
ian_brasilanyone know where i can buy a babbage board?01:55
freeflyingian_brasil: is babbage being on sale?04:46
davmor2lool: you about?10:10
loolI am10:11
davmor2can you just try something quickly?  Hit the quit button and then click on cancel and see if it does anything10:13
looldavmor2: Upgrade to the latest version, that should be fixed10:13
loolnetbook-launcher (1.6.20-0ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low10:13
lool  * Add a patch cherry-picked from upstream to make the cancel button on the10:13
lool    Logout dialog work. (LP: #359908)10:13
davmor2lool: cool will do that now and try again10:14
davmor2lool: you're correct cancel now works :)12:21
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