
wgrantsavvas: Ubuntu packages will never disappear.00:08
wgrantsavvas: And in general, if something's on the Internet for more than a day or two, it can never be got rid of.00:09
savvaswgrant: hm? :)00:13
savvasah ok00:13
savvasI finally said to them that it will just "fade away", since their name wasn't in newer package releases as far as I've understood00:15
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LaneyWhat does "  Build for superseded Source" mean?01:36
AmpelbeinLaney: What package? This could mean you have a build-depend on libfoo-dev (<=0.10) but libfoo-dev 0.11 is now in the archive thus superseeding your build-dep)01:37
LaneyAmpelbein: Asterisk01:38
Laneyit's on the build status page for old releases01:38
Laneypackage releases, that is01:38
LaneyAmpelbein: See https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/asterisk/1: for an example01:38
AmpelbeinLaney: hmm. seems that the build finished when next version was already uploaded. perhaps the lpia builds were stalled and when the package finally got built, -3ubuntu1 was already uploaded?01:47
wgrantLaney: It means that the build wasn't started before its source was superseded.02:03
wgrantLaney: So either the buildds were behind, or a new source was uploaded very soon after the first one.02:03
Laneywgrant: There is a gap of about 2 months between one of the uploads where it says this02:04
wgrantLaney: Possibly it FTBFS, and there was a give back.02:07
wgrantOr the build was doing Bad Things, and somebody killed the build manually.02:08
Laneyit definitely ftbfs02:08
LaneyBut several uploads in a row for asterisk lpia say this, just made me curious02:08
wgrantLaney: That could be it, then - if there was a mass give-back, there would have been a window of a few days where a new upload would have caused that.02:08
* wgrant looks at these builds.02:09
wgrantThat build was queued on 2008-12-22, which was the day a new upload occurred. So that's reasonable.02:10
savvasdoes the launchpad name (not username, name) have to match the gpg key name when uploading a package to a PPA?11:06
hyperairas long as you've registered your key in launchpad11:07
hyperairit'll match by the hash string11:07
savvasah cool :P11:07
stefanlsdIs it possible to delete a ppa?  (not package ,but archive)11:16
hyperairstefanlsd: i believe it is, but i haven't tried.11:17
stefanlsdhyperair: i cant find a delete button...11:18
LarstiQstefanlsd: I think that amounts to filing a question on the launchpad product11:19
stefanlsdseems silly that you cant do it yourself?11:22
savvaswhy would you open a ppa and then close it? I think it's to track down when and where it happened :)11:39
savvasso people who were using it, don't come asking "where did that ppa go?" hehe11:40
stefanlsdsavvas: mm. in this case i thought i would prefer a different short name.  not the end of the world tho11:42
LarstiQstefanlsd: shouldn't that be easy to change without having to delete it?11:43
savvasI think the first ppa is always "ppa"11:44
stefanlsdLarstiQ: seems like you can change the name that is displayed, but cant change where directory on disk.  ie.   +archive/name11:46
LarstiQstefanlsd: which makes sense, otherwise apt would break11:46
hyperairsavvas: no i think that back when you could only have one ppa per person/team, it didn't have names, and this got transitioned as a ppa named "ppa".11:49
savvashyperair: just checking it out on staging.launchpad.net with a newly created team, for the first ppa you can just enter the display name :)11:53
savvasthe second one however, you can name it hyperair-goodies :P11:54
hyperairheh i see11:55
MagicFabIs anyone getting timeouts on launchpad.net ? THere's no mention of downtime at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-announce/2009-April/thread.html13:16
thewrathhey anyone awake yet?14:27
thewrathi have a question with bzr and launchpad14:27
thewrathwhen i select when i commit it is for certain bugs and it says 'tag:id' i am confused on what i am suppoesd to enter there14:28
savvasdoes anyone know how to use the email interface of launchpad? can I do that through gmail?16:04
savvase.g. I've sent a message to bug 286529 "milestone 0.3.0" and it just sent it as a comment16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286529 in timekpr "Should not be able to restrict myself" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28652916:04
savvasah ok, got it, <space>command16:24
seiflotfy1hi guys16:54
seiflotfy1i am behind a proxy16:54
seiflotfy1how can i push and pull from behind a proxy16:54
LarstiQwhat kind of proxy? what are your difficulties?16:55
seiflotfy1i need to set up a http https and ftp rpoxy to browse16:56
seiflotfy1the internet16:56
seiflotfy1however they r not used by bzr16:57
LarstiQseiflotfy1: bzr respects the 'http_proxy' environment variable.16:58
seiflotfy1so if i set it in the shell it is supposed ot espect it16:59
seiflotfy1i already set it in my environemnt16:59
seiflotfy1it does not17:00
LarstiQseiflotfy1: how did you set it?17:00
seiflotfy1via  System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy17:01
LarstiQso what is the value of the http_proxy variable?17:01
LarstiQseiflotfy1: prefix that with http://17:02
seiflotfy1it works for everything else though17:02
seiflotfy1it wont allow me to do that in the netwrok proxy17:03
seiflotfy1export http_proxy=http://proxy.tu-darmstadt.de:8017:04
seiflotfy1seif@Schroeder:~/Projects/gnome-zeitgeist$ bzr pull17:04
seiflotfy1Using saved parent location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome-zeitgeist/gnome-zeitgeist/gnome-zeitgeist/17:04
seiflotfy1/      0kB @    0kB/s17:04
seiflotfy1doens not do anything17:04
LarstiQseiflotfy1: you're using bzr+ssh there, that won't go through an http proxy17:07
seiflotfy1how do i change it17:08
* LarstiQ wouldn't17:08
LarstiQseiflotfy1: can you ssh out at all?17:08
LarstiQseiflotfy1: blocking port 22 would be very evil17:08
seiflotfy1cant ssh17:08
hyperairuse tsocks.17:09
hyperairdpkg-divert /usr/bin/ssh17:09
hyperaircat > /usr/bin/ssh <<EOF17:09
hyperairtsocks /usr/bin/ssh.dist17:09
hyperairi meant tsocks /usr/bin/ssh.dist "$@"17:10
hyperairactually i'm not sure how to use tsocks17:10
spivseiflotfy1: you can pull from bazaar.launchpad.net via http, just replace "bzr+ssh" with "http" in the URL17:11
spivseiflotfy1: you can't push to it via http, though.17:11
* spiv goes to bed17:12
hyperairmake noise regarding port 2217:12
hyperairthat's what some ubuntu-my member did in his uni17:12
cl2hi, can anybody tell me how i add release tarbars to a release series?17:38
cl2under "Seriers trunk" i see a "Releases" table header, but i can't see an option to add releases there17:39
beunocl2, you have to create a milestone first17:41
beunothat's being fixed very very soon17:41
beunobut that's the way to do it the next few weeks17:41
cl2beuno: ah ok, thanks! :-)17:42
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jimi_hendrixis launchpad down again19:42
HohooAnd apparently Openshot video editor has no other place to get the source.19:43
intellectronicajimi_hendrix, Hohoo: works fine for me. what's the problem?19:43
jimi_hendrixheh up now19:44
jimi_hendrixi went to a page earlier and it didnt load19:44
jimi_hendrixa refresh a few seconds ago didnt fix it19:44
intellectronicajimi_hendrix: what do you mean by "didn't load"?19:44
jimi_hendrix'We are sorry, we are having an issue' message or whatever it says19:44
HohooAny Launchpad admins here?19:45
intellectronicajimi_hendrix: URL?19:45
jimi_hendrixintellectronica, it works now19:46
intellectronicaHohoo: i think spm is the next one and he won't be up for a bit19:46
intellectronicajimi_hendrix: i know, but i still would like to know what is the URL that didn't work19:46
HohooHey, has anybody got a copy of the Openshot video editor sources?19:49
jimi_hendrix^^ still wont work19:49
intellectronicajimi_hendrix: ah, the source viewer never works very well. this is not uncommon. we're working on it19:50
HohooIs there any alternative to the source viewer?19:59
HohooIt works now.20:02
LarstiQHohoo: you don't need the source viewer to branch the code20:04
HohooI'm not familiar with Bazaar.20:05
LarstiQHohoo: what do you want to do with the code?20:06
HohooI want to get the source. I think I got it, but why on Earth did they choose "branch"?20:07
intellectronicaHohoo: you don't need to use the viewer to get the source. you want to use bzr20:09
mdkeHohoo: trees have them20:09
intellectronicaHohoo: and 'branch' is pretty standard terminology in version control systems, especially distributed ones20:09
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