
seeleScottK: FYI https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/Jaunty02:25
* nixternal wonders if Kontact will ever catch up to Outlook Express05:12
* nixternal kicks it hard05:12
yao_ziyuanwhat about update notifiers now? will they be a single, cross-DE solution?05:33
yao_ziyuancurrently, i must modify /usr/bin/update-notifier-kde to use update-manager from time to time05:33
macoso apparently there's some documentation somewhere that disagrees greatly with the common wisdom of this channel.  emmajane says the docs she saw said to use IMAP because DIMAP was awful and buggy. which is backwards...05:39
kb9vqfnixternal: try Thunderbird; it works very well with an Outlook Express-like interface06:34
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Lurea|wen: thanks for taking care of exiv209:03
a|wenLure: no problem09:16
Tonio_a|wen: your exiv upload got accepted :)10:12
a|wenTonio_: yup, i saw ... now it's time for relaxing and enjoying the ride until release ;)11:03
ScottKseele: Thanks.11:06
a|wenTonio_: around?12:31
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rgreeningo\ Quintasan14:57
rgreeningo/ :)14:57
Quintasanoh god I shouldn't be here @_@14:57
QuintasanI have exams on wednesday and I should be learning :D14:58
QuintasanJontheEchidna: \o14:58
* Quintasan lacks motivation to learn15:01
* Riddell spots http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20090420.1/15:24
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
seelewhy is kpackagekit using a gnome dialog? are we not using kpolicykit?15:58
rgreeningseele: a missing package16:02
rgreeningtheres a dep still missing16:03
rgreeningTonio_: ^^16:03
seelergreening: ok good to know16:03
rgreeningseele: see if you have libpackagekit-qt11 installed16:03
seelemmm.. do i get an apt-get hint for how to do that?16:04
rgreeningapt-cache policy libpackagekit-qt1116:04
rgreeningsee if it reports installed16:04
seelelibpackagekit-qt11: Installed: 0.3.14-0ubuntu4 Candidate: 0.3.14-0ubuntu416:05
seelelooks like it16:05
rgreeninghmm... 1 sec16:05
rgreeningapt-cache policy policykit-kde16:06
Tonio_rgreening: it depends on policykit-kde | policykit-gnome16:09
Tonio_so the kde is installed if the gnome component isn't there16:10
seelepolicykit-kde: Installed: (none) Candidate: 0.0+svn920907-0ubuntu116:10
seeleah, so install policykit-kde then?16:10
Tonio_rgreening: I cannot force policykit-kde only, since that'll install half of kde for gnome users....16:10
rgreeningSo, Tonio_why aren't we forcing/requesting the kde in our seed?16:10
seelepolicykit-gnome: Installed: 0.9-1ubuntu3 Candidate: 0.9-1ubuntu316:10
rgreeningseele: install the kde package.16:10
Tonio_seele: yeah, if you have policykit-gnome installed, it won't install the -kde one16:10
seeleso are the deps messed up? why would policykit-gnome be installed?16:10
Tonio_seele: that's not ideal, but still the best we can do...16:11
rgreeningso, what installed the gnome one?16:11
seeleis that a jaunty requirement?16:11
Tonio_seele: you probably installed it a long time ago when testing kpackagekit and policykit-kde wasn't working16:11
seeleis there a problem with policykit-kde?16:11
rgreeningTonio_: could the polocykit-kde be added to desktop seed?16:11
ScottKNot now.16:11
* seele tries to remember when the last reinstall was16:11
seeleoh well16:12
seeleas long as everyone else gets -kde16:12
ScottKseele: What does aptitude why policykit-gnome tell you?16:12
Tonio_rgreening: the "policykit-kde" package miht be droped and going to kdebase-workspace16:12
ScottKTonio_: Then kdebase-workspace can just provide it.16:12
Tonio_seele: yep, any new kpk installation will install policykit-kde16:12
Tonio_and kde users having policykit-gnome aren't that many16:12
Tonio_ScottK: yeah that makes sense16:13
Tonio_ScottK: on the other hand, I don't want to force a static dep on policykit-kde right now... seele's case is very specific since she tested kpackagekit at the last UDS afaicr :)16:13
seelehmm.. do i have to also remove -gnome? it is still using the gnome dialog16:14
seeleTonio_: no, i'm pretty sure i reinstalled since UDS16:14
Tonio_seele: you have to restart kde for the kded service to start, that's why it'll use gnome right now16:14
seelebut i might have tested it afterwards and dont remember16:14
Tonio_seele: hum.... well you can try to remove -gnome16:14
seeleoh blah, i'm not going to do that16:14
Tonio_I must say I don't know, when both are started, which one policykit is gonna use as default frontend....16:15
Tonio_possibly gnome indeed, which sucks :/16:15
seeledamn, i removed -gnome but i still need to restart kde16:15
Tonio_seele: as said, that's a kded module....16:16
Tonio_seele: tou can start it manually or logout/login16:16
Tonio_seele: you can try to manually start the kde service associated16:16
Tonio_seele: it doesn't appear in the services list so yeah, you have to relog....16:17
Tonio_seele: that won't be a problem when it's part of kdebase-workspace, but right now this is a bit painfull...16:18
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seelethere we go, pretty qt graphics16:29
seeleare security updates and regular updates listed separately in the overview list? i'm trying to figure out why all the updates are hidden in a tree widget16:35
seelehmm.. "The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" we still have that problem?16:38
RiddellCDs are up, go test!16:41
Riddellanyone who doesn't test ISOs is smelly!16:43
Mamarokyes sir!16:44
* seele is still grumpy about the shoes :P16:57
kanonmat_what's the difference between kubuntu desktop and kubuntu alternate?17:02
Tm_Tkanonmat_: alternate install is not containing live desktop17:03
Riddellkanonmat_: desktop is the live installer, alternate is the text installer17:03
Riddell~twitter update I admit it, the shoe wasn't seele's, she has far better taste17:05
Riddellseele: the "too much time to process" bug is annoying and glatzor doesn't seem to be around much to be poked, it probably just needs the timeout increased which could be a SRU17:06
* JontheEchidna downloads ISO17:22
jherlandHi, just a small note (triggered by Riddell's blog post): I've successfully upgraded a Kubuntu 8.04 system to 9.04 beta using the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu17:28
a|wenjherland: good to hear :)17:31
jherlandA couple of nits, though:1. Although the system was originally installed from a Kubuntu 8.04 CD, I still had to install kubuntu-desktop before the Distribution Update tool could do its job.2. After installing and rebooting X11 failed to start because of an fglrx issue. I rebooted in failsafe mode, and uninstalled the fglrx driver, and now everything works well17:31
a|wenjherland: the -desktop needs to be installed ... sometimes you end up uninstalling together with another program; maybe a check for any -desktop/-server package would be a good add-on to the upgrader for next release17:35
seaLnea|wen: yeah that would be a good test to add17:35
PollywogWhen I try to change network connections in Kubuntu Jaunty, the screen turns black and I get an error about Plasma17:36
PollywogI am not quite sure how to get debugging output for an error that arises from an applet17:36
PollywogI was trying to get the applet to NOT show wireless connections, since this is a desktop17:37
jherlanda|wen: Yeah, I guess I had a pretty minimal KDE install on 8.04 (at least kubuntu-desktop dragged in a lot of other packages...)17:37
a|wenjherland: if you uninstall some of the parts that has been decided as "core-components" you are a bit on your own as it is now :)17:38
jherlanda|wen: Nah, that's ok. Not planning to uninstall anything...17:39
Pollywogthe applet that causes the error is the one in the tray that looks like a plug17:39
Mamarokis there a known bug with Strigi not running? Can't even activate it17:40
a|wenPollywog: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/DebuggingProgramCrash <-- look at the part about -dbgsym packages17:41
Pollywogty I think I have the dbg package installed, I installed kdenetwork-dbg17:41
a|wenPollywog: you should install plasma-widget-network-manager-dbgsym and kdebase-workspace-dbg17:42
apacheloggerRiddell: ping17:44
* a|wen waves to apachelogger17:45
* apachelogger rewaves17:45
a|wenapachelogger: better translations?17:46
apacheloggeras a matter of fact stracing systemsettings indicates that it doesn't even read any desktop'_*.mo file17:46
a|wenoh ... thought we got new lang-packs with them?17:46
apacheloggerwell, the files are there, systemsettings just doesn't seem to be using them17:47
* a|wen tries to install one of the languages that was broken ...17:49
apacheloggerthe menu is now translated, systemsettings is not17:50
apacheloggeractually, not at all ... not even in the menu Oo17:50
apacheloggerthe KCMs themself are translated though17:50
a|wendanish still works ... still installing onw of the other languages17:55
apacheloggertrue, danish works17:55
apacheloggerfun \o/17:56
apacheloggerstrace doesn't mention a read on desktop_ either :P17:56
Pollywogthere were errors in trying to install the dbg17:59
a|wenapachelogger: thai works as well (and that was on the list of broken ones)18:00
a|wenPollywog: please try to do an aptitude update and try again18:01
apacheloggera|wen: try german18:01
apacheloggermaybe my setup is screwed18:01
a|wenoh, they have huge langpack-files :P18:02
apacheloggerhold on right there18:03
apacheloggera|wen: how did you change the language?18:03
a|wenapachelogger: kde systemsettings18:03
apacheloggerme too18:03
apacheloggerbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea18:03
apacheloggerdefault setup doesn18:03
apachelogger't have that settings et18:03
a|wenapachelogger: oh ... so where should i then try to change it?18:04
apacheloggerKDE reads the LANG var and uses the appropriate language, which might be what is causing the problem18:04
apacheloggera|wen: language-selector, or maybe export LANG18:04
apacheloggera|wen: now my systemsettings speaks german18:06
apacheloggerIMHO all the localization stuff is pretty much messed up alright18:06
a|wenapachelogger: as long as you set it in kde systemsettings it looks to work18:08
apacheloggerit also works in a new account18:11
apacheloggerI really don't know18:11
apacheloggera|wen: other people had the same issue according to the bug report18:11
apacheloggermaybe some caching is going on18:11
a|wenapachelogger: could be ... kde likes caching in many areas18:12
a|wenbut working in a new account is great improvement IMO18:12
apacheloggerhooray \o/18:13
apacheloggermy mom won't be able to install software18:13
Pollywogplasma-widget-network-manager is broken, according to aptitude18:13
Pollywog 18:13
a|wenapachelogger: oh yeah; that one is not translated anywhere it seams18:13
a|wenPollywog: "apt-cache show plasma-widget-network-manager"?18:14
apacheloggerit would appear to me that we did not import any existing translation18:16
Pollywogwell I suppose someone will fix it sometime18:17
Pollywognot a critical problem anyway18:17
a|wenPollywog: if aptitude says it is broken ... it means that it is not installed correctly on your machine18:17
a|wenapachelogger: that was the part i feared when they changed the .desktop-mangler so late; that some packages would be forgotten :/18:17
Pollywogyes but I have not fooled around yet with the system18:18
apacheloggera|wen: not only desktop_ is affected18:18
PollywogI only installed from the CD last night18:18
Pollywogso I did not break it18:18
a|wenapachelogger: indeed; nothing is imported18:19
a|wenPollywog: did you try to apply system updates18:20
apacheloggerthat is the main problem I, as developer, am having with rosetta ... you gotta check everything because there is a 99% chance something either didn't get imported or add to the imports list or whatever18:20
apacheloggerthe workload rosetta alone causes could easily be used to create a new operating system18:20
Pollywogjust the usual 'apt-get update' and apt-get upgrade18:20
Pollywogmaybe I should use aptitude all the time18:21
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Pollywograther than apt18:21
a|wenapachelogger: there should be some sort of overview or warning at least ... but you're right; rosetta is pain!18:21
a|wenPollywog: aptitude is the preferred one i'd say ... "sudo aptitude install" should try to repair everything; check if that doesn't solve it18:22
apacheloggerthe main problem I, as someone who cares about translators, am having with rosetta is that there is a 99% chance that the translator will translate KDE 3 stuff because the interface can't cope with KDE 3 vs. KDE 4 because holy gnome never did such a switch since ubuntu got started18:23
apacheloggerand to top that, I can't even fix it because it is still not open source ... which is the biggest of all problems: using a closed source development structure to do open source development18:24
a|wenthat part sucks as well!18:24
Pollywoga|wen: aptitude fixed it18:26
a|wenyay! 1-0 to aptitude once again :)18:27
a|wenPollywog: np18:27
eeanRiddell: your blog wasn't very specific on what ISO to test :)18:27
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a|weneean: welcome :) ... see topic if you want to join in18:30
eeanok, that link better not list five dozen isos :)18:31
* eean looks18:31
eeanok thats easy enough18:31
Riddelleean: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20090420.1/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20090420.1/18:40
PollywogThe debugger crashes too18:45
Pollywogthe output says the stack trace was unusable18:45
PollywogI guess the debugger needs debugging too18:45
seeleRiddell: is glazor the packagekit maintainer?18:49
Riddellseele: yes18:50
RiddellSebastian Heinlein18:50
Riddellhe's the packagekit apt maintainer I should say18:51
seeleah ok18:51
Pollywogvery strange..  'update-alternatives --config x-session-manager' does not give me a choice between gdm and kdm, I had to use dpkg-reconfigure to change the session manager18:55
jtechidna-livecdlooking good19:15
Tscheesypeople quite often ask for smaller/smoother Font - wouldn't it be an Option to include Androids Droid-Fontset in Kubuntu? i don't know the licence though19:22
Tscheesythese are meant: http://www.wuala.com/Tscheesy/Public/Fonts?lang=de19:23
ScottKI think we have it.19:23
ScottKI think it's droid-ttf or something similar19:24
Tscheesyyes - thei're calles like this - good news then19:24
jtechidna-livecdoh, I guess closing the window closes Quassel by default19:24
Tscheesyjtechidna-livecd : you need to disconect from core ;)19:25
jtechidna-livecdcore? eh? I'm just poor mr user on the livecd trying to get networking going on his toaster19:25
jtechidna-livecdlol @ this bit in the docs: Kubuntu includes the very best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the Free Software community has to offer, to make Kubuntu usable by as many people as possible.19:26
Tscheesyjtechidna-livecd : the pakaging is not ideal.. this is with the quassel-client19:26
ScottKjtechidna-livecd: It does seem this will be the best translated Kubuntu in a while, not that that's saying much.19:27
jtechidna-livecd"very best" made me almost spit vanilla coke out my nose19:27
ScottKThat would have burned.19:28
Tscheesyit's a big issue in german support-foum19:28
jtechidna-livecdyeah, once when I was a kid I tried to drink soda through a staw with my nose19:28
jtechidna-livecdthat was the last (and only) time I ever tried that19:29
=== jtechidna-livecd changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: RC out! T-Minus three days to final release! | Final freeze in effect - Test CD ISOs! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
* nixternal takes it the translation in kubuntu-docs were OK as there hasn't been 1 bug or complaint just yet that I can find19:32
Tscheesynixternal : the kubuntu-docs look fine - but the User see's the missing KDE-Translations first anyway..19:34
nixternallol, good, so the ohter translations are hiding my flaws :)19:34
RiddellTscheesy: what missing KDE translations?19:34
nixternalwoohoo, RMS is following me on Identi.ca :)19:35
TscheesySystem Settings in the Mainmenu for example19:35
RiddellTscheesy: what language?19:35
TscheesyGerman here19:35
Riddellok I'll try a german install shortly19:36
Riddellalthough it was all translated for me last I tried19:36
TscheesyRiddell : thx19:36
apacheloggernixternal, Tscheesy: I am getting the main category not translated19:37
nixternalapachelogger: in documentation?19:37
apacheloggerneither the index of it , neither the subcategory names, neither the about kubuntu index....19:38
apacheloggernixternal: aye19:38
apacheloggeractually about kubuntu doesn't seem to be translated at all19:38
nixternalwell the index didn't get translated because rosetta still had templates from 6.06 in there that people kept translating19:38
nixternaland probably nobody did translations for your lang either for those19:39
nixternalfor translations, we only accept translations that have at least 65% completion19:39
apacheloggerwell, the system documentation is translated19:39
apacheloggerthe about kubuntu is just not19:39
nixternalfor instance, we had just over 900 po files, after checking them for completeness, there were only like 400 left at most19:39
sime_guys, is there anything about 9.04 that I should know about before upgrading from 8.10?19:40
apachelogger+ it's no wonder german is low on kubuntu translators considering we piss them off all the time19:40
nixternaland some docs were translated more than others19:40
nixternalapachelogger: the translations wouldn't be us pissing them off, it would be them not giving a shit19:40
nixternalif they don't have everything translated, guess what, it is their fault19:41
nixternalnot mine, not yours, or anyone elses who actively develops kubuntu19:41
apacheloggernixternal: and if they have and it's not in the product?19:41
apacheloggernixternal: I am speaking general here19:41
nixternalif they have translated and it is not there, blame rosetta then19:41
apacheloggerwe had at least 2 KDE l10n doods working on german translation in rosetta19:41
apacheloggerboth left because of our funky broken stuff19:41
nixternali went through a shit load of translations in less than a day19:41
nixternalthe french team had way more once upon a time19:42
nixternalI would have to partially blame rosetta as they took forever to import our docs, and for some reason they still have all of our old docs19:42
apacheloggerrosetta is to blame in any case19:42
nixternalwould be good if I could at least manipulate the templates a little bit19:43
apacheloggerfor translators not wanting to continue work because it doesn't end up in the product, for exposing completely pointless and outdated stuff to the translators for not importing stuff (in time) for exporting it in broken formats....19:43
* ScottK suggests some blogging about it.19:43
ScottKQuietly hoping for a miracle doesn't seem to have worked so well.19:44
* apachelogger thinks ScottK would be the perfect guy for that19:44
* ScottK is already on enough bad lists as it is.19:44
apacheloggerI am certainly going to rant19:44
apacheloggeroh dear, the german translation mentions the english support list while there is a german one19:45
apacheloggernixternal: ^ just so you know :P19:45
nixternalwe just need to get rid of documentation19:46
Tscheesyapachelogger : we have big plans for karmic - but anyway - Kubuntu-docs NEEDS general rewrite with KDE419:47
apacheloggerwhat kubuntu-docs need are more people working on them :P19:48
apacheloggeroh dear19:48
jtechidna-livecdwhoa, the new timezone map is spiffy19:48
apacheloggerRiddell: jockey does not appear to be translated in the menu ... maybe the patch is flawed? ;-)19:48
Viper550You know Adept?19:50
apacheloggernixternal: does the english system documentation also refer to kdesu konqueror in the sudo section?19:50
nixternalapachelogger: yes, that has been filed already19:50
Tscheesyapachelogger : we tried to replace these with kdesudo - there are more similar Bugs filde lately19:51
apacheloggernixternal: btw, did anyone take on rewriting KHC yet?19:51
nixternalI have worked with it, and it just needs to get chucked19:51
nixternalit is not a good help app at all19:51
nixternalhelp apps should be simple, like GNOME's Yelp19:52
apacheloggerwell, simple but powerful19:52
nixternalhow powerful does it need to be?19:52
apacheloggerKHC certainly is the latter, though an outdated kind of it19:52
nixternalit just needs to read docbook/html19:52
nixternalkhc isn't powerful at all19:52
nixternaluse search, it sucks, that isn't powerful19:53
nixternalhtdig is dead19:53
apacheloggernixternal: look at the internals19:53
nixternalif you want something as busy as khc, then the qt assistant is the best19:53
apacheloggerit interoperates mans and stuff and love and can even access scrollkeeper19:53
nixternalbut still, I think that yelp is clean and simple19:53
apacheloggernixternal: no argument there19:53
apacheloggerthat is why KHC needs a rewrite19:53
nixternalyelp can do all of that as well I believe19:53
apacheloggernixternal: last time I checked it didn't expose KDE docs19:54
apacheloggerfirst we need a fdo spec :P19:54
nixternalcuz it only reads xml19:54
nixternali think we figured that 3 or 4 more lines of code to make it know that .docbook extensions == .xml for the help19:55
SalzeHi. I just upgraded to "jaunty" - upgrade from intrepid went fine, except that the ethernet connection dropped during the installation process (and updating via screen from a remote computer was a tip I had read before) and that the ath_pci module was not loaded. I could not get it running via the "Hardware" icon (jockey, I believe). I got it running by manually adding it to the /etc/modules. I now have the problem that "Mobile Broadband" i19:57
Salze the Network Management plasmoid. Any hints how to fix that?19:57
jtechidna-livecdI'm wondering how I can go about adding the rosetta translations for QuickAccess to the upstream (I'm the upstream maintainer now)20:13
Tscheesyomg- Battery level is detected wrong (as since ever from time to time) - and my Netbook goes to XTremePowersave with no need - this by default in Jaunty20:13
jtechidna-livecdapachelogger: do you know if apps generally keep the po's in their source tree?20:14
apacheloggerjtechidna-livecd: non-core ones, yes20:14
apacheloggerusually within po/20:14
jtechidna-livecdany magic I need to do with cmake?20:15
jtechidna-livecdI can probably hork the po/CMakeLists.txt from amarok (or base mine off theirs) but will I need to do anything further?20:15
jtechidna-livecdmeh, manually checking out po's from Rosetta each time they're changed will get boring real fast20:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why rosetta?20:27
joshjtlhey folks, what package is jaunty using to dectorate gtk apps like kde apps?20:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and what are we talking about anyway?20:27
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: exporting the translations for the plasma-widget-quickaccess package from rosetta and adding them to the upstream source20:28
JontheEchidnaRosetta since it already has full translations for 5 languages20:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is quickaccess in kde svn?20:28
JontheEchidnaIt has its own Launchpad project with its own bzr branch20:29
JontheEchidnaquickaccess would probably just languish in playground if it was in kdesvn. It reimplements a lot of stuff Plasma already offers for the sake of effects20:29
joshjtlanyone know?20:30
JontheEchidnaFolderview can acheive the same thing, but without navigation and effects20:30
JontheEchidnajoshjtl: gtk-qt-engine, but I would recommend just using gtk2-engines-qtcurve20:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I still would recommend using kde svn20:30
apacheloggerit exposes the source to 3rd party improvements and got a much more sensible handling of translation and stuff20:31
apachelogger+ you could use one of the billion release scripts to craft together source, po and docs20:31
Riddellja, das ist Deutch20:34
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
apacheloggerRiddell: missing an s :P20:34
Tscheesybut understood20:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you can use amarok's po magic20:35
Riddellja, das ist Deustch20:35
Riddelltranslations seem largely working to me20:36
apacheloggerI don't think the combo stch is present in any german word20:36
joshjtlJontheEchidna: you know kcm-gtk-kde4 looks a lot better at least in firefox20:36
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, though there is some weird caching going on .... or at least I think it is caching20:36
Riddellkpackagekit and jockey .desktop and Install/About Kubuntu on the live CD don't20:36
Riddellapachelogger: where's that?20:37
apacheloggerRiddell: does your patch assume the .mo is named desktop_ maybe?20:37
apacheloggerRiddell: the caching only gets exposed upon update ... it required a reboot to get a translated systemsettings20:37
JontheEchidnaQuickAccess is looking pretty nice for a 0.8.0 release though: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/quickaccess/trunk/annotate/head%3A/ChangeLog20:40
Riddellkdelibs being cached there I suspect20:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: are you importing translations too?20:42
JontheEchidnaRiddell: this is what apachelogger and I were discussing20:42
JontheEchidnaI plan on exporting what we have from rosetta and including it in the source20:42
Riddellthat seems sensible20:43
JontheEchidnain the 10 days it was translatable, it was translated into 5 languages20:44
JontheEchidnabut I've already changed some of the strings/added new ones, so they're already a teeny bit out of date :(20:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: Be sure to mind the licensing documentation as rosetta translations are BSD (IIRC).20:44
JontheEchidnagood point20:45
JontheEchidnawould I need to add a COPYING.BSD?20:45
ScottKSomething like that.  I don't pretend to know the details.20:45
Riddellthe original is GPL (I presume) so the translations are too (GPL trumps BSD)20:46
ScottKAlthough true BSD has Copyright Regents of the University of California in it, so that would be a bit odd.20:46
ScottKTrue, they could be relicensed as GPL.20:46
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, that jockey one is strange, there's nothing in the code that should make it assume desktop_ in the name20:50
Riddellit assumes apps don't use desktop_*.po20:50
Riddellbut not the opposite20:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: BSD doesn't require a copy of the full license to be shipped... unlike fsf licenses20:51
Riddellapachelogger: "must retain..this list of conditions"20:55
apacheloggerRiddell: is that not placed in teh translations?20:57
* apachelogger would think that it should be add there :P20:57
apacheloggertoo tired20:57
apacheloggergotta work today20:57
Riddellapachelogger: don't think so20:58
apacheloggersee, I can't even think :P20:58
Riddellbut it does say "This file is distributed under the same license as the foo package"20:58
* JontheEchidna is waiting for LP to generate the .po files20:59
JontheEchidnanew mail!21:01
JontheEchidnaheh, it went straight to the trash since I blackhole everything from rosetta :P21:01
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
RiddellDVDs are up!21:10
TscheesyRiddell : these?:http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/ or here? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all21:14
JontheEchidnaquickaccess translations are in bzr21:20
JontheEchidnaI'll probably do a 0.8 release in between the time jaunty id released and the time when karmic is opened21:21
RiddellTscheesy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/21:22
Tscheesy9h download.. so i know why i didn't do a dvd before21:27
ScottKnixternal: typo in the 'Gentoo is for ricers' blog entry.  Need on richers/ricers.21:34
ScottKon/one ironically enough21:34
nixternalyes, already fixed that :p21:34
TscheesyRiddell : ok - now it's 1.5h download :) better..21:48
Tscheesy1MB/s is not so bad..21:48
* a|wen is over the MOTU sprint and now up-to-date on mail ... time for downloading an ISO21:55
aleiteHello guys22:54
aleiteI am trying to compile KDe trunk on jaunty22:54
aleiteBut it isn't finding Opengl dev files22:55
aleiteWhat package provides it?22:55
JontheEchidnawhich module are you building?22:55
aleiteI just upgraded ubuntu.. and it is not finding opengl anymore22:56
aleitelet me see22:57
aleitestill not found22:58
aleitelibqt4-opengl-dev was already installed22:59
JontheEchidnaweird, that package should depend on everything you need22:59
aleiteWell, my kde trunk was working on 8.10... just upgraded now, and opengl is not found anymore23:00
aleiteinstalled mesa-common-dev libglu1-dev.. and others23:01
=== barteqx is now known as siekaczx

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