
aleite@JontheEchid: I found the problem with the opengl lib00:29
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
voriannhandler is gnoming it up on the planet01:15
JontheEchidnaI bet all the dudes in #ubuntu-devel were going "eww, JontheEchidna is KDEing up the planet with his silly weather wallpaper" :P01:17
seeleany idea why Login Manager in SYstem Settings opens in a new window? apparently it doesnt do that in trunk01:26
GonI just compile the port to KDE4 Konversation, I think is very good, I think that quassel was a very bad choice for jaunty01:27
seele1) konversation wasn't available when the decision needed to be made01:28
seele2) a lot of people are happy with quassel01:28
jjessegood evening back to my sound problem, when i boot from the kernel for 2.6.27-11 i have sound, but if i boot from kernel 2.6.28-11 i get no sound, any ideas?01:28
jjesse+1 to seele01:28
Gonquassel are beatiful, but doesn't have complete support for irc functions01:29
Gonex: doesn't have DCC01:29
GonFurther, the "buffers" are very uncomfortable01:29
jjesseGon: I actually have learned to enjoy how quassel is setup and how it works01:30
jjessehowever i bet that konverstation for kde4 will be eventually packaged if it isn't and available for install01:31
vorianit will be backported01:31
GonI think Konversation is the best we could have an eventual 9.04.101:32
vorianthere will be no 9.04.1, jaunty is not LTS01:33
vorianthere will be backports available01:33
vorianand to be honest, quassel has my vote to remain the default irc client01:33
Gonwithout dcc?01:34
vorianthat :s thingie crashed my system01:36
GonI thought that the paradigm of kde4, was able to have non-castrated software as some other desktop manager whose icon is a foot01:37
ScottKGon: The main use case for the IRC client on CD is for user support.  DCC isn't needed for that.  Konversation is still around and can be used.01:43
ScottKI expect it will be an interesting discussion around the default for 9.10.01:44
ScottKSput: What are the odds of DCC support for 0.5?01:45
ScottKHe's one of the quassel devs.01:45
ScottKGon: One of the other advantages for us is that because Quassel is a relatively smaller project being the default client for Kubuntu is a big deal for them.  They are very responsive when we have suggestions/feedback.01:46
GonKonversation was already known and easy to use01:47
ScottKBut not KDE4.01:48
ScottKAlthough we didn't quite make it, we made the decision as part of a feature goal for Jaunty to have only KDE4 apps on the CD.01:48
ScottKIIRC we got everything except OOo integration to KDE4.01:49
JontheEchidnaseele: The Login Manager needs root permissions. If we didn't open it in a separate window with admin permissions it wouldn't work at all :(01:52
JontheEchidnaK3b is the only other thing that isnt' KDE401:53
JontheEchidnathe frustrating thing is that it was *almost* good enough, but burning CD/DVD images was busted01:54
JontheEchidnaso when I do apt-cache rdepends kdelibs4c2a, adept-manager show up even though I've not had that package installed since hardy01:56
JontheEchidnais there any way to get rid of it?01:56
JontheEchidna(for the rdepends listing)01:56
JontheEchidnalol? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu01:59
* JontheEchidna points at the Kubuntu desktop pic01:59
JontheEchidnaSince when did we become Kubundora?02:00
vorianactually, it's not so funny02:00
JontheEchidnablasphemy! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kubuntuoffice.png02:02
JontheEchidnagotta admit that that's pretty snazzy looking...02:02
JontheEchidnaWine is an amazing thing02:02
JontheEchidnayou put your Wine in a Blender?02:03
voriani would02:03
voriansheesh, we have 4.2.3 next week eh?02:04
vorianand 4.3 beta the following week02:04
JontheEchidnawe're gonna wanna get some merges in before then though...02:05
JontheEchidnamy poor CPU02:05
vorianwhy not wait till post 4.2.3 to merge, then karmic should be good to go02:06
JontheEchidnabefore KDE 4.3 anything02:07
JontheEchidnais what I meant to say02:07
vorianah, good :)02:07
JontheEchidnaalso come to think of it I made kdeplasma-addons depend on kdewallpapers and kdebase-workspace-wallpapers in trunk :D02:07
JontheEchidnanot a hard dependency, but you'll get a lot of  not weather wallpapes if you don't have those02:08
vorianactually, why even bother with merging 4.2* in karmic? why not just jump into 4.3?02:08
JontheEchidnayou mean, wait for 4.3 of some sort to hit debian, then merge?\02:09
JontheEchidnaI like the sound of that02:09
voriansince 4.3 will be the focus etc... :)02:09
JontheEchidnathat way we don't have to worry so much about rebuilding 40 times for .install changes02:09
JontheEchidnawhich is why it took us 2 weeks to do this last time02:10
JontheEchidnawe were a week late, if I remember02:11
JontheEchidnaand it was my first time as ninja coordinator02:11
Gon[20:59] <JontheEchidna> lol? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu02:11
Gon[20:59] * JontheEchidna points at the Kubuntu desktop  pic02:11
Gon[21:00] <JontheEchidna> Since when did we become Kubundora?02:11
jjesseback to that wikpedia picture, whose desktop is that?  doesn't look at all like mine02:13
JontheEchidnaIt's definitely not default02:14
ScottKI'd merge 4.2.2 (since we know it's the same version), skip 4.2.3 for Karmic (just jaunty-proposed), and go straight to the 4.3 beta in Karmic.02:14
nixternalwhy do puppies decide to go to the bathroom right under the computer desk?02:14
voriancuz it's warm and safe02:14
JontheEchidnaI should post my desktop w/ the Dark Knight skydome on wikipedia :D02:15
ScottKBecause that's where they get your attention and attention == love even if you're yelling.02:15
JontheEchidnas/desktop/desktop cube02:15
* vorian likes his current desktop02:15
jjessenixternal: don't you beet them?02:16
nixternalI need to02:16
* ScottK wonders how vegetables got into the conversation?02:16
jjessevorian: i get a blank file whne i click on your destkop link02:16
nixternalheh, just caught that02:16
jjesseme too02:16
jjesseah now it shows up02:17
vorianah, ok :)02:17
JontheEchidnavorian: which plasma theme is that?02:17
JontheEchidnareminds me of KDE 4.0 in a good way02:17
vorianoxyglass more02:17
* JontheEchidna always did like that glass ring around the plasmoids in 4.002:17
vorianthat was the best02:18
vorianalthough, the kewlness on the kicker is the stasks plasmoid02:18
Gon[21:17] <vorian> oxyglass more <= beatiful theme02:18
Gonis my current theme :D02:18
vorian^5 Gon02:19
jjesseooo oxyglass looks nice :)02:19
vorianit's 'oxyglass more'02:19
Gonwithout compositing looks nice too02:19
vorianthere are like 3 oxyglass themes iirc02:19
* vorian steals cake whilst everyone is looking for new themes02:20
jjesseis there a widget that shows my tasks from kontact?02:26
nixternalstasks needs to fix its memory leaks before I try it again02:32
nixternalit was the reason my laptop kept locking up02:32
joshjtlhey folks... anyone recommend a tag editor for audio files? (kde4 prefferably)02:35
ScottKvorian: Great post.  Thanks.02:41
vorianno man, thank you02:41
Gona question...02:42
Gonwhy kdepimlibs5-dev has libboost as dependency?02:43
ScottKseele: Are you connected with http://www.wouwlabs.com/blogs/anniec/?p=30 project at all?02:43
ScottKGon: Because kdepimlibs builds against boost so you'll want those headers available too.02:43
nhandlervorian: Sorry about the gnome script, but I needed something to make my gnome desktop more useful while restricted to an ubuntu live cd02:57
ScottKI totally can't believe no one has mentioned that the comics widget has lolcats now.03:02
ScottKOK, so here's an interesting problem ....  When I click on the K menu, only the bottom millimeter or two and a little square in the upper right/left corner appears.  I tried shutdown/restart and it's still there.03:11
Sir-Gontheme fail?03:17
ScottKSorted it.03:21
ScottKSwitched to classic menu style and switched back.03:21
JontheEchidnawhoa, neat: http://leogg.wordpress.com/2009/04/20/ubuntu-cd-labels/04:07
nixternalhttp://matthew.gwos.org <- is that even possible?04:09
vorianDAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!04:09
voriannixternal: do you want a free ipod?04:10
nixternalI am sure there is some poor sap at starbucks who might want one though04:12
vorian/hilight http://matthew.gwos.org04:12
* vorian has almost a dozen links to the same damn destination04:13
voriani should have known better, as it's gwos.org04:14
nixternalya, I just learned about that myself04:15
nixternalnhandler got me with one that was even worse than being rick rolled04:15
voriandoes it go "HEY EVERYONE! I'M LOOKING AT ....."04:15
nixternalnhandler: oh dude, I am so adding that to my presentation for saturday....everyone can follow along by going to http://matthew.gwos.org04:15
nixternalvorian: yup04:15
ScottKThis is one time I'm glad for Quassel's web link preview function.04:16
nhandlernixternal: I have my own subdomain there ;)04:16
voriangood old kingbahamhut04:16
nhandlervorian: I would have expected you to recognize a ck link by now04:16
* vorian is getting sluggish04:16
vorianI need to change my hackergotchi04:18
* a|wen want the new aptitude06:56
a|wenAptitude::ProblemResolver::Hints { "reject pulseaudio"; };06:56
a|wenthat's the feature i'm missing :)06:56
Quintasan :D06:56
QuintasanHi btw. :D06:56
a|wenhi Quintasan06:58
a|wenyou're iso-testing?06:58
sime_the upgrade killed apt-cacher-ng here...07:14
blizzzmh, again flash videos do lack sound :(07:31
nukem2525is there going to be an upgrade path between 8.04 w/ KDE3 and 9.04 w/ KDE3 or will it require a fresh install?07:33
a|wenkb9vqf: i think you're the only one able to answer that one ^^07:46
a|wennukem2525: he doesn't seem to be around atm. I think you'll have to wait till he shows up08:02
* a|wen hugs vorian08:03
a|wengreat post :)08:03
nukem2525any idea about his normal hours?08:03
tsimpsonI would guess that it would require a patched dist-upgrade tool to go from 8.04 -> 9.0408:10
nukem2525what are the odds of one being made availible?08:11
tsimpsondepends on how many people know how to do it and how long that'll take to make08:11
tsimpsonit'd be a little complex because it'd need to know the package translation path08:12
tsimpsonso (some-kde-package) -> (some-kde-package)-kde308:12
tsimpsonbut I don't know enough about the remix to say for sure how easy/difficult that'd be08:13
nukem2525Ill probably end up doing a fresh install anyway08:13
nukem2525I messed up a couple things im to lazy to fix08:13
nukem2525now I just need to decide whether im willing to try KDE4 again08:14
nukem2525or not08:14
a|wennukem2525: when was the last time you tried it?08:16
nukem2525i tried 4.0 and 4.108:16
a|wennukem2525: a great deal has happened till 4.2 ... anything particularly problematic?08:17
nukem2525the network manager blew up several times08:18
nukem2525random X crashes08:18
a|wendid you try the intrepid release; or the 4.0.0 / 4.1.0 versions?08:19
nukem2525when it first released it had 4.0 right?08:19
a|wennukem2525: it had 4.1.2 upon release08:20
a|wenit's at 4.1.4 now08:20
nukem2525kk, I tried that as well as the 8.04 KDE4 remix08:20
a|wennukem2525: okay ... the hardy remix cd was really only for early adopters; after that kde4 has matured a lot08:21
a|wennukem2525: you can always give it a try ... live-cd's are a great invention in that regarg08:22
nukem2525ya I knew when I went in that the remix wouldn't be very stable but I was a bit disappointed after I had so many issues with 8.1008:22
nukem2525I had it on 2 machines and both messed up pretty bad08:24
a|wenit has been working out great for me ... no problems with crashes or anything08:24
a|wenbut with kde 4.2.2 i'd say that kde is now ready for everybody08:25
nukem2525Ill give it another shot but the only thing im looking for that KDE3 doesn't provide is Amarok 208:27
a|wenyeah; amarok2 is great :)08:30
nukem2525Ive been banging my head against the desk trying to compile it on my mac since it came out08:31
a|wenthat does also sound like a challenge08:33
nukem2525Ive talked to the macports maintainer about updating the port but they are still using an old version08:34
nukem2525so Ive been trying to do it myself08:34
a|wenwhat i've heard, kde compiling on mac should still be a lot of tweaked, just to get something out of it08:36
nukem2525I had no problem with KDE, I used macports to install 4.208:37
a|wenwhen it is in macports it's another story08:40
* a|wen just talked to a friend that has upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 ... everything just went smooth for her!09:45
rickspencer3a|wen: sweet!09:51
a|wenit looks good09:51
a|wenomg! what a speed-gain you can have in some of the apps by using "--graphicssytem raster"11:14
ryanakcanixternal: How did help.kubuntu.org go? Anything left to do?11:20
ScottKAll the upgrades have gone smoothly here, including one 8.04 to 9.0411:40
Tm_Thooray (:11:43
ScottKRiddell: One nit that doesn't appear to hurt anything is that the 8.04 -> 9.04 upgrade ended up with guidance-power-manager installed.11:44
ScottKSomeone is working on a release announcement for Kubuntu, right? claydoh?11:54
RiddellScottK: hrm, that should be removed in the final upgrade stage12:00
Riddellrelease announcement is mostly https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JauntyJackalope/RC/Kubuntu turned into html for kubuntu.org12:00
ScottKRiddell: Maybe it was and I missed it.  I'll double check next time I have access to the machine.12:00
RiddellI'm about to do upgrade tests too12:00
ScottKRiddell: We just need to settle on a URL and make sure slangasek has it to include in his announcement.12:01
ScottKAh. I see you already took care of it.12:01
Riddellthe easy part I did, take more effort to actually write the html :)12:02
ScottKWell you also took care of the part it's impossible to fix after the fact.12:03
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we need more KDEing anyway :P12:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, nhandler: how about denting+weather?12:29
apacheloggermagic plasma and magic KDE microblogging lib should make that a charm12:29
apacheloggerthen again, why bother with having the dents on one's desktop when you can has $plasmoid12:29
apacheloggeroh dear12:30
apacheloggerNightrose: i386 build of amarok-nightly 20090421+svn956946-0neon1 in ubuntu intrepid RELEASE12:30
apachelogger Build started 44 minutes ago on thallium (virtual) and finished 16 minutes ago taking 27 minutes12:30
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger 12:31
Riddellthe liblastfm issue is going to be a problem with Amarok :(12:31
NightroseRiddell: rex dieter already mentioned it and Leo is aware of it12:31
Nightrosehe'll try to find out what can be done about it12:32
Riddellah, good12:32
claydohScottK: yes I am, though not quite so early in the am ;)12:51
Nightroseapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/d789ae65812:52
claydohi would like some input from you folks on what you think should be highlighted in the notes, even the little things12:54
claydohI have a decent sized list already, but think I will miss something you think is important12:55
=== rickspencer31 is now known as rickspencer3
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: RC out! Final release tomorrow! | Final freeze in effect - Test CD ISOs! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
apacheloggerNightrose: force-overwrite13:19
* apachelogger needs to head back to work13:19
Sputamarok is a nightmare for packagers :>13:20
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: RC out! Final release in two-ish days! | Final freeze in effect - Test CD ISOs! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
ScottKclaydoh: Excellent.  Just making sure we didn't forget.13:30
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: RC out! | Final freeze in effect - Test CD ISOs! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
claydohScottK: no, we didn't forget, though rockbox is distracting me so i have to put it away13:34
rmrfslashDoes anyone know if the radeonhd 1.2.5 driver is going to be released with or before the final Kubuntu 9.04? Supposedly this version addresses resume-from-ram video issues.13:47
ScottKrmrfslash: 9.04 will be released with what it has now.13:47
rmrfslashI see.13:48
ScottKWe're at the "unless the world is going to explode or someone will get sued, no more changes" stage.13:48
rmrfslashThat's a good state to be in13:49
rmrfslashIs the version that's in 9.04 now going to stay that way until 9.10 or...?13:49
rmrfslashAre these subject to upgrades13:49
a|wenrmrfslash: patches can be added; but complete version upgrades of radeonhd is not likely13:51
ScottKAfter release, we only change for security fixes or major issues.  The rules for non-security updates are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/13:51
a|wenrmrfslash: have you looked at the radeon driver in itself? don't know which gfx-card you have, but it might have caught up with it13:52
Nightroseapachelogger: already done that of course ;-)  just wanted to let you know13:58
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RiddellScottK: you're right about guidance-p-m, asking mvo14:33
RiddellNew DVDs are up for testing!  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/20090421.1/14:33
RiddellScottK: bug 36462014:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364620 in update-manager "guidance-power-manager remains installed for 8.04 -> 9.04 Kubuntu Upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36462014:40
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=== siekacz is now known as barteqx
=== barteqx is now known as siekacz
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claydohRiddell: ScottK do we want to have download mirrors listed in the release notes? I noticed we did not do so for Intrepid16:50
Riddellclaydoh: no since we put them on kubuntu.org and it has a download page (with a magicially updating list of mirrors)16:52
Riddellso we just point to that16:52
claydohcool, I thaought as much16:52
claydohRiddell: any personal fave jaunty feature you have, that you want mentioned?16:56
claydohlol accidental ctrl-alt-backspace17:01
nukem2525will there be an upgrade path between 8.04 w/ KDE3 and 9.04 w/ KDE3 or will it require a fresh install?17:02
Riddellclaydoh: system-config-printer-kde has been incorporated into system settings and improved17:03
QuintasanI wonder why Details >> button is disable in KPackageKit while downloading and installing17:04
Riddellnukem2525: yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 testing welcome17:04
nukem2525that will preserve KDE3?17:05
Riddellnukem2525: well no, it will upgrade to 9.0417:07
nukem2525what Im asking is if I can upgrade to the 9.04 KDE3 remix17:08
Riddellcould try your luck with a dist-upgrade I suppose17:08
nukem2525I suppose I would have to manually select packages?17:08
nukem2525I suppose I can give KDE4 another shot17:09
Riddellgood choice :)17:10
TscheesyRiddell : i have Probs with the DVD-Download, got two times an error at the very last moment.. something like File Access Error, then when i try to resume - it restarts - in FF with and without Downloadmanager17:38
RiddellTscheesy: use rsync17:52
Riddellsee KubuntuFiles17:52
Tscheesyi'll give it another try - so i asume it works in principle17:53
RiddellTscheesy: are you using rsync?18:00
Tscheesyactually  -the old one got overwritten with a restart18:01
* Riddell updates https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 for final18:08
Riddellclaydoh: do you know what happened to kubuntu forums in the end?18:11
claydohno, not sure if the owner even found out, but the host fixed it18:12
Riddellclaydoh: do you admin access to kubuntu-users?18:13
claydohafter a smart member figured out where it was hosted, contacted them directly18:13
claydohRiddell: no I don't have it18:13
Riddellclaydoh: not my choice of password :)18:14
claydohworks for me18:14
Riddellclaydoh: is the kubuntuforums admin is still active?18:14
claydohnot much, afaik18:15
Riddellhmm, that's a bit worrying18:15
claydohI am pretty much the only one doing much, it doesn't need any modersting much18:16
claydohif that made any sense18:16
Riddellclaydoh: mm, but not a great idea to have a website hosted by someone who doesn't seem to care much if it disappears18:19
RiddellTscheesy: rsync -CvzapP --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/dvd/current/jaunty-dvd-i386.iso .18:19
Tscheesythx - was hackin' here :D18:19
claydohRiddell: I agree, esp as he seems to travel a lot, makes it hard to contact him18:20
claydohRiddell: I don't have any printer config options in my system settings am I missing something?18:38
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: I think it may have somehow slipped back to the advanced tab :(18:42
claydohJontheEchidna: I don't have it there either18:43
JontheEchidnaI should commit the change for placing it in the General tab to trunk now that I have commit access18:43
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: weird18:43
* claydoh needs screenshots18:43
JontheEchidnahow inconvenient, pastebin.ca  is down18:45
claydohahhh gwenview (and digika are sooooo filled with awesomeness18:47
Riddellclaydoh: may be a good opportunity to use your kubuntu-users powers :)18:49
RiddellFrom: Kayt Free <kayt.free@gmail.com>18:49
Riddell"   Getting these constant e-mails is really pissing me off...TAKE ME OFF18:50
Riddell   YOUR LIST! I've asked at least three times now!18:50
RiddellI wonder if she wants off the list18:50
=== fenris- is now known as e-jat
daskreechJontheEchidna: can I assume it's raining where you are?18:52
JontheEchidnadaskreech: yeah18:52
JontheEchidnaand it was so warm the last few days to :( (relatively speaking)18:52
claydohI removed and reinstalled systemsettings, and now get the printer config, only have this18:54
claydohJontheEchidna: I don' have as many buttons on mine, feeling shortchanged :)18:55
JontheEchidnathat's because the hardware driver one is only on my computer18:55
JontheEchidnaand it doesn't do anything to boot18:56
JontheEchidnawell, anythign useful18:56
JontheEchidnaaside from crashing systemsettings18:56
JontheEchidnayou could also install kgrubeditor18:56
JontheEchidnakcron for the task scheduler18:57
JontheEchidnakdenetwork-filesharing for samba18:57
claydohRiddell: assuming that email was to you? maybe sent before I added my email to the admin list18:57
claydohJontheEchidna: ill just use the defaults for my screenshot :)18:58
claydohJontheEchidna: thought I had sometthing busted here18:58
Riddellclaydoh: to kubuntu-users-owner@lists.ubuntu.com19:07
claydohRiddell: her email is not in the member list for kubuntu-users19:09
claydoh but I had mailman send an unsub confirmation19:12
claydohto the address19:12
Riddellclaydoh: could be googlemail.com ?19:13
claydohnot as far as I can see19:14
Mr_Grieves|Hrm, knetworkmanager doesn't start on its own anymore.19:38
Mr_Grieves|Short of adding it to the autostart config file, is there a setting to fix that?19:39
blizzzJontheEchidna: did you get my email?19:39
JontheEchidnablizzz: oh, right. I forgot about that :)19:40
blizzzwell then, this is a reminder :)19:40
JontheEchidnaI did look over it, but I just forgot to get back to you guys19:41
JontheEchidnawhere it says "It turned (OUT?) a somewhat-obscure"19:41
JontheEchidnaturned could probably be changed to "transformed" for clarity19:41
JontheEchidnaotherwise it looks great19:42
JontheEchidnaUsing my LP picture is fine too. I should really think about updating it, though, since it was taken last july...19:42
blizzz23th 'd be a good date for a new one ;)19:43
blizzzthank for inspecting it19:44
Quintasanok guysm night, wish me luck :320:03
blizzzgood luck Quintasan20:08
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rmrfslashHey guys. I was on earlier to ask whether or not there would be a radeonhd driver update between 9.04 and 9.10. I was told by someone (I forgot whom) that "patches will be applied but complete upgrades were unlikely". Obviously, I was disheartened a little as the radeonhd 1.2.5 supposedly fixes some resume issues. Now, after looking around, I found this page: https://launchpad.net/~tormodvolden/+a20:21
claydohyup, those are testing packages , won't be official20:22
claydohbut helpful for those who want/need to be on the edge :)20:23
rmrfslashOn this guys page, there is a deb for radeonhd 1.2.5 for Jaunty and was published 22 hours ago. I installed it, it at least doesn't break things and Xorg.0.log shows that RADEONHD is version 1.2.5. Does tis mean there is a update in the works for Jaunty?20:24
claydohppa= *personal* package archive20:24
rmrfslashi c20:24
claydohbut often they are quite stable and very useful20:25
claydohesp in your case it seems :)20:25
rmrfslashyeah, it works... I have yet to see if it'll resume properly. Though this version was supposed to address that specifically (among other things).20:27
rmrfslashand was one of the major problems I was experiencing20:28
rmrfslashand couldn't circumvent20:28
rmrfslashanyways... im happy.20:28
claydohsomeone has an itch to scratch, and someone provides the back-scratching stick for it :)20:31
kb9vqfnukem2525: Not sure if you're still around, but here's what you can do: 1. Copy your ~/.kde folder to ~/.kde3  2. Do the upgrade normally  3. Install kubuntu-desktop-kde3 4. Remove the KDE4 packages that got installed in the upgrade (optional)20:33
kb9vqfnukem2525: I'll put something on the Wiki page before final20:33
jefferaiapachelogger: ping20:45
apacheloggerjefferai: pong20:45
jefferaihey, so in your release script20:45
jefferaiyou know how you append the include directives for po and doc at the end of CMakeLists.txt?20:45
jefferaihow easy it is to substitute those directives for lines already in the CMakeLists.txt file?20:46
apacheloggerjefferai: easy enough20:47
apacheloggerjust need to wrap it in an if($lines present)20:47
jefferainah, don't20:47
jefferaiI'll just put in a comment like this:20:48
jefferaiand replace those with add_subdirectory(doc), etc.20:48
jefferaidoes that sound easy enough?20:48
apacheloggerjefferai: the problem is that you don't want to use kde's macro for optional sub dir?20:49
jefferaiwell, is there a point?20:49
jefferaiI guess that's even better20:50
apacheloggerone might not want to install docs or po ... but especially docs if they are big20:50
jefferaiI'll do that20:50
jefferaiI'll make them toggleable20:50
jefferaiand you can take it out of the release script entirely20:50
apacheloggerjefferai: I am really missing context here ... are we talking about amarok or what?20:51
apacheloggerwell, it needs to stay in the script20:51
apacheloggernot only amarok uses that script :P20:51
jefferaiOK, then, it needs to not go at the end of the file20:52
jefferaiand/or not use the KDE optional macros20:52
apacheloggerjefferai: doesn't amarok include KDE's macros?20:52
jefferaitake a look at the CMakeLists.txt file20:52
jefferainote that KDE deps are only in the WITH_PLAYER section20:53
jefferaiif you're building the utilities, there are no KDE dependencies20:53
jefferaiexcept for the KDE macros you introduced with the release script, that is :-)20:53
apacheloggerjefferai: both the po and the docs need KDE macros anyway20:53
jefferaiexactly...so the release script should probably put those macro calls in the WITH_PLAYER section20:53
jefferaiby substituting in for a known value20:54
jefferaithat sound doable?20:55
apacheloggerthe l10n stuff is 100% hack21:11
apacheloggergood thing the refactored version comes with a lot better design21:11
jefferaiapachelogger: so should I modify anything in the Amarok CMakeLists?21:13
apacheloggerjefferai: add the comments you mentioned earlier21:13
jefferaiany specific names?21:13
jefferaiapachelogger: I'll call them DOC_SUBDIR and PO_SUBDIR21:14
jefferaiapachelogger: here's what I put into CMakeLists.txt21:15
jefferai    #Do not remove or modify these.  The release script substitutes in for these21:15
jefferai    #comments as appropriate.21:15
jefferai    #DOC_SUBDIR21:15
jefferai    #PO_SUBDIR21:15
apacheloggerI already made the script use _INCLUDE :P21:17
apacheloggerpushy pushy21:18
jefferaican you change it?21:18
jefferaiit makes more sense to put SUBDIR21:18
apacheloggerr38 and r39 if you want to apply it manually21:19
jefferaiapply what?21:20
apacheloggerthe changes21:20
jefferaito where?21:20
apacheloggeryour source copy21:20
apacheloggeryou never know21:20
jefferainot here21:20
jefferaibut anyways21:20
jefferaichanges in CMakeLists.txt in r95732721:20
apacheloggerthat looks broken to me21:24
apacheloggerjefferai: can you swap the order21:25
apacheloggerpo currently pulls in the include, if doc is add before the include it probably will make cmake cry21:25
apacheloggerjefferai: or add another comment21:26
jefferaiwait what?21:26
jefferaiI swapped the order21:27
apacheloggerok, works as well21:27
apacheloggerworks like a charm21:28
kb9vqfnukem2525: The instructions for Hardy-->Jaunty KDE3.5 are up on the Jaunty KDE3 Wiki page21:33
apacheloggerjefferai: you're very welcome21:35
_simeupgrade to 9.04 went well here.21:41
TscheesyRiddell : DVD is nice ..when Stopping -6 Warning-Messages for Open TTY1-6 Pop up .. and WLAN-Manager is not processing the WPA-KEY22:11
Tscheesynext to missing translations.. but the spoken Blogging about would also help me to get, next time, all the translation documents into local community22:13
RiddellTscheesy: ok, please report on the http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all site22:17
Riddell_sime: great22:17
TscheesyRiddell : do i have a Ubuntu QA Username ? Guess not? isn't it LP or openID?22:19
Tscheesyi'll create a new one22:20
Riddellyou need to create one22:20
JontheEchidnawe don't support gutsy -> jaunty updates, do we?22:25
JontheEchidnayou have to upgrade to hardy first22:25
dtchenyou're skipping intrepid as a required step for hardy->jaunty?22:26
JontheEchidnawe do support hardy -> jaunty22:26
JontheEchidnain Kubuntu at least22:26
JontheEchidnabut am I correct in assuming that gutsy -> jaunty is completely unsupported?22:27
dtchenok, then yes, you are correct22:27
TscheesyRiddell : this page is tricky for me - You are here : QA Tracker -> Test list -> Result list : i just fill in a comment and Mark as failed?22:28
Tscheesyin "live session"22:28
Tscheesyaccoring http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession of curse..22:29
RiddellJontheEchidna: right no gutsy upgrade to jaunty22:42
apacheloggerwe need a QA supervisor dood23:00
JontheEchidnaWhat would this dood do?23:01
Tscheesyweight Bug-Reports..23:02
JontheEchidnatriagers weigh bug reports, technically23:04
apacheloggerassign QA tasks and spend most of his time doing QA23:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also, technically the triager might do that, but most of the time they will be wrong anyway, unless triager == developer in which case it is assumable that they actually rate the impact of an issue properly23:06
apacheloggerwell, if they understand the problem at least ;-)23:06
JontheEchidnain other words, a triager like me? :P23:06
davmor2Tscheesy: why did you file your kubuntu issue against ubuntu dvd?  and you've listed bug 1,2,3 on lp as bugs rather then the lp bug number for your issues23:06
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)23:06
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found23:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you do unfriendly triage though :P23:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/323:06
apacheloggersomeone poke stdin in the eye for that flood23:07
Tscheesydavmor2 : omg - i didnt know ther's a link - it seemd so..23:07
jpdsapachelogger: -> tsimpson23:08
apacheloggerwe need to do like more promotion for testing23:08
apacheloggeror rather more promotion in general23:08
apacheloggerbut especially testing23:08
apacheloggerlike we need iso testing and desktop testing and app testing and upgrade testing and translation testing...23:08
apacheloggerin a more organized matter that is of course23:09
Tscheesydavmor2 : cann you wipe it out? i'll write it new tomorrow23:09
davmor2Tscheesy: It should of been filed again Kubuntu Dvd.  And where it says bug you put in the lp bug number of the issue for future reference :)23:09
davmor2Tscheesy: I can't but I know a man that can23:10
Tscheesyok :( - good23:10
* apachelogger would think that a user can wipe his own entries :S23:10
Tscheesyyes - but i need to file 3 LP-Bugs first ;)23:11
davmor2apachelogger: Nope one down side of the way the tracker has been setup.  Something that will hopefully be remedied for karmic23:13
apacheloggerhope so23:13
Tscheesydavmor2 : so? Bug Nb 1 isnt' appropriate ? :D.. i'll have to do it tomorrow23:14
davmor2Tscheesy: No! :D23:15
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: do these observations still hold up? http://www.flickr.com/photos/19616885@N00/3460206354/in/set-72157608562200171/23:15
JontheEchidnaAlt+Left is untranslated for me in spanish, but everything else looks ok23:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes23:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: though the locale kcm is not translated anyway23:17
apacheloggerit will default to en_US unless the KDE specific setting is set23:17
apacheloggerwhich should probably be changed23:17
JontheEchidnalooks pretty spanish here to me23:17
apacheloggerthe whole language setting there is worth a load of nothing23:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: only if set through the kcm23:17
apacheloggeryour testcase is flawed23:17
apacheloggerI am wondering if rosetta broke the dolphin strings though23:18
JontheEchidnaso if Ihave es set as your lang at install time, I'd see untransalted strings too?23:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just use language-selector to change the system language and nuke Language(s)= from kdeglobals23:19
apacheloggeror create a new user instead of the latter23:19
JontheEchidnaugh, qt-language-selector was never renamed language-selector-kde23:21
Tscheesydavmor2 : changed to a (hopefully) tmp state :/23:22
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: is the trash kcm also untranslated when accessed from konqueror?23:24
apacheloggeryes, no, kinda23:25
apacheloggerthe item itself is named properly (desktop file??) but the days thingy is still there23:25
apachelogger... I think days is actually a kdelibs termy23:25
JontheEchidnathey both use the same kcm, I wonder why that's happening23:26
JontheEchidna+    // Trash23:27
JontheEchidna+    TrashSettingsPage* trashSettingsPage = new TrashSettingsPage(this);23:27
JontheEchidna+    KPageWidgetItem* trashSettingsFrame = addPage(trashSettingsPage,23:27
JontheEchidna+                                                   i18nc("@title:group", "Trash"));23:27
JontheEchidnaI guess it didn't get translated in LP...23:27
apacheloggerthat is from use, isn't it?23:27
JontheEchidnayeah, I backported it from trunk23:28
davmor2Tscheesy: that'll do for now :)23:28
apacheloggerat this point I would not change any string at all since there is a high possibility it will not get translated23:28
JontheEchidnaIt should use the same KCM, but it uses its own string for adding it to dolphin's settings23:28
Tscheesydavmor2 : uf.. X) ..need my sleep now.. by all23:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I did add this a month or few ago, but I guess this is also a consequence of us pissing off the german doods?23:30
JontheEchidna(our patches don't get translated)23:30
apacheloggerI think there are more languages affected than german really23:30
apacheloggerI just happen to know that we pissed them off pretty badly23:31
JontheEchidnaso the question becomes, how the  heck are we gonna get people to translate any of our patches at all in the future?23:32
* JontheEchidna goes to eat23:33
apacheloggera) talk to them23:33
apacheloggerb) help them23:33
apacheloggerc) beat up rosetta23:33
apacheloggerd) if rosetta doesn't die or become a lot better after beating - not using it23:33
apacheloggerall in all: ensure that translations never ever break for more than a couple of days, and certainly not while the translation related freezes are in effect23:34
JontheEchidnaI am thinking that somebody should probably blog about this either today or tomorrow23:36
* apachelogger will certainly rant about rosetta sometime soon23:37
davmor2Riddell: I'm off to bed now if there are any kub dvd test left in the morning I'll pick them up :)23:38
JontheEchidnaI mean, blog about the general state of translations for Kubuntu 9.04, dispell some common myths, lay out the plan for the future, etc23:39
* JontheEchidna really goes off to eat now23:39
apacheloggerwhat myths?23:40
apacheloggerkubuntu l10n is breaking every once in a while23:40
apacheloggerkubuntu l10n stays broken for at least a month23:40
apacheloggerkubuntu l10n is of so crappy quality it hurts to even think about it23:40
apacheloggernot to mention the interface that has to be used23:40
* apachelogger shudders23:40
JontheEchidnamainly that Kubuntu doesn't use upstream translations23:52
apacheloggerwe do23:53
apacheloggerunless rosetta didn't import it23:53
apacheloggeror exported it in a broken matter23:54
JontheEchidnathat too23:54
apacheloggeror some funky launchpad dood thought it would be a good idea to change the translation23:54
apacheloggermake it overriden for now and forever23:54
JontheEchidnashit, they can do that?23:54
apacheloggernow they can23:54
JontheEchidnayeah, let's just mainly blast rosetta23:55
apacheloggerthing is there is no additional QA needed to do that23:55
apacheloggernor is there a way to make those changed translations be overridden by $nextupstream import23:55
JontheEchidnahow hard would it be to exclude rosetta entirely from the process?23:56
Riddellnot possible23:57
Riddelland I quite like being able to add strings23:58
apacheloggerRiddell: add strings?23:58
apachelogger+ possible, just not desirable23:58
JontheEchidnain theory (maybe?) we could just throw all the po(t)s in a bzr branch and do things like upstream23:59

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