
pittiGood morning07:08
seb128hey mvo09:55
mvohey seb12809:58
seb128mvo: so you broke the bling on my laptop between rc and jaunty ;-)09:58
seb128mvo: I will find you at uds!09:59
seb128or before ;-)09:59
mvoseb128: *cough*09:59
mvoseb128: I did09:59
seb128not nice10:00
mvobut ... but ... they forced me to10:00
seb128I don't have a box where jaunty does bling now10:00
mvobling for everyone!10:00
mvoseb128: didn't you say you get freezes when you remove the virtual desktop size? or was that just slowdown?10:00
seb128yet, not for me apparently, my desktop has too new ati and my laptop has been broken for now good reason ;-)10:00
seb128I didn't get any freeze yet on this box (and I'm using it full time to work)10:01
seb128nobody seems to be interested to try if the virtual thing fix their hang apparently though10:02
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pittirickspencer3: I don't think we need https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gdm211:18
pittirickspencer3: I thought we already decided that we'll move when we have the facebrowser?11:19
pittiseb128: ^ ?11:19
seb128pitti: agreed11:25
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mvoseb128: re-freeze> supsend-resume does not make a difference for you?12:02
asacgtk seems to use host=i686-pc-linux-gnu now ... but it was i486-pc-linux-gnu in beta ... what happened?12:03
asacseb128: ? any idea12:03
seb128mvo: I did suspend resume at least 15 times this week for sure12:04
seb128mvo: never got any freeze or hang12:04
mvoseb128: really strange, no idea then12:04
seb128asac: lool reworked the rules to specify armel flags could be it12:04
seb128asac: does that create any issue?12:05
asachmm. that broke 32bit loading on 64 now12:05
asace.g. we have a missing link12:05
asac ls -l /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/i486-pc-linux-gnu12:05
asaclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 2007-10-11 17:43 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/i486-pc-linux-gnu -> ../../../lib32/gtk-2.0/2.10.012:05
seb128that would be a ia32libs issue rather no?12:05
asacbut no i68612:05
asacis that link shipped by ia32libs?12:05
asacif so, yeah12:05
asacseb128: great. ok12:06
seb128gtk doesn't ship any lib32 directory I think12:06
asaci already feared that the link was shipped by gtk ;)12:06
asacia32 can still be updated12:06
asaclool: do you have any bug i can refer to for this "host" change?12:07
asaclool: please confirm that we explicitly switched to i68612:07
asac(not that we can still change it ;))12:07
asacstrings /usr/lib32/libgtk-x11-2.0.so  | grep linux12:08
loolasac: I'm trying to understand12:09
asaclool: in gtk/Makefile.am there is -DGTK_HOST=\"$(host)\"12:10
asacor something12:10
loolasac: I'm trying to understand which change broke that12:11
asaclool: that was i486-pc-linux-gnu in beta12:11
asacah ok12:11
loolasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/154623/ is the closest12:11
asaclool: so maybe it changed in the toolchain?12:12
loolThe --build flag is missing entirely in ubuntu812:13
asacthis paste looks weird ;)12:13
loolasac: Crap, it's a fix I made to SVN and which didn't make it to the Ubuntu pacjages12:13
loolMissing backspace after --enable-test-print-backend12:13
loolseb128: ^12:14
loolasac, seb128 moved to -release12:17
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asacmvo: pmsg14:09
mvoasac: looking14:11
asachmmm ... how does gtk select icons from theme. does it always select scalable if that exist? even for really tiny icons?14:19
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loolseb128: Hey, I'm running Ubuntu under qemu from a fresh jaunty install and IndicatorApplet is encountering a problem on startup; how can I tell what happened on the bonobo / orbit2 server side?14:36
lool"Child process did not give an error message, unknown failure occurred"14:37
loolThat's all I see in the .xsession-errors log14:37
seb128no idea out of the .xsession-errors log14:38
seb128does it work if you click on "reload" for the applet?14:38
seb128do you get any error if you run /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet on a command line and add it to the panel then?14:38
loolseb128: I don't get reload, only don't delete versus delete14:40
lool(I think that's it's because it's on startpu)14:40
loolseb128: Running /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet outputs nothing but exits with return code 114:40
seb128tedg: ^14:41
seb128lool: is there an instance already running?14:41
loolseb128: oh yes14:41
* lool starts a guest session14:42
loolseb128: I think it's an orbit2 tmieout14:47
loolIt's very slow in qemu14:47
loolSo I get popups about notification area, indicator applet and another one when starting the guest session14:47
loolseb128: I don't think we care much then => /me goes doing something useful :)14:47
* Ng facepalms. If gnome-panel is told by gconf to start on a monitor that doesn't exist, it seems to go into a loop and never starts15:14
* Ng fires up the bug filing cannons15:14
seb128Ng: you are firing the upstream canons right? ;-)15:28
Ngseb128: I did both and linked them :)15:28
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Ampelbeinpitti: have you had a look at bug 359963?15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359963 in apport "Apport retracing service is incorrectly interpreting installed version: None as being out of date" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35996315:42
pittiAmpelbein: not yet, it's not a major issue, but it's on my near-term TODO list15:54
pittirickspencer3: FYI, new ubuntu desktop/alternates (20090420.1) available15:54
rickspencer3pitti: sweet15:56
seb128Ampelbein: that's not really an issue the retracing doesn't work on those bugs anyway that's just the error not being clear16:02
seb128Ampelbein: that's not really an issue the retracing doesn't work on those bugs anyway that's just the error not being clear16:02
Ampelbeinseb128: well, if the retrace failed and apport-retrace finds outdated packages it closes the report right-away.16:02
seb128Ampelbein: which seems correct16:02
Ampelbeinseb128: but not in cases where it falsely identifies packages as being outdated.16:03
seb128well if the retracing doesn't work the reason doesn't really matter16:03
Ampelbeinit's still a legitimate crash and should be treated as such. for example the triager could try a manual retrace or ask the reporter to reproduce. if the report is closed, the reporter will feel like being ignored.16:04
seb128we should change the default message but still close those imho16:05
Ampelbeini think the issue happens when a recommended package is uninstalled. Then the dependencies.txt give NONE as installed version and the retracer treats it as being outdated16:05
seb128we have thousand of those useless bug around, they add noise and are never worked anyway, if the submitter update the bug he can as well reopen it16:05
seb128I'm in favor of autoclosing all bugs which have a non-useful stacktrace and ask the submitter to reopen if you can provide one16:06
seb128that's just the message to be closed16:06
seb128closed -> updated16:06
Ampelbeinhmm. on second thought this sounds ok, because that's what the triager would do anyway. (ask for backtrace)16:07
seb128apport could be smarter about detecting packages to install too16:07
seb128ie look at the procmaps and installed what is there16:08
seb128it would fix lot of compiz retracing being broken for example because the crashes are in plugins which are not depends16:08
Ampelbeinthat would be really awesome.16:11
pittiseb128: apport has looked into ProcMaps and installing extra packages from there for ages16:14
seb128pitti: ah, ok so maybe there is an another reason why some retracing don't work correctly then, I just assumed that was due to that16:14
mptrickspencer3, just came across https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-software-development-kit18:22
mptand https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/widgetry18:24
pittigood night everyone!18:35
asacpitti: good night18:51
calcheh OOo 3.1.0rc2 won't even be out until after Ubuntu 9.0419:31
* calc is glad he didn't try to cram OOo 3.1 into jaunty :)19:31
calcthey are consistently behind schedule19:32
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chrisccoulsonhi seb12821:14
seb128hello chrisccoulson21:14
chrisccoulsonhave you noticed any freezing issues with evolution-data-server?21:14
james_wchrisccoulson: I get one on "Formatting message" quite frequently21:15
seb128bugs on launchpad or local bug?21:15
seb128how "with evolution-data-server"?21:15
chrisccoulsoni haven't reported it yet. i was going to report it on bugzilla, but wasn't sure if it was just my setup21:15
seb128you don't notice from an user perspective what e-d-s is doing21:15
seb128but evo can be hanging due to e-d-s crashing21:15
seb128we have some known calendar bugs21:16
seb128can you give details on your issue?21:16
chrisccoulsonfor me, evolution stops working. it appears to be functioning but when you try and send an e-mail or fetch from my POP server, it just does nothing21:16
chrisccoulsonthen i got a backtrace of e-d-s21:16
seb128james_w: you should open a bug for that, on bugzilla if you can is better ;-)21:16
james_wseb128: there's a really old one on bugzilla I'm subscribed to21:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - this is the backtrace i get, and it is the same everytime e-d-s freezes: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/154929/21:17
seb128james_w: oh ok, I though the old issue has been fixed, I've not seen a such bug in the whole jaunty cycle I think21:17
james_wit's not happened to me for a couple of weeks, but was happening a couple of times a day before that21:18
seb128chrisccoulson: no, I've not seen bugs similar to this one21:18
james_wthe chatter on that bug suggest it might be a new problem though21:18
dobeyhey packager types21:18
seb128hello dobey21:20
seb128chrisccoulson: how busy are you this week?21:24
chrisccoulsonrelatively busy until the second half of the week21:24
chrisccoulsonhow come?21:24
seb128chrisccoulson: or asked differently, do you want to do the nautilus sru update for this zooming issue?21:24
seb128or should I do it21:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can do that21:25
seb128there is no hurry srus will not be accepted until after jaunty anyway21:25
seb128ok, thanks21:25
chrisccoulsonthat won't take too long to do. i could probably do it later this evening21:25
seb128as said no hurry we will not have those accepted before jaunty21:25
seb128chrisccoulson: base the update on the bzr version mvo already commited a fix there which can go in the same sru upload21:33
Ampelbeinhi all. bug 270976 : I succeeded in creating a package of gst-plugins-bad with the mplex plugin enabled, installed it and all other libav*unstripped* packages and brasero does not complain anymore about a missing plugin. yet it fails burning with "Illegal operation". see bug 364324 for reference. am i right that the crash happens in libmjpegtools?22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270976 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "Brasero can't burn a video DVD" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27097622:51
ubottuBug 364324 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/364324 is private22:51
* dobey wonders what broke his keyboard layout23:10
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