
=== david is now known as Guest40418
Guest40418anyone know a sidebar like the one on vista?00:04
=== AfrOTRokHE is now known as LiGHTTRokHE
=== LiGHTTRokHE is now known as LiGHTRokHE
=== k is now known as Guest17849
p_quarlesnever heard of it00:27
jake__I have a question about kde4 if anyone can help00:37
jake__kde4 is not very configurable...am I missing something or is that how it is...or is there a way to add items to a right click00:38
LiGHTRokHEis like, but not a linux windowmized00:39
LiGHTRokHEjake__: what are you looking for?00:39
jake__well I'd like to add another panel but there is no widget for it and I'd like to change the color of the main panel00:40
jake__the clock only displays 24 hour not 1200:40
jake__and no weather widget like on gnome00:40
jake__I'd also like to make new directories on a right click on the desktop and just other configurable things that gnome regular kde has00:42
jake__is this how kde4 is or am I missing something00:45
jake__I'd also like to thank anyone who develops for linux in general...I just deleted windows after using it since 1997 so thanks for making linux better00:46
Picimaestre: Please stop.00:50
Dragnslcrjake__- time format is in System Settings -> Regional & Language00:51
Dragnslcrjake__- if you right-click an existing panel, there's an Add Panel option00:52
jake__no there isn't00:52
jake__it says task manager settings and panel settings00:53
jake__and there not much when I click either of those00:53
jake__panel settings are only size and location00:54
DragnslcrWhat version of KDE?00:54
DragnslcrMore specifically?00:54
jake__how would I input to terminal to find out?00:54
zer0ohi guys, how do i get back something that i deleted?00:55
DragnslcrK Menu -> Help, then Help -> About KDE will give you your KDE version00:55
DragnslcrHelp -> About in any KDE4 app will tell you, too (Konversation is still using KDE3, so that won't work)00:55
jake__kde 4.0.300:56
DragnslcrWell there's your problem right there00:56
zer0ois there a way to get back my deleted files? or they're gone forever?00:56
DragnslcrKDE 4.0 was never really meant to be used00:56
DragnslcrKubuntu 8.10 has KDE 4.1 by default, and KDE 4.2 is available in backports00:57
jake__so I should just go back to regular kde 3.5?00:57
nukem2525is there going to be an upgrade path from 8.04 w/ KDE3 to 9.04 w/ KDE3?00:57
nukem2525or will it require a fresh install?00:57
jake__I have ubuntu 8.04 cause 8.10 wouldn't install on my computer00:57
DragnslcrIf 8.04 is all you have, probably stick with KDE300:58
DragnslcrI can't remember if they packaged 4.2 for 8.0400:58
LiGHTRokHEzer0o: what kind of FS are you using?00:58
LiGHTRokHEzer0o: http://www.stud.tu-ilmenau.de/~mojo/undelete.html00:58
jake__ok thanks I'll check it out00:59
LiGHTRokHEfs type00:59
LiGHTRokHEzer0o: fs type, ext2, ext3? xfs?00:59
zer0oext3 i think00:59
LiGHTRokHEzer0o: mount -o remount,ro /mountpoint ;01:01
LiGHTRokHEe2undel    - Undelete utility for the ext2 file system01:01
LiGHTRokHErecover    - Undelete files on ext2 partitions01:01
LiGHTRokHEgtkrecover - GUI for recover01:01
zer0owhatz that?01:01
zer0ou tellin me if i delete something it remains on my hd somewhere?01:02
nukem2525zer0o:most of the time, yes01:05
LiGHTRokHEc ya people!01:06
nukem2525it doesnt actually get removed, the space just gets marked as avalible01:06
nukem2525the data doesn01:06
nukem2525the data doesn't get destroyed until somthing gets written to that area01:06
Stravhe. Got some questions about qt4.5 drawing artifacts bug on jaunty (if there's anyone concerned). Is there a clear reason why this bug should be blamed on both affected ati and intel drivers or should I consider the "it works when I switch to uxa" sufficient (even when jaunty is gonna rely on exa accel)?01:07
salptaVery quick question, because it's been a while.  Is linux still having trouble read/writing to NTSF partitions?  Or has that issue been solved?01:30
Stravsalpta: never had any problem reading from ntfs, however I haven't yet experienced a clean solution for writing...01:33
Strav(it's been a year since I tried)01:34
DragnslcrI believe the NTFS drivers can do read/write now01:36
OxDeadC0deis it possible to do something like, partition a CD-rw so one part contains a kernel, the other part contains the OS, but the part that contains the OS is in some format that can be used read/write with a proper cd-rw drive, so a live linux distribution could have some kind of permanent storage01:36
Stravlast thing I used for it was: captive-ntfs01:37
OxDeadC0dentfs-3g has no problems with ntfs01:37
Strav... ntfs-3g looks better :)01:39
OxDeadC0deI was thinking about creating a minimil live distro with at least xorg, a nice wm, firefox, apache2, mysql, php5, and have the mysql part modifiable, so people in the field without a connection to the internet can access a recent version of the db, store information, then I can sync them when they do get a connection (somehow..)01:40
Sonnentaewhat do I need to do to mount a second harddrive? it keeps appearing as if it's external01:41
OxDeadC0desonnentae add an entry to fstab01:44
SuspectZerois there a program that adds entries to my kmenu automatically using the /usr/bin folder as a reference of available programs?01:45
DragnslcrNot that I know of. Pretty sure K Menu entries are added by the package01:46
OxDeadC0deSuspectZero I'm sure a script in any language would be easy to make to do that01:48
SuspectZeroyea but i need somehing a bit more complex, like it has to make a menu folder regarding the type of program and stuff01:48
OxDeadC0deJust look at the .desktop file for an existing entry, make a template from it, generate the proper values from the results of ls /usr/bin/, store them in seperate files01:48
SuspectZerono .desktop files generated01:48
OxDeadC0dethen modify kickoff yourself? ^^01:49
OxDeadC0deor make a new menu plasmoid, shouldn't be very hard to do01:49
salptaHad to walk away.  Thanks for the input. =)01:57
SonnentaeOxDeadC0de: I did add to fstab but root owns it so I can't modify anything?01:57
OxDeadC0de- /dev/hdc1 /media/ide auto defaults 0 102:03
excalibashello is it possible to use glmatrix as my desktop background?02:22
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ubuntuhi, I'm trying to restore grub after installing windows.  I followed the directions on help.ubuntu.com, but when I try to "grub> setup (hd0)" I get "Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+17 p (hd0,5)/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/menu.lst"... failed Error 22: No such partition"02:27
xathulluhey I got a question about my screen resolution in ubuntu02:29
=== Lord_Drachenblut is now known as XXXploit
=== XXXploit is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
joshjtlhey folks... anyone recommend a tag editor for audio files?02:35
MrInternethei guiz. i haz teh problems. Plasma goes wonkers and sucks up 100% CPU sometimes. For example, right now.02:38
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MrInternet(Maybe I should just delete the config file or something...)02:39
FloridaGuywhere can i get a repo link for kde 4.2.202:41
DragnslcrFloridaGuy- link is in the topic02:42
lorecasterLookin for the W02:44
lorecasterWINE forum, can someone get me that address?02:44
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:45
DragnslcrHm, was hoping the link would be there02:45
geek_lorecaster: try lookin around winehq.org (.com?)02:45
DragnslcrI think it's http://www.winehq.org02:45
lorecasterno help there... was looking for the IRC room02:45
geek_#winehq ?02:46
lorecastergot it, thanks02:46
PriestDoes anyone know if there is an official printed kubuntu specific book?02:49
PriestI know there is one for ubuntu02:50
DragnslcrYeah. Chapter 1: Waiting For An Answer02:51
thismamacooks2003D was working great. But suddenly games run less that 1 fps. but, glxgears runs at 205+ fps. I have an Intel card.02:55
ubuntuhi, I can't fix grub on my machine.  Everything I've tried breaks.  Can anyone help me?03:02
ubuntuAlso, I can't install03:02
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso
rmrfslashanyone usin' radeonhd?03:09
rmrfslashxserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd (to be exact)03:09
steevzI just put a new motherboard and cpu into my computer and now I'm not getting any sound. Realtek ALC883.03:16
steevzWhen I boot I get this error at the top of the screen:03:16
steevzHDA ATI SB (ALC883 Analog)03:16
steevzCodec Realtek ALC883 does not work.03:16
steevzThen it reverts back to some other codec that doesn't function.03:17
steevzI can hear like half of the Kubuntu startup music before it cuts out.03:17
steevzAny ideas?03:17
steevzI just put a new motherboard and cpu into my computer and now I'm not getting any sound. Realtek ALC883.03:28
steevzWhen I boot I get this error at the top of the screen:03:28
steevzHDA ATI SB (ALC883 Analog)03:28
steevzCodec Realtek ALC883 does not work.03:28
steevzThen it reverts back to some other codec that doesn't function.03:28
steevzI can hear like half of the Kubuntu startup music before it cuts out.03:28
steevzAny ideas?03:28
=== mike is now known as Guest74601
=== Guest74601 is now known as Imortallis
Imortallisis it possible to have more than one GUI on one machine?03:31
geek_Imortallis: you mean more than one desktop environment?03:33
sancho21How to start kubuntu live using netboot?03:33
thismamacooks200imortallis: yes, when you log in you can choose a session with any GUIs you have installed03:34
sancho21I don't have cdrom03:34
sancho21just pxe card03:34
geek_sancho21: do you have an os already in the box?03:34
sancho21yes geek03:34
geek_you could use unetbootin i think03:34
sancho21geek_, actually I've manage do create netboot using dhcp, but the live session can't start. Instead, it entered blue instalation screen03:36
geek_blue installation screen *is* netboot i think >_>03:37
sancho21geek_ besides, I want to know if I can start live session using netboot03:37
geek_never heard of anyone doing that03:38
sancho21geek_, So netboot only means for installation? Not for live session?03:41
geek_sancho21: ya03:41
sancho21Actually I've installed ubuntu there, but the boot was messed up by windows installation. There is now cdrom just pxe card. How to fix that?03:43
sancho21the cdrom have just broken03:43
=== bittin__4 is now known as bittin````
steevzI just put a new motherboard and cpu into my computer and now I'm not getting any sound. Realtek ALC883.04:12
steevzWhen I boot I get this error at the top of the screen:04:12
steevzHDA ATI SB (ALC883 Analog)04:12
steevzCodec Realtek ALC883 does not work.04:12
steevzThen it reverts back to some other codec that doesn't function.04:12
steevzI can hear like half of the Kubuntu startup music before it cuts out.04:12
steevzAny ideas?04:12
msihola, como cambio  a ubuntu, venezuela04:18
=== vito is now known as Guest86231
dwidmannsteevz: hmm, I've seen that one before myself ... I forget how to deal with it, I'll dig around04:26
kstingi need help, kopete in jaunty cant recieved and send webcam04:34
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solepixeli just installed kubuntu and when i try to boot, i get "GRUB" and it doesn't do anything05:03
maduserdoes a list pop up?05:04
solepixelnope, just the word GRUB05:04
solepixeland a flashing cursor05:04
solepixeli had a previous distro of linux + windows installed on this computer in the past05:05
solepixelbut i thought i wiped the hd clean05:05
solepixeland just installed kubuntu on it05:05
maduserdid you set in the install settings in advanced to install grub?05:05
solepixelnot for kubuntu, but i think i did a long time ago when my friend installed linux so it would dual boot and i could choose when i booted it up05:06
maduserok, this is the error when grub is looking for the boot inmage in the wrog place05:07
madusertry this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-597227.html05:08
ytooxI got a vaio laptop with an integrated camera and microhphone, but the microphone is not working05:16
ytooxcan you help me?05:16
factotumawesome work with 9.04. I haven't used KDE since 3.2 on Slackware 9. This is slick and makes a great alternative as a developer platfrom. It's very comfortable and the software is great. Good work!05:58
=== michael is now known as dROg
sardanoHi for all!06:43
sardanoPlease how can I install KDE 4.2 stable on Ubuntu 8.10? I am learning Ubuntu...06:44
tsimpsonsardano: see the channel topic06:44
geek_sardano: there's a link to a howto on the channel topic ;P06:45
sardanoFAQ or News?06:46
geek_ KDE 4.2.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.206:48
sardanogeek: Thanks!06:48
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=== stephen is now known as Guest35091
Guest35091I'm having a problem with nepomuk07:25
nukem2525is there going to be an upgrade path between 8.04 w/ KDE3 and 9.04 w/ KDE3 or will it require a fresh install?07:25
Guest35091I started indexing, and I realized there was a folder I didn't want to index07:26
Guest35091I disabled it, but now when I continue indexing it still indexes the now disabled folder07:26
Guest35091Any ideas?07:26
freezeSorry, no ideas07:27
freezeWhat is your notebook?07:27
geek_nukem2525: there's no official KDE3 for 9.0407:27
geek_you'll probably end up needing to use a third party repo07:28
Guest35091What is a notebook?07:28
freezeSorry for bad english... i'm from russia07:29
geek_i think it'll be out next week, and ubuntu is and always will be free, freeze.07:32
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dalton2345hi everyone is there a voip app on the live cd?08:00
=== ubuntu is now known as wirechief
ibrarHow to configure ODBC for postgres in ubuntu08:38
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
faLUCEhi. how can I convert an unsigned int into a std::string representing its hex value ? thnks08:48
ryan_i am on kde-look.org trying to download a theme how do i go about installing it?08:59
ryan_anyone around?09:02
[EGC-i]ThinIceHi all. When running firefox, I get the following error back and it won't start. any ideas? Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: 416: elf_machine_rela_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xffffffff) == 8' failed!09:14
schmidtmahi, just installed 9.04 and found quassel-irc. is quassel the kde4 port of konversation? or is it a new project?09:15
Tm_Tschmidtma: separate project09:15
Tm_Tschmidtma: you can run quassel in server-client mode too, but by (Kubuntu)default it's client only09:16
schmidtmaah ok good to know. though i dont need an irc server :D09:17
Tm_Tschmidtma: it's not irc server, more like "client server" (:09:18
schmidtmaok, i dont realy understand :) but i will have a look into quassel and i'm sure i will understand in the future09:18
schmidtmais konversations development halted? or is it just a new project for fun and honor?09:20
Tm_Tschmidtma: Konversation is still going on, but it's not ready yet for everyday use09:20
dwidmannschmidtma: what he means is that the GUI is separated from everything the app does ... so you can be signed in once, and you can have multiple UIs for it, even across multiple with machines, all with the same sign-in, etc ... if that makes more sense09:25
schmidtmadwidmann, yes it does :)09:26
noaXesshi all..10:12
noaXessjust for my understanding.. if i want 4gb ram.. need i the 64bit version of ubuntu or will the 32bit see my 4gb?10:13
JohnFluxnoaXess: in 32bit, the kernel would take 1GB and userspace the other 3GB10:14
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JohnFluxnoaXess: most of the 1GB would be wasted10:14
noaXessJohnFlux: so.. .. wasted means not used?10:15
noaXessJohnFlux: so better use 64bit version10:15
JohnFluxnoaXess: well some things don't work well in 64 bit version10:15
noaXessi'm building i host machine for virtualbox and need ram.. so i think i will take 64bit and min 4gb ram10:15
JohnFluxnoaXess: typically propreitary plugins like flash10:16
noaXessJohnFlux: don't need flash on this host.. it will be only ubuntu-server edition.. 64bit.. so, now X10:16
noaXessno X10:16
dwidmannJohnFlux: flash seems to work fine for me here .... courtesy of nspluginwrapper, of course10:17
JohnFluxdwidmann: yeah, just highlighting potential issues10:17
dwidmannIf it's not an issue, why highlight it? Flash works fine ...10:18
yaa_hi zadrotta10:21
=== Zen is now known as Guest82329
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: could install te server kernel and use PAE if you only ave a 32bit chip10:27
* ActionParsnip checks his h key10:28
JohnFluxActionParsnip: use PAE on a 32 bit chip?10:28
JohnFluxActionParsnip: I don't think that works10:28
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: the server install allows more RAM to be used on a 32bit rig10:28
JohnFluxActionParsnip: Isn't it only for when the rig is 64bit but the kernel is 32bit?10:29
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/out-of-memory-on-16gb-ram-pae-32bit-2.6.23-596609/10:31
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: you can run a 32bit OS on a 64bit chip but with linux there is no need now (Ive had isues with Java but i dont use it personally so no issue here)10:31
JohnFluxActionParsnip: that post still sounds like the hardware is 64bit10:32
JohnFluxbut with a 32 bit kernel10:32
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: te kernel manages the memory10:32
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: so the memory access is limited by the addressing that the kernel can perform10:32
JohnFluxActionParsnip: you underlying hardware still needs to use 64 bit addressing etc10:33
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: i guess so10:34
JohnFluxah wikipedia says:10:34
JohnFluxThe x86 processor hardware is augmented with additional address lines used to select the additional memory, so physical address size is increased from 32 bits to 36 bits.10:34
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: you'll find most 32bit boards only support limited ram10:34
JohnFluxSo you can use PAE on 32bit architecture with the 4 etc address lines10:34
=== Zen is now known as Guest52742
guillaumeHi doez somebody knows how do i export evolution accounts to kmails?10:37
noaXess!info backup10:39
ubottuPackage backup does not exist in intrepid10:39
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:39
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:39
noaXess!info mondo10:45
ubottumondo (source: mondo): powerful disaster recovery suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24-2ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 415 kB, installed size 1208 kB10:45
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=== luca is now known as mu-tu
FirefisheHi.  I'm using a logitech headset - usb - and I'm in kde 4.2.00's system settings menu under multimedia.  I'm setting the headset for priority in all areas, and the test works.  Problem is, amarok--my favorite audio program--is not coming through the headset, but through the main speakers.  What might be wrong?12:09
FirefisheI have amarok's engine set to autodetect12:09
Assurbanipalhi guys, i have kubuntu 9,4 installed and face a lot of problems with my desktop. window management gets crazy, my mouse is almos unusuable. is there anybody that has a clue what the problem might be?12:10
ToreadorVampireRe-iterating my question of yesterday:  [Hardy Heron] I'm finding that krdc frequently crashes when I'm using it for VNC.  Is there any way I can change the VNC backend that krdc uses, but still continue using krdc?  The other VNC viewers out there are lacking support for a few features that krdc has12:15
peaceAssurbanipal: join #ubuntu+112:17
Assurbanipaltnx guys!12:18
thebehow to look process12:24
thebecould you give me the command for looking process12:24
Firefishewhy is amarok 1 the default amarok for  4.2.00?12:27
Firefisheinstead of amarok 2?12:27
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=== peace is now known as Peace-
=== Patrick is now known as Guest93890
noaXessif someone if you build a ubuntu server... running 24/7 for a small business: file, dhcp, dns and a virtualbox with a spec winxp install  for a windows application.. what hardware would you choose?12:47
noaXessc2d based hardware or xeon based?12:47
=== administrator_ is now known as richcy
=== administrator_ is now known as richcy
petsoundshello folks, can i create .iso file from dvd/cd with k3b ?12:59
noaXesspetsounds: try it :)13:03
Peace-petsounds: open k3b-------> copy cd --------> create only image13:06
Peace-wtf complicated xD13:06
noaXessPeace-: peace :)13:07
petsoundscan't detect source medium13:07
noaXessPeace- and petsounds try http://www.acetoneteam.org/13:07
Peace-omg acetone13:08
Peace-i will never use that13:08
noaXessPeace-: why?13:08
Peace-and my bash script work better13:08
noaXessok.. :) right.. but is a nice tool13:08
Peace-my kde4 is on 230 mega of ram13:09
Peace-you wanna give me another stuff no no :)13:09
matissehi, is it possible to install kubuntu whhile it is running as live-cd?13:19
geek_matisse: thats the default way of installing13:20
matisseso kde is running, what do I start now?13:21
kociakhey guys i just install kubuntu 9.04 and there are only 3 things I can't yet figure out: 1) is it possible to open links with a middle-click in new tabs in konqueror 2) how do i autologin to kwallet? i hate to type in password just for the second time just after kdm, just to connect to wireless 3) i cant find keyboard layout switch anywhere - and users of my comp are multilingual13:22
Peace-matisse: of course13:22
kociakmatisse you have an icon on the desktop =)13:22
Peace-matisse: like ubuntu...13:22
matissetheres no icon...13:22
Peace-matisse: where did you get that live...13:23
matisse(maybe because its 64bit?)13:23
Peace-that live is a sucking iso13:23
kociakis it possible to open links with a middle-click in new tabs in konqueror?13:23
matissedont know, it has been printed and all the stuff13:24
Peace-every live cd of kubunut is liek ubuntu live so you have to have that icon13:24
Peace-matisse: download a not bad  live cd13:24
Peace-kociak: you have to create a shortcut13:25
matisseno, I just restart and install13:25
PROject-EmeraldIs there a big difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?13:25
Peace-yes kubuntu is very sexy13:25
Peace-no pulse stuff for audio13:26
Peace-in primis13:26
Peace-and many other stuff13:26
kociakwhat kind of shortcut?13:26
Peace-kociak: settings---> configure shortcuts13:27
kociaku mean in konqueror settings?13:28
Peace-of course13:28
kociakthe only "shortcuts" i can see there are browser address shortcuts .. like gg for google13:30
Peace-if you don't see that go on systemsettings ---> input actions13:32
Peace-it's a bit hard but...13:32
=== diego is now known as Guest78768
kociakow do i autologin to kwallet?13:37
eagles0513875kociak: depending on the program you are wanting to run lets say kopete13:39
eagles0513875it will pop up a box that prompts for your pass word kociak13:39
kociaki know that eagle13:40
kociaki mean password for whole kwallet session13:40
=== javier__ is now known as areiv
Dragnslcrkociak- you can try changing the password for the wallet to be empty13:41
areivhi everyone13:41
areivI'm having problems while writing in forums. When I try to send the message, most of times it never does it, and I've identified that it's due to sending quotes13:43
areivwith firefox, opera and konqueror13:44
areivdo you know about this "bug"?13:44
areiva similar problem is with thunderbird mail client13:45
DragnslcrNever heard of that bug13:45
areivthe only way is to remove the quotation part of the message, or even sometimes to write a new one13:46
DragnslcrWell, not with the browser, anyway. I've seen plenty of web apps that don't handle user input correctly13:46
DragnslcrThis happens on more than one site?13:47
alumnoshola buenas tardes..13:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:47
DragnslcrDoes it happen on http://ubuntuforums.org/ ?13:48
BluesKaj'Morning all13:48
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=== javier__ is now known as areiv2
areiv2sorry, i lost power supply13:52
areiv2can anyone repeat the response sombody told me?13:52
Dragnslcrareiv2-  Does it happen on http://ubuntuforums.org/ ?13:53
areiv2i'll try13:53
areiv2but, it happens with several sites13:54
areiv2even with thunderbird13:54
areiv2so, it has to be from de os i think13:55
areiv2i think this is a never seen problem14:01
areiv2but it's a little annoying14:01
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rmrfslashNo radeonhd 1.2.5 for Kubuntu 9.04 it seems :(14:13
rmrfslashwell... at least not through package management14:14
=== Deathmath is now known as Anyoseyo
AnyoseyoI'm trying to install kubuntu on a external hard drive15:20
AnyoseyoI'm not sure whether I should use wubi or just unetbootin15:21
geek_Anyoseyo: i suspect unetbootin15:22
Anyoseyoalso, would it be worth it to wait the extra two days for 9.04?15:23
geek_Anyoseyo: well, i'm running it now15:27
geek_so i obviously think not ;p15:28
Anyoseyoso you recomomend downloading the release client geek_?15:29
AnyoseyoI'm sort of new to this15:29
Anyoseyoi installed 6.x some time back but15:29
geek_Anyoseyo: There's likely to be bugs, and such, but it seems alright to me for the most part, other than a few random freezes (which has stopped) and a rather annoying irc client15:31
geek_6.x? thats... old15:31
geniigeek_: Dapper is still supported15:35
geek_genii: true. dosen't make it any less old ;p15:36
Anyoseyoand kubuntu has auto update, no?15:39
Anyoseyoand couldn't you use WINE for mIRC?15:40
geek_why would anyone want Mirc?15:41
AnyoseyoI like it for the scripts15:41
geek_you could15:41
Anyoseyowhat do you like?15:41
* geek_ uses konversation or kvirc15:41
Anyoseyoagain i'm mostly a windows person15:41
geek_i use kvirc on windows ;p15:42
devilsadvocate_quassel ftw15:42
geek_devilsadvocate_: i don't really like how it handles channels and servers15:42
Anyoseyoso you recommend getting the iso of hte release client and putting it on my external hard drive?15:42
* geek_ reinstalled konversation15:42
Anyoseyowith unetbootin15:42
geek_Anyoseyo: actually that sounds like a good way to try it out15:42
devilsadvocate_geek_: you gotta love the core-client setup, and the selection of text, and the kde notifications15:43
Anyoseyokk :)15:43
Anyoseyourgh no torrent >.>15:43
geek_devilsadvocate_: My main issue is with channel management ;p15:44
geek_and it dosen't handle queries very well15:44
blip-hi all,  I've got kubuntu 8.10, but wifi and suspend-to-disk and ram don't work.... they both worked well with 8.04 out of the box.   What can I expect from 9.04 ?  Is it worth the update ?     thanks15:45
devilsadvocate_geek_: being able to right click in chat window on xchat et all is nice, yes.15:47
devilsadvocate_geek_: whats wrong with the channel management? it remembers the channels and such quite nicely15:47
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geek_devilsadvocate_: its rather hard to switch between them, and i prefer bottom tabs15:49
devilsadvocate_geek_: ah. im used to xchat, so thats not a problem for me :P15:49
geek_devilsadvocate_: and queries arn't in a buffer of their own, i need to select a person off a channel for a private message15:52
DragnslcrI'm getting used to Quassel, but there's a few improvements I'd like to see15:52
DragnslcrBeing able to move the channel list to tabs at the top would be nice. I don't need all this blank space on the side of the window15:53
geniiDragnslcr: Put in a feature request :)15:54
devilsadvocate_geek_: hmm. i was able to query people not on any channels i was on15:54
geek_Dragnslcr: i shoved it under my nicklist15:54
DragnslcrAnd it'd be nice if there was a "Close" button for queries. "Hide Temporarily" isn't all that intuitive15:54
BluesKajDragnslcr, yeah I'm not a big fan of the quassel layout so far , but I understand they're working hard on it15:54
geek_BluesKaj: it had promise, and good ideas15:55
geek_but needs work15:55
geek_and if there was a KDE4 version of konversation, i'd prefer that15:55
* geek_ is using the kde3 version of conversation :)15:55
BluesKajstill prefer the old konversation kde3.5 version ...konvi-kde4 isn't ready yet either15:55
DragnslcrYeah, I liked Konversation15:56
geek_that was the default in intrepid15:56
DragnslcrI'd still like to see a client that can do the kind of event-based scripting that mIRC has15:56
blip-konversation is superb15:56
geek_jaunty uses a single session version of quassel i think15:56
DragnslcrYeah, it does15:57
DragnslcrThe two-part setup is interesting, but I don't think many normal users really need it15:58
geek_its pretty much a bounce server ;p15:58
DragnslcrHeh, yup15:58
DragnslcrIt'd be nice for someone that has an old, low-power computer as the IRC connection that they can leave on, and use a normal desktop for the user side, but I wouldn't think many people have or need that16:00
geniiDragnslcr: Currently I use only the client and connect to a core which is in Finland16:01
geek_Dragnslcr: actually, i was thinking of running a bouncer on my server just for that reason16:01
DragnslcrYeah, but we're geeks (one of us literally, I see). We hardly count as normal users.16:02
geek_Dragnslcr: that and my old cheap low power machine is a tank ;p16:03
geek_Dragnslcr: PIII 450. passively cooled ;)16:04
walbertHey guys, I remember reading about problems with nvidia cards in kde 4.x;  I'm looking at building a computer with a gtx 285, and I was wondering if those problems are in the past now16:07
Dragnslcrwalbert- I have a 7900, and I haven't had any major issues. Can't really speak for anything newer16:14
walberthm, thanks16:15
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nvivoHi. Does anybody know how should I disable the touchpad while typing in kubuntu 9.04?16:47
Picinvivo : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:49
nvivook. thanks16:49
caralu74hello, Some one know what happen whit the repo of kde 3.5 for ubuntu 8.10 / 9.04?17:00
caralu74or How install kde 3.5 on ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04?17:02
geniicaralu74: kde3 on versions after 8.04 is not officially supported. However, there is a "remix" version of 9.04 with kde3 in it if you feel like living dangerously. http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-jaunty-kde3-remix-beta17:05
geniiBah, left17:05
Acediphey guys17:10
Acedipi just installed kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu, but now the icons and the fonts doesnt feel alright17:10
Acedipthe icons appear too big and the font is a bit hazy in xchat17:14
geniixchat is a GTK app17:14
Acedipgenii, so ?17:15
geniiAcedip: kde styles/themes etc work on QT apps, which is what kde uses.17:15
jason_froebeAcedip - have you tried Konversation?17:16
Acedipgenii, ohh..right..that explains it, but what about other icons17:16
Acedipjason_froebe, yes,17:16
Acedipgenii, i mean there are things which surely doesnt feel alright17:17
geniiThere are a couple packages which try to enforce kde styles onto your gtk apps. gtk-qt-engine-kde4 and kde4-style-qtcurve    for instance17:18
Acedipcan issues arise while using kde in ubuntu and not kubuntu17:18
geniiAcedip: Probably.17:20
quassel208can I run Joomla on Linux ?17:24
theuser1on what protocol is jrdesktop used. vnc or rdp?17:26
geniiquassel208: Of course17:27
quassel208why isntit in kubuntu packaged ?17:27
geniiquassel208: Likely no one has packaged it yet.17:29
geniiquassel208: There seems something about joomla on 8.10 here: http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=429&t=379418&start=017:31
quassel208They use it on the learn / work job i going get17:31
quassel208But they use Windows17:31
geniiquassel208: Since Joomla is open source you can use it on onay platform17:32
quassel208its a gui program isnt it ?17:32
theuser1can anyone recomend a remote desktop app that suports file transferes.  i have 2 pcs. one windows xp and on kubuntu. what to control each other oftenly. so need client and server app on both and ready all times for a connection. need rdp one. its faster?17:36
aloneaI am trying to figure out how to mount my built in sd card reader. When I put in a card, dmesg reports:[11277.215604] mmc0: new SDHC card at address b368; [11277.249525] mmcblk0: mmc0:b368 SD    7830016KiB; [11277.249976]  mmcblk0: p117:36
geniiquassel208: Joomla is web based. So if you have a web browser, thats what it uses for it's gui17:37
aloneawait, I am totally stupid. it IS mounted.17:38
aloneaI have never had it automount before....niiiiiiffty!17:38
quassel208genii so I gues it uses firefox ?17:38
* genii handa s alonea a coffee17:38
geniiquassel208: Or any web browser, yes17:38
quassel208I gues it will spit on konqueror17:39
Dragnslcrtheuser1- don't know if there are any RDP servers or clients for Linux that support file transfers. Probably should use something like FTP or SCP for the file transfers instead17:40
geniiquassel208: If all your questions will be regarding Joomla, why not go ask them in the channel #joomla  about it?17:40
quassel208Okay I will, but I gues i will let them teach me17:41
petsoundshello, can i get conflict if i installed Iced tea and then i install JRE?17:42
aloneagenii: mmmmm...thanks!17:44
geniipetsounds: Usually it will want to use whichever was last installed. You can specify which to use with the update-java-alternatives17:44
geniialonea:  :)17:44
BluesKaj!wget | theuser117:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wget17:47
petsoundsok thanks genii, i am about to install vuze, cause in my experience some private tracker had block ktorrent17:47
BluesKaj!info wget17:47
ubottuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.11.4-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 235 kB, installed size 1932 kB17:47
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zoisshi. does anyone know how to activate digital sound out with oss?17:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss17:54
BluesKaj!info OSS17:54
ubottuPackage OSS does not exist in intrepid17:54
zoissinfo bot17:54
victimhow can I compare all the files in 2 folders, both folders contain the same files with the same names but one or 2 might be different?18:00
matt_hey all18:04
matt_you guys are talkative!18:05
Dragnslcrvictim- probably with a script of some kind18:10
theuser1 which is faster and better. rdp vnc or rmi ?18:16
theuser1 which is faster and better. rdp vnc or rmi ? Remote Method Invocation?18:24
warlock2uSbuntu works well with laptop18:27
warlock2in usb 4g18:27
warlock2I had error18:28
larsjoin #foswiki18:28
warlock2I said to start18:29
warlock2I doesn't support dop or fua18:29
warlock2I know it18:30
warlock2dpo or fua doesn't compatibily with laptop18:31
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xp-killerhow to format to fat 32 my external sata hdd?18:40
ango_fat32 will only format 30 gb at once18:40
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xp-killerango_: but my ide i format the hold 160 gig to fat 3218:41
ango_anything over that is not gonna happen without a certain utility that i do not know of18:41
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:41
DragnslcrHm, that wasn't very helpful18:42
xp-killerwhat wasnt?18:42
DragnslcrIf you have the fat32 driver, I would guess that gparted can format a disk for it18:42
geniimkfs.vfat /dev/bleh18:42
DragnslcrThat works too18:43
ango_i partitioned mine to ntfs then installed NTFS-3g18:43
ango_works fine for me18:43
ango_and i also have some windows computers i run so it works out better that way18:44
geniiI just use ext2/3 and from when I need it in Win, the ext driver from fs-driver.org18:44
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xp-killeri dont want ntfs  i want fat 3218:46
xp-killeri'll just go on xp and use partition magic to see if i can format the hold thing in fat3218:47
ango_well youre on your own with it then18:47
dwidmannfat32 ... ewwwww18:49
xp-killeru dotn like fat32? dwidmann18:50
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dwidmannxp-killer: right.18:51
AfrOTRokHExp-killer: why you don't use ntfs? is already supported18:51
xp-killery not?18:51
xp-killercause i use my hdd not only on pc but other stuff like my ps318:52
xp-killerps3 dont see my ntfs partition18:52
dwidmannxp-killer: fat32 is more prone to things like corruption ... better keep backups18:52
xp-killerdwidmann: well i have like 8 hdd and all are fat32 and for the moment only 1 die cause of me18:53
xp-killerdwidmann: 160g hitachi it's been 4years i have now and it still working18:54
dwidmannxp-killer: the hard drives potential to die has nothing to do with what I'm talking about really. I'm talking about corruption of the file system due to other things (at least partly its lack of a journalling mechanism)18:55
dwidmannxp-killer: With regards to serving to the ps3 ... you could do that with something like mediatomb, could you not?18:55
skinnyguyfdisk /dev/sda or whatever it is and create your partitions18:57
xp-killerdwidmann: yes i can but what now if my pc doesnt work?18:57
skinnyguythere is mkfs.msdos18:57
xp-killerdwidmann: plus it's to slow18:57
skinnyguyand mkfs.vfat18:57
skinnyguythat should format it18:58
dwidmannxp-killer: why wouldn't your pc work? And what's too slow?18:58
xp-killerskinnyguy: im not to good with commands fo i rather the xp way18:58
xp-killerskinnyguy: pc doesnt last foreever, plus what now if i dont have a router?18:59
skinnyguy CompuApps SwissKnife will do it in winblow19:01
xp-killerskinnyguy: i give up on swisskniff it kill my hdd once so i rather partition magic it have more options19:02
kennethaarHi. My notes plasmoid disapeared. Where can I find the text I had written on it?19:02
skinnyguyok im done ive give you three option and youve shot down all three hard to help ome thats that picky19:03
dwidmannxp-killer: routers are awesome things to have, you should :D19:03
xp-killerdwidmann: it was just an example what happens to thoses that dont have?19:04
xp-killerskinnyguy: why 2.5 external hdd doest work on pc but on laptops?it doest have a cord to plug in the power just and usb cord to power the hdd19:06
xp-killerskinnyguy: partition magic fail to format my sata hdd.it shows it as not a ntfs but a BAD hdd in yellow :s19:07
dwidmannxp-killer: try doing it in gparted19:07
dontronhi ich hba bi kubuntu meine effekte aktiviert jetzt einen schwarzen screen :O19:08
BluesKaj!partition magic19:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partition magic19:08
Pici!de | dontron19:08
ubottudontron: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partitionmagic19:08
AfrOTRokHExp-killer: you need to backup your info, then try to recover with some tool and then try to make any change in your HD19:08
xp-killerdwidmann: i dont know gparted.is it by dos?19:08
AfrOTRokHExp-killer: apt-get install gparted or from konsole type "sudo gparted"19:09
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:09
BluesKajpartitionmagic is a klunky and unstable app and will wreck your partitions ...don't use it19:09
xp-killerBluesKaj: i tink it's to late :( im not seing my sata hdd anymore19:10
xp-killerive should of both a ide hdd19:11
BluesKajxp-killer , burn a copy of the GParted live cd , it might help you rescue ..not guaranteed but worth a try19:11
AfrOTRokHExp-killer: reboot19:11
xp-killersata is better than ide right?19:11
dwidmann!sudo | AfrOTRokHE19:11
ubottuAfrOTRokHE: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:11
AfrOTRokHEdwidmann: o.0?19:12
AfrOTRokHEwow! i don't know about kdesudo19:12
dwidmannAfrOTRokHE: you do now :)19:12
xp-killerOMG partition magic turn my 320g hdd to a 7mb19:14
dwidmannAfrOTRokHE: gksudo/kdesudo for graphical apps, because under admittedly not too common circumstances, with sudo some apps won't work at all, or worse, will end up changing the ownership of certain files that will cause you major trouble19:14
kirilosHello,i am having some trouble setting up my monitor's hertz with kubuntu 9.04 anyone willing to help me out?19:15
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dwidmannkirilos: should be easy if you already know what they are19:17
genii!info kxgenerator19:18
ubottukxgenerator (source: kxgenerator): KDE X Server configuration utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.7+dfsg-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 162 kB, installed size 644 kB19:18
kirilosi go to the nvidia setting,i change the Hertz and then when i logout/restart hertz go back to 50 and the screen is like well,shit :P19:18
dwidmannoooh, I've not heard of that one genii19:18
geniidwidmann: It's pretty good. Beats manually messing with xorg.conf, etc etc19:19
dwidmanngenii: if that's the case, it should probably weasel its way into Kubuntu default, later or sooner19:19
brian_Can anyone suggest a IM client better then Pidgin or Kopete? Kopete has issues with staying connected and Pidgin has issues with connecting to Yahoo!.19:20
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dwidmannbrian_: think you'll be hard pressed finding better IMs than those19:21
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brian_Yikes. Hmm... wonder why Pidgin isn't connecting then. Back to the forums I go!19:22
brian_Thank you Dwidmann19:23
kennethaarDoes no one know where the notes plasmoid stores it's content?19:23
kennethaarHi. My notes plasmoid disapeared. Where can I find the text I had written on it?19:23
brian_When I put the notes back on the desktop, it starts fresh. I don't think they are saved if you closed it.19:24
kennethaarbrian: crap19:24
brian_However, nothing beats a pen and paper next to the computer ;)19:25
kennethaarobrian_: Dolphin beats it for me? ;-) Hierarcaly store all your notes, and add tags and links to them... Although I have been using notes to capture ideas when I dont have time to make the necsessary folders. So no I lost all my quick notes for yesterday(ofcorse they were many)19:28
dwidmannkennethaar: something like basket, perhaps?19:31
kennethaarcrap back to using gtk and tomboy for note taking. Very annoying. THink I will have to submitt a bugreport about makeing it remember the different notes19:31
dwidmann!info basket19:31
ubottubasket (source: basket): a multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 4848 kB, installed size 7528 kB19:31
lorecasterhey all, i just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04, and now my sound isnt' regocnized... none of my players have movable volume contorls19:32
kennethaarBasket is cluttered and hard to use drag and drop is very unprecise. But I love the concept. If only the implementation had been better.19:32
jonyalgun español?19:32
Pici!es | jony19:32
ubottujony: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:32
kennethaarhm knotes seems to fit the bill to.19:37
kennethaarso now I am happy again19:37
kennethaarAlthough it's a shame about the notes I lost.19:38
lorecasterKennithaar; what kind of notes do they take? i've never used the software19:38
kennethaarlorecaster: I don't understand your question.19:39
lorecasteri'm a writer and i work in the engineering field... i use post-it notes for my work out of my home-office, and my spouce hates it :P i was curious about that software, is all, and how it differs from a word processor like writer19:40
lorecasterand for anyone else who's interested... i'd love to figure out why i don't have sound any longer for my system, after i upgraded to 9.0419:41
kennethaar"Oh working-sound-as-we-had-pre-pulse-audio where art thou...?"19:43
lorecasteri beg your pardon? is this a common question?19:43
SandGorgonlorecaster: alsamixer -c 0 - unmute everything ?19:44
lorecasterin terminal?19:44
lorecastersandgorgon; wrong -c argument '0'19:44
lorecasterit's as though i've lost all my drivers fort he soudcard... under multimedia, system settings, my soudncard is just listed as default19:45
Bman__can someone help me on installing linux? dumb question really, but don't want to fuck this up as this is not my system...19:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:46
lorecasterburn to a CD, insert into disk... i did it, it's as easy as installing windows, and more morally satisfying19:47
Bman__oh yeah, i know that no prob19:47
lorecasterhi Genii!! :D19:47
Bman__its cause i got two HDD19:47
Bman__local disk C:, and NOSAVE F:19:47
* genii slides lorecaster a coffee19:47
Bman__I want kubuntu to install on F: , but when i got to install you don't see C: or F: in linux, only bunch of numbers...19:47
lorecasterthis girl deserves a hug for all she did for me last week :D i got autocad installed, Genii, but i had to go with a VirtualBox install. got it anyway!19:48
Bman__So i'm wondering how to make sure it will install on the F: drive19:48
Bman__Also i need to check if the F: drive is an HDD, or a partition of the C: disk..19:48
kirilosi need some help with my nvidia drivers and kubuntu 9.04 i386,anyone willing to help me?19:49
geniiBman__: The installer will not see them as C: D: E:     etc etc but rather as sda sdb sdc and so on19:49
lorecasterKrilios; i've had some fun with those :D maybe we had the same problem19:49
Bman__Yes, so how do i know which is which.. but first i have to check if F: is a real HDD or a partition.. (in win xp)19:50
geniiBman__: Partitions will be like sda1 sda2  sdb1 sdb2     and so on like this.19:51
geniiBman__: The partitoner will inform you what kind of partitions they are, also what filesystem is on them already, if any19:51
Bman__so, if they are 2 differents HDD i will see sda and sdb, if F: is a partition of C i'll see sda1 (as C:) and sda2 (as F:) sry for the dump questions...19:52
geniiBman__: You get the idea now, yes19:52
Bman__Ok thx :)19:53
vnwarriorhow do I set the background color from white to black in quassel ?19:53
geniiBman__: Welcome. If you have any issues during install, just visit here19:53
Bman__Do i need to make a backup if it's sda2 or sdb ? there's nothing on the F: drive important, only on the C: drive19:53
Bman__thanks :)19:53
geniivnwarrior: Settings...Configure Quassel...Appearance...Color Settings....19:54
vnwarriorgenii: I cant find the one for background... it is still maintaining at white19:55
geniiBman__: You could back up whatever you like first. this is actually not bad practice to have anyways.19:55
geniivnwarrior: Maybe ask in #quassel, some of the devs hang out there19:56
Bman__But do I have to if i'm not going to install on the C: drive? cause this is really an old pc, running like shit on xp, so slow.. It will take hours with a backup program19:56
geniiBman__: So long as you have run chkdsk on the Windows formatted drives and they are marked clean, you should be able to resize them however you like from in the partitioner if you want to.19:57
Dragnslcrvnwarrior- from what I can tell, Quassel follows your KDE color scheme19:58
Bman__There's 8.36 gig free on F: drive, so no need to resize it19:58
Bman__But I really have no idea on what chkdsk is.. First time i'm going to install this so19:58
geniiBman__: chkdsk scans hd for bad sectors, crosslinked files, etc etc20:00
vnwarriorDragnslcr: umm.. what does that mean - where in KDE can I change colors?20:00
Bman__How do i do that?20:01
Dragnslcrvnwarrior- System Settings -> Appearance20:03
Bman__Ah found it in execute..20:04
Dragnslcrvnwarrior- the colors you set there should affect all KDE4 programs (Dolphin, Kopete, etc.)20:04
B-Minusis it possible to get the windows fonts on kubuntu i dont like this font20:04
vnwarriorDragnslcr: hmm.. not good. thanks20:05
vnwarriorB-Minus: try the droid fonts (check wikipedia link)20:05
vnwarriorB-Minus: copy them to a ~/.fonts directory and run fc-cache -f -v20:05
kevkuaptitude search mscorefronts?20:06
trappistkorganizer is supposed to report webcal:// calendar urls, but I don't see how to set one up.  any hints?20:08
Bman__I ran chkdsk, no problems found..20:08
duraidI have problems installing flash20:08
Bman__But is there a chance windows got damaged if I install on F (where there's no windows)20:08
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pteagueapparently i have a few things in my startup list & i'm not quite sure how to get rid of them...  & so when i log out without having closed those apps when i log back in i end up getting 2 of them (the 1 saved in the session & the other in the startup list)... without closing both of those windows if i log out & then back in again i end up with 3 of them :(20:10
Bman__gennii  ?20:11
B-Minusdoes there excist an applet or widget in kde that i have a command-run bar inside my taskbar ?20:12
B-Minusso i can just type in the apps i want to run20:12
SandGorgonB-Minus: just type alt-f220:16
geniiBman__: I'm still here :) Work required me for a while20:18
Bman__Ah no prob, take your time, just wanted to make sure :p20:18
Bman__look @ 21:08:32 and 21:09:04  plz ;)20:19
geniiBman__: The only usual "gotchya" to watch out for... is to make sure Grub installs to master boot record of first drive. Some people put it on a subpartition by mistake20:19
Bman__What's grub?20:20
geniiBman__: Grub is the "GRand Unified Bootloader"20:20
Bman__So make sure I install on F: (sda2 or sdb..)20:20
Bman__Genii, by any chance do you speak dutch or french ^^^20:20
geniiBman__: No, sda2 is a SUB partition. You want it on sda    for example20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lamo20:21
Bman__yeah lamo is the good word :)20:21
Bman__so if the F drive is a subpartition, i'm fucked20:21
Bman__caus only got 2gig left on C drive20:21
geniiBman__: No, I speak primarily English. (undertand some French, some German otherwise, but not much)20:22
PiciBman__: Please try to control your language in this channel.20:22
Bman__so if the F drive is a subpartition, I'm in trouble...20:22
geniiyaa__: Attacking new users is also frowned upon20:22
ronin--does anybody know how to install multiple packages on kubuntu using a file with the package names20:22
Bman__That's no problem, really20:23
yaa__genii^ i do already know what is prison  %)20:23
Bman__but if F: is sdb, no worries about damaging Windows or something like that20:24
geniiBman__: For install, you need something like at least about 2.5-3Gb partition, doesn't matter where or what drive, really. The important thing is Grub needs to know how to load it20:25
geniironin--: Try the set-selections way20:25
pteagueB-Minus: if you want something in the panel there is also the run command plasmoid, but i've been having issues with it in jaunty20:26
matisseis it a good idea to start now with working with 9.04 RC ?20:26
geniironin--: 3rd post here for instance shows usage: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-169062.html20:26
ronin--ok thanks genii I will read the man page about this20:27
matisseor will there be to many bugs, so it can't be real working20:27
geniironin--: It will be in the dpkg manpage20:27
Bman__If i got sda1 and sda2, how do I put them back together so i cant install it on sda ?20:28
ronin--I want to install the same packeges as one old system and I thought I could get them with dpkg --get-selections20:28
ronin--but I thought I have to use apt-get install to install them from the repositories20:28
JB_how do you install flashplayer20:28
JB_it keeps saying error20:29
matisseWill 9.04 be released in 2 days or does it probably take longer?20:29
Picimatisse: It will be released sometime on the 23rd20:29
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Jaunty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties20:29
matissePici, so nothing doubt?20:30
JB_2 days I already have the 9.04 beta20:30
Bman__Well, gonna check if I got 2 HDD or a partition.. I'll report here later20:30
Picimatisse: none20:30
Bman__thx for the help genii!20:30
matisseJB_, and? any big problems?20:30
JB_please help me with the flash player20:30
geniiBman__: If you come across some problem or question, just return here again for assistance20:30
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:31
Bman__Thanks man20:31
Bman__See u20:31
JB_not really its excellent20:31
ronin--thanks genii20:31
geniironin--: You're welcome20:32
matisseJB_, concerning the flash player: you should copy&paste the error message20:33
yaa__do not be gloomy20:34
yaa__do not be gloomy20:34
yaa__do not be gloomy20:34
Piciyaa__: stop20:34
JB_mitsse_, okay in a sec20:36
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matisseJB_, if its a big text, better use pastebin20:37
JB_matisse_, I tried first ten timenks, for some reason it didnt want to the to install now and it did tha20:40
JB_it installed this time20:40
JB_thanks anyway20:40
bercikOnce Jaunty is released, will i have to upgrade RC to Retail?20:46
EagleScreenyou will have to do a regular update20:46
EagleScreenupdate notifier will do the job20:46
bercikThank You :)20:47
bercikAnd when using fglrx on Jaunty will be availble? Once new fglrx released?20:47
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:49
EagleScreenbercik: it won't be in the official repositories, but you will can download it from backports repositories, ppa repositories, or from ATI website20:49
matisseJB_, sounds good :)20:49
bercikSo using fglrx with Xorg 1.6 is avaible?20:50
JB_see you later20:50
devilsadvocatehi. does anyone know how/if i can get konqueror to use webkit instead of khtml?21:13
rmrfslashI thought Jaunty was April 28th.... cool.21:13
rmrfslashIt's in 2 days!21:14
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* genii makes more coffee21:23
geniiBman__: Yup I'm around. (for another 20-30 minutes from work, anyhow)21:23
Bman__So i went to installation, and then I came on step 4 i think)21:23
Bman__'preaparation de l'espace disque'21:23
Bman__so preparation of disk space21:23
Bman__I had 3 choices21:23
geniiThat is the partitioner, yes21:24
Bman__Assisted: use a full disk21:24
Bman__SCSI1(0,0,0) (sda) - 20,0 GB ATA ..21:24
Bman__Assisted: largest disk part21:24
Bman__So now i know the F drive is in fact a partition of local disk C:21:24
Bman__But i didn't continue as i didn't know for sure what to do21:25
geniiBman__: Apologies on lag, work required me.21:28
geniiBman__: Your Windows C: and F: drives together add up to the 20Gb ?21:29
Whipper_seems like someone is running win-95 :)21:31
geniiWhipper_: Yes it's odd how it inserts the second drive between the primary drive's first and second partition on that one21:31
Whipper_well.. win.. what can u excpect..21:33
Whipper_same as lottery21:33
geniiBman__: the "Use largest free space" option normally will look at the partitions and then resize the one with enough room on it to make a partition to put linux on21:35
Bman__Yes 20 together21:35
Bman__But it's best if ik make a back-up before trying that?21:36
geniiBman__: Backups of anything are always good :)21:36
Bman__Can you advice some good prog, cause i'm using a pentium 730 mhz with 256mb ram21:36
Bman__i know they're always good :p21:37
Bman__but are they necessary?21:37
Bman__but yes i'll make one, just need a prog to do so21:37
Whipper_Bman__: debian21:37
geniiBman__: If you have already done the windows chkdsk or scandisk, then the partitioner can resize the Windows partition safely21:37
Bman__Is it normal when i click execute with chkdsk, it runs21:38
Bman__when it's finished it closes automatically (the dos window)21:38
geniiBman__: Yes, thats normal21:38
fabhow can  upgrade to 9.04 please ?21:39
clamim trying to install kubuntu 8.04.2 on a dell dimension 2400.  whenever i try to log in i get a black screen then logs me out21:39
clami have a feeling it is a video driver issue21:39
geniiBman__: If you have anough free room someplace to put a file which is the size of a partition you want to backup, there is a fast way in linux with the "dd" command21:39
clamany help would be nice21:39
fabis there something to change in the source.list ?21:39
geniiWell, short way... not neccesarily fast, lets say21:39
Whipper_clam: disable x, and use terminal :)21:40
clami can get to a terminal21:40
Whipper_clam: at the boot-up?21:40
clami need the video functioning though.  that would be nice -_-21:40
clamafter it boots up i get the log in screen21:40
Bman__No, don't have any extern HDD or something like that, and also got no idea what you mean by 'dd' command21:40
geniiWhipper_: Seeing as we're in #kubuntu most people will of course be wanting to use their KDE  ... :)21:40
clamand when i try to log in, thats when it kicks me off and back to the log in screen21:40
Bman__Well i ran chkdsk and chkdsk F:21:41
Bman__both, no problem21:41
clami have sinking feeling its video related.  after all its  a POS dell21:41
Bman__So i guess it will be safe without backup, but still gonna use debian21:41
Whipper_genii: i realize that, but if one has p730MHz, with 20GB, and Win at the same time, that might be a little..21:41
clamwhen i look at the xorg.conf it doesnt state intel or i810 driver for video21:42
clamand most tutorials online say to switch that21:42
geniixorg.conf is severely deprecated these days21:43
clamand i tried using the dpkg command to reconfigure the xorg.conf file, but it skips the part of the video driver.  its like what the heck?21:43
clamits like its not launching ANY driver for video at all, and thats why it crashes21:44
geniiclam: Just backup your xorg.conf and then manually tell it in there to use i810 driver then21:44
clamdont know the syntax for that in xorg...help please ^_^21:44
Bman__Well i read 730mhz and 256 ram were enough to run it so...21:44
geniiBman__: Debian is a linux distribution which Ubuntu/Kubuntu and some other distributions are derivatives of, and not the name of a backup application of some sort21:45
Whipper_Bman__: yes, its enough.. just..21:45
Bman__Haha :D21:45
Bman__So, lite version of kubuntu?21:45
geniiBman__: No, not really. More like the grand-daddy of21:46
Whipper_lxde :)21:46
Bman__Ah. Then i don't understand why you told me debian if it's not 'liter' for my crappy pc ?21:46
Whipper_Bman__: debian can be as light as u like21:47
geniiBman__: If you need a distribution which uses less system resources you may want to look into Xubuntu21:47
Bman__Already heard about that21:47
Whipper_or xubuntu21:47
Bman__And true, the install did go little slow.21:47
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Bman__But it will go better once it's installed i presume21:47
Bman__Only need to go on internet and irc in fact..21:48
olorin12is anyone else having problems updating sources in synaptic/adept?21:48
Bman__Do you know progs to backup my files?21:48
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Bman__I know some, but progs I'm using with my core2duo with 4gb ram, so not going to try these on this pc :)21:49
Whipper_olorin12: adept..yes, synaptic no..21:49
clamtried setting video "section" to "Intel Corporation 810i Integerated Graphics Controller"21:50
clamdidnt work21:50
clamstill crashes21:50
Whipper_but that just 'cos this so fres install..21:50
geniiclam: Thats not the part you need to modify.21:51
clamthen please help me figure it out21:51
olorin12I haven't logged into linux in a while... do I need to update sources list?21:51
clamnot unless they dont work olorin12.21:52
BluesKajolorin12 , just sudo apt-get update21:53
olorin12failed to fetch21:53
geniiclam: Where it had something like: Identifier      "Configured Video Device"           under that line put: Driver  "i810"21:53
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clamk.  i will give it a shot21:54
Whipper_olorin12: dont fix it, if its not broken21:54
geniiBman__: You want to back up your files... where are you going to back them up to?21:54
BluesKajolorin12 , which release ?21:54
olorin12oops 8.1021:55
olorin12I'm from the future...21:55
Bman__backup is as big as the place they take on my hdd?21:55
clamgenii which section?  "device" or "screen"???21:55
Bman__then going to find an extern HDD21:55
geniiclam: Device21:56
Bman__well it depends of their  size21:56
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Bman__I really have no idea at how big this is, if it's not too big i can upload them to RS or something21:57
Bman__If i need them i can ask a friend to dl and put on a HDD21:57
clamnow the computer is going bonkers...21:57
geniiclam: Maybe you mistakenly thought i810 was the driver you required21:58
clamim thinking i might just set it to "Intel"21:58
clami was told the Intel driver should work fine21:58
geniiclam:  "vesa" is usually good for failsafe21:58
geniiclam:  don't uppercase intel incidentally21:59
olorin12W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) -----  does this for a bunch of the repositories21:59
joshjtlis there anyway to turn down volume of stuff like firefox without decreasing the volume of say amarok?22:00
clamargh now you tell me lol22:01
clamwell genii vesa works22:05
clambut at a crappy resolution >_<22:05
geniiclam: vesa is the usual fallback driver22:06
clamwell intel didnt work22:06
clamand neither did i81022:06
geniiclam: What reports:   lspci | grep VGA                ?22:06
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geniiI require to leave work now so will appear /away until I reconnect from home. (about 30-45 minutes)22:08
clami shall check real quick genii22:08
clamok genii22:08
clami figured it out22:13
clami hate you guys22:14
clam*sigh* guess not22:16
clamthis would never happen on windowz22:16
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Anyoseyowill the release client update automatically in two days? :P'22:40
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Anyoseyowill the release client update automatically in two days? :P'22:50
Guest60709Hey i'm trying to run qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2009.01.bin that i've downloaded from the qt website...how do I do so?22:50
Szadekhello everybody , i really need help ... i upgraded to jaunty rc and sound dont work anymore =/22:54
clamyikes sorry cant help ya22:55
octavianusone question please22:55
clamim not the smartest with linux but i will help if i can22:55
octavianusIs kubuntu 8.04 kde 3.5 LTS? or it's supported till october 2009?>22:55
octavianusubuntu 8.04 it's supported till 201122:56
JontheEchidnaIt's supported until October22:56
octavianusgodf damn it22:56
octavianusI'm happy with my kde 3.522:56
octavianusso i wanted to know how long till format sda :)22:56
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octavianusso I guess that kubuntu 9.10 will be LTS ?22:57
JontheEchidnathe one after that, I believe22:57
JontheEchidnawhenever the next ubuntu LTS22:57
octavianus9.10 not 9.0422:57
octavianus9.10 the next lts22:58
octavianusUbuntu 9.1022:58
octavianusKarmic Koala22:58
octavianusPlanned for October 200922:58
octavianusApril 201122:58
octavianusI hope that kubuntu 9.10 will be the same thing as ubuntu 9.1022:58
JontheEchidnaBoth Ubuntu and Kubuntu 9.10 will be normal releases22:59
rmrfslashIf I install a deb (say a video driver), will that driver be reinstalled upon a kernel upgrade?22:59
JontheEchidnawith normal 18 month support periods22:59
rmrfslashor will I have to run the deb again?22:59
Dragnslcrrmrfslash- the driver would still be installed. Whether or not it works with the new kernel is another question23:01
jhutchins_wkrmrfslash: If you installed it from the normal repositories it should be updated when an update comes out.  if you downloaded it frome some third-party source and installed it, then you'll probably have to update it.23:01
rmrfslashSo installing something through a deb allows it to be managed automatically?23:02
jhutchins_wkAs I understand it, the nvidia and ATI stuff has to be updated with each kernel.23:02
rmrfslashWell.... I had to install it from a ppa23:02
Dragnslcrrmrfslash- nope23:02
rmrfslashok, so I need to then reinstall it.23:02
jhutchins_wkrmrfslash: No, installing it from the package management system means it can be automatically updated.23:02
Dragnslcrrmrfslash- only packages installed from a repository will be updated when a new version is available23:03
rmrfslashI see.23:03
rmrfslashI won't see my driver until probably 9.1023:03
rmrfslashWell, not *my* driver.... but the driver I want23:03
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clamyeah i figured out my problem23:34
clamremember kids23:34
clamyou may have the right resolution set in xorg for you video drivers.  but be sure to also check what your monitor's res is set to as well23:34
zigovrhi all, I'm trying to mount a udf filesystem, but all files appear to the user with weird permissions (????????? is shown by ls -lah)23:36
zigovrI tried to set gid and uid options to the user, and umask to 000, but it doesn't change a thing23:36
zigovrroot see correct permissions, but the user still can't see anything , and as a result cannot enter directories23:36
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ronin--zigovr: did you try to change the owner with chown23:39
zigovrronin--: the owner of what ?23:39
zigovrit's a read only filesystem (used typically for dvd) so I can't do that in fact ronin--23:40
ronin--zigovr: of the directory where you have mounter your files23:40
zigovrthat's why there are option at mount time to set permissions23:40
ronin--zigovr: i see23:40
ronin--zigovr: yes try then to moutn as rw23:41
zigovras rw ? but it's a dvdrom ronin--23:42
ronin--zigovr: so you mount your /dev/cdrw or dvd..23:43
rizvanDoes anyone know why speedcrunch window does not get "focus" on launch?23:53

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