
asacgood ia32-libs fixed13:32
asacwhats next ;)13:32
asacbug 36407413:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364074 in ia32-libs "regression - ia32-libs gtk does not find 32bit engines" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36407413:33
asacdtchen: so pulseaudio sometimes i need to start pulseaudio from command line to get working sound. does that mean it crashed? also that pulseaudio from command line still exits if it has buffer issues. is that a bug or only happens because i miss some "dont exist" switch on command line?14:27
asac(i dont have crash files for it)14:27
gnomefreakasac: can you please log into the admin page for mailing list. I left 2 that i dont understand what they mean. one is in eglish and other is in french14:58
asacgnomefreak: let me check15:05
gnomefreakasac: thanks15:05
asacgnomefreak: both rejected. we never accept mails that are not english :)15:09
asacgnomefreak: btw, thanks a lot for all your work on the moderation queue. next upload of icedove will revert the moziilla Maintainer stuff so the mail load will be reduced15:09
gnomefreakasac: moderation queue? I just got up. cnt handle big words until i wake up a bit15:11
asacgnomefreak: admindb of mailing list == moderation queue15:11
gnomefreakasac: ah ok :)15:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
asacbug 35430517:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354305 in gcc-4.3 "g++-4.3 regression, rejects valid code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35430517:06
BUGabundohi guys20:04
BUGabundoare we ready for release?20:04
asaci hope so ;)20:04
asaccurrently my bugmail folder hangs ;) ... so i cannot continue to read20:04
BUGabundodo you need mine?20:05
BUGabundoI have NM* here20:05
BUGabundoI can tar it for you20:05
asacnah ;) ... i only have mozilla related bugs in this huge mail db ;)20:06
gnomefreakasac: any plans on patching firefox 3.0.x for the right click menu bug?20:08
BUGabundowhat bug gnomefreak?20:09
* gnomefreak thinks its annouying but not really an important fix20:09
gnomefreakBUGabundo: bug 19731320:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197313 in python-central "update-manager crashed with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remove_byte_code' (dup-of: 197160)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19731320:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197160 in python-central "pycentral crashed with AttributeError in prepare()" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19716020:09
BUGabundois that the right click?20:09
gnomefreakBug 187313] Re: [MASTER] right click (with button release) mightactivate ran20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 187313 in iceweasel "[MASTER] right click (with button release) might activate random popup-menu-item" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18731320:10
BUGabundoahh tath one20:10
gnomefreakthat bug20:10
asacgnomefreak: no. it will be fixed in a few days20:10
gnomefreakasac: ok20:10
BUGabundothat's SOO  old20:10
BUGabundoI've had a friend mentioning it to me a while ago20:10
BUGabundolet me give him the good news20:10
asacsince when do we have iceweasel bugs?20:11
gnomefreakasac: any firefox branding not sure why iceweasel is mentioned though20:11
gnomefreaki will fix it20:11
asacwell. the bug has a iceweasel target20:11
asacgnomefreak: hmm. ok its not an ubuntu thing20:11
asacso keep it open20:11
gnomefreaki was going to add FF if it wasnt there already20:12
gnomefreakasac: you doing iceweasel or are we handing that off to Mike?20:13
gnomefreakwhat is Nexradix?20:14
BUGabundoasac: I already discussed this with gnomefreak a few weeks20:15
gnomefreakyou did?20:15
BUGabundois there a *good* wiki on how to debug and manually add support for20:16
asacgnomefreak: we dont care for non-ubuntu distros20:16
* gnomefreak bangs head against desk20:16
BUGabundounrecognised 3G dongles?20:16
asacgnomefreak: its just a different distro so whoever runs that distro should take care20:16
BUGabundocalm down guys... let me write it all20:16
asacno need to forward or anything20:16
BUGabundodiff subject ehehe20:16
gnomefreaksomeone is already assigned to it however im will to bet my life on he has no plans to fix this20:16
asacgnomefreak: just ignore that20:17
asacgnomefreak: its not ubuntu. its not upstream aka we dont care ;)20:17
gnomefreakgoo dpoint20:17
BUGabundoso, my question asac? is there?20:18
gnomefreakasac: in tbirds preferenves what font setting controls only the <message pane>20:19
gnomefreaksome mails read extreamly small while others are normal size :*20:19
* BUGabundo feels ignored20:19
gnomefreakBUGabundo: you are20:19
* BUGabundo asks to be pinged back, when both are available20:20
gnomefreakok i see that it is caused by unicode encoding20:22
asacBUGabundo: not sure which question you refer to20:25
asacBUGabundo: noadays almost all 3g dongles that have a driver will work20:25
asacso no. there is nothing similar easy as adding a hal-info entry, because everything that could be dealt with in hal is now automagically detected20:26
asacBUGabundo: if a modem is not detected, but the driver is loaded and so on, you should have /sys/class/tty/ttyUSB or ttyACM or other entries20:27
asacBUGabundo: run /lib/udev/nm-modem-probe --verbose --export on those paths to see if it detects GSM or CDMA capabilities20:27
BUGabundook good to know20:27
BUGabundothere is a common modem here that still doesn't work20:28
BUGabundowait wait.. .let me save those commands20:28
asacBUGabundo: there are cases where /lib/udev/nm-modem-probe works right, but NM still doesnt see them. those are usually udev bugs20:28
asacor bugs in the udev rules we ship20:28
asacbut no easy guidelines how to fix them20:28
BUGabundoso in those cases, file a bug on udev20:29
asacso buggg20:29
BUGabundoand what logs?20:29
asacBUGabundo: file them on NM first so we can pre-triage them20:29
asacBUGabundo: the output of the nm-modem-probe command is a good log20:29
asacalso complete syslog20:30
asacand output of udevadm info --query=all --path=/sys/class/tty/... --attribute-walk20:30
BUGabundois that on the NM guidelines?20:30
asacand lshal20:30
asacBUGabundo: no. please add that to the DebuggingNetworkManager page20:30
asacBUGabundo: maybe open a 3G paragrah there20:30
BUGabundocan't we put an hook on apport for that?20:30
BUGabundosince now pitti says apport "knows everything"20:31
asacthats tricky as we dont know which tty is supposed to be the right one20:31
asacwe can check that in karmic20:31
asacprobably we can do something in combination with hal20:31
BUGabundook, ill be here to remember you guys on this20:32
BUGabundobut by then, we will have nm 0.8 and the new modem manager, right'20:32
asacBUGabundo: feeel free to just add those four commands to that page ;)20:32
BUGabundoediting now20:32
asacBUGabundo: unlikely that 0.8 will be ready for karmic20:32
asacmore like 0.7.2 or .320:32
BUGabundoreally? I thought it was at good rithom upstream20:33
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakBUGabundo: what was last post you saw from me?20:34
asacBUGabundo: 0.6 to 0.7 took how long? ;)20:34
BUGabundognomefreak: wait20:35
BUGabundo(08:22:26 PM) gnomefreak: ok i see that it is caused by unicode encoding20:35
BUGabundohehe 2 years20:35
asacnot 2 years, but 20 month or so20:35
gnomefreakasac: when you add patch for right click bug can you add another patch or 2?20:35
asacgnomefreak: i dont add a patch. its landed upstream by now20:36
asacupstream kicked this into all branches20:36
gnomefreakoh in ~20:36
asacgnomefreak: what patch do you want?20:36
BUGabundohe is gone20:38
gnomefreakfont is broken damnit20:38
asacgnomefreak: which font?20:40
gnomefreakBUGabundo: what is your font set at20:40
gnomefreakasac: mainly firefox and thunderbird20:40
BUGabundofont? in pidgin ? really big, why?20:41
gnomefreakBUGabundo: everything in FF and message pane in thunderbird are really really small20:41
BUGabundodon't use TB20:41
gnomefreaksetting tbird to use western encoding shows big but ok, it always reverts back to unicode within a few seconds20:43
gnomefreakasac: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26378196@N05/3459740111/20:45
gnomefreakit seems some stay on western and others do not20:46
BUGabundoasac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager#Debugging 3G modems20:48
BUGabundois it good ?20:48
BUGabundoso that's how irrisi looks like... I have to test it some day20:49
BUGabundoasac: that info is already producing results20:57
BUGabundoa user just reported that20:57
BUGabundozte mf632 problem was hal-info,  hal set as cdma instead gsm20:58
asacgnomefreak: your screenshot doesnt look that bad21:00
asacBUGabundo: please reword that so it makes clear that the output of those commands should be attached to bugs21:01
BUGabundoasac: ok21:01
asacBUGabundo: also consider to use code blocks for the actual commands21:01
asaclike {{{21:01
asacBUGabundo: also move that below the Debugging Crashes21:02
BUGabundoasac: ok... 2nd editing21:02
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakthis is really getting old :(21:02
asacgnomefreak: is that tbird 3?21:03
gnomefreakasac: yes sorry21:04
BUGabundoasac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager#Debugging%203G%20modems better?21:07
asacBUGabundo: please remove the "file bug by instructions" or move that further to the top to a General section21:09
asacBUGabundo: the nm-modem-probe output is also supposed to be attached21:09
asacalso explain how the "..." are to be substituted21:09
asac"Some 3G modem are not detected by NM, and generally this are udev bugs. " remove that line21:09
BUGabundowith a 2 line command?21:09
asacreplace that : "in case your modem is not detected, open a bug and attach the following information:"21:10
asacBUGabundo: 2 line command? not sure what you mean21:10
BUGabundo... with both  ttys21:11
gnomefreakwordwrap is borked too21:13
BUGabundolet me finish another wiki, and ill fix all those21:16
BUGabundoohh that was not for me21:17
asacbug 34327021:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343270 in network-manager-pptp "PPTP VPN connection fails on Jaunty Beta" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34327021:26
BUGabundothere we go again...21:26
BUGabundoasac: where exaclty do you want me to move it too???21:32
asacBUGabundo: someone on top21:34
asacBUGabundo: like a second item21:34
asac"Reporting Bugs (General)"21:34
BUGabundobut that would make 3G more important then common NM debug21:34
asacBUGabundo: also tell them to use network-manager-applet if the bug is a UI issue21:35
asacBUGabundo: err. just the ubuntu-bug line21:35
asacBUGabundo: that doesnt belong to 3G21:35
BUGabundodinner is served21:36
BUGabundoI'll fix it when I come back21:36
gnomefreakits only 4:41 i guess i should start cooking21:42
* gnomefreak wonders what bug report i commented on 21:50
gnomefreakok gone to cook.21:52
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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