
alex_mayorga1hi, is there anything needed to move bug 314530 forward?05:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314530 in linux "APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31453005:06
alex_mayorga1I have the problematic laptop right at my fingertips05:06
dholbachgood morning07:12
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YoBoYstupid question: can i atach more than one file on a comment? or on an email response ?08:24
YoBoYok, cool, 3 files on one email works :) (stupid question solved)09:21
ivoksmvo: here?09:37
mvoivoks: yes09:54
ivoksmvo: re bacula bug, i've just added a comment09:55
ivoksbug 36307709:55
ivoksis it possible that prerm script wasn't executed?09:56
ivoksbacula-sd wasn't stopped before upgrade09:57
ivoksso it failed to start again09:57
mvoivoks: unlikey but possible, let me check the terminal log. I think I can reproduce the failure in my test setup, but each run takes a couple of hours because it upgrades ~4000 pkgs09:59
ivoksoh :/09:59
ivokscould you set DEBCONF_DEBUG="developer" then?09:59
ivoksi've did intrepid->jaunty two times, but i was unable to reproduce the bug10:00
ivoksmaybe /etc/init.d/bacula-sd wasn't executable?10:01
ivoksprerm script is quite simple10:01
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HewHey guys. Regarding bug #363558, how would I set a break point on gdk_x_error?13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363558 in gnome-system-monitor "gnome-system-monitor renice causes close" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36355813:05
james_w"break gdk_x_error"?13:09
Hewthanks james_w, that did the trick :-)13:18
HewI just uncovered bug #350250 which was private and collecting a lot of duplicates. Should this be raised to the attention of a dev (it might be important), or just be left to the normal processes?14:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350250 in usplash "usplash crashed with SIGSEGV in __svgalib_get_perm()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35025014:11
HobbseeHew: what kind of users is it affecting?14:12
seb128Hew: is there any reason it's private out of that nobody triaged it?14:13
HewHobbsee: AFAIK, random desktop users since it's usplash.14:13
Hewseb128: Looks like nobody triaged it until now, when I got the crash myself.14:14
seb128Hew: there is not so many duplicates btw14:14
HewI can't see any negative effects of the crash, it was just an apport crash on next boot.14:14
seb128right, doesn't seem a specially import issue14:15
james_wHew: standard usplash theme?14:15
Hewseb128: I thought it was a few since they are all coming in recently.14:15
Hewjames_w: Yes, in my case at least.14:15
gnomefreakbdmurray: can you please re-up my membership for bug control team?14:47
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thekornhi bddebian15:08
bddebianHi thekorn15:08
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MagicFabHi all - I noticed no LPIA at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ . Where to report bugs for that ?20:06
pedro_MagicFab: better to raise that at #ubuntu-testing20:07
ograMagicFab, i think http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntumid/all is the only lpia build we support actually20:12
ogra(i might be wrong and alternate was added)20:13
MagicFabright, I'd assume that as the alternate LPIA I got from ports20:13
ograright, i'm not sure thats officially supported20:14
ograbeyond that we only build MID for lpia20:14
ograas actual images20:14
BUGabundoogra: question: isn't there an ISO for UNR?20:15
ograits being rebuild atm20:15
ograand no, there is no iso, only an .img file20:15
BUGabundoogra: do you know if inetbootin works from img?20:18
ograno idea20:19
ogranever tried it20:19
ograand it sounds really scary20:19
BUGabundowell some users with just Windows have no way to make a USB work20:21
BUGabundousually some other users recommend inetbootin, but i never used it20:21
BUGabundobut since we now only have img, that may be a limitaion20:22
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ograBUGabundo, we're working on a tool to write usb .img files from windows20:43
ograwill be there for release20:43
BUGabundogreat to know20:43
BUGabundocan I publish that news?20:44
ograBUGabundo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting20:49
BUGabundoahh new stuff20:50
BUGabundowasn't there 2 days ago20:50
BUGabundook, mass publishing it! thanks20:50
BUGabundohumm just need to tell the wiki to not linkify the EXE name20:51
BUGabundoill add the ! to it20:51
ograerm, that page is about a year old :)20:51
BUGabundoogra: fixed21:00
ografixed ?21:00
BUGabundothe exe wikified link21:00
BUGabundoI added a '!' before it21:01
ograyeah, i did the same and was told by the guy who added it that he works on a Win32DiskImager page atm :P21:01
ograplease revert :)21:01
ograits supposed to be a wikilink21:02
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BUGabundois it ? ohh sorry21:15
BUGabundoogra: reverted21:17
ograthanks :)21:18
ograwe dont want to make GrueMaster cry :)21:18
GrueMasterheh.  Grue's don't cry.21:18
dtchenhey tobin, good to see you in here21:18
GrueMasterI'm everywhere.21:19
BUGabundoeheh sorry GrueMaster, for not checking that page actually existed21:19
GrueMasterI was in the process of making it.  It's up now, but I'll let my son make any major changes to it (since it's his app).21:20
ograwell, it didnt exist ... i made the same mistake21:20
BUGabundobut does now21:20
GrueMasterCheck it now.  I re-editied the link so it makes a little more sense.21:24
GrueMasterI'm still learning this wiki stuff.21:24
ograheh, and you made it look nearly like usb-imagewriter :)21:25
ograway cool21:25
GrueMasterThe program?  That is all my son's work.21:25
ograstill, it only misses the details expander :)21:26
ograwhats the read button for ?21:27
GrueMasterFor users that only have one usb drive.  They can use that to back up their data.21:28
ograah, neat21:28
GrueMasterI'll add that to the wiki documentation in a bit.21:28
BUGabundonice.... good to know21:28
ograi'm more evil in usb-imagewriter ... i just kill whats on the device21:29
BUGabundoI was going to ask, if it rewrote the disk without warning21:29
ogra(but show a popup warning that it will destroy it)21:29
BUGabundoogra: that's so bad! eheh21:29
ograyou can click cancel at the warning popup :)21:29
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BUGabundonow you can rip the code and add to yours21:30
GrueMasterThis is Win32 only atm.  Also it is QT based.21:30
GrueMasterAnd we had an ubuntu logo but persia made us take it out.21:31
ograpad persia !21:32
ogra*bad even21:32
ograshould really be ubuntu branded21:33
GrueMasterThat's what I thought.21:33
ograin fact we should make usb-imagewriter and Win32DiskImager look the same ;)21:34
ograand behave identically21:34
GrueMasterActually, win32-image-writer will be coming to Linux soon.21:35
GrueMasterOne of my son's goals is to port it to Linux once we have all the features in Windows done.21:36
GrueMasterMajor features, that is.21:36
GrueMasterNice.  I just updated my source tree and my son added an exit button and a removable drive rescan button.  Slick.21:38
GrueMasterExcept the rescan needs work.  OOps.21:39
ogratell him, good work ...21:40
* ogra is off for the day 21:40
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