
=== stevel_ is now known as stevel
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stefanlsdDoes anyone have an example of an extentsion that shows how an extension is installed. I have a rules file that builds the extension, i just need to incorporate the right xpi.mk in now14:26
stefanlsdAnyone around to help with some extension packaging questions?16:30
mitchell1how can I change the language of shiretoko to spanish?17:34
mitchell1in intrepid17:34
Jazzva_stefanlsd: Regarding packaging an extension, this might help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/Packaging19:21
stefanlsdJazzva_: yeah. thanks. i've seen that. still got some questions tho19:29
Jazzva_stefanlsd: hmm, it should use xpi.mk provided by mozilla-devscripts package.19:30
Jazzva_stefanlsd: what do you mean when you say "to incorporate the right xpi.mk"?19:31
stefanlsdJazzva_: in this case, i use a debian rules with targets to build the xpi. if i include the xpi.mk it conflicts since xpi.mk has its own rules. ie. conflicts as there are 2 clean rules. i think what i want is an example of something similar. unless i've gone about it the wrong way?19:33
Jazzva_stefanlsd: I guess you can modify xpi.mk if you really need to. But in most cases, it should be sufficient to edit MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND in debian/rules template provided by XPI.TEMPLATE. If you downloaded the extension as a xpi file, you should use med-xpi-unpack script (provided by mozilla-devscripts) to unpack the xpi file, add debian/ dir, edit template files in it, and xpi.mk will call med-xpi-pack for you when you run19:37
Jazzva_ debuild.19:37
Jazzva_stefanlsd: so, in most cases you don't need to add your own targets to debian/rules (that is, if you use mozilla-devscripts)19:38
stefanlsdJazzva_: this is google gears. so I build it from source and get an .xpi for the correct architecture. im just not sure how i call the rest to take that resulting xpi and install it.   i agree it would be easier if i just used the xpi and the xpi.mk include.  so i think i just need a similar example where the build results in a xpi and the xpi gets installed. (i hope im making sense)19:41
Jazzva_stefanlsd: then just specify that command, which you use to produce a xpi file, in MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND in debian/rules template.  once you run debuild, it will call that command, produce a xpi file, and then do the rest of installation. At the end, you'll get a deb file.19:43
stefanlsdJazzva_: aah ok. let me try that. i see they often link that to a sh script that does the build19:45
Jazzva_stefanlsd: yes, just replace it with the command, which you call to produce a xpi file19:47
stefanlsdJazzva_: k. thanks. i had it all building with the debian/rules. need to see if i can change that.  was using quilt for patching19:48
Jazzva_stefanlsd: no problem, good luck.19:51
stefanlsdWhat should happen with i create a deb with xpi.mk and install it.  I dont seem to get the extension in firefox. Do i need to do anything else?21:06
stefanlsdoh, i got it.  it does work. firefox wasnt closing properly :)21:11
mitchellhello all, i would like to know if there is a way to have the firefox 3.5 GUI in spanish23:19
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mitchelli would like to know if there is a way to have the firefox 3.5 GUI in spanish, can someone please help?23:35

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