
tsimpsonas long as it's free, sure :p00:00
Jordan_UI am not 100 % sure it was a troll but you guys probably know better.00:00
tsimpsonbugs in ubuntu-bots down from 28 to 12, not bad00:01
tsimpson10 are wishes00:02
tsimpsonand 1 is a bug in uBOTu-fr00:02
Seeker`how is the load on ubottu now?00:02
tsimpsonit's still quite memory hungry, but that's probably because of me00:03
tsimpson306m  81m 7340 S  1.3  7.8  56:20.82 python00:04
tsimpsonall it really needs a some optimization and code clean up00:04
tsimpsonluckily no one has reported the bug "ubottu is a memory guzzling hog" yet00:05
* jussi01 goes to report it :P00:05
tsimpsonno, that's not an invitation :)00:05
* tsimpson get's the "Won't Fix" button ready00:06
mneptokjussi01: file it anyway. he prolly can't even view bugs with the RAM left available to Firefox.00:06
jussi01mneptok: ubottu is on my server00:07
Seeker`any chance of getting ubottu back in -uk rather than ubot4?00:07
tsimpsonwhat do you have against ubot4?00:08
jussi01ubottu: is not for Locos - thats the policy, if its still in locos, it will gradually be phased out00:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:08
Seeker`lag with factoids, no bantracker00:08
jussi01stupid bot00:08
Seeker`mainly the 2nd00:08
tsimpsonbantracker in loco bots could bring up some issues00:09
Seeker`tsimpson: how so?00:09
tsimpsonlike, should all loco ops have access to the logs/comments for all other loco's00:09
Seeker`I don't know00:09
Seeker`but I'm a relic from the old pre -irc days, and have access to ubottus bantracker even thought i'm only an op in -uk00:10
Seeker`I believe that a few other ops from -uk have access to the bantracker too00:10
tsimpsonthat's because I'm too lazy to clean up the access to ubottu :p00:11
jussi01Seeker`: you are a relic :D00:11
Seeker`jussi01: yup :D00:11
ubottuSomething stupid this way comes00:11
Seeker`jussi01: and you've been here longer than me :P00:12
jussi01I have?00:12
Seeker`I thought so00:12
Seeker`jussi01: I would be surprised if you haven't00:13
jussi01Seeker`: when did you "arrive"?00:13
tsimpsonI don't think so, I remember when jussi01 became a #kubuntu op00:13
jussi01tsimpson: I was around before that00:13
tsimpsonyeah, but in here?00:14
jussi01I started here when I became a #ubuntustudio op00:14
* Seeker` registered his nick before jussi0100:14
tsimpsonthat's not a "real" channel ;)00:14
Seeker`I  can't remember when I became a -uk op00:14
jussi01tsimpson: yes it is00:14
jussi01but meh, I dont care - I do actually think Seeker` has been around longer than me00:15
Seeker`hmm, bantracker doesn't store all of history00:15
jussi01Seeker`: of course not00:15
tsimpsonit stores 100 lines00:15
jussi01Seeker`: its only got from when I took it over00:15
* Seeker` was kicked and banned from here by seveas after being made a -uk op, but before Seveas realised and gave me +v00:16
jussi01!logs 00:16
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:16
tsimpsonyeah, we don't have the old  logs00:16
jussi01Seeker`: me also...00:16
FlannelSeeker`: Always a troublemaker...00:16
jussi01Flannel: a stupid trouble maker? :P00:16
tsimpsonhmm, wasn't the log bot run by seveas back then too00:16
jussi01no idea...00:17
Flannelfabbione, I believe.00:18
* mneptok nods00:19
tsimpson#ubuntu-ops wasn't logged until 2007-01-04 it seems00:19
mneptokFabio may still have those old logs. i can ssk him for them.00:19
Flannelssk... is that a new secure protocol?00:20
tsimpsonoh, while you're here jussi01 ;) want to update https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots ?00:20
jussi01tsimpson: you cant do it??00:20
tsimpson"Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page."00:21
jussi01Im just going to bed... pester some other IRCC memeber, or get me tomorrow00:21
Seeker`I was here by the end of january 2007, not sure if i was an op then or not00:21
tsimpsonjussi01: it hasn't changed in (probably) years, so a day or two doesn't matter00:22
jussi01tsimpson: :D00:22
jussi01tsimpson: also, I noticed the other day the wiki needed some updates/love - if you have time you may want to have a browse of that00:23
tsimpsonjussi01: which part(s) ?00:23
jussi01tsimpson: the bot page had a few inconsistencies - i think it still had dennis listed there and stuff, dont remember, just remember thinking I need ot get onto that00:24
tsimpsononly in the "ubotu" section (history) and the examples. but I'll give it the once over00:25
Seeker`hmm, UKTeam IRC page has me added as an op in may 07 I think00:38
jussi01Seeker`: heh - IIRC mine happened early 07... not certain tho00:41
* jussi01 _should_ go to bed now...00:42
tsimpsonI've done a quick edit of the wiki, if you want to review00:44
jussi01link me again?00:44
Flannelln jussi01 wiki00:44
* jussi01 throws Flannel out...00:45
* jussi01 sighs...00:47
jussi01[02:40:42] <Linuz2009> is ubuntu same as microsoft?00:47
FlannelThat's ignorance, not trolling.00:47
FlannelEither that, or he's been putting an awful lot of effort into gaining credibility just to troll.00:47
jussi01Flannel: no, its laziness00:48
* jussi01 really goes to bed00:49
Seeker`aha, was added to the access list here on 13th oct 200700:58
Seeker`well, given +v anyway00:58
jdongjussi01: FWIW he was in #uf asking audio questions; seemed legit to me, just a nontechnical person01:02
jdongdtchen was attempting to help him with an audio issue which he was unable to resolve.01:03
LjL[03:33:56] *** DaemonLee is now known as FloodBot4.02:34
LjL[03:34:00] *** FloodBot4 is now known as FloodBot5.02:34
LjLwth is this02:34
mikegriffinhow did i end up here? i said #ubuntu.02:55
Flannelmikegriffin: Yes, you're banned (and forwarded) here.02:56
mikegriffinoh i see. i did talk shit last time03:00
mikegriffinmystery solved03:01
mikegriffinso does ban expire after i am sorry or x years have passed?03:01
Flannelmikegriffin: The ban is removed once we discuss it and such.03:03
FlannelSorry, I'm busy for a few more minutes, then I can help you.03:03
mikegriffinsure thing03:03
mikegriffinits cool, i'll just go to ubuntu+1 as it is the same in intrepid and jaunty03:52
Flannelmikegriffin: Alright, sorry about that.03:53
mikegriffinno worries03:53
Flannelmikegriffin: So, like you already know, you were a bit rude as you left last time.03:53
FlannelObviously, we don't like that.  Are you aware of our Code of Conduct and IRC guidelines?03:54
mikegriffini was not but could have assumed that profanity was off limits03:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/03:54
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:54
FlannelIt is.  But please read over those.  Let me know when you're done.03:54
mikegriffinin my defence, i think i gave the right answer. but i do not recall the exact thing he was asking about03:55
tritiumGood evening.03:55
mikegriffinthanks guys.03:55
tritiumHmm, did he think I was dismissing him, and not just saying "hello"?03:56
FlannelOh, perhaps.03:56
tritiumSorry, if that's the case.03:57
tsimpsonwho wants to help me with the Bantracker API?04:00
FlannelAlright, I spoke with mikegriffin in a query, he now understands, agrees, etc.04:08
tritiumOh, good.04:12
FlannelApparently I was confusing.04:12
FlannelHe thought I wanted him to have already read the coc/ircg or somethign like that, and didn't want to lie about it.04:13
FlannelSo, I'll have to try to be less ambiguous in the future.04:13
tritiumYou weren't, really.04:20
ubottuunop called the ops in #ubuntu (Lando-SpacePimp)04:46
tritiumGood night, Flannel.05:04
Flannelnight tritium05:05
FlannelHi pgrosso0433, how can we help you today?05:13
pgrosso0433well havin problems with nvidia driver05:14
Flannelpgrosso0433: This channel isn't for technical support.  For that, you want #ubuntu05:14
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:19
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:19
topylihrm. +1 has absolutely nothing to do with ubuntu atm08:03
badfish69can i have my wifi unbanned now?08:07
ikoniabadfish69: hold on a moment please08:10
Myrttigood morning08:11
ikoniaMyrtti: morning08:12
ikoniabadfish69: ok - so do you know why you where banned ?08:12
ikoniacan you explain it08:16
badfish69starts at 07:2508:20
badfish69long story short, ban evasion via wifi08:21
ikoniabadfish69: do you know why you where orginally bannd08:21
badfish69for running a quote script on my desktop box08:21
badfish69that was my wired connection08:22
badfish69this is the wifi one that got banned for evading the original ban08:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:23
badfish69wrong box08:23
ikoniaso you're no longer running that script08:23
badfish69even if i was you couldnt tell in here because this is my notebook08:23
badfish69the desktop  box is drinkycrow in #ubuntu08:23
badfish69they left the ban on thsi one another day for evasion08:23
ikoniayes, I'm just reading through the notes now08:24
ikoniaI won't keep you much longer badfish69 08:29
ikoniaok, sorry, took me a few moments to go through a few things08:31
ikoniamy only questions are 1.) what was the deal with the ban evading ? 2.) do you now grasp the "stop messing around" and "control your language" in the #ubuntu channels ?08:31
badfish69i dont remember anything about language08:31
ikoniareally, you've been removed a few times for some rude language and general messing around comments08:32
ikoniathings like "badfish69 sucks cock"08:32
badfish69i jand i just figured getting around the ban would be easier than explaining it was a script on a campus network and thqat i dont run bots08:32
badfish69i didnt count on bazhogs eagle eye08:32
ikoniaok - so you knew what you you where doing and just didn't want to explain yourself08:32
ikoniajust trying to be %100 clear 08:32
badfish69oh yeah08:33
badfish69yeah pretty much08:33
ikoniaso if I was to remove the ban as dicussed with elky you did yesterday, I can assume that the language/messing around/scripts etc will not be used again08:34
badfish69im recoding it to ignore anything in freenode08:34
ikoniaand if there are any problems you'll come here and dicuss it with us rather than try to get around bans or warnings s?08:34
badfish69roger that08:34
ikoniaok, no problem08:35
ikoniatwo minutes please08:35
badfish69sure thing08:35
ikoniabadfish69: ok, the bans removed a agreed by elky and the terms you've just agreed to with me in here08:35
ikoniaeverything good ?08:35
ikoniaok, thank you, please try to remember what was said in here, it would be most appreciated to help keep the channel flowing08:36
badfish69can do08:36
badfish69take care08:36
ikonia@mark badfish69 ban removed and terms of removal set out and agreed, seemed honest and up front on this occasion08:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:36
Myrttithe bot's down?10:24
elkybutton pressed10:25
* elky hums and sips on home-brewed latte :D10:25
* tsimpson notes that the bot is out-of-date10:28
* Myrtti had some too10:29
tsimpsonubottu: reload Encyclopedia10:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:38
Myrttibolt_ *again*10:40
* Myrtti kicks ubottu10:42
Myrttielky: can you get to ubottu.com?10:45
tsimpsonit's down10:45
* Myrtti curses10:46
Myrtti@bansearch bolt_10:46
ubottuNo matches found for bolt_!n=bolt@5ad937fb.bb.sky.com in any channel10:46
ikoniahe's ban forwarded here !10:46
ikoniaI did it myself10:46
* Myrtti cannot brain today10:47
ikoniaI am %100 certain bolt_ is ban forwarded here unless someone removed it 10:47
Myrttiikonia: that would be for *!*@5ad937e6.bb.sky.com!#ubuntu-ops10:48
elky_Myrtti, dates on that would be nice10:48
zirodayHi, someone might want to keep an eye on bolt_ in #ubuntu, he's being very err evasive10:48
elky_ziroday, we are already10:48
Myrttielky_: it gets it on /bans10:48
zirodayelky_: oh sorry, do you want me to stop helping him?10:48
ikoniaMyrtti: is that him ?10:49
Myrttiikonia: I can only guess10:49
Myrttiikonia: no haz access to bt10:49
Myrttiikonia: but that's by you, on line 37 on the pastebin ^10:49
ikoniayup, I don't remember removing it because he refused to discuss it so I'm shocked that I removed it10:49
Myrttibut since his ip has changed, of course it doesn't work10:50
ikoniadoesn't matter - he's doing the same thing I warned him off last time10:50
Myrttiput it on as nick based?10:51
ikoniaI will now10:51
popeywas about to reply to him10:51
popeywith help10:51
ikoniapopey: infact you where one of the guys's he kept pm'ing10:51
popeyi was10:51
ikoniabolt_: hi, 10:52
ikoniabolt_: I've forwarded you to this channel, as I was unable to get a response out of you the last time you where in #ubuntu 10:53
bolt_oh ok10:53
bolt_how do i open exe files using wine10:54
ikoniabolt_: hang on a minute please. 10:54
ikoniabolt_: the reason you've been forwarded to this this channel is not for support but to explain that your recent behaviour in the #ubuntu channels have been distant from the guidlines / behaviour expected while in the channel10:55
ikoniabolt_: for example - do you remember me asking you to not pm people for help ?10:56
ikoniayet, straight after that, 2 more users complained of you PM'ing them ?10:57
bolt_err i' dont but Joey does10:57
ikoniawhat ?10:57
ikoniawho is "joey" ?10:57
bolt_my robot pal10:58
popeyis this the point where bolt_ pretends to be a dog again?10:58
ikoniaok - this conversation ends then10:58
ikoniaI'm not discussing this with a one sided dicussion 10:58
bolt_oy popey i was being truful10:58
ikoniabolt_: please come back when you want to discuss this issue normally - without references to robots/dogs/anyone else10:59
elky_bolt_, i'll believe it when your robot pal has cleaned my apartment.11:00
* elky_ raises an eyebrow at ikonia, wondering if shes been disconnected.11:02
ikoniano no - youre there11:05
ikoniaelky_: I can see you11:05
biosý õòî?11:05
ikoniabolt_: if there is nothing else you need at this time, please leave the channel 11:05
ikoniabios: can you speak English ?11:05
elky_funny way to prove it.11:06
biosnot speak English11:06
elky_ikonia, see the .ua, he's from the russian channel, i'm going to guess11:06
elky_bios, you have problem in #ubuntu-ru?11:07
elky_bios, go to #ubuntu-irc please. russian ops there.11:07
biosthenck you11:07
bioselky_: wot you name?11:08
elky_bios, Mel.11:09
elky_bios, what your name?11:09
biosmay nem vova11:09
bioslive in Ua11:09
bioselky_: freends =)11:10
bioselky_: ok?11:11
elky_bios, live in australia.11:11
bioselky_: =)11:11
bioselky_: os Ubuntu?11:12
ikoniaelky_:  - I was being stupid, for some reason I read .ua as .au 11:12
elky_ikonia, heh.11:12
elky_bios, your friend is iwmw?11:12
ikonia@mark bolt__ #ubuntu ban evading11:13
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:13
elky_bios, what is problem with russian channel? is iwmw problem?11:14
tsimpsonikonia: marks are pointless11:15
ikoniatsimpson: oh?11:15
ikoniatsimpson: ljl was encouraging to put a mark in for things like that11:15
tsimpsonit's adding a mark to an outdated database11:15
ikoniadidn't realise it was on the other db 11:15
bioselky_: latynoyu wrote11:15
tsimpsonikonia: and if you kick/remove, it's extra pointless11:16
tsimpsonas that already adds an entry11:16
ikoniatsimpson: yup, just putting the comment, just something ljl was trying to put in practice11:16
elky_tsimpson, it's not always obvious with ban evasion kicks11:16
tsimpsonyou can comment directly from IRC11:16
tsimpson@help comment11:17
ubot4`tsimpson: Error: There is no command "comment".11:17
ubottu(comment <id> [<comment>]) -- Reads or adds the <comment> for the ban with <id>, use @bansearch to find the id of a ban11:17
bioselky_: did understand what I wrote?11:17
elky_bios, no. what is latynoyu?11:17
bioslatynoyu -abcd11:18
ikoniatsimpson: that's cool to know11:18
biosand needed it was àáñä11:18
biosa font was not that11:20
biosikonia: understand?11:21
ikoniabios: I'm really sorry - I don't speak russian11:21
elkybios, sorry, i do not understand.11:21
* Myrtti wishes bazhang was awake11:22
ikoniayes, that would be handy, "da"11:23
bioswell all right nichevo ) chtoto pidumayu pasiba after ðóäç11:23
ikoniahas anyone got russian charset on that can do a rough bablefish ?11:23
biosikonia: good bay11:24
biosikonia: fencs11:24
bolt__this one again11:25
bolt__*bolt is sad11:25
bolt__look he wants to be pmed ok11:27
bazhangwhats up Myrtti 11:27
bolt__bazhang youre here 11:28
bazhangis it yaa_?11:28
ikoniabolt__: bye - come back when you want to discuss your behaviour without pointless references11:28
ikoniabolt__: evading a ban will not be tollerated11:28
bazhanghe was warned not to play around in #ubuntu yesterday, had to remove him again today11:28
Myrttibazhang: bios had some issues, but none of us speak Russian...11:28
bazhangMyrtti, okay11:29
bolt__bazhang noone knows anything about my probloms11:29
ikoniabolt__: this channel is to discuss your behaviour in #ubuntu channels - not resolve your issues11:30
bolt__you can shut up ikonia11:31
bazhangbolt__, stop that11:32
bolt__bazhang your not helpful11:32
ikoniabolt__: Please come back when you can discuss the issue properly11:32
Myrttibolt__: you're not helping yourself11:32
bazhangbolt__, why are you in this channel11:32
elky_he's here because he's being a naughty boy.11:33
bolt__shut up elky11:33
bazhangbolt__, telling people to 'shut up' will just extend your ban11:33
MyrttiI will not tolerate demands for "shut up" again11:34
MyrttiI've had enough of those today, and I'm not getting any mellower here11:34
elky_bolt__, that does not mean you /msg me 'STFU'11:35
bolt__oh man give me a break11:36
Myrttibolt__: this channel is not for troubleshooting or helping you with your ubuntu problems. This is to discuss what you are doing wrong in IRC, especially on #ubuntu channels11:36
ikoniaI'm not lifting this ban until bolt_ a.) stops trying to ban evade b.) can discuss this properly in this channel. I'm not discussing it any further until those two requirments are met11:36
Myrttiif we can discuss it throughly and get an agreement, you *may* be allowed back to the channels you were trying to join11:37
bolt__lets start 11:38
bolt__*bolt is calm11:38
bolt__i'm ready11:39
bolt__why am i band11:41
elkyikonia, you already know why11:43
elkyer, bolt__ you already know why.11:43
bazhangbolt__, not following channel rules11:43
bolt__oh yeah11:43
bolt__so lets get this dicussed11:45
bolt__now what happens11:46
MyrttiFWIW, I've seen you ignoring responses given to you, repeat your questions over and over again, pm'ing people randomly...11:46
Myrttiand you've been warned about that multiple times11:47
Myrttinow the question is, are we safe to believe you don't have to be warned about those again11:50
Myrttior is it going to be a problem again11:50
bolt__the person i'm PMing wants to be pmed11:51
Myrttipopey: did you want to be pm'd?11:51
Myrttielky: did you?11:51
bolt__hes not in this room11:52
bolt__well not popey or elky11:53
bolt__thay didnt11:53
elky_Myrtti, i certainly did not want to get STFU11:53
bolt__elky: soz11:54
bazhangbolt__, no.11:55
elky_bolt__, i accept your apology.11:55
elky_bolt__, popey is in the room actually11:56
bazhangbolt__, you PM'ed me multiple times as well.11:57
bolt__you didnt say anything11:57
bolt__how do i know you don't want to be pmed when you don't tell me you don't11:58
Myrttiby default, it's not appreciated11:58
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:58
bazhang* [yaa_] (n=yaa@ yaa  now in #k; have an eye on him11:59
bolt__now what happens12:01
bazhangbolt__, a couple of points12:02
bolt__join/channel #kubuntu12:03
bazhangbolt__, dont PM without asking, some find it rude. don't use the enter key after one or two words.  post your question then wait for 15-20 minutes before re-posting it; while you wait you can websearch and use ubuntuforums.org for help with your problem12:03
bazhangbolt__, one more thing; some may not know the answer, dont call them idiot or blind as a bat, etc if they dont know.12:04
bazhangread the code of conduct and the guidelines ; I will give you a link in a moment12:05
bazhang!coc | bolt__ 12:05
ubottubolt__: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/12:05
bazhang!guidelines | bolt__ 12:05
ubottubolt__: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:05
bazhangbolt__, you need to actually click the links and read them, not just say 'ok'12:06
ubottubazhang: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/12:08
bazhangbolt__, ??12:08
bolt__i red it12:09
bolt__what happens now12:11
bolt__i get it12:13
bolt__yeah 12:14
bolt__no PMing without saking bla bla got it12:15
bolt__yeah what12:16
bazhangbolt__, you dont seem to be taking this to heart. dont type two words and enter.12:16
bazhang<bolt__> no PMing without saking bla bla got it12:16
bolt__i get it12:17
bazhangbolt__, if the operator who banned you feels you are ready to re-join then he or she will lift the ban.12:17
bazhangUuu, how may we help you12:18
bolt__it was ikonia12:18
bolt__whos not here12:19
Uuubazhang: thanks, I want only to observe this channel for a while :)12:19
bazhangUuu, if you dont have business here please dont idle thanks12:19
elky_Uuu, that's not a good idea. it can get really nasty in here.12:19
bolt__nothing mutch is happening12:20
UuuI read "Attempts to edit the bot by unauthorized users will be forwarded to #ubuntu-ops for review so they can be submitted to the ops for review and added if appropriate." and was interested of what can people do ;] but it seems that this command is not used often12:23
Uuubtw: why there's no 'seen' command?12:24
Uuuand: seenserv12:24
UuuubottuError: unresolvable <alias> to seen12:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Uuu said: ubottuError: unresolvable <alias> to seen12:24
Myrttiubottu doesn't have that, no. and it's very unlikely it ever will, as it would be more of a network issue, not ours to solve12:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:25
Uuuubottu, you loud mouth! :D12:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:25
Myrttiyou can bug your friends to register to nickserv, then you can use nickserv info to get that information12:25
Myrttis/register/register and identify/12:25
Uuuyes, i used that and learnt that a men I talked yesterday or so was 3 years on the channel ;] (ubottu, please repeat what I said ;])12:26
Myrttiwas there anything else?12:28
Uuuyes, #ubuntu and the family is a huge&big channel (1-day txt log has ~0,5 MB),  so such modification can make the traffic much bigger12:30
UuuMyrtti, it said: ... wait a second second ;]12:30
UuuMyrtti, http://pastebin.com/d78099db912:33
MyrttiUuu: too bad.12:34
Myrttisorry but we cannot help you more12:34
Uuuno too bad, I think it's not a bug rather than he was not registered, or it was another person12:36
Uuusorry, I don't want to waste you time, I just answered for "was there anything else?"12:36
Uuuhave much fun in developing Ubuntu :)12:36
UuuOK, killing idle process :) bye12:37
elky_wow, bip just spat out a 15 minute backlog12:41
* popey returns12:43
popeysorry I wasnt about for the bolt thing12:43
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore12:43
bazhang* [en|gma] (i=gizmo@free.dancing.bot.at.shellium.org): gizmo@bruneichat12:44
bazhangvery familiar12:44
elky_popey, feel free to coach him in replacing smoke alarm batteris or whatever he's up to12:44
elky_bazhang, shellium is a shell provider. there's a zillion shellium bans on freenode12:45
bazhangelky_, I meant gizmo, aka omzig and others12:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:45
popey11:51:29 <+Myrtti> popey: did you want to be pm'd?12:46
popeyno, for the record12:46
bazhangSorry, bantracker is not available for anonymous users :/12:46
bazhangready to remove bolt_ if he keeps asking about his fire alarm in #ubuntu12:51
ikoniadid someone lift the ban on bolt ?12:52
ikoniaok, just so I know, I was going to remove if not12:53
bazhanghe's saying its ubuntu related because its 'pc software'12:53
bazhangweird. cant get into the tracker12:57
* elky_ squirms about le_chuck's wording in -ot13:11
jussi01ubottu: test13:15
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.13:15
bazhangstill the bt sees me as anonymous though I have logged in13:17
bazhang* [abra] (n=abra@loft1436.serverloft.com): abra  <--grow-as-apple13:32
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.13:32
bazhangI cant get into the bt :(13:33
bazhanga7a, you were banned for flooding the channel with nonsense13:33
a7aim new13:34
bazhanga7a, then you ban evaded 3 times13:34
a7ai dont know any tging13:34
bazhanga7a, you were able to switch IP address very fast.13:35
bazhanga7a, yes13:37
a7aplease forget me13:38
bazhanga7a, dont ban evade.13:38
a7abut how you ban me13:38
bazhanga7a, I told you; for flooding the channel with nonsense and refusing to stop.13:39
a7aso 13:39
a7ayou let me back13:39
bazhanga7a, no.13:39
Myrttiwill you continue flooding nonsense?13:39
bazhanga7a, then you ban evaded three times.13:40
a7aim so sorry13:40
a7aim only need help13:40
bazhanga7a, come back in 48 hours13:40
a7aand no one answer me13:40
a7aoh no13:40
bazhanga7a, and dont ban evade in that time.13:40
Myrtti!patience | a7a 13:40
ubottua7a: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:40
bazhanga7a, see you in 48 hours.13:41
elky_i'm glad to see ikanobori hasnt scared any more women away13:54
Picielky_: I think you may have spoken too soon13:54
bazhang@mark #ubuntu abra  is grow-as-apple , groovyorange , etc14:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:18
elkyoh really?14:20
ikoniabazhang: fyi: ubottu is pointing at an old database so no point marking14:22
elky_ikonia, we can retrieve stuff from logs at a later point14:28
elky_the @ mark and stuff is unique enough to grep for14:28
ikoniagood point14:28
ubottuIn ubottu, histo said: !autologin is To enable autologin in ubuntu please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin14:39
PiciSo why are we pointed at an old ubottu db?14:40
elky_ask jussi01 when he returns14:40
ikoniagravityreloaded is playing dumb to be a pain 14:58
geniijussi has been having server issues, probably the current bot db machine is offline14:59
geniiHm.  nickserv/chanserv/memo blackout for a bit.15:21
popeyfor some reason I can't picture a finnsh accent saying "shite"15:23
ikoniaeverytime I hear a finish acccent as a word - I think australian accent thanks to jussi01 15:23
Myrttiikonia: come to London on thursday, I'll give you a sample of the real one15:25
ikoniaI maybe there on the 23rd/24th15:26
Myrttiikonia: the release party is on 23rd at the Warwick15:26
MyrttiI'm taking two days off to be there15:26
ikoniaI'm thinking of the London one to buy popey a drink 15:28
ikoniaironiclly I'm about 15 miles from Warick at the moment15:28
popeybuy _me_ a drink!?15:30
popeysurely I owe you one?15:30
ikoniano no, I'm happy to put hand in pocket15:30
ikoniawe can buy each other15:30
ikoniaI intend to have more than one drink15:31
popeyoh gwan then15:31
popeygwan gwan gwan15:31
ikoniaunless there is a leagal limit15:31
ikoniaor COC limit15:31
popeysabdfl owes me a couple from the last release party15:32
popeynot counting the last couple of UDS's he paid for me to go to of course ;)15:32
popeyand the boxes of CDs, T-shirts, lanyards, stickers..15:32
* Myrtti will drink all the J2O's bought15:32
ikoniadoes J20 have alchohol in ?15:33
Myrttiikonia: nope15:33
ikoniaah, thought not15:33
Myrttiafter several years of research I've concluded alcohol and me are incompatible15:35
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Myrttiand I don't want to waste the Friday hiding from the monsters in middle of London in a hotel when I could be sightseeing15:36
Myrtti(plus D doesn't drink)15:38
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (zixt)15:45
ikoniaPricey: to quick, thank you15:46
ikonia"too" that should have been16:19
Flannelubottu tell bitshuffler about components16:21
geniiHm. BT is offline?16:22
Picigenii: I don't think the version of ubottu thats in the channels is the same as the one that drives the BT.16:22
Myrttiamong other things16:22
genii(I'm getting "Not available for anonymous users" from the link off ubottu PM for @btlogin16:23
Flannelgenii: delete (all) of your cookies16:24
Flannelwell, ubottu related cookies16:24
Flanneland then try again16:24
geniiHm, OK16:24
geniiGotta go work /away anyhow, I'll try again later16:25
PiciThe ubottu thats in the channels is not the one thats connected to the BT, so requesting a session ID won't add it to the database that the real BT uses.16:25
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (orgthingy ban griping despite being asked to stop)17:39
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (marcusdavidus persistantly going off about being banned)17:39
ikoniait is marcusdavidus not orgthingy that was a typo 17:40
PiciHe seems to have stopped.17:43
PiciMyrtti: sorry, mistab.17:46
ikoniais a7a still banned in #ubunt u18:18
ikoniaa7a you're caught ban evading again - you can't follow the rules 18:20
ikonia@bansearch a7a18:20
ubottuMatch: *!*@!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Apr 20 2009 17:14:18 (ID: 8909)18:20
a7ai need talke my friend18:20
a7ai need some help in linux18:20
ikoniaa7a: this conversation is over18:21
ikoniaa7a: you where explained that you where banned earlier, for ban evading18:21
ikoniaand you've just done it again18:21
a7aand what happen when i do it agine18:21
ikoniaI'll just inform freenode about it and they can deael with you18:22
ikoniadeal with you18:22
ikoniaArtha: how can we help ?18:22
Arthasorry click on the link by mistake18:23
ikoniaa7a: please don't pm me - if you have something to say about your ban please say it in here18:24
ikoniaPici: thanks !18:25
Piciikonia: np18:25
ikoniathought I'd corrected it and just done the same again18:25
ikoniaa7a: if there is nothing else - please leave the channel18:26
=== a7a is now known as ahmed
ahmedi need help19:03
=== ahmed is now known as Guest82260
topyliGuest82260: how can we help you19:04
Guest82260i have proplem with updata19:05
topyliGuest82260: sorry but we only help with ubuntu irc channel operator issues19:06
Guest82260hey you there19:06
PiciGuest82260: You've been banned from #ubuntu and you know that. 19:06
topyliGuest82260: weren't you here earlier today?19:06
PiciGuest82260: I believe that ikonia has already explained this to you a few times.19:06
Guest82260i dont care19:06
topyliGuest82260: that makes  things very problematic for you19:07
Guest82260so what shoud i do19:07
topylii think your best option in the near-term future is to seek help on the ubuntu forums19:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, cwillu said: ubottu, teadict is not that pretty19:08
topyliGuest82260: please leave the channel now, as we cannot help you with your ban at this time19:10
topyliGuest82260: please don't idle here19:16
PiciI removed the forward for him.19:21
Seeker`i think i may cut off my hand20:01
Seeker`at least it would stop it hurting20:01
jussi01Seeker`: can I, Can I? :D20:02
Seeker`jussi01: go on then20:05
Seeker`eugh, right index finger keep twitching20:05
Seeker`and wrist hurts20:05
* jussi01 takes a meat cleaver... and thinks of "crank"20:06
Seeker`no idea what i can do to make this better20:07
jussi01Seeker`: hurt your other hand to distract you...20:07
Seeker`jussi01: not sure that would help20:10
jussi01Seeker`: hehe20:11
FlannelSeeker`: What'd you do to it?20:20
Seeker`Flannel: spent far too much time using a mouse I suspect20:24
* jussi01 wonders why Seeker` is still typing...20:25
Seeker`a) typing isn't using a mouse20:25
Seeker`b) i have 2 hands20:25
Seeker`take your pick :P20:26
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
topylii hate this time of day when american teenagers return from school and get on -ot20:36
FlannelEh? it's only 1230!20:36
topylioh, so they get *to* school and irc from there20:36
jussi01topyli: lunchtime :P20:37
topyliperfect time to discuss how osx is bsd and shiny, and how much uptime their 1-user servers have20:37
Flanneltopyli: that discussion was on loads.  I'm... sort of surprised that they have a 0.00 x3 load server, that takes.. well, I suppose not using your computer.20:38
topyliof course, also the time when i'm tired late in the evening and can't watch that20:38
topyliFlannel: should help when building those uptimes!20:39
FlannelI need to get around to rebooting mine actually.20:40
FlannelBeing on Hardy means I actually have kernel updates every month or so.20:40
jussi01light up, light up, as if you have a choice, even if you cannot hear my voice...  louder, louder and we'll run for our lives20:41
* jussi01 continues singing horribly :D20:41
topyliwhat the hell is that? skid row?20:42
jussi01topyli: the song? or my voice?20:42
topylihehehe. the song :)20:42
topylii won't reveal your secret skid row career20:43
jussi01topyli: its snow patrol20:43
topylihmmm never heard of them. probably one of those 21th century things20:43
jussi01topyli: rofl20:44
jussi01topyli: http://www.snowpatrol.com/20:46
jussi01I think we need a factoid that just says... Lets move on now...20:48
* jussi01 attempts to redirect the conversation20:50
jussi01topyli: rofl...20:50
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ikonia @bansearch badfish22:45
ikonia@bansearch badfish6922:45
ubottuNo matches found for badfish69!n=deadbody@ in any channel22:45
jussi01ikonia: whats going on with badfish?22:48
ikonianothing at all, I removed ban on him and just wanted to make sure I'd got them all22:48
ikoniawasn't sure if I'd left one on +122:49
Picijussi01: Is the bot working properly now?22:54
jussi01Pici: Im not certain of its status atm. Im away, and tsimpson is handling it hopefully.22:55
Picijussi01: okay22:55
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
LjLmy server's PSU fan has failed, i'm turning everything off23:21
* Seeker` wonders what "everything" is23:27
popeyxcdfgkjhgcv is back in -uk23:29
LjLthe fan wasn't actually dead, but it doesn't look good either, i think i'll turn it off for tonight, shouldn't really be a problem for the other two floodbots23:33

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