
BSEI have 1 gig swap and as you said, rarely using any :)00:11
histoGod annoying bug with xfce4-terminal alt+2 stops working all th etime in the terminal for somereaosn.02:05
histoMakes switching between windows annoying02:05
Kimiwhen i open browser or xchat04:09
Kimiits not showing up in04:09
Kimitask bar04:09
Kimihelp me04:09
Kimianyone online ??04:14
Moodieris there a consolidated page with changes/additions from 8.10 to 9.04?05:55
Moodieri dunno if i should upgrade when it becomes official...06:06
forcesfor xubuntu06:07
cody-somerville9.04 has a new version of Xfce06:08
forcesxfce 4.6, ext4 support, linux 2.6.28...06:08
forcesopenoffice 306:08
forcesi will install as soon as will be released06:08
Moodierhmm... is there an official list somewhere?06:08
Moodieri cannot find it on ubuntu.com or google06:09
forceslook in www.xubuntu.org06:09
forceswww.ubuntu.com have a list06:09
Moodieris .org official? the nub/ugly design looks somewhat suspicious...06:09
cody-somervilleugly design?06:10
Moodierubuntu.org does not look related to the ubuntu linux project... is it related?06:11
cody-somervilleubuntu.org is indeed06:11
cody-somervilleMoodier, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/JauntyJackalope/RC for the release candidate announcement06:11
forcesMoodier, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904overview06:12
Moodierahh, cool. thanks cody-somerville and forces. i see the highlights of changes06:13
Moodierubuntu.org does indeed look ugly however -- and somewhat unrelated to their linux project06:13
Moodierdo you know when the RC is going to move into production?06:14
Moodieri thought it was supposed to be several days ago...06:14
forces4 days06:19
Moodierforces: kewl06:19
Moodierif i were to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04, but i had uninstalled Listen, will Listen be re-installed again after the upgrade?06:21
Moodieror for that matter, anything else i had uninstalled from 8.1006:21
Moodieri also made modifications to the font colors (i.e. Abiword)... will those changes remain if i upgrade to 9.04?06:23
zoredachehow did you make changes to the font colors?06:30
zoredacheif you changed something in /etc, or /home your changes should be touched06:31
Moodieri had to change ~/.gtkrc-2.0 -- so that will remain untouched upon upgrade?06:32
Moodier"your changes should be touched" -- not sure what that means06:33
zoredachesorry, was thinking backwards..06:40
cody-somervilleMoodier, are your personal settings will be retained06:40
zoredachethe upgrade shouldn't break anything under ~/06:40
Moodierwhat about custom uninstallations from the base xubuntu 8.10 original distro? will those be re-installed?06:41
zoredachedid you have to remove the xubuntu-desktop package to uninstall things?06:41
Moodierhmmm.... i don't think so.. i used sudo apt-remove specific packages06:42
Slonkie!hi | Hetor_07:24
ubottuHetor_: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!07:24
=== Roonux__ is now known as Roonux
chewitXfce 4.6.1 is out. Will it be uploaded to Jaunty's updates?09:07
bambam_anyone in here usin e17?09:25
askandHi! Currently xubuntu shows the folder Deskop on the Desktop, how do I get it to show the folder Skrivbord (desktop in Swedish) instead?11:46
Lusule_hi there :)  i'm trying to create a live-disk for xubuntu from the iso in windows, but I only have dvd-rw disks and i can't find a dvd iso anywhere, will it still work okay if i use the cd iso?12:25
tavastiLusule_, I think cd iso should be ok12:30
Lusule_thanks :)12:32
cyloniaHi all, having trouble getting eth0 interface working, lost it on 2 laptops a couple of days ago after an update .. both machines running xubuntu 8.10 .. is it normal that "ifconfig -a" reports eth0 as UP and nm-applet show "no network connection" ?12:37
Moodiercylonia: that's happened to me before -- could be that wired/wireless option is not checked in nm-applet13:05
cyloniaMoodier: yes, i double-checked that, enable networking is checked13:06
Moodiercylonia: does ping work?13:08
cyloniaMoodier: yes it does, i also lost keyboard/touchpads on both laptops at the same time as the wired connection, so i had to check in tty, but it does ping allright13:11
cylonialynx works as well in tty, seems like network-manager is acting strangely, going to reinstall it and see what gives, thx moodier13:14
Moodiercylonia: if you lost keyboard, touchpad, and wired connection simultaneously, something is seriously wrong w/ your system -- it's not simply an ethernet issue13:14
Moodiercylonia: try a sudo apt-get update and upgrade13:15
cyloniaMoodier: ok thx, trying ...13:15
cyloniaMoodier: can't say i fully understand why, but network connection is up and working, although nm-applet shows "no connection" .. thanks for your help :)13:22
Moodiercylonia: did you try sudo apt-get update and upgrade?13:23
cyloniaMoodier: yes, it works13:24
cyloniajust received an update, so now only the keyboard/touchpad issue remains13:24
Moodiercylonia: those commands checks to see if you have any missing dependencies or outdated software and installs them13:24
Moodiercylonia: did your keyboard/touchpad ever work? if it broke, what were you doing when it broke?13:25
cyloniaMoodier: okay, it didn't report missing dependencies, both laptops were running fine for over a year on xubuntu so yes it worked before .. things broke after an update of pulseaudio and tzdata two days ago13:26
cyloniaMoodier: although i wouldn't think pulseaudio would mess with network configuration would it ?13:27
Moodiercylonia: not sure13:28
Moodiercylonia: i wouldn't think so13:29
cyloniaMoodier: i already checked for possible bugs on the latest pulseaudio update on launchpad, nothing related showed up indeed13:29
Moodiercylonia: does your keyboard/trackpad completely not work at all?13:29
cyloniaMoodier: both work in tty's but not in X13:30
Moodiercylonia: could be a problem with xfce then13:30
Moodierhow are you starting X?13:30
cyloniaMoodier: via gdm running a regular xfce session13:31
Moodiercylonia: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104067713:33
cyloniaMoodier: i thought the newer Xorg configured keyboard/touchpad etc. via HAL ? going over some documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/InputHotplug .. looking into your link thank you13:34
Moodiercylonia: you can also try reconfiguring xserver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:37
Moodiercylonia: if you want to brush up on it, read http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/how_to_fix_your_computers_graphics_with_dpkg-reconfigure13:38
cyloniaMoodier: okay, looks like i need to read up on things, thanks again for your help :)13:39
Moodiercylonia: np13:40
RuadhHi all14:56
Kimimy xubuntu wubi cannot access windows drives D E and F15:07
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Pres-GasHey all.15:36
Pres-GasIs power management with straight xubuntu different than ubuntu?  I cannot seem to get my lappy to sleep on lid close with the RC of xubu.15:37
Pres-GasI thought I set it in xubu's power settings.15:38
cody-somervillePres-Gas, it should work15:53
Pres-Gascody-somerville, do you think it needs a restart?15:55
cody-somervillePres-Gas, won't hurt :)15:56
Pres-GasIt just so happens that I have it off...so I guess it is a delayed restart  ;)15:56
gorgutHey guys, i'm trying to use the NX web-interface plugin... how do I create a session file?15:56
Pres-GasThis is my first ragin' full on xubu install.  I usually install Ubu (for support purposes) and then put xubu on top of that.15:57
FelineMonstrositI have a problem - can anyone help me?16:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:28
FelineMonstrositmy resolution was weird when I booted up today so I corrected it by adjusting my CRT monitor. However it's now all distorted and I've tried running Freeciv and Wormux and their windows are both too big to fit on the screen and I can't find any way around this problem. help?16:29
FelineMonstrositI'm quite sure my resolution was higher before (1024*768 I think) but the highest I can get it is 960*54016:31
Pres-GasFelineMonstrosit, if you do (from the terminal) "xvidtune -show" it will output what your current resolution is.  You don't have to run it as admin.16:38
FelineMonstrositRight now it's 960*600. Is there any way I can set it maunally?16:42
Pres-GasFelineMonstrosit, can you go into the settings manager and then select Display and bump it up that way?16:44
FelineMonstrositLike I said the highest it will let me set it is 900*54016:45
Pres-GasFelineMonstrosit, what is your graphics card?16:46
FelineMonstrositdunno. pretty bad I'm sure - this is an old computer. how can I check?16:47
Pres-GasFelineMonstrosit, try lspci16:51
FelineMonstrositHm. I don't understand (I'm afraid I'm very new to ubuntu)16:54
Pres-GasYou will have to run the command "lspci|less" in the terminal and look for something like "VGA compatible controller"16:56
Pres-GasOkay, I don't seem to have jre running on my machine even though it is installed via xubuntu-restricted-extras17:01
Pres-GasI see the openjdk jre installed17:02
FelineMonstrosit"VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter"17:03
chewitXfce 4.6.1 is out. Will it be uploaded to the Jaunty Updates?17:07
Pres-GasOkay, FelineMonstrosit, I would do a google search with:  Silicon Integrated Systems 65x/M650/740 linux resolution17:08
Pres-Gassee what pops up17:08
Pres-Gas...unless someone here chimes in...you could also try the #ubuntu channel17:09
charlie-tcachewit: I think that is the plan right now. It won't make the final release, since their is not enough time.17:09
Hetortalking about Xfce...17:09
chewitah ok17:09
Pres-GasFelineMonstrosit, tell them the card make and model...17:09
Hetorif I upgrade my Xfce 4.4 installation to 4.6, will my settings work properly?17:09
charlie-tcano, Hetor. There are complete configuration changes.17:09
Hetoroh noes17:10
HetorI have spend 30 minutes of my life in vine :|17:10
Lusule_hi there :) i have a small problem, I was fiddling with my panel, tried moving the icon list from one panel to another and all my panels seem to have disappeared, i can't get htem back and choosing the 'panel' settings doesn't do anything anymore17:10
Hetorso... themes for 4.4 won't work too? :'(17:11
charlie-tcaI don't "vine", but maybe those are going to work.17:11
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/17:11
charlie-tcaThemes should still work17:11
charlie-tcabut if you upgrade and try to keep the ~/.config, it breaks17:11
Lusule_thanks charlie-tca that fixed it :)17:12
charlie-tcaLusule_: You are welcome17:12
Hetorhow sad to hear it after I've just ended decorating my Xfce desktop17:13
HetorI'll have to redo everything again... that sucks17:13
charlie-tcaSorry, but the good news is 8.10 is valid for another year!17:13
HetorI gonna upgrade to 9.04 anyway17:14
charlie-tcaI am using it. I think it is way better than 8.1017:14
Hetornot a fan of beta testing17:14
HetorI prefer stable releases17:15
charlie-tcafinal should be out thursday17:15
Hetoryeah I know17:15
charlie-tcaTesting has been fun... my system only went down a little bit, and broke for just a few days at a time.17:15
Hetorwill beta testers be able to upgrade to final realease?17:16
charlie-tcaAs long it is kept upgraded, it is automatic17:16
noumaanI want to test some translations on XFCE I am using ubuntu 8.10 with gnome and xfce both. How do I check these translations?17:23
noumaanI have copied the files to /usr/share/locale/ur folder already but during the login my language is not in the list of languages even though I have installed support for it from System > Administration > Language support17:24
Hetoruhh, client crashed17:24
magaioHow can I sort the icons on the Desktop?18:29
magaioin XFCE?18:31
Slonkie!hi | kromar18:37
ubottukromar: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!18:37
kromari had a problem with blender which locked everything and i had to power off the computer to get it running again. now it wont open anymore, i tried reinstalling it but it doesent help:( any idea how to fix this?18:38
CppIsWeirdhow do i clear out a saved session for logging on?18:41
Lusule_how come I can't find the Opera browser in synaptic?18:43
kromarasked myself the same question... just download it from their page18:44
kromarif you already installed it you can find it in the "installed (local or obsolete)" section18:46
kromarnobody knows how to fix the blender problem?18:46
Pres-GasLusule_, did you enable the partner repos in the Third_Party software tab?18:48
charlie-tca!info opera18:49
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in intrepid18:49
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, yeah, just saw that as well18:49
Lusule_Pres-Gas, ah no, I shall have to look into that, thanks18:49
Pres-GasLusule_, it may not be there...you may have to install it direct from their site18:50
Lusule_i find it weird that they don't have opera, anyone know the reason?18:50
charlie-tcaand opera was not in Hardy18:50
Lusule_charlie-tca, i've been using gentoo for ages18:50
charlie-tcaI don't know  if it was in 7.10 or not.18:51
charlie-tcaIs opera being maintaing?18:51
Lusule_appears so from the webpage, they've got tonnes of cool new stuff18:51
charlie-tcaMaybe it was not for a while, or it was broken bad for a while. Now it would need a maintainer to package it.18:52
Lusule_i remember it being a bit crap in the past, looks like some professional company has now taken an interest18:52
Lusule_because i've been using it for a while and it's fantastic18:52
kromarhow can i get blender starting again?18:54
kromarhow can i start blender with a custom window size? for example 1024x768?19:40
PhotoguyYeah, kromar needs help..19:41
PhotoguySomeone help him please.19:41
knomePhotoguy, ehem?19:41
Photoguyknome, What?19:41
PhotoguyPM me...there is something wrong.19:42
knomenot really19:42
Caffeinehow do I get Xfce 4.6.1 installed in Xubuntu 9.04? Is there a repository with the latest packages?19:43
knomeCaffeine, not yet at least.19:43
charlie-tcaCaffeine: it is not packaged yet for xubuntu19:43
Caffeinetoo bad :(19:43
charlie-tcaWhat are the important changes?19:43
knomecharlie-tca, bigger di... version number19:44
charlie-tcakromar: you may need to ask in #ubuntu, they will have more users19:44
Caffeinewhen the packages are ready, will an installation instruction published on xubuntu.org?19:44
charlie-tcaknome: that is what I was thinking, too19:44
charlie-tcaCaffeine: what are the important changes?19:44
Caffeinecharlie-tca, mostly bugfixes19:44
knomekromar, or #blender19:44
charlie-tcaWhen it is ready, it will probably be updated in Xubuntu 9.0419:45
Caffeinecharlie-tca, see http://www.xfce.org/documentation/changelogs/4.6.119:45
knomeCaffeine, we know.19:45
knomeCaffeine, charlie-tca wanted to know if there if was some specifig bug fix you need?19:45
charlie-tcaI just wanted to know what was so important, to get to it as soos as possible?19:45
Caffeineoh, i see19:45
Caffeineno :) just love bleeding edge ;)19:46
charlie-tcaSo, are you running jaunty?19:46
charlie-tcaGive us about two months, you will have karmic to play with19:47
Caffeineok, to be honest, most time I wait until the final release. With jaunty however I couldn't resist and installed the beta19:47
Caffeinealphas are a no-go for me however19:48
charlie-tcaalphas are bleeding edge.19:48
knomepre-alpha is over the edge19:48
Caffeineriight ;)19:49
charlie-tcaSo, Caffeine, you are ready to break jaunty, but won't test an OS alpha19:49
knometbh i would be ready to install anything on my machine as somebody else maintains it19:49
knomein my *production* machine19:49
knomei depend on so little apps that doesn't really matter as long as it boots19:50
Caffeinethat's a bit different ... if Xfce 4.6.1 breaks, I can still downgrade. but a whole OS?19:50
charlie-tcaoh-oh. that is almost always a bad idea on production machines19:50
charlie-tcaI have run jaunty since alpha2, it only broke the system a few days at a time.19:51
Caffeineby the way, however here is working on (X)ubuntu, you did a great job! I've been a KDE guy from the start but I really like Xubuntu/Xfce19:51
Caffeinehowever = whoever19:52
charlie-tcaI can pass that to the developers. I just test19:52
knomecharlie-tca, thanks.19:52
charlie-tcayw, knome19:52
knomecharlie-tca, passed.19:52
knomethe thanks was meant to Caffeine, but isn't wrong even for you19:52
Caffeineknome, is that KDE + Gnome? ;)19:53
* charlie-tca thought little guys on travelocity...19:53
knomeCaffeine, nope, it's xfce :>19:53
CaffeineKDE + Gnome = Xfve19:54
CaffeineXfce ... i knew it19:54
knomei actually had this nick before knowing the linux world this much.19:56
knomei was still using windows and wanted a nick starting with k, and i had gnome previously and that lead to many nick clashes19:56
knomethat's why -> knome19:56
Caffeineah, ok19:57
n2diymy dvd doesn't automount?20:10
BooVeMan_workhi there - I got a laptop from a friend which has a fairly messed up installation - when booting the system will show an undecorated dialog box saying something like "No gnome installation found entering recovery console" - not literally as the system is in Spanish, The point is I can't for the love of it get rid of the gnome stuff - I followed a howto from psychocats.net how the remove anything from ubuntu  and have a pure xubuntu system but no 20:16
BooVeMan_workthe x11 runs gdm as display manager - is that correct?20:16
knomeBooVeMan_work, yes.20:17
BooVeMan_work(I'm a kubuntu user - so I have no reference system20:17
BooVeMan_workso how do I tell the system to startup xfce and not genome?20:17
knomeBooVeMan_work, in gdm, there should be a session selector20:18
BooVeMan_workright no selector20:18
zoredachedid you have autologin enabled?20:18
BooVeMan_workI never get that far20:18
BooVeMan_work(that would bein gdm.conf - right?20:18
BooVeMan_workzoredache: autologin is configured in gdm.conf?20:19
knomeBooVeMan_work, if you don't have autologin, you should be able to change the session20:19
BooVeMan_workI never get a login-prompt20:19
knomeso you have the autologin20:20
BooVeMan_workknome: thats configures in gdm.conf?20:20
knomeBooVeMan_work, not sure where it's configured20:20
zoredacheare you sure you are translating the error message correctly?20:20
BooVeMan_workguess so hows your spanish? "No se pudo encontrar la instalaciĆ³n de Gnome"20:22
BooVeMan_workin gdm.conf I have AutoLoginEnabled=false20:23
Kangaroooi have vlc and totem but none of the is playing .wma files .. audio wma on totm says error - Windows Media Speech decoder required20:27
knomeBooVeMan_work, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4752601&postcount=620:28
knome!info xubuntu-restricted-extras | Kangarooo20:28
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB20:28
knomeKangarooo, try to install that20:28
Kangarooolibavcodec52 will be removed libavutil49 will be removed.. thats ok?20:29
knomeKangarooo, if something similar is installed, then it is ok20:30
BooVeMan_workknome: thanks will try that20:30
knomeBooVeMan_work, np.20:30
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Kangaroooknome: no didnt helped20:36
knomeKangarooo, right.20:37
knome!wma | Kangarooo20:38
ubottuKangarooo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:38
Kangarooototem gives still same error and vlc playback line goes but no sound but when change audio cahannel in vlc to audio 1 i get error   p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format "wmas". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.20:38
knome"wmas" or "wma" ?20:39
Kangarooofile is wma but vlc gave that error .. and in forums i found thtat restricted are not helping that why im in irc asking :)20:40
Kangaroooin forums some ppl even used wine and windows player ...20:41
Kangaroooi can send wma file>? on irc..20:41
knomeah, wmas is some kind of drm-file? :P20:42
Kangaroooi dont know.. extension is wma20:43
Kangarooo90 Seconds or Less1a.wma20:43
knomesounds like one.20:43
Kangarooowhats drm?20:43
knomedigital rights management20:43
Kangaroooou yeah in forums some ppl were talking about thuse digital rights managemet files20:44
knomegoogle for more information, you should know by now :P20:44
BooVeMan_workhmm - alright the gnome thingy disapeared - now I have a black screen with the circular thingy rotating and nothing more20:44
BooVeMan_worklike something in the gdm instalation is screwed20:44
knomeBooVeMan_work, maybe reinstall gdm?20:44
BooVeMan_workI already tried a dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm20:45
BooVeMan_workstill no dice20:45
BooVeMan_workor do you mead remove gdm an reinstall xubuntu-desktop?20:45
BooVeMan_work(and delete anything related to gdm between)20:46
knomei'm not sure...20:46
knomemaybe reinstalling (remove --purge & install) would help20:46
BooVeMan_workll try that20:46
BooVeMan_workwhat else may be the couse that I'm not presented a login - AUtoLogin is Definatly not enabled20:47
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
loren_Can someone help me with an error when I try to open synaptic package manager I get this message E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:44
loren_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:44
loren_what should I do?21:44
charlie-tcaloren_: open a terminal and type "dpkg --configure -a" and hit enter21:44
loren_all I get in the next line is > is it o-k now?21:46
loren_did I do something wrong21:47
BooVeMan_workno misstypes something21:47
BooVeMan_workwithout the "21:47
loren_I'll try again21:47
loren_do I put any spaces and " in the command21:48
loren_all I get is >21:49
charlie-tcaHIt Ctrl+c and leave out the quotes only21:49
BooVeMan_workdo not put the "21:49
charlie-tcagot to have the spaces.21:49
loren_o-k I'm doing something wrong please wait a minute21:50
loren_ Did I do it right?21:51
loren_thank you very much:)21:51
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:52
loren_I appreciate your help21:52
charlie-tcano problem.21:52
charlie-tcacome back again21:52
lorenloren@loren-desktop:~$ dpkg --configure -a21:59
lorendpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege21:59
lorenwhat do I do now?21:59
BooVeMan_worksudo dpkg --configure -a22:00
BooVeMan_workIt'll ask you for you pwd22:00
loren It did ask and install something and now I'm back to this22:01
lorenis it o-k now?22:01
charlie-tcayes, you should be able to use synaptic again now. Be sure to hit the reload arrow in the top left corner, though.,22:02
lorenIt's working now thank you again very much:)22:03
charlie-tcaYou are welcome22:06
SliMMmost of my file associations are all messed up23:38

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