
calcasac: argh something broke the display of my 3G again04:59
calcand now it calls it "(Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub)"04:59
calcasac: well Mobile Broadband (blah)04:59
calcasac: and it shows up twice now... not 3 times like before though05:00
mclasenonly 2G now...05:04
pittiGood morning07:03
YokoZarpitti: good morning09:00
pittihey YokoZar, how are you?09:00
YokoZarI'm finding myself swept up in a whole bunch of exciting things pre-UDS.  I might be arriving with 2 pandora consoles to show around, for instance09:00
YokoZarIt's a handheld mobile device with gaming controls that was designed by the community in an open fashion09:01
YokoZarIt's got a powerful enough (ARM) chip to run a bunch of emulators and free games as well09:01
YokoZarIt's basically exactly the kind of device I think of when I go "Ubuntu-mobile"09:02
pittifrozen bubble to go?09:03
YokoZarExactly ;)  (actually, they even have a picture of it playing frozen bubble on their front page)09:03
geserdo you really think it's a good idea to bring to UDS? /me sees the devs making a frozen bubble tournament at UDS :)09:05
YokoZarAlso I got some nice feedback on this blog post: http://yokozar.org/blog/archives/48  (there's a python script I made that you can play with for modeling Wine development.  It also makes pretty charts)09:06
pittigeser: we traditionally have had one anyway :)09:10
seb128pitti: thanks for accepting the gvfs and nautilus uploads ;-)09:26
* pitti hugs seb128, np09:26
* seb128 hugs pitti09:26
YokoZarso, a serious question about file-roller opening self-extracting executables: do people actually use this feature?09:31
YokoZarRight now file-roller is associated with .exe over and above Wine, although I suspect the likely use case for getting files from .exe with file-roller is rather limited (and, incidentally, Wine might work just as well in some of those cases since they probably want the files in the virtual windows install)09:32
Tm_TI agree09:33
seb128that seems again a case where you seem to want to advantage wine over installed default applications09:33
seb128those are standard zip with some code to be unpacked without an another software right?09:34
seb128seems a better idea to open those in file-roller than running a microsoft emulation code to do the unpacking09:35
mvoideally the mime magic would detect whats a zip/exe and what is a stock exe09:39
Tm_Tideally, but is it currently possible?09:42
=== eeejay_afk is now known as eeejay
YokoZarTm_T: not with current shared-mime-info, but in principle it's doable09:45
seb128why not with the current shared-mime-info?09:46
seb128how is that doable and why would prevent shared-mime-info to work there?09:47
YokoZarseb128: no one's written the magic ;)09:47
seb128ok, so it's doable just not done yet09:47
seb128which is different09:47
seb128so I guess that's where you want to start, get different mimetype for magically zips and installers09:47
YokoZarWell what I mean is we can't just have a patch for fileroller that says "open archive-exe's" and one for wine that says "open else .exe"'s until we write that, yeah09:48
YokoZarI'm wondering if this mime magic will be enough though - it depends where the user wants it unpacked.  If they just want the files on their desktop, it might be a bit easier in file-roller, although wine can point to the user's home folder/desktop too.  If they want the files to automatically go to some default location (sometimes specified by the exe itself, eg installing a patch for a windows program), then they really09:49
seb128your text displayed until "then they reall" and it cut09:51
seb128I think it's fine to open autozip in file-roller, that's ubuntu not a microsoft OS, wine is nice for some things but should not be the default when we have a linux alternative09:52
YokoZarIf they want the files to automatically go to some default location (sometimes specified by the exe itself, eg installing a patch for a windows program), then they really should be opening it with Wine.09:54
seb128they can right click and pick wine if they really want to do that09:54
seb128that seems rather a corner case09:54
YokoZarYeah, but I suspect opening .exe with file-roller is a corner case too09:55
seb128having exe under linux is a cornercase, agreed09:56
YokoZarThere is a nice thing here to think about - if someone has installed Wine then they probably have Windows applications, which means when they're opening that self extracting archive they are more likely to be applying it to the wine install rather than just taking files09:57
seb128having something installed on a box doesn't mean that you are using it09:58
YokoZarWell I should perhaps say "have wine installed and have a ~/.wine made"09:58
seb128I'm using no microsoft binaries for sure, that doesn't mean I don't want wine available for some other users09:58
YokoZarWell if you're opening a .exe you're using a microsoft binary ;)10:01
seb128YokoZar: depends of what you call "using", I'm not running microsoft code by opening a zip in this format in file-roller for example ;-)10:02
seb128anyway let's not get sidetracked10:02
seb128we need a way to change the default handler when installing extra softwares or to have priorities, the oem team has request that too already10:03
YokoZarYou're not using microsoft code opening something with Wine either ;)  -- but yeah, the question is more about what the user is expecting10:03
seb128ie when you buy a DVD player you expect that to be used by default when installed10:03
seb128that's a similar case10:04
YokoZarI think it would be reasonable to have Wine take over the default for .exe once it's installed, yeah10:04
seb128we just don't have this mechanism right now10:04
seb128but that will probably be discussed at uds10:04
YokoZarCool :)10:04
seb128having priorities or something would be nice10:04
YokoZarGlad I'm going ;)10:04
YokoZarpriorities other than the user's manual settings that is10:04
seb128ie wine would have a higher priority than file-roller for those mimetype for example10:04
seb128so when installed it would be used10:05
seb128the static list we have now doesn't allow dynamic changes this way10:05
asaccalc: thats odd. does rebooting help?10:11
seb128mvo: hey10:41
seb128mvo: could you have a look to bug #349523?10:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349523 in gnome-utils "The package cache file is corrupted" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34952310:41
mvoseb128: sounds like packagekit ;)10:42
* mvo looks10:42
seb128mvo: you say that from the error message?10:42
seb128mvo: the description says update-manager or synaptic10:42
mvoseb128: yes, its a race condition apparently, packagekit (running in the background) opens the cache when a synaptic update happend (e.g. when people click on "reload" in update-manager). I uploaded a workaround but it got rejected unfortunately10:43
seb128oh ok10:43
mvoseb128: I will try that again via sru and work on the actual locking race problem then10:43
seb128can you reassign where it's appropriate?10:44
mvowhy is it reported against gnome-utils?10:44
seb128mvo: thanks!10:44
seb128mvo: because submitters pick random packages I expect10:44
seb128users... ;-)10:44
* mvo duplicated it now10:47
seb128mvo: danke10:47
mvowe have a brasero held-back on upgrade :/10:47
mvoI commited a workaround to u-m, but it will have to go in a sru10:47
seb128the nautilus-cd-burner conflicts stricking?10:47
seb128we need a way to tell "that software is default instead of this one now"10:48
seb128that's not the first time we have the issue10:48
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rickspencer3asac: ArneGoetje bryce calc kenvandine_wk Riddell pitti:11:11
rickspencer3asac suggests canceling team meeting today11:11
rickspencer3I'm fine with that11:11
pittisure, unless we have any hot topics?11:11
pittiwe should still get the weekly report, though (with activity, etc.)11:11
rickspencer3I would also like to encourage people with i965 hardware to help test and get data to bryce and jesse11:12
rickspencer3but I don't think we need a meeting for that11:12
asacmy chipset is rev 0c12:23
asacand i didnt see any freezes12:23
asacfor quite some time12:23
* pitti -> some errands and lunch12:23
asacdont have any special options like UXA or such set12:23
Laneywhy has gpm not been updated?12:53
rickspencer31Laney: what kind of update were you expecting?12:57
Laneyit's still on 2.2412:58
Laneyjust curious, I'm sure there's a good reason12:58
Ampelbeinseb128: hi. looking at your hardy-proposed package for gvfs, I think that it not only fixes 207072 but also bug 216104. can you have a look at that?13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216104 in gvfs "Hardy - Nautilus shortcut to Samba Share reports wrong password, double icons" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21610413:03
seb128Ampelbein: looking13:03
kenvandine_wkrickspencer31: works for me... will do my activity report13:04
rickspencer31thanks ken13:04
seb128hey rickspencer3113:04
=== rickspencer31 is now known as rickspencer3
rickspencer3hi seb12813:04
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: you were getting no freezes on your i695, right, and also the repro.sh didn't cause a freeze, right?13:05
kenvandine_wki also ran repro.sh while i was at lunch... for an hour no freezes13:05
rickspencer3just trying to get a list13:06
kenvandine_wkand last night i installed jaunty on a neighbors laptop with a GMA96513:06
kenvandine_wkand i ran the script13:06
kenvandine_wkno freezes13:06
seb128Ampelbein: no it doesn't, the fix touch only the smbbrowse backend code not the smb one13:06
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: in the future, would they allow you to test with their computer?13:06
seb128Ampelbein: ie it only makes a difference while browsing workgroups not when mounting samba shares13:06
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: perhaps... it belongs to ibm :)13:07
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: it was an extra laptop he had in his office and wanted to see the latest bling :)13:07
seb128I still didn't get any freeze on 965 either13:07
rickspencer3seb128: yes13:07
kenvandine_wkso brought it home... not sure how long he will have it13:07
kenvandine_wkgood reports from him though... he said ubuntu is getting close to good enough for him to replace OSX on his mac book :)13:09
rickspencer3I'm compiling a list of folks who have i965 so that we can quickly test when bryce and jesse identify fixes we can quickly test13:09
kenvandine_wkgood list to have13:11
kenvandine_wkmy desktop 965 was very problematic earlier in the cycle... but super stable now13:11
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: right, bryce did quite a good job solving -intel issues, but this last freeze is a tough nut to crack13:16
rickspencer3my i945 based eeePC is smoking fast13:17
rickspencer3running Jaunty on this netbook is very smooth, and not just considering graphics13:17
kenvandine_wksame on my classmate13:17
seb128yeah it rocks on my laptop too13:18
seb128and I'm happy we don't have update-notifier nagging me about compiz being to update since I don't want to do that ;-)13:19
asacbryce: is there any news on poulsbo drivers in jaunty for those nasty new intel chipsets that dont work at all?13:21
asacmpt: do we also have a spec for the network connection setup wizard or is that done as part of the inviting spec (i would think it should be two specs)13:26
asacmvo: is there some trick that would do something like apt-get install --reinstall-with-purge ? ... its always cumbersome to reset configs for stuff that has rdepends because you cannot --purge it13:42
mptasac, sabdfl is unsure about the idea of having a separate setup assistant. We could just open Network Manager's "Network Connections" window instead.13:43
mvoasac: yes, give me a sec13:43
asacmpt: well yeah. i think we should really make tht connection editor more powerful so it can also be a useful wizard13:44
mvoasac: apt-get install --reinstall -o apt::get::purge=true foo13:44
mvoasac: (not tested though)13:44
asacmvo: heh fun. you rock. this should be a top level option ;)13:44
asacat least until we find why our config files are always touched13:45
asacmvo: maybe we can misuse apparmor to log access to config files?13:45
asacin that way we could finally track down which packages touch configs deliberately?13:45
mvoassa: what conffile is currently prompting13:46
asacmvo: i am asac ;) ... nothing special i just wondered because this pops-up regularly13:47
asacand its always hard for me to explain users how to reset their configs13:49
* mvo nods13:51
seb128asac: I usually don't get too many conffiles prompts, users having issue probably edit files by hand13:52
asacseb128: thats one theory. however, i always got a bunch of prompts for files i didnt even know ;)13:52
seb128asac: those are bugs ;-)13:53
asacright. but the source is unknown :(13:53
asachence i wondered if i could log all config file accesses using apparmor ;)13:53
seb128"we are watching you"13:54
seb128we mean it!13:54
seb128and display a notify bubble when they edit a file13:54
asacyeah :)13:54
seb128"you are touching a conffile file, don't do that"13:54
asacyou can even indicate that ;)13:54
asac"push here to revert your change"13:54
seb128let's bring the actions back, that's clearly a case where we need those ;-)13:55
asaclol ... i thought it would be worth to add that into the indicator ;)13:55
asacthe ability to reset is too important to just disappear after a while13:55
asacsometimes i think it would be easier to disable this whole conf file mechansism on desktop installs (except for a few cases that we know are frequently changed)13:56
seb128dammit, ted is not around right now13:56
asacdeesktop users just dont have any business with editing conffiles imo13:56
kenvandine_wkseb128: probably in a few minutes...13:56
seb128right, it's often issues rather than benefit13:56
asacdamn. we wanted to get that feature into jaunty still ;)13:57
asacand ted sleeps13:57
seb128kenvandine_wk: that's just to troll notifications and action with him so no hurry ;-)13:57
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asacmvo: did the kompozer fix work for you (its in the archive already)14:05
mvoasac: yes, many thanks14:05
asacmvo: just saw that a kompozer is in debian NEW ... strange14:06
mvoasac: a later version14:07
mvoasac: some -alpha214:08
asacseems debian ftpmaster are on extended vacation or something. no new processing for 2 month or so14:08
seb128they do some binary new apparently but that's about it14:11
asacso they wait for the new machine readable copyright policy becomes effective so they can reject everything ?14:12
asacis that something that will really happen?14:12
asacits really insane to list all copyright holders for all files if its a massive community driven project14:13
seb128right, I don't really get the point either, it's lot of boring work and of no real use14:15
seb128hey tedg14:21
seb128tedg: you should subscribe to evolution-indicator bugs14:21
tedgseb128: Hmm, I thought I had.  Will do.14:21
seb128tedg: bug #359658 has quite some duplicates and makes evolution crash, I think you didn't notice it14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359658 in evolution-indicator "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35965814:21
seb128tedg: would be nice if you could add it to your todolist ;-)14:22
tedgseb128: Yup, looking at it now.14:23
seb128tedg: thanks14:23
tedgOh, and good morning :)14:23
seb128tedg: good morning to your too ;-)14:23
seb128tedg: #363894 the submitter can get the bug easily apparently if you need details (that's a duplicate)14:23
=== asac_ is now known as asac
tedgseb128: So is there no debug package built for evolution plugins?  It would be handy :)14:29
seb128tedg: what do you mean?14:30
tedgseb128: I mean debug symbols for the evolution-indicator plugin.  The backtrace doesn't seem to have them.14:30
seb128tedg: the dbgsym are available for all the evolution binaries, do you have a ddeb source?14:30
seb128tedg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25255891/Stacktrace.txt14:31
seb128tedg: which one are lacking there?14:31
tedgseb128: That one has, but I was looking at the user gdb backtraces.14:32
tedgIt doesn't seem like there's a "evolution-indicator-dbg" package.14:32
seb128tedg: he probably didn't install evolution-indicator-dbgsym on this box14:32
seb128tedg: there is dbgsym for everything, you just need a ddeb apt source14:32
seb128tedg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25255891/Stacktrace.txt14:33
seb128tedg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash14:33
tedgseb128: My apt-get can't find the package, neither can "apt-cache search evolution-indicator"14:33
seb128tedg: read that wikipage ;-)14:34
seb128tedg: new to debugging on ubuntu are you? ;-)14:35
tedgOh, it must have been one of the repositories disabled on upgrade.  I hate that.14:35
seb128hello pmatulis14:40
pmatulisseb128: hi14:40
pmatulishi gang, so i'm having trouble locking down gconf with policykit14:41
pmatulisi'm putting in Admin authentication and then modifying with gconf-editor, expecting a p/w prompt14:42
pmatulisbut i'm not seeing that14:42
pmatulismvo: can you assist ^14:43
seb128pmatulis: what do you do exactly? run gconf-editor as your user?14:44
seb128set a key as mandatory there?14:45
pmatulisseb128: yes14:45
seb128did you restart gconfd just to make sure?14:45
seb128and gconftool2 --get /key doesn't give you the right value?14:45
pmatulishaven't tried that but i'm mostly wondering why i'm not being prompted to authenticate14:46
seb128pmatulis: let me try there14:49
pmatulisseb128: using 8.10 btw14:50
seb128pmatulis: do you use the "set as default" or "set as mandatory" in gconf-editor?14:50
pmatulisseb128: there are two entries in PK for gconf, i have them both set to "No, No, Admin Authentication"14:50
pmatulisseb128: one moment for your question14:51
seb128right, same values there14:51
seb128when I use "set as mandatory" I get a policykit prompt14:51
seb128but I'm on jaunty there14:51
pmatulisseb128: i'm sorry, i don't see the "set as..." stuff in gconf14:53
seb128right click on a key in the right pane of the screen14:53
seb128you get a menu14:53
seb128new key, edit, ...14:53
pmatulisseb128: k14:55
seb128that's not how you set the key?14:55
pmatulisi just checked the box14:55
seb128what box?14:56
seb128I'm not sure what you are doing14:56
seb128- run gconf-editor14:56
pmatulisthere are checkboxes all over the place14:56
seb128- browse on the left pane to go where you want to do changes14:56
seb128- select the key in the right pane14:56
seb128- right click on it14:56
seb128- select the "set as mandatory" menu item in the menu?14:57
pmatulisyup, and chossing either mandatory or default does yield a prompt14:57
seb128hum ok14:57
seb128do you get any error on the command line where you run gconf-editor?14:58
seb128maybe you entered a password for that once before and it kept the credential?14:58
pmatulisno, it would show up in policykit14:58
pmatulisdown below14:58
seb128and policykit works fine for other applications?14:59
pmatulisseems to, like a test with changing system time14:59
pmatulisof changing policykit itself15:00
pmatulisor changing15:00
pmatulisquestion: without right clicking (on gconf key) what is being used, mandatory or default?15:01
seb128pmatulis: you can see the priority order in /etc/gconf/2/path15:01
seb128mvo: do you have an intrepid box handy in a vm or somewhere to try that?15:01
seb128pmatulis: but basically it's mandatory > user_config > default15:02
pmatulisbonus question, i read somewhere it is possible to propogate gconf settings across network nodes15:04
mvoseb128: yes15:04
* mvo fires up kvm15:04
seb128dunno about networking, there is a ldap backend in gconf but I don't know if anybody is using it and how well it's working15:04
seb128mvo: thanks15:05
mvoseb128: what then? I have a kvm running now15:12
pmatulismvo: open policykit and gconf editor, then put "No, No, Admin Authentication" for both gconf entries15:16
seb128let's not get confused15:16
seb128mvo: start by trying to set a mandatory gconf key is gconf editor15:16
seb128and see if you get a policykit password prompt there15:16
seb128before touching any policykit config15:16
seb128to see if the default install works15:16
seb128then we can figure config differences15:17
mvoseb128: when I right-click and say "set as mandatory" it says I'm not allowed to, no policykit prompt (this is a default install)15:20
mvoseb128: details says "No database available ..."15:20
asaccalc: are you on yet?15:22
seb128mvo: ok, so that's buggy on intrepid apparently15:24
seb128mvo: where do you have those details?15:24
Ampelbeinseb128: hi. do you think bug #270976 would qualify for SRU? it's a bit difficult since as long as bug 351017 isn't published, users with non-p4 machines will run into a SIGILL-crash.15:27
mvoseb128: sec15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270976 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "Brasero can't burn a video DVD" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27097615:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351017 in mjpegtools "[SRU] mpeg2enc crashes with SIGILL on non-p4 architectures." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35101715:27
mvoseb128: is there anything that might be wrong in the VM that might cause this?15:27
seb128Ampelbein: I don't know enough about the issue but the bug description seems something worth fixing in stable yes15:28
mvoseb128: paste.ubuntu.com/15536815:28
seb128mvo: I doubt of it, it's not working for pmatulis either that's why we started the discussion15:29
Ampelbeinseb128: ok, i will change the bug description then to supply information for SRU procedure15:29
seb128Ampelbein: thanks15:29
mvohm, jaunty give me a PK prompt (but in a regular system, not a VM)15:29
seb128mvo: right, me too, that's why I asked you to try on jaunty15:30
pmatulisi'm testing on metal here15:30
seb128I will try on a jaunty VM now to see if VM makes a difference15:30
seb128it might simply be buggy in intrepid and nobody noticed15:30
seb128you use the interface for the "set system proxy" though so that's weird15:30
mvoseb128: right, but I talk to dbus directly15:32
mvoseb128: maybe gconf-editors dbus interfacing code is just buggy (or not activated?)15:32
seb128yeah, could be15:34
seb128pmatulis: ok, that seems buggy and require debugging and fixed in intrepid if you need that fixed in intrepid15:34
seb128fixed -> fixing15:34
pmatulisseb128: i'll open a bug then15:35
pmatulisanything special you want me to include?15:35
asacanyone has similar issues with middle mouse click? for me it only works like 1 out of 10 times15:38
asaci notice that for pasting and for clicking links in ffox (e.g. to open link in new tab)15:38
asacok seems my mouse is just broken :(15:40
asacworks with my trackball15:40
seb128pmatulis: no need of details, open a bug on gconf-editor saying that you use intrepid and that setting mandatory settings doesn't work there15:43
seb128pmatulis: I will close it as fixed in jaunty and open a low priority intrepid task15:43
mvoseb128: do you have a idea about bug #364452 ? something crashes in gnome-panel-data postinst15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364452 in update-manager "package update-manager 1:0.111.7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36445215:50
pmatulisis there any way to recover from a corrupt /var/lib/dpkg/status file?  status.old is also bad, as are the ones in /var/backup15:50
mvopmatulis: in what way is it bad?15:50
pmatulismvo: corrupt, garbage characters, user had bad ram15:51
mvopmatulis: with enough force of will I guess that is possible, a script would have to reconstruct it based on the content of /var/lib/dpkg/info15:51
mvopmatulis: if its just isolated garbage, just removing it might be enough15:51
seb128mvo: zenity has the same error in the log and the only thing it's calling is scrollkeeper-update15:52
mvopmatulis: it would be a fun project to write such a recovery tool, should not be too hard15:52
seb128mvo: I hate those bugs, we really need a way to display what line or command is having the issue15:52
mvoseb128: didn't we remove scrollkeeper :) ?15:52
mvoseb128: sh -ex for everything!15:52
pmatulismvo: ack on removing isolated garbage, thought there might be a better way15:52
seb128mvo: we install rarian-compat which has a scrollkeeper-update and people can still install scrollkeeper instead if they equivalents15:52
seb128"if they equivalents" -> "if they want since they are equivalents"15:53
mvopmatulis: my fingers are itching to hack on a script for it, but there is a release to make :)15:53
* mvo reassigns to scrollkeeper15:53
pmatulismvo: maybe i can start something, what commands should i be looking at?15:53
seb128I once had a corrupted status, I'm wondering if I didn't manage to rebuild it using dselect15:54
seb128that was years ago when still using debian I think, I'm not sure now ;-)15:54
mvopmatulis: it would have to go over every list file in /var/lib/dpkg/*.list, look into the apt cache for matching package, use the apt record to put the data into the same format, add the "status: " header. thats it. it should probably also generate dummy entries (just name, status) for stuff that is not available via the apt cache (e.g. because it was locally installed)15:55
mvopmatulis: probably not perfect, but a should be a good start15:55
calcasac: sorry just saw your message15:57
pmatulismvo: what commands should i be looking at?15:58
mvopmatulis: it would probably have to be a custom python script, beside python-apt no external commands15:59
asaccalc: yeah. so does that weird state persist after reoobt?15:59
pmatulismvo: darn, me only shell monkey15:59
mvoheh :)15:59
calcasac: will see what happens, be back in a couple minutes15:59
mvoit would be possible with shell too, but much harder (at least for me - not such a great shell monkey)16:00
=== sabdfl2 is now known as sabdfl
mvoseb128: do we have a master bug for missing gtklabel width-height geometry management?16:02
seb128mvo: the wrapping one?16:03
seb128mvo: bug #2009616:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 20096 in gtk "Synaptic Dialogs do not wrap text labels dynamically when windows are resized" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2009616:03
mvoseb128: thanks, this one16:03
mvo5 digits!16:03
seb128bratsche: ^ do you know if there is a plan to ever fix that?16:04
seb128bratsche: that being http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10196816:04
ubottuGnome bug 101968 in GtkLabel "Height-for-width wrapping for GtkLabel" [Enhancement,New]16:04
bratscheLet me take a look.16:04
mvoplease please16:04
Ampelbeinseb128: re bug 270976 - updated description, added updated debdiff, subscribed motu-sru. is that enough to be looked over?16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270976 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "[SRU] gst-plugins-bad0.10 needs rebuilding with mjpegtools to enable burning video with Brasero" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27097616:06
seb128Ampelbein: yes, thanks16:06
bratscheseb128: Yes, I believe so.  My understanding was that it's just awaiting proper review.16:06
bratscheMaybe mclasen knows better than I do though.16:06
seb128bratsche: excellent, that might be the most ugly looking gtk thing16:06
calcasac: yea nevermind a reboot cleared it up16:06
bratscheseb128: But murrayc was saying he'd like to see it get in during the next major release I think.16:06
seb128bratsche: ie see how the wrapping on http://launchpadlibrarian.net/1510982/Applying%20Changes.png fro example16:07
bratscheYeah, total suck.16:07
asaccalc: thanks. the user from the bug i subscribed you too has not that much luck. his device doesnt even show up in lsusb ... only after resume from _hibernate_ (not after reboot)16:07
seb128or http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25792200/textboxnarrow.png16:07
seb128anyway good that some people are on it ;-)16:07
bratscheThere's not much I can do about, unless reviewers post comments for how to improve the patches then I could try to help out with improving the patches to get it through faster.16:08
calcasac: oh :\16:08
seb128bratsche: ok thanks, I will ping you again if there is patches sitting there than need changes then ;-)16:09
bratscheCool, let me know.16:09
jcastroseb128: what's the spec/blueprint for the gnome3 session at UDS?16:09
seb128jcastro: "You are now subscribed to the blueprint gnome-3 - GNOME 3." htp://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gnome-316:15
seb128jcastro: I got that email but the url doesn't work, maybe somebody deleted it since, ask rickspencer316:15
rickspencer3jcastro: it's just a stub now16:16
rickspencer3I'll fill in some details soon16:16
rickspencer3seb128:  jcastro: I changed the name to desktop-gnome-316:16
seb128rickspencer3: launchpad gives an error page16:16
seb128rickspencer3: ah ok, that's why16:16
seb128rickspencer3: thanks16:17
jcastroah ok, it was under design before or something16:18
alex-weejseb128: is gimpnet down?16:20
seb128alex-weej: I'm connected and it's working, dunno if other people can connect though16:20
alex-weejseb128: cheers, neither tp nor xchat are able to connect16:21
hyperairworks for me16:21
hyperairusing irssi16:21
alex-weejlooks like there's a bad route from me in the UK :(16:22
kenvandine_wkjcastro: feeling better?16:22
jcastrokenvandine_wk: about 85%, but rolling with it16:23
asacjcastro: did you get the gears working with toolkit@mozilla.org?16:51
jcastrono, I gave up last night16:51
jcastrowas just going to convince you to package the whole thing up for karmic at UDS, heh16:51
asacjcastro: please post your install.rdf. i need ya16:52
jcastroasac: one moment16:52
jcastroasac: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/5720/install.rdf16:54
asacjcastro: how are you trying to install that?16:55
jcastrovia the prism "add extension" menu option16:56
jcastroasac: call, bbl, I'll ping you on -mozilla later16:56
asacjcastro: sure16:56
seb128mclasen: where did you get that vino change? debian has a similar patch but ubuntu not as far as I can tell17:08
seb128mclasen: the session one17:08
mclasenseb128: I followed some ubuntu changelog entry to a debian bug17:09
seb128mclasen: right, we have a bug about the issue, the change is debian specific though17:09
seb128mclasen: so that it really matters, but "boo debian" there ;-)17:09
mclasenok, I can agree to that :-)17:10
mclasenbut it is really all vuntz fault17:10
bryceasac: I'd ask lool.  I don't know of any news, but he would.17:10
seb128vuntz: boo17:10
mclasenall side-effects of bolting session saving back on17:10
seb128vuntz: fix gnome-session so it stops starting in loop things which should not17:10
seb128mclasen: did you figure a proper fix for the similar nautilus issue when not drawing the background?17:11
seb128mclasen: or do you still have the autostart to be conditional on the gconf key as a workaround?17:11
mclasenyeah, we still have that17:12
mclasensomeone recently posted a daemon-mode patch for nautilus17:12
seb128we set the autostart to false in jaunty as a workaround17:12
seb128autorestart rather17:12
mclasenyeah, we have autorestart set to tture17:12
mclasenbut it doesn't work :-(17:13
loolbryce: Actually StevenK is working on them for intrepid and jaunty versions17:13
loolasac: ^17:13
loolHe has the freshest info and does the actual work17:13
rickspencer31hi ivanka o/17:17
ferryeir kann ich kubntu oberfläche unter ubuntu installieren17:27
ferrywir kann ich kubntu oberfläche unter ubuntu installieren17:27
loolHier wird leider nur English gesprochen17:27
ferryhabe ver. 9.04 installiert17:27
loolVielleich in ein -de or .de chan?17:27
ferryok danke17:28
* lool throws his German out of the window17:28
brycelool, great, thanks17:31
bryce(I knew lool would be more clued in than me)17:31
loolI actually thought you and StevenK worked on poulsbo together in the past weeks17:35
asacmvo: did you shove our um fix to -proposed yet?17:36
asacmvo: do we need someone from QA team to verify that fix? i guess it will be hard to ask reporters to retry dist-upgrading from intrepid ;)17:37
asaclool: his german was definitly inferior than yours. reads like he was a foreign speaker ;)17:39
seb128asac: that epiphany gecko crash on closing is stil there in jaunty grrr ;-)17:48
asacwebkit by default is still not there in jaunty ;)17:50
seb128asac: no, but count on it for karmic ;-)17:59
asacseb128: any idea if they plan to migrate cookies/passwords properly at some point?18:03
asaci thik i tried -webkit once, but it had all my credentials forgotten18:03
seb128no idea but I'm not sure they plan to do that18:03
seb128ie that's no fun work and only for upgrades18:04
seb128only distros care about that ;-)18:04
mvoasac: not uploaded yet, I'm adding test cases currently, but when that is done, I will18:19
mvoasac: and yes, we need someone from QA :)18:19
mvobut I will attach my own test protocols18:19
mvoasac: is jaunty-proposed already open? or is it just queued there?18:25
asacno idea ;). ogra only said he uploaded to -proposed18:29
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - i did the nautilus SRU last night for the zoom issue, and proposed it for merging in to ubuntu-desktop18:50
seb128chrisccoulson: hello, I've seen that, thanks18:50
seb128chrisccoulson: I will sponsor that tomorrow while I'm doing some other sru uploads18:50
chrisccoulsoni'm just about to test a patch for tracker which hopefully resolves this removeable media issue too18:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - just looking at this vino restart issue18:54
chrisccoulsonvino still uses gnomeclient, so you can set the restart style, unlike with the nautilus issue18:55
seb128chrisccoulson: that's discussed on the GNOME devel list at the moment18:55
seb128chrisccoulson: and there is a debian patch to no use the sm-client command line argument18:55
chrisccoulsonthe tracker patch didn't work :(19:21
* chrisccoulson bangs head against desk19:21
mnemoif I have the environment variable "LANG=en_DK.UTF-8" what does the "DK" part mean? because I got english language in ubuntu and I got swedish keyboard keyboard layout... i cant think of anything in my ubuntu which is supposed to be danish (DK) ?!20:00
seb128mnemo: that's an english variant but there no translation for this one apparently20:07
seb128mnemo: the locale definition might be different (ie different money format or clock being 12 or 24 hours etc)20:07
mnemoseb128: yeah but I think maybe there is a bug in ubiquity or something20:08
mnemosomething automatically setup this for me20:08
mnemoi never choose danish formats etc and I wont want that20:09
seb128mnemo: it's probably be based on the country language combo20:09
mnemoseb128: "system::administration::language support" is set to en_DK indeed20:09
seb128which one did you select?20:09
seb128are you sure you didn't click on the wrong line or something?20:09
mnemobut in the ubuntu install I selected "english" on every single choice except for "keyboard layout" (where I choose swedish)20:10
mnemoi might have selected Copenhagen for timezone though20:10
mnemocould that be it?20:10
seb128could be20:10
seb128ask on #ubuntu-devel to cjwatson or evan20:10
seb128or in #ubuntu-installer20:10
seb128the keyboard is not revelant there20:10
seb128the locale is a language country setting20:11
seb128so they might be using the timezone as county too20:11
seb128which is a simplication but what 95% of users wan t20:11
mnemoeven is offline but I will e-mail him and ask20:12
davmor2mnemo: You can manually select what you want but on the whole language and timezone sets the default kb for those selections20:13
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
mnemodavmor2: what do you mean by "kb" ?20:22
mnemodavmor2: but ubiquity asks which keyboard layout I want and that part works fine for me20:24
asacmpt: still there? did we have a wiki page that explained what ffox should use to supplement the actionless notifications for downloads/extension-updates/updates (i think those were the usages, right?)21:10
mvopitti: when will we open jaunty-proposed :) ? I uploaded a update-manager with a bunch of small fixes there (including a workaround for a network-manager problem that will make asac (and me) happy)21:11
asacmvo: network-manager problem is also a hal corruption during upgrade issue ;)21:12
asacnm crashes (thats the nm bug), but even without that hal comes back without all the net devices during upgrade, which obviously means for NM: no net devices ;)21:13
asacmvo: thanks!21:14
mvoasac: cheers, lets hope it goes through -prposed quickly, I'm adding my own upgrade logs to show that it works21:17
asacgreat. can you also instructions for QA how to include that in their upgrade tests?21:17
mvoasac: already done (but feel free to check too)21:19
asacmvo: did you subscribe ubuntu-sru yet?21:40

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