
HalowYeah, OSD doesn't follow the notifcation area at all.00:00
_akahige_BUGabundo: I installed Firefox 3.5 from synaptic, but it didn't replace 3.0.x, which is still installed and running. dumb question, but what am I missing...?00:02
BUGabundoof course not00:03
BUGabundothey are installed both in parelel00:03
BUGabundo$ firefox-3.500:03
BUGabundothat will start FF 3.5 for you _akahige_00:03
mrwescouldn't he use a symbolic link?00:03
BUGabundowhat for?00:04
BUGabundowhat it to be default?00:04
BUGabundogalternatives ?00:04
_akahige_what's going to be best for the upgrade path?00:04
nxnn14Hi, I recently installed 9.04 and am having trouble with crashing when using mysql00:05
BUGabundoupgrade for what?00:05
BUGabundonxnn14: is there a bug for it on launchpad?00:05
_akahige_BUGabundo: 3.0 to 3.500:05
BUGabundobug 35988500:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359885 in gwibber "Gwibber is exceeding the Twitter rate limit (HTTP Error 400: Bad request)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35988500:05
BUGabundo_akahige_: guess the usual ?00:05
nxnn14bugabaundo: I have not looked to see if there is, should I do that? It crashes in a few different ways also00:06
BUGabundonxnn14: humm not my area, but LP would be a good starting point00:06
BUGabundonxnn14: was it a fresh install?00:06
_akahige_BUGabundo: if 3.5 is stable (and in my experience, it's been vastly better than 3.0), I'd have thought the PTB would have only installed version, like they did with the 3.0 beta00:07
BUGabundo_akahige_: wrong00:07
_akahige_BUGabundo: obviously.  :)00:08
BUGabundohardy got 3.0b because of LTS00:08
BUGabundo3 years support would be impossible to be done for 2.x00:08
BUGabundojaunty is 18 month support and 3.5 is in Universe00:08
nxnn14BUGabundo: it was a fresh install with the beta00:09
_akahige_but it got it in beta and the beta replaced 2.0.x, as I recall. didn't install them in parallel00:09
BUGabundoplus 3.5 is still beta, and with no known release date00:09
BUGabundo_akahige_: too long for me to remember.... I already used 3.x back then00:09
BUGabundonxnn14: what happens? give me more details, please00:10
_akahige_me, too. no worries.00:10
BUGabundoand run $ubuntu-bug mysql00:10
BUGabundonxnn14: humm 4.1 or 5.0?00:11
nxnn14BUGabundo: not sure, sorry so I am importing a rather large database using the source command, around 5 gb, and it continually crashes after a gb or so. Sometimes it just freezes and sometimes it completely shutoffs and restarts00:13
nxnn14BUGabundo: I also find that firefox crashes a lot as well say once every 10 webpage loads or so00:14
BUGabundonxnn14: $ apt-cache policy mysql-server-4.100:14
BUGabundonxnn14: $ apt-cache policy mysql-server-5.000:14
BUGabundonxnn14: have you run a mem test and fsck recently??00:14
nxnn14BUGabundo: I also tried running the file in the failsafe terminal and it crashed then too so I figure it is specifically mysql00:14
nxnn14BUGabundo:  am right now actully00:15
nxnn14BUGabundo: what do those commands do?00:15
BUGabundolet me know what version do you have00:15
BUGabundo  !paste ! nxnn1400:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste ! nxnn1400:15
BUGabundo  !paste | nxnn1400:15
ubottunxnn14: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:15
BUGabundoianc: nay00:15
nxnn14oooooooooooooo, 5.0 didn't realize that is what you meant earlier00:15
mrwesblah even00:16
BUGabundonxnn14: test mem and disk00:16
BUGabundoif data inport fails again, file a bug00:16
nxnn14BUGabundo: gotcha will try that and let you know00:17
thiebaudehi BUGabundo00:20
Twigathywoo, and even pulse didn't break on upgrade.00:22
Twigathympd did though, though there was a workaround. (bug #357385)00:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357385 in mpd "starting mpd: "unable to bind port 6600" & core dumped (post-installation script returned exit status 134) (dup-of: 332332)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35738500:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332332 in mpd "mpd won't properly install untill localhost changed to in /etc/mpd.conf" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33233200:23
BUGabundosebsebseb: hi00:37
sebsebsebBUGabundo: :)00:37
patapouf_Hi All, I'm using Jaunty for quite a while (since Alpha4). I'm running it on my ThinkPad T43p. I experience a performance issue with the 3D acceleration. I know that I'm using 'radeon' driver so I might expect low performance with 2D and 3D, but it's sems that my soundcard ans my video card are interconnected !! For every 3D animation, my music stop for some ms. Do any body experience this problem ?00:38
rlaagerpatapouf_: I don't know anything at all about your card, but in general, if it's doing 3D in software, it could be maxing out your CPU.00:39
patapouf_rlaager: my card is a Radeon Mobility X300, so it's not supported by fglrz anymore. :(00:39
patapouf_rlaager: is there anyway to tweak the driver so that 3D animation get lower priority ?00:40
Twigathyhm, might have found a vlc bug - I used to be able to doubleclick the video window and have it fullscreen on that window00:40
TwigathyNow it just fullscreens to the right hand screen00:40
Twigathysorry, fulscreen on that screen. (Xinerama/twinview/nvidia)00:40
TwigathyAnyone run into this?00:41
dan457I 'm using twinview, not xinerama, and don't have that issue.00:41
dan457even using compiz with no problems00:42
dan4579800GT.  though.00:42
Twigathyah, yep, "Xinerama" "0" in my xorg.conf..00:42
Twigathy9600GT here00:43
BUGabundoTwigathy: I see something similar with you tube vids00:43
dan457I've tried xenerama, more stable with just twinview00:43
BUGabundoset full screen and it will go to the wrong monitor00:43
TwigathyBUGabundo: hm, odd. Oh well. I can live with using my other screen for videos, but it's a little annoying c_c00:46
BUGabundoTwigathy: yeah00:47
BUGabundoif you happen to file a bug, let me know00:47
Twigathywell... I don't think it's a bug, it's probably some arcane set of flags in several config files which need setting up properly ;)00:47
TwigathyBUGabundo: http://jbopensrc.wordpress.com/2008/04/29/quickfix-vlc-fullscreen-dual-monitor-wrong-monitor/ sound slike it should work but does not00:50
bhueyfolks, I'm having a problem with the NVidia configuration in that the screen that comes up is blank and my monitor doesn't see a signal00:52
bhueyI don't see any errors that are meaningful with the X log, but I don't know what the procedure for this is in this prerelease00:53
bhueyAnybody know the procedure to set up the NVidia binary driver for X ?00:53
BUGabundobhuey: after normal boot or suspend/hibernte resume?00:54
bhueyafter normal boot00:54
BUGabundoNV driver ?00:54
bhueyI do a manual star of the gdm00:54
bhueyIt's loaded into the kernel00:54
BUGabundoor nvidia one?00:54
BUGabundook then it's a bug00:54
bhueyI can tell from the lsmod, yes, nvidia00:54
BUGabundowhat GPU card?00:54
bhueynot sure00:54
BUGabundoyou don't know your card?00:55
BUGabundo$ lspci |grep vga00:55
BUGabundo$ lspci |grep VGA00:55
bhueyGeForce 6600 GT00:55
BUGabundoo install the closed driver just use Hardware Drivers on Systeam->Admin00:56
bhueyI did it manually00:56
TefadTi4400 woooo00:56
bhueythe driver is install00:56
bhueyglx is 18000:56
bhueythose components are in00:56
BUGabundobhuey: humm manually? apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 ?00:56
bhueyyeah, but it already was installed00:56
BUGabundohave you run $ nvidia-xconfig ?00:56
bhueyI have nvidia-settings already installed00:57
bhueyBUGabundo: yes00:57
bhueyit's a different config than the regular one00:57
BUGabundoso it's a nvidia bug!00:57
BUGabundothat's gonna be hard to fix00:57
BUGabundodo have another machine in the same network?00:57
BUGabundoif so , you could try to ssh to your PC and see the reason of not working00:58
bhueyBUGabundo: this is not a problem with the configuration then, right ?00:58
BUGabundook, file a bug, and let X devs take of it00:58
BUGabundonot sure00:58
bhueyBUGabundo: I'm sshed now :)00:58
bhueyshould I reinstall all of it00:58
bhueyBUGabundo: I'm not a noob00:58
bhueyalthough I play one on TV00:58
BUGabundowe never know who is on the other side00:58
bhueyI'm a kerne developer :)00:59
BUGabundoon tv? like as in actor?00:59
bhueyBUGabundo: just joking about the acting00:59
bhueybut I am a developer00:59
BUGabundothen my advice is to go to #ubuntu-x00:59
BUGabundoand ask there00:59
bhueyBUGabundo: the regular configuration works otherwise01:00
BUGabundoyou should get better feedback, since you know what you are doing01:00
bhueybut I'd like to get the actual nvidia driver installed and functional01:00
BUGabundo"works for me" on 840001:00
bhueyok thanks01:00
BUGabundolet us know how it goes01:00
BUGabundoand if you file a bug, also let me know, so I can track it for other users01:00
bhueyBUGabundo: no reply yet, but I'll wait01:02
DanaGheh, gotta' love notify-osd.01:03
DanaG"network connected"01:03
DanaGNo icon.01:03
DanaGIsn't it supposed to show an icon?01:03
BUGabundoDanaG: there was a bug about that01:05
BUGabundoits supposed to be fix01:05
BUGabundoDanaG: UM lagging on your side?01:05
DanaGNote that I am using Tangerine icons.01:05
BUGabundobhuey: usual stuff for that (and other core) channels01:06
nycerinehey, is there any "known" bug regarding fglrx with 9.04 that slows down resizing / opening / maximizing etc windows?01:06
BUGabundoDanaG: bug then ?01:06
BUGabundoDanaG: see if it works for human01:06
nxnn14BUGabundo: So, I ran memtest, I have 2 gbs of ram and got some errors when I ran them together, however, they each passed fine individually, what does that mean?01:06
BUGabundonxnn14: hummm the need to run again, a longer test?01:08
BUGabundoor that they are/were not correctly put in place01:08
nxnn14BUGabundo: ok so run them again together? should i change the test, if so what should i change01:09
DanaGBUGabundo: works with Human.01:09
BUGabundoDanaG: file bug on theme (and maybe add notifications tag)01:10
BUGabundonxnn14: check the longer test01:10
BUGabundoI fail to recall its name01:10
nxnn14BUGabundo: with both sticks installed?01:10
BUGabundoand make sure mems are correcly put in place01:10
BUGabundonxnn14: yeah, try both01:10
BUGabundosince that was what failled01:11
BUGabundoso your bug was most prob mem fail01:11
DanaGoh, new updates today.01:12
nxnn14BUGabundo: bit fade test?>01:13
mint3they even updated update manager01:13
nxnn14it says its 90 min01:13
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
BUGabundonxnn14: anything you find interesing01:16
BUGabundo90mins sounds short01:16
BUGabundomine took 3h01:16
nxnn14BUGabundo: wow, the first one was only 30 for both and like 20 min each01:17
macman_guys .. ever since jaunty i noticed a big performance issue01:17
BUGabundonxnn14: fast machine?01:17
BUGabundomacman_: isn't that good ?01:18
macman_BUGabundo: i mean as far as laggy01:18
macman_firefox is going slow etc ..01:18
patapouf_macman_: well... if you can reinstall it from scratch, you will be fix if it's your update that cause the problem.01:18
nxnn14BUGabundo: somewhat, but nothing too nice lol01:18
macman_patapouf_: i have a windows paritition i want to save .. how can i back that up ?01:18
patapouf_macman_: but if you can do it on a seperate drive (to don't loose your config) it's a good idea01:19
BUGabundopatapouf_: full reinstall is not always the solution01:19
BUGabundowe should 1st try to find the reason for them01:19
macman_ ./dev/sda2   *        9633       11661    16297942+   7  HPFS/NTFS01:19
patapouf_BUGabundo: I know, we start the discussion on #ubuntu01:19
BUGabundono thread in here01:20
patapouf_BUGabundo: macman_ think the problem is related to it's upgrade (my self I don't think so)01:20
nxnn14BUGabundo:  do i need a live disk to do the fsck?01:20
BUGabundomacman_: do you have another disk or PC?01:20
BUGabundoif som try clonezilla01:20
macman_BUGabundo: no .. just this one01:20
BUGabundonxnn14: you can do it from recovery console01:20
BUGabundobut livecd is always better01:21
BUGabundomacman_: no disk? then how do you plan to make the backups to??01:21
macman_just 1 laptop dual booting xp and ubuntu01:21
nxnn14BUGabundo: ok, so i should do it with live cd then? or is it ok for the recovery console?01:21
BUGabundonxnn14: RC is okayish01:21
patapouf_macman_: I have an idea for you, start with the livecd01:21
nxnn14BUGabundo: nice answer :)01:22
TwigathyBUGabundo: fixed my vlc problem ;001:22
BUGabundonxnn14: only one partition ?01:22
BUGabundoTwigathy: how?01:22
nxnn14BUGabundo: two, i have home seperate01:22
BUGabundomaybe its fixes mine01:22
TwigathyBUGabundo: some hidden options in the vlc conf01:22
BUGabundobut mine was on Firefox01:22
Twigathyif you goto advanced mode, video outputs you can select the screen :)01:22
Twigathyyeah, don't know about firefox...01:22
BUGabundoTwigathy: wait! Display = 0 ?01:22
nxnn14BUGabundo: also i just bought a new HDD around a month ago, so it should be fine, the memory may be the issue tho01:22
TwigathyBUGabundo: nope, display=1 :o01:23
BUGabundonxnn14: just check everything... bad mem could get you bad data01:23
Dougshellhey guys...im having trouhble finding changes in jaunty that are not gnome related01:23
BUGabundoTwigathy: no... 1 sets on secondary screen01:23
Twigathyoh hey, interesting. If I fullscreen a youtube vid of the right hand display ff dies :D01:23
Dougshellis most everything under the hood01:23
BUGabundoyou want in Primary, right?01:23
TwigathyBUGabundo: see, now I'm not sure. ;)01:23
TwigathyI'll have a closer look tomorrow01:24
BUGabundoping me back Twigathy01:24
nxnn14BUGabundo: ok will do, is it a bad idea to do the disk check in the recovery console, like what could go wrong01:24
BUGabundoI have to go to bed too01:24
swayedHi - If I download the "jaunty-desktop-i386.iso" - Is this a new build everyday even though the name of file would stay the same ? ?01:24
BUGabundonxnn14: nothing go wrong01:24
BUGabundobut if u are using the disk, it may not be able to fix everything01:24
BUGabundoI usualy set ti manually to RO01:25
BUGabundobut that's too advanced for most users01:25
nxnn14BUGabundo: ok, sounds good what if the memory and hdd turn out ok, any ideas?01:25
BUGabundoswayed: if you got it from cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live, YES01:25
BUGabundonxnn14: 1st test01:25
BUGabundothen conculusions01:25
Dougshellalso what is teh best way to update to ext4...but also get performance gains on old files01:25
nxnn14BUGabundo: i know i know, :) i am just impatient01:26
Dougshelljust copy paste delete copy paste?01:26
BUGabundomacman_: so you want to nuke your current ubuntu install and keep windows?01:26
Dougshellbecause you only see increase in performance on newly written files correct01:26
BUGabundoDougshell: force fsck and otuche  every file01:27
BUGabundobed time!01:27
swayedBUGabundo, Cool - will check it out. Place I got my last .iso was from - < http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ >01:27
BUGabundoping / dent / memo / email me anything you guys need...01:27
Dougshellsorry how would i do that01:28
Dougshelland how long would it take on say 500gb of data01:28
BUGabundoDougshell: man fsck.ext401:28
Dougshellok and what about the touch01:28
BUGabundohours... many many hours01:28
BUGabundoman touch ?01:28
rlaagerDougshell: I read in the ext4 wiki that some of the gains can only happen with a reformat. If you want to go all the way, you're going to have to copy the data off, reformat, and copy back. Personally, I'm going to wait a bit.01:28
cwillurlaager, there's not much though01:29
Dougshellthe longer you wait wont change that01:29
cwillurlaager, you can turn on extents without reloading01:29
rlaagerDougshell: I'm waiting for safety reasons.01:29
cwilluand delayed allocation doesn't need anything at all01:29
Dougshellwell i mean it gives me an excuse  to seperate home and / partitions01:29
Dougshellits just i dont want to have to do all my addons again01:29
Dougshellcause i really suck and compiling from source and stuff like that01:29
rlaagercwillu: I know. It's only flex_bg that requires a reformat, I think.01:30
Dougshellare there situations in which ext3 is better then ext4 or is it an upgrade all around01:30
rlaagercwillu: But if someone is asking about performance for old files too, they probably want to go all the way with it. Reformatting also implicitly defragments everything.01:31
Dougshellalso i have a question tha tmay not be entirely jaunty related...i haev a no gui boot...and i notice now i see a print out of a misuse of mkdir in my bootup01:31
cwilluDougshell, if you run applications that hard-code in some assumptions about ext3's journalling behaviour, and they've been living in a cave for the last 10 years, then ext3 can be safer01:31
Dougshelllike its telling me how to properly use mkdir01:32
cwillurlaager, so does a dist-upgrade :p01:32
Dougshellso maybe i have a bad script or somethign01:32
Dougshellhow do i find out...01:32
cwillurlaager, (any time a package is upgraded, everything except its config files are being rewritten)01:32
cwilluand config files aren't going to gain much from extents01:32
rlaagercwillu: Dougshell doesn't have 500GB of stuff installed from packages.01:33
Dougshellno its mostily movies and music01:34
rlaagerAlso, FWIW, in my testing, ext4 was not creating contiguous files after a reformat, even when being told the size via fallocate().01:35
mrwesanyone else notice the notification area does not resize itself when icons are removed?01:35
mrwesleaving blank spaces01:35
Dougshellso what the only way is to back everythign up to hdd, switch to ext4dev or ext4 then copy everything back over01:37
Dougshelland then every time a file is modified it becomes ext4 correct01:37
cwilluDougshell no. Any time a new file is written, it's written using extents01:38
cwilluthere's no such thing as an 'ext4' file though01:38
nxnn14I am running memtest with 2 gb of ram. Each stick passes fine on their own, but when in toghether there are lots of errors01:38
nxnn14any ideas?01:38
Dougshelljsut liek there is no ext3 file01:38
cwillupretty much01:38
Dougshellits a extends file with the 3rd iteration of extends being used01:39
Dougshellok ..so what is the best way to get thi sdone without a reinstall01:39
Dougshell(which I may still do...)01:39
cwilluonly ext4 features that ext3 can handle, and ext4 features that ext3 _can't_ handle01:39
Dougshelli just want the faster boot time and faster fsck01:39
cwillufaster boot time will come from installing updates normally01:39
maxflaxwhats the deal with offing the extra effects in compiz?01:39
cwillufaster fsck needs a new partition to enable the feature01:40
Dougshellalso i dont have seperate home and / partitons01:40
Dougshellso can i not even upgarde to ext4 inplace01:40
Dougshellmaybe a reinstll is best01:40
Dougshellim about to deploy anyways...so i might as well do all the updates i can and get this thing ready for deployment01:40
alteregoacan i update to rc1 with a software raid5 without editing fstab?01:42
maxflaxno one that have any idea why the burn,beam ect effects is gone in the Jaunty compiz?01:43
nxnn14I am having some trouble with crashing so am running memtest with 2 gb of ram. Each stick passes fine on their own, but when in together there are lots of errors, any ideas?01:44
cwillumaxflax, have you install compiz-fusion-plugins-extras and/or compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported?01:44
rlaagernxnn14: Are you testing with them in one slot but with both you're using two slots?01:44
maxflaxcwillu - yes01:44
nxnn14rlaager:  my first thought, but no, each left in its own slot when alone01:44
alteregoais 7gb enough free space for update?01:45
cwillumaxflax, because I'm looking at compizconfig animiations add-on, and I see burn and beam01:46
maxflaxcwillu - But I belive that they should be in the main plugins thou01:46
maxflaxcwillu - I had them before doing the upgrade to jaunty01:46
Tefadnxnn14: you have dual channel enabled or something?01:46
cwillumaxflax, "no one that have any idea why the burn,beam ect effects is gone in the Jaunty compiz?"01:47
nxnn14Tefad:  what do you mean?01:47
maxflaxcwillu - after the Jaunty upgrade the options to select extra effects was gone01:47
cwillumaxflax, what are you talking about?01:47
cwilluappearances still has 'extra', but that's not how you go about turning on things like burn and beam01:48
Dougshellhey where is the boot log stored...like if there is an error in the boot where can i look at it...it flies by to fast fo rme to read01:48
maxflaxcwillu - The compiz effects on minimize and ect01:48
maxflaxcwillu - Like the burn and beam effect is gone01:49
cwillumaxflax, where?01:49
cwilluwhat panel are you looking at?01:49
cwilluappearances | effects never had the ability to select particular effects01:50
cwilluunless you're talking about the compiz-configurator, which isn't installed by default01:50
cwillu(compiz-config-settings-manager I think it's called)01:50
cwilluDougshell, /var/log/dmesg01:51
Dougshelli just want to read what it is saying about mkdir every time i boot01:51
maxflaxcwillu - yes the compizconfig01:51
cwillumaxflax, the setting is still there, as long as you have the plugins packages installed01:51
maxflaxcwillu - I have the plugins packages installed01:51
Dougshellcat /var/log/dmesg | head ?01:51
cwillumaxflax, system | preferences | CompizConfig Settings Manager01:51
alteregoain fstab ther is a ext3 drive, how can i convert or mount it as ext4?01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext401:52
cwillualteregoa, the release notes have a link regarding that01:52
cwillualteregoa, you really want to read the known issues first though01:53
maxflaxcwillu - So you have the burn and beam effects available in jaunty?01:53
cwillumaxflax, I already told you, animations add-on in ccsm01:53
Dougshellok what im looking for is not in there01:53
Dougshellbasically i see some info about mkdir in my boot...almost as if i typed the command in improperly. and its trying to tell me the correct usage01:54
cwilluDougshell, not head, unless you only want to see the last 10 lines01:54
Dougshellwhat woudl call that01:54
Dougshellhead would be first 10 i thoguht01:54
Dougshelltail is last 1001:54
cwillueither way, there's alot more than 10 relevant lines01:54
Dougshelleither wayt its not showing what im looking for01:54
Dougshelldo you understand what im looking for>01:54
cwilluDougshell, have you looked through the file though?01:55
cwillunot just the head?01:55
maxflaxcwillu - I would happily enable that in the ccsm but the option is gone in Jaunty , I had it there in Intrepeid - so why is it gone?01:55
Dougshellits not in there01:56
cwillumaxflax, if you have compiz-fusion-plugins-extras installed, then it's there01:56
cwilluif you don't have it installed, it's not01:56
cwilluDougshell, can you be more specific as to when it shows up?01:56
Dougshellas im booting01:56
Dougshelli have no splash01:57
Dougshellso i see the raw boot process01:57
Dougshellit says please wait...01:57
maxflaxI can double check but Im 100% certain that I have installed the package .. checking brb01:57
Dougshellthen abunch of stuff about mkdir and how to use the command and differnt use cases fly by01:57
Dougshelllike when yo uuse a command wrong01:57
Dougshelland it tells you how to use it01:57
DanaGSomething odd: I just tried opensolaris livecd... and they include the nvidia binary driver!01:57
Dougshellits like that01:57
DanaGThat's what a non-GPL OS gives you.  =þ01:58
Dougshellso it has me thinking tha tI have a script installed that has a bad implementation of mkdir01:58
Dougshelland i need to find out why and where01:58
cwillumaxflax, I'm running jaunty, and am looking at the setting right now, and am looking at the list of files that compiz-fusion-plugins-extra installs, which includes that plugin01:58
Dougshellthink i found it02:00
Dougshelllooked in etc/init.d foudn the only two scripts in ther emade by me..only one had mkdir02:00
maxflaxcwillu I got compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.8.2 installed but no animations addons02:00
Dougshellrebooting to verify success02:00
maxflaxcwillu - Are u running 32 or 64bits?02:01
maxflaxsaw now on forum that Im not the only one.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110351602:02
maxflaxbut no explaination for it is given there02:03
dn4Does anyone know where I can get ahold of a bootable iso of jaunty for x8602:08
dn4got it02:08
DanaGhah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/35721802:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 357218 in ubuntu-wallpapers "Ubuntu wallpaper called warty-final-ubuntu.png is made with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh" [Low,Confirmed]02:10
Skaparedn4: online?02:10
DanaGis online02:12
DanaGis online02:12
histoIs it possible to x forward a 3d app?  Or is displaying of hte app purely handled on the client side?02:12
myk_robinsonwhat just happened? I ran updates, and now I cannot enable desktop effects. I am on a laptop with Intel 965GMA graphics02:13
KyleKDanaG: so whats the fix for that? open it up in gimp and just save it?02:13
DKcrossGo ubuntu!:D02:13
DKcrossgot ubuntu?02:13
DanaGmyk_robinson: you read the changelogs?02:14
DanaGaptitude changelog compiz02:14
DanaGon command line.02:14
myk_robinsonno, lemme look.02:14
DanaGI make it a policy to always check changelogs.  =þ02:14
myk_robinsondidnt know that command :)02:14
DanaGI'm a bit obsessive-compulsive about it.02:14
DanaGyou can also use that to check changelogs ahead of time.02:15
myk_robinsonokay, blacklist GM965 until the freeze with the intel driver is fixed.02:15
myk_robinsonHow can I revert back to the previous?02:15
DanaGso you'd have to add the SKIP_CHECKS thing.02:15
myk_robinsonhere's the lines in question02:16
myk_robinson* debian/patches/028_compiz_manager_blacklist:02:16
myk_robinson    - blacklist GM965 (8086:2a02) until the freeze with the intel02:16
myk_robinson      driver is fixed (LP: #359392)02:16
DanaGSKIP_CHECKS = yes02:16
maxflaxi dont really feel like having to do a clean install of it all just because the upgrade made the animation addons  for compiz disapear!! anyone got a solution02:17
myk_robinsonDanaG: I dont have this file02:17
* dn4 is going to do an install PC Desktop on an HP Pavilion a347x02:17
DanaGmake one.  =þ02:17
DanaGIt's a simple text file, with just that one line.02:18
myk_robinsonshould the path for ~/config be ~/.config ?02:18
DanaGI copied that bit from a google result; the page was wrong.  Good catch!02:18
myk_robinsonokay, now do I just need to log out and back in?02:19
KyleKis jaunty net installable?02:20
DanaGactually, you should be able to just alt-f2, and compiz --replace02:20
myk_robinsonstill getting desktop effects cannot be enabled.02:21
dn4Does anyone have a picture of what Jaunty Jackalope looks like02:21
DanaGI think SKIP_CHECKS is case-sensitive.02:21
myk_robinsonthe terminal is giving reference to that file, I will double check it02:21
unkohey guys. how do i get the "new" ati drivers like the open source ones...02:29
dn4to bad there are no torrents for the RC02:43
rlaagerdn4: There are, right next to the HTTP downloads as always.02:44
dn4I stand corrected02:46
dn4Most excellent02:46
dn4http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-rc-desktop-i386.iso.torrent  <--- DOWNLOAD02:46
pwnguini think its time to dist-upgrade02:54
pwnguinand avoid the "new release02:54
pwnguinand avoid the "new release" rush02:54
unkohey guys... are the new ati drivers like built into ubuntu 9.04? like the new open source ati drivers02:56
DanaGunko: there's a PPA (personal package archive) with newer ATI open-source drivers.02:57
unkoDanaG, WHERE!!02:58
DanaG!g tormodvolden ppa02:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:58
DanaGwhere's my /google plugin?  =þ02:58
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=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
CrocoJetI was trying install "wallpaper-tray" but I think is not working in ubuntu 9.04. Someone knows other program to change wallpapers in random mode?03:09
adelie42sorry, I really hate this change. how do I re-enable ctrl-alt-backspace, and ctrl-alt-f1?03:15
zedthe red updates available icon doesnt appear when i have updates ready to install03:17
zedis that normal on 9.04 ?03:17
zedya know the one that appears in notification area top right03:19
zedno one use 9.04 ?03:19
adelie42I think they finish downloading first03:19
zednah mine are set just to notify03:19
zedin 8.10 soon as apt-get update finished it would show the icon03:19
DanaGThat lack of update notification is "to clean up things abusing the notification area" -- as if update..... notifications.... are abusing the .... notification.... area.03:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 332945 in ubuntu-release-notes "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [Low,Fix released]03:24
DanaGfix released? bull.03:25
QPrimeDanaG: That is one change that I disagree with... if there is one app that has every right to use the notification area its the update notifier.  Most of the other changes I've come around to agree with, but this one I still think is silly.  :(03:29
DanaGTo me, anything that pops up without me initiating it, earns an immediate "**** OFF AND DIE!" response.03:30
DanaGIt doesn't matter what that thing is.03:30
QPrimeDanaG: I tend to agree.03:31
un2himwill there be any new artwork in jaunty final? I am using rc now03:38
_dan_some new backgrounds are in03:39
zedok found the fix for update notifier03:43
zedi should of just googled to start with03:43
un2himhow is dual monitor support in jaunty?03:43
anxiolyticI upgraded to Jaunty. Everything works perfectly except for the weirdest problem I've ever had in my life. Sound comes from somewhere inside my computer instead of my speakers03:51
anxiolyticIt's scratchy and low, but I can pretty much listen to anything - but I have no idea where the sound is coming from03:51
anxiolyticperhaps my dvd drive03:52
QPrimeanxiolytic: pc speaker03:52
anxiolyticQPrime: yeah? I didn't think it was capable of producing anything but annoying beeps. I can listen to complex music on this03:52
anxiolyticalso I have pcspkr blacklisted03:53
QPrimeanxiolytic: some sound chipsets connect the pc speaker to the audio output.  check your audio volume settings and see if pc speaker sound is enabled03:54
QPrimeanxiolytic: I'm guessing you are using a name-brand system? (dell, getway, compaq, etc)03:54
anxiolyticQPrime: It's mute in alsamixer, but I still hear it. The main problem is that I don't have sound coming from my speakers anymore - it worked perfectly in hardy. I was using ALSA (removed pulse)03:55
fuzzyHi, i've got a atheros 5007 EG that i'm having loads of trouble with, I started with an 8.10 install, tried the ath5k and ndiswrapper module with no luck ( modules would load, but NetworkManger would not associate ).  I upgraded to 9.04, using the ath5k from backports i can get it to associate once, poor network performance, then disconnect after a minute or so03:55
Sludge321Could anyone help me with a data loss problem I've just experienced using gedit and editing a file via ftp? Does gedit save temporary files anywhere?03:55
anxiolyticNah, it's a custom built system. The motherboard is good03:55
fuzzydoes anyone have any suggestions i can try, ( i've tried everything i can find with google )03:56
QPrimeanxiolytic: Hmmm... thats interesting. enabled switches like jack sense?03:57
fuzzyafter the first association with the wap ( WPA-psk ) the card won't associate again03:57
anxiolyticQPrime: I have an audigy but I blacklisted emu10k1 and I use the onboard audio. What's jack sense?03:58
anxiolytic(audigy is still connected, but not in use)03:58
fuzzyI have two laptops ( 9.04 and 8.10 ) and one desktop ( 8.10 ) that have no problems associating with this access point ( Ubiquiti Nanostation 2 )03:58
anxiolyticQPrime: Is this the culprit? snd_pcsp03:59
QPrimeanxiolytic: used on some sound cards to detect whats connested to the jack (fixes things like mic. and line-out reversal.03:59
anxiolyticanxiolytic: I can't --force remove it. ERROR: Removing 'snd_pcsp': Resource temporarily unavailable03:59
anxiolyticer, QPrime*04:00
anxiolyticQPrime: but ubuntu sounds come from my speakers04:00
QPrimeanxiolytic: http://help.lockergnome.com/linux/Bug-522758-alsa-base-module-snd-pcsp-renamed-snd_pcsp-proble--ftopict496559.html  <-- might be of some help04:01
anxiolyticQPrime: thanks. It seems I have a lot of configs that I did not allow to replace my existing ones, when updating ubuntu. Is there a dpkg command to go through the system and just apply all these configs? blacklist.conf.dpkg-new alsa-base.conf.dpkg-new etc04:06
QPrimeanxiolytic: if the module blacklist fixes the issue then you might want to file a bug report, this will affect a number of users not using pulse.04:06
anxiolyticQPrime: the blacklist.conf.dpkg-new file has the module blacklisted already so I guess that's my fault04:07
QPrimeyeah, thats always an issue when you have a customized system and go for an upgrade with selective config file replacement.  :(04:08
anxiolyticQPrime: any way to force off snd_pcsp without restarting?04:13
QPrimeyou might try /etc/init.d/alsasound stop  then try a rmmod on snd_pcsp04:16
QPrimeanxiolytic: you might try /etc/init.d/alsasound stop  then try a rmmod   (sorry I was afk for a minute)04:17
QPrimemight work.04:17
QPrimeanxiolytic: btw, were you having issues with pulse under hardy?  Intrepid was pretty good with pulse, and I have not experienced any issues with jaunty and pulse.04:20
shiznebithow would one go about programming the power button to run a script when pressed ? i have tried editing /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn. But jaunty does not seem to respect those settings04:24
anxiolyticQPrime: I couldn't get skype to work w/ pulse in hardy or intrepid04:25
shiznebitthe script if you are interested: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153788/04:25
Teknopulse is shit04:26
shiznebitTekno  maybe but atleast it ahs improved04:27
anxiolyticI'm gonna install and try it on jaunty. but I never had a prob with alsa04:27
anxiolyticQPrime: thanks for everything04:27
* QPrime stays away from the sound server war... pulse is a good concept, but released by distros too early. personally he thinks pulse is gonna be pretty good as it matures.04:27
Technovikingdo any mail notifiers work with notify-osd yet?04:27
DG19075is waiting for pulseaudio to get the kinks out before he runs it.....alsa will do just fine, tyvm!04:28
QPrimeDG19075: give it a year... you'll be in love with pulse ;)04:30
KyleKwheres a good place to ask developeresque questions about ubuntu?04:30
DG19075QPrime: I hope so....seems to be quite involved to set up now....04:31
* QPrime fondles his network remote host sound sinks... its quite gratifying to play sound on the wifes laptop from any PC when she least expects it ;)04:32
QPrimeMmmm... pulse *muhahahaha*04:32
DG19075I use Audacity to record content once in awhile for the radio station I work at, so the quality has to be good enough for air....04:33
calcQPrime: you can also log into her computer directly and play music... even without pulse04:35
QPrimecalc: not nearly as devious ;)04:35
QPrimeDG19075: Pulse and ALSA are joined at the hip (same drivers).  what has been your issue with pulse quality?04:37
DG19075QPrime: Just the setup has me scratching my head....at leas talsa and oss work from the get go04:39
RishiRamrajHi All. I'm having trouble connecting my apple bluetooth devices on startup in a new 9.04 install. Need some help diagnosing the problem. Is this the right channel to ask?04:40
QPrimeDG19075: hmmm... fair enough.  but i think within the year pule will begin to push other sound servers out of the picture.  it really is a decent concept, and builds on alsa quite nicely.04:41
DG19075I'd probably pick it up with a step-by-step guide, tho.....04:41
QPrimeDG19075: between jack and pulse I think the bases for sound enthusiast and sound pro getting covered quite nicely.04:42
DG19075it sure sounds it04:43
DG19075There was a link to setting up pulse posted in here last night but I forgot it.....04:44
QPrimeRishiRamraj: I'm sure someone will have some advice, stick around and post again in a little bit.04:46
RishiRamrajQPrime: Will do. Do you know anything about the error codes from probe in dmesg?04:47
QPrimeRishiRamraj: only what google tells me ;)04:48
RishiRamrajI've been able to isolate the problem and reproduce it, but I'm not sure how to interpret the error code. Google seems to be confused as well unfortunately :(04:48
RishiRamrajQPrime: dmesg gives me this:04:49
RishiRamrajapple 0005:05AC:030C.0002: parse failed04:49
RishiRamrajapple: probe of 0005:05AC:030C.0002 failed with error -1404:49
QPrimeRishiRamraj: what device is it?04:50
RishiRamrajQPrime: The apple bluetooth keyboard and mighty mouse.04:50
RishiRamrajQPrime: The behaviour is very specific. I can get them functioning properly.04:51
* QPrime has a sudden urge to watch cartoons.04:51
RishiRamrajQPrime: On startup, I have to click on one of them, and then click on the other then the other works. If I then disconnect and reconnect the first in bluetooth preferences, they both work.04:51
QPrimeRishiRamraj: alas, I have zero bluetooth experience (and even less with any of apples products)04:53
histoeveryone still having audio issues?04:53
* QPrime scores a negative number with apple hardware!04:53
RishiRamrajQPrime: No worries. I'll keep digging till I find a solution :)04:53
histoKeep losing audio etc.. I just finally am trying pulseaudio again we'll see how ti goes.04:54
QPrimeRishiRamraj: :)04:54
QPrimehisto: the pulseaudio mojo will solve all your issues ;)04:56
histoQPrime: pulseaudio was the original problem I removed it and problems went away. But I haven't been around to see if there were updates lately since it wasn't installed.04:57
* QPrime rubs his pulseausio sound server... "Its ok baby, *I* still love you"04:58
QPrimehisto: you were having pulse issues on Jaunty or on an older release?04:59
histoAudio would just drop and you ouwl dhave to kill pulseaudio to get it back.04:59
histoor restart X05:00
DanaGMmmm, PA 0.9.15.  Now with AirPort Express support... not that I have any of such devices.05:00
QPrimehisto: I was just checking through the jaunty pulse updates, there have been quite a few.05:01
histoQPrime: yes hopefully its fixed according to one thread though some changes didn't make feature freeze and there will be issues.05:02
QPrimehisto: 0.9.13-2ubuntu5 looked like a fairly big one (including hal and driver issues)05:03
Nautilus__I just installed the  newest Ubuntu, and everything seems to be OK -except- for the mouse drawing... the 'blit' doesn't work right. Any suggestions?05:05
histowhat is a 'blit'?05:06
Nautilus__the technique of reading/writing a pixel area to the video memory05:06
QPrimebit block transfer05:06
Nautilus__iow, the area surrounding the cursor is messed up05:07
QPrimeusually used to simulate hardware sprites on screen05:07
Nautilus__it can be s/w or h/w05:07
QPrimeNautilus__: what video driver are you using?05:08
Nautilus__dunno, just installed jaunty, not real experienxed with *nix05:08
QPrimeNautilus__: what video card?05:08
Nautilus__dont know, just on-board  an old gateway. is there a hardware manager I can see?05:09
Nautilus__ah, "Hardware drivers"05:09
Nautilus__no proprietary drivers05:10
QPrime' lspci | grep VGA' from a console if you want to feel all unixy05:10
Nautilus__"terminal" just came up with a white screen, no prompt05:12
Nautilus__window, not screen05:12
ajavidwhen will jaunty release?05:13
ajavidits nearing the end of the month05:13
Nautilus__has a countdown on site05:14
ajavidwell i only go to kubuntu website05:14
ajavidi didn't see a counter05:14
QPrimeNautilus__: hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a vty run the lspci command then ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to your desktop... if you have video issues your desktop might not reappear tho05:14
SandGorgonit was a pain getting skype to work with Intrepid - how is the experience in jaunty ?05:16
shiznebitless painfull05:16
SandGorgonthat is what is keeping me from trying out jaunty - i need skype for work05:16
QPrimeNautilus__: thought actually when you are on a text vty you only need to use alt-f7 to get back to the desktop ;)05:16
shiznebitinstall from skypes repositories: http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/05:17
Nautilus__Intel Corp 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:17
SandGorgonthe problem was getting mic to work05:17
shiznebitoh yea that might be a bit of a itch05:17
SandGorgonwhoaaaa.. guys u got to check out Ubunchu - the Ubuntu Manga ....05:17
HalowSandGorgon:  I read that! Too funny.05:18
Nautilus__Pricey: Intel Corp 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:18
QPrimeNautilus__: there have been a number of reports of issues with intel video and the new xorg 1.6  use your google-fu and take a look around - I know that many of these intel/xorg issues have been resolved.05:18
Nautilus__oops, sorry. I meant qprime05:18
shiznebitSandGorgon: just make sure to unmute mic in you sound preferences05:18
SandGorgonshiznebit: ahh.. that thing still happens... thanks05:19
nroot7Can I install Jaunty from ISO of alternate cd, without burning it?05:19
Nautilus__QPrime: cool05:19
DasEinroot7:could use usb05:20
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate05:20
JorgeJorgessonI appear to be having a problem with java on my 9.04 installation.  I can't seem to get java enabled websites to work in Firefox05:21
DasEinroot7:you can convert to ext 4 for further files, too05:21
RishiRamrajQPrime: Found the problem; looks like I need to install the latest version of the hid-apple driver.05:23
QPrimeRishiRamraj: I bow to your searching skills  :)05:24
shiznebitJorgeJorgesson: java you installed sun's java package from Application -> Add/Remove ?05:24
JorgeJorgessonshiznebit: yes05:25
_akahige_I've been running the Firefox beta from Mozilla. it's been perfect until the latest round of gtk updates, when everything went wonky. should that be considered a bug, since FF is obviously referring to those libs, or let it go because it's an unsupported beta?05:25
RishiRamrajQPrime: Is there an easy way to do that in debian/ubuntu, short of compiling and installing a kernel from scratch?05:25
shiznebitJorgeJorgesson: and the Sun Java 6.0 java plugin05:26
JorgeJorgessonshiznebit: I believe so05:29
QPrimeRishiRamraj: unless its available as a dynamic kernel module then my guess is no :(  but I am certainly not authoritative on these matters.05:29
QPrimeRishiRamraj: it would be very useful for you to find a bigger brain on this and get a better answer.05:31
shiznebitJorgeJorgesson: if    sudo apt-get install sun-java-plugin     returns already installed im out of ideas05:31
RishiRamrajQPrime: lol, I'll see what I can do :) The reason my search was successful; I finally decided "screw it, I'll just look at the source code" :s05:33
JorgeJorgessonshiznebit: I was mistaken.  I had jre6 installed but not the plug in!05:34
JorgeJorgessonshiznebit: thanks a bunch for your help.05:34
shiznebitJorgeJorgesson: no problem05:35
QPrimeRishiRamraj: the joy of open source :)05:35
shiznebitanyone get Wake-On-Lan working with jaunty ? is it a PITA ?05:35
QPrimeshiznebit: isn't WoL kinda os agnostic?05:36
shiznebityour right, but i have been having problems getting it to actually awake :(05:38
shiznebitso i was just curoius if someone had gotten it to work05:39
QPrimeshiznebit: WoL (at least the AMD magic packets) have never worked properly for me :(  but I have to admit that I have not invested much time into it.05:40
KyleKwhat happens if i select server stuff and Ubuntu Netbook Remix?05:42
histoIsn't there a way to defrag ext4 to redo the extents?05:42
shiznebitQPrime: i see, guess its back to banging my head trying to figure it out05:42
QPrimeshiznebit: IIRC there are several WoL packet formats.  make sure you are using the correct one and that your Mobo is supplying power to your nic for WoL05:44
QPrimeshiznebit: if its an on-board nic then you should be fine, if its an add in then also make sure you have you WoL lead attached to you Mobo05:45
shiznebithmmm, it is an onboard nic05:45
QPrimeshiznebit: if you wanna chat about WoL, I'm in offtopic.05:46
shiznebitok QPrime thanks05:47
harvestI installed The Widget Factory but can not seem to find where to launch it. Any idea's ?05:47
histoIf I convert to ext4 from my understanding the files written under ext3 will not bennefit.  Is there a way to fix it so that the files will bennefit?05:49
Tefadwould probably have to be done offline05:50
Tefadto affect all files05:50
histowell i'm trying now to move the files to a folder then copy them back05:50
Tefadtar and pipes i think might be one way05:50
* Tefad shrugs05:51
histoThere has to be a way.05:51
histoanyhoot i'm going to sleep while this copys the files 61gb total proly take bout an hour05:51
Tefadmaybe longer.05:52
DasEihisto: only reformatting would help you there05:57
quad|hey, got a problem with installing the RC. somehow i didn't find this listed as a bug. The partitioner won't recognize my hdd. It sees the whole thing (/dev/sda , 80GB) as unpartitioned space, which is incorrect. same thing shows up in gparted. any clues?06:11
_akahige_I can't seem to be able to rename my gnome workspaces to match each other. is this a bug?06:11
|ns|nR8ext4 quad| ?06:12
quad|ntfs + ext306:13
quad|tbh, i have a bunch of partitions... 2 ntfs, 1 ext2 (boot), 2 ext3, 1 swap... none of them show up, all it sees is a big empty disk06:14
SandGorgonquad|: whoa.. u should file a bug with `sudo lshw --sanitize` pasted in it06:19
quad|i'm thinking whether it's similar to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-971149.html :-s06:19
SandGorgonquad| : that depends on whether ur hdd is corrupted and unusable, or it is working fine and it is only with RC livecd that you have this problem. Try an older livecd (preferably hardy) and see06:21
quad|okay, will do. 8.10 however is installed and working fine (i didn't check what gparted says, but i can mount the partitions, no probl)06:22
jordanlmy sound broke after upgrading to 9.04 RC06:40
jordanlcan someone help me debug this? i'm not too familiar with the alsa/pulseaudio system06:42
ricochetjordanl: when mine broke i just had to turn up the volume on the speakers in the alsa mixer.. for some reason its set to mute as default06:46
jordanli checked that06:47
HalowWrong window. :O07:02
BlinkizHi. I have a virtualization server based on "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-virt-server". It contains kvm.. Now I have my laptop that I want virt-manager on. But I don't understand why dependence for virt-manager is kvm?! I don't want to install kvm on my laptop, I only want virt-manager. I use virtualbox on my laptop07:13
BlinkizHow can I install virt-manager without installing its dependence?07:13
_akahige_When I rename my gnome desktops, the name won't "stick". I've got 1,2,3,4, and "workspace 5".  anybody else seeing this?07:14
badfish69what's the thing i use to make the bootable usb?07:19
shagaI was thinking of the same thing07:19
shagaI know some programs for it but would be cool to get a recommendation on what windows-program to use for that07:20
shagagonna install it on acer aspire one07:20
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badfish69i found it07:23
badfish69usb-creator in the repo07:23
badfish69shaga, i've heard good things about unetbootin07:24
shagayeah, have used it on installing it07:24
shaganot jaunty but earlier versions07:25
badfish69i backed up my netbook to a shared network drive on my vista machine07:26
badfish69so if jaunty gives it the bone, i can still restore with some mirror program integrated into a bartpe07:27
shagaI have used dropbox07:28
mimcpherIs anybody using xmonad+gnome on jaunty?07:28
shagaonly to save most important stuff07:28
badfish69i only have a 7 gig hdd on my netbook07:29
badfish69so i backed up the whole thing, mbr and all07:29
badfish69worst case scenario, i can return it to its xp state over the network07:29
shagahmm. thats not very bad idea to back everything up07:29
mimcpherStorage is cheap, backing everything up is nice.07:29
Tugleis there a way to configure notify-osd?07:29
TugleI was told no, but is that going to change in future releases?07:31
badfish69everything i needto restore the netbook, is on a 5 gig partition on my desktop box07:31
shagawas it hard to create?07:33
shagano idea how I could do that07:33
sgodsellI dual boot my netbooks using sd cards as / (root).  So I can have multiple OS and versions on different cards  ;-)07:34
BlinkizHeay, how can I force installation of a package without its dependence?07:35
badfish69shaga> was it hard to create?07:37
badfish69no, but i did everything in windows07:37
badfish69it took me a good 2 days of reading and trial and error07:37
badfish69but it's really a 45 minute process tops07:37
sdakposi have weird problem with Jaunty07:37
shagaI have tinyxp on it and on desk I use windows07:37
shagahmm, gotta try it07:38
badfish69i dont think tinyxp has the networking capabilities07:38
shagahmm. you mean lan capabilities?07:38
sdakpossomehow my desktop path have changed, all my desktop icons are in /home/user/`/ instead of /home/user/Desktop but the Desktop directory is still there07:38
shagaI've played warcraft 3 on it on lan :p07:38
badfish69what version of win is on your desktop?07:38
shagaxp sp307:38
badfish69you know how to make a network share?07:39
badfish69i used a partition07:39
shagayeah, I have already07:39
badfish69let me dig up the name of this program here quick07:39
shagaok, thanks :)07:39
badfish69macrium reflect07:39
sdakposanyone? ;[07:40
badfish69if you're running tinyxp there's no point really07:40
badfish69i backed up my oem sp3 installation07:40
badfish69trimmed it up with xplite first07:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:40
shagaperhaps not, it's pretty fast to "install"07:40
sdakposhow is it possible that path do desktop have changed? how can i change it back?07:40
shagawell.. I'll start installing jaunty now then :p07:40
badfish69i'm still waiting on the dl07:41
badfish6930 minutes07:42
badfish69i tried it once but couldn't get wireless lan working07:42
badfish69that's why i backed up before i'm going to try an install07:42
sgodsellbadfish69, what is your netbook? model?07:42
badfish69inspiron 91007:43
sdakpossomehow my desktop path have changed, all my desktop icons are in /home/user/`/ instead of /home/user/Desktop but the Desktop directory is still there07:44
sdakposhow can i fix this?07:44
bronsonWhy is apt-get using ipv6?07:45
bronson0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:6b0:e:2018::163)]07:45
bronsonTakes forever to time out.07:45
rlaagerbronson: It sounds like you have a broken IPv6 configuration.07:46
bronsonrlaager, pretty sure it's just default Jaunty.  I didn't change anything.07:47
bronsonI think this is the beta install.07:48
badfish69it's still beta for 6 days07:48
bronsonAny idea how to turn it off?07:48
bazhangbadfish69, /join #ubuntu-ops07:48
bronsonbadfish69, isn't it rc now?07:48
rlaagerbronson: Can you pastebin (or /msg me) the results of running "ifconfig" on your machine?07:48
bronsonrlaager, coming up07:49
bronsonbadfish69, release candidate.  between beta and release.07:49
bronsonrlaager, http://gist.github.com/9795307:50
rlaagerbronson: On a side note, I'm more curious why on earth us.archive.ubuntu.com looks up to something in .se!07:50
bronsonpastebin appears to be timing out.  owell.07:50
bronsonmaybe related.  :)07:50
bronsonyeah, that's odd too.07:51
rlaagerbronson: Your wlan0 has a 6to4 interface with an IPv4 address of Do you have some sort of NAT device (like an Apple Airport) acting as your router? If so, is it behind a second NAT device?07:51
bronsonrlaager, unfortunately yes.07:52
bronsonI'm behind 2 nats.07:52
rlaagerbronson: Out of curiosity, what device is your computer's gateway (i.e. the router closest to your computer)?07:53
Betatestingokay, so I'm having an issue getting the desktop animations to work07:53
bronsonrlaager,         UG    0      0        0 wlan007:53
bronson192.168.2.1 is the first nat, is the second.07:53
bronson(first == closest)07:53
Betatestingi get the following error: Desktop effects could not be enabled07:53
rlaagerbronson: Yeah, what's the device at
bronsona new Belkin 802.11n access point.07:54
BetatestingDesktop effects could not be enabled07:54
bronsonI needed the gigabit ports, my old WRT54GL is just too slow.07:54
Betatestingglxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"07:54
Betatestingunknown chip id 0x9442, can't guess.07:54
BetatestingOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.407:54
Betatestingim running a ati radeon 9800pro07:55
Betatesting64 bit core 2 quad07:56
rlaagerbronson: Interesting. What model? I've been looking for something that does IPv6. As to your problem, *I* think it's wrong to create a 6to4 address from a private IP. Any chance you can get rid of the second layer of NAT?07:56
bronsonrlaager, I will in the next week or so.07:57
bronsonbut why does a second nat cause an ipv6 issue?07:57
perscitusDid they disable Drag & Move Panels?07:58
bronsonrlaager, pretty sure I have this guy http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=45956907:58
pwnguinanyone know what the name for the new madwifi driver is?07:59
rlaagerbronson: Because your computer has a globally valid (in this case 6to4) IPv6 address, it's trying to use IPv6 to contact the archive server. Assuming your packets even make it to the archive server in the first place (and they might not, if the second NAT doesn't pass that protocol), when it tries to respond, the traffic goes to the nearest 6to4 gateway.07:59
rlaagerIt then has to try to send the traffic to, which obviously won't get it back to you since that's not publicly routeable.07:59
sdakpospwnguin: madwif?08:00
pwnguinsdakpos: module madwifi not found08:00
sdakpospwnguin: madwifi-ng08:00
bronsonrlaager, ok, that makes sense.08:00
rlaagerIn *my* opinion (and I'm very new to IPv6), your Belkin should see that its public IP is a private address and simply not advertise the IPv6 6to4 address.08:00
Betatestingbrb thx for reading... im sure your still pondering my issue08:00
pwnguinsdakpos: not found08:00
rlaagerbronson: Googling for "Ubuntu disable IPv6" might help you. Obviously, the right solution is to either get rid of the dual-NAT or get your Belkin's firmware fixed, but those may not be feasible for you.08:02
bronsonyeah, at this point disabling ipv6 sounds easiest.08:02
sdakpospwnguin: try ath5k08:03
pwnguinsdakpos: huh08:03
pwnguini thought i tried that08:03
sdakpospwnguin: does it work?08:04
pwnguinsdakpos: any idea why it's in my blacklist?08:04
sdakpospwnguin: no idea ;)08:05
bronsonrlaager, just to make sure i'm understanding...  2002 says it's a 6to4, c0a8:b97 is the ipv4 address?08:05
pwnguinsdakpos: oh, hold on08:05
bronsonAnd my router assigned the 6to4 using DHCP?08:05
pwnguinerr nm08:05
pwnguin(i thought i was in the old kernel still, but nope)08:06
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bronsonIt's making sense now.  rlaager, I'd say you nailed it.  Thanks!08:08
rlaagerbronson: No problem. Thanks for the tip on the router you're using.08:09
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betatestingStill having this issue with reboot08:12
betatestingIs this a coomon issue with this version08:12
badfish69what issue?08:14
betatestingglxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"08:15
betatestingunknown chip id 0x9442, can't guess.08:15
betatestingOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.408:15
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betatestingdesktop wont use extras setting08:15
betatestingfor gnome08:15
betatestingI have an ATI 9800 pro08:15
betatestinginstalling nautilus-open-terminal did nothing08:21
betatestingis this broken in jaunty?08:24
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betatestingwhats a good mp3 player for ubuntu?08:25
pwnguini use rhythmbox but its apparent its not actually all that good08:25
pwnguinpeople swear by amarok08:25
badfish69i've always quite liked rhythmbox08:26
ckyAudacious. :-)08:27
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.08:27
* cousin_luigi recently upgraded to jaunty, but the update manager doesn't appear to be working anymore08:27
cousin_luigithe output of `ps ax` suggests it's running08:27
pwnguinbadfish69: its not a bad UI, but theres about a billion segfaults in LP08:27
badfish69no wireless ;[08:29
badfish69when i view connections: i see 'auto eth0' under the 'wired' tab08:30
badfish69nothing under wireless08:30
badfish69meaning it's not picking up my wireless, correct?08:30
Praveeni have MSTTCOREFONTS installed in jaunty. but firefox does not seem to use the fonts. please help me.08:31
badfish69i do have wireless08:31
SandGorgonPraveen: either set fonts in Firefox separately or change system fonts to use msttcorefonts in System->Preferences->appearance08:32
PraveenSandGorgon: but that wasnt the case in intrepid08:34
PraveenSandGorgon: something has changed08:34
betatestingdoes anyone here have the fancy animation on their jaunty?08:34
pwnguinthe new deluge confuses me =(08:35
betatestingglxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"08:38
jschallhow long till release?08:41
jmarsdenjschall: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule08:42
jmarsdenjschall: You can also see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown if you want to get a countdown :)08:49
badfish69none of them count seconds :[08:51
badfish69this thing's been stuck at 82%, 'scanning the mirror' for a good 10 minutes now08:52
nandemonaiHmmm weird..08:53
nandemonaiCan someone try a search in 'About Ubuntu' and see if clicking the results works?08:54
nandemonaiFor me it just says 'Loading'.. Getting impatient and clicking it again closes the window.08:54
badfish69nandemonai: what is about ubuntu?08:57
nandemonaiSystem -> About Ubuntu08:57
nandemonaiIt's yelp. IE: yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu08:58
nandemonaiI'm filing a bug now.08:58
atlefit works here08:58
badfish69i haven't been able to install yet08:58
nandemonaiOh? Wierd. Was replying to a post in the Ubuntu forums, they had the same issue though on Intrepid. I tested here (jaunty) and it doesn't seem to work.08:59
nandemonaiatlef: You clicked on a result yeah?09:00
atlefnandemonai: yep09:01
nandemonaiOdd, I see some old results in launchpad but nothing in Jaunty. Perhaps the issue has cropped up again.09:01
cousin_luigihow do I make sure the update applet is running?09:02
badfish69is jaunty going to have that thing where i can click with the wheel on the mouse and move around the screen like in iwndows?09:03
betatestinginstalling envy FIXED THE ISSUE09:05
betatestingAnyone with ATI card and want comwiz to work correctly can use envy09:06
betatestingthank you09:06
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:06
betatestingWell works for me09:07
betatesting9800 pro09:07
bazhangdont advise that here betatesting09:07
cwillubetatesting, filing a bug that it didn't Just Work on launchpad.net would be appreciated09:07
bazhang!envy > betatesting09:07
ubottubetatesting, please see my private message09:07
betatestingalrighty, just figured something is better than nothing09:07
bazhangin this case not09:08
betatestingwish someone would have suggested something not supported for me09:08
rippsCan someone tell me how to exclude an architechture from building, I have a package that builds in all architectures except amd6409:09
rippsIf there are any MOTU's here, can you help me in #ubuntu-motu?09:11
rlaagerripps: Is it "Architecture: !amd64" or something like that?09:14
rippsrlaager: Thanks09:14
rlaagerripps: I think I might be thinking of dependencies.09:14
tsimpsonrlaager: they are already getting help in #ubuntu-motu09:15
badfish69is it normal to see a bunch fo squashfs errors during the shutdown right after install?09:16
badfish69oh well09:16
badfish69it seems to be loading fine09:16
crazy_busI read that there's a place to configure the new notification system but can't seem to find it.  Can anyone help?09:30
whorefacewhat cli command can i use to determine my wireless chipset?09:32
PrebenREvery time I start my computer the master volume is muted. How can I change this or is it a jaunty bug?09:35
whorefacecould write a script to run at startup09:37
PrebenRyes, but shouldn't it be possible to get the machine to store the state?09:39
PrebenRone could do that with alsa in the old days09:39
lemsx11is it known that opening OpenOffice 3.0 yields an error?09:39
lemsx11"Error loading BASIC of document" ... file:///.../WebWizard/....09:40
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whorefacethere's a lot of things with linux sound taht *should* be possible that just aren't without a bunch of dirty hacks09:40
whorefaceand volume isn't real high on the bug list i'd imagine09:40
PrebenRI guess, although it is important. However I notice a ton of bugs with jaunty...09:42
cousin_luigijaunty RC solved a few problems I had on intrepid09:42
topyliafter yesterday's updates, epiphany stopped working with many sites like google reader. also dropdown menus are broken. i think what broke is javascript. anyone else see this?09:42
_lemsx1_i posted something there earlier about Jaunty asking to insert a disc (the same as the one used to install)09:43
PrebenR_lemsx1_, I don't get any errors with OO 309:43
_lemsx1_PrebenR: thanks... i wonder why i see those09:43
PrebenR_lemsx1_, ** (soffice:4756): WARNING **: unable to get gail version number09:43
_lemsx1_PrebenR: fixed... rm -fr ~/.openoffice*09:44
PrebenR_lemsx1_, this is the only thing I see running oo froma terminal09:44
_lemsx1_PrebenR: old crap09:44
_lemsx1_now no more errors09:44
_lemsx1_the alternate CD stuff is definitely a bug09:44
PrebenRDo anybody have problem with that when you open firefox it doesn't show the startpage, just empty area so you can see the background image of your desktop?09:45
PrebenRI guess it is either a firefox or compiz bug09:45
PrebenRdoesn't always happen09:45
_lemsx1_PrebenR: what's your startup page? start.ubuntu.com/9.04 ?09:46
PrebenRrunning lighttpd09:47
PrebenRcould also be a problem, but I don't have anything setup with it at the moment09:47
PrebenRanyway I'll soon switch from xfce4 to dwm :-)09:48
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, I have not been upgrading my system for a week (I was away). I upgraded, and X blocked meanwhile (perhaps because of the new, broken, intel driver). Then I rebooted and X was not working (black screen with a small piece of dust where the mouse pointer should be). Then I rebooted in safe mode and ran "dpkg --pending  --configure". Since then, jaunty won't even boot: the kernel blocks right after loading usb drivers.09:48
Le-Chuck_ITASo in a word: recent updates have completely trashed my jaunty test system. Did you see any recent bug on that?09:48
PrebenRLe-Chuck_ITA, what is the specs on your computer?09:49
_lemsx1_Le-Chuck_ITA: I just did a fresh install and then upgraded to whatever the system gave me. everything is fine09:49
armornickhey guys, since the release is coming up, how's the thing with the intel drivers?09:49
* _lemsx1_ uses Nvidia drivers09:49
Le-Chuck_ITAPrebenR: _lemsx1_: yes I think it's a problem of my hardware09:49
armornickI heard the intel drivers slow down your computers09:49
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Le-Chuck_ITAarmornick: did you try it?09:50
Le-Chuck_ITAPrebenR: I have an intel core duo system09:50
fbnHi, Jaunty is not asking to install nVidia drivers, where can I enable them?09:50
armornickLe-Chuck_ITA: well, I prefer not to update until the final release09:50
PrebenRLe-Chuck_ITA, I have upgraded 3 computers, 1 C2D Q9550, one old AMD Athelon XP2400 and a Eee 1000H and have not had problems with jaunty upgrade09:50
Le-Chuck_ITAarmornick: try a live usb or livecd  and see if it is slow for you. In that case, please ping ubuntu-devel-discuss, it seems that I am the only one worried.09:51
_lemsx1_fbn: what do you mean?09:51
Le-Chuck_ITAarmornick: but please be nice when you do that :)09:51
PrebenRfbn, see in you system or administartor menu for Hardware Drivers09:51
Le-Chuck_ITAPrebenR: yes I guess that :) I meant to ask if any of you saw such serious bugs "passing by" here or on launchpad09:51
fbn_lemsx1_: 8.10 asked me if I want to install nvidia drivers after initial boot, Jaunty does not09:51
_lemsx1_fbn: do lspci|grep VGA. figure out what card you have. then do: apt-cache show nvidia-glx-173|grep YOURCARD09:52
_lemsx1_fbn: oh i see09:52
fbnPrebenR: it says no proprietary drivers are  in use, I know that and I would like to enable them :)09:52
Le-Chuck_ITAarmornick: there is the "UXA" mode which is fast, but ... it breaks for so many, and I guess also for me, since my X session blocks every now and then09:52
fbn_lemsx1_: I know that I have an nvidia card, and Ubuntu asked to install the driver before and now I'm stuck09:52
_lemsx1_fbn: i install nvidia-glx-173 by hand then i used the Hardware GUI to enable it09:52
PrebenRfbn, if you cannot choose one maybe you lack a pacakge09:52
fbn_lemsx1_: okay that would be a workaround. but do I have to report this as a bug? because many people will have problems if Ubuntu does not ask about nvidia driver installation any more ...09:53
fbnPrebenR: how should an end user know that, and more: which package? :)09:54
Le-Chuck_ITAcould some please point me to the latest jaunty "released" iso?09:54
_lemsx1_fbn: dunno... did you upgrade or did a clean install?09:54
Le-Chuck_ITAor the daily, even better?09:54
PrebenRfbn, did you upgrade?09:54
fbn_lemsx1_: clean install of release candidate09:54
fbnPrebenR: no09:54
_lemsx1_Le-Chuck_ITA: cdimage.ubuntu.com09:54
_lemsx1_fbn: did you login for the first time?09:55
Le-Chuck_ITAsheet, there's only the alternate for the daily09:55
fbnanybody using nvidia grapics card here? did Jaunty ask to install the drivers like 8.10 did?09:55
fbn_lemsx1_: yes09:55
Le-Chuck_ITAI'd like to test he live system, is there some way?09:55
_lemsx1_fbn: on your startup there should be a Hardware Drivers item and that should've mentioned the missing drivers09:55
Le-Chuck_ITANO I am stupid it seems09:55
_lemsx1_fbn: Startup Applications Preferences (now) and in my case it does have a "Check for new hardware drivers" item09:56
fbn_lemsx1_: yes that's excactly what I'm missing on Jaunty09:56
PrebenRfbn, I don't remember now, but I installed *one* package that installed all the nvidia drivers09:56
_lemsx1_fbn: are you sure you didn't copy your $HOME dir from an old installation?09:56
PrebenRfbn, does sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18009:57
fbn_lemsx1_: that check for new hardware drivers is there and enabled09:57
fbn_lemsx1_: no, I'm sure :)09:57
_lemsx1_fbn: odd... report it as a bug then09:57
fbnPrebenR: thanks, but I don't want to "fix" it manually, I would like to know if this is a bug or not because most users won't be able to fix it manually09:57
fbn_lemsx1_: okay. I'll do one more reboot maybe it works then09:58
lanoxxin jaunty the scrolling emulation does not work correctly (with thinkpad trackpoints)09:58
lanoxxis that known?09:58
PrebenRfbn http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1026512.html09:59
PrebenR2) Wait for nVidia to adapt their proprietary driver to the X server 1.6 API10:00
PrebenRmaybe that is the problem?10:00
jirka_Good morning I would ask if there is any way how to enable desktop effects with fglrx drivers in kubuntu 9.04. When I turn them on screen goes black and then I have to manually disable them in kwinrc file. In kubuntu 8.10 everything works fine and on another PC with older card and opensource drivers it works too.10:00
PrebenRno nvidia drivers fro 1.610:00
_lemsx1_PrebenR: i'm using nvidia on xorg 1.610:01
PrebenRjirka_, have you installed Catalyst 9.4?10:01
_lemsx1_PrebenR: i installed it by hand10:01
PrebenR_lemsx1_, exactly10:01
PrebenR_lemsx1_, I also had to install Ati driver by hand10:01
_lemsx1_jirka_: ah, i remember that bug... very old10:01
WhoopieHi, I burned the jaunty live CD and it booted fine. But I got the login screen and had to enter username/password. But what are the user credentials?10:02
jirka_I have installed catalyst that came with kubuntu 9.04RC and 3D acceleration in games is working fine10:02
_lemsx1_jirka_: but i have since switched to nvidia. can't help10:02
PrebenRjirka_, follow this page: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_restricted_drivers_manually10:02
PrebenRjirka_, and replace intrepid with jaunty10:02
_lemsx1_Whoopie: ouch... try "ubuntu" with password "ubuntu" ?10:02
Whoopie_lemsx1_: tried that ;)10:02
PrebenR_lemsx1_, ?10:02
PrebenR_lemsx1_, try where10:03
_lemsx1_Whoopie: that's something... i used the alternate CD (raid1+lvm2 needed)10:03
jirka_PrebenR: OK I will try it10:03
Whoopie_lemsx1_: just wanted to see how jaunty looks like. Running hardy atm10:04
acusterhey all, network-manager is not seeing my wireless card. iwconfig scanning sees all the local networks so the system works. nm-tool says "unavailable" for the interface. Any one have ideas/pointers? thanks10:04
_lemsx1_Whoopie: i was on hardy also... got tempted and upgraded all my systems :-P10:05
acusterhmm, that should be "iwlist eth1 scanning"10:06
_lemsx1_acuster: the GUI does not see it but the cli one does?10:06
shagajust tried installing rc netbook remix on my netbook(acer aspire one). installer/live didnt even load. "Not enough memory to load specified kernel."10:07
shagathat netbook has 512mb10:07
acusterno. The applet says: "device not ready"; and nm-tool says "State: unavailable". However, the hardware appears to be working since I can scan10:09
_lemsx1_oh my... amarok 2 is a mess... i hope i don't have to downgrade :-(10:09
_lemsx1_shaga: no "shared memory" (say with the video card) /10:10
_lemsx1_acuster: did you try the typical (ugly) fix? (i.e. reboot)10:11
shagahmm. I've installed ubuntu on it before. gotta check all the bios options through10:11
shagabios reports video memory to be 8mb10:11
shagaand cant change that10:11
acusteryeah, I've tried lots of things over several days10:12
_lemsx1_shaga: did you read the minimum specs for the netbook installation?10:13
acusteris nm-supplicant a separate program?10:13
acusterNetworkManager: supplicant_interface_acquire: assertion `mgr_state == NM_SUPPLICANT_MANAGER_STATE_IDLE' failed10:14
_lemsx1_acuster: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:14
_lemsx1_acuster: make sure you are not missing something10:14
acusternothing missing10:15
_lemsx1_acuster: ok... i'd need to install Jaunty on my oqo to be sure... but after release and a month has gone by :-)10:16
shaga_lemsx1_: looking for the page10:16
shagacant seem to find it10:17
jacobw-ukhi there, i've installed jaunty netbook remix on my acer aspire one (1gig ddr/120gig hdd) and neither the LH nor RH SD slots are working10:17
jacobw-ukthe wiki says that the LH one should work out of the box, is this a kernel issue?10:17
_lemsx1_jacobw-uk: you might want to pair up with shaga ;-)10:18
shagaonly if it would be possible to install ubuntu first :p10:18
_lemsx1_shaga: you might have the wrong install media then...10:19
shagajacobw-uk: did you have any problems in booting with usb stick? like "not enough memory"10:19
acusteraha! /etc/init.d/wpa-ifupdown is of size 010:20
* _lemsx1_ installs ubuntu-restricted-extras and goes to get some rest10:20
shagaI picked ubuntu-9.04-rc-netbook-remix-i386.img and used unetbootin to make the usb boot stick with it10:20
shagait chose floppy as a type10:21
jacobw-ukshaga: no i didn't10:22
shagawhat program did you use to make that stick?10:22
shagadamn, dont have linux around currently so cant use it :/10:23
jacobw-uki follow the instructions on the wiki10:23
NoqqHey all, actually got one simple question I think for everyone: I'm downloading the .img file now for my USB, so I can install on my Netbook. But when I installed it and the full release comes in 3 days, how can I easily update?10:23
jacobw-ukNoqq, the update manager will keep you updated10:24
acusterhow do we ask the dpkg/apt system for the package which provides a particular file?10:24
Noqqjacobw-uk, so I can easily install today, work with it abit, and on 23rd of april I automatically receive the notification to update to full?10:24
jirka_Now I have installed new drivers from ati and it is working, Is there any way how to tell people that are managing the drivers that in final relase there should be included this new version?10:25
jacobw-ukNoqq: yes, but there will probably be updates each day or two leading upto the 23rd, just install all the updates when promped and you'll have the same version of everything as the final release on the release day10:26
jacobw-ukacuster: `dpkg -S FILENAME`10:26
acusterreinstalling wpasupplicant has fixed things10:27
acustercheers all10:27
shagatesting flasnul now for making the boot stick10:29
acusteraaaahhhh, much better.10:30
acusterthanks again all.10:30
atlefshaga: why not get unetbootin for this task?10:30
shagaatlef: tried it already10:31
atlefdid it not work?10:32
shaga"Not enough memory to load specified kernel."10:32
shagaand people with the same system have been installing it10:32
shagaacer aspire one10:32
atlefshaga: ok, sorry to hear that you can not get it to work. you could try the alternate cd, and install in cli10:33
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:33
shaganow it works10:34
jacobw-ukshaga: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1105218.html10:34
shagathanks anyway :)10:34
jacobw-ukshaga: jaunty netbook remix on the AA110:34
NoqqI can't seem to open the USB Image Writer given in the tutorial from Ubuntu itself. How to open a .deb file?10:34
shagajacobw-uk: thanks10:34
NoqqCan U only run the .img option from your usb device if u already got Ubuntu installed?10:36
starcannonHiya everyone, I'm reading some good things about Jackalope in the ubuntuforums.org, it sounds like a kickaxe release10:39
aboSamoorHi, on my laptop the font for arabic language in firefox changed for some sites, how can I fix that ?11:04
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DRaGoNxi'm back, pulseaudio is out ! :)11:08
DRaGoNxsudo apt-get install teamspeak-client11:09
DRaGoNxstill no microphone in teamspeak-client (PulseAudio removed) any help?11:11
DRaGoNxinstalling audacity to test the mic...11:13
DRaGoNxi cannot make my microphone works in Audacity, any help?11:22
njsf_Hi, USB NetBook remix did not install Grub. Any special grub I should be putting on menu.lst or just pointing it to the proper partition and kernel will do ?11:23
vincenzo_mlHi all, was there usb breakage recently? My system didn't boot anymore... where can I find more info? should it be added to the topic?11:24
kklimondavincenzo_ml: i don't know anything about it - can you provide more info? maybe some bugreport?11:25
vincenzo_mlkklimonda: I just saw !jaunty | usbnotbooting on #ubuntu and came here to ask :)11:26
vincenzo_ml!jaunty | usbnotbooting11:26
ubottuusbnotbooting: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:26
vincenzo_mlmy system blocks after some usb messages at boot :)11:26
kklimondanah, it's just a generic message11:26
kklimondaif you have some problems you should file a bug11:26
kklimondathis "Lots of breakage between now and Aprin 23rd" is misleading..11:27
vincenzo_mlI hate you all :)11:27
vincenzo_mlok the daily live is booting anyway so my theory was wrong :)11:27
vincenzo_mlI didn't know today's date until now.11:28
* vincenzo_ml reinstalls11:28
* vincenzo_ml thinks the new timezone selection dialog in ubiquity is *great*11:30
kklimondavincenzo_ml: the one with weird colors?11:30
vincenzo_mlyes it has the current time updated in realtime!11:31
DefinitelyHey All. I remember in Ubuntu Intrepid i was able to turn off CPU Limiting on Demand. It was called PowerNowd service or smth like that. In Jaunty there is still default limiting on demand, but i don't see powernowd, so where can I turn off that thing off ?11:48
kklimondaDefinitely: there is gnome applet which controls it..11:49
kklimondaDefinitely: if you need cli interface then you can install cpufrequtils (i think)11:50
DefinitelyFor Quad core's i can't always play with gnome appletr.11:50
DefinitelyEverytime i reboot it start limiting on demand again..11:50
DefinitelyIt is such a stupid idea for PC's.11:50
kklimondawell, actually it's pretty smart - saves energy and ondemand scales CPUs pretty fast11:51
DefinitelyNo it isn't.11:51
DefinitelyIt loads nautilus in lower speed.11:51
DefinitelyI press to open and i need to wait. If i turn that thing off, everything goes like on air. :)11:51
kklimondamaybe nautilus is held back by disk i/o ?11:51
shaganow done installing rc netbook remix. it's pure goodness and feels very efficient. only facing one problem, integrated mic aint workin too well.. it works but it has lots of pops, too many to have it recording clearly enough to hear what was recorded..11:51
kklimondait scales without any delay here11:52
DefinitelyIf i am buying Quad processor it means that i don't want to save my energy :)11:52
shagaacer aspire one. anyone else has this problem?11:52
kklimondathat's true11:52
kklimondaDefinitely: you can't set up governor to "Performance" using gnome applet?11:52
Definitelykklimonda: I can, but each time I reboot for all cores it starts limiting again :/11:52
HowbagHey guys! on a small eee here.. how can I update to jaunty without installing the big apps that come with it? I mean Gimp is useless on this thing, and I got like 2 gigs of storage :/11:57
Howbagim actually on a 8.04 system, so i guess i have to go through 8.10 first11:58
jagadeeshwhile logging I chose KDE window manager. I do not see any applet. Is it default behavior of kde4.2?11:59
jagadeeshI am using Jaunty Jackalope11:59
Howbagkklimonda, was that to what I said? you dont have ny idea how to exclude packages?12:05
kklimondaHowbag: you can download alternate cd and do minimal installation12:05
kklimondaHowbag: then just install packages you need12:05
kklimondaHowbag: you can't upgrade 8.04 to 9.0412:05
HowbagOkey thanks12:06
Howbagyeah i guess, gotta upgrade to 810 first12:06
affluxmy media keys (play/pause, stop, previous, forward, start media player - *not* volume) stopped working yesterday. xev shows the corresponding keysyms so it seems g-s-d doesn't catch them. anyone noticed a similar issue?12:11
usbnotbootinganybody have any suggestions about how to get dell inspiron 5100 to grub successfully and boot to an external usb.  I got error 21.  I tried re-installing grub manually and force it to setup on hd0 and point to sdb.  I still got error21.  I know the Dell Bios for 5100 isn't able to boot off of the flash usb, but it does have USB slots so I figure it should boot off of usb.  Anyone have any suggestions.12:11
usbnotbootingYes it is Jaunty Jackelope.12:12
usbnotbootingI just downloaded the bios utility and see if it helps:  http://ftp.us.dell.com/bios/I5100A32.exe12:15
shagahow to add weather applet to netbook remix look?12:17
Howbagshaga, can12:18
Howbagt you just click the gnome menu?12:18
Howbagright click and add?12:18
shagabecause of the maximus12:18
shagatried enabling default gnome look and add there.. when I switched back to netbook look, its not there12:19
shadeslayerhi i seem to have the network app that loads in the notification area,any ideas?12:35
shadeslayeri can see my bluetooth icon but not the wifi one12:35
BUGabundohumm he weny way12:39
BUGabundoshadeslayer: png12:39
shadeslayerBUGabundo: yes?12:39
BUGabundoyes seems todays updates are kiling NM-applet12:39
BUGabundojust start it over12:39
shadeslayerBUGabundo: how??12:40
BUGabundoalt+f2 and type nm-applet12:40
BUGabundoshadeslayer: did it work?12:40
kklimondadamn, i just got some weird kernel bug with ecryptfs..12:42
kklimondaanyone had this problem: http://pastebin.com/m5d8aa438 ?12:43
shagaanyone using x360 pc controller on jaunty?12:44
coz_hey guys .. I am getting a "could not download all repository indexes" error from synaptic. Known?12:47
coz_also   E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:48
kklimondacoz_: some other process is locking dpkg database?12:48
coz_mm  I dont see that but let me check12:48
BUGabundocoz_: ps auxw | grep apt12:49
coz_BUGabundo,    python /usr/lib/packagekit/aptDBUSBackend.py12:49
BUGabundoupdate-manager ?12:50
coz_sorry about that12:50
BUGabundolunch - away12:51
coz_BUGabundo,  http://pastebin.com/m5c43a92312:51
coz_apparently it is ok now12:51
coz_sorry to bug you guys12:52
dns53update manager does check for updates randomly so you must have been unlucky12:54
shadeslayerBUGabundo: sorry for that,power outage here13:05
shadeslayercan someone look at bug 363616 and confirm it for me?13:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363616 in kpowersave "kpowersave and notify-osd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36361613:06
shadeslayerjust want to see if it affects only me or others too13:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
deanyhaving trouble with a t-mobile mobile dongle and setting up in jaunty.  ive got the apn right but its not doing anything.13:16
BUGabundodeany: file a bug13:19
robin0800_deany: print apn13:20
BUGabundoshadeslayer: did it work?13:20
BUGabundoman he really has the timming13:20
externalusbnotboThe ubuntu main server is only allowing me to download at roughly 5kbytes/second.  Is this normal?13:21
kklimondaexternalusbnotbo: no13:21
kklimondaexternalusbnotbo: try other mirror13:21
deanynumber is *99#13:21
deanyI dont even think its being detected.13:21
balachmarHow do I revert to the package maintainer version of /var/lib/dpkg/aternatives/x-window-manager ?13:22
externalusbnotboright now I'm only getting 3.5KB/s downloading at all the different mirrors in China and the states.13:22
BUGabundoexternalusbnotbo: it can happen with a lot of new users13:22
BUGabundotry another mirror or torrents13:22
BUGabundoexternalusbnotbo: could be your ISP13:23
robin0800_deany: user is user and password is wap correct?13:24
eagles0513875im having some issues getting shoutcast to start im on ubuntu server jaunty13:24
eagles0513875i know this isnt the server channel but its dead13:25
deanylsubb reveals nothing...so i guess im dead in the water13:25
OliverKruegerDid jaunty changed the way, usb devices are handled? I have a connected usb cam whose power led is always on since jaunty although I have no application running which uses the cam.13:25
eagles0513875when i try to start the shoutcast script i get bash: ./sc_serv: no such file or directory and im in the directory where the conf is13:25
Cameron4 days to go.. sweet13:26
robin0800_deany: download wvdial and run it in a terminal with sudo it should find yor dongle13:30
shagafast question. swfdec, adobe flash or gnash?13:30
shagacant decide :)13:30
deanyCannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory13:31
deanyim actually bootin from a liveusb stick jaunty with latest updates. i`ll try wvdial on my main 8.10.13:32
robin0800_deany: its /dev/ttyUSB013:32
eagles0513875anyone a shoutcast expert on here13:33
deanyrobin0800_, there isnt a ttyUSB13:33
BUGabundoshaga: flash :(13:35
deanyrobin0800_, i know its not jaunty related but im getting the same on my "real" install of 8.10 too. there is no ttyUSB*13:38
deany--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.6013:38
deany--> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory13:38
robin0800_deany: its plugged into usb ?13:39
deanyblue ligjt flashing twice every few seconds.13:39
deanylsusb displays this line. Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0af0:7501 Option     ive read NV option is something to do it tho13:40
robin0800_deany: Well it wont be dev/modem then that is internal or serial port13:40
deanyits a G1 dongle13:41
robin0800_deany: Download gnome-ppp and try that note you must run this with gksu to let it access pppd13:42
deanyI thought network manager was made for this :(13:43
robin0800_deany: It is but its not working for you  gnome-ppp uses wvdial a terminal program to run ppp13:45
deanystill no go13:45
deanyin gnome-ppp setup it lists /devmodem and /dev/ttyS0 to ttyS313:45
deany"detect"  does nothing13:46
robin0800_deany: try typing /dev/ttyUSB013:49
stefanlsdDoes anyone know how i adjust CPU freq with hal?  Its running at 800mhz and im not sure why13:49
deanyeven tried it on a netbook with 8.04 and no go.  guess i have to crawl back to windows13:49
ShappieHello, somebody can help me setting up a dualscreen setup using fglrx driver? (ATi HD3850 card, kubuntu 9.04 up to date)13:52
ShappieI got 2 20inch DVI screens plugged into my computer. And i would like to use a big desktop mode. So i can drag and drop programs around the two screens.13:53
ShappieI also just reinstalled the OS so that everything is clean...13:55
ShappieNobody can help me?14:01
BUGabundoShappie: I don't use ati14:01
ShappieThe problem is i normally use RandR but fglrx doesnt support RandR14:01
ShappieAnd the aticonfig command for dualhead doesnt quite work...14:01
atlefShappie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30194114:01
Shappieand when i try to activate fglrx the program jockey-kde crashes14:02
BUGabundoShappie: $ xrandr --auto helps?14:03
BUGabundoor using the -ati driver instead?14:03
BUGabundomaybe you can get extra help on #ubuntu-x14:03
Shappiewhat for channel is ubuntu-x?14:04
jagadeeshI installed kubuntu-desktop and after login I did not find any applets and desktop icons14:05
jagadeesham I missing something?14:05
BUGabundojagadeesh: have you read release notes?14:06
jagadeeshBUGabundo: any quick help for impatient?14:07
BUGabundothere are a few hints for kubuntu you may want to read14:07
BUGabundosee link in /topic14:07
DefinitelyHow I can disable CPU Frequency Scaling in Jaunty ? There is no powernowd nomore :/14:08
jagadeeshthanks for link14:08
Shappieatlef: I looked into your link but the guide is pretty old. I found on the last page someone with the same problem14:08
Shappiehe got a solution so ty for the link. I will try it!14:08
atlefShappie: sorry, didn't check the age of the thread14:09
Shappieatlef: np i think i found something there :)14:09
atlefShappie: you could also check the unofficial ati site : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page14:10
BUGabundoDefinitely: why do u need that?14:10
DefinitelyBecause my Quad Core Q6600 2,4 Ghz cpu is limited all cores14:11
Definitelyto 1,6 Ghz14:11
DefinitelyIt is such a stupid idea for me14:11
DefinitelyI need performance.14:11
ShappieYea, the guy in in that thread said to install lastest ATi drivers so now im on that site following instructiond ;)14:11
BUGabundoatlef: don't recommed non-archive drivers please14:11
DefinitelyNautilus opens slower when CPU is limited.14:11
ShappieDefinitility: That is just for energy saving. As soon as you need the extra speed it will be used14:11
BUGabundoDefinitely: if you do something that actually needs power won't they all be used as needed?14:11
atlefBUGabundo: ok, didn't know14:11
ShappieMy E6750 on 2.67GHz runs on 2Ghz most of the time14:12
Shappiewhen you need the extra performance it wil go up to 2.67ghz14:12
BUGabundoatlef: we are in a state that need to fixed the existing bugs, not open more14:12
DefinitelyBUGabundo: NAUTILUS OPENS SLOWER when CPU is limited. I tested that. I wana get full performance.14:12
DefinitelyI don't want to save energy14:12
DefinitelyThat's why I bought Quad Core CPU.14:12
BUGabundoDefinitely: my C2D is at 1.2 and easilly goes up to 2.4 when needed14:12
ShappieYea BUGabundo same here...14:12
DefinitelyI wana always be at 2,4 Ghz.14:12
Definitelybecause to work faster.14:13
DefinitelyIt never uses 2,4 Ghz for any work.14:13
Shappiebut i think there is a applet for you...14:13
BUGabundoDefinitely: NO, you bought a C4Q to use it when needed! please safe the World ok ?14:13
Shappieyou use gnome?14:13
DefinitelyYeah i use gnome.14:13
DefinitelyBUGabundo: I don't want to save world14:13
DefinitelyI wana get performance.14:13
BUGabundoDefinitely: the kernel wil go UP as soon as it needs to!14:13
ShappieAs far as i know there is a applet for processor speed14:13
DefinitelyCan you simply just say how to turn off that shit :) ?14:13
atlefDefinitely: maybe it needs to be disabled in the BIOS14:13
BUGabundoif it doesn't then it's a bug14:13
Shappieyou can add it to your panel ;)14:13
BUGabundoyou should file it and it will get fixed14:13
BUGabundoyou are the 1st here to mention such a behaviour!14:14
DefinitelyShappie: Each time i reboot14:14
Definitelyit is reseted to limit again.14:14
BUGabundoeither your board/bios as a bug or kernel does14:14
Shappiethen i dont know ;)14:14
DefinitelyBUGabundo: maybe here, but not in bios.14:14
DefinitelyMy BIOS is ok14:14
Definitelyit works with Winblows properly14:14
ShappieIf i were you i wouldnt worry about it...14:14
BUGabundothe applet can do the work14:14
BUGabundojust needs to be set uid to root14:14
DefinitelyThe Applet reset configs14:14
Definitelyeach time i reboot.14:14
BUGabundoby running sudo dpkg --reconfigure gnome-applet14:14
BUGabundoDefinitely: just because Windows Works, doesn't mean there isn't a bug in the BIOS14:15
DefinitelyIt wasn't any kind of this problem with Mac OS X and Winblows and Fedora14:15
BUGabundojust means windows is stupid and does stuff other then the HW tells it to do14:15
timci have the same problem as BUGabundo. it is annoying to reset it every restart.14:15
DefinitelySo what's the point to blame my BIOS ?14:15
ShappieDefinitely BUGabundo just gave you the answer...14:15
DefinitelyShappie: he doesn't14:16
BUGabundotimc: did you file a bug? Definitely seems not to want to14:16
Shappielol he did14:16
Shappieyou have to set uid to root...14:16
timcsorry, i meant Definitely.14:16
BUGabundoShappie: he is not reading.... just shooting against us14:16
Shappieye indeed :(14:16
DefinitelyOk i will do that.14:16
Shappie[15:14:38] <BUGabundo> the applet can do the work14:16
Shappie[15:14:44] <BUGabundo> just needs to be set uid to root14:16
Shappie[15:14:45] <Definitely> The Applet reset configs14:16
Shappie[15:14:47] <Definitely> each time i reboot.14:16
Shappie[15:14:58] <BUGabundo> by running sudo dpkg --reconfigure gnome-applet14:16
BUGabundoyou can also just echo in boot the profile you want!14:16
BUGabundobut I would advise you to do that14:17
kklimondaDefinitely: an ugly fix would be to add line14:17
ShappieTry that first if that doesnt work come back and we look further14:17
BUGabundoall current CPU studies show that CPU/Kernel load handling is better done in real time14:17
kklimondaecho "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/scaling_governoer14:17
BUGabundoit *SHOULD* go up when needed14:17
timcactually, my apologies BUGabundo. i didn't notice i was in +1. i'm still on intrepid.14:17
BUGabundounless the app is niced not to14:17
Shappieand with me it does go up when needed14:17
Definitelytimc: Disable powernowd service then.14:18
BUGabundotimc: np14:18
kklimondaDefinitely: to rc.local14:18
BUGabundoDefinitely: please file a bug if your CPU doesn't go up to MAX when the OS load requires it too14:18
DefinitelyBUGabundo: Doooooooh.14:18
BUGabundoDefinitely: $ ubuntu-bug linux14:18
DefinitelyIf your OS always will use all cpu PERformance it will work faster14:19
BUGabundoits that easy14:19
DefinitelyIf your os will use only when it needs14:19
BUGabundoDefinitely: FALSE14:19
Definitelyit will work slower like now.14:19
kklimondaDefinitely: it shouldn't be noticable14:19
ShappieDefinitely: Watch your language... be nice to each other.. You are getting free support and you act like this?14:19
DefinitelyMy Nautilus opens in 1-2 seconds with Limit14:19
DefinitelyWithout limtis14:19
Definitelyit opens when i ask.14:19
kklimondaDefinitely: ondemand governor should scale up processor as soon as it requires more power14:19
BUGabundothe time to get it up 4 level of scals is two cpu cycles14:19
BUGabundonothing I know ends before that14:19
kklimondaDefinitely: and how long with ondemand?14:19
Definitelykklimonda: Scaling isn't as fast as nautilus needs for opening.14:19
BUGabundoDefinitely: if that happens you may have discovered a bug! that's why I already told you to file a bug 4x14:20
kklimondaDefinitely: works here - nautilus opens in 2-3 seconds.14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 4 in rosetta "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414:20
Definitelykklimonda: 2-3 seconds ? such a slow time.14:20
jagadeeshBUGabundo: release did not answer my applet display problem.14:20
BUGabundomine takes 1 sec14:20
BUGabundolet me time it for you14:20
BUGabundo$ time nautilus14:20
BUGabundobeat that14:21
BUGabundodidn't even used CPU for it14:21
BUGabundonow pastebin yours Definitely14:21
kklimondaDefinitely: most of the time is lost on stating directory and it doesn't really depend on cpu14:21
Shappielol :P14:21
Definitelywithout limits14:22
kklimondaDefinitely: and with limits?14:22
BUGabundooh much faster then mine14:22
BUGabundobut I "only" have a 2.4 C2D14:22
BUGabundoon a laptop14:22
kklimondait's not really a test14:22
Definitely2x slower with limits.14:23
BUGabundo0,1 sec?14:23
BUGabundoare you kidding me ?14:23
DefinitelyDunno how it counts14:23
Definitelybut i feel.14:23
BUGabundoDefinitely: what HDs do you have?14:23
kklimondawhat you would have to measure is time from running nautilus command up to the moment when folder is displayed14:23
BUGabundoHDD or SSD?14:23
DefinitelyLinux is with EXt4 in IDE HDD 120 GB14:24
DefinitelyI dunno what raid means :D14:24
BUGabundothen you don't have it14:24
BUGabundois ext4 fresh formated or upgraded from ext3 ?14:24
DefinitelyBut a speed is realy noticeble for my eyes. :)14:25
DefinitelyFresh Formated14:25
DefinitelyThe same was with intrepid with EXT314:25
Definitelythe speed was noticeble, but i disable cpu limiting by disabling powernowd14:25
ShappieIm off for a reboot. brb14:25
kklimondaDefinitely: add line14:26
kklimondafor i in 0 1 2 3; do echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$i/cpufreq/scaling_governor; done14:26
kklimondato /etc/rc.local before exit 014:26
BUGabundoDefinitely: file a bug, and let kernel team do there job14:26
BUGabundopost also those messures14:27
BUGabundoautch! just got all my screen corrupted!14:27
BUGabundoshould have taken a print screen14:27
Definitelykklimonda: I this tested ?14:28
shagahmm.. ubuntu netbook remix defaults to ext3 in partitioning. I think I'm in need of a reinstall to get ext2 instead :/14:29
shagassd here14:29
BUGabundoshaga: why?14:29
kklimondaDefinitely: At worst it just wont work14:29
BUGabundodisk wear out?14:29
shagaand also I've heard it takes more battery14:29
Definitelykklimonda: brb first need to reboot to check BUGabundos suggesting which i safer i think :)14:29
kklimondaDefinitely: when i run it on my c2d it switches governors for both cores to performance14:30
Barridusshaga, yeah definitely use ex2 for ssd14:30
ShappieI got fglrx to work now. Now i only have to enable dualscreen14:31
ShappieNormally you can do this in the Catalyst Control Center. But if i try to choose for big desktop i cant. The only option is : unknown.14:32
slevin_kalevrawhich is the best place to discuss gnome 3??14:32
ShappieSo it looks like he dont understand how my screens are setup...14:32
kklimondaslevin_kalevra: desktop-devel-list on gnome mailing lists14:32
Barridusshaga, you may find some of this relevant to you (reduce SSD wear section) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne110L14:32
nibsa1242bNeed help diagnosing why CPU usage is at 100% & full CPU speed while not doing anything14:33
Barridusi don't have a SSD but i'm always seeing those tips for those that do.14:33
BluesKaj'Morning all14:33
nibsa1242bAlso, where did the channel list go in X-CHAT... its very confusing14:34
shagaBarridus: I did that some time ago.. havent checked yet but I thought netbook remix Jaunty would be optimised for netbooks with ssd/hdd14:34
nibsa1242bok, figured out I had to enable sidebar14:34
shagaso it would have tweaks integrated or something14:34
robin0800BluesKaj: its the middle of the afternoon here UK14:34
Barridusshaga, well ssd and hd are totally different14:34
Barridusi have a hd netbook myself i use ext414:34
shagayeah, reinstalling now to get ext214:35
shaganot sure if I should make a ram drive at all..14:35
BluesKajrobin0800 , well it's 9:35 in the morning here :)14:35
slevin_kalevrakklimonda: irc channel needed n ot mailing list then?14:35
nibsa1242bOk... high cpu issue - dbus-daemon is using ~30%, tracker-indexer 18%, python 7%, python 7%. Yet, CPU usage shows 100%.14:35
Barridusshaga, up to you, and up to the speed of your SSD.  i've seen some that take hours to do system patch writes14:36
BluesKajrobin0800,  here=Ontario Canada14:36
shagaheh, thanks for the tips14:36
Barridussure ::D14:36
nibsa1242bby the way, did upgrading to Jaunty cause the tracker database to become corrupted for anyone else?14:37
Barridusbut then again it was in xp those netbooks were, i imagine a lot of that was poor os or installation thereof, but i'm sure a lot of it was the charactistics of the SSD models14:37
Barridusshaga, how long did the ubuntu fresh install take?14:37
shagaabout 15-20 minutes14:38
Barridusah cool14:38
Barridusalso, i might mention I don't use the netbook remix, you might try without too.  it just modifies gnome really14:38
nibsa1242b<--- good things about Jaunty --- My sound w/ Pulse seems to be working properly with no issues.14:39
shagait is switchable through the gui14:40
Barridusyeah but it glitches up14:40
Barridusor at least *did* i should say.  switching back and forth would destroy my panels14:40
shagaI tried two times and it went well :)14:41
ShappieBUGabundo: Should i start a forum thread for my dualscreen setup?14:41
Barridusi just find setting nautilus to use single clicks to launch things is fine, and also setting the DPI in xorg as well as changing the fonts to 9point14:41
Barridusshaga, give it a real stress test.  it would only happen occasionally, but it was extremely annoying to happen when you weren't expecting it14:42
shagaheh, I will. lets hope it keeps on working14:42
Barridusyeah let me know please14:42
Barridusi'd like to have it as a switchable option14:42
Barridusalthough i could just test it myself when i have time14:43
shagaI'll tell if it stops working :)14:44
Barridusso you put the netbookremix install .img on a usb key?14:45
Barriduswhat tool did you use to do that14:46
nibsa1242bhow do I set up Flash on 9.04? flashplugin-nonfree is already installed however I have no flash14:46
shagadidnt work with unetbootin14:46
Roberth1does 9.04 have an updated drm that supports r600/r700 chipsets from ati?14:46
shagaused something else, let me look for it14:46
shagaused flashnul14:46
deanyBarridus, dd if=file.img of=/dev/whateverusb bs=102414:46
Roberth1Barridus: yeah to what?14:46
nibsa1242bshaga: flashnul, ok I'll look into that14:47
BarridusRoberth1, to shaga, sorry14:47
shagadd for linux14:47
shagahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#From%20Windows%20Command%20Prompt%20using%20flashnul did it like that14:47
Barridusthanks shaga, deany14:48
macvrhi all... i'm having problems with my firewall,  how do i check if port is open?14:49
nibsa1242bok, got my flash working... I just had to reinstall flash-plugin installer... during the upgrade I lost my Internet connection, so it couldn't download flash when it wanted to.14:51
Barridusmedibuntu is handy for things like installing flash, you used it14:52
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:52
ymlHello, I am testing the RC of kubuntu on an HP DV6 1030 ef. most of the things I have tested work out of the box except the sound14:53
confreyhi everybody14:53
ymlaplay -l give me this : http://dpaste.com/35492/14:54
confreyI've installed kubuntu beta 9.04, but I can't find qcpi-cpufreq module.... why?14:54
ymlon #kubuntu I have been directed here because people told me that I might find more information here on this specific issue14:55
ShappieIs there a gmail mail checker plasmoid available?14:56
robin0800yml: alsa or pulse audio?14:56
Shappiefor kubuntu 9.04 ofc14:56
ymlrobin0800: I think I am using pulse audio14:56
Trewasconfrey: frequency scaling modules are now built-in14:56
ElobI am getting hundreds of debsums: checksum mismatch computer-janitor-gtk file /usr/share/applications/computer-janitor messages14:57
ymlat least this is what is selected in multimedia14:57
ElobWhen running debsum14:57
Eloband it seems to fail on ever *.desktop file14:57
Elobeg debsums: checksum mismatch app-install-data file /usr/share/app-install/desktop/zapping.desktop14:57
Elobis this normal?14:57
BluesKajrobin0800 , pulse audio and alsa work together...alsa runs on top of Pulseaudio14:57
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions14:58
ymland when i start to read a cd I can visualize the sound on pavucontrol or pavumeter but I do not hear anything14:58
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:58
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confreyanybody using eeepc?15:04
confreyI was hoping this ubuntu version works better, but it's incredibly slow, I was waiting for new xorg, new kernel and new intel driver, but nothing chamges15:05
Barridusregular jaunty rc works out of box on the aspireone15:07
Barridus(assuming your bios are up to date on the acer)15:07
shagahavent updated bios(bought it last summer) and everything except integrated mic(at least well enough) worked oob15:08
Barridusi've heard the non-intel gpu netbooks are a pain, since nvidia and ati are slooooooooooooooow in releasing their proper drivers15:08
Barridusnot sure what you have, confrey, but you may be somewhat stuck until your gpu maker gets off their butt15:11
thiebaudebut i dont understand about intel, been using it since 6.0615:11
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Barriduscontext, thiebaude ?15:14
thiebaudeyea, Barridus, i was referring to the x freezing,lol15:15
thiebaudeBarridus: i went ahead and ordered the 9.04 cd15:16
Barridusoops heh..  so you have intel gpu?15:16
thiebaudeoh yea15:16
Barridusok i just assumed you had one of the nvidia or ati eee's15:16
siavash_can anyone  help me disable kwin for compiz in kubuntu 9.04?15:16
thiebaudeBarridus: i wish i did15:16
Barridussince i usually hear that program associated with it15:16
Barridusyeah i bet15:16
Barridusi'll only go intel for linux boxes until further notice15:17
thiebaudeBarridus: i'am sure a clean install will do the job15:17
thiebaudeBarridus: usally the older intels are great on linux15:17
BluesKajsiavash_ , you don't need to disable kwin , just switch window managers15:17
BluesKajto compiz15:18
Barridusgotta love the reality of companies trying to keep proprietary secrets in the open source and transparent world15:18
siavash_BluesKaj: how? I installed compiz but couldn't get it to work15:18
thiebaudeBarridus: i dont know i thought intel was working with the ubuntu devs15:19
Barridusyeah when i first installed hardy on this acer, you could not believe what a huge grin i had when it booted out of box with compiz working15:19
BluesKajsiavash_ , compiz -fusion and emerald ?15:19
Barriduswhen my first ever ubuntu experience was a black-screen xorg glitch on an old nvidia dell :p15:19
thiebaudeBarridus: the ubuntu's before 9.04 works right out of the box no problems at all15:19
siavash_BluesKaj: I don't know about emerald15:20
thiebaudethe new xorg might be the problem15:20
siavash_BluesKaj: I got used  kPackageKit15:20
Barriduslearning linux?  $0.  troubleshooting an empty xorg.conf?  $0.  learning linux from the beginning and handcreating a xorg.conf for something you aren't even sure of the specs of?  priceless.15:21
siavash_BluesKaj: Now I have no compiz and alt+F2 doesn't work :(15:21
thiebaudeBarridus: soo true, my xorg is always empty15:21
BluesKajsiavash_ , look for emerald and compiz-fusion in the packagekit15:22
Barridusyeah and the nvidia driver would default the video out to the vga port instead of the laptop panel15:22
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto15:22
Barridusthat was untimately the problem, they never fixed that15:22
siavash_BluesKaj: got it15:23
BluesKajxorg.conf is beditable anymore , the HAL dependence is too great , any changes breaks X ...that's been my experience.15:24
siavash_BluesKaj: is there a way i can get alt+f2 back?15:25
BluesKajerr xoerg.conf is barely editable15:25
BluesKajsiavash_ , the run command alt+F2 works on my seyup , but right ckick on the desktop and choose it in the dialog box that pops up15:26
siavash_hah that works15:27
siavash_BluesKaj: I installed compiz, but now it's all weird15:32
bardyrHow can i disable ipv6?!?! all internet is almost completely broken because it tries using ipv615:33
siavash_BluesKaj:compiz thinks i have 2 spaces where pager thinks i have 115:33
thiebaudebardyr: in firefox about:config15:33
bardyrthiebaude, its not just firefox, its apt-get, and all other application15:33
siavash_BlueKaj: did you have a similar problem?15:40
siavash_it's all messed up15:40
ramviWhat do I write into terminal to install all languages in jaunty? (I don't need writing aid and so on.) I just want to be able to select all languages available to ubuntu without installing anything.15:40
BluesKajsiavash_ , then uninstall/purge it , then reinstall\15:42
siavash_BlueKaj: It's good now15:42
siavash_BlueKaj: but it seems like i have to run compiz manually everytime I restart15:43
siavash_BlueKaj:can i fix that?15:43
BluesKajsiavash_, dunno how to fix that or if it's eevn possible , maybe in sys settings/login15:45
BluesKajI have the same prob15:45
Strider^anyone knows how to use the ia32-apt-get package ?15:46
siavash_there must be a way to automatically run something when the system boots15:46
BluesKajI don't use compiz all that much unless i need 3 or 4 pages open simultaneously15:46
Strider^it seems that there is a new way to install 32bit packages in jaunty15:46
BluesKajStrider^ , search ia32 in your pkg manager15:47
zash_ramvi: http://p.zash.se/8cyIlg.txt15:47
zash_ramvi: that gives you all language meta-packages15:47
ramvithanks zash_115:47
zash_ramvi: so, sometging like sudo aptitude install $( that command ) should work15:47
siavash_i bet you can do it through sessions15:48
Strider^BluesKaj, i have no problem installing the package, i'm just trying to figure out the proper way to install 32 bit programs on my 64bit system15:49
dns53siavash_ system > preferences > startup applications15:49
siavash_dns53 Thanks15:49
BluesKajsiavash_ , I had some freezes yesterday while using compiz , so don't expect perfection yet15:49
siavash_BlueKaj that's alright15:49
siavash_BlueKaj it's a RC15:50
BluesKajStrider^ , if you have ia32 installed then the 32 bit pkgs should install and run without probs.15:50
siavash_dns53 isn't that for gnome?15:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ia3215:51
shadeslayerhi suppose i set up a adhoc wifi network,how do i check which devices are connected?15:51
dns53yes, but there is probably something similar in kde and xfce15:51
siavash_dns53 found it, Autostart in System Settings. It's my first experience in KDE so I'm still getting used to it15:52
shadeslayernetwork:/// ??15:52
dns53shadeslayer probably worth a try i just run nmap and scan for computers myself but that's just me15:53
Strider^well i'll try reinstalling ia32-apt-get hoping that it will not break my sources.list this time15:53
siavash_I was pleasently surprised to see BTNX working in 9.0415:54
shadeslayerdns53: is nmap gui?15:54
BluesKajStrider^ , look in adept or kpackage manager and search ia32 , the apps may have a different name but ia32 is underlying engine so to speak.15:55
dns53nmap is the tool used to scan your network for computers and what ports they have open15:55
Strider^in jaunty there are very few packages starting with ia3215:55
shadeslayerdns53: no imean is the app gui or cli ??15:55
BluesKajStrider^ , ia32-apt-get won't do it15:55
Strider^i have the libs installed15:55
shadeslayer* i mean15:55
Strider^got epxe to work fine15:56
Strider^epsxe sorry15:56
dns53cli but there are wrappes, windows has a gui15:56
Strider^now i'm trying to get mplayer15:56
shadeslayeroh cli,i want something GUI since im not the who is going to use it15:56
BluesKajStrider^ , ia32 adapts 32 bit packages to run on 64bit , you don't need apps that are named as such15:57
dns53nmapsi4 zenmap are gui's15:57
BluesKajmplayer has a 64 bit version I'm sure15:57
Strider^but how do i tell the package manager to install the 32bit version15:58
Strider^yes, i'd like both 32 and 64bit versions of mplayer15:58
BluesKajwhy ?15:58
Strider^so i can use w32-codecs15:58
dns53install the 32 bit compat libraries, download the dpkg and run dpkg --ignore-arch or something15:58
dns53there is win64 codecs as well15:59
Strider^yes but it's not the same as win32 codecs15:59
Strider^not as many codecs are in w6415:59
dns53well then just install the 32 bit package manually and tell it to ignore the archatecture, there is a package that allows you to run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit machine16:02
unkowhat the command to do update distro? isn't it like update-manager -d ?16:03
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dns53yes, though you need to turn on devel releases in the sources gui as it is not released yet16:04
Strider^if i install a 32bit package, won't that conflict with the 64bit version of the same package ?16:04
topyliis everybody's epiphany broken or is it just me? looks like we have no javascript16:06
crdlbtopyli: 'enable javascript' checked in preferences? :)16:08
siavash_BlueKaj: Do you get the error: "Configuration file "/home/User/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc"not writable."?16:08
topylicrdlb: yes :)16:09
soc1does someone know if ship-it sends 32bit or 64bit cds?16:11
crdlbtopyli: I'm using epiphany with webkit mainly, but the epiphany-gecko in the repos seems to work here16:11
crdlbI assume firefox works?16:12
soc1there is only a quantity option, but no explanation if these cds will be 64bit or 32bit ...16:12
topylicrdlb: yes firefox works16:12
the_dark_warriohas anyone experienced problems with two monitors? When I open synaptic or anything that uses gksu, that black screen which fades the desktop is bugged.16:12
deanywhats it gonna take for jaunty to stop askin for the password for the keyring to connect to my wifi network. ive set the keyring pass to the pass of the user logged in...16:15
TheRealBigAppleHi! Is it normal that the progress bar in Totem isn't orange, anymore?16:17
TheRealBigAppleIn Banshee its the same16:18
crdlbthen, I would say yes ...16:18
ajavidcrdlb, !!!16:19
* crdlb isn't using human though16:19
ajavidwhats up16:19
ajavidyou may know me as stoned16:19
TheRealBigAppleOk, thx!16:19
ajavidfrom compiz-confusion16:19
crdlbTheRealBigApple: "Human-Clearlooks" will give you the old look16:20
crdlbajavid: how could I forget? :)16:20
TheRealBigAppleI don't miss it, I just were not sure if its normal. ;)16:20
amikropHello. If I upgrade now to the RC, will I get the final, official, stable release in 4 days just with daily updates?16:26
amikrop(apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)16:26
edgyHi, I can boot into my genric kernel but not in to linux-image-2.6.28-11-server, I can't see the login screen which I guess is an X issue, any hint?16:31
Abron_Gruamikrop : yes16:35
amikropAbron_Gru: ok, thank you16:36
crdlbedgy: not that it shouldn't work, but why do you need X with a -server kernel anyway?16:36
edgycrdlb, ok forget about X now, I just want to see the login prompt, I can't16:39
edgycrdlb, actually I only want to try xen16:39
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SuperQI'm having crash issues with 9.04-RC (live cd copied to USB flash drive), amd64.  Sometimes I see a small amount of video corruption.  Mouse still works, everything else is frozen16:42
SuperQThat is, mouse cursor moves, but can't click on anything.16:42
crdlbedgy: what video driver and how did you install it?16:43
MTecknologyCan you guys install tor? I try to install it but it says "No candidate version found for tor". I try to run tor and it tells me apt-get install tor to install it16:45
MTecknologyE: Package tor has no installation candidate16:45
crdlbapt-cache policy doesn't show it here16:46
SeySayuxwhy is jaunty so laggy compared to intrepid? i'm using kde 4.2, but on intrepid it worked great, but now it looks almost like i'm trying to run vista on a pentium II ...16:48
SeySayuxand these weird black lines through my windows, what's that?16:50
Barridushi guys/gals. is there a command to deliberately trigger monitor power saving?16:50
edgycrdlb, ati fglrx using jockey16:51
edgyMTecknology, i remember its deleted because of maintenance issue16:51
MTecknologyedgy: thanks16:52
crdlbedgy: maybe a fglrx problem :/16:52
crdlbthe driver in jaunty is just a beta16:52
SuperQBarridus: that doesn't sound like a 9.04 specific issue16:52
henry-nicolasHello everybody, I just installed 9.04 yesterday (working fine), a simple question : I would like to use the new sound mixer introduced in gnome 2.26 (working on top of pulseaudio), this one : http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.26/#rnusers.volume16:52
henry-nicolasI'm still getting the old one, any idea on how to get the new ?16:52
SeySayuxi guess that since 'it works for [you]', i'm just gonna see if those updates i just installed something....16:52
the_dark_warrioThere is a bug with the New Wave theme, on GVim tab bar. Has anyone noticed this?16:54
SeySayuxif Ubuntu can't do something simple as rendering a window, letting me move a window without 'teleportations', or let me type 5 letters after each other, i'm back to vista16:57
SuperQSeySayux: Seriously, that kind of threat is really non-productive16:58
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:59
SeySayuxand *please*, when are they going to disable that *annoying* tap-to-click? the person that made that the default surely is the same one that made 1600x1200 the 'default' resolution if your resolution cannot be recognized16:59
SeySayuxhey, didn't i say what doesn't work?16:59
SuperQSeySayux: Just go back to vista, this is a channel for productively fixing bugs in a beta release17:00
SeySayuxa beta release that's due to a week.17:00
SeySayuxeven less17:00
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: my ubuntu works like a charm17:00
elobI think I have found a bug17:01
SeySayuxnice attitude, "It works for me, so if other people have problems, well, that's not my problem" *annoying* tap-to-click17:01
elobIf you run a full screen application on your left desktop17:01
elobthen you switch to your right desktop17:01
elobthen back to the left17:01
elobthe icon on the mini display moves to the right then back to the left quickly17:01
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: maybe you should start saying what hardware you have, and try to elaborate more the bugs you have found17:02
SuperQelob: by "switch to your right desktop" do you mean moving the mouse cursor?17:02
elobSuperQ: by desktop I mean workspace17:02
SuperQelob: or do you mean picking up the full screen app by the top bar and moving it17:02
SeySayuxgraphics card: intel gma x3100, complains: black lines, serious lag on desktop (ie "teleportation" of windows)17:03
elobUsing the mini-workspace selector in the bottom right SuperQ17:03
SeySayuxwireless card: broadcom 4328: complaint: not recognized17:03
elobAs you move from the right to the left workspace, the icon in the left hand view moves to the right, then back to the left SuperQ17:03
SeySayuxkeyboard: came with my laptop; complaint: well, it seems to work...17:03
crdlbSeySayux: yes, the intel driver is terrible this cycle17:04
SeySayuxtouchpad: came with my laptop. complaint: terribly annoying tap-to-click17:04
crdlband broadcom h/w is terrible :/17:04
SeySayuxand, is the intel driver going to be fixed in 5 days?17:04
crdlbsystem > prefs > mouse > touchpad17:04
crdlbI don't see how it could, but maybe :|17:04
crdlbI would guess kde has a similar panel17:05
SuperQelob: Would you please take screen shots (pressing the print screen button) and create a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu17:05
SuperQelob: Do you see this with Ubuntu 8.10?17:05
elobNot sure SuperQ, I don't think so17:05
elobI will try and take screenshots17:05
SuperQelob: Thanks17:05
SeySayuxmotion sensor: apple motion sensor. complaint: it finally works, i can enjoy playing neverball by tilting my laptop. can we now get to fixing the wireless and graphics?17:06
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: you may give ndiswrapper a try. It installs the windows drivers http://www.google.com.br/search?q=ndiswrapper17:06
edgycrdlb, if it's fglrx why I can boot into generic kernel?17:07
crdlbintel has done poor driver release management, it's really not ubuntu's fault17:07
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: and, i find a driver for my wireless card where? not like the broadcom site is very helpful...17:07
crdlbedgy: because fglrx has a kernel module?17:07
papampamHi. I installed 9.04RC on my Presario CQ40-310AU (AMD Turion X2). Everything works except that there's no sound :( How do I get the sound back?17:07
elobits quite hard to get a screenshot17:07
henry-nicolasanybody, no idea why I don't get the PA sound mixer with Jaunty ?17:07
SuperQpapampam: try this:17:08
SuperQpapampam: cat /dev/sndstat17:08
SuperQpapampam: that should tell you if Ubuntu is able to load the sound driver17:08
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: maybe you can search on the notebook vendors site. For example, you can download broadcom drivers in Dell site17:08
SuperQCard config:17:08
SuperQHDA Intel at 0xee240000 irq 1717:08
SuperQthat's what mine looks like17:08
Pollywoganyone else having a problem with Firefox in Jaunty where it does not really shut down when closed?17:08
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: i don't really think that my vendor offers windows drivers for download... and surely 'kextwrapper' doesn't exist yet?17:09
PollywogI had lots of problems with Nvidia after the upgrade but the only annoyance now is this Firefox problem17:09
papampamSuperQ: Do you want to see what the command says?17:09
PollywogI think I will do a clean install once Jaunty is stable17:10
SeySayuxluckily i haven'tt tried the webcam and the microphone yet... *annoying* tap-to-click17:10
papampamSuperQ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/154158/17:11
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: to disable tap-click, go to System > Mouse, Touchpad tab17:11
SeySayuxsigh.... kubuntu17:11
elobSuperQ: I can't get a picture of it17:11
elobI can illustrate what happens if you like, then upload it17:12
elobBut it only happens for a split second17:12
elobA movie would be better17:12
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: what's the name of gnome's mouse-settings dialog, so i can install it?17:13
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: take a look in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104667717:14
xpekwhich version of vsftpd is included in the jaunty repositories?17:17
zash_xpek: 2.0.7-0ubuntu117:17
xpekthank you zash_17:18
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: I will take a look17:18
xpekI suppose I'll have to wait for karmic before I get implicit SSL then17:18
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: gnome-mouse-properties17:19
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: okay, i'll try installing that17:19
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: it can't really find it...17:19
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: I don't think thats supposed to be found. Have you read the link I've sent you?17:20
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: maybe your notebook have an option to disable this with the function key Fn+something17:21
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: yes i *aarg* did. but i'm searching what the naming policy is for hal fdi-files, as i already have an appletouch.fdi, so can one choose any abritrary name?17:21
papampamHi. I installed 9.04RC on my Presario CQ40-310AU (AMD Turion X2). Everything works except that there's no sound :( How do I get the sound back?  Please look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/154158/17:21
Barridusi'm getting some text appearing briefly for a second during the loading splash.  is this logged somewhere so i can look at it in detail?  (so fast i can't read it, but i think it's power management)17:21
mimcpherBarridus: check /var/log/dmesg and syslog17:23
mimcpherMaybe daemon.log too?17:23
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: Don't know. Have you tried creating the same file name described on the forum?17:24
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: i haven't really tried anything yet17:24
Barridusmimcpher, i'm assuming these logs are earliest at the top, most recent entries bottom?17:25
mimcpherright Barridus17:26
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: it seems you can17:26
mimcpher(this is true in general:  the way filesystems work, appending to a file is much quicker, so this is how they're done)17:26
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: ;)17:27
mimcpherOi, in System -> Administration, there's a "log file viewer".  Was this around in 8.10?  I don't recall seeing it before.  Though I wouldn't have been looking.17:27
BonezAU_I *think* it's new17:28
SeySayuxi've also found a driver for ndiswrapper, so only thing left is the intel driver... isn't there a way to use intrepid's driver instead?17:28
Barridusmimcpher, ok thanks for the direction on where this stuff is logged.  now to do a reboot loop until i manage to commit an identifyable word from the error to memory :)17:29
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: what was you intel hardware?17:29
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: x310017:29
SeySayuxit should work with the xserver-xorg-intel driver17:29
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the_dark_warrioSeySayux: It seems that hardware is not well supported..17:35
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: thanks, captain obvious17:36
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: this thread may give a little help17:36
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: help, in the sense that it made me feel better since i'm no longer alone.17:38
SeySayuxbut it's weird that in intrepid, it was a very decent driver, and in jaunty, even vesa works better...17:39
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: Maybe you should report a bug17:39
SeySayuxi did that once, reporting a bug...17:40
rhsanbornCan you upgrade from 8.1 to 9.04 beta and then when they put out the production release upgrade from 9.04 beta, to 9.04 prod?17:40
the_dark_warrioIf it's late now, they may fix it for the next version. By this time, you can still use Intrepid, which is very good17:40
nibsa1242brhsanborn: yes, you can upgrade to 9.04 Release Candidate, and then once the full version comes out the RC should automatically upgrade itself17:41
SeySayuxthe_dark_warrio: or i use that other unix-based system... that one which works perfectly on all hardware it will ever be installed on...17:41
SuperQYup, 9.04 is crashing on this box17:42
the_dark_warrioSeySayux: Thats right, and no need to troll17:42
* SuperQ blames the nvidia drivers17:43
rhsanbornnibsa1242b: tyvm. Will try it. Hoping for better ACPI support...17:43
SuperQwell, I haven't even had a chance to install the restricted drivers17:43
nibsa1242bSeySayux: Ubuntu often has regressions esp with sound and graphics, if you need a 100% stable system its often best to wait about 2-4 weeks after release, check the bug reports and forums for your specific hw and then upgrade... or at the very least test with the live cd before installing a new version17:44
SuperQunless the restricted drivers are on by default onw17:44
nibsa1242brhsanborn: the live cd may be able to tell you that17:44
nibsa1242bSuperQ: I know there are no restricted drivers available for my ATI Radeon X800 XL right now.17:45
SuperQnibsa1242b: Yea, this box has nvidia in it17:45
SuperQnibsa1242b: Hard locks are the worst to debug17:45
SuperQnibsa1242b: I'm not getting the flashing kernel panic light, so I'm good there17:46
SuperQtime to boot to single user mode17:47
nibsa1242bSuperQ: yes, hard lock are no fun17:47
savvashi! is it a known problem that when you use "sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" (and perhaps apt-get) the packagekit icon tooltip (in the tray/notification area) in gnome still shows that there are "xx updates" to be done?17:49
SuperQnibsa1242b: Have you seen the new screen feature?17:50
nibsa1242bhow do I fix my middle mouse button behavior? since the upgrade the middle mouse button opens a new tab and acts like a left click... its highly annoying, it should only open a new tab17:50
SuperQnibsa1242b: screen as in console multiplexor17:50
nibsa1242bSuperQ: *goes to look*17:50
SuperQbackup your existing screenrc17:51
SuperQthis new fancy screen profiles17:52
nibsa1242bSuperQ: I only have one screen, is it really going to do much for me?17:52
SuperQnibsa1242b: screen is a classic console tool17:53
nibsa1242bahh ok17:53
SuperQnibsa1242b: It allows you to have multiple windows open on a terminal17:54
SuperQnibsa1242b: and detatch/resume them17:54
nibsa1242bahh ok17:54
nibsa1242bI'm normally in X, so I just use tabs in the terminal17:54
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SuperQnibsa1242b: It's useful when you're connected to a remote machine via ssh17:55
dianaerm, any1 have any idea where did my network manager go? upgraded 8.10 to 9.04, and now i cant find it, lol17:55
d3xterhey guys17:55
nibsa1242bSuperQ: I bet it is.17:55
nibsa1242bNeed help... getting error " bash: fg: no job control " in terminal17:55
SuperQnibsa1242b: are you running the "fg" command?17:56
SuperQnibsa1242b: that's what generates that message17:56
d3xteri've got a little problem with my netgear wlan-stick. after every 2 min the connection is interrupted for about 5-10 seconds and afterwards wpa_supplicant says "CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS". is it possible, that my connection interrupts when it scans for new networks?17:57
nibsa1242bno, I get that as soon as I open a terminal, or log into a console17:57
Barridusanyone have any experience troubleshooting a persistently mounted windows shares?  it works fine, but i'm getting a delay on shutdown and i'm led to believe it is disabling networking before it is unmounting the share17:57
SuperQd3xter: I think I saw that on a card a long time ago17:57
SuperQd3xter: some card drivers don't interact well with scanning requests17:57
pwnguinwhats this system->preferences->database access properties tool about?17:58
d3xterSuperQ, the same happends with windows :-S17:58
d3xterso maybe both drivers are bad or it is hardware related17:58
SuperQd3xter: Sounds like hardware to me17:58
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SuperQd3xter: Unfortunately, I can only suggest trying a different brand/model card17:58
mimcpherd3xter: Yeah: this sounds hardware, but it may be possible to work around with software.17:59
d3xterthats what I've supsected17:59
mimcpher(I have no idea how to actually go about the working around right now)17:59
nibsa1242bd3xter: just get a mini pci / mini pci-e card know to behave well if you have a laptop; if you've got a desktop get a wireless bridge buy.com has the ZyXel P-330W on sale for 24.24 after MIR right now... I've been using one of those as a bridge for the past year.18:00
edgycrdlb, you have any idea whether I can enable xen in the generic kernel?18:03
d3xterok thanks guys18:03
nibsa1242bHow do I reconfigure my mouse buttons... they are messed up since the upgrade18:03
quibblera few apps such as vlc, pokerth, and skype have distorted text when the application is opened. there is only lines a dots in place of letters. has anyone experienced this problem and what can be done about it.18:05
crdlbedgy: no idea, sorry18:07
edgycrdlb, np, thanks18:08
deanyi can connect to my wifi if its broadcasting SSID and no protection.. I cant however connect while hidden SSID and WPA-PSK set.  It tries to connect for like 2mins, then it prompts for the password, which ive given it already when i set it up, so i type password again, still no joy.  I looked in the connection properties and the password it keeps saving is 1 long random gibberish password thats NOT the one i keep setting.  This is on a mini pre-installed wit18:13
deanyh 8.04 from dell and works fine, not even the dumb keyring prompts.18:13
droid7anyone been able to fix the video tearing with intel video cards?18:13
Barriduscan someone help me understand what "sudo update-rc.d -f umountnfs.sh remove" and "sudo update-rc.d umountnfs.sh stop 15 0 6 ." do?  i found it as a solution to an issue, but it doesn't seem to work in jaunty as it did in hardy.18:15
Barridus(i'm assuming it changes or tries to change the order in which persistently mounted network shares are demounted so it occurs before networking is terminated and causes a hang"18:16
mxboy15ucan someone help me with what should be a simple question?18:18
mxboy15uwhen i insert a thumb drive it mounts it read only18:18
mxboy15ui cannot delete anything...how can this be fixed?18:18
dtchenremount it rw18:19
dtchenif that's really the issue.18:19
mxboy15uis there a graphical way of doing this?18:19
mxboy15uit says it is a read only file system18:20
Amaranthmxboy15u: There is no graphical way of doing that18:20
Amaranthmxboy15u: Is this thumbdrive actually an OS X setup iPod?18:21
mxboy15ujust a standard thumb drive18:21
mxboy15uso how do i mount it appropriately?18:21
PhotoJimupgraded my secondary laptop to Jaunty last night.  only problem was a crash on package ca-certificates.  I did an aptitude reinstall ca-certificates... seems ok.  all else good.18:21
ola_i have a problem while playing clips on youtube on fullscreen18:22
ola_slow framrate18:22
jschalltry turning off desktop effects. they kill a lot of things' performance, which is why they shouldn't have been added a year or so ago, they should still be off by default.18:25
Amaranthjschall: err, works fine here18:26
ola_jschall: tried that no diffrence =/  have a dell laptop with the Intel 775 grapics card18:26
jschallAmaranth: they do make a difference to a lot of things, even with my overclocked q6600, 4gb ddr1066, 8800gts. that said, i do still use CF, especially since i quit world of warcraft.18:28
Amaranthit's just compiz, actually18:28
Amaranthbut yeah, there are some fun problems with nvidia18:29
Amaranthfunny how turning on compiz by default didn't get nvidia off their butts to fix the problems but KDE4 did18:29
jschallAmaranth: and DRI2, you can't play games with it without nvidia.18:29
Amaranthsure you can, I have been with intel before DRI218:30
Amaranthfullscreen games, anyway18:30
jschallAmaranth: i wasn't even able to get glxgears to work properly.18:30
droid7is it possible to use hardy's intel graphics driver on jaunty?18:30
Amaranthif the window for the game is actually a fullscreen window (and not just a window that is the size of the screen like wine) compiz basically turns off18:31
jschallthat hasn't been my experience, especially with wine games18:31
Amaranthit unredirects the window and puts it up on front of everything else18:31
Amaranthjschall: I just told you wine was the exception as they don't make real fullscreen windows18:31
jschallsweet, then i can play tux racer with compiz no problem!18:32
jschallwhat about real games, though?18:33
Amaranthjschall: We take the same stance KDE does: if it isn't our bug we aren't going to go over the top working around it, fix the real problem18:33
jschallthe bastards need to release them natively18:33
AmaranthIn this case the bug is WINE doesn't make fullscreen windows18:33
AmaranthWe actually have a workaround for this but it doesn't work well18:33
AmaranthHell, it's probably disabled18:34
AmaranthAlso, you have to have unredirect fullscreen windows enabled in compiz. It's the default but you may have disabled it18:34
jschallmicrosoft should just make a perfect-quality version of wine18:34
jschalli'd pay the same as a windows license for that18:34
ola_anyone have a fix for fullscreen flash on Intel chipsets?18:35
AmaranthWe really do go to great lengths to fix actual bugs in compiz and even workaround some of the worst problems in other programs/drivers but there is only so much that can be done18:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 314928 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i915GM] MTRR entry missing since jaunty - is this intentional?" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:35
jschallola_: i had that problem a while back, trying to think what caused it18:35
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jschallola_: are these youtube videos?18:36
Amaranthoh man, I hope you don't have the 945 chipset with the crazy memory setup18:36
ola_i added echo "base=0xF0000000 size=0x08000000 type=write-combining" >| /proc/mtrr and it works but after reboot its the same18:36
ola_jschall: all flash fullscreen is "dragging" and low framrate..in window its normal18:36
AmaranthWith the GEM enabled intel driver 2D performance is pretty terrible with certain 945 chips as they can't do tiled surfaces18:37
AmaranthA newer kernel (2.6.30-rc2, I think) fixes that problem but makes a common OpenGL call incredibly slow, that has to be fixed in mesa18:37
jschallAmaranth: wine is a big trainwreck, imo18:38
Amaranthjschall: Yeah, they're only now starting to focus on making their stuff work well with the system18:38
Amaranthjschall: Before it was all "this is a surface we draw on and screw the rest" but now they're trying to do proper entries in the menu and such18:39
ola_guess i shall wait for a bugg fix on updates..?18:39
AmaranthHopefully they'll get to "following window manager specs" soonish18:39
jschallAmaranth: maybe they'll make winecfg not crappy18:39
Amaranthola_: A fix for that is unlikely to come before 9.1018:39
Amaranthjschall: They're replacing it with a control panel18:39
crdlblegacy fullscreen support was disabled by default in 0.8.218:39
jschallola_: cheap ati video card.18:39
Amaranthola_: If that is actually your problem, anyway18:39
crdlbit worked horribly18:39
jschallola_: do it!18:40
Amaranthcrdlb: It needed to only apply to wine so it wouldn't break other applications18:40
AmaranthIt sucked having totem open fullscreen but not fullscreen18:40
AmaranthShowing the UI for both modes and not exiting fullscreen18:40
ola_i have a Intel 775 chipset on my hp laptop and seems like all with intel 775/995 have the same flash problem..18:40
jschallola_: oh, laptop :(18:41
ola_yeah :P18:41
jschallis there a 775 chipset? isn't that the name of the socket?18:41
Amaranthola_: lspci | grep VGA18:42
ola_775 is the name of a AMd socket to i belive18:42
DanaGlga775 is Intel.18:42
DanaGAMD had 754 and 939 and now AM2.18:42
ola_echo "base=0xF0000000 size=0x08000000 type=write-combining" >| /proc/mtrr18:43
ola_VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)18:43
ola_uhm looks like i have the 965 chipset18:44
shagaDanaG: there have been countless amd sockets :p18:44
shagalike socket a for example18:44
ola_thunderbird :D18:44
dustplease help me getting 6.1 speakers avail in ubu18:45
aViN187Hi, someone know a tut or site for solving problem with nvidia quadro nvs 160m on 9.04 ?18:46
jschallhmm, i should start cleaning up my home directory to get ready for jaunty18:47
jschalli always clear out my config files and keep my data18:48
td123I always fresh install :P18:50
td123my "home directory" is just a folder on a usb stick :P18:51
petsoundshello, can anyone write a command to uninstall google picasa?18:51
Barridusanyone have any idea which symlink in /etc/rc6.d is the one that terminates networking?  i'm assuming S35networking, but i don't exactly have the mastery of linux to say for sure.  i may have discovered a bug that appeared in the last round of updates18:58
Barridusanyone know much about shutdown script symlink ordering?19:01
tc111why would this line make the script run continuously: * 2,9,17,23    * * *root/etc/init.d/aptmirlpia > /dev/null 2>&119:02
Upayaviratc111: because the script is broken and carries on running? That cron line says run every few hours. So it can only keep running because the script itself fails to stop19:04
geniiOr the script taks longer than the interval between runnin it19:05
UpayaviraEvolution is downloading my mails, but not displaying them (they're in .evolution/mail/local/Inbox, but not displayed in the UI). Is this a known bug? (kinda undermined Evolution's usefulness!)19:05
tc111Upayavira: the script checks if it is already running and exits if if finds the PID... but, once the scripts exits, it immediately starts again.19:05
Upayaviratc111: so, you're seeing it start up again, even without it being re-invoked by cron? Even if you comment it out (with a #) in your crontab?19:07
Barridusnobody knows what symlink in /etc/rc6.d terminates networking on shutdown?19:08
Barridusthere's one called networking but it's greek to me19:08
tc111Upayavira: yes, once the PID file is deleted as the initial script exits, the script will immediately launch itself again. i can mark it as non-executable and it won't start again, but once marked executable, it will immediately start19:09
Barridusso close to this, just need some context so i can research further19:10
siavash_can someone help me with grub issues?19:11
siavash_I had 2 windows installations. I had one on sda1 and then I installed one on sdb1. But now sda1 is gone and I can't boot into sdb119:11
BUGabundosiavash_: does it work if you choose from BIOS what disk to boot?19:12
_lemsx1_anybody knows how to make Amarok play sounds? i already install libxine1-ffmpeg19:13
_lemsx1_i guess it never talks to pulseaudio for some reason19:13
hmw_pidgindid i get it right, that jaunty (gnome 1.6) does not work with fglrx?19:16
hmw_pidgini cant get my machine back to working... purged fglrx... this is so annoying19:17
_lemsx1_hmw_pidgin: gnome 2.6 you mean19:17
hmw_pidginoh, sure19:17
BUGabundohmw_pidgin: what gnome to do with fglrx ?19:17
_lemsx1_hmw_pidgin: and i guess you mean "compiz"19:17
BUGabundoactually to be precise gnome 2.6.119:18
macvrBUGabundo: hi... remember a few days ago i had problems with, web browsing/commenting on launchpad,ubuntu forums... i resolved the problem, it was since my router firewall had reset... but could u help me understand the problem?19:18
hmw_pidgini read some forum entries, and i wonder, where all the fglrx howtos are gone... they changed a lot in the most favorite ubuntu sites, and now i cant find any good tutorials anymore19:18
hmw_pidginno copiz, i just want it to show graphics. it even doesnt like vesa. when trying to modprobe fglrx, it said something about "out of memory" ... huh!?19:19
BUGabundohmw_pidgin: wouldn't help! lots have changed! old stuff is no good anymore19:19
BUGabundomacvr: maybe DNS cache probs19:19
hmw_pidgini have a radeon9600 and a voodoo banshee and want this setup to do triple-head. did work after 40hrs of configuration desaster with 8.0419:19
Chr|sahhh this week 9.04 offically comes out :)19:20
* genii pokes at -release party19:20
Upayavirahmw_pidgin: don't know if it is relevant, but I just reinstalled from scratch to Jaunty, and am no longer using fglrx. and compiz works very well.19:21
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:21
noodlesgcwhy does #ubuntu-release-party forward here?19:21
hmw_pidgini dont need/want compiz, and compiz wouldnt allow more than 1024 for the two screens, and i have a voodoo banshee, which also prevents compiz from running. i just wanted to see ANY hires gfx. I give up. Maybe I win the lottery and can afford to buy a new computer...19:22
hmw_pidgincrappy ATI stuff argh19:22
BUGabundonoodlesgc: because we love you too much to let you go19:22
geniiWell, high end ATI stuff, with crappy drivers19:23
macvrBUGabundo: the actual initial setting was that the modem was set to "bride" and the router was set as DHCP > BUT  it had reset so that the MODEM was a PPPOE client, and the router firewall settings were not being activated, the router firewal permissions were not working... this is only in UBUNTU, but it worked in WINDOWS, is this a bug?19:23
hmw_pidgindo you know a graphics adapter with three VGA connectors, that works with ubuntu?19:23
BUGabundomacvr: double NAT?? you were lucky it worked19:23
ActionParsniphmw_pidgin: you can get an entry level geforce card for pence which will be much better19:24
ActionParsnip!hcl | hmw_pidgin19:24
ubottuhmw_pidgin: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:24
macvrBUGabundo: i guess that was the problem, but the tech from the ISP had set it up like that!!! how come it worked in windows19:24
hmw_pidginhahah... my card is listed as compatible19:24
hmw_pidginalright... thanks for your time19:25
ActionParsniphmw_pidgin: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-18106.html19:25
hifihmw_pidgin: I use a Radeon 9200 PCI card for dual-head19:26
dusthow do i change pulseaudio to 6ch from 2ch?19:26
macvrBUGabundo: i did aslo have the DNS problem reported when using xchat. it said that the forward, return DNS didnt match with the wrong settings..19:26
hifihmw_pidgin: my point being you can buy a cheap PCI card to get any number of screens up :)19:26
macvrBUGabundo: ^also HAD19:27
hmw_pidginActionParsnip: after trying virtually every possible combination, i came to the conclusion, that you cannot use compiz with a radeon+voodoo combo. Each card allone was quite easy to install.19:27
* BUGabundo seems macvr needs to sleep a bit19:27
Barridushttp://paste.ubuntu.com/154236/ the contents of my rc6.d symlinks.  K15umountnfs.sh has nothing above it numberwise that would terminate networking before the network share is unmounted, yet that is happening causing a hang19:28
ActionParsniphmw_pidgin: i couldnt comment on compiz, i think its worthless19:28
Barriduserr, the ls of /rc6.d not contents19:28
ActionParsniphmw_pidgin: maybe you need extra config for the cards, usually older hardware is super supported19:28
BUGabundoActionParsnip: don't say that! compiz alone helped me "sell" ubuntu many many times19:29
macvrBUGabundo: i know... that weird problem, had me searching for everything... but the stupid ISP techs, had rest the router!19:29
hmw_pidginActionParsnip: the only combination, that worked, was fglrx with xinearam + the driver for voodoo. touching the config almost always destroyed the setup totally. I will try getting new hardware.19:29
ActionParsniphmw_pidgin: i'd recommend an nvidia solution personally19:30
hifieww, blobs19:30
BUGabundohifi: not that intel is specially good this cycle19:31
hmw_pidgini've heard great things about nvidia and want to try. just need some money. Anyone wants to donate?19:31
hifiI'd go with radeon19:31
hifiradeonhd and radeon open source drivers are doing great19:31
odinsbanedid anybody lose the system>preferences>appearance>visual effects  ability after rescent compiz/mesa driver updates?19:32
odinsbanes/anybody/ anybody else.19:32
ienorandodinsbane: as in no compiz?19:33
odinsbaneienorand: sure19:33
BUGabundoI'm using compiz19:35
BUGabundostarted it from fusion icon19:35
Upayavirahmw_pidgin: have you upgraded? have you tried live CD?19:35
ienorandodinsbane: I'm running latest... on nvidia propr. Works fine on this side...19:35
hmw_pidginUpayavira: i installed fglrx and destroyed my system.19:36
odinsbaneI've got some crap intel card that was causing my system to crash before these updates came and disabled it altogether.19:36
Upayavirahmw_pidgin: have you tried just booting fresh from the live CD? Try that?19:36
hmw_pidginit tries to show the "it didnt work" thing with vesa, but nothing happens, only sysrq-b works19:36
hmw_pidginUpayavira: i am 100% confident, that the live cd works19:36
hmw_pidginit did yesterday ;-)19:36
hmw_pidgineven with nice compiz effects, but only single screen19:37
Upayavirahmw_pidgin: that is probably because live CD isn't using fglrx19:37
ienorandodinsbane: Oh, Intel...19:37
hmw_pidginsure, i installed it manually, because i remebered, that it wwas the only driver allowing my triple head setup19:37
DanaGATI open-source is getting better and better as time goes on.19:37
DanaGPlus, nvidia binary breaks 3D on all other cards.19:37
DanaGAnd nvidia open-source is crappy.19:38
Upayavirahmw_pidgin: my second screen is at office - haven't tried it yet.19:38
hmw_pidgini'd love to have 3 independent cubes but windows moveable over all of them19:38
hmw_pidginis there a trick to get an already running app handed over to another x-server instance?19:39
DanaGRadeon 9600 should be okay with radeon open-source.19:39
ienorandDanaG: True... but for this and probably the next couple of releases... I'd probably don't want to stop hugging my nv-card...19:39
DanaGnvidia is a pain for me.19:39
DanaGDoesn't suspend and resume reliably on 180 drivers.19:39
DanaGSuspend and resume works only twice... third resume invariably fails.19:39
hmw_pidginDanaG: youre right. It just wont work, if you additionally use a voodoo banshee19:39
DanaGATI open-source resumes just about perfectly reliablyy.19:39
m0RrEis it confirmed that there's problem with dmraid and 2.6.28* kernels?19:40
ienorandDanaG: I'm actually ok, haven't tried s2disk though, since I'm on a usb stick w/ no swap19:40
UpayaviraDanaG: yeah, and it hibernates too, which my laptop has never done. and, it doesn't crash when I plug in my power cable!!19:40
DanaGI use s2ram; no point in s2disk.19:40
DanaGfor me, at least.19:40
Upayavira(ATI that is)19:40
BUGabundoienorand: s2disk works for me19:40
DanaGoh, and nvidia binary causes audio dropouts on lid close, on my laptop that has nvidia.  New one with ATI doesn't have that issue.19:41
BUGabundoI use them both! depends when how long I'llbe away19:41
ienorandAlso since i normally use my laptop as semi-desktop, and keep the battery unplugged, it would be nice to be able to s2disk for moving it around briefly... But I'm waiting with the final disk install until release-ish.19:43
nroot7while installing ubuntu jaunty19:44
nroot7I am getting the error "failed to determine the codename for the release"19:45
nroot7debootstrap error19:45
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_lemsx1_does amarok2 uses pulseaudio?20:00
ActionParsnipnroot7: did you md5 check your iso that you downloaded as well as verify the disk once burned?20:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 330797 in pulseaudio "[Jaunty] Amarok 2.0.1 will not resume playback after paused (dup-of: 355825)" [Medium,Incomplete]20:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 355825 in xine-lib "Pausing a media will most of the time freezes the software used while using Xine and PulseAudio (default configuration in Kubuntu Jaunty)" [Medium,Fix released]20:01
DanaGwtf... I moved my audio stream to a different device, and the volume sliders moved on their own!20:01
manpoolehow will jaunty support open source ati drivers?20:07
manpooleis there a continued effort to evolve the drivers?20:07
manpooleand would you consider ext4 reliable?20:08
lasivian__I have an Aspire One notebook running 8.10, what are the odds i'll get screwed by upgrading?20:09
ActionParsnipmanpoole: not heard anything myself, ext3 is tried and tested so i'll be hanging with that personally, read some sites20:09
jeiworthmanpoole: hmm i haven't heard anything otherwise, why shouldn't it? and as for ext4, i'd say it's sufficiently reliable for everyday use, i wouldn't use it on a server though20:09
manpooleim a linux noob but if you do manage to screw anything up you could always boot pupppy linux from a usb and repartition everything20:09
lasivian__is ext4 journalling?20:10
ActionParsniplasivian__: can't see any issues20:10
ActionParsnipmanpoole: the desktop cd is a live cd also20:10
jeiworthmanpoole: yes, or any other live linux distro for that matter ;)20:10
jeiworthlasivian__: afair yes20:11
BUGabundolasivian__: if that fails, just install UNR fresh20:11
manpoolemy hd failed the other day i booted to puppy and reparitioned skipping the effected section and here am alive and well lol20:11
BUGabundolasivian__: yes it is20:11
manpoolemy hd probably isnt too dependable anyway i want to give ext4 a shot20:12
semioticHas anyone tried the RC on a Dell mini 9?  Any reports?20:12
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manpoolejeiworth have you tried ext4?20:13
manpooleim pretty confident you the rc should be pretty close to the release on the 2320:13
manpoolebut on the 23 i would upgrade to the final to be safe20:14
jeiworthmanpoole: only in a vm, ii'm a bit hesitant to convert my ext3 just yet ;)20:14
manpoolewell i dont really have any valuable data so im willing to do anything to see a perfomance increase20:14
manpooleif ext4 is being offered as an option on the install cd I think it has built quite a reputation20:15
semioticwhat's the biggest performance advantage of ext4 over ext3?20:15
_lemsx1_semiotic: google is your friend20:16
manpoolefaster boots and something about it stores data in a way that speeds up everything i took there word for it20:16
BUGabundomanpoole: its available on the install...20:17
_lemsx1_if you google "ext4 vs xfs" you will get a better answer20:17
shadeslayerhi,i need a quick solution to this,hopefully ill get one, when i do sudo apt-get update,i get sudo: unable to resolve host shadeslayer,how do i correct this although the command runs fine20:17
semioticGotcha ... reading now20:18
_lemsx1_shadeslayer: edit /etc/hosts20:18
manpoolehave you tried it BUGabundo?20:18
ikoniashadeslayer: put your hostname in the /etc/host file20:18
jeiworthmanpoole: well, as i understand it it simply keeps the data in the cache longer (iirc 30 or 60sec) before it syncs it with the hdd, ext3 does (also iirc) every 3sec or so (5?)20:18
ikoniashadeslayer: you need a resolvable hostname to use sudo20:18
_lemsx1_shadeslayer: typically you will need: shadeslayer20:18
BUGabundomanpoole: I have tried the instaler several times. never used ext420:19
shadeslayeryayy thanks alot,and i found the tool i was looking for montioring my adhoc networ ;),its etherape20:20
Upayaviramanpoole: just upgraded to Jaunty (actually, fresh re-install) and am using open source ATI drivers, and for first time am very happy20:20
manpooleIt seems everyone is scared of ext4 I think I'm going to bite the bullet20:20
manpoolewhat kind of card?20:20
shadeslayermanpoole: ext4 here,loving it20:20
shadeslayermanpoole: me?20:20
manpooleoh what kind of hd?20:20
Jim__i have a problem with video after an ibex -> jaunty upgrade. any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/154260/20:20
shadeslayermanpoole: its a 320 GB Western digital drive20:21
jeiworthshadeslayer: do you also have os partition as ext4? i read something about grub not yet oficially supporting booting from ext4?20:21
kklimondajeiworth: it works fine20:21
shadeslayerjeiworth: yeah20:21
kklimondajeiworth: but you must remember to run grub-install if you upgrade ext3 to ext420:21
shadeslayerill pastew my fdisk for you all20:21
jeiworthok thanks, will look into it ;)20:21
shadeslayerkklimonda: i didnt need to :P20:21
manpooleshadeslayer i was wondering if it was a solidstate i think those are supposed to have the most benefit of speed20:22
manpoolecan you notiuce a performance increase?20:22
Upayavirajeiworth: you need to upgrade your grub20:22
shadeslayermanpoole: nope,its a regular HD,boot time down from 38 sec to 2720:22
Upayaviraold one doesn't support it20:22
manpooleUpayavira what kind of ati do you have?20:23
* shadeslayer wonders how he didnt have to update grub,he installed a complete fresh copy20:23
manpooleI've got a 1650 pro20:23
UpayaviraI'm using a Thinkpad T6020:23
shadeslayermanpoole: http://pastebin.com/m706ee2bf20:23
jeiworthok thanks, might get some improvements yet on this lameo laptop-drive20:23
_lemsx1_anybody uses amarok at all ?20:24
jeiworthcya, bbl20:24
_lemsx1_i cannot get this thing to have sound while pulseaudio has control of the audio card20:24
shadeslayerUpayavira: is updating grub necessary if you install a absolute fresh copy,a new partition table etc?20:24
semioticshadeslayer: I was wonderin the same thing20:25
Upayavirashadeslayer: I'm no expert - however, if you use the Jaunty grub, you'll be fine20:25
Upayavirathat's my understanding20:25
manpoolethats what i understood upayavira20:26
shadeslayercause i didnt need to update grub,it ran fine from the start20:26
Upayaviraie. if you installed ext4 onto Intrepid, grub wouldn't cope20:26
manpoolealthough you could update it right?20:26
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shadeslayerah i see,but if you make a new partition table a new grub is written\20:26
shadeslayerok im off,bye all20:27
Upayavirashadeslayer: if you upgrade to Jaunty, then you get the new grub20:27
shadeslayeryeah,oh and btw empathy's giving problems with yahoo accounts,anyone encounter that?20:27
manpooleati plus Jaunty gives me compiz and video at the same time fglrx couldnt provide that, that alone makes me really love Jaunty20:28
dhalsimwhich is the best. fresh install or upgrade?20:28
GrimmVarghei guys, just wondering if anybody has tried grub2+ubuntu on a macbook ?20:28
shadeslayerfresh install IMHO20:28
manpooleyeah I like it fresh too20:29
* shadeslayer partition table was deleted by the alpha CD :(20:29
Jim__my video issue http://pastebin.com/m257fa71f20:29
shadeslayerused a beta pen drive to correct it20:29
shadeslayerok bye20:30
DanaGGrimmVarg: you mean grub2 efi?  I've tried it on a non-Apple UEFI laptop.20:31
DanaGThere's a forum thread with fixes for grub.efi.20:31
luckyonehello, any netbook/Intel 945GME users in here?20:32
GrimmVargDanaG: ah, sweet, see I'm trying to run Ubuntu on my macbook and I want to be able to use the "other" graphic card to save power20:33
BUGabundoluckyone: hi. I'm not, but what do you need?20:33
luckyoneI think I am having some trouble with my graphic card when trying to play 3d games20:33
BUGabundoluckyone: yes performance lost, is a known issue! its on the release notes20:33
DanaGhmm, I don't think they've figured out the gpu switching, though.20:34
DanaGI think that's pathetic... switch between a weak 9400 and an even weaker 9200... why bother?20:34
DanaGIf it were 9600, it'd make sense, but not with the 9200.20:34
luckyoneBUGabundo: are there known issues/workarounds for it? do you have a link to the release notes?20:35
GrimmVargDanaG: its NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT vs NVIDIA GeForce 9400M20:35
shiznebitBUGabundo: are there any known issues with x freezing, requiring a full reboot ?20:35
BUGabundoshiznebit: yes there are20:35
ienorandand many have found this useful: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.420:36
shiznebitati opensource not intel20:36
ienorandshiznebit: I was re-ing luckyone20:36
BUGabundoshiznebit: fr ati, not that I know of20:37
Shappie_Hi, is there a way to put RandR 1.2 off in kubuntu 9.04?20:38
Shappie_When i try to make dualscreen setup using aticonfig in terminal it gives an error because of RandR 1.2 running...20:39
_lemsx1_fixed my amarok2 issue. just needed to install systemsettings and move pulseaudio to the top of the list20:40
Upayaviradhalsim: I've always upgraded20:41
Upayaviraexcept this time, when I did a fresh insatll20:41
_lemsx1_i used to do 'upgrades' and then i started noticing things missing when i used somebody else's fresh installs20:42
_lemsx1_so, now i just backup my data ($HOME) and do fresh installs ;-)20:42
UpayaviraUpgrades usually go well, but there's always a chance that you'll persist any issues you had if you don't do a fresh install. You need to balance time taken to reconfigure from scratch, vs benefits of a more known state20:42
Upayavira_lemsx1_: isn't $HOME on a separate partition?20:43
Upayavirathen you wouldn't need to back it up20:43
Upayavirajust re-install /20:43
_lemsx1_Upayavira: yes it is. but i still back up my data20:43
Upayavira_lemsx1_: fair enough.20:43
_lemsx1_Upayavira: you can do that with your data ;-) i don't trust things that much20:43
UpayaviraI had a backup before upgrading. Only issue is that it is on a different continent20:44
_lemsx1_now that i have amarok2 iron out... i'm moving to setup my sbackup stuff20:44
Upayavira(in a storage unit, and only I have the key)20:44
=== NotADJ is now known as TheDJACR
_lemsx1_see... simple backup (sbackup) is painless!20:48
mrwesrsync is pretty easy too20:51
_lemsx1_mrwes: yes, but it requires you to think... :-D20:52
_lemsx1_mrwes: sbackup just works20:52
* BUGabundo loves clonezilla20:52
mrwesthinking is good -- we need move of it :P20:53
mrwesI gotta admit, sbackup is easy -- if you're on a GUI that is20:54
amikropHi. I just upgraded to RC and I had to boot in low graphics mode.20:55
amikropAny help would be really appreciated :)20:55
amikropI use NVIDIA.20:55
syntachi, has anyone had any problems or know of bugs that deal with laptop brightness in 9.04? when i turn up brightness, it maxes out at about 1/3 of the brightness it is capable of20:56
syntacif i keep pressing brightness up, it just toggles between the 'highest' brightness and one setting below it20:56
amikrop01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV31M [GeForce FX Go5650] (rev a1)20:57
BUGabundoamikrop: enter recovery console, run XFIX and then reinstall the driver, with Hardware Drivers, in System20:57
amikropBUGabundo: how do I enter the recovery console?20:58
amikropBUGabundo: recovery mode in GRUB?20:58
BUGabundoreboot, grub (press Esc), choose recovery20:58
amikropBUGabundo: there is no such command as XFIX20:58
dhalsimnew kernel is 2.6.27-11-generic right? I'm only changing title to 9.0420:59
samdamanmy wifi didnt work when i resumed after hibernation so i used a script someone made and modified it for my use and now when i resume from hibernation i can see wireless networks but when i try to join it just says you have been disconnected20:59
samdamancould someone take allok at my script21:00
BUGabundoamikrop: yes there is! its one of the last option21:00
amikropBUGabundo: Look. Let's say I enter recovery mode. Then, I ge a bash console, right?21:00
amikropShould I run XFIX, then?21:01
amikrop$ XFIX21:01
amikropbash: XFIX: command not found21:01
amikropthat's what I get now21:01
amikropCan't I just enable the drivers right now (without entering recovery mode)?21:01
mrweslower case maybe?21:01
BUGabundoamikrop: NO. you get a GUI in cursers21:02
amikropBUGabundo: oh, ok. thank you ;)21:02
amikropcu, rebooting21:02
BUGabundohow long haven't you use recovery console?21:02
BUGabundoits not a command! it's a option in the menu21:03
BUGabundoamikrop: sure. just dpkg reconfigure xserver21:03
BUGabundoits the same21:03
mrwesoh yeah...21:03
amikropBUGabundo: OK, xfix worked and my resolution is now good. But I can't enable the proprietary driver.21:06
amikropI click Activate, I am asked for a password, but then nothing happens.21:06
amikropBUGabundo: I choose "NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers (version 173) [Recommended]21:07
amikropThat is, the driver I had to switch to, in 8.10.21:07
BUGabundodon't you have 180??21:08
BUGabundoplus check ps aux | grep apt to see if nothing else is blocking the apt DB21:08
amikropBUGabundo: no, nothing21:08
amikropBUGabundo: should I install 180? how?21:09
BUGabundois it available?21:09
hwireHow do i enable webdav service in jaunty ?,  wich packages do i need ?21:09
BUGabundoI'm not sure which runs each GPU card21:09
kaddiis there a good reason to wait for the 23. to update to jaunty or could I also do it right now if i had the time. I know that jaunty is still beta and not supported and everything, but i would think, that it should be pretty stable by now?21:09
amikropBUGabundo: How can I see that?21:10
kaddii'm using 8.10 with kde 4.2, will my kde-settings be saved, or will they be removed?21:10
BUGabundokaddi: jaunty is now RC not beta21:11
kaddiah sry21:11
BUGabundomake a backup, test a livecd/usb21:11
BUGabundoread the release notes, and upgrade if it is all ok21:11
kaddi(should be RC if its going to be released in 4 days :D )21:11
BUGabundoamikrop: if it is supported it is on Hardware Drivers21:12
amikrop_BUGabundo: Excuse me, could you tell me again please, if you said anything because I got disconnected :S21:14
dhalsimsystem testing doesn't start21:14
BUGabundoamikrop: if it is supported it is on Hardware Drivers21:14
BUGabundodhalsim: humm another users reported that the other day21:14
BUGabundosomehow it ended with ROOT permission21:15
shagasystem testing works here21:15
BUGabundoremoving the dir fixed it21:15
shaganetbook remix jaunty rc21:15
badfish69system testing worked here for jaunty rc too21:16
badfish69netbook remix anyway21:16
hwireHow do I enable webdav service in jaunty ?21:16
dhalsimnvidia driver looks disabled in Hardware Drivers, and "glxinfo" gives a segmentation fault21:16
amikrop_BUGabundo: OK. I choode 173 from Hardware Drivers (the recommended choice).21:18
dhalsimctrl+alt+del has been removed, how can I restart X?21:18
amikrop_BUGabundo: But I click on Activeate and it asks for a password.21:18
amikrop_I give it21:18
amikrop_The, it says Downloading and Installing Driver21:18
shagadhalsim: does killall X work?21:18
amikrop_it reacjes 100%21:18
BUGabundodhalsim: you meam backspace21:18
amikrop_* reaches21:18
BUGabundo !dontzap | dhalsim21:18
ubottudhalsim: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »21:18
amikrop_BUGabundo: And it ends.21:19
amikrop_BUGabundo: But it still says "This driver is not activated".21:19
amikrop_BUGabundo: Any idea, please? :-)21:19
BUGabundosure... nag mvo or pitti when they are online21:19
amikrop_No, I don't intend to nag.21:20
amikrop_I would just like a fix for that problem ;)21:20
mrwesdontzap works perfectly21:21
BUGabundoamikrop_: not nag in a bad way! nag as in let them know u have a prob21:22
BUGabundoyou can also file a bug, but it will take longer now that every dev is busy with release21:23
mrwesI'll still file a bug -- at least get it on the board21:24
BUGabundoof course21:26
ymlI am affected by this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/360862?comments=all21:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 360862 in linux "no sound with jaunty 2.6.28 (amd64) kernel" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:31
ymldoes my understanding is correct if I say that this will be fixed at best with the next . release of the kernel ?21:32
BUGabundoyml: ping dtchen, to find out more21:32
ymldtchen: ping :-) is there a place where I can see if this is the case and when it will happen ?21:34
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ymlBUGabundo: thank you for the pointer21:34
Phoenix666is there somebody who has tried jaunty with nvidia cards?21:35
kklimondaPhoenix666: sure21:35
Phoenix666kklimonda are there issues with kernel 2.6.29 and nvidia?21:36
kklimondaPhoenix666: haven't noticed21:36
Phoenix666Which kind of driver do you use? nvidia 180.x or 185.xx?21:36
kklimondathere is no 185 in repository21:37
Phoenix666and graphics is fast? I mean opengl21:37
BUGabundomine works okay with stock kernel21:37
Phoenix666I have nvidia geforce 8400gs. Which card do you have?21:38
BUGabundoI get 200 FPS on Compiz benchmarck21:38
kklimondaPhoenix666: I have no idea to be honest.. the only game I've played was nexuiz (or something like that)21:38
BUGabundo8400m G21:38
dtchenyml: please wait; i'm quite busy with errands ATM21:38
dtchenyml: i will look in ~10 mins21:38
BUGabundoPhoenix666: let me run grlxgears21:38
kklimondaPhoenix666: i have quadro which is based on 8400M-GS21:38
Phoenix666kklimonda and the system is fast booting as said in the forums?21:39
Phoenix666Is it also more responsive than ibex?21:39
kklimondaBUGabundo: glxgears isn't really benchmark21:39
amikropBUGabundo: Another thing I found out: If I do this "fake driver activation" thing I talked about before, then, if I reboot I get the "low graphics" thing, again.21:39
BUGabundo3699 frames in 5.0 seconds = 739.540 FPS21:39
BUGabundoin full screen21:39
kklimondaPhoenix666: it works just fine - haven't noticed any slowdowns nor problems21:39
BUGabundokklimonda: I know but what else do we really have?21:39
ymldtchen: whenever you can it will be appreciated. Also I am on battery so I might disapear before you get a chance to look at it21:39
amikropBUGabundo: I don't know if that helps.21:39
BUGabundoamikrop: sure... seems that you get the driver partially installed21:40
kklimondaBUGabundo: probably running some timedemo in nexquiz or similar game would be more reliable.21:40
BUGabundotry $ sudo dpkg --configure -a21:40
Phoenix666I just tried glxgears in fullscreen: 188 FPS21:40
manpoolewhat would be the best way of setting up a partitions for a home user with 250 hd?21:40
kklimondamanpoole: 7-8 GB for /21:41
BUGabundoPhoenix666: disable VSync21:41
mrwesI'd use 10-15gb for /21:41
Phoenix666manpoole I suggest 80 GB / and the rest /home21:41
kklimondamanpoole: some for swap (depends on how much memory you have) and the rest for /home21:41
BUGabundo15 at least for /21:41
manpoole80 for /?21:41
BUGabundoI have 10 and its 95% full21:41
manpoolei was going to use 2021:41
BUGabundowait wait21:42
BUGabundowhy not FULL disk for /?21:42
mrwesBUGabundo, I've used 10 too, and wished I had used 1521:42
amikropBUGabundo: The --configure stuff was gaoing to me?21:42
manpooleif you have a /home21:42
amikrop* going21:42
BUGabundowhy not FULL disk for /?21:42
kklimondamrwes: I have never really used 7GB at home.. but then I don't test new apps every day :)21:42
BUGabundono need to have spare disk for home now21:42
BUGabundore-install can keeep user data21:42
harvestGenerally speaking - is the Nvidia video card have better support over the ATI video card ? ?21:42
BUGabundoharvest: yes21:42
mrwesBUGabundo, what? really?21:42
Phoenix666manpoole I have 70 Gb and filled for 67%21:42
BUGabundomrwes: since Hardy21:42
kklimondaBUGabundo: sometimes it's nice to have /home at different partition just in case. If you have to reinstall system or you want to change distribution It's easier this way21:43
mrwesBUGabundo, that's the first I've heard of that21:43
Phoenix666I installed every thing more or less :)21:43
manpoole70 for your root21:43
kklimondaBUGabundo: you should clean it up :)21:43
BUGabundoI have a 320GiBs disk (10 /, 8 swap, rest home)21:43
manpoolebug thats about what i was going to do21:43
kklimondawell, i guess you can just use lots of apps :)21:43
Phoenix666for me 10 Gb is too low21:43
BUGabundokklimonda: you can reinstall without format /21:43
mrwesBUGabundo, guess long as you don't format :)21:43
BUGabundoso no need to have /home on anohter partition21:43
BUGabundoso no need to worry about disk waste21:43
BUGabundomrwes: of course as long as you DON'T format it21:44
kklimondaBUGabundo: does it work reliably? It just removes all folders except /home?21:44
BUGabundountick the box when installing21:44
Phoenix666I suggest /home in a different partition not to loose data21:44
harvestBUGabundo, I did a fresh install of Jaunty using a ATI EAH3450 HDMI - and so far is really buggy when playing video.21:44
BUGabundokklimonda: not only home but a few more21:44
amikropBUGabundo: I ran "$ sudo dpkg --configure -a" and got no output.21:44
Phoenix666BUGabund what do you mean disable VSync21:44
Phoenix666you mean to add an option in xorg.conf21:44
BUGabundoPhoenix666: open ccsm and disable vsync in General options21:45
manpooleSo i was going to do 4 gigs for /swap 20 gigs for / and the rest to /home21:45
BUGabundoamikrop: ok so no lack of packages installing21:45
harvestBUGabundo, Do you know if a Nvidia 9500GT PCI-Express would have better support?21:45
BUGabundomanpoole: how much ram? do you plan to use hibernate'?21:45
BUGabundoharvest: don't know21:45
manpoole2 gigs21:45
amikropBUGabundo: I see. Any recommendations? :)21:45
manpooleand i never have a plan21:46
BUGabundomanpoole: I would go with 4GiBs of swap at the beginning of the disk where it is faster and the rest for /21:46
harvestBUGabundo, Will go do some searching on google & forums - THanks21:46
dtchenyml: i'm missing information for the bug you commented on21:46
Phoenix666BUGabundo if you mean Sync to VBlank I have already disabled21:46
BUGabundoamikrop: no more then before, file a bug and ping mvo or pitti21:46
ymldtchen: what do you need ?21:46
dtchenyml: i would prefer that you file a separate bug using `ubuntu-bug alsa-base'21:46
BUGabundoamikrop: $ ubuntu-bug jockey-gtk21:47
dtchenyml: you have different hardware to the original reporter of that bug21:47
zsquarepluscdead link on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/jaunty/rc/ .. where can i get the nslu2 images?21:47
dtchenyml: and thus, a completely separate issue21:47
BUGabundodtchen: can't he add with apport-collect -p alsa-base BUGID21:47
manpoolekind of a stupid question dont laugh but can the /swap be ext4? or does it have its own unique extension21:47
amikropBUGabundo: Could this be anyhow related? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102651221:47
Phoenix666manpoole swap has a particular format21:47
dtchenBUGabundo: please read above; he has completely different hardware. i don't wish to clutter the original bug report with orthogonal causes.21:48
Phoenix666so no ext421:48
zsquarepluscmanpoole: swap has its own format. its not that you apply a filesystem to it21:48
BUGabundomanpoole: swap is swap... not any other FS21:48
BUGabundodtchen: ok21:48
Phoenix666BUGabundo how old are you?21:48
manpoolealright couldnt remember thanks21:48
Phoenix666It seems to me you are very prepared21:48
BUGabundoPhoenix666: why do you ask?21:48
BUGabundoI just spend here a lot of time21:48
amikropBUGabundo: OK, then. Thanks a lot :-)21:48
BUGabundobeen doing this for a long time21:48
dtchenyml: please tell me the bug report # that is filed21:48
Phoenix666Just to know if I'm too old or not. I'm 3421:49
ymldtchen: I run the command21:49
manpooleI am going to give ext4 a whirl21:49
manpoolewithout the /home21:49
BUGabundoand I read a lot of intel of what is going around Phoenix66621:49
ymldtchen: which summary do you want ?21:49
BUGabundoPhoenix666: a bit offtopic but im a few years young, but not much21:49
dtchenyml: please submit the bug, then tell me the bug #21:49
Phoenix666OK :(21:50
Phoenix666I'm old boooh :)21:50
kklimondaPhoenix666: too old for what? :)21:50
BUGabundoPhoenix666: don't you worry... we have much older users around21:51
Phoenix666and which kind of theme do you prefer for jaunty?21:51
BUGabundoPhoenix666: lets stop with offtopic eheh21:51
kklimondaPhoenix666: New Wave21:51
xanguai prefer Shiki Colors Phoenix66621:51
BUGabundodon't take me bad... its just noisy for others!21:51
harvestIs there a way in Synaptics to list or see all new or recent apps you have installed ? ?21:51
BUGabundoeither it on #ubuntu-offtopic or PVT21:51
Phoenix666OK BUGabundi21:51
Phoenix666OK BUGabundo sorry21:52
BUGabundoharvest: sure... see History on File21:52
xanguaharvest: in History21:52
BUGabundoor /var/log/apt/21:52
Phoenix666harvest you look at history in synaptic21:52
BUGabundoeheh 3 replies21:52
Phoenix666more graphical21:52
BUGabundoyou are lucky21:52
* BUGabundo loves CLI21:52
SinnerboyIm about to install Jaunty RC cant see where to chose ext4 any help?21:52
harvestBUGabundo, Thanks again, getting ready to dump this install & reinstall with a Nvidia vid card -21:53
Phoenix666Sinnerboy it should be during partition if you decide to format21:53
dtchenSinnerboy: you have to explicitly chose ext4 during installation21:53
BUGabundoSinnerboy: manual disk mode21:53
BUGabundothen choose ext421:53
harvestPhoenix666, Thanks21:53
Sinnerboyok got it now thanks21:53
Phoenix666at phoronix they say that ext4 is faster than ext321:54
BUGabundoit is21:54
SuperQPhoenix666: yup21:54
shiznebitis ext4 still prone to the config files being erased if you shutdown ?21:54
BUGabundobut I use XFS so I don't notice mcuh21:54
BUGabundoshiznebit: any FS is21:54
Phoenix666one question if I keep home ext3 and make / in ext4 do I have problems?21:54
ymldtchen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/36387021:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 363870 in alsa-driver "no sound on laptop hp dv6-1030ef " [Undecided,New]21:54
BUGabundoshiznebit: it just happens that ext4 and XFS have bigger allocation time21:55
NoqqI'm about to use the .iso Dekstop Cd and make it USB Bootable t oinstall on my Eee 1000He Netbook. Does 9.04 has any major bugs right now? Like no wireless internet or anything big?21:55
SuperQPhoenix666: you can use ext4 for any fs21:55
kklimondaPhoenix666: no21:55
shiznebitBUGabundo: I see21:55
BUGabundoNoqq:  do you really want/need Desktop? you are better with UNR21:55
BUGabundoand it already as usb images21:55
sebsebsebyeah  Noqq wants to put  the RC on  rather than waiting for the final.   I guess  putting the RC on with Ext4, and upgrading would be ok?21:56
harvestPhoenix666, Would there be a way to save the Synaptic History of installs as a log or text file?21:56
NoqqBUGabundo, sorry, UNR?21:56
Phoenix666Because my home is so filled that seems pregnant and I have to buy a new HD to change competely the fs21:56
BUGabundoubuntu network remix21:56
BUGabundo !unr21:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr21:56
sebsebsebBUGabundo: I think I read that 9.04 gets some netbook improvements21:56
kklimondaPhoenix666: actually you can convert from ext3 to ext4 on the fly21:56
BUGabundoNoqq: let me get the link with more info21:56
SuperQharvest: /var/log/dpkg.log21:56
NoqqBUGabundo, ow you mean that. Well, if it works just as good and has same options, I prefer that version.21:56
sebsebsebkklimonda: can't get full Ext4 suppourt by converting  Ext321:57
BUGabundoNoqq: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/21:57
harvestSuperQ, Thank you - appreciate it,21:57
sebsebsebPhoenix666: for full suppourt you need to clean install for Ext4, for partial suppourt you can  do something to Ext321:57
kklimondasebsebseb: what doesn't work? extends are enabled only for new files. what else?21:57
NoqqBUGabundo, thanks for the link. But I do not understand how to open up a .img. Is it already made Bootable?21:57
sebsebsebBUGabundo: Noqq is new to Ubuntu21:58
BUGabundoNoqq: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2009-April/000121.html21:58
sebsebsebNoqq:  have you even tried Ubuntu or any Linux yet?21:58
BUGabundoNoqq: those links have a link on how to do that too21:58
DASPRiDHi there. I'm currently trying out the release candidate. When copying files via nautilus, the files copy fine, but the copy-dialog is just gray, anyone experiencing the same?21:58
Phoenix666harvest in /var/log/apt you find log files with the history. you can see as root21:58
BUGabundoDASPRiD: slow device?21:58
BUGabundothe gray is Compiz21:58
DASPRiDBUGabundo, not that gray21:59
Noqqsebsebseb, no.21:59
ymldtchen: do you need anything else ?21:59
DASPRiDBUGabundo, i see 3 progressbar, but no text21:59
DASPRiDits the standard gui-gray21:59
BUGabundoNoqq: ok so ill try to do baby steps ok?21:59
dtchenyml: please be patient, thanks21:59
DASPRiDwait, i make a screenshto21:59
DASPRiDBUGabundo, http://home.dasprids.de/screenshot1.png21:59
NoqqBUGabundo, ye, I'm really stuck at the installment for 9.04 on a usb bootable device.22:00
NoqqBUGabundo, I understanded the 8.04 .iso method, but now the .img stuff is new to me.22:01
shiznebitNoqq: I can try and help, whats up ?22:01
ymldtchen: It is not that I am  impatient but I am on battery as I told you (20%) so I want to make sure that I give you the best info I can. I appreciate your help vey much thank you22:01
BUGabundothat's a new gray DASPRiD22:01
DASPRiDBUGabundo, hm?22:01
BUGabundoNoqq: ok... lets start22:01
DASPRiDBUGabundo, thats the gray of my theme, yeah22:01
BUGabundoNoqq: get http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/jaunty-netbook-remix-i386.img22:02
BUGabundowhen it is done let me know22:02
DASPRiDbut why are there all gui-elements missing?22:02
Phoenix666which theme do you use in jaunty?22:02
BUGabundodon't know22:02
NoqqBUGabundo, Yep, started the download already when you metnioned about it. At 100mb's now.22:03
BUGabundomaybe a theme bug?22:03
BUGabundoNoqq: ok22:03
BUGabundowhen it is done, do:22:03
BUGabundosudo dd if=/path/to/your/downloaded.img of=/dev/device/you/saw/in/dmesg bs=102422:03
DASPRiDBUGabundo, hmm probalby, lemme check22:03
BUGabundothis means you will need to know where the image is saved22:03
BUGabundoprob Destkop22:03
BUGabundoand also what is your USB device22:03
DASPRiDBUGabundo, not a theme bug, trying to disable compiz...22:05
BUGabundoNoqq: so if you already have the usb pen connected, run $ mount, and you will find the dev22:05
dtchenyml: im' looking, but my connection is quite jittery22:05
wirechiefyml have you mentioned your problem to the people in #alsa ?22:05
DASPRiDBUGabundo, no, its neither a compiz bug22:05
NoqqBUGabundo, Ok, got the command lines. And these lines just go in, Start>Run>'cmd'?22:06
DASPRiDBUGabundo, whats the right word for that copy dialog in english? i'll search the bug tracker22:06
BUGabundoNoqq: ehehe22:06
wirechiefyml ok , they have a nice script for gathering up information about sound  stuff22:06
BUGabundoDASPRiD: don't know22:06
sebsebsebwould this be a good idea?  instead of  starting over with a new home that I made Ext4.  Move the data into another partition, convert the partition to Ext4, and then move data back.  then I got a proper Ext4 home partition?22:06
sebsebsebor  I mean move bits and peices22:07
sebsebsebI  want full Ext4, so looks like I got to start over really22:07
ymlwirechief: nobody told me about22:07
BUGabundoNoqq: sudo dd if=~/Desktop/jaunty-netbook-remix-i386.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=102422:07
BUGabundobut CHECK if it is really sdb122:07
BUGabundoNoqq: other wise you may replace some other disk22:08
NoqqBUGabund, and 'sdb1' is? Thanks for helping though. I currenlt got my usb plugged in, formatted it, FAT32.22:08
dtchenyml: your issue should be resolved in a current alsa-driver snapshot: http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tiwai/snapshot/alsa-driver-snapshot.tar.bz222:08
DASPRiDBUGabundo, hm nevermind, restart of nautilus fixed it22:08
wirechiefyml here is the script wget -O alsa-info.sh  http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh22:08
shiznebitNoqq you got the flash drive in the usb, only that flash drive ?22:09
ymldtchen: thank you i am going to check it out22:09
wirechiefyml you can include the report in your bug reporting, it gives lots of information22:09
Noqqshiznebit, flash drive in the usb? I just got an empty 2g usb now.22:09
dtchenwirechief: no need for that; we've incorporated it into the alsa hooks for ubuntu-bug/apport-collect22:09
BUGabundoNoqq: I need to know what device is the USB22:09
NoqqBUGabund, H:\22:10
wirechiefdtchen great!22:10
BUGabundodtchen: if the script was not audicted, how come it went to apport?22:10
ymlwirechief: how can run it ?22:10
BUGabundoNoqq: press TAB to autocomplet nicks22:10
wirechiefyml in a terminal22:10
BUGabundoNoqq: are you on windows??????22:10
dtchenBUGabundo: the script didn't get inserted; we poll stuff directly from the fs22:10
wirechiefyml but its included now in the apport22:10
NoqqBUGabund: Yes, XP, (I'm on main pc, got my asus eee pc 1000he next to me)22:10
dtchenBUGabundo: i.e., there's some duplication of functionality between the script and the alsa/pulseaudio hooks for apport22:11
BUGabundoNoqq: humm then you need another way22:11
dtcheni'm offline for a few hours22:11
shiznebitNoqq: have you tried unetbootin ?22:11
BUGabundosome ppl use unetbootin22:11
BUGabundoI never did, so I can't help there22:11
shiznebitNoqq: just download and install unetbootin from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net22:12
Noqqshiznebit: I got UnetBootin, used it with 8.10 .iso, but I heard 9.04 is better to get right now.22:13
wirechiefshiznebit ive used unetbootin22:13
Noqqshiznebit: But since I'm stuck at what file to download for 9.0422:13
shiznebitNoqq: oh22:13
wirechiefshiznebit just use apt-get install unetbootin its in the ubuntu stuff now22:13
shiznebitwirechief: huh ?22:14
wirechiefshiznebit yes its in the ubuntu repos22:14
shiznebitNoqq: download the live cd22:15
Noqqshiznebit: Ok. But then still.. what is the netbook remix version?22:15
BUGabundoI would go with the UNR iso then22:16
BUGabundoand use unetbootin to make it to USB22:16
NoqqBUGabundo: But it's an .img file, can I use that with UnetBootin aswell?22:17
BUGabundodon't know22:17
BUGabundoas I said before, never used it before22:17
BUGabundoyou have both ISOs and IMG on the site22:17
NoqqBUGabundo: Cause I'm only seeing stuff with IMGwriter, but I cannot open the .deb files and do not understand the stuff around writing .img's22:17
=== virtuald_ is now known as virtuald
wirechiefshiznebit:  this is the installed version of it on Jaunty          ii  unetbootin                                 304-1                             installer of Linux/BSD distribut22:18
BUGabundobah can't find the UNR iso22:18
shiznebitNoqq: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/22:18
BUGabundoNoqq: those wikis are for ppl running LINUX22:19
BUGabundoshiznebit: no ISO there :(22:19
shiznebitBUGabundo: yea woops22:19
DASPRiDhm, which player that comes with jaunty does support vdpau by default?22:19
shiznebitBUGabundo: i dont think it should matter22:19
BUGabundoDASPRiD: None?22:19
shiznebitNoqq: h/o ill try22:19
BUGabundoI know that someone build mplayer with support for it22:20
DASPRiDBUGabundo, sad, because the vdpau lib is already shipped with jaunty22:20
BUGabundoshiznebit: do you have wind whre you can try to use the img to run to USB?22:20
BUGabundothat would work for Noqq22:20
Noqqshiznebit: is it such a big difference using UNR or the standard Ubuntu?22:20
shiznebitNoqq: yea its design for the small screen22:21
BUGabundoNoqq: and has better drivers support for that hardware22:22
mrwesI see Jaunty commented out my Touchpad settings in xorg.conf -- where is that maintained now?22:22
Noqqshiznebit: Ok, then I really gonna need to figure out how to make those .img's files bootable from an usb device.22:22
usserhi is obex share browsing working on nautilus in jaunty?22:23
zash_usser: yes, i think so22:23
usserzash_, i get media type not supported every time i try to connect to my phone through bluetooth22:24
NoqqI'm reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting, is this meant for LINUX users? Or is there a way to use this tutorial on Windows?22:24
zash_usser: can you send files to the phone?22:24
usserzash_, yep22:25
shiznebitNoqq: Linux22:25
zash_usser: do you use the bt applet to browse?22:25
Noqqshiznbit: damn.. so .img is only for linux users?22:25
shiznebitNoqq: no22:25
usserzash_, sending/receiving even tethering works a charm with blueman, browsing doesnt work with default applet or blueman22:25
soc1does someone know if ship-it sends 32bit or 64bit cds?22:26
soc1 there is only a quantity option, but no explanation if these cds will be 64bit or 32bit ...22:26
BUGabundoNoqq: not sure it will work, but try it your self22:26
Noqqshiznebit: Ok, so when I got my .img (from 9.04) done downloading, I can use UnetBootin to make it bootable on my USB?22:26
BUGabundoNoqq: to use the img and unetbootin22:26
zash_usser: can you browse from some other device?22:26
usserzash_, thats the only computer with bluetooth i have sadly.22:27
shiznebitNoqq: I really hope so22:27
VeinorHey, if I just got a new external HD, should I format it ext4 or ext3?22:27
VeinorI'm guessing ext4 because higher version number automatically = better.22:27
Noqqshiznebit: I'm not trying it, I just got this netbook, and since I'm new to this, I really don't want to screw it up.22:27
zash_usser: might be a setting somewhere in the phone or something, i have no idea22:28
shiznebitNoqq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#From%20Windows%20Command%20Prompt%20using%20flashnul22:28
* lasivian__ upgrades her notebook22:28
lasivian__wish me luck :S22:28
shiznebitNoqq: thats for windows but you have to use the commandline22:29
usserzash_, yea thats what i thought, since its pretty much default install. so it works for you right?22:29
lasivian__i'monly mostly terrified, not completely terrified22:29
BUGabundolasivian__: *Luck*22:30
Noqqshiznebit: Aw thanks, thats a good small tutorial that I can rely on. One question and then I need to walk dog and maybe come back on my netbook, since it's late. :P22:30
BUGabundolasivian__: have you made a tested bakcup of your importante data?22:30
zash_usser: i don't currently have anything to test with, but i think that it worked with new nokia a while ago22:31
BUGabundoalso lasivian__ have you read the release notes?22:31
Noqqshiznebit: What does this command do? Make the .img bootable on the usb that is plugged in, or does it run the installment right away?22:31
lasivian__yes to a backup, no to release notes22:31
Jordan_Usoc1, They used to send out both 32 and 64 bit and have an option, but the last time I tried they also sent out 10 CDs without a special request and were still sending PPC CDs so it may have changed22:31
BUGabundolasivian__: girl read on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90422:32
BUGabundolasivian__: known issues22:32
soc1Jordan_U: mhh ok, atm they only send one cd with "jaunty 9.04"22:32
lasivian__it'salready installing, i'm a newbie, i'll fix what's broken after the fact22:32
BUGabundolasivian__: if you are a newbie how will you be able to fix it alone?22:33
BUGabundolasivian__: while it instals, read the notes22:33
lasivian__i'm not alone, i'm here22:33
BUGabundoare you using UM -d to upgrade?22:33
BUGabundoeheeh good call lasivian__22:33
BUGabundognome or KDE?22:33
DanaGHere's what I wanna' figure out: something for an ARM-based Zaurus SL-5500.22:34
=== lasivian__ is now known as LasBuntu
shiznebitNoqq: makes it bootable. also i doubt there is a LIVE feature, but im not sure22:34
BUGabundosoc1: Jordan_YOU yeah they are sending less and less cds now... I have to make my special request! but they aren't sending as much as I need22:35
BUGabundo20 only lasts 1 week22:35
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
Jordan_Usoc1, Interestingly http://www.kubuntu.org/faq says that 64 bit CDs are available via shipit, but it's entirely possible that they simply haven't updated the FAQ, I haven't yet found an official answer from canonical though22:38
ienorandBUGabundo: I take it you are a zealous missionary?22:38
BUGabundoienorand: ahh??22:38
soc1Jordan_U: mhhm, interesting ... i sincerely hope they ship 64bit-cds ---22:38
ienorandBUGabundo: Distributing CDs?22:38
BUGabundoahh yes22:38
BUGabundoI do a great job of promoting Ubuntu22:39
BUGabundoand give some at events, and in my FOSS classes22:39
shiznebitBUGabundo:  how do you get the stubborn people to switch ?22:39
BUGabundoeheh that's a trade secrete22:40
Noqqdamn, flashnul is an annoying program. lol22:40
BUGabundoof course that GNU/Linux is not for everyone22:40
NoqqSorry, was offtopic.22:40
BUGabundoyou just need to know where to it22:40
BUGabundoNoqq: np22:40
LasBuntuit would be nice if the upgrade pointed out the things that might not work after the upgrade22:41
LasBuntuinstead of me diging in a zillion and one patch notes22:41
BUGabundoLasBuntu: it does22:42
ienorandLasBuntu: It doesn't point at the online release notes when it asks?22:42
LasBuntui'm sure the "online release notes" cover a great deal more things than I have installed here, and i'm not even completely sure what is still running on this box22:43
BUGabundoLasBuntu: run a livecd/usb22:45
shiznebitwill jaunty get the 2.6.29 kernel at some point ?22:48
LasBuntuBUGabundo, why?22:48
topylishiznebit: no22:48
BUGabundoshiznebit: NO22:48
BUGabundobah topyli was faster22:48
BUGabundoLasBuntu: to test before upgrade22:49
LasBuntuBUGabundo, too late22:50
LasBuntuseveral things that wouldn;t work in 8.10 and I couldn;t fix were annoying me already22:50
soc1shiznebit: you can use the mainline kernel if you want22:50
fuzzyHi i'm trying to get to the bottom of a Atheros 5007EG ( ath5k ) not working, from everything i read this card is supposed to be fixed in 9.04 and the livecd is supposed to work22:50
fuzzyafter doing a migration from 8.10 ( which it did not work ) trying the backported ath5k & ndiswrapper i moved to 9.04 beta reading it had been fixed there22:52
fuzzyReading last night i saw a bug report of someone saying it worked on the livecd and not the hd install22:52
fuzzylast night i downloaded the livecd to a usb drive and booted it22:52
soc1i'm running 2.6.29 on my laptop, because my intel wireless causes a kernel dump on shutdown22:53
fuzzyand i am still having major connectivity problems22:53
fuzzyno bandwidth, and massive disconnects.  I tried the advice of compiling the current compat-wireless ( nightly snapshot )22:54
fuzzyand this still did not fix it22:54
fuzzyi'm wondering if anyone has attempted this card and had any success, and if anyone has any more ideas to try?22:54
wilhartdoes anyone use soundblaster audigy 2 zs ?22:54
shagaI use atheros which is in acer aspire one22:55
shagarelease candinate of Jaunty works just fine out-of-box22:55
fuzzythats supposed to be the same card as this22:55
fuzzythis is an acer aspire 5610Z22:55
fuzzyshaga, are you using wireless encryption?22:55
shagathere's also proprietary driver but dont need it22:55
shagayeah, wep222:55
fuzzyyou mean wpa222:56
shagaoh, wpa2 yeah22:56
fuzzycould i get you to pastebin an lspci for me please?22:56
shagalet me go to my laptop, but yeah. in a minute22:57
fuzzyi'm starting to think there are very minor revisions of this card and some work and some don't22:57
BUGabundoshaga: gnome or KDE?22:57
BUGabundothere's a bug on kde and wpa222:57
fuzzyalso for the record i have tried network manager and wicd22:57
fuzzyi've been at this for about 4 days now22:58
Jordan_Ufuzzy, Anything relevent in dmesg ?22:59
fuzzyi'll post a dmesg22:59
fuzzyfrom the livecd ( it looks like my compat-wireless nightly build borked my ath5k on the installed side )23:00
shagafuzzy: there you go http://pastebin.com/d32c333bf23:01
NoqqAnyone that knows some basic stuff about flashnul, pm me.23:01
shagaI used it today to make a bootable usb stick23:02
shagabut I just followed guide23:02
fuzzythanks shaga23:02
Jordan_Ufuzzy, Also, make sure that ath_pci ath_hal etc are not loaded23:02
Noqqshaga: I think this is really a newb question, but when I try to fill in the cmd line, and press enter, the program shuts down23:02
fuzzyi've got them blacklisted on the install23:03
shagaNoqq: hmm.. so you are trying to make a installation stick for Jaunty?23:03
Noqqshaga: Yep23:03
shagahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR#From%20Windows%20Command%20Prompt%20using%20flashnul I use that guide23:04
Noqqshaga: I understand what to do, but when I open Flashnul, and fill in the line and press enter, it just shuts down.23:04
Noqqflashnul -p23:04
darichrandom question: anyone know a working Jaunty PPA for Amarok 2.1 beta?23:04
NoqqEnter, shuts down.23:04
shagait should, it's only to get number of the drive you are using23:04
shagasecond line really starts on making a usb stick23:05
fuzzyshaga can i get you to pastebin a lshal ?23:05
shagaof course23:05
Noqqshaga: Is it true installing the UNR, deletes all content on your HDD? So deleting my documents and Windows?23:06
shagaits normal installation progress23:07
shagaso you can partition your disk all you want during it :)23:07
Noqq!p> shaga23:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about p23:07
ratboyInstalled restricted + VLC and get error when trying to play DVD movie in Totem - This is fresh clean install of latest Jaunty ?23:08
shagafuzzy: there http://pastebin.com/d6724d22023:08
Jordan_Uratboy, libdvdcss isn't in restricted, you need to get separately for legal reasons23:08
Noqq!pm > shaga23:09
ubottushaga, please see my private message23:09
fuzzyratboy, are using totem or vlc?23:09
Jordan_U!dvd | ratboy23:09
ubotturatboy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:09
shagaok.. so you should type "cmd" to run box23:10
shagaand go to the directory where you have flashnul23:10
ratboyfuzzy, Ilike VLC better - but like to make sure things work in Totem as well - So I know later on down the road everything works...23:10
fuzzywell vlc doesn't use dvdcss from what i remember and totem does23:11
Noqqshaga: ye íve done this23:11
Jordan_Ufuzzy, I think it's that totem ( gstreamer ) doesn't support menus but it will use libdvdcss23:11
shagathen you just type flashnul -p, check your drives number and then run the second command23:11
fuzzyi use xine for all my dvd playback23:11
ratboyfuzzy, Yes I know that - But as I said if it works in Totem then I know I have all the restricted or whatever I need for everything to work.23:12
Noqqshaga: sigh.. no, it doesn't work. :( Cause when I type 'flashnul - p' and hit enter. The program shuts down.23:12
shagait should shut down23:12
fuzzyit's the only thing that won't process my pcm bitstreams for my spdif23:12
shagayou only need its verbose23:12
shagato see your drives number23:12
Noqqshaga: Then how do I know my number? Cause I don't get anything to see.23:12
Tesafilmchenhi all, just tried to install kile, then got a system freeze--> hard restart, now apt is broken23:13
Tesafilmchendpkg (Unterprozess): kann post-removal script nicht ausführen: Exec format error23:13
Tesafilmchendpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von tipa (--remove):23:13
Tesafilmchen Unterprozess post-removal script gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurück23:13
ratboyJordan_U, I'am not a purist - I do not mind using the restricted codecs, etc. - Can you point in the right direction to find the libdvdcss - Is it in Synaptics?23:13
shagaNoqq: see that one http://pastebin.com/d5dd8fa1123:13
Tesafilmchenanyone have an idea to fix it?23:14
shagait's how it works on my this os(xp)23:14
shagaI dont have usb stick in so it doesnt show it23:14
shagabut it's number was 323:14
Jordan_Uratboy, It's not in synaptic, see the link from ubottu23:14
Jordan_U!dvd | ratboy23:14
ubotturatboy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:14
ratboyJordan_U, Thanks - Will do.....23:14
fuzzyhttp://pastebin.com/m58927a79 <- dmesg, etc23:14
shagahope he got it working :)23:17
Skapareis there an ISO for Juanty UNR?23:19
sgodsellwhen is the actual release date for 9.04?23:22
Skapare4 days23:23
sgodsellis it going to make the release date?23:23
kindofabuzzthey should have shot for 4/20 =)23:23
shiznebitSkapare: i finally found it23:23
Skapare4 long grueling days23:23
shiznebitSkapare: http://oem-images.canonical.com/unr/23:23
kindofabuzzRC is out now, basically the final release23:23
shiznebitSkapare: shit i got to tell noqq23:23
fuzzykindofabuzz nooo then i wouldn't have gotten to enjoy my holiday23:23
Skapareshiznebit: is that an ISO or the USB thing?23:23
kindofabuzzfuzzy, you can make anyday a 4/20 day =)23:24
sgodsellso the final release to the public is in 4 days for sure?23:24
fuzzykindofabuzz, i know, but that is a spirtual holiday to me, that's like putting the release on christmas23:24
Skapareshiznebit: OK, I see both .iso and .img there ... same file?23:25
shiznebitSkapare: you can usenetbootin to make the .iso bootable on usb23:25
Teknohow can i get video with wma audio working ?23:26
Teknoit has wma9 audio23:26
fuzzyinfo.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_27d4'  (string)23:27
BUGabundo1Tekno: install the codecs?23:27
fuzzyif i see that in lshal can i consider that a uid?23:27
thiebaudew32 codecs23:27
Teknoim on 64bit jaunty23:27
BUGabundo1w64 then23:27
Skapareshiznebit: actually ... I will use a different tool I just finished ... it turns an ISO into bootable on a USB key/SD card/etc ... while still leaving it as a working bootable ISO23:27
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:27
TeknoE: Couldn't find package w64codecs23:27
shiznebitSkapare: ok23:28
thiebaudethe windows codecs are the same thing23:28
fuzzyshaga, i don't think we have the same wifi cards23:28
fuzzyi think they are very close, but not the same23:28
Skapareshiznebit: and thus, once a distro adopts this ... only ONE image file needs to be distributed23:28
thiebaudeit still should work23:28
shagafuzzy: could be23:28
Skapareshiznebit: maybe I can get Canonical to consider it for 9.1023:28
shiznebitSkapare: what is the name of this tool ?23:29
Skapareshiznebit: no cool name for it just yet23:29
shagahope you get it working23:29
fuzzyi think it's the backplane for the card23:29
fuzzyyours is a foxconn23:29
fuzzymine is a AMBIT23:29
Skapareshiznebit: still need to do more testing and polishing23:29
Jordan_USkapare, Do you mean that you have a bootloader that loads the iso file from the drive and boots it?23:29
TeknoI installed w64codecs23:29
Teknobut no sound23:29
SkapareJordan_U: no ... it uses GRUB as the bootloader ... I made a tool that reconstructs the ISO image to work on both23:30
SkapareJordan_U: it does apply a couple mods to GRUB (grub legacy)23:30
Jordan_USkapare, What do you mean "to work on both" ? How do you install to a flash drive? dd ?23:31
TeknoVLC does not support the audio or video format "wmap". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.23:31
SkapareJordan_U: dd would work ... to the whole drive, like /dev/sdc23:31
soc1Tekno: wma with drm?23:31
SkapareJordan_U: casper finds the filesystem on the whole drive, and it's mounted as iso966023:31
SkapareJordan_U: so you can d/l one file, burn to ISO and dd to USB key and both will work23:32
Teknosoc1: its wmv video23:32
Teknowith wma audio23:32
soc1did you try vlc?23:33
wirechiefSkapare so is this a hybrid.iso ?23:33
thiebaudeTekno: did you install the codecs from medibuntu?23:33
Teknosoc1: yes23:33
Teknothiebaude: yes23:33
Skaparewirechief: I guess that would be a valid term to describe this23:33
thiebaudehi wirechief23:33
boo-booanyone use kopete?23:34
wirechiefSkapare hmm well i know kanotix has that atm but you can just do cp <package>.iso /dev/sdb  or whatever23:34
wirechiefhi thiebaude23:34
giohello folks23:34
gioI recently upgraded to jaunty23:34
wirechiefSkapare but it isnt persistent23:35
giokubuntu jaunty23:35
gioand I'm having some glitches with the audio23:35
giobasically from time to time it seems that one application takes the "lock" of the audio system23:35
Skaparewirechief: what do you mean ... that you can add files later to the ISO?  no ... but you can, after dd-ing to USB key, repartition to add a 2nd partition and use that for extras23:36
giofor example I just watched some videos on youtube23:36
gioand now if i try to listen to some music in amarok23:36
Skaparewirechief: I guess cp <package>.iso /dev/sdb would work, too23:37
gioI get a notification that says that the alsa device doesn't work and it is switching to .23:37
wirechiefSkapare ok well that sounds neat, having persistence is wanted by a lot of people23:37
gioanyone know how I can fix these conflicts?23:37
giohas kubuntu jaunty moved to pulsaaudio?23:38
wirechiefSkapare i havent tried to repartition this particular hybrid.iso (the thought did occur though) do you know why the current usb-creator is broken ?23:39
wirechiefSkapare I am wondering what version of usb-creator or casper is needed to make it work ;)23:40
Skaparewirechief: I don't know of any brokeness ... as far as I know, ISOs are not intended to be hard-drive bootable23:40
Skapareon PC a CD/DVD has no partition table and its ISO filesystem begins at sector 023:41
wirechiefSkapare well i understand a fix was made to usb-creator, it was dropping to a initramfs busy box because of persistence but am curious what to look for that was updated.23:41
SkapareI've not studied usb-creator23:41
SkapareI focused on making images for downloading that can be copied raw directly to USB key (e.g. not with unetbooting)23:42
fuzzygio: i don't know about kbuntu, but pulse has been a part since 8.1023:42
wirechiefSkapare ok. well good luck with your project, sounds like an improvement to current .23:42
Skaparebut I also decided to make it so that it does not destroy its ability to work as a bootable ISO23:43
giothanks for the reply fuzzy :)23:43
gioanyway I think it was not present in 8.1023:43
gioand in 9.10 ps aux | grep pulse gives me no answer23:43
wirechiefSkapare yes that would be ideal , must be that files have to be in the right place23:43
SkapareI guess I should look into usb-creator ... and maybe put my stuff underneath its user interface23:44
giobut I "suspect" the existence of an alsa pulse audio plugin23:44
gioto make non-kde applications work with kde23:44
gioactually with kubuntu that has not the pulseaudio daemon23:44
wirechiefSkapare well currently they have both unetbootin and usb-creator in the repos and looks like this breakage had them running fast.23:44
Skaparewirechief: I do have to make custom mods to the GRUB bootloader source code ... mods that are different for each different ISO ... so I have to rebuild GRUB for each different ISO I do this for23:45
gioanyway it would be nice to know how to get rid of this problem23:45
fuzzygio: did you look in apt?23:45
Skaparewirechief: I have a sample image up now at http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.img23:46
wirechiefSkapare hmm well the one i tested all you did was drop the folder into / root and put coding in standard grub and it would boot to the live23:46
Skaparewirechief: I'm gonna grab Juanty beta and UNR and try them23:46
Skaparewirechief: that made an ISO/IMG file?23:47
wirechiefSkapare the .iso was in the folder along with other files.23:47
Skaparean .iso inside a folder would not be hardware bootable23:48
wirechiefSkapare it got booted from the grub coding23:48
giofuzzy: uhm... but I guess the upgrade process should've installed already all the required data23:48
Skaparefrom CD media?23:48
Skapareor just from USB key23:49
gioI think I will open a topic in the forums23:49
wirechiefSkapare no it was on the Kanotix partition, you could do it both ways either from usb or from the file23:49
gioand see if other people have experienced the problem already23:49
Skaparebut if you burned that image to a CDROM would that CDROM boot and work?23:49
wirechiefSkapare yes23:50
Skapareso they have one image file ... you can burn it to cdrom or cp it to usb key ... boots either way23:50
wirechiefSkapare i think i have the link for the information on how it was done.23:50
SkapareI just did it a different way23:50
wirechiefSkapare well either way its pretty cool ..23:51
Skaparemy was used the original ISO as the base image ... replaced the first 512 bytes with MBR and stage1 (that doesn't break an ISO) ... and concatenated kernel, initrd, stage2 at the end ... eventually I'll teach it to access the kernel, initrd from inside the ISO23:52
gioit seems like some one had this problem already23:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 314889 in pulseaudio "[Kubuntu 9.04 alpha 2 ] fails to enable sound device on start on" [Undecided,Invalid]23:53
Skaparethe limitation in my design is on older CHS-only BIOS, size is limited to 8GB ... which isn't yet a problem for Ubuntu (is for Debian)23:53
Sniper606So how is the jaunty experience going for everyone?23:55
Sniper606I installed the rc1 with ext4 and I am very very impressed.23:55
SkapareSniper606: I wish I could say ... but I was working on making things boot from a USB key because the only spare machine has no way to boot a CD23:56
ienorandSniper606: apart from a bumby start, lovely :)23:56
aaron__does anybody know why I'm having such a hard time connecting to a WPA2 encrypted wireless network in kubuntu jaunty?23:57
fuzzywifi card?23:57
SkapareSniper606: I may get beta tried before 4/23 ... gonna build this CD/flash combo image first23:57
aaron__I could connect to it fine in previous versions of ubuntu23:57
aaron__and I can connect to other networks with the setup I have now23:57
aaron__but even when I took off all security on my network I still couldn't get anywhere with it23:58
wirechiefSkapare http://kanotix.com/files/fix/.ng/live-mode-from-hd.txt23:58
ienorandSkapare: What's that you're cooking?23:58
aaron__it doesn't even give me a dialog to put in the password, like it does with every other netowork23:58
fuzzywhich wifi card aaron__23:58
Sniper606Is there any reason why a person should format and reinstall when official release comes out or can I just use package manager to upgrade and if so is there any reason anyone would object to doing it this way? Right now Im on rc1.23:58
Skaparewirechief: the goal is to no need to rebuild the image by the end user ... it is that the distributed image would be usable both ways23:59
Skapareienorand: yeah23:59
aaron__fuzzy: it's a broadcom BCM 431123:59

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