
drbobbhello, is sftp support broken in jaunty's dolphin?00:05
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Onion834Hello, How can I set current song played in Amarok as Kopete status message?00:48
Onion834I have enabled "Now Playing Plugin". Since I am using Amarok 1.4, I haven't set "use specific media player" option. It only lists Amarok 2.00:50
Onion834any work around?00:51
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Sonnentaecan anyone help me speed up my local mail??01:13
fujimitsuhow to disable auto-away in quassel?01:15
Sonnentaedoes anyone else have really slow local mail when testing a site locally?01:32
wafichello all01:33
=== dan is now known as Bardor
=== dox is now known as bishopz
bishopzok. i have a big question for someone02:00
oscarubuntu español02:00
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:00
oscarai alguien02:01
bishopzNo takers?02:01
bishopzanyone? cmonnnnn02:01
oscarnesecito ayuda02:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:02
bishopzdamn the help chat fell off02:03
bishopz!usb boot02:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usb boot02:04
supernixI have ubuntu what is the easiest way to add Kubuntu to Ubuntu?02:07
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »02:08
kanonmat_maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB02:09
kanonmat_supernix: do you want to remove gnome?02:11
supernixDon't get me wrong I love KDE based Linux but I do want to keep my Gnome install02:11
supernixThose training wheels will comei n handy for my wife to learn to use Linux02:11
kanonmat_hmm, i think there should be some better guide someshere02:12
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Dragnslcrsupernix- you can just install kubuntu-desktop and you'll get all the default Kubuntu programs02:15
kanonmat_what happens to gdm/kdm, Dragnslcr?02:16
supernixI did find this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE02:16
supernixso I just install kubuntu-desktop and that will install the defaults great02:17
katiehey, my web browsing applications freeze often when a page is loading (and it's both firefox & galeon, so it seems like it's not the browser itself)-- any ideas?02:18
supernixI see kdebase02:19
supernixthat is in synaptic02:19
supernixhmm there seems to be a disconnect from the instructions to the actual package listing in synaptic02:23
supernixI did see a listing for kubuntu-default-settings02:23
sfthello my friend02:24
Dragnslcrkanonmat_- not sure which gets used, but they both have options for what session type to use when you log in02:24
liangzhichaosft : hello02:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:25
liangzhichaohello, how to speak to bot?02:25
supernixI had to type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:26
kanonmat_perhaps the guide was old, supernix02:26
supernixThe should do a meta package named kubuntu-desktop as well02:26
supernixI thought long and hard about should I or should I not stick with working with the Ubuntu desktops and after talking to many people I decided it was the most user friendly and stable version02:27
Dragnslcrliangzhichao- ubottu responds to anything starting with !02:27
kanonmat_aptitude search and aptitude show are  handy02:27
supernixI did try OpenSuse for a while but it just don't seem right02:27
supernixI also own all the official Ubuntu books as well another plus to sticking with Ubuntu02:28
supernixneed to start seeing some Kubuntu books though02:28
kanonmat_good :)02:28
liangzhichaoDragnslcr thanks02:28
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:28
supernixIf I don't stop playing with this thing I will never get my C programming project done though02:28
kanonmat_ah, kde and gnome are just the icing of the cake02:29
supernixI know my professor says that they use Fedora only because it comes in the books they get but says that he only uses the command line only anyway so they are all equal to him02:30
supernixI will always love my GUI though02:30
supernixit agravates me that we did not design the first GUI prorgam all semester in programming class02:31
sftIs there anyone know how to build the mips cross-compilation environment?02:33
sftIs there anyone know how to build the mips cross-compilation environment?!02:33
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magaioDoes anyone have Japanese input working with Jaunty?02:41
solid_liqdoes anyone in here even speak japanese?02:43
supernixAh that was quick02:43
supernixNow I have KDE installed02:43
supernixI might be mislead but it seems like all the joy of a mac except it is free and runs on my Intel CPU02:44
supernixichi ni san ... go rokuy shishi hachi kuy ju02:45
supernixI only learned japanese as it pertained to shotokan02:46
supernixHow do i make the clock show in 12 hour format instead of 24 hour format02:47
xevixpeople leave too quick, heh, i have japanese input working with scim in jaunty02:47
kanonmat_isnt there a time and date setting?02:48
supernixThere is but it does not say anything about 12/24 hour setting02:49
kanonmat_maybe in the more global system settings02:50
kanonmat_im on kde3, idk :)02:50
kanonmat_im going away...02:53
Dragnslcrsupernix- System Settings -> Regional & Language02:53
supernixThanks Dragnslcr02:54
cagc4hola tengo problemas con kubuntu 9.04 mi interfaz se bloquea mucho03:07
cagc4saben q pueda ser?03:08
cagc4al inicio de session se muere mi mouse y me teca reiniciar varas veces03:08
qcontinueumnone of my keyboard shortcuts work, like alt-tab and alt-f2. any ideas how to fix?03:13
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egorkcagc4, no soy un channel op ni nada, pero mira que dice: Jaunty/9.04 support only in #ubuntu+104:07
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siavash_can someone tell me how i can change my computer name?04:40
ipwnusiavash: man hostname04:41
FloridaGuyhow do i add kde 4.2.2 to the repo04:42
calamariwhen I boot up to kdm (kde 3 version), my keyboard and mouse are frozen, and I have to restart kdm to unfreeze them.  anyone know how to fix this?04:52
JT|workdoes anyone know what command is run in kde 3 when you go K menu -> Logout -> Suspend or Power Manager -> Suspend? I used to have keyboard hotkey to suspend and I'd like to set that up again05:00
JT|workI know sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh works, but then I would have to get sudo to run that with no password05:01
Level1hi, I'm trying to install kubuntu and I can't get past the keyboard layout screen05:18
linuxmceI need some help05:24
linuxmcewith LinuxMCE05:24
Omoikane_The bar on firefox in ubuntu keeps disappearing and when I right click on anything it flashes I keep having to reload a freash FF install to get it to work again. I have been dealing with this for a few months now and no one has any idea why it's happening or how to fix it. Any ideas?05:46
supernixThe tabs on my FF look so ugly compared to the way they look in GNOME05:56
supernixwhat can I do to fix this ?05:56
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bobosohow would i get to a prompt to boot kubuntu with acpi off after i have kubuntu already installed?06:01
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bobosoanybody else getting this msg on boot and if so know how to fix it?  ACPI: Expecting a [Reference] package element, found type 006:14
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||arifaXHi, I want to report a bug. I am logged in to launchpad but cannot find the "button"07:00
||arifaXgot it now :)07:01
noaXessone of my system is diving and gets a fsck error on root filesystem.. i'm no in the maintenance console on this machine..07:08
noaXessi run now  fsck -nvf /dev/sda1 with no errors07:09
noaXessis that the right, first step?07:09
tedyhow i can go in youtube i cant watch the videos07:19
yao_ziyuanis there a tool which i can use to find out non-system processes, for potential viruses?07:19
tedyRiddel: can you help me?07:20
thebehello, I get message can't yp_bind: Reason: Domain not bound07:37
thebeHow to solve this problem in NIS configuration??07:38
realmattin perl I can write an if statement in one line like this "$var = "foo" if (1==1);"  is there an equivalent in php?07:41
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ct529hi everybody!08:37
Guest17115hello dr. nick08:44
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ct529does anyone know of good videoconferencing tools on kubuntu?08:56
benjamin__my firefox install won't launch unless i launch it as root, thoughts?08:58
digchange permissons?09:01
benjamin__where are the files that i would need to change the permissions on?09:04
digbenjamin__: can you do "ls -la /usr/bin/firefox" & post the output09:09
level1hi, I have adobe flashplayer, but there doesn't seem to be sound on youtube videos.  What should I do?  Also, has gnash been able to support youtube by now?09:09
benjamin__lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2009-04-19 22:18 /usr/bin/firefox -> firefox-3.009:13
benjamin__level1: i know in a previous version of kubuntu, i had to install a seperate flash/sound library09:14
level1benjamin__: that sucks.  What was it called?09:14
benjamin__level1: i'm sorry, i don't recall09:16
Joniewhy i got no sound with my amarok2.0.2, and fond nothing error output!09:18
benjamin__Jonie: does sound work in other programs?09:18
Joniebenbloom:  yeah, all codecs i ever installed09:19
Joniebenjamin__: yeah, all codecs i ever installed09:20
benjamin__so something like Kaffeine does output sound?09:21
Joniebenjamin__:  i didn't install kaffeine, my smplayer works fine09:21
benjamin__hmm, i don't know then09:22
benjamin__come back when there's more people on, or try the forums09:22
Joniei'm every weird what happen to that!09:23
menace82hi... i am looking for a real time video editor for linux...09:23
Joniebenjamin__:  anyway, thx09:24
menace82can anyone suggest something?09:24
Joniei have no idea with that, men09:24
keldronaHELP ME!!! HELP ME!!!09:24
ct529keldrona: explaining the problem would help09:25
keldronaI have 2 computers: a notebook with kubuntu 8.04, which connects on internet by gprs; and a laptop whit kubuntu 8.10 without internet connection. I have a problem pairing my mobile with kubuntu 8.10... Is there a way to share my internet connection with a cable? I DON'T HAVE ANY ADSL AT HOME!!! HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!09:28
level1is there some sort of trick to making gnash work?  I installed it and restarted firefox... no gnash09:30
Jonieoh, god! an internet conection sharing question, who knows the answer!09:30
menace82keldrona, you will need:09:30
menace82an ethernet cable09:31
Jonieand what menace82?09:32
menace82i'm trying to find the app...09:32
menace82i dont remember the name...09:32
keldronamenace82: I have got it!09:32
Joniekeldrona:  and you got it to work, share to surf web and anything?09:33
keldrona"forgotting the things is the first step to happiness"09:33
menace82and Firestarter09:34
keldronaJonie: I need this because I have problem pairing my mobile with my pc, otherwise I would be ok"09:34
menace82firestarter will help you to share you internet connection...09:34
menace82through a internet sharing wizard09:35
keldronamenace82: have I got firestarter on kubuntu 8.10 or do I have to download it?09:35
menace82no... install it via adept09:35
menace82or "sudo apt-get install firestarter" in a console window09:35
keldronamenace82: I can't install it... I don't have internet connection09:36
keldronaor at least on my laptop09:36
Joniekeldrona:  well, i got your words. the key words it pairing the mobile and the pc.09:36
menace82keldrona, you have to install it on the laptop that has internet connection09:37
keldronaJonie: the problem is that, I create a vwdial connection, but when I try to connect, the mobile asks me for a pin, but I can't verify it on pc, and the connection is lost.09:38
menace82keldrona, your modem model name is?09:39
keldronaJonie: Somebody told me to download the last versions of bluez and obex-server, but I can't donwload them because I don't have internet connection09:39
menace82huawei 220?09:39
Joniekeldrona:  i always want an apps to finish the paring my mobile with pc 2~!09:39
keldronamenace82: Nokia 6330 + Bluetooth key bekonnekt09:39
yaa__hi all09:39
azaany ipod software for kubuntu ?09:40
yaa__everybody : have a nice day ;)09:40
azayou tii09:40
Joniekeldrona:  my cell is nokia 5500, but i never found that kind of apps.09:40
menace82unfortunately i have no knowledge on gprs connection via mobile phones...09:40
menace82only via mobile broadband modems such as huawei09:41
keldronamenace82: thank you as well09:42
Joniemenace82:  that's earsy conection via mobile broadband modems09:42
menace82yes, i know... network manager :P09:43
menace82on jaunty, at least...09:46
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MaGicKanGaRooits quiet, too quiet.....10:24
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ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:35
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larsaamhi! how to start the display setup from a terminal?10:51
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MaGicKanGaRoolarsaam you mean the x11 setup?11:07
MaGicKanGaRoosudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg if thats what you mean11:08
larsaamMaGicKanGaRoo: sort of, Kmenu>system settings>Display11:08
MaGicKanGaRoooh, not sure, sorry.11:11
MaGicKanGaRoounless you mean the aticonfig tool?11:12
MaGicKanGaRoothou you need ati card11:12
xorredsetxkbmap -option -option grp_led:scroll,grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,caps:escape11:21
xorredthis line is in my keyboard layout settings11:21
xorredI want to change the escape with enter11:21
xorredbut it does not allow me to edit the line...11:21
xorredhow can I edit it and where?11:21
ubuntuhello, i have a big problem and i need help!11:24
ubuntui reinstalled kubuntu jaunty rc and removes my root partition, but my home partition is still in use, but it is encrypted by ecryptfs!11:25
ubuntui cannot see my data anymore11:25
ubuntudoes anybody know how i can decrypt my /home partition?11:26
xorredno you cannot decrypt it11:26
xorredshould have thought beforehands.. that's why it's encryption11:26
xorredso somebody could not decrypt it...11:26
ubuntuyes but i know my password11:27
xorredwell then... I don't know :)11:27
ubuntunot good11:28
ubuntuanybody ?11:28
larsaamMaGicKanGaRoo: Thanks :)11:35
chris062689Hello world! :D11:36
simba_where is channel list in quassel?11:40
bazhangsimba_, better to use alis11:43
bazhangsimba_, /msg alis help11:43
simba_miss my good old xchat....gonna see if i can get used to this thing before i get xchat :P11:45
MaGicKanGaRoowhere are you getting stuck ubuntu?11:46
MaGicKanGaRoosounds like you reinstalled and then remounted your home partition right?11:46
ct529has anyone ever used "creative labs" with Kubuntu?11:48
yaa_What kind of idiot would want to register such a domain name?!11:48
yaa_Well, I did...11:49
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FernandoLBHello. I'm looking for a way to make pulseaudio work with KDE. Any links ? (Jaunty)11:54
bazhangyaa_, please stay on topic11:58
yaa_i didnot mean))11:59
bazhangyaa_, chat in #kubuntu-offtopic or #defocus11:59
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ubuntudoes anybody know how i can decrypt my /home partition using ecryptfs?12:18
ubuntui reinstalled jaunty by deleting root ( / ) , but my encrypted /home partition was untouched12:19
ubuntubur now i only see one file on /home, called Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop12:19
ubuntubut i cannot launch it12:20
bazhangubuntu, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion/support12:20
ubuntui appreciate any help12:20
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JuJuBeeanybody here good with rsync?13:02
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:03
[-Haza-]Afternoon folks.. Should i be able to install Firefox 3 using the sudo apt-get install command in kubuntu 8.10 ?13:06
[-Haza-]Maybe a better question is... is FF in the repositories?13:06
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: sure. sudo apt-get install firefox13:06
ActionParsnip!info firefox13:07
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.2 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB13:07
ActionParsnipits ver 3.0813:07
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: hmm13:07
* [-Haza-] tries again13:07
[-Haza-]Maybe i missed something13:07
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install firefox13:07
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[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Okay. Aside fom the obvious.. what are those commands doing?13:08
[-Haza-]Upgradinbg the repository reference / index or something?13:08
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: update checks what is on the repos and lets your system know what is available13:08
simba_the upgrade upgrade your system13:09
ActionParsnipupgrade will perform an upgrade of your system (but not kernel)13:09
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Ahh interesting13:09
ActionParsnipthe last part installs the firefox metapackage13:09
* [-Haza-] likes to learn :D13:09
ActionParsnipif you want to upgrade the whole show use: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:09
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: I *think* i need to upgrade my KDE..13:10
simba_aptitude seems to run into less problems than apt-get13:10
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: upgrade will do that13:10
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Im a little worries though as i had some really bad graphical glitches when i upgraded13:10
ActionParsnipsimba_: ive personally used only apt-get and had zero issues but its a case of !worksforme13:10
[-Haza-]this is a laptop ive installed kubuntu 8.10 onto13:11
[-Haza-]And i do now know for sure if the graphics drivers are happy :(13:11
rmrfslashHaza: Nvidia?13:11
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: you could run    glxinfo | grep -i direct13:11
[-Haza-]rmrfslash: Im afraid i cannot remember13:11
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Can you quickly explain what that will do?13:12
[-Haza-]The grep is to search for strings of text right?>13:12
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: its a querying tool for video, i'm piping it into grep as I only want certain parts13:12
ActionParsnip[-Haza-]: try glxinfo without then with the grep part13:13
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Ahh. pretyy clever ;)13:13
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: 2 seconds13:13
[-Haza-]i'll log the laptop onto IRC so i canst pastebin some output (if your interested)13:13
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rmrfslashAnyone have experiences w/ suspend-to-ram where most of the time it will resume, but sometimes it will just hang (black screen)13:15
HazaLglxinfo | grep -i direct13:15
HazaLActionParsnip: "direct rendering: Yes"13:16
ActionParsnipHazaL: ok thats cool13:16
ActionParsnipHazaL: looks like you are drivered up13:16
ActionParsnipHazaL: if you run: lspci | grep -i vga you will see what video card you have13:17
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HazaLActionParsnip: If i remember.. i was informated that my computer had to use propritary graphics drivers (as well as network drivers)13:17
kokhi all,13:17
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:17
ActionParsnipHazaL: as is the case some time13:17
HazaLActionParsnip: The little interface had the networked drivers maked green (activated)13:17
HazaLbut not the graphics drivers13:17
hongdengdaoi 'll go chinese channel13:18
ActionParsnipHazaL: what video card does the command say you have13:19
HazaLActionParsnip: Sorry i must have missed the command..13:19
ActionParsnipHazaL: lspci | grep -i vga13:20
HazaLActionParsnip: Heheh, whoops13:21
HazaLActionParsnip: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]13:21
HazaLActionParsnip: I hope that means something to you! :D13:22
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:22
=== jay is now known as Guest28192
rmrfslashThe binary ATI driver doesn't work w/ 9.04 (from my experience)13:23
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Cheers. I'll work through that13:23
rmrfslashopen source drivers (radeon and radeonhd) do work tho13:23
rmrfslashAnd I think my resume issue derives from those friggin' drivers13:24
bassehi, test driving Jaunty, and i have strange problem. Gimp doesn't recognize any other file formats than .xcf.  so i can't open anything else.. anyone noticed something like this?13:25
rmrfslashSomeone can correct me if I'm wrong, but gimp is a gnome thing... jaunty shouldn't really affect it.13:26
victimbasse: no13:26
kokhow to start explorer to konsole?13:26
rmrfslashkok: like, start dolphin from konsole?13:27
victimbasse: you can right click an image file and select 'open with' there should be an option for gump13:28
rmrfslashbasse: The last time I used GIMP I noticed that it did not open some files from the command line *or* by using Options>Open With. You had to open GIMP and then manually open the file within it.13:29
bassevictim: might be something from my upgrade then.. i have some other strange issues too.. like gimp dialogs missing characters like underscore and dot...13:29
rmrfslashbasse: hmm... could be the GTK compat in KDE. You used to be able to tweak GTK rendering stuff in System Settings > Appearance i.e. what style to apply. I remember firefox checkboxes and scroll bars were all funky unless you tweaked those things.13:32
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kokrmrfslash: I'm update Kubuntu and Error Wireless driver firmware b43. Startx doesn't work :(13:34
rmrfslashkok: ouch13:35
kokwhat happend :D13:35
rmrfslashkok: I have no freakin clue. firmware error is not kubuntu related13:36
rmrfslashkok: or at least I don't think it is. Not that I can imagine the wireless firmware having anything to do w/ startx13:37
rmrfslashkok: So you have no display?13:37
kokstartx after display is ok13:38
kokbut menu doesn't work :(13:38
kokalt+space work command13:38
rmrfslash kok: maybe someone else can help w/ this, I'm not sure how to remedy this... w/o just googling around13:39
rmrfslashkok: suffice it to say, the upgrade didn't go so well. what did u upgrade from? 8.10?13:40
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans13:40
rmrfslashsimba_: why refer to programming editors?13:41
simba_rmrfslash: i was looking for my self ;)13:41
=== albin is now known as aro
simba_because eclipse wanted to install gnome13:42
rmrfslashsimba_: yeah... it's java + GTK13:43
simba_just wanted the java bit,13:43
rmrfslashsimba_: As soon as I hear Java I want to run13:44
rmrfslashsimba_: jvm on linux has a tendency to go crazy13:45
simba_been doing php.....but got some crazy query's so i need something that does'nt time out and can display tetris while it is working, so i was thinking java...but not wasting 500 mb on grome for eclipse, so i need something kde but similar. ;)13:48
rmrfslashI like PDT13:49
rmrfslashbased on eclipse13:49
rmrfslashit's the open source version of Zend Studio13:50
simba_in repos, or source awail?13:50
rmrfslashThey offer an "all-in-one" on the site for linux13:50
rmrfslashso you don't need to do anything13:50
rmrfslashjust untar it and run ./eclipes13:50
padihi all. Big problem here, not even google seems to know an answer: I can't uninstall the packet lmodern.13:51
rmrfslashI don't think it's in the ubuntu repos13:51
rmrfslashI don't think the site ever mentioned there was a deb or anything13:52
padiI get the following error13:52
rmrfslashsudo apt-get remove --purge lmodern?13:53
padirmrfslash: same!13:53
padiand here's the updmap errorlog: http://pastebin.com/m334b517913:54
rmrfslash_ooo... more 9.04 updates13:59
rmrfslash_one day I'm hoping for the update that fixes all of my issues13:59
rmrfslash_why do I get nvidia updates when I don't even *have* an nvidia card?14:01
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padiI can rewrite the /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg but after that it reverts to the state it was before!14:08
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fuzzy_is it possible to install kubuntu from  crunchbang14:09
Picifuzzy_: You probably should ask them that, we don't know how they have their repositories setup.  Note: We don't really support unofficial (K)Ubuntu derivitives here.14:10
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=== albin is now known as aro
DanDanHello .. Im on Ubuntu 8.04.. a month ago I was trying to upgrade to 8.10 "Interpid" while upgrading I got disconnected .. after that I restarted and then I couldnt get access to   Gnome nor KDE4 only KDE3 .. as it states a problem with Xorg Server , and when I was trying to upgrade some packages in KDE using Adapt ..I got an error that the packages are broken..14:16
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DanDanhello ... Im having a problem with my Xorg server as I cant seem to log into Gnome and KDE4 .. only KDE3 .. as this problem happened after I was upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 .. but it wasnt completed as I got Disconnected ... and now I cant even upgrade any package .. as some are broken :S and I cant do anything using the update manager ! :( please help !14:36
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Joniewhat do you guys think about oracle buy sun?14:47
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victimJonie: ask in #kubuntu-offtopic14:59
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sledgeoh dear, my gf stepped on my laptop. ;(15:10
geniiHopefully she wasn't wearing cleats15:11
devilsadvocatesledge: so i suppose its a good sign you are able to sign on here to talk about it15:11
sledgedevilsadvocate: I think of it as a bad sign, since I am not using my laptop atm. :>15:12
devilsadvocatesledge: oh. sorry :P15:12
devilsadvocatesledge: you have my sympathy15:12
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padiusing latex15:19
padihow can I make paragraph numbering consecutive over sections? Like in a law book15:20
padievery paragraph number is unique15:20
kanonmat_DanDan: try  sudo dpkg --configure -a15:23
kanonmat_it helps sometimes15:24
DanDanKanonmat_ done that :) .. It didnt help me :( ... Im trying this : removing Gnome files and now updating them ill see how that goes15:24
kanonmat_you cannot start X?15:25
kanonmat_oh, only kde3, ok15:25
DanDanKanonmat : .. no I can't .. I dont know it got complicated .. but the 1st error msg was " couldnt start X server "15:25
DanDanKanonmat_ thnx tho :)15:26
kanonmat_i think there might be a problem with conflicting kde versions15:26
kanonmat_i dont think gnome is the cause15:27
dstar_Is 'uuid <uuid>' instead of 'root (hdx,y)' *buntu specific? I can't find it documented anywhere....15:28
kanonmat_uuid is general :)15:28
kanonmat_try this: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/15:29
dstar_kanonmat_: I know root=UUID=<uuid> is, it's 'uuid <uuid>' instead of 'root (hdx,y)' that I'm wondering about...15:30
geniiIt's a grub thing and not an *buntu thing15:30
kanonmat_from my menu.lst:15:31
kanonmat_root            (hd0,1)15:31
kanonmat_kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-generic root=UUID=907fd277-69f4-47d2-bf0d-3f3ddc9c1be0 ro vga=773 splash15:31
dstar_kanonmat_: from mine (on my ubuntu laptop):15:32
dstar_uuid            29a2f8f2-4bfb-4e75-abef-c5f4cc40a3a015:32
dstar_kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-14-generic root=UUID=29a2f8f2-4bfb-4e75-abef-c5f4cc40a3a0 ro  single15:32
dstar_genii: is it documented anywhere?15:32
kanonmat_are you using grub2?15:32
dstar_kanonmat_: not according to dpkg. 'dpkg -l grub\*' only shows grub as being installed.15:33
geniidstar_: Probably in the main grub documentation somewhere, which you could get from somewplace like http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/15:35
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geniidstar_: The uuid feature I first saw sometime in 200615:36
dstar_genie: I was looking through that last night and couldn't find any reference to uuid... although it was about 2am, so maybe I should look again.15:37
kanonmat_i cant find anything about uuid in http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html    thats odd15:38
dstar_kanonmat_: Neither can I....15:39
kanonmat_if it boots, keep it. if it dont, change to the old root(hdx,y) syntax15:41
petsoundshello folks, i have an error when entering grub screen. it says Error 1 : File name must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist15:43
sledgepeterhil: Did you do a manual grub-install?15:43
sledgepetsounds: Did you do a manual grub-install?15:44
* genii hands sledge more coffee15:44
sledgegenii: Somehow a cup of black gold magically appeared on my desk. Thank you.15:44
petsoundssledge, it happen when i fixing my jumpy cursor, at the time i am rebooting the problem above start15:45
dstar_kanonmat_: heh... I don't know if it does or not. I'm converting to grub from lilo, and using my ubuntu laptop as a sanity check... aha. http://preview.tinyurl.com/c2p7no says that the debian version of grub doesn't understand it yet.15:48
geniisledge: np15:48
kanonmat_ok, i thought it was a new kernel thing, ty15:48
kanonmat_btw, forums.debian.net is disabled, its kind of a disaster :(15:49
dstar_kanonmat_: yeah... that should have pointed to the google cache. :)15:50
dstar_kanonmat_: root=UUID=<uuid> is a kernel thing, but the uuid instead of root for grub isn't.15:52
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[-Haza-]It looks like im using kde 4.1. Is 4.2 stable?15:56
kanonmat_petsounds: paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst at http://paste.ubuntu.com and place a link here15:57
petsoundsok sir15:58
petsoundscan you provide me a command15:58
kanonmat_you are not on the computer that wont boot now?15:59
kanonmat_boot it with a live cd15:59
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petsoundsi can login but in recovery mode16:01
kanonmat_that would make it hard to paste :)16:05
genii!info pastebinit16:06
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB16:06
kanonmat_you have to correct errors in /boot/grub/menu.lst16:06
petsoundscan i paste it with kate?16:08
kanonmat_yes, open it in any editor16:09
kanonmat_you need a browser to paste it :)16:10
petsoundscmd like this kate /boot/grub/menu.lst ?16:11
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unclemikedpkg --configure -a or  apt-get -f install isent working...16:12
petsoundskanonmat : http://paste.ubuntu.com/154765/16:12
geniiIf you are in Recovery then kate won't run since it needs X, which won't run in single user mode.16:13
devilsadvocateunclemike: wow. best of luck :P16:13
kanonmat_petsounds have the same syntax in menu.lst as dstar_16:14
petsoundshow to?16:14
unclemikedevilsadvocate, that happened during the upgrade from kde 4.2.0 to 4.2.2...1 package16:14
devilsadvocateunclemike: did you recently add a repository or something?16:15
unclemikedevilsadvocate, kdelibs516:15
devilsadvocateunclemike: which one?16:16
unclemikeonlyone i could find16:17
kanonmat_petsounds:  are you on a Thinkpad R31?16:17
devilsadvocateunclemike: shot in the dark here, but you could try running aptitude update followed by attempting to install kdelibs5-data16:17
petsoundsi'm on pc, sir16:17
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there, what's exactly the shortcut in okular to do inverse dvi and/or pdfsync searches? Out of frustration I did some quintuple-click while holding shift and it jumped right over there! But I can't reproduce the feature :)16:19
Le-Chuck_ITAOk it seems like "shift+doubleclick, but only once per document" :)16:20
unclemikedevilsadvocate, samething16:21
devilsadvocateunclemike: hm16:22
devilsadvocateunclemike: maybe a silly question, but do you have diskspace?16:22
unclemikeabout 30gig /16:23
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kanonmat_petsounds: i may not be able to help you16:27
petsoundsnp, thanks16:28
kanonmat_i think your /boot/grub/menu.lst needs editing, im not sure what16:28
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unclemikemight just have to go back to a rpm distro.....never had the problems of package manager being interrupted during updates16:29
=== b2809d is now known as Riesh
=== unreal_ is now known as Guest13634
=== Guest13634 is now known as Unreal126
Unreal126Kleine Frage: Beim Start von Kubuntu kommt ja beim Start immer der Ladebalken, der sich blau auffüllt. Zumindest bei 8.04 so. Der kommt bei mir nicht mehr. Stattdessen wird alles als Text dargestellt. Wie bekomm ich den wieder? Sieht halt besser aus. Verweiß auf ein HowTo oder so wäre nett. Hab schon selbst gesucht.16:36
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:38
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Idhanin k8.10, how can set in the system settings to automatically mount a windows partition?16:44
RiddellHelp us test proposed release ISOs in #kubuntu-devel16:44
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
aloneaI dunno when this started, but my ui is kinda messed up now. like, if I open up the k menu, the only way to close it, is to click the k menu icon again. No mousing off or clicking off anymore.16:54
aloneacheck boxes are always too big and half cut off, but its been that way for a long time, and just some general instabilities. using intrepid16:56
devilsadvocatealonea: fwiw, i have the same behavoiur16:56
devilsadvocatealonea: checkboxes where?16:56
aloneadevilsadvocate: any where. programs, on the internet, etc.16:56
jtheuerI heard about an encryption tool that distributes private data over several remote servers, does anyone remember it? I think it won some opensource award....16:56
devilsadvocatealonea: if its a gtk program (firefox?), then thats a qt-gtk issue, and its very annoying with no known fix afaik16:57
aloneafirefox yes, and it seems all applications that I use such as eclipse and open office.16:59
devilsadvocatealonea: openoffice is gtk too, and eclipse is java ugliness, im afraid17:00
aloneais it any better in gnome?17:01
aloneaand my touchpad still isn't stable like it was in the 7.x series.17:03
aloneahey BluesKaj17:04
BluesKajhi alonea17:04
aloneaBluesKaj: is it a big hassle to switch to gnome from kde?17:07
hallownamealonea: no, gnome is really simple. kde is better tho. :) fix your qt-gtk issue instead of swapping desktops.17:07
javichoperbuenos dias señores17:08
aloneahallowname: I thought the issue hasn't been fixed? and I have asked for the last year on how to fix touchpad and only gotten referred to out of date fixes that no longer work with the new system.17:08
hallownamealonea: try jaunty's qt-gtk. it's firefox is pretty in kde4. hm, learn about the problem instead of looking for that one other person who fixed it.17:09
hallownamealonea: a regular synaptics touchpad?17:09
aloneahallowname: no, I mean, I was just told that there was no fix for the qt-gtk issue.17:10
BluesKajalonea , not really , search google for "pure gnome" and you'll find a tutorial on how to install gnome and save your apps from kde etc and vice versa17:10
aloneahallowname: yes, regular17:10
aloneahallowname: and all my friends have the same touchpad problem I do and haven't ever found a fix either.17:11
hallownamealonea: weird. mine has always just worked. the xserver-xorg-driver-synaptic installed?17:12
aloneahallowname: and I searched online for a fix for touchpad and either found all the old stuff or people who were trying to figure out how to get theirs to work on intrepid as well.17:12
BluesKajalonea , http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome17:12
hallownamealonea: keep looking :) it is opensource ;p17:14
aloneahallowname: I have xserver-org-input-synaptics installed17:14
devilsadvocatealonea: i'd suggest you take a look at what you are generally using. if most of your apps are gtk and you're not using the kde infrastructure much, you may be better off if you switch17:14
aloneahallowname: but I tend to get frsutrated when I look for months and try everything I find with no success, especially when on a previous version it was fine.17:14
hallownamealonea: hm, maybe reinstall it, and then 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' ... should get it going... but ive never had any issues with it at all17:15
devilsadvocatealonea: it'll probably also help your ram usage and general performance17:15
BluesKajwhat exactly isn't working on your setup , alonea ?17:15
devilsadvocatealonea: your touchpad just doesnt work at all? or is it a sensitivity issue17:15
hallownameppl waiving the gnome flag in #kubuntu ... sheesh... way to show kde support ;p17:15
aloneadevilsadvocate: sensitivity issues. half the time, what I type gets erased, things get clicked on accidentally, windows switching17:16
hallownamealonea: gsynaptics?17:16
devilsadvocatehallowname: i'm the biggest kde supporter in a 10 km radius that i know of. that doesnt mean everyone should use kde, if something else suits them better17:16
aloneahallowname: thats one of the old things that no longer works17:16
devilsadvocatealonea: there must be a way to tune the sensitivtiy17:17
* devilsadvocate checks17:17
hallownamealonea: xorg hacking then :) *throws documentation at u*17:17
aloneaBluesKaj: if I click on say the kmenu, the only way to get it off now is to click the kmenu again.17:17
aloneahallowname: we use HAL now. not the xorg file so much, but I think it references the hal stuff. (all those xml files and such, which I did play around the settings there, but it didn't seem to help any)17:19
devilsadvocatealonea: systemsettings, keyboard and mouse, mouse, pointer. you can change the acceleration, etc17:19
devilsadvocatealonea: also, some general cleaning of the touchpad might help. there might be dust that is causing it (i had that issue many times)17:19
aloneadevilsadvocate: but  used to have an actual touchpad settings a long time ago for setting stuff like palming.17:19
hallownamealonea: i remember certain laptop specific packages having kcm modules for that...17:20
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aloneadevilsadvocate: the problem happens if I accidentally brush the pad while typing. slightest touch causes it to move or click17:20
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devilsadvocatealonea: yeah, that happens with touchpads. i suppose i just got used to being careful17:20
aloneadevilsadvocate: I try, but its insanity. I almost want to go back to the 7 series of kubuntu cause then it would work perfect17:22
devilsadvocatealonea: it never worked for me :P17:23
devilsadvocatein fact, i did not know it is a 'not working now'17:23
devilsadvocatesort of problem17:23
devilsadvocatei always had it - ubuntu, windows17:23
aloneawindows is of course fine for my touchpad, and I even think it was fine with other linux distros. just this one now its insane.17:24
aloneaand you would think that this would not be an issue anymore.17:24
=== eclix is now known as eclix__
cumulus007Hi, running Kubuntu Jaunty, and I got the following problem: I can't get Strigi to run properly. When enabling it in System Settings, it always turns back to the disabled state. I've had this on Intrepid, and it's still occuring on Jaunty. Any solutions?17:32
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Mamarokcumulus007: do you have all the necessary strigi packages installed?17:36
Mamarok!ask | eclix17:36
ubottueclix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:36
cumulus007Mamarok: I think so - strigiclient and strigidaemon are avaliable17:37
eclixhi people17:38
Mamarokcumulus007: it doesn't work for me neither, strange...17:39
cumulus007Mamarok: so you have any idea why it's so buggy :P17:39
Mamarokno, but let's have a look at the bugs in launchpad...17:40
phoenixzHi there, since the last update of Kubuntu9.04 beta, I have various issues, X won't start normal anymore (complaining about config), sudden computer freezes (only mouse responds), large X CPU usage (>30 percent on average), huge Quassel CPU usage (>60% on average) etc... Anybody here who might know something about these issues?17:40
cumulus007weird phoenixz, have you tried to change your graphics driver?17:42
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phoenixzcumulus007: Not yet.. I have an intel I945 graphics chipset, maybe something has changed there? Most problems are xorg related yeah, but also quassel is quirky at best all of the sudden..17:45
cumulus007phoenixz: there are some issues with the intel driver on Jaunty17:46
Mamarokcumulus007: can't find a bug, will report it17:46
phoenixzcumulus007: I suppose that will be it then.. I'll be patient for them to fix it..17:48
Mamarokcumulus007: found the bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/+bug/30962617:50
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cumulus007I need to install sesame, appearantly17:51
cumulus007Hm, that's already installed17:52
recaalguien me explica como funciona esto???17:52
Pici!es | reca17:52
ubottureca: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:52
Mamarokcumulus007: I can start the strigiclient in konsole, as well as the deamon, but it gives strange error messages:17:53
Mamarok2 lines actually:17:53
MamarokWARNING: field 'http://strigi.sf.net/ontologies/0.9#debugParseError' is not defined in any rdfs ontology database.17:54
Mamarokcould not create FSDirectory: Invalid directory17:54
Mamaroksesame is installed too17:54
cumulus007it's a bug for sure17:55
Mamarokcumulus007: seems that strigi is not able to run when Nepomuk is running, that's weird17:56
Mamarokthose should be additional services AFAIK17:57
peachesMamarok: you tryigng to get search going in kubuntu?17:57
Mamarokpeaches: no, just looking after a bug cumulus007 reported a bit earlier17:57
MamarokI try to start strigidaemon, doesn't work17:57
Mamarokreca: and what is so funny about that?17:58
peachesyou gotta run strigi crom command line17:58
Mamarokpeaches: well, one should be able to activate it in the systemSettings too, no?17:59
peachesMamarok: should but it probably wont work17:59
Mamarokelse, why is there an option for it? it's supposed to do exactly what I did in the command line17:59
peachesyeah but it doesnt, making it a bug18:00
peachesit's still there even in kde svn btw not just kubuntu18:00
Mamarokit actually also crashes from the command line18:00
peachesbut i'll tell you what, once you get strigi and nepomuk going after all the glitches, it's pretty sweet18:01
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peachesMamarok: really? what are you running at command18:01
Mamarokpeaches: yeas, that's what we have been promised, no?18:01
peachesMamarok: it's actually still rather immature on the whole when you look at it, but still a bit feature full18:02
peachesMamarok: run nepomukservicestub nepomukstrigiservice18:02
Mamarokwell, here it simply doesn't work, and nepomukservicestub is crashing all the time, since Alpha518:02
Mamarok(didn't have Jaunty before)18:03
peter_Hello all, has anyone figured out how to add udf 2.5 abilities to the latest incarnation of (K)Ubuntu???18:03
peachesmy stub just segfaulted too18:03
peachesalso the indexer will stall on directories18:04
peachesit's definitely not ready for prmie time yet18:04
Guest50442hey how do I install eclipse 3.4.2?18:04
MamarokI actually stopped nepomuk yesterday, my CPU was going over 80°C18:04
peachesmy index dir is now up to 5gb18:05
peachesand the service takes up to 300mb memory just sitting there. thats a downside18:06
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
Mamarokpeaches: it also tells me that:18:08
Mamaroknepomukstrigiservice(8047) Nepomuk::StrigiService::StrigiService: Will not start when using redland Soprano backend due to horrible performance.18:08
Mamarokdidn't even know I had the redland backend, shouldn't it be sesame2 by default?18:09
Mamarokwell, it seems so :(18:09
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=== megan is now known as Yud_Zroc
Yud_Zrochello everyone18:23
Yud_Zrocabout what is my chance to use kubuntus partisioner to resize my virus partition...uh i mean my vista partition18:24
Yud_Zrocand do it succsessfully18:24
hallownameYud_Zroc: run chkdisk & defragment on the windows partition before you resize it. should work just fine. :)18:25
Yud_Zrocanyone awake?18:25
Yud_Zrocoh ok ty hallowname18:26
hallownameYud_Zroc: np18:26
Yud_Zrocwell i wanna be able to play eve...but i cant stand vista :(18:26
Yud_Zrocso Kubuntu is my savior :)18:26
Yud_Zrocno i jus need to downlaod a core cd hm.....if it bvetter to upgrade to jaunty or full install18:27
Yud_Zroci upgraded this comp....but its got different hardware?18:27
hallownameYud_Zroc: full install is usually better. but you shouldnt notice a difference.18:31
hallownamect529: hai :)18:31
Yud_Zrocim not gona use jaunty til it is released18:32
hallownameYud_Zroc: kool. u on 4.1 or 4.2?18:32
altrortla! find netscape18:33
altrortla! find netscape | altrortla18:33
Yud_Zrocof kde?18:33
altrortlahow can i see if there's a chanell for netscape?18:34
Yud_Zrocno idea altrortla18:34
hallownameYud_Zroc: yea. any kde app -> help -> about kde.18:35
hallownamealtrortla: google can find u a searchable irc channel aggregator im sure18:35
Yud_Zrocim on jaunty right now18:35
ct529I have some serious problems with understanding the odbc driver for postgres on kubuntu18:36
hallownameYud_Zroc: ooo. old skool :) im on jaunty too. but with kde trunk (to be 4.3)18:36
ct529Yud_Zroc: yes18:36
hallownamect529: i think we all do :) databasing sucks18:36
Yud_Zrochallowname: how do i upgrade18:36
ct529not really .... it is just on kubuntu the probelm .... I have used odbc quite a lot18:37
hallownameYud_Zroc: wait. ur on jaunty. running 3.5.1? jaunty comes with 4.2.18:37
Yud_Zrocyes hallowname18:37
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
Yud_Zroci was running 4.1 after upgrade i was on 3.5.118:37
hallownamect529: ext4?18:38
Yud_Zrocext4 sucks18:38
hallownameYud_Zroc: no no. some programs use kde 3.5.10 libs, but ur probably running 4.1 or 4.2 still... check 'kate -> help -> about kde'18:38
ct529hallowname: ext4?18:38
hallownameYud_Zroc: you already have the latest stable kde4 then :)18:39
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hallownamect529: sometimes databasing (and svn, git, cvs) mess up ext4 partitions. bunches of small files thro ext4 off... it was just a guess ;p18:40
hallownameYud_Zroc: if you want more 'edge' kde, you have to compile it from kde's svn server. or wait til july for packages.18:40
Yud_Zroci dont like how u have to use "their"wallpapers18:41
hallownameYud_Zroc: huh? you can use your own wallpaper18:41
MamarokYud_Zroc: you don't, check kde-look.org for other wallpapers18:41
Yud_Zroci want to use my own pics18:41
Mamarokthen do so18:41
hallownameYud_Zroc: right click the desktop -> desktop appearance -> little folder icon18:42
hallownamedesktop appearance/settings... it changes on me ;p18:42
zoisshey guys. i am new to kubuntu and i got a question. i have a auzentech prelude soundcard and heard something about oss drivers. do i have to install those drivers over adept? help would be very nice, thx18:42
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Yud_Zrocit should automaticly come with it18:43
Yud_Zrocoss..pulse audio and alsa18:43
Yud_Zrocunless that changed someone correct me if im wrong18:43
hallownamezoiss: oss is deprecated. alsa is stable. pulse is iffy.18:43
ct529hallowname: I do not use ext4 .... I use ext318:44
hallownamect529: i dunno =/ i dont database much.18:44
zoissthanks for your answer but is alsa able to work with my soundcard?18:45
geniiI think the Prelude soundcard is really an X-Fi18:45
zoissit has the x-fi chip, yes18:45
zoissbut different periphery18:45
zoisskubuntu is not able to get it working after installing the system18:46
hallownameive never seen a soundcard that didnt just work w linux... ive seen mixed up mixer channels, but it always worked.18:46
zoissso now i dont know how to proceed18:46
hallownamezoiss: what does 'alsamixer' say?18:46
zoissmoment pls18:46
=== eugen is now known as Guest23649
zoissalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory18:48
zoisswas writing it in terminal ...ok or is the textmode console necessary?18:48
JuJuBeeI have a portable HD.  It automounts when plugged in.  How do I mount it as me rather than root?18:48
hallownamezoiss: not good lol. have you searched ubuntuforums for your soundcard?18:49
zoissdid not find very much about it18:49
zoissquite rare soundcard18:50
zoissexpensiv ...but unfortunately no linux support18:50
zoissbut i found this18:50
zoissthere is someone to got it working with OSS drivers18:50
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zoissthats why i was asking about it18:50
hallownamezoiss: ahh, http://www.4front-tech.com/release/oss-linux-4.1-1052_i386.deb <- 32 bit deb for oss.18:52
* hallowname wonders why alsa doesnt work18:52
zoissi downloaded the amd64 one18:52
zoissi think i installed the 64bit system ...is there a way to find out?18:53
zoisssome systeminfo?18:53
hallownamezoiss: cat /proc/cpuinfo ? u dont remember if u installed 64 bit or not? ;p18:53
hallownamezoiss: ossmix says?18:54
zoissnot installed yet18:54
hallownamezoiss: i think ossmix is what you need to manage that card. might have to run it at startup or sumthin ugly.18:56
zoissstart ossmix every start?18:56
hallownamezoiss: maybe, dunno. u need some form of mixer to manage the card. if alsa doesnt do it... and pulse doesnt...18:57
zoisshm ok18:58
zoisscan i just doubleclick the .deb ?18:58
zoiss<- win noob, sorry;]18:58
hallownamezoiss: yup18:58
zoissjust bought a book18:58
hallownamezoiss: good :) first steps.18:58
zoissbash says: command not found, when i type ossmix18:59
hallownamezoiss: that deb has to be installed first18:59
zoisswas doubleclicking the .deb file18:59
zoissthen the packagemanager or something was running18:59
zoissbut no messages19:00
hallownamezoiss: go to a terminal (konsole) and type 'sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb.deb' to install it19:00
hallownamezoiss: wonder y ur graphical install isnt workin... ur system may just be broken ;p running intrepid?19:00
=== daeron_ is now known as daeron
zoissin bash he is doing something now19:02
hallownamezoiss: 8.10 is intrepid... usually just clicking the deb brings up a installer window19:02
zoissnow its installed19:03
hallownamezoiss: you can do 'gebi /path/to/deb' too for a graphical installer19:03
zoissossmix tells me i have a soundblaster x-fi19:03
hallownamezoiss: good :)19:03
hallownamezoiss: any sound working?19:04
zoissare there some standard sounds to listen to?19:04
zoisslike start up sound19:04
hallownamezoiss: um, i dunno, lol. i build my own system. old ubuntu's used to have an /etc/skel/Examples folder with music in it...19:05
zoissah cool19:05
zoissthere is no mp3 support by default?19:05
zoissany licence problems?19:05
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=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
hallownamezoiss: nah, only free codec sounds. check /usr/share/example-content19:06
Idespnnrhey guys19:06
Idespnnrany of you familiar with the performance regressions in xorg-X11-intel?19:06
hallownamezoiss: mp3 support is in the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' package. bc there are license problems :)19:06
Idespnnrand how to overcome it?19:06
zoisshm do neither have a skel dir nor a share19:07
zoisstrying youtube;]19:08
daeronguys, how to install every suggested  and recommended package for every package I've installed?19:11
daeronis there a way?19:12
Yud_Zrochow do u install flahsplayer on 64 bit19:12
zoisshallowname: still no sound:[19:13
zoissbut thank you very much, i will try to get it fixed with oss19:14
zoissoh no ...it works19:15
zoissthx very much19:15
hallownamezoiss: haha np. :)19:16
hallownameYud_Zroc: 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' didnt do it?19:16
hallownameYud_Zroc: adobe.com has the 64bit tarball somewhere i guess, dunno19:16
zoissbut just analog outputs for headset ...not the digital output ...do you think there is a possibility to get it working hallowname?19:16
hallownamezoiss: surely. i havent used oss in almost 7 years tho. ;p i have no memory of its workings at all..19:17
Yud_Zrocerror message :  Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.19:17
Yud_Zrocadobe dont have 64 bit19:17
zoissok thank you very much ...i'll find out19:18
hallownameYud_Zroc: "sudo update-alternatives --config mozilla-flashplugin" <- what's this say?19:18
sofipor favor hay algun programa gratis para gestionar comunidades de vecinos, si es posible compatible con linux19:19
geniiYud_Zroc: Yes, they do http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/19:19
Yud_Zrocim using Konqorer19:19
Yud_Zrocit onmly comes with the .so file noyt the installer19:20
hallownameYud_Zroc: oh, turn on flash in konq's settings. and make sure konq's netscape plugins settings are set to find the .so file19:20
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geniiYud_Zroc: You put the .so file in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/19:21
hallownamegenii: konq doesnt look there by default19:22
hallownameYud_Zroc: put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins19:22
Yud_Zrochallowname: im noit using firefox19:23
geniihallowname: Ah, Konq19:23
Yud_Zrochow do i creat directory19:23
Yud_Zroci 4got19:23
hallownameYud_Zroc: doesnt matter, konqueror looks in that folder for it19:23
geniiYud_Zroc: It still needs to be there so the netscape plugin finder of konq can use it19:23
hallownameYud_Zroc: 'sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/firefox/plugins'19:23
hallownameYud_Zroc: also, in konqueror -> settings -> configure konqueror -> plugins (bottom) -> [X] enable plugins globally19:24
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Yud_Zrocyay no i just got to get sound to work with it :(19:25
hallowname*sigh* im gonna make a custom kubuntu disc. with kde 4.2.70. and flashplayer. and a plasma tour.19:25
hallownameYud_Zroc: weird, lol19:25
Yud_Zrochow do i get sound19:27
hallownameYud_Zroc: i have no idea, sound always just worked with my flash. maybe a restart? i dunno19:28
Yud_Zroci guess ill restart19:29
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geniiAlways this Windows idea of rebooting for things19:31
guest47is aircrack-ng.org shut down for good??19:32
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geniiguest47: Probably not, or they'd have a page up explaining why, instead of the "Ce site est fermé momentanément.19:37
ct529solved the odbc problem19:39
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:40
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Welcome back!19:43
drbobbhello, the popup notifications tend to vanish before I can read them, is there any way to look them up a moment later? or at least hold them for a moment longer? (Jaunty)19:44
[-Haza-]ActionParsnip: Oh i got the proprietary graphics drivers working (little green enabled light this time)19:45
ActionParsnip!jaunty | drbobb19:46
ubottudrbobb: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:46
drbobbActionParsnip: ok ok I know. However, my question is kde-specific, such tend to be ignored on #ubuntu+119:47
ActionParsnipdrbobb: what notifications do you get that dont hang on the screen?19:50
drbobbnone of them hang, including those from the irc client, or from the nmapplet19:50
drbobbthey vanish in about 2-3 secs19:51
ActionParsnipdrbobb: i'd log a bug19:52
ActionParsnip!hi sofi19:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi sofi19:53
ActionParsnip!es > sofi19:54
ubottusofi, please see my private message19:54
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drbobbActionParsnip: are they supposed to hang around until dismissed, or what?19:58
ActionParsnipdrbobb: not sure, i guess it depends on the message. if you think its a bug, log a bug is all I can suggest. Is it just in a few apps, or all apps?19:59
drbobbActionParsnip: I don't know whether it's a bug, or poor design20:01
drbobbfor all I know maybe that's how it was intended20:02
ActionParsnipdrbobb: well if you log a bug and someone wades in and says "crazy foo'" you know its intended ;)20:03
drbobbanyway, this is pretty minor compared to the fact that kbluetooth4 appears to be mostly non-functionale20:04
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Guest11821hey I'm trying to install something, and the instructions say "Build librtm first, then rtm-dataengine and finally the plasmoid." ...how do I build something?20:05
joshjtlhey folks, was running kubuntu, then installed ubuntu-desktop just for kicks... now i'd like to remove everything ubuntu-desktop installed... can anyone tell me how to do so?20:07
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:07
freakoramawhich plasmoid you want to install ?20:09
marcreichelthi there20:13
marcreicheltis the Kubuntu 9.04 RC proposed to be final?20:14
marcreicheltI tried it today, and it hanged up 2 times (I think this was due to Plasma)20:14
jussi01marcreichelt: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty please20:16
joshjtlhey folks, what package is jaunty using to dectorate gtk apps like kde apps?20:27
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thhtjoshjtl: gtk-qt-engine20:30
thhtjoshjtl: install, then activate through system-settings20:31
joshjtlyeah i just wanted to make sure the package name thanks20:31
thhtyou're welcome20:31
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
jasaWow it takes time to know things around but it would seem that i have now somewhat figured things around.21:01
jasaIt would appear when i was younger i made some prank calls around with a friend and so on and then seemingly at some point even called those 2 Columbine school shooters when they were firing people. -.-21:02
jasaAnd it would seem that either Interpol or FBI has been around the town comminting crimes cause of that.21:02
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jasaNow they claimed i should be considered as a President or something cause their constant crimes around.21:02
=== ubuntu is now known as wirechief
jasaMain issue is that what is the police corporation to get rid of those persons and put them into jail or ?21:03
geniijasa: You have some tech support question relating to Kubuntu?21:03
jasaNo that was just some personal thing i have been wondering around.21:04
Dragnslcrgenii- you really need to ask that?21:04
geniijasa: Perhaps use #kubuntu-offtopic instead for non support matters please21:04
jasaYeah i know i just used the first channel that came up.21:05
jasaIs there really limit on how many crimes those polices can do around the country or so on or are they considered free from causes ?21:06
Dragnslcrjasa- go troll somewhere else21:06
jasaYeah yeah ... i'll go tinker with some things around ... take care.21:06
chris_Hello all21:08
chris_how do I find out what version of ubuntu I have installed on here?21:08
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:09
chris_nice.  thanks21:09
chris_That worked.  You guys rule.21:10
chris_Now, I got another one.....I had a higher screen resolution on here, but now it only let's me go to 800x60021:13
chris_It also tells the that there are no proprietary drivers on the system21:15
zoisswhen i want to start audio-recorder there is a message: correct audiosettings at system -> settings -> hardware ...where can i find that?21:15
=== tommyc is now known as tommyc__
tommyc__wow there is  someone alive in here21:18
chris_I've been helped once already21:19
tommyc__who do you ask for help i think i broke my adept21:19
chris_I'm trying to figure out how to switch between gnome and kde21:19
chris_let me see21:19
tommyc__ahh  is kde  better or gnome?21:19
chris_jussi01 helped me21:19
chris_I like KDE, but I'm also a hack21:20
jussi01!best | tommyc__21:20
ubottutommyc__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:20
tommyc__im clueless  but i want to learn how to  make my way around linux atleast21:21
tommyc__just was curious  which was easier to learn is all21:21
chris_yea, I had a box running a while back, but ya know21:22
MarkieMark1the answer is both :)21:22
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tommyc__ok now im confused21:23
MarkieMark1both are better21:23
chris_I have a radio station that we're trying to get ubuntu to run windows that runs the broadcaster21:23
tommyc__yeah well im tired of winslows so im trying  something new21:24
chris_I personally think that KDE looks more inviting to a Windows user though21:24
pailor23_Does anyone know how to stop the screen from blanking?  I have no screensaver set and power management is turned off but still the screen blanks every few minutes.21:24
chris_thinking pailor21:25
tommyc__you run a radio station  cool where abouts21:25
chris_oh, no big deal....it's an INTERNET radio station21:25
chris_we do independent rock, pop, and what ever else we happen to have on the drive21:26
tommyc__thats neat21:26
chris_yea, it's fun.21:27
tommyc__say does anyone know how to fix adept i tried to patch my  wine with it and  broke it21:27
chris_the goal is to get ubuntu to monitor windows and restart it if it fails21:27
tommyc__i no its way more stable then windows  ubuntu that is21:28
dwidmann!adeptfix | tommyc__21:28
ubottutommyc__: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:28
chris_anyone know how to switch between gnome and kde?21:29
Dragnslcrpailor23_- check System Settings -> Display -> Power Management21:29
DragnslcrOr Power Control21:29
dwidmannchris_: log out, you can choose betwen the two at the desktop manager, provided you have both installed21:30
dwidmann**display manager21:30
pailor23_Dragnslcr Display-powermanagement is off21:31
bobosoanyone know a fix to this msg?  kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...21:31
Dragnslcrpailor23_- check System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management21:31
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dwidmannboboso: unless you were coming up after hibernate, that message is normal.21:32
tommyc__ok now it gives me a list21:32
tommyc__[sudo] password for tommyc:21:32
chris_ah, I will try the log out.21:32
tommyc__dpkg: --configure --pending does not take any non-option arguments21:32
tommyc__Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];21:32
tommyc__Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;21:32
tommyc__Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;21:32
tommyc__Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;21:32
tommyc__Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;21:32
tommyc__Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].21:32
tommyc__Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !21:32
kevin_boboso doesn't that just mean that it's doing a normal boot and not coming out of hibernation?21:32
tommyc__ok what now21:32
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dwidmann!paste | tommyc__21:32
ubottutommyc__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:32
bobosokevin_: i guess but it hangs there for a bit and really slows down the boot21:32
dwidmannboboso: I doubt that's what's slowing it up, install bootchart if you want to find out the real reason21:33
kevlaHmmm, that's not to say that its the message slowing it down21:33
kevlaYeah try bootchart21:33
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore21:34
Pollywoghow do I do FISH in jaunty (files over ssh)?  I do not see the modules for this in Konqueror21:35
Pollywogperhaps I should have kept my desktop machine on Intrepid a while longer21:35
kevlaAnyone having any trouble with spotify in wine? Occasionally stops midway through a song21:35
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Pollywogokay I found FISH does work but not as in old KDE21:48
Pollywogis there a gui for effecting sshfs mounts?21:50
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geniiPollywog: Dolphin or Konqueror. Use    fish://     for the url21:53
Pollywoggenii: yes I found it accidentally21:53
mostedles gars, y a un paquet de tollard qui friquote avec les fillettes du préfèt21:54
Pollywogbut is there a way to do a sshfs mount with Konq or Dolphin?21:54
mostedsi y a moyen que vous alliez voir, on commence à se demander quoi moi et les copains21:54
Pollywogmosted: this is an English language channel21:54
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:54
mostedwoupps sorry my friends21:56
Pollywoggenii: found something called sshfsgui but I don't know if there is a package in Ubuntu, I might have to make one21:57
=== hgo76 is now known as abengoa
picketfenceHi all. Quick question: What's the deal with the Plasma Dashboard?21:59
picketfenceCrap. Gotta go for now, but I'll be back to ask the same question later.22:02
=== fred_ is now known as bidon-_-_
=== mosted is now known as otofrank
bidon-_-_i'm novice with ubuntu i've installed kubuntu 7.10 and can't use flashplugin 9 or flashplugin 10 i read it may due with plugin gnash-commmon mozilla-plugin-gnash konqueror-plugin-gnash but they're not installed22:13
bidon-_-_can i have your help ... i'm french so sorry if my english is not current ....22:14
kevlabidon type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:17
bidon-_-_i do this kevla22:17
bidon-_-_plugin don't work22:17
kevlaOk and have you had a look in firefox's about:config?22:17
kevlaI mean about:plugins22:18
=== eugen is now known as Guest95698
bidon-_-_my config is "default" i think i try ton know if relation with javascript it is activated ... so i have install flash9 and remove xpi.dat i try flashplugin10 and no resluts satisfaction22:19
bidon-_-_to know22:19
bidon-_-_but i'm novice22:19
bidon-_-_falsh work but not quickly or sufficient to read video i haven't pictures time is very long to see just an image22:20
bidon-_-_kevla:  an idea ?22:21
bidon-_-_i look on google but nothing i found22:21
kevlaSo you've tried gnash?22:23
bidon-_-_no i don't kevla22:24
bidon-_-_gnash can make run flash kevla ?22:24
picketfenceSorry about that. Now that I'm back, I'll ask again: What's the deal with the Plasma Dashboard?22:29
picketfenceOr is it laptop specific?22:30
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harosHi: in 9.04 how do I get the panel popup-thingies not to use black text on black22:40
ToreadorVampireHey all - Hardy Heron - I have been using krdc in order to connect to a server on my network that runs VNC server - it keeps crashing and it's just started to get to me22:43
ToreadorVampireNow - krdc - does it use "some VNC libraries in order to connect to VNC servers" or does it have its own buitin stuff?22:44
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ToreadorVampireCoz I can probably use tightvncviewer instead, and it might not be so crash-prone ...22:45
ToreadorVampireBut if I swap with a different vnc viewer platform, can I still use krdc?22:45
ch_good bye22:45
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=== gernot_ is now known as gernot
bidon-_-_i have this error with flashplugin10 NSPlugin Viewer  *** ERROR: could not reconstruct XVisualfrom visualID23:07
subcoolhey quick Q..23:08
subcoolAnyone using a Zoom BLuetooth USB adapter23:08
bidon-_-_subcool: can you help me ?23:08
subcoolim having an issue getting the util to find my Bluetooth GPS23:08
subcoolbidon-_-_: doubtful23:09
subcoolim a super noob23:09
subcoolbut shoot23:09
bidon-_-_oki me too23:09
trokhebidon-_-_: shoot23:09
bidon-_-_and i'm french23:09
bidon-_-_and english and me it's equal 323:10
subcoolnice- .. so whats the issue?23:10
trokhetake your time..23:10
=== trokhe is now known as AfrOTRokHE
subcooli missed soething23:11
subcoolso no BT guys here? i searched it.. but .. it seems this is just an anomoly23:12
AfrOTRokHEbidon-_-_: so?23:13
Parallxi'm in 9.04 and I don't know why I place widgets on the desktop and automatically they reorder, how can I dissable that?23:13
bidon-_-_ my flash don't work perfectly (cache buffer or i dont' know) i have this error with firefoxw and flash plugin AfrOTRokHE23:14
bidon-_-_i want say ... i think ubuntu is super top ... graphiq and software with distrib by default ... super génial ... finally use ubuntu or other linux make23:14
bidon-_-_NSPlugin Viewer  *** ERROR: could not reconstruct XVisualfrom visualID23:15
bidon-_-_i don't know how to say linux make our more fine more pertinent ....?23:15
AfrOTRokHEcheck this --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112050123:16
AfrOTRokHEhehe, is incorrect, give me a second..23:16
bidon-_-_oki AfrOTRokHE23:16
bidon-_-_tank you23:16
Parallxhow can I keep my widgets on KDE4 in place, they reorder automatically23:16
AfrOTRokHEbidon-_-_: 32 or 64 bits?23:17
bidon-_-_32 AfrOTRokHE23:17
AfrOTRokHEParallx: did you revise desktop envirnoment configurations?23:17
ParallxAfrOTRokHE: I don't find anything related23:18
AfrOTRokHEbidon-_-_: did you try installing flashplugin-nonfree pkg????23:19
AfrOTRokHEit's working for me...23:19
=== david is now known as Guest26874
Guest26874Anyone know a good sidebar for linux like the one on vista?23:20
bidon-_-_no AfrOTRokHE i've installed by apt-get flashplugin-nonfree23:20
Zxcvbare dual (switchable) video card laptops supported in kunbuntu?23:20
Zxcvbfully supported, that is23:20
AfrOTRokHEapt-get install  flashplugin-nonfree23:20
bidon-_-_yes AfrOTRokHE i try too by tar xvf flash923:21
AfrOTRokHEbidon-_-_: but install with apt-get also?23:21
bidon-_-_just 10 because not available (flash9 : wget flash9....)23:22
bidon-_-_i see there is a problem with perhaps gnas gnash common mozilla-plugin-gnash but there are not installed ....23:23
bidon-_-_i try too23:24
bidon-_-_sort of problem buffering one image by 15  min23:24
bidon-_-_en fait you are sure not lost an instant23:25
Parallxok, I think I found a bug23:27
kstingmy webcam is not working in kopete under jaunty23:27
Parallxcan someone help me test it?23:27
Parallxis just a minute23:27
bidon-_-_if i can Parallx what do you want23:28
Parallxare you using KDE4?23:28
bidon-_-_i'm french Parafix23:28
BluesKaj!jaunty | ksting23:28
ubottuksting: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:28
ParallxI need you to make create another activity23:29
bidon-_-_oula lol Parallx i don't know23:29
kstingok, thanks i wait the final version on april 2323:29
Parallxon the widget menu  -> Zoom out23:29
=== hgo76 is now known as abengoa
bidon-_-_i have kde 414 but i don't understand wath you say ... mdr Parallx23:30
Parallxbidon-_-_: ok, on the icon on the top right corner -> click Zoom out23:30
bidon-_-_oki i look Parallx23:30
bidon-_-_oki i try23:31
Parallxbidon-_-_: got it?23:31
bidon-_-_it is konqueror23:31
bidon-_-_wait please i see i launxch it23:31
Parallxbidon-_-_: there23:32
bidon-_-_i'm french and i don't see an equivalent 'zoom out"23:33
Parallxbidon-_-_: do you see the picture?23:34
Parallxbidon-_-_: the link I gave you23:34
=== brian_ is now known as Scienceman123
bidon-_-_yes oki i see23:35
Parallxcan you make a new activity from there !! ??? It's like a new hole desktop23:36
Parallxthe thing is that I can only place widgets on the first activity, and on the others it keeps reordering them23:39
bidon-_-_Parallx: euh i have bin dolphin i suppose and konqueror and your manager files it is ? and i'm not so qualfied to respond that you ask me ... sorry23:39
Parallxok, it's ok23:40
bidon-_-_and french23:40
bidon-_-_i see in my menu Parallx23:42
bidon-_-_ihave not zomm out i can lock plasmoide23:42
Guest26874Anyone know a good sidebar for linux like the one on vista?23:42
bidon-_-_i can put plasmoide23:43
bidon-_-_i can add "a takbar"23:43
Parallxdid you see this??: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qapdbswj4rA/SRu9beuarbI/AAAAAAAAAIw/7Szno1vkanQ/s400/zoomout.jpeg23:43
[mors]where's the key for the repo http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu ??23:43
bidon-_-_i can configure del and del (supp boradtable)23:44
Parallxno idea23:45
bidon-_-_non idea sorry23:45
bidon-_-_but i'm novice Parallx23:46
siavash_is kmail buggy with gmail? It's always trying to upload message data.23:53
kstinghello guys, i need help. my built-in bluetooth is not working in kubuntu 8.10 and in another laptop in kubuntu jaunty23:54
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nukem2525is there going to be an upgrade path from 8.04 w/ KDE3 to 9.04 w/ KDE3?23:58

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