
jcoleripps: its probably building open office00:06
* jcole ducks00:06
rippsjcole: actually, it looks like a bunch of xulrunner and gcc00:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364387 in launchpad "image abotu summary of all bugs not displaying in IE" [Undecided,New]01:30
jameshthewrath: that feature uses the <canvas> element which is not supported by Internet Explorer, and IE compatible equivalent is available.02:30
thewrathwas not aware of that02:31
jameshit is being drawn on the client side02:31
thewrathany way taht could be changed?02:31
wgrantIE moving into this century.02:33
jameshthewrath: given that the graph isn't required for use of Launchpad, and the proportion of visitors using IE is not too high, I don't know when we'll get round to addressing it.02:34
jameshThat said, the source code will be released in a few months, so if someone else is interested in fixing it they can submit a patch.02:35
cody-somervilleand given how useless the graph generally is...02:35
cody-somerville: P02:35
wgrantIt should be useless.02:36
wgrantIt should be black with a tiny sliver of other colours.02:36
cody-somervilleI prefer my bugs fixed, not triaged :P02:37
wgrantClosed bugs don't show up.02:37
jameshfix committed bugs do.02:37
renpytomDoes anyone know if there's a way to close all bugs associated with a milestone. (Flag them as fix released?)04:32
rockstarrenpytom, I use a script to do it.04:34
renpytomis the script available anywhere?04:34
rockstarrenpytom, I'll paste it for you.  I'm currently working on making it part of a release script.04:35
rockstarrenpytom, http://rafb.net/p/mFhupU90.html04:39
rockstarrenpytom, just change PROJECT and MILESTONE to be the project and milestone you want to close.04:40
renpytomrockstar, thanks.04:46
renpytomit worked well, and saved me a lot of boring work.04:46
rockstarrenpytom, yeah, that's why I wrote it.  I closed ~300 bugs with it about two weeks ago.04:50
renpytomwell, thanks again.04:55
savvaswow, estimated time 12 hours :P https://edge.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/experimental/+build/955579 https://edge.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/experimental/+build/95558005:33
wgrantI guess somebody took back three quarters of the builders for release.05:37
wgrantIt looks like i386 could do with one of the lpia builders reassigned.05:38
wgrantAnd maybe even bring one of the others back.05:38
wgrantBut that should do it.05:38
savvasoh yeah! I forgot about that heh. I think I'll cancel it though, the lpia build failed: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25802962/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-lpia.packagekit-gnome_0.3.13-0ubuntu2~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:38
wgrantYou can't cancel it.05:39
savvasso if I delete the sources, the queue will still go?05:39
wgrantGood question.05:40
wgrantIt might end up as 'Build for superseded Source', but I'm not sure if that's only for Superseded rather than Deleted.05:40
savvasI tried that before, I didn't get any errors from launchpad in that case about a missing source :)05:40
wgrantIt's possible it would fail to upload.05:41
wgrantBut I don't remember.05:41
savvasok thanks!05:41
savvasI'll let it flow, it's not super-time sensitive, I'm testing a fix for bug 34957205:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349572 in packagekit-gnome "packagekit-gnome .desktop files use not-existing icons" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34957205:42
joeywgrant, Happy Birthday :-)05:46
wgrantjoey: Thanks!05:47
wgrantAm I to blame Facebook for this?05:47
savvashappy birthday!!05:47
spmmneptok: interesting post ref sun/mysql! we do live in "Interesting Times!" :-)05:48
joeywgrant, :-)05:48
spmwgrant: happy birthday!!05:48
wgrantspm, savvas: Thanks.05:48
wgrantI suppose I'm going to be un-Australian by not getting my license today.05:49
spmwgrant: depends. L or P? if L? yes and you will be cast out of Australia into Tasmania. If P, shrug. care factor. :-D05:51
wgrantspm: Well, I should probably have got my Ls at some point in the last two years... but I am yet to.05:52
* wgrant heads for Bass Strait.05:52
jameshif you do get cast into Tasmania, you'll get access to the NBN early05:54
wgrantjamesh: Good point, good point.05:54
wgrantWhich means we can exceed obscenely small download quotas in even fewer minutes.05:55
jameshor realise that 100Mbps to the home doesn't increase the capacity of the underwater cables05:55
jameshor magically reduce the latency05:56
wgrantThe capacity is being fixed.05:56
wgrantLatency... blah.05:56
jameshI've used 512kbps connections in the US that felt faster than 1.5Mbps links over here05:57
lifelesswriting high latency network code is hard05:57
lifelessand web browsers only soso insulate you - as you know jamesh :)05:58
mwhudsonlifeless: "writing high latency network code is hard" could be misinterpreted :)05:58
spmjamesh: all we need are warp gates for the fibre pairs. exceed the speed of light, latency problem goes away. easy! I have faith in our federal government to produce these and other miracles on demand.05:58
lifelessmwhudson: anything can be05:58
mwhudsonspm: is the speed of light thing really relevant?05:59
wgrantmwhudson: Yes, it gets relevant at that sort of distance.05:59
mwhudsonlight can get quite a lot further than london and back in .3s05:59
jameshspm: I think tunnels through the centre of the earth might be the answer.  The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, after all05:59
wgrantSure, it doesn't account for *all* of it.05:59
mwhudsonoh, hm, not all that much more06:00
jameshnone of this great circle nonsense06:00
mwhudsonjamesh: :)06:00
spmmwhudson: highly relevant! http://www.ibiblio.org/harris/500milemail.html06:00
lifelessmwhudson: the earth is big06:01
mwhudsonspm: wow06:03
wgrantspm: Nice, nice.06:03
spmmwhudson: and you thought sysadmin was only restarting busted web services... :-P06:04
mwhudsonspm: nah06:04
mwhudsonspm: i'm sure installing packages comes into it somewhere too06:04
* spm waits to finish lol'ing before trying to respond to that....06:05
jameshspm: why didn't the sysadmin use a packaged version of the MTA?06:08
jameshthat way the OS upgrade shouldn't have nuked it06:08
Peng_You know those buggy stacked branches? Could that happen when LP automatically stacks a mirrored branch?06:08
spmjamesh: solaris/sunos patchsets always clobber sendmail-isms. .. or were till at least Sol8. used to clobber my postfix setup on firewalls. very ARGHish.06:09
wgrantThat's Solaris for you.06:09
jameshspm: sounds like a good reason not to use Solaris06:09
spmjamesh: and sendmail 5 vs sendmail8 or postfix? yuk. just *yuk.06:09
spmif memory serves. sendmail was part of the core OS. rightly or not (ie not). one of those horrible backward compatibile nonsense rules. Made sense, but was also a real trap.06:11
savvasare the launchpad PPA build logs deleted after some time?06:18
wgrantsavvas: Only retried builds, IIRC.06:18
savvasbug 249104 - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16047515/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-sparc.packagekit-gnome_0.2.3-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz says 404 error :\06:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249104 in packagekit-gnome "FTBFS on sparc due to false positive warning and -Werror" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24910406:19
wgrantsavvas: Chances are the build was retried.06:20
wgrantAnd that obliterates the old log.06:20
wgrant(well, not directly, but it removes the reference to it, so the file gets GCed eventually)06:21
savvasok thanks :)06:21
wgrantspm: It really looks like you need an extra i386 virt builder.06:21
HammerHead66how is everyone today?06:41
toobaz3Hello. https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/pyclutter/+bug/267478 should track a remote bug, but it didn't notice the remote bug was fixed, and if I go in changing details, I see  "Launchpad couldn't import bug #494242 from Debian Bug tracker." However, the Debian bug page is absolutely OK... should I file a bug about launchpad?06:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267478 in pyclutter "Please remove pyclutter from Intrepid archive" [High,Fix released]06:50
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 494242 could not be found06:50
MTecknologyhurray, 2am and I finally got my assignment done. :)07:51
mneptokspm: :)07:51
MTecknology20+hr worth of work :)07:51
MTecknologyand this is the wrong channel07:51
noodles775Congrats anyway MTecknology :)07:51
MTecknologywish I could sleep w/ all this noise - I hate dorms07:53
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* mpt reads https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/363584/comments/210:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363584 in ubuntu "Belgian Electronic ID card is broken beidgui2.6.0-4" [Undecided,New]10:18
mptThe frustrating mystery of bug 88818 continues10:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88818 in malone "Many people report non-Launchpad bugs on Launchpad products" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8881810:19
noodles775lol... wonder if there's an easy way to check... "Are you really sure this is a launchpad bug??" without being annoying...10:20
* noodles775 reads the bug10:21
maxbIt could check whether you're a member of the ~yes-i-understand-what-launchpad-actually-is team :-)10:21
maxband refuse to let you file otherwise10:22
rowinggolferwhoever is responsible for the howtos on becoming an ubutero.. very clear. thanks10:37
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cumulus007Hi, are there plas to speed up launchpad? It's freaking slow to me14:46
beunocumulus007, yes14:46
cumulus007*plans. For example, it takes about 15 seconds to load a page with translations14:46
beunowe're actively working to making it much faster14:46
beunocumulus007, which URL specifically?14:47
cumulus007okay, great :) Can you tell me when this will be applied?14:47
beunocumulus007, it's an on going task14:47
beunowe do performance weeks once a month14:47
beunodanilo_, ^14:47
cumulus007I hev been here before, with the same issue14:48
danilo_cumulus007: if we promised to support batch sizes of 75, we would have made it the default :) unfortunately, if you can use a hacked batch size, you need to use the default of 1014:51
danilo_s/can use/can't use/14:51
danilo_cumulus007: why do you need to see so many messages?14:51
cumulus007danilo_: since it's really hard to find a translation package in launchpad. The most important packages are listed first, so with a high batch number I can see all important packages at once14:52
danilo_cumulus007: ah, sorry, misread the link14:53
kikodanilo: DRL14:53
danilo_cumulus007: that one is being worked on, it should be fixed soon14:53
danilo_kiko: right14:53
cumulus007danilo_: okay, that would be great, and would spare a lot of time to me :)14:54
danilo_cumulus007: I am sorry you are seeing this, we are going to fix it asap14:55
cumulus007danilo_: np :)14:56
MagicFabHi all15:33
MagicFabI can't seem to file bugs from here:15:33
MagicFabI always get Timeout error when I press continue, it's been the case for a few *days* now, no matter where I am15:34
kikoMagicFab, OOPSID?15:34
MagicFabLast one was  (Error ID: OOPS-1207EB187)15:34
rippsFor some reason, I'm having trouble building a gmpc package for lpia. I finishes building, but I get an uploading error. I've never gotten this before. https://edge.launchpad.net/~gmpc-trunk/+archive/ppa/+build/95599915:35
* MagicFab suspects the description field is where th eproblem originates15:35
cprovripps: the binaries are already there, ignore the error.15:36
MagicFabkiko, my original description for the bug was:15:36
MagicFabSmall USB mouse [09da:0006] is not recgnized, "can't set config #1, error -32" error, works with PS/2 adapter15:36
MagicFabMaking it shorter works15:36
noodles775ripps, cprov: the upload log says:15:37
noodles7752009-04-21 14:31:23 ERROR   Exception while accepting:15:37
noodles775 duplicate key value violates unique constraint "binarypackagerelease_binarypackagename_key"15:37
noodles775 -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25826463/ngSDHt6QPwkjwZYXs45yw1Q8BS4.txt (duplicate key value violates unique constraint "binarypackagerelease_binarypackagename_key"15:37
rippsnoodles775: What exactly does that mean?15:37
cprovripps: your build got dispatched twice due to a problem in our system.15:38
noodles775Ah, thanks cprov (I wanted to know too!)15:38
kikoMagicFab, let me show this to BjornT15:59
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MagicFabkiko, sure thing, I've file the bug otherwise, but that subject was giving "timeout" - I guess the message should have also been "too long" or "invalid characters" etc16:12
kikoMagicFab, it's weird, there's something wrong there16:16
kikoMagicFab, always timing out on that16:16
=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: EdwinGrubbs | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | karma count change: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/karma-where-did-mine-go
pooliehttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jspashett/bzr/bug_84659_allow_writes/revision/3942 seems to be failing... (jml)17:38
jmlpoolie: EdwinGrubbs's the help contact :)17:40
poolieit's ok now17:44
jmlpoolie: perhaps more helpfully, the code browsing service is known to be unreliable.17:46
jmlpoolie: and we're working very hard to make it better17:46
jcolehi guys18:08
jcolehow do i go about getting my password removed from an apport bug report stacktrace18:08
KIAazehi, I  just got the following rejection message from my PPA: The source netgen - 4.9.7-0ubuntu1 is already accepted in ubuntu/intrepid and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload.18:16
KIAazehowever the version in the repositories is 4.418:16
bigjoolsyou're trying to upload to Ubuntu, not your PPA18:16
KIAazeno, I put my PPA in the dput command18:17
bigjoolsah sorry I misread18:17
cprovKIAaze: what's your PPA url ?18:17
cprovKIAaze: did that version ever existed in your PPA ?18:17
KIAazebut I deleted it.18:18
bigjoolsyou can't upload the same version again, even if you delete it18:18
bigjoolsit's to prevent problems with apt clients18:18
bigjoolsif it sees the same version again with different checksums, it will fail18:19
Edgar1I'm kind of new in this, can someone explain me what the PPA is all about?18:19
KIAazeit's a personal repository18:20
KIAazeyou can build your own .debs on it and make them available for others18:20
KIAazeDo I have to change the version number everywhere or only in debian/changelog?18:22
KIAazeI'd like to keep the 4.9.7 since it's the version of the .tar.gz18:22
EdwinGrubbsKIAaze: I believe you can just change the -0ubuntu1 part of the version and leave the 4.9.7 part the same.18:24
KIAazeI used dch which automaticcally created an entry with 0ubuntu218:24
KIAazetesting with pbuilder now18:25
maxbKIAaze: In general you should never upload things to PPAs with version numbers which look like they could be used in Ubuntu itself, because that gets confusing18:33
maxbYou could call it 4.9.7-0ubuntu1ppa1 for example18:33
KIAazewell, what's the best way to make the ubuntu/debian maintainers upgrade their version? :)18:34
maxbProduce an updated package yourself, and submit it for sponsored upload to ubuntu. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess18:36
KIAazeok, so I almost finished the first part. :)18:41
KIAazeIsn't it better to submit updated packages to Debian first?18:43
maxbideally, yes18:44
KIAazehey, why did my PPA only build for i386? :(18:58
KIAazeis Architecture: All different from Architecture: Any?18:59
cody-somervilleKIAaze, does your package *need* to be built on all the different architectures?19:01
KIAazeI think so19:01
KIAazenot sure19:01
KIAazeit's C++19:02
cody-somervilleKIAaze, Yea, I'd say so. :)19:02
KIAazeactually it didn't build any .debs19:03
KIAazeit just says bvuilds: i386 but ther's no .deb to download19:04
KIAazeoops, no, just a missing page refresh19:04
LarstiQKIAaze: All is for architecture independent packages, they will be built only once.19:12
KIAazeok, thx19:12
KIAazeI put that in because before it didn't build for lpia and that was the solution I found somewhere on the net.19:13
KIAazethe original package had a list of archs19:13
LarstiQKIAaze: that might be valid, not all packages can actually be built for all archs19:14
vadi2hi. it seems its impossible to open https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/218515 - it redirects to https://bugs.launchpad.net/acton/+bug/218515 which is wrong19:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 218515 in acton "GTK app segfault with TextView widget (dup-of: 205871)" [High,Confirmed]19:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 205871 in acton "[Hardy+PPA]:Intergrated mousepad but cannot launch it from console, shows "segment fault" error" [High,Fix released]19:42
vadi2well, worked for the bot for some reason.19:43
EdwinGrubbsvadi2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/218515 will always redirect you to the url which specifies the project name that the bug belongs to. Are you not able to view the bug after you are redirected?19:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 218515 in acton "GTK app segfault with TextView widget (dup-of: 205871)" [High,Confirmed]19:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 205871 in acton "[Hardy+PPA]:Intergrated mousepad but cannot launch it from console, shows "segment fault" error" [High,Fix released]19:47
KIAazenow I can't see the package on my PPA in synaptic. :(19:48
vadi2I get to https://bugs.launchpad.net/acton/+bug/21851519:48
LarstiQKIAaze: is it published yet?19:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 218515 in acton "GTK app segfault with TextView widget (dup-of: 205871)" [High,Confirmed]19:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 205871 in acton "[Hardy+PPA]:Intergrated mousepad but cannot launch it from console, shows "segment fault" error" [High,Fix released]19:48
vadi2which is a "lost something"? page19:48
KIAazeCould it have something to do with it having   a version nb ending in 0ubuntu3 instead of 0ubuntu1?19:49
vadi2EdwinGrubbs: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/12805/screenshot_39_eDhxCJ.png19:49
KIAazeI even deactivated all official repositories, to leave only the PPA19:49
LarstiQKIAaze: try `apt-cache policy <package-name>`19:49
cprovKIAaze: which source are you missing ?19:49
KIAazeI can see togl in synaptic without problems19:50
cprovKIAaze: https://edge.launchpad.net/~zohn-joidberg/+archive/engrid/+build/95618619:51
cprovKIAaze: says it was *built* 7 minutes ago19:51
cprovKIAaze: it missed the publishing run on :40 and will be published in the next one (:00)19:51
KIAazeah ok :)19:51
EdwinGrubbsvadi2:It appears that you cannot see that bug anymore because it is marked as a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/matchbox-keyboard/+bug/20587120:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 205871 in acton "[Hardy+PPA]:Intergrated mousepad but cannot launch it from console, shows "segment fault" error" [High,Fix released]20:04
EdwinGrubbsvadi2: I'm trying to determine if this is an error or if it is intended that only admins can see the duplicate bug.20:04
vadi2are you sure20:05
vadi2I'm interested in the gtk+ bug20:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 218515 in acton "GTK app segfault with TextView widget (dup-of: 205871)" [High,Confirmed]20:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 205871 in acton "[Hardy+PPA]:Intergrated mousepad but cannot launch it from console, shows "segment fault" error" [High,Fix released]20:05
vadi2see, it gives two... I'd like the first one20:05
vadi2not the ppa issue. It looks like something is confused here.20:06
vadi2Ahh my apoligies.20:06
vadi2didn't see that it said duplicate. didn't realize someone would mark it as such too :)20:06
EdwinGrubbsvadi2: I figured it out. You couldn't view that bug since the acton project has been deactivated.20:26
vadi2Guess that makes sense, but I guess LP should say that, yeah?20:28
cgreganjoey: ping21:24
thewrathhow do you proposa to merge towo branches together?21:34
rockstarthewrath, cd $first_branch; bzr merge $second_branch21:38
thewrathso like bzr merge lp:~michaelbrown2009/mikesats/mikesats121:38
thewrath$ bzr send -o mycode.patch what about that command21:41
LarstiQthewrath: if you have write rights to the branch you want to merge into, then do what rockstar said21:41
LarstiQthewrath: launchpad has some ui to propose doing it, is that what you meant?21:41
thewrathI have two branches. I want to move branch2 into branch121:41
rockstarthewrath, what are the two branches you need merged, and which one is the focus?21:41
rockstarthewrath, do you have branch1 and branch2 on your machine?21:42
LarstiQthewrath: then just do it :)21:42
thewrathbranch 2 not branch121:42
thewrathshould i go and download branch1?21:42
LarstiQthewrath: yes21:42
thewraththen to merge branch 2 with branch 1 do what21:43
thewrathcd into branch 2 and then  bzr mergebranch 121:43
LarstiQthewrath: Presuming branch2 is the branc you want to merge _into_, yes21:44
LarstiQotherwise, change the cd and the merge commands21:44
LarstiQthewrath: after the merge, review it (bzr status, bzr diff, conflicts, whatever gives you enough confidence the merge is done right) and the commit it21:45
thewrathi have mikesats and mikesats121:45
thewrathi want to merge everything into mikesats21:45
rockstarthewrath, cd mikesats; bzr merge mikesats1; bzr commit -m "Merge from mikesats1"21:46
* LarstiQ nods21:46
thewrathI get nothing to do21:47
rockstarthewrath, that will merge mikesats1 into mikesats with a commit message of "Merge from mikesats1"21:47
rockstarthewrath, that means that you don't need to merge the two branches.21:47
thewrathwhy i know there is a file missing in mikesats21:47
LarstiQthewrath: does `bzr missing` think mikesats1 has no extra revisions?21:47
thewrathwhen i run bzr merge mikesats1 all i get is nothing to do21:48
LarstiQthewrath: bzr merge ../mikesats1?21:49
LarstiQthewrath: unfortunately merge doesn't give the clearest message if you point it at a non-existing branch21:50
thewrathhold on i think i have it figured out21:50
LarstiQthewrath: so make sure you give merge the path to your mikesats1 branch21:50
thewrathBranches have no common ancester, and no merge base revision was specififed21:52
thewrathwhen i do bzr merge ../launchpad21:52
thewrathi haev all my stuff in C:\xampp\htdocs\Launchpad Branches21:52
LarstiQthewrath: ah, you seperately `bzr init`ed the two branches?21:52
thewraththe two in that directory is mikesats (first directory) and Launchpad (second branch)21:52
thewrathyes i did21:52
LarstiQthewrath: right, that would give you this then21:53
thewrathi want to move everything in launchpad to mikesats21:53
LarstiQthewrath: are their contents vastly different, or do they represent similar content?21:53
thewrathsame except one fiel21:54
LarstiQthewrath: do you want to keep the history of the mikesats1 branch?21:54
* LarstiQ tries something out21:54
* thewrath thanks LarstiQ a head of time 21:59
magciusWould it be considered a bug that when you create a branch in Launchpad it doesn't make a .bzr directory?22:00
LarstiQmagcius: create it how?22:00
thewrathi dont th ink so bc that happens to me all the time i have brought it up and just been told to use the --use-ext-directory or what ever it is22:01
thewrathLarstiQ: create it right on Launchpad22:01
magciusIt seems kind of awkward to use --use-existing-directory22:01
magciusLarstiQ, use the Register a Branch feature.22:01
* LarstiQ creates branches by pushing them22:01
magciusLarstiQ, you can do that?22:01
LarstiQmagcius: yes, that is much more natural to me than registering a branch on the web22:01
magciusLarstiQ, if I knew you could do that I would have done it.22:02
magciusSo bzr push ~username/+junk/mybranchname?22:02
magciusbzr push lp:~username/+junk/mybranchname?22:02
thewrathsoudnds right22:02
LarstiQmagcius: lp:~username/project/branch, yes22:02
LarstiQmagcius: there is also the `bzr register-branch` command22:02
thewrathLarstiQ: let me know when you think you got something betw22:03
LarstiQmagcius: but that's more for remote branches I think22:03
LarstiQthewrath: I will22:03
LarstiQthewrath: it's not really usual in bzr to have branches without a common ancestor representing the same branch, so I need to experiment a bit22:06
thewrathyea i understand22:06
LarstiQthewrath: hmm, I might not get something sensible before my bedtime22:14
thewrathi can just remove the one22:15
LarstiQthewrath: if you remember to `bzr branch` instead of `bzr init`, this would be easier ;)22:16
LarstiQalternatively, I could just forget about coming up with a recipe and do the merge for you22:16
LarstiQwith handwork of unix tools and vim22:16
LarstiQthewrath: I'm guessing it will take me less time to apply a hammer and do everything by hand, then come up with something you could repeat22:18
thewrathhow do i remove a branch?22:18
LarstiQthewrath: from your local disk, just remove the directory22:18
thewrathi mean on launchpad22:18
* LarstiQ would say `rm -rf` but you're on windows22:18
LarstiQthewrath: there is a delete branch button I think22:19
savvasrmdir -q if I remember well :)22:19
savvasanyway, good night :)22:19
LarstiQthewrath: do you see such a button on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michaelbrown2009/mikesats/mikesats1 ?22:19
thewrathno i dont22:21
thewrathi got it22:23
LarstiQthewrath: ok, good night then22:25
thewrathhave fun22:25
* LarstiQ falls asleep22:25
thewratha question for a person who is still here what does a blue plus sign mean on a file instead of a green circle with a checkmark22:26
thewrathfound out22:27
KIAazehi again, I keep getting warnings like this when running "debuild -S -sa": dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file debian/togl.default.ex22:49
KIAazehow do I get rid of them?22:49
KIAazeand especially rid of the files i deleted22:50
Ampelbeinhi! is there a problem with updating remote bugwatches that use mantis? see bug 316590 - lp complains the issue was non-existent but it's there.23:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316590 in mpd "mpd does not support album artist" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31659023:07
KIAazedo built packages only appear on the web page after :00 or :40?23:20
wgrantKIAaze: :00, :20 and :40.23:25
KIAazeok, thx23:25
KIAazeso it's not only the synaptic repository for which I have to wait23:25
wgrantKIAaze: It's a bit inconsistent - sources will appear on Launchpad every 5 minutes, when the FTP server is checked. They will only appear in your repository every 20 minutes. Binaries only appear on the web page every 20 minutes, but I believe there's working ongoing to make that more obvious.23:29

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