
wirechiefSkapare yes, i think that is a good target00:00
ienorandSniper606: Theoretically it should be the same... but depending on how much breakage and configuring you've had...00:00
Skaparewirechief: from that, it looks like they have an ISO inside an ISO00:00
Sniper606no breakge in rc1 everything is perfect00:00
Sniper606in the beta i had a bad problem, no /etc/fstab but no problems at all in rc100:01
wirechiefSkapare I seem to remember just copying it to the place indicated.00:01
wirechiefSkapare your idea would to only have one .iso00:02
ienorandSniper606: And this is an installed-from-rc? Then it shouldn't make a difference.00:02
Skaparewirechief: I'll have to see more details about how they did it ... but my grub config is different ... yes, only one file whether it is called .iso or .img00:02
spartan2276How can I reinstall the default Xserver-xorg OSS drivers00:02
aaron__fuzzy: I installed the 'Broadcom STA wireless driver' from the restricted drivers manager, if that helps00:03
SectionOneHello All.. what would you guys recommend as far as hardware specs for an Ubuntu file server handling about 20 Windows XP/Vista computers?00:03
spartan2276I'v bee trying to chroot from a live cd and running sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx but it wont work00:03
Skaparewirechief: the script source to build is in the same directory as the test image:  http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/00:03
wirechiefSkapare all those .isos are compatible with ubuntu.00:04
Skaparewirechief: grab the tarball ... no docs yet so you are on your own for now to explore how it works00:04
Skaparewirechief: is there a URL to the page for that project?00:04
Skaparewhen I come up with a project name for mine, I'll make a page for it00:05
wirechiefSkapare which the hybrid.iso ?00:05
Skaparewith all the USB keys and SD cards around, I think distros should come on hybrid iso/img files00:06
wirechiefSkapare just take the name of the file off and you have the directory00:06
SkapareOK, I'll look ... gotta go afk for a waiting phone call00:06
wirechiefSkapare ok will check your webpage out00:07
spartan2276Is there any way to remove the ATI-drivers from a Live CD do I can login in again through GUI?00:08
Jordan_Uspartan2276, The liveCD doesn't have fglrx on it00:10
drbobbhello, is sftp support broken in jaunty's dolphin?00:11
spartan2276Jordan_U: I know that, but my install does00:12
spartan2276Jordan_U: so I want to remove it from my main install and reinstall the OSS drivers so that I can use the system again00:13
Jordan_Uspartan2276, Sorry, misunderstood, the chroot should work. Are you getting an error?00:13
spartan2276yes doing chroot and still getting an error00:13
spartan2276Jordan_U: this is what I did using chroot00:13
spartan2276Jordan_U: apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx00:14
wirechiefSniper606 i just du to keep things current00:14
spartan2276Jordan_U: take a look at the error http://pastebin.com/m32e840b600:16
Jordan_Uspartan2276, Ahh, are you still in the liveCD session?00:17
spartan2276this is the only way I can use my PC00:17
Jordan_Uspartan2276, What is the mountpoint for the chroot?00:17
Jordan_Uspartan2276, try running "sudo mount -o bind /dev /media/disk/dev" and "sudo mount -o bind /proc /media/disk/proc"00:18
Jordan_Uspartan2276, That should make /dev and /proc available in the chroot, it looks like the removal script relies on at least /dev being available00:19
spartan2276ok so should I sudo chroot /media/disk again?00:19
Jordan_Uspartan2276, No, just re run apt-get remove00:22
spartan2276Jordan_U: oops already did it and it worked, now how can I install the OSS default drivers00:23
Jordan_Uspartan2276, They shouldn't have ever been removed00:23
spartan2276Jordan_U: can I run this sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:23
Jordan_Uspartan2276, Yes00:24
spartan2276K let me try that00:24
spartan2276K let me try and reboot from normal session, thanks00:24
NaynayI take it that the ATI proprietary driver is still broken00:27
NaynayAMD only released a newer version of it a few days ago00:27
DanaGbroken how?00:27
DanaGThis bug, perchance?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31460000:28
Naynaycould be00:28
Naynayis that bug fixed?00:28
Jordan_UNaynay, fglrx is available for jaunty, they gave a pre-release version for Ubuntu so it could be tested during the development cycle00:30
lifiand most things are still broken :p00:31
NaynayOh OK. Yes, that's the bug I was referring to00:31
fuzzytwohey i'm trying to compile the compat-wireless nightly (4-19-09) in jaunty and i'm seeing errors trying to load the module, http://pastebin.com/m76a4b64600:32
DanaGThe thing for me was that all versions even with Intrepid, were all broken.00:32
DanaGSo, it wasn't just Jaunty for me.00:32
fuzzytwodoes anyone know what ksize is supposed to be?00:33
dusti can only hear music in my front speakers!??! i got 6.1 speakers00:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:33
on5slvlc is buggy like hell on ym machine?ubuntu completely freezes when going fullscreen00:34
fuzzytwodust: are you playing a 2 channel audio file?00:34
on5sli had to reset my pc...sometimes he crashes sometimes not.. Soem output from vlc: http://pastebin.com/d76de41c800:34
Naynayvnc, you mean?00:34
on5slvlc i mean00:35
NaynayAhm of course. Now that I think about it, that's actually confusing. Both have fullscreen modes00:36
dustsorry, lost link00:38
DanaGQuick, somebody get a broom!  =รพ00:38
dustany ideas on getting all my speakers soundable00:38
fuzzytwohave you tried a dvd with 5.1 dts or dd encoding?00:39
dustfuzzytwo: some thx trailers00:40
fuzzytwodid they work?00:40
fuzzytwowhat did you watch them in?00:40
fuzzytwoyea don't do that00:42
fuzzytwototem uses gstreamer for output00:42
fuzzytwoand has a handy habit of mucking surround00:43
dustbtw, when testing OSS it plays in all speakers00:43
dustpulseaudio only 2front and alsa 2front00:43
fuzzytwoi suggest you use something with a xine or vlc as the backend00:43
dustoss 5.100:43
fuzzytwoit's because of your speaker arrangement00:43
dusthow do i get 6.1 with pulseaudio or alsa00:44
dusti got creative sound blaster audigy 2 zs00:44
fuzzytwotry that00:44
DanaGoh, you can either install pulseaudio 0.9.15 from the PPA, or edit daemon.conf.00:44
fuzzytwoi use a turtle beach and a sony STR-DV10 to make my surround00:44
fuzzytwobut that is spdif out00:44
dustin /home/dust ?00:45
dustfuzzytwo: should i use pulseaudio or alsa in output device preference for the audio category00:46
dustin the first chouse?00:46
fuzzytwofor all your stereo stuff00:46
mylogicanyone have any fun advise on intel's GM965 x3100 vid card and desktop effects?00:47
fuzzytwoand if you are not using spdif out use pulse00:47
fuzzytwomylogic, try the dri200:47
mylogicmanually edit my xorg conf and restart xorg?00:47
fuzzytwoi have been using dri2 on my laptop00:48
fuzzytwoand aside from a random artifact once in a while it works really well00:48
MarcNno torrent for jaunty unr?00:48
mylogicwhere is the xorg.conf located at, can't remember off of the top of my head00:48
fuzzytwoMarcN, it's not released yet00:49
mylogicthere are torrents for it though00:49
wirechief try /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:49
fuzzytwomylogic, all system wide conf files belong in /etc00:49
mylogicah yes, that sounds right00:49
mylogicyeah, it's been a long time since I've done much manually conf editing, since back with gentoo and XFree heh00:49
histoMarcN: there is a torrent ont he download page00:49
MarcNfuzzytwo: my question should have been "no torrent for jaunty unr rc?" ;-)00:50
histoMarcN: www.ubuntu.com/testing00:50
MarcNhisto: ah, I was looking at the 9.04 page here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/00:51
mylogicfuzzytwo: where do you change what vid driver is used? doesn't seem to be in xorg.conf00:51
histoMarcN: k np00:51
histomylogic: xorg.conf isn't used anymore but if you specify a driver in there and the module is loaded it will use it.00:51
mylogicah, what's the the line to add00:52
MarcNhisto: that route takes me to where I started.  see torrents for other isos, but not the unr00:52
histoMarcN: whats the unr?00:53
mylogichrm, I might just live without desktop effects until it's fully supported, shouldn't be long I wouldn't imagine00:53
MarcNhisto: the bootable USB version for netbooks.00:53
histomylogic: i've been using them for years00:53
histoMarcN: ahh no idea on that one.00:53
MarcNhisto: my damn cable connection says 10+ hours.00:54
mylogichisto: I'm guessing you have an intel GM965 too?00:54
MarcNI think comcast is traffic shaping large downloads00:54
histomylogic: ughhh intel cards have issues00:54
mylogicI haven't had any problem in the past, especially since I got this one preloaded with ubuntu (dell)00:55
fuzzytwomylogic, your not changing your video driver just look at the jaunty beta annoucement00:55
mylogicI know, I saw it00:55
fuzzytwoit's documented there00:55
fuzzytwoadd it as an option to00:56
fuzzytwoIdentifier"Configured Video Device"00:56
fuzzytwoin that device section00:56
fuzzytwoi think that is where it belongs00:56
mylogicyeah, where is this documented again? Surely I'm not that blind these days00:56
fuzzytwoseach that page for EXA00:58
histoThere are some issues with intel chipsets00:58
mylogicah, ok00:58
fuzzytwoi'm using it just fine on a 915 setup00:58
mylogicso currently, it's trying to use UXA... I see00:59
MarcNdoes update-manager -d just change apt/sources.list from intrepid to jaunty and then dist-upgrade?00:59
histowell the preffered method now i blieve is to do-release-upgrade -d00:59
Jordan_UMarcN, No, it does additional checks01:00
majorflash is buggy and jerky01:00
majorany fix01:00
MarcNJordan_U: okay.  I';ll try that route.  hoping for a little faster/more stable firefox/flash on my netbook01:01
dustfuzzytwo: hey01:03
dustfuzzytwo: my rear right speaker is mute when i try that testaudio01:04
dustprobably it's brokern the element 6.1 box01:04
fuzzytworead up on alsa speaker arrangement and mapping01:04
dustfuzzytwo: it's same in windows vista01:05
fuzzytwoyou can use aplay to direct sound at that exact channel01:05
fuzzytwoif you do that, try to swap the speaker out for another one to see if it's a hardware element01:05
dustfuzzytwo: that's complicated.01:06
dustfuzzytwo: LFE to Rear Right would be nice01:06
fuzzytwonot really01:06
dustcan you help?01:06
fuzzytwonot really01:06
dusti need to change LFE to Rear Right01:06
fuzzytwoi push all my surround out via spdif01:06
dustfuzzytwo: i dont know what that is?01:06
fuzzytwothen do all my buggery in my receiver01:06
fuzzytwoi use a fiber optic link from my sound card to my home theater receiver01:07
dustfuzzytwo: is it possible to change LFE to use Rear Right01:07
fuzzytwoi believe so, you have to read up on alsa speaker mapping01:07
dustfuzzytwo: what is that01:07
fuzzytwoit's what that asoundrc file is all about01:07
fuzzytwogoogle it01:07
dustcoul dyou help some plz01:09
fuzzytwoyou know01:09
fuzzytwoi'll trade you01:09
fuzzytwoyou fix my wireless card01:09
fuzzytwoand i'll fix your speakers01:09
fuzzytwooh and by the way, you've only got 20 minutes01:09
fuzzytwoget to cracking01:09
dustuse gnome heh01:10
fuzzytwosorry you lose01:10
* fuzzytwo goes back to work01:10
dusti found that site01:10
Lasivianwhere can I download 9.04?01:14
* Lasivian sighs01:15
* Lasivian noticed the topic a tad late01:15
Lasivianrm```: yeah, but it's not linked from anything I saw01:15
Lasiviani'm just tired :P01:15
rm```there is a huge banner at the top of the page saying DOWNLOAD the release candidate now :P01:15
Pollywogdoes sound work in Jaunty or does it not work for me because I did an upgrade and not a clean install?01:17
PollywogNvidia also did not work well for me and almost every upgrade I have done in Ubuntu resulted in Nvidia problems that a clean install fixed01:19
wirechiefPollywog proprietary drivers are troublesome.01:19
fujimitsu_sound works01:20
wirechiefPollywog my sound works though01:20
Pollywogwell is there something that can be done about it?01:20
Pollywogk thanks01:20
wirechiefPollywog i had to use alsamixer and set and reset 958 d01:20
Pollywogthen I think the problem is the upgrade, I will copy my files and then do a clean install01:20
Pollywogdid you upgrade?01:21
PollywogI upgraded from Intrepid01:21
wirechiefPollywog why not just use the live until the final comes out ?01:21
Pollywogtoo slow01:21
fujimitsu_i did fresh install , but i have done upgrades and had no sound issues..01:21
fuzzyuse it on a usb stick01:21
Pollywogthat is even slower than the live CD01:22
* wirechief if you can get it to work on a usb stick01:22
fuzzyit works great for me on a usb stick01:22
PollywogI have never been able to get it to work well on a stick01:22
wirechieffuzzy mine did too until lately01:22
fuzzyi just did it today01:23
fuzzylive cd and the install01:23
fujimitsu_you should just reinstall.. set a small partition for it and test out01:23
fuzzymade the usb stick in 8.1001:23
hiluse a good usb-stick ;) mine reads 35MB/sec, my old HD's are slower01:23
Pollywogthough I found a way to make a stick using a procedure I found for netbooks and that one works as an installer though it is very slow01:23
wirechieffuzzy did you download the daily build today and it worked with usb ?01:23
fuzzyi took01:23
fuzzythe ubuntu 9.04 i386 cd iso01:23
Pollywogthanks for the info01:24
fuzzyi found chilling in another folder, i don't have a dvd burner, and the usb stick is too small for it01:24
g4lv4tr0nhi just upgraded to jaunty and reinstalled dvb-utils but when i try to scan for channels there is no /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples folder ???01:24
g4lv4tr0njaunty ftw!!! :)01:25
g4lv4tr0nnice to see wine and wow are working again no more access violation01:26
g4lv4tr0n 01:26
g4lv4tr0nhi just upgraded to jaunty and reinstalled dvb-utils but when i try to scan for channels there is no /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples folder ???01:26
AaronMTNo need to repeat.01:26
wirechieffuzzy what version of usb-creator do you have ? mine is 1.0.16 and its not creating a workable usb.01:26
udasomeone mind helping me with nvidia dual monitor? was working great till i set one monitor to 'off' and i havent been able to get it back at all01:26
uda2nd monitor doesnt even appear in layout anymore in nvidia x server settings01:27
Lasivianhope that's what it's supposed to do01:29
ienorandPollywog: usb speed depends on the usb... I run entire jaunty of a 8bg stick... and it's comparable to hd.01:30
g4lv4tr0n 01:30
g4lv4tr0n 01:30
g4lv4tr0nhi just upgraded to jaunty and reinstalled dvb-utils but when i try to scan for channels there is no /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples folder ???01:30
g4lv4tr0n 01:30
Halow!flood | g4lv4tr0n01:31
ubottug4lv4tr0n: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:31
AaronMT!patience | g4lv4tr0n01:31
ubottug4lv4tr0n: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:31
g4lv4tr0nsorry my bad01:31
Lasivianok, I was upgrading and it suddenly shutdown with a new shutdown screen (smaller ubuntu logo and letters, then it said "Terminated" and now it's a black screen but the machine is physically on01:31
g4lv4tr0nhas anyone got the /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples folder ?01:32
LasivianI have this sinking feeling01:32
* wirechief hands Lasivian a towel01:33
Lasivianso this is bad I assume?01:34
Halowuda: Have you restarted X? Checked the cables?01:34
wirechiefLasivian i dont know, what were you doing ? upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 ?01:34
wafichi all01:34
udayes and yes01:34
Lasivianwirechief: yes01:34
ienorandLasivian: ctrl+alt+f1... resiub...01:34
wirechiefLasivian what graphics card do you have ?01:35
Lasivianctrl-alt-f1 does nothing01:35
Lasivianit's an Acer Aspire One notebook01:35
wirechiefLasivian , Nvidia, Intel, ATI  ?01:35
Lasivianhrrm, one sec01:35
* ienorand braces, is it an intel?01:35
Halowuda: Hm. The only trouble I had with my nvidia card and dual screens was when I didn't double check my wires. :)01:36
udaHalow, ive been trying to fix it for a couple of days now. at point, ive been able to move the mouse off one screen to where the other would be, but with nothing visible on the 2nd monitor, and it still not showing in nvidia settings01:36
* wirechief drum roll begins....01:36
LasivianIntel GMA95001:38
ienorandLasivian: What you could try as a last "clean" shutdown attempt is hold down alt+printscreen (or alt+sysrq) then press the keys REISUB, in that order.. with about 2 or more seconds between each keypress01:38
waficdid any one used winehq01:39
Lasivianienorand: while holding those down?01:39
wirechiefLasivian  well i dunno thats perhaps newer than the intel945 and do the REISUB but was trying to get some more information like is the hd light still blinking ?01:39
Lasiviandrive light isn't running01:40
ienorandLasivian: whilst holding alt+sysreq01:40
wirechiefheres a good howto http://techpatterns.com/forums/about911.html01:41
ienorandLasivian: Ok, hard reboot.01:41
Lasivianbooting the 8.10-looking screen01:41
ienorandwirechief: Hmm, is there a preserence of syncing before or after killing processes?01:42
wirechiefienorand: it usually just works as indicated in that howto01:42
wirechiefienorand: i have never had a crashed filesystem when ive used that proceedure01:43
Lasivianlogged in to a blank flesh-colored screen01:43
wirechiefand thanks to intel ive had to use it very frequently01:43
ienorandwirechief: Yea, but i learned the reisub (raising elephants is so utterly boring :) ) combo, with sync after kill...01:43
Lasiviannothin works, well poo01:44
ienorandLasivian: what point do you get to?01:45
wirechiefLasivian you can do dpkg --configure -a   then apt-get install -f then apt-get dist-upgrade see what happens01:45
ienorandLasivian: go for recovery mode if you have no termianl01:46
* wirechief not very good at fixing things when you cannot see the other end01:46
Lasivianienorand: it goes through the 8.10 looking name/password, then I get a flesh screen and nothing responds, restarting gnome01:48
ienorandLasivian: Ah, ok, then you should be able to get to terminal using ctrl+alt+f1, and try wirechief's commands01:49
wirechiefienorand probably needs to get that 8.10 completely up-todate with du then try a upgrade to 9.04 if thats what is desired.01:53
Lasivianwirechief: running the first command01:55
Lasivianthanks for the help btw guys :)01:55
Lasivianthankfully, I made a full backup just before doing this, so if it dies I won't be distraught, heh01:55
Lasiviani'm tempted just to erase the damn thing01:56
wirechiefLasivian: well chalk it up to learning ;)01:56
wirechiefLasivian and keep a note file with all the commands given for later....01:57
Lasivianmy years of Windows knowledge do me scant little now01:57
wirechiefLasivian: i left it 2 years ago (hasnt looked back)01:57
Lasiviani'm working on about 6 months01:57
wirechiefLasivian: linux was very confusing for at least 2 to 3 months for me but i was determind to learn it.01:58
Lasiviansome habits die hard, like the idea that I can run an old kernel with a new version, that's still odd terrain01:58
Lasivianand often I know "what" I want to do, but not the command or location of the button in Ubuntu01:58
udaanyone able to help me with nvidia twinview losing one of my monitors?01:59
Lasivianthat's REALLY frustrating.. finding that happening in Vista and Office 2007 made me finally give it up completely01:59
macman_hi all .. ever since i updated to jaunty firefox updated to .. now when i go to a flash site it has a play button .. when i click it nothing happens .. any ideas ?01:59
wirechiefLasivian:  i got a lot of good experience with both sidux and kanotix but Ubuntu has really come a long way for ease of use.01:59
Lasivianmacman_: I know i've been having alot of issues with 3.0.8 myself02:00
macman_anyway to fix ?02:00
Halowmacman_: Using flash block?02:00
macman_Halow: what is flash block ?02:00
Lasivianhaven't delved into it, but I get a feeling it's not Jaunty-related02:00
Halowmacman_: That sounds like a no. :)02:00
Halowmacman_: It's an extension that blocks flash from starting automatically (think unwanted ads) unless you allow them.02:01
wirechiefLasivian: actually kanotix uses all Ubuntu kernels and the scripts make installing Nvidia a breeze02:01
Lasivianyeah, but if that was the cause he'd click and play02:01
Lasivianhe's clicking and not playing02:01
Lasiviansounds like the flash install is broken02:01
macman_Halow: how do i check this to see if it is blocking it or something02:02
HalowWell, it usually gives a small play button to flash it blocks, so...02:02
Lasivianmacman_: I would try the 3.0.8 release package stright from mozilla on their ftp site02:02
macman_Lasivian: so apt-get remove firefox and then install the 3.0.8 ?02:02
wirechiefmacman_: what is the url for this flash site ?02:02
Halowmacman_: You can check which Firefox extensions you have in Tools>Ad Ons.02:03
Lasivianmacman_: no, you can have both installed02:03
Lasivianmacman_: tho if you want to blow away the existing one go ahead02:03
HalowThe beta for Firefox is also in the repos, as far as I know.02:03
macman_i have shockware flash 9.0 r99902:03
LasivianHalow: the ubuntu 3.0.8 firefox package is goofy, when I went with Mozilla's release directly it ran a hell of alot better and fixed a few quirks :/02:04
Lasiviannothing to lose by trying it I figure02:04
Halowmacman_: Ah... I'm not using shockwave. I'm using the "flashplugin-nonfree" (adobe) from the repos.02:04
macman_thats what i thouth i ws using02:04
macman_let me rm it02:04
LasivianAdobe has a flash ubuntu package on their site btw02:05
Lasivianbut I have not toyed with that, I dislike flash :P02:05
macman_Halow: not working .. how can i get this fixed or can i ?02:05
HalowI like installing things from the repos. Not having to run around everywhere to get updates is a wonderful thing. :)02:05
LasivianHalow: normally I completely agree, but Firefox 3.0.8 PO'd be bigtime02:06
Halowmacman_: Do you have flashplugin-nonfree? Try (without quotes) "dpkg -l flashplayer-nonfree" in terminal.02:06
HalowIt should tell if it's installed or not.02:06
macman_yes i do .. i will check02:06
gadjoplease help me with this issue02:06
gadjoi'm trying to install 2 packages, which depend each one on the other02:06
gadjotmp$ sudo -u root dpkg -i libstdc++6-4.0-dev_4.0.3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb g++-4.0_4.0.3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb02:06
gadjoSelecting previously deselected package libstdc++6-4.0-dev.02:06
gadjo(Reading database ... 125185 files and directories currently installed.)02:06
gadjoUnpacking libstdc++6-4.0-dev (from libstdc++6-4.0-dev_4.0.3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb) ...02:06
gadjoSelecting previously deselected package g++-4.0.02:06
gadjoUnpacking g++-4.0 (from g++-4.0_4.0.3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb) ...02:07
gadjodpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libstdc++6-4.0-dev:02:07
gadjo libstdc++6-4.0-dev depends on libc6-dev (>= 2.3.5-1ubuntu5); however:02:07
gadjo  Package libc6-dev is not installed.02:07
gadjodpkg: error processing libstdc++6-4.0-dev (--install):02:07
gadjo dependency problems - leaving unconfigured02:07
Halow!paste |gad02:07
ubottugad: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:07
gadjodpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of g++-4.0:02:07
gadjo g++-4.0 depends on libstdc++6-4.0-dev (= 4.0.3-1ubuntu5); however:02:07
gadjo  Package libstdc++6-4.0-dev is not configured yet.02:07
gadjodpkg: error processing g++-4.0 (--install):02:07
gadjo dependency problems - leaving unconfigured02:07
gadjoErrors were encountered while processing:02:07
gadjo libstdc++6-4.0-dev02:07
gadjo g++-4.002:07
macman_yes i do have it hal02:08
macman_Halow: *02:08
* Lasivian gets the shovel to move out the spam02:08
* Lasivian gets some hip waders too02:08
Halowgadjo: When I have more than one .deb to install at a time, it helps to put them together in a folder (with no other debs), and change to that directory and run "sudo dpkg -i *.deb".02:08
Halowmacman_: Hm. Well, maybe shockwave is interfering with it? You can disable the plugin, right?02:09
macman_i disabled it Halow and now i get an error when i get to a flash site02:09
Lasivianwirechief: so what do those three commands you gave me do exactly?02:10
macman_Halow: im removeing firefox and readding it02:10
Halowmacman_: OK. If you're going that route, purging might be best.02:10
Lasivianmacman_: I would try Adobe's flash package first02:10
Strider^i made some USB sticks from Ubuntu 9.04 RC iso and i get a busybox when i boot them02:11
Lasivianthis feels oddly familiar02:11
macman_Lasivian: where did you say it was ?02:11
Lasivianmacman_: one sec02:11
wirechiefHalow that doesnt always work well, especially if the depends on one affect the other.02:11
wirechiefLasivian it should make sure you are completely upto date with 8.10 then you can do the 9.04 upgrade02:12
wirechiefLasivian lacking that you can have a borked 9.04 right out of the gate02:12
Halowwirechief: Hm. Well, I'd been told it would handle them in a way to make them handle dependencies as needed. I've not seen it fail, but I know I haven't seen everything.02:14
Lasivianwirechief: ahh, ok. I know I was on an older kernel, -702:14
Lasivianthe newer kernels wouldn;t boot correctly02:14
wirechiefLasivian but myself, I always get the .iso from the daily-build and use it for recovery or whatever if needed (good to have a disk) also the daily build is very close to being a finished final02:14
Lasivianyeah, my other machine is making a usb install stick as we speak :)02:14
wirechiefLasivian what relase 9.04 ?02:15
Lasivianhrrm, which disc should I snag for installing on a mac mini?02:16
andrukif I want/need MPX, i can just grab the X server source for jaunty and config it in, right?02:16
wirechiefif you get booted to it i sure would like to know what version of usb-creator  and casper  that you have.. use dpkg -l |grep usb-creator   to find the version02:16
Strider^the RC has a bug, it will not boot from USB02:17
macman_Lasivian: no good .. didn't work02:17
wirechiefHalow usually you can do that, I have. but just like i tried all the .debs to install the bug fix versions of mesa it didnt work as i thought.02:18
Lasivianwirechief: oh, i'm using unetbootin on windows02:18
Lasivianmacman_: well poo02:18
Lasivianteh notebook dumped me to a useless gnome login again02:18
macman_this isn't good02:18
macman_i want my flash lol02:18
Strider^btw why does it take so long to create a USB disk ? it took more than an hour for me02:18
macman_Lasivian: purging didn't work02:18
Lasivianmacman_: you think YOU got problems, lol02:18
wirechiefLasivian ok well i tried that too (it dropped me into a initramfs busy box)02:19
macman_yea .. but i want my flash02:19
pwnguinwhere does the pdf printer store finished jobs?02:19
macman_pwnguin: where ever you tell it to02:19
LasivianStrider^: took about 10 minutes for me02:19
pwnguinmacman_: it didnt ask02:19
macman_pwnguin: you have to tell it where to save02:19
HalowI made a USB of xubuntu-alternate just the other day. It took maybe 15 mins, and booted fine.02:20
LasivianI think i'll just boot the sucker, I have a backup that was minutes old when I started this :P02:20
ienorandpwnguin: which one?02:20
macman_pwnguin: go to file print02:20
pwnguinienorand: not entirely sure. whatever firefox finds02:20
Strider^well it's faster for me to download the iso than create the USB drive02:20
ienorandpwnguin: normally ~/ or ~/ODF02:20
macman_click on print to file .. type your name and do you save location and click pdf for the output and click print02:20
Strider^so i'll rewrite the syslinux directory with the one from the dailyb build instead02:21
pwnguinmacman_: i have 3 options. 1) print to file, 2) deskjet blah blah 3) PDF02:21
ienorandStrider^: busted usbdisk?02:22
LasivianI like the new "KITT" loding screen02:22
pwnguinmacman_: after that i just get a dialog02:22
ienorandpwnguin: print to file normally dumps in home folder02:22
Strider^ienorand,  yeah02:22
pwnguinienorand: as a .ps =(02:22
LasivianI was shocked, I destroyed a usb stick the other day02:23
LasivianI unplugged it by accident while I was formatting ntfs, totally screwed it02:23
ienorandpwnguin: and you can't set that to pdf?02:23
histookay I can see a difference with ext402:24
pwnguinienorand: ah. neat. it didnt always have that02:24
histounless i'm going crazy02:24
ienorandpwnguin: thats02:24
Lasivianooh, I think i'll just wait and download the netbook remix02:25
Lasivianwish I had seen that first02:25
Pickleswortherr, is Pidgin normally so unstable? I just hopped back to Empathy but I miss its nice buddy list :(02:25
ienorandpwnguin: sorry, that's from the cups-pdf package... All works?02:26
pwnguinienorand: yep.02:27
pwnguinstill makes me wonder what's wrong with the pdf printer02:27
belredi have 2 installs of ubuntu 9.04.  in both i didn't change the repository settings.  one includes all deb-src lines uncommented in sources.list.  the other doesn't have any deb-src lines.  in both cases, the synaptic>settings>repositories>ubuntu software wont let me toggle source code on or off.  i don't understand how this happned02:27
_chunI'm having a problem in jaunty: the new onscreen notifications don't seem to play too well with fullscreen apps (like vlc) -- every notification causes the desktop to flicker on and off, which gets pretty annoying. is there any way to change that behaviour? (pretty new to ubuntu/linux so apologies if I'm slow)02:28
pwnguinienorand: actually, cups-pdf isn't installed02:28
badfish69_chun: turn off visual effects?02:30
belredhow can i toggle the source code option?02:30
Strider^_chun, you have an nvidia card ?02:31
andrukyou know, if you have to turn off visual effects to get things working, then the things that wont work with visual effects turned on are either closed source, broken, or both...02:31
_chunStrider^: yep, 8600gt02:31
pwnguinienorand: it must have been uninstalled at some point and left the pdf printer settings around02:31
pwnguinienorand: thanks for the tips02:31
Lasivianwhere are the files stored that determine how your gnome panels are laid out?02:31
* andruk glares at Mathematica02:31
Strider^i think it's a problem with the current driver in jaunty, hope this will get fixed soon02:32
dereckhey guys, I chose to enable encrypted home directories. HOw can I safely change my password, makeing sure that it updates my wrapped passphrase?02:32
ienorandpwnguin: I am not sure, but at least for me I had to install that to get pdf printing...02:32
pwnguinienorand: this is a very old ubuntu install. all sorts of random things go off course02:33
belredwow, i just figured it out... maybe a bug? i switched from the US server to the main server and i was able toggle the source code on/off02:36
gundam_rx78nt1Have there been any fix for the network manager in jaunty that doesn't permit wireless connections to wpa-eap?02:44
Omen_20jaunty is going to have native support for PPC right?02:47
gundam_rx78nt1Have there been any fix for the network manager in jaunty that doesn't permit wireless connections to wpa-eap?02:47
badfish69i think the release date should be in /topic02:48
cwilluLasivian, gconf-editor -> apps -> gnome-panel will show you02:53
Lasiviancwillu: i'm pulling off a backup unfortunately02:54
Frijoliehey all02:58
Frijoliei'm having performance issues with my lappy02:58
Frijoliethings are taking a long time to register---you type something in a terminal and it's 5+ seconds before it's displayed02:59
wirechiefcwillu so far no crashes (only when i tested the script and i posted the freeze_dump.txt )02:59
Frijolieany ideas?03:02
wirechiefFrijolie what does htop show?03:02
ienorandwirechief: it's an intel btw :/03:02
Frijoliehehe, yeah it's Intel03:03
FrijolieI'm installing htop now03:03
wirechiefwell intel has been blacklisted03:03
Frijolieso I'm lucky to have any type of display at all?03:03
wirechiefintel problems shouldnt be happening now.03:03
drinkycrowtheres a heart in my firefox03:03
Frijoliemy compiz did recently kill on me03:04
wirechiefi have the problem but the blacklisting is keeping me from freezing03:04
ienoranddrinkycrow: Is it all yucky and sticky?03:04
Frijolieyeah and my computer also has been freezing at random times requiring a power off03:04
ienoranddrinkycrow: :) ... Heart?03:04
badfish69it's horrible03:04
badfish69for adding to bookmarks03:05
wirechiefFrijolie well i would disable compiz and see if it stops03:05
Frijoliei've restored compiz back to working order..03:05
badfish69what a terrible icon03:05
Frijoliewhy was Intel blacklisted again?03:05
ienorandbadfish69: What, is it changed?03:05
wirechiefFirjolie because of freezes03:06
badfish69the heart icon for adding a bookmark in firefox on jaunty03:06
badfish69it's awful03:06
badfish69it makes me feel like less of a man just using it03:06
ienorandbadfish69: That normally is a star?03:06
Frijoliewirechief, it was working fine in Intrepid03:06
wirechiefhave disabled compiz with sudo chmod a-x /usr/bin/compiz  while the03:07
wirechieffreeze was occuring ..03:07
badfish69i don't even see it in intrepid03:07
FrijolieIs this Jaunty or Intel problem?03:07
wirechiefFrijolie: mesa03:07
wirechiefmesa 7.403:07
Frijoliemesa = drivers, right?03:07
wirechiefbug 35905103:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359051 in xorg "Desktop freeze #41 (dup-of: 359392)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35905103:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939203:08
Frijoliethis supposed to be fixed before final release?03:08
wirechiefFrijolie: yes well there are several packages involved see the bug03:08
wirechiefFrijolie: they are working on it. but in the mean time intel has been blacklisted.03:09
Frijolieok, so this would have happened to me if I would have stuck with Intrepid then.03:09
FrijolieI guess it's just coincidence because I upgraded about the same time ~April 3rd03:09
wirechiefFrijolie: probably not. you had mesa 7.3 or so03:10
wirechiefFrijolie: you can always check your /var/log/dpkg.log   for  mesa and see when and what got installed03:10
ienorandwirechief: Would the intel driver downgrade help in this case?03:11
wirechiefFrijolie: just  do cat /var/log/dpkg.log |grep mesa03:11
wirechiefienorand: well that was the first thing they did was have intel users downgrade mesa to 7.303:12
starcannonwirechief can you confirm that downgrading mesa to 7.3 solves the freezes?03:12
VenkoHey, I just turned on my machine to find out that Compiz has stopped working (trying to enable it throws "Desktop effects could not be enabled"). It was working fine until now03:12
wirechiefienorand:  but newly updated 9.04 intel is being blacklisted03:12
Frijoliewirechief, 2009-04-05 04:09:56 install libgl1-mesa-glx <none> 7.3-1ubuntu303:12
wirechiefstarcannon: yes. it stopped happening for me03:12
starcannonwirechief nice thanks for that03:13
wirechiefcheck out the bug url for details03:13
Frijoliewirechief, 2009-04-05 04:31:43 upgrade mesa-utils 7.3-1ubuntu3 7.4-0ubuntu103:13
wirechiefbug 35905103:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359051 in xorg "Desktop freeze #41 (dup-of: 359392)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35905103:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939203:13
Frijolieso it was "upgraded" on the 5th03:14
starcannonwirechief yeah just did, Andres Mujica was even nice enough to link to the mesa  .debs required to downgrade mesa03:14
wirechiefstarcannon: yes they are all listed in the bug report ;)03:14
wirechiefthere are lots of intel945 users that are affected but the blacklisting helps keep them from freezing, its just the ones that want to use compiz and dont understand why it doesnt work03:15
gundam_rx78nt1Have there been any fix for the network manager in jaunty that doesn't permit wireless connections to wpa-eap?03:16
Venkowirechief: I use intel graphics. My Compiz stopped working today - what's the fix you're discussing?03:16
gundam_rx78nt1I can connect with no problems to a wpa-psk03:17
wirechiefVenko read the bug url03:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged]03:17
Frijoliealso, I've noticed that the update applet never shows that there's packages available for update03:18
Frijoliesoftware update orange star lookin' thing never appears03:18
wirechiefFrijolie: yes well there is a solution to that in the upgrade notes for jaunty03:18
Frijoliebut as soon as I check via terminal theres a bunch03:18
Frijoliewhen I said "upgrade", I meant I did a fresh install--reformatted my hard drive03:19
wirechiefFrijolie:  i use apt-get  to get my stuff.03:19
HalowFrijolie: bug #33294503:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in ubuntu-release-notes "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294503:19
Frijoliealso when I update via terminal and a reboot is required i also don't get that icon in the notification bar03:19
Frijolieis that related?03:20
clearscreenUhm... apparently my ext3 partitions have misteriously turned into ext4 (I assure you: I have not converted or formatted them myself), and at boot grub now complains that ext4 format is not supported03:20
clearscreenWhat's going on?! I didnt do anything! :(03:20
HalowFrijolie: Yeah.03:20
* wirechief well i gotta go , train is here have fun03:20
FrijolieHalow, alright I'll check out that article Halow03:20
Frijoliethanks wirechief03:20
Solidus_wow, holy crap.  tethering my blackjack for use as a modem was instamagic in jaunty!  i could never get it even to work before in previous versions03:21
FrijolieSolidus_, wish I could say the same for my BlackBerry03:23
Solidus_it just said basically "phone detected" and asked what phone provider.  i said AT&T and i'm on the internet.03:23
* Skapare is back03:25
Skaparewirechief: I looked more at that Kanotix stuff.  Looks like they are using 2 filesystems, ISO plus another.  There is some description on how to do it, but it's not complete that I can see.  Mine has a script to do it for you (still needs work to have a better user interface)03:25
Lasivianwell crap... I get "Could not find kernel image: linux"03:26
VenkoI've installed those packages and restarted my session. I still can't get Compiz to work and it was working fine until I turned on my machine today.03:29
VenkoWhen I try to enable it is says searching for drivers and then says the desktop effects could not be enabled03:30
* Lasivian tries making the usb stick again03:39
badfish69are there as many themes on the desktop version as on the unr?03:42
badfish69i really like some of the new ones03:43
cwillubadfish69, gnome-themes is where they come from afaik03:50
cwillubadfish69, which isn't installed in ubuntu by default, but it's simple to install03:51
mikegriffinso i have seen firefox go grey a few times, thinking it was flash causing it i did some troubleshooting. recently i saw mythfrontend do the same thing. is this an ubuntu thing or a gnome thing or what?03:56
Halowmikegriffin: That's a GNOME thing, as far as I'm aware. They do it when things "stop responding" and if you try to close them it will give you the option to force quit them.03:57
mikegriffininteresting. probably is still flash related03:58
mikegriffinit was very similar to the windows you must confirm go grey thing03:59
HalowI find flash makes it happen to Firefox often. Sometimes Java as well.03:59
mikegriffini actually was watching hulu, interestingly enough i thought right click => flash settings => bump cache would help but the settings option was dimmed04:00
mikegriffini have yet to retry04:00
cwillumikegriffin, it only goes grey if the process hasn't responded to the window manager in 'x' seconds, which generally means it isn't responding to the mouse or keyboard either04:01
mikegriffinwell i mean after i was in charge again04:01
cwilluoh, in the flash04:01
cwilluyes, a script has the ability to disable things in that menu04:01
cwilluI think there's an adobe website address that'll talk to the flash player to allow you to set the defaults04:02
mikegriffinyea, tried it. only lets you set per site cache settings afaict04:02
mikegriffini think i might try removing the .deb that downloads the tgz from adobe.com and install it manually04:03
cwillumikegriffin, that won't fix anything04:03
mikegriffini had never even seen said deb before actually04:03
mikegriffini wasnt sure if it depends on the latest version of flash or a hardcoded one, in other words i was going to try an upgrade04:03
cwillumikegriffin, http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/04:04
cwilluif the version reported in the box is the same as the version in the table for linux (, you have the latest version04:05
mikegriffinwhile on the topic, are the 'other two' functional/stable?04:08
cwilluother two?04:09
mikegriffinwhen you hit a flash site with no plugin, you are presented with flash-nonfree (adobe) gnash and something else iirc04:09
cwillugnash is where wine was 4-5 years ago04:10
cwilluuseful for somethings, glitchy but usable for others, completely broken for most :p04:10
cwilluworks for youtube though04:10
mikegriffinyou ever have a problem where the audio just crashes suddenly and you close the browser and then have to issue a kill since the sound doesnt actually stop?04:11
mikegriffini have seen it on my workstation and box at home (listening to pandora)04:12
pwnguindid i miss the ubuntu free culture showcase announcement?04:15
=== Milos_SD is now known as Milos_SD-aWay
* Milos_SD-aWay is Away, Reason: ( Spavam!!! ) | Since: ( Sunday, April 19, 2009. 21:25:36 ) Xlack v2.104:22
cwillu!away > Milos_SD-aWay04:27
ubottuMilos_SD-aWay, please see my private message04:27
mase_workhey guys, where is the suspend resume script ?04:31
mase_worknm found it04:32
mikegriffinthanks cwillu i will ask #gnome my remaining questions04:36
BrandieI need some help, I'm on a laptop with 20 mins of battery life left. and my main pc is not booting. I keep getting "Aborted because bad gzip magic numbers" And "VFS unable to mount root to FS04:45
ckyBrandie: Sounds like your initramfs is corrupted. You need to boot with your Ubuntu CD, and pick "rescue".04:47
ckyBeyond that, I can't remember the procedure, because I'm more used to fixing the system from the command-line (update-initramfs -u)04:48
duncan_nzIs it a known problem that paths with links in don't work the same as normal paths?05:05
duncan_nzSeveral apps including Rhythm won't work with file at ~/Music which is actuall at /dev/media/sda2/privat/m/music...05:06
[MindVirus]What's going on with the Intel graphics drivers?05:10
mase_workthey fscked :)05:10
mase_workthey're rather05:10
[MindVirus]I know.05:11
[MindVirus]Any progress?05:11
BrandieCan somone help me fix my problem with ubuntu not booting please?...05:11
shiznebitso all the hype about UXA was pointless ?05:11
Brandie"bad gzip magic number error?"05:11
BrandieI'm on the Live cd at the moment. But I dunno what to do now...05:12
vigoBrandie: fix or repair grub or update grub. I would have to look,05:12
BrandieYea, I figured It was to do with grub05:12
Brandiebut How do I do that? ._.05:12
vigoBrandie: looking now, could be a bad loader, i.e. bad download or broken one, still looking05:13
Brandiewell it was working, but I uh... download this thing to customize grub from the add/remove05:14
Brandieand now grub doesnt work! =D05:14
alex_mayorga1Brandie: supergrub05:15
vigoBrandie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=fix+grub05:15
Brandiefollow that guide?05:16
Brandiehope this worked...05:17
vigoBrandie: That might be the fix that you are looking for, I just tapped the forums and saw that.05:21
tywashereThank you SOO MUCH05:21
tywashereIt worked. Thank you.....!05:21
tywashereI love you guys <3 I don't know what I would do without you...05:21
vigoBuy us cookies05:22
Level1hi, when I run the ubiquity installer, it stops between the keyboard layout screen and the partition manager screen05:22
tywasherehow long have you tried waiting?05:22
Skaparemmmm ... chocolate chip cookies05:22
tywashereIt takes a LOT of time to load... haha05:22
Level1tywashere: maybe a minute.  But the progress bar disappears05:22
Level1I'll try waiting longer05:23
tywasheretry just leaving it for a while05:23
tywashereI have to wait upwords of 5 minutes for it to load05:23
tywashereand I'm on a quad core ;)05:23
tywashereokay, heres one for you guys, My volume controller. Resets when I restart05:24
Level1well, its nothing to do with processor speed and everything to do with the way the linux kernel interacts with the disks.  So if your disks are complicated, you can have the fastest processor in the world, it won't matter05:24
tywasherethe "Mixer tracks" IVe got05:24
tywashereWell, Cd's arent exactly the fastest media to read from =P05:24
Skaparecpu speed is generally not going to make it faster ... installers get slow when there is more stuff to check, like drivers for devices and things05:24
tywasherefair enough05:25
Skaparea DVD could do faster than CD ... high end SD cards and USB keys can be even faster (not the cheap ones)05:25
tywasherecan you boot a uh "Live cd" from a usb disc :P?05:25
tywashereIf you catch mah drift...05:25
Skapareyou can burn your CD-size ISO on DVD if you want (and have a burner for)05:25
Skapareonly if the image is made for usb (hard drive) booting05:26
tywashereYou know what i mean =D05:26
Skapareusb cd/dvd drive will work with ISO ... can your BIOS boot from USB cd/dvd ... some can't05:26
tywashereso, To my previos question. Why does my volume wheel reset what it controlls all the time?05:26
Skapareyou mean USB flash key, SD memory card (usually attached via USB), or a USB external hard drive ... those cannot be boot from if written with an ordinary ISO image and no special software05:27
tywashereIt might have to do with the fact I have 3 sound cards ;)05:27
vigotywashere: Uhm, yes, it could05:28
Level1Partman failed with exit code 141. Further information may be found in /var/log/syslog. Do you want to try running this step again before continuing? If you do not, your installation may fail entirely or may be broken.05:28
tywashereclick yes05:28
Skaparethere are ways to make a bootable USB hard drive or key ... unetbootin is one ... and I have a program I wrote today that turns an ISO into an ISO that can be boot up from a hard drive05:28
Level1I have some ntfs disks that are in a very broken state05:28
Level1I thought partman would just ignore them05:28
tywashereReformat them?05:28
felixsullaIs this new version of Ubuntu coming out soon going to be packaged by default with Open Office 3 adn Firefox 3?05:28
Level1Well, I'd like to at least try to recover the data on them, just not right now05:29
tywashereI know they are available as updates.05:29
Skaparefelixsulla: try the beta and see05:29
Skapareor is that rc now05:29
tywashereThey arent in the beta05:29
tywasherethey are released as updates as far as I know...05:30
* Skapare considers beta == rc ... but knows others treat them different somehow05:30
shiznebitoh wow, we are at RC05:30
rlaagerfelixsulla: Jaunty has OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3, yes.05:30
tywasherebut vigo I use my SB audigy for sound, and line-in input... and my onboard for microphone and recording. But the third one is the one on my ATI hd4850...05:31
felixsullarlaager: You mean to say someone on IRC was pulling my leg..05:31
vigotywashere: I disabled my Onboard Intel thing and just went with an ATI/Radeon, much less confusion on the system.05:32
tywashereHow am I suposed to even use the sound on my ati card ffs? D=05:33
vigoYou have a PCI card?05:33
tywashereSB audigy.05:34
tywashereBut my sb audigy, It's mic port doesnt work in ubuntu!05:34
vigoThat should be enough or more to run just about anything.05:34
tywashereso I use the azalia one... wich is louder05:34
tywasherepluss I need t ohave my ps3 and 360 ont he line-in soI can hear them through my favorite headphones.05:35
vigoI run my Sound Out to a home Receiver/AMP, have done that since win9x05:35
tywashereit all works man, It's just that On start-up it switches my sound cards around xD!05:36
vigoActually takes a lot of load off the CPU and other stuff. plus I can Rock the Casbah! block party style.05:37
udaanyone able to help me with nvidia twinview losing one of my monitors?05:39
DanaGhah: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=6655&libid=1&p=805:40
DanaGMy laptops have all had PCI-based sd card readers, not USB-based.05:41
MocFreaking VLC is annoying in 9.01005:48
xanguaMoc: what is annoying of VLC ยฟ05:50
Level1why doesn't ubuntu make it easy to mount ntfs without jumping through hoops?05:52
Level1I thought this was fixed a long time ago05:52
mase_workLevel1: what do you mean jumping through hoops ?06:01
Level1well, when I click on the disk in dolphin, I get a little pink error massage to the effect of, there was some problem mounting the disk.  I tihnk it has something to do with root permissions.  The disks mount without hassle from the command line; why can't dolphin do it?06:02
cb_Hello, I just downloaded ubuntu9.04 i run 8.04 and i wanna do a clean install. When i boot up the ubuntu9.04 and try to install with no acpi and other options off and get a blank screen once i actualy hit the INstall button? Any ideas? Toshiba sat a7006:06
cb_Hello, I just downloaded ubuntu9.04 i run 8.04 and i wanna do a clean install. When i boot up the ubuntu9.04 and try to install with no acpi and other options off and get a blank screen once i actualy hit the INstall button? Any ideas? Toshiba sat a7006:08
cb_Hello, I just downloaded ubuntu9.04 i run 8.04 and i wanna do a clean install. When i boot up the ubuntu9.04 and try to install with no acpi and other options off and get a blank screen once i actualy hit the INstall button? Any ideas? Toshiba sat a7006:09
daftykinsdon't keep repeating.06:10
Skaparewe can hear you, please don't repeat ... at least not so often06:10
mase_workif people can help they will06:10
paul68I have a question concerning the creative labs XF1 sound cards is there a better support in the new release for this type of card or is it still the same as in 8.10?06:26
Arodonhey, I'm having problems with fairly regular soft-lockups on Jaunty, but don't know what's causing it (just a vague suspicion that it might be my Intel graphics). Where should I be looking to try to pinpoint the problem, or at least the subsystem at fault? and/or what should I file the bug under if I can't find any clues?06:26
mase_workArodon: are you using UXA ?06:27
Arodonmase_work: no, it's EXA. I'm running without an xorg.conf06:29
nowannemohey guys... have had jaunty installed for a while already, wondering if you guys had any optimal .fonts.conf settings for lcd... seeing lots of stuff online, but i dont know how outdated they might be06:30
macvrhi all ... i had a few crashes... my x keeps restarting where do i check for the roors?06:39
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
dotblankcan I upgrade 8.10 right now to 9.04?07:01
ninadspdotblank: yes... please check out the download page on ubuntu.com for instruction on how to upgrade...07:05
ninadspdotblank: don't forget to read the entire page... especially if you have conflicting hardware... :)07:06
dotblankwell I just did update-manager -d07:06
dotblankand it looks like it says it will take 20 mins07:06
ninadspdotblank: yes that is all that you need to do... hmmm.. that will be just updating the file lists...07:07
dotblankI get 1.5mb/s down from my mirror07:07
ninadsponce the file list is downloaded, all the packages will be downloaded.. after which it spends upto 2 hours to install/upgrade/remove packages...07:07
ninadspdepending on your h/w ofcourse.. :)07:07
dotblankactually its going at 1.7 now07:08
ninadspdotblank: lucky you.. i got speeds of anything between a few bytes per second to 50 kbps...07:08
dotblankI love fiber07:08
ninadspdotblank: i too get fiber.. but thats only the lan... i am on a shared network at a college... :)07:09
dotblankninadsp: Have you tried selecting best mirror?07:09
ninadspdotblank: i used the closest one.. which i always use for other updates as well...07:09
dotblankyou should get your college to have a mirror07:09
ninadspbut that isnt the bottleneck.. :)07:09
ninadspdotblank: we do have a cacher at our college... but that has the packages for 8.10... not 9.04.. i am the guy who experiments most with ubuntu on our campus.. :)07:10
ninadspso i normally am the first guy to play with the newer versions..07:10
dotblankwhen will you cache 9.04? release day?07:10
ninadsplater i guess... the iso will be downloaded in a day or so after the release...07:11
dotblankcause on release day all mirrors are going to get hit hard07:11
ninadspbut packages will take time...07:11
ninadspyeah... they always do.. though i am not sure if our cacher is available to anyone outside our subnet...07:11
ninadspa very silly configuration... to be honest...07:12
dotblankim going to have to run a cacher cause of my 20+ ubuntu VMs07:12
cajunI'm up-to-date. At the beginning of last week, I had a kernel error that kept my laptop from recovering from standby. After that, no drives will mount except for root.  Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this?07:12
ninadspdotblank: hmm... or u could just copy the entire /var/cache/apt/archives.. :)07:13
ninadspcajun: i beleive u must have done a fsck on all the partitions?07:13
dotblankits in vms, doing that manually would take for ever07:13
ninadspdotblank: never used vm's too much.. u'd know better.. :)07:14
dotblankwow 50% done07:14
cajunnina: no I haven't. can I do that while I'm logged in and running other apps? or is that the system check after so many root mounts?07:14
ninadspcajun: a fsck has to be performed when the drive is unmounted.. so if ur home is on the root partition, you could give it a try...07:15
cajunit worked fine prior to that error.07:15
cajunjust run fsck?07:15
ninadspcajun: unless absolutely necessary, i'd recommend a reboot and use teh recvery mode to fsck07:15
dotblankI really fsck my drive while mounted... bad move07:15
SJrThe SHIFT key is being ignored in all qt based applications, any ideas07:15
ninadspcajun: pls check the man page for fsck for more info... :)07:15
cajunok thanks07:15
ninadspdotblank: how did u do that? afaik, fsck gives an error and exits when asked to check a mounted drive07:16
SJrweird unplugging my keyboard and replugging it in fixed it07:16
dotblankninadsp: I was dump and on gentoo and i did a force07:17
dotblankninadsp: Soo much time lost spent configuring gentoo07:17
ninadspdotblank: never been down that path.. been happy with ubuntu for almost 2 yrs... tried fedora once... but came back to ubuntu... :)07:18
binvijhi-I am getting the error "desktop effects could not be enabled" in ubuntu 9.04. Initially the desktop affects worked, i did some patching yesterday and this seems to break it07:18
ninadspdotblank: gtg.. c ya l8r! :)07:20
dotblankcan you paste glxinfo?07:20
binvijits a huge output07:21
hifibinvij: pastebin07:22
Z3ro3XI upgraded to 9.04 and converted / and /home from ext3 to ext4.  Everything went with out any problems.  Now how do I defrag my data so that every thing is completely up to date?07:22
dotblankdo glxinfo > textfile.txt07:22
dotblankthen open the text file07:22
dotblankthe best method is this "glxinfo > /tmp/glx.txt && gedit /tmp/glx.txt&"07:25
dotblankI hate sgi...07:25
binvijyou should be able to download the txt file with glxinfo from the above link07:26
dotblankjust did07:26
dotblankbinvij: can you do lspci | grep VGA07:27
binvij00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)07:27
binvijthis was working initially07:28
dotblankI don't think you have the intel drivers installed07:28
dotblankor you are not using them07:28
binvijhow to go about it ?07:28
dotblankwell you should be able to click hardare drivers and activate i07:28
binvijits not in the list07:29
vart_it seems to me I read something about disabling GM965 drivers due to some bug causing crash - you need to look for the bug desription and probably wait for the fix...07:39
binvijthis has been reported before http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113013507:40
cb_Hello i am installing Ubuntu9.04 currently have 8.04 dual booting with windowsxp, I dont want xp anymore so i wanna do a clean install of 9.04, I have both DVD's but once i get to step 3 on both of configuring the keyboard layout and hit ok, It says it loading partion manager and never does anything else. Has anyone seen this problem?07:41
NoqRequest: I need somenoe that caan help me for a sec with a part of installing the Ubuntu NetBook Remix.07:41
AK_Davecb: that could be a bad dvd.07:43
AK_DaveNoq: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix' usually does the trick.07:44
cb_AK_Dave 2 bad dvd's?07:44
cb_i have the alternite also07:44
AK_Davecb: you burned them yourself?07:45
NoqAK_Dave: I'm on XP07:45
cb_AK_Dave yes07:45
vart_cb_: maybe you should try to run gparted before install and repartition your drive outside it?07:45
AK_Davecb: Then yes, you could have as many bad dvds as you mis-burned.07:45
cb_AK_Dave i dont tend to have bad burns07:46
cb_my lacie roxs07:46
cb_passed disk test fyu07:46
AK_Davecb: but vart is right, use gparted to set up your partitions and THEN run the installer. I prefer gparted livecd for this.07:46
NoqAK_Dave: I'm stuck at using the program Flaashnul to write the .img to my usb. So Ican use that usb to install ubuntu 9.04 on this netbook.07:46
AK_Davecb: slowest possible burn speed?07:46
cb_safest yes07:46
AK_Davecb: Thats not what I said. I didn't say "safest" I said "slowest". What did you use to burn them?07:47
cb_ok i guess i could remove my os and hope it works07:47
AK_DaveNoq: I don't do Windows support.07:47
cb_someone had this problem in 8.1007:47
AK_DaveNoq: I really just don't know how to write a .img using Windows.07:47
httpdsshehe got you! cb_ ;) ...07:48
NoqHopefully this question can be related to this #: If Igot 8.04 installed, can I already use the update manager to go to RC 9.04? Or do I need to wait till thursday?07:48
AK_Davecb: I have had my best luck with linux installs by booting a gparted or knoppix CD, doing all my partition management ahead of time, and then rebooting with the ubuntu installer.07:49
AK_DaveNoq: You should go through Intrepid first.07:49
cb_AK_Dave i want to use the encryption option in 9.0407:49
cb_dont really wanna partion twice07:49
AK_DaveNoq: You should do ALL of the available Hardy updates, do 'update-manager -d' to get to Intrepid. Do all the upgrades there. Repeat, and you should (with some luck) be at Jaunty.07:49
AK_Davecb: The encrypted /home has nothing to do with partitioning. It encrypts folders, not partitions, even if your /home is a seperate partition.07:50
SandGorgonNoq: i suggest you do a clean install - ubuntu aint arch07:50
cb_AK_Dave i want FULL DISK encryption07:50
cb_not just home07:50
AK_Davecb: Again, that has nothing to do with partitioning.07:51
cb_cause i think it does07:51
AK_Davecb: really.07:51
NoqAK_Dave: You mean by inteprid, 8.10?07:51
vart_Noq: you could try http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ - i used it on linux susesfully, it has a version for win07:52
cb_you telling me dm-crypt doesnt encrypt a partion sir?07:52
AK_Davecb: You establish all of  your partitions. Think of them as big warehouses. Now you want ext4 or xfs or reiserfs. Thats like painting the warehouse. gparted builds your walls, and does some basic interior work, but encryption is the interior build-out.07:52
Noqvart_ I was just about to ask. But I like to have someone that has already done this.07:52
AK_Davecb: I'm telling you dm-crypt doesn't partition your drive!!07:52
AK_DaveNoq: Intrepid is 8.10, yes.07:53
AK_Davecb: If dm-crypt doesn't partition your drive, then it has NOTHING to do with partitioning.07:53
AK_Davecb: Why do you think you need full disc encryption?07:53
cb_AK_Dave :>07:54
cb_without full disk encryption someone can mount and alter /boot07:55
AK_Davecb: You can't encrypt /boot07:55
AK_Davecb: try again.07:55
cb_err srry your right07:55
AK_Davecb: I think you should do a lot more homework before you encrypt anything.07:55
cb_windows was fully encrypted heh07:56
NoqAnyone got a approx. time how long it will take to update to 9.04? (from 8.10)07:56
topylii have no idea why i should encrypt a system. data, sure07:56
AK_Davecb: Do you want to hide your warez from the cops? Gee, won't they figure out something is up when your 500gb drive has a 100mb partition on it and claims everything else is empty?07:56
vart_Noq: depends on you bwd if you download packages from inet07:56
AK_DaveNoq: Right now, with no mirrors to speak of, and huge demand, you're probably talking "hours".07:57
cb_AK_DAVE you cant tell free space from encrypted data as everything is over written07:57
cb_try again07:57
AK_Davecb: HAH! I pull your drive, I read the label, I google it, and its supposed to be a 500gb drive. You lose!07:57
AK_Davecb: Then I look at the partition table that I can see, and all I see is a 100mb /boot partition. I say "linux" and "encrypted". Not rocket science.07:58
cb_they cant force you to hand over your encryption keys07:58
cb_read yro07:58
AK_Davecb: You don't know your legal rights.07:58
cb_sir your mis informed07:59
AK_Davecb: Nope.07:59
AK_Davecb: Well informed.07:59
cb_so you know canadian law eh?07:59
AK_Davecb: Cross the border. Once. Please.08:00
cb_with an encrypted laptop? sure08:00
topylimaybe you should move this to pm or #ubuntu-offtopic. i don't think this is a jaunty problem or any sort of ubuntu problem08:00
cb_might mail my drives08:00
AK_Davecb: They'd love to have your encrypted laptop at the border, pal. Its been done. You'd lose.08:00
cb_cracking AES?08:00
cb_good luck sir08:01
AK_Davecb: irrelevant08:01
cb_dumping your memory maybe08:01
AK_Davecb: border cops don't need to crack it. They just assume the worst of you. Its happened before.08:01
fakeerremoved NM, installed WICD. none worked and now can't install anything neither NM nor WICD. I'm stuck without internet in Jaunty. Any way to reinstall NM with Beta or RC LiveCD . (can't connect to internet at all )08:03
AK_Davecb: bottom line is this, since you don't seem to understand. Jaunty's encryption on install is an encrypted /home IF you enable it. But it isn't enabled by default. It isn't full disc. You can get full disc with extra effort and the alternate disc, but full disc isn't 100% of the disc and law enforcement doesn't need to crack your encryption to put you away.08:03
topylifakeer: no ethernet?08:04
cb_AK_Dave i have the full disc howto infront of me08:04
vart_fakeer: have you tried to add cd as a repository?08:05
AK_Davecb: Good. Then go for it.08:05
NoqAnyone can help me with writing the .img file to an usb? (I'm using Windows)08:05
cb_AK_Dave : http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-9834495-38.html08:05
cb_first hit in google08:05
AK_Davecb: Thats an ancient article, its an opinion, and it is not supported by US case law. In other words, the author is wrong. Dead wrong. Anyone who follows either Wired or Slashdot could tell you.08:06
cb_i read both08:07
lanoxxis there anyone here who bothers about bug #33294508:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in ubuntu-release-notes "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294508:07
AK_Davecb: Bottom line: that higher courts have ruled the opposite.08:07
cb_i dont think so i canada08:07
vart_Noq: have you tried Unetbootin?08:07
AK_Davecb: cross the border, put it to the test.08:07
cb_i dont think so i canada08:07
NoqNo, I told before that I don't want to take the risk with installing, I don't want a corrupt .img file.08:08
cb_do i need bold or something?08:08
kolebest idea? just blow up the computer... then they wont find anything :)08:09
cb_httpdss://www.boingboing.net/2008/01/07/judge-rules-defendan.html : last year08:09
AK_Davecb: Please have fun. You have all the instruction you need to knock yourself out.08:10
cb_startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/samba/lmhosts. Error was No such file or directory08:11
cb_might be a issue there08:11
vart_Noq: it is just flash usb, if you fail to write it - just reformat and try again. I do not see your point08:12
Noqvart_: What if it completes writing and I'm going to install it. What  if it gets stuck there?08:12
fakeertopyli: vart_: No ethernet. Actually there's no network manager so nothing connects. Though I've only wi-fi available.    Tried CD as repository gives same error "File not found: you tried to install a file that does not(or no longer) exist"08:13
cb_AK_Dave : even if i partion everything Ubuntu install will still freeze at the same point?08:13
cb_i dont see why it wouldnt08:13
cb_its just failing to fully load partion manager08:14
vart_Noq: if you afraid that the image is written with errors - use the current installation to fdisk it before booting from it...08:14
vart_have you updated list of packeges after you added the cd as repository?08:15
DASPRiDhi there, where to find documentation about how to integrate a program with the new indicator-applet?08:16
vart_fakeer: you can try to  boot from liveCD and download packege to the disk fo later use...08:16
fakeervart_: yes, however gives downloading error that i think is for universe and other online repositories08:16
Noqvart_: I havent done anything yet, I have the .img file on my main pc. I don't know what fdisk is. Sorry.08:17
fakeervart_: you mean dowloading .deb packages for NM and related packages.. I tried but same error I get even then08:17
vart_fakeer - it could be due to version - try to uncheck online repositories08:17
fakeervart_: hey i am offline so the online repo download error's are fine i guess... how shall they reload themeselves... adn packages in CD are added... but the error that comes is the same which came when i tried externally downloaded .deb packages from my windows partition08:18
lanoxxits really strange how many people complain about bug #332945 and still there doesnt seem to be any attempt to fix this :(08:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in ubuntu-release-notes "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294508:20
vart_Noq: if you afraid to install due to incorrect livecd - I'd do the following, create cd, boot from it, try to work from it some time... you could even copy all contents of the cd to temp drive to check that all files are readable before you actually start the install08:20
=== kn1ttl is now known as knittl
vart_fakeer: I really do not have other idea exect to figure out the exact version of the package on the cd and request this version instead of the latest. because the latest version will be looked for in the online i think and it could fail08:23
fakeervart_: you have any idea whether i can update my ubuntu partition using LiveCD08:31
J-_Does the Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet work in Jaunty via hotplug? Or, do I need to configure it like I had to in 8.04?08:36
ninadspfakeer: you'll need to use the alternate cd to upgrade.. a live cd cant do that08:39
fakeerninadsp: alternate CD?08:44
fakeershall it install the missing NM on my system??08:44
NoqWhat's the easiest way to md5sum check the .img file?08:45
ninadspfakeer: hey... sorry.. hadn't read every thing you said... have you tried using ifconfig to set up your network?08:47
fakeerninadsp: I just added Alternate RC CD in download.. what to do after I have burned the Alt CD.. or can i do it without using a physical CD..??08:47
ninadspfakeer: i mounted the alternate cd to /cdrom, cd'ed to the directory, and then did a 'sudo ./cdromupgrade'08:48
fakeerninadsp: didn't try and i don't have much knowledge of cmds...though always ready to learn.. :008:48
ninadspthat took care of it all.. didnt need to burn the alternate.. :)08:48
ninadspfakeer: i've had lots of trouble with NM... so i use ifconfig if i have a problem... check out the man page.. man ifconfig...08:48
NoqWho was refering me to unetbootin to write the .img file again? pm me for a sec.08:49
ninadspfakeer: or you could do a simpler thing... sudo ifdown eth0 and then sudo ifup eth008:49
fakeerninadsp: right now i am in windows (as no net in Jaunty) so will check it there....and i will not my wi-fi settting from here in win08:50
fakeerninadsp:  but as i see..there's no NM ..so I hope no driver for my Intel 4965..so how can i connect to internet using ifconfig or the last command u mentioned????08:50
ninadspfakeer: sure.. if you want to set up your wifi, you might need to modify the command as ifup ath0 or wifi0... or you can always do a 'sudo ifdown -a' and 'sudo ifup -a'08:51
ninadspfakeer: NM manages network connections... ifconfig does the same... manages your interfaces... so once ur wifi/ethernet is up, u can go about setting ur proxy and connecting.. :)08:52
ninadspfakeer: do check the man pages... for ifconfig, ifup and ifdown... they are the same family of cmds..08:52
ectospasmIf I download Jaunty now... is there any difference between that and what's supposed to be released this week?08:53
ectospasm...full release, I mean.08:53
ectospasmofficial, yada yada yada08:53
ninadspectospasm: yes there will be.. but you can always update to the latest packages...08:53
ectospasmso it's just a simple "aptitude update && aptitude -y full-upgrade"?08:53
Jordan_Uectospasm, Yes, there are a few bugs that will be fixed before release that are noted in the RC release notes08:54
ninadspectospasm: after installing the RC i mean.. yes08:54
fakeerninadsp: sure..thanks..but i will try first alternate CD upgrade method..using cmds mentioned by u.... 1st cd to the mounted cdrom and then sudo ./cdromupgrade .. ok??08:55
ectospasmthanks for the info guys08:56
ninadspfakeer: yes... to mount the cd you'll need 'sudo mount -t iso9660 /path/to/iso /cdrom'08:56
fakeerninadsp: ok09:01
fakeerninadsp: what if NM still doesn't installs?? though i hope it should..09:01
ninadspfakeer: it will... it is a part of the default applications.. it's required by ubuntu-desktop afaik09:03
NoqI used unetbootin to write the .img file to my usb. I used the option 'Daily_Live', cause there wasn't a 9.04 option of course. Is the usb written correctly?09:04
shagawhy didnt you just download the .img file? and afaik flashnul is for .imgs, unetbootin for .isos09:06
NoqI didn't understand flashnul. I type in 'flashnul =p' hit enter, and the program shuts down09:06
shagaoh it's you Noqq09:07
NoqYe.. still. (09:07
shagait should shut down with that :)09:07
Noqhttp://img18.imageshack.us/img18/1373/usbk.jpg  these files are on my usb after writing with unetbootin09:07
shagadoes you flashnul work any similiar way? http://pastebin.com/d5dd8fa1109:08
shagathat's how it should09:08
cwillu_cloneI just noticed a new annoyance (or at least figured out what it was):  every reboot, my "Front" channel gets reset to 50%.  I don't have a volume control bound to that channel though09:08
Noqshaga: no, not at all09:08
Noqshaga: I start flashnul.exe, enter flashnul -p to check drives, press enter, and nothing happens, it shuts down.09:09
shagahmm. seems like you have something in your flashnul, where did you take it?09:09
Noqfrom the main site, it was russian though, translated it with google09:09
shagaoh, sounds right09:11
shagabtw, this is how my netbook remix looks like http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/433548/netbook_remix.jpg09:11
shagadont mind the XP, on my gaming pc currently09:11
Noqway different yes09:11
shagaubuntu-9.04-rc-netbook-remix-i386.img used that one09:12
Noqbut i used unetbootin to write it to my usb, so i shouldn't do that. I need to use flashnul.09:12
shagahmm.. now I think I know some idea09:13
shagadid you start up your cmd prompt as a administrator?09:13
shaganot sure if flashnul works on a regular user on vista machines09:13
shagathat looks xp tho09:13
NoqI'm XP, and I think I'm admnistrator, cause theres only 1 account om my comp.09:13
shagaok, it's not the problem then09:14
NoqFor the record shaga, I use my main pc (xp, 1 user) to download and write the usb, later on i use it to install it on this neetbook.09:14
Noqlemme get a screenshoot from how flashnul looks.09:14
shagayeah, same situtiation here yesterday09:14
shagaone idea came to my mind if you are on a fast network connection. download regular .iso, put it on cd and boot up the live09:15
shagathen you can use linux command 'dd'09:15
AK_DaveNoq: Ubuntu MobileTeam has some good how-to on making a bootable USB for UNR.09:17
AK_DaveNoq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting09:17
NoqAK_Dave: If I'm correct, that is the Flashnul method09:17
AK_DaveNoq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:17
NoqAK_Dave: Sorry i was wrong, this is the linux way, i'm on windows09:18
AK_DaveNoq: If neither approach works for you, then I don't know what to suggest.09:18
Noqthats how my flashnul looks09:18
AK_DaveNoq: Unetbootin uses Windows. If that doesn't work, redownload the iso.09:19
shagadid you use flashnul - p09:19
shagaor flashnul -p09:19
Noqye, read the last line of the cmd, i used flashnul -p09:19
shagayou typed flashnul - p on it :)09:19
Noqow, i always do flashnul -p, sorry, mistype on that one.09:20
shagathere seems to be one another way also on making that stick09:21
NoqAK_Dave: I'm not doing .iso, I'm doing the .img file for unr.09:21
shaga"The Cygwin Way" http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Install_from_USB_stick#The_Cygwin_Way09:21
AK_DaveNoq: Why don't you use the iso?09:21
NoqAK_Dave: Is there an .iso for UNR? Cause I didn't seen it on the ubuntu 9.04 doownload section.09:22
Noqf there is, I feel really stupid09:22
AK_DaveNoq: Yes, just download the standard desktop .iso and burn it. Install it. Then after you run the update-manager the next thing you install is ubuntu-netbook-remix as a package. 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix'.09:23
AK_DaveNoq: Bunch of other stuff to install, buncha netbook how-to stuff, over on www.ubuntumini.com09:24
NoqAK_Dave: I will start the .iso 9.04 download right now.09:25
shagaNoq: did you try out that Cygwin way I just linked you?09:25
NoqAK_Dave: w.. btw, I use UnetBootin to write .iso's, since my netbookdoesn't have a diskdrive. What option do I need to choose?09:25
shagathat should work also09:25
Noqshaga: That option is on linux right?09:25
shagait's for windows09:26
AK_DaveNoq: Did you see the link I gave you for using unetbootin?09:26
AK_DaveNoq: This link - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:26
Noqshaga: where do i get cygwin files?09:28
shagafor example http://www.cygwin.com/09:28
NoqAK_Dave: I know how unetbootin works, but what do i choose as an option on the upper right bar?09:29
NoqAK_Dave: Since there is no 9.04 option, only 8.10 and lower.09:29
shagano need. you can just pick the "disk image"09:29
shagaand use .iso09:29
AK_DaveNoq: I don't know what unetbootin looks like, so I can only presume that the link I showed you with pictures and instructions has the information you need.09:29
shagaI've used unetbootin couple times. with images, you dont need to choose distribution09:30
Noqshaga: Ow.. so upper bars can leave blank?09:30
shagathat "distribution" select09:30
Noqshaga: Ok, handy. However, what are those bars for anyway then? lol09:31
shagabut you should manage making unr stick also with that cygwin. cant guide you through that put should be quite easy09:31
shagathat option is for download09:31
shagait downloads the image and then writes it09:32
shagabut it doesnt have like Jaunty rc in it09:32
jamieWill Jaunty Have Drivers for more hardware09:32
* AK_Dave gets a kick out of the fact that the picture of unetbootin on help.ubuntu.com shows using it to install Linux Mint.09:32
Noqshaga: I'm going to use cygwin.com for a sec. lemme take a quick look on main pc09:33
shagathat should work and I hope it does :)09:33
* AK_Dave loves the USB Creator tool in Ubuntu.09:34
shagabtw. if cygwin doesnt work for you and you end up using .iso/unetbootin, you can install it on your netbook and use that system to create .img unr stick09:40
shagaor just burn it on cd, boot into live on your desktop pc(xp) and use that to create it09:40
AK_Daveshaga: If Noq puts Jaunty desktop on his netbook he can apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix and be done with it.09:41
shagajust some workarounds if you want to make that stick09:41
shagaAK_Dave: that's one way also :)09:41
AK_Daveshaga: It works. :)09:42
shagaI wouldnt go that one tho as I like to use .img if it's for netbooks.. I can sleep a little bit better :)09:42
NoqSigh.. ho annoying to do this, I need to follow up AK_Dave's way. Again downloading the whole .iso.. and update from there. Another 30mins to wait :(09:42
shagait works09:42
NoqCygen is tuck on installation. And can't really be bothered to fool around more with cmd's. Thanks though shaga.09:43
AK_DaveNoq: It will work. Unetbootin with the desktop .iso and then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-remix09:43
shaganp, .iso way definitely works :)09:43
shaganow it's time to make some coffee and watch some tv episodes. hf :)09:44
* AK_Dave scrapped Hardy off his netbook and did Jaunty desktop -> UNR this exact way.09:44
AK_DaveWell, not so exact. I was able to use USB Creator on an Intrepid box to make the stick instead of Unetbootin09:44
Nirrad1stHello. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and I have installed " connectd " application. But I dont know where to find it ? Thanks if you can help.09:45
shagahave you tried # whereis connectd09:46
shagaanyway, off I go09:46
Nirrad1stno , but i will right now.09:46
AK_DaveNirrad1st: start typing the command name and then press tab a couple times.09:46
henry-nicolasHi, I'm currently trying Jaunty and there is no ruby package, is that normal ?09:48
Noqye shaga, thanks for helping amte.09:48
Nirrad1stboth ideas didnt pan out. connectd is a system monitor utility. That i was hoping to try instead of GKrellM system monitor. Or if someone could suggest another alternative that offer temp reading and fan rpm's  plus other features.09:50
timfrosthenry-nicolas: There are lots of ruby-related packages.  The main package appears to be ruby-full.09:52
lanoxxbug #332945: "Thank you for your bug report. That is a feature, not a bug, and has already been reported." The last time I heard this it came from a MICROSOFT spokes person, and all most everybody I know or read about complaint about this way of Microsoft handling things... Its really sad we are seeing this now in the Linux world09:52
henry-nicolastimfrost: ruby-full doesn't provide the ruby package while screenruler is requiring the ruby package, therefore, it isn't installable09:53
timfrosthenry-nicolas: That sounds like a bug in ruby-full (it should have an attribute 'Provides: ruby').  Since ruby is in universe, it should be possible to get that fixed09:56
henry-nicolastimfrost: indeed, I confirm, ruby-full doesn't provide ruby. What should I do to report that correctly ?09:57
timfrosthenry-nicolas: file a bug against ruby-full. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs10:00
BlackDexHello there10:00
BlackDexi have a weird thing10:00
BlackDexthe network graph says that there is network activity10:00
BlackDexlike more then 1GB/s10:00
BlackDexeven when there is a 100MB/s connection10:01
zash_BlackDex: 100MegaByte/sec ?10:01
zash_also, compression?10:01
BlackDexAlso when i unplug the network, it keeps sending accourding to the network graph10:01
BlackDexi mean Mb/s sorry10:02
BlackDexis there a way to see which program (if any) is transmitting things?10:03
unomiman netstat10:03
BlackDexwell that i already checked10:03
unomiapparently not :p10:04
unominetstat will tell you what is doing what10:04
unomiyou could also get nettop10:04
BlackDexif it was that obvouis, i would come here :)10:04
unomiwhich is a bit more friendly10:04
henry-nicolastimfrost : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-defaults/+bug/36402610:05
BlackDexbut.. i closed all apps i know off with network connections..10:05
BlackDexMySQL, Dns, apache etc... etc...10:05
BlackDexdid a netstat10:05
BlackDexand no active connections10:05
BlackDexalso used netwatch, same result, nothing strange10:06
BlackDexbut i wonderd if there was an app that can see me which program is using xKb/s on the network10:06
unominetstat  -ecpA inet10:07
unomiwill not show you the rate, no10:07
unomifor that you can use nettop10:07
unomiapt-get install iftop if you dont have it10:08
timfrosthenry-nicolas: that should help.  No idea how long it will take to be processed though.10:09
BlackDexunomi: Ah thx.. Ill try to figure it out :)10:10
BlackDexaccording to iftop there is no activity with that a high rate :S10:15
jmarsdenBlackDex: Are you looking at a graph showing traffic on your loopback interface by accident, maybe? "When I unplug the network it keeps sending"... sounds like loopback traffic to me.10:18
DASPRiDhi there, where to find documentation about how to integrate a program with the new indicator-applet?10:20
aapzakanyone here moved resolvconf from 07 to a later time during init?10:20
NoqqI'm about to startup my bootable usb with 9.04 on it. When I first run trough Live mode, can I use GParted to partition my drive? And after that install Ubuntu on that space?10:21
=== dns_ is now known as dns53
aapzakNoqq: yes, that should be possible10:25
ninadspNoqq: yes.... i've done that a few times before..10:29
Noqqninadsp: Ok, it's now on bootscreen of ubuntu. Waiting to go in live, than i'll need to figure out ohw it works to partition.10:30
ninadspNoqq: have you used the partition manager before? it should be very easy...10:31
Noqqninadsp: No I'm now in Ubuntu live, searching for a partition manager.10:32
ninadspNoqq: system>administration>partition manager10:33
Noqqninadsp: would be awesome if you could drag me trough this proces. (If it doesn't take too long, don't want to ruin our time)10:33
ninadspNoqq: its a very easy to use... sure.. have some time :)10:33
drinkycrowi dont have system10:33
drinkycrowim on nr10:33
Noqqninadsp: Ok, I'm in, for your information, I got C:\ (60gb, NTFS) and D:\ (80gb, NTFS), on C:\ there is Windows, and I want to make Dual Boot.10:34
ninadspNoqq: setup the partitions as you want them... keep the ubuntu partition as ext3/ext4 as per your choice...10:34
ninadspNoqq: i'd suggest 14-15 gb of disk space for ubuntu.. min 10 gb10:35
ninadspand alteast 1x or 2x your ram for swap...10:35
Noqqninadsp: I'm on Netbook, (im typing mirc with my main pc, installing currently on Netbook)10:35
thekornhi, has anyone ever installed jaunty ( > beta) from an usb stick created with usb-creator?10:35
Noqqninadsp: However, what you mean with 1x or 2x ram? And how do I make the partition, just right click on the drive and make it?10:36
frybyethekorn - yes thank you! ;=)10:36
ninadspNoqq: ok.... how much free space do you have on your D drive?10:36
ninadspNoqq: you could resize it, and reduce its size... to create enough space for ubuntu..10:36
frybyethekorn: hang on - not sure what soft I used for it off hand..10:37
Noqqninadsp: But I want Dual Boot, so shouldn't it be on the same drive as windows is installed?10:37
frybyethekorn: and it was a hdsd card not a stick but same story..10:37
ninadspNoqq: na... u need different partitions to for both os's.. they will still be on the same disk though10:37
Noqqninadsp: Ow, and I'm in the Resize part now. I have chosen for: 12gb of free space Presending, 74gb left, Xgb following. What is the following part?10:38
thekornfrybye: ok, but why thanking me? ;)10:38
ninadspNoqq: and i'd rather resize D:/ than C:/....10:38
Noqqninadsp: ok will do, but what is the 'Following' option?10:38
ninadspNoqq: this is from the partition manager? right?10:38
ninadspNoqq: gimme a min.. i'll check up the part manager... been ages since i opened it...10:39
Noqqninadsp: Ye, I'm currently in the screen to resize my empty D:\, for making a partition for Ubuntu to install.10:39
ninadspNoqq: ahhh... i don't have it installed... :( and i've got an update happening.. so cant install and check gparted.. :(10:40
Noqqninadsp: Gimme a sec., I will type as clear as I can what my screen says now.10:40
ninadspNoqq: sure...10:40
NoqqFree Space Perceding: 0, New Size: 62738, Free Space Following: 010:41
BlackDexpc crashed :S10:41
NoqqThose are the 3 options that are underneath eachother.10:41
victimyesterday i updated 8.10 to jaunty, which was fine, today there were some updates (5 plus 2 blocked) which i applied, there was an error http://www.pastie.org/452140 where should i report it?10:42
BlackDexim currently using etherape to check where the network traffic is comming from, but i can't find it10:42
BlackDexnothing seems to produce that kind of network traffic10:42
aapzakis there noone here who fixed the resolvconf error during init? Its started too early , anyone here moved resolvconf back in the line?10:43
ninadspNoqq: ok... it's resized the partition and created a new one i assume?10:43
Noqqninadsp: I don't know what to fill in at, "Free Space Perceding" and "Free Space Following"10:44
Noqqninadsp: What will be the option that gives me the free space for ubuntu to install?10:44
ninadspNoqq:ohh... alright got it...10:44
ninadspNoqq: leave free space preceding to 0... set the free space following to watever size u want for (ubuntu + swap) in gb x 100010:45
Noqqninadsp: Ok, i left preceding at 0, and chose for 12000 in following free space10:46
ninadspit is asking you how much space to create while resizing the partition... btw, are u resizing c: or d: ?10:46
ninadspok... go ahead and crete that free space...10:46
ninadspNoqq:  sorry it took me so long to catch up.. :)10:47
Noqqninadsp: Now there is also a checkbox underneath these fillouts, "Round to cylinders?"10:47
Noqqninadsp: No problem, youre great help.10:47
ninadspNoqq: yes... do round it to cylinders... the numbers will change slightly...10:47
Noqqninadsp: Ok, then I'm ready to accept the resize I guess10:48
ninadspwould be better for your hard disk.. selecting tht option10:48
Noqqninadsp: Ok, clicked Resize, now I click the "Apply", at the top?10:49
Noqqninadsp: Cause it tells me it's pending to partition, and the partitioned part is 'unallocated'10:49
tweaksterhello. i can't seem to play mp3's or movies with 9.04.. it just exits the program or log me out10:50
NoqqNvm.. it's busy.10:50
ninadspNoqq: yes... i am facing a little lag... network issues i guess10:51
ninadspNoqq: yes... apply the changes... or you could at the same time, ask it to mark some of the space as ext3/4 and some part as swap10:51
ninadsptweakster: i assume you have installed the necessary codecs?10:51
tweaksteri have yes10:51
ninadsptweakster: then i am not the right person to help you... please wait around... :)10:52
Noqqninadsp: It's done. However, it still tells me it's unallocated. Can I still go and install Ubuntu and choose that 'unallocated'part?10:52
tweakstertjhanks you nina10:52
victimtweakster: can you start the player from the command line?10:52
ninadspNoqq: two options.. you can create a partition of ext3/4 on that space right now, and then start the installer, or let the installer do it for u...10:52
tweakstervictim: i can load the player, just when i try to actually play something it shuts down10:53
Noqqninadsp: I'll let the installer do it.10:53
ninadspNoqq: also, be sure to keep some space for your swap partition.. unless you have a 3 or 4 gb ram, and are not going to keep your system on for a long period at a time10:54
Noqqninadsp: when do I get to choosethat?10:54
ninadspNoqq: go ahead and start the installer then.. it'll be on the desktop... when on the partitions step of the process, select the partition that you just created for the root10:54
Noqqninadsp: ok, I started the installation, from there I can choose what partition to install and what ram I want to use? (I got 1gb of ram, told you, netbook) :)10:55
ninadspNoqq: from the 12 gb that you just made, you can allocate about 10 gb as your root, in the partitioning step in the installer, and the rest 2 gb for swap... assuming you want that much swap10:55
ninadspNoqq: ok... it's recommended that swap space be the same or a multiple pf the ram.. to go for 1 gb or 2 gb of swap...10:56
ninadspMoqq: yes.. it'll be the third step if i am not wrong.. the partitions manager...10:56
ninadspNoqq: or it might be the 4th... dont remember.. :)10:57
Noqqninadsp: It's good mate. The installation is user-friendly for newcomers like me.10:57
Noqqinadsp: OK! I'm in the partition part now. Let's see..10:58
fakeerninadsp: jaunty alternate CD has completed 72% downlaod.. If Network Manager doesn't installs after cdromupgrade then i will get back to you again..10:58
ninadspNoqq; yes it is... even i had a lot of fun with it... setting ut up on a lot of systems...10:58
ninadspfakeer: sure.. if i am still here, i'll be glad to help.. or u can ask others...10:58
ninadspNoqq: ok.. select the unallocated space, and click on the 'new partition' button10:58
Noqqninadsp: d'oh.. still stuck. :(10:59
ninadspNoqq: set the size as 10 or 11 gb... it takes a little time to scan the disk... :)10:59
Noqqninadsp: It tells me to use entire disk, or use partition (advanced), I see the Free Space in the bar above the installer, but How to select it?10:59
ninadspNoqq: there will be a manual option.. the advanced one i guess...11:00
tweaksterninadsp: strange thing is it used to work ; ;11:00
ninadspNoqq: yes.. the advanced option... thats what i always use...11:00
Noqqninadsp: Yes, I chose that one, but I can't choose where to install it.11:00
ninadsptweakster: maybe an update broke it?11:00
tweaksterninadsp: i hope not :)11:01
SandGorgonhow do you get a list of ALL installed packages on kpackagekit ?11:01
ninadspNoqq: could you tell me the options on that page? there will be some 3 options... one is using the entire disk, one is teh advandced one11:01
dooglusthe first time I plug my phone in, it gets automounted.  if I unmount it, and replug it, it doesn't.  is there any way I can have it mounted a 2nd time?11:01
ninadspNoqq: i remember a manual option, where it allowed me to play with the partitions...11:02
tweaksterninadsp: it's "movie player" that shuts down.. maybe i should try re-installing it? not sure what program it really is11:02
ninadsptwekster: that is totem media player... tried using vlc or any other alternative like mplayer?11:03
Noqqninadsp: Yep, I'm in the part where to choose what partition. But the partition I made before is 'unusable'.11:03
tweaksterninadsp: true i have and the same thing ; ; however i still get thumbnail previews or i can hang mouse over mp3 and it will play11:03
ninadspNoqq: ohh!11:03
ninadspNoqq: the partition manager never gave me such an error before...!11:04
ninadspNoqq: me trying to google... pls hang around...11:05
Noqqninadsp: I an however click on my D:\, and do 'edit partition' and get like the list of 'ntfs, ext3, ext4, fat32', and choose 'New Partition Size'.11:06
ninadspNoqq: that will format your entire d drive...11:07
Noqqninadsp: there isn't anything on that D drive anyway. But I don't want to make my D drive all Empty, I want to keep a part of D accessable for Windows.11:08
ninadspNoqq: i guess i know why that error is occuring... there is a limit on the number of partitions that can be made on a drive... so i had to make a logical partition on my system, which had a few more partitions under it...11:09
ninadspand i'd done it using the partition manager from system>admin...11:09
tweaksterninadsp: could you check http://pastebin.com/d3b9e0912 please?11:10
Noqqninadsp: When I made it possible to have more partitions, it would work? I don't need to redo my partition I just made?11:10
ninadspNoqq: you can cancel the current install process and do this... open gparted again..11:10
ninadspNoqq: it can be done...11:10
ninadspweakster: checking.. gimme a min...11:11
tweaksterninadsp: thaqnk you nina11:11
ninadspNoqq: in gparted, select the free space that you had just created, and make a new partition there... a 10 or 110 gb partition in ext3 or ext 411:12
ninadsptweakster: from what i understand, it is an error with totem... did you try googling the first line of the error?11:13
Noqqninadsp: "It is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions"11:13
ninadsptweakster: it might have been already reported as a bug...11:13
tweaksterDetails: serial 76 error_code 11 request_code 132 minor_code 19 that line google it?11:13
ninadspNoqq: does it show any options? like creating a secondary partition?11:13
Noqqninadsp: The free space I made from my D:\, is showing in gparted to be gray and unallocated. When I highlight this partition and press 'New' above, it tells me the error of no more partitions than 4.11:14
ninadsptweakster: nopes.. the one with /var/lib/python-support11:15
ninadspNoqq: ok.. please hold on...11:15
Noqqninadsp: Ow, and in the error it tells me to first create an extended partition. Sorry for not noticing immediately.11:16
ninadspNoqq: its alright... extended partitions was what i was looking for.. :)11:16
ninadspand i'd just found something abt it on the forums..11:17
ninadspNoqq: create that extended partition, and in it create your root... and a swap partition...11:18
Noqqninadsp: can you link that forum topic, cause I don't know how to make an Extended partition.11:18
ninadspNoqq: after you are done with that, fire up the installer again, and ask it to use the existing partitions...11:18
ninadspNoqq: just a min11:18
dooglusthe first time I plug my phone in, it gets automounted.  if I unmount it, and replug it, it doesn't.  is there any way I can have it mounted a 2nd time?11:19
tweaksterninadsp: i found something here... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-gdata/+bug/336706 but i'm not really understanding it ; ;11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336706 in python-gdata "Deprecation warning with python2.6" [Low,Confirmed]11:19
ninadspNoqq: can you see something about a logical partition?11:20
ninadsptweakster: well, if there is a fix/workaround given on that page, you could try that... but i dunno much about python...11:20
Noqqninadsp: a 'logical' partition? No.11:20
tweaksterninadsp: ok thank you11:21
ninadspNoqq: the thread i am reading is this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107726 but it doesnt have the solution, ie how to use gparted... googling..11:22
Noqqninadsp: I seriously can't do anything with the free space I made. It's unallocated and when I highlight it, I can only choose option 'New', but then I get the error "No more than 4 aprtitions.."11:23
ninadspNoqq: ok.. please hold on...11:23
henuxubuntu 8.10 repos seem to have many different packages containing inetd -- inetutils-inetd, netkit-inetd etc. which package should i use to install inetd daemon, or should i go with xinetd?11:25
henuxand btw, im trying to set up svnserve with *inetd11:25
ninadspNoqq: can you delete that 12 gb of space tht you made? as in does it show up as a partition or as a free space?11:28
ninadspNoqq: i forgot some of the things u said b4.. so sorry for asking again...11:29
Noqqninadsp: It's a unalloacted free space, can't delete it.11:29
ninadspNoqq: and how many other partitions exist? c: and d: right? which makes it just three...11:30
ninadspNoqq: no option to make a new partition? i do know this must be frustrating...11:30
NoqqC, D, E (fat32, small one), and some Uknown partition, with a ! next to it.11:31
Noqqninadsp: I'ts a new netook, so everything should be installed correctly. Never did something weird.11:31
ninadspNoqq: ok.. the ! next to it means that it is either mounted, or there is some free space there...11:31
nysohi there, how can i activate for my intel gma95011:32
ninadspNoqq: ok.. there are already 4 partitions, which is why it is giving the error... what does gparted say when you try to click in the unkown partition?11:32
nysoxorg.conf seems a little bit empty11:33
ninadspsomeone here who could help with creating an extended partition with gparted?11:33
aapzaknyso: a bit empty or totally empty?11:33
Noqqninadsp: double click, gives the information of the space/how it's used. Right click, only tells me to select 'New', not able to delete it or how to format it.11:33
nysoaapzak: a bit... http://pastebin.com/m18d4e6f411:34
ninadspNoqq: how is it used? and how much space does it take?11:34
Noqqninadsp: the one I made is 12gb, and further blank, can't choose how to use it as a NTFS or Ext3 as example.11:34
aapzaknyso, just add Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" to the device section11:34
ninadspNoqq: and when you select 'New' for that, you get the error of being unable to create a partition... right?11:35
aapzaknyso: you'll need to restart X ofcourse, and keep track of you memory load for the X process11:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:35
mikebeechamHi guys11:36
mikebeechamjust installed Jaunty11:36
Noqqninadsp: Ye, then I get the error I can't make more than 4 aprtitions.11:36
ninadspNoqq: well.. your problem is to create the extended partition.. once you can create that, you can go ahead and complete the installer...11:36
mikebeechamwow, is all I can say..although the growl thingy is annoying me already!11:36
nysoaapzak: thx :)11:36
Noqqninadsp: But HOW do I make the Extended Partition? :P11:36
ninadspNoqq: please ask people here how to do it.. i have to go right now...11:36
aapzaknyso: what are you going to use it for?11:36
Noqqninadsp: ok11:36
ninadspNoqq: so sorry cant help you...11:36
ninadspNoqq: hope it gets solved soon... :)11:37
Noqqninadsp: ye hope so11:37
nysoaapzak: well, my intel gma950 is very slow and i've read that uxa can solve this11:37
aapzaknyso: I'm curious how it works out for you, didn't do anything for me11:38
mikebeechamguys..is there anyway to disable the notification panel in the top-right corner?11:38
mikebeechamI cant seem to find a setting11:38
Praveenanyone know where to find the intrepid human GDM theme. i hate the one in jaunty11:39
nysoaapzak: re and it works fast now .911:41
incubiiIs there a way to configure the new notification system in Jaunty?11:41
Praveenincubii: last time i asked it was no. shouldnt have been released in this kind of shape11:42
NoqqI have ubuntu 9.04 now running live, can I make a backup first from my Windows files?11:45
tj83is it coming in 3 days or not? i have heard someplace they missed the boat on release schedule?11:53
incubiithanks Praveen. Just annoying that i can't set the damn thing to fade or make it bigger11:56
Praveenincubii: yes i find it annoying too11:57
Praveenincubii: hopefully it is fixed in 9.1011:57
Praveenincubii: if you do a bit of searching there is a way to go back to the old notifications11:58
tj83is it coming in 3 days or not? i have heard someplace they missed the boat on release schedule?11:58
aapzaktj83: does it matter that much? RC was on time, I don't like rushjob results, so I hope they release when they're ready12:05
tj83no aapzak your completely right... 8.10 was a good example of that in my opinion, but curious none the less.12:06
victimtj83: where did you hear this?12:06
victimwhere is this 'someplace'?12:07
tj83word of mouth, didnt claim it to be true, figured this was good place to ask12:07
tj83guess we will know in 3 days if its up on the main stream download page.12:07
victimsounds like jealous gossip12:07
victimI would shrug my shoulders and ignore it, I wouldn't repeat it without stating that it was an unfounded statement12:08
tj83ha, ok, now i'm the bad guy lol, anyways. i think i can wait 72 hrs for my answer :P12:09
tj83been running 9.04 for about 2 weeks now, i must say, Lookin good!12:10
tj83i am just anxious to say to others, GO FER IT! ya know, and until its official... dont wanna do that.12:11
aapzaktj83: if you're already on 9.04 it won't make much of a difference anyway :)12:11
tj83yea, i have had less headache out of 9.04 pre-release than 8.10 post release  and believe me, i tried to stick it out with 8.10, only to find myself back in 8.04. hopefully 9.04 wont be a  repeat of that.12:14
rconantj83: funny... I found 8.04 to be poor at release and ended up sticking with 7.1012:18
ubuntudoes anybody know how i can decrypt my /home partition using ecryptfs?12:22
ubuntui reinstalled jaunty by deleting root ( / ) , but my encrypted /home partition was untouched12:22
ubuntubur now i only see one file on /home, called Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop12:22
ubuntubut i cannot launch it12:22
ubuntui appreciate any help!!12:22
KelloggsFrostieshaving a problem with connecting to vpnc with network-manager (kde). is this a known issue?12:23
=== prateek_ is now known as prateek
ubuntuanybody can help me with my encrpted /home partition?12:26
shadeslayeri was going to ask the same thing,in 8.10,there was option to encrypt your home folder12:27
ubuntuyes but i want to decrypt my /home12:27
ubuntubut i reinstalled jaunty by formating / root12:28
ubuntudamn it im screwed up without my data12:29
shadeslayerubuntu: how did you encrypt it btw?12:30
ubuntuwith the jaunty alpha 6 installer12:31
ubuntuhe just asked me for my loginpassword12:31
shadeslayeri didnt see it in my installer,:(12:31
ubuntucan i use this to decrypt it?12:31
doogluswhat is 'tor' called in jaunty?  I can't find it12:31
aaronmaybe this is a dumb question but is there a way to create a nepomuk tag representing a person so I can tag my photos in gwenview with it?12:31
dooglus!info tor12:32
ubottuPackage tor does not exist in jaunty12:32
dooglus!info tor interpid12:32
ubottuinterpid is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']12:32
aaronI have an address book set up, I just don't see a way to select one of them for a tag12:32
dooglus!info tor intrepid12:32
ubottutor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 1180 kB, installed size 2680 kB12:32
tj83how can i make the update manager ignore a broken package? has anyone used cedega in 9.04? did you have to force install?12:32
LasivianI have booted off a usb image, and i'm wanting to use that machine to rewrite the usb stick with another image12:38
Lasivianis that possible, or will it need the first image to keep running?12:38
ActionParsniptj83: i'd contact cedega regardng the upgrade, see what they recommend12:38
faker123ninadsp: Hey .. I'm upgrading using Alternate CD , but it's not installing networking manager in the list of packages it will be installing12:46
robin0800_faker123: kde?12:48
faker123robin0800_: Gnome12:49
faker123robin0800_: i had installed using jaunty beta and just right now upgraded using RC alternate CD12:49
Lasivianwell crap... the usb startup disk creator cannot use a .img12:50
robin0800_faker123: theres something in the release notes about having to add the nm applett on an upgrade but thought that was only kde12:50
faker123robin0800_: for the last 6-7 days ..i have been shfting b/w ubuntu-vista.. i hate to do it..both for vista is not free and for the tiresome effort it needs12:52
cwillu_cloneLasivian, if it's just expecting a cd, then mount the image using a loopback12:54
Lasivianit's expecting an iso12:55
Lasiviantho, perhaps a cd image would work12:55
faker123robin0800_: trying booting in rescue mode from alt cd...see what happens........12:57
faker123I  sincerely believe that ubuntu/and other distro should think learning a thing or two from OSs like Windows and Mac.. I don't think being non free means...everything's bad there...12:59
faker123sometimes or most of the times it becomes a nightmare for less geeky linux/open source enthusiasts13:00
shadeslayerfaker123: if you use linux you are bound to be called a geek,accept the fact13:01
faker123:) but see.. what a nightmare i am going through13:01
shadeslayerfaker123: i know,setting up ubuntu/linux is a nightmare for the first week,after that youl love it13:02
faker123shadeslayer: atleast there should be basic features in the LiveCd or Alt Cd like..you can reinstalled a broken package...13:02
Lasivianthe issue is we have been spoonfed windows and mac babyfood for years13:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
faker123shadeslayer: nope.. i used 8.04 for almost 3 months..and then skipped 8.10...now used 9.04 for almost 20 days without any problem but when i removed NM and installed WICD  and then tried to reinstall NM..all hell break loose :)13:03
shadeslayeryeah,its click and install etc13:04
Lasivianif i ever have a child they will be born with a copy of Linux and a Dvorak keyboard13:04
ActionParsnipLasivian: like it :)13:04
zash_Lasivian: oh yeah!13:04
faker123Lasivian: you cannot accept everyone to be linux experts even from 50 yrs from now13:04
NoqqIs installing Ubuntu 9.04 from my USB Bootable save without first making partitions? Meaning that I choose to let Ubuntu automatically installs itself correctly.13:04
rconanLasivian: "born with", the surgery for that could be quite drastic :p13:04
Lasivianfaker123: if I had grown up with Linux instead of Windows there would be no issue figuring out Linux issues for me now13:05
shadeslayerthat applies for everyone :P13:05
faker123Lasivian: there are people who has a right that they can use an Open Src OS just out of the box.. ( though i dont qualify for that) :)13:05
Lasivianthis is like being in a dictatorship for most of your life, then being dragged to a democracy and not knowing what the hell people are talking about with this "voting" crap13:06
petsoundsheelo, i have probelm with my mouse going crazy and move everywhere after installing to kubuntu 9. 04 rc, so i doing a test with ubuntu 8. 10 in my other hard disk once, the problem never appear. it's a pity cause i really love kde, maybe folks around here can help me13:06
NoqqIs installing Ubuntu 9.04 from my USB Bootable save without first making partitions? Meaning that I choose to let Ubuntu automatically installs itself correctly.13:07
shadeslayerpetsounds: ooh sounds like something i had in 8.1013:07
aapzakI think installing Ubuntu is easier than installing Windows actually13:07
faker123Lasivian:  nope..the analogy  doesn't fit here13:07
Lasivianfaker123: in any analogy it's simply a change in viewpoint from what someone has always known13:07
shadeslayerpetsounds: i think you have to add a line something like ionumux in the config file13:08
faker123petsounds: give GNOME a try... I love it... ;)13:08
ActionParsnipfaker123: try lxde, love it ;)13:08
petsoundsshadeslayer, maybe u can write a lil more detail cause i'm just average user.13:08
shadeslayerpetsounds: im googling right now13:09
rconanpetsounds: are you using multiple screens13:09
shadeslayerpetsounds: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21679713:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216797 in ubuntu "Touchpad in Dell XPS M1530 unusable - Intrepid Beta (was Hardy Beta)" [Undecided,Fix committed]13:09
petsoundsfaker123, i have two OS. i use gnome and kde, both is a winner to me13:09
shadeslayerpetsounds: searching for a better explanation13:10
shadeslayerpetsounds: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/InstallingUbuntuOnADellXPSM1530#Touchpad%20speed%20is%20lame13:10
petsoundsrconan, i am not using multiple screen13:11
shadeslayerpetsounds: your tochpad jumps around right?13:12
petsoundsyes sir13:12
petsoundswhat should i do to fix it shadeslayer?13:12
shadeslayerpetsounds: open your grub menu.lst13:13
shadeslayerpetsounds: can you open it?? or may i provide the command?13:14
petsoundsyes please13:14
shadeslayerpetsounds: gnome i guess?13:16
petsoundsi'm on kubuntu right now13:16
NoqqI'm right now at the installment of Ubuntu 9.04 at the partition part. What do I need to choose?13:16
shadeslayerpetsounds: gksu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst13:16
NoqqI don't want XP deleted.13:16
shadeslayeroh wait13:16
petsoundskdesudo, right?13:16
shadeslayeryeah :P13:17
petsoundsok next?13:17
shadeslayerreplace ro quiet splash i8042.nomux=113:18
shadeslayeryou wont have i8042.nomux=1 just add that to the kernel part13:18
Lasivianthis netbootin img just constantly fails13:19
shadeslayerLasivian: i hate unetbootin,didnt work even once for me13:19
petsoundsjust paste this command quiet splash i8042.nomux=1 ?13:19
LasivianI don;t have any other machine to work with13:19
shadeslayerpetsounds: no,paste the kernel part for me here13:19
LasivianI couldn't get the img written with a livecd boot13:19
Lasivianhow else can I write a img to usb drive?13:20
shadeslayerLasivian: use dd13:20
NoqqCan someone please hlp me trough the part of installing ubuntu? I'm stuck at the partition section.13:20
rconanNoqq: are you trying to dual-boot?13:21
thiebaudeNoqq: what happens at that part?13:21
shadeslayerLasivian: here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-101780.html13:21
petsoundssorry, on the terminall or on kate?13:21
Noqqrconan: Yes, I want Dual Boot13:21
Noqqthiebaude: I got 2 drives, C/80gb/NTFS, D/70gb/NTFS13:22
rconanNoqq: what exactly is the problem? are both your OSs on the same drive?13:22
shadeslayerpetsounds: what happened?13:22
Noqqrconan: I only got Windows installed now, I want dual boot with Ubuntu 9.0413:22
rconanNoqq: are you intending to install to the same drive as windows?13:22
thiebaudeNoqq: im going to hand you off to rconan because i got to go13:22
Noqqrconan: C is on Windows, D is empty. I'll do whatever is needed to get Dual Boot.13:23
shadeslayerpetsounds: http://pastebin.com/d3f43e24d13:23
Noqqthiebaude: np.13:23
Lasivianshadeslayer: thanks13:23
rconanwell you can either shrink C and install linux there (assuming there is free space) or install to part or all of D13:23
shadeslayerLasivian: no problems13:23
shadeslayerLasivian: would you prefer a wiki?13:23
petsoundsi don't know what should i paste in here13:23
Noqqrconan: But I can't choose to what drive it will install.13:24
rconanNoqq: what does it say?13:24
Noqqrconan: Ow, I can choose. But what drive should I pick to install? Theyre both NTFS, and on C is Windows13:24
shadeslayerLasivian: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:24
shadeslayerpetsounds: paste your grub menus.lst13:25
shadeslayernot here tho,in pastebin13:25
rconanNoqq: it should offer you some options like "shrink <something> and install in free space" or "use whole drive <something>"13:25
rconanand you can pick13:25
Noqqrconan: I chose for the Advanced option. Not the use whole disk, cause it told me it would delete Windows XP.13:26
petsoundsmake new post there?13:26
rconanNoqq: so you're in the manual partition editor now?13:26
shadeslayerpetsounds: sure13:26
Noqqrconan: I'm in the installer, Prepare Partitions.13:27
petsoundsok done13:27
Lasivianshadeslayer: apparently the livecd isn't running right on my mac mini13:27
Lasivianso I only have windows to work with right now13:27
rconanNoqq: I can't remember what the graphical installer looks like for 9.04 since I used the alternative for my install... you need to decide whether to shrink the windows install and keep D empty or use D for linux13:28
fakeer123Lasivian: No success.. tried alternate CD upgrade.. and then even tried by booting into rescue mode..but i can't connect to internet using NM(as it didn't install) nor i can use ifconfig13:28
shadeslayerLasivian: hmm,what about a wubi install and using that?13:28
* Lasivian thinks13:28
Noqqrconan: But when I used GParted to shrink like 12gb of my D:\, the free space was unallocated and I couldn't use it for installment of Ubuntu.13:29
fakeer123Lasivian: hmm..have to leave..lab is closing......13:29
rconanNoqq: once you've shrank the partition you have to make a new on the in the free space13:29
shadeslayerLasivian: you can make a USB image from there,itll have the USB creator13:29
* shadeslayer thinks where petsounds wandered off to13:30
Noqqrconan: Then I got the error I couldn'make morethan 4 partitions.13:30
LasivianI got the 8.04 on the mac mini running again, trying that13:31
rconanNoqq: how many partitions do you already have on there?13:31
rconanyou only really need to make 2 for ubuntu13:31
petsoundsi have paste in pastebin13:32
Noqqrconan: I got 4, C and D, both NTFS. And the 3rd is FAT32 with only 5gigs. and the 4th is some small thingy with no format and 41mb.13:32
rconanNoqq: oh... I didn't realise C and D were both on the same disk... I assumed they were different disks...13:33
rconanNoqq: is there anything on the 3rd partition?13:33
shadeslayerpetsounds: then please paste the link here13:33
Noqqrconan: ye, it has used like 2gbs of the 5gb.13:33
Noqqrconan: But if I knew how to make a extended partition, than maybe it would work.13:34
coz_hey guys any news about powermangement?  the monitor is still sleeping after 10 minutes13:34
rconanNoqq: is there a reason for it being separate? it would probably be easiest and best to move everything off the 3rd partition so you have some contiguous free space at the end of the drive and then make two new partitions in that13:34
histono one has said anything in #ubuntu for 5 minutes?13:35
Noqqrconan: I dunno, I bought the netbook as it was.13:35
Picihisto: yes13:35
Lasivianwhat is the "bs" option of the dd command?13:35
rconanNoqq: sounds like an odd partition layout... what is the 2GB of stuff?13:35
histoPici: is there a netsplit or something going on that i'm missing with this client?13:36
Picihisto: just no questions or answers :)13:36
Noqqrconan: Don't know, when I was in Windows itself, only C and D were actual drives where i could in stall stuff in it. Further there was nothing else.13:36
shadeslayerpetsounds: see line 135?13:36
Noqqrconan: I only got 1HDD, doesn't fir in more in a netbook.13:36
shadeslayerpetsounds: http://pastebin.com/d5b82fbb613:36
rconanok then... I'd say delete the 3rd and 4th partitions and make new ones for ubuntu in the space at the end of the drive (you did say you'd shrank D right?)13:37
Noqqrconan: But I don't know if it's safe to delete those partitions.13:37
petsoundsi see it, and then?13:37
shadeslayersee my paste,replace line 135 with line 135 in http://pastebin.com/d5b82fbb613:37
rconanNoqq: if it's visible in windows it can hardly be being used :p13:37
rconanNoqq: worst case it probably has some recovery data on it which you don't need13:38
petsoundsyes sir isee that13:38
shadeslayerpetsounds: in your menu.lst13:38
wirechiefrconan maybe he can use the 12gb as all extended, once he creates that then make logical partitions from it  ;)13:38
petsoundsreplace it?13:38
rconanwirechief: he could but it sounds like he has 5GB of wasted stuff too13:39
Noqqwirenchief: Ye, that sounds better, but I don't know to make a extended13:39
rconanNoqq: if you boot a livecd I can run you through makign an extended partition using fdisk...13:39
shadeslayerpetsounds: then save and run sudo update-grub and reboot13:40
wirechiefrconan 12gb is not much room for extended though, you would really like to have the whole thing for partitioning.13:40
Noqqrconan: I currently got my bootable usb with a live version 9.04 running next to me on my netbook.13:40
rconanNoqq: you need to have a free primary partition number to make the extended in...13:40
rconanok then... run fdisk13:40
rconan"fdisk /dev/sda" in fact13:40
Noqqrconan: ... wich isn't possible, casue I got 4 partitions. C, D, FAT32, and the unkown one. Damn.. :(13:40
rconanoh... actually "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" even13:40
shadeslayerpetsounds: so PC rebooting?13:41
rconanNoqq: run fdisk, we'll work something out13:41
Noqqrconan: ok lemme lok it up13:41
shadeslayerpetsounds: then please reboot13:41
* shadeslayer has a suspicision he didnt run update-grub13:42
shadeslayerany command to see who is connected to my ad hoc network?13:43
Noqqrconan: ok, filled in the sudo command in the terminal, however, I received some notice about that my cylinders are at different rounds, wich can cause delay of booting stuff.13:43
rconanNoqq: doesn't matter13:45
rconanNoqq: is fdisk running now?13:45
rconanif so type "p" and pastebin what it says13:45
petsoundsso far so good, thanks guru13:45
Lasiviansudo is one thing I have not managed to get used to, heh13:45
shadeslayerpetsounds: no problem and im no guru,i just happened to have the same problem ;)13:46
DASPRiDhi there, where to find documentation about how to integrate a program with the new indicator-applet?13:46
shadeslayerbye guys,see ya later and keep up the awesome work ;)13:47
wirechiefshadeslayer try nmap you can see if you have ports open13:47
Noqqrconan: http://pastebin.com/m7500c2a913:50
petsoundsone more question shadeslayer, i am installing ubuntu 8. 10 on my gf pc, since she doesn't have internet connection in her house. i am using aptonCD from my pc to install other program like inkscape, vlc, and gstreamer codec, but it seems error. i do it three times and still error. what did i miss?13:51
petsoundsmore detail please13:52
coz_petsounds, I havenet use aptoncd for a while  and I am not sure about this however...if you install,, say inkscape... from the repository ..it wil also pull down necessary dependencies  it needs in order to run13:53
coz_petsounds, do you remember the error messages?13:53
rconanNoqq: that looks dodgy... apparently EEEs use those last two partitions for "Boot Booster" whatever that is13:53
Noqqrconan: Strange, there is a Netbook Remix for 9.04, why wouldn't I be able to install it?13:54
petsoundsi forget but when i open add/remove programs it is asking for cd with ubuntu inside13:54
coz_petsounds,  ok and you have that cd correct?13:54
Noqqrconan: Or I could go and install everything in D:\. Then I still got 60gb left for Windows. and 60gb for Ubuntu.13:55
cousin_luigiwhat is the update applet called?13:55
coz_cousin_luigi,  update-manager  ?13:55
rconanNoqq: that would work13:56
cousin_luigicoz_: I mean the one that appears in the tray13:56
Noqqrconan: Thank for help though, got driving lessons now.13:56
petsoundsi insert that but no luck, still error. is there a way to install program without having internet connection? i try to download on getdeb.net but i can find vlc or inkscape there13:56
rconanNoqq: cool.. have fun13:56
rconandon't know if I'll be aroudn when you get back13:56
petsounds* can't13:56
Noqqrconan: Thanks! :)  And I will see how I will do that with D:\13:56
rconanbut someone will be able to help13:56
Venterocousin_luigi: update-manager?13:56
coz_cousin_luigi,  I believe that is part of the update-manager  not sure though13:56
coz_cousin_luigi,  update notification13:57
wirechiefNogg  you best have a external backup before you decide to modify that EEE  otherwise you could lose your windows and not have a recovery13:57
coz_cousin_luigi,   update-notifier13:57
cousin_luigicoz_: thanks13:57
coz_cousin_luigi,  no problem13:58
* wirechief oh well.13:58
cousin_luigicoz_: oh..it was running already13:58
cousin_luigibut not notifying13:58
coz_cousin_luigi,  mmm   ok did you run update from the terminal?13:59
cousin_luigicoz_: yes13:59
coz_cousin_luigi,  it will be a sleeping process if that's what you mean13:59
cousin_luigicoz_: indeed, but updates stopped showing up13:59
Venterocousin_luigi: You're talking about the little red arrow-notifier?14:00
coz_cousin_luigi,  could be there are none at this time you co uld  try  sudo apt-get update  then  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:00
cousin_luigiVentero: I think so, cant' recall the exact colour atm14:00
cousin_luigicoz_: why dist-upgrade?14:00
coz_cousin_luigi,   Apt-get upgrade is useful for general maintenance. It looks at what is installed on your system, and updates it with the latest patches, etc.14:00
coz_cousin_luigi,   apt-get dist-upgrade will be able to remove packages in favor of other, higher priority packages. Both use the package manager so they both use package dependencies. You can run dist-upgrade for regular server maintenance if you want.14:01
VenteroCheck gconf-editor for apps/update-notifier/ for auto_launch, if it's enabled, the arrow doesn't show up anymore - which is standard behaviour in Jaunty14:01
cousin_luigicould it be a glitch from this not being a clean install but an upgrade from intrepid?14:01
petsoundswhat about my question coz?14:02
cousin_luigiactually it stopped showing up since that switch14:02
coz_petsounds,  let me sroll back hold on14:02
VenteroYeah, as I said, this is new standard behaviour in Jaunty, cousion_luigi14:02
VenteroSee here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/33294514:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in ubuntu-release-notes "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [Low,Fix released]14:02
coz_petsounds,  let me check dependencies for inkscape hold on14:02
Venterocousin_luigi: Running "gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false"14:03
Venterowill switch back to the old behaviour.14:03
coz_petsounds, ok here's what you do to find the dependencies   open synaptick package manager...hit Search.. type inkscape...when that comes up look below for the "Dependencies"  tab14:04
coz_petsounds, there is a whole list of them.. many of which are probably already onboard14:04
Lasivianthe netbook image installs ext3 :S14:04
cousin_luigimay I inquire how is the update notifier useful in jaunty?14:05
topyliLasivian: what's wrong with that?14:06
panaggioevery time I start my computer, I have to go trhu single user netroot, then resume, so that I can use network14:06
petsoundscoz_ : i write it down cause i'm not at her house right now, and after that?14:06
panaggioand my network manager does not show any network interfaces (and I have two)14:06
Lasiviantopyli: slow SSD drives work much better with ext214:06
coz_cousin_luigi,  well to notify you of updates....in all honesty I generally disable update notifications and simply rin ap-get update and dist-upgrade ...especiall on new version14:06
topyliLasivian: that's debatable. ext3 happens to be default, you can easily change that14:07
* topyli uses ext414:07
Lasiviantopyli: didn;t see an option in the image install14:07
coz_petsounds, well if you satisfy all of the dependencies it should install with no problems14:07
coz_petsounds, you might also want to download the inkscape deb pacakge to take home with you also14:08
topyliLasivian: you have to do the partitioning manually14:08
coz_petsounds, or any of the applications that did not install from AptonCd14:08
Lasiviantopyli: that's what I didn;t see an option for14:08
Lasivianretrying, I might have missed it14:08
topylioh, that would be a problem then :\14:08
deanynarrowed this wine bug down a little.  any wine type folder browser locks my pc up, not even RSEIUB works.  However, its only when I disable compiz effects, with them on its fine, and its also fine with them off if I disable "let window manager control windows" option in wine.#14:08
* Lasivian lives dangerously and sets no swap partition14:13
shagaI have no swap either on my netbook14:13
shagatoo scared on using swap on ssd14:13
petsoundscoz_ : as far as i know inkscape is a substitue for corel, and i heard about wine which is can run corel draw on linux machine, she have dual boot computer. is there any different or feature that is not working if she using wine?14:13
coz_petsounds,  not sure what you mean.... inkscape,,, in my opinion .. is far superior for vector graphics14:14
amikropmvo: Hello there. Yesterday, I upgraded to Jaunty RC. I am using nVidia (I was using nvidia-glx-new until Intrepid, when I had to switch to 173 according to a document I read). After my first boot with 9.04 I was forced to low graphics mode. I rebooted in recovery mode and did a xfix, then the screen resolution was OK. But I was using the nv open source driver. I started Hardware Drivers, selected "nvidia 173 driver [Recommended]" and h14:15
amikropit "Activate". It siad Downloading and Installing the Driver, reached 100%, but the driver was still not activated.14:15
Lasivianwhat is the mount point for a primary partition, \ ?14:15
Lasivianer / I mean14:15
deanyThere is no accelerated ATI driver in jaunty ?  Its not showing one available14:15
coz_petsounds,  if she is used to corel  then perhaps..since it is dual boot.. she should just go into windows for that applications.. however  inkscape  does take a bit of time to get used to the interface  but then there are also thousands of tutorials for it online14:15
amikropmvo: And everytime I make this attempt to activate the driver, I go to "low graphics mode" after the next boot, so I guess the driver gets partially installed.14:16
shagaif you have lots of space. it's cool to have /, /boot, /home and swap as a different partitions14:16
shagabut on my 8gb ssd(netbook), only going for /14:16
amikropmvo: I explained my problem here yesterday, and I was told to file a bug report and let you know :-)14:16
deanyati aint supporting my mobility 9800 no more either, 9.3 is the last driver.. Im now legacy to them :)14:16
Lasivianshaga: yeah, 8gb aspire one here with 1.5 ram14:17
deanyshame, because ati`s are much much better14:17
shagaI have only 0.5 ram but it doesnt bother me :)14:17
shagabut yeah, aspire one here also14:17
Lasiviandamn what is this? Ubuntu is warning me about not making a swap partition14:17
shagait sure does14:17
Lasivianthat's soemthing I expect windows to do!14:17
shagajust press continue14:17
shagait's rare that one doesnt want swap partition14:17
deanyshaga, http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/04/four-tweaks-for-using-linux-with-solid-state-drives/14:18
Lasivianand that my password is only 6 characters.. geez14:18
Lasivianshaga: it's the principle of the thing!14:18
petsoundscoz_ : her windows are full with viruses from her campus. anyway i'm going to her house later and do what you teach me with dependacies thing. thanks14:18
Lasivianshaga: Linux is supposed to say "yes ma'am!" even if it proceeds to shit itself horribly! ;)14:18
shagathanks deany didnt know all of those tricks :)14:18
coz_petsounds, ah ok14:19
shagaLasivian: I see your point but it's targeted for masses nowadays ;)14:19
shagaand mass doesnt even know whats /14:19
coz_petsounds,  then  I would have her switch to inkscape or  just install over the windows installation14:19
Lasiviandeany: I didn;t know about that 4th one, thanks14:21
amikropmvo: that's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/36387214:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363872 in jockey "Unable to activate driver" [Undecided,New]14:21
Lasivianshaga: I was assuming it was / but well, i'm a chick and I ask for confirmation from humans because *I* might well be wrong. If everyone did that the OS wouldn;t have to ;)14:21
shagajust for you to know, I wasnt talking about that you dont know.. it just gave me an idea for that example :)14:22
Lasivianof course, heh14:22
Lasivianunrelated issue, if one has a linux softraid can you easily add more disks to it?14:23
shagabut yeah, linux distributions has come a long way14:23
shagaI still remember that day when I installed my first linux. it was some old redhat. I went to the sound options, there was just text "nothing here, yet :)"14:23
Lasiviani'm thinking of moving a raid 5 from hardware to software in the near future14:24
shagaor something similiar14:24
LasivianI tried Redhat but LILO and I never got along well14:24
shagathis happend like 10 years ago or so14:24
shagano idea on that raid thing but hope you get some help :)14:25
petsoundscoz_ : it's kinda embarassing but sometimes we doing webcam chat back when i use windows, it's almost one year ago since i migrating to linux and i found that my Creative webcam doesn't work so we can't chat with mebcam anymore. if u don't mind can guide me to make my cam work under linux?14:26
Lasivianyeah, my redhat attempt was about a decade ago too, after that I had a freebsd web server for about 4 years, but I didn;t try that on my notebook, i'm not masochistic enough14:26
LasivianI want my notebook webcam to take a picture every minute and email it to me14:27
shagahaha, some are :D14:27
Lasivianso if someone steals my notebook it reports who did it14:27
shagawould be cool if touchpad could get fingerprints14:28
Lasiviana keylogger that mails it's data back would be nice too14:28
Lasiviani'm considering not requiring a login for just that reason14:28
Lasivianso whoever finds it would use it not knowing it's sending me their data14:28
coz_petsounds, not sure guy which cam is it?14:28
petsoundsyou mean my webcam brand?14:29
coz_petsounds,  yes  and model number14:29
petsoundscreative web cam chat14:30
petsoundssorry, creative live cam chat14:30
coz_petsounds, hold on14:30
petsoundssure thing14:30
deanyLooks like im back to intrepid if I cant play a decent 3D game (no driver for my ATI anymore, and the open source one isnt an option as far as 3D performance goes).14:31
mvoamikrop: if that happend during a intrepid->jaunty upgrade, please attach /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log as well14:33
coz_petsounds,  do you have an application to view that cam in chat?  perhaps  pidgin  and to test it you may want to install camorama to see if the system is picking it up14:33
petsoundsi'm using kopete14:33
petsoundsand it say device/generic14:33
coz_petsounds, oh you are running KDE?14:33
petsoundsyes sir14:33
coz_petsounds,  and does Kopete have a video window ?14:34
coz_petsounds, does the cam work in that video window?14:34
coz_do you see a picture14:34
amikropmvo: ok14:34
petsoundsno just black screen14:34
coz_petsounds, was there a waringin when you opened Kopete that the camera could not be found?14:35
coz_petsounds,  check in the Kopete preferences  you may be able to start it from there howver... i am not up on all of the web cams supported on ubuntu14:35
coz_but I am googling :)14:35
petsoundsok wait14:36
amikropmvo: done14:37
coz_petsounds,  the only problem with creative products is that they are created for window use,,, and if it does not work you will have to discuss this with someone more familiar with cam driver installations onubuntu than me.14:37
petsoundskopete detected that web cam is connected but still no display14:37
coz_petsounds, mm14:38
coz_petsounds,  this may help but from what I read it is iffy at best   http://www.rastageeks.org/ov51x-jpeg/index.php/Ov51xJpegHackedInstall14:39
petsoundswell okay, but can u recommend what brand of webcam which is run under linux?14:39
andresmhafter updating my Jaunty installation I cannot longer use Compiz. I get "Desktop effects cannot be enabled". Any ideas?14:39
coz_petsounds,   logitech  cams seems to work well14:39
coz_petsounds,  let me see if I can find a list of known cams for ubuntu hold on14:39
DASPRiDandersk, what does compiz --replace in the console say?14:39
petsoundsok logitech then14:40
coz_petsounds,  here is one article  http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2008/03/28/webcams-that-just-work-with-ubuntu/14:40
coz_petsounds,  another probably more reliable  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams14:41
petsoundsi don't know if skype run under linux14:41
coz_petsounds,  yes skype has a linux version14:41
petsoundsoh thanks god14:41
coz_petsounds,  you may also want to at least read through this   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam14:42
wirechiefabdresmh  are you using intel945 graphics ?14:42
andresmhwirechief, yes14:42
wirechiefandresmh: compiz has been disabled because the intel945 has been blacklisted there is a freeze bug currently being worked on to resolve the issue14:42
coz_petsounds, if you are unfamiliar with any of the commands  talked about there  dont do them until you can discuss it withj someone... you can also go to #linux   channel in case no one here is avaiable for that particular issue    I am not sure they can help but   mulitiple channels can sometimes be an advantage when troubleshooting14:43
andresmhwirechief, well, actually this is what lspci returns: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)14:43
petsoundsyes sir14:43
wirechiefandresmh: ok well if you have any questions on freezes see bug 35939214:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35939214:44
andresmhwirechief, is there a way I can revert to the version of compiz that was working?14:44
wirechiefandresmh: its not compiz, its mesa 7.4 that is causing the trouble14:45
wirechiefandresmh check out the link to the bug for more information14:45
petsoundscoz_ : how to install skype is it with sudo apt-get install skype?14:45
DanaGpetsounds: not only does Creative not support Linux... they didn't even support Windows Vista for nearly a full year after its release.  Oh, and they still produce and SELL products that they've "Discontinued" and "Desupported"!14:45
DanaGSo yeah, ditch Creative.14:45
coz_petsounds,  I believe it is yes but let me check hold on14:46
DanaGdidn't support Vista _well_, that is.14:46
coz_petsounds, oo aparently not hold on14:46
petsoundsDanaG : yes sure, but i can play Creative Prodikeys under linux14:46
petsoundsok coz14:47
coz_guys is there a skype package available for jaunty?14:48
=== dR0g is now known as dROg
coz_petsounds,  generally skype is in the repository but I am not seeing it here14:50
petsoundscoz, i can download skype for linux on their official site14:50
VenteroIt's in the medibuntu-repository14:50
petsoundsthe one with .deb, right?14:51
coz_petsounds,  yes but you know  pidgin is already installed on ubuntu which is not proprietary and that should work just as well14:51
petsoundscan i install pidgin on kde?14:51
coz_petsounds,  yes you will need the .deb pacakge unless you want to compile it manually14:51
coz_petsounds,  oh I for got you are on KDE  I dont know14:51
coz_petsounds,  hold on let me see if kde has an equivlelant14:52
coz_petsounds, actually go to  #kde   channel they are far better equipped to talk about kde applications14:53
coz_petsounds,  just   /join #kde14:53
coz_petsounds, from what I am reading skype for linux has issues right now14:53
icewatermandid anyone manage to run googleearth on jaunty (amd64)?14:53
LasivianI wish we could make the system usage graph the background somehow14:54
Lasiviancertainly would be unobtrusive then14:54
coz_Lasivian,  graph the backgroun?14:54
Lasiviancoz_: have the background be the graph of cpu/mem usage14:55
petsoundsok i will coz14:55
VenteroLasivian: Try conky :P14:55
coz_Lasivian,  yikes  wouldnt that be gpu/cpu intensive?14:55
Lasiviancoz_: probably, i'm just brainstorming14:56
coz_petsounds,  yeah I dont want to sound like I am pushing you away but having #kde   #linux  #ubuntu  #ubuntu+1 # compiz   etc  as regularly visited channels opensmore opportunity to solve issues14:56
coz_Lasivian, ah I see :)14:56
Lasiviantwo tiny colored lines in the panel bar would be cool as well14:56
coz_Lasivian, so full screen system monitor?14:56
Lasivianunobtrusive but obvious14:57
petsoundsno its okay coz14:57
Lasiviangiving it a tiny section of the panel bar wastes space to not show much data really14:57
gravityreloadedcan any1 help me get my files to browse again?14:59
gravityreloadedi click my computer14:59
gravityreloadedthen it tries ... and gives up14:59
andresmhwirechief, can I just revert the mesa files prior to the blacklisting?15:00
gravityreloadednot even anerror msg15:01
Ned2does Jaunty come with the newest version of virtualbox?15:01
ikonia!info vbox15:02
ubottuPackage vbox does not exist in jaunty15:02
ikonia!info virtual-box15:02
ubottuPackage virtual-box does not exist in jaunty15:02
ikoniahang on15:02
gravityreloadedit does exist actuallt15:02
ikoniagravityreloaded: I know it does, the name is wrong15:02
ikonia!info virtualbox15:02
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in jaunty15:02
deanythere is no puel vbox for jaunty yet15:03
Ventero!info virtualbox-ose15:03
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-dfsg-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 8576 kB, installed size 31164 kB15:03
gravityreloadedI have virtual-box in jkaunty15:03
ikoniaVentero: thank you !15:03
VenteroNo problem ;)15:03
gravityreloadedubotto must be wrong hehe :)15:03
ikoniagravityreloaded: no, as I said the name I was using was wrong15:03
Ned2that's cool, thanks for the info guys15:03
petsoundscoz_ : i think i'm gonna buy logitech webcam tomorrow, and i also want to buy tv tuner which is run under linux, can u tel me what brand and series of tv tuner which is run under linux?15:03
ikoniapetsounds: http://www.linuxtv.org/15:04
petsoundsi did googling but it confusing me15:04
petsoundsto many brand15:04
coz_petsounds,  ooo that one I have no idea  hauphog maybe?? you may want to google    ubutnu tv tuner cards15:04
coz_not sure how that is spelled15:04
ikoniapetsounds: too many ? that just means you have a selection to chose from15:04
petsoundsi just want to know what people here usually use15:05
gravityreloadedikonia can I have a little help in this room? I don't have a lot of time... back to work soon!! - inlunch break15:05
ikoniapetsounds: it doesn't matter what people use15:05
ikoniagravityreloaded: ask, if someone knows, they will answer15:05
coz_petsounds, thats not a guarantee it will work though15:05
gravityreloadedi did15:05
ikoniagravityreloaded: then no-one knows15:05
coz_petsounds,  I did have a haupauge once that worked15:05
gravityreloadedif you prefer I'll come c~back tomorrow15:05
ikoniapetsounds: read the link I sent you15:05
coz_petsounds,  but this takes a bit of research hold on15:05
gravityreloadedtry again - I have no hurry15:06
petsoundsok to you both15:06
petsoundshmm, how about nvidia?15:06
ikoniawhat about it ?15:06
petsoundsis it okay?15:06
ikoniacertain cards are better supported than others15:07
ikonia!nvidia | petsounds15:07
ubottupetsounds: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment15:07
coz_petsounds,  there are expensive cards like this   http://pchdtv.com/15:07
coz_petsounds,   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681510002115:07
petsounds$114 out of budget. he..he15:07
ikoniaguys, try ##hardware15:08
petsoundsi am looking for tv tuner for about $5015:08
ikoniapetsounds: try ##hardware - read the links I gave you15:08
coz_petsounds, yeah :)   but if you keep googling  or take ikonia 's suggestion  you will find one   but I wouldnt rush into it until you are sure it is a good working card15:08
coz_petsounds, same for the webcams15:08
coz_ok   I have to break here15:09
petsoundsikonia, what tv tuner you have?15:10
ikoniapetsounds: it doesn't matter - read the link I sent you to select what YOU want15:10
kane77I have problem with tracker.. it always gives me this warning: There was error while performing indexing: Index corrupted, what do I do about it?15:11
petsoundsi mean if you have tv tuner that work, i'll have the same as you15:11
petsoundsi once have telebit with phillips chipset saa713 but seems not work under ubuntu/kubuntu.15:13
=== dR0g is now known as dROg
ikoniapetsounds: the URL I sent you explains what works and what doesn't and the limitations15:15
deanywhats the state of play with the default ati driver in jaunty and playin a game like ut2004?  or do I need to wait for fglrx to be released (its now considered a legacy card too..)15:18
petsoundsikonia, i'm going with hauppauge.15:19
petsoundsit's affordable15:19
Lasivianall that headache for nothing15:29
Lasivianlooks like the webcam issue I upgraded to try and fix was hardware related15:29
Tecna1I'm noticing a pattern with my system, and I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this...15:30
Lasiviansomething in the connector for the screen got screwed when I tok the laptop apart15:30
victimno, I don't have your system ;)15:30
Tecna1victim: lo- wait that wasn't funny.15:30
Tecna1anyway... I'm using the 9.04 RC and filesystems appear to be busy when they really aren't15:32
Tecna1this keeps me from modifying them, including umount15:32
Lasivianand my bluetooth is still broken15:33
* Lasivian sighs15:34
Tecna1can anyone else verify this please?15:34
ikoniaTecna1: keeps you from modifying them ?15:34
ikoniaTecna1: in what way mofidying ?15:34
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
atlefcrap, BANKID no longer works in firefox. something broke it. *need to google*15:36
Tecna1ikonia: for example, truecrypt can't create hidden volumes because it says the filesystem is busy.15:36
saevawhere the hell is Tor in jaunty?15:37
ikoniasaeva: in the repos ?15:37
amikropmvo: If you need some more information, or have any progress, please, let me know. ;-)15:37
ikoniaTecna1: doesn't truecrypt need exclusive locking ?15:37
Tecna1but the biggest problem is that i can't umount15:37
saevaikonia: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=tor&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all15:38
ikoniaTecna1: what does fuser $mount_point say ?15:38
ikoniasaeva: ok - there is your answer, it's not in jaunty15:38
saevaikonia: damn you smartass-and unhelpful-when-wrong-sourpuss!15:39
ikoniasaeva: please control yourself, that's uncalled for15:39
ikoniaI'm looking to see if it's being replaced at the moment for you15:40
NoqDo I get Dual Boot when I have Windows installed at C:\, and I install Ubuntu on my NTFS D:\ drive?15:41
VenteroHeh, torbutton-extension recommends the packet tor, which isn't availabe :D15:42
PiciNoq: Ubuntu does not support being installed on an NTFS partition, you'd need to format to something else (ext3)15:42
ikoniayup, looks like it's not been packaged yet/at all15:42
NoqPici: I understood that one, sorry that I explained it wrong.15:42
NoqBut do I get Dual Boot this way?15:43
histoughhh pulseaudio still all buggered up.  Drops audio after playing a few minutes of urban terror.15:43
Lasiviananyone else find the desktop of the netbook img more like a straightjacket?15:43
VenteroAny idea why my mouse-cursor is lagging when I'm downloading something and any progress-window (i.e. Firefox' download-window/update-manager) is open?15:44
ghabitHello. I need help. I cannot finish download iimage with jigdo because of this http://pastebin.com/d13e0aee9 errors, advise me plese.15:52
ghabitI am using this http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-rc-alternate-i386.jigdo jigdo file15:52
sdgWhere can I get a Jaunty installer for my 256MB USB drive?15:53
sdgghabit: I've already looked there.15:55
sdgghabit: I don't want UNR.15:55
sdgghabit: I want Ubuntu.15:55
atlefsdg: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/jaunty/15:56
sdgghabit: Where can I get a Jaunty installer for my 256MB USB drive?15:56
sdgatlef: Thanks.15:56
atlefsdg: you are welcome15:56
ghabitAnyone knows about issue with jigdo?15:57
sdgNow I just need to figure out how to put the netboot onto my USB...15:57
atlefsdg: unetbootin15:57
sdgatlef: I tried that.15:57
sdgatlef: It doesn't have an option for 9.04 netboot15:58
atlefsdg: download the right iso from the link i gave you and point unetbootin to that15:58
syockitsdg: it has an option for custom iso15:59
RaulinMy laptopfan stopped working after a recent upgrade from hardy -> jaunty. Is there any sort of fancontrol in linux?15:59
cellofellowwhy is the package "tor" not available in jaunty?16:00
sdgsyockit: Ah yes. :)16:00
cellofellow!info tor jaunty16:01
ubottuPackage tor does not exist in jaunty16:01
syockit!info tor intrepid16:01
ubottutor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 1180 kB, installed size 2680 kB16:01
syockithmm, probably they messed up the packaging and didn't manage to repair it in time16:01
syockitprobably you have to wait for backports16:02
syockiti.e. if they ever package one16:02
cellofellowcan they fix it?16:02
drbobbi'm wondering whether it's possible to downgrade Xorg to a previous version, without downgrading/breaking the rest of jaunty16:02
Skaparedrbobb: I know a way to find out16:03
drbobbyeah, try it - igues16:03
ghabitatlef: netboot iso is 11 mb size? Or I am mistake?16:03
syockitdrbobb: you have to downgrade the whole xorg family, mesa/dri/glx stuff included. that is, if the de (gnome/kde) do not depend on newer xorg, which I think is the case16:04
drbobbwhat is the case: that they depend, or that they don't?16:04
Skapareghabit: sounds about right16:04
NoqqIs it usefull to have 50gb with Ubuntu?16:04
SkapareNoqq: 50GB for package files?  no ... for your own data, maybe ... movies use up space fast16:05
trappisthey I just did apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade and I've got a bunch of updates but it didn't have to download them.  is my box downloading package updates while I'm not looking?16:05
NoqqWhat if I put from those 50gb, like 30gb back in C:\ (where Windows is installed)16:06
NoqqIs there a chance it might get my C:\ corrupted?16:06
SkapareNoqq: your choice ... put your space where you need it16:06
drbobbmy problem being that support for my video chip has regressed seriously, and it's not likely to be fixed anytime soon16:06
SkapareNoqq: if windows formats it, I would not call that corrupted, but just lost data16:07
Skaparedrbobb: so try a backversion .deb for it and see16:07
drbobbyep that's what I'll do. My point in asking is, maybe it's obvious to someone that can't work, and I would be just wasting my time16:08
atlefghabit: yes it is, and you have to install every thing but the base packages yourself. take a look at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal16:08
syockitdrbobb: I used to downgrade xorg to hardy version when I was on Intrepid. It was a kind of pain, but somehow worked out16:09
syockitdrbobb: about the case, gnome/kde usually won't depend on latest version of xorg from my experience16:09
drbobbsyockit: ok thanks16:09
Tecna1Noqq: I actually prefer to have a separate partition (better yet, a separate drive) for personal data, so I don't have to backup and restore when changing OSs16:10
syockitdrbobb: you can use aptitude and explore breaking packages. add intrepid as source, and try marking xorg packages to previous version16:10
drbobbthe hardy version worked pretty much ok for me, the current one makes it pretty much impossible to watch videos or movies - too much flicker16:11
NoqqI shrinked my D:\, now I got some 'unallocated' space, How do I get this free space to my C:\?16:11
zoggyNoqq: resize the c:\16:11
Tecna1Noqq: gparted can also grow your "C:\"16:12
Noqqzoggy: No, I want my C:\ file to be bigger, cause I don't want my D:\ (where I'm gonna install Ubuntu) to be so big.16:13
Tecna1Noqq: do you know what "resize" means?16:13
NoqqTechna1: Yes, make it biger/smaller. But somehow I can't see the optino to make it bigger.16:13
syockitNoqq: depending on where the unalloc space is created, you probably have to move D:\ to the end16:13
Tecna1Noqq: what partition editor are you using?16:15
NoqqFor your information.. I want C:\ (where Windows is installed) to be bigger. So I shrinked my D:\ (wich is mpty, NTFS, wich is gonna be for Ubuntu) to place that free space to C:\. So my D:\ isn'that big, so I don't leave behind usefull space.16:15
NoqqTecna1: The one built-in at live cd from Ubuntu16:15
Tecna1Noqq: you've already been told once that Ubuntu cannot be installed to NTFS16:16
NoqqTecna1: I know, but I make the D:\ .ext316:16
NoqqI just first want some space from D:\ to C:\.16:17
Tecna1and why are you calling them "C:\" and "D:\"?16:17
NoqqBecause they are called like that...16:17
syockitNoqq: try installing gparted during live cd. it should install the required things for resizing ntfs partition. use that instead of the installer built-in16:17
Tecna1are you trying to install a wubi?16:17
histoNoqq: use gparted from the live cd16:17
histo!who | Noqq16:18
ubottuNoqq: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:18
NoqqI got GParted in front of me now.16:18
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:18
histoNoqq: then you should be able to resize the partitions16:18
syockitNoqq: hmm, on jaunty live, I assume? strange if it won't allow ntfs enlarge...16:19
Noqqhisto: Somehow I can't. I shrinked one disk, that unallocated space I want to be added to C:\.16:19
histoNoqq: then you would have to expand the parittion to use the unallocated space16:19
Tecna1Noqq: If you're running a live cd, then there is no "C:\" nor "D:\"16:19
syockitNoqq: btw, where is the unallocated space located? between C: and D:, or after D:?16:19
Tecna1I call troll.16:19
histoTecna1: there is if he's resizing ntfs16:19
NoqqAfter D:\16:19
histoor fat3216:19
syockitNoqq: then you have to move the partition. i don't remember if there is an option to move...16:20
histoNoqq: resize the C: and expand it to use the remaining free space.16:20
NoqqTecna1: It's right in front of me. 2 NTFS drives. C:\ and D:\.16:20
sdgsyockit: It complains with "missing operating system" :(16:20
Tecna1besides, why do you have an NTFS where you're preparing to install Ubuntu?16:21
NoqqTecna1: Because I havn't done anything yet. I needed help, so I joined this channel.16:21
syockitsdg: what, how? what did you install/uninstall? did you make sure aptitude doesn't complain of any breakage?16:21
NoqqTecna1: I first want the resizing done, then I format the D:\ to get Ubuntu on it.16:21
sdgsyockit: It won't boot.16:22
Tecna1Noqq: alright... then lets start from the begining...16:22
NoqqTecna1: Thanks.16:22
Tecna1Noqq: is "D:\" empty, or at least backed up?16:22
NoqqTecna1: All empty.16:22
Tecna1Noqq: Delete it16:22
syockitsdg: that's very bad indeed. Probably it removed the most essential packages for booting. you have to use live cd for repairing... lots of chrooting16:23
NoqqTecna1: Delete? Hm.. u sure?16:23
sdgsyockit: The USB won't boot.16:23
sdgsyockit: So it won't install.16:23
NoqqTecna1: Don't get me wrong, I trust you.16:23
syockitsdg: eh?16:23
syockitsdg: oh, you're the one with the netboot...16:23
Tecna1Noqq: If it's empty, then it's just getting in the way while you modify C:\16:24
sdgsyockit: Yes.16:24
NoqqTecna1: Ok, lemme delete it.16:24
NoqqTecna1: Deleted.16:25
Tecna1Noqq:  then please verify for me that you're using gparted.  what does your title bar say?16:25
NoqqTecna1: /dev/sda - GParted16:26
Tecna1(if you're not using gparted, the next step can mess things up)16:26
NoqqTecna1: :)16:26
PiciNoqq: Are you using Jaunty?16:26
NoqqPici: Yes, just downloaded the .iso from 9.04, booting right now from usb.16:27
syockitsdg: I suppose you downloaded mini.iso ?16:27
sdgsyockit: Yes.16:27
Tecna1Noqq: wait a couple minutes while I load up gparted so I'm not leading blindly16:27
NoqqTecna1: Ok16:28
spanisheyessmilehello all16:28
LasivianI booted and all I see is the background16:28
Tecna1Noqq: is C:\ at the begining of your drive?16:30
syockitsdg: it seems over these years netboot has become a bit more complex than the one I used to do. I need to look into it further...16:30
spanisheyessmileI have a question that someone might have some answers to but I must say firstly that I have only just begun to use linux16:31
NoqqTecna1: Ye16:31
Lasivianhrrm, I have no panels16:31
Lasivianhow can I add a panel to gnome via keyboard16:32
Tecna1Noqq: select it and choose the resize option16:32
NoqqTecna1: Ow hey! Now I can see that the bar can be extended!16:33
NoqqTecna1: Now were getting somewhere. I want to have 25gb left on the drive that I'm gonna make for Ubuntu.. so lemme calculate how much I need to put on C:\.16:34
Tecna1Noqq: that's because you deleted "D:\" which was in the way.16:34
NoqqTecna1: Ye, too much partitions probably? However, lemme see how mcuh I need to put on C:\ to let D:\ have 25gb left.16:34
PerryArmstrongthis is my sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/154774/  i am not able to upgrade to 9.04 beta version..i get errors from the sources.list... can anyone help16:35
Tecna1Noqq: when you create a new partition for Ubuntu, It will not be called "D:\"16:35
Tecna1Calling it that is a habit you need to break.16:35
daveDev i am in need to reinstall ubuntu with encrypted hard drive. I'm debating if i should install the release candidate of ubuntu9 or should i just wait till the final release. will i be able to just update automatically when the final release comes out without having to reinstall?16:36
NoqqTecna1: Ok sorry. :( But it's loading the new drives now. Than I guess it's time to format the new drive we made to .ext3/4?16:36
Tecna1Noqq: we haven't gotten to the step to create the new drive yet until just now.16:37
Tecna1did you skip ahead?16:37
charlie-tcadaveDev: If you update jaunty, it will be the same as the final by that time. There is no need to reinstall the final version16:37
PerryArmstrongthis is my sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/154774/  i am not able to upgrade to 9.04 beta version..i get errors from the sources.list... can anyone help16:38
NoqqTecna1: Ow. I don't know. I filled in the amount I wanted to be added to my Windows drive (wich is now 119gb), now I applied that and got 25gb left of unallocated space.16:38
syockitPerryArmstrong: can you comment out the lines with deb cdrom (by inserting # at the start of the line) and try sudo apt-get update16:38
daveDevwhat would be the best way to encrypt your harddrive with jaunty (with dual booth if possiable). if you could point me to a good thread i'd really appricate it16:39
tedcrAny help would be appreciated.  I have am having trouble running emacs when I login remotely.  I am getting a message "undefined color: black" (this is true even in the gnome terminal).  I saw some threads referring to this, but I didn't see any work around.16:40
Tecna1Noqq: now create a new partition in the unallocated space16:40
RaulinCrap, my laptopfan won't start at all, if I echo 0 > /proc/acpi/fan/FAN0/state the return is "ACPI: Device does not support D1"16:40
Tecna1DON'T format to NTFS16:40
syockittedcr: is it in the list of known bugs (on launchpad)?16:40
NoqqTecna1: Ye, I'm in the partition menu now.16:41
Tecna1Noqq: format it to ext316:41
tedcrsyockit: I am not sure--but there were related issues with x that were listed there16:42
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
Tecna1ext4 is not yet completely stable in jaunty, but will be in the final release 3 days from now.  you should be able to convert after updating16:43
NoqqTecna1: Will it be a primary partition? And what do fill in at the 'Following MiBs', 'MiBs Used', 'Precending MiBs'?16:43
Tecna1Noqq: make it primary, and leave "Following MiBs" at "0" and "MiBs Used" at maximum16:44
NoqqTecna1: It's now set at: 0 preceding space, 25002 new space, 0 free space following16:45
tedcrsyockit: it is bug #35867816:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358678 in emacs22 "emacs broken in jaunty (and intrepid) on ec2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35867816:45
Lasivianwhat files do I pull from my old backup to make the gnome desktop look like it used to?16:45
NoqqTecna1: Do I need to label it?16:46
Tecna1Noqq: after creating the partition, format it to ext3 and then continue with your install.  I suspect you'll have some questions about that, so feel free to ask when you get to it.16:46
Tecna1Noqq: labeling is a good idea16:46
Tecna1make it unique16:46
spanisheyessmilesorry, I have a complicated question and it is probably far out of my knowledge so I will need newbie step by step16:46
Tecna1Noqq: I suggest "Jaunty"16:46
NoqqTecna1: Call it something like Udrive (ubuntu-drive) is something normal?16:46
NoqqTecna1: Ok, I know what you mean.16:47
* Lasivian grovels16:47
mbeierlspanisheyessmile: !ask16:47
ubottuMost of us don't speak American Sign Language, please try english instead. โœŒ16:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:47
LasivianI can;t do anything, my desktop is totally blank after I installed Jaunty16:47
NoqqTecna1: Ok! It's made, starting up installation.16:48
spanisheyessmileok, I am running a dual boot system with windows vista and ubuntu. I had no problem the first time I used ubuntu with my wireless card (atheros 5007eg) and the internet worked perfectly but when I went to use it again, it does not connect to internet at all16:50
NoqqTecna1: Ok, I'm partition part of installation. Now I just highlight the Jaunty I made, and click Forward?16:50
DASPRiDLasivian, gtweakui (install if required) -> system -> preferences -> gtweakui - nautilus -> use nautilus to show desktop16:50
DASPRiDsomething like that16:50
Tecna1Noqq: no.  hold on16:50
Lasiviandashua: I have no panel, so no menus :P16:50
Tecna1Noqq: it should say something about manual partitioning somewhere16:51
Lasivianjust a blank desktop and a terminal window16:51
* Lasivian sighs16:51
NoqqTecna1: Ye, I knew about that option. I'm in the Advanced section, to choose a partition manually.16:52
Tecna1yes, choose manual.16:52
Tecna1oh jeeze... we forgot one thing16:52
NoqqTecna1: Ye?16:53
Tecna1Noqq: go back to gparted16:53
NoqqTecna1: Ok, abort installation I assume?16:53
Tecna1Noqq: how much RAM do you have?16:53
NoqqTecna1: And don't worry mate, youre great help.16:53
NoqqTecna1: Only 1gb of RAM, it's on a netbook.16:53
mbeierlspanisheyessmile: sorry, I am not an expert in the atheros cards16:54
mbeierlcan anyone here help out?16:54
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:54
Tecna1Noqq: use gparted to shrink your windows partition by 2 gb16:54
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: i would try useing dhclient eth1 or eth0  and see what happens16:54
NoqqTecna1: Ok16:54
Tecna1yeah, shrink it 2 gb16:55
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: but do read the WifiDocs  they are a good read.16:55
spanisheyessmilewirechief:aren't those for ethernet?? thanks mbeirel and I will look at that ubottu16:55
Tecna1Noqq: then create a partition in there and format it to linux swap16:55
NoqqTecna1: Ok, got 2gb of unallocated space again.16:56
NoqqTecna1: Ok.16:56
* Lasivian finally figures out what can be done16:56
shadeslayerLasivian: really?16:56
NoqqTecna1: Aaaw damn.. the same error again. Not more than 4 partitions.16:56
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: sometimes it wireless needs a kick ....but read the docs16:56
Tecna1Noqq: that's weird.  do you have other partitions?16:57
spanisheyessmilewirechief: I am going to read those but I am so new to ubuntu that sometimes it is like reading french16:57
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: well the command i gave you will give more information about what is going on with your wifi too.16:58
Tecna1Noqq: what are your other partitions?16:58
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: i suspect your essid is not known and it gives up trying to find it.16:58
Noqqtecna1: one with 41mb, and some Unknown one.16:58
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: i right click the network icon next to the time and see if it needs it16:59
NoqqTecna1: a FAT32 one with 5gbs and a Unknown one with 41mb.16:59
NoqqTecna1: And then you got the the main one with windows, and the one we made for ubuntu.16:59
PerryArmstrongsyockit; while upgrading i get an error that some third party sources have not been found...any idea about that17:00
Tecna1Noqq: this is why I hate preconfigured machines17:00
wirechiefTecna1: might be a recovery partition for his EE17:00
spanisheyessmilewirechief:I am assuming iwconfig???17:00
Tecna1wirechief: I know17:00
Lasivianshadeslayer: well, I was stuck at a desktop with no panels, so I was just a tad stuck :P17:00
Tecna1Noqq: I know a way around that17:00
Noqqwirechief: Ye, someone said something like that before. But I don't know if it's safe to delete it.17:00
shadeslayerLasivian: not even alt+F2?17:01
Lasiviannow, let's see if it works17:01
wirechiefNogg i wouldnt unless i had it fully backed up.17:01
shadeslayerwirechief: it might be a EISA partition17:01
Tecna1Noqq: grow your ext3 partition to fill your unallocated space17:01
Lasivianshadeslayer: I got a terminal window up and copied the .gconf .gconfd and .gnome2 from my backup disk17:01
wirechiefspanisheyessmile: sure you can do that in a terminal ifconfig  and see if you have a ip and a essid17:01
Tecna1guys, I got this.  I'm just going to have him set up a swap file17:02
shadeslayerheh,fancy,i would have simply deleted them and let gnome make new ones instead17:02
NoqqTecna1: So back to what we first made?17:02
Tecna1Noqq: no17:02
Lasivianshadeslayer: alt-f2 ran things, but it's a tad hard to fix gnome from commandline :P17:02
Tecna1Noqq: the result needs to be 2gb extra space on the ext3 partition17:02
mkulkehello, i just updated to the rc, and everything seems quite ok, but alt-f2 isn't working any more17:02
Tecna1oh crap17:02
shadeslayerLasivian: true,but not if you know which keys to press ;)17:03
wirechiefshadeslayer: im not familar with EE system pc's and their partitioning  might be a question for google ;)17:03
Tecna1I have to leave in a few minutes17:03
ienorandmkulke: for gnome-run?17:03
PerryArmstrongwhile upgrading i get an error that some third party sources have not been found...any idea about that17:03
Lasivianshadeslayer: well I do not :)17:03
NoqqTecna1: Ok. :(  Anyoneway, I now got the 25gb .ext3 drive again.17:03
mkulkeienorand: well for the dialog, where i can enter a line17:03
Tecna1Noqq: I'm going to PM the rest of the instructions17:03
mkulkeprobably gnome-run17:03
NoqqTecna1: good, thanks17:03
Lasivianand it seems moving conf files failed too17:03
shadeslayerLasivian: well alt+F2 is a handy command to learn and i have a keybinding to start a terminal too :P17:04
ienorandmkulke: Try looking at keyboard shortcuts and see if it's set to something else/blanked.17:04
Lasivianit's not saving my gnome config when I exit17:04
ienorandBy the way... There is no default keycombo to opent terminal is there?17:04
shadeslayerLasivian: i mean using : rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity to reset everything in gnome17:05
mkulkeienorand: it says: "show the panels run dialog box" on Alt-F2 :/17:05
shadeslayerienorand: not that i know of,its disabled from start17:05
Lasivianshadeslayer: there was a .gnome2 but no .gnome17:05
shadeslayerLasivian: that command takes care of everything17:05
shadeslayerfor me that is,it resets everything in gnome17:06
Lasivianno, I want to move my gnome settings from my backup before I upgraded17:06
Lasivianand there is no default session file in gnome under 9.04 either17:06
ienorandshadeslayer: it annoys me greatly, since every livecd I get on has no keycombo for terminal...17:06
shadeslayerLasivian: oh ok,no idea then17:06
wirechiefienorand:  you can use alt f2 then ask for xterm ;)17:06
shadeslayerienorand: join the group17:06
mkulkeis this alt-f2 happening to other users?17:06
shadeslayeruse ctrl+alt+F1 for the biggest terminal17:07
mkulkeor not happening rather :/17:07
wirechiefmkulke: it works here..17:07
PerryArmstrongwhile upgrading i get an error that some third party sources have not been found...any idea about that17:07
shadeslayerLasivian: btw what did you do to start up ubuntu on that mini?17:08
Lasivianshadeslayer: burned a cd17:08
shadeslayerLasivian: ah.....what happened to the USB?17:08
PerryArmstrongwhile upgrading i get an error that some third party sources have not been found...any idea about that17:09
Lasivianafter I used 8.04 and dd to copy the img to a thumbdrive correctly17:09
Lasivianwhich loaded the notebook which I am currently fighting17:09
ienorandshadeslayer: Yea, true, but it's not very handy, really :)17:09
Lasivianam I finally past the newbie stage? heh17:09
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help with upgrading to jaunty17:09
shadeslayerienorand: i didnt say it was handy :P17:09
wirechiefseems that usb-creator has been fixed with latest daily-build17:10
shadeslayerPerryArmstrong: please be patient17:10
hallownamePerryArmstrong: some repos you had added dont have jaunty repos yet i guess.. wait. or turn them off until after the upgrade.17:10
BluesKaj!pure gnome17:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pure gnome17:11
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: if you read the upgrade notes you'd see it tell syou to disable 3rd party repos - how can you expect 3rd party packages to have active repo's for an OS that is not yet released17:11
PerryArmstronghallowname; i think its with my settings or sources.list.. canyou check it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/154774/17:11
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: it's nothing to do with your settings -17:11
PerryArmstrongikonia; so what hallowname has said is the thing??17:12
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: pretty much - it's detailed in the upgrade notes17:13
PerryArmstrongikonia; thanks... and to you too hallowname17:13
deanyif im wantin to play a 3d game (ut2004) in jaunty with an ati chipset that ati now deems obselete (argh), is there any point me upgrading or just stayin on intrepid with ati 9.3, or will there be a working fglrx?17:15
JustinJosephChallenge Me - http://justinjg.mybrute.com :p17:19
xnguardCan anyone comment on the progress of getting #297213 resolved, or tell me what I can do to work around it in the meantime?17:20
ikoniaxnguard: wait for the bug to be resolved, updates will appear in the bug report17:21
xnguardikonia: It's been open kind of a long time now, and it sounds like a real simple fix.  But it still hasn't been touched, and I assume Jaunty GA's going to happen in the next week or so.17:23
PerryArmstrongikonia; the exact error is third party sources disabled...and it asks me to enable it17:23
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: I've explained the issue17:23
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: and explained where it is detailed/explained17:23
ikoniaxnguard: contact the person the bug is assigned to17:23
ikoniaxnguard: or post for an update in the bug report17:24
xnguardikonia: There's still no one assigned, and the last person to attempt to contact anyone involved was ignored.17:24
xnguardAll right.17:24
PerryArmstrongikonia; okk17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 32844217:25
cwillubug 32844217:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328442 in tor "Tor 0.1.2.x abandoned by upstream, update to" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32844217:25
marcusdavidus anyone make upgrade from intrepid to rc jaunty ?17:26
marcusdavidusand dont destroy system17:26
ikonia!upgrade > marcusdavidus17:26
ubottumarcusdavidus, please see my private message17:26
Noqq!upgrade > Noq17:26
Noqq!upgrade > Noqq17:26
ubottuNoqq, please see my private message17:26
KyleKdoes thenetbook remix support ext4?17:26
ikoniaKyleK: same as 9.0417:27
marcusdavidusthis gimme nothing imho ikonia im not so n00b to dont restand how it works etc im asking is anyone DID that17:28
ikoniamarcusdavidus: if you are unable to read the instructions I suggest you don't upgrade as it will be too much of a risk using a beta product17:29
marcusdavidusikonia im using GENTOO im think im pro im not ask aboute using of beta etc im asking is anyone actually make upgrade to new rc jaunty without problems is so hard to say yes or no jesus17:29
ikoniamarcusdavidus: how can you be a pro - you've just called yourself a n00b17:30
marcusdavidusi called myslef not so n00b17:30
ikoniaoh, I see17:30
ikoniamarcusdavidus: well read the instructions, it explains how it works17:30
marcusdavidus only idiot thinks hes ot n00b no one know everything17:30
ikoniamarcusdavidus: thre are also some interesting reading in the /topic17:31
canenanyone here experiencing random X crashes using the opensource ati drivers?17:31
ikoniacanen: most people I've seen have had positive things to say about them, however I suspect the card specifics have a lot to do with the stability17:32
marcusdaviduscanen with flash on ?17:32
canenit goes to the login scree and when logging in i see a brief glimpse of the screen the way it was before it crashed17:32
canenmarcusdavidus: doesn't matter17:32
canenjust crashes randomly17:32
canenlet me put the backtrace somewhere17:32
marcusdaviduscanen:  ati drivers open or closed are hmm obpos17:33
marcusdavidusobpos > one big piece of sh***17:33
canenyeah, i know17:34
ikoniamarcusdavidus: please conrol your language17:34
canenbut i can't help it17:34
marcusdavidushmm 1 h 35 m to reconnig lets pray to succefull upgrade kids17:34
ikoniamarcusdavidus: if you can't say it without swearing - don't say it please.17:34
canenhttp://pastebin.com/m39c8ca0e Xorg.0.log.old17:34
marcusdavidusikonia:  wtf is with u u act like 40 years old mac user17:34
PerryArmstrongikonia; any idea about this http://paste.ubuntu.com/154806/   i didnt find a solution to this is the upgrade manual17:36
canenany pointers on the X error?17:37
canenreally hard to test17:37
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: don't think there is a backports / proposed repos on that server17:38
ikoniaPerryArmstrong: disable the reops, try again17:38
wirechiefcanen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace17:39
PerryArmstrongikonia; reops??17:40
ikoniarepo's sorry17:40
canenwirechief: the log includes a backtrace by default17:40
wirechiefcanen also use RSEIUB if you freeze completely and lock17:40
canenit doesn't freeze, just restarts17:40
wirechiefcanen am looking for another wiki for freeze s brb17:40
phoenixzHi there, since the last update of Kubuntu9.04 beta, I have various issues, X won't start normal anymore (complaining about config), sudden computer freezes (only mouse responds), large X CPU usage (>30 percent on average), huge Quassel CPU usage (>60% on average) etc... Anybody here who might know something about these issues?17:41
wirechiefcanen oh ok17:41
wirechiefcanen do you want to chat in inquery ?17:42
PerryArmstrongikonia; how do i disab;e the repos??17:42
canenyou mean /msg?17:42
PerryArmstrongikonia; how do i *disable the repos??17:42
wirechiefcanen see my query box17:43
wirechiefcanen see my query tab17:43
canennope, hold on17:43
wirechiefcanen you might need to be registered ;)17:43
caneni am registered17:44
BluesKajPerryArmstrong, why do want to disable the repos ?17:45
PerryArmstrongBlusKaj; i get this error while upgrading to 9.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/154806/  i have commented the backports after pasting this error...17:46
PerryArmstrongBluesKaj; i get this error while upgrading to 9.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/154806/  i have commented the backports after pasting this error...17:47
yow|x2anyone have a solution for the intel video card driver freezing? It's driving me nuts (especially since it was fixed a few package releases back)17:49
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BluesKajPerryArmstrong, those are the wrong repos ...dunno where you got them but , this is my sources.list and it works . Maybe you should copy and paste it into yours. http://paste.ubuntu.com/154814/17:55
PerryArmstrongBluesKaj; are you sure that your code will work even for mine17:56
BluesKajdelete the text in yours , it's all off the main server , no locales to interfere17:56
BluesKajour servers here are so slow i don't bother witrh them, hence the "main"17:58
PerryArmstrongBlueskaj; okk so i'll delete the whole text and place yours....will this be safe17:58
BluesKajyes, it's std stuff17:59
GrimmVarghi guys, Im  trying to install ubuntu 9.04-64bit on my macbook pro. But now for the second time it has stoppet at a fatal error trying to install grub.. on /dev/sda3, has anybody experienced this before?17:59
CrocoJetI am getting this message when trying to print "unable to open the initial device, quiting". Any idea to solve this problem ?18:00
PerryArmstrongBlueskaj; thansk18:03
SuperQWhile testing Jaunty on my machine I had a frequent random graphics driver lockups with the free NV driver18:26
SuperQI booted to single user and installed the nvidia binary driver, no more crashes18:26
mirco0hat einer erfahrung mit dem soundsystem unter Ubu 9.04? bekomme ums verecken keinen 5.1 sound (bass/center). auch das umstellen auf 6 channels in der /etc/pulse/daemon.conf wie unter 8.1 funzt nicht. der alsa soundcheck in der bash erkennt aber alles.... alsa mixer zeigt nur stereo regler.......18:29
zash_why is tor not in repos?18:33
cwilluzash_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/32844218:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328442 in tor "Tor 0.1.2.x abandoned by upstream, update to" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:39
cwilluzash_, feel free to complain there18:39
zash_cwillu: thanks18:39
cwilluzash_, it's marked as "Fix Released" for jaunty, which is... special...18:39
wirechiefcwillu no crash running the test script for 45 min18:39
cwilluwirechief, fancy :)18:41
wirechiefcwillu amazing the first time i ran it , it crashed immediately18:41
* wirechief has bug net in hand18:42
deanyAm i gonna be able to play 3D games in jaunty with my, now unsupported ati 9800?  or is open source good enough to play ut200418:43
wirechiefdeany ask in #phoronix  someone there might know18:45
TwigathyWhat on earth is pulseaudio doing chewing up 1/3rd of a CPU!?18:46
Twigathy(vlc using alsa output (pulse out just freezes vlc :|) + ubuntu+1)18:47
* deany would like to buy a time machine to stop himself buying ati bs 6 yrs ago18:52
jchammHi. I need python2.4-imaging for Plone/Zope but there is no installation candidate? :(18:54
jchammOther than that, I love Jaunty!18:54
jchammJaded Jackass would have been a good name too, though.18:54
logophobiahi, I was wondering. I have a setup with an encrypted HD with cryptsetup/LUKS. I just upgraded, it works almost perfectly. The only issue is that, after I typed my password it gets echod plain text to the console, this didn't happen before. I wonder if this is a security issue?19:02
mbeierl!de | mirco019:05
ubottumirco0: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanรคlen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Fรผr deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke fรผr Ihr Verstรคndnis.19:05
j00barhowdy -- i've seen a lot of posts regarding it but no solutions yet -- are problems with ath9k just crapping out after several minutes on jaunty as widespread as it seems?19:06
j00bari said 9k i meant 5k19:07
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pucko-Hello. Since I upgraded to jaunty beta, I cannot print anything. how would one troubleshoot printing?19:10
j00barpucko: contents of /var/log/cups/19:10
pucko-not very helpful message: "SpliX Invalid PPD file version: SpliX V. 2.0.0 but the PPD file is designedfor SpliX V. 2.0.0"19:13
pucko-but now that I know what I'm looking for I think I found the relevant bug reports...19:14
archivatorIs it just my configuration or is it by design that the "Device is safe to remove" dialog is no longer a notification?19:16
awkoramaanybody know something about the press conference with mark shuttleworth today?19:16
dusthello, why can't i hear surround in "just only vlc" no other audio/movie players work surround19:17
dustcat .asoundrc19:18
dusti modified that so i got vlc working surroundly19:18
dustdid i miss something?19:18
xb414 Hello everybody, i just install ubuntu 9.04 on my desktop, but i didn't get the resolution i had under windows (1440x900), can only choose between 4 resolutions ("1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480") --- http://pastebin.com/m63758de219:21
a931bwIs there way to get early beta?19:22
Picia931bw: See topic, we are on the RC now.19:22
Dougshellhey guys...the repos that are disabled in the jaunty upgrade will then reenable themselves when the time is right, or do i have to manauly do that19:25
hallownameDougshell: manually :) u added the repos.19:27
Dougshellwell i mean there already there...19:28
Dougshellbut they ust say disabled on upgrade to jaunty19:28
ikus060Hi, I'm using Jaunty with ext4 and i'm looking for a way to 'ghost' my disk. Anybody have a solution ?19:28
hallownameDougshell: yea, bc there is no jaunty repo for them yet. dont want intrepid packages in ur jaunty install, lol19:29
deanyclonezilla, but make sure its experimental version, for ext419:29
hallownameikus060: backup? i use mksquashfs. and rsync sometimes.19:29
Dougshellso once the software has a jaunty repo then that will go away on it sokwn19:29
ikus060wep, ghost. you don't know ghost ? it's a Disk cloning19:29
Dougshellok i just use dd if/then19:30
Dougsheller if/of19:30
ikus060hallowname: it's not for backup. I want to change my hdd (from a 80gig to a 250Gig)19:30
Dougshelldude use if/of then resize patition19:30
neorabIf I were to install the RC, will it update to the release (provided I don't do much with it) when it comes or would I have to fiddle around with setting repos and what-not?19:31
ikus060Dougshell: well .. isn't there any 'user friendly' application to do it ? I'm not really into dd, if, of ..19:31
Pici!final | neorab19:32
xb414Hello everybody, i just install ubuntu 9.04 on my desktop, but i didn't get the resolution i had under windows (1440x900), i can only choose between 4 resolutions ("1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480") --- http://pastebin.com/m63758de219:32
ubottuneorab: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type ยซ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ยป in a console.19:32
nemoxb414: your other resolution does seem non-standard19:32
lymecaHey, are there the 4 other repos for jaunty yet?19:32
ikus060exept if there isn't any other solution19:32
Picineorab: i.e: yes, it will just update to release.19:32
nemoxb414: do you use dual monitors?19:32
neorabthank you19:32
Picilymeca: other 4?19:32
lymecajaunty-proposed, jaunty-backports, jaunty-security, and jaunty-updates19:32
php_penguinHi, I'm using a fully updated version of 9.04 on amd64 and my processor usage is idling at about 50-55%. there are no programs using anything like that in the system monitor, and the sum of all processes isnt even close to that. is this a common/known problem, any solutions?19:32
Picilymeca: I believe so, I'm not on my Jaunty system to check though.19:32
deanyikus060, http://clonezilla.org/download/sourceforge/experimental/iso-zip-files.php19:33
nemoxb414: try plugging in the second monitor and firing up System->Administration->Screen Resolution19:33
nemoxb414: it'll probably add the virtual screen size necessary19:33
nemoassuming your driver supports19:33
Dougshellits very user friendly19:33
Dougshelldo a dd then output to a sr1 error19:33
deanyuse it via usb boot for both my laptops19:33
nemoxb414: personally I had the problem that with the virtual screen size, my stupid stupid intel card had horrible performance - couldn't handle the doubling of screen space :-/19:34
Dougshellit will take like an hour tops19:34
xb414:s sis's stupid too19:34
nemoxb414: also.  since I do some dev on hedgewars, we had a user offer this info on setting monitor resolutions manually if gnome doesn't do it for you19:35
nemoxb414: FWIW19:35
nemoxb414: it should be automatic though19:35
xb414thx man ;)19:36
a931bwShiz i'll better wait becausei wana direct update19:36
php_penguinYes, I know, doublepost very naughty, but this is getting annoying: Hi, I'm using a fully updated version of 9.04 on amd64 and my processor usage is idling at about 50-55%. there are no programs using anything like that in the system monitor, and the sum of all processes isnt even close to that. is this a common/known problem, any solutions?19:37
dustcan someone tell me how to enable surrround to banshee/xine/rythmbox19:38
dustvlc has only surround, i edited a file .asoundrc or something.19:38
Roberth1hello, uhm I have a pulseaudio issue, I got no sound and pulseaudio volume control shows that pulseaudio is using null19:39
archivatorphp_penguin: what about console tools (e.g., top)? Gnome System Monitor can be confusing at times..19:39
php_penguinarchivator: already tried, gnoem system monitor shows the same results at top and ps19:39
php_penguintop is shoinwg Xorg at 10% as the highest19:39
archivatorHow do you get that 50% figure then?19:40
php_penguinthe system monitor panel app19:40
cwilluphp_penguin, what does top show for sys and wait?19:40
php_penguin21.1% sy, 0.0%wa19:41
andresmhsince a few updates ago my Jaunty machine graphics feel sluggish.19:41
andresmhwith or without compiz19:41
kerncoflashplugin-nonfree has been a blocked update for a week now.  Is there a reason to not install this update?19:42
cwilluphp_penguin, and user%?19:43
php_penguin35% ish19:43
php_penguinthose numbers add up I suppose19:43
cwilluso there's your 50% :)19:43
cwilluwhat's the process using 35% ish?19:43
php_penguinxorg is using the most, between 10 and 15 avg19:44
php_penguineverything below that is < 5%19:44
cwilluis there any animation showing right now?19:44
cwilluclose the process monitor (not top) if it's open19:44
php_penguinits shut19:44
php_penguinbut the panel app is open19:44
cwilluany flash open?19:44
php_penguinno flash19:44
cwillutry removing that applet temporarily19:44
php_penguinxorg still at 10-15, 35%us, 19.7%sy19:45
cwilluwhat video chipset?19:45
php_penguinnvidia onboard19:45
archivatorphp_penguin: Are you running compiz? Also, are you using any wm other than metacity?19:45
php_penguinI am using the Dust theme19:45
php_penguinand yes, effects are on normal19:45
archivatorTry disabling them.19:46
php_penguinbut, my CPU usage was averaging maybe 5% under 8.1019:46
php_penguinand 8.0419:46
php_penguinand 7.1019:46
php_penguinwith effects, and dust since 8.1019:46
cwilluphp_penguin, that's nice.  Try disabling them.19:46
cwilluphp_penguin, still need to know if it's compiz that has the new issue or not :p19:46
php_penguinusing human and no effffects19:47
cwilluphp_penguin, normal == compiz19:47
php_penguinyes, i know19:47
cwilluneeds to be none to disable compiz19:47
php_penguinand its now on "none"19:47
php_penguinxorg at 9%19:47
php_penguin34.2%us, 20.3%sy19:47
cwilluphp_penguin, can you upload a screenshot to imgur?19:48
php_penguini'll upload to my own server, quicker19:48
archivatorphp_penguin: out of curiosity, what's the load average?19:48
andresmhis human less CPU intensive than other themes?!19:49
php_penguinarchivator - find out by uptime?19:49
php_penguinandresmh - just the default theme so most tested19:49
archivatornah, top has it.19:49
cwilluandresmh, not really19:49
php_penguinso it does19:49
php_penguin2.69, 2.96, 2.8519:49
andresmhi hate how after a few weeks of using Ubuntu I always feel the graphics sluggier19:50
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo with a stick19:50
BluesKajandresmh, could be the powernowd/cpu power saver app at work19:51
andresmhBluesKaj, how do I check that? I'm not running with batteries.19:52
andresmhI actually wouldn't mind overclocking my CPU for faster performance as most of the time I am running connected to the AC19:53
BluesKajscaling back power so the cpu frq is halved  , cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz19:53
BUGabundocwillu poing back19:53
dustRoberth1: there?19:54
* BUGabundo confesses this is one of the nicest releases ever, but is a bit buggy!19:54
andresmhcpuinfo says I'm 800Mhz19:54
cwilluBUGabundo, just means 9.10 will be nice :)19:54
cwillufeisty was like that too19:54
andresmhhow can I increase the cpu MHz BluesKaj ?19:54
BUGabundocwillu everyone always thinks that current is worse then previous19:55
BUGabundobut general view, testers are reporting jaunty better the ibex.... just a bit of GPU buggy19:56
php_penguinBUGabundo: I'm pretty sure someone did a comparison and found that the releases have been getting slower19:56
BUGabundoluckly most audio bugs are iron out19:56
BUGabundophp_penguin: I don't feel that19:56
cwilluphp_penguin, compiz is actually a huge perceived performance win, as means applications don't have to redraw on every expose event19:57
andresmhI do feel things are slower19:57
BUGabundoand have had many other users telling me the same: jaunty is faster, even on older HW19:57
php_penguinBUGabundo: I couldn't say for sure seeing as I started off with 7.04 on a laptop after moving from Fedora and then 8.04 on this desktop19:57
php_penguinBUGabundo: and I am using Ext4 on the system partition of this system now, and boot times are up by around 10 seconds on all 3 computers19:58
php_penguinsorry, I mean they are faster by 10 seconds19:58
BluesKajandresmh, install cpufreq-utils and cpufreqd19:58
BUGabundoboots of 10 secs would be nice19:58
php_penguinBUGbaundo: this machine boots in 30, from power button Firefox19:58
andresmhBluesKaj, from what I'm reading, cpufreq-utils help you slow down to get more battery life?19:59
cwilluphp_penguin, screenshot still coming?20:00
BluesKajwell. not sure what kind of setup you're using20:00
php_penguini posted it ages ago?20:00
cwilluphp_penguin, that'll teach you to not highlight people20:00
* cwillu starts hunting for an http://20:00
BUGabundophp_penguin: can you isntall bootchart and bootchart-java, hack the rc script and post it for us?20:00
php_penguinif you give me some instructions re hacking the rc script?20:01
BUGabundojust add a sleep 60 on line 4120:01
php_penguinwhere is this file I am editing?20:01
BUGabundofile is /etc/rc2.d/S99stop-bootchart20:01
BUGabundothat will make bootchart ONLY stop after gdm20:02
php_penguinno http ther20:02
cwilluphp_penguin, I'm kinda concerned that x-session-manager, dbus-daemon, gconfd-2 and gnome-settings-daemon are all showing up there20:02
php_penguinshould they not be?20:02
cwilluactively using cpu time?  no20:02
BUGabundophp_penguin: don't change like 43... let that sleep be20:02
cwilluthey're all daemons, responding to requests, not doing anything at idle20:03
php_penguinthis is technically a fresh install last night20:03
php_penguinalthough I kept a bunch of stuff from the previous install20:03
php_penguinonly reinstalled cos i borked grub :s20:03
cwilluphp_penguin, you don't have another user logged in do you?20:03
php_penguinnot as far as I know20:03
php_penguinok, bootchart installed and file hacked20:04
cwillucan you put up ~/.xsession-errors?20:04
BUGabundophp_penguin: when ever you can, please reboot20:04
php_penguinok wil do in a sec20:04
BUGabundoyou can also on a 2nd boot profile boot20:04
BUGabundoand reboot a 3rd time to compare bootcharts20:05
php_penguingt that link?20:05
cwilluphp_penguin, just type cw<tab> on the line and I'll see it20:06
cwilluphp_penguin, another notable thing is that all of those processes are in the hundreds of megs of virtual20:06
php_penguinwhich is bad?20:06
cwillugnome-panel should not be using 400mb of swap20:06
cwillumy desktop's been on for a week, and gnome panel is under 100mb20:07
* BUGabundo checks own for comparion20:07
cwilluand gnome-settings doesn't even show up on my top sorted by virt20:07
php_penguinill reboot, back in a minute - start counting now20:08
BUGabundocwillu I have 430 miB in VM for it too20:08
cwillu** (vino-server:4439): WARNING **: Remote Desktop server already running; exiting ...20:08
cwilluyou have that over and over again20:08
cwillubah, he missed that20:09
cwilluBUGabundo, check out his xsession20:09
cwillunear the bottom'ish20:09
cwilluI think vino-server is getting restarted as fast as it dies20:09
cwillucausing that load, and potentially exposing a small memory leak20:10
cwilluphp_penguin, <cwillu> ** (vino-server:4439): WARNING **: Remote Desktop server already running; exiting ...20:10
cwillu<cwillu> you have that over and over again20:10
sporkboyjust went to jaunty. gps was on /dev/ttyUSB0. no clue where it is now.20:10
cwilluI think vino-server is getting restarted as fast as it dies, causing that load, and potentially exposing a small memory leak20:11
cwilluphp_penguin, you're freshly rebooted?20:11
php_penguinhard reboot as well20:11
cwilluphp_penguin, does vino-server still show up in top?20:11
php_penguinas in shutdown, power off, power on20:11
cwilluand more importantly, does it show up with a changing pid?20:11
php_penguinand yes20:11
cwilluthere's your problem20:12
php_penguinits showing in top and the PID is changing20:12
php_penguinhow to resolve then?20:12
cwilludoes the process ring a bell?20:12
php_penguinnope, I have no clue what it does or why its there20:12
cwilluhave you worked with the gnome vnc server before?20:12
php_penguinonce or twice to view a windows box from afar20:12
cwillufresh install, like a wipe and reinstall, right?20:12
cwilluphp_penguin, so not the server then20:12
php_penguinyes, but I kept most of my folders backed up and reinstated20:13
php_penguinprobably stupidly20:13
cwilluphp_penguin, system | preferences | remote desktop -> is allow other users enabled?20:13
php_penguinit is20:13
cwilluphp_penguin, well, not really stupid, it should work, but I think that's probably the cause20:13
php_penguinahah unticked and proc usage has dropped like a brick20:13
cwilluI'm still curious about something20:14
cwilluare you behind a firewall?20:14
php_penguindown to 18%20:14
php_penguina router20:14
php_penguinwhich has a hardware firewall20:14
cwilluphp_penguin, in a terminal, run ps aux|grep -i vnc20:14
BUGabundophp_penguin: see /var/log/bootchart/20:14
php_penguinok its sayig:20:15
php_penguinrich      7999  0.0  0.0   7528   920 pts/0    R+   20:14   0:00 grep -i vnc20:15
cwilluokay, that's fine then20:15
cwilluphp_penguin, can you give me another screenshot of top?20:15
php_penguinand what am I doing with this bootchart?20:15
cwilluphp_penguin, yes20:16
php_penguingot that firs link?20:16
cwilluphp_penguin, you've got some flash open I believe, which is murder on cpu usage :p20:16
php_penguinyes it is... eurogamer ads :@20:16
cwilluphp_penguin, flashblock20:16
marcreichelthi there20:17
php_penguinthanks for your help guys!20:17
marcreicheltis Kubuntu 9.04 RC proposed to be final?20:17
* cwillu wins again :)20:17
* BUGabundo pads cwillu back20:17
marcreicheltbecause Plasma seems to be _really_ unstable (hanged up 2 times today during normal use), and the translations are ugly20:17
BUGabundomarcreichelt: what do you mean?20:17
cwilluphp_penguin, if you have any lingering weirdness, make a new user with a nice fresh profile and see if you can duplicate it there20:17
php_penguinok (y)20:18
cwillumarcreichelt, what video chipset?20:18
php_penguincpu usage now at 0% :D *hugs* for you20:18
cwilluintel has issues :(20:18
marcreicheltoh :/20:18
marcreicheltnice, the best open 3D drivers available at the moment, and than _that_---20:19
cwillumarcreichelt, yep, I know20:19
BUGabundowe all know20:19
cwillumarcreichelt, perfect storm of xorg 1.6, intel moving to uxa, and us not getting the debugging tools we needed to fix issues until like 2 weeks ago20:19
BUGabundorom1v: hi20:19
rom1vit seems that there is a critical bug in linux kernel in jaunty since an upgrade between alpha 4 and alpha 620:19
cwillumarcreichelt, pastebin your /var/log/xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf and I'll see if I can point you in a good direction20:20
rom1v(my last comments)20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350268 in linux "[Jaunty beta] many ext4-fs errors" [Undecided,New]20:20
marcreicheltcwillu: am I right that this is not going to be fixed during 9.04?20:20
marcreicheltcwillu: too late, already switched back to my backup of Kubuntu 8.04 :/20:20
marcreicheltbut it also happend on the live cd, maybe I can get you some information later20:20
BUGabundorom1v: hum new? lean usually tackles linux bugs quite fast20:20
rom1vIt was modified to "incomplete" since I thought it was an hardware problem20:21
rom1vbut after several people have the same problem, I tested with intrepid20:21
rom1vand it works !20:21
rom1vnot an hardware problem20:21
cwillurom1v, need to give an unabridged syslog20:21
cwilluthe whole thing20:21
rom1v(I'm not english)20:22
cwillurom1v, the whole thing, not just pieces of it20:22
rom1vok, so you want me to reinstall jaunty, then ?20:22
rom1vattach the whole syslog?20:22
cwillurom1v, ...20:22
cwillurom1v, a reported bug is almost useless if the reporter isn't around20:23
BUGabundodtchen: humm nice cloak20:23
bertodseraHi! I was installing nfs and got this: http://pastebin.com/m660104a2 Now dpkg seems to be dead. Is there any way out of this?20:23
cwillurom1v, the syslog you posted to the bug is missing alot of vital data20:24
rom1vcwillu, I just reinstalled intrepid, that's why I have no jaunty anymore, so I will reinstall and attach syslog. other logs are needed?20:24
cwillurom1v, leave it as a dual boot if you can afford the space and can't just run jaunty exclusively.20:24
rom1vno, no problem, I will install a new jaunty20:24
BUGabundophp_penguin: boot in 18 secs? not bad!20:24
cwillurom1v, yes, the output of lspci -vvnn, the contents of /var/log/kern.log, and your /etc/fstab20:24
BUGabundoand with lot of services20:25
php_penguinBUGabundo: yep its quite nice20:25
cwillurom1v, attach those to the bug report, and ping me20:25
BUGabundohumm php_penguin you run update-notifier20:25
drbobbhas anyone noticed bluetooth working only one way?20:26
php_penguinBUGabundo: is that bad?20:26
BUGabundo55sec until you can use FF and pidgin20:26
cwilludrbobb, I've never noticed bluetooth working at all :p20:26
BUGabundovery wellm20:26
BUGabundomine take much longer20:26
drbobbie. i can download stuff from my phone, but can't upload anything to it20:26
BUGabundodrbobb: maybe! I ve had trouble 2ways too20:26
drbobbcwillu: it worked near perfectly in hardy, at least for file exchange with phones20:26
BUGabundodrbobb: now.. I can upload and download...20:27
BUGabundoI just can't send from phone to PC20:27
BUGabundoaka receive20:27
cwilluBUGabundo, I like that band that is vino-server :)20:28
drbobbBUGabundo: well that's the function that works just fine for me, both now and in hardy20:28
drbobbbut i can't upload anything at all, it just fails to work, silently20:28
BUGabundonot me20:30
BUGabundoso we have oposite limitaions20:30
peaceath5k suck a lot20:30
drbobb(and I must say I had much more trouble getting bluetooth to work under windows than under kubuntu hardy)20:31
drbobbok I looked up the logs, bluetoothd reports a pin_code_request, but seems unable to find an agent to handle it20:32
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
sykeI don't suppose that gcc-snapshot will be updated to 4.4.0-rc1 before jaunty is released?20:39
dusti want my surround speakers to work in other applications aswell thanin vlc !!!!20:48
BUGabundoTIP: if you want to write an .img !ubuntu image to #USB from !windows, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting#Writing%20a%20usb%20image%20in%20Windows20:52
ppdhi. is there anything known about nautilus freezing when opening just about anything in jaunty RC?20:55
alemanihello, it seems that after upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 the system got slower... compiz, gnome-do and etc. htop shows 'normal' behavior...20:57
alemanidoes anyone know if the intel video drivers are ready to go?20:57
calcalemani: read phoronix20:58
calcalemani: intel decided to break their driver... but there are people working on trying to fix it for Ubuntu20:58
alemanicalc: ouch!20:59
alemanicalc: is't under phoronix forums ?20:59
calcalemani: phoronix has written articles about it several times actually21:00
calcalemani: comparing old intel driver to the new one, and then with greedy option on the new one enabled as well21:01
icewatermanjaunty works damn good on amd6421:01
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
yoasificewaterman: how much ram do you have?21:03
=== ubuntu is now known as wirechief
icewatermanyoasif: 4GB and i am planning to expand it21:03
icewatermanplus i do a lot of scientific computing21:03
yoasifah nice... only 4gb here so i'm still on 32 :)21:04
icewatermanits about 25% faster with my cpu on amd6421:04
yoasifnice :)21:04
yoasifwhere are you getting that stat21:04
calcyoasif: 64bit could potentially buy you up to 1GB of usable ram if you already have 4GB on it21:04
icewatermanyoasif: i wrote a program for scientific purposes and benchmarked it21:04
calcand yes amd64 is faster as well on certain applications21:04
calcsince amd64 arch has many more usable registers than ia3221:04
yoasifcalc: how about speed? i read that /most/ apps won't see a speedup, and can even see a slowdown21:05
calcyoasif: the number that slow down is probably much less than the number that speed up21:05
calcaiui the normal speed up is ~ 10-15% averaged across apps21:05
icewatermancalc: besides, it does no longer hurt to use amd64 distro, flash, java-plugin all available21:06
yoasifeh maybe i'll give it a shot for karmic once the toolchain goes live21:06
TecnaI'm having problems unmounting my drives again21:06
yoasifis flash64 in the repos yet?21:07
Tecna$ sudo fuser -k /media/Storage21:07
TecnaCannot stat /media/Storage: Transport endpoint is not connected21:07
TecnaI can't even kill the processes21:07
calcyoasif: no, but 32bit flash is available and works21:09
yoasifah i had a ton of bugs with that on intrepid on 6421:09
yoasifi would have to killall npviewer.bin21:10
yoasifsoured me on 64 for the time21:10
calchmm well it still breaks occasionaly... of course even on Windows XP I was always having to restart my browser because flash would crash21:10
calcfrom syslog it seems when i have problems with flash it is because it has crashed, it logs the crash messages21:11
Idespnnranyone have info on the severe regressions of xorg-intel video drivers with the new jaunty?21:11
kklimondaIdespnnr: nope21:11
Idespnnrok, just thought i would ask.21:12
calcyoasif: it also seems that the reason firefox seems to eat so much ram is due to flash, when i turned on flashblock firefox started using much less ram21:12
icewatermanIdespnnr: only that because of the regression i didnt install it on my other box :-)21:12
Idespnnryour referring to the drop in performance right?21:12
jeiworthIdespnnr: aha! i knew that that behaviour was not normal, i am getting 35-50% cpu drain from xorg21:12
jeiworthxserver, even ;)21:13
IdespnnrSwitching to UXA fixes it but causes hard locks in xorg every so often...21:13
yoasifcalc: yeah, understood, i just experienced far more crashes in 64 than with 3221:13
yoasifyeah, i already have flashblock and adblock plus installed ;)21:13
calcIdespnnr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance21:13
jeiworthwell, you could just deactivate desktop effects for now, at least that works on kde21:13
* calc wishes Adobe and Flash would both die21:13
IdespnnrI ran Kubuntu for a while, without desktop effects. Didnt cut it21:14
icewatermanjeiworth: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta#Known issues you could have known in advance :-)21:14
calceven silverlight would be better than the current situation21:14
BUGabundoyoasif: not yet #flash6421:14
yoasifhaha... don't use it ;)21:14
Idespnnrcalc: thanks. that seems to be exactly what I need21:14
calcIdespnnr: basically intel broke their drivers and haven't gotten around to fixing them again yet21:15
yoasifi have to find that weird bug with the scrolling/blinking black overlay on youtube videos on jaunty21:15
NoqWhat's the 'sudo...' command to update to Netbook Remix version? I'm running 9.04 of course.21:15
bronsonHm, my touchpad supports two-finger and three-finger gestures.21:15
bronson(II) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: buttons: left right middle double triple21:15
bronsonDidn't I read somewhere that Jaunty was supposed to use this by default?21:16
yoasifanother annoying bug21:16
yoasifcalc: how good are you with tracking down bugs?21:16
yoasifor anyone really21:16
yoasiftrying to provide a better bug report for an obconf error i'm having21:16
* calc is actually pretty busy and should be getting back to work already :\21:16
kklimondayoasif: what error?21:18
BUGabundoNoq: $ update-manager21:18
BUGabundono sudo21:18
BUGabundoyoasif: shoot us with extra info21:19
jeiworthflash64 works fine here btw21:19
BUGabundohere too21:20
BUGabundoI just need to remember to manually upgrade every month21:20
yoasifBUGabundo: error with obconf?21:21
BUGabundoobconf? what's that?21:22
yoasifsorry, obmenu, openbox menu configuration tool21:22
BUGabundoahhh don't know anything about that WM21:23
yoasifworked fine in intrepid, broken in jaunty21:23
BUGabundojust that it is light21:23
NoqBUGabundo: Ow, someone told me yesterday that some sort of 'sudo...' could do it. With the command you send I can choose the update from Netbook/21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336256 in obmenu "not able to launch obmenu" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:23
BUGabundoNoq: upgrade from 8.10 ? or just normal updates already on jaunty?21:23
yoasifit just doesn't start... i think it's a python error, but i don't know how to troubleshoot it21:23
kklimondayoasif: I'll work on that21:24
BUGabundoyoasif: does .xsessionerros contain anyting ?21:24
BUGabundokklimonda: can you let me know more a bit your self?21:24
BUGabundoactually, pvt is better21:24
yoasifBUGabundo: yes, a ton21:26
yoasifshould i grep for something21:26
BUGabundoyoasif: get kklimonda to help you ... you seem to be in great hands for it!21:27
yoasifBUGabundo: thanks!21:27
yoasifkklimonda: what should i do? :)21:28
kklimondayoasif: I'll ping you at private.21:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:31
Tecnaso, does anyone know why my umount and fuser aren't working??21:32
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:34
Zxcvbwill you be able to upgrade to 9.04 final from 9.04 rc1?21:34
Teknoof course21:35
Tecnaso... no ideas?21:35
Teknojust sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:35
Zxcvbthere is no netbook version of rc1, right?21:35
BUGabundoZxcvb: sure there is21:36
BUGabundoTekno: better recommend $ update-manager21:36
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thiebaudewassup BUGabundo21:37
BUGabundodinner thiebaude21:37
thiebaudeyup, almost21:37
thiebaudeBUGabundo: im having fish and chips in a little while21:38
Zxcvball I see are the desktop and alternate images21:39
Zxcvbthough I would assume the netbook version just sets some flags so things like the openoffice preloader don't run by default21:40
DefinitelyHey All :)21:40
JMFTheVCIzxcvb: I have a netbook (Samsung NC10) but I don't bother with a netbook variant of Ubuntu. I just tailor things to give more screenspace on my 1024x600 res.21:41
ZxcvbJMFTheVCI: and set the preloaders not to run automatically, right?21:42
ZxcvbJMFTheVCI: preloader/quickloader/etc21:42
JMFTheVCII have open office quick start and gnome-do as my only startups21:43
JMFTheVCIthe oo-quickstart does make doc opening quicker.21:43
ZxcvbJMFTheVCI: and it works ok on only 512mb of ram?21:43
JMFTheVCII have 2GB in my NC10.21:43
JMFTheVCIperhaps that the key difference21:43
Zxcvbwas going to stick kubuntu 9.04 on this old dell21:44
JMFTheVCIcan't stand the interface on kubuntu.21:44
cwilluZxcvb, openoffice preloader doesn't run by default on any install21:45
JMFTheVCIgnome wins hands-down for me.21:45
JMFTheVCIxubuntu might be better for you21:45
cwillulivecd isn't usable on 256mb, but the installed desktop should work fine on 256mb21:45
JMFTheVCIcwillu: yup. you turn this on if needed.21:45
Zxcvbcan it be any worse than kde 2.x on a p233 with 128mb ram?21:46
cwilluI doubt it21:46
* cwillu pokes the bouncing kde icon with a stick21:46
rom1vin qtconfig (jaunty gnome), none of the changes which can be made have any effect on kde4 applications21:47
rom1vfont size change is not persistent when closing/reopening qtconfig21:47
rom1vgui style is saved (I chose GTK+), but have no effect on digikam for example21:47
Zxcvbalso, is all the stuff necessary to handle dvd playing and such available in the repositories, or is it necessary to compile it yourself?21:48
calcZxcvb: ouch p233 w/128mb ram, reminds me of 1997 :)21:50
Zxcvbcalc: 4gb hdd21:50
rom1vcan somebody help me with qtconfig?21:50
JMFTheVCIZX81 & 16K plugin RAM21:51
Zxcvbcalc: still have it laying around somewhere, along with a thinkpad 755cd (486/100, 40mb ram max, the 32mb ram expansion looks kind of like a pcmcia card)21:51
* calc likes his thinkpad x200 :)21:51
* wirechief like his lenovo r61e21:52
calcUbuntu runs fine on it, c2d 2.4ghz, 4gb ram, 500gb hd :)21:52
eternal_phey all..anyone get USB to work with Virtualbox and Jaunty?21:52
wirechiefcalc 500gb drive ?21:52
Definitelycalc: It also runs fine on my Core2Quad Q6600 2,4 Ghz :)21:52
=== dR0g is now known as dROg
calcwirechief: seagate momentus 7200.421:53
calcwirechief: the thinkpad x200 doesn't come with that, i added it myself21:53
ienorandFlash crashes, what bug should I be following for latest info? Does Bug #192888 still apply in jaunty?21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192888 in ia32-libs "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288821:53
Zxcvbgoing to try booting from a usb stick via a dos floppy and loadlin for the dell21:53
calcwirechief: the does ~ 100MB/s21:53
calcer the drive does21:53
wirechiefcalc yes im looking at getting another but 320gb21:53
Zxcvbhopefully the usb drivers (which run in 32 bit real mode, I think) won't interfere21:53
ValentineXhello any ubuntu jaunty user there?21:54
wirechiefcalc i am probably going to trash vista if i run into room problems21:54
JMFTheVCIVal: this is the place21:54
ValentineXwirechief: hi u dont use ubuntu?21:55
wirechiefcalc might try it in a vm but only if i can limit its size .21:55
wirechiefValentineX: yes, dual boot21:55
aapzakValentineX: most of us probably run Jaunty21:55
bertodserawhere do I fill a bug for 9.04?21:55
calcwirechief: i stick to xp in a vm since it uses much less memory21:56
ValentineXJMFTheVCI: oh i have one problem, i am trying to install jaunty from usb but i get error unable to detect cd rom, where i am installing from usb :( jaunty alternate21:56
calcwirechief: putting vista in a vm sounds painful21:56
ValentineXaapzak: i also want to run :(21:56
wirechiefcalc yes, your right vista is pure pain.21:56
calciirc my xp vm only has 512MB allocated for it and it runs fine, for Vista you really need ~ 2GB :\21:56
wirechiefcalc i have winxp but the disk is scratched :(21:56
JMFTheVCIValentine: Are you sure your BIOS support boot from USB?21:57
calcwirechief: there are ways to get a xp cd if you already have a license21:57
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aapzakValentineX: I had that problem on an older laptop too, I guess not all machines can boot and install from usb21:57
BUGabundoeternal_p: only SUN version supports it... community one doesn't21:57
ValentineXJMFTheVCI: yes, i run some steps of installation too keyboard detection etc21:57
wirechiefcalc yes i have a license not sure i can reuse it on a lappy though.21:57
ValentineXaapzak: i installed ubuntu 8.10 on my this old pc with usb :(21:57
ienorandbertodsera: http://launchpad.net what kind of bug21:57
calcwirechief: ah yea depends on what kind of xp license you got21:58
aapzakValentineX: ok, thats weird then21:58
BUGabundoValentineX: its more like, who doesn't! eheh21:58
* calc has a legitimate VLK21:58
wirechiefcalc yes, well it was a upgrade from win98.. and win3.121:58
aapzakValentineX: your solution then is to install 8.10 and upgrade to 9.0421:58
ValentineXBut in third or fourth step... where it tries to copy files from cd rom gives error .. i wonder why it goes to cd rom when i am installing from usb21:58
JMFTheVCIvalentine: I booted to live version and when ubuntu was running ran the install program. I did not install direct from the USB.21:58
eternal_pBUGabundo: that is what I am running..right from the website21:59
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BUGabundocalc: wirechief OT , ok?21:59
wirechiefcalc the computer it was originally used on is sleeping.21:59
calcwirechief: oh if it wasn't a oem install then you can probably wipe it from wherever it is currently installed and install it on the VM legally21:59
ValentineXBUGabundo: hey u :D you people introduced linux to me :D21:59
wirechiefhi BUGabundo21:59
bertodserainitramfs-tools breaks dpkg on installing the nfs packages21:59
* calc hushes about licensing stuff21:59
BUGabundoValentineX: ehehe22:00
BUGabundonice to know22:00
wirechiefBUGabundo:  OT ?22:00
bertodseraienorand: but I'm seeing quite a lot of stuff already there about initramfs-tools22:00
BUGabundooff topic22:00
BUGabundo ! ot | wirechief22:00
ubottuwirechief: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:00
BUGabundoValentineX: your nick is not strange to me! where do I know you from '?22:00
bertodseraanyway, nothing a "sudo dpkg --remove -a" won't cure22:00
wirechiefj #unbuntu-offtopic22:00
JMFTheVCIcalc: the windows xp license allows you to run one instance of XP. If you run it in a VM then that is OK. As long as you do not run it somewhere else at the same time22:01
* BUGabundo hands a / to wirechief22:01
ValentineXaapzak: i have slow net these days otherwise that was my option too, to upgrade from 8.10 to jaunty, but i want to try ext4 :)22:01
ValentineXBUGabundo: jaiku :D22:01
calcJMFTheVCI: iirc the licensing for OEM installs on computers is more restrictive than that, but it is OT, so i'm not going to discuss it any further :)22:01
calcplus the key that is on the bottom of computers/laptops is not the same key as is used to actually install, you have to use magic jelly bean to get that one22:02
calcand iirc the key on the label isn't even valid22:02
* calc hushes now22:02
JMFTheVCIcalc; now you're in dodgy time.22:02
BUGabundoValentineX: ahhh eehe22:03
BUGabundocalc: again ? :)22:03
drbobbOK... I tried to solve my issues with Jaunty's video driver by downgrading xserver-xorg + dependencies to the hardy versions.. And it's almost worked, except that now my keyboard is acting funny ;-/22:03
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: don't pull by him....22:03
* calc just told JMFTheVCI the rest via privmsg22:03
BUGabundonot that I don't like it, I do, but its OT22:04
BUGabundodon't want to see "you know you" start issuing more kicks22:04
drbobbAltGR seems to be sending enter, arrow keys, Home/End etc are not being read correctly either22:04
aapzakdrbobb: which video vdriver do you use?22:04
drbobbNow broken keyboard handling is rather unexpected.. any ideas?22:05
aapzakdidn't know there was anything else besides ati, nvidia and intel22:06
thiebaudei was waiting for an intel22:06
BUGabundoSiS ??? does it even work?22:06
drbobbaapzak: you must be very young22:06
thiebaudeintel doesn't either22:06
aapzakdrbobb: or very old :)22:06
BUGabundodrbobb: did you have to disable ACPI for it to work?22:06
drbobbaapzak: too youg to have bought a laptop 4 ys ago22:06
calcintel usually works except when they decide to break their driver for 2.5/2.622:06
drbobbBUGabundo: no I didn't22:06
calcit probably still works better than SiS though :\22:07
BUGabundoeheh calc22:07
thiebaudei dont know been using this intel since 6.0622:07
aapzakdrbobb: I'm rather old, owned a voodoo once :)22:07
calcthiebaude: intel on 9.04 is broken to varying extent depending on your chipset22:07
drbobbBUGabundo: I use noapic on the kernel command line, but I forgot what issue that solves22:07
JMFTheVCII have intel graphics and I am up-to-date with all fixes. No graphics crashes. Is there something particular that is causing your issues.22:07
vossIm so happy I got WOW 3.1 working with wine and I found out ubuntu 9.04 automagically detected my samsung printer!22:07
thiebaudex freezes22:08
calcJMFTheVCI: not always crashes, it also is much slower than 8.10 for many users22:08
aapzakJMFTheVCI: how up-to-date are you? I have many issues with G96522:08
thiebaudeim using 9.04 now but only through blackbox22:08
BUGabundosee my master bug 34862622:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348626 in network-manager "SiS laptop only boots with noacpi and wifi wont work" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34862622:08
calci think most of the crashing issues for intel 9.04 have been resolved but there are probably others still being worked on22:08
drbobbSiS worked pretty well back in Hardy.. dunno about Intrepid, skipped that release.. in Jaunty, it works but the screen flickers too much22:08
vossWhats even funnier, Wow works better in WINE once you get it working than it does in vista!22:09
victimhow do I install the ATI 9.4 drivers (or are they already installed)?22:09
calca few weeks ago it would crash every resume for me on intel 450022:09
histopulseaudio still jacked up22:09
thiebaudecalc: i ordered the 9.04 cd, so i'll do a fresh install22:09
JMFTheVCII have  Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03). I don't think I have seen any slowdown.22:09
histothis will be a big issue when release comes22:09
aapzakI just cannot run KDE on 9.04 with my G965]22:09
calcthiebaude: ok22:09
Zxcvbvoss: many apps work in wine but not at all in vista22:09
* calc probably has the 9.04 iso on his desktop already22:09
calcas the call for testing already went out22:10
BUGabundoI forgot to make my special CD request22:10
drbobbBut what about the keyboard issue? still waiting for ideas.. If I can fix that, I'll be happy for a good while22:10
thiebaudecalc: im pretty sure ubuntu will reconize the intel out of the box22:10
BUGabundonow marilize will never ship mine in time :(22:10
aapzakJMFTheVCI: gnome wihout compiz on EXA works fine22:10
calcthiebaude: yes it recogonizes the intel video cards but they don't work very well... due to intel themselves breaking their driver22:10
thiebaudeBUGabundo: i've been ordering the cd's since 6.0622:10
BUGabundome 222:10
calcthiebaude: read phoronix articles about the situation if you want to know details22:10
aapzakcalc: multiple problems on intels22:11
JMFTheVCIaapzak: I have gnome with compiz and it works fine.22:11
calci just grab the cd's at UDS each time :)22:11
BUGabundoI spend more CDs then our LoCoTeam22:11
aapzakJMFTheVCI: no huge memload after a while?22:11
JMFTheVCIaapzak, not that I have noticed.22:11
BUGabundocalc: if you pass along North of Portugal leave me a few22:11
vossCan you use a amd quad-core with 533 memory?22:11
JMFTheVCII only have 2GB and it rarely swaps.22:11
aapzakJMFTheVCI: gnome seems to run alright, KDE however, swapping starts within half an hour of KDEing22:12
calcBUGabundo: i'll be flying over it but i doubt they will open the door for me :)22:12
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: want me to lend you my email client and inbox?22:12
aapzakJMFTheVCI: and it will be X which is huge then22:12
calcBUGabundo: UDS in may is in Barcelona :)22:12
BUGabundoMem:          3895       3635        260          0         69       134022:12
BUGabundocalc: I know! if it was cheaper, I would go22:13
JMFTheVCIapzak: KDE was total pants for me. chucked it after 15 mins.22:13
BUGabundobut out of a job is hard to pay for 5 days in (expensive) barcelona22:13
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: I really wish you stop putting down KDE422:13
aapzakJMFTheVCI: I'm always switching between Gnome and KDE, they both have things I like22:13
JMFTheVCI<ducks> Sorry.22:14
calcBUGabundo: yea :\22:14
* Twigathy waves his little xfce4 flag c-c22:14
Zxcvbnot sure about 4.2, but kde 4.x used to require hand editing config files for lots of stuff you could easily do in kcontrol in 3.x22:14
thiebaudeand i wave my blackbox flag,lol22:14
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yoasifKDE4 is slower than GNOME right?22:15
TwigathyI use ratpoison on the machines up at uni because they have somewhat limited screen real estate :)22:15
aapzakyoasif: not neccesairy22:15
Zxcvbyoasif: for now mabye, but gnome will be slower once the .net rewrite is finished22:15
thiebaudeyoasif: i think it is22:15
aapzakkde4 is pretty fast22:15
aapzakdepending on you videocard :)22:16
Zxcvbyoasif: assuming they actually go ahead and rewrite all of gnome in .net/C#22:16
yoasifheh well i just use gnome-panel in openbox22:16
yoasifand gtk apps otherwise22:16
yoasifso KDE looks a lot slower than what im doing now22:16
aapzakyou might be right, building of the screen takes a lot of time, konsole doesn't scroll as high speed as gnome-terminal22:17
calcZxcvb: what .net rewrite?22:17
aapzakkonqueror scrolls slower than firefox22:17
yoasifaapzak: i'm not a huge fan of compositing, seems to be buggy and slower22:17
aapzakkate is a fantastic editor but again, scolls slow22:18
aapzakyoasif: me neither22:18
calcZxcvb: only a couple of pieces of gnome are written in .net and i haven't heard of any plans for anything else to be22:18
yoasifcalc: he means mono22:18
Zxcvbcalc: they were talking about rewriting gnome to be based on mono/.net/c#22:18
calcyoasif: i know22:18
Zxcvbcalc: no C or C++ at all22:18
calcZxcvb: where?22:18
aapzakbad idea22:18
* calc thinks maybe some non-developer crackpot talked about it perhaps ;-)22:18
yoasifisnt that just gnome 3, and even then, just the "desktop" portion?22:18
olaf-vomhi everyone -- just upgraded to 9.04-rc, but it seems my nvidia geforce 6150 is broken. (only rather basic graphics-driver.) not sure on how to configure xorg.conf-less X ... any idea you could give me?22:19
BUGabundoI think you guys are confusing WMs22:19
calcgnome 3 is definitely not a rewrite in MONO22:19
yoasifi still doubt that kde will be faster, mono is not horribly slow or anythng22:19
BUGabundoKWIN is much lighter then COMPIZ22:19
aapzakI dislike building a ground for .net22:19
Zxcvbcalc: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2002/02/01/gnome_to_be_based/22:19
calcgnome 3.0 is for the most part just a deprecation of old bad libraries not used any more or that shouldn't be being used anymore22:19
yoasifis kwin less buggy than compiz?22:19
aapzakBUGabundo: kwin != compiz?22:19
calcZxcvb: quoting a 7 year old article, eh?22:19
yoasifxfce's composition seems pretty stable to me22:19
BUGabundoaapzak: of course22:20
calcZxcvb: perhaps the article is wrong? ;-)22:20
Zxcvbor they decided against it22:20
BUGabundognome 3.0 will try to rewrite system libs, that are still in ANSI C22:20
calcZxcvb: i think miguel wanted it but no one else did so it never happened22:20
aapzakBUGabundo: then I think kwin is much slower, at least on my intel22:20
BUGabundoaapzak: shouldn't! kwin is supposed to take advanted of QT22:20
Zxcvbcalc: yeah, rewriting gnome from scratch would be a pain22:21
calcZxcvb: iirc it took 4+ years from that article before the first bit was added that used mono (tomboy)22:21
aapzakkwin compositing is much more clasier though22:21
BUGabundoZxcvb: KDE did that! the rewrote everything and ported apps22:21
badfish693 days right?22:21
aapzakBUGabundo: I cannot run kwin+candy on EXA22:21
calcZxcvb: and rewriting a desktop into something slow like java, .net, or python is insane22:21
aapzakcompiz runs very smooth on EXA22:21
BUGabundobadfish69: around that, yes22:21
calcBUGabundo: and KDE still hasn't gotten back to the functional level of kde 3.5 several years later22:22
Zxcvbcalc: like emacs, nice (if slow) OS but needs a text editor22:22
BUGabundo2 years, 4 cycles22:22
BUGabundo4.3 and 4.5 are expected to be Stable22:22
aapzakBUGabundo: I really like the KDE progress but its far from good enough to use at work22:23
aapzakand I am/was a KDE fanboy :)22:23
yoasifQT is so ugly by default though :(22:23
yoasifnever really managed to make it look nice22:24
BUGabundoQT you are talking about SKIN... QT is much more then that22:24
aapzaktaste , lets discuss taste :)22:24
aapzakbesides, I think QT apps look very good22:24
mphillqt and gtk both make my eyes bleed22:24
BUGabundoaapzak: lets not!22:24
* BUGabundo renames +1 to offtopic22:24
calcBUGabundo: well it goes away in 4 days anyway :)22:25
aapzakits a bit on-topic22:25
mphillthey both look like motif to me22:25
YakibeefHow can i update to jaunty?  I have my software sources set to normal, but I do not get an option to upgrade22:25
BUGabundoYakibeef: $ update-manager -d22:25
BUGabundoplease READ the release notes22:25
BUGabundoYakibeef: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90422:26
YakibeefThank you much22:26
aapzakseems to me reading a releasenote should be easier than droppin into irc channel, fubby22:27
yoasifso when is ubuntu going to look better than osx? ;)22:27
mphillno way22:27
mphillgtk 3.022:27
yoasifi dunno ive seen some of the stuff for karmic22:27
yoasifnot really liking it too much22:27
mphillyoasif: what have you seen?22:28
aapzakbest designers work @ apple22:28
BUGabundoaapzak: ohh that's low22:28
calcyoasif: 1-2 years probably :)22:28
aapzakBUGabundo: is it?22:28
calcubuntu is getting more designers all the time :)22:28
aapzakOSX has been looking like this for years22:28
mphillgnome 3.0 and gtk will probably be a huge push in the right direction22:28
calcthe first bits of the work are going in to 9.0422:28
aapzakI really like the new notifications22:29
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
yoasifmphill: cant find it atm, just some mockups for some new themes22:29
yoasifon wiki22:29
BUGabundocalc: canonical just didn't get Nuno Pinheiro!22:29
calcprior to 9.04 there weren't really anyone working on desktop design for Ubuntu22:29
BUGabundothat guy works REALLY well22:29
mphillthe new themes in jaunty are slick22:29
BUGabundonot cheap, but wonderful work22:29
aapzakNuno isn't at apple either, right? Did he do Oxygen?22:29
* BUGabundo hates how dark human looks on white22:29
BUGabundoaapzak: he did, him and his team22:30
yoasifew oxygen looks like crap22:30
BUGabundoI really should file a bug on Dark Theme22:30
yoasifi much prefer shiki colors and the like22:30
* BUGabundo punchs yoasif22:30
aapzakoxygen looks very very good22:30
calcBUGabundo: they are hiring for several other DX people currently22:30
* BUGabundo goes read Code of Conduct22:30
yoasifoxygen looks like a shoddy copy of osx sorry22:31
calciirc Ken, current artwork guy, worked on oxygen as well22:31
aapzakI love OSX and I like oxygen a lot22:31
yoasifkde4 looks like a really weird looking mix of osx and 722:31
BUGabundocalc: don't know him22:31
aapzakyoasif: I guess thats the chosen direction22:32
* calc doesn't like oxygen theme much either.. but the people who made the icons definitely know what they are doing22:32
yoasiffor karmic, really? thats so lame :(22:32
BUGabundobut I had the chance to co-organize TOKAMAK and have 16 KDE core devs with me for 5 days WOOT22:32
yoasifi mean, i love os x but we need something NICER not something that looks like a shoddy ripoff :/22:32
thiebaudewindows 7 copied kde22:32
aapzakpoint for thiebaude22:33
yoasifthiebaude: yeah, but it still manages to look better (and i really dont like msft)22:33
aapzakOSX invented the eye-candy, gnome/kde/compiz challenge osx, 7 copies :)22:33
calcthere are some MS patents that actually reference KDE work, been a while since i saw it though so i can't remember the patent number22:33
thiebaudei cant run win7 and sure cant vista with 512mb22:33
calcthiebaude: win7 seems to take less resources than vista, but i am not sure how much less22:34
drbobbI just loaded jaunty on a 5+ year-old HP compaq laptop. Unfortunately, inserting a PCMCIA wifi card makes the kernel panic22:34
thiebaudecalc: true22:34
yoasifcalc: more than xp, less than vista22:34
thiebaudecalc win7 1gb22:34
yoasifnot a bad OS overall, my machine suspends perfectly using it22:34
calcand Ubuntu less than all of them (at least once xp has a virus scanner/etc)22:34
aapzakI think OSX is the heaviest, the slowest22:34
yoasifunlike ubuntu22:35
aapzakbut noone cares about that with osx, funny ey?22:35
yoasifaapzak: osx is faster than gnome, surprisingly22:35
calcubuntu takes ~ 250MB booted into Gnome22:35
aapzakyoasif: is it?22:35
yoasif(same hardware, tried it)22:35
thiebaudecalc: thats why i use blackbox22:35
calcdrbobb: do you have the laptop running the newest bios available?22:35
aapzakthen I need a new iMac, the machine anoys me22:35
yoasifyeah, i have some older vintage boxes (3ghz p4 is now vintage)22:35
thiebaudemost of the time i have 300mb free ram22:36
drbobbcalc: I have no idea22:36
yoasifbut osx definitely runs faster than gnome on it22:36
calcdrbobb: could be a port resource issue that possibly could be fixed with a newer bios22:36
calcmy wife's computer is pretty old, athlon64 3200+, 2gb ram, 250gb hd22:36
aapzakyoasif: I've got the first Intel mac, it makes me wait a lot :(22:37
drbobbcalc: the reason it was free to play with was that i tried to reinstall XP on it and failed, the windows installer faild to reformat the hdd22:37
yoasifi want more focus on speeding stuff up, heh22:37
calcdrbobb: ah22:37
BUGabundocalc: last time I tried a daily image on my laptop 64bits, after boot took 234MiBs22:37
siegieyoasif: osx must only work one kind of pc, while ubuntu works on ...22:37
BUGabundocalc: that's *old* ? LOL22:37
thiebaudexp used the least ram because the min is 64mb22:37
drbobbso I threw Ubuntu at it to see if I can trigger a drive failure there. Nothing so far22:37
yoasifsiegie: i know that, but os x on the same hardware is faster than gnome22:38
yoasifthats all that really matters at the end of the day in the speed question22:38
siegieyoasif: linux can be optimized, remember the 3 seconds boot?22:39
calcBUGabundo: i'm supposed to give her my current computer around the end of the year22:39
aapzaksiegie: the point was that I claimed OSX was slow22:39
calcBUGabundo: c2d e6300, 4gb ram, 500gb hd22:39
aapzakand yoasif knows I was wrong :)22:40
calcthiebaude: yea but xp in practice uses 400MB+ at boot after loading a few apps on it22:40
calcthiebaude: esp virus scanners, heh22:40
drbobbI still need some help.. what has changed so seriously about keyboard handling in recent releases? on my keyboard, mapping of PgUp/PgDn/Home/End etc is all messed up22:40
siegieaapzak: then apple does a verry bad job, with the advantages they have :)22:40
thiebaudecalc: yup22:40
aapzaksiegie: I was wrong22:40
calcBUGabundo: well the athlon64 3200+ is 5 years old now22:40
thiebaudecalc: im glad i only have ubuntu 9.04 on this computer22:41
thiebaudea 9.04 that doesn't work,lol22:41
BUGabundocalc: my old desktop is a AMD 1.9+ with 512MiBs of ram22:41
BUGabundoold laptop is a PM 1.7 with 1GiB of RAM22:41
yoasifi remember when linux was faster than osx ... on my b&w g3, os x 10.1 vs yellow dog linux...22:41
calcBUGabundo: i had something like that for my previous computer to my wife's current one, oct 2001, athlonxp 1800+, 1GB ram (iirc), 2 100GB HD22:42
yoasifeven without a propietary graphic driver22:42
yoasifgnome etc have gotten more bloated as osx has slimmed down22:42
yoasif(bw g3 @ 350mhz)22:42
calcyoasif: macos 10.5 runs faster on your b&w g3 than 10.1 ?22:42
* calc thought current osx didn't even still run on ppc22:43
aapzakI believe 10.5 is the last ppc osx22:43
yoasifcalc: nope... 10.2/3 ran faster than 10.1 though22:43
yoasifand l0.5 does run on ppc, slower though than 10.422:43
calcyoasif: ubuntu 9.04 runs faster than older Ubuntu (except for Intel braindamage)22:43
yoasifcalc: where are the speedups coming from? upstream, i assume?22:44
badfish69intel braindamage?22:44
yoasifim seeing stuff on the forums about slowdowns though22:44
thiebaudebadfish69: i81522:45
aapzakI guess a lot depends on how much memory you have'22:45
yoasifim sure we'll see more of those once jaunty is stable22:45
calcyoasif: boot speedup was from ubuntu itself, the other parts mostly from upstream and compiler improvements22:45
yoasifboot speedup concerns me less than my suspend not working ;) sucky to have a laptop without working suspend22:46
calcyoasif: probably most of the things you are seeing wrt slow downs are due to people having intel video... which slowed down a LOT on 9.04 due to intel screwing up their driver22:46
aapzakyoasif: even ... if suspends works, we don't care about boot time at all22:46
calcyoasif: if you had been around to do the suspend/resume testing ~ 1-2 months ago when the call went out yours would work22:46
yoasifbah... what call? :p22:47
yoasifill start hanging out here more though22:47
calcyoasif: there was a large push to make sure suspend/resume worked on every persons laptop that tested it22:47
yoasifmaybe it can get it fixed for karmic22:47
calcyoasif: it was on the ubuntu mailing lists22:47
yoasifcalc: yeah, who do i contact about that *now*22:47
yoasifyeah, i need to get on those too :/22:47
calcyoasif: uh probably should contact ogasawara22:48
aapzakI think Intel is working very hard on rigoreus changes in their drivers22:48
BUGabundomy hibernate works, but 50% of the time it won't power off22:48
aapzakI hope we'll see lot of improvement soon, they release quite often22:48
calcaapzak: yea its just taking a lot longer than expected (i suppose) and has been broken for 6 months or so22:48
BUGabundoplus I get a trace back on shutdown 80% of the time22:48
BUGabundoI wish I had a better phone camera to take a pic22:49
calcalso file bugs about your problems in launchpad :)22:49
yoasifcalc: how? email?22:49
yoasifcalc: already done22:49
calcyoasif: yea or via irc22:49
aapzakcalc: isn't intel the most progressive video driver developer? one day we will be very happy with intel22:49
yoasifyeah i'm not worried about intel, they support linux a good deal22:50
calcaapzak: yea eventually we will be but after they have made desktop linux unusable for a while :\22:50
calcsomeone forward ported the old intel 2.4 x driver so that might work well enough for this release cycle22:51
aapzakcalc: I don't know what you need, but without too much eye candy it works fine?22:51
yoasifcalc: that is crap and you know it. it's up to the distros to make sure things work for end users22:51
calcaapzak: oh it works fine for me, but anyone who does compositing or 3d it is EXTREMELY slow for22:51
yoasifshuttleworth says this as well, so it's not like i'm spreading heresy22:51
calcaiui if you have compiz on it is very slow for most users, i hate compiz and always turn it off, so i don't see many issues myself22:51
aapzakcalc: actually, compiz works very smooth, even with EXA without any options22:52
vosscalc, which intel driver is having the problem?22:52
thiebaudeaapzak: i even tried AccelMethod and UXA and it made it worse22:52
aapzakvoss: x3100, g965 , that family22:52
BUGabundocalc: humm i like it22:52
calcyoasif: so... intel 2.4 didn't work at all with new xorg, the intel driver that works with new xorg just plain doesn't work, and so no blame at all rests with upstream... sure22:52
thiebaudeit couldn't even finish booting22:52
BUGabundofor many months and releases I disabled it too22:52
aapzakthiebaude: that made my laptop unstable, huge memload on X22:53
BUGabundountil I got it exaclty was I want Compiz working22:53
cwilluthiebaude, uxa with vsync on will be horrible22:53
thiebaudeaapzak: i have 9.04 and cant even use it22:53
BUGabundonow it's a TOOL more then Fancy stuff22:53
calcthe situation was so bad that someone finally stepped up and ported intel x 2.4 driver to new xorg so people could have something halfway reliable to use22:53
vossaapzak, I have a dell mini 9, it uses 945 chipset. All the rest of my stuff is nvidia22:53
BUGabundoplus it helps me "sell" Ubuntu22:53
thiebaudeim glad im able to get to a boot menu22:53
calcvoss: the intel driver, it breaks in different ways depending on the chipset you have apparently on 965 it breaks pretty badly22:54
aapzakvoss: then you have the same intel issues we're talking about22:54
thiebaudei mean log in screen22:54
calcafaik there is only one main intel driver - xserver-xorg-video-intel22:54
thiebaudex freezes and then the mouse freezes22:54
vossaap, I havent had any problems so far with my mini and 9.0422:54
aapzakvoss: depends on what you do22:54
aapzakUXA is a problem22:54
aapzakand EXA performs badly22:55
vossaap, 945 doesnt do much 3d stuff anyway22:55
aapzakI cannot run KDE on this laptop22:55
thiebaudeaapzak: but ubuntu 8.10 is great22:55
aapzakI love 9.04 too :)22:55
aapzakIt's just like walking on thin ice, I manage to keep it running but I wish it was easier22:56
aapzakit is a matter of time22:56
aapzakoveral this release is very pretty22:56
aapzakand intel will fix this driver22:56
vossaapzak, No pretty is 9.04 NBR!22:57
thiebaudeaapzak: amazing thing about linux, even though i cant use the 9.04 kernel, i can still use linux22:57
thiebaudeno way windows can do that22:57
voss9.04 NBR is gorgeous!22:57
aapzakthiebaude: you lost me :)22:57
thiebaudeaapzak: i can get to a log in screen and choose gnome or blackbox22:58
vossI only wish Dell would use it on their mini 9 and 10s22:58
vossKDE has been problematic since 4.0 anyway22:58
thiebaudeaapzak: and gnome would be the wrong choice22:58
yoasifanyone in here a packager?22:59
aapzakvoss: like Intel, kde has a nice future, won't take too long22:59
aapzakthiebaude: you confused me with the 9.04 kernel :)22:59
vossaapzak, the problem is KDE has a lot of nice features, features that should have waited for kde 4.5 :)22:59
yoasifi installed jwm but it doesn't create a new entry in the login prompt22:59
thiebaudeaapzak: i think i didn't say that right,lol22:59
aapzakvoss: maybe they released too early, but how else are you going to get beta/test users?23:00
aapzakit comes with the model23:01
dotblankhey Anyone noticeing the gtk 2.6 filechooser save dialog is really slow and takes 20 secs to open?23:01
thiebaudeaapzak: i was wondering should they delay it like they did with 6.0623:01
dotblankwith OO.org save dialog is very very slow23:01
AaronMTdotblank: Where is this dialog?23:01
dotblankAs well as inkscape23:02
aapzakthiebaude: thisone is hard, when will the driver be alright? I would not delay I think23:02
thiebaudeaapzak: and i wonder will future releases be like this23:02
dotblankThis is weird cause the open dialog is normal23:02
aapzakthiebaude: I guess its always possible that not everything is working 100%23:03
thiebaudeim going to check if i have 9.04 updates23:04
BUGabundothiebaude: I did ! a bunch too23:05
thiebaudeoh ok23:06
thiebaudei have none,:-(23:06
aapzakjust a couple here23:08
Jordan_UI get a grub error about "unsupported executable format" when trying to boot 2.6.28-1123:09
Z3ro3XI've been having random (all though rare) hard lock ups after installing ubuntu 9.04 with / as ext4.  Is this from the new file system or running the RC of ubuntu?23:10
aapzakbtw, I'm looking forward to the xorg fix which fixes the memory leak when using UXA. How can I find out if this upstream fix is already in Ubuntu?23:11
aapzakZ3ro3X: I've had some lockups (not really, but heavy swapping) on Intel gfx + kde23:12
BUGabundoZ3ro3X: talk to cwillu. he is our resident speciallist on those bugs23:12
Z3ro3Xcwillu, Hey.23:12
BUGabundoYAY net split23:14
Z3ro3XI think I just felt a great disturbance in the force.23:14
Jordan_UZ3ro3X, Known bug with ext4, unfortunately won't be fixed by release ( or at least doesn't look like it will be )23:16
Z3ro3XJordan_U, But is it related to ext4 or a bug in the RC?  That's what I want to know.23:16
Othorare nautilus scripts broken? none of mine are working23:19
Othori tried to make a simple python script that just displays the value of NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS in a message box, but it didn't show on the screen23:21
sykeany Canonical folks around?23:22
BUGabundosyke: a few23:23
BUGabundowhy? does it matter?23:23
sykeI noticed a bug in pmccabe 2.5: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19404556/pmccabe_2.4%2Bnmu1_2.5.diff.gz23:23
syke-echo "\nAnalyzing $newdir ...\c" >&223:23
syke+prnitf "\nAnalyzing %s ..." "$newdir" >&223:23
sykethe second line is supposed to be printf23:24
BUGabundoso what you want is a LP dev23:24
BUGabundosyke: try #launchpad23:24
BUGabundoor file a bug23:24
meoblast001has the art team made their contributions yet?23:24
sykeLP dev?23:24
sykeoh, launchpad23:25
aapzakmeoblast001: I think it looks amazing, I'd say they did ;)23:25
meoblast001new sounds?23:25
meoblast001tell me new sounds or i'll pop my brain out the back of my skull23:25
aapzakmeoblast001: I never use sounds23:26
meoblast001aapzak: like the login sounds?23:26
aapzakah, still the same I guess23:26
aapzakmeoblast001: as little OS sound as possible23:26
* meoblast001 shoots himself23:26
Othorare nautilus scripts broken? none of mine are working23:27
* meoblast001 has been getting sick of the same sound for the past 2 years23:27
* aapzak always disables those sounds23:27
BluesKaji just disable the dumb sounds23:27
aapzakmeoblast001: I do that since the windows jungle sound theme :)23:27
yoasifi don't get why sounds are even on by default23:28
meoblast001aapzak: why can't we have something new every 5 years?23:28
meoblast001if 9.10 doesn't have new sounds.. i'm making them23:28
meoblast001and i'll force everyone to like them23:28
BUGabundoI had my sounds disalbe for 2 years23:29
meoblast001i'll file a brainstorm entry "New Freaking Sounds.. AHHH"23:29
BUGabundobrought them back 3 weeks ago23:29
aapzakthe woman I married uses sounds on her msgr, every login/logout produces sound, annoys the %@@& out of me23:30
mrwesdivorce her23:30
void^married, past tense. see the problem there?23:31
aapzakI can hear my own laptop reboots through her machine :)23:31
meoblast001aapzak: so that means you would vote yes for new sounds?23:31
sykewill gcc-snapshot be updated to GCC 4.4 RC1?23:31
aapzakvoid^: to marry, is a one time activity, which happened in the past :)23:32
meoblast001aapzak: and lasts a life time :P23:32
Othoranyone else having issue with nautilus scripts?23:32
aapzakmeoblast001: I never use sounds, could not care less :)23:32
aapzakmeoblast001: exactly23:32
BUGabundoaapzak: divorce her?23:32
aapzakhehehe, no way23:33
BUGabundoOthor: please stop asking , ok?23:33
BUGabundoaapzak: she is that good?23:33
meoblast001who agrees with me that the Linux kernel needs to support something like DLL's... where you can basically put SO's in the directory of the executable?23:33
aapzakshe's interesting :)23:33
BUGabundocan you lend her to me for a while?23:33
BUGabundomeoblast001: those are called Modules!23:33
OthorBUGabundo, sorry i thought this was a support channel23:33
aapzakBUGabundo: we'll see :)23:34
BUGabundoOthor: it is! asking it 4 times is just "noise"23:34
copprorandom question: What is with libklibcgoobledegookblabla.so?23:34
meoblast001BUGabundo: so suppose i make a game engine... with multiple versions for each game that uses it.... so i can't make a libmygameengine..... i need to include the .so with the executable.. and each game needs to have it's own mygameengine.so23:35
calcmeoblast001: why would the kernel need to do something instead of the linker?23:35
* BUGabundo felt blasted with meoblast001 sentence23:35
BUGabundoMrafrohead: hey23:35
meoblast001BUGabundo: making fun of my name?23:35
BUGabundomeoblast001: no....23:36
MrafroheadI was referred here from #ubuntu on EFNET.  I am running into a problem with auto-logon.  it is not logging in, instead seems to sit at a black screen and white mouse cursor.23:36
meoblast001calc: well... more so ELF would23:36
BUGabundoreally I didn't23:36
* calc thinks meoblast001 doesn't understand the basics of how things work or otherwise wouldn't be suggesting to massively increase the amount of ram usage23:36
BUGabundopure coincedece... believe me23:36
Mrafroheadanyone have any idears?23:36
calcmeoblast001: ELF has no need to know where to look for libraries23:36
joaopintomeoblast001, you can already do that with .so files or just doing a static build23:36
meoblast001calc: currently, it only looks in /usr/lib... nowhere else23:36
calcmeoblast001: perhaps get a clue first would help?23:36
* Mrafrohead is hoping it is a known problem.23:36
BUGabundoMrafrohead: are you using Jaunty ?23:36
MrafroheadBUGabundo, yes, I am.23:36
calcmeoblast001: the kernel and the ELF standard have nothing to do with /usr/lib at all23:36
meoblast001calc: no.. i'm not saying make it a standard like Windows has... but to make it an option for when necessary23:36
meoblast001calc: then what does?23:37
calcmeoblast001: best solution for you are proposing (afaict anyway) is just to use static linking23:37
BUGabundoMrafrohead: how old is your install? do you have an Intel GPU?23:37
calcmeoblast001: the linker is what would need to change and even then that isn't needed since you can use rpath23:37
MrafroheadBUGabundo, I did a dist-upgrade this morning when I woke up.  Installed from RC alt ISO day before yesterday.  yes, intel gpu.23:37
calcmeoblast001: i think the issue is you don't have any idea what you are talking about at all23:37
meoblast001calc: ok :)23:38
meoblast001calc: there's no such thing as a stupid question... just a stupid meoblast00123:38
* calc is trying to be as little rude as possible, but its the truth :)23:38
BUGabundoMrafrohead: what filesystem? ext4 ?23:38
MrafroheadBUGabundo, yes23:38
aapzakBUGabundo, Mrafrohead would removing xorg.conf help?23:38
calcmeoblast001: if you want to hardcode a library path into a binary use rpath, if you have no need for the library to be separate to begin with then just static link23:38
BUGabundoMrafrohead: ping cwillu... he is the guy that can help you out23:38
soccan someone tell me if these ship-it cds are 32bit or 64bit?23:39
calcmeoblast001: if you want a real dynamic library install it in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, etc23:39
BUGabundoaapzak: better to run XFIX from recovery console23:39
MrafroheadBUGabundo, thank you. will do.23:39
meoblast001calc: yeah..... static would probably be best23:39
BUGabundosoc: it used to be your choice23:39
BUGabundosoc: on ibex it was 32 ONLY23:39
BUGabundonot sure how will jaunty be23:39
calcmeoblast001: using static linking and/or private copies of libraries in the general case is bad because you end up using a LOT more ram23:39
aapzakBUGabundo: I had some non-working xorg.confs after upgrades but current xorg doesn't need a config at all23:39
BUGabundosoc: but you can make a special request for 64 bit, I guess23:40
calcmeoblast001: but for truely private libraries that nothing else use it is ok to do that23:40
BUGabundoaapzak: that's why XFIX is a good idea23:40
meoblast001calc: oh yeah.. i don't want private copies of libraries.. that has more than just 1 negative side effect23:40
meoblast001calc: creates a security risk, uses more harddisk space, gives your OS the name Windows23:40
socBUGabundo: no, even on the special request site, there is no option23:40
calcmeoblast001: yea it can also cause symbol collisions which is bad also :)23:40
Mrafroheadaapzak, I don't know about the xorg.conf.  the display is working.  just not continuing on...23:40
kolesoo... all of a sudden all my compiz effects arnt working in jaunty RC... worked yesterday... rebooted and all of a sudden only have 2 workspaces and no cube... in compiz settings it says both are on...23:41
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there, did any of you try jaunty on an acer d150x? Is it working *well*?23:41
meoblast001calc: symbol collisions?23:41
socBUGabundo: it isn't even mentioned what they will ship23:41
aapzakkole: the compiz blacklist got updated23:41
BUGabundosoc: you are right!23:41
Le-Chuck_ITAI only find greek pages on google, I can't read greek yet :)23:41
koleaapzak, - whats that mean?23:41
BUGabundokole: 2 workspaces can give you a CUBE23:42
aapzakkole: compiz won't start on some chipsets23:42
Le-Chuck_ITAthat is a coobe23:42
kolei dont really care about the cube.... i just want 4 workspaces23:42
socBUGabundo: do you know if there is an irc-channel with people from canonical/ship-it?23:42
aapzakkole: got intel gfx?23:42
BUGabundosoc: no! but if you figure it out, let me know23:42
meoblast001why do files have the lock symbol on them when i pull them from trash? is that fixed in 9.04?23:43
BUGabundoI guess you could mention if on the special request form soc23:43
calcmeoblast001: different versions of the same library being loaded into the same program23:43
koleaapzak,  - tis very possible23:43
kolebuilt in graphics card on my dell23:43
calcmeoblast001: due to other libraries, etc depending on them and pulling in different copies23:43
socBUGabundo: no, the only option is the quantity :-/23:43
kolebut... whyyyy? it worked great before23:43
aapzakkole: I had that problem after upgrading this morning23:43
BUGabundosoc: "Why are you requesting these CDs?                        (Your answer must be in English)           "23:43
BUGabundothere's a form there23:44
meoblast001calc: well... some day i do want to make my own game engine (after getting game experience from working with Crystal Space), and i want it to not require you to use the same version with every game23:44
aapzakkole: there are some problems with some chipsets23:45
socah ok, but i guess, if they don't offer a choice, there is no choice ... i don't believe they will pressing some cds just for me23:45
aapzakkole: checkout the url I pasted before23:45
aapzakI used the third trick on the page and can run compiz again23:46
koleso if i use the first one is it perememnent fix?23:47
aapzakkole: workaround :)23:47
koleokay but is it permemnent :P23:48
aapzakI'd use the third if I were you, would not know where to config the first two23:48
kolei just typed the first one in the terminal and it worked23:48
aapzakyou could do that every time you login :)23:48
aapzakand now I understand your question :)23:49
aapzakno, its not permanemt23:49
koleso i just have to find the file and edit it23:49
aapzakthe file probably doesn't exist yet23:49
aapzak~/ is your homedir23:50
aapzakin your home is a dir .config/compiz23:50
kolefound it23:51
kolelets see if this works or breaks ubuntu :P23:51
aapzakit won't23:51
Dougshellhey guys is there a way to seperate your home folder into a new partition without hey guys...whats teh easiest way to make a home partition23:53
Dougshellon an install that is already running not a new one23:53
koleso... it didnt work23:54
aapzakkole, did you switch effects on?23:54
kolejust tell me what to do step by step :P23:54
aapzakmenu: System -> Preferences -> Appearance23:55
aapzaktab: visual effects -> normal23:55
koledesktop effects could not be loaded23:56
aapzakstupid desktop effects23:56
kole...and i broke grub on my eeepc... how nice23:56
koletonight is just a great night for both my computers to mess uo23:57
aapzakeverything can be fixed but I have to go get some sleep23:57
aapzakread, google, think ...23:57
aapzakswitch google and read :)23:57
aapzakand think a lot23:57
osubuckhi, if i install the ubuntu 9.04 RC how do i upgrade to the final once its out? is there anything special that needs to be done ?23:58
aapzakgoodluck kole23:59
NewkHey, very pleased with the rc working very good, bu on startup when i login, i get a black screen for mayb 10 seconds???23:59
Newkis this normal or wat?23:59

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