
tritiumSeeker`: it can't hurt.00:04
Seeker`ubottu, lightscribe is <reply> For information on how to use LightScribe on Ubuntu please see the Wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe00:06
ubottuI'll remember that, Seeker`00:06
ubottuFor information on how to use LightScribe on Ubuntu please see the Wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe00:06
Seeker`!lightscribe > noodlesgc00:06
elkytsimpson, ta muchly03:08
elky_@mark yaris1234567891 #ubuntu-offtopic for future reference of attitude03:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:29
elkyhhrm, the chan should go before the nick i think. whups03:36
bazhang* [thief] (n=iytrf@c122-106-225-7.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au  thefeds?07:00
bazhangjust nickchanged to Linux_is_illegal07:01
bazhangonly in #u, no disturbances so far07:09
elkyhe has 6 bans in there at least07:10
bazhangreally wow07:10
elkythere's rarely more than 2 other people on from that section of optusnet07:11
elkyand never in #u07:11
bazhangthefeds!n=blank@c122-106-199-225.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au 07:11
bazhangseems to match almost exactly from ban list07:12
elkyi'd be willing to suggest a nice blanket ban on c122-106*belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au and just exempt any individuals who ask07:13
bazhangso re-ban him for ban evasion?07:14
bazhangor a p i c i master ban07:14
elkya what?07:14
bazhangp i c i did a ban on cristi that covered them all07:15
elkyprobably similar to what i'm suggesting07:15
bazhangI'll likely ban all of .au though07:16
elkyhe also has the nick ban which forwards to here, so 7 banlist slots he's wasting07:16
elkybazhang, do what i suggested07:16
bazhangelky, not sure how to with a script (chanserv.py)07:17
elkyyou do it without the script. you op up, and type /mode +b *!*@c122-106*belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au07:18
bazhangokay thanks07:18
elkyand i'll clear out all except the nick forward07:19
elkyhe left, or changed nick again?07:20
bazhangmissed it, let me scroll back a few07:20
elkysee #f07:21
bazhangyep quit07:21
bazhang* Kukkiwon (n=kernel@c122-106-234-8.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au07:22
elky-NickServ- Registered : Apr 19 06:15:02 2009 (8 minutes, 11 seconds ago)07:23
bazhangwow. thought they needed to wait two weeks, especially when its for ban-evading07:24
elkydepends if the staffer looks07:24
badfish69this isn't #ubuntu07:25
elky_badfish69, it means you've probably been banned from #ubuntu07:26
badfish69that blows07:26
elky_@bansearch badfish6907:26
ubottuMatch: badfish69!*@*!#ubuntu-ops by Pici in #ubuntu on Apr 16 2009 01:20:17 (ID: 12501)07:26
elky_a few times, it seems07:27
bazhangand most likely ban evading the other day, not conclusive though (after being banned as badfish69 and running bots)07:28
bazhangoh he's logged in twice; badfish69 is in +107:45
bazhang* [killedkillerb] (n=drinkycr@12-201-8-30.client.mchsi.com): nadie07:46
elkytrolls sometimes fork processes. some are just stupid enough to use the same process name ;)07:48
bazhangI just asked you here badfish69 07:48
badfish69i know07:48
badfish69that's why im here07:48
bazhangyou were also logged in as badfish07:49
bazhangand killedkillerb07:49
badfish69the one i'm about to put ubuntu+1 on07:49
bazhangbadfish69, you are banned in #ubuntu07:49
badfish69is this going somewhere?07:49
bazhangso any other boxes you have run are banned as well07:49
badfish69you mean my campus07:49
badfish69i graduate in 2 weeks07:50
bazhangincluding bots of course07:50
badfish69i don't run bots07:50
badfish69i run a quote script that people who aren't humorless have fun with07:50
bazhangban evasion is against freenode policy07:50
elky_badfish69, it appears you have a static ip.07:50
badfish69is this going somewhere?07:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:51
badfish69Active Triggers: !quote !addquote !duke !nukem !handey !homsar07:51
elky_yes, it is.07:51
badfish69if i lose the script can i be unbanned?07:51
elky_kindly disable that while in ubuntu channels.07:51
elky_most likely07:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:52
elky_next time we see it, it will not be unlifted07:52
bazhangand the ban evasion07:52
elky_bazhang, oh? where was that?07:53
bazhangelky_, just now07:53
bazhang* [killedkillerb] (n=drinkycr@12-201-8-30.client.mchsi.com): nadi07:53
bazhang badfish (n=drinkycr@12-201-8-30.client.mchsi.com)07:53
bazhangjust banned from #ubuntu07:54
bazhangand killedkillerc yesterday (though not banned at the time)07:54
elky_i think we'll keep that ip out for another day.07:54
badfish69i was going back and forth between the netbook and the desktop07:55
badfish69i think you'll find the majority of the time was spent in #pxe and #networking07:55
badfish69and #windows07:55
elky_yet it was our channels you used it to evade the ban07:55
badfish69what can i say07:55
badfish69i'm guilty07:55
elky_and it's for evading the bans in our channels that it's locked out for another day.07:55
badfish69you got me07:55
badfish69good eye07:55
bazhangthat's it? 'good eye'?07:56
badfish69what do you want?07:57
elky_bazhang, can you get the -8-6 ban lifted? my other nick is lagging07:57
elky_bazhang, he's being a good sport, dont ask for an arguement07:57
bazhangelky_, sure thing07:57
badfish69am i good in here now?07:58
elky_come back tomorrow to get your wifi unbanned07:59
badfish692am monday?07:59
badfish69after 24 full hours i assume?07:59
elkyat least. so the first chance you get after that point in time08:00
badfish69see ya then08:00
elkybazhang, seriously, dont ask for them to argue. if they're being accepting, leave it at that08:01
bazhangelky, only ban is for badfish!*@* redirected to here08:03
bazhangtwas i k on ia's ban remove it?08:04
elky_badfish!* would not have sent him here... would it?08:06
bazhangit has the #ubuntu-ops appended08:07
bazhangthus the ability to switch to killedkillerb successfully08:07
elky_lift it then i guess. we have the netbook out with the 8-30 ban08:08
elky_also, i just found another thefeds ban. the one on unaffiliated/windowsxppro08:09
elky_oh lookie what bt picked up for us before gsuter!n=gsuter@c122-106-247-152.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au probably not thefeds08:14
bazhangand one badfish69 redirect to here set by p i c i08:14
bazhangcant see the windowsxp_pro one though08:14
bazhangoh wait I see it08:15
elky_sort by mask and look in the unaffiliated section08:15
bazhangall of them (including my own older ones) removed badfish, badfish69 and thefeds old one08:17
bazhangalways get nervous when doing that, after an xchat bug sent the entire banlist to the #ubuntu window (making me think I had completely cleared the ban list)08:18
bazhangthe ban evasion of today is still in force on killedkillerb08:19
elky_ah, so there was another redirect08:19
elkywe probably should change that blanket on optusnet to a forward08:23
bazhangsomething in the tracker mentioned bots, yet he denied running them08:24
elky_bazhang, the script he was running is what was referred to as 'bots'08:27
bazhangelky_, okay I see08:27
elky_i read the snippits.08:27
elkyfyi all, fujisan is back, and has a real name now... that's neither "japan" or japanese11:21
Seeker`hi LjL 14:30
elky_he's going to do that whenever he realises he's in here14:50
Seeker`yeah, doesn't surprise me14:53
Seeker`thought he might14:53
elkythe longer you let him stay in here, the quicker he will 'get over it'14:55
elkyright now he's feeling hawked14:56
elkyand that's not going to help him at all.14:56
ikanobori15:44 -!- ikanobori [n=simon@unaffiliated/ikanobori] has left #ubuntu-offtopic [requested by elky: "24 hours ban so you have a chance to review the guidelines. /msg ubottu guidelines"]15:35
ikanobori24 hours are done with :)15:35
elky_next time i catch you being a misogynist, it'll be 168 hours.15:40
elky_i suspect this will not take long.15:41
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (stan_)17:39
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !no ops is <reply> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:44
LjLerr... sorry. i thought i was logged in.17:44
* mneptok drops his pants17:45
=== genii_ is now known as genii
FlannelAmaranth: I'm not sure how encouraging that command is productive.18:17
AmaranthFlannel: I'm just showing them it doesn't even work anymore18:18
AmaranthFlannel: Hopefully they'll stop trying to trick people into erasing stuff if they know it is pointless18:19
AmaranthIf not, hey, fun facts18:19
FlannelAmaranth: Except there are places it does work, *and* people are on other distros, etc.18:19
FlannelYou could still accomplish the initial conversation without pasting rm rf root every time you tried it.18:19
FlannelAmaranth: It's not like the people who are active right now are the ones trying to get random people to do it anyway.18:20
Amaranthtavish was18:20
FlannelAmaranth: I'd argue its more likely that they're now going to go to other channels and do it, "Hey, did you guys know this doesn't work anymore?"18:21
FlannelAmaranth: and then "Well, Amaranth said it was ok!"18:21
AmaranthI have to admit that would be a bit amusing18:22
AmaranthHopefully they're arch users18:22
Flannel!coc | Amaranth 18:22
ubottuAmaranth: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/18:22
FlannelStop being an idiot.18:22
AmaranthWhen did everyone get so stuffy?18:23
FlannelAmaranth: When did destroying someone's system become a game?18:23
AmaranthHey, I told them it only worked on Ubuntu and Debian18:23
FlannelSince everyone remembers all the technical details of everything.18:24
AmaranthNot really my problem there18:24
FlannelAmaranth: Stop being a dick, seriously.18:25
AmaranthAnd that ends this conversation.18:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu, mxboy15u said: !tab ienorand is this how this works?18:28
mneptoklet's all sing "Kum-Bay-Ya"19:13
* genii hums19:13
geniimneptok: Since I can't sing all that well19:13
mneptokmy singing in the shower usually leads to 911 calls reporting goat emasculation19:15
Garymneptok: haha19:26
balzacI'm still patiently waiting for my ban to be lifted from #ubuntu19:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:33
mneptok2009-04-16T01:39:05 <balzac> LjL: exactly who I was hoping to see.19:36
mneptok2009-04-16T01:39:08 <balzac> I won't drop it now19:36
mneptokand then asking people's ages?19:36
mneptoklike that matters?19:36
mneptokthe ban doesn;t get lifted because time goes by. the ban gets lifted when you stop the behavior.19:37
mneptokand you haven't, it seems. just a few days ago you were rude and dissmissive to an op asking you to keep on-topic.19:38
mneptokso ... got any good reasons for the ban to be lifted?19:38
mneptokother than "time has gone by?"19:38
mneptokbalzac: your silence is deafening19:51
mneptokbalzac: will that be all, then?19:54
ikoniahello all20:07
jussi01ikonia: !!!20:08
ikoniahello there20:08
jussi01you are alive!!20:08
ikoniahow's it going20:08
ikoniayes, just got home20:08
jussi01to bath?20:08
ikonia(well 15 minutes ago) just catching up20:08
ikoniayes, back in Bath now20:08
* jussi01 grumbles...20:08
ikoniawhat's up?20:08
jussi01you never returned my calls/messages20:09
ikoniafrom where ?20:09
ikoniabalzac: what's up?20:11
balzacI mentioned before I was waiting for a decision to be made regarding my ban from #ubuntu20:12
balzacwho here has the authority to make this decision?20:12
ikoniabalzac: any one of the ops who feels your behaviour is correct to re-enter the channel20:12
Seeker`I think mneptok is still waiting for an answer to his question20:12
Seeker`what has changed to warrent the ban being removed?20:13
balzachopefully your minds have changed in light of the things I wrote laste time I was here20:13
ikoniaall I see is abuse20:13
ikoniaevery time you join the channel you have a bad attitude 20:13
ikoniaplus you have a history that also back's up this attitude20:14
balzacI want to talk about professional conduct, not personality or attitude20:15
mneptokbalzac: then speak when i ask you questions.20:15
ikoniawhat is there to talk about ?20:15
balzacI guess I'll take the issue up with people in Canonical20:15
ikoniayou've said that20:15
Seeker`balzac: what will canonical do?20:15
mneptokbalzac: go for it. ask Mark Shuttleworth to give me a call. he has my cell number, and i worked for him for 3 years.20:15
ikoniabalzac: if you wish to take it up with the council, I suggest you do so and stop coming in here telling us you'll take it up with the council20:16
balzacmneptok: mneptok i'm in the middle of work20:16
mneptokbalzac: but i'd advise against it.20:16
balzacmy silence is not deafening20:16
balzacI'm at work20:16
ikoniabalzac: ok - so I suggest you follow the process20:16
balzacI don't think I'll bother with the council either20:16
ikoniabalzac: take it up with the council, and leave this channel20:16
ikoniabalzac: ok - then there is nothing more to discuss 20:16
balzacI may just buy a support license, and then deal with canonical in a professional context20:16
balzacI'm not a kid at summer camp20:16
ikoniayou've said you're not a kid20:17
balzacI don't want to play your games20:17
ikoniabalzac: ok - bye20:17
balzacyou guys have been quite condescending20:17
mneptokgarbage in, garbage out.20:17
ikoniabalzac: you just can't follow the rules, so lets move on and do you're own thing20:17
balzacyou ought to consider how to treat people who are adults20:17
ikoniabalzac: stop going on about being an adult - act like one20:17
balzacmneptok: are you calling me garbage?20:17
Seeker`balzac: you do realise that a support contract with canonical won't automagically grant you access to #ubuntu, yes?20:17
ikoniathere is no point going through this again 20:17
balzacSeeker`: I do realize that20:17
mneptokbalzac: i'm calling your behavior and attitude garbage,20:17
balzacBut I think you guys ought to act more professional and not hold grudges like a high-school clique20:18
balzacgrow up guys20:18
* mneptok laughs20:18
ikoniahe's obbsessed with not being a kid ???20:18
mneptokhe's all proud and condescending because "i'm in my 30s"20:19
Flannelikonia: He's not a child!20:19
mneptokwell, puppy-boy, i hit 44 in a month. sit TF down and STFU.20:19
* ikonia waves to balzac reading the logs20:19
Flannelmneptok: Not a kid!20:19
mneptokFlannel: but looking forward to crapping my pants again after 65.20:20
* genii remembers to get mneptok some Chateau '65 before then20:20
ikoniamneptok: why wait20:20
mneptokikonia: i'm at a conference. :(20:20
ikoniahang in until later then20:21
mneptokalthough i guess that's a good way to become memorable.20:21
tsimpsonPricey, jussi01, Pici, nalioth or elky: IRCC ping21:05
naliothtsimpson: pong?21:05
tsimpsonnalioth: I'm looking to get some access to the ubuntu-bots launchpad project21:06
jussi01tsimpson: pong21:06
tsimpsonthe IRCC is the maintainer of that project21:06
jussi01I see no reason why not, nalioth, you?21:07
jussi01tsimpson: need to chat withthe other members, will get back to yu soon.21:10
Seeker`qedx: how can we help you?22:18
elkyjussi01, +122:21
ikonia@bansearch soc122:26
ubottuNo matches found for soc1!n=soc@p54adc4a1.dip.t-dialin.net in any channel22:26
ikoniaqedx: hi, do you need some help ?22:29
Seeker`what do people make of this?22:31
ikoniaSeeker`: looks like some idiot22:33
Seeker`try saying something in -uk, see if you get the same thing PMd to you22:33
ikoniayup - remove him22:33
ikoniathat address is also familier22:34
ikoniait's on my hilight22:34
ikonia@bansearch ^aDaM_PC22:34
ubottuNo matches found for ^adam_pc!*@* in any channel22:34
Seeker`@bansearch ^adam_laptop22:34
ubottuNo matches found for ^adam_laptop!*@* in any channel22:34
ikonianot really cool to allow that to continue22:35
popeywho was that?22:35
Seeker`^adam_laptop is the same person22:35
popeydo you think he knew?22:35
Seeker`don't know22:35
popeyhe's a kid, a rather clueless one at that22:35
Seeker`but wasn't responding, don't want it being sent to anyone22:35
Seeker`best to remove him until he can explain himself22:35
Seeker`@bansearch cpc3-wilm1-0-0-cust915.bagu.cable.ntl.com22:36
ubottuNo matches found for cpc3-wilm1-0-0-cust915.bagu.cable.ntl.com!*@* in any channel22:36
ikoniaI've got that address on my old hilights file22:36
Seeker`any idea why?22:37
ikoniaFlannel: you still active22:39
ikoniaFlannel: yup22:39
FlannelI didn't do it!22:39
ikoniaFlannel: just a heads up I removed cirkit who was the same guy as st0ned, he denied it was him then started with his abuse "fuck you, etc etc" same as you remove him from, some ip/ident/client/channels as st0ned22:40
FlannelYeah, I saw that.22:40
ikoniaahh cool22:41
ikonia!idle | qedx 22:41
ubottuqedx: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.22:41
Flannelikonia: Oddly, cirkit was in the channel for a long while22:43
ikoniaI checked, but, it's the same guy, so tough22:43
ikoniadoes anyone know anything about qedx 22:51
Flannelikonia: Nope22:51
jussi01hrm... I should of given reason... meh, nvm22:53
ikoniahe had a few notes in the channel to ask him what was up....22:54
ikoniabed time I think, night all22:54
ikonialooks like thats the new troll pit, check out the names in there22:57
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
popeyhah, what a special group of people23:01
jussi01popey: what ws that ppa again for the 945 stuff?23:02
popeygoogle xorg edgers23:02
popeyi am not on my main pc right now sorry23:02
popeythat might have looked like jfgi, that wasnt intentional jussi01 23:07
* jussi01 bought some books today :)23:08
Seeker`jussi01: going to read them?23:16
jussi01Seeker`: yep...23:16
jussi01what do you think, I bought them to have on my shelf?23:17
jussi01I bought 7  books :)23:17
jussi01so it might take me a while23:17
Seeker`what books?23:19
jussi01Reminiscences of the cuban revolutionary war, by che guevara, the motorcycle diaries, also by him...23:20
jussi01U2 by U223:21
jussi01Vanishing world - a life of bushcraft, by ray mears23:21
jussi01Rush, the autobiography - by Ian Rush23:21
jussi01Band of Brothers, Stephen Ambrose23:22
jussi01and Planet Football, by Andoni Canela and Rodofo Chisleanschi23:22
FlannelWhat are we smiling about?23:28
Seeker`Flannel: just stuff23:35
FlannelSeeker`: Sounds good.23:35
Seeker`best to smile about stuff23:41
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (t_xx)23:43
Flannelband of trolls in #u23:47
Seeker`eugh, some people should just put their PC back in the box and get a refund23:48
FlannelHowdy Jordan_U, how can we help you today?23:51
Jordan_UFlannel, I was wondering if linuxn00b was a troll or really needed help before I feed him23:52
FlannelJordan_U: I'm leaning more and more towards troll as we go along.23:53
tsimpsonjussi01: still no "Learning Python" book? ;)23:58
Jordan_UIf he is not a troll it seems like he did stop the command before it finished ( and before it went to far as it would normally give errors early when getting into things like /proc ). So his pictures would possibly still be there23:58
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (Linuxn00b)23:58
jussi01tsimpson: nope, thought you were buying that for me... :P23:59

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