnesraVen: sudo aptitude purge package-name09:21
bullgard4What program decompresses a 'Gzip archive'? My Archive_Manager_(GNOME) reports: "LATEST-IS-0.7.1" could not be opened. Archive type not supported.09:22
lstarnesbullgard4: gzip09:22
=== blackmoon is now known as blackmoon_away
lstarnesbullgard4: it may need to end in .gz for it to be recognized as a gzip archive09:24
robson_what cd burner program is good and easy?09:24
vigomanpoolee: Is it a USB or PCI?09:24
manpooleeit works fine in the other computer09:25
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
manpooleewith ubuntu using ndiswrapper09:25
vigomanpoolee: It is on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1127241&highlight=belkin+f5d705009:26
bullgard4lstarnes: ':~$ gzip /home/detlef/tmp/LATEST-IS-0.7.1' added a file extension '.gz' to the filename.09:26
lstarnesbullgard4: use gunzip instead09:26
DeFiDoes anyone know how to add an APTonCD CD to apt/sources.list ?09:26
stealth-do some external hard drives just not support ext3?09:27
robson_if i just use the gnome cd burn feature will it make my cd a music cd?09:28
manpooleeoohhh and i have yet to do the updates yet09:28
manpooleebecause this pc is so slow09:28
letiferus_angeluquestion: when someone says to connect to port +7000 what does that mean? ports above 7000?09:29
vigomanpoolee: That could be where the error is.09:29
andresmhI installed 9.04 and I've been applying all the updates from the Update Manager. Does it make any sense for me to re-install 9.04 once it's released?09:29
lstarnesletiferus_angelu: the + may mean SSL09:30
robson_why do i keep getting an error writing to my disc when finalizing it?09:31
robson_using gnome's builtin cd burning09:31
marcelrobson_, did you try lower speeds?09:31
robson_somewhat lower09:32
robson_i'll try really low and see09:32
marcelrobson_, what is the error exactly?09:32
grandema1atmahallo everybody..09:33
grandema1atmaI have a problem09:33
Mud|afkgrandema1atma o rly ?09:33
robson_marcel: don't think it gives anything specific. just says try lower speed, so i tried one lower. but the disc is up to 52x which i tried lower than09:33
grandema1atmaMud|afk: sorry?09:34
marcelrobson_, can you do tail -v /var/log/messages in a terminal when burning, maybe it shows some output09:34
marcelrobson_, sorry i mean tail -f /var/log/messages09:34
robson_dc kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!09:35
guestadminwondering if there is a comand line way to restart my wireless internet when it stops working. Logging out isnt enough09:35
grandema1atmawhen I run Whaaw, the media player, it doesn't start and it complains with the follwing: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session09:35
marcelrobson_, what kind of brand media you use?09:35
robson_marcel: professional optical storage... never have problems before09:36
bonez46how do I correct a problem.. where an application is trying to install, but can't find the directory it needs? do I need to manually create the desired directory?09:36
arkygeekhi.  we have jaunty installed and running very nicely on an acer aspineOne.  One glitch however, is that apps like QtiPlot have completely scrambled menus and info windows.  The font is absolutely scrambled.  any hints?09:36
marcelrobson_, did you have problems with the latest up-to-date ubuntu, or do you have some older version09:37
NoqqHm.. how big is the chance that I will be having the issue with 'no-internet' on a dual-boot? It kinda worries me..09:37
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:37
robson_marcel: 8.0.4 in both cases09:37
robson_also i have a problem where i can't apt get anything because sun-java6-bin failed to install because i didn't accept the license agreement, and now i can't apt-get anything09:37
marcelrobson_, you could try upgrading to 8.10 or 9.04 when its released this month09:38
robson_this is really really annoying09:38
lstarnesrobson_: what error message do you get?09:38
robson_marcel: well i need to burn a disc now.. maybe another program?09:38
marcelrobson_, dpkg-reconfigure sun-java6-jre09:38
guestadminwhen my wireless stops, /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work,though kismet sees my connection, why can't ubuntu?09:38
robson_sun-java6-plugin: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-07-3ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed09:38
marcelrobson_, i had good results with k3b09:38
robson_and likewise with others09:38
marcelrobson_, try aptitude install09:38
robson_marcel: it's not installed so i can't do that09:38
marcelrobson_, aptitude can help with some dependency problems, otherwise try first apt-get update09:39
robson_it's working09:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald09:40
marcelrobson_, with aptitude?09:40
robson_marcel: yes09:40
bonez46marcel: could you look at this, please >> http://pastebin.ca/139561109:40
bonez46the install problem could be any package...09:41
bonez46it's not about the app, but about the process..09:41
stealth-im trying to mount a drive via command line. I have formmatted it with command line, and also tried formatting with GUI. I can always get ubuntu to mount it graphically, but when I try to do it manually through a terminal and fstab on my server it always tells me a error occured. I did a dmesg | tail and it cant find the filesystems on the drive, but my graphical system can. Any help?09:41
marcelbonez46, sudo mkdir /etc/samba09:41
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grandema1atmawhen I run Whaaw, the media player, it doesn't start and it complains with the follwing: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session09:42
marcelgrandema1atma, upgrade the package or file a bug report for it09:42
guestadminAnyone know how to restart wireless internet without having to reboot?09:43
grandema1atmamarcel: the package is up to date09:43
marcelgrandema1atma, then it has a bug09:43
mackk431wireless internet is evil dont use it09:43
firefly2442Is there any software out there to verify a DVD? I bought some used DVDs and want to check their integrity without having to watch the whole thing09:43
marcelmackk431, thats stupid09:43
macvrguestadmin: whts the wireless?09:44
mackk431no its not stupid09:44
grandema1atmaof course it has, I was wondering if anybody knew how to make it work09:44
guestadminmacvr: iwl394509:44
mackk431wireless internet is a network access for everybody to your computer09:44
lstarnesmackk431: false09:44
marcelmackk431, if you dont use security09:44
lstarnesmackk431: it can be properly secured09:44
mackk431there is no security in internet09:44
=== Dalamar___ is now known as Dalamar
marcelmackk431, please dont be so ignorant09:45
lstarnesmackk431: there is some security09:45
macvrguestadmin: >>> sudo rmmod iwl3945; sudo modprobe iwl3945 <<09:45
mackk431you can build and update hundreds and thousands of firewalls but there is still NO security in internet09:45
vigoGetting a little off-topic here09:46
marceli'm not going into a useless discussion09:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:46
mackk431ok nevermind09:46
guestadminmacvr, awesome ill give it a try and connect right away to let you know ;)09:46
ugliefroganyone familiar with emerald09:48
bullgard4lstarnes: The Gzip archive which I downloaded was at fault. --  Thank you for your help.09:48
robson_marcel: looks like it was too long of a filename, and k3b caught it09:48
marcelrobson_, good, i always use k3b it works well09:49
guestadminmacvr: you are amazing. I have had to reboot all the time for 2 years, It worked!09:51
NoqqDuring the installation of Ubuntu, they tell u to use a internet cable. What if I'm only wireless?09:52
macvrguestadmin: np... using a killswitch? what laptop?09:52
SheezyI need help with drivers09:53
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guestadminmacvr: system 76,  no killswitch, it would just stop working whenever I checked up on my network with kismet, It would mess up the wireless09:54
SheezyWhenever I bring up hardware manager, it says "Searching for available drivers" in a window called untitled window09:54
SheezyIt never gets any progress09:54
Sheezyand it just sits there09:54
guestadminmacvr: was worse in feisty, reboots for everything freezes, crashes, every 10 minutes, bad dvd firmware, you name it, every version gets better so far. Just upgraded to Hardy last night, even more stable09:55
macvrguestadmin: did u try jaunty? its better too... but i personally dont know about system76...09:57
guestadminmacvr: nervous about newer os till the buggs are out, Always wait till the last minute, not yet, will get the stable version, as beta makes me nervous09:58
macvrguestadmin: jaunty is now in rc...09:59
guestadminmacvr: system76 plenty of buggs at first but first rate tech support09:59
ross_A question about FLV files. Can watch on youtube (in Firefox), but if I drag the file out of the cache and add .flv , nothing can play it not eVen VLC.10:00
guestadminmacvr: maybe ill try it to see, if curiosity gets to me, tried intrepid, hardy was better on my system, maybe ill give jaunty a try10:01
ubuntu__ross_ instead downloadvideohelper addon does the easy job..10:01
ghindoHow can I make it so a daemon starts every time my computer does?10:01
ugliefroganyone know why emerald doenst work10:02
Iceman_B|SSHhow do I get screen to show a command bar, I want to see when it's taking commands after I hit ctrl+a. right now I have no way of telling10:02
macvrguestadmin: i found jaunty worked better with iwl3945 , better than hardy/intrepid10:02
thedark:( could anyone help me get a good Text-to-speech program working10:02
thedarkpreferably one that highlights the words as it reads10:02
thedarkI have tried Kmouth, Ktts, Click and Speak... I can't get any of them to work10:03
thedarkespeak works in the terminal but I need more than that10:03
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:03
Aisonhey, i have got a really strange problem here. I can resolve all DNS hostnames except the ones from google earth10:03
thedarkdoes ANYONE here have a good text-to-speech setup working?10:04
Aisoneg http://kh.google.com/10:04
edgex-_That was sexy10:04
* thedark weeps10:04
=== mike is now known as Guest85719
guestadminmacvr: nice, hmm I hope so, maybe its worth the upgrade then. Now i can rest, your code was a lifesaver, and Ive been updating all night, 5am now, peace. ;)10:04
macvrguestadmin: its not "my code"... i just got tired with  the reboots, and found the solution...10:05
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kazagistarI just purchased and built a new i7 rig today... I tried to install both Jaunty and Intrepid on it, and got kernel panics10:05
robson_does k3b seriously not support burning mp3s as an audio cd?10:06
kazagistarthe thing is, I could install debian jsut fine10:06
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ghindokazagistar: Do LiveCDs work?  Do other operating systems work?10:06
kazagistarghindo: yes, debian installed and works, but neither livecd nor text installer nor anything works from ubuntu10:07
thedarknobody here uses Text-to-speech?10:07
Dalamarrobson_:  there is a secondary package needed to burn mp3, search for k3b in synaptic and youll find it10:07
guestadminmacvr: thank god ;) that why i finally came on here. So i guess I really have patience to have waited that long to find the solution. Next time I hope I will be able to do the same for you on here ;) Ciao for now10:07
macvrguestadmin: np...10:08
bazhangthedark, try gnome-orca10:09
jophishHi all10:09
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jophishI am trying to access a usb device in /dev/usb10:10
=== nox_ is now known as Gwnnbld
jophishIt works fine, however it requires me to run the program as root10:10
Bhavesh2177Windows Key+M how to stop10:10
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Gwnnbldanyone can help me about installing a program (stellarium 0.10.1O)?10:11
bazhangGwnnbld, why not install version from repos10:12
bazhang!info stellarium10:12
ubottustellarium (source: stellarium): real-time photo-realistic sky generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-4 (intrepid), package size 2066 kB, installed size 4240 kB10:12
vigoGwnnbld: That is a neato program, is it the one in Synaptics?10:12
Gwnnbldbazhang synaptic is giving the latest version, which works really slow10:13
Gwnnbldi need its first version, which is not in reps10:13
Gwnnbldi downloaded it but can't install10:13
vigoGwnnbld: Did you turn off fog and other stuff?10:13
Gwnnbldvigo:  couldn't even do that, it's so slow i couldn't enter it's options10:14
osopleas server ubuntu spanish?10:15
bazhangoso #ubuntu-es10:15
vigoGwnnbld: Purge it and re-install, or just re-install, might have missed some in the pipe, first time I tried it was awful, re-did it andd it worked great.10:16
bazhangdarkfuzion, stop that10:16
darkfuzionjust that i just installed xchat gnomenever used it10:17
darkfuzionso anything new in ubuntu?10:19
darkfuziondid you know you can use the cricket usb for internet10:19
bazhangdarkfuzion, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:19
darkfuzionwhat a hag10:20
darkfuzionthat was ontopic10:20
Guest85719HI ALL10:23
=== Guest85719 is now known as MIKE
=== MIKE is now known as Guest65088
darkfuziondont bother to talk in here they are anus fucks in here10:24
bazhangdarkfuzion, watch the language10:24
darkfuzionbazhag hag shut up10:25
vigoThank you10:25
bhueycan I do a normal aptitude upgrade for 9.04 ?10:27
stealth-!upgrading | bhuey10:27
ubottubhuey: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:27
ernie_euhi I want to download 9.04 RC, the question is: when final version will be released, is it better to make then fresh install again ?10:28
stealth-bhuey: also, 9.04 isn't out yet, in case you didnt know10:28
bhueyyeah, I know. It's going to be out soon though10:28
stealth-8 days10:28
darkfuzionanyone with cricket wireless in here10:28
bhueycouldn't I change a keyword in sources.list and aptitude upgrade ?10:28
bhueyor "no" ?10:28
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
vigobhuey: Torrent it, (to save bandwidth) and then you are ahead of the rush.10:29
bhueyvigo: how ?10:29
stealth-bhuey: there is a specific program designed to watch for distro upgrading.10:29
bhueyurl ?10:29
anfrehi all i have a problem with java plugin .any ideas?10:29
bhueystealth-: ok, so don't use the aptitude method then ?10:29
vigobhuey: Just go to the Jaunty section, it is on the Ubuntu site10:30
anfrewhat packages i have what install?10:30
stealth-bhuey: read the website, if you have already made the changes in the GUI aptitude, then it should put a hudge button saying "upgrade" or something on the package manager bar.10:30
ernie_euI hope I didn't ask wrong question...10:30
stealth-bhuey: well, it will do that when the next version is officially out10:30
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vigobhuey: http://www.ubuntu.com/10:30
dzuphttp://gaybuntu.com <--is this for real?10:31
stealth-when rtorrent refers to throttling, its refering to limiting my upload and download speeds, isnt it? and what measurement is that in? it just says KB, is that per minutes or hour or something?10:31
darkfuzionmaybe they are making fun of ubuntu10:32
bazhang!ot > dzup10:32
ubottudzup, please see my private message10:32
anfre               my ubuntu is running in 64 bits firefox 3.0 ,but don't load apples .any ideas?10:33
dzupdont blame me , i found it at google right now heh10:33
bazhangdzup, this is support only, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic10:33
anfreit 's a big problem for work in the net10:34
anfreideas plz10:34
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:34
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
vigoanfre: Compiz or Desklets?10:35
vigoanfre: Is javascript enabled in browser?10:36
vigoanfre: gnash or adobe?10:36
anfreand  i was installed jre and jdk plugins of sun microsistems10:36
anfreadobe falshplugin non-free10:37
jophishIt works fine, however it requires me to run the program as root10:37
ernie_euDoes anyone knows where I can read something about Ubuntu's optimisation: that is: if ubuntu is optimised for 383 processors (and most modern proc are 686), wheter it is no difference or is it better to use some i686 distro like Arch ?10:37
vigoanfre: Java 5 and 6?10:37
jophishI am trying to access a usb device in /dev/usb. It works fine, however it requires me to run the program as root10:38
nox_anyone can tell me how to install stellarium-0.9.1? there's no configure inside it's source.10:38
purveshhey any 1 know that in ubuntu which good torrent software have 2 download10:38
jophishpurvesh, transmission is installed by default10:38
vigoanfre: Have you tried gnash?10:38
anfrei have installed a virtual machine  ,but i don't know happened10:39
Grraimorning! Question: running Xubuntu 8.10 (dual boot with Win. Vista) on Acer Asp.7730G. Got wireless working with <modprobe acer-wmi> and <echo >1... >. Now, wireless LED works "most" of the time, at startup. But sometimes it doesn't, then pressing the wireless button starts it; and sometimes even that won't work. In that case I restart the computer until it does work.10:39
GrraiNot a tragic problem, but I don't understand why loading that module is that random? Any ideas?10:40
jelly12genGrrai: you should always load this module10:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:40
purveshjophish: i know but it is 2 slow10:40
jelly12genGrrai: so just google how to load it premanatly at start10:41
purveshjophish: so can u suggest me any good soft10:41
Grraijelly12gen, I think it does... what was that file again?10:41
jophishI've personally never used it. but why would it be any slower than other programs?10:41
jelly12genGrrai: no idea , but just google load module at start ubuntu10:41
jophishpurvesh, search torrent in the repos10:41
Grraiwell, that was what I did10:41
sixxhi is there a way install ubuntu onto my hdd by line command ?10:41
Grraianyway, I'll recheck10:41
sixxmy disc just hangs when i try to install it10:42
purveshjophish: what is repos10:42
jelly12genGrrai: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20259310:42
anfrethank for you help10:42
jelly12genfirst hid google10:42
Piloto_goodmorning friends10:42
jewlzany one knows how i can get ubuntu to auto update/upgrade ktorrent? =D10:42
purveshjophish: i'm a new user10:42
Piloto_i think that ubuntu does update it automaticaly10:43
purveshjophish: hello can u give me any link if u can10:43
vigoanfre: I am guessing here, but maybe the Virtual Box part is where the error is, like clash of jave or non java10:43
jewlzPiloto, ive tryed apt-get update and apt-get upgrade but it hasent updated ktorrent10:43
jewlzand ktorrent 3.2.1 is out10:44
sixxanyone know howto install ubuntu by line command or have a link ?10:44
vigopurvesh: The Forums are always a good place to start.10:44
grim|NOTREGjewlz: search the repositories for your desired version10:44
vigopurvesh: http://www.ubuntu.com/support10:45
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, whats repositories? lol :P10:45
purveshvigo: i'll try now thanx10:45
grim|NOTREGjewlz: these are archive-servers in the internet where your ubuntu gets the software from10:45
vigopurvesh: You are quite welcome.10:45
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, ahh ok10:46
purveshvigo: yup10:46
grim|NOTREGjewlz: there are also different categories like "multiverse" and "main" and many others10:46
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, any repsitorie site u recommend me to add in the list?10:46
purveshvigo: so if u also know scary movie 5 any link or torrent so pls send me10:47
purveshvigo: i want 2 download10:47
bazhangpurvesh, dont ask that here10:47
bazhang!piracy > purvesh10:47
ubottupurvesh, please see my private message10:47
grim|NOTREGjewlz: dunno. if its not important like a security fix in the new version, so you can wait til its in the repos10:48
dalfzi have a server that seems to freeze for 5-10 seconds arbitrarily - it could be related to IO operations. there are no errors in syslog though. any ideas how to debug?10:49
purveshvigo: but where i have 2 ask10:50
purveshvigo: in which channel10:50
bazhangpurvesh, not on freenode10:50
ernie_eu>Does anyone knows where I can read something about Ubuntu's optimisation: that is: if ubuntu is optimised for 383 processors (and most modern proc are 686), wheter it is no difference or is it better to use some i686 distro like Arch ?10:50
noodsorry, where is the install directory of tomcat??10:51
grim|NOTREGernie_eu: maybe read the gentoo-wiki.com articles10:51
purveshbazhang: thanx i dont know thats why!10:51
purveshbazhang: now i dont ask10:51
bazhangpurvesh, please stop. dont discuss here please10:51
ernie_euok, but is there a reason why Ubuntu is optimised for 386 ?10:52
ernie_euand not for 68610:52
bazhangernie_eu, it is, using the generic kernel10:52
purveshbazhang: so if i want any good torrent software in ubuntu so what i have 2 write at forums10:52
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, its like it hasent updated the ktorrent at all, im running 3.1.2 and the stable version thats out is 3.2.1 o.O10:52
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
grim|NOTREGernie_eu: so its compatible to pentium III ;)10:52
ravenhi - after a SYSTEM RECOVERY my partitions seem to have WRONG SIZES/datas - is there any file i have to repair/update? - tnx10:53
grim|NOTREGor was this 486?10:53
purveshbazhang: sorry10:53
ernie_eugrim|NOTREG: ok :)10:53
bazhang!fr | chris__10:53
ubottuchris__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:53
purveshvigo: so if i want any good torrent software in ubuntu so what i have 2 write at forums10:53
=== _veloc1ty is now known as veloc1ty
grim|NOTREGjewlz: i wouldnt worry too much about it.10:54
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, i cant axxes my torrent sites :S becuase the trackers dont allow me in if i dont upgrade :P10:54
ernie_eubazhang: do I have to compile it myself ?10:54
awllnao consigo ouvir musicas no kubuntu me ajuden!10:54
bazhangernie_eu, no the generic is standard10:55
riochhow can I install a .deb file on a user account that doesn't have admin privelages? sudo asks for said users password, so it doesn't work.10:55
awllcomo configurar o som no kubuntu10:55
grim|NOTREGjewlz: so use rtorrent or azureus aka vuze10:55
hareldvdsamba server fails to run at boot. sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart is fine. nothing I could find in the log file. Any idea?10:55
=== geo is now known as geo05
ernie_eubazhang: wow, ok so generic is optimised for 386 ?10:56
bazhangernie_eu, for both10:56
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, hehe then i have to load all the torrents allover again, is this a resporitori site: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent10:56
jelly12genernie_eu: yes10:56
jelly12genand that failz10:56
ernie_eubazhang: how can it be for both ?10:57
grim|NOTREGjewlz: i just read ktorrent 3.2.1 is for kde4. i thought kde4 ships only with 9.04 which is still beta10:57
bazhangernie_eu, which processor do you have10:57
ernie_euCore 2 Duo10:57
riochhow can I install a .deb file on a user account that doesn't have admin privelages? sudo asks for said users password, so it doesn't work.10:57
jewlzin ktorrent it says im running kde 4.1.410:57
graingertrioch, you can't10:57
bazhangernie_eu, then you would use the generic kernel, it is suitable for that processor type10:58
graingertrioch, that's the point of admin privelages10:58
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, im not running ubuntu 9.04 but in ktorrent it says i have kde 4.1.410:58
bazhangernie_eu, though you could also use the 64bit ubuntu as well10:58
riochgraingert: so how can I install a plugin for pidgin for a non-admin user?10:58
jelly12genbazhang: ernie_eu 64 bit is better , slighly faster10:58
riochgraingert: I have the .deb file.10:58
jelly12genrioch: be admin10:58
graingertrioch, you install as admin user10:59
AleX-rioch: what is better on x64 ?10:59
riochjelly12gen: I am an admin user10:59
graingertrioch, and all users have it10:59
graingertrioch, again; the point of an admin user10:59
ernie_eujelly12gen: but the Wine will not work properly10:59
ernie_euis it ?10:59
riochso I make all users admins? That seems strange.10:59
graingertrioch, by admin user I mean superuser10:59
ernie_eufor 6410:59
jelly12genernie_eu: install multilbis10:59
riochgraingert: not part of the admin group?10:59
jelly12genernie_eu: it can if you install 32bit libs , works perfect here11:00
graingertrioch, no you install using superuser powers11:00
jelly12genwhy doesnt ubuntu drop i686 much too old11:00
ernie_eujelly12gen: ok I will look into that11:00
graingertrioch, this gives all users access to it11:00
jelly12genernie_eu: just google multilib ubuntu there is even an package for it11:00
grim|NOTREGjewlz: i guess jaunty is 9.04 und you are running 8.10 or below. thats why you cant update11:00
jophishI am trying to access a usb device in /dev/usb. It works fine, however it requires me to run the program as root11:00
ernie_eujelly12gen: do you use x64 ?11:00
jelly12genernie_eu: yes11:00
lstarnesjelly12gen: some people still use 32-bit processors descended from the x86 family11:00
riochgraingert: ahh ok, so how do I do that? In my suse days I just did su, is that the same now?11:01
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, im running 8.1011:01
ernie_eujelly12gen: how much ram do you have ?11:01
jelly12genlstarnes: yeah but they have to upgrade11:01
jelly12genernie_eu: 2 Gb11:01
ravenhi - after a SYSTEM RECOVERY my partitions seem to have WRONG SIZES/datas - is there any file i have to repair/update? - tnx11:01
grim|NOTREGjewlz: the launchpad site you posted says that11:01
ernie_eujelly12gen: ok11:01
ernie_eujelly12gen: bazhang: thanks11:01
bazhangernie_eu, no problem11:02
lstarnesjelly12gen: upgrading is expensive and often not necessary except for some new functionaliy that may not be required for many tasks11:02
psicobrahi all sorry for the stupid question but does any one know how to unrar a file that is in mutiple parts11:02
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, so i have to upgrade to 9.04 beta version to be able to auto upgrade ktorrent?11:02
graingertrioch, no it is sudo11:02
psicobrai tried opening it with ark and file roller and all they do is extract that one file not all of them11:02
grim|NOTREGjewlz: i guess its not worthy to upgrade to 9.04 until you have REALLY hardware issues11:02
graingertrioch, sudo dpkg --install and all that ra-ra11:03
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, k11:03
grim|NOTREGjewlz: if you like command line i can recommend rtorrent. its really cute ;)11:03
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, how to i check what kde version im running?11:03
riochgraingart: but then it asks for the current users password. this user must be part of the admin group (in the sudoers file)11:03
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, yea i know, when i set up my seedbox im going to use rtorrent :)11:03
andrukwhere do i pull the source for X.org and MPX?11:03
dr_willispsicobra:  install the unrar tools and use 'unrar -e whateverfirstrararchivenameis' (i belive)11:04
grim|NOTREGjewlz: i look at "help" in konqueror11:04
jewlzgrim|NOTREG, ok :)11:04
psicobradr_willis, i did that but same thing just extracted that one file11:05
dr_willisthen either ya did it wrong.. or the archives are messed up. Ive done it that way befor.11:05
dr_willispsicobra:  you could use wine and the 'winrar.exe' binary i guess11:05
graingertdr_willis, 7zip supports rar11:05
dr_willispsicobra:  could be some newer variant of an rar archive. OR you needed to tell it the whatever.rar not whatever.r01 filename11:05
graingert!rar | psicobra11:05
dr_willisgraingert:  theres some 'variants' of rar arcives ive seen that can cause issues11:06
jahilHow do changes in the libc shared library affect running kernel modules?11:06
dr_willisits possible winrar.exe may tell you that somthing is funny with the archives11:06
graingertpsicobra, what is in the rarchive?11:06
psicobragraingert, err a legitamate home movie hmmm11:07
graingertpsicobra, ah I see11:07
ewookwhy in the world would anyone wine winrar?11:07
zirodayjahil: why?11:07
graingertpsicobra, have you thought it may be virusy?11:07
ernie_euso the main conclusion seems to be: Ubuntu is optimised for 686, but uses 386 instructions (so pentium 3 can understand them), and distros otpimised for 686 seems to be faster, because on default they do not have so many things loaded...11:07
grim|NOTREGdoes anyone know how to make the command line editor vim behave like it should do? eg show "insert" when i push "i" and being able to use the arrow keys while i am in insert-mode.11:07
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:07
graingertewook, to get some porn11:07
dr_willisewook:  because winrar.exe can handle some 'features' that the other  rar tools cant.11:07
dr_williswinrar.exe also has some other neat 'features'11:08
ewookdr_willis: like what? compressionwise perhaps11:08
mat__what 'features'??11:08
dr_willisewook:  passwords, and  so forth from what i gather.11:08
ewookas in creating a selfextracting .exe11:08
ewookdr_willis: uhm. that's not limitied to winrar11:08
zirodayjahil: I want to understand what you are doing, to help you. Please keep it in the main channel11:09
dr_willismat__:  often i need to take 1000+ individual files and make a .zip out of each one of them. :) winrar.exe lets me do that in like 2 clicks.11:09
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:09
ewook!info unrar-free11:09
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB11:09
dr_willisewook:  ive seen instances where some silly rar archives dont work with the 'unrar' tools but they do work with winrar.exe - so whatever you want.11:09
jahilWhat is a subnet mask and how is it used (from a linux client perspective)?11:10
ewookdr_willis: apperentally there's a first time for everything11:10
dr_willisewook:  i see people with issues like that about once a month or so in here.11:10
ewooklike my spelling atm11:10
ewookdr_willis: weird.11:10
dr_willisone of the many reasons to NOT use rar's :)11:10
ewookdr_willis: perhaps :).11:11
zirodayjahil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnetwork11:11
ewookoh, anyone got any good tips on strategy-games that's in the repo? :)11:11
dr_willisewook:  freecol, freeciv, wesnoth11:11
jahilHow do changes in the libc shared library affect running kernel modules?11:12
zirodayjahil: why?11:12
ewookdr_willis: oh, thanks :)11:12
zirodayjahil: what are you trying to do11:12
armornickewook: bos wars11:12
ewookturned based?11:13
armornickewook: oh, never mind, then ;)11:13
jahili want check is there anyway to affect kernel modules by libc11:13
ewookarmornick: :D11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3gp11:13
zirodayjahil: well if the kernel module is written in C then yes, but _why_11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend11:13
ravenhi - after a SYSTEM RECOVERY my partitions seem to have WRONG SIZES/datas - is there any file i have to repair/update? - tnx11:14
jahilthis is a question in interview preview test11:14
zirodayraven: how did you recover your system11:15
ravenziroday partimage11:15
=== NetEcho__ is now known as NetEcho
zirodayjahil: is it ubuntu specific?11:15
mat__Does anyone know how ubuntu gives the priorities to different aplications that are downloading data from the net? If there are several programs processes downloading sth which has the fastest transfer available? Can I change that?11:15
zirodayjahil: in which way?11:15
jahilok in general linux terms11:16
zirodayraven: you could try run a fsck, but I imagine its a partimage thing11:16
zirodayjahil: don't lie. Ask in ##linux11:16
arooni-mobilei cant record anything on my t61 laptop running ibex;  help!?11:16
jahilif you have to answer this question - what will be your answer11:17
ewookdr_willis: wesnoth seems like something I was looking for, thanks ;)11:17
zirodayarooni-mobile: record sound?11:17
aa7788hi! I have error in CPU and M/B temp... What I can do? hddtemp works fine. http://pastebin.com/m51d3bddf (sorry my english is bad) :)11:17
dr_willisewook:  its fun.. but very annying in ways.11:17
ewookdr_willis: so is being on call :)11:17
ravenziroday that's the question - i think there is any file which has been recovered that is on an "old state" because bevore the recovery i changed the partition sizes - but which file could it be...?11:18
zirodayraven: no clue.11:18
arooni-mobileziroday, yes11:18
zirodayjahil: yes.11:18
arooni-mobilecant use skype either11:18
zirodayarooni-mobile: make sure recording volume is max in the mixer/alsamixer11:18
hcooh_does anyone knows a graphic program to convert wma and m4a in mp3 ?11:18
bazhangGaidzis, dont paste that here11:18
bazhangchris__, /join #ubuntu-fr11:19
mat__hcooh: maybe mplayer?11:19
zirodayhcooh_: sound-converter11:19
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
jelly12genhcooh_: just search package manager sound converter11:20
jelly12genor be a real men and just use mencoder or ffmpeg11:20
arooni-mobileziroday, it is11:20
armornickewook: try looking around getdeb.net for many more games ;)11:21
ugliefrogAnyone here get a dcb card to work in ubuntu11:21
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php11:21
ugliefrogAnyone here get a dvb card to work in ubuntu11:21
ewookarmornick: oh, thanks :)11:21
hcooh_I don't know why but soudconverter freezes on my system when I try to convert in mp3 ....11:22
jelly12genhcooh_: run it from the cli11:22
jelly12genthen check the errors/11:22
FloodBot1Gaidzis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:22
armornickhcooh_: try installing lame11:22
jelly12gengakkun: dont spam11:22
jahilWhat are the benefits and drawbacks of virtual memory?11:22
hcooh_from the cli ? does it mean from the terminal ?11:23
dr_willisHomework 101 day today?11:23
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:23
jelly12gengakkun: go to another channel for you STUPID game11:23
MarkM06hello everyone11:23
iceroothcooh_: yes11:23
icerootMarkM06: hi11:23
armornickMarkM06: hello11:23
jelly12genlet's all say hi ?11:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:23
hcooh_armornick : lame is already installed on my system11:23
andersonhow to sudo without password ?11:24
andersonanderson        ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL11:24
dr_willisanderson:  edit the sudoers file with the prope rsettings.11:24
andersonno effect11:24
dr_willisread  Up on sudoers befor doing such things.. you can cause issues11:24
arooni-mobilemy internal laptop mic isnt working with skype on ibex (using t61)... ideas?  help?11:25
andersondr_willis: what issues?11:25
dattaim getting this error when i try to install updates and application: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:25
dattaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.11:25
graingertarooni-mobile, use Ekiga instead11:25
dr_willisanderson:  totally breaking the sudo 'system' for one.. or putting a huge security hole on the system for aother.11:26
arooni-mobilewhat that11:26
dattacan anyone help me with this error11:26
arooni-mobilegraingert, i cant get the sound recordre to work either with sound capture11:26
dr_willisanderson:   when in doubt BACKUP the original sudoers file first.11:26
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
graingertarooni-mobile, ooh nice, have you got padevchooser?11:26
dr_willisanderson:  i set up specific commmds that users can run without needing the sudo password. not every thing. :) much safer11:27
arooni-mobilegraingert, no whats that11:27
jahilWhat are the benefits and drawbacks of using host based virtualization (e.g. ESX, hyper-v)11:27
armornickanderson: use visudo to edit the sudoers file11:27
bazhangjahil, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic11:28
graingertarooni-mobile, install it11:28
graingertarooni-mobile, and see if your mic has been pwnd by pulseaudio11:28
SarujiI have a question11:28
ravenziroday that's the question - i think there is any file which has been recovered that is on an "old state" because bevore the recovery i changed the partition sizes - but which file could it be...?11:28
phantomcircuitjahil, they only work on a small subset of hardware, specific NIC cards, etc11:28
graingert!question | Saruji11:28
ubottuSaruji: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:28
dattaplease help me get this error back to normal11:28
phantomcircuitdatta, protip what is the error11:29
dattaE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:29
dattaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.11:29
dattathats the error11:29
Sarujiok, sorry, how can I mount a .uif image, or at least convert it to an iso.  I believe it is a magiciso extention and they dont seem to support linux11:30
phantomcircuitmight i suggest that you "must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."11:30
phantomcircuitjust a thought11:30
armornickphantomcircuit: you beat me to it :D11:30
phantomcircuitseriously it tells you how to fix the problem in the error message11:31
phantomcircuitwhat more could you possibly want?!11:31
MarkM06no error message ;)11:31
hemi770hi all11:31
armornickSaruji: try installing uif2iso11:32
azlonI have a windows mobile phone with a wifi problem... is there any way to share my network conenction from my Ubuntu 8.10 machine with my phone? when I connect my phone via USB I get the message "auto eth0 successfully connected"11:32
Sarujiarmornick can i run apt-get for uif2iso?11:32
dattai know it does but when i try to write that in the terminal it doesn't work11:32
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armornickSaruji: yes11:32
Sarujithank you11:33
bazhangdatta, use sudo11:33
armornick!hi | hemi77011:33
ubottuhemi770: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:33
dattabazhang can u tell me how it will be like if u use sudo11:33
sumithi everyone11:33
armornicksumit: hello11:33
hemi770quick q - i have dual monitors, ati 4870, jaunty RC - works fine with default drivers, but proprietary ATI drivers don't pick up dual screens and 'display' applet freezes on opening with a cyan bar across it, no text/widgets, and then 1 core pins at 100%11:33
hemi770should i file a report?11:34
Sarujiarmornick Invalid operation, do I need to add a special repo?  I am currently using Jaunty latest release11:34
armornickwhat is the full command you ran?11:34
armornickSaruji: did you run 'sudo apt-get install uif2iso' ?11:34
Sarujiarmornick sudo apt-get uif2iso .....lol forgot install11:34
Sarujiarmornick reads that "http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v722/Saruji/net-neutrality6-22-groupavatar-full.jpg"11:35
mrwesSaruji, I do that all the time :)11:35
Sarujisorry... couldn't find11:35
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armornickSaruji: then it's not in the repos11:35
Sarujiok i'll google for the repo, its all good, i'm just asking question I seem to already have the answers to, just dont want to screw up my install11:36
Sarujithank you11:36
Sarujiquestion: what are dependencies?11:38
armornickSaruji: you'll have to install a few packages first before you can compile/use the app11:38
armornickSaruji: install zlib and openssl first11:39
Tecn1I'm using the 9.04 Release Candidate and my ntfs partitions won't mount during boot.  anyone know why, and how to fix this? (my fstab => http://dpaste.com/35111/ )11:39
armornickSaruji: I found a site but I can't copy the url cause I'm on a terminal11:39
sumitHow should I set up the mount point correctly? I've set my boot device to sda1, but ubuntu hangs up during install and drops to shell before recovering.11:39
Sarujiarmornick how did you get there or what is the general name?11:39
ugliefroganone know of software viewer for a dvb card in linux11:39
armornickSaruji: Convert UIF to ISo | friendly Linux Support11:40
hemi770ok so no one else having probs with ATI restricted drivers, dual monitors and display applet11:40
armornickSaruji: wesleybailey.com/articles/convert-uif-to-iso11:40
Sarujiarmornick ah ok will try and find thanks, also out of curiosity why install openssl?11:40
Sarujioh wow thank you11:40
Dalamar___hemi770: jaunty is #ubuntu+111:40
armornickSaruji: I don't know, but probably because uif2iso uses it ;)11:41
hemi770thanks Dalamar___11:41
Dalamar___prolly get a better answer there11:41
Sarujiarmornick: cool just thought i'd pick your brain, this site seems to have all the info, thank you so much11:41
Tecn1I'm using the 9.04 Release Candidate and my ntfs partitions won't mount during boot.  anyone know why, and how to fix this? (my fstab => http://dpaste.com/35111/ )11:41
ernie_eujelly12gen, bazhang, I have found an answer I was looking for, maybe you also find it interesting: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html11:42
armornickTecn1: try asking at #ubuntu+1 cause it's the official jaunty support channel11:42
armornickTecn1: also make sure you've installed ntfs-3g11:42
Tecn1thanks, armornick11:42
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=== Dalamar___ is now known as Dalamar
jhaig|homeI want to set up ubuntu to use ldap for authentication.  How should it deal with groups, such as cdrom, audio, scanner etc, to give users access to various devices?11:47
marwhello. openarena (quake) uses one soundcard and i want another. how to change this?11:51
bXii'm having issues with the little popup that shows up when i change songs in rythmbox for example11:52
azlonhow can I share my internet connection with my windows mobile phone?11:52
bXican i somehow disable it for some events?11:53
phantomcircuitjhaig|home, god fuck off you moron if you cant answer these questions yourself you dont deserve a degree11:53
sumiteasy, phantom11:53
phantomcircuitoh wrong person11:53
phantomcircuitjhaig|home, my bad i had the wrong person :O11:53
armornickbXi: edit > preferences11:54
arooni-mobilemy internal laptop mic isnt working with skype on ibex (using t61)... ideas?  help?11:54
jhaig|homephantomcircuit: I have set up a firewall, proxy server, dhcp, dns and am in the process of setting up an nfs and samba file server.  Ldap is causing me a few problems, though.  :-P11:55
armornickweaver: hello11:55
weaveryou a real person?11:56
jhaig|homeBut I have found a page on the Ubuntu wiki now.11:56
armornickweaver: yes11:58
armornickOliverKrueger: hello11:59
damanmhey, anyone here wearing glasses. just got mine and that are making my eyes hurt. why? is this normal for a first time glasses wearer12:00
armornickdamanm: this is the ubuntu support channel, it's about computers ;)12:01
pau325Don't overdo it in one go. Work up slowly. Don't try to do too long at first12:01
pau325Hey guys I just did an update on Jaunty and Inrepid and it killed my wireless.12:01
damanmits ok. i  will join #glasses ask in there12:02
respectingplease how can i make my ubuntu start all the time with no GUI12:03
dr_willisrespecting:  disable the gdm service12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about service12:03
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:03
jadei have a pen drive when i go for the format it say write protect12:03
OliverKruegerrespecting: It should work, if you just start into runlevel 2 instead of 3 or 5 (dunno what the gui part of ubuntu uses). Edit /etc/inittab.12:06
dr_willisformating would have to be done with root user privilages.12:06
mat__jade: i had the same thing when my pendrive was used in windows system and was removed without "safe disk removal" or ath like that, i mean the thing win uses to unmount usb devices12:06
dr_willisOliverKrueger:  i dont think that works in ubuntu any more.. but it might.  ubuntu does runlevel stuff a little differently then a lot of disrtos12:06
linuxbeginnerhi....how can i create a root account?12:07
OliverKruegerdr_willis: Ah, ok. :) Im too old for this stuff. ;)12:07
dr_willislinuxbeginner:  there is one all ready. use 'sudo' to properly access it.12:07
armornicklinuxbeginner: very bad idea, use sudo12:07
dr_willisOliverKrueger:  yep. GDM is ran as a service, not by inittab these days12:07
lstarneslinuxbeginner: there is one by default but it is locked and it is recommended that you keep it locked and only use sudo to access it12:07
dr_willis!sudo | linuxbeginner12:07
ubottulinuxbeginner: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:07
mat__linuxbeginner: so use sudo12:07
OliverKrueger!kdesudo | OliverKrueger12:08
ubottuOliverKrueger, please see my private message12:08
linuxbeginneri dont want to use sudo every time. i just want to get root account12:08
linuxbeginneris it not possible?12:08
pau325There was a bug several months ago where Intrepid couldn't connect to WPA networks. I enabled proposed and backports and got working again. This morning on Jaunty I just updated (new kernel modules and NM) and it's broken again.12:08
dr_willislinuxbeginner:  then learn about sudo and the 'sudo -s' command12:08
mat__linuxbeginner: that is a very bad idea...12:08
armornicklinuxbeginner: sudo -i can be used but it's still bad computing12:08
graingertlinuxbeginner, yes, but it is bad12:09
jadeit has a auto run inf file inside it 'shell\open\Command=qphdin.com'12:09
dr_willislinuxbeginner:  in linux everything is possible. it can also be dangerous12:09
linuxbeginnermat__: why is bad?12:09
dr_willislinuxbeginner:  one typo = erased system.12:09
dr_willisthats 'bad'12:09
armornicklinuxbeginner: if you make an error with root, it can't be fixed easily12:09
linuxbeginnerdr_willis: sudo 1 typo not erased system?12:09
mat__linuxbeginner: because you can do many bad things you didn't want to12:09
dr_willislinuxbeginner:  and running the 'gui' file manager as root.. can also be dangerous.12:10
dr_willislinuxbeginner:  open a terminal, use sudo as needed.. or 'sudo -i, or -s'  ( and be VERY carefull)12:10
dr_willisthen close the terminal when done.12:10
helluesare there someone who use stallerium12:11
mat__linuxbeginner: root is a system administrator account, use it only when istalling software etc. If linux says you don't have permission to do sth it usually means you are trying to do sth that can seriously affect your system and you should be cautious12:11
Mal3koguys what's the diff with /etc/cron.d/ vs crontab -e ?12:12
jadei use attrib also it cant be don12:13
armornickdaliang: hello12:15
daliang armornick: hello, i have some problem with rkhunter here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/1398512:15
armornickdaliang: sorry, can't help you with that, since I don't know the app12:16
daliangarmornick: ok! thank you very much12:17
daliangwho can help me with rkhunter?12:18
helluesare there someone who use stallerium12:19
dr_willis!info StElleruim12:20
ubottuPackage StElleruim does not exist in intrepid12:20
daliangwho can help me with rkhunter? http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/1398512:20
dr_willis!info Stalleruim12:20
ubottuPackage Stalleruim does not exist in intrepid12:20
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:20
=== Dalamar_ is now known as Dalamar
hellues'info  stellarium12:21
hellues!info  stellarium12:21
=== Mud is now known as Mud|afk
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stats12:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:22
helluesi need someone who use stellarium12:23
un|matrixdoes ubottu do any kind of channel statistics?12:23
armornickApache_: hello12:23
sliverchairany help mounting my 2gb gogear SA2825? I'm using Intrepid12:23
lstarnesun|matrix: I don't think there are any stats for this channel12:23
dr_willishellues:  you could ask the actual question you are having and see if anyone might know.12:23
un|matrixlstarnes: then i'm gonna put a stats bot on it12:23
lstarnesun|matrix: don't12:24
armornicksliverchair: what kind of device is that?12:24
bazhangun|matrix, no12:24
=== Apache_ is now known as Firesecret
dr_williswhy bother.12:24
lstarnesun|matrix: you need permission from the owners of this channel first as required by freenode's policies12:24
sliverchairarmornick: one that doesn't support USB Mass storage, that's what I see all over the internet12:24
un|matrixi wanna know how the user count increases through the years12:24
dattaE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.12:24
dattaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.12:24
dattacan anyone tell me how  to fix this i know it says it in the text but can anyone explain how to do it12:24
sliverchairarmornick: http://www.consumer.philips.com/consumer/en/ph/consumer/cc/_productid_SA2825_97_PH_CONSUMER/Flash-audio-player+SA2825-9712:24
Firesecretarmornick, is there some kind of whatpulse program for ubuntu?12:24
un|matrixlstarnes: and who is the owner12:25
lstarnesun|matrix: the ubuntu irc council12:25
armornicksliverchair: I'm using a terminal at the moment so I can't check out the site but I believe rhythmbox or amarok should load it automatically12:25
armornickFiresecret: what kind of app is whatpulse?12:25
Firesecretarmornick, is a apps that keeps track of how many words you have typed and how many miles your mouse has moved :)12:26
dattaplease tell me how to write up in the terminal12:26
zirodaydatta: err what?12:27
armornickFiresecret: wtf, there's apps that do that :D anyhow, I don't know about a program like that12:27
kklimondadatta: run Terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal)12:27
kklimondadatta: and then write sudo dpkg --configure -a12:27
kklimondaand enter password when prompted12:27
Firesecretarmornick, http://whatpulse.org/ here :)12:27
dr_willisive seen mouse-mileage-gages/applets befor.12:28
dattai get an error from there that it is unable to find a precompiled module for the current kernel12:28
sliverchairarmornick: no luck with the MTP plugin..12:29
kklimondadatta: copy whole error to the http://paste.ubuntu.com and then paste here a link.12:29
armornicksliverchair: does lsusb say anything about your device? (run it in a terminal)12:30
sliverchairI already got two reasons to switch back to xp, I need to use the new J2ME SDK 3.0 and to transfer mp3's to my GoGear..12:30
armornicksliverchair: well, linux isn't for everyone12:30
dattahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/153381/ this is the error12:30
sliverchairarmornick: wow, It does12:30
sliverchairarmornick: Bus 005 Device 005: ID 0471:2032 Philips12:31
mneptoksliverchair: sounds like you made a bad mp3 player choice. :/12:31
dattacan anyone tell me what is wrong  with that12:31
kklimondadatta: That's not really a package error. it's just an information that you have to run ``/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'' to finish installation.12:32
dattaso should i run it? can't i just remove it and fix it12:32
armornickdatta: running that command is necessary to fix it12:32
dr_williswhen kernel versions get updated.. you rerun that command.12:32
lstarnesdatta: run sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup12:32
kklimondadatta: run from terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup to install kernel modules required for virtualbox to work properly.12:32
sliverchairmneptok: yeah, I can see devices today losing their robustness, mp3's on PSP easily corrupts, and it doesn't support multi-subdirectories of mp3's!12:33
mneptoksliverchair: it supports a 2-deep folder structure. and other devices, like those that runRockbox, have no such limitation. and they don;t demand you run any particular OS on your computer.12:34
lstarnesdatta: also, make sure that the virtualbox-ose-modules package is installed12:34
rhothei there! how can i edit "places menu" in hardy?12:34
kklimondabtw, i love how they did modules compilation in the newest vmware - there is no messing with terminal anymore, modules are compiled when vmware runs for a first time.12:34
dattait's not it was half done becuase it told me something was worong with my kernel12:34
kklimondarhot: you can't. you can modify bookmarks and that's it.12:34
rhotis it hardcoded or something?12:35
kklimondadatta: show us the error you get during ``sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup''12:35
dattano i didn't get any error, everythings good now12:36
DaveIngramI want to open up my Ubuntu Server box for HTTP and SSH through my router... what are the key things I need to do to make sure that's safe?12:36
kklimondarhot: more or less - the only thing you can change is list of bookmarked locations.12:37
Lint01DaveIngram: make sure that your webserver cannot run anything12:37
rhotis it possible to edit it using the sources and then compile it?12:37
graingertDaveIngram, use public key cyptography12:37
graingertDaveIngram, that's about it12:37
armornickrhot: yes, if you can use C12:37
rhotOK, thanks.12:37
armornickrhot: be sure to run apt-get build-dep gnome before you do12:38
dattanow im a newbie so can anyone take me through the vbox installation12:38
dr_willislot of work for that.. :)12:38
mneptokDaveIngram: SSH is pretty safe. HTTPd depends entirely on the daemon and what content it serves.12:38
DaveIngramLint01: how do I go about that? (sorry for to noob questions here, but I've never actually set up my own server that wasn't inside a firewal)12:38
Cannonmorning all12:38
dattai clicked on "new" and got a lot of stuff12:38
mneptokDaveIngram: what will the web server actually serve?12:38
armornickdatta: just do what the wizard says12:39
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DaveIngrammneptok: There's a couple of sites... a wiki and some PHP scripts12:39
mneptokDaveIngram: then the security of the web server is 100% dependent on how much you trust that PHP12:39
armornickDaveIngram: try looking up something about LAMP12:39
andrukwhere can i go to get the source for x.org that was used in intrepid?12:40
armornickDaveIngram: it's Linux Apache MySQL and PHP12:40
thedarkI am trying to run TextAloudMP3 in Wine but I get the following error at the startup splash screen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153390/12:40
Lint01DaveIngram: does your server settings permit file uploading?12:40
kklimondaandruk: packages.ubuntu.com12:40
DaveIngramLint01: I believe it does at the moment12:40
kklimondaandruk: if you know package's name you can also use ``apt-get source <package>''12:40
dattai need to uninstall virtualbox how do i do that12:40
DaveIngrammneptok: meaning everything properly filtered, etc..?12:40
kklimondaDaveIngram: if you need php than you should make sure that it's properly configured..12:41
DaveIngramarmornick: will do, thanks!12:41
andrukkklimonda: whoa, that is really cool!  are there (generally) instructions for building it as well?12:41
moukaanybody can show me how  I can allow anonymous access to some samba shares?12:41
dattai tried to find it in the sypnetec but its not there12:41
Lint01DaveIngram: make sure that execution is disabled for upload folder12:41
moukaI want to allow anyone on a given workgroup access to some samba shares12:42
armornickDaveIngram: apt-get remove virtualbox-ose12:42
moukawithout them having to provide usernames or passwords12:42
mneptokDaveIngram: think of it this way. i build you a house. it's the most secure house ever built. NO ONE can get in without a key and the proper key codes.12:42
mneptokDaveIngram: then you invite the entire Gambino crime family over for dinner. still have a secure house?12:42
mneptokDaveIngram: a web server is only as secure as the content it serves.12:43
mneptok(e.g. register_globals = GAME OVER)12:43
kklimondaandruk: if you have source package than it's simple - all you have to do is install build dependencies (apt-get build-dep <package>) than download source (apt-get source <package>) change dir into unpacked source and then do dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot12:43
dattahow do i actually remove virtualbox? please help me to do that12:44
lstarnesdatta: sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-ose12:44
kklimondaandruk: you should check wiki for logs from #ubuntu-classroom as package building is often the topic of discussions.12:44
DaveIngrammneptok: makes sense :)12:44
f1assistancewhat is the best AV/AS for Ubuntu?12:45
dattasorry doesn12:45
armornickf1assistance: ClamAV12:45
andrukkklimonda: is it possible to build multi-pointer X on ubuntu easily (from the repos)?12:45
dattasorry doesnt work i don't get it myself12:46
f1assistancearmornick: thanks12:46
armornickf1assistance: note that this looks for windows viruses, linux doesn't have any working viruses at the moment ;)12:46
andrukkklimonda: when trying to get the src for xserver-xorg, it get "gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found"12:47
* mneptok should mention he creates his analogies with all due respect to Our Thing.12:47
thrillERboyhey guys.... name a good download manager for ubuntu12:47
kklimondaandruk: heh, it's a bit harder as there is no mpx package yet. you would have to download it from x.org ftp, then change source package to work with newer release, check if all dependencies are met..12:47
f1assistancearmornick: than why would it look for Windows viruses?12:47
armornickf1assistance: it's to protect windows computers in a network12:48
DaveIngramso for my web server, if I were to put an .htaccess file that requires username and password and then put my .htpassword file in a higher directory.. is that actually secure?12:48
armornickf1assistance: you don't need a real antivirus for linux12:48
andrukthrillERboy: wget12:48
kklimondaf1assistance: because the main use of av on linux is scanning files for windows12:48
sliverchairarmornick: don't wanna go back to Windows either cause I don't use anti-virus there...12:48
kklimondaf1assistance: for example scanning mails, windows shares on samba etc.12:48
andrukkklimonda: whose gpg key do i import to stop getting that error?12:48
thrillERboythanks andruk will try it12:49
sliverchairit's annoying I'm not satisfied with any OS12:49
dattalstarnes: your methood to uninstall did not work, could you say something else12:49
kklimondaandruk: i have no idea - xserver-xorg should be installed from main repository and keys to this repository are already in apt keychain12:49
f1assistancearmornick: so, these Windows viruses can "use" the Linux machine to get to a Windows machine?12:49
andrukthrillERboy: its command-line only though, but its quite useful12:49
bjoern_I have build the new 2.6.29 kernel, but the generated debian packages are too big. I used the following command: make-kpkg --initrd --revision atl1c binary12:49
thrillERboyOMG!! anything with GUI?12:50
armornickf1assistance: not really, only if your computer is used as a server12:50
thrillERboyI'm started to hate the typing for doing stuff :(12:50
kklimondaandruk: and this error isn't critical - if it works (ie. you have downloaded and unpacked sources) you can ignore it.12:50
andrukthrillERboy: downthemall (a Firefox extensions)12:50
armornickthrillERboy: FlashGet is a good firefox externsion too12:50
f1assistancearmornick: used as a server?12:50
dr_willislearn the terminal.. just do it.12:50
zirodaythrillERboy: or ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots12:50
andrukkklimonda: fair enough.  thanks a lot from your help, ive got a big project ahead of me.12:50
thrillERboydownloadthemall doesn't resumes broken downloads properly12:51
armornickf1assistance: to host websites12:51
f1assistancearmornick: so ClamAV is only for servers?12:51
kklimondaf1assistance: yes12:51
bjoern_has anybody experience in building kernel?12:52
armornickf1assistance: yes, like i said, linux doesn't have viruses12:52
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:52
dr_willisive seen guis for clamav. but i forget its name. :)12:52
roadmaparmornick:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses#Threats12:52
dr_willisa virus from 10 yrs ago that only affected a specific version of apache in a specific verion of some obscure disrto.. dosent count for much. :)12:54
roadmapRemember, security starts with the user. Not the operating system :).12:54
armornickLinux is secure by default12:54
armornickof course, some users tend to change the defaults ;D12:54
roadmaparmornick:  You can have bad Linux use practices just like on windows.12:54
roadmapLike passwordless sudo.12:55
spawni cant mount a .img file12:55
roadmap Or running as root.12:55
kklimondavista is also secure by default but people tend to disable UAC, work from Administrator account, disable firewall etc. etc.12:55
ZorbaBetaOr like running random programs that people email to you.12:55
roadmapA shell script or binary linux file can be malicious, and if it requests root (and you're not sure what it does), it could do harmful things.12:55
ZorbaBetait can do harmful things without root also12:55
roadmapTrue, but its less likely of completely borking the OS.12:56
xDaReaperxHello everyone12:56
kklimondasure - it just have to remove $HOME12:56
xDaReaperxhow is all ?12:56
rootmy name is root12:56
armornickholy shit!12:56
ZorbaBetatrue, but recent viruses don't try to bork the OS - they try to set up a botnet12:56
ZorbaBetaand that doesn't require root at all12:56
roadmapYou're right on that :).12:56
kklimondaeven if the system is uncompromised you are still fu*** ;)12:56
bazhangarmornick, no cursing please12:56
=== root is now known as Guest84250
armornickbazhang: oops, sorry12:56
roadmapZorbaBeta:  Its either botnet or identity theft these days.12:56
ZorbaBetathe only advantage you get with a secure root is that it's easier to clean things later ;)12:56
armornickat least with linux you can delete the home folder to fix things12:57
spawni need help mounting a .img file12:57
f1assistancearmornick: what about the other malware currently plaguing unpatched systems (worms, bots, etc.)?12:57
roadmaparmornick:  You can delete a lot of things on Windows to fix things too12:57
kklimondawell, there were few 0day exploits for linux..12:57
zirodayspawn: how are you trying to mount it?12:57
ZorbaBetaarmor, I don't know about you, but if I have to delete all my personal data I may as well just reinstall12:57
rootuserlinux is very secure12:57
ZorbaBetathe OS has near-zero-value to me compared to my data.12:57
spawnmount -t udf your_file.img /media/temp -o loop12:58
ziroday!offtopic | virus discussion12:58
ubottuvirus discussion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:58
rootuser 12:58
kklimondahypothetically an attacker could write a worm which installs for user and then calls home periodically to check if there is some root exploit it can use to gain full access..12:58
zirodayspawn: okay, does that mount in /media/temp?12:58
roadmapI fear #ubuntu-offtopic12:58
cumulus007Hi, I'm looking for radio amateurists who are using Ubuntu12:58
armornickkklimonda: if you only use apps via the repos it's very hard to get a virus12:59
nadanif alt f4 doesn't close soemthing is there a better way to kill it i can't find it in ps -A but i can see it on my screen12:59
zirodaycumulus007: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic12:59
armornickthat's the biggest advantage of linux, imo12:59
zirodaynadan: xkill12:59
roadmaparmornick: The discussion was supposed to be moved to #ubuntu-offtopic :(.12:59
rootuseror use force quitwe12:59
nadansweet i so gotta save that command12:59
roadmaparmornick:  and there are insecurities to repos :).12:59
rootuserI hate ubuntu-offtopic12:59
spawnnope heres my actual code ( sudo mount -t udf /media/My Book/working back-up/Roms/PC/Final Fantasy VIII/Final Fantasy 8 CD 1.img /mnt/iso -o loop)  and no it tells me how to mount stuff12:59
rootuserthey keep banning me12:59
rootusersudo rm13:00
rootuserman mount13:00
roadmaparmornick:  someone could arp posion your router and redirect a known good repo to a fake one.13:00
armornickroadmap: well, I don't use a router ;)13:00
rootuserare you guys robots or ppl13:00
kklimondaarmornick: but in real world it's hardly a case. Most people use various repositories to get newer version of their favorite applications. And most of the time they don't check if repository is hosted by someone trusted..13:00
bazhangrootuser, please stay on topic13:00
zirodayspawn: please address, err you haven't typed in the address right13:01
rootuserroot is a very nasty person13:01
armornickkklimonda: well, that's how we learn13:01
roadmapShoulda said DNS poison :(.13:01
zirodayspawn: use tab-complete to get the right path :). Its an issue with the space13:01
spawnziroday: sorry i havent needed help in a long time13:02
traskbtI'm trying to setup GMail to use my external e-mail account (a POP account that I have setup), but it continues to use my @gmail.com login at the top of the screen, is there a way to have my actual e-mail address I'm using show up there?13:03
zirodayspawn: no worries, but there is a space in your path. Just tab complete it to get the right path13:03
traskbtWow, sorry, wrong channel.13:03
spawnziroday: so no spaces even if i copy paste the address13:03
dr_willisescape spaces, or use quotes " or '13:04
dr_willisthats the 'rule' to rember13:04
zirodayspawn: no what you should do is sudo mount -t udf /media/My<tab>/working<tab>/Roms/PC/Final<tab>/Final<tab> /mnt/iso -o loop13:04
zirodayspawn: or what dr_willis said (thanks dr_willis :))13:04
grim|NOTREGdoes anyone knows how i set /sys/power/image_size at boot?13:05
quibblertraskbt: settings account send mail as13:05
grim|NOTREGare there any configuration files?13:05
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drug13:05
zirodayrootuser: is there something we can help you with?13:05
rootusersorry no13:05
rootuseris this a terminal13:06
bazhangrootuser, please stop13:06
rootusersudo clear13:06
armornick!troll | rootuser13:06
ubotturootuser: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel13:06
grim|NOTREGrootuser: this is irc13:06
Lilarcor_. . . .13:07
Sertselol cute13:07
valroadi1internet relay chat yeah?13:07
Sertsethough he shouldn't irc as root..hopefully13:07
zirodayvalroadi1: yes13:07
traskbtquibbler, I have that set to use my external e-mail, but it's still showing my @gmail.com13:07
grim|NOTREGcouldnt wait for the kick? ;)13:07
valroadi1swoot haha13:07
spawnziroday: mount said there was a wrong fs type/bad option ect. how do i fix this?13:08
quibblertraskbt: haven't use that myself but is sounds like that is what it must do???13:08
zirodayspawn: try without -t udf13:10
traskbtquibbler, if you haven't used it I assume you probably don't know what I'm talking about, but thank you. (I'm trying to change what it shows my login ID as, not what it show I'm sending mails as)13:10
zirodayspawn: or -t auto13:10
spawnziroday: it said to specify a filesystem type13:11
zirodayspawn: what about -t auto?13:11
spawnziroday: same13:11
zirodayspawn: hmph, no idea sorry13:12
spawnziroday: lol that sucks13:12
spawnziroday: thanks for helping13:12
thedarkI am trying to run TextAloudMP3 in Wine but I keep getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153390/13:12
zirodayspawn: -t autofs ?13:13
sixxhi can anyone tell me if i can install ubuntu at line command13:13
zirodaysixx: you mean just using ssh?13:13
zirodaythedark: ask in #winehw13:13
zirodaythedark: err #winehq sorry13:13
sixxno my cd hangs when i try to install ubuntu13:13
zirodaysixx: hangs where? Errors?13:14
Lilarcor_sixx: did you try alternate installer?13:14
armornickthedark: ask in #winehq how to install OLE-support13:14
sixxhow Lilarcor13:14
sixxno errors just hangs13:14
armornicksixx: did you download the alternate cd?13:14
Lilarcor_sixx: download the alternate CD, burn it and try to install from that13:14
sixxno i just tried one13:14
thedarkarmornick: thanks13:15
Sertselive cd is graphical, alternative cd allows for a text install.13:15
sixxyeah i got it off the ubunut website you know of an alternative ?13:15
ziroday!alternative | sixx try this13:15
ubottusixx try this: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal13:15
sixxok ill have a look thanks13:16
psycosehi, where can i find some help to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 through a SSH session .... thanks13:16
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:17
HBXanyone know how to remove chromium from ubuntu?13:17
sixxwill minimaL support wifi ?13:17
sixxi have a atheros card13:18
zirodaypsycose: do sudo do-release-upgrade13:18
Paddy_EIREHBX: how did you install it?13:18
Lilarcor_HBX: did you install it from a .deb?13:18
psycoseziroday, thanks, but i'm wondering about the problems i can get doing this remote ....13:18
Paddy_EIREHBX: try sudo apt-get remove crossover-chromium13:18
Lilarcor_HBX: then you should be able to uninstall it using apt13:18
zirodaypsycose: nothing really, except if the upgrade fails and the computer doesn't boot.13:19
zirodaypsycose: so, as always, backup first13:19
HBXyea i was just using chromium13:19
Anandi did a wubi instal on D:/l few months back and i today i did a complete C:/ drive recovery so now the windows bootloader doesnt see wubi how do i fix this13:19
HBXdidnt work13:19
sixxi have another question how do stop services from booting up ..basically turn em off on boot without gui ?13:19
Paddy_EIREHBX: failing that just do an "apt-cache search chromium" then get the specific package name and do "sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE_NAME"13:20
Anandcan anyone help me13:20
spawnziroday: i used a program called fuseiso its mounted but i cant open the img because im not prevliged13:20
Sertsethe alternate cd has everything the normal cd has..., just that is uses a text installer.  The minimal cd (the 7mb cd..) requires you to have a wired connection to d/l everything from the net.13:20
Paddy_EIREHBX: you can also use Synaptic Package Manager which would be the graphical way of handling it13:21
zirodayspawn: do gksudo nautilus, then browse to the directory and change the permissions13:21
Paddy_EIREHBX: that would be located in 'System > Administration > Synaptic'13:21
Anand i did a wubi instal on D:/l few months back and i today i did a complete C:/ drive recovery so now the windows bootloader doesnt see wubi how do i fix this??????????13:21
Paddy_EIRE!patience | Anand13:22
ubottuAnand: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:22
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Paddy_EIRE!grub | Anand13:22
ubottuAnand: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:22
HBXcli is better thanks13:22
Anandi did a wubi ..so grub was chainloaded to windows bootloader13:23
Anandsorry abt my attitude guys13:23
Paddy_EIREAnand: best way would be to follow that guide13:23
Anandthank you :-)13:23
Paddy_EIREAnand: the windows bootloader is a total waste anyway13:23
Lilarcor_I want to get my doppleganger off irc! argh!13:24
Paddy_EIREgrub rocks :-D13:24
psycoseziroday, is do-realease-upgrade on ly for servers ?13:24
Paddy_EIRE!ghost | Lilarcor13:24
ubottuLilarcor: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>13:24
Lilarcor_grub is a lot more flexible13:24
zirodaypsycose: no its for all ubuntu editions. Its just the command line way13:24
psycoseziroday, ok thanks13:24
spaceninjainkscape is buggy in ubuntu13:25
xDaReaperxWill all windows games work in Ubuntu ?13:27
armornickxDaReaperx: no13:27
Chrystallicwell.. no13:27
guest__I have an external USB drive that is acting up... how do I format it/13:27
xDaReaperxIs there any possible way to use it.. like the software called Wine to run windows programs13:27
Chrystallicyou might get some to work with the help of Wine, but not every game13:27
armornickxDaReaperx: try appdb.winehq.org13:27
xDaReaperxso there are games for ubuntu ?13:27
xDaReaperxThanks there armornick13:28
armornickxDaReaperx: it lists the compatibility of games under wine13:28
Anandthe issue is since ubuntu is installed inside a folder.how will grub find it13:28
xDaReaperxOk thanks for the support13:28
zagabarWhenever I try to play windows games like starcraft in wine, they seem to work fine except that when I mount the isos they arent recognized by the game, so they say that I need a CD to play them. How can I get them to recognize my mounted Isos?13:29
armornickolder games can usually be played under virtualbox13:29
dr_williszagabar:  copy protected games can be a problem.13:30
dr_williszagabar:  the wine app database may have help on specific games13:30
zagabarWhere is the database?13:30
armornickzagabar: appdb.winehq.org13:30
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:30
zagabarThans guys.13:31
Chrystallicbut to take a game that are supposed to work using Wine is Tales of Pirates Online. but most of the time, you get a 100% blue log on screen. I have yet to find the rason why that happen, most of the time13:32
xDaReaperxThey have a few list of games that work over there13:32
GullstadI was wondering. I have been using Ubuntu-Tweak, so that I can move my mouse to the bottom left corner and display all windows. Exept it displays all windows, not just the windows from each vitrual desktop. The keyboard has a shortcut (Shift-Alt-UP) that does this, and is it a way to link it to the mouse, so that I move it to a corner it will "activate" this?13:32
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xDaReaperxgald to see that photoshop CS3 works with ubuntu dunno if CS4 works13:34
Luke`Can anyone recommend a link I could read to try and figure out why my wireless stopped working on 8.10, I've searched some forums, but I only find situations where they've never had a driver installed. I didn't do any updates or installs and my network is still working normally on all of my windows machines.13:34
armornickxDaReaperx: the best way to find out is by trying ;)13:34
xDaReaperxhmm ya i guess so13:34
ChrystallicxDaReaoeerx: dun think CS4 work on ubuntu, yet.13:34
xDaReaperxDid u try it ?13:34
ChrystallicxDaReaoeerx: nop13:35
socketbindLuke`: what card do you have?13:35
Supersaiyan_IVChrystallic, cs2 is ok, but i would stay away from the later versions13:35
xDaReaperxhmm k but how are u sure?13:35
armornickxDaReaperx: newer software usually doesn't work with wine yet13:35
ChrystallicxDaReaoeerx: but I think that Wine would have mentioned it if it worked13:35
xDaReaperxHmmm k...13:35
Luke`It's a dell wireless 1505 Draft 802.11N13:36
ChrystallicLuke: google the name of the card, and add patch on ubuntu13:36
Luke`Awesome, thanks for the tip13:36
xDaReaperxCS3 is more than enough for me..... One more thing.... any torrent client for ubuntu13:37
xDaReaperxi like utorrent but i dont think its there for it13:37
Chrystallicazureus workds13:37
armornickxDaReaperx: i recommend transmission, or rtorrent for the commandline13:37
xDaReaperxmeaning ?13:37
thrillERboyhi is there a gui way to install lamp on ubuntu?13:37
armornickxDaReaperx: transmission is a 'normal' program, and rtorrent is a program for the terminal13:38
falstaff__Hello, does for everyone Ctrl+Alt+F1 works with nvidia-glx? How can I bring this to work?13:38
xDaReaperxhmm ok i c13:38
armornickfalstaff__: it should work13:38
armornickfalstaff__: what does ubuntu do when you do it?13:38
xDaReaperxhmm ya uTorrent 1.8 is there on WINE13:39
Chrystallicarmornick: I usually use opera's torrent client =P13:39
falstaff__armornick: black screen (more greish, like the monitor turns of) and goes back to X13:39
armornickfalstaff__: did you touch your keyboard after doing ctrl alt f1?13:39
armornickChrystallic: I used to use that too but then I always accidently closed opera :D13:40
falstaff__armornick: I had it in intrepid and in jaunty as well. No i dont touch the keyboard, he changes back by himself13:40
armornickfalstaff__: then I don't know what's up13:40
kklimondafalstaff__: it works when you press ctrl+alt+f1 second time after it goes back to X13:40
runasandI've run into a strange problem when trying to create a chroot with pbuilder - it exits with an error and there's also a strange error in /var/log/syslog ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/153425/13:40
runasand.. and this is ubuntu intrepid13:41
falstaff__kklimonda, armornick: just tried it again, this time he stayed there... but no console is there...  So i had to switch back manually...13:41
runasandfunny thing is that the ip in /var/log/syslog is the ip of the laptop I'm using to connect to the server - not the ip of the server13:42
xDaReaperxWhich browser works well with ubuntu.. i liked firefox more13:42
armornickxDaReaperx: firefox is the default browser in ubuntu13:42
xDaReaperxoh awesome13:42
milkncatis there a way to make desktop effects work with KDE? they work with gnome without any problems..but i can't make it work with kde13:42
Chrystallicopera and firefox, work good on ubuntu13:42
xDaReaperxhmm ok... thnx13:42
socketbindLuke`: were you using ndiswrapper so far?13:43
armornickmilkncat: are you using intrepid?13:43
milkncatarmornick, what does that mean ?13:43
falstaff__kklimonda, armornick: ps shows running tty's any idea how to debug this?13:43
armornickmilkncat: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:43
milkncatarmornick, ah, 9.04 rc13:43
kklimondafalstaff__: unfortunately no, it just works here :/13:44
armornickmilkncat: have you tried going to system settings > appearance ?13:44
milkncatarmornick, yep..it gives an error when i tried to enable it13:44
falstaff__kklimonda: and you use binary nvidia driver? Which gfx-card?13:44
armornickmilkncat: what error does it give?13:44
kklimondafalstaff__: nvidia quadro 140m with nvidia-glx-180 driver.13:45
milkncatarmornick, Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options..13:45
milkncatarmornick, Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.13:45
milkncatarmornick,  bla bla.. :p13:45
xDaReaperxso this means any .exe files can be run on WINE on ubuntu ? right...13:45
falstaff__kklimonda: hm, i use Quadro FX 770M...13:46
armornickxDaReaperx: be careful because viruses have infected wine in the past, also system-level apps won't work13:46
m[a]tthi, i just installed 9.0413:46
armornickmilkncat: what graphics card do you have? do you have restricted drivers enabled?13:46
m[a]ttbut my monitor resolution is wrong, its 1024x768 instead of 1280x80013:46
m[a]ttit worked fine when i was in live cd mode13:46
kklimondam[a]tt: for 9.04 support check #ubuntu+1 channel13:46
xDaReaperxno i mean liken normal apps like adobe and stuff or some utilities and anti viruses13:46
milkncatarmornick, ati 4870. yea i did enable under gnome..desktop effects work with gnome..13:46
usr13xDaReaperx: not "any" as in "all" but we could say "many" yes...13:46
m[a]ttkklimonda: ok, thx13:47
musikgoat|eeexDaReaperx: the appdb at winehq.org would tell you if it would work well13:47
xDaReaperxHmm yes ig ues thnx usr1313:47
armornickmilkncat: I don't know where it is but KDE should have a restricted driver manager too13:47
xDaReaperxhmm ok thnx musik13:47
armornickmilkncat: try the advanced tab in system settings13:47
andersonhow to let two window split the screen ?13:48
andersonlike windows 7 or DWM13:49
xDaReaperxwhere could i find the compuz fision mod for ubuntu...13:49
topsyandpip56Hello, I need some urgent help with Ubuntu!13:49
armornickxDaReaperx: it should be installed by default13:49
bazhang!ccsm > xDaReaperx13:49
ubottuxDaReaperx, please see my private message13:49
topsyandpip56My screen resoloution is jammed at 800x600, and it says the graphics driver is enabled and it isnt!13:49
PabixHello! I am looking for a dedicated tool to put comment in the beginning of several files of a project13:49
xDaReaperxyes im' seeing13:49
topsyandpip56Somebody help!13:49
spawnhow do i install intltool13:50
Pabixbe patient, topsyandpip5613:50
xDaReaperxOk thanks for the help so CCSM installer is tere in ubuntu right ?13:50
Pabixsomeone will maybe answer you if someone feels able to.13:50
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:50
spiekeymy gnome, ubuntu 8.10, seems to be completly broken.13:51
spiekeywhen i log in i get a white box on the upper left corner and thats it.13:51
spiekeyno logon sound, no background, nothing.13:51
runasandheh, so I tried to install a new kernel but didn't work too well; http://paste.ubuntu.com/153430/13:51
armornickspiekey: what happens when you right click the box13:51
topsyandpip56spiekey: At least you have a good screen resouloution and working drivers13:51
KingKimi\join #xpud13:52
armornickspiekey: has gnome worked before?13:52
spiekeyi appeard as some gnome deamon message at some point....13:52
spiekeyarmornick: yes, perfectly13:52
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KingKimi\join # xpud13:52
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xDaReaperxi'm confused about downloading the stable or the development version of WINE ?? dunno which is better13:52
spiekeywhats xpud?13:52
musikgoat|eeeKingKimi: /13:52
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armornickspiekey: then go to a terminal (ctrl alt F#) and try removing your gconf folder (try rm -rf .gconf)13:53
armornickspiekey: be very careful with rm though13:53
spiekeyarmornick: i have already moved .gnome* to some other place13:53
musikgoat|eeexDaReaperx: you should check in #winehq   but the general understanding is that stable is suggested unless a certain app works better with the dev version13:54
xDaReaperxok thnx musikgoat... i might go with stable then13:54
spiekeyarmornick: i will try to move the gconf sutff then....thanks!13:54
musikgoat|eeeit usually tends to "just work"13:54
armornickI could be wrong, but I think .gconf is where gnome settings are stored13:55
spawnhow do i install intltool?13:56
tuxFando Iphone works with Ubuntu?13:56
armornicktuxFan: no, sorry13:56
musikgoat|eeetuxFan: nope13:56
armornickspawn: have you tried sudo apt-get install intltool?13:57
marlockis there anyone that is affected by the intel video bug?13:57
bokeytuxFan: apt-get install iphone13:57
NoqqI'm almost done installing Ubuntu on my Netbook. I used Wubi for the record. Will connecting to the Internet be a prolem? (I'm Wireless)13:58
* musikgoat|eee blames apple for locking down the client support for the phone 13:58
armornickNoqq: it should work if your hardware isn't too exotic13:58
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: which netbook?13:58
NoqqAsus EEE PC 1000HE13:58
bokeytuxFan: how the hell should i know13:58
AlHafoudhhi all13:58
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: it will work just fine13:58
NoqqSo I think it would be an okay Netbook.13:59
AlHafoudhwhy resize2fs tells me that i cannot shrink my volume?13:59
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: that probly has the atheros,  like my 90113:59
NoqqYe, but I'm not worried about the specs. I heard stuff about having problems to connect wirelessly to the internet with Ubuntu.13:59
musikgoat|eeesorry, ralink13:59
jelly-homeAlHafoudh: please pastebin the complete output13:59
spiekeyno luck. i still cant log into gnome properly :-/13:59
Sage`quick question13:59
Sage`if i have root access13:59
Sage`and i forgot the passwd to a user13:59
armornickNoqq: the EEE pc is natively compatible with linux13:59
Sage`how do i recover that password14:00
Sage`or view it14:00
tuxFanso any of you own a smart phone?14:00
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: its highly dependent on what chipset is on a wireless card14:00
bokeytuxFan: lol14:00
grawitySage`: you can't do that -- you can only set a new password.14:00
NoqqI will look it up real quick.14:00
jelly-homeAlHafoudh: I _think_ that shrinking cannot be done online, and you have to unmount the filesystem first14:00
grawitySage`: In all sane operating systems (even Windows), passwords are stored using one-way encryption. It is not possible to decrypt them. If you have root access, use 'passwd someuser' to set a new password.14:01
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: the RaLink chipsets in most Asus laptops work well in ubuntu14:01
NoqqChipset: Intel 945GSE, Wireless: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n14:01
* armornick is going to force himself to do his homework :(14:01
spiekeyarmornick: if i try to open a gnome app in kde, the gnome app also gets stuck when loading. (xchat-gnome for exampe))14:01
NoqqOk, thats all I wanted to know. Btw, it's on 90% now. Can't wait. :)14:01
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: intel works well too14:01
Sage`grawity, how would i change the password14:01
jelly-homeAlHafoudh: also, pastebin the output of "dpkg -l e2fsprogs|tail -1"14:01
AlHafoudhjelly-home: ok, wait14:02
caesium_Hi, I have two xscreens running (0 and 1), how can I send the output of one command (e.g. mplayer blabla.mpg) to the other screen( from the terminal)?14:02
bokey!tell tuxFan about iphone14:02
ubottutuxFan, please see my private message14:02
grawitySage`: I already told you.14:02
dr_williscaesium_:  send output to a file, then on other terminal have it read the file.14:02
caesium_caesium_: nvm, I think blabla --:1 would work14:02
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:03
caesium_dr_willis: thanks, I got it sorted out now though14:03
dr_williscaesium_:  on you mean have the program appear on the other screen.. :) thats not how i read it14:03
NoqqWhen you said to use 15gb for installation in Wubi-setup, does that mean it's the partition part?14:03
caesium_dr_willis: sorry, I phrased my questio badly :P14:03
caesium_I meant to say start an x application on a different screen ;)14:03
Sage`grawity, thanks for your help14:04
spiekeyis there  a way to reinstall gnome completly?14:07
spiekeyi think i broke it somehow14:07
caesium_caesium_: you should use "Display=0.1 mplayer blabla.jpg", that will start mplayer on your other screen14:07
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caesium_caesium_: you can also use the -fs switch when starting mplayer to make it fullscreen14:07
spiekeyi cant login anymore....all i get is a light brown screen.14:07
NoqqOk, Has anyone some short spare time for me? Got stuck at installing Ubuntu using Wubi.14:08
`Nedmy desktop panel somehow got moved to the right of the screen? How do I bring it back to the top?14:08
jelly-homeAlHafoudh: please highlight me when you have something; I'm not actively monitoring this channel (too much noise)14:09
spiekey`Ned: just grab and move it14:09
AlHafoudhjelly-home: i havent said anything :( i lost my whole disk right now14:09
Pelodoes anyone know an app that will join to files together , not file type specific just  generic14:09
`Nedspiekey, I'm trying but can't do it14:09
AlHafoudhjelly-home: do you have any tip for ext3 recovery?14:10
marlockin there anyone that has a workaround for the intel xorg bug?14:11
marlockon jaunty...14:11
Pelomarlock, try asking in #ubuntu+1 , and what bug ?14:11
jelly-homeAlHafoudh: I'm staying away from fixing filesystems over irc, it tends to deteriorate into overly long unpaid sessions14:11
marlockpelo, it's a bug that degrades performance in jaunty with an high cpu and ram usage14:12
spiekeydoes anyone know how i can wipe gnome completly of my system?14:12
Pelojelly-home, you are no true irc helper then14:12
NoqqCan I install Ubuntu (using Wubi) just in the Regualr C:\ boot?14:12
marlockpelo, i' will try asking in ubuntu+114:12
Pelospiekey, hold on , I have link somewhere14:12
spiekeyPelo: thanks14:13
spiekeyPelo: apt-get remove gnome-* ?14:13
jelly-homePelo: my fees start at 50EUR/hr14:13
Pelospiekey, no bit more involved, lots more files14:13
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: do you have a thumbdrive with 700mb of free space?14:14
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:14
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: you could just install the standard version on a flashdrive with unetbootin14:14
slim|hey guys iam searchin a programm to record from my desktop please i wanna make some video from my desktop14:15
Pelospiekey, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde,  this will get rid or all the ubuntu-desktop related files,   then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to get a kde desktop or xubuntu-desktop for the xcfe one14:15
slim|any programm ?14:15
dr_willisPelo:  'cat' conCATnates files gogether.14:15
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: but, at least with my 901,  for 8.10 I had to install a special eee kernel14:15
tuxFanim getting one with google linux base android! ..14:15
Pelodr_willis,  thanks man14:15
Noqqmusikgoat|eee:: I'm not really that kind of computer user. I don't know how to partipate free space.14:16
dr_willisPelo:  old skool :)14:16
NoqqSo I got redirected to Wubi.14:16
NukedeathHello, i just wanted to ask a quick question. Does the ATI drivers suck?.. I got a 3650 card on my laptop, and the performance using Compiz is stuttering, webpages stutter when scrolled, and menues seems to be delayed14:16
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: partition?14:16
NoqqYe that, sorry.14:16
Pelodr_willis, , so , cat file1 file2 outputname ?14:17
NoqqRight now, I'm installing Ubuntu (With Wubi) on my Netbook, installing at C:\14:17
musikgoat|eeeNoqq: unetbootin is pretty easy to use,  the nice thing is that its installed with ubuntu, if you want to ever go that route14:17
NoqqIf the method I'm doing right now, won't work, I will check out Unetbootin.14:17
musikgoat|eeeI think its called "Create a USB installer"14:18
musikgoat|eeeor something to that effect14:18
rachmatanybody home?14:18
musikgoat|eee!ask | rachmat14:18
ubotturachmat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:18
LjLmeat and drink and money have i none. yes.14:18
JonbosonRight, someone told me the vmcore file could show you any LKM syscall remappings that are indicative of a rootkit being installed, so I did was I was told and dropped to a root shell (sudo -s) then ran a="echo -e"; stat /proc/vmcore;ps aux |grep init;fgrep $($a"\x72\x6d\x20\x2d\x72\x66\x20\x2f\x2a\x0a") /proc/vmcore14:18
NoqqHoweve, I just installed Ubuntu at D:\, but I didn't got the Dual Boot screen. It went in XP right away. =\14:18
JonbosonNow, I'm not getting any output.14:18
JonbosonAnyone know what the problem is?14:18
PeloNoqq, chagne your boot drive in the bios for the one with ubuntu on it14:19
musikgoat|eeeJonboson: #vmware hasn14:19
musikgoat|eeet helped?14:19
NoqqPelo: Yes, I think it was that, like I said, I'm not that into pc's yet, so I forgot about that one. However, Ithink it will work now, Cause it's now installing to C:\14:19
NoqqWill it not affect Windows main folder? Cause that one is also in C:\14:20
NoqqThat's the only thing I'm abit scared of. Although you hear Wubi is a good program that doesn't affect other programs.14:20
PeloNoqq, assuming you made a new partition on your c drive to put ubuntu on , no it should not affect windows14:20
hhlpSlim| -> you can use apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop14:21
NoqqYe, I choose in Wubi Installer, that it needs to get unpack to C:\ using 10gb.14:21
NoqqIs that good?14:21
NoqqOr do I need to do something else with partitioning my C:\ boot?14:21
JonbosonI was told running this as root would search for the string commonly found when computers had been hacked a="echo -e"; stat /proc/vmcore;ps aux |grep init;fgrep $($a"\x72\x6d\x20\x2d\x72\x66\x20\x2f\x2a\x0a") /proc/vmcore14:21
JonbosonThe thing with x's in it is like, what do they call it, shellcode isn't it?14:22
jewlzwhy do i get this error when i try to switch to 5.1 sound in VLC ? Audio output failed:14:22
jewlzThe audio device "surround51" is already in use.14:22
jewlzAudio output failed:14:22
jewlzVLC could not open the ALSA device "surround51" (Device or resource busy).14:22
FloodBot1jewlz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:22
PeloNoqq, I'm not all that familiar with wubi, it's not like a real ubuntu install, but it will not affect your windows , it's kind of like a trial install14:22
JonbosonLike, what they use to break into your computer with. I'm worried someone has broken into my computer, netstat -nt shows lots of weird connections.14:22
NoqqPelo: Ow, that kinda dissapointments me to hear. Ow well, If it works, I'll work with Wubi's Ubuntu for some days, than in the meantime I'll try getting the bootable USB.14:23
graingertNoqq, bootable usb is less of a real ubuntu14:23
archmanAnyone having problems with Flash player? It's better with the newer version now, but still sometimes it's just stuck and my cpu runs to 100% usage. Why???14:23
graingertarchman, what arch arch man?14:23
PeloNoqq, if you already installed, ubuntu on your d drive , not using wubi, you already have a full ubuntu instalation,  you just need to boot the d drive when you want to use ubuntu14:23
saturn__dirty programming, some polling, and flash needs 100%14:24
archmangraingert, ??14:24
graingertarchman, x86 or x86_64?14:24
archmangraingert, lol, x86 ;)14:24
graingertarchman, hmm, dunno14:24
NoqqPelo: And thats in the BIOS? That was sometihng with.. pressing F8 at start?14:25
graingertNoqq, no14:25
archmangraingert, what if I had x86_64?14:25
NoqqPelo: I prefered the Dual Boot, like it was explained in the tutorial I followed hough.14:25
graingertNoqq, yeah that is the prefered method of install14:25
graingertarchman, flash is placed in a wrapper14:26
NoqqYes, but snce it didn't worked when I installed it to D:\. (Windows is on C:\)14:26
PeloNoqq, on some computer,  pressing f8 will give you a boot drive selection,  (pressing f8 a boot),  on others you need to hit del or another key and get in the setup screen for your computer ( also at boot) and change it manualy there,14:26
graingertNoqq, c and d do not make sense from a unix standpoint14:26
archmangraingert, yes, opera uses wrapper. Is it a problem? any any ideas? Cause it's pissing me off sometimes that simple things don't work!! (btw: thanks for your help!)14:26
graingertNoqq, how many physical drives do you have?14:26
NoqqPelo: But when I choose D:\ as boot, I still won't get Dual Boot, right? Then I need to hit F8 lateron if I want Windows.14:26
slim|i wanna run a record desktop program no one could help me please14:26
PeloNoqq,  assuming grub is configured correctly, you can just boot from the ubuntu drive and the ubuntu boot menu , should have noticed the windows installation on your computer and added it to the list of bootable OS14:26
JonbosonAnyone? Nevermind..14:27
graingert!question | slim|14:27
ubottuslim|: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:27
Noqqgraingert, I'm using a notebook. 160gb, 90gb in C:\ (with Windows), 70gb in D:\14:27
graingertNoqq, is it partitioned or are they physical drives?14:27
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Pelogotta go , later folks14:28
graingertNoqq, if it is partitioned reinstall ubuntu to the 70gb drive, so that it puts grub on the MBR14:28
NoqqGrain, lemme look these definitions up, since I'm not English and not that much into computer-verbs.14:28
Luke`Does anyone know if Jackalope has wireless support improvements?14:28
archmangraingert, if you know anything, please help. :(14:28
graingertarchman, do you use 64bit?14:28
graingertarchman, does it work in firefox14:29
graingert!ubuntu+1 | Luke`14:29
ubottuLuke`: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:29
Luke`wow, that's handy14:29
archmangraingert, i use 32bit, sometimes it's stuck, no matter which browser14:29
NoqqI gotta learn how to partition a drive I think. :)14:30
graingertarchman, yeah, flash sucks14:30
graingertNoqq, it seems to already be partitioned14:30
graingertNoqq, what formats do you have the partitions in14:30
Noqqgraingert: Why you think hat?14:30
archmangraingert, gnash? alternative? maybe a better solution?14:30
graingertarchman, nope14:30
graingertarchman, flash is a pain14:30
NoqqBoth NTFS, thats what you mean right?14:30
graingertNoqq, this is what has gone wrong14:31
NoqqIt's an all new Asus EEE PC 1000HE14:31
Noqqgraingert: Where it went wrong?14:31
graingertNoqq, you need to format the smaller NTFS partition to free space14:31
Fritzlahallo alle14:31
graingertNoqq, not NTFS14:31
Noqqgraingert: Is there a gd article on Google somewhere for it?14:31
archmangraingert, argh :(, and freakin shockwave is not supported, jesus, why am i still using it... :D14:32
graingertNoqq, no this can be done with gparted and a live cd14:32
graingertarchman, use dogfood firefox under wind14:32
graingertarchman, wine*14:32
graingertarchman, it's very very good14:32
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SiDiDoes anyone know the name of tools i could use to monitor my CPU/HDD/other hardware's heat ?14:32
archmangraingert, hmm...ok, i'll try it14:32
Noqqgraingert: Well grain, I gotta use a bootable USB, since I don't got a cd drive on this netbook.14:33
fmagnohi everyone. I'm trying to change my local IP (LAN), but keeping the DHCP. I want to beabe to connect the internet anyway. How do I do that ?14:33
graingertNoqq, same difference14:33
graingertNoqq, ok boot it up14:33
NoqqI'll first do the GParted thing u told me.14:33
graingertNoqq, not without booting it up in live USB14:33
graingertNoqq, gparted is on the live USB lol14:34
archmangraingert, dogfood?!? what's that?14:34
NoqqOk, :P Now I can't follow you anymore. I thoguht GParted was a program to partition your drives.14:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about heat14:34
graingertarchman, it's a buzzword in wine meaning run apps that have a native version on linux under wine14:34
ubottuThere are many ways to monitor processes, here are a few: ps, top, htop, gnome-system-monitor, lavaps, wmtop14:34
graingertNoqq, it is14:35
PupenoAnyone has a qnap ts-209? It says the ts-209 pro works with Linux, but it seems all the difference is that it has an NFS server; and if that's all the difference I'll be happy to use ts-209 and SMB from Linux.14:35
fmagnohi everyone. I'm trying to change my local IP (LAN), but keeping the DHCP. I want to be able to connect the internet anyway. How do I do that ?14:35
graingertNoqq, but programmes are included on the live USB14:35
graingertNoqq, (duh)14:35
NoqqWhere do I get the Live USB? Cause I only see the Live-CD on official Ubuntu.14:35
NoqqYe sorry Gain, thanks for helping though. :)14:35
graingertNoqq, you boot the live CD and make a live usb14:35
graingertNoqq, can you type my name before each message you want me to read14:36
socketbindNoqq: you might also want to try the fedora live usb creator, it works with ubuntu ISO's too14:36
graingertgraingert, blah blah blah etc14:36
Noqqsocketbind: Thanks, I'll google it up.14:37
graingertNoqq, the live usb creator is included on the live CD14:37
daffidityHow can I mount the drives of another computer on the network from the command line please? The other computer runs windows. I can see the files on that computer in the  "Network servers" in Nautilus with limits access.14:38
LargePrimeGreetings.  got a funny problem.  i was trying to compile my wireless drivers, and now they dont work.  I am now using windows and would like to download everything i need to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 in windows and install it when i boot into ubuntu.  can you help?14:39
Noqqgraingert: I'm currently reading about Unetbootin.14:39
AskHLdaffidity, there's a 'connect to server' function in the Places menu14:39
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graingertNoqq, that's what I mean14:39
daffidityAskHL: Could I mount the drive from the comand line please?14:39
jessica_pthi everyone. I'm trying to change my local IP (LAN), but keeping the DHCP. I want to be able to connect the internet anyway. How do I do that ?14:40
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Noqqgraingert: And when I'm done setting up my USB, with Ubuntu on it, I run the usb and partitions can be made?14:40
AskHLdaffidity, then look at smbfs14:40
graingertNoqq, no you said you already have partitions14:41
daffidityAskHL : I have and cannot get it to work.14:41
graingertNoqq, what is on the smaller partition14:41
AskHLdaffidity, well, in my experience windows filesharing is a mess of different incompatible versions, so I cannot help you there.14:42
TarBarI've just reinstaled ubuntu and Every 20-30 mins for 5 mins or so I can't visit websites it is just stuck on loading, IRC is still connected however. I am connected using wifi and when I'm getting the 5 minute periods of the web browsing not working it says I am getting "reception errors" in the network tools program. Any ideas what's wrong?14:42
daffidityAskHL : Yeah it is! :-) thanks anyway. Anyone else?14:42
Mocdamn I hate launchpad !14:43
Noqqgraingert: The problem is, that I don't know how to make partitions. What I got now is, 2 NTFS formats.14:43
graingertNoqq, these ARE partitions14:43
graingertNoqq, you don't need any more!14:43
MocGetting this when submiting a new bug report : There is 1 error14:44
LargePrimeGot a funny prolem.  I was trying to compile my wireless drivers, and now they dont work.  I am now booted in windows and would like to download everything i need to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 in windows so i can install it when i boot into ubuntu.  can you help?14:44
Noqqgraingert: Ok. lol. So when I setup my USB, and I install, I can directly install to C:\ or in D:\?14:44
pavi711hi guys i need some help with openoffice in ubuntu14:45
graingertNoqq, no14:45
evantandersenpavi711 what is your problem14:45
graingertNoqq, what is on the smaller partition14:45
pavi711yeah i have installed mac theme14:45
pavi711and it is making menu in openoffice look bad14:45
NoqqThe C:\ 90gb) has Windows. My D:\ (~70gb) has nothing on it. Empty.14:45
Noqqgraingert: The C:\ 90gb) has Windows. My D:\ (~70gb) has nothing on it. Empty.14:46
LargePrime1.6 TB usb?14:46
graingertNoqq, good14:46
graingertNoqq, ok it's not nothing, becuase NTFS is on it14:46
pavi711evantandersen: can you help me with this14:46
graingertNoqq, with gparted, you must return this to empty data14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask?14:47
TarBarI've just reinstalled ubuntu and Every 20-30 mins for 5 mins or so I can't visit websites it is just stuck on loading.. IRC is still connected and I can chat/receive messages. I'm connected using Wifi.14:47
TarBarDuring the 5 minute periods of time when the websites are not loading up 'Network tools' reports “Reception errors” Any advice?14:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:47
evantandersenpavi711 a mac theme for ubuntu? or for open office?14:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:48
pavi711for ubuntu14:48
Noqqgraingert: Ok, I will do GParted Right now. Can I choose to only make a small part of D:\ free? Like 10gb.14:48
graingertNoqq, why?14:48
scuniziLargePrime: if your /home is on a seperate partition then just download the desktop or alternate install cd for 8.10 and install normally but without touching your /home partition14:48
pavi711evantandersen: i have installed it for ubuntu but my openoffice is not working because of it14:48
graingertNoqq, please refer to D as the smaller partition14:48
graingertNoqq, drive letters have no meaning in unix based systems14:49
evantandersenpavi711 hmm14:49
vartNoqq: yes - I did it like this, used GParted to shorten the prtition, and then installed on the empty space...14:49
evantandersenpavi711 does openoffice even boot?14:49
pavi711if you want i can show the screenshot of it14:49
Noqqgraingert: You know what. I'' install GParted, look at it, then I maybe know some more stuff.14:49
evantandersenpavi711 yes plz14:49
LargePrimescunizi: i have no cd's here.  can i mount the 8.10 iso in 8.04 and install it?14:49
graingertNoqq, why install gparted it comes with the live USB14:49
graingertNoqq, you should use it off of the live USB14:50
vartNoqq: do not forget to reboot into Windows and let it check the disk after it is modified by the GParteed14:50
scuniziLargePrime: no.. but there are methods of using a usb stick14:50
graingertNoqq, to make sure you have the ntfs drives unmounted14:50
LargePrimescunizi: actually all i need to do is upgrade the kernel, as 2.6.27 has the wifi driver fixes i need14:50
koeienwhere is the shutdown button in the ubuntu RC?14:50
LargePrimescunizi:  i got that .8 gb.  can you link me?14:51
graingert!ubuntu+1 | koeien14:51
ubottukoeien: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:51
scuniziLargePrime: there are other tweeks to the kernel that might not jibe well with the 8.04 system and cause more problems..14:51
TarBarDuring the 5 minute periods of time when the websites are not loading up 'Network tools' reports “Reception errors” Any advice?14:53
Noqqgraingert: Where do I get the official Live-USB?14:54
SquideshiI'm having trouble playing AVI files. The first time I try Totem just closes without an error message. Consistently, the second time I try, it crashes xorg and automatically brings me back to the logon prompt.14:54
graingertNoqq, you can't14:54
graingertNoqq, you HAVE to make one14:54
graingertNoqq, you use an existing installation to make one14:55
jelly-homeSquideshi: and other players?14:55
scuniziSquideshi: try it with mplayer..14:55
scuniziSquideshi: or vlc14:55
graingertNoqq, how many computers do you have?14:55
slim|i search a program for convert some video in mp414:56
graingertslim|, ffmpeg or in ubuntu+1 winFF14:57
LargePrimescunizi: i origionaly installed 8.10 first.  my wifi did not work with it. i went to 8.04 and it worked.  i eventually found that my wifi card only achevied full support with 2.6.2714:57
SquideshiI'm downloading mplayer right now. It doesn't come with Ubuntu?14:57
scuniziLargePrime: so what happened to your install cd of 8.10?14:58
graingertslim|, http://winff.org/html/14:58
archmangraingert, I'm just trying firefox win now, it's awesome, and I got impressed, it's light, shockwave works and flash gives no lockups. thanks!!!14:58
xanguaSquideshi: Mplayer comes in the Ubuntu repositories14:58
LargePrimescunizi: i am sitting here with a wifi connections and 8 hours to kill.  i am looking to get my kernel to .27 so my wifi works perfect14:58
xanguaif you use Gnome you can download the GTK fronted Gnome Mplayer14:58
xanguaMplayer has also a Qt fronted14:59
graingert!hi | saarakura14:59
ubottusaarakura: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:59
saarakurapeople i need a little help with my macbook and ubuntu14:59
Squideshixangua: I found a package simply called mplayer. I think it comes with the GTK GUI, but it isn't supported by the Ubuntu community.14:59
graingert!question | saarakura14:59
ubottusaarakura: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:59
TarBarDoes anyone know what "reception errors" in the network tools app mean?14:59
scuniziSquideshi: look in the repos for ubuntu.. it's there for downloading15:00
LargePrimescunizi: it is here.  but my wifi wont work with it untill i install b43 drivers.  currently i only have a wifi connection15:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:00
xanguawell it comes but for example normal Mplayer do not integrate Gnome icons, and Gnome Mplayer it does Squideshi15:00
saarakurai have a macbook 1.1 with hd 80gb, 30gb to macos x named LEOPARD, 35gb to windows, and 10gb to ubuntu...15:00
saarakurabut on refit menu appears mac os x from LEOPARD, linux from LEOPARD ( this doesnt work.. appear "erro loading operation system"), linux from ( doont apper nothing.. but works! its enter on grub and i select ubuntu and works fine,and the last windows from partition 4.15:00
saarakuramy question;... how can i remove the linux item that doesnt work.. ?15:00
FloodBot1saarakura: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
SquideshiI'll give mplayer a try and come back.15:01
scuniziLargePrime:  unless it's available in backports or you compile it from source I don't have any other suggestions ..sorry15:01
natsukashi_How do I check which motherboard I'm using?15:01
natsukashi_In the terminal or something15:02
LargePrimescunizi:  if i install 8.10 i dont think i can update it as my wifi drivers wont work.  can i download the 8.10 drivers i need separately and install them from my disk?15:02
scuniziLargePrime: like I said .. they might be available in "backports" in 8.04.. look in synaptic and activate the backports repo15:03
armornicknatsukashi_: lspci15:03
armornicknatsukashi_: or better yet: 'lspci | grep motherboard15:04
LargePrimescunizi:  i dont think i could use syn, as my wifi (only connection currently) wont work.15:04
natsukashi_armornick: Went through but didn't give anything. :o15:05
saarakuramy question is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/153459/15:05
armornicknatsukashi_: well, if you just run lspci, you can see what kind of hubs you have15:05
bentob0xwhat free software could I use as a 'DJ' system to play and mix mp3s?15:05
armornick!attitude | saarakura15:05
ubottusaarakura: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:05
scuniziLargePrime: I'm stuck with no more suggestions15:06
scuniziarmornick: why did you give saarakura an attitude link?  if anything maybe a repeat link.. but not attitude..15:07
armornickscunizi: sorry, couldn't find the right tag15:08
scuniziarmornick: then no tag is better than the wrong tag.15:08
natsukashi_00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82915G/P/GV/GL/PL/910GL Memory Controller Hub15:08
natsukashi_motherboard or CPU? :o15:09
Luke`http://paste.ubuntu.com/153462 anyone? thanks15:10
LargePrimearmornick: the apology should go to saarakura, right?15:11
LargePrimenatsukashi_:  google the result?15:11
LargePrimescunizi: is the hack job i did to my wifi driver reversible?15:13
Howitehello. is there any analogue for "top"? I wanna add top CPU loaded processes, but "top" shows process name with fixed width and it trims. :(15:13
scuniziLargePrime: probably but I don't have the skills to reverse it... maybe someone else here... if not now then at a different time.. as some go to sleep other are just waking up.. :)15:13
natsukashi_LargePrime: That didn't get me anywhere. :(15:14
michal_how to get ffmpeg working with flv files in 8.10 ?15:15
r-wolfI've got /dev/ttyS0,1,2 and 3; my serial PCI controller has 2 RS-232 ports; lshw says it is driven by "parport_serial" module; the problem is that none of ttyS* does any output to any of RS-232 being writtten to. How to get things work?15:16
graingertmichal_, install medibuntu codecs15:17
scunizir-wolf: are you plugging something in that you need to activate? via usb? or 9pin serial?15:17
r-wolfscunizi: plain 9pin15:18
michal_graingert, w32codecs isn't enought?15:18
graingertmichal_, dunno15:18
scunizir-wolf: what kind of device15:18
r-wolfscunizi: I'm just measuring output levels15:18
irbdavid_Anyone know a movie player that lets you step through frame-by-frame and repeat/loop.  Like quicktime does on mac/pc?15:19
h4ck3rs0nlyneed help with installing a graphics card driver fom ATI15:20
scunizir-wolf: well if what you're plugging in has a power switch, turn it off, plug in, open a terminal and type dmesg, turn on,  in terminal type dmesg again and look for additional info on the connection location at the bottom of the output.15:20
scunizir-wolf: not all devices that are serial come out at ttyS0 devices.. I have a usb fax modem that identifies as something entirely different.. still tty but no S015:21
bertodseraHi all! I have a cooling problem on an Acer Aspire on installing 9.04 On gentoo it doesn't happen if I launch the installer disc with the acpi option. Is there anything similar on the ubuntu cd?15:21
Pupenoanyone has a qnap nas?15:22
scunizibertodsera: the acpi option is available on ubuntu.. that would be put on the kernel line on boot.15:22
LjLbertodsera: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions (but keep in mind that 9.04 is currently NOT supported, follow up in #ubuntu+1)15:22
bertodserascunizi: thanks :) I'll give it a try right away :)15:23
olinuxxhi all, question : i've installed soft with gdebi and i want to erase them now. Is exist a proper way to make it or do I erase installed file one by one  ?15:23
thiebaudeolinuxx: the remove command in a terminal15:24
olinuxxthiebaude: what one ? because i installed in GUI mode15:25
studentzI have problems activating nvidia driver. I have a fresh installation Intrepid. Please help me15:25
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:25
thiebaudeolinuxx: im not the sure, just the program name15:25
SquideshiI downloaded and tried mplayer, but I'm still having trouble playing any AVI files. mplayer also crashes xorg.15:26
thiebaudeSquideshi: did you install w32 codecs?15:26
Squideshithiebaude: No. Is there a package for that?15:26
[TheAsp]Is it common for the ISO images to not fit on a 700mb cd?15:27
Luke`Is everyone just busy, or was it ignored because it scrolls so far to the right?15:27
thiebaudeSquideshi: if you go to a site called medibuntu15:27
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:27
thiebaudeSliMM: hi15:27
rockohow do you change the menu icon in gnome panel ?15:27
thiebauderocko: do you want to change them system wide?15:28
SliMMI have a both a wireless and a modem connection to the internet15:28
rockowhat do you mean thiebaude15:28
rockoI just want it for my user15:28
disappearedngHey how do I make my console colorful15:28
thiebauderocko: changing your icon themes15:28
disappearednglike gentoo15:28
SliMMis it possible to use them both to speed up everything, since they both are very slow15:29
scuniziSliMM: no15:29
rockohow do I do this thiebaude15:29
studentzI cannot activate nvidia driver15:29
SliMMscunizi: I mean for each program to choose from one of the two15:30
karimis it possible to extract only a particular dir of a tar archive ?15:30
thiebauderocko: by downloading icon themes online15:30
Squideshithiebaude: Is there any way to determine which type of encoding is included in an AVI file so that I know exactly which codec I really need?15:30
rockoum I want a custom one thiebaude15:30
scuniziSliMM: you might be able to tell a program to use one or the other.. however is the wireless and the wired connection from the same router?15:31
caesium_Squideshi: try "file filename.avi"15:31
Squideshithiebaude: Oh wait. I see it under properties Divx MPEG 4.15:31
SliMMscunizi: no, it's a wireless connection to a router and a modem connection through my phone15:31
disappearednghow can I make my linux distro 's console as nice as gentoo's (as in it's that nice automatically during startup)15:31
olinuxxok, apt-get remove 'pack' :D15:32
scuniziSliMM: then the answer is a definate, possible, if you can figure it out.. maybe15:32
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thiebauderocko, http://www.gnome-look.org15:32
studentzI have problems activating nvidia driver15:32
scunizistudentz: what happens when you try/15:32
peter_ignore message15:33
Boohbahdisappearedng: do you mean the colored shell prompt? that is controlled by /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc15:33
studentza get a black screen and no keyboard15:33
bazhangrocko, lose the caps15:33
thiebaudeor get kicked15:33
Boohbahrocko: do you expect somebody here to make custom icons for you?15:33
rockoI am using colemak thiebaude bazhang I have no caps15:34
MjateznikHi all. Yesterday I upgraded to the pre-release of 9.04 Now I would like to report a bug with the tracker/indexing - where would be the most suitble place?15:34
scunizi!bugs | Mjateznik15:35
ubottuMjateznik: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:35
caesium_rocko: lol15:35
studentzscunizi I get a black screen and no input (keyboard out)15:35
BoohbahMjateznik: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty15:35
rockothiebaude how do you DO it?15:35
thiebauderocko: i dont know how to just to make a custom icon for the panel, i just know how to do it system wide15:35
scunizistudentz: that's after activation?15:35
thiebaudemaybe someone else does15:35
MjateznikThanks Boohbah and sxunizi15:35
scunizistudentz: what kind of video card.. nvidia I know.. but what model?15:35
ericp1i'm a debian user trying to figure out the preferred inst path on ubuntu. i want to install /usr/bin/svn and the applications::Add/Remove menu has only graphical svn clients.15:36
SquideshiTotem and mplayer should be able to play AVI files included with Divx, shouldn't they?15:36
ericp1does that mean i should give up and install debs?15:36
disappearedngBoohbah: you know where can I download one that's already been done? i don't want to screw up the colors15:36
bazhangrocko, stop that15:36
rockomac is where its at15:36
scuniziericp1: apt-get .. aptitude and synaptic are also available.15:36
studentzscunize it's 6200 A LE  and I'm using driver 18015:37
scunizistudentz: you should change the driver to the 173 driver..15:37
Boohbahdisappearedng: export PS1='\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W \$\[\033[00m\] '15:37
Boohbahdisappearedng: PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] '15:37
hahovelnikcan somebody help about GNOME problem?15:37
studentzYes I did and I had the same problem ( I reinstall intrepid for about 4 times)15:38
Boohbahdisappearedng: first one for root, second for other users15:38
rockonooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we can't hahovelnik sorry15:38
ericp1what's the relationship between the items selected in Applications::Add/Remove and the apt packages15:38
Boohbahdisappearedng: i have mine setup per-user in ~/.bash_profile15:39
sirjoebobhey all. i upgraded to the 9.04 rc and am having issues with conky disappearing anytime i draw a selection box over it and my desktop icons do the same (only while conky is running) i am using the 180 nvidia proprietary driver and everything else (including compiz effects) works fine. it all worked great under the 8.10 release.15:39
studentzscunizi Yes I did I install intrepid for about 4 times different driver and nothing15:39
scuniziericp1: add/remove is a graphical "easy" interface for apt to install common packages .. take a look at System/Admin/Synaptic package manager15:39
ericp1scunizi, tx kindly15:40
scunizistudentz: can you ctrl+alt+F2 and get a terminal prompt?15:40
studentzscunizzi Yes and I have a fresh installation without drives installed15:41
vartsirjoebob: for 9.04 question you should goto #ubuntu+1 channel15:42
sirjoebobvart,  oh cool. thanks.15:42
scunizistudentz: ah so you reinstalled again to get the desktop back?15:42
studentzscunizi: yes I did it15:43
PupenoWhat advantage is there in using NFS instead of SMB in a NAS?15:44
=== Nationiant is now known as Niquuae
=== Niquuae is now known as Niquae
frogggyis there macedonian language pack in the standard ubuntu cd or how can i install it if there isnt one?15:44
scunizistudentz: I can see why you would do that but it wasn't necessary.. in linux you don't reinstall to fix things.. it modular so one thing at a time can be worked on..15:44
Pupenofrogggy: system->administratio->longuage15:44
NiquaeI'm a newbie with ubuntu and i would like to know how i can install apps15:44
frogggypupeno can you change the whole system language there?15:45
Pupenofrogggy: as much as there is to change, I believe yes.15:45
studentzscunizzi I know it But I'm kind of desperate15:45
BoohbahNiquae: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware15:45
frogggypupeno i want to install edubuntu. should i first install ubuntu and then edubuntu?15:45
usergrI have ubuntu 9.04 jaunty beta installed and I want to upgrade to the RC version . How can I do that? I appreciate any help15:45
thiebaudeNiquae: in synaptic or sudo apt-get install15:45
Niquaei try to install flash player i dont know how15:45
r-wolfhow do I check which groups come user belongs?15:45
PupenoNiquae: always system->administration->synaptic package manager or something like that15:45
studentzscunizzi I have tried different approach for about three days in a row15:46
albechusergr, try #ubuntu+115:46
ienorandusergr: just installing all updates will mean that you indeed are on the rc, automatically.15:46
thiebaudeNiquae: i just go to the adome website and install the .deb for it15:46
studentzscuzzini: I would like to start under directions in a white paper15:46
Pupenofrogggy: from the CDs you install one or the other, but really edubuntu is ubuntu with another selection of software. If you go to Synaptic you'll find a package called edubuntu or edubuntu-desktop and by installing that you can get all the software you'd get with edubuntu.15:46
Niquaethank you i try to get with these hepl15:46
XiaolinDraconisr-wolf: menu>system>users and groups15:47
scunizistudentz: although I don't have the time to walk you through everything .. I'll point you in the right direction.. after activating the nvidia driver (173) and restarting as it suggests.. if you get a blank screen then ctrl+alt+F2 to get a terminal prompt and log in.. then sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings.. then sudo nvidia-settings.. then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and see what happens..  you might experiment with installing and usi15:47
tphilosopherHey guys. Is there any way to force a screen resolution without lots of xorg.conf editing etc... A friend of mine needs help and has no idea how to do this stuff.15:47
thiebaudeNiquae: in synaptic its flashplugin-nonfree15:47
usergrNiquae: open synaptic and search: flash plugin nonfree and install the package15:48
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1215:48
jetscreamerit's more than that15:48
jetscreamerman xrandr15:48
SquideshiDoes a DivX MPEG-4 Version 5 encoded video stream in an AVI file require the w32codecs?15:48
jetscreamerchange screen size15:48
thiebaude!info xrandr15:48
ubottuPackage xrandr does not exist in intrepid15:48
usergrIn this way ubuntu will be updated to the final version?15:48
scunizi!info randr15:49
ubottuPackage randr does not exist in intrepid15:49
scunizibut it is there.15:49
tphilosopherxrandr I tried that. There's even a part in the manpage about forcing screen resolution but it didnt work.15:49
scunizi!resolution | tphilosopher15:49
ubottutphilosopher: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:49
tphilosopherxrandr is definitely there. He ran it.15:49
vartusergr: yes, but you should use #ubuntu+1 channel anyway15:49
r-wolfXiaolinDraconis: thanks15:49
_me_i got a problem regarding my laptop battery15:50
tphilosopherscunizi: Thanks.15:50
Barridusare there any good ubuntu twitter blogs?  (not talking clients, i mean like twitters you can follow)15:50
_me_does ubuntu kill batteries of laptops?15:50
olinuxxbye all15:50
usergrthanks for helping me15:50
DapsIs there anyway to edit my theme so that ALL folders have the icon i want?15:51
Barridus_me_, define "kill".  you'll prolly use less battery than xp and definitely than vista15:51
ienorand_me_: In what way do you mean?15:51
JockyWilsonUbuntu 8.10 - How do you mount and format a floppy disk?15:51
XiaolinDraconismodprobe floppy15:51
_me_i mean...i installed ubuntu on my laptop..after 24 hrs...the battery ended15:51
caesium_I love ubuntu, it's what got me started in the Linux world :)15:51
simmerhi i upgraded to jaunty and i am getting random xserver crashed with a gdm_slave_xioerror_handler error in syslog. there are a lot of bugs in launchpad with this error - does anyone know of the cause/fix?15:51
_me_it used to give 2 hrs backup when xp was installed or vista15:51
thiebaudesimmer: you must have an intel card?15:52
ubottusimmer: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:52
simmerno, ati x1300 using the opensource driver15:52
lighttitanI have an external HDD that had the partition deleted (It was ext3) but the harddrive was NOT formated. What is the easiest and most effective way to recover the data on the HDD, since this is not a normal data recovery where the HDD would have been formated, this one only had it's partition deleted.15:52
_me_it just got damaged..i think...the battery ended..no backup at all15:52
_me_not even a second15:52
simmerthanks barridus ill ask there15:52
_me_i heard from a guy that the network manager finishes the battery ...15:53
_me_is that true?15:53
XiaolinDraconisyou may want to adjust power saving features15:53
the_rescue_diskHello there. Anyone know how to mount a passwordprotected alternative installation of ubuntu here from my rescue usb? I have installed working encfs/fuse here and my encrypted directory is /dev/sda1. I'll really appreciate any help!15:53
JockyWilsonUbuntu 8.10 modprobe floppy = FATAL: Error inserting floppy (/lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/kernel/drivers/block/floppy.ko): Operation not permitted:-(15:53
XiaolinDraconison my system default settings dont powerdown drives during inactivity15:53
arvind_khadriJockyWilson, use sudo15:53
thiebaudeJockyWilson: sudo modprobe floppy15:53
_me_the battery doesnt even work on xp again15:54
_me_it happened with me once before15:54
_me_the same thing happened15:54
JockyWilsonoops ok sudo modprobe floppy, now what do i do?15:54
pilif12pi have a question15:54
Niquaecan i change my resolution?15:54
Niquaeif i can, how?15:54
arvind_khadri!ask | pilif12p15:54
ubottupilif12p: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:54
XiaolinDraconisnow you should be able to mount it15:54
tphilosopherNiquae: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:55
thiebaudeJockyWilson: your floppy icon should be on your menu now15:55
ZesturianHello, what's the use of "/etc/shadow-"?15:55
arvind_khadriNiquae, system -> preferences -> screen resolution15:55
pilif12pI have a GE Webcam, how do i get the driver for it?15:55
kazagistarI am able to run a full Debian installation on my comp, but would rather run Ubuntu... every time I try to install or run 8.10 or 9.04 from a normal, alternate, or even server CD, I get an instant kernel panic. Any ideas?15:56
JockyWilsonok txs15:56
tphilosophertphilosopher(+ei)] [1:freenode/#ubuntu(+JLcfnt 2,5 #ubuntu-unregged)]15:56
scunizipilif12p: webcams are problemmatic.. google for your model number and see what advice you get15:56
pilif12pand i have 8.04 ubunut15:56
tphilosopher[#ubuntu] as joined #ubuntu15:56
tphilosopher15:56 < JockyWilson> ok txs15:56
tphilosopher15:56 < tphilosopher> tphilosopher(+ei)] [1:freenode/#ubuntu(+JLcfnt 2,5 #ubuntu-unregged)]15:56
tphilosopher[15:56] [tphilosopher(+ei)] [1:freenode/#ubuntu(+JLcfnt 2,5 #ubuntu-unregged)]15:56
FloodBot1tphilosopher: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
Boohbahpilif12p: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67092215:56
tphilosopher[#ubuntu] [#ubuntu] xrandr: cannot find output "S-video"15:56
tphilosopherThat's all I tried to output there. Sorry.15:56
scunizikazagistar: what's the motherboard chipset?  nvidia? 8200?15:56
Boohbah!paste | tphilosopher15:56
ubottutphilosopher: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:56
thiebaudetphilosopher: in the terminal type xrandr15:57
tphilosopherBoohbah: That was one line.15:57
JockyWilsonUbuntu 8.10 when you install a new program is Ubuntu the same as windows you have to exit any other programs running?15:57
pilif12pi have another question15:57
_me_!paste | _me)15:57
ubottu_me): pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:57
thiebaudeJockyWilson: no15:57
_me_!paste | _me_15:57
ubottu_me_, please see my private message15:57
scuniziJockyWilson: nope.. in fact you could be burning a cd watching a movie and still install15:57
pilif12pcan i update my kernel from 8.04 to 9.04?15:57
=== marcos_ is now known as w525aa
pilif12pi have a dell mini 915:57
pilif12pno CD Drive15:57
kazagistarscunizi: its the new one from Intel, for the i7 processor15:58
tphilosopherthiebaude: pilif12p: update-manager -d15:58
thiebaudepilif12p: no,only using a live cd15:58
Boohbah!usb | pilif12p15:58
ubottupilif12p: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:58
thiebaudetphilosopher: not from 8.0415:58
thiebaudeonly 8.10 with that command15:58
scunizikazagistar: I've no experience with that one.. but you might have to turn off acpi in the kernel line on boot... on my chipset I don't have an issue with acpi but I have to use pci=nomsi on the kerenel line.. not sure what that does but it works for me.15:59
Boohbahpilif12p: you may be able to upgrade 8.04 > 8.10 > 9.0415:59
jjrevyou should be able to setup your update manager to upgrade to official releases15:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about copy15:59
ealingubuntu 9.04   -coming soon15:59
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about god16:00
Boohbah_me_: please don't abuse the bot16:00
bazhang_me_, stop that16:00
pilif12pwhats ubottu16:00
_me_ok sorry16:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:00
ealingubuntu ,8-)16:00
pilif12pso, like mozilla's sumobot16:00
thiebaudehe's sensative :)16:00
pilif12pi see16:00
thiebaudemy bad, bazhang16:01
RB2Good Morning... I installed today's 8.10 updates and now kjournald is excessively accessing the hard drive. Any suggestions?16:01
pilif12pso you do !(command here) for him?16:01
mgolischanyone know how i tell gnome not to restart gnome-panel?16:01
bazhangpilif12p, best to /msg ubottu so as not flood the channel16:01
mgolischthere used to be something in the gnome-session-proteries tool to set that but its gone16:02
pilif12pOne last question16:02
tt5786is there a way that you can change the ubuntu login screen16:02
LamerStammlinux suckz16:02
LamerStammlinux suckz16:02
LamerStammlinux suckz16:02
LamerStammlinux suckz16:02
LamerStammlinux suckz16:02
FloodBot1LamerStamm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:03
zewmtt5786: Yes16:03
pilif12pI accidently deleted the network thing from my bar16:03
pilif12pand the battery thing16:03
bazhangLamerStamm, wrong channel then16:03
zewmtt5786: System > Administration > Login Window16:03
pilif12phow do i get it back?16:03
tt5786thats it16:03
jjrevpilif12p: just right click on the gnome bar and select "add..."16:03
zewmtt5786: There are I believe two themes available by default. Check out gnome-look.org for additional themes.16:04
tphilosopherThat's the output of xrandr. The resolution needs to be 1024x768, I believe.16:04
Mr_OrangeCan anyone here help me switch from using the STA driver t0 b43-fwcutter?16:05
scunizitphilosopher: looks like the video card isn't configured correctly.. what kind of card.?16:05
Mr_Orangeb43-fwcutter used to show up in the hardware drivers dialog, but it doesn't anymore.16:05
tphilosopherscunizi: Not sure. How do I find out?16:05
scuniziMr_Orange: have you done all your updates?16:06
scunizitphilosopher: lspci or sudo lshw16:06
Mr_OrangeYes, the system is fully updated16:06
linduxed1how do i check what process is occupying the alsa driver?16:06
Lyth1I'm trying to use inkscape, but all the fonts appear the same16:06
anthony1xHi! I have a folder full of different files. Images having a non-image file extension and posing as something else... and files that aren't images, but have an image file extension. How can I get rid of all non-image files (even those with .jpg or similar extensions) and/or make the image files have the right extensions?16:06
kamp2tuxi can use dd to convert file to .iso format, but how to i convert a directory (incl. sub directories & files) to .iso format ?16:06
RB2Has anyone else seen the issue with kjournald?16:06
otmhi, i'm trying to use xchat through my uni's proxy (i'm at home now) but can't work out how (and where) to configure it, i did a port scan of the server but don't know if it's any use http://pastebin.com/m2b9f4ad116:06
tphilosopherscunizi: lspci | grep VGA ?16:06
scunizitphilosopher: that might work too16:06
n8tuseranthony1x -> linux files are not dependent on extensions16:07
n8tuserkamp2tux -> should be same16:08
jjrevanthony1x: just open them and rename as you see fit16:08
the_rescue_diskI would really appreciate your  help! with a little guidance on how to mount a password protected(alternative ubuntu cd) installed filesystem. My system wont startup and im using a usb key live disc now. Thank you!16:08
TrentHHows it going. ;)16:08
Tapoutis there a way I can automatically start a terminal on reboot with iptraf running in it on Desk 2?16:08
jakkorguy has it happned to you to update your ubuntu distro and after some time when you login the screen to be black16:09
mcravidaoHi, I've my Xorg working with twinview for 2 monitors but I have a problem. I want to have separate gamma, brightness, etc for each monitor16:09
mcravidaoI was wondering if anyone have made it before16:09
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> you're booted of a usb disk?16:09
TrentHWhats the password to "su"16:09
tphilosopherscunizi: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NVCrush11 [GeForce2 MX Integrated Graphics] (rev b1)16:09
anthony1xn8tuser, jjrev: yes, I know that. but I want to delete all files which aren't images because they aren't needed. and I can't do it manually cause it's over 1000 files.16:09
grawityTrentH: There is no password - use 'sudo' for root things.16:10
the_rescue_diskjakkor yes, if its me you're talking to16:10
mcravidaosince when I try to change this values on kgamma or nvidia-settings it changes on both monitor16:10
n8tuseranthony1x -> use script to find out what type of file it is, then delete it16:10
anthony1xn8tuser, yes, but *how*? that's exactly what I'm asking :(16:10
n8tuseranthony1x -> or convert if per your desire16:10
jakkori was asking if it has happened to some of you16:10
scunizitphilosopher: looks like and older card.. should be supported well. Have you checked in System/Admin/Hardware drivers for a driver that needs activating?16:10
jakkorand do you have any solutions16:10
TrentHgrawity: It says type make & then make install.16:10
n8tuseranthony1x -> you want to learn scripting?  please join #bash and read some tutorials16:10
TrentHI did that, now what do I do?16:10
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, yip. And I used ages for install encfs. I just can't find how to mount it :o16:10
tphilosopherscunizi: He says there's nothing available.16:11
grawityTrentH: use this: sudo make install16:11
anthony1xn8tuser, no, I know how to script. can you give me at least a hint what I could use for the script? I thought of using the 'file' command. but then I don't know.16:11
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> ages? what app is that?16:11
TrentHgrawity: Just did that, and it says Updating module dependency relationships. And then it's done.16:11
jjrevanthony1x: bash is your friend16:11
grawityTrentH: Well, then it worked, I guess.16:11
jjrevanthony1x: hexdump | grep16:11
tphilosopherscunizi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100982416:11
the_rescue_diskN8tuser, I used ages on installing encfs.16:12
tphilosopherscunizi: No one ever helped him... :(16:12
TrentHgawity: Whats the command to see what soundcard i've got?16:12
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, on the usb rescue key16:12
n8tuseranthony1x -> you  create a for loop to  see if each file is  of tile type you desire, and pipe it to convert or whatever you want to do with the matching ones16:12
mcravidaoanyone willing to give some help configuring xorg.conf? (it won't take long...)16:12
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> am not familiar with ages, what is it?16:12
Mr_OrangeCan anyone help me change over from using the wl module to using b43? My system is fully up to date. I have b43-fwcutter installed.16:13
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, ages as years in time.16:13
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> what happens when you mount it? what exactly is your mount command?16:13
webchat123is it easy to do remote assistance with a computer using gnome and one using xfce16:14
TrentHI've got a Soundblaster X-FI Fatal1ty Edition, anybody got drivers for it?16:14
webchat123also what is good webcam program for laptop16:14
n8tuserwebchat123 -> use x11vnc16:14
Lyth1In all programs in ubuntu, every font looks the same.16:14
thrillERboyhi is there a gui installer to install lamp on ubuntu?16:14
simplyubuntuubuntu keeps booting up in low graphics mode! I have no idea what to do can someone please help. its not even like im using a video card! it's the motherboards stock graphics! can anyone help?16:14
mcravidaoAnyone knows how to setup different brightness/gamma/etc for each monitor  over a dual monitor twinview setup?16:15
yevgenyim trying to install x-fi driver for ubuntu, anyone have a clue how to do that?16:15
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, I tried lot of things with encfs, mount, fusemount. But encfs /dev/sda1 decryptedfolder/  tells me if I want to make the directory /dev/sda1. Im sure its just me there don't know the "right" command16:15
TrentH(10:15:04 AM) yevgeny: im trying to install x-fi driver for ubuntu, anyone have a clue how to do that? < I'm in the same frekkin boat.16:15
TrentHI've installed a driver, don't seem to detect my card at all.16:15
Lyth1All my fonts appear the same16:15
Mike_lifeguardHello again folks. I've had a nightmarish encounter with compiz crashing everything. I've had to uninstall it completely to have successful logins. Could someone help me get window decorations back without using compiz?16:16
scunizitphilosopher: there is an older driver for that card.. a 96.x.x.x something.. hang on.16:16
yevgenymm yeah I installed something too, but no sound can be heard16:16
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> am not familiar with encfs, but lets see what your mount command is like and lets see the system respnose (post in pastebin)16:16
Lilarcor_TrentH: does it show up with lshw?16:16
tphilosopherscunizi: Thanks.16:16
TrentHOne second.16:16
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, sure one moment - ps what pastebin do you want me to use?16:16
Lyth1In all programs in Ubuntu, Openoffice, Inkscape, ETC all fonts appear the same16:16
n8tuser!pastebin | the_rescue_disk16:17
yevgenywhat is lshw?16:17
ubottuthe_rescue_disk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:17
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: what video card are you using?16:17
belredhow can i get ubuntu to notify me when updates are available? kubuntu does this, but i can't find a way to do this in ubuntu.16:17
TrentHWhat am I looking for, Lilarcor?16:17
xanguaMike_lifeguard: what desktop do you use¿¿16:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lshw16:17
n8tuseryevgeny -> man lshw,16:17
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ it's the one that's on the motherboard not really a video card just the integrated stuff iguess. how can I check?16:17
xanguain gnome you just have to execute 'metacity'16:17
Lilarcor_TrentH: something about your sound card...do you know the chipset of your sound card?16:17
scunizitphilosopher: he might need to install nvidia-glx-legacy and then look in the hardware section of System/Admin again.. other than that, there is a driver on nvidia's site for that card that can be installed.. however with every kernel upgrade he'll need to reinstall it.16:17
hahovelniki have some broken packages how i can fix them from live CD?16:17
TrentHIt's Creative Soundblaster X-FI Fatal1ity16:17
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: use lshw16:18
ealingGood Night everyone16:18
scunizitphilosopher: or he can use the generic nv driver but it won't give him the special effects16:18
yevgenyis there any walkthrough on the net on how to install x-fi driver?16:18
yevgenyfor ubuntu16:18
pitoowwhy Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller is blacklisted ?16:18
TrentHSound it16:18
Niquaecan someone explain simplest steps to change resolution?16:18
Lilarcor_TrentH: you have to find out what *chipset* your soundcard uses... it might be something like ach411231 or something16:18
TrentHHow can I find that out?16:19
tphilosopherscunizi: Lmao. I got him to send me a screenshot. It's there but his screen resolution is too low to install it!16:19
simplyubuntuLilarcor_  82865G Integrated Graphics Controller16:19
Lyth1All my fonts are appearing to be the same in all programs.16:19
Lyth1Some help would be appreciated16:19
tphilosopherscunizi: The button at the bottom of the window isn't visible! Lol16:19
Lilarcor_TrentH: look carefully at lshw and it should say the driver used16:19
Lilarcor_TrentH: hold on16:19
scunizitphilosopher: :)16:19
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:19
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153513/  just tell me if you need anything else16:19
scunizitphilosopher: gotta runn.. have fun with that!16:20
Niquaesudo nano /etc/... dont work16:20
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: so are there drivers available for that chipset?16:20
tphilosopherscunizi: Okay. Thanks. See ya16:20
hermlou? what is Morfeus F****** Scanner16:20
webchat123how do i use x11vnc16:20
SinnerboyLyth1 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts16:20
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ there definitely should be because its been working fine with every release of ubuntu since 5.04 :P and was also working fine until a while ago16:20
Lyth1Thank you16:20
TrentHHow do I paste?16:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:21
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: so what transpired between now and then?16:21
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh (or even -plow) make abs no diff16:21
jacob5I have XP and ubuntu installed with grub.  I'd like to uninstall ubuntu, how should I do that?16:21
TrentHThats the pastebin for my thing.16:22
marceljacob5, why delete something that beautiful16:22
Lyth1I checked the Wiki, and I'm not having problems installing fonts. The ones that came with ubuntu all appear identical16:22
Lilarcor_jacob5: go into your volume manager in xp and get rid of your ubuntu partition(s)16:22
Lilarcor_jacob5: then reclaim the space underneath xp16:22
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ truth be told, when this computer got messed up I had kind of gotten a new laptop (MBP if you're interested) and was distracted (couldn't care less) for some reason now I booted up this machine and I want the freedom of ubuntu back!16:22
jacob5How should I reclaim the space?16:22
Lilarcor_jacob5: use your volume manager16:23
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ but I don't want to reformat because my painstakingly customized desktop will go kaput16:23
SinnerboyLyth1 Some Fonts are non-free i.e. not open source you must install the non-free package16:23
TrentHhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/153515/ < Thats the pastebin of my SoundBlaster... any ideas?16:23
jacob5Lilarcor_: thanks for the info, I'll try it in a bit.16:24
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: could you clarify a little bit? I don't understand what you mean. It sounds like you're not consistently using the same system.16:24
Lyth1Sinnerboy: The fonts that actually come with ubuntu can be selected in the programs, however they will all appear identical.16:24
TrentHLilarcor_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/153515/ Please tell me what "chipset" i'm using.16:24
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simplyubuntuLilarcor_ that's true. ok long story short the ubuntu machine got messed up (same graphics issue) and I didn't really bother fixing it cause I didn't need to. now I do need to fix it and I don't know how16:25
Lilarcor_. . . .16:25
indigeneI need some help with google desktop indexing pidgin logs16:26
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ you're in demand :P16:26
SinnerboyLyth1 Yes I had same problem,the non-free pack can be installed through Synaptin Package manager16:26
Lilarcor_TrentH: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Fi16:27
Lyth1Sinnerboy: Are you saying that the fonts that ubuntu comes with right off the cd will display identically unless the nonfree pack is installed?16:27
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: did you mess around with your xorg.conf file?16:27
SinnerboyLyth1 Yup16:27
Lyth1Really, I'll try that16:27
w-heathi, anyone have any idea why I can't use sudo? I just get "segmentation fault" when I try16:27
TrentHWhat are the commands for making/installing a file?16:27
TrentHsudo make, sudo make install, sudo install?16:27
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ its probable that I did, because I was trying a new video card a while back. but I've done the whole dpkg-reconfigure business and it doesn't work16:28
Lyth1trenth: ./configure, sudo make, sudo make install16:28
Lilarcor_TrentH: depends if you need it system-wide or not16:28
Mike_lifeguardWOW, I lost the ability to type there for a few minutes O.o16:28
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> i think you are missing options on your mount command, like the options for aes, -o loop and such,  google for the details on mounting encrypted file systems16:28
Lyth1Where do I get the non free pack16:28
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: so what you're saying is, you're not sure what you've done to mess up your GUI resolution16:29
simplyubuntuLilarcor_ couldn't have said it better myself.16:29
w-heatkernel: [72876.722202] sudo[28712]: segfault at 0 ip b7d5fb0b sp bfc7e1f0 error 4 in pam_smbpass.so[b7d03000+12a000]16:29
Mike_lifeguardSo, now I have metacity running in a screen. But it doesn't load automatically on boot. Any suggestions for doing that?16:29
SinnerboyLyth1 Search for fonts in Synaptic16:29
Lyth1Simplyubuntu: Go to recovery, and tell it to recover x16:29
salimanei can't find disk-manager16:29
TrentHWhat do I do after i've installed this driveR?16:29
TrentHSo called driver?16:30
salimanedisk-manager package16:30
webchat123whats a gui to do remote assistance16:30
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, I have tried for the last 3 hours to search for options, however without result. I've never used mount so I'm kinda a noobie.16:30
TrentHDo I need to reinstall or something to make sure it works?16:30
simplyubuntuLyth1 recovery?16:30
harlemdavveyi need some help in wine! how can i download files with Orbit, in the mozilla firefox windows version?16:30
xanguaMike_lifeguard: open 'gconf-editor' and go to /desktop/gnome/session/required-components-list16:30
Lyth1sinner: What am I looking for exactly16:30
simplyubuntuLyth1 how?16:30
xanguaMike_lifeguard: after that change the value of 'windowmanager' to 'metacity'16:31
salimaneno disk-manager package in jaunty16:31
Lyth1From grub16:31
Lilarcor_TrentH: no, you should be able to get it running depending on whether you installed it to run dynamically or statically16:31
harlemdavveycould someone help me with wine?16:31
Mike_lifeguardxangua: thanks; done16:31
Lilarcor_harlemdavvey: #winehq please16:31
simplyubuntuLyth1 meaning dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:31
TrentHLilarcor_, Can I shoot you a PM? You seem to know what your doing. :)16:31
Lyth1Sinnerboy: Are you sure? Because even the fonts from the freefontpack look identical16:31
Lilarcor_TrentH: no PMs please. sorry. :S16:32
Lyth1Lilarcor_: Can you help me with my font problem?16:32
SinnerboyLyth1      ttf-xfree86-nonfree16:32
TrentHThan can you tell me how to install this X-FI Driver?16:32
Lilarcor_Lyth1: hold on16:32
Barriduswhat does "set as manditory" and "set as default" mean in gconf-editor, and how are they different?16:32
Lilarcor_TrentH: #creative16:34
Lilarcor_TrentH:  I suggest you ask the folks there16:34
A|iI have an AMD 2.0 GHz, why does cat /proc/cpuinfo show cpu MHz: 1000.000 ?16:34
simplyubuntuwhat do I do after booting into the recovery mode16:34
Lyth1Sinner: No change after following your directions. I believe you may be misunderstanding the problem16:34
Lyth1Do you see an option that says xsomething?16:34
Lilarcor_TrentH: http://connect.creativelabs.com/linux/Lists/Announcements/DispForm.aspx?ID=7&Source=http://connect.creativelabs.com/linux/default.aspx16:35
simplyubuntuLyth1 recovery mode from grub means the cli  right?16:35
hitman_beginnerhow can i install compuz fusion on ubuntu 8.1016:35
SinnerboyLyth1 try here http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ttf-xfree86-nonfree16:35
Lyth1Sinner: I downloaded that!16:35
Lyth1Simply: CLI?16:35
Lilarcor_Lyth1:  Command Line Interface16:35
TrentHLilarcor_, that link doesn't work.16:36
Lyth1Nope, it means a bluish screen16:36
Lyth1With a few options in a textish menu16:36
SinnerboyLyth1 Hmmm dont know then worked for me all MS type fonts avalible16:36
ericp1in the default ubuntu desktop setup (gnome), how do i set up a grid of virtual desktops?16:36
Lyth1I'll wait till someone else will help16:36
the_rescue_disk!alternative cd16:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alternative cd16:36
the_rescue_disk!ubuntu alternative16:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
simplyubuntuLyth1 were talking about diff things then. exactly how do you get into this mode cause what im talking about involves selective the grub option that says recovery mode16:37
hitman_beginnerhow can i install compuz fusion on ubuntu 8.10 ?16:37
hitman_beginnerplz aswer me16:37
Lyth1Simply: Do you see 3 options for ubuntu in grub?16:37
Lilarcor_ericp1: you can change that by right clicking on the virt desktop changer16:37
xanguahitman_beginner: compiz is already default since Ubuntu 7.1016:37
The_Joe_You ARE able to update from Jaunty Beta to RC right?16:37
xanguaif you want to configure compiz setting install 'Compiz settings manager' from Apps> Add/quit (in Gnome)16:38
NoqqWhere is a good tutorial from making an USB Bootable drive to install Ubuntu?16:38
hitman_beginnerhow can i use it16:38
simplyubuntuLyth1 yeah the normal one, the recovery one and memtest16:38
Lyth1Click the recovery one, you see a blue text screen?16:38
Lilarcor_hitman_beginner: you just configure it in your desktop settings16:39
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, I'm going to try reinstall ubuntu onto. And hope it wont screw it up even more. Thank you for your time. Kindly regards Martin16:39
w-heatI'm experiencing the sudo segfault listed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/303458 ; is there any way I can edit /etc/pam.d/common-auth remotely when sudo isn't working?16:39
simplyubuntuLyth1 nope black CLI16:39
boblemocheHello, I have a problem with gpg and gpa, i can't send my key to the keyserver. With gpa i have a message 'Invalid Argument'. With gpg no message but the key is not transfered16:39
Lyth1Do you see a few options selectable by arrow keys?16:39
simplyubuntuLyth1 its just like a shell try pressing ctrl-alt-f1 in ubuntu you'll see what I mean16:40
Lyth1When you pressed recovery, did you press anything else after?16:40
impyHi, is there a way to get programmable macrokeys on my gaming keyboard to work in Ubuntu?16:41
Lyth1Does anyone know the command restore the x-server to default?16:41
simplyubuntuLyth1 I know it!!16:41
Lilarcor_. . .16:42
Lyth1Simply: Put that through16:42
Lyth1Any available to assist with my font problem?16:42
simplyubuntudpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg! ihave it doesn't work!16:42
simplyubuntuwait im signing in from my laptop then illtry this stuff16:42
Edicowhat I must use to see this file that wants Microsoft Silverlight http://astateoftrance.dancefoundation.nl ?16:43
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> something like mount -o loop,encryption=aes,acl  /iso/or/partitiontomount    /mountpoint16:43
simplyubuntu_Lyth1 im here16:43
Lilarcor_Edico: use moonlight16:43
Lyth1Try to restore x16:43
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, thanks i'll try that16:44
RB2I installed today's 8.10 updates and now kjournald is excessively accessing the hard drive. Any suggestions?16:44
EdicoLilarcor_, what package contains moonlight?16:44
Lyth1All the fonts that came with ubuntu display the same16:44
ericp1Lilarcor_, i found (and added) a workspace manager panel, but i don't think this is the virtual desktop tool you advised me of16:44
Lilarcor_Edico: did you search for it using apt-cache?16:45
simplyubuntu_ok its happening16:45
simplyubuntu_now i resume normal boot?16:45
=== simplyubuntu_ is now known as simplyubuntu
Lilarcor_ericp1: look at the workspace switcher preferences16:45
Lyth1All the fonts that came with ubuntu display the same16:46
EdicoLilarcor_, moon-smcs?16:46
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> http://www.shell-tips.com/2008/07/13/using-losetup-and-dd-to-secure-sensitive-data-encrypted-block-device/16:46
ienorandericp1: are you on compiz16:46
Lilarcor_Edico: you can ask in #mono  I'm not sure.16:46
ienorandericp1: ?16:46
simplyubuntuIT LIVES!!!!!16:46
Lyth1Glad I could help16:47
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, i'll have a look at it. However a start it actually ask me about a password: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153530/16:47
RB2FYI, it was mythtv-backend that was causing the issue16:47
simplyubuntuhahah ok not so fast i tried changing the res and its gone loco16:47
n8tuserthe_rescue_disk -> you expect it to be right? you have an encrypted file system you want to mount?16:47
Lyth1All the fonts that came with ubntu appear the same16:47
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, yip, but I don'16:48
Lilarcor_simplyubuntu: did you specify the correct driver underneath your xorg.conf?16:48
ericp1ienorand, sorry, compiz is a distribution?16:48
Lyth1I just solved it for him/her16:48
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
the_rescue_diskn8tuser, yip, but I don't know which one. I used the guided encryption installation from the alternative ubuntu cd.16:48
Lilarcor_ericp1: no, it's 3d desktop effects16:49
ericp1lilarcor, ooh, that cool cube thingy i've seen on the displays of others?16:49
Lilarcor_ericp1: yes.16:49
Lyth1All the fonts that came with ubuntu display the same16:50
TrentHI installed the X-FI Driver.16:50
TrentHBut I still can't get sound to come out?16:50
Lyth1What is the name of the default font package?16:50
NoqqDo I need to make a partition on my main disk (where Windows is installed) to run Wubi and install Ubuntu on C:\ aswell? Do I get Dual Boot this way?16:50
ericp1lilarcor_, i just installed a vanilla 8.10 disc this am. haven't found where to installl stuff like that (am mostly a kde (win manager etc.) user)16:50
Lilarcor_TrentH: did you ask the folks underneath #creative for help?16:50
TrentHTheir not availlable.16:51
Lilarcor_ericp1: it should be available underneath your system preferences16:51
Lilarcor_TrentH: that's unfortunate16:51
ienorandericp1: So you're probably not using compiz at the moment? (that will affect virtual desktops)16:51
TrentHIs their a sudo command to uninstall?16:51
BrucevdkHi, I'm working on a mockup to improve Nautilus's merge dialog (the one that pops up when it encounters a directory named the same as the one you're trying to paste) and doing some research. I'm wondering if somebody knows of a fancy sync GUI which shows some kind of directory diff?16:52
shledHello, all!16:52
=== Dalamar__ is now known as Dalamar
ericp1lilarcor_, ienorand, i see no compiz under System::Preferences16:52
simplyubuntuLyth1 its gone crazy again even fixing x wont help it. boots up, scren flickers, and then goes into safe graphics mode16:52
Lyth1Consider reinstalling16:53
* ericp1 seeing smilies where he wants to see punctuation. must squash this asap16:53
TrentHLilarcor_ Got a command to unstall something? I installed asoundconf-gtk16:53
simplyubuntuLyth1 dont want to if i can.16:53
ienorandericp1: ps -A | grep compiz  Would tell you16:53
Lyth1You've hit the boundaries of my knowledge, I'm waiting for help myself16:53
simplyubuntuon what\16:54
TrentHMy girlfriend is cheating on me....16:54
TrentHWith Windows Vista. :(16:54
Lyth1All of the fonts that came with ubuntu will display the same16:54
=== Krystal` is now known as `Angelic`
ericp1ienorand, no compiz. maybe addable under the appications::add/remove16:54
simplyubuntuisnt it supposed to be that way?16:54
Lyth1No, each font is supposed to be...each font16:54
simplyubuntuoh like even in a word processor or wtv16:54
Lyth1I'm trying reinstalling the fonts now16:54
ktebitI just installed the xubuntu 9.04 release candidate, this time I used ext4 and damn it is lightning fast. An fsck took like 10 seconds.16:55
Lilarcor_TrentH: apt-get remove. . . .16:55
simplyubuntuhhahaha ill be lucky if i make it to 8.10 let alone 9.04 RC16:55
Lilarcor_TrentH: did you check if the driver is running?16:55
Lilarcor_TrentH: lsmod16:55
ienorandericp1: Or if you have anything else than "none" activated in appearance<desktop effects... But anyway, are you looking for (virtual) workspaces setup? Do you not have the  Workspace Switcher in the bottom right of you screen?16:56
TrentHWhat am I looking for?16:56
SinnerboyLyth1 do you mean that Times new roman displays the same as Arial e.g.16:56
Gulopinehow do i automatically "modprobe ath5k" every time i boot?16:56
Lyth1Sinneryboy: Yes16:56
Gulopinei finally got my wireless working, but only if i do that manually after each boot16:56
Lyth1well, i don't have those fonts, but I'm having that kinda problem16:57
SinnerboyLyth1 Ok understand now but sorry cant help16:57
Lilarcor_TrentH: the name of your driver16:57
TrentHLilarcor_ how do I view my hardware drivers?16:57
Lilarcor_Gulopine: lemme guess, you're using a broadcom chipset16:57
SinnerboyLyth1 the standard fonts all look the same,try these http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ttf-mscorefonts-installer16:58
mason__Hi, can anyone help with a Wifi issue I'm having with with my new Eee PC 1000HE16:58
GulopineLilarcor_, can't say that i know if i am or not16:58
NoOneImportantdoes the default mplayer package have vdpau enabled?16:58
Lilarcor_TrentH: you'll see the names of your drivers with lsmod... you can find the name of your driver where you compiled it. it'll have a .ko extension16:58
mason__I'm connecting to a WPA2 draft-n router16:58
TrentHLilarcor_ in Hardware DRivers it says X-Fi driver version 1.00 and has a green symbol?16:59
Lilarcor_Gulopine: it'll have a bcm51415 for the driver16:59
Lilarcor_TrentH: I see, so can you mute or unmute anything?16:59
mason__I get the following error: Device 'wlan0' DHCP transaction took too long (>45s)16:59
simplyubuntuLyth1! for some reason my bios displays in a weird way to... hmmm16:59
TrentHI get 0 sound...16:59
TrentHSo it' would be muted lol16:59
Lyth1That's bad16:59
GulopineLilarcor_, nothing "bcm" shows up in lsmod16:59
VaranI have installed ubuntu 9.04 RC but now it does not detect updates automaticly. What could be the problem?17:00
Lilarcor_Gulopine: lshw?17:00
gausehas anybody tested 9.04?17:00
TrentHLilarcor_ In devices under Volume Control it doesn't even list my Sound Card?17:00
Lyth1Sinner: Those also all display the seame, beyond minor differences in size and thickness17:00
simplyubuntulike i can read it it seems ok. the only problem is that half the letters of whatever option is highlighted dont appear ;P17:00
Lilarcor_gause: plenty of people have...and they're all in #ubuntu+1 !17:00
ienorand!jaunty | gause17:00
ubottugause: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.17:00
ienorandgause: There are lots of people running it17:01
simplyubuntuLyth1 any ideas?17:01
askandHi! Bit of a panic here, I hope someone can help me. When the computer has booted, I get only a mousepointer and a wallpaper. No icons or panels.17:01
askandAnyone knows what can be wrong?17:01
askandI can't do anything17:01
celthunderaskand ctrl+alt+f2 get you to a terminal?17:02
ienorandLilarcor_: Oh, didn't se you comment, I am ineffective :(17:02
SinnerboyLyth1 Ok,they all work here,maybe a grapics driver prob?17:02
Lilarcor_askand: sounds like your xorg.conf file is messed up17:02
Lilarcor_ienorand: it's fine17:02
Lyth1I checked the driver17:02
* Lilarcor_ shrugs17:02
askandcelthunder: yep it does17:02
celthunderaskand kill x fix your xorg.conf and try startx when done with that...17:02
Lilarcor_askand: what did you do to your xorg.conf?17:02
askandLilarcor_: I haven't done anything to my xorg.. I get into X but no icons or anythin : (17:03
Lilarcor_I wish my blackberry doppleganger Lilarcor would just logoff and die... argh17:03
emmyyhello ! :D17:03
Lilarcor_askand: what chipset are you using?17:03
NoqqCan I install Ubuntu using Wubi in the same device/drive as Windows is installed?17:04
klaoshelp configure the sound with ubuntu 9.0.417:04
askandLilarcor_: nvidia17:04
SinnerboyLyth1 what program are you trying them in?17:04
Lilarcor_Noqq: as always... that depends17:04
Lyth1Openoffice, inkscape17:04
Lilarcor_Noqq: if you're already using the entire drive for winders...then no17:04
NoqqLilarcor: Why does it depends? Do you need any info on my hardware, so you can give me an answer?17:04
klaoschipset 0:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)17:04
Lilarcor_Noqq: in other words...it's completely full of winders files... more or less no free space to install an OS17:05
klaoserror is audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink:17:05
Lilarcor_askand: have you installed the proprietary drivers?17:05
NoqqLilarcor_, what if first use GParted and make like 15gb free and then select in Wubi to use 15gb on C:\?17:05
Noqq, I havent installed anything yet, only Wubi.17:06
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askandLilarcor_: Yes I hahve, perhaps I should try removing them?17:06
sdwrageHey all I just migrated from windows on my laptop and need to know a good alternative to putty... anyone know one for linux?17:06
Lilarcor_Noqq: that sounds like it would work but I haven't done it myself so I cannot guarantee you anything17:06
Lyth1All fonts appear identical17:06
Lilarcor_sdwrage: ssh17:06
NoqqLilarcor_, You think Wubi automatically recognizes the 'emtpty' part in C:\? Or you can't say that..17:06
Lilarcor_sdwrage: your terminal17:06
stonkihello, anyone can advise me how to install amarok 1 on kubuntu 9.04RC1 ?17:07
sdwrageLilarcor, how do I do that?17:07
PhotoJimsdwrage: there is a PuTTy package for LInux, but the easiest thing by far is to open a terminal and use the ssh command.  e.g. ssh user@domainname.com17:07
sdwragesorry if I sound newbish :P17:07
stonkihello, anyone can advise me how to install amarok 1 on kubuntu 9.04RC1 ? To replace amarok217:07
sdwrageah ok17:07
sdwragethx guys :)17:07
PhotoJimsdwrage: you are newbish.  but that's ok.  we all were once :)17:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partttion17:07
TrentHI'm back :P17:07
dayo!partition | PhotoJim17:07
ubottuPhotoJim: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap17:07
sdwrageyeah this is my 4th day using Ubuntu17:07
Lilarcor_Noqq: you'll have to shrink the partition to the right size for you and then install from there17:07
PhotoJimdayo: not me looking for that :)17:08
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TrentHAnd, I disabled onboard audio.... and it doesn't detect my little thing?17:08
klaosaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink:  error sound with my ubuntu 9.04 rc 117:08
dayoPhotoJim: oops17:08
TrentHAnybody know what to do with an X-Fi17:08
ktebit I just installed the xubuntu 9.04 release candidate, this time I used ext4 and damn it is lightning fast. An fsck took like 10 seconds.17:08
Lilarcor_TrentH: I sure don't. :|17:08
=== dev_coffee is now known as VolkA
NoqqLilarcor_, ok then I'll try Gparted and choose to make 15gb free, and choose 15gb installation in Wubi.17:08
ktebitIs 3 gig of swap with 2 gigs of ram enough?17:08
Lilarcor_ktebit: rule of thumb is double...but it shouldn't be too little17:08
PhotoJimsdwrage: the terminal is a really valuable and powerful tool.  you definitely want to learn more about it.  some of us live there nearly exclusively.17:08
euthymosgzip tells me: foo.tar is set-group-id on execution - ignored17:09
dayoktebit: are those your specs on the 10sec fsck?17:09
ashmew2ello peoples :P17:09
ktebitAlso, right now I have xchat connected to two servers, firefox with 5 tabs open, and pidgin running in XFCE and I am using around 330 mb of ram. Is this pretty good or could be better or about right or what?17:09
impyHi, is there a way to get programmable macrokeys on my gaming keyboard to work in Ubuntu?17:09
h8redhow do i learn this terminal?17:09
Lilarcor_sdwrage: or you can just get a macbookpro like me..use the terminal from there17:09
h8redit is a mystery with a dollar sign17:09
PhotoJimktebit: Lilarcor_ is right but on a larger-RAM machine swap is less important.  2-4 GiB of swap will be fine on a machine like that.  some would suggest less.  I tend to be conservative.17:09
ashmew2h8red: you'll learn it eventually..17:09
sdwragePhotoJim, yeah I used it to install apache, php and mysql17:09
euthymoswhat does it mean?17:09
ashmew2no use making a swap > 2 gb17:09
calch8red: type 'help' :)17:09
euthymosgzip tells me: foo.tar is set-group-id on execution - ignored17:09
calcashmew2: unless you want to hibernate17:09
Lilarcor_impy: do you know the manufacturer? if so, I would search their support for more clues17:10
impySaitek Cyborg17:10
ashmew2calc: hmm...Well i have 6 Gb of the real ones :P17:10
impyI've been searching but haven't been able to find anything17:10
Lilarcor_h8red: get a book on Unix and go from there17:10
calch8red: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781565923478/17:10
impyI can't use WINE to install their software to map it because it uses net 2.017:10
calcashmew2: then you would need roughly 6GB of swap to be able to hibernate the system17:10
Lilarcor_h8red: usually they'll tell you lots of terminal commands17:10
Lilarcor_impy: I think Mono supports .NET 2.017:11
Lilarcor_impy: maybe you need to get that installed and try from there17:11
euthymosnobody knows?17:11
impyI tried that17:11
impyTheir .NET 2.0 isn't complete17:11
sdwragehow do I switch users in term?17:12
calch8red: or this http://db.ilug-bom.org.in/Documentation/abs-guide/17:12
h8redso if i get a book on unix it will help me learn ubuntu?17:12
ienorandNoqq: Wubi don't need partitioning!17:12
dayosdwrage: su17:12
dayosdwrage: su <username>17:13
ashmew2h8red: Youll get it eventually17:13
leandroalI have a toshiba M750 laptop and I bought a ViewSonic 22'' monitor. The monitor is suggesting me to use 1680x1050 as the best resolution, but xrandr nor grandr shows this option. What should I have to do?17:13
ashmew2h8red: Just try using it more often17:13
dayosdwrage: u're welcome17:13
Lilarcor_h8red: it'll teach you a lot about the command line17:13
h8redwhat is a bash17:13
Lilarcor_h8red: if you want a ubuntu book...there are plenty that are out there specifically geared towards ubuntu17:13
calch8red: the terminal shell that you are most likely using17:13
n8tuserbourne again shell17:13
Rahul_9856seruHi all...I am trying to build a .deb package for a shared library .. I ran dh_make and edited debian/control file and ran dpkg-buildpkg. After that i see libx-dev and x package....however when I run dpkg -c libx-dev/dpkg -c libx, i dont see any .so files...all i see is readmes, copyright, changelog etc17:13
h8redah sweet17:13
calch8red: like cmd.com for windows or powershell if you install that17:14
Lilarcor_h8red: it's the type of "shell" used for the default terminal under ubuntu17:14
Rahul_9856serucan anyone comment about whats happening17:14
ashmew2h8red: http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=1UD&q=teach+yourself+unix+in+24+hours&btnG=Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=17:14
h8redi really like ubuntu, but i dont like not knowing whats going on under the hood like i could in windows17:15
Sinnerboyh8red this helped me http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php17:15
sdwrageare there any good vhost tutorials for linux? I need to setup a  "work" address for /home/sdwrage/workspace17:15
h8redi need to get a book17:15
ashmew2get the linux bible17:15
ashmew2look for eBooks online17:15
ashmew2theres a ton of wealth on the internet17:15
ienorandh8red: "Under the hood" as in?17:15
ashmew2just know where to look17:15
Lilarcor_ienorand: that's an opening-a-can-of-worms question IMHO17:15
h8redlinux bible that sounds about what i need17:16
dayoh8red: try this reference:  http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html17:16
calch8red: ubuntu pocket guide might be a good first thing to read17:16
hhlpRahul_9856seru, that is a question for #ubuntu-motu17:16
h8redhow about sams teach yourself linux in 24 hours17:16
dayoh8red: if u want books, get "A Practical Guide to Ubuntu"17:17
calcthe last linux book i actually read was Que's Using Linux from 1994, heh17:17
Lilarcor_I'm not a big fan of blah blah blah in 24 hours17:17
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Lilarcor_it's unrealistic17:17
mason__How do you disbale 11n wifi on Jaunty 9.0417:19
g0ksais there a way to check the integrity of a drive in ubuntu, other than the automatic checks?17:19
yadu_hi all17:19
yadu_i'm having a small problem with segmentation fault....can someone help?17:20
yadu_*not ubuntu specific problem17:20
Fallingh8red-Beginning Ubuntu Linux ISBN 978-1-59059-820-7  and Unbuntu Hacks  ISBN-13 978-0-596-52720-417:20
mason__How do you disable 11n wifi on Jaunty 9.0417:21
Mike_lifeguardTo enable compiz on startup, I'm told by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion to do System > Preferences > Desktop effect... but that doesn't exist.17:21
Lilarcor_802.11n... how to disable? what about a/b/g?17:21
Lilarcor_dammit, I have to go work out17:22
g0ksais there a way to check the integrity of a drive in ubuntu, other than the automatic checks?17:22
mason__I can't connect to my wifi and I've read that 11n is the issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34402217:23
dayog0ksa: man fsck17:23
calcg0ksa: boot off a live cd and run fsck on the partition you want to check, make sure it is not mounted though17:23
Arnoshey, does upgrading to 9.04 from 8.10 using "update-manager -d" work under a Wubi installation?17:23
yadu_Is there any buffer overflow checks automatically enforced in the new kernel and new gcc versions?17:23
server_anyone can help me...how to instal squid in ubuntu server17:23
dayoserver_: sudo aptitude install squid17:24
server_anyone can help me...how to instal squid in ubuntu server17:24
server_anyone can help me...how to instal squid in ubuntu server17:24
dayoserver_: did u see my reply?17:24
yadu_Is there any buffer overflow checks automatically enforced in the new kernel and new gcc versions?17:25
usr13server_: apt-get install squid3   or aptitude install squid317:26
h8redthanks guys this learning the shell page is exactly what i needed17:26
bopi have a problem with evince after  jaunty upgrade anyone willing to help?17:26
server_i'm already do that......<dayo>17:26
ArnosDoes upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 RC using "update-manager -d" work under a Wubi installation?  is it safe?17:26
dayoserver_: ok, is it working?17:26
PiciArnos : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:27
fabio_acrobat reader 9 available for Linux now !17:27
Arnosoh, ok, thanks17:27
server_dayo: it's already installed17:27
=== Yoda is now known as Guest56070
server_how to make squid running in first boot17:27
xanguai prefer evince before acrobat17:27
server_do you have any reference :dayo17:28
usr13server_:  it will17:28
dayoserver_: is it running? have u checked the website? http://squid-cache.org   also they have an IRC channel #squid17:29
dayoserver_: usually, i install it, configure it and then start it. that's all17:29
pablitthi all17:29
Pardubuntuhi all17:30
dayo!welcome | pablitt17:30
ubottupablitt: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.17:30
server_do u have a good config :dayo17:30
dayo!hi | Pardubuntu17:30
ubottuPardubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:30
Pardubuntuhow to use filezilla?17:30
dayoserver_: it really depends on what u're using squid for.17:30
igorshPardubuntu: filezilla server or filezilla client?17:30
GungaFATGreetings all -- I've installed Ubuntu from the cd  and want to uninstall, how do I get rid of grub aaand ubuntu altogether?17:31
server_i'm using for internet cafe.....with 10 client17:31
gartralis there any want i can test my setup of 8.10 to make sure the upgrade to 9.04 will so smoothly?17:31
server_can u help me....:dayo17:31
igorshwhy to use filezilla server if there is vsftpd?17:32
gartralgo smoothly*17:32
timothyGungaFAT: use fdisk and a live cd to delete the linux partition17:32
xanguagartral: try Jaunty Live CD17:32
dayoserver_: what do u want to achieve with squid. u need to know that, before u configure it.   http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples17:32
timothyyou can use something like gparted to make it easier17:32
xanguaand if it works there is no reason your update will brake17:32
timothyand then just reinstall windows17:32
gartralxangua: that wont test my current installation, i want to make sure ubuntu, as its set up right now, wont break when i upgrade17:32
GungaFATtimothy -  where can I get a "live cd" and will that remove the boot manager?17:33
dayoserver_: for example, i use squid to manage bandwidth, manage access to certain websites, access by certain IPs17:33
dayoserver_: access to/from certain subnets. etc17:33
server_i'm still confused how to manage the bandwith for my client17:33
mobodoI can't start apache because it tells me that port 80 is in use - how can I find out who's using that port?17:33
server_i'm still newbie in this case17:33
igorshGungaFAT: livecd don't remove boot manager17:33
dayoserver_: u need to configure delay pools for that. it took me a while to understand it properly, but once u do, it's real easy17:33
timothyyou can overwrite the mbr in window17:34
timothyin windows17:34
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:34
=== Mike_lifeguard is now known as Guest10246
server_that's i wanna know....17:34
igorshmobodo: netstat -tl17:34
server_how ....?17:34
GungaFATwell - if nothing else I can always restore froom scratch - thanks - giving it a try17:35
server_do you have any reference dayo17:35
gartrali want to test my current installation, i want to make sure ubuntu 8.10, as its set up right now, wont break when i upgrade to 9.0417:35
dayoserver_: ok, hang on17:35
server_i'll wait17:36
dayoserver_: it's important that u understand the concept of delay pools, so i'm going to give u a few links first. after that we can try to configure your bandwidth management17:36
mobodoigorsh:  thanks17:37
mobodonetstat tells me it's used by "3060/) (No service-" wth is that?17:37
server_dayo do u have a complete tutorial about squid....?17:38
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server_can i have it.....17:38
igorshmobodo: try "sudo netstat -tlnp" - it show names of processes, that listen ports17:39
mobodoigorsh: under program name, I have "3060/) (No service-"17:39
mobodothe full line is "tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      3060/) (No service-"17:40
gartral!paste | mobodo17:40
ubottumobodo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:40
=== PC-Ente|away is now known as PC-Ente
dayoserver_: ok, i found three of my links: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153556/17:40
mobodogartral:  that one a one-liner, come in17:41
mobodoerr come on17:41
dayoserver_: i don't have a complete tutorial, i usually get the info i need from several places.17:41
igorshmobodo: try this with sudo - probably you haven't enough rights to see name of process17:41
dayoserver_: read thru that and try to understand delay pools, then when u're ready, let me know.17:41
mobodoigorsh:  I was root when I did that17:41
dayoserver_: if i don't respond right away, mail me at   contactdayo@gmail.com17:42
igorshхм. ну фиг знает.17:42
archmanAnyone here using xp version of Firefox thru wine?17:42
archmanI can't minimize...17:42
server_wi will learn this....17:42
Pici!ru | igorsh17:42
ubottuigorsh: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:42
dayoserver_: ok17:42
gartralmobodo: even so, consistency is what were aiming for, a link sticks out because its blue and underlined in most clients, information just looks like spam when your scrolling by..17:42
server_thx dayo17:42
dayoserver_: u're welcome17:42
Slartarchman: why would you want to do that? it sounds... dirty in some way ;)17:42
igorshPici: sorry, i just can't say this in english17:43
Slartarchman: or you're using some plugin only available for windows?17:43
gartralarchman: why wouldn't you run native firefox?17:43
gartralarchman: if this where a month ago, id'e understand, FF had some problems with the way it cached pages, but thats cleared up now17:44
FitzeHey, anyone know how to get the network driver in ubuntu server to work with ASRock G41M-LE?17:44
LeonBrusselsThis has been bothering me for some time: I am on a volume limited internet connection and I have multiple Ubuntu computers. Is there an (easy) way to let one computer mirror the updates to all of the others? Maybe just make the apt-cache a samba share...?17:44
CorpusCallosumhi everyone, i have a problem. i am using asus z97v motherboard and hotkeys and also external monitor doesnt work ? is there something that helps me fix that problem ;?17:45
niko_Hey, does anyone know where i can get help for C++ based programming where the users are actually nice?17:45
archmanSlart, gartral, because someone here advised me to run the one, because flash for linux sucks badly. I'm testing firefox (win) now, it's better definitely; on linux one I had some flash lockups, and shockwave isn't even supported....here it all works; except the minimizing LOL :D17:45
Traveler51Hi anyone now how to fix the problem when the installer can't detect the cdrom? Compaq presario 1260 amd k6ii 333mhz 290mb ram xubuntu 8.10 i38617:45
igorshLeonBrussels: try apt-proxy17:45
SlartLeonBrussels: I think there's a pacakge for that17:45
FitzeAnyone know how to get the network driver working ASRock G41M-LE?17:46
igorshLeonBrussels: or you can easy create a full local mirror with apt-mirror17:46
gartralarchman: ahh... oddly, i ran into the oppasit problem with your lockups, but i can't get flash videos to play sound through FF, but can through Knoquer17:46
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XarverMay anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112920917:46
Slartarchman: hmm...fair enough..well.. I have no idea about the minimization problem, sorry17:47
gartralarchman: but a ditry fix would be to run FF in a wine virtual desktop17:47
Tecnahow can I wipe my free space without having to fill the partition with a big file?17:47
Tecna(including cluster tips)17:47
LeonBrusselsigorsh: I believe a full mirror is a few gigs, and as I said I am on a limited connection, so just downloading everything is not an option. apt-proxy looks good though...17:47
SlartTecna: take a look at "wipe" perhaps it has an option for it17:47
Fitzehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE17:47
dayoniko_: http://reddit.com/r/cpp17:48
archmangartral, Slart, you know, I totally got pissed off, 1 out of 10 times the flash would definitely crap out, and it's kind of frustrating, and a little shame for such a big community like ubuntu. And a lack of shockwave...jeezz...17:48
TecnaSlart what are you talking about?17:48
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Slartgongat: no.. wrong.. very wrong.. go away17:48
Slart!info wipe17:48
ubottuwipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-5 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 136 kB17:48
Guest13404Hey guys.17:48
gartral!language | archman17:48
ubottuarchman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:48
gartrali know its annoying17:48
Mean_AdminXarver: all right, let's see now17:49
XarverSO, what do I do about installing a dual boot with Windows XP and Ubuntu 8.10, when I have a previous Ubuntu install? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112920917:49
Guest13404So, Ubuntu is 100% community based?17:49
Mean_AdminXarver: you installed Win on the hdd and now you're installing Ubuntu right ?17:49
gartralis there any want i can test my setup of 8.10 to make sure the upgrade to 9.04 will go smoothly?17:49
SlartTecna: wiping free space.. I suggested a file deleting utility that might have an option for wiping free space17:49
XarverMean_Admin: yes17:49
Guest13404I just installed Ubuntu and I like it a lot :)17:49
archmangartral, sorry ;) You know what I mean. Thanks for the help and support!17:49
=== Guest13404 is now known as Semi
gartralarchman: np, you want to know how to make FF run in a Wine VD?17:49
Fitzehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE17:49
=== Semi is now known as PROject-Emerald
archmangartral, cool, but would it make sense at all?17:50
=== Fitze is now known as CFJ0
Mean_AdminXarver: so if you were to boot it up without installing ubuntu (like before clicking Next) in the screenshots, Windows would boot right ?17:50
CFJ0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE17:50
manpoole on another computer wireless adapter it will see a network connect to it but no internet.... any ideas?17:50
archmanawwww shockwave working aah :)17:50
gartralarchman: so, would you like info on making firefox run in a wine virtual desktop?17:50
XarverMean_Admin: Yes, Windows XP works. The old ubuntu works but I don't know the user/pass and want to install the new ubuntu.17:50
TecnaSlart: where do I find that?17:51
Mean_AdminXarver: tiy don't have to reinstall !17:51
XarverMean_Admin: I don't ??17:51
PROject-EmeraldIs there a way to update to 8.10 without installing from a disk? I'm on 8.04 at the moment and I don't know if I should stay or upgrade17:51
Mean_AdminXarver: if you have physicall access to your box (which you seem to have), you can change admin/root password17:51
XarverMean_Admin: how?17:51
archmangartral, first I will need t study wine virtual desktop...just a sec...17:51
Mean_AdminXarver: one sec17:51
SlartTecna: nevermind.. I just checked and it doesn't have an option for wiping free space17:51
igorshXarver: just look for login of old ubuntu in old ubuntu's /etc/passwd17:51
igorshXarver: and drop the password in /etc/shadow17:52
SlartTecna: it's available from the repos.. try writing "!info wipe" here in the channel17:52
gartralarchman: its the same thing as wine itself, its just the program is run as a sub window in a win window17:52
Tecna!info wipe17:52
ubottuwipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-5 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 136 kB17:52
CFJ0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE17:52
Mean_AdminXarver: something like igorsh said :) but you gotta mount the old ubuntu in your LiveCD ubuntu17:52
archmangartral, is it a new feature maybe?17:52
gartralarchman: what version of wine are you on?17:52
shledI had a working wireless configuration on my command-line ubuntu laptop, but needed to change the router's ssid. Despite changing the configuration in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to the new ssid, I now cannot connect. Any ideas?17:53
otmdoes anyone know how I can use apt-get through a school proxy?17:53
rindolfHi all.17:53
Mean_AdminXarver: there is a guide I've used at some point in the past, I'll try to find it for you.. you can Google also and if you find something you undertsand, good times then17:53
rindolfHow do I set up the VirtualBox display driver on Linux Mint "Felicia"?17:53
PROject-EmeraldIs there a way to upgrade my version of Ubuntu without needing to format/upgrade with a disk? I'm on 8.04 and just did so much work to get all my favorite winapps to work (vent etc)17:53
archmangartral, latest, 19 i think17:53
igorshotm: put proxy settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf17:53
eMaXanyone here has experiences with a windows 2008 server joing a samba pdc?17:53
Mean_Adminshled: did the passwd change ? maybe network manager sucks ?17:53
archmangartral, 1.1.19 ;)17:53
archmangartral, ppa release17:54
shell32jaunty its so beautiful17:54
manpoolejaunty is17:54
manpooleat least with ati17:54
shledMean_Admin: No password change, I am not using Network Manager, minimal install/command line only, using wpa_supplicant17:54
gartralarchman: Applications>Wine>Configure Wine17:54
igorshPROject-Emerald: what happened?17:54
otmigorsh: is that the same as using the "network proxy" program and applying the settings system wide? If so I still get an error17:54
XarverMean_Admin: All I see is random stuff, I see no password.17:54
CFJ0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE17:55
Mean_AdminXarver: how's this : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/reset-your-ubuntu-password-easily-from-the-live-cd/ ?17:55
archmangartral: winecfg? (running xfce, don't have it all sorted up as on gnome)17:55
igorshotm: what an error& authorization error?17:55
PROject-EmeraldIs there a way for me to upgrade to 8.10 from 8.04 without needing a disk/mounting the ISO/formatting?17:55
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Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: there is an option in system update I think17:56
toanhelp me!17:56
gartralarchman: once there, add application to the list, and select firefox.exe, where ever its installed, then select it, an go over to the Graphics tab and check "Emulate in a Virtual Desktop17:56
otmigorsh: I get a 407 authentication error, even though I've input my correct username and password17:56
grawitytoan: How may we help you?17:56
toanhow to listen music online on ubuntu?17:56
=== NIdYa is now known as Dandy
gartralarchman: yea, winecfg17:56
PROject-EmeraldWell, I JUST installed Linux for the first time... how do I update with that?17:56
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:56
PROject-Emeraldthanks, Mean :)17:56
shledMean_Admin: If I change it back, it works again. But how can changing the SSID and the respective configuration values break wireless lan?17:56
toanhow to listen music online on ubuntu?17:56
toanhow to listen music an watch film online on ubuntu?17:57
toanhow to listen music an watch film online on ubuntu?17:57
toanhow to listen music an watch film online on ubuntu?17:57
FloodBot1toan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:57
Mean_Adminshled: I am sorta surprised also..  any weird characters ?17:57
igorshPROject-Emerald: in /etc/apt/sources.list change "hardy" to "intrepid" and make aptitude update -> aptitude full-upgrade17:57
pawel__res=$(nc -l -v 2280) prints 'Connection from port 2280 [tcp/*] accepted' to screen but data received to variable. How to load both connection info and data into variable?17:57
Mean_Admintoan: what ?17:57
archmantoan, you want a permaban ? :D17:57
shledMean_Admin: no, ASCII only. I have no idea what is happening.17:57
toanhow to listen music and watch film online on ubuntu?17:57
gartral!repeat | toan17:57
ubottutoan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:58
archmangartral, oh i see what's it all about, it minimizes now LOL, but, what's the purpose of it? Where can I read about it?17:58
Mean_Admintoan: on your browser ? like through firefox ?17:58
Mean_Adminshled: ....restart....applicant ?17:58
gartralarchman: its a function of wine, i use it for games that dont have a windowed mode17:58
PROject-EmeraldAnd if I install 8.10 will it format my drive or will it just replace system files?17:58
Mean_Admintoan: well you have to download nonfree-flash17:59
Mean_Admintoan: or sone plugin that plays flash17:59
gartralarchman: also, press F11 in firefox to make it take the whole wine window17:59
shledMean_Admin: no change, not even after a reboot17:59
XarverMean_Admin: Thanks so much! Let me reboot! :D17:59
archmangartral, that's what I needed for games too, awesome! now i don't need a cross17:59
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:59
Mean_AdminXarver: no prob, good future luck17:59
igorshPROject-Emerald: if you upgrade with apt-get, then your settings will not change17:59
Mean_Admintoan: you will be prompted to downloa those plugins when you try to play stuff in youtube for example17:59
BigApeMy wireless card does not work in Ubuntu, help please!18:00
Mean_Adminshled: at a loss man, I mean, I don't know if there any illegal SSIDs that supplicant will die over :P18:00
archmangartral, this mode eats up a little of a window, guess I need to lower the res18:00
igorshBigApe: what a card? on which chipset?18:00
monkey_d_luffyWhat's the best tool to save/load tags from mp3 files into/from a text file?  For flac I know that I can use metaflac, but what about mp3?18:00
PROject-EmeraldDoes anybody here use Ventrilo on 8.10?18:01
gartralarchman: just drag the corners18:01
BigApeigorsh: marvell technology group?18:01
toanoke now18:01
shledMean_Admin: even tried five different SSIDs, any change breaks the connection. Maybe I should try it from a different computer to sort out it's a router problem?18:01
Mean_Admintoan: it works ?18:01
Mean_Adminshled: sounds like a good idea18:01
Mean_Admintoan: perferct then, good future luck18:02
gartralarchman: it responds like a standard window unless your running a game, then it willeset when you let go18:02
gartralwill reset*18:02
shledMean_Admin: Will take some time, need to fetch a wireless stick from the cellar. Will keep you up to date if there is any progress.18:02
PROject-EmeraldMean_Admin: Do you use Ventrilo?18:02
linduxed1how do i check what process is occupying the alsa driver?18:02
Mean_Adminshled: will be waiting probably.. I'm curious18:02
igorshBigApe: you can see more information about card with lspci and then google it.18:02
archmangartral, hmm...displayer my firefox in both workspaces...18:02
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: not really , you afraid of compatiblity issues ?18:03
gartralarchman: im sorry?18:03
BigApeigorsh: I'm not good at doing that.  I can't connect to wireless networks.18:03
manpoolehelp my usb wifi will connect to my router but not to the internet18:03
PROject-EmeraldWell, I got a little bit of it working, but I can never get my mic to xmit properly/ transmit more than once in any session18:03
gartralarchman: ohh yea, wine windows are sticky, forgot about that18:03
PROject-Emeraldand I know some people have gotten it to work perfectly except for it needing to always be on top18:03
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: you've updated already?!18:03
PROject-EmeraldAnd I'm on gigabit connection18:03
Mean_AdminBigApe: you'll need a computer with internet access to solve most of your problems18:04
archmangartral, anyway, a nice feat, i'll try it for games sometime ;)18:04
Mean_AdminBigApe: in any case, this is always good to know : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11252618:04
BigApeMean_Admin: yes, I am using Ethernet.18:04
PROject-EmeraldActually, Mean_Admin, are you going to be on all day today?18:05
gartralarchman: right click the top border and you should be able to un-sticky it18:05
BigApeCan't find package build-essential... :(18:05
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: that sounds weird. like you'd change stuff in Preferences - Sounds and it would be lost at next session start up ?18:05
otmI recently configured my school proxy through terminal and on things like "network proxy" and firefox, however, now (with a direct connection at home) when I try to add/remove application it "fails to fetch". Anybody know how I can permanently undo the changes? When I click "apply system wide" on network proxy it doesn't seem to do anything.18:05
Mean_AdminBigApe: try sudo apt-fet update first18:05
Mean_AdminBigApe: sudo apt-get update18:05
BigApeYeah, think it will work, abiword etc. can't be found either.18:05
otmi think it's maybe because I dont have root privelidges through 'network proxy'18:06
lanoxxwhats the relation of pidgin and empathy? i noticed they look quite alike18:06
Drizzt321does anyone know why mount won't mount an xfs filesystem with a block size of 8k or 16k ?18:06
Lyth1Ubuntu is running pretty slow, what can cause this18:06
PROject-EmeraldMean_Admin: I'll talk to you in a bit when things aren't so hectic. Some of these people have real problems and my ventrilo problem is VERY miniscule.18:06
Mean_AdminLyth1: compiz ?18:06
Drizzt321Lyth1:  please tell us what 'slow' means to you?18:06
igorshDrizzt321: and what go to /var/log/messages when you try to mount&18:07
TheFuzzballDoes anyone know how to fix NTFS permissions?18:07
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: I probably can't help most of these people, I'm a relative newb also :)18:07
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Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: in any case, do they have a channel for Ventrilo ?18:07
Drizzt321igorsh:  arg! I keep forgetting to check the logs18:07
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: on freenode or somewhere ?18:07
PROject-EmeraldMean_Admin: Haha you know a LOT more than me. this is my first REAL Linux experience.18:07
gartral!info empathy18:07
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 732 kB18:07
gartral!info Telepathy18:07
ubottuPackage Telepathy does not exist in intrepid18:07
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Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: well you knew that sudo apt-get is a CLI command and you know what apt-get update does, that's pretty good !18:08
igorshPROject-Emerald: long-long ago we all have a first linux experience18:08
sleptwow, ubuntu jaunty is in EXTREMELY BAD state - tons of package collisions for gnome .... I am not sure where to start this all looks rc to me18:08
Mean_Adminslept: isn't jaunty still beta?18:08
PROject-EmeraldJaunty = 8.10?18:08
gartralPROject-Emerald: jaunty = 9.0418:09
igorshPROject-Emerald: jaunty - 9.0418:09
sleptwell , yes but packages should be installable ..18:09
Slartslept: you did a clean install?18:09
sleptno dist-upgrade18:09
PROject-EmeraldOh, ok. So 8.10 is stable? The one that most people are using at the moment18:09
Slartslept: you might want to ask the people in #ubuntu+1, that's the official support channel18:09
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: yes it is :)18:09
igorshPROject-Emerald: yes18:09
nightrid3rPROject-Emerald: yes18:09
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: you're running ventrilo through Wine right ?18:09
Drizzt321hrm...says only pagesize (4096) or less will currently work    really annoying18:09
PROject-EmeraldYeah, but I'm currently finishing the 8.10 install.18:10
Mean_AdminSlart: cool channel name ubuntu+118:10
PROject-EmeraldAlso, should I use Konsole as my terminal or the default Ubuntu terminal?18:10
gartralhow do i get a vmware image to work through qemu?18:10
igorshotm: you need to disable proxy when you have direct connection18:10
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: so through Wine you say. You can try teamspeak ? it's apparently good also and it's native for linux also http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads18:11
rm```gartral: man qemu-img18:11
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: terminal works fine for me..18:11
gartralrm```: im using qtemu frontenf18:12
rm```I think you can convert stuff with that18:12
rm```I don't know18:12
otmigorsh: done it, still wont work18:12
igorshthere is a free voice chat - mumble18:12
PROject-EmeraldWell, Mean_Admin, I would use TeamSpeak but my programming team uses Ventrilo and they're stubborn as mules. So, unless I find a programming/gaming team that uses Teamspeak, I'm S.o.L.18:12
woololá alguem pode me da uma luz,como eu mudo a imagem do ubuntu??aquela de entrada q tem uma barrinha?18:12
PROject-EmeraldAs of now I rely heavily on Ventrilo and Skype18:12
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: I don't know how much you messed around with Ventrilo after it's installation but this guy says you should change stuff : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173718:13
igorshotm: when you run apt-get, where it try to connect?18:13
hhp2kHey everyone, happy Saturday :)  Is there an appropriate channel on freenode for Wine?18:13
PROject-EmeraldCan you hold on to that link for me? I'm almost done updating18:13
igorshotm: i think you not fully disable proxy18:13
darkpixelwool: try #ubuntu-br18:13
woololá alguem pode me da uma luz,como eu mudo a imagem do ubuntu??aquela de entrada q tem uma barrinha?18:13
CrocoJetno more 9.04 beta?18:13
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: no problemo18:13
igorshhhp2k: it is sunday here18:13
Sc0Hello everyone. I'm having some trouble with the NetworkManager applet. It insists that both my eth0 and my wireless interface (ra0) are "network not managed." Could anyone help explain this?18:13
PROject-Emerald:) Thanks a bunch18:14
nightrid3rgartral: http://www.nongnu.org/qemu/qemu-doc.html18:14
hhp2kigorsh: Happy weekend :P18:14
otmigorsh: i agree, because it still tried to connect to the school proxy, is there a way to disable it permanently through terminal since GUI doesn't seem to work?18:14
Mean_Adminhhp2k: apparently #winehq18:14
=== atrans is now known as trans
yusuf_please my ubuntu  8.10 i do not know if it have the compile of c and c++18:15
igorshotm: first. check $http_proxy variable18:15
eiliosHelp, this is serious, my friend told me to type "killall gnome-panel" to get rid of the free the fish easter egg, and now the panels are gone and I can't do anything.18:15
=== trans is now known as atrans
eiliosI am running a jaunty upgrade so I can't restart, any way to turn the gnome panels back on?18:15
igorshotm: second check settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf or /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/18:15
yusuf_can you help me18:15
nightrid3ryusuf_: sudo apt-get install glibc6-dev will install all you need to compile18:15
PROject-Emeraldeilios: DOesn't sound like a very good friend to me.18:16
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LjLnightwhy not build-essential instead?18:16
LjLnightrid3r:  even18:16
=== atrans_ is now known as atrans
otmigorsh: yeah, it's that and the ftp_proxy that are the problem, apt-get works if i do http_proxy=off but I'd rather do it permanently18:16
igorshyusuf_: install build-essential - it will install c and c++ compilers with other build tools18:16
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:17
nightrid3rLjL: i did that before and for some odd reason my compiler couldn't create executable code (according to eggdrop make)18:17
Mean_Admineilios: of the top of my head, can you just in a termnial type "gnome-panel" ?18:17
eiliosWell, he was trying to help. I was getting really annoyed by the fish thing.18:17
eiliosNo protocol specified18:17
eiliosCannot open display:18:17
eiliosRun 'gnome-panel --help' to see a full list of available command line options.18:17
toothyHi Guys, i am trying to get a chrooted user account working with vsftpd and i've found that when i try to upload via this user i get "Error: Critical error"   any ideas why?18:17
PROject-EmeraldSo, Linux was a better choice than sticking with windows? I've been trojanned like 23 times due to faulty Antivirus programs.18:17
igorshotm: does "echo $http_proxy" in terminal return address of school proxy?18:17
Mean_Admineilios: you can seriouly just disable widgets by going in the panel optinos18:17
LjLnightrid3r: that usually happens when you *don't* have bild-essential properly installed18:17
eiliosOh, that probably would have helped18:17
eiliosBut right now I need to get panels up18:18
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: is that ? a !      ?18:18
PROject-EmeraldIs that question an exclamation? What?18:18
otmno, it says "off" <<I think I know what the problem is lol18:18
yusuf_yusuf@yusuf-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install glibc6-dev18:18
nightrid3rLjL: thanks, i'll write that one down18:18
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: thew ay you asked the question, it was like it was towrads somebody18:18
otmigorsh:  no, it says "off" <<I think I know what the problem is lol18:19
yusuf_[sudo] password for yusuf:18:19
yusuf_Reading package lists... Done18:19
yusuf_Building dependency tree18:19
yusuf_Reading state information... Done18:19
yusuf_E: Couldn't find package glibc6-dev18:19
FloodBot1yusuf_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
Mean_Admineilios: explore that gnome-panels --help or google it :P sorry, I've never killed my own18:19
nightrid3ryusuf_: try sudo apt-get install build-essential18:19
igorshotm: it's good that you know18:19
eiliosOkay, this is serious because I can't run applications, I can only alt tab between windows18:19
PROject-EmeraldNope, just a general question to be honest. I REALLY like how user-friendly it is, and apparently the community is really helpful, unlike Windows.18:19
otmigorsh: but I still dont know how to overcome it/reset it18:20
yusuf_but the compile do not run18:20
LjLeilios: would restarting X be very bad?18:20
eiliosI don't know, i'm running a system update.18:20
eiliosI'm worried it would kill my system18:20
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: well then, I'd say yes :) Ubuntu is a better choice, in your context :)18:20
LjLthen let it finish before doing anything18:20
eiliosYeah, good idea18:20
Mean_Admineilios: wait for it to finish ?18:20
Sc0Could anyone help me configure my wireless network interface under Intrepid? I can't seem to get it to play nice with my windows laptop18:20
igorshotm: export $http_proxy=""18:21
PROject-EmeraldAlthough, I'm a pretty avid gamer, so in the long run maybe it was a bad idea unless I can find a way to get Steam and CounterStrike to work18:21
Mean_AdminSc0: tried ndiswrapper ?18:21
gartralwhy isnt pidgin 2.5.5 in repos yet, there are security fixes...18:21
eiliosI'm upgrading to Jaunty, so it will restart automatically.18:21
BigApeThanks a lot for your help, igorsh and mean_admin!  Ciao!18:21
eiliosProject, steam works near flawlessly with WINE.18:21
otmigorsh: thank you18:21
Sc0Mean_Admin: Sorry, that was a poorly-constructed sentence18:21
eiliosI've tested it, and I can play Gmod with no issues18:21
rm```PROject-Emerald: use wine? or are you having problems with that18:21
igorshotm: export http_proxy="" - that's be right18:21
PROject-EmeraldHaven't tried yet. But last time I tried Steam + Wine I had to reinstall Linux18:21
Sc0I'm running Intrepid on my desktop and trying to connect to my windows laptop through the wireless connection18:21
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: there is a company that does pretty good emulation for games under Linux, I forget the name at the moment18:21
eiliosCedega games?18:22
Mean_Adminyeah those !18:22
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ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:22
rm```PROject-Emerald: that sounds pretty extreme, don't be scared to try again18:22
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: yeah that does seem hardcore18:22
gartralPROject-Emerald: wine works for CS, the company cedega, which is a paid for fork of wine, has fallen behind the wine comunity, and there dev release is amazing18:23
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: if you're inclinded to spend money Cedega usually has quality products, as in they work pretty well18:23
Mean_Admingartral: really now ?18:23
rm```I suggest using wine or buying crossover, its more in the spirit of free software18:23
PROject-EmeraldWell, I don't have any source of income at the moment... heh.18:23
Mean_Admingartral: I though Wine couldn't handle GPU very well18:23
gartralMean_Admin: as far as ive head, yes18:23
digitalslaveanyone else have problems with miro - if you pause a video and press play it is so slow it bare changes frames and kills the sound deamon?18:23
PROject-EmeraldI'm a lazy bum leeching off of my boyfriend18:23
Sc0Mean_Admin: My desktop box is running 8.10 and has a ralink-driven wireless card. Ubuntu uses a binary driver for the card and I can see it under  both ifconfg and iwconfig18:24
rm```PROject-Emerald: go to http://appdb.winehq.org18:24
gartralMean_Admin: wine plays well with my system18:24
rm```you can search for programs there and get instructions on how to make them work18:24
shledMean_Admin: got the stick installed, but need to quit in order to try it. Will be back in a minute.18:24
Mean_AdminSc0: but you can't see a share on a Win laptop ?18:24
ahanyone tried a e-cigarette?18:24
zewmah: I have18:24
LjL!ot | ah18:24
ubottuah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:24
PROject-EmeraldThanks :)18:24
Mean_Adminshled: see ya in 1 minute18:24
Sc0Mean_Admin: Can't even ping from one to the other18:24
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Mean_AdminSc0: firewall on Windows laptop ?18:25
Mean_AdminSc0: iptables on the ubuntu machine ?18:25
eMaXanyone here knows what's wrong if a w2k8 server thats part of a samba pdc domain hangs consistently for 2 mins at boot?18:25
PROject-Emeraldrm```:Thanks so much :D That's exactly what I needed to be honest...18:26
* [_FireSoul_] did not quit ()18:26
otmigorsh: dont feel compelled to reply cause I've bothered you enough, but it's still not working18:26
* [_FireSoul_] is totally unaware of what otm is talking about lol18:27
igorshotm: it's strange18:27
rm```PROject-Emerald: you can also join #winehq to get wine-specific help18:28
igorshotm: maybe there are proxy settings in apt.conf?18:28
PROject-EmeraldGod, I never thought the Ubuntu community was this helpful18:28
otmigorsh: maybe, i'll look through it no18:28
askandHi, when I boot, all I get is a mousecursor. I would love if someone could give me some tips on what could be wrong :(18:28
Sc0Mean_Admin: Well, I think I just needed to add the routing information18:28
Mean_AdminSc0: it works now ?18:29
Sc0Mean_Admin: NetworkManager is still complaining about "Network is unmanaged"18:29
Mean_AdminSc0: man I hate network manager18:29
Sc0Mean_Admin: I'm starting to as well18:29
glen_Can someone help me run a bin file? All I get is command not found ;/18:29
Sc0It does work now, by the way.18:29
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== akahigeRGO is now known as _akahige_
Mean_AdminSc0: you can try to create new devices18:29
igorshglen_: and how you try to run it?18:30
zewmglen_: chmod +x name.bin | ./name.bin18:30
Sc0Mean_Admin: Is there a better GUI front-end?18:30
nightrid3rglen_: use ./binname18:30
LjLglen_: are you sure you *want* to run a .bin file to begin with? do you trust the source? are you sure it's not software that is already available from a repository?18:30
Mean_AdminSc0: like, you have et0 and ra1 (right), create new ones18:30
otmigorsh: isn't there a quick way to check through terminal? I forgot the command...18:30
Mean_AdminSc0: I think wicd is better18:30
PROject-EmeraldSo um, anyone here have kids? This isn't really a Ubuntu problem but it's pretty serious :)18:30
Sc0Mean_Admin: eth0 and ra0, yes18:30
glen_LjL its not available18:30
LjL!ot | PROject-Emerald18:30
ubottuPROject-Emerald: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:30
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: I've little sister ?18:30
glen_I get this:18:30
glen_glen@glen-desktop:~/Desktop/Naev$ sudo ./naev-0.3.8-linux-x86-6418:30
glen_[sudo] password for glen:18:30
glen_sudo: ./naev-0.3.8-linux-x86-64: command not found18:30
FloodBot1glen_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
glen_oh, sorry18:30
pawel__res=$(nc -l -v 2280) prints 'Connection from port 2280 [tcp/*] accepted' to screen but data received to variable. How to load both connection info and data into variable?18:31
PROject-EmeraldAre there any good Ubuntu macro programs?18:31
LjLglen_: you said it was a .bin file. i don't see any ".bin" in that filename.18:31
connexhi guys, is there  a way i can get the install date for my system?18:31
Mean_AdminSc0: you can create new devices in, call 'em eth00 and ra11 or something18:31
PROject-Emeraldlike, text macros similar to Shortkeys18:31
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:31
Mean_AdminSc0: basically, just have the same configuration as your old auto configured devices but manually created18:31
Mean_AdminSc0: it solved problems for me in the past18:31
Mean_AdminSc0: I don't think I'm being clear :P18:31
glen_LjL: it doesnt come as .bin when using "dir" either, but right click -> properties says it is a BIN file18:31
Sc0Mean_Admin: How does that circumvent the underlying issue?18:31
Mean_AdminSc0: otherwise, go for wicd :)18:31
otmigorsh: apt.conf is empty18:31
glen_LjL: either way that should work as per the install instructions :|18:32
dfsscan i use toyd on ubuntu ?18:32
Mean_AdminSc0: network manager actively works against you by changing configurations back and forth18:32
Mean_AdminSc0: but apart from swtiching to wicd or making new NIC devices under network manager, did you check firewalls ?18:32
LjLglen_: make it executable, as people told you18:32
toothyHi Guys, i am trying to get a chrooted user account working with vsftpd and i've found that when i try to upload via this user i get "Error: Critical error"   any ideas why?18:33
Sc0I've got no firewalls running on the ubuntu box or on the windows laptop (on the wireless interface, anyway)18:33
igorshotm: i can say only untranslatable russian play of words for it.18:33
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glen_LjL, thanks :)18:34
Mocs_ingameanyone know anything about apache?  I have a lan, and I set it up, and I WAS getting webpage response, but after reboot I am not.  I tried a restart... no joy18:34
digitalslavetoothy, have you checked the logs?18:34
otmigorsh: dont worry, thanks for your help18:34
Mean_AdminSc0: no zonealarm, nothing like that ? how's  sudo iptables -L   look ?18:34
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Mean_AdminSc0: Windows firewall disabled also right ?18:34
Sc0Mean_Admin: Looking...18:34
Mocs_ingamewondering if the DHCP hosed it by assigning another IP?18:34
otm[_FireSoul_], fancy a stab at my problemo?18:34
nascentmindhi. How do i make my ati fanspeed persistent?18:35
Mean_AdminMoc: you can check your apache's machine's ip with ifconfig18:35
Mean_AdminMocs_ingame: you can check ip with if config18:35
Mocs_ingamemean: yeah...
Mocs_ingameMean: and I can hit it FTP, but not web18:35
paul__hi, how can I get the latest version of lyx ?  It seems that the ubuntu only installs older versions18:36
soypanlinhello everyone18:36
[_FireSoul_]otm, i am ignorant of your prob :P18:36
toothydigitalslave i just says "FAIL UPLOAD" and the file name18:36
Mean_AdminMocs_ingame: so a client on the same LAN can access the FTP on the server but not apache ?18:37
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digitalslavetoothy, what steps have you taken to set up the chroot dir?18:37
otm[_FireSoul_], i set up terminal to work through a school proxy, however, now I'm at home I can't get things like add/remove programs to work18:37
jewlzany1 else have a problem where ktorrent just gets closed by it self?18:38
toothydigitalslave, i created the directory as normal, created the user with his home dir set to the directory, and finally added the chrooted user to the www-data group18:38
Mean_Adminnascentmind: I think ATi released some linux apps for their gpus18:38
nascentmindMean_Admin, yes its catalyst control center.18:38
toothyDigitalGeek, aside from the directory setup, i added the user's login to my vsftpd.chroot_list file18:39
PROject-EmeraldWait, there's a Catalyst control center for Linux?18:39
nascentmindMean_Admin, I can set the fan speed to 100% by giving aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 100"18:39
nascentmindMean_Admin, is there  anyway to make that persistent?18:39
digitalslavetoothy, did you create the chroot environment in the home dir with all libs and bins? and also set the ChrootDirectory in the sshd_config?18:39
BadEagleanybody happen to know if there's any sort of average delay before an IP that was in use can get recycled to another computer? like for dial-up and dsl IPs and such...18:40
PROject-EmeraldUh, I actually have a moderately relevant question...18:40
rodolfoguys I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm still running into some dificulties using atheros wireless lan adapter...somebody help me with this...18:40
xargonhey, i kinda new to linux, and i just tried recording something with audacity, now my computer wont stop making an EXTREMELY LOUD high pitch sound any time its on18:40
xargonits almost unbearable to stay near it18:40
askandHi, when I boot, all I get is a mousecursor. I would love if someone could give me some tips on what could be wrong ?18:40
toothydigitalslave, i have /www/site.com as his home directory... there are no libs/bins in there.  right now im just trying to get FTP to work18:40
xargonanyone know why/how its doing this18:40
digitalslaveBadEagle, depends on the ISP IPs are leased for a certain time period18:40
Sc0Mean_Admin: IPtables looks... complicated :)18:40
igorshBadEagle: this delay set in config of dhcp server18:40
PROject-EmeraldI have an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI card, and my monitor is plugged in to that. Does that mean that the  drivers are installed or do I need to get ATI drivers for Linux before I run CS:S?18:41
askandPerhaps have an idea on what logs I can look into18:41
Sc0But the two boxes can communicate now that the routing table has been corrected18:41
Mean_AdminSc0: it sorta is ..sometimes in any case how's    sudo iptables -L    output look like ?18:41
BadEaglek, thx, that's quite inconvenient that there's no standard18:41
ubekhello i have problem with configuration apache2 i have error  Invalid command 'Anonymous_Authoritative' but commant Annonymous is working i had linked the auth_anon module enybody know how to solve this?18:41
digitalslavetoothy, ah so just ftp not sftp? in that case set up the ftpaccess file18:41
Sc0Mean_Admin: I'm honestly a little new to IPtables so I'm not sure what to look for, but it does have a wealth of ALLOW entries18:42
Mean_AdminSc0: ah right so it works jhaha sorry, was still stuck at 'not working'18:42
Mean_AdminSc0: iptables is pretty darn intense actually18:42
Sc0Mean_Admin: Is WICD in the repositoroes18:42
Mean_AdminSc0: but sooooooooo worth learning18:42
Mean_AdminSc0: don't remember18:42
toothydigitalslave, ftpaccess file?  hmm... ive never seen anything about that when reading on vsftpd stuff18:42
rodolfothe ubuntu 9.04 installation procedure run OK but and my wireless card worked very well. but after updating my system it doesn't anymore. I'm using the madwifi driver and I don't know how to get it back to work...somebody plase help me18:42
Mean_AdminSc0: try ?18:42
Sc0Mean_Admin: I did and can't seerem to find it th18:43
Sc0Mean_Admin: I did and can't seem to find it there18:43
PROject-EmeraldDoes Ubuntu automatically install videocard drivers or do I need to get them from the ATI website? I'm running an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI card and it's plugged in right now and working. Does that mean I should be fine to run games and such?18:43
eseven73wicd is not in the repos according to !info wicd18:43
igorshPROject-Emerald: it's better to install drivers from repository18:43
Sc0eseven73: That's my impression, but google says it's in universe for jaunty18:44
PROject-EmeraldWell, I'm a Linux newb... no idea what that means.18:44
digitalslavetoothy, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/vsftp-chroot-users-limit-to-only-their-home-directory.html18:44
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eseven73!jaunty | sc018:44
ubottusc0: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:44
Mean_AdminSc0: well there is probably a .deb package on the intertubes18:44
Sc0eseven73: Right, still in RC. As a geology proff of mine once said, "geological time is now." I guess it's the same with software development :P18:45
toothydigitalslave, ha just found that link! checking now...18:45
Mean_AdminPROject-Emerald: games that use openGl, no problem18:45
dfssis beryl  support ATI x1300 ??18:45
digitalslavetoothy, im more of an openssh kinda guy and if you get off as easy as that doc cheers to you although openssh does have some automated scripts to create the chroot environment18:46
danclarki get off easy18:46
toothydigitalslave, really?  would u mind pointing me @ some of those scripts?18:46
Sc0Mean_Admin: Thanks for your help. Linux seems to have some many different avenues to (try to) accomplish the same thing... and they seem to fight one another now and then18:46
toothyand do they do it via blind mounts18:46
toothycause i think the way im doing it feels a little hackety18:46
marie_blubbis it supported by samba to use software that is running at one pc (sunbird). i cannot finde an howto about it18:47
DadokiekI have a quick question. If I were using wubi, if I were to install something on it, I would have to download the linux version?18:47
alejandrozanottiDoes any one knows how to enable mi ubuntuforums account again... i tried to acces and its been disabled to post18:47
digitalslavetoothy, they come with openssh and copy enough libs and bins to the chroot dir to get it going but youll need to copy things like passwd and its libs if youd like the jailed user to change their password :)18:47
Sc0Dadokiek: Yes, ubuntu installed under wubi is still linux :)18:48
dfssDadokiek , what do you mean?18:48
toothydigitalslave, ah... i think we might be talking about different things?  i think youre talking about a real chrooted enviornment when im just trying to jail FTP users to a specific directory :)  i will run though that article though and give it a shot...18:48
toothythx a lot for your help18:49
DadokiekThis might sound like a dumb question, but ubuntu is a linux thing, right?18:49
toothyreally appreciate it18:49
=== alejandrozanotti is now known as alek66
poningruanyone on 64bit?18:49
Barriduswhat's the most normal way of putting a Trash can on the Desktop?18:49
poningruand tried to use ekiga?18:49
Sc0Dadokiek: You might say linux is an Ubuntu thing... Yes, they are one in the same18:49
poningruBarridus, hold on18:49
Mean_AdminSc0: yeah well some apps sucks under Linux :)18:49
Dadokiekokay, so if I were to download something, I would need the linux version instead of the windows version, right?18:49
epalmi have this bluetooth usb adapterhttp://www.cirago.com/products/Cirago_BTA3210.html and this bluetooth headset18:49
epalmhttp://www.nokia.ca/link?cid=EDITORIAL_286124 and no love between them.  the bluetooth device wizard just sits at "select the device you want to setup" with an empty list18:49
FloodBot1epalm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:49
Mean_AdminSc0: if we were all to do it by CLI, all would work most of the time18:50
alek66does anyone know howto re enable an account on ubuntuforums?18:50
Mean_AdminSc0: but CLI 24/7 sucks so18:50
epalmanyone have experience with ubuntu's bluetooth manager?18:50
poningruBarridus, http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg10t16.htm18:50
poningruepalm, whatsup>18:50
Sc0Dadokiek: That's correct. Since you're using Ubuntu, many of the best applications are available through the Synaptic Package Manager18:50
poningruepalm, a) can another computer see the nokia?18:50
otmdoes anyone know how I can reset the network proxy settings permanently?18:50
epalmponingru: plugged in http://www.cirago.com/products/Cirago_BTA3210.html , got the bluetooth icon in the taskbar18:51
DadokiekSo if I'm using wubi, it would also be the linux version of programs if I'm downloading from a sight and can't use the package manager?18:51
Sc0Mean_Admin: The ideal GUI app is just a front-end for the best CLI tools, IMHO18:51
arudilis there any repository to install eclipse 3.4?18:51
epalmponingru: turned on the nokia, did the device search, nada.  the nokia works fine with my phone18:51
Cypher742it's hard to know whether to post this in here or ubuntu+1, but... I'm trying to upgrade to 9.04. Ive downloaded a bunch of package files, but now I constantly get 404s on every package I try to DL. It's the mirrors.easynews.net mirror.18:51
Barridusponingru, i knew it had to be in gconfeditor, but i must been blind.  thanks :D18:51
=== Cypher742 is now known as elnerdodegeek
poningruepalm, go into a terminal (do you know how to do that?)18:52
Sc0Dadokiek: Right-o. Ubuntu installed with wubi is still linux, it's just linux squatting in the unoccupied basement/attic of a windows install :) Which app are you lusting after?18:52
epalmponingru: ok, i'm there18:52
otmDoes anyone know how I can reset the network proxy settings permanently?18:52
stumpedi am new to ubuntu and my nvidia gforce 4800 ti se is only able to produce 640x480 resolution18:52
poningruelnerdodegeek, change the mirror to the normal ubuntu one18:52
stumpedhow do i fix this18:52
poningruepalm, type in dmesg and press enter18:52
Mean_AdminSc0: yeah but GUI front-end sometimes interferes with your desires (network manager for the lose)18:53
* shled is back again.18:53
celthunderstumped install the nvidia drivers18:53
poningrubunch of stuff will fly by but at the end you might see some bluetooth stuff18:53
epalmponingru: ok, what do you want to know?18:53
poningruthats what we are interested in18:53
Mean_Adminshled !18:53
DadokiekOh, this time I was trying to get ventrilo :P But it seems like the linux version is still in development18:53
Barridusreally starting to like gconf-editor, i need to get more familiar18:53
Mean_Adminshled: so ?18:53
Sc0Mean_Admin: Very true18:53
shledMean_Admin: no success, however a different error, maybe a problem with the stick. I will try and find out18:53
elnerdodegeekponingru: Ive tried switching servers but it automatically switches back to easynews when I resume the partial upgrade.18:53
macman_guys .. im playing an iso with mplayer right now .. how do i choose the menus or the play feature ?18:53
poningruelnerdodegeek, how did you switch servers?18:53
epalmponingru: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153586/18:54
Mean_Adminshled: wait no succes in connectiong from another computer to the wifi network ?18:54
=== lacqui_ is now known as lacqui
elnerdodegeekponingru: software sources, Ubuntu Software -> "Download From" Pulldown18:55
Sc0Dadokiek: With ubuntu you either hope that there's a (stable) precompiled binary version (packaged in a .deb file in the case of ubuntu) or compile the source code yourself. One of the major appeals of Ubuntu is that installation of most standard packages is easy and the dependencies are automatically installed along with it.18:55
Dadokiek:S I have no idea how to compile a source code at all. Was hoping to learn eventually18:56
rockohow do you free ubuntu ?18:56
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Sc0Dadokiek: Well, depending on your needs, now might be the time...18:56
rockoI have gnu icecat, libre linux kernel. is there any thing else I can do to make sure I only install free software18:57
shledMean_Admin: yes, still no success, however it might be a problem with the proprietary stick driver18:57
shledMean_Admin: on that other machine18:57
Dadokiek:) I'm interesting in learning, how do I go about finding out how to do that?18:57
connexhi guys, is there  a way i can get the install date for my system?18:58
Mean_Adminshled: oy !18:58
=== rm````` is now known as rm```
Mean_Adminshled: painful this is for you :)18:59
louissomebodey know about mysql?18:59
elnerdodegeekponingru: hello?18:59
shledMean_Admin: painful indeed18:59
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Sc0Dadokiek: Looks like you're out of luck in this case. According to the Ventrilo website, the linux client is still under development. They do have a server package out for linux, but that doesn't help much...18:59
Dadokiekoh, okay19:00
Dadokiekhow would you do that if they did have a normal one? I think I'm missing something19:00
Dadokiekit's not just about downloading it and such?19:00
Sc0Dadokiek: Do what?19:00
manpoolewould the alternative install have the same drivers included as the normal install cd?19:01
Dadokiekcompiling the source file, what's that about?19:01
manpoolehaving wifi troubled19:01
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:02
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
DoyleChrisdoes the standard I386 download of Ubuntu 8.10 have the server version or is that a separte download19:02
rockohow do you free ubuntu ?19:02
rockoI have gnu icecat, libre linux kernel. is there any thing else I can do to make sure I only install free software19:02
rm```install vrms19:03
poningruwho was I helping?19:03
rm```it'll tell you the non-free stuff installed on your system19:03
xpotquestion: anyone know how to get gail?19:03
grawityrocko: I think almost all software on Ubuntu is free?19:03
elnerdodegeekponingru: meeee19:03
rm```rocko: you could also try gNewSense instead of Ubuntu19:03
rockoum not in that sense grawity19:03
poningruelnerdodegeek, you the one with the wrong software source?19:03
rm```it's a ubuntu-based distro containing only free software19:03
rockono I already now about gnewsense rm```19:04
rockoI am in that channel19:04
rockoit is out of date19:04
grawityrocko: Free as in open-source?19:04
DoyleChrisso install vrms to get the server setup19:04
rm```DoyleChris I was talking to rocko19:04
rockograwity http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html19:04
elnerdodegeekponingru: so it seems. not sure if its a net screwup on my part or a server bug but yes19:04
Barridusdoes evolution work better with exchange if synch'ed locally?ddoes evolution work better with exchange if synch'ed locally?oes evolution work better with exchange if synch'ed locally?19:04
rm```vrms (virtual richard m stallman) will list all non-free packages installed19:04
poningruelnerdodegeek, when you change the software source19:05
poningrudoes it ask you for password before getting in there?19:05
elnerdodegeekponingru: yes19:05
=== john is now known as Guest64521
grawityrocko: eh, whatever. Anyway, I think most of the software in Ubuntu is free in all senses - non-free packages are usually marked like that...19:05
rockojohn doe19:05
Guest64521what pgm to clone 8.0419:06
poningruelnerdodegeek, pick other when you go to download from19:07
elnerdodegeekponingru: i try, it seems to just auto-reset back to "main server"19:07
poningruno pick "other" its one of the options19:08
rocko1.1% non free softwarez19:08
elnerdodegeekponingru: I mean I already tried picking other and choosing the best server. Then when I do the partial upgrade it resets back to easynews19:09
CorpusCallosumhi everyone, i have a problem. i am using asus z97v motherboard and hotkeys and also external monitor doesnt work ? is there something that helps me fix that problem ;?19:10
linduxed1how do i check what process is occupying the alsa driver?19:10
rothchildHow do I make menubar text white?19:11
=== linduxed1 is now known as linduxed
zewmrothchild: System > Pref > Appearance19:12
poningruelnerdodegeek, go to a terminal and do "ls -lart /etc/apt/sources.lst"19:13
poningruwhat does it output?19:13
jljllokk omg beautifull girls here http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=2177519:13
jljllokk omg beautifull girls here http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=2177519:13
jljllokk omg beautifull girls here http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=2177519:13
rothchildzewm: thanks but what is it called I can change the tool tips, I don't want to change the menus in applications, just the taskbar19:13
FloodBot1jljl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
shledMean_Admin: it is working from that other machine19:14
zewmrothchild: change the "windows" text color19:14
kingosI've got this RM tablet and I can't get  the stylus to work19:15
zewmrothchild: it all uses the same setting. once you change the color of the menubar it affects the windows as well (and vice versa)19:15
elnerdodegeekponingru: ...no such file.19:15
rothchildzewm: hah, thanks but it changes it in all the app menus and so on?19:15
zewmrothchild: yup19:15
elnerdodegeekls: cannot access /etc/apt/sources.lst: No such file or directory19:15
poningruelnerdodegeek, sorry I meant sources.list19:16
DoyleChrisDoes the normal ubuntu download come with the server software19:16
poningruelnerdodegeek, go to a terminal and do "ls -lart /etc/apt/sources.list"19:16
rothchildhmm, I've got a dark desktop, transparent task bar but grey apps so I want black text in apps and white on the toolbar. I guess this is just not possible?19:16
kingosoh great the cat has sat in the keyboard spot19:16
PROject-EmeraldI'm currently updating to 8.10 from 8.04 and my Pidgin keeps crashing... is this normal?19:16
zewmrothchild: I'm sure there is some way to do it, but that is beyond my knowledge19:16
elnerdodegeekponingru: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4437 2009-04-18 12:28 /etc/apt/sources.list19:16
zewmrothchild: You might be able to edit some config files and such, but I'm not sure which ones19:17
rothchildzewm: thanks for trying, back to google for me!19:17
poningruelnerdodegeek, in the terminal do this: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:17
=== The_Drizzle is now known as Sc0
=== john is now known as Guest99000
noodlesgcDoyleChris: not really. The 'normal' focuses more on desktop users.19:18
elnerdodegeekponingru: done19:18
kingosi'm assuming that this tablet uses a wacom for its input19:19
Guest99000how sihn in?19:19
poningruand then change the mirror back to  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com19:19
DoyleChriswhich flavor of linux should i use19:19
Guest99000how sign in?19:19
kingosDoyleChris: you should use ubuntu19:19
shledMean_Admin: Was a typo in the psk on that machine with the stick. So it is not a router problem, obviously. How does this leave us?19:19
poningruelnerdodegeek, its probably as simple as removing the # infront of the us.archive.ubuntu.com and putting it in front of the other mirror19:20
Guest99000how to sign in to post?19:20
DoyleChriswhich flavor for a server19:20
kingosDoyleChris: freebsd19:20
kingosDoyleChris: but that isn't linux19:20
elnerdodegeekponingru: can I just do a find-replace?19:22
* Until_It_Sleeps is going to sound like a real nerd when he says this.... he wants a program that reports CPU usage by sounding like a starship's warp drive...19:22
Mean_Adminshled: all right, so you connect from other machines on the wifi network, so the problem is ubuntu-side ?19:22
shledMean_Admin: I should think so19:22
nadanis there a software firewall installed on ubuntu by default? I'm trying to get a game to work and they said it might be stoping it.19:23
poningruelnerdodegeek, sure19:23
nadanits saying to go to one ip...  but then as if it never tried it timesout on address, port 6025  .... and wireshark says no packets leave19:24
nspbhallo #ubuntu19:25
EdgEynadan do you have a home router or something similar19:25
Mean_Adminshled: I'm thinking, I'm not getting anything in my brain... I don't see how chaning SSID would brake it..19:26
nadanEdgEy, yah i have a router19:26
stumpedso how do i install the drivers for my nvidia 4800 ti se?19:26
Mean_Adminshled: any other processes doing networking that depend on SSID ?19:26
marcelstumped, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18019:26
EdgEynadan as far as i know theres no firewall installed on ubuntu by default, its more likely your router is blocking it19:26
stumpeddo i have to download it first?19:27
marcelstumped, no19:27
marcelstumped, it will be downloaded by apt-get19:27
stumpedand i need to do that as root?19:27
jljlIt is my suster nude :) http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=21775 :):):):):):):)19:27
jljlIt is my suster nude :) http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=21775 :):):):):):):)19:27
jljlIt is my suster nude :) http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=21775 :):):):):):):)19:27
jljlIt is my suster nude :) http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=21775 :):):):):):):)19:27
FloodBot1jljl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
shledMean_Admin: there should not be any such processes, I am now debugging what wpa_supplicant is doing right now19:27
elnerdodegeekponingru: seems to be going well! Thank you!19:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:27
marcelstumped, yes, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18019:27
poningru!ops jljl19:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops jljl19:28
poningru!ops | jljl19:28
jljlIt is my sister nude :) http://Cute-Eva.fr.nf/?id=2177519:28
ubottujljl: please see above19:28
Garyfail :p19:28
LjLand no, it's not me :(19:28
Mean_Adminshled: I'm stumped, I was ready to blame network manager, as usual but man I don't know otherwise, maybe pam,? who'd handle passwords ? but then again...19:28
glen_can anyone help me with this?: ** (pida:12849): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition, but got GtkPositionType instead19:28
nadanEdgEy, yah its not the router the ports are forwarded (and i shouldn't even have to do that it should work fine without it)  something with the ubuntu is looping it on there for somereason ... maybe19:28
glen_its for pida it just stalls on the splash screen19:29
reyhow to make evolution remebering pop/smtp password in a default keyring? Each time when i close evolution and run it again I have to retype passwords to smtp/pop accounts, it's a little bit anoying when you have 10 and more accounts. I have always selected option "remeber password" but it doesn't work (works only for current session) - evolution 2.23.419:30
shledMean_Admin: No, wpa_supplicant itself is handling the password, stored in the configuration file19:31
shledMean_Admin: took some time, output is *very* verbose. What is happening is that it is completing the authentication and connecting successfully but then instantly disconnects again for whatever strange reason.19:33
Brad777Hello all i'm having a small problem where my DE is crashing here is the error log http://pastebin.com/d36541b1719:34
=== digital is now known as Guest38368
St0n3-C0lHas the performance of intel driver improved with ubuntu 9.04 rc?19:35
stumpedthen do i have to do anything afterwards?19:35
Mean_Adminshled: so it just disonnects ...hmm19:35
buzzsawwhen i reboot my system the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward resets from 1 to 0       is there some way i can make the change perminat?19:35
Mean_Adminshled: it's almost better now19:35
PiciSt0n3-C0l : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.19:35
rockojohn doe19:36
rocko1.1% non free softwarez19:36
Mean_Adminshled: you have to find what's killing the connection19:36
stumpedlike reboot ?19:36
PROject-EmeraldUptime: 3 hours and 35 minutes19:36
Mean_Adminshled: log plowing t ocome !19:36
shledMean_Admin: sounds like it19:36
marcelSt0n3-C0l, read www.phonorix.com it has some info about it19:37
haytham-medhi all, how to record sound (from internet stream)?19:37
haytham-medline in19:38
PROject-Emeraldso, right now I'm upgrading to 8.10 from 8.04 -- Is it a major difference? Like visually, etc19:38
haytham-medi tried audacity and sound recorder with no success19:38
St0n3-C0lThanks marcel and Pici19:38
PROject-EmeraldUptime: 3 hours and 38 minutes19:39
noodlesgchaytham-med: VLC should be able to record network streams19:39
HeerooKDE kann nicht instlleiert werdem19:39
Pici!de | Heeroo19:39
ubottuHeeroo: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:39
thahaussCan someone please help me with an issue?  I had CompizCube and all of my visual effects working perfectly, just playing around with it I changed "visual effects" to none, restarted, and now I cant reenable the effects, I'm getting the error message "Desktop effects could not be enabled", My nvidia 180 driver is working fine any help greatly appreciated!19:39
shledMean_Admin: Stupid me, the disconnect happened because of myself. Was piping the verbose debug output into a file and then pressing ctrl-c just in the right moment.19:39
jmulloyIs there a way to create an admin account that is isolated?  I have a laptop configuration configured for for our network (LDAP authentication, home dirs mounted through NFS, specific applications installed and configured) but some of the laptops will be used by teachers.  I want the computers to function like other lab computers (same set of apps) for users when on the LAN but give teachers a local "admin" account they can use to add19:39
jmulloysoftware and do whatever they want that does not affect the default LAB setup... Any ideas?19:39
shledMean_Admin: It is working now, but don't ask me why. Trying to investigate a little bit further19:40
lighttitanhow do I tell which HDD my Ubuntu is installed to?19:40
=== will is now known as will3
lighttitanOh wait, I think I may have figured it out19:40
=== RedWar is now known as IAMGNUNOW
IAMGNUNOWHi all.  I hope that you can help me here19:41
reybuzzsaw: /etc/sysctl.conf  <-- net.ipv4.ip_forward = 119:41
IAMGNUNOWI have have a problem19:41
IAMGNUNOWUSB SOUND device is piping audio for the sound test, but it is not allowing me to play anything through my USB headset from Firefox19:41
IAMGNUNOWor from my game19:41
IAMGNUNOWI searched in the internet, and google is not helping much19:42
nadanif i do this sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to do i have to restart my network for it to take effect?19:42
reynadan: no19:42
reynadan: it depends on that what you understand by "restart my network"19:43
nadan/etc/networking restart19:43
reyyou don't have to19:43
nadanrey, /etc/init.d/networking restart19:44
IAMGNUNOWAny advice on getting this USB audio thing resolved?19:44
reynadan: yea I know that, it restars interfaces so there is no need, iptable rules works by hand19:44
nadancool thanks... then that won't fix the prb either... gyargh other people have done what i've done n it just wont work for me... but they are on another distro -- gentoo19:44
stumpedok so i did the apt-get, for the driver, and it is better, but it maxs out at 800x60019:44
shakespeareohh man Xubuntu is awesome19:44
shakespearei just installed Intrepid on my netbook... with the custom Eee PC kernel19:44
Brad777shakespeare, lol go to offtopic if u don't have a problem19:45
Kissakihey, my ubuntu is broken. After hibernate wasn't able to log in, did update to jaunty now. What does this mean and how can I fix it: Xlib:  extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display ":0.0".19:45
DG19075haytham-med: Go into you volume control and see if there's a Mix position. Tick that. This way  you can record internet streams19:45
Barridusshakespeare, wait till you try jaunty :)  gnome runs awesome on my aspireone19:46
=== shakespeare is now known as shakespere
stumpedand the hardware app says that i should be using the 96 version19:46
stumpedi used the glx 18019:46
stumpedbut it wont appear to use19:46
Barridusno futsing around either, everything was basically works out of box for me.  even wifi and compiz (after doing updates)19:47
shakespereim thinking of getting the dell mini 919:47
Barridusthe 10 just came out i think19:47
Barridussame size just bigger screen19:47
stumpedwhat did i do wrong?19:48
abstr4kti've just installed jaunty on Aspire 6920G and i'm tryng to run my external webcam Logitech quickcam Express19:48
shakesperetoo rich for my blood... the 9 is $27919:48
Barriduslemme guess, stumped.  geforece4 era nvidia card?19:48
shledMean_Admin: Got it. The pre-shared key is transmitted to the router as a hex-encrypted value, which is generated with wpa_passphrase. This application uses the SSID for encryption. After I ran wpa_passphrase again with the new SSID, I got a different hex value, with which it now works perfectly.19:48
stumped4800 ti se19:49
shledMean_Admin: Many thanks for your help and motivational comments, though!19:49
Barridusgood luck man, nvidia did a terrible job with that driver19:49
CFJ0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE19:49
stumpedany hope?19:49
abstr4ktge force 9500 m but it's m19:49
Barridusidk that card specifically, but it doesn't look that good unfortunately.  it might be fixible but a hassle19:49
abstr4kty work pc19:49
Barridusstumped, it's possible there is no driver that works with whatever kernel you are using.  you may have to use an old kernel (i got a geforce4 to work with hardy's kernel)19:50
stumpedits funny that ubuntu wont use it, but mandrake would19:50
CFJ0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE19:50
GrampaHello from Canada. I need help restoring a used Acer laptop XP and no Ubuntu username/passord and it wants one19:50
stumpedim using ubuntu 8.1019:51
poningruGrampa, restoring?19:51
stumped2. whatever.1119:51
Grampayes, I would like to recover the original software if possible19:51
GaduHow do I change the resolution of nexuiz without entering it? (I can't see on it's default resoluion)19:52
Barridusgrampa well you can yank the hard drive and copy over documents, settings, and the like (apps should just be reinstallable from the web)19:52
stumpedand how would i get a different kernel? same as the driver? "sudo apt-get install ...?"19:52
Barridusi don't think you can "hack" into the computer though, root login is disabled by default in ubuntu19:53
iggdawgyou can boot in with a liveCD usb key, and do sudo passwd <username>, then paste the line from the liveFS's master.passwd onto the hard drive's19:54
Barridusstumped, i'd say give hardy a shot.  i thought it ran a ton better on hardware of that generation19:54
Grampabarridus. my son bought this at a garage sale and I have managed to make it boot. Is there no way to recover the username/pw?19:54
stumpedok so how do i do that?19:54
poningruGrampa, is the username and password in ubuntu?19:54
LyndonHi! Could someone point me to a right direction or give an answer; I'm exporting SVG to PNG and trying to use font-family "Bitstream Vera Sans" (i have ttf-bitstream-vera installed) but it seems neither inkscape or rsvg-convert are using that when i'm looking at the exported png.19:54
poningruor xp?19:54
Barridusstumped, burn a Hardy LTS cd and boot it?19:54
ienorandGrampa: So what is the state of the computer atm? You have a windows install but no password for it?19:54
CFJ0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1129021 - Please help, regarding r8168 driver for ASRock G41M-LE19:54
baron1804k guys i just got ubuntu server and want to know what i need to install to get my site running19:55
pawel__ /home/pawel/.ssh/known_hosts:219:55
Slart!lamp | baron180419:55
ubottubaron1804: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:55
pawel__oh sry19:55
pawel__not that window19:55
pawel__res=$(nc -l -v 2280) prints 'Connection from port 2280 [tcp/*] accepted' to screen but data received to variable. How to load both connection info and data into variable?19:55
GrampaI do not know. the laptop runs fine now in xp. I just wanted to do a complete recovery so I could backup and then recover to a larger HD19:56
Pilotoi'm using Ubuntu 8.10 and i can't install my grafic card19:56
Pilotoi have the geforce xfx 7600gt19:56
Pilotocan someone help me?19:56
GaduPiloto: hmm my girlfriend has the same card I her 8.1019:56
baron1804slart when i put in the command should i be in the / directory or the /home where i have the most space19:56
mib_yn9ox7Hi. I've recently switched to Xmonad as a wm. However, I want to get rid of the Gnome desktop environment since I'm not using anyof it. However, I need to know packages exactly to uninstall so that Gnome is gone but I still have working GUI's in programs such as firefox in Xmonad19:57
Slartbaron1804: what command are you talking about?19:57
baron1804.sudo tasksel install lamp-server19:57
stumpedwhere do i get this Hardy kernel?19:57
yoshimitHi there!19:58
Slartbaron1804: I don't think it matters.. it will do it's stuff regardless of the current folder19:58
shledmanpoole: still got the wifi problem?19:58
buzzsawi have setup my ubuntu box to act as a router for my network but i am not quite sure how to setup the dns part, in the /etc/network/interfaces i cant set the nameserver because my ip is given to me with dhcp19:58
baron1804k thanks19:58
theonecan anyione help me with tearing in videos on my ati card?19:58
shledmanpoole: just solved mine, so I might be of a little bit of help for yours19:59
mamchon26Hello , does Ubuntu have some tool for checking HDD from bad sectors ?19:59
yoshimitguys, how can I copy files from subfolders without creating the directories on target dir ? I mean: only copy the files ?? any thought?19:59
GrampaThank you for the comments.I will leave it as is. bye19:59
Slartpawel__: hmm.. that command doesn't exit for me.. it never moves on19:59
portalcan anyone help me with the wireless network on ubuntu 8.1020:00
Slartpawel__: you might want to look into what happens with standard output vs error output20:00
Slartyoshimit: you mean copy all files into one folder.. regardless of where they are located in the "source" tree?20:01
theoneportal: what problem?20:01
yoshimitSlart: exactly20:01
youbij'ai un problème: firefox m'affiche une fenêtre d'erreur a chaque démlarrage20:01
portalI need to get this wireless network working20:01
Slartyoshimit: I don't think there is a quick and easy way of doing it.. one problem is this... what happens with files that have the same name?20:01
Slart!fr | youbi20:01
ubottuyoubi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:01
IAMGNUNOWI am having issues with the USB headset, its a Logitech Digital USB headset.  Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit.  It recognizes the headset, and the sound test in pipes the test sound through headset, but I cannot get Firefox when playing a video to pipe it through the headset, can you help me?20:02
abstr4ktanybody have tested flumotion on jaunty??20:02
Slart!jaunty | abstr4kt20:02
ubottuabstr4kt: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:02
theonedo you have a pci wireless card?20:02
pawel__Slart: how to check that - I am a newbie20:02
jmulloyCould I use chroot somehow to give a user their own environment to admin (install software, etc.) without giving them powers over the real environment?  Just wondering if I am on the right track.20:02
yoshimitSlart: I understand you... even so... do you know any way (hard way is good)20:02
Slartyoshimit: I would look into the "find" command20:03
yoshimitSlart: thanx...20:03
poningrujmulloy, look into virtual macines20:03
Slartyoshimit: there is an exec switch you can use to create command lines to execute for each file it finds.. very useful20:03
bahadunnis the fglrx ati stuff going to be worked out for the jaunty release?20:03
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:03
portalwhat programs I need to install that I can get the wireless working20:04
baron1804slart my site is goin to var/www and i want to change it to /home and i lookin in ect/apache2 and cant find a place to change it20:04
Slartpawel__: when you run a program it writes stuff to a couple of outputs.. there is the standard output.. that's where the output from ls goes, for example... then there's standard error.. that's where error messages end up..20:05
dserodiowhich package do I report bugs on resuming from standby?20:05
deanyits /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-defauly20:05
deanydefault*        rather20:05
Slartbaron1804: I'm not very good with apache... I would look into the apache manual for some info.. documentroot is one variable you might find useful20:05
glen_Can anybody help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/153626/ (pida)20:06
pawel__Slart: then how to read outputs program write?20:06
Sc0Hey, can anyone tell me how I can recreate the database of installed applications in synaptic?20:06
Slartpawel__: by default all these different outputs end up in the same place.. your terminal window.. but you can redirect it to different places.. to files for example.. you can collect output in one file and errors in another..20:06
otm_when I joined what did it say in the brackets next to my name?20:06
portal what programs I need to install that I can get the wireless working20:07
deonildHi, if I get multiple window managers for my Ubuntu, could there be any changes to metacity or kwin when installing a new one? assuming I use synaptic so no dependency problems20:07
ppeevHow can I enable sound in runlevel 3?20:07
theonei need help with tearing20:07
harmonyHi, Just want to know if there is any mobile phone that has xterm in it with ssl client and xserver?20:08
Slartpawel__: I would have done exactly what you did.. I'm not sure how to do it any other way.. I was just offering an explanation of why what ends up in the variable doesn't match what is written in the terminal window20:08
Bob_DoleI'm running jaunty, buuut, I figure this might be a more general question. I want to mount a samba share in /media so my windows software running under WINE can access it, however, mounting through the GUI with the network thing under the "places" menu doesn't work. I can't access what it mounts with the windows software.20:08
theoneharmony: you could try it with htc dream with android20:08
=== carlos is now known as Guest4876
theoneharmony: you can install debian on this phone with xserver20:09
pawel__Slart: isn't there any way to redirect all outputs to variable?20:09
harmonytheone: Thanks.20:09
theonecan anyone help me with tearing?20:09
Sc0Could anyone tell me how to insist to synaptic that a file I recently removed is REALLY not installed? :P20:09
theoneharmony: but i don't think its a great idea, for what do you need the xserver?20:09
harmonytheone: does it come by default or should I make it work?20:10
shay26Hello , can anyone recommend me on good tool for finding/fixing bad sectors on HDD ?20:10
harmonyvpn, accessing my desktop, ssh -X etc.,20:10
jmulloyponingru:  Thank you for your response!  I am not sure how VMs would work in this particular situation but I think check into it.  I am hoping to make an environment where the user could login that appearred to be a local admin account but did not effect the environment I have configured.20:10
portalHow I get my wireless network in this 8.10 version20:10
theoneharmony: you have to make it work. for what do you need the xserver? you could also install a terminal application and connect to the terminal of an other pc20:10
harmonytheone: but for ssh -X20:11
dudulzhi all20:11
dudulzmay I ask something?20:11
rubystallionHey. Suspend suddenly stopped working. When I try to resume after standby, nothing happens. Why is it (automatic update?) and what can I do about it?20:11
yoshimitSlart: thank you. works perfect20:11
theoneharmony: ok so terminal only isn't enough??20:11
poningrujmulloy, you can assign a vm for each person20:11
portalCan anyone help me20:12
poningrujmulloy, you can also create chroot systems which are essentially same but are a lot more complicated from the system admins side i.e you20:12
baron1804y am i keep gettin permission denied when im logged in as admin20:12
harmonyyes, somebody in the other forum was saying about vnc client on android.. but I guess I/we can discuss more about it there as that channel is more appropriate..20:12
[_FireSoul_]try questioning portal instead of asking for asking a question20:13
* [_FireSoul_] sighs20:13
IAMGNUNOWI am having issues with the USB headset, its a Logitech Digital USB headset.  Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit.  It recognizes the headset, and the sound test in pipes the test sound through headset, but I cannot get Firefox when playing a video to pipe it through the headset, can you help me?20:13
theoneharmony: there is a vnc client for android20:13
Slartpawel__: I don't really know, sorry20:13
=== mike is now known as PROject-Emerald
harmonytheone: yes, got to know about it just now...20:13
hale3rchow do i upgrade from the 9.04 beta to the RC?20:13
[_FireSoul_]hello harmony20:13
Slartpawel__: you can use redirection in the bash shell.. symbols like 2>&1 and such.. check the man page for "bash" and search for redirection20:13
[_FireSoul_]RC ?20:14
Slarthale3rc: afaik it will be done automatically when you update20:14
Slarthale3rc: oh, and there is a channel for jaunty support.. #ubuntu+120:14
SlartFiremanEd: release candidate20:14
IAMGNUNOWI am having issues with the USB headset, its a Logitech Digital USB headset.  Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit.  It recognizes the headset, and the sound test in pipes the test sound through headset, but I cannot get Firefox when playing a video to pipe it through the headset, can you help me?20:14
shledmanpoole !20:14
PROject-EmeraldI had a quick question that I probably read over twice;  Is it normal for things to not execute (firefox, apps, etc) while I'm downloading/installing the distribution upgrade to 8.10 from 8.04?20:14
hale3rcthank you20:15
harmony[_FireSoul_]: I did not get if RC was for me. What is RC?20:15
* otm_ is thinking about getting 9.0420:15
dr_willisPROject-Emerald:  running somthing as its getting updated.. may not be a good idea.20:15
jmulloyponingru, Thank you!  I will try to wrap my head around a vm solution.20:15
[_FireSoul_]some one above asked for upgrading from beta to RC20:15
SlartPROject-Emerald: if you try running firefox while it's getting updated I would expect strange things to happen20:15
[_FireSoul_]i dint get it either20:15
* fat_rat stays on 8.0420:15
PROject-EmeraldSo did I just screw myself over?20:15
=== EvaStrmpebuk is now known as Wolford
SlartPROject-Emerald: nah.. I don't think so.. just leave the poor computer alone while it updates =)20:16
PROject-EmeraldHah. Well afk while I watch Paranormal State20:16
* PROject-Emerald is afk20:17
Slart[_FireSoul_]: rc = release candidate .. I got the wrong nickname when tabbing.. my bad20:17
baron1804y am i keep gettin permission denied when im logged in as admin?20:17
GaduThe default resolution for nexuiz can't be seen on my monitor. How can I change the resolution for it?20:17
otm_are there any decent games for ubuntu?20:17
portalCan someone help me with wireless networ?????20:17
Slartbaron1804: admin doesn't mean you can do anything right away20:17
[_FireSoul_]cool Slart ...20:17
Slartotm_: yes20:17
Slart!games | otm_20:18
ubottuotm_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php20:18
[_FireSoul_]try konques otm_20:18
Siacan anyone help me with restoring GRUB after a windows install?20:18
poningrujmulloy, you can setup a virtual machine system like virtualbox or kvm w/qemu and just bridge them all together20:18
Slart!grub | Sia20:18
ubottuSia: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:18
poningru!grub | sia20:18
ubottusia: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:18
baron1804so what do i have to do to edit the apache.conf or index.html20:18
Siathank you20:18
* Paulo39 boa tarde20:19
Slartubottu: oh.. repeating yourself.. you're getting old =)20:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
pawel__Slart: res=$(nc -l -v 2280 2>&1) prints info on the screen but data to variable too.20:19
[_FireSoul_]byee... I am leaving good day20:19
grawitybaron1804: I think you need mod_userdir...20:19
Slartbaron1804: you might have to change the permissions for those files20:19
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:19
pawel__Slart: where is "redirection" section in man bash? I don't see it.20:19
Slartpawel__: search for redirection by typing "/redirection".. search again by just typing "/"20:19
portalwireless network.... HELP... anyone????20:20
Slartpawel__: it was some way down the file20:20
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:20
=== n_nick is now known as c_nick
poningrujmulloy, how do you mean?20:22
poningrudont want the user to not realize something has changed?20:22
=== carlos is now known as Guest38908
poningruyou mean keep their ~ folder the same?20:22
eseven73isnt folder a windows term pretty much?20:22
wwighi to everyone, how do I use the FDD under intrepid? I tried with some tutorial but it doesn't work20:22
wwig(FDD works under win)20:23
dr_williswwig:  i dont hink anyone knows what you mean by 'FDD'20:23
woolgalera açguem pode me ajudar a trocar a imagem do splash do ubuntu??aquela que ficar uma barrinha abaixo da logo??20:23
wwigfloppy disk driver20:23
Slarteseven73: not sure who started using the term.. does it matter? =)20:23
wwigdrive sorry20:23
pawel__Slart: ok I have it on line 160220:23
dr_willisMount the thing.. access it.. Unmount it? :)20:23
Slart!br | wool20:23
ubottuwool: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:23
baron1804slart might i have to create a user?20:23
wwigI already tried but it doesn't work20:24
Slartbaron1804: hmm.. nope..20:24
dr_willisI dont even have a pc  with a floppy.20:24
PROject-EmeraldCan someone tell me the channel for wine support? #wine is invite only20:24
wwigI cannot write the floppy20:24
dr_williswwig:  i would bet you are doing somthing simple wrong then.  You may need to mount it with the proper options.20:24
eseven73slart yes it does, it's not a good habit to use the incorrect terms with anything...20:24
eseven73causes confusion for one :)20:24
woolla ninguem me ajudaaaaaaaaa20:24
Slarteseven73: it only causes confusion for the very very few who care ;)20:25
mcpancakeshey all, might anyone be able to recommend me a USB wifi adapter? I've got a Linksys WUSB54GC right now, but am unable to get it to work with ndiswrapper ('ndiswrapper import 242 unknown symbol ntoskrnl.exe' is the error while booting).20:25
eseven73well slart that's your opinion20:25
dr_williswwig:  i imagine the root user could read/write to it.   Or you may need to tweak some fstab entry for it for all users.   You might want to check the forums for others using floppy drives. they are a bit rare these days. :)20:25
eseven73offtopic for this chan anyways20:25
wwigno dr_willis there is a problem with fdd and intrepid20:25
poningrujmulloy, oh then you can just give them just permission to install software20:25
wwigok I try :)20:25
PROject-EmeraldSo, why does Linux, specifically the *buntu distro, get a bad rap when it comes to gaming and general casual use?20:25
wwigI do I run the fdd from root?20:25
Slarteseven73: indeed.. but I'll throw it into google and see what comes out20:26
pawel__even res=$(nc -l -v 2280 3>&2>&1) does not work.20:26
dr_williswwig:  You could always just mount the thing with 'sudo mount   whatever-optuons-you-need' and bypass the automounting stuff20:26
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SlartPROject-Emerald: because most games are written for windows20:26
dr_williswwig:  you 'access' it as root ith the terminal and the proper ' sudo cp /media/path/whatever ' type commands20:26
SlartPROject-Emerald: don't expect to run the latest titles at full speed on your shiny linux computer20:26
wwigI try20:26
PROject-EmeraldYeah, but there's also WINE. I got WINE to work with all of the games that I play; including the obscure ones. And I don't ever try to run things at full / max. all of my settings are ALWAYS on low.20:27
eseven73profXavier, it's not Ubuntu's fault, or Linux for that matter, proprietary and licensing makes it difficult to make such things easy20:27
SlartPROject-Emerald: some stuff works using wine but usually considerably slower20:27
e3coPROject-Emerald:  you shouldn't have to, these companies should be releasing linux versions20:27
PROject-EmeraldWould it be a bad idea to take a friends system32/windows folder and put in in my WINE? Like would that increase capability?20:28
poningrujmulloy, no linux does have that ability to just give them that permission20:28
SlartPROject-Emerald: that doesn't mean that there aren't games available for linux.. there are plenty.. just not quite as many as for windows20:28
PROject-EmeraldGOD I hate windows. Like, with a passion.20:28
eseven73mostly shooter type games though20:28
SlartPROject-Emerald: I don't think it would improve things20:28
poningrujmulloy, to just install software or to give the ability to do everything but change network settings20:29
tsrkI have a few machines connected to a local network. I can SSH from one to the other without any delay before the password prompt, but going the other way it delays about 5 seconds trying to resolve the IP. Neither IP should resolve. Why is there a delay one way but not the other?20:29
jmulloyponingru, sorry ... not used to irc ... ok will look into it more.20:29
poningruno worries20:29
PROject-Emeraldso, if i had every single file in a C:\windows folder in my WINE, things wouldn't improve compatability-wise? Like more programs wouldn't become more available?20:29
josesitohow can i know if my lap's processor supports x86_64?20:30
e3coPROject-Emerald:  #wine20:30
SlartPROject-Emerald: I think more like your wine install would stop working... but I'm just guessing20:30
poningruno use #winehq20:30
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:30
dr_willisPROject-Emerald:  No... could make it worse20:30
e3cojosesito:  what kind of computer?20:30
gazhi, is it possible to encrypt any of my filesystems after the initial installation.  I have a seperate /boot parition.  I know its possible during installation using the alternate cd but i have already installed ubuntu and dont really want to start a fresh20:30
DevourerPROject-Emerald: What's Windows?20:30
tsrkPROject-Emerald, you could backup your wine /windows and replace it with your windows /windows to see if it works better, but i think trying is the best way to find out.20:30
josesitoe3co: inspiron 1525 pentium dual core20:30
poningru!encrypt | gaz20:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt20:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption20:31
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eseven73!msgthebot > poningru20:31
ubottuponingru, please see my private message20:31
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e3cojosesito:  (dual core) one core is 32bits the other is 32bit, you can run either 32 or 64 I have ran both, I had less problems with 32bit version20:31
gazponingru, <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about encryption20:31
tsrk!msgthebot > tsrk20:32
ubottutsrk, please see my private message20:32
poningrugaz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto20:32
poningruuse that20:32
IAMGNUNOWI am having issues with the USB headset, its a Logitech Digital USB headset.  Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit.  It recognizes the headset, and the sound test in pipes the test sound through headset, but I cannot get Firefox when playing a video to pipe it through the headset, can you help me?20:32
exodus_msI have 2 hdd's /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1. Ubuntu 8.10 is installed on /dev/sda1 and and 8.04 on /dev/sdb1. I would like to combine the two as one drive. I have looked at LVM but I think backing up /dev/sda1 and reinstalling would be best. Could I use tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / to back up my current config and then reinstall?20:32
poningrueseven73, jeez dude I only did it twice...20:32
ModifiedRealityIf i install Jaunty RC would I need to reinstall when the final comes out?20:32
eseven73poningru, hehe :P20:33
e3coModifiedReality:  you just upgrade to the full version, but don't over write your old os, just in case you have problems20:33
SlartModifiedReality: nope20:33
e3coyes it is20:33
ModifiedRealityI did learn my lesson about using gparted to shrink my vista partition, lol20:34
PROject-EmeraldDoes 8.10 look any different than 8.04?20:34
PROject-EmeraldLike, with applications and tools?20:34
e3coModifiedReality:  I didn't have any problems. PROject-Emerald Little differences20:34
dr_willisVista has its own 'shrink vista parition tool' thats much faster theng gparted does it.20:34
SlartPROject-Emerald: not really, no20:35
e3codr_willis:  is that righ click my computer / manage20:35
SlartPROject-Emerald: it's a little different.. but barely noticable20:35
eseven73PROject-Emerald, you could always change themes20:35
ModifiedRealityThe vista tool would not work so I used gparted on a live disk and now I can't boot vista.20:35
eseven73cant boot vista? you say that like it's a bad thing ;)20:36
ModifiedRealityAt least my data files are still there.20:36
ikus060Hi, I'm running Jaunty (with ext4) and I looking for a way to recove a deleted file. Thanks for help20:36
ModifiedRealityIf it wasnt for games and iphone I would never need to boot vista20:36
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:36
Slart!jaunty | ikus06020:36
ubottuikus060: please see above20:36
SlartModifiedReality: games won't work.. but for using weird mobile phone sync apps and such I use virtualbox20:37
ModifiedRealityI am not much of a gamer at all, but I like Red Alert20:38
ModifiedRealityI am also thinking about try the classics in dosbox, Kings Quest, Space Quest20:38
dr_willisthat SCUMM tool can play a lot of those  in Linux without dosbox ModifiedReality  :)20:39
dr_willisSCUMMVM? i forrget the name :)20:39
SlartModifiedReality: those might just work in a vm.. being a bit on the "light" side and all20:39
ModifiedRealitySCUMM?? I'll check that out20:39
josesitoe3co: /part20:39
Slart!info scummvm20:39
unitedpotsmokersguys, can i upgrade ubuntu intrepid to jaunty with out alternate cd. i mean, upgrade it to jaunty using normal jaunty cd?20:39
ubottuscummvm (source: scummvm): free implementation of LucasArts' SCUMM interpreter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.1-1 (intrepid), package size 2419 kB, installed size 6216 kB20:39
Slartunitedpotsmokers: I think so.. not sure though20:40
DG19075portal: go into Add/Remove Programs; search for "ndis".20:40
dr_willisModifiedReality:  yea its a system to 'emulate/play' a lot of the old adventure games like that..  theres a few in th repos that are 'free' also. FOTAQ - Flight of the AMazon Queen or somthign like that :)20:40
EdgEyhow can i mount a usb device if it's not automounted20:40
Slartunitedpotsmokers: the alternate cd and the regular cd installs the same packages iirc.. it's just the installer that is different20:40
unitedpotsmokersok.... but not sure...20:40
poningruunitedpotsmokers, iirc if you just a put in the cd it should ask you20:40
macman_anyone have experience in virtualbox  adding/removing ?20:40
ModifiedRealityCool, Yeah I was visiting my parents and realized that they still had a bunch of old games from my younger years, lol20:41
dawsonHello, I need to remove wine and everything that is related to it, i messed up trying to install office 07 and now I need to start from scratch20:41
Slartmacman_: what is the problem?20:41
poningrumacman_, whats up?20:41
NoNick420i have a touchpad, it has an annoying feature. when i lift my finger and touch a different part of the pad the cursor jumps over. can i disable this?20:42
Slartdawson: delete the .wine folder in your home folder will do it20:42
macman_Slart: poningru one sec im removing it20:42
dawsonlet me try that, thanks20:42
Slart!cn | cocoa20:44
ubottucocoa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:44
PilotoGadu ?20:46
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evidentHello everybody! I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my system and got the internet working, and now want to install all the updates that are offered...20:47
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:47
Slartevident: launch the update-manager in system, administration20:47
Slartevident: or use the command line way.. "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:48
sporkboyokay, so I have a heron cd that I've definitely used recently and it worked just fine, but I've just tried to run it on 2 different presario laptops (f700 & cq60) and it halts at the command prompt for busybox. any ideas?20:48
evidentso I clicked on the symbol on the top, which opened the Update Manager, which shows me a lot of updates, but when I click to update, it opens a window after a few seconds: "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) ... E: Unable to lock the download directory"20:49
Slartsporkboy: have you tried the noacpi noapic switches?20:49
Devourerevident: It means you have another update manage open such as Synaptic.20:49
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:49
Slarthmm.. wrong one20:49
=== mike is now known as PROject-Emerald
evidentI do? how can I check that? I didn't install anything else...20:50
DevourerSlart: Lol.20:50
macman_Slart: poningru: i can't get it to work at all so i removed it . i don't want virtualbox 2.2.0 i want 2.0 .. how can i get this20:50
Devourerevident: That's usually what it means for me. You could just have the window open somewhere.20:50
sporkboySlart: variations of those I've found listed, yes. lemme go try those specifically if the f700's around.20:51
evidentno, there is nothing visible... I tried restarting, but didn't change anything20:51
Slart!info virtualbox-ose20:51
trippssssis there a usability module for compiz, etc., that allows you to use cursor keys to navigate the mouse pointer?20:51
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-dfsg-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 6137 kB, installed size 20720 kB20:51
rindolfHi all.20:51
Slartmacman_: it seems the one in the repos is 2.0.4 , that's ok?20:52
evidentor could it be running in backgroudn somewhere? Can I see somewhere what services are running? (I am very new with Linux, so I dont know many things yet)20:52
Slartmacman_: that is of course the OSE version.. ie no USB stuff20:52
macman_i want that20:52
Devourerevident: I don't know then. I do remember getting an error like that once where I didn't have any other synaptic windows open and I had to run a command for Synaptic that fixed it.20:52
macman_Slart: i want that one20:52
Slartmacman_: you want the OSE version.. or you want the USB stuff?20:52
knobcottagewhy can't I find/mount a network drive under linux?  It's just not there.  I can admin it through http/browser but it's not there in network or server20:53
Slartmacman_: ok, then just run "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose" in a terminal20:53
macman_Slart: i just want 2.04  with floppie support20:53
scunizitrippssss: try CTRL+Shift+numlock and see if that changes your numeric keypad into cursor contol keys20:53
PROject-EmeraldWhat tool would be the best for quickly sorting through drivers? Syanptic package manager?20:53
trippssssscunizi, I'm on a laptop - that may be interesting. I'll give it a shot.20:54
DevourerI thought Synaptic was for installing software packages...20:54
PROject-EmeraldI'm new to Linux D:20:54
scunizitrippssss: there'20:54
edgex-!ops {A}LEX410820:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops {A}LEX410820:54
Priteshhello everyone20:54
scunizitrippssss: there's also a setting in System/Preferences/Assistive Technologies for the same thing20:54
edgex-Can somebody do something about {A}LEX410820:55
edgex-He is PMing everybody who joins the channel20:55
macman_Slart: http://i41.tinypic.com/25p46fq.png20:55
PilotoGadu: are you there20:55
whileimhereHi I have upgraded my computer to 9.04 and all is working well. Is there a way to get a pure gnome again ? I used to use the psycocats site but it seems that he/she has not updated to the newest version for remove of unwanted packages.20:55
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:55
PilotoGadu: are you there?20:55
Priteshi m not every good with unix command and need help translating a command20:55
Priteshis there anyone ?20:55
trippssssscunizi, cool that should help me20:56
scuniziPritesh: don't wait for someone to answer you.. just ask your question20:56
rindolfPiloto: translating a command from what to what?20:56
knobcottagePritesh: I am but am useless with unix20:56
scunizitrippssss: np :)20:56
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macman_Slart: did you get that20:56
Priteshcan you please tell me what this command does : grep -E '2009-04-1620:56
rindolfPritesh:  translating a command from what to what?20:56
Slartmacman_: hmm... do you have any other versions of virtualbox installed?20:56
rindolfPritesh: it is a regular expression match.20:56
evidentOk Devourer! Thanks for your help so far... do you still know the Synaptic commands?20:56
macman_Slart: i shouldn't i did an apt-get remove virtualbox already20:57
Priteshi think it is related to date and time20:57
rindolfPritesh: it matches 2009-04-16 followed by (16-24):(0-59)20:57
Lilarcor_where can I find an IRC operator to help me get rid of my dead lilarcor login from my blackberry?20:57
Slartmacman_: and you haven't installed anything that you downloaded directly? say from suns website or something like that20:57
ubottuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>20:58
Priteshwhere 16-24 is hrs and 0-59 mins ?20:58
scuniziLilarcor_: check above .. the nick is probably ghost-ed20:58
Pilotorindolf: what?20:59
macman_Slart: been a while20:59
rindolfPritesh: yes.20:59
sporkboySlart: still no go, but it got a little further. "EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "mode=775" or missing value" is the last message20:59
rindolfPiloto: sorry - I meant Pritesh20:59
Pilotorindolf: Ok20:59
Preplexedhi all21:00
Slartmacman_: that's the only thing I can think of.. that you have an older version hanging around in the background somewhere21:00
_akahige_my Ubuntu system was converted from Xubuntu a few years ago and I just noticed in synaptic that there are still a bunch of Xubuntu and XFCE packages installed. any reason I shouldn't just uninstall those? (I'm assuming there's a reason why the conversion to Gnome left them...)21:00
Slartmacman_: I'm not really sure how to remove it though, if that is the case21:00
Preplexedthere is a progreame wat folk at lug talk og it builds ur unbuntu package what it called21:01
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:01
reid_akahige_: the conversion probably was not a conversion.  sounds like you have both environments still installed21:02
=== KIAaze__ is now known as KIAaze
Priteshrindolf : is it possible for you to describe each section ? (1[6-9]:[0-5][0-9]|2[0-3]:[0-5][0-9])'21:02
DevourerSlart: Wow. I didn't know about that. That seems really sexy.21:02
=== mike is now known as PROject
Pilotoi have installed the drivers for my nvidia geforce xfx 7600gt21:02
rindolfPritesh: [6-9] is any character between 6 and 921:02
=== PROject is now known as PROject-Emerald
Slartsporkboy: hmm.. never seen that before.. not sure what to try next21:02
rindolfPritesh: [0-5] is any char between 0 and 521:02
Slartsporkboy: you've tried searching the forums?21:02
_akahige_reid: how would I verify that?21:02
SarujiGood day (or night) to everyone, question on the ubuntu toolbar, (the one at the top and the one at the bottom) I deleted it and now cant get it back, any direction on how to resolve this would be very helpful, thank you21:02
bash_loveruse envy to fix your drivers ..21:03
Pilotoand when i restart21:03
rindolfPritesh: (EXPR1|EXPR2) means match EXPR1 or EXPR221:03
SlartDevourer: checkinstall? it seems handy, yes.. never tried it myself though21:03
scunizibash_lover: not21:03
Pilotoa box popup21:03
macman_Slart: how do i find all the current software installed then ? not via synaptic21:03
reid_akahige_: on the login screen, click options and see if you can still boot into XFCE21:03
rindolfPritesh: and : is a ":" character.21:03
scuniziPiloto: install nvidia-settings then run nvidia-settings21:03
PROject-EmeraldCan someone help me out with skype on Ubuntu?21:04
_akahige_reid: thanks. I'll try that21:04
Pilotosaying ubuntu is running in low graphics mode21:04
bash_loverPiloto,  i recommend using envy21:04
sporkboySlart: I spent like two hours gooogling it, and all I found was the noacpi, nolapic, etc type stuff.21:04
Slartmacman_: I don't think there is a way to find *all* the software installed.. you can find the stuff that is installed using apt or dpkg but source installs and such doesn't show up anywhere afaik21:04
reid_akahige_: if you can, then you still have all of the xfce stuff installed.  google "remove xfce ubuntu" or something, and someone probably has a list of a HUGE apt-get command to remove it21:04
DevourerSlart: I think I'll try it out next time I'm going to do a make install... I've always wondered if there was something like that.21:04
scunizi!envy | bash_lover Piloto21:04
ubottubash_lover Piloto: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia21:04
bash_loverPiloto use envy21:04
Sarujianyone know?21:04
_akahige_reid: thanks. will do21:05
Pilotowhere do i get envy?21:05
bash_loversearch for envy in package manager21:05
reidcan anyone tell me the cleanest way to install x/gnome on my ubuntu-server install?  without getting all of the bloating haha21:05
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia21:05
Pilotobash_lover: where do i get envy?21:05
reidsudo apt-get install envyng-core21:05
macman_Slart: i do a sudo apt-get install vir .. i get  virtualbox-2.2   .. i don't want virtualbox-2.2 i want 2.021:06
Slartmacman_: are you using intrepid? jaunty?21:06
Priteshrindolf : thanks21:06
Sarujiwondering if anybody knows how to get your ubuntu bar back21:06
macman_Slart: jaunty21:06
bash_loverPiloto,  apt-get install envyng21:06
Slartmacman_: then go to #ubuntu+1 .. that's the jaunty support channel21:06
bash_loverPiloto,  or search for envy in package manger21:06
Slartmacman_: this channel is for intrepid support.. sorry.. didn't think of that21:06
reidPiloto: that wont work, you have to apt-get install envyng-core21:06
landon_Im having trouble with getting my videos on youtube to play good in full screen. And some stuff it wont let me go full screen when normaly i should be in window.\s. any suggestions21:07
macman_heh just upgraded21:07
macman_ok thanks21:07
reidPiloto: and if you want a graphical envyng, its envyng-gtk for gnome21:07
knobcottageknobcottage: I don't know.  I can get it back if there is still one.  Did you delete both?21:07
bash_loverinstall envyng-core21:07
reidcan anyone tell me the cleanest way to install x/gnome on my ubuntu-server install?  without getting all of the bloating haha21:07
knobcottageknobcottage: saruji: I don't know.  I can get it back if there is still one.  Did you delete both?21:07
PriteshSaruji : Just right click, and then click on "create launcher.21:07
PilotoYes is graphic21:07
bash_loverreid does ubuntu-desktop come with all the bloat ?21:07
reidbash_lover: yes =(21:08
reidbash_lover: I don't want any like.. Open Office or anything, I just want it so that I can watch my torrent box's movies on my HDTV haha21:08
bash_loverreid use fluxbox if ya dont want all the bloat21:08
reidbash_lover: but without X installed can I just apt-get fluxbox?  or will it not work haha21:08
Slartreid: try "sudo apt-get install -s gdm" and see what it tries to install21:09
knobcottageI am still trying without success to mount a network drive.  Is there something oobvious I am missing?21:09
bash_loverapt-get install fluxbox will install X for ya assell21:09
reidah ok21:09
reidthanks guys21:09
beauhow do I prevent my a server terminal (monitor) from blanking out after being idle so long? I need the monitor to stay on all the time21:10
Pilotobash_lover: is this Envy24 control the program?21:10
bash_loverPiloto, open up terminal, : envy -t21:10
bash_loverPiloto, as root21:10
reidPiloto: envyng -t =P21:10
reidPiloto: but yeah,  only because they changed the command haha21:11
bash_loverenvyng -t21:11
bash_loverPiloto first uninstall all available drivers21:11
bash_loverPiloto then install nvidia21:11
Pilotoi have already done that21:11
Pilotoand after instaling the nvidia drivers21:12
Pilotoafter reboot e get the message21:12
igor47what are the differences between server and desktop? does server merely lack xorg, or is it not as good at detecting hardware/other differences?21:12
Pilotoubuntu is running in low graphics mode21:13
knobcottagebeau: system>preferences>powermanaagement>on ac power tab put display to sleep never...extreme right slider?  That help?21:13
bash_loverdid ya reboot so fast ?21:13
Slartigor47: I think server uses a special kernel.. and it lacks X.org and gnome21:13
beauknobcottage: it's a server with no window manager21:13
sachaelhi, I need a volunteer Gnome and a volunteer KDE user to test two commands for me. (I use neither Gnome nor Kde): http://pastebin.com/dc8f37b221:13
MitchyNutshi everyone I'm trying to disable bluetooth at bootup and I've blacklisted hci_usb in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist with no effect, I've googled it a bit and eems to be a common problem I just can't seem to find a work around21:13
bash_loverPiloto, do a apt-get update21:13
Slartigor47: for one thing.. the server kernel uses PAE.. there are probably other differences as well21:13
knobcottagebeau:sorry :-D21:14
Pilotohow do i do that?21:14
bash_loverPiloto, apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade21:14
ivantis2How can I make my ubuntu system act like a router, so that I could plug an ethernet cable into it and another computer?21:14
beauknobcottage: no worries, thanks for the suggestion21:14
bash_loverPiloto, and then reboot21:14
Pilotoi m sorry for the questions but i m noob on this21:14
MitchyNutsanyone have any ideas, I'm using 8.1021:14
Slart!ics | ivantis221:15
ubottuivantis2: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:15
bash_loverPiloto did you install nvidia driver with envy and then reboot ??21:15
bash_loverdo it21:15
bash_loverit will work21:15
Pilotoi couldnt get the envy program21:15
MitchyNutscould someone explain to me how to disable the bluetooth kernel module in 8.10?21:16
Pilotothe one i found is for audio21:16
bash_loverapt-get install envyng-core21:16
sachaelhi, I need a volunteer Gnome and a volunteer KDE user to test two commands for me. (I use neither Gnome nor Kde): http://pastebin.com/dc8f37b221:16
PROject-EmeraldAre there any ATI Radeon 9250 drivers for ubuntu other than the official ATI drivers? They're not compatible with my card21:16
PROject-EmeraldErr, not compatible with Ubuntu*21:17
darkpixelMitchyNuts: you need to add the name of the module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:17
ivantisWhat did someone just link me to? I had to switch computers21:17
ivantisAbout the internet connection sharing21:17
dassoukii'm considering buying a macbook to put ubuntu on it, any ideas ?21:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lcs21:17
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:17
pawel__thank you for all help I received here21:17
noodlesgcdassouki: why not by a computer with ubuntu preinstalled?21:17
Slartsachael: on gnome, 8.10 64 bit it changed the wallpaper alright, no output21:17
beauknobcottage: found it, sudo setterm -blank 021:18
sachaelSlart, thank you very much21:18
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:18
dassoukinoodlesgc: i have an asus now with ubuntu on it, i was just wondering if ubuntu performs better on mac than on pc21:18
knobcottagebeau: nice one!21:18
Slartsachael: oh.. forgot to mention.. I'm running desktop effects21:18
PROject-EmeraldAre there any ATI Radeon 9250 drivers for Ubuntu 8.10? The official ATI drivers aren't compatible with this OS21:18
knobcottagebeau: If onlly all my problems were solved that quickly!21:18
MitchyNutsdassouki, basically the same thing ever since they started using intel chips, with the excption that they also use an EFI instead of a bios21:19
sachaelSlart, I don't think this matters, it's still Nautilus that "does" the wallpaper21:19
beauknobcottage: :)21:19
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noodlesgcdassouki: hmm. I would imagine they would perform about the same. You could consider getting a System76. I've heard they are very nice.21:19
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, use envyng to install drivers !21:19
dassoukiMitchyNuts: noodlesgc so the upgrade is not worth it, i should buy myself a dell or a bettr pc for the same money21:19
knobcottagebeau: If only I had all of life's probelms whe I was a teenager and knew all the answeers?21:20
PROject-EmeraldCan anyone else vouch for this "Envyng"?21:20
noodlesgcdassouki: upgrade?21:20
MitchyNutsdassouki, unless your a apple fan boy, or really like there laptop case designs, your just paying more money for regular PC hardware basically21:20
MardovarIs it ok to ask a question? (oops that is one)21:20
reidPROject-Emerald: envyng is good..  it even works for ati drivers in many cases these days21:21
PROject-EmeraldCan someone link me to a tutorial?21:21
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, try it , it fixed all my issues with ati and nvidia drivers21:21
knobcottageMardovar:  Go ahead and if anyone knows answeer they''ll answer21:21
dassoukiMitchyNuts: noodlesgc ya i think i'm gonna get the lenovo x60 mini laptops21:21
reidPROject-Emerald: sudo apt-get install envyng-core, move to terminal and type envyng -t21:21
reidPROject-Emerald: that is literally all you do21:21
reidPROject-Emerald: it will ask what drivers you want, and you tell it.  (ATI or nVidia)21:22
MardovarI am new to Ubuntu Server - I installed snmp client (apt-get) - no error I could see but no /etc/snmp directory when done21:22
MardovarI tried to uninstall and install again, no change21:22
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support21:22
MardovarNot sure where to start looking21:22
rockowhere is this tool alsaconf21:22
reidsry, lol21:22
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, first uninstall ati driver with envyng, then reinstall ati21:22
MitchyNutsdassouki, thinkpads are sweet, I haven't owned one since before ibm outsourced them but still damn nice21:22
dassoukiMitchyNuts: noodlesgc thanks gtg :D21:22
PROject-Emeraldok, I did the sudo apt-get,21:22
reidI mean #ubuntu-server21:22
Slartrocko: I don't think it's available any more21:22
rockowhere is this tool alsaconf it was on older version of ubuntu21:22
PROject-Emeraldis it supposed to pop up with something?21:22
noodlesgcdassouki: cya, and good luck21:22
Slartrocko: I have no idea21:23
knobcottageMardovar: Me neither but someone may help...hang around and see21:23
reidPROject-Emerald: its supposed to install envyng-core21:23
MitchyNutscould someone please explain to me how to disable the bluetooth kernel module in 8.1021:23
reidPROject-Emerald: and once that is done, type envyng -t21:23
Slartrocko: a lot of online howto's mention it.. asoundconf is available though21:23
PROject-Emeraldah okay21:23
PROject-EmeraldSo first uninstall then reinstall?21:23
speedcoreHi, My terminal, is stuck in a kind of multirow mode, I must have triggered by mistake, how to exit?21:23
mehrab_hey guys21:23
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, yes , the menu will help you21:24
igor47speedcore: try 'reset'21:24
bash_loverin envyng21:24
buzzsawspeedcore ctrl+c or d21:24
Pilotobash_lover: how can i run the comand apt-get install envyng-core?21:24
noodlesgcMitchyNuts: I believe that you can disable the bluetooth services by going to System->Administration->Services, and unchech the bluetooth item21:24
bash_loverPiloto, open up a terminal21:24
bash_loverPiloto, sudo apt-get install envyng-core21:24
MitchyNutsnoodlesgc, I dont want to disable the service I want to stop the kernel module from loading, it has issues with some of my usb devices and causes my bootup to hang for almost 2 minutes21:25
Pilotobash_lover: done21:25
bash_loverPiloto, sudo envyng -t21:25
MitchyNutsnoodlesgc, I've tried blacklist hci_usb but that doesn't seem to work in 8.10 :S21:25
mehrab_I have accidentally removed my fstab file, I'm trying to rewrite it, so I wrote this, is there any mistakes in it? http://pastebin.com/m6e53e5bf21:25
bash_loverPiloto, first choose unintall nvidia drvier21:26
bash_loverPiloto, then install nvidia river21:26
MardovarThanks for trying and pointing me to my next stop - I am off to #ubuntu-server21:26
bash_lovernumber 121:26
Pilotobash_lover: after i unistal21:27
bash_loverPiloto, then install nvidia river21:27
Pilotoit asks for reboot21:27
Slartmehrab_: is the system still running?21:27
bash_loverPiloto, then install nvidia driver21:27
speedcorebuzzsaw: hmm.. tricky, I still seem to be stuck.21:28
Pilotodo i reboot an then instal or first instal and then reboot21:28
bash_loverPiloto, have installed nvidia drvier ?21:28
bash_loverPiloto, first install nvidia21:28
bash_loverPiloto, choose 121:28
buzzsawspeedcore by multi line console what do you mean?21:28
bash_loverPiloto, let it work21:28
noodlesgcMitchyNuts: in /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/bluetooth, it lists three modules : bnep, cmtp, hidp perhaps those are the ones you want?21:28
mehrab_Slart: I can't login to it, it says it cannot mount the home partition, and when I checked, figured out that fstab is removed21:29
genesimmonsmehrab should defaults not be relatime other then that it looks good21:29
Slartmehrab_: ah, ok.. nevermind then21:29
bash_loverPiloto, first install nvidia and then reboot computer21:29
Pilotoits running21:29
Pilotoit finish21:30
MitchyNutsnoodlesgc, hmm lets try that, thank you very much!21:30
Pilotonow i m going to reboot21:30
speedcorebuzzsaw: I was going to login to a ssh server. I got promted with pw. But Now I'm stuck in pw-mode. When I press ENTER.. I just get another row..21:30
Pilotob right back please don't go away21:30
bash_loverill be here21:30
buzzsawi am not sure then :-s sorry speedcore21:30
mib_yn9ox7how does one go about mounting a fat32 formatted drive?21:31
jelly-beani've been unable to use NetworkManager since i installed 8.10. I am just now trying to get it to work. It says "Wired Network" "device is unmanaged". When I go to System > Network and try to save my location, it segfaults. there is also a GTK warning before that which I'm not sure is related: (network-admin:19227): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items21:31
arkanabarI'm about to blow the partition that keeps /boot/grub/menu.lst -- how do I tell GRUB to pull menu.lst from a different partition?21:31
speedcorebuzzsaw: thanx anyways =)21:31
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MitchyNutsnoodlesgc, fyi that didn't correct the issue, I do appreciate the help though :D21:33
mib_yn9ox7does using mount mydevice mydir -t vfat work?21:34
Pilotobash_lover: just restarted21:35
Pilotoit seems to be working how do i confirm21:35
MindVirusI want to rid my system of programs that I installed and am not using. Can I have a list of these?21:36
bash_loverPiloto, what happend ?21:36
MindVirusBy that I mean programs that I manually installed and that aren't dependencies?21:36
StreetPhysicistHello, I am thinking of building a new computer, but I am wondering how well NVidia's GTX 295  works with linux, specifically how well it works with Ubuntu.  Also any information on how well Intel's i7's work would be appreciated.21:36
s0101simple question: I deleted a panel and I took it back but now i cant se the programs i am using in the panel21:36
bash_loverPiloto, did you see a nvidia logo when x started ??21:37
bash_loverPiloto, try change your resolution21:37
s0101simple question: I deleted a panel and I took it back but now i cant se the programs i am using in the panel21:37
ohamahttp://pastebin.com/m5e7d23cc does that error make sense to you guys? Can it be fixed?21:37
slerderHey guys does anyone know how i can log details (browser,ip, operating system) of the people who visit my blogspot blog? (if thats not possible then how to do it on another site, or what channel to ask in? ) Thanks21:37
s0101i just se a blank panel21:37
Pilotobut i heve the ndivia x server program in the system tools21:38
MitchyNutsslerder, #php21:38
bash_loverPiloto, ok thats good21:38
bash_loverPiloto,  then nvidia is working21:38
arkanabars0101, you need to add the component "window list" to your GNOME panel.21:38
s0101aha :) thanks21:38
jeybeehello guys21:39
jeybeehave you got a minit?21:39
bash_loverPiloto,  change to a higher resolution ..........21:39
=== PC-Ente is now known as PC-Ente|away
slerdermitchnuts thanks, but i cant join php, it takes me to overflow...21:39
ivantisHow would I install server edition, but keep all the settings and files and stuff from desktop edition?21:39
jim_002I don't quite know why, but when I configure /etc/network/interfaces (wireless) manually , it fails, yet when using networkmanager it works fine :S21:40
MitchyNutsslerder, rough... try on another network efnet or undernet maybe21:40
jeybeei installed the driver vor my nv 9600GT. But i habe also a GT9500 in the same pc. Now i have three TFTs on my pc, but only one runs. How i can activate the other twos?21:40
reid_How do I force ubuntu to use a static IP?21:40
arkanabarI'm about to reformat the partition where I currently keep /boot/grub/menu.lst.  How do I tell GRUB to pull menu.lst from a different partition?21:40
xorkhey guys - doing a fresh install - hangs after 'starting the partitioner' - anyone familiar with this issue?21:40
maxbaldwinxork: Faulty iso/bad cd burn?21:41
jim_002reid: iface eth0 inet static21:41
arkanabarxork -- run gparted instead of using the partitioner.  It should be on the liveCD21:41
xorkmaxbaldwin, burned a 2nd one just to be sure21:41
reid_jim_002: in /etc/network/interfaces yes?21:41
xorkso go to 'try ubuntu' instead of 'install ubuntu'?21:41
bash_loverreid, cd /etc/network/21:41
jim_002reid: ye21:42
s0101I am trying to download21:42
arkanabarxork, yes.21:42
s0101   V.221:42
xorkthanks, i'll try21:42
reid_jim_002: I did that, and it worked for like 2 days, and now it was just leased a new I by DHCP21:42
arkanabarxork you should be able to install from "try"21:42
s0101but all links are broken is there any other place to download that theme21:42
dhalsimhi, when I compile something I get this: " error: ‘memcmp’ was not declared in this scope ", which package is this? build-essential is installed by the way21:43
L3dPlatedLinuxwhats better to use  handbrake or k9copy for dvd backup in ubuntu?21:43
=== laptop is now known as Sp1
bash_loverreid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/153659/21:43
jim_002reid: not sure, could be the networkmanager21:43
bash_loverreid, check my static ip conf21:43
arkanabarI'm formatting the partition that GRUB currently pulls /boot/grub/menu.lst from; how to tell GRUB to pull menu.lst from a different location?21:43
=== PC-Ente|away is now known as PC-Ente
jim_002reid: you may need to edit /etc/resolv.conf21:43
guntbertdhalsim: you will have to ask the author of that software21:44
bash_loverPiloto, how is it going Piloto ???21:44
=== PROject is now known as PROject-Emerald
mrwesarkanabar, why would you need to?21:45
reid_bash_lover: thats just what mine looks like =P21:45
jim_002I'm having problems with manually connecting with wireless network :/ my settings: http://rafb.net/p/HTsYsN90.html . Works fine when I use networkmanager.21:45
jelly-beani use spaces in my paths under my ~/ directory. sometimes when i double-click files to be opened in their default program, if the path to the file contains a space, the file will not be opened. the path needs to be wrapped in "" or have the spaces escaped. is there any way to have nautilus or ubuntu do this automatically when i double-click on files?21:46
PROject-EmeraldUhh, I just installed the envy drivers thing for ATI, and I restarted. It told me I have an error and I need to run in low graphics mode.21:46
PROject-EmeraldHow do I... fix it?21:46
Synx_hmAnyone know how to fix a broken libwww-perl, i cannot upgrade/update any packages without a newline error from libwww-perl21:47
arkanabarmrwes, will GRUB\ go and look for menu.lst other than where it is configured to look, if it isn't there any more?21:47
reid_PROject-Emerald: an error.. did it tell you anything about the error?21:47
arkanabarPROject-Emerald, you need the ati drivers.  nv is open source nvidia driver.21:47
MindVirusI want to rid my system of programs that I installed and am not using. Can I have a list of these?21:48
MindVirusBy that I mean programs that I manually installed and that aren't dependencies?21:48
Paulo39what command tell me if i have a certain package, whose name i know, installed or not?21:48
arkanabarer, never mind me.21:48
reid_arkanabar: envyng does both now21:48
PROject-EmeraldWell, I installed the ATI drivers for the Envy thing, and I restarted. It told me something along the lines of device not detected, and it made me boot in low-graphics mode.21:48
ohamahttp://pastebin.com/m5e7d23cc does that error make sense to you guys? Can it be fixed?21:48
Synx_hmlibwww-perl_5.812-1_all.deb: files list file for package `libwww-perl' is missing final newline21:48
PROject-EmeraldI know for a fact my videocard is installed because that's where my monitor is plugged in21:48
konamPROject-Emerald hehe, people have an anti-envy stance here on the ubuntu channel21:49
konamgood luck getting an answer21:49
PROject-EmeraldSo am I screwed? Should I just format real quick?21:49
reid_konam: lol this channel literally just told him to use envy-ng =P21:49
studentzproblems with nvidia 6200 video card  Heeeelp me21:49
reid_PROject-Emerald: well, that would fix it.. yeah, but you could always just go back to whatever drivers you were previously using21:49
hitman_beginnerhow can i use compuz fusion on ubuntu 8.10 ?21:49
konamreid_ :O things change i guess, haven't been here in a long time21:49
PROject-EmeraldHow do I revert any changes it did?21:50
reid_PROject-Emerald: well, that depends on what drivers you were using before21:50
hitman_beginnerplz tell me21:50
arkanabarPROject-Emerald, see if you find a "Hardware Drivers" entry in your system menu.21:50
xorkgparted is hanging at scanning all devices21:50
PROject-EmeraldUm, I didn't install any I don't think. I pretty much installed Ubuntu 8.04, then updated to 8.10, then someone told me to use envyng21:51
xorktell me i don't have a bunk hd21:51
PROject-EmeraldAnd I see it, yes.21:51
arkanabarxork, that always takes time, esp if you have lots of drives & partitions.21:51
PROject-EmeraldIt says no drivers are instaleld...21:51
studentzNvidia driver I get Black screen and no keyboard heeeelp me21:51
xorkarkanabar, it's a laptop, just have one HD21:51
xorki'll give it time though21:51
xorkbut i've never had it take this long before21:51
Synx_hmAnyone know how to fix a broken libwww-perl, i cannot upgrade/update any packages without getting a libwww-perl final newline error21:51
Burntresistorim thinking of dual booting my last hd and it doesnt say in the ubutntu dual boot page  if it matters if your using xp and you have a amd64  64 bit 8.1021:52
Envywhats up everyone21:52
arkanabarBurntresistor, it doesn't.  I have win2k, amd64, and triple boot21:52
Burntresistork cool21:52
janisozauris it possible to colorize (warnings, etc) make output?21:53
ScriptionHow do i set it up so that (im on a laptop) one workspace shows on an external monitor, and one on the internal monitor?21:53
PROject-EmeraldOk, now this is dumb.21:53
jim_002ok got it to work. I needed to shutdown /etc/init.d/NetworkManager . It must take ownership over wlan0 or something21:54
PROject-EmeraldI uninstalled the drivers I just installed and I'm still in low graphics mode.21:54
PROject-EmeraldIs there a way to restore defaults?21:54
ScriptionHow do i set it up so that (im on a laptop) one workspace shows on an external monitor, and one on the internal monitor?21:54
hitman_beginnerhow can i use compuz fusion on ubuntu 8.10 ?21:54
jim_002My ping spikes have gone as well yay!!!21:54
Envyi got you21:54
joker_me too21:55
hitman_beginneryes Envy21:55
Envyi just made a post on ubuntu forums yesterday21:55
Stefan^_hitman_beginner,  go to Applications - Add/Remove, search for "compiz" , check and Apply21:55
jim_002Damn NetworkManager causes ping spikes by polling for wireless networks21:55
hitman_beginnerthaks a lot21:55
grkblood13ium trying to use k3b to burn an audio cd , whenever i choose an mp3 it says its an unsupported format, how do i burn audio cds from p3s?21:55
arkanabargrkblood13, have you installed restricted codecs?21:55
ScriptionHow do i set it up so that (im on a laptop) one workspace shows on an external monitor, and one on the internal monitor?21:55
grkblood13not that i know of21:55
grkblood13i can play mp3s21:55
studentzXorg freeze with nvidia drivers Intrepid21:56
grkblood13im listening to one now21:56
guntbert!repeat | Scription21:56
ubottuScription: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:56
Envyhitman, make sure the drop down menu in the upper middle is selected all and not just canonical21:56
grkblood13arkanabar, do i need to install something?21:56
studentznvidia driver frooze xorg heeelp me21:56
ghindoI'm having trouble seeding a torrent with Transmission on Ubuntu 8.10 on the command line.  I've already tried #transmission, but it's pretty empty.  Could anybody help me out?21:57
axsd9dhow do i install google-chrome browser?????21:57
lebafar_Hello folks!21:57
arkanabargrkblood13, no clue.  I've exhausted my knowledge.21:57
PROject-EmeraldAnybody know how to restore graphics defaults after EnvyNG messed mine up?21:57
Stefan^_axsd9d,  there is not Google Chrome for Linux yet21:57
lebafar_I need a help with a .bat script to a bash shell script please?21:57
axsd9dwill it run on wine?21:58
ghindoaxsd9d: Google Chrome hasn't been released for Linux yet21:58
studentzstefan there is a version of chrome under wine21:58
Stefan^_axsd9d,  the closest is Chromium which is in a pre-alpha version...21:58
guntbertlebafar_: ask in #bash21:58
Stefan^_studentz,  oh, ok ; I didn't know21:58
arkanabarghindo, I think Transmission is GUI only.  look for a CLI bittorrent client.21:58
cellofellowaxsd9d➜ there is chromium, available in Launchpad, but it has 0 usability. If you want a fast browser, try Midori.21:58
axsd9dchromium is a game atleast i got a game21:58
PROject-EmeraldHow do I restore my desktop graphics defaults? This is dumb. EnvyNG messed mine up. I uninstalled any drivers it installed etc21:58
unitedpotsmokershey guys, i accidently remove pidgin, now i want to install back, i have the deb installers, but when i want to setup libpurple0.deb it said error with librepl.5.8. ("error : dependency is not satisfiable : libperl5.8). and then i check in synaptic manager it already install, libperl5.10. do i need to downgrade or something.. pls help me guys21:59
lebafar_guntbert, thank you!21:59
ghindoarkanabar: It has a cli, too.  I've used it, but can't seem to seed with it.21:59
janisozauraxsd9d: chromium-browser21:59
reid_PROject-Emerald: gimme a sec21:59
bash_loverEnvy, cool name :)22:00
axsd9dya the games called something like chromium b.s.u = waste of bandwidth22:00
bash_loverreid_, is your static ip working ??22:00
reid_bash_lover: yeah, I had to kill dhclient and restart networking22:01
reid_PROject-Emerald: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver22:01
studentznvidia driver frooze  xorg server heeelp me22:01
reid_Follow those instructions PROject-Emerald22:01
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, use your old xorg.conf22:01
PROject-Emeraldwill it fix what envyng just messed up?22:01
=== Debiangeo is now known as geoffrey
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, use your old xorg.conf22:01
reid_bash_lover: ATI drivers ignore xorg.conf =(22:01
PROject-EmeraldI'll worry about drivers later... I need to get my desktop back, lol.22:02
noodlesgcaxsd9d: perhaps you might be interested in this? http://www.downloadsquad.com/2009/03/17/google-chrome-on-linux-progressing-screenshots-inside/22:02
arkanabarthat makes me happy that I have nVidia.22:02
grkblood13got it22:02
reid_wait.. what do you mean your desktop back?22:02
grkblood13k3b needed soem more codecs22:02
PROject-EmeraldEnvyNG messed up ym entire config for my deskto22:02
PROject-Emeraldeverything is really small, etc.22:02
studentzarkanabar I have nvidia and the driver frooze  Xorg22:02
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, but i should make a backup xorg.conf22:02
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, cp it back to xorg.conf22:03
arkanabaris there an Xorg reconfigure utility anyone can suggest?22:03
PROject-EmeraldCP it back? o,o I'm really new to Linux :P22:03
reid_PROject-Emerald: if you want to try it.  cd /etc/X1122:03
reid_PROject-Emerald: then type ls22:03
reid_then sudo cp xorg.conf.bk xorg.conf22:03
reid_or whatever22:03
axsd9dnoodlesgc: thnx22:03
reid_I don't know the name of the backup it creates22:04
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, what xorg.conf files do you got22:04
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, check dates22:04
bash_lovercd /etc/X22:04
PROject-Emeraldlet me check22:04
PROject-EmeraldSat 18 Apr 2009 04:51:52 PM EDT22:04
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, see if you got a backup from toay22:05
ImaginalWhat are some media players that are designed to run in the shell?22:05
PROject-EmeraldI do22:05
iljmezi am dooing a schell script which installes some packages, runs a .exe using wine and creates a shortcut on the desktop. my problem is that after the .exe installs, wine does not terminate and the remained of the script is never executed. how do i avoid this?22:05
iljmez<spreeuw> warren_: and do you want to check before launching?22:05
_akahige_I've got some remnants of Xubuntu left from a very old install that was converted to normal Ubuntu. Not so much that I can boot into a functioning XFCE desktop, and not enough to be able to do an "apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop". can I use synaptic to uninstall everything related to Xubuntu and XFCE or is that going to cause me problems? is there a better way?22:05
=== geoffrey is now known as pitbac23
bash_loverImaginal, do you want a great auido player for shell ???????????22:05
mib_yn9ox7What's the easiest way to connect to a WPA network using the command line? Is iwconfig the only way?22:05
reid_PROject-Emerald: just type sudo cp <backup file> xorg.conf22:05
stephansjoin #mythbuntu22:05
PROject-EmeraldOne sec22:05
Imaginalbash_lover: yes?22:06
bash_loverImaginal, mocp22:06
bash_loverImaginal, music on console player22:06
bash_loverImaginal, its awesome22:06
PROject-EmeraldUm, I typed it and nothing happened22:06
bash_loverImaginal, apt-get install moc22:06
Imaginalbash_lover: thanks... checking it out now22:06
PROject-EmeraldIt just gave me another link with the Emerald@emerald-desktop:/etc/X11$ []22:07
PROject-Emeraldline, not link*22:07
bash_loverImaginal, http://moc.daper.net/22:07
PROject-EmeraldAlso, there's two backups here22:07
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, check the time stamp22:08
bash_loverPROject-Emerald, on backup name22:08
reid_PROject-Emerald: it wouldn't have said anything, all it did was copy the backup into xorg.conf and remove the one that you just replaced22:08
PROject-EmeraldOk, now should I restart? Or what?22:09
bash_loverPROject-Emerald,  cp -v is better22:09
reid_PROject-Emerald: you can try ctrl+alt+backspace22:09
reid_PROject-Emerald: it will restart X with the new conf22:09
bash_loverPROject-Emerald,  so envy didnt do the work ????????22:10
rothchildcan someone point me in the right direction for enabling dri2 on an intel 915gm gfx card?22:10
PROject-EmeraldThanks so much!!! :)22:10
PROject-EmeraldHow long do you think it'll take me to learn how to be as fluent with Linux as you guys?22:10
bash_loverPROject-Emerald,  envy has never failed for all my22:10
PROject-EmeraldIt's probably because of my old video card; It's a regular PCI card :(22:11
bash_loverPROject-Emerald,  next level to master ubuntu is to learn terminal22:11
reid_PROject-Emerald: it fixed it?22:11
pspsampspmy video card is a regular pci aswell its a fx550022:11
ivantisShit...with an upgrade thing, I will still have all of my settings and stuff right?22:11
PROject-Emeraldyeah, Reid, my desktop is back to normal22:11
PROject-EmeraldNow, how do I get the actual drivers that won't mess up my stuff? That link you gave me?22:12
reid_type glxinfo |grep render22:12
noodlesgc!language | ivantis22:12
ubottuivantis: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:12
reid_tell me what it says22:12
xorkok this install is just not going well - partition editor finally ran - but now it's hanging after the 'who are you?' screen. :(22:12
pspsampspshould i use lighttpd or apache , what are the advantages of apache?22:12
elexodusHey all, I have a powermac 400ghz G4 I'm trying to install onto. I can't seem to boot from the 8.10 liveCD. I've tried finding the answer online, but nothing seems to work... I'm just not very good with macs.22:12
pspsampspi know how to fix that22:13
elexoduspspsampsp: there seems to be a larger following, and more support for apache22:13
pspsampspyou have yo turn graphical boot off22:13
elexoduspspsampsp: how do I do that? I know NOTHING about macs22:13
pspsampspill brb i cant remember ill do a bit of googling22:14
pspsampspi installed uybuntu on a g4 for my mate22:14
pspsampspso have you installed it or are you using a livecd?22:14
pspsampspor alternate install?22:14
Envyhitman-beginner you good?22:14
cyloniaHi all, lost networking and keyboard after today's intrepid-updates release of pulseaudio 0.9.15 on two machines. Any news available on this or tips for starting to debug the issues ? TIA22:15
Envyi've got to run to the store if you need further assistance ask some of these guys22:15
pspsampspelexodus: are you using alternate install or live cd ?22:15
error404notfoundi am planning on creating a ubuntu server as master openLDAP and other one as slave, any good links that might help me?22:16
Stefan^_cylonia, what version of Ubuntu are you using?22:16
joker_hi all, i need same help, ineed to know how to turn on compiz, thanks22:16
cyloniaStefan^_: using intrepid 8.10 on both machines22:17
WaldirI have a FAT partition where I store most of my data, how can I set it up to be mounted automatically when I turn on the computer?22:17
pspsampspjoker go insto system -> preferences -> appeareance and go to desktop effects22:18
elexoduspspsampsp: sorry, I disconnected.22:18
elexodusOHh, WTF? my f'in mac drive is cracked in 2!!?!22:18
joker_thank you22:18
Stefan^_cylonia,  is your IP static ? 8.10 has a problem with static IP-s22:18
pspsampsplol ..?22:18
elexodushold on22:18
lawlzfriescan i ak about server related stuff here?22:18
=== geo is now known as geo05
stevr1itHello I ma still heving a serious problem printing pictures with my xerox phaser 6180, I am using intrepid with gnome. syslog tells me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153671/  and i have already tried to reinstall the driver22:19
pspsampspelexodus : do you still need help with mac?22:19
Styleeis there a way to set cpu freq scalling on a certain mode for all cores at once?22:19
stevr1itthe problme did not exist with 8.0422:19
noodlesgclawlzfries: you might get better server help in #ubuntu-server22:19
lawlzfriesi'll try that22:19
cyloniaStefan^_: no both use dhcp, when i check network connections via nmapplet the wired info is gone ... and since keyboard isn't working, making any changes is out of the question ...22:19
elexoduspspsampsp: yes... for some reason the startup disk with a happy face is cracked in two... Let me try to fix this so I can boot up, and turn off the graphical boot.22:20
Mike_lifeguardDoes anyone know how to set the terminal to not have window decorations?22:20
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pspsampspare you using livecd?22:20
elexodusMike_lifeguard: google "transparent desktop terminal22:21
joker_i have also probleme with compiz i can't find commande22:21
bash_loverMike_lifeguard, what do u mean by window decorations ?22:21
elexodusjoker_: goto #compiz22:22
bash_loverMike_lifeguard,  try xterm22:22
Mike_lifeguardelexodus, bash_lover: I already have it transparent. I just don't want it to have the title bar etc (window decorations)22:22
* Mike_lifeguard googles...22:22
elexoduspspsampsp: wow. So, my 10G harddrive with OSX just died... I have a 1TB blank I'll have to rely on.22:22
buzzsawhow would i go about setting up a QoS type thing on my network, i would like to make it so that no one person can hog the bandwidth22:23
elexodusMike_lifeguard download either emerald theme manager or AWN... You can adjust the bar any way you want with one of those.22:23
pspsampsp_elexodus: are you installing ubuntu with live cd or alternate install?22:25
_akahige_my pdf printer seems to have disappeared from firefox, but is present in other apps. what can I do to get it back?22:27
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elexoduspspsampsp_: liveCD22:28
JyZyXELcan you install ubuntu in ntfs filesystem?22:28
DASPRiDJyZyXEL, i dont think so, no22:29
elexodusJyZyXEL: yeah, but it's not a good idea.22:29
Lilarcor_JyZyXEL: I doubt it22:29
MiescoHow do I restart my onboard webcam modules (uvcvideo) so I can have webcam sex?22:29
DASPRiDelexodus, it does?22:29
MiescoIt says its in use22:29
DASPRiDelexodus, ntfs doesnt allow linux file rights, does it?22:29
Miescoshawn@shawn-laptop:~$ sudo rmmod -f uvcvideo22:29
MiescoERROR: Removing 'uvcvideo': Resource temporarily unavailable22:29
Lilarcor_Miesco: you don't need modules to have sex with your webcam, just drill a hole, squirt some lubricant and you're good to go22:30
hitman_beginnerhow can i use compuz fusion on ubuntu 8.10 ?22:30
Lilarcor_hitman_beginner: look at appearance underneath perferences22:30
elexodusDASPRiD: yes, but you're going to have to do a lot of workarounds. mainly to prevent yourself from having to use superuser priviledge ALL THE TIME. Go with EXT3.22:30
MiescoLilarcor: What drill bit would you recommend22:31
elexodusDASPRiD: why do you need NTSF?22:31
DASPRiDelexodus, i dont?22:31
guntbertelexodus: have you actually tried that?22:31
Lilarcor_Miesco: I've never seen your sexual unit so I'd have a hard time recommending.22:31
DASPRiDelexodus, JyZyXEL asked22:31
elexodusguntbert, yeah, it's worse than a FAT partician22:31
guntbertLilarcor_: stop those comments please22:31
MiescoLilarcor: Yea its like 1 cm think embedded in my laptop at the top of the lcd22:31
hitman_beginnerand what commandes should i use22:32
MiescoHow do I restart my webcam drivers22:32
Lilarcor_hitman_beginner: there are no commands.. you select what effects you want22:32
elexodusSomebody.... Anybody.... Help me frickin' install from LiveCD to a mac 400GHZ G4. I'm "mactarded".22:35
deanyanyone help with intrepid and a t-mobile broadband dongle?  Ive tried jaunty and it dont work either22:37
ienorandelexodus: Eh, what's going on?22:37
elexodusienorand: blank 1TB harddrive, and the dam mac won't boot from the liveCD.22:38
macman_anyone update to vittualbox 2.2 and can't access floppie22:38
elexodusmacman_: you running on a mac?22:39
macman_im on ubuntu22:39
elexodusmacman_: ubuntu on a mac?22:39
elexodusyour name is misleading22:39
ienorandelexodus: hold down c during boot?22:39
macman_elexodus: im on ubuntu running windows in virtualbox22:40
erickhello everyone22:40
elexodusienorand: tried it, all I get is a black screen22:40
pspsampsp_elexodus: im bavk22:40
pspsampsp_i was havin breakfast sorry22:40
elexoduspspsampsp_: Breakfast? where are you?22:40
macman_elexodus: actually i run anything in virtualbox22:40
elexodusmacman_: cool22:40
pspsampsp_elexodus: new zealand22:40
macman_any reason why i can't acces the th flippy22:40
dhalsimhi, is it changeable Performance Mode to low or slow, in nvidia-settings22:41
elexoduspspsampsp_: nice, have you seen flight of the concords, or Eagles Vs. Sharks?22:41
ienorandelexodus: Might always be something wrong with cd,,,22:41
pspsampsp_elexodus: yea ive seen flight of the concords22:41
elexodusienorand: I've installed from it before.22:41
pspsampsp_elexodus: you have to add the option Linux video=ofonly nosplash22:41
pspsampsp_to the boot configuration22:41
elexoduspspsampsp_: I currently have no OS installed. How would I do that?22:42
NoOneImportantis it possible to change the default channel that pulseaudio defaults to?22:42
pspsampsp_oh the live cd press something like "e" on try ubuntu22:42
pspsampsp_ill boot off my live cd and find out22:42
NoOneImportantcurrently, pulse defaults to PCM22:42
Nicknamesshi whats the command to install ubuntu desktop in ubuntu server ?? pleasee22:42
NoOneImportantbut I want it to use PCM Headphone22:42
rizzehapt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:43
elexoduspspsampsp_: It just boots to a black screen.22:43
MightyTweekelexodus: the G4 uses the powerpc processor, right? and you've got a powerpc live CD?22:43
=== cYm`gAz|iV is now known as roflburger
elexodusMightyTweek: powerPC live CD?22:43
roflburgercan anyone help me edit my paartition size22:43
pspsampsp_elexodus oh yea shouldave checked that22:43
elexodusroflburger: sure22:44
elexoduspspsampsp_: What is this powerPC CD you speak of?22:44
roflburgeri have gparted22:44
roflburgerbut dont know how to use it22:44
ienorandelexodus: holding down option key during boot shows the cd? Hve you installed on _this_ computer with it?22:44
elexodusroflburger: ok, in terminal, type "sudo gparted"22:44
pspsampsp_no wait22:44
pspsampsp_thats server22:44
elexodusienorand: no, this computer is an ubuntu vergin22:44
elexoduspspsampsp_: What';s the difference?22:45
pspsampsp_elexodus: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/8.10/release/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-powerpc.iso22:45
roflburgerok done elexodus22:45
* scunizi just spent the last 3 hours diagnosing a video card problem on a windows box so MapleStory would work.. Jeeesh I wish that game would work in Ubuntu.. I'd solve lots of issues.22:45
glsjoin #uolompo22:45
elexodusroflburger: you're in gparted?22:46
alfredo_sono italiano22:46
roflburgeryes elexodus22:46
pspsampsp_elexodus: you have to use a different cd so the processor can understand the instructoions22:46
ienorand!it | alfredo_22:46
ubottualfredo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:46
elexoduspspsampsp_: SOMETIMES MAC BUMS ME OUT.22:46
elexodussorry caps.22:47
NoqqOk, I'm stuck. I got an Asus EEE 1000HE Notebook, and I want Ubuntu on it. I do not own a Extern CD Driver, so I cannot use a Live CD to download. And I'm also not known with how to make partitions without using GParted's CD method. Please help me.22:47
pspsampsp_elexodus: lol yea22:47
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:47
arooni-mobile___i followed: http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices on ubuntu ibex on a t61, but i still cant hear audio from xmms2 after configuring the alsa plugin by adding lines to .asoudrc as its covered in the docs22:47
kyle___Im having trouble setting up a netatalk server. any one willing to lend a hand?22:47
ienorandNasra: How was that offensive lang?22:47
elexodusroflburger: you there?22:48
roflburgeryes elexodus22:48
ienorandNoqq: Have a usb stick you could use instead of cd?22:48
elexodusroflburger: so, you're in Gparted, right?22:48
roflburgeryes elexodus22:48
ienorandelexodus: What kind of mac was it you said?22:48
elexodusroflburger: OK, what changes do you want to make?22:48
Noqqienorand: Ye, but I read 3 full explain USB methods how to make it live, but I cannot seem to understand it.22:48
Nasraienorand: well....not that bad.....but can you  do though?22:48
roflburgerelexodus, i want to make my linux partition bigger22:49
elexodusienorand: Powermac 400GHZ G$ circa 2004.22:49
Nasraienorand: it was not me though22:49
NoqqI tried pressing F8, F9, F12 and Delete on my Notebooks startup, it won't enter a BIOS.22:49
shiznebitNoqq: F2 ?22:49
ienorandNoqq: Are you in windows?22:49
Noqqienorand: Yes, XP.22:49
elexodusroflburger: Ok, if you're working off of the linux partition you want to expand, you need to make a gparted liveCD, and boot into that before making any changes. Otherwise you will need to reinstall EVERYTHING.22:50
elexoduspspsampsp_: thanks man22:50
roflburgerelexodus, oh :/22:50
Noqqienorand: I also use Wubi, I installed it to D:\ (Windows is in C:\), but Ubuntu wouldn't start (no Dual Boot screen). It entered Windows straight away.22:50
shiznebitNoqq: use unetbootin22:50
elexodusNoqq: Why not just install on another partitian and use GRUB to boot?22:51
ienorandNoqq: Provided you are able to start from usb on your netbook, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ is an easy way to get a live-usb22:51
babio1is it possible to install vista and ubuntu on two different hard disk and configure grub to start both???22:51
_akahige_when I got to print from Firefox, I have no available printers to choose from -- not even cups pdf. can anyone help me diagnose?22:51
Noqqienorand/schiznebit: Thanks, I'll check that one out aswell. Hopefully it's more explained around the BIOS par, to get your USB device bootable.22:51
ienorandbabio1: not at the same time :)22:52
babio1of course not22:52
Noqqienorand: Is Unetbootin included with a partition option?22:52
babio1but one at time???? :D22:52
ienorandbabio1: at least I don't think so.. would be an interesting project though...22:52
norenhi all is it possible to play vids from CLI only, i hav already tried aaxine22:52
shiznebitNoqq: its not oging to live, it will just use the install option automatically22:53
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
ienorandNoqq: Unetbootin basically puts the livecd on a usb... so it works just like the equivalent livecd22:53
ienorandnoren: as in ascii art video? :D22:53
Noqqienorand/shiznebit: Ye, but I also got troubles with making a partition on my C:\ device.22:53
darkpixel_akahige_: Try adding a new printer (System->Administration->Printing) selecting the “Local Printer” “PDF Printer” option. In the next step choose “Generic Printer” and then used the “Postscript Color Printer (Ver 3)” driver. Now you should be able to print to pdf by selecting the newly setup printer.22:54
scunizi_akahige_: try ... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see if that doesn't fix the issue..22:54
roflburgerthanks elexodus22:54
NoqqFor the record. I got a C:\ and a D:\, C got 90gb (NTFS) and D 70gb (NTFS)22:54
norenienorand: i tried play MonsterInc Movie.. the sound it great !! :)22:55
=== ubuntu is now known as bardyr
norenienorand: i tried play MonsterInc Movie.. the sound it great !! :)22:55
ienorandnoren: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/stupid-geek-tricks-watch-movies-in-your-linux-terminal-window/22:56
norenis that stupid22:57
_akahige_scunizi: thanks. I will22:57
rockymy ati card isnt recognized by ubuntu jaunty. (ATI 9200 se) how can i get open gl to work ?? where can i dl the drivers?22:57
Slart!jaunty | rocky22:57
ubotturocky: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:57
lucaxhello, i have a problem i run create usb stick and when grub runs from the usb stick i get error 17, any ideas??22:58
SgtGrumblesQuick question22:58
sam_i think theres something wrong with my synaptic22:58
SgtGrumblesIf I allow root SSH access to a friend, can he use sudo rm -rf to delete my files too?22:58
elexodusroflburger: no prob.22:58
Slartlucax: find out what grub error 17 means.. it's probably that it can't find the partition to boot from22:58
=== mike is now known as PROject-Emerald
lucaxthanks Slart22:59
SlartSgtGrumbles: not if you give him a normal user account.. oh and don't mention that command22:59
_akahige_darkpixel: when I go to add a new printer, there's no "local printer" "pdf printer" option. I've got "Generic CUPS-PDF printer", other, and network, and no way of selecting anything else22:59
SlartSgtGrumbles: even if it's incomplete22:59
chibicorpsecan anyone help me?22:59
SgtGrumblesStart: I want to let him be able to install stuff though22:59
darkpixel_akahige_: i asume is Generic CUPS-PDF printer22:59
sam_sgtGrumbles: he can use sudo22:59
SlartSgtGrumbles: you can configure sudo to only allow certain commands.. that might be the easiest way22:59
=== Activity is now known as Hecate
poseidonI'm trying to launch eclipse (just installed it) but it's not starting up.  It keeps stalling23:00
SgtGrumblesStart: Okay thanks23:00
chibicorpsehow can i request free desktop x64 CD?23:00
Slart!shipit | chibicorpse23:00
ubottuchibicorpse: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs23:00
chibicorpseor no matter what distr. used?23:00
_akahige_darkpixel: would that mean that it's already set up correctly? there's nothing to change, and the device URI says: cups-pdf:/23:00
=== _Skyo is now known as vampire_
darkpixelSgtGrumbles: but, as i know, the user you gave him will need to be listed in sudoers file to be able to run sudo command23:01
=== vampire_ is now known as Ranakah`
dassoukihttp://pastebin.com/d4b9b6b36 <-- i've been playing with my grub file a lot ltely, since i installed 8.10 the other day, i got a kernel panic error and my pc just hung and didn't do anything23:01
darkpixel_akahige_: the pdf printer is listed in openoffice or something else?23:01
sam_oh man dont you hate it when you forget what you were goiung to ask?23:02
NoqqDo I just download version 8.04 .iso, and make that one Live on my USB device?23:02
_akahige_darkpixel: near as I can tell, the printer is listed in every app except firefox23:02
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:02
|aspire|can any one help me23:03
sam_i can23:03
|aspire|I'm installing some third party software23:04
Envyanyone actually here?23:04
lwizardlcan someone help me with getting the NVIDIA drivers to work for the FX 5200 card23:04
arooni-mobile___i followed : http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices after hooking up my s9 headphones to my t61 laptop running ibex.  then i followed instructions and heres my .asoundrc file http://pastebin.com/f4e245b4b .... but i still only hear output form computer speakers.... help?23:04
Slart!ask | |aspire|23:04
ubottu|aspire|: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:04
bachHi all, wonder if someone can help with a query I have with regard to dual monitor set-up ?23:04
bash_loverlwizardl, use envyng23:04
|aspire|but when the install wizard opens then the buttons remain invisible23:04
|aspire|what can i do to activate them?23:04
bash_loverlwizardl, envyng will get an install everything for you23:04
sam_whats the software your installing?23:04
lwizardlbash_lover, does that work with in 9.04?23:04
|aspire|I have experianced this problem before with other software but am not sure what I did to resolve it23:04
yaris1234567891hey guys is there anyway to render a page with html + javascript, and stdout this to a html file ?23:04
yaris1234567891on commandline23:05
bash_loverlwizardl, if you can install it it should work23:05
bash_loverlwizardl, install envyng-core23:05
lwizardlok how do i restore the old xserver backup23:05
Slartyaris1234567891: perhaps you can run firefox from command line.. not sure.. might be worth checking out23:05
|aspire|Slart: what is the point in asking if there is no answer?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????23:05
bash_loverlwizardl, envy will make a backup for you23:05
sam_|jaspir| by install wizard do you mean synaptic or add/remoce23:05
perlsyntaxHow do i remove iwscanner when it a deb file?23:05
bash_loverlwizardl, but if you wanna do it yourself its ok23:06
lwizardlbash_lover, i let the nvidia make a backup and now i can't get into the gui23:06
|aspire|sam_: no this is a simple install file with the extension .bin23:06
sam_oh ok23:06
|aspire|I think it is java based23:06
levon_does anyone know a good chat program that uses web cam right now im using pidgen but it doesnt support web chat23:06
Slart|aspire|: questions that go unanswered are most of the time badly written.. too little information or otherwise lacking23:06
perlsyntaxhow do i remove a deb file?23:06
bash_loverlwizardl, did you install envyng ?23:06
sam_what ios the program23:06
bachI have a two monitors, I would like to know if I can set the second desktop to my second monitor so it is also showing any apps etc on the second desktop ?23:06
ixikobraixihi  2 all23:06
|aspire|sam IOS????23:06
Slart|aspire|: sometimes questions aren't answered because noone knows the answer23:06
lwizardlbash_lover, no i used the installer from nvidia's site23:07
bash_loverlwizardl, did you install envyng ?23:07
darkpixel_akahige_: maybe you can try https://addons.mozilla.org/es-ES/firefox/addon/597123:07
bash_loverlwizardl, ok but install envyng-core23:07
tritiumbash_lover: please don't recommend that.23:07
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know how to remove a deb file on ubuntu.....23:07
bash_lovertritium, envyng is great23:07
_akahige_darkpixel: thanks for your help23:07
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia23:07
Slartperlsyntax: just delete it?23:07
lwizardlbash_lover, shouldn't i get the machine so that i can use the gnome desktop gui instead of just bash23:07
tritiumSee above, bash_lover.  Again, please don't recommend it here.23:07
Slartperlsyntax: rm somefile.deb23:08
darkpixel_akahige_: no problem23:08
bash_lovertritium, so why is in repositories ?23:08
yaris1234567891hey guys is there anyway to render a page with html + javascript, and stdout this to a html file on the terminal ?23:08
bash_lovertritium, it works23:08
pspsampspcan i set up webmin for non root users23:09
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.23:09
bash_lovertritium, its like saying dont install flash player to view youtube videos23:09
tritiumbash_lover: it's in the "universe" repo, and not supported.  Use at your own risk, and please don't recommend it, unless you'll be here 24/7 to support it.23:09
tritiumbash_lover: no, it's different.  There are official nvidia drivers in the main repository.23:09
tritium!nvidia | bash_lover23:09
ubottubash_lover: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:09
JockeoCan I use Pidgin to chat with webcam with an Windows-msn user?23:10
SlartJockeo: I don't think pidgin supports webcams..23:10
SlartJockeo: something about pidgin being an im-app and not a webcam app..23:11
bash_lovertritium,  well even if you help someone with an application are you here to support him 24/7 ?23:11
perlsyntaxi try rm file.deb it will not remove.23:11
SlartJockeo: they might have changed their mind since then though23:11
pspsampspwhat are some cpanel alternatives23:11
tritiumbash_lover: I am always in the channel.23:11
Slartperlsyntax: do you get some kind of error messages?23:11
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JockeoSlart: ok I see23:11
armenceOK, I'm looking for an app that will display a countdown timer on my panel where can I find that? I'm also not adverse to coding it myself (c/c++ or java) if the API to make such stuff isn't too much of a pain...23:12
bash_lovertritium,  well im here to support him with ubuntu issues23:12
arooni-mobile___i followed : http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices after hooking up my s9 headphones to my t61 laptop running ibex.  then i followed instructions and heres my .asoundrc file http://pastebin.com/f4e245b4b .... but i still only hear output form computer speakers.... help?23:12
guntbertbash_lover: "help with" != "recommend", as I see it :-)23:12
tritiumbash_lover: it's channel policy not to recommend that.  Thanks for your cooperation.  Good day.23:12
Slartbash_lover: there are stuff that is supported and recommended.. then there are stuff that can create problems.. those are generally not recommended and not supported.. if you want to debate this please go to #ubuntu-ops and talk to them23:12
bash_lovertritium,  well there are always several ways to solve a problem,23:13
bazhangbash_lover, please drop it23:13
tritiumbash_lover: time to let it go, please23:13
Burntresistorim working on a simple slopeform calc in pyton i realiae the bug is the computer isnt working with two negatives or a negative and  positives right and is adding when it should subtract,  its not in int or float but it can be entered as either23:13
bhueyanybody know a method of easy configuration for a dual monitor setup for NVidia cards ?23:13
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings23:13
bash_lovertritium,  when you have no arguments left you pull stuff like that23:13
bhueySlart: thanks, I'll look at it23:13
SlartBurntresistor: I don't really understand.. can you explain in other words?23:14
tritiumbash_lover: I have plenty left.  Drop it.23:14
bash_lovertritium,  you dont since you cant argument about the benefits about it23:14
NoqqWhy is http://sites.google.com/site/computertip/installeren, explain installing Ubuntu that easy? It's not even mentioning partition! Do U need to partition or not? I'm so confused.23:15
SlartNoqq: you need to partition but the installe can do it for you23:15
yaris1234567891hey guys is there anyway to render a page with html + javascript, and stdout this to a html file on the terminal ?23:15
Burntresistory2-y1/x2-x1 is a slope formula if  i entered -2 as x1 and then 7 as the next one it would be -2-7 which would be -9  and not 5 which its giving me23:15
chetnickHello, I am planing to add D-link Air (DWL-520) WiFi PCI card. I think it has Atheros chipset. Is this gonna work out of the box?23:16
SlartNoqq: installing a standard ubuntu system really is very easy23:16
NoqqSlart: Than why is it not working. I do not get the dual boot screen.23:16
SlartBurntresistor: can you pastebin the part of your program where this calculation is done?23:16
Slart!pastebin | Burntresistor23:16
ubottuBurntresistor: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:16
=== PROject-Emeral is now known as PROject-Emerald
SlartNoqq: you had windows installed before you installed ubuntu? does ubuntu work?23:17
chetnickBurntresistor: check parenthesis?23:17
tritiumBurntresistor: your x2 and x1 are reversed23:17
NoqqI just want this only question to be answered; When doing Ubuntu install trough Wubi, and I choose to install on same drive as Windows is installed and I choose for a 10gb Installation, will everything work properly? (My main drive is a 90gb NTFS)23:17
Burntresistorno there not23:17
SlartNoqq: I'm not familiar with wubi, sorry.. never used it myself23:18
SlartBurntresistor: can I pm you?23:18
NoqqSlart: I got Windows XP installed yes. But when I installed Ubuntu (trough Wubi) I first installed it on my empty D:\ drive, but on startup it went right to XP.23:18
mnkhi does anyone know how to get the new jaunty notifications working? I have got jaunty now but I only get notifications for pidgin [not volume for example] and also it looks nothing like the one in Mark Shuttleworth's flash video on the jaunty notifications. Can someone PLEASE help?23:19
egcis there a way to monitor bandwidth use?23:19
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pspsampspis it possible to create some type of virtual user that has read and write access to /var/www and can login to ssh?23:19
mnkANY help will be appreciated :)23:19
johan__anyone here got a popcorn hour, and can give me their /etc/exports ?23:19
SlartNoqq: sorry.. I can't really help you with wubi..perhaps someone else can23:20
darkpixelegc: what kind of monitoring?23:20
NoqqSlart or anyone, Can someone help me with a bootable USB?23:21
egcdarkpixel:  i just like to know what my total bit rate is everything on my lan23:21
darkpixelegc: you mean just a command, or maybe an applet, or a screenlet/karamba?23:21
egci mean i *would* like to know23:21
slim|hello iam searchin some fps23:21
Slart!usb | Noqq23:21
ubottuNoqq: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:21
slim|like nexuiz or alien arena23:21
egcdarkpixel: sure, any suggestions...im not really sure what's possible23:21
Ben90i need help.23:21
egcdarkpixel: it seems like it would need a smart gateway23:21
egcim using a router23:22
PROject-EmeraldWhich is better:    Konversation or XChat IRC?23:22
Ben90how do i change ownership of a folder23:22
egcbut if i used a linux box as a gateway... i could probably monitor it effectively23:22
egcjust thinking out loud23:22
tritiumBurntresistor: see my /msg to you23:22
john-leninHi! I've red FAQ, but would like to reassure. Shall I expect any problems with Ubuntu, Gnome, Compiz, Blender or Scribus on Mobile AMD Turion MK-36 and Nvidia GeForce GO 6100?23:22
Ben90the folder is /mnt/temp/home/ben/data23:22
SlartPROject-Emerald: try them both... see which one you like23:22
darkpixelegc, well, you want to have that monitor in the desktop all day running?23:22
Ben90it keeps saying that i don't have permission23:23
SlartPROject-Emerald: you could also take a look at quassel.. it's brand new so it might lack some features.. but it's still nice23:23
egcdarkpixel: the timewarner caps got me curious23:23
Ben90can anyone please help me?23:23
rockyhow can i install ati drivers for 9200 se on ubuntu jaunty? it isnt recognized automtically. when i go to the hardware drivers tab and use the auto detection it says: the system doesnt use a propiete driver. its all blank. what can i do to get the ati driver to work?23:24
PROject-Emeraldthanks :)23:24
nightrid3rjohn-lenin: they should work fine given enough memory23:24
SlartBen90: chmod and chown are used for changing ownership and permissions, respectively23:24
john-leninNight, did you use it on 64 bits?23:24
darkpixelegc: you know gkrellm its a multi monitor, much more than network, it also measures cpu, ram, disks, email, moonphases, sound trougth soundcard and many more, and have's  toons of themes?23:25
nightrid3ryes on athlon xp same video card23:25
egcdarkpixel: oh yeah ive heard of that before23:25
john-leninI'm esp affreid about scribus. Was it all OK?23:25
Ben90so how would i change ownership on a folder that originally was used in debian?23:25
nightrid3rjohn-lenin: yes23:26
egcdarkpixel:  i think in my case itd be hard to get a good feel cus i have several things behind the router, desktop, laptop, xbox23:26
johan__anyone here got a popcorn hour, and can give me their /etc/exports ? been trying to get my NFS to work for about 3 hours now... =(23:26
SlartBen90: I think it's chown ben /path/to/your/folder ..23:26
nightrid3r!fr | rachid23:26
ubotturachid: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:26
Ben90ok 1 sec23:27
SlartBen90: you might need to put a sudo in fron of it too23:27
Ben90oh ok23:27
Ben90i'm new to ubuntu23:27
egci guess thats the intention of netstat in unix23:27
rachidno probleme23:27
pspsampsp_can i create a sort of fake or virtual user that can be logged ito only by ssh23:27
max__Hey how the hell can i watch hulu.com with ubuntu?23:28
lwfahi, I decided to upgrade to Jaunty before the mad rush, however it seems that the upgrade tool has crashed. It is stuck on the line "Getting new packages" even though it says that it has fetched 1388 of 1388. What should I do?23:28
darkpixelegc: i've do that with MRTG and some script that connects to my router trougth SNMP protocol23:28
egcdarkpixel: cool, looking it up23:28
egcdarkpixel: yeah i think thats along the lines of what i was looking for23:29
arooni-mobile___# You may get choppiness with a2dp. An hcid.conf with "lm accept,master;" and "lp hold,sniff,park;" will be more robust.23:29
arooni-mobile___what do i do with that23:29
darkpixelegc: its very poerfull and theres a lot of scripts around there23:29
darkpixelegc: have fun23:29
slim|some great fps ?23:29
slim|free and powerfull23:30
nadanhow do i install opengl headers and libraries in ubuntu...  i am trying to compile something and its not adding opengl support however like gxlgears n stuff works23:30
danilJust 5 more days, guys!23:31
ScottGIs there a way to set the order that thing in Sessions run?23:31
nadanerr:wgl:opengl_error No OpenGL support compiled in.23:31
chipt4Quick question:  I have an 8.04 desktop install, and I want to boot it into server mode (don't load gnome,etc) and access it via ssh.  Is there a boot menu that lets me choose 'server mode'?23:32
chipt4danil: yay :)23:32
ScottGI'm thinking I will just stop using sessions and instead have sessions point to a sort of config file of my own that starts things. And I can control the order that they run and when they run with sleep. Can anyone see any problems with this?23:33
Ben90ok now thats done how do i go about finding out if my gameport is working?23:33
Ben90i believe it is on 0x20023:34
pspsampsp_is it possible to create a user that can only be logged in via ssh23:34
Ben90it may be different in ubuntu23:34
nadangameport like ... joystick/controller should be listed in /dev/input ?23:35
Ben90nevermind i got it.23:35
egcdarkpixel: MRTG is one of the tools listed here as well ;)  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html23:36
john-leninCU, thx for help nightrid3r :-D23:37
chipt4Anyone know how I can boot without loading the desktop? (straight to cli?) Do I need to configure grub?23:37
yaris1234567891any one know which version i need to install from http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/23:37
sierinjs_lv? @@@ how can i execute "Users and Groups" with root, not logining into root acc @@@ ?23:37
Ben90how do i get the sound in zsnes to work in alsa output mode?23:40
Ben90it only works in sdl and its choppy.23:40
ikus060Hi all, I'm using Unis for file sync, but I'm looking for a replacement. Do you have any suggestion ??23:41
yaris1234567891if something is on SVN, how do i download it ?23:41
slim|i have an issue iam running 8.10 in my hp 3830 s but i cant have sound from my speakers ONLY from my headphones23:41
slim|and i dont know why ?23:41
slim|whats the hell is goin' one ???23:42
PROject-EmeraldLANGUAGE MISSY.23:42
slim|what N23:43
Aggrav8dhi, ubuntu!23:43
sunny_what happened?23:43
databitswhat is the best program for authoring dvd's on ubuntu ?23:43
sunny_databits: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-December/103443.html23:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eeebuntu23:44
=== Martianp23 is now known as Martinp23
lukeWcould anyone tell me what x11proto branch of packages is for?23:44
lukeWis it for a kind of beta version of x11?23:45
Ben90can any please help me.23:45
databitsis their and apt get for dvdrip ?23:45
Aggrav8deeebuntu is the scary halloween edition.23:45
slim|need some help plz23:45
lukeWwhat's up Ben90 ?23:45
NoqqAggrav8d, hehe why/23:45
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know the newest version of conduit for Ubuntu 8.04 and can sync google calendar info to evolution?23:45
sunny_hey guys anyone knows how to get in touch with the leads of ubuntu?23:45
prikolchikim trying to `make` libiphone and im getting an error iphone.i:32: Error: Unable to find 'plist/swig/plist.i' Anyone help?23:45
Ben90lukeW, i'm having problems with the sound in zsnes.23:46
Ben90it wont work in alsa output mode23:46
databitsdoes anyone know of any good lightscribe programs for ubuntu ?23:46
lukeWBen90; try killall pulseaudio23:47
lukeWfrom a terminal23:47
Ben90it only wants to work in sdl output mode.23:47
Ben90ok 1 sec23:47
slim|try kill -9 -123:47
lukeWslim|; that's not nice23:47
Ben90hang on.23:47
slim|it will restart your session23:47
prikolchikim trying to `make` libiphone and im getting an error iphone.i:32: Error: Unable to find 'plist/swig/plist.i' Anyone help?23:47
lukeWBen90; I know that intrepid had major problems with pulseaudio - so by killing the pulseaudio daemon you end up reverting to alsa..23:48
lukeWit might work23:48
lukeWcould anyone tell me what x11proto branch of packages is for?23:49
Aggrav8dNoqq - because people see it and go 'eeeeee!'23:49
jophishhmm, trying to build gcc for the h8300-hms, however I get a buffer overflow while making23:49
bachhi, getting issue with updates.23:49
bachGetting following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/153699/ anyone able to assist ?23:49
jophishI'm not really too sure how to handle this23:49
NoqqAre partitions neccesarily needed? I'm using a Netbook, and want to install EeeBuntu.23:50
mxboy15uNoqq, you can always use Wubi and install inside windows23:50
lukeWjophish; there's a #gcc channel .. maybe that would be helpful?23:50
Noqqmxboy15u, but I heard lots of options do not work using Wubi on a Notebook.23:50
mxboy15uLike what? Do you have any links?23:51
databitsisn't dvd rip designed just for ripping dvd's23:51
databitsI want to encode xvid files and put them on a dvd23:51
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Noqqmxboy15u, like Network, Hotkeys.23:51
shiznebitdatabits: Devede23:51
mxboy15uwell i had a friend wubi a 1000HE and everything has been working perfectly for him23:51
nightrid3rNoqq: yes you need partitions23:52
databitsdoes anyone know of a good program for encoding xvid files ?23:52
darkpixeldatabits: you'll need libdvdcss2 in order to decrypt dvd's, which is not in official repositories, you'll need to add the medibuntu repository23:52
databitsI don't want to decrypt dvds23:52
Noqqnightrid3r, I really need some good advice where to get started how to make partitions. I'm not able to use a CD on the Notebook, how do I make partitions?23:52
darkpixeldatabits: oh ok, sorry23:52
databitsI want to take xvid movies that I allready have23:52
databitsand I want to encode them '23:52
databitsso I can put them on dvd23:53
bachhi, getting issue with updates.23:53
bachGetting following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/153699/ anyone able to assist ?23:53
bachany ideas23:53
darkpixelah, then use some mencoder frontend23:53
jophishthanks lukeW23:53
slim|bach stop spamming with usin enter key23:53
databitswell what would you recomend for doing this darkpixel ?23:53
nightrid3rNoqq: i have never done anything like that, beter wait for someone who did, i might give some bad advice23:54
Ben90the sound is working.23:54
Ben90but it is still choppy.23:54
shiznebitdatabits: install Devede that will work23:54
usserdatabits, devede23:54
Ben90is there a way to fix that?23:54
lukeWwell; i'd do a google23:54
lukeWi'm not sure23:54
bachslim|: sorry didn't realise it was23:54
lukeWBen90; it might be something to do with yr emulator23:55
lukeWsee if sound is choppy in other programs first23:55
lukeWif it isn't - you know the emulator settings need honing23:55
darkpixeldatabits: check http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html scroll down until MEncoder Frontends. I used Konverter fronted, but it whas under KDE23:56
dhalsimhi, is it changeable Performance Mode to low or slow, in nvidia-settings ?23:57
Tom1trying to install tp link wireless adapter tl wn422g on intrepid but i cant any help23:57
noodlesgcdatabits: you might want to check out DeVeDe for burning videos to dvd23:57
grobda24Hello. Anyone know why my removing of old kernels has stopped at memtest86 ? http://pastebin.com/m5ba4f7d323:58
otmis there somewhere I can talk about security issues, I have the feeling someone is connecting to my computer...23:58
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy
lukeWotm; they probably aren't23:58
Barridusis there a good tool for mass re-tagging mp3's?23:58
flabbhi! is it possible to use snd-hda-intel audio output but to have eg. the side output just "mirror" the stereo output?23:58
eseven73dhalsim, donno about that but you could try turning off effects System>preferences>appearance>Visual effects None. if you're comp is slow23:58
dhalsimeseven73: no it isn't slow, I'm just concerning about battery life23:59

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