
savvaskwwii: sorry to bother you, but could you check if bug 349572 is a gnome-icon-theme problem?07:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349572 in packagekit-gnome "packagekit-gnome .desktop files use not-existing icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34957207:51
thorwildigest mode should be disabled13:15
kwwiihrm, where would be the best place to discuss suggested improvements for panel themeing?13:36
thorwilkwwii: in what scope? currently the gnome people don't even know what to do with applets in that gnome shell thing13:38
thorwiland a first attempt at making the gnome shell themeable is some ruby to change things in the code(!?)13:39
kwwiithorwil: yeah, that was kinda what I was thinking too13:39
kwwiithorwil: guess I want to make the existing gnome panel look halfway decent for karmic13:40
thorwilkwwii: document the problem, define what we want as solution, see if it can be developed in-house as patch?13:41
kwwiithorwil: yeah, already started that...just trying to figure out what to do with it when I am done :p13:41
andreasnkwwii, #gnome-art proably? benzea or thos should know13:42
kwwiiandreasn: yeah, good point13:42
kwwiiandreasn: although I am guessing that most of what I want is more of a distro problem13:43
kwwiilike setting the gconf key to stretch the panel bg by default13:43
thorwilkwwii: only tell us ubuntu people about it, wait until other will complain and bitch about going-alone and not contributing and all that ...  making it widel known that way ;)13:43
kwwiiwe have a policy of not touching gconf keys when updating13:43
andreasnmaybe you should talk to vuntz in that case13:44
andreasnwhat kind of stuff did you have in mind? like just a gradient or more advanced stuff like a pattern?13:45
andreasnvuntz should be around in #gnome-hackers13:46
andreasnon gimpnet13:46
andreasnand he's in there talking about the panel _right now_13:46
kwwiiandreasn: thinking about how to allow a theme to set a gconf key :)13:49
andreasn"Get better panel theming. For example the panel could let the engine render on top of the background image. So it would be possible to make the panel transparent from the theme."13:55
andreasncan't remember if it was benzea or Cimi that wanted to work on it though13:55
kwwiihehe, that all sounds very good13:56
* thorwil would like to see combined vertical and horizontal multi-stop gradients and a transparency map13:58
kwwiithorwil: well, the stuff i want to do with a pixmap does both of those - the cheap way :)14:03
savvascan someone check bug 349572 please? Should those icons be in gnome-icon-theme ?14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349572 in packagekit-gnome "packagekit-gnome .desktop files use not-existing icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34957214:37
kwwiisavvas: yeah, just commented on it...not much we can do now for jaunty14:40
savvasthanks :)14:41
andreasnsavvas, packagekit specific icons should be installed by packagekit14:41
savvasandreasn: that's the direct answer I was looking for :) so gnome-icon-theme is invalid?14:42
andreasnI don't recall that any icons were removed from gnome-icon-theme recently14:43
savvasok, I'll have to forward it upstream :) thank you both!14:44
andreasnnp, hope it works out14:44
savvasoh crap, I thought packagekit-gnome -> gnome was upstream whereas it is freedesktop, heh :)15:09
kwwiithorwil: btw, I asked arusha (christina kokott) to have a look at the wiki structure and report any ideas, etc15:18
kwwiithorwil: it's good because a) she is a new member and has never seen it before) and b) this is what she does for a living :)15:18
thorwilkwwii: cool :)15:43
* thorwil browses http://www.christina-kokott.de17:41
* thorwil continues with http://kokott.co.uk17:44
dashuaJust ordered a Mini-9 w/ Bluetooth, Webcam, Ubuntu for $199.20:26
dashuaNot bad.20:26
kwwiihope you have tiny fingers20:26
kwwiiother than that the machines are awesome20:27
dashuaHa, yeah.20:27
dashuaI hope Jaunty runs good on it.20:28
dashuaI'm sure it will.20:28
dashuaI need to study for an exam all summer and this will be easier to transport than my Dell XPS m1530.20:29
dashuaMuch more expendable too.20:29
thorwiluse one of these if fingers not tiny enough: http://www.print-speed.de/images/product_images/popup_images/2083_0.jpg :>20:31
dashuaI was looking at the 10 but RAM is locked at 1 Gig.  Not so good.20:31
SiDidashua: im jealous20:32
dashuathorwil: Is that a pencil sharpener?20:32
dashuaSiDi: I wanted to score one before when they $199, but no bluetooth or webcam.20:33
thorwildashua: that, too20:33
dashuaNow, it's a good deal.20:33
kwwiidashua: we've been doing all our testing on mini-9's20:33
dashuakwwii: Sweet.20:33
dashuaCompiz run good, do you know?20:34
dashuaI have a feeling I'll have to mess with UXA.20:34
SiDidashua: they're more expensive here. and dell france charges for ubuntu. i tried to get a vostro with no os or ubuntu, it was 750 € for the crappy hardware, while for 710 i had almost the best hardware with vista20:34
kwwiidashua: yes, it runs great20:34
dashuakwwii: Man, I am getting excited :D20:35
dashuaSiDi: This is a Vosto20:35
SiDidashua: i meant a 1510:p20:36
dashuaMan, Jaunty is going to boot like the wind with an SSD.20:36
dashuaSiDi: Ah20:36
dashuaYeah, the Ubuntu spec'd Dells are as impressive as their Windows counterparts20:38
dashuaI bought this Dell w/ Vista which lasted about 20 minutes.20:38
dashuaBut there was no XPS m1530 when I bought, just the 133020:38
dashua*are not20:39
SiDithe fact is that here its not legal to sell it with an os and not to offer the same one without os :P20:40
dashuaYeah, there was a box for exporting outside the U.S.20:41
SiDidashua: i cant believe the PCs are the same and the ubuntu one is $100 cheaper20:45
SiDii do wish they were offering so decent offers here in france :|20:45
dashuaMaybe they changed. Before their prices were really that good.20:47
SiDikwwii: are you around ?21:16
=== fabsh_ is now known as fabsh
kwwiiSiDi: wassup?23:15
SiDiI wanted to know where i could grab the sources of jaunty's gdm23:16
SiDiapart from a jaunty installed partition since i'm having trouble with mine :p23:16
SiDii'd like to check how you did to edit the gdm menus in your theme23:16
kwwiicheck the source in launchpad23:23
kwwiihttp://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-gdm-themes for instance23:26
SiDithanks, found it already23:26
SiDii sometimes dont think about the obvious solutions :D23:26
kwwiisometimes I want to suggest lmgtfy.com to people :p23:27
kwwiitime for sleep..night all23:31
SiDinight kwwii23:34

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