[00:09] so all it's doing is adding a 24bit fbconfig whenever you are operating in 32 bit mode now rather than a 8, 16, 24, and 32 in any mode === mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz [00:24] superm1: sure, that makes sense [00:25] the guy hasn't responded since i sent that updated patch though, but it's !weekend anyhow, so i'll wait some more [00:29] superm1: how much longer? I think I'd be unwilling to accept this in the release pocket after Monday morning [00:29] (UTC) [00:30] so maybe we should just plan right now to make this an SRU? [00:31] slangasek, yeah if we dont have this sorted out by the end of the weekend, i agree make an SRU [00:32] Much faster doing upgrades today than on the day the RC was released .... [00:40] does piuparts work in Ubuntu these days? [00:42] I think so [00:43] there was a talk at UDW on it [00:44] IIRC liw is the puiparts expert. [00:46] I was just reading some sponsorship requirements from a DD and they included piuparts [00:46] and I wondered how realistic it is to run piuparts over every upload [00:48] I've never been asked to do that. === Snova1 is now known as Snova [01:54] !help [01:54] Hi! I'm #ubuntu-devel's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots === Igorot is now known as Knightlust [03:08] Hi. [03:08] I'm not sure if this is the right channel, but.. [03:09] According to this bug report, my issue is fixed in Hardy (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux/+bug/295091), but even after applying the latest updates from hardy-proposed my system still freezes on boot. [03:09] Ubuntu bug 295091 in linux "kernel crashes at boot on a dell inspiron 531." [High,Fix committed] [03:10] adding the acpi=off option to my grub line fixes it, but that has unwanted sideeffects, and it should just work. [03:10] so, is this package just not updated or what? [03:11] presumably that bug wants to have status "fix released", not just "fix committed" [03:12] yes, i thought it was released after looking at the committ tree [03:12] but it doesn't fix anything on my machine, so i thought maybe it was just me. [03:31] Befolked: did you use the kernel from hardy-proposed? I don't believe it's made it to hardy-updates yet. === freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying [10:29] doko, cjwatson: Just a heads up that I assigned ubuntu-toolchain to fix 246625 which seems understood now and is a relatively important issue to fix in my eyes, so I've milestoned it [10:31] It's not clear to me why we're using nosegneg on i386 (and not in i686), but we should ship the file enabling libc6-xen to work out of the box for people running xen with hardy or intrepid (this does seem like a high importance target) [10:33] slangasek: 360989 > the notify-osd change is a workaround gdm's behavior [10:34] slangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/360989/comments/12 documents what remains to be done in gdm [10:34] Ubuntu bug 360989 in notify-osd "notification-daemon started instead of notify-osd in Netbook Remix" [Medium,Fix released] [10:34] slangasek: Albeit I don't know how to keep a task for karmic and not jaunty === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [10:37] lool: mark the jaunty tag 'wontfix' [10:37] s/tag/task/ [10:38] ah [10:38] thakns === azeem_ is now known as azeem [11:43] slangasek: can you discuss exiv2 0.18.1 exception shortly? [11:44] slangasek: bug 358576 [11:44] Launchpad bug 358576 in exiv2 "exiv2 version 0.18 crashes / also crashes digikam / fixed in 0.18.1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/358576 [12:13] hi [12:13] i sent a debdiff file for fix a bug with has just been approvaled for upload. I never did it before, should i upload the new package? is it done by motu team? [12:25] dcordero: which bug? [12:26] dcordero: never mind [12:26] afflux: people in #ubuntu-motu already help me :D Thanks anyway [12:26] yep, saw that === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Sikon is now known as LucidFox === rbelem is now known as rbelem-afk [17:45] is it a known problem that when you use "sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude upgrade" (and perhaps apt-get) the packagekit icon tooltip (in the tray/notification area) in gnome still shows that there are "xx updates" to be done? [17:46] savvas: You should be doing dist-upgrade, not upgrade [17:47] sorry, safe-upgrade :) [17:47] And you should use #ubuntu for support [17:47] it's about jaunty, just asking if it's a known problem devel-wise [17:47] If you think it's specific to jaunty, then #ubuntu+1 [17:48] But the behavior you're seeing is intentional [17:48] ok === rbelem-afk is now known as rbelem [19:45] good evening - is somebody familiar with the new notify-osd API for concatenating two notifications? [19:48] defreng: you should poke the people at #ayatana [19:48] defreng: also take a look at pidgin-libnotify for an example [19:48] defreng: i think the wiki also shows an example [19:49] hyperair: yeah, I'm already quite far, but I want to concatenate to notifies - the wiki keeps silent exactly on this point [19:49] but thanks for the channel advice, I'll have a look there [19:49] defreng: i remember seeing some C code snippets which worked in the wiki. complete with videos. [19:50] hyperair: It describes updating but not concatenating, unfortunately [19:50] hmm? [19:51] strange, i remember seeing concatenating.. but someone on #ayatana gave me the link [19:51] hyperair: do you hava a link? I'm looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines [19:53] "How to use append-hint" [19:53] that's exactly what you should be looking at [19:53] defreng: ^ [19:55] hyperair: yeah, but I'm lazy - I want to append, not update the whole thing ;) [19:55] and "Concatenating related notification bubbles" is empty [19:56] ...for the love of god [19:56] wait - one moment :D maybe it does work this way ;) [19:57] you got eyes?! [19:57] read it damnit [19:57] read it! [19:57] yeah yeah yeah - I'm sorry ;) [19:57] heh =p [19:57] thanks a lot for hinting me ;) [19:59] =) [19:59] no problem === rbelem is now known as rbelem-afk [20:24] what exactly is spewing: [20:24] INFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python3.0' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?) [20:24] during package updates? [20:26] I think pycentral. Either that or pysupport [20:26] hm, looks like python-defaults, via python-minimal [20:26] my guess is python-central or python-support [20:26] /usr/share/python/debian_defaults [20:27] seems to be missing python3.0 [20:28] I guess it's ok that python 3.0 isn't listed as most(?) modules won't work with it either way [20:28] doko: should /usr/share/python/debian_defaults list python3.0 ? [20:28] yeah [20:28] ArneGoetje: re bug 362229 can we just add the translation files manually to the language-pack packages? [20:28] Launchpad bug 362229 in language-pack-kde-fr "Kubuntu language packs miss .desktop translations" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/362229 [20:31] kees: no, doesn't make sense. 2.x and 3.x code are mostly incompatible [20:35] doko: okay, cool; any way to silence the "INFO: ..." warning? [20:37] hmm, looking ... [20:37] kees: it's info, not warning ;) [20:41] I'm considering adding to the initrd to support mounting the squashfs over the httpfs FUSE system. There isn't already support for the LiveCD environment entirely via HTTP yet, right? [20:41] A look at the initrd reveals NFS, CIFS/SMB support... [20:42] hi all [20:42] how do I "enable" /var/crash [20:42] it is permanently empty it seems [20:42] despite gdmsetup crashing every time [20:43] see /etc/default/apport [20:43] Does this sound like a direction that might be useful as part of Ubuntu in general? [20:44] dtchen: it's very odd.. grep enabled /etc/default/apport [20:44] enabled=1 [20:44] ls /var/crash/ [20:44] raph@raph-desktop:~$ [20:44] blank [20:48] Devels must be asleep. I'll ask another time. Enjoy your Sunday(s). [20:49] hello. i've found out about "ubunet" project and other related projects, like "ubuntu one" (some clues tells, that it's something like .mac for ubuntu and it's in active development now); it says, that all this projects are proprietary, but will be they free of charge after release? and when will be something, that can be tested by "simple users" (not Canonical developers)? at one of lp pages about this said, that milestone for ubunet is jaunty - does this [20:49] mean, that it will be available in jaunty after release? and where i can find out more about ubunet and ubuntu one? === rbelem-afk is now known as rbelem [21:15] ia: That sounds like you need to find some Canonical resource to find out about that, not part of Ubuntu. === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler === virtuald_ is now known as virtuald === asac_ is now known as asac === rbelem is now known as rbelem-afk