
shtylmancjwatson, evand: is the trunk branch now for karmic? would anyone object to an attempt to consolidate the oem-config/ubiquity codebase? or wait after UDS?01:24
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CIA-4ubiquity: superm1 * r3243 mythbuntu-ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/mythbuntu_ui.py):07:18
CIA-4ubiquity: * Mythbuntu Frontend:07:18
CIA-4ubiquity:  - Explicitly allow the user to progress when the graphics driver is07:18
CIA-4ubiquity:  selected. For Wubi installs that contain an NVIDIA or AMD graphics07:18
CIA-4ubiquity:  card, the installer would be stuck on this page because of being in07:18
CIA-4ubiquity:  automatic mode. This page is not shown on Non-NVIDIA or AMD systems.07:18
superm1^ i'm not sure if evan was planning another upload, so if so i'd like to sneak that in if possible.07:44
davmor2xivulon: morning08:29
xivulonarg virtualbox crashes in jaunty as soon as I load a kernel09:00
cjwatsonshtylman: I'd advise doing any work in a separate branch; it's easy to merge09:10
cjwatsonshtylman: there's no need to wait until after UDS though09:10
cjwatsonshtylman: the tricky question is how to merge the frontend implementations, given that (a) there are common methods in there (b) there are methods that need to diverge (e.g. the implementation of the language question)09:12
evand1davmor2: http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/wubi/jaunty/wubi-r127.exe - Can you give that a go?09:27
=== evand1 is now known as evand
davmor2evand1: will do just following some instructions that xivulon gave me first09:28
xivulonevand have sent you a few emails09:30
xivulonhave to go shortly09:30
xivulonsee r127, and probably we need to remove /S flag from compact. You might want to play with compact a bit from within windows09:30
xivulonIt seems that /S does not actually recurse on the last argument of the compact command, but on the current dir...09:31
xivulonhave sent a patch via email to remove /S. have to go now09:32
CIA-4wubi: evand * r128 trunk/ (debian/changelog src/wubi/backends/win32/backend.py):09:37
CIA-4wubi: Remove the /S flag from compact calls. It forces compact to run09:37
CIA-4wubi: against the current directory.09:37
evanddavmor2: http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/wubi/jaunty/wubi-r128.exe09:40
davmor2evand np's thanks09:40
davmor2evand: the lag just vanished from the install so that is fixed :)09:59
davmor2evand: it was taking like 40 minutes to install10:00
davmor2just the windows side10:00
davmor2right linux part now10:04
davmor2go on, go on little wubi install10:05
davmor2Yay coppying files10:05
xivulondavmor2 so last patch was ok right?10:57
xivuloncool, that weird dos command syntax got me10:58
davmor2xivulon: by the looks of things slangsek has already had the fix pushed too10:58
xivulonyeah noticed the comment, great10:59
xivulonps did you test 344151 (comment  4), basically there was an issue when the windows username contains non-ascii chars, hopefully should be ok11:00
davmor2I'll have a look at it now11:03
xivulonyou have to create a windows user with accented chars in the name and install from there11:04
xivulonyou should see the username box pre-filled with a sanitized version of the username with the non-ascii chars omitted11:05
davmor2xivulon: Right I'm doing phillip where the first i has two .. above it and the second has ^ above it that should do it correct?11:17
davmor2xivulon: right so it shows up in wubi as phllp is that correct behaviour?11:23
xivulonthat is as expected, otherwise it would have crashed11:23
davmor2cool in that case it works :)11:24
xivulonthanks, please comment on the bug11:24
cjwatsonI don't know about "correct", but it's better than crashing :-)11:24
cjwatson(ideal might be to attempt to transliterate to ASCII, or to fix the whole installer workflow so that non-ASCII usernames work - we have a bug for that already)11:24
xivulonby the way does the corrent locale affect the range a-z in a regex?11:25
davmor2bug 34415111:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344151 in wubi "[jaunty] Wubi crashes on startup to UnicodeDecodeError when not using English" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34415111:25
cjwatsonxivulon: yes11:25
cjwatsonxivulon: if you want "lower-case character" in a locale-sensitive way, you should use [[:lower:]]11:26
xivuloni do transform the string to lower before substituting in regex11:26
cjwatson[a-z] can give you broken results; for example in some locales it can include A-Y as well11:26
xivulonthe important thing is that it doesn't include non-ascii chars, if it is upper case it will be caught later11:27
cjwatsonit might include non-ASCII characters in some locales11:27
cjwatsonof course so might [[:lower:]]11:27
cjwatson[a-z] is probably a bit more likely to do what you want11:28
xivulonthta is what I use currently11:28
davmor2xivulon: I've added to the bug11:28
cjwatsonbut really it would be better to be more explicit (not for jaunty)11:29
davmor2cjwatson: maybe a good topic for karmic uds :)11:29
cjwatsonhardly necessary to bring up at UDS11:29
cjwatsonUDS discussions are for big complicated things not individual bugs11:29
davmor2Right so it's only me that's lost in this discussion then ;)11:30
xivulonI will fix it properly after release, that was a quick patch in an internet caffe11:31
davmor2xivulon: well I'm just running the rest of the install to ensure there are no issues11:31
xivulondavmor2 thanks a lot for everything, most useful11:32
CIA-4ubiquity: evand * r3244 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):11:32
CIA-4ubiquity: Initially set the extra autopartition options to an insensitive11:32
CIA-4ubiquity: state (LP: #362914).11:32
cjwatson.decode('ascii', 'ignore') would be one straightforward way in Python to throw away all non-ASCII characters11:33
xivulonI tried that but it failed11:33
cjwatsonmaybe you tried .encode?11:34
cjwatson>>> 'dédéd'.decode('ascii', 'ignore')11:34
xivulonah yes I used encode! bugge11:35
cjwatsonI always get confused11:35
xivulonevand not sure if you want to patch that, probably it's not worth it at this stage11:36
xivulonevand was there any progress with the signing certificate? #20483413:18
evandxivulon: checking into it now13:20
cjwatsonit was "within 24 hours" on 15 Apr13:23
cjwatsonlamont would be the guy to ask13:23
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cjwatsonevand: where should bug 363335 be reassigned?14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363335 in installation-guide "launching Emenu causes "invalid CD detected" message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36333514:57
evandcjwatson: sorted15:00
evandkirkland: I heard through the grapevine that you have a new version of kvm that was rejected for upload to ubuntu available somewhere.  Could you point me at it?  I'm having issues whereby KVM only continues working when it has focus.15:10
evandLovely.  I'm running into an issue where the installer is showing the resize widget for use_biggest_free.  It does not cause the installer to crash or make the option unusable, though.16:11
evandI'm looking into a fix16:11
CIA-4ubiquity: evand * r3245 ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs):16:23
CIA-4ubiquity: Properly reset the 'after' partition bar when switching between 'use16:23
CIA-4ubiquity: the largest continuous free space' and 'install them side by side.'16:23
evandI'm just double checking that.16:24
cjwatsonis this release-critical? images have already been rolled ...16:24
evandI don't think it's release critical, but it will look odd16:25
evandbasically, you'll get an incorrect display in the after partition bar (the resize widget with the wrong data) instead of the correct display for use_biggest_free.16:25
cjwatsonbest mention it on #ubuntu-release. I think it's probably too late unless we need to reroll for something else ...16:27
evandok, noted16:31
kirklandevand: huh?16:36
kirklandevand: that's a weird one16:36
evandI used to get it a while ago16:36
kirklandevand: btw, i had 4 kvm's that i let run for a week16:36
evandand it's back with the latest kvm version16:36
kirklandevand: i killed them after 7 days of uptime16:36
evandwow, glad to hear.  Equally I can no longer reproduce that bug.16:37
kirklandevand: that is in deed a strange one16:37
kirklandevand: can you tell me a bit more about how you're launching them?16:37
evandkvm -m 768 -boot dc -hda hda.img -hdb hdc.img -no-quit -k en-us drom jaunty-desktop-amd64-20090420.iso16:37
kirklandevand: why the -k en-us ?16:39
kirklandevand: that should not be necessary16:39
evandI think that's leftover from working around an old bug16:40
kirklandevand: yeah, i fixed that in intrepid ;-)16:40
CIA-4ubiquity: evand * r3246 ubiquity/debian/changelog: Add LP bug reference.16:43
superm1evand, so it's not likely that these last changes from today for ubiquity will make it in for gold media?  (I'm of course hoping to get the mythbuntu one in, but didn't want to raise it and cause re-rolls for everything else if it came to it)16:59
cjwatsonnot at present ...16:59
superm1would it be possible to upload the new ubiquity then to the archive and just request mythbuntu to get re-rolled with it and the others opportunistically? or is the preference to not upload it to the archive at all then?17:13
mptevand, cjwatson: Have you ever noticed <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubiquity>?17:56
cjwatsonmpt: ages ago, but in general trying to trawl through Launchpad for blueprints that we didn't write is a pointless exercise and I rarely bother18:32
mptcan't mark 'em implemented18:33
mptcan't mark 'em as duplicates18:33
cjwatson"This project uses blueprints" is disabled for ubiquity18:33
mptcan't shoot 'em18:33
cjwatsonsuperm1: we wouldn't want to have packages out of sync with the images for final release18:33
superm1cjwatson, ah i see.18:34
xivulonevand they just filed 364166, have posted a possible patch, not sure if you want to push it18:45
evandxivulon: I suggest discussing whether or not it's release critical with slangasek18:47
xivulonwill do, might be good to branch off and prepare a build though, and have davmor2 play with it, just in case18:49
davmor2xivulon: busy now :( might have time tomorrow18:55
xivulonI can only test (fairly late) tonight myself19:01

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